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رتبه: 1969

I keep hearing people regurgitating Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. YT channel) trope about the market has built a lot of structure by slowly grinding up, unlike in 2019 in which the price moved too quickly to 13.9k. And they take this as some gospel or evidence that the price will not crash back down to a lower low. This a syllogistic logical fallacy or a form of apophenia that attempts to assign causation to features which may be present among other outcomes. A more sophisticated person entertains all of the facts of the situation and doesn’t try to form causal conclusions based on myopic cherry picking of preferred datums. They should read the How to Piss Me Off Guide. Why doesn’t anyone else notice the following? 1. For every bear market bottom, the second crash below the 200 WMA is always deeper than the prior one within the same cycle. Thus clearly another deeper move below the 200 WMA is looming before the bottom. 2. Note my textual annotations on the following chart. Note ending diagonals in 2018 and currently are followed by massive, intense moves in the other direction. Also note that the 5 waves for the prior bull market were a terminating wave because of wave 2 retraced more than 67% of wave 1. A TERMINATING WAVE MEANS THE BITCOIN BULL MARKET SINCE ITS INCEPTION IS FINISHED. Thus Bitcoin will not make a new ATH ever again until the entire bull run from its inception has been reset. Per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio theory which predicts every bull market top for Bitcoin, the next top can only be ~413% above the bottom. If Bitcoin bottoms at 13.6k in 2024 as I expect, then it will top at ~70k and will not make a new ATH.Comment: Another fact I omitted is that for the first time the subsequent bull market bottomed below the top of the prior bull market. This means the bull market cycles are now overlapping which is another form of ending diagonal. Amazing me that people think logistic growth S curves just slow down and levitate after they peak, as if a Boeing 747 could stall in mid-air without any thrust. Exponential on the way up and exponential on the way down.Comment: I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024.Comment: Readers have an incorrect model of reality. Bitcoin the new asset is here to enslave you, not to help you. And it will not be lifted to $ 1million until first destroying the impostor Bitcoin taking the Bitcoin price to ~$0, which you currently incorrectly think is Bitcoin and here to save you. The reality is the Bitcoin ETF is all about enslaving you. Educate yourself. Dig into the links, especially the first one which is my blog.Comment: If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5.3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 (+413%) expected by said 5.3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO.Comment: The 80% down has not completed yet for the current bear market. We are not in the bull market yet. Jason Pizzino is a sleepwalking cheerleader (with pompoms) leading you to complacency. This entire altcoin pump is fake! User and investor adoption has continued to plummet. The altcoin bear market is not over folks! youtu.be/oRR11bYspPE (The Altcoin Rally Is Fake | My Biggest Altcoin Warning Yet... | DataDash) Of course the insiders who are holding bags from the FTX blowup are pumping the markets to dump on retail before the bear market continues with the expiration of the BTFP on March 11 and the banking collapse that will allow the Fed to pivot. Wash, rinse, repeat. Retail never learns. ==== Here is the follow-up from George Gammon where he has the possibility of the expiration of the BTFP on March 11, could lead to a banking contagion and be the catalyst for the crash I am expecting. youtu.be/92i2M_1p7v4 (Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March – George Gammon) ==== Storm clouds accumulating into a looming hurricane in the global economy: youtu.be/8gFhm7_VQ2k (Oil Is Sending A Warning Message To The Stock Market | Mott Capital Mgmt) ==== Why is Solana rallying like crazy? Ron Walker has a plausible explanation. He argues that FTX et al, needed to pump their bags so they could liquidate them on the retail investor fools. Also he points out that Bitcoin is rising on declining volume. The dumb retail investors always believe the hopium. And we have sleepwalking cheerleader Jason Pizzino assuring them that crypto can never crash anew. youtu.be/BVLXhQwQlpc?t=633 (The Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Has Begun - BTC To Test of 32K Soon - BULL TRAP) Ron argues the Wycoff distribution is still in play even if pullback followed by a higher high. He thinks the moves in Bitcoin are exaggerated, thus allowing for slightly more extreme than textbook Wycoff. youtu.be/Larttvdrbh4?t=88 (Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Coming - BTC BULL TRAP Being Set) ==== Let’s contemplate other Elliot Wave counts which might invalidate the thesis of the ending diagonal. The following is invalid because wave 1 is the largest wave which can not be the case. The following is proposed in the following video and I corrected him. Alternatively he considers the bearish case which is the same as what I expect. youtu.be/7uaRYmvlYqA (BITCOIN ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS) Your B is higher than your 1. That not allowed. Thus it can only be the bearish case W-X-Y currently in the A-B-C bull trap wave X. Any attempt at labeling a 5 wave count currently is an ending diagonal, which is bearish. Also prior bull cycle wave 2 corrected more than 67% of wave 1, which makes it a terminal wave. That means this bear market will be much worse than prior ones. And no new ATH will be reached in this next bull market. You like everyone else thinks the C19 contagion will not repeat in 2024, but in fact the macroeconomic and orangeutan hair threat (i.e. political) conditions are nearly the same. And do not forget the BTFP (aka buy the f-ing pivot) banking collapse prevention expires March 11.Comment: Took short-term profits from bullish position entered earlier today (c.f. updates). Might reenter on pullback. ==== My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. ==== Jason Pizzino highlighted my comment and specifically said he does not think Bitcoin can go to my prediction of 14k. He implied I am loony. youtu.be/Kw3APTaYrlY?t=529 ← click for his screen capture of my comment on his prior video Jason didn’t address any of the detailed points I made in comments on his recent videos. He is ostensibly oblivious to for example the Shark harmonic pattern pointing to an Ethereum crash in price after this pump to the 3200 Bat harmonic target. I purchased ETH December calls this past summer expecting the Bat rally, which have seen 10 times gain already! Jason is ostensibly oblivious to the Terminal Wave and Ending Diagonals on the Elliot Wave structure of Bitcoin. In 2022, I employed harmonic pattern theory to PUBLICLY (on TradingView) predict NatGas would crash to $2, that the S&P would rally to 4650 (the 0.886 target), pullback (as it did this summer) and then rally anew to ~4950 (the 1.13 target) which is underway. From the comments: @ivanguzman102, I did predict the future numerous times. ==== To reiterate that Bitcoin will enslave the 99%. Per the explanation I aforelinked in my blog, the SegWit, Lightning Networks, scaling crap will be destroyed and that impostor Bitcoin will go to ~0. The 1 MiB block limited legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes after the WWIII underway as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix. Bitcoin transaction fees will be affordable only to large transaction values, thus used only by the wealth. Bitcoin is not long, for us. We were deceived into supporting our future enslavement. ==== www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIpPwfML... (Comments on "How Mexico Will Save The West") > “@SMoore-vj7bt I'm not Mexican nor am I diminishing regular Americans. It's just obvious that America doesn't have a long term plan for dealing with most of the world becoming industrialized. American politicians are senile and out of touch.” @jay1jayf the holistic picture is actually enslavement of the entire world. The political elite of the US Empire are just pawns of the real power behind the curtain. Industrialization does not mean freedom. It means trading freedom for trinkets. Just as the indigenous were lured into trading their land for mirror or bottle of liquor. The deck of cards is being shuffled but the House remains in control of the odds of winning. Mexico is a new frontier to some extent, because of low regulations. But the tax man cometh. Within a few decades or less the enslavement in the West will be universal all over the world. That is what the rise of multipolarism (and the deflationary, dystopian Bitcoin to displace the USD) is really about. When you ponder who created Bitcoin just ask yourself who benefits from enslaving the world in a unit of account that is a fixed supply and can be monopolized by the 1%. ==== From the comments. @cornvutthole, what part of the first link I put in the prior comment are you ostensibly not capable of clicking, reading and comprehending? Perhaps if you are technologically illiterate and/or average IQ, then what is written there (by myself, i.e. I am the author of the linked blog) may make no sense to you? It is inarguable that the impostor Bitcoin (which you all ERRONEOUSLY think is the official Bitcoin) is going to ~$0, when the 13+ million Bitcoin ANYONECANSPEND booty is donated to the miners (no need to even hack the private keys) by the fact that you willfully and ignorantly stored your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1, instead of Satoshi’s legacy addresses that begin with 1. And BSV and BCH have nothing to do with this. I am not referring to any of scammer Craig “Faketoshi” Wright’s nonsense/shenanigans. The 2017 soft fork broke the Nash Equilibrium by creating a huge booty. The only way to fix the equilibrium is for the miners to take it and force the hard fork. After which the impostor will go to $0, because of the economic asymmetry of the airdrop, i.e. everyone hodling legacy Bitcoin will receive both airdrops, whereas the those not will donate their legacy airdrop to the miners AND HAVE A HUGE TAXABLE CAPITAL GAIN THEY CAN NOT PAY thus wrecking their lives and burning their fingertips up to their armpits for touching impostor Bitcorn. This restoration event (aka “attack”) must occur before Bitcoin can rise as the new world reserve currency, i.e. the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix.Comment: It was a hidden secret code pattern that I discovered (and published in my idea update) on September 3 that enabled me to pinpoint a plausible bottom price ~14k for Bitcoin. I wrote: Based on these patterns, I think BTC will flash crash only to ~14k in 2024. Will only be down there for a very short period and quickly back above 21k again. Thus per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 rule, looks like the H2 2025 top will only ~71k. ==== Expounding on my two comment posts in the comments section (on this published idea) reflecting on my historical Tradingview record being incorrectly understood, I will write my thought progression as best as I can recall off the top of my head without going back into all my history meticulously to bolster my recollection. I had not discovered Ron Walker’s YT channel (currently aka The Doctor of Dump & Pump, formerly The Crypto Trader) near the Sep/Oct 2021 top in the market. Thus I was all alone in my belief that Bitcoin had topped. I was up against intense FOMO for the $100+k thesis even in my own discussion circle. Couple this being back and forth between Mexico and the USA, not ultimately settling into an apartment in Arizona until Jan 2022, I was very distracted and disorganized at the 2021 top. After the drop below $20k, I noticed some short-term bullish divergence on the CME that was not on spot (or maybe it was vice versa) and I noticed Gareth Soloway had started to nibble and soften is expectation of 13k, allowing for the possibility of an interim bounce to maybe 32k. Ron Walker continued to call for 9 to 12k. Right before the drop to 15.4k, I started to entertain the notion of a Wycoff accumulation and this was before I discovered Jason Pizzino who was spouting the same hypothesis. When the price hit 16k and bounced, I called the bottom. Then surprisingly it dropped again to 15.4k and I knew this was the final spring on the Wycoff accumulation, I actually talked someone out of despair in my private Telegram group. He has since held his position all the way up. Ron Walker finally allowed for a bounce from the 15.4k level but did not see the Wycoff accumulation. And thus he as expecting only a bull trap dead cat bounce to ~20k to be rejected and decline to his 9 to 12k targets. All the way up, he kept having correct short-term buy and sell calls, but he was always bearish overall. Every bull move higher was counter to his stated expectations until the price broke above 32k, he started to allow for 40k. I had found OPTICALARTdotCOM when the Bitcoin price was still around or above the $30+k level and he like Gareth were calling for 13k. Note he was similar to Ron Walker always expecting the next leg down that I am expecting now, and expecting that all way from the 15.4k level at every attempt to thrust over 32k. But to his credit, he did have a Fib circle ring that enabled him to go long at exactly 15.4k as it crossed his circle which was a bullish pump signal for him. But he never expected the price to rally as much as it did. Whereas, around Oct/Nov 2022, I found harmonic patterns (Shark and Bat) which enabled me to publicly predict (in updates on my Year from Hell idea) 4650, correction, then 4950 for S&P (and commensurately also for the Nasdaq) as well as a crash to $2 for NatGas I predicted earlier in 2022, and the 2100 followed by 2600 to 3200 level for Ethereum. So this is why I was buying Dec 29 2100 strike ETH calls in Sep/Oct 2023 for ~$10 and selling them recently for ~$100. I had been following Game of Trades on YT who had pointed that historically the stock market rallies to an ATH after the Fed pauses, then crashes when it pivots (reduces Fed Fund rates). He was expecting that pause in June 2022, so eventually he got weary waiting for it and turned very bearish. I protested and many of his followers thought I was loony to call for 4650 at the Oct/Nov 2022 lows. As I tied in all the developing factors into my analysis of the situation, I realized that Ron Walker and OPTICALARTdotCOM bearish thesis for another leg down, is probably correct. And so now I join them, but only after they were mostly wrong since the 15.4k bottom, although they were both correct from the $66k top to the $20k level at least.Comment: From the comments: @SwallowPremium, your linked chart (linked chart{1}) does not appear for me in the comments. I only found the link in my notifications. My reasons are more elaborate yet more or less an equivalent outlook. Note I am open to the possibility that the pre-halving correction will be only just below ~20k and not a lower low. The lower low makes sense to me though for reasons so expressed on this page. I will post this in my idea updates where your chart will thusly display properly. {1} I tried to link it and it causes the "linked chart" text to be redacted from my comment! What kind of bug does Tradingview have in their software? ]linked chartComment: Ah another corroborating datum that my expectation is plausible. youtu.be/nAvgnCtFevI (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT 250K BITCOIN – THIS WILL HAPPEN INSTEAD (BE READY) | Crypto Crew U.) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve (Courtney) you just validated what I have been posting on my Trading view the past couple of days that the bottom will be ~14k (just before the halving again), because when you apply the 70k top predicted by this new variant of 5.3 to your prior 5.3 variant, it indicates the actual low will be just below 14k. Also contemplate the doomsday implications of the looming triple top. I informed you in email last year this will likely be the destruction of the impostor 2017 softfork Bitcoin crashing it to near 0 in 2026 before the legacy protocol recovers. ==== From the comments: > “I think it's too early to say what will happen in 2025 while we're still in 2023. Anything can happen by that time but most likely scenario that there will be new ATH on BTC” @fastprofittrader, do you still have that same opinion if you assimilate all my corroborating details from the numerous updates on my idea and all my replies in the comments section? I think I have presented a very strong case as to why there can not be a higher high in 2025. We can pinpoint that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 based on the timing of Bitcoin’s repeating (i.e. periodic) 4 cycle. Couple that with Steve Courtney’s discovery of a 5.3 ratio rule which dictates the top of each subsequent bull market based on a ratio of the prior top and bottom. Thus per his calculation, the current bull market CAN NOT exceed +413% of the bottom. If 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k would be the top in H2 2025. But based on my other numerous analyses, 15.4k may not be the final bottom, which instead may be ~14k (perhaps 13.6k to be more exact), which thus pegs the looming top to be only ~70k, thus a doomsday triple top, which might be the signal that the impostor Bitcoin may decline to ~$0 in during the horrific bear market coming from 2026 to 2028, wherein the dollar will become incredibly strong because of WWIII with China, Iran, Russia.Comment: Ah another indicator of the posited looming further leg down and thus that crypto is still in a bear market after this bull trap rally. youtu.be/1PLv4gUm0cM?t=371 (Bitcoin & Altcoin Price Analysis | The Critical Levels You Need To Watch | DataDash) ==== Liquidity crisis on tap for March/April. How can people not see that a liquidity crisis is already preprogrammed into the system for that future date? youtu.be/GgK4566_xRI (Reverse Repo is Crashing | Heresy Financial) Coincidentally I had been detecting indications in the crypto charts of looming crash in the markets H1 2024. Also the Fed’s BTFP expires March 11. It’s as if those in control are planning on creating a crisis. ==== From the comments: > “In which case it turns into a leading diagonal blah blah.” @ParabolicPanic, not which turns into. I am actually incorrect to posit that it could be an ending diagonal, because per Elliot Wave theory ending diagonals can only occur in the ending C or 5th wave, which is obviously not that case currently. The current wave structure is either the 1st motive wave (thus a leading diagonal) or the second (aka X) corrective wave. I did posit that the current wave structure coming off the 15.4k bottom is either an A-B-C corrective structure or I mentioned it could be an ending diagonal. I should have stated or it could be a leading diagonal. But on further study as I just stated, it can not be an ending diagonal. Thus either this is a bullish leading diagonal for wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves to come, or as I believe it is a corrective A-B-C of an overall larger W-X-Y correction from the 2021 top. However for it to be a leading diagonal, then small wave 5 underway (not the posited future, larger wave 5) must not be larger than wave 3. Given that small wave 5 already appears to be larger than its small wave 3 and if the Three Hills (, valley) and a Mountain pattern which appears to be underway is fulfilled heading into Dec/Jan, then wave 5 will extend and be much larger than the posited wave 3. Thus a corrective (i.e. not motive) A-B-C would be the only correct Elliot Wave interpretation. Your “blah, blah” can be lazy self-deception. Corroborating factors and evidence should be studied to support or invalidate a hypothesis. Your leading diagonal hypothesis in invalidated by other facts, or at least the presumption that wave 2 could not be very deep perhaps to 18k which is a possibility I am also allowing for (although the updated as of yesterday 5.3 ratio theory seems to be invalidating that possibility yet we will see). Ostensibly you have not even read all the analysis. Apparently you decided that the page was not worth your time about a paragraph or two into it. This is a problem and why humans are so easily deceived. Most people are lazy and apathetic, and thusly apply heuristics so they can minimize the effort they expend. Often heuristics fail. ==== youtu.be/0Fg30bxX9BA (Buying Bitcoin Now Will Not Make Your Descendants Rich | Heresy Financial) Unfortunately pessimistically, this video’s optimism is wrong on two levels. First, Bitcoin will never be the currency (as in for payments), because the 2017 scaling softfork broke the Nash equilibrium and will be destroyed. Bitcoin will only be the global reserve currency used by the very wealthy because of the very high transaction fees given the immutable 1 MiB block size limitation in the legacy protocol. Any attempt to change the protocol will fail due to the economic asymmetry of airdrops (even softforks that become hard fcks when the Nash equilibrium is restored). Bitcoin is moving us to a two-tier monetary system, where the plebs will be forced onto to dystopian, cashless 666 central bank digital currencies and the central banks will hold Bitcoin on their balance shits. Secondly, the economic mobility of meritocracy does not obviate the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources. Unfortunately Bitcoin replacing the dollar will result in dystopia because unlike gold, the dominant empire will not be able to debase the unit-of-account that the entire world relies on. Thus massive deflation and widespread pestilence because most people are incapable of self-reliance, self-discipline, long time preference, etc.. This means that the 1% will become the 0.1%, then the 0.01% and ultimately all the wealth of the world concentrated on the proverbial, metaphorical Biblical Seven Hills. Armageddon follows in Biblical prophesy. The reason for the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is not just regulatory capture. It runs the gamut of ways that economies-of-scale and selection-of-the-fittest-most-ruthless can capture power vacuums because we do not exist in your naive, idealistic implicit assumption of a milieu of perfect disorder.Comment: youtu.be/qdeS2wRI60Q?t=126 (Bitcoin, SP500, Real Estate | Jason Pizzino) @JasonPizzinoOfficial Jason I don’t deny the existence of a real estate cycle but it is not a universal hammer and not every market is its nail. The real estate market (which some characterize as 18 years peak-to-peak or trough-to-trough) is not perfectly repeatable. There’s significant variance from 14 to 21 years, with and without a significant mid-cycle. Moreover the stock markets do not appear to be solely or even primarily governed by the real estate cycle. For example, the 2000-2001 mid-cycle was rather mild for real-estate, but egregious crash for the stonks with the 2007 S&P top a double-top of the Dotcom peak. Significant pullback in late 1971 one year before the top in late 1972 which may apply if we are expecting a cycle top in 2025. Moreover from 1969 to 1980 was basically flat due to a monetary disinhibition (end of gold standard) and concomitant stagflation which we have now amplified to the nth degree. You should not continue to just apply the variable real estate periodicity blindly to the other markets. Martin Armstrong has instead for example, fed the entire detailed history of human civilization into his AI data mining Socrates which discovered periodicity and correlations which your overly simplistic model can not. Socrates says something dire/significant will occur in H1 2024 probably around the Ides of March again. Specifically the liquidity that has been feeding the markets has been the draining of the reverse repos into Treasuries with the government spending the funds into the economy. This dries up as of March, as well the Fed’s BTFP (bank rescue) expires March 11. The largest bank failures ever (greater than the GFC) occurred in 2023. The Fed prevented these from being marked-to-market with the BTFP. There was no need to allow for a crisis and inject massive new liquidity in 2023, as inflation was still running high. But now the same global stress that appeared in 2019 has returned with the rest of the world slipping into severe recessionary spiral. So now the elite need another liquidity crisis so they can turn on the money printers again. They will need some event to disrupt the conservatives in the House that are now blocking the ever increasing government spending needed to sustain this house of cards into 2025. For sure the massive bubble into 2025 is coming but they need first to overcome some obstacles that have returned from 2019, such as the orangeutan hair populism. Nothing a good crisis like C19 can not fix again. You need to become a bit more sophisticated. ==== From the comments: > “😂😂😂👌 That's a good joke. Now that institutions and banks are interested in buying and want to offer BTC, no new ath... 🤡🤡🤡 Good luck, man!” @Andbcoin, institutions will not rush in to buy right after a 150% pump, caused by retail FOMO being dumped on by the insiders who realize that retail are suckers for a narrative. After the ETFs are approved, institutions that want to start hedging the ultimate demise of the US dollar, will accumulate on cycle lows, because they understand very well that the dollar will skyrocket from 2026 in its last hooray before the Thucydides trap finally dethrones it as the world reserve currency and liquid Eurodollar market. In short, institutions are much more sophisticated because they have the economies-of-scale to hire people to study reality. Retail are dumb a.f., because individuals employ daft heuristics and are easily swayed by propaganda narratives. Thusly the looming top and bubble heading into 2025, must be driven the same way the 2021 top and bubble was, by flooding idiots with stimulus checks and liquidity. In order to do that, you first need a crisis, as the excuse and pretext to drop money from helicopters. The metaphoric 747 is running out of idiot fuel. Stall incoming. I do not know if you noticed, but interest rates are very high and people are loaded to the gills with credit card debt that they are paying 24% interest on. Institutions are not going to bail out you idiots. They will wait for you all to default and sell the looming bottom.Comment: INTERACTION IN THE COMMENTS IS WORTHWHILE UP TO THE LIMIT OF DIMINISHING RETURNS WHERE MOST OF THE NUANCE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. From the comments: @btcusdhappyPaella56213, perhaps what you meant to write is that a 747 can stall even with thrust? Which is correct, for example climbing at too steep of an angle with insufficient airspeed. But I do not see how that obviates or has anything to do with my analogy? If anything that would bolster my stance that this recent acceleration is too steep to be sustainable. Too high, too fast, too early in the 4 year cycle, especially given a high interest rate, stagflationary macroeconomic environment where the retail hopium (thruster) fuel is limited because for example they are up their ears in 24% APR credit card debt. Volume has been declining during this entire bull trap bounce with a slight rise for this blow off top acceleration. Rising on declining volume is not a bullish sign. ==== From the comments: > “while you could be true , EW is completely speculative , you're right, Crypto can be zero , but only after Quantum computers kick in might be that case. Elliott Wave wasted so much of time and money for many. It's beautiful to count waves, it's inherently bearish in nature” @kkandru, the crux of my speculation here is not depending on EW theory. Given the update yesterday from Steve Courtney that shows I was correct that the top in 2025 will be at most 70k, then on a risk weighted basis, it is much wiser to sell ~40 - 45k this early in the 4 year cycle before the halving. Or at least hedge my hodl stack with some long-dated puts as I am doing. IF WE KNOW NOW THAT THE MAX IN 2025 WILL BE $70K IS IT NOT WISE TO SELL AT $40+K GIVEN THAT 2025 IS SO FAR AWAY? Some commentators seem to placate their confirmation basis and comfort themselves by assuming I failed to buy the 15.4k low (which is an incorrect assumption which my public record disproves). While what it more likely represents is how late they are. Maybe they failed to sell the last top or bought at higher prices on the way down being fooled by Michael Saylor or Elon Musk. I was around in 2012 when Bitcoin was 10 dollars. Everyone is buying too late now. Bitcoin is approaching its apogee in terms of how much fuel can be squeezed out of plebs, because the pleb civilization is bankrupt. So whilst many are hoping for a new ATH because they were so late to get into Bitcoin, the smart money is cashing out of the pleb impostor fork of Bitcoin and preparing for the 2026 totalitarianism transition to a new world order, where the legacy protocol Bitcoin rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix from the ashes of Western civilization to enslave humanity in stark fiscal discipline of a fixed money supply (not even the gold standard was that harsh) and UNDEFEATED THROUGHOUT ALL HISTORY OF MANKIND vortex of power-law distribution of wealth concentrating all the wealth among the 0.1%. So while these boastful idiots think they are on top, they are really on the bottom of the boot and about to have their faces ground into the mud by reality. As it should be. Their hopium is they are not too late and that institutions will bail them out. As if dumb a.f., late a.f. retail could actually dump their bags on institutions. Lol. Never. It is always the other way around that we the smart money are dumping on the retail hopium addicts. @kkandru, dismissing EW as speculative is a crude interpretation of what is meant by those sophisticated who admit it. EW is only speculative to the extent that the future possibilities could invalidate a posited wave count and structure. Triangulation of multiple datums convert independent into fully constrained, dependent variables. So while I became aware today that the ending diagonal hypothesis is invalid, the two possible competing theses still lean more to my A-B-C corrective wave (as a Three Hills and a Mountain) inside of an overall W-X-Y corrective bear market that will not be completed until around the April halving. Especially factoring in (triangulating) all the corroborating data such as the new epiphany about Steve’s 5.3 ratio theory posted in the updates yesterday. This published idea is not mainly supported by EW. The 5.3 ratio theory is perhaps one of the strongest datums underlying this published idea. Also if the current is a leading diagonal terminating only in wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves into 2025, that egregious +150% wave 1 would indicate that extremely high prices such as $200+k would be reached in 2025 and that simply is not credible. You clearly do not understand the technology and what is going on there with the game theory of Bitcoin. The impostor Bitcoin (i.e. the 2017 softfork that enabled scaling) is going to $0 and that is inarguable. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV, not BCH) is rising to become the world’s reserve currency to enslave all of you in 666 national digital currencies in what is historically known as a two-tiered monetary system. You will not be able to afford the Bitcoin transaction fees after 2032, only milionaires and billionaires (and central banks) will be using Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not for us. We were fooled. Satoshi designed Bitcoin to deal with quantum computing as was pointed out only by myself. I am the only person to ever correctly explain why Satoshi employed double-hashing. You are outside your depth of competency here on Bitcoin. The price speculation is of course speculative but the technology issues are clearly outside what you understand well. You are just regurgitating some quantum computing trope you read.Comment: From the comments: @bwfisher83, to understand what is driving WWIII we must first understand who created the war in Ukraine and why they need this war. We need to understand that there was a coup d'etat in the USA in 2020 and why they needed this and why they needed the C19 hoax. We need to dig into a lot of detail to understand what I understand that the average person is uninformed about. I did a detailed, deep drive on 9-11 a few years ago. I know with great confidence that was done by the same uniparty Neocons who are launching these wars. In 2001 they only needed the first salvo of the Patriot Act and what not. The pressure on them is intense now and they are becoming extremely desperate to hold onto to their power. So they are becoming evermore aggressive and their risk taking is becoming evermore outlandish (until it all blows up in their face eventually later this decade). Btw, I will soon publish (on Substack) a blog refuting virology once and for all, and I challenge any expert to refute it. You could start with my Quora answer about George Soros. Note that is necessarily incomplete (or steps outside the relevant topic of the question depending on your perspective) and too much crammed into the small limit of space allowed for a Quora answer. I interact with YT personalities to test my hypotheses. To make sure I haven’t overlooked some factor. I find that framing my understanding in the context of what other well known influencers are presenting may help to form understanding for those who consume my posts. It helps I think to have some context for others to compare to. Pretty much I do not shut myself out from any place I might find some new information. I have an inquisitive, curious temperament. Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio discovery is profound and I think should be considered valuable orthogonal to any BS he may be selling. Focusing is an important skill as well. But as in all things in life there is a yin and yang to it.Comment: Armstrong’s private blog containing the Socrates AI Forecast array on BlackRock points to BlackRock failing in a massive Panic Cycle by 2026 due to a liquidity crisis as its customers try to withdraw funds from a fund that is too large and illiquid. The liquidity crunch will ensue in 2025. Also liquidity issues will amplify volatility in 2024 as well. This is perfectly correlating to my expectation on my latest Tradingview idea, which calls for a bout of volatility to the downside before or around the Bitcoin halving, and then 2026 being the end of the impostor Bitcoin after a doomsday triple top ~70k in 2025. Note this is why they will need the capital controls in place for the 2026 tax reporting season (for taxable year 2025) and the CBDCs. This why they are going to trap all the capital in the Hotel California-esque ETFs. “You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.” NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO. www.armstrongeconomi...ecm-middle-east-war/Comment: Anyone who doubts my prediction for ETH to rally (originally 2600 to 3200, but possibly only 2300 to 2400) before crashing to 600 should watch this. Why 600? Because the bearish harmonic points there and this bounce off the bottom is wave X of a W-X-Y bear market. The bull market has not started yet. Prepare to be shocked Steve. youtu.be/xjfWN4WbSp8?t=227 ← click for chart (WARNING: IS ETH ABOUT TO CRASH!? HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve notice the distance from 9 to 10, should equal from 11 to 12. Thus ETH may go higher before crashing. My thesis since Oct 2022 is playing out as I predicted, except lower expectations for this rally based on your video. Also notice previously from 11 to green to 12 was split into two major moves the second slightly more than first, which concurs with ~2300 to 2350. This 4 year cycle is MUCH weaker than any prior. Will end with a triple top 70k and 2026 Bitcoin will go to 0 as I warned you in 2022.Comment: Prices I expect for a possible top. BTC 40 - 41k ETH 2300 ENJ 0.38 ETC 23 - 24 SOL ~69 (already topped) GALA 0.0285 - 0.0345 (probably 0.03 - 0.033) APE 1.75 - 2.15 (but most likely 1.75 - 1.80) Oh crap, ETCUSD has very similar pattern as BTCUSD did in 2018, before the final drop from 6k to 3k. Below $7 incoming after this final bull trap bounce. Many crypto FOMOium fools are about to get REKTD.Comment: From the comments: > The $38,000-41,000 zone is Death Valley for BTC. > > BTC has not found enough organic buyers since the opening price (0:00 UTC: $37,300). After aggressive action by the binance operator, there were no organic purchases above $38,000 despite three attempts for an hour. > A single trader on Binance pushes the BTC price above $38,000. > > Fully rigged BTC price market at this point. The price action for the last hours is again controlled by a single participant from Binance. There has been a lot of speculation on this subject for several hours now. Taking a long position on the binance while squeezing short positions on the bybit perps. > > Let no one even try to suggest that I am unaware that such manipulations are normal in the markets. > > Not in such proportions and with such determination and not in context with what happened with binance this week. The situation is obvious. I am still adding to a short position. Stop order is reset. If this operator manages to get the BTC price over $39,000, I will sell even more. I am sure that market participants like me will regulate this sick situation. > > I have nothing against BTC, I am a long-term BULL myself. Always willing to buy after large declines and when the right momentum appears. @goodblackcat, historically massive option market positions can and I quote, “send Bitcoin up 300% and down 75% in a single day.” Overall the crypto charts look horrible, with bearish RSI divergences on all timeframes (as does the S&P stonks which fell out of a bearish rising wedge but could make on more drive to a high to test the bottom of the wedge it fell out of), except nearly all crypto USD(T) pairs have bullish RSI diverge on the 3d chart. Also several of the altcoins have a bull flag such as ETCUSD. Thus the reason for the topping prices I posted last night to the idea update. So far only BTC and ETH have moved strongly enough towards a new drive to a high, but I am thinking the rest of the altcoins will follow today or so? Also looks to me ETH is going to break out towards 2300? Indeed the smart money is grabbing the liquidity of the short-term leveraged shorts first, before they will take this down hard for next few months. I can not rule out a significant pullback and then one final drive to a high perhaps in January? But for sure by March crypto will have crashed. The crypto markets are dead. This ETF hopium will not lift crypto out of the doldrums of stagflation and the pre-halving crypto winter. Too many newbies and naive forgot that the crypto bull market in the 4 year cycle does not start until after the halving.Comment: youtu.be/abxE0-Dqlvg (The December Breakout Is Real For Ethereum) Krown you about to get REKTD with your bull market nonsense. That is a bearish rising wedge, not an ascending triangle. youtu.be/-MMmGKtsrCk (The #1 Altcoin Chart No One Is Watching | The 'EXBS Index' | DataDash) That is a bearish rising wedge (not a bullish ascending triangle as you and many others incorrectly annotate it) on the weekly chart, which is also a 5 wave leading diagonal. Thus it must be wave 1 of a 5 wave bullish structure (can not be an ending diagonal). Thus wave 2 incoming could nearly retest the lows (not a lower-low!) before the halving thus before the bull market ensues in earnest. I charted this on my public trading view. 16:00 You slaughtered the inane narrative that the Bitcoin ETFs can drive new ATH. ==== youtu.be/17oGYIQlBbU (Why This Bitcoin Move Will Shock Everyone in 2024 | Robert Prechter) If Elliot Wave specialist Prechter is correct, then his 3 (as you illustrated it) could the end of the first wave down of a expanded flat 3 wave correction. I would have Bitcoin coming back up to a triple top ~70k by H2 2025 for the 2nd wave of the correction, then down into the abyss ~0 for the final third wave by May 2026. From there the Bitcoin market would reset. Which entirely fits with my thesis that the impostor Bitcoin (the 2017 softfork which broke the Nash equilibrium creating 13+ million tokens which are ANYONE CAN SPEND) will be destroyed. All the details are on my public trading view. As Prechter points out that the final "c" wave of an expanded flat are waterfall collapses, very fast and devastating. Well I know exactly what could cause such a dramatic face ripping selloff. The legacy protocol miners will take the 13+ million tokens as donations, no need to even have the private keys because they are ANYONE CAN SPEND. What I find even more interesting is that the legacy protocol Bitcoin (the one Satoshi created, not the current impostor) continues to coexist with the softfork (they will hard fork off from each other when the tokens are taken as donations) can rise as the 1988 Economist Magazine's cover story Phoenix from the ashes of the looming WWIII, as the new world reserve currency in the multipolar new world order that will replace the death of the dollar in said Thucydides trap underway (after a massive crash upwards of the dollar in the final EuroDollar driven liquidity crisis). The legacy as a global reserve currency used only by the wealthy and central banks, will not need transaction scaling that Prechter laments. IOW, Satoshi was not designing a payment system, but rather the new global order. And by the way, the design of Bitcoin was anonymously publicly leaked in 1998 on the 10 year anniversary of its 1988 announcement, then launched 10 years later, then public stampede 10 years later. Thus 2028 it rises. I would be grateful if you would forward my comments to Prechter and his son Elliot.Comment: Possibly one more, final drive to a high imminent.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/8q7NQyhhEc4?t=353 (WARNING: SUPPER GUPPY JUST FLIPPED GREEN! | Crypto Crew U.) Covering all the possibilities. Wise. Do not commit to bullish here. I am happy you corrected the public that has been claiming you were pushing a trope that says Bitcoin held its market structure. Now you have pointed out that has not necessarily been the case. I will cite this video on my public trading view.Comment: Someone commented on a published idea of mine from 2022, which caused me to realize it is still on point and applicable to this recent idea.Comment: youtu.be/AvQp5e3tapE (It's The Dumb Money Buying Bitcoin - Not The Whales - BTC Wyckoff Distribution Update | Ron Walker)Comment: Gammon's reason why the Fed will not renew the BTFP and my comment: youtu.be/ilfzGplcT-U?t=731 (WARNING: This Is When The Banking System Will Fail (Date Revealed) | George Gammon) Rather I think the Fed will not renew because they will want to stress test the system so they are not moving forward blind. They will posit that maybe the original crisis was due to the rate of interest rate rise and with much intervening time in which banks have been able to hedge and adjust to the higher interest rate environment. But I think the deeper reason is more conspiratorial that they need a banking crisis so they can test how their FedNow will be employed to cause bank runs when they are reading to entirely centralize the banking system circa 2026.Comment: From the comments: @GDuBFX, I can not see any of your charts here in the comments on this page. I do not know if other readers also can not see your links. I will post my reply to the updates on my idea, so that everyone can see your chart (I dug the link out of my notifications which is the only place I can access it, not here on this page for some unknown reason). You have mislabeled your chart because you failed to note that the trading range was between 17590 and 25215. Thus when the price exploded to 32k, that was already phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation. This started a Wycoff distribution which is now in the UTAD final test (aka spring) to be followed by a plummeting price in a new phase D.Comment: Follow-up response from the comments: > images.prismic.io/3c...c-fe2d7f2fe7d8_2.png > miro.medium.com/v2/r...aDkgynKOUBU-2J6g.png @GDuBFX, cripes man, the SC is 17590 and the top of the bounce from AR is 25215 which thus defines the trading range (aka TR). Thus after the price rallied from the LPS as it crossed above 25215, it left the trading range (TR) and was in Phase E already. Thus the 31 - 32k level was already starting the Wycoff distribution as Phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation had immediately transitioned into a Wycoff distribution. Please do not make me repeat myself again. Open your f-ing eyes. The UTAD on your chart is in the incorrect location. It should be at the current price level ~39k which is the final Spring test of the Wycoff distribution. We will have a crash soon. Price might tag 39 - 40k first. Also it is probably incorrect to interpret the price action from the 15.4k bottom as a Wycoff accumulation. Appears to be a rare Three Hills and a Mountain pattern, as I documented in the idea itself. And wtf is your problem, that you did not even click the correct Reply. You replied to yourself instead of replying to my reply. Again I can not see any links or charts you included in your reply. Some issue or bug with Trading view, at least for me. But the idea that Phase E must continue higher and higher is not necessarily the case. Can transition directly into a Wycoff distribution instead of progressively higher prices during Phase E. Especially when we consider that the overall pattern may be a Three Hills and a Mountain. ==== My comment: youtu.be/RlhWhQSWils (How the Next Round of Bailouts will be Reserved for the Elites) Tl;dr money injected into the economy must be sanitized such that it can not be spent on things that drive up inflation. Can you say cashless economy with CBDC and dystopian capital controls? Can you say New Green Deal as a BS pretext to limit what people are allowed to spend their money on? I know you can. Note allowing people to spend on stonks and crypto ETFs will not be inflationary if that all gets locked up by a CBDC so that in Hotel California-esque fashion, you can check in anytime you like but you can never checkout.Comment: Typo: s/when they are reading/when they are ready/ ==== Covid-23 has been announced? Here we go again, 2020 repeating because it is an election year and they need to stop Trump again? ==== From the comments: @zvonyo, that BlackRock disclaimer from their ETF application is screen captured on my blog where I discuss the ANYONECANSPEND attack (and to the Tradingview mods, I am not selling anything offsite nor do I have any sponsors so this is not advertising). It is not necessarily that BlackRock will fork Bitcoin, as BlackRock will be forced to choose which fork they are hodling and which one they will sell if they hodl in legacy addresses (thus not ANYONECANSPEND) and thus receive the free airdrop of non-legacy. It will be the miners taking the 13+ million ANYONECANSPEND Bitcoins as generous donations, that will force the non-legacy (i.e. 2017 softfork impostor Bitcion) protocol to hard fork (fck) off from (the bona fide Bitcoin) Satoshi’s immutable legacy protocol, because that will be a violation of the new protocol. To protect yourself, make sure you hodl all your Bitcoins in addresses that begin with 1 not 3, bc1 nor any other obfuscation for legacy addresses that the scammers come up with. I suppose it is possible that BlackRock will invest a lot in Bitcoin mining and help drive the Schelling point for when the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium {but that is not essential nor relevant to the logic of the inevitability of the attack}. Anyway, it appears to me that BlackRock and the new ETFs will be where all the institutions go to die as all their investment will go “poof it’s gone.” NOT YOUR LEGACY KEYS, NOT YOUR BITCORN. The 2017 softfork broke the Nash equilibrium because it created this huge 13+ million booty that gives the miners a different strategy than benevolence. It incentivizes the miners to force the 2017 softfork to fork (fck) off because miners get first dibs thus get to keep the 13 million Bitcoin for themselves {and thus finances the Nash equilibrium restoration even}. I discuss the game theory in great detail on my Github gist linked from my blog. People make the mistake of assuming the restoration will not occur because it will crater the price of Bitcoin. What they do not understand is the miners will have no choice because due to the asymmetrical economics of the situation, the non-legacy fork will stall and miners who try to continue mining it will have no income and go bankrupt. There is another wrinkle that affects all of us holding Bitcoin, even if we hodl legacy addresses. The restoration “attack” (actually a healing, not an attack) will create an involuntary taxable event due to the airdrop, even for those whose Bitcoins are taken from them (i.e. donated to the miners). And even those of us who keep our Bitcorn will have this involuntary taxable event. I did the research and any claim that we did not take possession of the airdrop or what have you, will not be a valid excuse. Thus this event is going to REKT everyone as they will have a huge tax bill, but {especially those who did not hodl in legacy addresses} no Bitcorn remaining to sell to pay the tax!!! @zvonyo, c.f. also the latest updates on this idea where I elaborated. The optimum time to initiate the ANYONECANSPEND event is after a massive run up in the price, because it will cause the more egregious stalling of the impostor fork. Thus the ideal juncture might be the looming ~70k top in 2025 because the projected abyss crash to bottom by May 2026. It is possible that BlackRock will convert the impostor Bitcoin to proof-of-stake, because that will be the only possible defense to the mining difficulty non-readjustment attack(s) which will stall the impostor fork after it fcks off. The legacy protocol Bitcoin will recover and rise as the new world reserve currency replacing the dollar after the looming WWIII Thucydides trap. This plan was laid out in 1988 as the Phoenix on the cover of the Economist Magazine. Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle ever since, with its clever design leaked in an anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/2009, and attained mass retail awareness in 2018. I am an expert on this topic. Proceed to my blog, Dig into my detailed Github gist. Legacy Bitcoin is a diabolical plan to enslave the world, as I had publicly pointed out in 2013. Eric Krown Crypto thinks the DXY might still come down to 100. Dollar will crash upwards in its final peak going into 2026 as the Thucydides trap accelerates. After 2028 (Bitcoin’s 10 year cycle), Bitcoin will start to rise as the Phoenix and the new world reserve currency, because the nations will not trust each other nor the dollar anymore. Also the dollar can no longer be a reserve currency when they trap us in a cashless CBDC dystopia.Comment: youtu.be/ERpp2ygWdyE (Elliott Wave Master Predicts Next Market Top | Alessio Rastani) @CryptoCrewUniversity Alessio explained this very well. Steve if your 5.3 theory is correct, then we are in the bearish version of Alessio’s thesis. Which is what I believe and have posted publicly. I think Bitcoin will make new lows in 2024 as shocking as that sounds. EuroDollar University is explaining why. People think the blackswan from 2020 will not repeat. They should study more. I like that you raised your range bound thesis based on the 4-year halving cycle, which Alessio reacted to. However the reason I think you are wrong and Alessio’s bearish thesis is correct, is bcz your 5.3 theory says the price can not exceed ~70 to 79k (measured 2 ways), but if price is already ~48k yet not even close to the timing of the parabolic move in the 4 year cycle. Fib retracements are deceiving bcz bullish when a significant new ATH is expected, but not the case now bcz of your 5.3 theory! Thus may decline below 15k in 2024 and never make a new ATH bcz your 5.3 theory will be measured from a lower bottom. ==== From the comments: > “I remember you wrote that you only hedge your long-term positions with options, not aggressively playing on the short side…I'm waiting to hear from you and hope everything is OK. @goodblackcat, Tradingview banned me from posting for 2 or 3 days. C.f. my most recent update today on my other recent published idea. I have a very important comment about the Elliot Wave structure. I think this might be the final blowoff top for Bitcoin for a few years. Maybe one relief rally to above this level in 2025 but not a new ATH. This looks very bearish to me. Parabolic on very low volume (lol BlackRock announced $100k in seed capital and the markets pumped!) and too soon in the cycle if the 5.3 theory is correct and the new ATH in 2025 can only be ~70 to 79k, then this is not bullish at all. Thus to tell you frankly, I am shifting to taking profits on crypto. Not even 15% of my hodl portfolio yet, but if this hits 47 - 48k, I am thinking about taking profits on up to 50%. Will be interested to read your thoughts. I was also long the breakout. Remember I was warning you that there was manipulation and they might take this higher before they let it crash. The insiders know what is coming in 2024. EuroDollar University knows also. Your methods can not really decipher these long-term outlooks. That is why I look at a lot of different data points in the macro and the T/A. @goodblackcat, I have seen some compelling arguments for one more push to 47 - 48k. Could happen soon or later in December or early January. Then I expect a rug pull after that with a precipitous drop. We could have already hit the top but I am doubting that. @goodblackcat, Alessio (c.f. my latest update on my other recent idea) says needs to waterfall crash below 40k then 35k for the bearish thesis to be intact. Can not be a slow move. Must be very precipitous. Else the bearish thesis is discarded.Comment: Says signals of doom for 2024 are worse than 2019, more like 2007/8. Points out that the supply shock from Covid, was papered over with fiat printing but this will revert to the mean. That the global economy is still very weak and getting weaker. My take is crash coming in 2024, but Fed will be able to bring out their bazooka one last time. We go up again in 2025 and then from 2026 to 2028 at least is going to be absolute totalitarian hell with massive economic problems globally. People will be suffering. Global suffering is good feedstock for world war. youtu.be/Y6nKuf-KxY0?t=609 (It Was Only A Matter Of Time...But It Finally Happened | EuroDollar University) ==== Something non-linear (i.e. blackswan) may be brewing. Swap spreads going negative like they did in 2020. Also the Baltic Dry index has doubled in November. youtu.be/0hCDxRc6HDs (Things Are Getting REALLY Serious Now | EuroDollar U.) ==== 82% of Americans can’t afford to finance even a used car. Precipitous drop in November. Something is brewing while Bitcoin is rallying on stupid ETF nonsense. youtu.be/AGn5Mi_HSGw?t=556 (The Used Car Market just COLLAPSED) ==== youtu.be/aUKchot5V-I (Holy Sh*t! The Fed Just Admitted We Are In A Recession | EuroDollar University)Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, If you are correct than so be it but what if your wrong? I have been in these cycles reading highly articulate people telling me that Bitcoin was going to zero since 2012. Being merely articulate with a smug and condescending bias towards technology which often scales far past it's original development is what you seem to miss. Bitcoin layer 1 is the vault and layer 2 will be the spending mechanism. It does NOT have to be lightning and that constant in development is still unseen but Moore's law along with mass adoption breaks these barriers you seem to focus on.” @btrimas, you have an aspirant class deficiency in reading comprehension. What part of “inarguable, ASYMMETRIC economics” did you fail to grok from my exposition. An average guy like you is incapable of understanding anything about Bitcoin, what Bitcoin is here to disrupt, that Bitcoin is here to justifiably enslave you and why transaction scaling is nonsense. Your “articulate” source idiots do not teach you anything useful. It’s not my vocation to hold your inept hand. All (but one of the) links are to writings of the 145 IQ Bitcoin whale who has ~500,000 BTC and who faked his own death as he prepares to move those BTC in the looming ANYONECANSPEND attack perhaps in 2026. Note the 2017 softfork impostor Bitcoin will be destroyed, not Satoshi’s authentic legacy protocol Bitcoin, which will rise from 2028 as the January 1988 Economist Magazine’s Phoenix from the ashes of WWIII, ashes of socialism, ashes of all the nonsense world that idiots believe to be true. Everything in your cushy world is going away. Pack your bags for the slavery train. If you had read carefully you would know to store your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 1, not 3 nor bc1, so you will be protected. But you would still have the problem of an involuntary income tax liability for the looming airdrop.Comment: youtu.be/c0ZIqiVFTQk (I respond to DUMB comments (what I REALLY think of bitcoin and stock markets) | Alessio Rastani) No worries Alessio. I have been sharing on my public trading view (with 486+ upvotes on my latest published idea so I have nontrivial reach), your latest analysis such as the interview you did with Steve Courtney of Crypto Crew University this week. I also explained why I think the bearish interpretation of the Bitcoin EW count is much more likely the situation right now. I wrote as follows on Steve's video...in short this parabolic move is either bearish or Steves's 5.3 theory is incorrect. Did you see he updated his 5.3 theory recently with an alternative way of measuring it that says the looming top in 2025 will be ~70k. If the top will be ~70k how can we be approaching 48k so soon in the 4 year halving cycle. Something does not make sense. Also wave 5 would be much too long if it did not complete in 2021. That was the top for Bitcoin. Bitcoin is ending. I explain the technological reasons Bitcoin is ending on my trading view. You really should study what I have written about the ANYONE CAN SPEND attack.Comment: My comment on video Bitcoin is about to Do Something for First Time Since 2020 Rally | Steve Courtney & Alessio Rastani: Steve Courtney is thus claiming that Bitcoin will only consolidate down to ~30k, then stay range bound until ~May 2024, then it will only rise (per his 5.3 theory measured two ways) to ~70 to 79k over the intervening 9 to 12 months into the top he expects in Q1 or Q2 2025. Thus he is claiming there will never be any parabolic cycle in this bull market cycle. He is using the TDI (Traders Dynamic Index) to support his thesis that Bitcoin is now in his “phase 2” of the bull market and that the prior bull cycle never had a “phase 2” and instead only an extended double-length “phase 1.” He thus employs this thesis to rule out a retest of the 15.4k lows. For a bullish thesis with wave 1 to end at ~47k, then decline into wave 2 to ~30k for ~100+ days, then wave 3 to ~63+k (to make wave 3 the longest wave on linear but not log scaled) then correction wave 4, then wave 5 to ~70 to 79k over the next 9 to 12 months. But for me Steve is ignoring the significance of several factors. 1) The overarching EW count ended in 2021 with wave 5, unless this is a very overextended wave 5, which seems to violate the rule that wave 3 should be the longest wave. 2) wave 2 correcting more than 62% of wave 1 in 2020 created a terminal wave condition (not many EW theorists are aware of this condition) meaning that 2021 was the end of the overarching EW count thus only the bearish EW thesis applies, 3) the volume chart on the monthly BTC index chart looks anemic something is not the same as prior cycles, 4) Steve’s TDI thesis has some conditions he is not factoring such as the prior two crosses above the RSI average orange which started his “phase 2” did so at the white horizontal line, whereas this recent orange cross was much lower and the slower RSI green line is much lower and the faster RSI red always comes back to test the green again after orange cross. In two prior cycles when the red approached the top of the RSI bollinger bands within 2 months of the halving, but the current situation is ~6 months before the halving. Thus while the prior two cycles the red retested the green after the top of the BB after halving this will be doing it before the halving. Also all prior orange crosses corresponded with a blue cross on the upper RCI3Lines, but not this time with blue very, very low. This seems to indicate that the red needs to crash down back below the blue first as it did in March 2020 before the bullish market resumes. The situation is much different and Steve is hallucinating by ignoring important information. As Alessio had pointed out in his interview with Steve on Steve's channel, that if there will be a bearish case the crash will be very swift, perhaps a flash crash waterfall. ============== youtu.be/AgwH0VNgI2M (How High Will Bitcoin Go In 2024? | Andrei Jikh) @AndreiJikh I bet you know nothing about the looming ANYONE CAN SPEND attack and the asymmetric economics that iseebitcoin's article totally ignores. 2026 perhaps. All your Bitcoin goes poof it's gone because you did not read carefully the blogs of the whale who provably controls a million BTC (he owned SatoshiDice). An no he is not dead. He presaged everything in his blogs. He faked his drowning as he prepares for the dystopian future ahead. C.f. my elaboration under unsignedmusic's comment. If Bitcoin is pumping on the expectation of expectation of lower interest rates as you posit, then someone forgot that the Fed does not cut until something is breaking and that the most liquid assets are dumped first by weak hands during a deflationary episode. The ETFs are nonsense and will not lead to significant new demand until the price crashes because institutions are not going to rush to buy at these nosebleed prices. Institutions know a recession is coming and they will sit on their hands. Thus I think it is more logical that Bitcoin is pumping because the smart money wants to dump on retail before the looming 2024 crash. Bitcoin always crashes just before (or just after) the halving. > “8:30 Since there will only be 21 million bitcoins ever, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to replenish the supply even in a million years, so it will always be infinitely more rare than gold.” (as measured by stock-to-flow ratio) @unsignedmusic Actually it is worse than that because supply being lost while in the future no new supply will be created. So wrap you head around the kind of world we will have if Bitcoin becomes the global reserve currency replacing the dollar as the standard by which national fiats are based on. First of all it can not become a widely used currency because the 2017 softfork and those transaction scaling mechanisms are going to be destroyed in a fireball known as the ANYONE CAN SPEND attack (perhaps in 2026). Btw, most people will lose all their BTC in that attack because they did not read and comprehend what was presented to them. Secondly as the legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV nor BCH, but the protocol that coexists now on the main chain with the impostor softfork) rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine Phoenix, the world will be thrust into forever massive deflation with socialism enslaved by Bitcoin. It is not going to be a pleasant existence for most of the billions on this planet. Perhaps the banning of usury which lengthened the W. European Dark Age to 600 years might be analogous.Comment: My reply in the comments: > “@shelby3, But why allow BTC to crash in the next run? Wouldn't it benefit if they extend the bull run until 2028, crash it (once the global economy collapses due to wars, inflation, etc.) and then introduce the NWO CBDC? By then, lots of people would have invested in crypto and made money off of it (to an extent, since the media loves to hype up the BTC target and fall short, as usual, to screw the laypeople by furthering the "hold" scam). However, the CBDC would then be used as a form of "bailout" to encourage easy adoption into CBDC's. Also, if you say that BTC will crash to 13k, wouldn't it be accurate to say that it will crash to 0 since no one will have any more interest or, better yet, trust?” @bkprofits, late reply bcz was banned for 2 days, subsequently side-tracked. Also it is becoming unwieldy to find which among the too many comments on this page, I want to reply to. You have some false assumptions (or not coherently conveyed points), e.g. ostensibly implying that masses make money in crypto, in all markets most lose, especially so in FOMO-on-steriods crypto. Consider this from the perspective of the posited Rothschild, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller elite behind the curtain who I posit created Bitcoin (per the Rockefeller controlled January 1988 Economist Magazine cover story foretelling and 10 year cycle with design revealed in anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/9, 2018 mass awareness, 2028 Phoenix rises from ashes that the cover story article mentioned). Ostensibly their posited intent would be to play all power structures (e.g. politicians, nation-states, deep state mafia e.g. neocons) off against each other, so that they’re in control. Thus they want to both cause those power structures to destroy themselves leading to a power vacuum that can only be filled by a NWO with legacy protocol Bitcoin (as the Phoenix rising by 2028 at the next halving bull cycle) as the trustworthy global unit-of-exchange and reserves for the enslaved national fiats, w\plebs enslaved in their dysfunctional national CBDC fiats. Ostensibly the way the CBDCs will be brought into broad use is the egregious deflation in 2026 (already rearing its head now but presumably the Fed can bazooka one final time), bank collapses and thus many/most accept UBI distributed by CBDC to pay their bills so they can survive. The anemic volume since 2021 (much worse than any prior bear market) along with the Elliot Wave structure that Robert Prechter presented to Alessio Ranstani (which I also posited back in 2020) all seem to indicate that the maximum FOMO has already been tapped out with the p(L)andemic stimulus insanity. The final hooray to squeeze the last ounce of blood from the greater fools’ rag will be the ETFs heading into the 2025 final peak (which may not even be an ATH). Then they will crash everything hard down into WWIII and enslave 666-style. The reason perhaps to take it down first to 9 to 13k early on in 2024, is to give the rest of the greater fools who had no easy access, a final opportunity to be slaughtered like pigs as crypto rallies one final time. They’ll feel smart because they are buying it lower copying the 2020 to 2021 paradigm again. Monkey see, monkey do. Those who missed out in 2020, will get one more chance. But they will not be able to cash out if posited the ANYONECANSPEND attack hits near the top in 2025 causing a breathtaking, face-ripping cliff-drop. We will see…my popcorn is ready and remote is set to CNN! Hopefully you have been following my updates so you have the context. Only way to crash Bitcoin to 0 is to destroy the impostor Bitcoin, with the actual (Phoenix) Bitcoin (not BSV nor BCH) surviving never close to 0. ========================== I wrote or replied: youtu.be/sE5RLzaVycE (The Fed May Shock Rates Higher This Week | Mott Capital Mgmt) Deflation has already started. C.f. EuroDollar University. Crash coming in 2024, right on time in an election year to repeat 2020. First the markets are pumping as they always do right before a recession when the Fed pauses. When the Fed cuts into a recession, the markets are historically already crashing. The reason the Fed's dot plot is too high is because they were not aware then how much the economy was slowing down. Recent Fed member comments reveal that some of their districts are out right screaming that the economy is crumbling. But Jerome is determined to hold and crash the economy, because he has ostensibly been told to do that. Probably like 2020 they need a pretext (for mail-in ballots and maybe UBI checks) to steal an election again. There is a lot going on. It is not as simple as you want it to be. > “If the CPI comes in under 3.0, all the weekly cup and handle formations (SPY, NASDAQ, etc) will absolutely take off. Yes, the daily charts look extended and the latest rally seems 'irrational'. Did the market revert? No. It's been consolidating for almost a month.” Back in October I had (publicly on my trading view) the harmonic projections (afair it was a Shark pattern) with 0.886 ~4650 and 1.13 extention ~4900. Is this still headed up to the 1.13 after hitting the first target this summer? This is why I was long when Mott and many others were climbing the Wall of Worry all the way up. Game of Trades had taught me in 2022 that the markets would pump when the Fed pauses before a looming recession. Happens every time like clockwork. A massive crash is looming in 2024. Something is brewing per EuroDollar University. The Repo market has been draining into Treasuries and/or stonks. That liquidity is almost depleted and will be no later than March but the exodus is accelerating. Not irrational at all. I just explained why. You should widen your understanding of what is going on. Learn about how funds where drawn into the Fed's discount window and subsequently were coming out. Essentially all that liquidity from the p(L)andemic is still winding its way into stronger hands in the way markets work to concentrate capital to the 1% and enslave the 99%. > “This rally is so absurd even the bulls themselves actually don't know why it's rallying other than the notion that stocks only go up” Wrong. I explained why.Comment: youtu.be/OTcSUe_naxo (Cracks are Starting to Appear in Overnight Funding Markets | Heresy Financial) youtu.be/yrxUXiKaoaM (BREAKING Payroll Report Goes Viral | Eurodollar University) ============================== youtu.be/aB3UADTx_3M (SPY QQQ Update BREAKOUT!) As I commented to you many weeks ago when I first found your channel, I have had (on my public trading view, the) ~4900 to 4950 as the 1.13 harmonic pattern target back since October 2022. The 0.886 target was hit this summer. Bitcoin leads. Bitcoin likely to 47 to 48k before topping? Bitcoin doing this crazy rally tells you stonks likely to make new ATHs. Hold On for Dear Life (hodl). And take some (dollar cost average?) profits if get to nosebleed levels. Do not forget the bullish Cup&Handle. I learned from Game of Trades in summer 2022 (before he lost his mind and ruined his channel with nonsense) that the stonks historically pump hard when the Fed pauses before a looming recession. I emailed him and his assistants numerous times since he started going bearish all the way up since December 2022, but he refused to change his position, so I said goodbye to his channel. I guess even a broken 12 hour clock can be correct twice a day (referring to him not you). Probably very severe crash coming in H1 2024, perhaps Q1. I watch EuroDollar University which keeps me abreast of early long-range macroeconomic signals. ====================== youtu.be/wi8WyyDEeGI (What the CYCLES say for Bitcoin, Stock Markets and Real Estate in 2024 | Jason Pizzino & Alessio Rastani) youtu.be/ZibsWprCNtE (Bitcoin Trader Predicts Cryptos NEXT ATH | Alessio Rastani Interview by Pizzino) @alessiorastani I told this Jason Pizzino that his fascination with the real estate cycle is flawed, because that cycle is not consistent. Also there can be other shorter and longer cycles in play which overlap. This guy thinks the 10 year real estate cycle is a hammer and all markets are a nail. That is not to say I disagree that the markets may make a major top in 2025, but… Note I do not disagree that the S&P can go to 4800 to 4900 before topping in the next month or so. I had publicly published (on my public trading view) and identified a harmonic pattern in Oct/Nov 2022 that had two targets. The first target was hit this summer before the decline. And the next target is up there. I called the Bitcoin bottom publicly at exactly 15.4k. I do not disagree with Jason that Bitcoin may break the 50% retracement level by Q3 2024. This would be consistent with an expanded flat correction as the B wave will move to a new ATH but just barely, which is consistent with Steve Courtney's ~70 to 79k 5.3 theory. But first the wave A can make a lower low, perhaps a flash crash in late Q1 or early Q2 2024. Might just be a correction to ~30k or lower as Steve Courtney thinks, but I am not ruling out that bearish wave A is not yet complete. Thus disagree with Pizzino is in terms of how high can Bitcoin go and whether Bitcoin can make a lower-low in 2024. He is too sure of himself. I unsubscribed and stopped watching his redundant, banal content. Steve Courtney and Alessio produce innovative, thought-provoking content. Jason thinks he is uber-wise because has many real estate investments. Do not like his attitude at all. Incapable of thinking out-of-the-box, does not appreciate new information, closed-minded, etc.. I will give a concrete example. In this video he is gloating (as if he was the only person to call for S&P to 4650 back in October 2022 because I certainly did publicly) about how the March banking crisis low can never be broken. Lol. Famous last words. Never say never. Besides he does not seem to have an erudite understanding of what the Fed actually did to kick the can and the ramifications that have been smoldering and building since. Specifically the liquidity is drying up because the Repo discount window is being drained and will be depleted by March or sooner. There are many other examples where he is simply ignorant and closes his eyes and covers his ears. Another example is I was stating since 2022 that before every recession in history, when the Fed pauses, the markets rally and often make new highs before crashing into the recession abyss. Jason does not want to hear this, because it conflicts with his thesis that the markets can not have any severe correction until 2026 in his view. In this second video where Jason interviews Alessio, it appears that Jason is trying to have a more open mind, but we will need to see if that is really his attitude going forward.Comment: From the comments: @goodblackcat, the ~39.3k level is the support trendline from the grindingly slow staircase climb from Oct 24 through Nov 27. Quite reasonable to drop to that level then rally fiercely to ~47 to 48k in the first week of January if the ETF is approved. And I will be selling that with both fists! Look out below after that. Timberrrr… Nobody believes Bitcoin can make new lows! Have you viewed my latest published idea? Take note of the short-term prediction in the updates of that long-term DJIA prediction.Comment: From the comments: @goodblackcat, I am minimizing my use of this site now because I suppose I am near to being banned anyway. I will still reply from time-to-time if I see a notification. I maintain what I been saying for weeks, that a government shutdown starting on January 19 will crash the markets. The first low will be in March, final low in May. Then the rally into 2025 which will be the final high for Bitcoin as we knew it. Bitcoin will test near $0 in 2026 as the ANYONECANSPEND attack is looming. If not in 2026, then maybe ~2028. The 2025 high for Bitcoin will not be more than ~79k. If Bitcoin makes a lower low in 2024 then the 2025 high will be a triple top ~70k. Looks like one final push to $46 - 49k next week, then Bitcoin will start crashing.Comment: Martin you had better make sure you understand the following. I am tired of trying to explain this to you, you old geezer. I respect you a lot but you are so ossified on this issue. I am 58 years old, not so much younger than you! ====================== Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, {1/6/24 2:14 AM} What is so weird is Armstrong will never comprehend the following, because while he is entirely wrong about Bitcoin, he is simultaneously entirely correct. How can that be? Because there are two Bitcoins— a fact that very people know and obviously Armstrong does not know this even though I have written to him many times about legacy vs. 2017 soft fork being two separate protocols which coexist until the 𝙰𝙽𝚈𝙾𝙽𝙴𝙲𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙳 restoration event transpires. Armstrong can’t even get the creation date for Bitcoin correct as it was announced in emails on August 22, 2008 (bitcoinist.com/satos...ecret-email-emerges/) not June 3, 2009, which referenced an earlier email correspondence with Adam Back which may have been in July 2008 (cointelegraph.com/ne...-bitcoins-early-days). Armstrong also does not seem to be aware of Mircea Popescu who has 500,000 Bitcoins (primarily earned from his Satoshi Dice venture) and who ostensibly faked his death in July 2021 perhaps on the anniversary of Bitcoin’s creation— 13 years later thus Friday the 13th or 1.5 times Armstrong’s Pi Cycle of 8.6 years? www.armstrongeconomi...-unpopular-analysis/ “Bitcoin must change its structure, or it will never become a valid currency with a stable store of value, which is supposed to be the whole point. It is just an asset class of high volatility.” This is what the 𝙰𝙽𝚈𝙾𝙽𝙴𝙲𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙳 event will do to restructure what Bitcoin is and used for, as it will destroy the ‘official’ Bitcoin (the 2017 soft-fork) which is actually an impostor. It will confiscate all of the Bitcoin of those on that protocol and transfer it to the miners on Satoshi’s original legacy protocol. And thus will transform Bitcoin from a system that could scale transaction volume with Lightning Networks to a system that can only do ~5 transactions per second for the entire world. This will be perfect as a new world reserve currency, because the transaction fees will be too high for plebs to use it. Armstrong will be gloating when that 𝙰𝙽𝚈𝙾𝙽𝙴𝙲𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙳 attack comes because he and almost everyone in the world will think Bitcoin is dead (maybe in 2026 or 2030), as the price will go to near $0 for the impostor protocol. “Every major central bank has said they plan to move to CBDC. The entire purpose of the CBDC is to impose COMPLETE capital controls. So, how will you buy and sell anything that they deem to be a threat to their totalitarian world?” What part of Bitcoin was not created for use by the public does Armstrong not understand? It will be used by Central Banks, corporations and billionaires only. None of these entities will be able to trust the CDBCs of different nations. Has Armstrong failed to notice that each nation will have a different CBDC? These will not all be interoperable, nor trustworthy! Governments are dying, becoming desperate and rogue. The capital controls will be chaotic. The world is entering a period of chaos and disorder where nothing will be trustworthy. Bitcoin will be the only thing that is trustworthy for those will international settlement and clearing obligations. They can not go back to the Stone Age of shipping gold or using gold receipts for globalized settlement— we live in a digital era.Comment: “Could governments seize bitcoin?” There is no plausible way to seize Bitcoin if the mnemonic private key is memorized inside your head only. What is the govt going to do, cut open my brain and dig out the private key? Waterboard me? Yes the government can effectively seize Bitcoin by placing regulations on it that most people will follow. But not everyone will follow the regulations. Black markets always exist. And the more desperate that people become, the more that governments disintegrate, self-immolate and defile themselves. the more people that will choose to disobey and use black markets. Will most people turn to “illegal” black markets? Probably not. Depends on how desperate people are. As for the $600 reporting threshold, again that applies only if the rule-of-law is worth adhering to. What if the rule-of-law collapses? If the gestapo is going to take everything people have and throw all white men in prison anyway for not paying taxes, then what do the people lose with civil disobedience? And how can States’ rights exist if States lack economies-of-scale to make their own money in this modern era? So it is not quite clear yet how pear-shaped everything will be and the timing. But Bitcoin will eventually play some role. Whether it is used by many people for a while (until transaction fees become too excessive) or whether it will only be used by central banks, corporations and billionaires remains to be observed as we observe how the rule-of-law holds up or collapses. Also as for the $600 legal limit, it would be possible to design like a virtual game crypto currency that would be decentralized and could be used for transactions online which would typically be less than $50. And this could become a huge online economy. I am actually working on this. It is quite amusing to see Armstrong still so intransigent and still a nearly extinct dinosaur incapable of comprehending how the monetary system will be reformed and the pivotal role Bitcoin will play. I guess his brain is too ossified to actually add 2 + 2. “Governments have reached the end of their rope and are actively on the hunt for additional taxes. They will default on all their debts, and the new monetary system they are planning will give them total control.” Indeed. Precisely why Bitcoin will be needed and precisely why the governments and their CBDC systems will self-immolate. But the salient distinction is that the CBDCs will not end by some coming together party of society after 2032 as Armstrong’s fantasy. No. The system will self-immolate over decades as the power vacuum is milked by MMT or whatever politics exists to serve the bankrupted Western masses who will demand the government take care of them. Has Armstrong not realized how entitled and self-important Westerners are? Does he even understand entropy, power-vacuums and political transformation? The revolution is not coming— just a huge insoluble mess that slow-grinds into irrelevancy by scorching those stuck in the CBDC system. “Countries with strong currencies do not want bitcoin in existence.” There will be no strong currencies after CBDCs are launched— only Economic Devastation (bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3552...). Ergo “countries” will have no say in the matter. “Governments are allowing cryptos like Bitcoin to exist because they can trace the transactions far better than paper currency.” Indeed the governments were lured into allowing Bitcoin— which ironically will destroy the governments in the end game because Bitcoin has a fixed supply unlike gold and silver which can be and have been manipulated in the past where the USA impoverished China which was on a silver standard— which btw laid the dys-economic (despair) foundation for the Communist Revolution.Comment: Armstrong has concurred what I have been publicly predicting for weeks and months now on my Tradingview. Martin has at most $49,658 for the January top. www.armstrongeconomi...coin-the-cryptotrap/ “BITCOIN is merely bouncing to retest to the former uptrend line from below. January is a crucial timing target for a high.” His overhead resistance trend line also predicts that Bitcoin will not make a new ATH in 2025. As for the following, indeed transacting in truly decentralized crypto in transaction sizes over $600 will become incompatible w\the looming dystopian CBDC totalitarianism. Only buy&hold or the more intrepid willing to risk being doxxed in black market will disobey. Why do you think I moved to Mexico! “They will declare computers generating cryptos “banks” and require you to report event transactions eventually $600 or more, and if not, apply the same regulations and threaten you with 20 years in prison for money laundering.”

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اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 1969

I keep hearing people regurgitating Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. YT channel) trope about the market has built a lot of structure by slowly grinding up, unlike in 2019 in which the price moved too quickly to 13.9k. And they take this as some gospel or evidence that the price will not crash back down to a lower low. This a syllogistic logical fallacy or a form of apophenia that attempts to assign causation to features which may be present among other outcomes. A more sophisticated person entertains all of the facts of the situation and doesn’t try to form causal conclusions based on myopic cherry picking of preferred datums. They should read the How to Piss Me Off Guide. Why doesn’t anyone else notice the following? 1. For every bear market bottom, the second crash below the 200 WMA is always deeper than the prior one within the same cycle. Thus clearly another deeper move below the 200 WMA is looming before the bottom. 2. Note my textual annotations on the following chart. Note ending diagonals in 2018 and currently are followed by massive, intense moves in the other direction. Also note that the 5 waves for the prior bull market were a terminating wave because of wave 2 retraced more than 67% of wave 1. A TERMINATING WAVE MEANS THE BITCOIN BULL MARKET SINCE ITS INCEPTION IS FINISHED. Thus Bitcoin will not make a new ATH ever again until the entire bull run from its inception has been reset. Per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio theory which predicts every bull market top for Bitcoin, the next top can only be ~413% above the bottom. If Bitcoin bottoms at 13.6k in 2024 as I expect, then it will top at ~70k and will not make a new ATH.Comment: Another fact I omitted is that for the first time the subsequent bull market bottomed below the top of the prior bull market. This means the bull market cycles are now overlapping which is another form of ending diagonal. Amazing me that people think logistic growth S curves just slow down and levitate after they peak, as if a Boeing 747 could stall in mid-air without any thrust. Exponential on the way up and exponential on the way down.Comment: I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024.Comment: Readers have an incorrect model of reality. Bitcoin the new asset is here to enslave you, not to help you. And it will not be lifted to $ 1million until first destroying the impostor Bitcoin taking the Bitcoin price to ~$0, which you currently incorrectly think is Bitcoin and here to save you. The reality is the Bitcoin ETF is all about enslaving you. Educate yourself. Dig into the links, especially the first one which is my blog.Comment: If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5.3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 (+413%) expected by said 5.3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO.Comment: The 80% down has not completed yet for the current bear market. We are not in the bull market yet. Jason Pizzino is a sleepwalking cheerleader (with pompoms) leading you to complacency. This entire altcoin pump is fake! User and investor adoption has continued to plummet. The altcoin bear market is not over folks! youtu.be/oRR11bYspPE (The Altcoin Rally Is Fake | My Biggest Altcoin Warning Yet... | DataDash) Of course the insiders who are holding bags from the FTX blowup are pumping the markets to dump on retail before the bear market continues with the expiration of the BTFP on March 11 and the banking collapse that will allow the Fed to pivot. Wash, rinse, repeat. Retail never learns. ==== Here is the follow-up from George Gammon where he has the possibility of the expiration of the BTFP on March 11, could lead to a banking contagion and be the catalyst for the crash I am expecting. youtu.be/92i2M_1p7v4 (Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March – George Gammon) ==== Storm clouds accumulating into a looming hurricane in the global economy: youtu.be/8gFhm7_VQ2k (Oil Is Sending A Warning Message To The Stock Market | Mott Capital Mgmt) ==== Why is Solana rallying like crazy? Ron Walker has a plausible explanation. He argues that FTX et al, needed to pump their bags so they could liquidate them on the retail investor fools. Also he points out that Bitcoin is rising on declining volume. The dumb retail investors always believe the hopium. And we have sleepwalking cheerleader Jason Pizzino assuring them that crypto can never crash anew. youtu.be/BVLXhQwQlpc?t=633 (The Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Has Begun - BTC To Test of 32K Soon - BULL TRAP) Ron argues the Wycoff distribution is still in play even if pullback followed by a higher high. He thinks the moves in Bitcoin are exaggerated, thus allowing for slightly more extreme than textbook Wycoff. youtu.be/Larttvdrbh4?t=88 (Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Coming - BTC BULL TRAP Being Set) ==== Let’s contemplate other Elliot Wave counts which might invalidate the thesis of the ending diagonal. The following is invalid because wave 1 is the largest wave which can not be the case. The following is proposed in the following video and I corrected him. Alternatively he considers the bearish case which is the same as what I expect. youtu.be/7uaRYmvlYqA (BITCOIN ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS) Your B is higher than your 1. That not allowed. Thus it can only be the bearish case W-X-Y currently in the A-B-C bull trap wave X. Any attempt at labeling a 5 wave count currently is an ending diagonal, which is bearish. Also prior bull cycle wave 2 corrected more than 67% of wave 1, which makes it a terminal wave. That means this bear market will be much worse than prior ones. And no new ATH will be reached in this next bull market. You like everyone else thinks the C19 contagion will not repeat in 2024, but in fact the macroeconomic and orangeutan hair threat (i.e. political) conditions are nearly the same. And do not forget the BTFP (aka buy the f-ing pivot) banking collapse prevention expires March 11.Comment: Took short-term profits from bullish position entered earlier today (c.f. updates). Might reenter on pullback. ==== My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. ==== Jason Pizzino highlighted my comment and specifically said he does not think Bitcoin can go to my prediction of 14k. He implied I am loony. youtu.be/Kw3APTaYrlY?t=529 ← click for his screen capture of my comment on his prior video Jason didn’t address any of the detailed points I made in comments on his recent videos. He is ostensibly oblivious to for example the Shark harmonic pattern pointing to an Ethereum crash in price after this pump to the 3200 Bat harmonic target. I purchased ETH December calls this past summer expecting the Bat rally, which have seen 10 times gain already! Jason is ostensibly oblivious to the Terminal Wave and Ending Diagonals on the Elliot Wave structure of Bitcoin. In 2022, I employed harmonic pattern theory to PUBLICLY (on TradingView) predict NatGas would crash to $2, that the S&P would rally to 4650 (the 0.886 target), pullback (as it did this summer) and then rally anew to ~4950 (the 1.13 target) which is underway. From the comments: @ivanguzman102, I did predict the future numerous times. ==== To reiterate that Bitcoin will enslave the 99%. Per the explanation I aforelinked in my blog, the SegWit, Lightning Networks, scaling crap will be destroyed and that impostor Bitcoin will go to ~0. The 1 MiB block limited legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes after the WWIII underway as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix. Bitcoin transaction fees will be affordable only to large transaction values, thus used only by the wealth. Bitcoin is not long, for us. We were deceived into supporting our future enslavement. ==== www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIpPwfML... (Comments on "How Mexico Will Save The West") > “@SMoore-vj7bt I'm not Mexican nor am I diminishing regular Americans. It's just obvious that America doesn't have a long term plan for dealing with most of the world becoming industrialized. American politicians are senile and out of touch.” @jay1jayf the holistic picture is actually enslavement of the entire world. The political elite of the US Empire are just pawns of the real power behind the curtain. Industrialization does not mean freedom. It means trading freedom for trinkets. Just as the indigenous were lured into trading their land for mirror or bottle of liquor. The deck of cards is being shuffled but the House remains in control of the odds of winning. Mexico is a new frontier to some extent, because of low regulations. But the tax man cometh. Within a few decades or less the enslavement in the West will be universal all over the world. That is what the rise of multipolarism (and the deflationary, dystopian Bitcoin to displace the USD) is really about. When you ponder who created Bitcoin just ask yourself who benefits from enslaving the world in a unit of account that is a fixed supply and can be monopolized by the 1%. ==== From the comments. @cornvutthole, what part of the first link I put in the prior comment are you ostensibly not capable of clicking, reading and comprehending? Perhaps if you are technologically illiterate and/or average IQ, then what is written there (by myself, i.e. I am the author of the linked blog) may make no sense to you? It is inarguable that the impostor Bitcoin (which you all ERRONEOUSLY think is the official Bitcoin) is going to ~$0, when the 13+ million Bitcoin ANYONECANSPEND booty is donated to the miners (no need to even hack the private keys) by the fact that you willfully and ignorantly stored your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1, instead of Satoshi’s legacy addresses that begin with 1. And BSV and BCH have nothing to do with this. I am not referring to any of scammer Craig “Faketoshi” Wright’s nonsense/shenanigans. The 2017 soft fork broke the Nash Equilibrium by creating a huge booty. The only way to fix the equilibrium is for the miners to take it and force the hard fork. After which the impostor will go to $0, because of the economic asymmetry of the airdrop, i.e. everyone hodling legacy Bitcoin will receive both airdrops, whereas the those not will donate their legacy airdrop to the miners AND HAVE A HUGE TAXABLE CAPITAL GAIN THEY CAN NOT PAY thus wrecking their lives and burning their fingertips up to their armpits for touching impostor Bitcorn. This restoration event (aka “attack”) must occur before Bitcoin can rise as the new world reserve currency, i.e. the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix.Comment: It was a hidden secret code pattern that I discovered (and published in my idea update) on September 3 that enabled me to pinpoint a plausible bottom price ~14k for Bitcoin. I wrote: Based on these patterns, I think BTC will flash crash only to ~14k in 2024. Will only be down there for a very short period and quickly back above 21k again. Thus per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 rule, looks like the H2 2025 top will only ~71k. ==== Expounding on my two comment posts in the comments section (on this published idea) reflecting on my historical Tradingview record being incorrectly understood, I will write my thought progression as best as I can recall off the top of my head without going back into all my history meticulously to bolster my recollection. I had not discovered Ron Walker’s YT channel (currently aka The Doctor of Dump & Pump, formerly The Crypto Trader) near the Sep/Oct 2021 top in the market. Thus I was all alone in my belief that Bitcoin had topped. I was up against intense FOMO for the $100+k thesis even in my own discussion circle. Couple this being back and forth between Mexico and the USA, not ultimately settling into an apartment in Arizona until Jan 2022, I was very distracted and disorganized at the 2021 top. After the drop below $20k, I noticed some short-term bullish divergence on the CME that was not on spot (or maybe it was vice versa) and I noticed Gareth Soloway had started to nibble and soften is expectation of 13k, allowing for the possibility of an interim bounce to maybe 32k. Ron Walker continued to call for 9 to 12k. Right before the drop to 15.4k, I started to entertain the notion of a Wycoff accumulation and this was before I discovered Jason Pizzino who was spouting the same hypothesis. When the price hit 16k and bounced, I called the bottom. Then surprisingly it dropped again to 15.4k and I knew this was the final spring on the Wycoff accumulation, I actually talked someone out of despair in my private Telegram group. He has since held his position all the way up. Ron Walker finally allowed for a bounce from the 15.4k level but did not see the Wycoff accumulation. And thus he as expecting only a bull trap dead cat bounce to ~20k to be rejected and decline to his 9 to 12k targets. All the way up, he kept having correct short-term buy and sell calls, but he was always bearish overall. Every bull move higher was counter to his stated expectations until the price broke above 32k, he started to allow for 40k. I had found OPTICALARTdotCOM when the Bitcoin price was still around or above the $30+k level and he like Gareth were calling for 13k. Note he was similar to Ron Walker always expecting the next leg down that I am expecting now, and expecting that all way from the 15.4k level at every attempt to thrust over 32k. But to his credit, he did have a Fib circle ring that enabled him to go long at exactly 15.4k as it crossed his circle which was a bullish pump signal for him. But he never expected the price to rally as much as it did. Whereas, around Oct/Nov 2022, I found harmonic patterns (Shark and Bat) which enabled me to publicly predict (in updates on my Year from Hell idea) 4650, correction, then 4950 for S&P (and commensurately also for the Nasdaq) as well as a crash to $2 for NatGas I predicted earlier in 2022, and the 2100 followed by 2600 to 3200 level for Ethereum. So this is why I was buying Dec 29 2100 strike ETH calls in Sep/Oct 2023 for ~$10 and selling them recently for ~$100. I had been following Game of Trades on YT who had pointed that historically the stock market rallies to an ATH after the Fed pauses, then crashes when it pivots (reduces Fed Fund rates). He was expecting that pause in June 2022, so eventually he got weary waiting for it and turned very bearish. I protested and many of his followers thought I was loony to call for 4650 at the Oct/Nov 2022 lows. As I tied in all the developing factors into my analysis of the situation, I realized that Ron Walker and OPTICALARTdotCOM bearish thesis for another leg down, is probably correct. And so now I join them, but only after they were mostly wrong since the 15.4k bottom, although they were both correct from the $66k top to the $20k level at least.Comment: From the comments: @SwallowPremium, your linked chart (linked chart{1}) does not appear for me in the comments. I only found the link in my notifications. My reasons are more elaborate yet more or less an equivalent outlook. Note I am open to the possibility that the pre-halving correction will be only just below ~20k and not a lower low. The lower low makes sense to me though for reasons so expressed on this page. I will post this in my idea updates where your chart will thusly display properly. {1} I tried to link it and it causes the "linked chart" text to be redacted from my comment! What kind of bug does Tradingview have in their software? ]linked chartComment: Ah another corroborating datum that my expectation is plausible. youtu.be/nAvgnCtFevI (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT 250K BITCOIN – THIS WILL HAPPEN INSTEAD (BE READY) | Crypto Crew U.) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve (Courtney) you just validated what I have been posting on my Trading view the past couple of days that the bottom will be ~14k (just before the halving again), because when you apply the 70k top predicted by this new variant of 5.3 to your prior 5.3 variant, it indicates the actual low will be just below 14k. Also contemplate the doomsday implications of the looming triple top. I informed you in email last year this will likely be the destruction of the impostor 2017 softfork Bitcoin crashing it to near 0 in 2026 before the legacy protocol recovers. ==== From the comments: > “I think it's too early to say what will happen in 2025 while we're still in 2023. Anything can happen by that time but most likely scenario that there will be new ATH on BTC” @fastprofittrader, do you still have that same opinion if you assimilate all my corroborating details from the numerous updates on my idea and all my replies in the comments section? I think I have presented a very strong case as to why there can not be a higher high in 2025. We can pinpoint that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 based on the timing of Bitcoin’s repeating (i.e. periodic) 4 cycle. Couple that with Steve Courtney’s discovery of a 5.3 ratio rule which dictates the top of each subsequent bull market based on a ratio of the prior top and bottom. Thus per his calculation, the current bull market CAN NOT exceed +413% of the bottom. If 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k would be the top in H2 2025. But based on my other numerous analyses, 15.4k may not be the final bottom, which instead may be ~14k (perhaps 13.6k to be more exact), which thus pegs the looming top to be only ~70k, thus a doomsday triple top, which might be the signal that the impostor Bitcoin may decline to ~$0 in during the horrific bear market coming from 2026 to 2028, wherein the dollar will become incredibly strong because of WWIII with China, Iran, Russia.Comment: Ah another indicator of the posited looming further leg down and thus that crypto is still in a bear market after this bull trap rally. youtu.be/1PLv4gUm0cM?t=371 (Bitcoin & Altcoin Price Analysis | The Critical Levels You Need To Watch | DataDash) ==== Liquidity crisis on tap for March/April. How can people not see that a liquidity crisis is already preprogrammed into the system for that future date? youtu.be/GgK4566_xRI (Reverse Repo is Crashing | Heresy Financial) Coincidentally I had been detecting indications in the crypto charts of looming crash in the markets H1 2024. Also the Fed’s BTFP expires March 11. It’s as if those in control are planning on creating a crisis. ==== From the comments: > “In which case it turns into a leading diagonal blah blah.” @ParabolicPanic, not which turns into. I am actually incorrect to posit that it could be an ending diagonal, because per Elliot Wave theory ending diagonals can only occur in the ending C or 5th wave, which is obviously not that case currently. The current wave structure is either the 1st motive wave (thus a leading diagonal) or the second (aka X) corrective wave. I did posit that the current wave structure coming off the 15.4k bottom is either an A-B-C corrective structure or I mentioned it could be an ending diagonal. I should have stated or it could be a leading diagonal. But on further study as I just stated, it can not be an ending diagonal. Thus either this is a bullish leading diagonal for wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves to come, or as I believe it is a corrective A-B-C of an overall larger W-X-Y correction from the 2021 top. However for it to be a leading diagonal, then small wave 5 underway (not the posited future, larger wave 5) must not be larger than wave 3. Given that small wave 5 already appears to be larger than its small wave 3 and if the Three Hills (, valley) and a Mountain pattern which appears to be underway is fulfilled heading into Dec/Jan, then wave 5 will extend and be much larger than the posited wave 3. Thus a corrective (i.e. not motive) A-B-C would be the only correct Elliot Wave interpretation. Your “blah, blah” can be lazy self-deception. Corroborating factors and evidence should be studied to support or invalidate a hypothesis. Your leading diagonal hypothesis in invalidated by other facts, or at least the presumption that wave 2 could not be very deep perhaps to 18k which is a possibility I am also allowing for (although the updated as of yesterday 5.3 ratio theory seems to be invalidating that possibility yet we will see). Ostensibly you have not even read all the analysis. Apparently you decided that the page was not worth your time about a paragraph or two into it. This is a problem and why humans are so easily deceived. Most people are lazy and apathetic, and thusly apply heuristics so they can minimize the effort they expend. Often heuristics fail. ==== youtu.be/0Fg30bxX9BA (Buying Bitcoin Now Will Not Make Your Descendants Rich | Heresy Financial) Unfortunately pessimistically, this video’s optimism is wrong on two levels. First, Bitcoin will never be the currency (as in for payments), because the 2017 scaling softfork broke the Nash equilibrium and will be destroyed. Bitcoin will only be the global reserve currency used by the very wealthy because of the very high transaction fees given the immutable 1 MiB block size limitation in the legacy protocol. Any attempt to change the protocol will fail due to the economic asymmetry of airdrops (even softforks that become hard fcks when the Nash equilibrium is restored). Bitcoin is moving us to a two-tier monetary system, where the plebs will be forced onto to dystopian, cashless 666 central bank digital currencies and the central banks will hold Bitcoin on their balance shits. Secondly, the economic mobility of meritocracy does not obviate the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources. Unfortunately Bitcoin replacing the dollar will result in dystopia because unlike gold, the dominant empire will not be able to debase the unit-of-account that the entire world relies on. Thus massive deflation and widespread pestilence because most people are incapable of self-reliance, self-discipline, long time preference, etc.. This means that the 1% will become the 0.1%, then the 0.01% and ultimately all the wealth of the world concentrated on the proverbial, metaphorical Biblical Seven Hills. Armageddon follows in Biblical prophesy. The reason for the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is not just regulatory capture. It runs the gamut of ways that economies-of-scale and selection-of-the-fittest-most-ruthless can capture power vacuums because we do not exist in your naive, idealistic implicit assumption of a milieu of perfect disorder.Comment: youtu.be/qdeS2wRI60Q?t=126 (Bitcoin, SP500, Real Estate | Jason Pizzino) @JasonPizzinoOfficial Jason I don’t deny the existence of a real estate cycle but it is not a universal hammer and not every market is its nail. The real estate market (which some characterize as 18 years peak-to-peak or trough-to-trough) is not perfectly repeatable. There’s significant variance from 14 to 21 years, with and without a significant mid-cycle. Moreover the stock markets do not appear to be solely or even primarily governed by the real estate cycle. For example, the 2000-2001 mid-cycle was rather mild for real-estate, but egregious crash for the stonks with the 2007 S&P top a double-top of the Dotcom peak. Significant pullback in late 1971 one year before the top in late 1972 which may apply if we are expecting a cycle top in 2025. Moreover from 1969 to 1980 was basically flat due to a monetary disinhibition (end of gold standard) and concomitant stagflation which we have now amplified to the nth degree. You should not continue to just apply the variable real estate periodicity blindly to the other markets. Martin Armstrong has instead for example, fed the entire detailed history of human civilization into his AI data mining Socrates which discovered periodicity and correlations which your overly simplistic model can not. Socrates says something dire/significant will occur in H1 2024 probably around the Ides of March again. Specifically the liquidity that has been feeding the markets has been the draining of the reverse repos into Treasuries with the government spending the funds into the economy. This dries up as of March, as well the Fed’s BTFP (bank rescue) expires March 11. The largest bank failures ever (greater than the GFC) occurred in 2023. The Fed prevented these from being marked-to-market with the BTFP. There was no need to allow for a crisis and inject massive new liquidity in 2023, as inflation was still running high. But now the same global stress that appeared in 2019 has returned with the rest of the world slipping into severe recessionary spiral. So now the elite need another liquidity crisis so they can turn on the money printers again. They will need some event to disrupt the conservatives in the House that are now blocking the ever increasing government spending needed to sustain this house of cards into 2025. For sure the massive bubble into 2025 is coming but they need first to overcome some obstacles that have returned from 2019, such as the orangeutan hair populism. Nothing a good crisis like C19 can not fix again. You need to become a bit more sophisticated. ==== From the comments: > “😂😂😂👌 That's a good joke. Now that institutions and banks are interested in buying and want to offer BTC, no new ath... 🤡🤡🤡 Good luck, man!” @Andbcoin, institutions will not rush in to buy right after a 150% pump, caused by retail FOMO being dumped on by the insiders who realize that retail are suckers for a narrative. After the ETFs are approved, institutions that want to start hedging the ultimate demise of the US dollar, will accumulate on cycle lows, because they understand very well that the dollar will skyrocket from 2026 in its last hooray before the Thucydides trap finally dethrones it as the world reserve currency and liquid Eurodollar market. In short, institutions are much more sophisticated because they have the economies-of-scale to hire people to study reality. Retail are dumb a.f., because individuals employ daft heuristics and are easily swayed by propaganda narratives. Thusly the looming top and bubble heading into 2025, must be driven the same way the 2021 top and bubble was, by flooding idiots with stimulus checks and liquidity. In order to do that, you first need a crisis, as the excuse and pretext to drop money from helicopters. The metaphoric 747 is running out of idiot fuel. Stall incoming. I do not know if you noticed, but interest rates are very high and people are loaded to the gills with credit card debt that they are paying 24% interest on. Institutions are not going to bail out you idiots. They will wait for you all to default and sell the looming bottom.Comment: INTERACTION IN THE COMMENTS IS WORTHWHILE UP TO THE LIMIT OF DIMINISHING RETURNS WHERE MOST OF THE NUANCE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. From the comments: @btcusdhappyPaella56213, perhaps what you meant to write is that a 747 can stall even with thrust? Which is correct, for example climbing at too steep of an angle with insufficient airspeed. But I do not see how that obviates or has anything to do with my analogy? If anything that would bolster my stance that this recent acceleration is too steep to be sustainable. Too high, too fast, too early in the 4 year cycle, especially given a high interest rate, stagflationary macroeconomic environment where the retail hopium (thruster) fuel is limited because for example they are up their ears in 24% APR credit card debt. Volume has been declining during this entire bull trap bounce with a slight rise for this blow off top acceleration. Rising on declining volume is not a bullish sign. ==== From the comments: > “while you could be true , EW is completely speculative , you're right, Crypto can be zero , but only after Quantum computers kick in might be that case. Elliott Wave wasted so much of time and money for many. It's beautiful to count waves, it's inherently bearish in nature” @kkandru, the crux of my speculation here is not depending on EW theory. Given the update yesterday from Steve Courtney that shows I was correct that the top in 2025 will be at most 70k, then on a risk weighted basis, it is much wiser to sell ~40 - 45k this early in the 4 year cycle before the halving. Or at least hedge my hodl stack with some long-dated puts as I am doing. IF WE KNOW NOW THAT THE MAX IN 2025 WILL BE $70K IS IT NOT WISE TO SELL AT $40+K GIVEN THAT 2025 IS SO FAR AWAY? Some commentators seem to placate their confirmation basis and comfort themselves by assuming I failed to buy the 15.4k low (which is an incorrect assumption which my public record disproves). While what it more likely represents is how late they are. Maybe they failed to sell the last top or bought at higher prices on the way down being fooled by Michael Saylor or Elon Musk. I was around in 2012 when Bitcoin was 10 dollars. Everyone is buying too late now. Bitcoin is approaching its apogee in terms of how much fuel can be squeezed out of plebs, because the pleb civilization is bankrupt. So whilst many are hoping for a new ATH because they were so late to get into Bitcoin, the smart money is cashing out of the pleb impostor fork of Bitcoin and preparing for the 2026 totalitarianism transition to a new world order, where the legacy protocol Bitcoin rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix from the ashes of Western civilization to enslave humanity in stark fiscal discipline of a fixed money supply (not even the gold standard was that harsh) and UNDEFEATED THROUGHOUT ALL HISTORY OF MANKIND vortex of power-law distribution of wealth concentrating all the wealth among the 0.1%. So while these boastful idiots think they are on top, they are really on the bottom of the boot and about to have their faces ground into the mud by reality. As it should be. Their hopium is they are not too late and that institutions will bail them out. As if dumb a.f., late a.f. retail could actually dump their bags on institutions. Lol. Never. It is always the other way around that we the smart money are dumping on the retail hopium addicts. @kkandru, dismissing EW as speculative is a crude interpretation of what is meant by those sophisticated who admit it. EW is only speculative to the extent that the future possibilities could invalidate a posited wave count and structure. Triangulation of multiple datums convert independent into fully constrained, dependent variables. So while I became aware today that the ending diagonal hypothesis is invalid, the two possible competing theses still lean more to my A-B-C corrective wave (as a Three Hills and a Mountain) inside of an overall W-X-Y corrective bear market that will not be completed until around the April halving. Especially factoring in (triangulating) all the corroborating data such as the new epiphany about Steve’s 5.3 ratio theory posted in the updates yesterday. This published idea is not mainly supported by EW. The 5.3 ratio theory is perhaps one of the strongest datums underlying this published idea. Also if the current is a leading diagonal terminating only in wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves into 2025, that egregious +150% wave 1 would indicate that extremely high prices such as $200+k would be reached in 2025 and that simply is not credible. You clearly do not understand the technology and what is going on there with the game theory of Bitcoin. The impostor Bitcoin (i.e. the 2017 softfork that enabled scaling) is going to $0 and that is inarguable. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV, not BCH) is rising to become the world’s reserve currency to enslave all of you in 666 national digital currencies in what is historically known as a two-tiered monetary system. You will not be able to afford the Bitcoin transaction fees after 2032, only milionaires and billionaires (and central banks) will be using Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not for us. We were fooled. Satoshi designed Bitcoin to deal with quantum computing as was pointed out only by myself. I am the only person to ever correctly explain why Satoshi employed double-hashing. You are outside your depth of competency here on Bitcoin. The price speculation is of course speculative but the technology issues are clearly outside what you understand well. You are just regurgitating some quantum computing trope you read.Comment: From the comments: @bwfisher83, to understand what is driving WWIII we must first understand who created the war in Ukraine and why they need this war. We need to understand that there was a coup d'etat in the USA in 2020 and why they needed this and why they needed the C19 hoax. We need to dig into a lot of detail to understand what I understand that the average person is uninformed about. I did a detailed, deep drive on 9-11 a few years ago. I know with great confidence that was done by the same uniparty Neocons who are launching these wars. In 2001 they only needed the first salvo of the Patriot Act and what not. The pressure on them is intense now and they are becoming extremely desperate to hold onto to their power. So they are becoming evermore aggressive and their risk taking is becoming evermore outlandish (until it all blows up in their face eventually later this decade). Btw, I will soon publish (on Substack) a blog refuting virology once and for all, and I challenge any expert to refute it. You could start with my Quora answer about George Soros. Note that is necessarily incomplete (or steps outside the relevant topic of the question depending on your perspective) and too much crammed into the small limit of space allowed for a Quora answer. I interact with YT personalities to test my hypotheses. To make sure I haven’t overlooked some factor. I find that framing my understanding in the context of what other well known influencers are presenting may help to form understanding for those who consume my posts. It helps I think to have some context for others to compare to. Pretty much I do not shut myself out from any place I might find some new information. I have an inquisitive, curious temperament. Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio discovery is profound and I think should be considered valuable orthogonal to any BS he may be selling. Focusing is an important skill as well. But as in all things in life there is a yin and yang to it.Comment: Armstrong’s private blog containing the Socrates AI Forecast array on BlackRock points to BlackRock failing in a massive Panic Cycle by 2026 due to a liquidity crisis as its customers try to withdraw funds from a fund that is too large and illiquid. The liquidity crunch will ensue in 2025. Also liquidity issues will amplify volatility in 2024 as well. This is perfectly correlating to my expectation on my latest Tradingview idea, which calls for a bout of volatility to the downside before or around the Bitcoin halving, and then 2026 being the end of the impostor Bitcoin after a doomsday triple top ~70k in 2025. Note this is why they will need the capital controls in place for the 2026 tax reporting season (for taxable year 2025) and the CBDCs. This why they are going to trap all the capital in the Hotel California-esque ETFs. “You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.” NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO. www.armstrongeconomi...ecm-middle-east-war/Comment: Anyone who doubts my prediction for ETH to rally (originally 2600 to 3200, but possibly only 2300 to 2400) before crashing to 600 should watch this. Why 600? Because the bearish harmonic points there and this bounce off the bottom is wave X of a W-X-Y bear market. The bull market has not started yet. Prepare to be shocked Steve. youtu.be/xjfWN4WbSp8?t=227 ← click for chart (WARNING: IS ETH ABOUT TO CRASH!? HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve notice the distance from 9 to 10, should equal from 11 to 12. Thus ETH may go higher before crashing. My thesis since Oct 2022 is playing out as I predicted, except lower expectations for this rally based on your video. Also notice previously from 11 to green to 12 was split into two major moves the second slightly more than first, which concurs with ~2300 to 2350. This 4 year cycle is MUCH weaker than any prior. Will end with a triple top 70k and 2026 Bitcoin will go to 0 as I warned you in 2022.Comment: Prices I expect for a possible top. BTC 40 - 41k ETH 2300 ENJ 0.38 ETC 23 - 24 SOL ~69 (already topped) GALA 0.0285 - 0.0345 (probably 0.03 - 0.033) APE 1.75 - 2.15 (but most likely 1.75 - 1.80) Oh crap, ETCUSD has very similar pattern as BTCUSD did in 2018, before the final drop from 6k to 3k. Below $7 incoming after this final bull trap bounce. Many crypto FOMOium fools are about to get REKTD.Comment: From the comments: > The $38,000-41,000 zone is Death Valley for BTC. > > BTC has not found enough organic buyers since the opening price (0:00 UTC: $37,300). After aggressive action by the binance operator, there were no organic purchases above $38,000 despite three attempts for an hour. > A single trader on Binance pushes the BTC price above $38,000. > > Fully rigged BTC price market at this point. The price action for the last hours is again controlled by a single participant from Binance. There has been a lot of speculation on this subject for several hours now. Taking a long position on the binance while squeezing short positions on the bybit perps. > > Let no one even try to suggest that I am unaware that such manipulations are normal in the markets. > > Not in such proportions and with such determination and not in context with what happened with binance this week. The situation is obvious. I am still adding to a short position. Stop order is reset. If this operator manages to get the BTC price over $39,000, I will sell even more. I am sure that market participants like me will regulate this sick situation. > > I have nothing against BTC, I am a long-term BULL myself. Always willing to buy after large declines and when the right momentum appears. @goodblackcat, historically massive option market positions can and I quote, “send Bitcoin up 300% and down 75% in a single day.” Overall the crypto charts look horrible, with bearish RSI divergences on all timeframes (as does the S&P stonks which fell out of a bearish rising wedge but could make on more drive to a high to test the bottom of the wedge it fell out of), except nearly all crypto USD(T) pairs have bullish RSI diverge on the 3d chart. Also several of the altcoins have a bull flag such as ETCUSD. Thus the reason for the topping prices I posted last night to the idea update. So far only BTC and ETH have moved strongly enough towards a new drive to a high, but I am thinking the rest of the altcoins will follow today or so? Also looks to me ETH is going to break out towards 2300? Indeed the smart money is grabbing the liquidity of the short-term leveraged shorts first, before they will take this down hard for next few months. I can not rule out a significant pullback and then one final drive to a high perhaps in January? But for sure by March crypto will have crashed. The crypto markets are dead. This ETF hopium will not lift crypto out of the doldrums of stagflation and the pre-halving crypto winter. Too many newbies and naive forgot that the crypto bull market in the 4 year cycle does not start until after the halving.Comment: youtu.be/abxE0-Dqlvg (The December Breakout Is Real For Ethereum) Krown you about to get REKTD with your bull market nonsense. That is a bearish rising wedge, not an ascending triangle. youtu.be/-MMmGKtsrCk (The #1 Altcoin Chart No One Is Watching | The 'EXBS Index' | DataDash) That is a bearish rising wedge (not a bullish ascending triangle as you and many others incorrectly annotate it) on the weekly chart, which is also a 5 wave leading diagonal. Thus it must be wave 1 of a 5 wave bullish structure (can not be an ending diagonal). Thus wave 2 incoming could nearly retest the lows (not a lower-low!) before the halving thus before the bull market ensues in earnest. I charted this on my public trading view. 16:00 You slaughtered the inane narrative that the Bitcoin ETFs can drive new ATH. ==== youtu.be/17oGYIQlBbU (Why This Bitcoin Move Will Shock Everyone in 2024 | Robert Prechter) If Elliot Wave specialist Prechter is correct, then his 3 (as you illustrated it) could the end of the first wave down of a expanded flat 3 wave correction. I would have Bitcoin coming back up to a triple top ~70k by H2 2025 for the 2nd wave of the correction, then down into the abyss ~0 for the final third wave by May 2026. From there the Bitcoin market would reset. Which entirely fits with my thesis that the impostor Bitcoin (the 2017 softfork which broke the Nash equilibrium creating 13+ million tokens which are ANYONE CAN SPEND) will be destroyed. All the details are on my public trading view. As Prechter points out that the final "c" wave of an expanded flat are waterfall collapses, very fast and devastating. Well I know exactly what could cause such a dramatic face ripping selloff. The legacy protocol miners will take the 13+ million tokens as donations, no need to even have the private keys because they are ANYONE CAN SPEND. What I find even more interesting is that the legacy protocol Bitcoin (the one Satoshi created, not the current impostor) continues to coexist with the softfork (they will hard fork off from each other when the tokens are taken as donations) can rise as the 1988 Economist Magazine's cover story Phoenix from the ashes of the looming WWIII, as the new world reserve currency in the multipolar new world order that will replace the death of the dollar in said Thucydides trap underway (after a massive crash upwards of the dollar in the final EuroDollar driven liquidity crisis). The legacy as a global reserve currency used only by the wealthy and central banks, will not need transaction scaling that Prechter laments. IOW, Satoshi was not designing a payment system, but rather the new global order. And by the way, the design of Bitcoin was anonymously publicly leaked in 1998 on the 10 year anniversary of its 1988 announcement, then launched 10 years later, then public stampede 10 years later. Thus 2028 it rises. I would be grateful if you would forward my comments to Prechter and his son Elliot.Comment: Possibly one more, final drive to a high imminent.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/8q7NQyhhEc4?t=353 (WARNING: SUPPER GUPPY JUST FLIPPED GREEN! | Crypto Crew U.) Covering all the possibilities. Wise. Do not commit to bullish here. I am happy you corrected the public that has been claiming you were pushing a trope that says Bitcoin held its market structure. Now you have pointed out that has not necessarily been the case. I will cite this video on my public trading view.Comment: Someone commented on a published idea of mine from 2022, which caused me to realize it is still on point and applicable to this recent idea.Comment: youtu.be/AvQp5e3tapE (It's The Dumb Money Buying Bitcoin - Not The Whales - BTC Wyckoff Distribution Update | Ron Walker)Comment: Gammon's reason why the Fed will not renew the BTFP and my comment: youtu.be/ilfzGplcT-U?t=731 (WARNING: This Is When The Banking System Will Fail (Date Revealed) | George Gammon) Rather I think the Fed will not renew because they will want to stress test the system so they are not moving forward blind. They will posit that maybe the original crisis was due to the rate of interest rate rise and with much intervening time in which banks have been able to hedge and adjust to the higher interest rate environment. But I think the deeper reason is more conspiratorial that they need a banking crisis so they can test how their FedNow will be employed to cause bank runs when they are reading to entirely centralize the banking system circa 2026.Comment: From the comments: @GDuBFX, I can not see any of your charts here in the comments on this page. I do not know if other readers also can not see your links. I will post my reply to the updates on my idea, so that everyone can see your chart (I dug the link out of my notifications which is the only place I can access it, not here on this page for some unknown reason). You have mislabeled your chart because you failed to note that the trading range was between 17590 and 25215. Thus when the price exploded to 32k, that was already phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation. This started a Wycoff distribution which is now in the UTAD final test (aka spring) to be followed by a plummeting price in a new phase D.Comment: Follow-up response from the comments: > images.prismic.io/3c...c-fe2d7f2fe7d8_2.png > miro.medium.com/v2/r...aDkgynKOUBU-2J6g.png @GDuBFX, cripes man, the SC is 17590 and the top of the bounce from AR is 25215 which thus defines the trading range (aka TR). Thus after the price rallied from the LPS as it crossed above 25215, it left the trading range (TR) and was in Phase E already. Thus the 31 - 32k level was already starting the Wycoff distribution as Phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation had immediately transitioned into a Wycoff distribution. Please do not make me repeat myself again. Open your f-ing eyes. The UTAD on your chart is in the incorrect location. It should be at the current price level ~39k which is the final Spring test of the Wycoff distribution. We will have a crash soon. Price might tag 39 - 40k first. Also it is probably incorrect to interpret the price action from the 15.4k bottom as a Wycoff accumulation. Appears to be a rare Three Hills and a Mountain pattern, as I documented in the idea itself. And wtf is your problem, that you did not even click the correct Reply. You replied to yourself instead of replying to my reply. Again I can not see any links or charts you included in your reply. Some issue or bug with Trading view, at least for me. But the idea that Phase E must continue higher and higher is not necessarily the case. Can transition directly into a Wycoff distribution instead of progressively higher prices during Phase E. Especially when we consider that the overall pattern may be a Three Hills and a Mountain. ==== My comment: youtu.be/RlhWhQSWils (How the Next Round of Bailouts will be Reserved for the Elites) Tl;dr money injected into the economy must be sanitized such that it can not be spent on things that drive up inflation. Can you say cashless economy with CBDC and dystopian capital controls? Can you say New Green Deal as a BS pretext to limit what people are allowed to spend their money on? I know you can. Note allowing people to spend on stonks and crypto ETFs will not be inflationary if that all gets locked up by a CBDC so that in Hotel California-esque fashion, you can check in anytime you like but you can never checkout.Comment: Typo: s/when they are reading/when they are ready/ ==== Covid-23 has been announced? Here we go again, 2020 repeating because it is an election year and they need to stop Trump again? ==== From the comments: @zvonyo, that BlackRock disclaimer from their ETF application is screen captured on my blog where I discuss the ANYONECANSPEND attack (and to the Tradingview mods, I am not selling anything offsite nor do I have any sponsors so this is not advertising). It is not necessarily that BlackRock will fork Bitcoin, as BlackRock will be forced to choose which fork they are hodling and which one they will sell if they hodl in legacy addresses (thus not ANYONECANSPEND) and thus receive the free airdrop of non-legacy. It will be the miners taking the 13+ million ANYONECANSPEND Bitcoins as generous donations, that will force the non-legacy (i.e. 2017 softfork impostor Bitcion) protocol to hard fork (fck) off from (the bona fide Bitcoin) Satoshi’s immutable legacy protocol, because that will be a violation of the new protocol. To protect yourself, make sure you hodl all your Bitcoins in addresses that begin with 1 not 3, bc1 nor any other obfuscation for legacy addresses that the scammers come up with. I suppose it is possible that BlackRock will invest a lot in Bitcoin mining and help drive the Schelling point for when the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium {but that is not essential nor relevant to the logic of the inevitability of the attack}. Anyway, it appears to me that BlackRock and the new ETFs will be where all the institutions go to die as all their investment will go “poof it’s gone.” NOT YOUR LEGACY KEYS, NOT YOUR BITCORN. The 2017 softfork broke the Nash equilibrium because it created this huge 13+ million booty that gives the miners a different strategy than benevolence. It incentivizes the miners to force the 2017 softfork to fork (fck) off because miners get first dibs thus get to keep the 13 million Bitcoin for themselves {and thus finances the Nash equilibrium restoration even}. I discuss the game theory in great detail on my Github gist linked from my blog. People make the mistake of assuming the restoration will not occur because it will crater the price of Bitcoin. What they do not understand is the miners will have no choice because due to the asymmetrical economics of the situation, the non-legacy fork will stall and miners who try to continue mining it will have no income and go bankrupt. There is another wrinkle that affects all of us holding Bitcoin, even if we hodl legacy addresses. The restoration “attack” (actually a healing, not an attack) will create an involuntary taxable event due to the airdrop, even for those whose Bitcoins are taken from them (i.e. donated to the miners). And even those of us who keep our Bitcorn will have this involuntary taxable event. I did the research and any claim that we did not take possession of the airdrop or what have you, will not be a valid excuse. Thus this event is going to REKT everyone as they will have a huge tax bill, but {especially those who did not hodl in legacy addresses} no Bitcorn remaining to sell to pay the tax!!! @zvonyo, c.f. also the latest updates on this idea where I elaborated. The optimum time to initiate the ANYONECANSPEND event is after a massive run up in the price, because it will cause the more egregious stalling of the impostor fork. Thus the ideal juncture might be the looming ~70k top in 2025 because the projected abyss crash to bottom by May 2026. It is possible that BlackRock will convert the impostor Bitcoin to proof-of-stake, because that will be the only possible defense to the mining difficulty non-readjustment attack(s) which will stall the impostor fork after it fcks off. The legacy protocol Bitcoin will recover and rise as the new world reserve currency replacing the dollar after the looming WWIII Thucydides trap. This plan was laid out in 1988 as the Phoenix on the cover of the Economist Magazine. Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle ever since, with its clever design leaked in an anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/2009, and attained mass retail awareness in 2018. I am an expert on this topic. Proceed to my blog, Dig into my detailed Github gist. Legacy Bitcoin is a diabolical plan to enslave the world, as I had publicly pointed out in 2013. Eric Krown Crypto thinks the DXY might still come down to 100. Dollar will crash upwards in its final peak going into 2026 as the Thucydides trap accelerates. After 2028 (Bitcoin’s 10 year cycle), Bitcoin will start to rise as the Phoenix and the new world reserve currency, because the nations will not trust each other nor the dollar anymore. Also the dollar can no longer be a reserve currency when they trap us in a cashless CBDC dystopia.Comment: youtu.be/ERpp2ygWdyE (Elliott Wave Master Predicts Next Market Top | Alessio Rastani) @CryptoCrewUniversity Alessio explained this very well. Steve if your 5.3 theory is correct, then we are in the bearish version of Alessio’s thesis. Which is what I believe and have posted publicly. I think Bitcoin will make new lows in 2024 as shocking as that sounds. EuroDollar University is explaining why. People think the blackswan from 2020 will not repeat. They should study more. I like that you raised your range bound thesis based on the 4-year halving cycle, which Alessio reacted to. However the reason I think you are wrong and Alessio’s bearish thesis is correct, is bcz your 5.3 theory says the price can not exceed ~70 to 79k (measured 2 ways), but if price is already ~48k yet not even close to the timing of the parabolic move in the 4 year cycle. Fib retracements are deceiving bcz bullish when a significant new ATH is expected, but not the case now bcz of your 5.3 theory! Thus may decline below 15k in 2024 and never make a new ATH bcz your 5.3 theory will be measured from a lower bottom. ==== From the comments: > “I remember you wrote that you only hedge your long-term positions with options, not aggressively playing on the short side…I'm waiting to hear from you and hope everything is OK. @goodblackcat, Tradingview banned me from posting for 2 or 3 days. C.f. my most recent update today on my other recent published idea. I have a very important comment about the Elliot Wave structure. I think this might be the final blowoff top for Bitcoin for a few years. Maybe one relief rally to above this level in 2025 but not a new ATH. This looks very bearish to me. Parabolic on very low volume (lol BlackRock announced $100k in seed capital and the markets pumped!) and too soon in the cycle if the 5.3 theory is correct and the new ATH in 2025 can only be ~70 to 79k, then this is not bullish at all. Thus to tell you frankly, I am shifting to taking profits on crypto. Not even 15% of my hodl portfolio yet, but if this hits 47 - 48k, I am thinking about taking profits on up to 50%. Will be interested to read your thoughts. I was also long the breakout. Remember I was warning you that there was manipulation and they might take this higher before they let it crash. The insiders know what is coming in 2024. EuroDollar University knows also. Your methods can not really decipher these long-term outlooks. That is why I look at a lot of different data points in the macro and the T/A. @goodblackcat, I have seen some compelling arguments for one more push to 47 - 48k. Could happen soon or later in December or early January. Then I expect a rug pull after that with a precipitous drop. We could have already hit the top but I am doubting that. @goodblackcat, Alessio (c.f. my latest update on my other recent idea) says needs to waterfall crash below 40k then 35k for the bearish thesis to be intact. Can not be a slow move. Must be very precipitous. Else the bearish thesis is discarded.Comment: Says signals of doom for 2024 are worse than 2019, more like 2007/8. Points out that the supply shock from Covid, was papered over with fiat printing but this will revert to the mean. That the global economy is still very weak and getting weaker. My take is crash coming in 2024, but Fed will be able to bring out their bazooka one last time. We go up again in 2025 and then from 2026 to 2028 at least is going to be absolute totalitarian hell with massive economic problems globally. People will be suffering. Global suffering is good feedstock for world war. youtu.be/Y6nKuf-KxY0?t=609 (It Was Only A Matter Of Time...But It Finally Happened | EuroDollar University) ==== Something non-linear (i.e. blackswan) may be brewing. Swap spreads going negative like they did in 2020. Also the Baltic Dry index has doubled in November. youtu.be/0hCDxRc6HDs (Things Are Getting REALLY Serious Now | EuroDollar U.) ==== 82% of Americans can’t afford to finance even a used car. Precipitous drop in November. Something is brewing while Bitcoin is rallying on stupid ETF nonsense. youtu.be/AGn5Mi_HSGw?t=556 (The Used Car Market just COLLAPSED) ==== youtu.be/aUKchot5V-I (Holy Sh*t! The Fed Just Admitted We Are In A Recession | EuroDollar University)Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, If you are correct than so be it but what if your wrong? I have been in these cycles reading highly articulate people telling me that Bitcoin was going to zero since 2012. Being merely articulate with a smug and condescending bias towards technology which often scales far past it's original development is what you seem to miss. Bitcoin layer 1 is the vault and layer 2 will be the spending mechanism. It does NOT have to be lightning and that constant in development is still unseen but Moore's law along with mass adoption breaks these barriers you seem to focus on.” @btrimas, you have an aspirant class deficiency in reading comprehension. What part of “inarguable, ASYMMETRIC economics” did you fail to grok from my exposition. An average guy like you is incapable of understanding anything about Bitcoin, what Bitcoin is here to disrupt, that Bitcoin is here to justifiably enslave you and why transaction scaling is nonsense. Your “articulate” source idiots do not teach you anything useful. It’s not my vocation to hold your inept hand. All (but one of the) links are to writings of the 145 IQ Bitcoin whale who has ~500,000 BTC and who faked his own death as he prepares to move those BTC in the looming ANYONECANSPEND attack perhaps in 2026. Note the 2017 softfork impostor Bitcoin will be destroyed, not Satoshi’s authentic legacy protocol Bitcoin, which will rise from 2028 as the January 1988 Economist Magazine’s Phoenix from the ashes of WWIII, ashes of socialism, ashes of all the nonsense world that idiots believe to be true. Everything in your cushy world is going away. Pack your bags for the slavery train. If you had read carefully you would know to store your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 1, not 3 nor bc1, so you will be protected. But you would still have the problem of an involuntary income tax liability for the looming airdrop.Comment: youtu.be/c0ZIqiVFTQk (I respond to DUMB comments (what I REALLY think of bitcoin and stock markets) | Alessio Rastani) No worries Alessio. I have been sharing on my public trading view (with 486+ upvotes on my latest published idea so I have nontrivial reach), your latest analysis such as the interview you did with Steve Courtney of Crypto Crew University this week. I also explained why I think the bearish interpretation of the Bitcoin EW count is much more likely the situation right now. I wrote as follows on Steve's video...in short this parabolic move is either bearish or Steves's 5.3 theory is incorrect. Did you see he updated his 5.3 theory recently with an alternative way of measuring it that says the looming top in 2025 will be ~70k. If the top will be ~70k how can we be approaching 48k so soon in the 4 year halving cycle. Something does not make sense. Also wave 5 would be much too long if it did not complete in 2021. That was the top for Bitcoin. Bitcoin is ending. I explain the technological reasons Bitcoin is ending on my trading view. You really should study what I have written about the ANYONE CAN SPEND attack.Comment: My comment on video Bitcoin is about to Do Something for First Time Since 2020 Rally | Steve Courtney & Alessio Rastani: Steve Courtney is thus claiming that Bitcoin will only consolidate down to ~30k, then stay range bound until ~May 2024, then it will only rise (per his 5.3 theory measured two ways) to ~70 to 79k over the intervening 9 to 12 months into the top he expects in Q1 or Q2 2025. Thus he is claiming there will never be any parabolic cycle in this bull market cycle. He is using the TDI (Traders Dynamic Index) to support his thesis that Bitcoin is now in his “phase 2” of the bull market and that the prior bull cycle never had a “phase 2” and instead only an extended double-length “phase 1.” He thus employs this thesis to rule out a retest of the 15.4k lows. For a bullish thesis with wave 1 to end at ~47k, then decline into wave 2 to ~30k for ~100+ days, then wave 3 to ~63+k (to make wave 3 the longest wave on linear but not log scaled) then correction wave 4, then wave 5 to ~70 to 79k over the next 9 to 12 months. But for me Steve is ignoring the significance of several factors. 1) The overarching EW count ended in 2021 with wave 5, unless this is a very overextended wave 5, which seems to violate the rule that wave 3 should be the longest wave. 2) wave 2 correcting more than 62% of wave 1 in 2020 created a terminal wave condition (not many EW theorists are aware of this condition) meaning that 2021 was the end of the overarching EW count thus only the bearish EW thesis applies, 3) the volume chart on the monthly BTC index chart looks anemic something is not the same as prior cycles, 4) Steve’s TDI thesis has some conditions he is not factoring such as the prior two crosses above the RSI average orange which started his “phase 2” did so at the white horizontal line, whereas this recent orange cross was much lower and the slower RSI green line is much lower and the faster RSI red always comes back to test the green again after orange cross. In two prior cycles when the red approached the top of the RSI bollinger bands within 2 months of the halving, but the current situation is ~6 months before the halving. Thus while the prior two cycles the red retested the green after the top of the BB after halving this will be doing it before the halving. Also all prior orange crosses corresponded with a blue cross on the upper RCI3Lines, but not this time with blue very, very low. This seems to indicate that the red needs to crash down back below the blue first as it did in March 2020 before the bullish market resumes. The situation is much different and Steve is hallucinating by ignoring important information. As Alessio had pointed out in his interview with Steve on Steve's channel, that if there will be a bearish case the crash will be very swift, perhaps a flash crash waterfall. ============== youtu.be/AgwH0VNgI2M (How High Will Bitcoin Go In 2024? | Andrei Jikh) @AndreiJikh I bet you know nothing about the looming ANYONE CAN SPEND attack and the asymmetric economics that iseebitcoin's article totally ignores. 2026 perhaps. All your Bitcoin goes poof it's gone because you did not read carefully the blogs of the whale who provably controls a million BTC (he owned SatoshiDice). An no he is not dead. He presaged everything in his blogs. He faked his drowning as he prepares for the dystopian future ahead. C.f. my elaboration under unsignedmusic's comment. If Bitcoin is pumping on the expectation of expectation of lower interest rates as you posit, then someone forgot that the Fed does not cut until something is breaking and that the most liquid assets are dumped first by weak hands during a deflationary episode. The ETFs are nonsense and will not lead to significant new demand until the price crashes because institutions are not going to rush to buy at these nosebleed prices. Institutions know a recession is coming and they will sit on their hands. Thus I think it is more logical that Bitcoin is pumping because the smart money wants to dump on retail before the looming 2024 crash. Bitcoin always crashes just before (or just after) the halving. > “8:30 Since there will only be 21 million bitcoins ever, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to replenish the supply even in a million years, so it will always be infinitely more rare than gold.” (as measured by stock-to-flow ratio) @unsignedmusic Actually it is worse than that because supply being lost while in the future no new supply will be created. So wrap you head around the kind of world we will have if Bitcoin becomes the global reserve currency replacing the dollar as the standard by which national fiats are based on. First of all it can not become a widely used currency because the 2017 softfork and those transaction scaling mechanisms are going to be destroyed in a fireball known as the ANYONE CAN SPEND attack (perhaps in 2026). Btw, most people will lose all their BTC in that attack because they did not read and comprehend what was presented to them. Secondly as the legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV nor BCH, but the protocol that coexists now on the main chain with the impostor softfork) rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine Phoenix, the world will be thrust into forever massive deflation with socialism enslaved by Bitcoin. It is not going to be a pleasant existence for most of the billions on this planet. Perhaps the banning of usury which lengthened the W. European Dark Age to 600 years might be analogous.Comment: My reply in the comments: > “@shelby3, But why allow BTC to crash in the next run? Wouldn't it benefit if they extend the bull run until 2028, crash it (once the global economy collapses due to wars, inflation, etc.) and then introduce the NWO CBDC? By then, lots of people would have invested in crypto and made money off of it (to an extent, since the media loves to hype up the BTC target and fall short, as usual, to screw the laypeople by furthering the "hold" scam). However, the CBDC would then be used as a form of "bailout" to encourage easy adoption into CBDC's. Also, if you say that BTC will crash to 13k, wouldn't it be accurate to say that it will crash to 0 since no one will have any more interest or, better yet, trust?” @bkprofits, late reply bcz was banned for 2 days, subsequently side-tracked. Also it is becoming unwieldy to find which among the too many comments on this page, I want to reply to. You have some false assumptions (or not coherently conveyed points), e.g. ostensibly implying that masses make money in crypto, in all markets most lose, especially so in FOMO-on-steriods crypto. Consider this from the perspective of the posited Rothschild, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller elite behind the curtain who I posit created Bitcoin (per the Rockefeller controlled January 1988 Economist Magazine cover story foretelling and 10 year cycle with design revealed in anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/9, 2018 mass awareness, 2028 Phoenix rises from ashes that the cover story article mentioned). Ostensibly their posited intent would be to play all power structures (e.g. politicians, nation-states, deep state mafia e.g. neocons) off against each other, so that they’re in control. Thus they want to both cause those power structures to destroy themselves leading to a power vacuum that can only be filled by a NWO with legacy protocol Bitcoin (as the Phoenix rising by 2028 at the next halving bull cycle) as the trustworthy global unit-of-exchange and reserves for the enslaved national fiats, w\plebs enslaved in their dysfunctional national CBDC fiats. Ostensibly the way the CBDCs will be brought into broad use is the egregious deflation in 2026 (already rearing its head now but presumably the Fed can bazooka one final time), bank collapses and thus many/most accept UBI distributed by CBDC to pay their bills so they can survive. The anemic volume since 2021 (much worse than any prior bear market) along with the Elliot Wave structure that Robert Prechter presented to Alessio Ranstani (which I also posited back in 2020) all seem to indicate that the maximum FOMO has already been tapped out with the p(L)andemic stimulus insanity. The final hooray to squeeze the last ounce of blood from the greater fools’ rag will be the ETFs heading into the 2025 final peak (which may not even be an ATH). Then they will crash everything hard down into WWIII and enslave 666-style. The reason perhaps to take it down first to 9 to 13k early on in 2024, is to give the rest of the greater fools who had no easy access, a final opportunity to be slaughtered like pigs as crypto rallies one final time. They’ll feel smart because they are buying it lower copying the 2020 to 2021 paradigm again. Monkey see, monkey do. Those who missed out in 2020, will get one more chance. But they will not be able to cash out if posited the ANYONECANSPEND attack hits near the top in 2025 causing a breathtaking, face-ripping cliff-drop. We will see…my popcorn is ready and remote is set to CNN! Hopefully you have been following my updates so you have the context. Only way to crash Bitcoin to 0 is to destroy the impostor Bitcoin, with the actual (Phoenix) Bitcoin (not BSV nor BCH) surviving never close to 0. ========================== I wrote or replied: youtu.be/sE5RLzaVycE (The Fed May Shock Rates Higher This Week | Mott Capital Mgmt) Deflation has already started. C.f. EuroDollar University. Crash coming in 2024, right on time in an election year to repeat 2020. First the markets are pumping as they always do right before a recession when the Fed pauses. When the Fed cuts into a recession, the markets are historically already crashing. The reason the Fed's dot plot is too high is because they were not aware then how much the economy was slowing down. Recent Fed member comments reveal that some of their districts are out right screaming that the economy is crumbling. But Jerome is determined to hold and crash the economy, because he has ostensibly been told to do that. Probably like 2020 they need a pretext (for mail-in ballots and maybe UBI checks) to steal an election again. There is a lot going on. It is not as simple as you want it to be. > “If the CPI comes in under 3.0, all the weekly cup and handle formations (SPY, NASDAQ, etc) will absolutely take off. Yes, the daily charts look extended and the latest rally seems 'irrational'. Did the market revert? No. It's been consolidating for almost a month.” Back in October I had (publicly on my trading view) the harmonic projections (afair it was a Shark pattern) with 0.886 ~4650 and 1.13 extention ~4900. Is this still headed up to the 1.13 after hitting the first target this summer? This is why I was long when Mott and many others were climbing the Wall of Worry all the way up. Game of Trades had taught me in 2022 that the markets would pump when the Fed pauses before a looming recession. Happens every time like clockwork. A massive crash is looming in 2024. Something is brewing per EuroDollar University. The Repo market has been draining into Treasuries and/or stonks. That liquidity is almost depleted and will be no later than March but the exodus is accelerating. Not irrational at all. I just explained why. You should widen your understanding of what is going on. Learn about how funds where drawn into the Fed's discount window and subsequently were coming out. Essentially all that liquidity from the p(L)andemic is still winding its way into stronger hands in the way markets work to concentrate capital to the 1% and enslave the 99%. > “This rally is so absurd even the bulls themselves actually don't know why it's rallying other than the notion that stocks only go up” Wrong. I explained why.

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رتبه: 1969

I keep hearing people regurgitating Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. YT channel) trope about the market has built a lot of structure by slowly grinding up, unlike in 2019 in which the price moved too quickly to 13.9k. And they take this as some gospel or evidence that the price will not crash back down to a lower low. This a syllogistic logical fallacy or a form of apophenia that attempts to assign causation to features which may be present among other outcomes. A more sophisticated person entertains all of the facts of the situation and doesn’t try to form causal conclusions based on myopic cherry picking of preferred datums. They should read the How to Piss Me Off Guide. Why doesn’t anyone else notice the following? 1. For every bear market bottom, the second crash below the 200 WMA is always deeper than the prior one within the same cycle. Thus clearly another deeper move below the 200 WMA is looming before the bottom. 2. Note my textual annotations on the following chart. Note ending diagonals in 2018 and currently are followed by massive, intense moves in the other direction. Also note that the 5 waves for the prior bull market were a terminating wave because of wave 2 retraced more than 67% of wave 1. A TERMINATING WAVE MEANS THE BITCOIN BULL MARKET SINCE ITS INCEPTION IS FINISHED. Thus Bitcoin will not make a new ATH ever again until the entire bull run from its inception has been reset. Per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio theory which predicts every bull market top for Bitcoin, the next top can only be ~413% above the bottom. If Bitcoin bottoms at 13.6k in 2024 as I expect, then it will top at ~70k and will not make a new ATH.Comment: Another fact I omitted is that for the first time the subsequent bull market bottomed below the top of the prior bull market. This means the bull market cycles are now overlapping which is another form of ending diagonal. Amazing me that people think logistic growth S curves just slow down and levitate after they peak, as if a Boeing 747 could stall in mid-air without any thrust. Exponential on the way up and exponential on the way down.Comment: I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024.Comment: Readers have an incorrect model of reality. Bitcoin the new asset is here to enslave you, not to help you. And it will not be lifted to $ 1million until first destroying the impostor Bitcoin taking the Bitcoin price to ~$0, which you currently incorrectly think is Bitcoin and here to save you. The reality is the Bitcoin ETF is all about enslaving you. Educate yourself. Dig into the links, especially the first one which is my blog.Comment: If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5.3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 (+413%) expected by said 5.3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO.Comment: The 80% down has not completed yet for the current bear market. We are not in the bull market yet. Jason Pizzino is a sleepwalking cheerleader (with pompoms) leading you to complacency. This entire altcoin pump is fake! User and investor adoption has continued to plummet. The altcoin bear market is not over folks! youtu.be/oRR11bYspPE (The Altcoin Rally Is Fake | My Biggest Altcoin Warning Yet... | DataDash) Of course the insiders who are holding bags from the FTX blowup are pumping the markets to dump on retail before the bear market continues with the expiration of the BTFP on March 11 and the banking collapse that will allow the Fed to pivot. Wash, rinse, repeat. Retail never learns. ==== Here is the follow-up from George Gammon where he has the possibility of the expiration of the BTFP on March 11, could lead to a banking contagion and be the catalyst for the crash I am expecting. youtu.be/92i2M_1p7v4 (Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March – George Gammon) ==== Storm clouds accumulating into a looming hurricane in the global economy: youtu.be/8gFhm7_VQ2k (Oil Is Sending A Warning Message To The Stock Market | Mott Capital Mgmt) ==== Why is Solana rallying like crazy? Ron Walker has a plausible explanation. He argues that FTX et al, needed to pump their bags so they could liquidate them on the retail investor fools. Also he points out that Bitcoin is rising on declining volume. The dumb retail investors always believe the hopium. And we have sleepwalking cheerleader Jason Pizzino assuring them that crypto can never crash anew. youtu.be/BVLXhQwQlpc?t=633 (The Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Has Begun - BTC To Test of 32K Soon - BULL TRAP) Ron argues the Wycoff distribution is still in play even if pullback followed by a higher high. He thinks the moves in Bitcoin are exaggerated, thus allowing for slightly more extreme than textbook Wycoff. youtu.be/Larttvdrbh4?t=88 (Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Coming - BTC BULL TRAP Being Set) ==== Let’s contemplate other Elliot Wave counts which might invalidate the thesis of the ending diagonal. The following is invalid because wave 1 is the largest wave which can not be the case. The following is proposed in the following video and I corrected him. Alternatively he considers the bearish case which is the same as what I expect. youtu.be/7uaRYmvlYqA (BITCOIN ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS) Your B is higher than your 1. That not allowed. Thus it can only be the bearish case W-X-Y currently in the A-B-C bull trap wave X. Any attempt at labeling a 5 wave count currently is an ending diagonal, which is bearish. Also prior bull cycle wave 2 corrected more than 67% of wave 1, which makes it a terminal wave. That means this bear market will be much worse than prior ones. And no new ATH will be reached in this next bull market. You like everyone else thinks the C19 contagion will not repeat in 2024, but in fact the macroeconomic and orangeutan hair threat (i.e. political) conditions are nearly the same. And do not forget the BTFP (aka buy the f-ing pivot) banking collapse prevention expires March 11.Comment: Took short-term profits from bullish position entered earlier today (c.f. updates). Might reenter on pullback. ==== My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. ==== Jason Pizzino highlighted my comment and specifically said he does not think Bitcoin can go to my prediction of 14k. He implied I am loony. youtu.be/Kw3APTaYrlY?t=529 ← click for his screen capture of my comment on his prior video Jason didn’t address any of the detailed points I made in comments on his recent videos. He is ostensibly oblivious to for example the Shark harmonic pattern pointing to an Ethereum crash in price after this pump to the 3200 Bat harmonic target. I purchased ETH December calls this past summer expecting the Bat rally, which have seen 10 times gain already! Jason is ostensibly oblivious to the Terminal Wave and Ending Diagonals on the Elliot Wave structure of Bitcoin. In 2022, I employed harmonic pattern theory to PUBLICLY (on TradingView) predict NatGas would crash to $2, that the S&P would rally to 4650 (the 0.886 target), pullback (as it did this summer) and then rally anew to ~4950 (the 1.13 target) which is underway. From the comments: @ivanguzman102, I did predict the future numerous times. ==== To reiterate that Bitcoin will enslave the 99%. Per the explanation I aforelinked in my blog, the SegWit, Lightning Networks, scaling crap will be destroyed and that impostor Bitcoin will go to ~0. The 1 MiB block limited legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes after the WWIII underway as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix. Bitcoin transaction fees will be affordable only to large transaction values, thus used only by the wealth. Bitcoin is not long, for us. We were deceived into supporting our future enslavement. ==== www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIpPwfML... (Comments on "How Mexico Will Save The West") > “@SMoore-vj7bt I'm not Mexican nor am I diminishing regular Americans. It's just obvious that America doesn't have a long term plan for dealing with most of the world becoming industrialized. American politicians are senile and out of touch.” @jay1jayf the holistic picture is actually enslavement of the entire world. The political elite of the US Empire are just pawns of the real power behind the curtain. Industrialization does not mean freedom. It means trading freedom for trinkets. Just as the indigenous were lured into trading their land for mirror or bottle of liquor. The deck of cards is being shuffled but the House remains in control of the odds of winning. Mexico is a new frontier to some extent, because of low regulations. But the tax man cometh. Within a few decades or less the enslavement in the West will be universal all over the world. That is what the rise of multipolarism (and the deflationary, dystopian Bitcoin to displace the USD) is really about. When you ponder who created Bitcoin just ask yourself who benefits from enslaving the world in a unit of account that is a fixed supply and can be monopolized by the 1%. ==== From the comments. @cornvutthole, what part of the first link I put in the prior comment are you ostensibly not capable of clicking, reading and comprehending? Perhaps if you are technologically illiterate and/or average IQ, then what is written there (by myself, i.e. I am the author of the linked blog) may make no sense to you? It is inarguable that the impostor Bitcoin (which you all ERRONEOUSLY think is the official Bitcoin) is going to ~$0, when the 13+ million Bitcoin ANYONECANSPEND booty is donated to the miners (no need to even hack the private keys) by the fact that you willfully and ignorantly stored your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1, instead of Satoshi’s legacy addresses that begin with 1. And BSV and BCH have nothing to do with this. I am not referring to any of scammer Craig “Faketoshi” Wright’s nonsense/shenanigans. The 2017 soft fork broke the Nash Equilibrium by creating a huge booty. The only way to fix the equilibrium is for the miners to take it and force the hard fork. After which the impostor will go to $0, because of the economic asymmetry of the airdrop, i.e. everyone hodling legacy Bitcoin will receive both airdrops, whereas the those not will donate their legacy airdrop to the miners AND HAVE A HUGE TAXABLE CAPITAL GAIN THEY CAN NOT PAY thus wrecking their lives and burning their fingertips up to their armpits for touching impostor Bitcorn. This restoration event (aka “attack”) must occur before Bitcoin can rise as the new world reserve currency, i.e. the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix.Comment: It was a hidden secret code pattern that I discovered (and published in my idea update) on September 3 that enabled me to pinpoint a plausible bottom price ~14k for Bitcoin. I wrote: Based on these patterns, I think BTC will flash crash only to ~14k in 2024. Will only be down there for a very short period and quickly back above 21k again. Thus per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 rule, looks like the H2 2025 top will only ~71k. ==== Expounding on my two comment posts in the comments section (on this published idea) reflecting on my historical Tradingview record being incorrectly understood, I will write my thought progression as best as I can recall off the top of my head without going back into all my history meticulously to bolster my recollection. I had not discovered Ron Walker’s YT channel (currently aka The Doctor of Dump & Pump, formerly The Crypto Trader) near the Sep/Oct 2021 top in the market. Thus I was all alone in my belief that Bitcoin had topped. I was up against intense FOMO for the $100+k thesis even in my own discussion circle. Couple this being back and forth between Mexico and the USA, not ultimately settling into an apartment in Arizona until Jan 2022, I was very distracted and disorganized at the 2021 top. After the drop below $20k, I noticed some short-term bullish divergence on the CME that was not on spot (or maybe it was vice versa) and I noticed Gareth Soloway had started to nibble and soften is expectation of 13k, allowing for the possibility of an interim bounce to maybe 32k. Ron Walker continued to call for 9 to 12k. Right before the drop to 15.4k, I started to entertain the notion of a Wycoff accumulation and this was before I discovered Jason Pizzino who was spouting the same hypothesis. When the price hit 16k and bounced, I called the bottom. Then surprisingly it dropped again to 15.4k and I knew this was the final spring on the Wycoff accumulation, I actually talked someone out of despair in my private Telegram group. He has since held his position all the way up. Ron Walker finally allowed for a bounce from the 15.4k level but did not see the Wycoff accumulation. And thus he as expecting only a bull trap dead cat bounce to ~20k to be rejected and decline to his 9 to 12k targets. All the way up, he kept having correct short-term buy and sell calls, but he was always bearish overall. Every bull move higher was counter to his stated expectations until the price broke above 32k, he started to allow for 40k. I had found OPTICALARTdotCOM when the Bitcoin price was still around or above the $30+k level and he like Gareth were calling for 13k. Note he was similar to Ron Walker always expecting the next leg down that I am expecting now, and expecting that all way from the 15.4k level at every attempt to thrust over 32k. But to his credit, he did have a Fib circle ring that enabled him to go long at exactly 15.4k as it crossed his circle which was a bullish pump signal for him. But he never expected the price to rally as much as it did. Whereas, around Oct/Nov 2022, I found harmonic patterns (Shark and Bat) which enabled me to publicly predict (in updates on my Year from Hell idea) 4650, correction, then 4950 for S&P (and commensurately also for the Nasdaq) as well as a crash to $2 for NatGas I predicted earlier in 2022, and the 2100 followed by 2600 to 3200 level for Ethereum. So this is why I was buying Dec 29 2100 strike ETH calls in Sep/Oct 2023 for ~$10 and selling them recently for ~$100. I had been following Game of Trades on YT who had pointed that historically the stock market rallies to an ATH after the Fed pauses, then crashes when it pivots (reduces Fed Fund rates). He was expecting that pause in June 2022, so eventually he got weary waiting for it and turned very bearish. I protested and many of his followers thought I was loony to call for 4650 at the Oct/Nov 2022 lows. As I tied in all the developing factors into my analysis of the situation, I realized that Ron Walker and OPTICALARTdotCOM bearish thesis for another leg down, is probably correct. And so now I join them, but only after they were mostly wrong since the 15.4k bottom, although they were both correct from the $66k top to the $20k level at least.Comment: From the comments: @SwallowPremium, your linked chart (linked chart{1}) does not appear for me in the comments. I only found the link in my notifications. My reasons are more elaborate yet more or less an equivalent outlook. Note I am open to the possibility that the pre-halving correction will be only just below ~20k and not a lower low. The lower low makes sense to me though for reasons so expressed on this page. I will post this in my idea updates where your chart will thusly display properly. {1} I tried to link it and it causes the "linked chart" text to be redacted from my comment! What kind of bug does Tradingview have in their software? ]linked chartComment: Ah another corroborating datum that my expectation is plausible. youtu.be/nAvgnCtFevI (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT 250K BITCOIN – THIS WILL HAPPEN INSTEAD (BE READY) | Crypto Crew U.) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve (Courtney) you just validated what I have been posting on my Trading view the past couple of days that the bottom will be ~14k (just before the halving again), because when you apply the 70k top predicted by this new variant of 5.3 to your prior 5.3 variant, it indicates the actual low will be just below 14k. Also contemplate the doomsday implications of the looming triple top. I informed you in email last year this will likely be the destruction of the impostor 2017 softfork Bitcoin crashing it to near 0 in 2026 before the legacy protocol recovers. ==== From the comments: > “I think it's too early to say what will happen in 2025 while we're still in 2023. Anything can happen by that time but most likely scenario that there will be new ATH on BTC” @fastprofittrader, do you still have that same opinion if you assimilate all my corroborating details from the numerous updates on my idea and all my replies in the comments section? I think I have presented a very strong case as to why there can not be a higher high in 2025. We can pinpoint that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 based on the timing of Bitcoin’s repeating (i.e. periodic) 4 cycle. Couple that with Steve Courtney’s discovery of a 5.3 ratio rule which dictates the top of each subsequent bull market based on a ratio of the prior top and bottom. Thus per his calculation, the current bull market CAN NOT exceed +413% of the bottom. If 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k would be the top in H2 2025. But based on my other numerous analyses, 15.4k may not be the final bottom, which instead may be ~14k (perhaps 13.6k to be more exact), which thus pegs the looming top to be only ~70k, thus a doomsday triple top, which might be the signal that the impostor Bitcoin may decline to ~$0 in during the horrific bear market coming from 2026 to 2028, wherein the dollar will become incredibly strong because of WWIII with China, Iran, Russia.Comment: Ah another indicator of the posited looming further leg down and thus that crypto is still in a bear market after this bull trap rally. youtu.be/1PLv4gUm0cM?t=371 (Bitcoin & Altcoin Price Analysis | The Critical Levels You Need To Watch | DataDash) ==== Liquidity crisis on tap for March/April. How can people not see that a liquidity crisis is already preprogrammed into the system for that future date? youtu.be/GgK4566_xRI (Reverse Repo is Crashing | Heresy Financial) Coincidentally I had been detecting indications in the crypto charts of looming crash in the markets H1 2024. Also the Fed’s BTFP expires March 11. It’s as if those in control are planning on creating a crisis. ==== From the comments: > “In which case it turns into a leading diagonal blah blah.” @ParabolicPanic, not which turns into. I am actually incorrect to posit that it could be an ending diagonal, because per Elliot Wave theory ending diagonals can only occur in the ending C or 5th wave, which is obviously not that case currently. The current wave structure is either the 1st motive wave (thus a leading diagonal) or the second (aka X) corrective wave. I did posit that the current wave structure coming off the 15.4k bottom is either an A-B-C corrective structure or I mentioned it could be an ending diagonal. I should have stated or it could be a leading diagonal. But on further study as I just stated, it can not be an ending diagonal. Thus either this is a bullish leading diagonal for wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves to come, or as I believe it is a corrective A-B-C of an overall larger W-X-Y correction from the 2021 top. However for it to be a leading diagonal, then small wave 5 underway (not the posited future, larger wave 5) must not be larger than wave 3. Given that small wave 5 already appears to be larger than its small wave 3 and if the Three Hills (, valley) and a Mountain pattern which appears to be underway is fulfilled heading into Dec/Jan, then wave 5 will extend and be much larger than the posited wave 3. Thus a corrective (i.e. not motive) A-B-C would be the only correct Elliot Wave interpretation. Your “blah, blah” can be lazy self-deception. Corroborating factors and evidence should be studied to support or invalidate a hypothesis. Your leading diagonal hypothesis in invalidated by other facts, or at least the presumption that wave 2 could not be very deep perhaps to 18k which is a possibility I am also allowing for (although the updated as of yesterday 5.3 ratio theory seems to be invalidating that possibility yet we will see). Ostensibly you have not even read all the analysis. Apparently you decided that the page was not worth your time about a paragraph or two into it. This is a problem and why humans are so easily deceived. Most people are lazy and apathetic, and thusly apply heuristics so they can minimize the effort they expend. Often heuristics fail. ==== youtu.be/0Fg30bxX9BA (Buying Bitcoin Now Will Not Make Your Descendants Rich | Heresy Financial) Unfortunately pessimistically, this video’s optimism is wrong on two levels. First, Bitcoin will never be the currency (as in for payments), because the 2017 scaling softfork broke the Nash equilibrium and will be destroyed. Bitcoin will only be the global reserve currency used by the very wealthy because of the very high transaction fees given the immutable 1 MiB block size limitation in the legacy protocol. Any attempt to change the protocol will fail due to the economic asymmetry of airdrops (even softforks that become hard fcks when the Nash equilibrium is restored). Bitcoin is moving us to a two-tier monetary system, where the plebs will be forced onto to dystopian, cashless 666 central bank digital currencies and the central banks will hold Bitcoin on their balance shits. Secondly, the economic mobility of meritocracy does not obviate the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources. Unfortunately Bitcoin replacing the dollar will result in dystopia because unlike gold, the dominant empire will not be able to debase the unit-of-account that the entire world relies on. Thus massive deflation and widespread pestilence because most people are incapable of self-reliance, self-discipline, long time preference, etc.. This means that the 1% will become the 0.1%, then the 0.01% and ultimately all the wealth of the world concentrated on the proverbial, metaphorical Biblical Seven Hills. Armageddon follows in Biblical prophesy. The reason for the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is not just regulatory capture. It runs the gamut of ways that economies-of-scale and selection-of-the-fittest-most-ruthless can capture power vacuums because we do not exist in your naive, idealistic implicit assumption of a milieu of perfect disorder.Comment: youtu.be/qdeS2wRI60Q?t=126 (Bitcoin, SP500, Real Estate | Jason Pizzino) @JasonPizzinoOfficial Jason I don’t deny the existence of a real estate cycle but it is not a universal hammer and not every market is its nail. The real estate market (which some characterize as 18 years peak-to-peak or trough-to-trough) is not perfectly repeatable. There’s significant variance from 14 to 21 years, with and without a significant mid-cycle. Moreover the stock markets do not appear to be solely or even primarily governed by the real estate cycle. For example, the 2000-2001 mid-cycle was rather mild for real-estate, but egregious crash for the stonks with the 2007 S&P top a double-top of the Dotcom peak. Significant pullback in late 1971 one year before the top in late 1972 which may apply if we are expecting a cycle top in 2025. Moreover from 1969 to 1980 was basically flat due to a monetary disinhibition (end of gold standard) and concomitant stagflation which we have now amplified to the nth degree. You should not continue to just apply the variable real estate periodicity blindly to the other markets. Martin Armstrong has instead for example, fed the entire detailed history of human civilization into his AI data mining Socrates which discovered periodicity and correlations which your overly simplistic model can not. Socrates says something dire/significant will occur in H1 2024 probably around the Ides of March again. Specifically the liquidity that has been feeding the markets has been the draining of the reverse repos into Treasuries with the government spending the funds into the economy. This dries up as of March, as well the Fed’s BTFP (bank rescue) expires March 11. The largest bank failures ever (greater than the GFC) occurred in 2023. The Fed prevented these from being marked-to-market with the BTFP. There was no need to allow for a crisis and inject massive new liquidity in 2023, as inflation was still running high. But now the same global stress that appeared in 2019 has returned with the rest of the world slipping into severe recessionary spiral. So now the elite need another liquidity crisis so they can turn on the money printers again. They will need some event to disrupt the conservatives in the House that are now blocking the ever increasing government spending needed to sustain this house of cards into 2025. For sure the massive bubble into 2025 is coming but they need first to overcome some obstacles that have returned from 2019, such as the orangeutan hair populism. Nothing a good crisis like C19 can not fix again. You need to become a bit more sophisticated. ==== From the comments: > “😂😂😂👌 That's a good joke. Now that institutions and banks are interested in buying and want to offer BTC, no new ath... 🤡🤡🤡 Good luck, man!” @Andbcoin, institutions will not rush in to buy right after a 150% pump, caused by retail FOMO being dumped on by the insiders who realize that retail are suckers for a narrative. After the ETFs are approved, institutions that want to start hedging the ultimate demise of the US dollar, will accumulate on cycle lows, because they understand very well that the dollar will skyrocket from 2026 in its last hooray before the Thucydides trap finally dethrones it as the world reserve currency and liquid Eurodollar market. In short, institutions are much more sophisticated because they have the economies-of-scale to hire people to study reality. Retail are dumb a.f., because individuals employ daft heuristics and are easily swayed by propaganda narratives. Thusly the looming top and bubble heading into 2025, must be driven the same way the 2021 top and bubble was, by flooding idiots with stimulus checks and liquidity. In order to do that, you first need a crisis, as the excuse and pretext to drop money from helicopters. The metaphoric 747 is running out of idiot fuel. Stall incoming. I do not know if you noticed, but interest rates are very high and people are loaded to the gills with credit card debt that they are paying 24% interest on. Institutions are not going to bail out you idiots. They will wait for you all to default and sell the looming bottom.Comment: INTERACTION IN THE COMMENTS IS WORTHWHILE UP TO THE LIMIT OF DIMINISHING RETURNS WHERE MOST OF THE NUANCE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. From the comments: @btcusdhappyPaella56213, perhaps what you meant to write is that a 747 can stall even with thrust? Which is correct, for example climbing at too steep of an angle with insufficient airspeed. But I do not see how that obviates or has anything to do with my analogy? If anything that would bolster my stance that this recent acceleration is too steep to be sustainable. Too high, too fast, too early in the 4 year cycle, especially given a high interest rate, stagflationary macroeconomic environment where the retail hopium (thruster) fuel is limited because for example they are up their ears in 24% APR credit card debt. Volume has been declining during this entire bull trap bounce with a slight rise for this blow off top acceleration. Rising on declining volume is not a bullish sign. ==== From the comments: > “while you could be true , EW is completely speculative , you're right, Crypto can be zero , but only after Quantum computers kick in might be that case. Elliott Wave wasted so much of time and money for many. It's beautiful to count waves, it's inherently bearish in nature” @kkandru, the crux of my speculation here is not depending on EW theory. Given the update yesterday from Steve Courtney that shows I was correct that the top in 2025 will be at most 70k, then on a risk weighted basis, it is much wiser to sell ~40 - 45k this early in the 4 year cycle before the halving. Or at least hedge my hodl stack with some long-dated puts as I am doing. IF WE KNOW NOW THAT THE MAX IN 2025 WILL BE $70K IS IT NOT WISE TO SELL AT $40+K GIVEN THAT 2025 IS SO FAR AWAY? Some commentators seem to placate their confirmation basis and comfort themselves by assuming I failed to buy the 15.4k low (which is an incorrect assumption which my public record disproves). While what it more likely represents is how late they are. Maybe they failed to sell the last top or bought at higher prices on the way down being fooled by Michael Saylor or Elon Musk. I was around in 2012 when Bitcoin was 10 dollars. Everyone is buying too late now. Bitcoin is approaching its apogee in terms of how much fuel can be squeezed out of plebs, because the pleb civilization is bankrupt. So whilst many are hoping for a new ATH because they were so late to get into Bitcoin, the smart money is cashing out of the pleb impostor fork of Bitcoin and preparing for the 2026 totalitarianism transition to a new world order, where the legacy protocol Bitcoin rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix from the ashes of Western civilization to enslave humanity in stark fiscal discipline of a fixed money supply (not even the gold standard was that harsh) and UNDEFEATED THROUGHOUT ALL HISTORY OF MANKIND vortex of power-law distribution of wealth concentrating all the wealth among the 0.1%. So while these boastful idiots think they are on top, they are really on the bottom of the boot and about to have their faces ground into the mud by reality. As it should be. Their hopium is they are not too late and that institutions will bail them out. As if dumb a.f., late a.f. retail could actually dump their bags on institutions. Lol. Never. It is always the other way around that we the smart money are dumping on the retail hopium addicts. @kkandru, dismissing EW as speculative is a crude interpretation of what is meant by those sophisticated who admit it. EW is only speculative to the extent that the future possibilities could invalidate a posited wave count and structure. Triangulation of multiple datums convert independent into fully constrained, dependent variables. So while I became aware today that the ending diagonal hypothesis is invalid, the two possible competing theses still lean more to my A-B-C corrective wave (as a Three Hills and a Mountain) inside of an overall W-X-Y corrective bear market that will not be completed until around the April halving. Especially factoring in (triangulating) all the corroborating data such as the new epiphany about Steve’s 5.3 ratio theory posted in the updates yesterday. This published idea is not mainly supported by EW. The 5.3 ratio theory is perhaps one of the strongest datums underlying this published idea. Also if the current is a leading diagonal terminating only in wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves into 2025, that egregious +150% wave 1 would indicate that extremely high prices such as $200+k would be reached in 2025 and that simply is not credible. You clearly do not understand the technology and what is going on there with the game theory of Bitcoin. The impostor Bitcoin (i.e. the 2017 softfork that enabled scaling) is going to $0 and that is inarguable. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV, not BCH) is rising to become the world’s reserve currency to enslave all of you in 666 national digital currencies in what is historically known as a two-tiered monetary system. You will not be able to afford the Bitcoin transaction fees after 2032, only milionaires and billionaires (and central banks) will be using Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not for us. We were fooled. Satoshi designed Bitcoin to deal with quantum computing as was pointed out only by myself. I am the only person to ever correctly explain why Satoshi employed double-hashing. You are outside your depth of competency here on Bitcoin. The price speculation is of course speculative but the technology issues are clearly outside what you understand well. You are just regurgitating some quantum computing trope you read.Comment: From the comments: @bwfisher83, to understand what is driving WWIII we must first understand who created the war in Ukraine and why they need this war. We need to understand that there was a coup d'etat in the USA in 2020 and why they needed this and why they needed the C19 hoax. We need to dig into a lot of detail to understand what I understand that the average person is uninformed about. I did a detailed, deep drive on 9-11 a few years ago. I know with great confidence that was done by the same uniparty Neocons who are launching these wars. In 2001 they only needed the first salvo of the Patriot Act and what not. The pressure on them is intense now and they are becoming extremely desperate to hold onto to their power. So they are becoming evermore aggressive and their risk taking is becoming evermore outlandish (until it all blows up in their face eventually later this decade). Btw, I will soon publish (on Substack) a blog refuting virology once and for all, and I challenge any expert to refute it. You could start with my Quora answer about George Soros. Note that is necessarily incomplete (or steps outside the relevant topic of the question depending on your perspective) and too much crammed into the small limit of space allowed for a Quora answer. I interact with YT personalities to test my hypotheses. To make sure I haven’t overlooked some factor. I find that framing my understanding in the context of what other well known influencers are presenting may help to form understanding for those who consume my posts. It helps I think to have some context for others to compare to. Pretty much I do not shut myself out from any place I might find some new information. I have an inquisitive, curious temperament. Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio discovery is profound and I think should be considered valuable orthogonal to any BS he may be selling. Focusing is an important skill as well. But as in all things in life there is a yin and yang to it.Comment: Armstrong’s private blog containing the Socrates AI Forecast array on BlackRock points to BlackRock failing in a massive Panic Cycle by 2026 due to a liquidity crisis as its customers try to withdraw funds from a fund that is too large and illiquid. The liquidity crunch will ensue in 2025. Also liquidity issues will amplify volatility in 2024 as well. This is perfectly correlating to my expectation on my latest Tradingview idea, which calls for a bout of volatility to the downside before or around the Bitcoin halving, and then 2026 being the end of the impostor Bitcoin after a doomsday triple top ~70k in 2025. Note this is why they will need the capital controls in place for the 2026 tax reporting season (for taxable year 2025) and the CBDCs. This why they are going to trap all the capital in the Hotel California-esque ETFs. “You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.” NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO. www.armstrongeconomi...ecm-middle-east-war/Comment: Anyone who doubts my prediction for ETH to rally (originally 2600 to 3200, but possibly only 2300 to 2400) before crashing to 600 should watch this. Why 600? Because the bearish harmonic points there and this bounce off the bottom is wave X of a W-X-Y bear market. The bull market has not started yet. Prepare to be shocked Steve. youtu.be/xjfWN4WbSp8?t=227 ← click for chart (WARNING: IS ETH ABOUT TO CRASH!? HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve notice the distance from 9 to 10, should equal from 11 to 12. Thus ETH may go higher before crashing. My thesis since Oct 2022 is playing out as I predicted, except lower expectations for this rally based on your video. Also notice previously from 11 to green to 12 was split into two major moves the second slightly more than first, which concurs with ~2300 to 2350. This 4 year cycle is MUCH weaker than any prior. Will end with a triple top 70k and 2026 Bitcoin will go to 0 as I warned you in 2022.Comment: Prices I expect for a possible top. BTC 40 - 41k ETH 2300 ENJ 0.38 ETC 23 - 24 SOL ~69 (already topped) GALA 0.0285 - 0.0345 (probably 0.03 - 0.033) APE 1.75 - 2.15 (but most likely 1.75 - 1.80) Oh crap, ETCUSD has very similar pattern as BTCUSD did in 2018, before the final drop from 6k to 3k. Below $7 incoming after this final bull trap bounce. Many crypto FOMOium fools are about to get REKTD.Comment: From the comments: > The $38,000-41,000 zone is Death Valley for BTC. > > BTC has not found enough organic buyers since the opening price (0:00 UTC: $37,300). After aggressive action by the binance operator, there were no organic purchases above $38,000 despite three attempts for an hour. > A single trader on Binance pushes the BTC price above $38,000. > > Fully rigged BTC price market at this point. The price action for the last hours is again controlled by a single participant from Binance. There has been a lot of speculation on this subject for several hours now. Taking a long position on the binance while squeezing short positions on the bybit perps. > > Let no one even try to suggest that I am unaware that such manipulations are normal in the markets. > > Not in such proportions and with such determination and not in context with what happened with binance this week. The situation is obvious. I am still adding to a short position. Stop order is reset. If this operator manages to get the BTC price over $39,000, I will sell even more. I am sure that market participants like me will regulate this sick situation. > > I have nothing against BTC, I am a long-term BULL myself. Always willing to buy after large declines and when the right momentum appears. @goodblackcat, historically massive option market positions can and I quote, “send Bitcoin up 300% and down 75% in a single day.” Overall the crypto charts look horrible, with bearish RSI divergences on all timeframes (as does the S&P stonks which fell out of a bearish rising wedge but could make on more drive to a high to test the bottom of the wedge it fell out of), except nearly all crypto USD(T) pairs have bullish RSI diverge on the 3d chart. Also several of the altcoins have a bull flag such as ETCUSD. Thus the reason for the topping prices I posted last night to the idea update. So far only BTC and ETH have moved strongly enough towards a new drive to a high, but I am thinking the rest of the altcoins will follow today or so? Also looks to me ETH is going to break out towards 2300? Indeed the smart money is grabbing the liquidity of the short-term leveraged shorts first, before they will take this down hard for next few months. I can not rule out a significant pullback and then one final drive to a high perhaps in January? But for sure by March crypto will have crashed. The crypto markets are dead. This ETF hopium will not lift crypto out of the doldrums of stagflation and the pre-halving crypto winter. Too many newbies and naive forgot that the crypto bull market in the 4 year cycle does not start until after the halving.Comment: youtu.be/abxE0-Dqlvg (The December Breakout Is Real For Ethereum) Krown you about to get REKTD with your bull market nonsense. That is a bearish rising wedge, not an ascending triangle. youtu.be/-MMmGKtsrCk (The #1 Altcoin Chart No One Is Watching | The 'EXBS Index' | DataDash) That is a bearish rising wedge (not a bullish ascending triangle as you and many others incorrectly annotate it) on the weekly chart, which is also a 5 wave leading diagonal. Thus it must be wave 1 of a 5 wave bullish structure (can not be an ending diagonal). Thus wave 2 incoming could nearly retest the lows (not a lower-low!) before the halving thus before the bull market ensues in earnest. I charted this on my public trading view. 16:00 You slaughtered the inane narrative that the Bitcoin ETFs can drive new ATH. ==== youtu.be/17oGYIQlBbU (Why This Bitcoin Move Will Shock Everyone in 2024 | Robert Prechter) If Elliot Wave specialist Prechter is correct, then his 3 (as you illustrated it) could the end of the first wave down of a expanded flat 3 wave correction. I would have Bitcoin coming back up to a triple top ~70k by H2 2025 for the 2nd wave of the correction, then down into the abyss ~0 for the final third wave by May 2026. From there the Bitcoin market would reset. Which entirely fits with my thesis that the impostor Bitcoin (the 2017 softfork which broke the Nash equilibrium creating 13+ million tokens which are ANYONE CAN SPEND) will be destroyed. All the details are on my public trading view. As Prechter points out that the final "c" wave of an expanded flat are waterfall collapses, very fast and devastating. Well I know exactly what could cause such a dramatic face ripping selloff. The legacy protocol miners will take the 13+ million tokens as donations, no need to even have the private keys because they are ANYONE CAN SPEND. What I find even more interesting is that the legacy protocol Bitcoin (the one Satoshi created, not the current impostor) continues to coexist with the softfork (they will hard fork off from each other when the tokens are taken as donations) can rise as the 1988 Economist Magazine's cover story Phoenix from the ashes of the looming WWIII, as the new world reserve currency in the multipolar new world order that will replace the death of the dollar in said Thucydides trap underway (after a massive crash upwards of the dollar in the final EuroDollar driven liquidity crisis). The legacy as a global reserve currency used only by the wealthy and central banks, will not need transaction scaling that Prechter laments. IOW, Satoshi was not designing a payment system, but rather the new global order. And by the way, the design of Bitcoin was anonymously publicly leaked in 1998 on the 10 year anniversary of its 1988 announcement, then launched 10 years later, then public stampede 10 years later. Thus 2028 it rises. I would be grateful if you would forward my comments to Prechter and his son Elliot.Comment: Possibly one more, final drive to a high imminent.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/8q7NQyhhEc4?t=353 (WARNING: SUPPER GUPPY JUST FLIPPED GREEN! | Crypto Crew U.) Covering all the possibilities. Wise. Do not commit to bullish here. I am happy you corrected the public that has been claiming you were pushing a trope that says Bitcoin held its market structure. Now you have pointed out that has not necessarily been the case. I will cite this video on my public trading view.Comment: Someone commented on a published idea of mine from 2022, which caused me to realize it is still on point and applicable to this recent idea.Comment: youtu.be/AvQp5e3tapE (It's The Dumb Money Buying Bitcoin - Not The Whales - BTC Wyckoff Distribution Update | Ron Walker)Comment: Gammon's reason why the Fed will not renew the BTFP and my comment: youtu.be/ilfzGplcT-U?t=731 (WARNING: This Is When The Banking System Will Fail (Date Revealed) | George Gammon) Rather I think the Fed will not renew because they will want to stress test the system so they are not moving forward blind. They will posit that maybe the original crisis was due to the rate of interest rate rise and with much intervening time in which banks have been able to hedge and adjust to the higher interest rate environment. But I think the deeper reason is more conspiratorial that they need a banking crisis so they can test how their FedNow will be employed to cause bank runs when they are reading to entirely centralize the banking system circa 2026.Comment: From the comments: @GDuBFX, I can not see any of your charts here in the comments on this page. I do not know if other readers also can not see your links. I will post my reply to the updates on my idea, so that everyone can see your chart (I dug the link out of my notifications which is the only place I can access it, not here on this page for some unknown reason). You have mislabeled your chart because you failed to note that the trading range was between 17590 and 25215. Thus when the price exploded to 32k, that was already phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation. This started a Wycoff distribution which is now in the UTAD final test (aka spring) to be followed by a plummeting price in a new phase D.Comment: Follow-up response from the comments: > images.prismic.io/3c...c-fe2d7f2fe7d8_2.png > miro.medium.com/v2/r...aDkgynKOUBU-2J6g.png @GDuBFX, cripes man, the SC is 17590 and the top of the bounce from AR is 25215 which thus defines the trading range (aka TR). Thus after the price rallied from the LPS as it crossed above 25215, it left the trading range (TR) and was in Phase E already. Thus the 31 - 32k level was already starting the Wycoff distribution as Phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation had immediately transitioned into a Wycoff distribution. Please do not make me repeat myself again. Open your f-ing eyes. The UTAD on your chart is in the incorrect location. It should be at the current price level ~39k which is the final Spring test of the Wycoff distribution. We will have a crash soon. Price might tag 39 - 40k first. Also it is probably incorrect to interpret the price action from the 15.4k bottom as a Wycoff accumulation. Appears to be a rare Three Hills and a Mountain pattern, as I documented in the idea itself. And wtf is your problem, that you did not even click the correct Reply. You replied to yourself instead of replying to my reply. Again I can not see any links or charts you included in your reply. Some issue or bug with Trading view, at least for me. But the idea that Phase E must continue higher and higher is not necessarily the case. Can transition directly into a Wycoff distribution instead of progressively higher prices during Phase E. Especially when we consider that the overall pattern may be a Three Hills and a Mountain. ==== My comment: youtu.be/RlhWhQSWils (How the Next Round of Bailouts will be Reserved for the Elites) Tl;dr money injected into the economy must be sanitized such that it can not be spent on things that drive up inflation. Can you say cashless economy with CBDC and dystopian capital controls? Can you say New Green Deal as a BS pretext to limit what people are allowed to spend their money on? I know you can. Note allowing people to spend on stonks and crypto ETFs will not be inflationary if that all gets locked up by a CBDC so that in Hotel California-esque fashion, you can check in anytime you like but you can never checkout.Comment: Typo: s/when they are reading/when they are ready/ ==== Covid-23 has been announced? Here we go again, 2020 repeating because it is an election year and they need to stop Trump again? ==== From the comments: @zvonyo, that BlackRock disclaimer from their ETF application is screen captured on my blog where I discuss the ANYONECANSPEND attack (and to the Tradingview mods, I am not selling anything offsite nor do I have any sponsors so this is not advertising). It is not necessarily that BlackRock will fork Bitcoin, as BlackRock will be forced to choose which fork they are hodling and which one they will sell if they hodl in legacy addresses (thus not ANYONECANSPEND) and thus receive the free airdrop of non-legacy. It will be the miners taking the 13+ million ANYONECANSPEND Bitcoins as generous donations, that will force the non-legacy (i.e. 2017 softfork impostor Bitcion) protocol to hard fork (fck) off from (the bona fide Bitcoin) Satoshi’s immutable legacy protocol, because that will be a violation of the new protocol. To protect yourself, make sure you hodl all your Bitcoins in addresses that begin with 1 not 3, bc1 nor any other obfuscation for legacy addresses that the scammers come up with. I suppose it is possible that BlackRock will invest a lot in Bitcoin mining and help drive the Schelling point for when the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium {but that is not essential nor relevant to the logic of the inevitability of the attack}. Anyway, it appears to me that BlackRock and the new ETFs will be where all the institutions go to die as all their investment will go “poof it’s gone.” NOT YOUR LEGACY KEYS, NOT YOUR BITCORN. The 2017 softfork broke the Nash equilibrium because it created this huge 13+ million booty that gives the miners a different strategy than benevolence. It incentivizes the miners to force the 2017 softfork to fork (fck) off because miners get first dibs thus get to keep the 13 million Bitcoin for themselves {and thus finances the Nash equilibrium restoration even}. I discuss the game theory in great detail on my Github gist linked from my blog. People make the mistake of assuming the restoration will not occur because it will crater the price of Bitcoin. What they do not understand is the miners will have no choice because due to the asymmetrical economics of the situation, the non-legacy fork will stall and miners who try to continue mining it will have no income and go bankrupt. There is another wrinkle that affects all of us holding Bitcoin, even if we hodl legacy addresses. The restoration “attack” (actually a healing, not an attack) will create an involuntary taxable event due to the airdrop, even for those whose Bitcoins are taken from them (i.e. donated to the miners). And even those of us who keep our Bitcorn will have this involuntary taxable event. I did the research and any claim that we did not take possession of the airdrop or what have you, will not be a valid excuse. Thus this event is going to REKT everyone as they will have a huge tax bill, but {especially those who did not hodl in legacy addresses} no Bitcorn remaining to sell to pay the tax!!! @zvonyo, c.f. also the latest updates on this idea where I elaborated. The optimum time to initiate the ANYONECANSPEND event is after a massive run up in the price, because it will cause the more egregious stalling of the impostor fork. Thus the ideal juncture might be the looming ~70k top in 2025 because the projected abyss crash to bottom by May 2026. It is possible that BlackRock will convert the impostor Bitcoin to proof-of-stake, because that will be the only possible defense to the mining difficulty non-readjustment attack(s) which will stall the impostor fork after it fcks off. The legacy protocol Bitcoin will recover and rise as the new world reserve currency replacing the dollar after the looming WWIII Thucydides trap. This plan was laid out in 1988 as the Phoenix on the cover of the Economist Magazine. Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle ever since, with its clever design leaked in an anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/2009, and attained mass retail awareness in 2018. I am an expert on this topic. Proceed to my blog, Dig into my detailed Github gist. Legacy Bitcoin is a diabolical plan to enslave the world, as I had publicly pointed out in 2013. Eric Krown Crypto thinks the DXY might still come down to 100. Dollar will crash upwards in its final peak going into 2026 as the Thucydides trap accelerates. After 2028 (Bitcoin’s 10 year cycle), Bitcoin will start to rise as the Phoenix and the new world reserve currency, because the nations will not trust each other nor the dollar anymore. Also the dollar can no longer be a reserve currency when they trap us in a cashless CBDC dystopia.Comment: youtu.be/ERpp2ygWdyE (Elliott Wave Master Predicts Next Market Top | Alessio Rastani) @CryptoCrewUniversity Alessio explained this very well. Steve if your 5.3 theory is correct, then we are in the bearish version of Alessio’s thesis. Which is what I believe and have posted publicly. I think Bitcoin will make new lows in 2024 as shocking as that sounds. EuroDollar University is explaining why. People think the blackswan from 2020 will not repeat. They should study more. I like that you raised your range bound thesis based on the 4-year halving cycle, which Alessio reacted to. However the reason I think you are wrong and Alessio’s bearish thesis is correct, is bcz your 5.3 theory says the price can not exceed ~70 to 79k (measured 2 ways), but if price is already ~48k yet not even close to the timing of the parabolic move in the 4 year cycle. Fib retracements are deceiving bcz bullish when a significant new ATH is expected, but not the case now bcz of your 5.3 theory! Thus may decline below 15k in 2024 and never make a new ATH bcz your 5.3 theory will be measured from a lower bottom. ==== From the comments: > “I remember you wrote that you only hedge your long-term positions with options, not aggressively playing on the short side…I'm waiting to hear from you and hope everything is OK. @goodblackcat, Tradingview banned me from posting for 2 or 3 days. C.f. my most recent update today on my other recent published idea. I have a very important comment about the Elliot Wave structure. I think this might be the final blowoff top for Bitcoin for a few years. Maybe one relief rally to above this level in 2025 but not a new ATH. This looks very bearish to me. Parabolic on very low volume (lol BlackRock announced $100k in seed capital and the markets pumped!) and too soon in the cycle if the 5.3 theory is correct and the new ATH in 2025 can only be ~70 to 79k, then this is not bullish at all. Thus to tell you frankly, I am shifting to taking profits on crypto. Not even 15% of my hodl portfolio yet, but if this hits 47 - 48k, I am thinking about taking profits on up to 50%. Will be interested to read your thoughts. I was also long the breakout. Remember I was warning you that there was manipulation and they might take this higher before they let it crash. The insiders know what is coming in 2024. EuroDollar University knows also. Your methods can not really decipher these long-term outlooks. That is why I look at a lot of different data points in the macro and the T/A. @goodblackcat, I have seen some compelling arguments for one more push to 47 - 48k. Could happen soon or later in December or early January. Then I expect a rug pull after that with a precipitous drop. We could have already hit the top but I am doubting that. @goodblackcat, Alessio (c.f. my latest update on my other recent idea) says needs to waterfall crash below 40k then 35k for the bearish thesis to be intact. Can not be a slow move. Must be very precipitous. Else the bearish thesis is discarded.Comment: Says signals of doom for 2024 are worse than 2019, more like 2007/8. Points out that the supply shock from Covid, was papered over with fiat printing but this will revert to the mean. That the global economy is still very weak and getting weaker. My take is crash coming in 2024, but Fed will be able to bring out their bazooka one last time. We go up again in 2025 and then from 2026 to 2028 at least is going to be absolute totalitarian hell with massive economic problems globally. People will be suffering. Global suffering is good feedstock for world war. youtu.be/Y6nKuf-KxY0?t=609 (It Was Only A Matter Of Time...But It Finally Happened | EuroDollar University) ==== Something non-linear (i.e. blackswan) may be brewing. Swap spreads going negative like they did in 2020. Also the Baltic Dry index has doubled in November. youtu.be/0hCDxRc6HDs (Things Are Getting REALLY Serious Now | EuroDollar U.) ==== 82% of Americans can’t afford to finance even a used car. Precipitous drop in November. Something is brewing while Bitcoin is rallying on stupid ETF nonsense. youtu.be/AGn5Mi_HSGw?t=556 (The Used Car Market just COLLAPSED) ==== youtu.be/aUKchot5V-I (Holy Sh*t! The Fed Just Admitted We Are In A Recession | EuroDollar University)Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, If you are correct than so be it but what if your wrong? I have been in these cycles reading highly articulate people telling me that Bitcoin was going to zero since 2012. Being merely articulate with a smug and condescending bias towards technology which often scales far past it's original development is what you seem to miss. Bitcoin layer 1 is the vault and layer 2 will be the spending mechanism. It does NOT have to be lightning and that constant in development is still unseen but Moore's law along with mass adoption breaks these barriers you seem to focus on.” @btrimas, you have an aspirant class deficiency in reading comprehension. What part of “inarguable, ASYMMETRIC economics” did you fail to grok from my exposition. An average guy like you is incapable of understanding anything about Bitcoin, what Bitcoin is here to disrupt, that Bitcoin is here to justifiably enslave you and why transaction scaling is nonsense. Your “articulate” source idiots do not teach you anything useful. It’s not my vocation to hold your inept hand. All (but one of the) links are to writings of the 145 IQ Bitcoin whale who has ~500,000 BTC and who faked his own death as he prepares to move those BTC in the looming ANYONECANSPEND attack perhaps in 2026. Note the 2017 softfork impostor Bitcoin will be destroyed, not Satoshi’s authentic legacy protocol Bitcoin, which will rise from 2028 as the January 1988 Economist Magazine’s Phoenix from the ashes of WWIII, ashes of socialism, ashes of all the nonsense world that idiots believe to be true. Everything in your cushy world is going away. Pack your bags for the slavery train. If you had read carefully you would know to store your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 1, not 3 nor bc1, so you will be protected. But you would still have the problem of an involuntary income tax liability for the looming airdrop.Comment: youtu.be/c0ZIqiVFTQk (I respond to DUMB comments (what I REALLY think of bitcoin and stock markets) | Alessio Rastani) No worries Alessio. I have been sharing on my public trading view (with 486+ upvotes on my latest published idea so I have nontrivial reach), your latest analysis such as the interview you did with Steve Courtney of Crypto Crew University this week. I also explained why I think the bearish interpretation of the Bitcoin EW count is much more likely the situation right now. I wrote as follows on Steve's video...in short this parabolic move is either bearish or Steves's 5.3 theory is incorrect. Did you see he updated his 5.3 theory recently with an alternative way of measuring it that says the looming top in 2025 will be ~70k. If the top will be ~70k how can we be approaching 48k so soon in the 4 year halving cycle. Something does not make sense. Also wave 5 would be much too long if it did not complete in 2021. That was the top for Bitcoin. Bitcoin is ending. I explain the technological reasons Bitcoin is ending on my trading view. You really should study what I have written about the ANYONE CAN SPEND attack.Comment: My comment on video Bitcoin is about to Do Something for First Time Since 2020 Rally | Steve Courtney & Alessio Rastani: Steve Courtney is thus claiming that Bitcoin will only consolidate down to ~30k, then stay range bound until ~May 2024, then it will only rise (per his 5.3 theory measured two ways) to ~70 to 79k over the intervening 9 to 12 months into the top he expects in Q1 or Q2 2025. Thus he is claiming there will never be any parabolic cycle in this bull market cycle. He is using the TDI (Traders Dynamic Index) to support his thesis that Bitcoin is now in his “phase 2” of the bull market and that the prior bull cycle never had a “phase 2” and instead only an extended double-length “phase 1.” He thus employs this thesis to rule out a retest of the 15.4k lows. For a bullish thesis with wave 1 to end at ~47k, then decline into wave 2 to ~30k for ~100+ days, then wave 3 to ~63+k (to make wave 3 the longest wave on linear but not log scaled) then correction wave 4, then wave 5 to ~70 to 79k over the next 9 to 12 months. But for me Steve is ignoring the significance of several factors. 1) The overarching EW count ended in 2021 with wave 5, unless this is a very overextended wave 5, which seems to violate the rule that wave 3 should be the longest wave. 2) wave 2 correcting more than 62% of wave 1 in 2020 created a terminal wave condition (not many EW theorists are aware of this condition) meaning that 2021 was the end of the overarching EW count thus only the bearish EW thesis applies, 3) the volume chart on the monthly BTC index chart looks anemic something is not the same as prior cycles, 4) Steve’s TDI thesis has some conditions he is not factoring such as the prior two crosses above the RSI average orange which started his “phase 2” did so at the white horizontal line, whereas this recent orange cross was much lower and the slower RSI green line is much lower and the faster RSI red always comes back to test the green again after orange cross. In two prior cycles when the red approached the top of the RSI bollinger bands within 2 months of the halving, but the current situation is ~6 months before the halving. Thus while the prior two cycles the red retested the green after the top of the BB after halving this will be doing it before the halving. Also all prior orange crosses corresponded with a blue cross on the upper RCI3Lines, but not this time with blue very, very low. This seems to indicate that the red needs to crash down back below the blue first as it did in March 2020 before the bullish market resumes. The situation is much different and Steve is hallucinating by ignoring important information. As Alessio had pointed out in his interview with Steve on Steve's channel, that if there will be a bearish case the crash will be very swift, perhaps a flash crash waterfall. ============== youtu.be/AgwH0VNgI2M (How High Will Bitcoin Go In 2024? | Andrei Jikh) @AndreiJikh I bet you know nothing about the looming ANYONE CAN SPEND attack and the asymmetric economics that iseebitcoin's article totally ignores. 2026 perhaps. All your Bitcoin goes poof it's gone because you did not read carefully the blogs of the whale who provably controls a million BTC (he owned SatoshiDice). An no he is not dead. He presaged everything in his blogs. He faked his drowning as he prepares for the dystopian future ahead. C.f. my elaboration under unsignedmusic's comment. If Bitcoin is pumping on the expectation of expectation of lower interest rates as you posit, then someone forgot that the Fed does not cut until something is breaking and that the most liquid assets are dumped first by weak hands during a deflationary episode. The ETFs are nonsense and will not lead to significant new demand until the price crashes because institutions are not going to rush to buy at these nosebleed prices. Institutions know a recession is coming and they will sit on their hands. Thus I think it is more logical that Bitcoin is pumping because the smart money wants to dump on retail before the looming 2024 crash. Bitcoin always crashes just before (or just after) the halving. > “8:30 Since there will only be 21 million bitcoins ever, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to replenish the supply even in a million years, so it will always be infinitely more rare than gold.” (as measured by stock-to-flow ratio) @unsignedmusic Actually it is worse than that because supply being lost while in the future no new supply will be created. So wrap you head around the kind of world we will have if Bitcoin becomes the global reserve currency replacing the dollar as the standard by which national fiats are based on. First of all it can not become a widely used currency because the 2017 softfork and those transaction scaling mechanisms are going to be destroyed in a fireball known as the ANYONE CAN SPEND attack (perhaps in 2026). Btw, most people will lose all their BTC in that attack because they did not read and comprehend what was presented to them. Secondly as the legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV nor BCH, but the protocol that coexists now on the main chain with the impostor softfork) rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine Phoenix, the world will be thrust into forever massive deflation with socialism enslaved by Bitcoin. It is not going to be a pleasant existence for most of the billions on this planet. Perhaps the banning of usury which lengthened the W. European Dark Age to 600 years might be analogous.

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اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 1969

I keep hearing people regurgitating Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. YT channel) trope about the market has built a lot of structure by slowly grinding up, unlike in 2019 in which the price moved too quickly to 13.9k. And they take this as some gospel or evidence that the price will not crash back down to a lower low. This a syllogistic logical fallacy or a form of apophenia that attempts to assign causation to features which may be present among other outcomes. A more sophisticated person entertains all of the facts of the situation and doesn’t try to form causal conclusions based on myopic cherry picking of preferred datums. They should read the How to Piss Me Off Guide. Why doesn’t anyone else notice the following? 1. For every bear market bottom, the second crash below the 200 WMA is always deeper than the prior one within the same cycle. Thus clearly another deeper move below the 200 WMA is looming before the bottom. 2. Note my textual annotations on the following chart. Note ending diagonals in 2018 and currently are followed by massive, intense moves in the other direction. Also note that the 5 waves for the prior bull market were a terminating wave because of wave 2 retraced more than 67% of wave 1. A TERMINATING WAVE MEANS THE BITCOIN BULL MARKET SINCE ITS INCEPTION IS FINISHED. Thus Bitcoin will not make a new ATH ever again until the entire bull run from its inception has been reset. Per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio theory which predicts every bull market top for Bitcoin, the next top can only be ~413% above the bottom. If Bitcoin bottoms at 13.6k in 2024 as I expect, then it will top at ~70k and will not make a new ATH.Comment: Another fact I omitted is that for the first time the subsequent bull market bottomed below the top of the prior bull market. This means the bull market cycles are now overlapping which is another form of ending diagonal. Amazing me that people think logistic growth S curves just slow down and levitate after they peak, as if a Boeing 747 could stall in mid-air without any thrust. Exponential on the way up and exponential on the way down.Comment: I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024.Comment: Readers have an incorrect model of reality. Bitcoin the new asset is here to enslave you, not to help you. And it will not be lifted to $ 1million until first destroying the impostor Bitcoin taking the Bitcoin price to ~$0, which you currently incorrectly think is Bitcoin and here to save you. The reality is the Bitcoin ETF is all about enslaving you. Educate yourself. Dig into the links, especially the first one which is my blog.Comment: If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5.3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 (+413%) expected by said 5.3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO.Comment: The 80% down has not completed yet for the current bear market. We are not in the bull market yet. Jason Pizzino is a sleepwalking cheerleader (with pompoms) leading you to complacency. This entire altcoin pump is fake! User and investor adoption has continued to plummet. The altcoin bear market is not over folks! youtu.be/oRR11bYspPE (The Altcoin Rally Is Fake | My Biggest Altcoin Warning Yet... | DataDash) Of course the insiders who are holding bags from the FTX blowup are pumping the markets to dump on retail before the bear market continues with the expiration of the BTFP on March 11 and the banking collapse that will allow the Fed to pivot. Wash, rinse, repeat. Retail never learns. ==== Here is the follow-up from George Gammon where he has the possibility of the expiration of the BTFP on March 11, could lead to a banking contagion and be the catalyst for the crash I am expecting. youtu.be/92i2M_1p7v4 (Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March – George Gammon) ==== Storm clouds accumulating into a looming hurricane in the global economy: youtu.be/8gFhm7_VQ2k (Oil Is Sending A Warning Message To The Stock Market | Mott Capital Mgmt) ==== Why is Solana rallying like crazy? Ron Walker has a plausible explanation. He argues that FTX et al, needed to pump their bags so they could liquidate them on the retail investor fools. Also he points out that Bitcoin is rising on declining volume. The dumb retail investors always believe the hopium. And we have sleepwalking cheerleader Jason Pizzino assuring them that crypto can never crash anew. youtu.be/BVLXhQwQlpc?t=633 (The Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Has Begun - BTC To Test of 32K Soon - BULL TRAP) Ron argues the Wycoff distribution is still in play even if pullback followed by a higher high. He thinks the moves in Bitcoin are exaggerated, thus allowing for slightly more extreme than textbook Wycoff. youtu.be/Larttvdrbh4?t=88 (Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Coming - BTC BULL TRAP Being Set) ==== Let’s contemplate other Elliot Wave counts which might invalidate the thesis of the ending diagonal. The following is invalid because wave 1 is the largest wave which can not be the case. The following is proposed in the following video and I corrected him. Alternatively he considers the bearish case which is the same as what I expect. youtu.be/7uaRYmvlYqA (BITCOIN ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS) Your B is higher than your 1. That not allowed. Thus it can only be the bearish case W-X-Y currently in the A-B-C bull trap wave X. Any attempt at labeling a 5 wave count currently is an ending diagonal, which is bearish. Also prior bull cycle wave 2 corrected more than 67% of wave 1, which makes it a terminal wave. That means this bear market will be much worse than prior ones. And no new ATH will be reached in this next bull market. You like everyone else thinks the C19 contagion will not repeat in 2024, but in fact the macroeconomic and orangeutan hair threat (i.e. political) conditions are nearly the same. And do not forget the BTFP (aka buy the f-ing pivot) banking collapse prevention expires March 11.Comment: Took short-term profits from bullish position entered earlier today (c.f. updates). Might reenter on pullback. ==== My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. ==== Jason Pizzino highlighted my comment and specifically said he does not think Bitcoin can go to my prediction of 14k. He implied I am loony. youtu.be/Kw3APTaYrlY?t=529 ← click for his screen capture of my comment on his prior video Jason didn’t address any of the detailed points I made in comments on his recent videos. He is ostensibly oblivious to for example the Shark harmonic pattern pointing to an Ethereum crash in price after this pump to the 3200 Bat harmonic target. I purchased ETH December calls this past summer expecting the Bat rally, which have seen 10 times gain already! Jason is ostensibly oblivious to the Terminal Wave and Ending Diagonals on the Elliot Wave structure of Bitcoin. In 2022, I employed harmonic pattern theory to PUBLICLY (on TradingView) predict NatGas would crash to $2, that the S&P would rally to 4650 (the 0.886 target), pullback (as it did this summer) and then rally anew to ~4950 (the 1.13 target) which is underway. From the comments: @ivanguzman102, I did predict the future numerous times. ==== To reiterate that Bitcoin will enslave the 99%. Per the explanation I aforelinked in my blog, the SegWit, Lightning Networks, scaling crap will be destroyed and that impostor Bitcoin will go to ~0. The 1 MiB block limited legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes after the WWIII underway as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix. Bitcoin transaction fees will be affordable only to large transaction values, thus used only by the wealth. Bitcoin is not long, for us. We were deceived into supporting our future enslavement. ==== www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIpPwfML... (Comments on "How Mexico Will Save The West") > “@SMoore-vj7bt I'm not Mexican nor am I diminishing regular Americans. It's just obvious that America doesn't have a long term plan for dealing with most of the world becoming industrialized. American politicians are senile and out of touch.” @jay1jayf the holistic picture is actually enslavement of the entire world. The political elite of the US Empire are just pawns of the real power behind the curtain. Industrialization does not mean freedom. It means trading freedom for trinkets. Just as the indigenous were lured into trading their land for mirror or bottle of liquor. The deck of cards is being shuffled but the House remains in control of the odds of winning. Mexico is a new frontier to some extent, because of low regulations. But the tax man cometh. Within a few decades or less the enslavement in the West will be universal all over the world. That is what the rise of multipolarism (and the deflationary, dystopian Bitcoin to displace the USD) is really about. When you ponder who created Bitcoin just ask yourself who benefits from enslaving the world in a unit of account that is a fixed supply and can be monopolized by the 1%. ==== From the comments. @cornvutthole, what part of the first link I put in the prior comment are you ostensibly not capable of clicking, reading and comprehending? Perhaps if you are technologically illiterate and/or average IQ, then what is written there (by myself, i.e. I am the author of the linked blog) may make no sense to you? It is inarguable that the impostor Bitcoin (which you all ERRONEOUSLY think is the official Bitcoin) is going to ~$0, when the 13+ million Bitcoin ANYONECANSPEND booty is donated to the miners (no need to even hack the private keys) by the fact that you willfully and ignorantly stored your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1, instead of Satoshi’s legacy addresses that begin with 1. And BSV and BCH have nothing to do with this. I am not referring to any of scammer Craig “Faketoshi” Wright’s nonsense/shenanigans. The 2017 soft fork broke the Nash Equilibrium by creating a huge booty. The only way to fix the equilibrium is for the miners to take it and force the hard fork. After which the impostor will go to $0, because of the economic asymmetry of the airdrop, i.e. everyone hodling legacy Bitcoin will receive both airdrops, whereas the those not will donate their legacy airdrop to the miners AND HAVE A HUGE TAXABLE CAPITAL GAIN THEY CAN NOT PAY thus wrecking their lives and burning their fingertips up to their armpits for touching impostor Bitcorn. This restoration event (aka “attack”) must occur before Bitcoin can rise as the new world reserve currency, i.e. the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix.Comment: It was a hidden secret code pattern that I discovered (and published in my idea update) on September 3 that enabled me to pinpoint a plausible bottom price ~14k for Bitcoin. I wrote: Based on these patterns, I think BTC will flash crash only to ~14k in 2024. Will only be down there for a very short period and quickly back above 21k again. Thus per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 rule, looks like the H2 2025 top will only ~71k. ==== Expounding on my two comment posts in the comments section (on this published idea) reflecting on my historical Tradingview record being incorrectly understood, I will write my thought progression as best as I can recall off the top of my head without going back into all my history meticulously to bolster my recollection. I had not discovered Ron Walker’s YT channel (currently aka The Doctor of Dump & Pump, formerly The Crypto Trader) near the Sep/Oct 2021 top in the market. Thus I was all alone in my belief that Bitcoin had topped. I was up against intense FOMO for the $100+k thesis even in my own discussion circle. Couple this being back and forth between Mexico and the USA, not ultimately settling into an apartment in Arizona until Jan 2022, I was very distracted and disorganized at the 2021 top. After the drop below $20k, I noticed some short-term bullish divergence on the CME that was not on spot (or maybe it was vice versa) and I noticed Gareth Soloway had started to nibble and soften is expectation of 13k, allowing for the possibility of an interim bounce to maybe 32k. Ron Walker continued to call for 9 to 12k. Right before the drop to 15.4k, I started to entertain the notion of a Wycoff accumulation and this was before I discovered Jason Pizzino who was spouting the same hypothesis. When the price hit 16k and bounced, I called the bottom. Then surprisingly it dropped again to 15.4k and I knew this was the final spring on the Wycoff accumulation, I actually talked someone out of despair in my private Telegram group. He has since held his position all the way up. Ron Walker finally allowed for a bounce from the 15.4k level but did not see the Wycoff accumulation. And thus he as expecting only a bull trap dead cat bounce to ~20k to be rejected and decline to his 9 to 12k targets. All the way up, he kept having correct short-term buy and sell calls, but he was always bearish overall. Every bull move higher was counter to his stated expectations until the price broke above 32k, he started to allow for 40k. I had found OPTICALARTdotCOM when the Bitcoin price was still around or above the $30+k level and he like Gareth were calling for 13k. Note he was similar to Ron Walker always expecting the next leg down that I am expecting now, and expecting that all way from the 15.4k level at every attempt to thrust over 32k. But to his credit, he did have a Fib circle ring that enabled him to go long at exactly 15.4k as it crossed his circle which was a bullish pump signal for him. But he never expected the price to rally as much as it did. Whereas, around Oct/Nov 2022, I found harmonic patterns (Shark and Bat) which enabled me to publicly predict (in updates on my Year from Hell idea) 4650, correction, then 4950 for S&P (and commensurately also for the Nasdaq) as well as a crash to $2 for NatGas I predicted earlier in 2022, and the 2100 followed by 2600 to 3200 level for Ethereum. So this is why I was buying Dec 29 2100 strike ETH calls in Sep/Oct 2023 for ~$10 and selling them recently for ~$100. I had been following Game of Trades on YT who had pointed that historically the stock market rallies to an ATH after the Fed pauses, then crashes when it pivots (reduces Fed Fund rates). He was expecting that pause in June 2022, so eventually he got weary waiting for it and turned very bearish. I protested and many of his followers thought I was loony to call for 4650 at the Oct/Nov 2022 lows. As I tied in all the developing factors into my analysis of the situation, I realized that Ron Walker and OPTICALARTdotCOM bearish thesis for another leg down, is probably correct. And so now I join them, but only after they were mostly wrong since the 15.4k bottom, although they were both correct from the $66k top to the $20k level at least.Comment: From the comments: @SwallowPremium, your linked chart (linked chart{1}) does not appear for me in the comments. I only found the link in my notifications. My reasons are more elaborate yet more or less an equivalent outlook. Note I am open to the possibility that the pre-halving correction will be only just below ~20k and not a lower low. The lower low makes sense to me though for reasons so expressed on this page. I will post this in my idea updates where your chart will thusly display properly. {1} I tried to link it and it causes the "linked chart" text to be redacted from my comment! What kind of bug does Tradingview have in their software? ]linked chartComment: Ah another corroborating datum that my expectation is plausible. youtu.be/nAvgnCtFevI (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT 250K BITCOIN – THIS WILL HAPPEN INSTEAD (BE READY) | Crypto Crew U.) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve (Courtney) you just validated what I have been posting on my Trading view the past couple of days that the bottom will be ~14k (just before the halving again), because when you apply the 70k top predicted by this new variant of 5.3 to your prior 5.3 variant, it indicates the actual low will be just below 14k. Also contemplate the doomsday implications of the looming triple top. I informed you in email last year this will likely be the destruction of the impostor 2017 softfork Bitcoin crashing it to near 0 in 2026 before the legacy protocol recovers. ==== From the comments: > “I think it's too early to say what will happen in 2025 while we're still in 2023. Anything can happen by that time but most likely scenario that there will be new ATH on BTC” @fastprofittrader, do you still have that same opinion if you assimilate all my corroborating details from the numerous updates on my idea and all my replies in the comments section? I think I have presented a very strong case as to why there can not be a higher high in 2025. We can pinpoint that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 based on the timing of Bitcoin’s repeating (i.e. periodic) 4 cycle. Couple that with Steve Courtney’s discovery of a 5.3 ratio rule which dictates the top of each subsequent bull market based on a ratio of the prior top and bottom. Thus per his calculation, the current bull market CAN NOT exceed +413% of the bottom. If 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k would be the top in H2 2025. But based on my other numerous analyses, 15.4k may not be the final bottom, which instead may be ~14k (perhaps 13.6k to be more exact), which thus pegs the looming top to be only ~70k, thus a doomsday triple top, which might be the signal that the impostor Bitcoin may decline to ~$0 in during the horrific bear market coming from 2026 to 2028, wherein the dollar will become incredibly strong because of WWIII with China, Iran, Russia.Comment: Ah another indicator of the posited looming further leg down and thus that crypto is still in a bear market after this bull trap rally. youtu.be/1PLv4gUm0cM?t=371 (Bitcoin & Altcoin Price Analysis | The Critical Levels You Need To Watch | DataDash) ==== Liquidity crisis on tap for March/April. How can people not see that a liquidity crisis is already preprogrammed into the system for that future date? youtu.be/GgK4566_xRI (Reverse Repo is Crashing | Heresy Financial) Coincidentally I had been detecting indications in the crypto charts of looming crash in the markets H1 2024. Also the Fed’s BTFP expires March 11. It’s as if those in control are planning on creating a crisis. ==== From the comments: > “In which case it turns into a leading diagonal blah blah.” @ParabolicPanic, not which turns into. I am actually incorrect to posit that it could be an ending diagonal, because per Elliot Wave theory ending diagonals can only occur in the ending C or 5th wave, which is obviously not that case currently. The current wave structure is either the 1st motive wave (thus a leading diagonal) or the second (aka X) corrective wave. I did posit that the current wave structure coming off the 15.4k bottom is either an A-B-C corrective structure or I mentioned it could be an ending diagonal. I should have stated or it could be a leading diagonal. But on further study as I just stated, it can not be an ending diagonal. Thus either this is a bullish leading diagonal for wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves to come, or as I believe it is a corrective A-B-C of an overall larger W-X-Y correction from the 2021 top. However for it to be a leading diagonal, then small wave 5 underway (not the posited future, larger wave 5) must not be larger than wave 3. Given that small wave 5 already appears to be larger than its small wave 3 and if the Three Hills (, valley) and a Mountain pattern which appears to be underway is fulfilled heading into Dec/Jan, then wave 5 will extend and be much larger than the posited wave 3. Thus a corrective (i.e. not motive) A-B-C would be the only correct Elliot Wave interpretation. Your “blah, blah” can be lazy self-deception. Corroborating factors and evidence should be studied to support or invalidate a hypothesis. Your leading diagonal hypothesis in invalidated by other facts, or at least the presumption that wave 2 could not be very deep perhaps to 18k which is a possibility I am also allowing for (although the updated as of yesterday 5.3 ratio theory seems to be invalidating that possibility yet we will see). Ostensibly you have not even read all the analysis. Apparently you decided that the page was not worth your time about a paragraph or two into it. This is a problem and why humans are so easily deceived. Most people are lazy and apathetic, and thusly apply heuristics so they can minimize the effort they expend. Often heuristics fail. ==== youtu.be/0Fg30bxX9BA (Buying Bitcoin Now Will Not Make Your Descendants Rich | Heresy Financial) Unfortunately pessimistically, this video’s optimism is wrong on two levels. First, Bitcoin will never be the currency (as in for payments), because the 2017 scaling softfork broke the Nash equilibrium and will be destroyed. Bitcoin will only be the global reserve currency used by the very wealthy because of the very high transaction fees given the immutable 1 MiB block size limitation in the legacy protocol. Any attempt to change the protocol will fail due to the economic asymmetry of airdrops (even softforks that become hard fcks when the Nash equilibrium is restored). Bitcoin is moving us to a two-tier monetary system, where the plebs will be forced onto to dystopian, cashless 666 central bank digital currencies and the central banks will hold Bitcoin on their balance shits. Secondly, the economic mobility of meritocracy does not obviate the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources. Unfortunately Bitcoin replacing the dollar will result in dystopia because unlike gold, the dominant empire will not be able to debase the unit-of-account that the entire world relies on. Thus massive deflation and widespread pestilence because most people are incapable of self-reliance, self-discipline, long time preference, etc.. This means that the 1% will become the 0.1%, then the 0.01% and ultimately all the wealth of the world concentrated on the proverbial, metaphorical Biblical Seven Hills. Armageddon follows in Biblical prophesy. The reason for the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is not just regulatory capture. It runs the gamut of ways that economies-of-scale and selection-of-the-fittest-most-ruthless can capture power vacuums because we do not exist in your naive, idealistic implicit assumption of a milieu of perfect disorder.Comment: youtu.be/qdeS2wRI60Q?t=126 (Bitcoin, SP500, Real Estate | Jason Pizzino) @JasonPizzinoOfficial Jason I don’t deny the existence of a real estate cycle but it is not a universal hammer and not every market is its nail. The real estate market (which some characterize as 18 years peak-to-peak or trough-to-trough) is not perfectly repeatable. There’s significant variance from 14 to 21 years, with and without a significant mid-cycle. Moreover the stock markets do not appear to be solely or even primarily governed by the real estate cycle. For example, the 2000-2001 mid-cycle was rather mild for real-estate, but egregious crash for the stonks with the 2007 S&P top a double-top of the Dotcom peak. Significant pullback in late 1971 one year before the top in late 1972 which may apply if we are expecting a cycle top in 2025. Moreover from 1969 to 1980 was basically flat due to a monetary disinhibition (end of gold standard) and concomitant stagflation which we have now amplified to the nth degree. You should not continue to just apply the variable real estate periodicity blindly to the other markets. Martin Armstrong has instead for example, fed the entire detailed history of human civilization into his AI data mining Socrates which discovered periodicity and correlations which your overly simplistic model can not. Socrates says something dire/significant will occur in H1 2024 probably around the Ides of March again. Specifically the liquidity that has been feeding the markets has been the draining of the reverse repos into Treasuries with the government spending the funds into the economy. This dries up as of March, as well the Fed’s BTFP (bank rescue) expires March 11. The largest bank failures ever (greater than the GFC) occurred in 2023. The Fed prevented these from being marked-to-market with the BTFP. There was no need to allow for a crisis and inject massive new liquidity in 2023, as inflation was still running high. But now the same global stress that appeared in 2019 has returned with the rest of the world slipping into severe recessionary spiral. So now the elite need another liquidity crisis so they can turn on the money printers again. They will need some event to disrupt the conservatives in the House that are now blocking the ever increasing government spending needed to sustain this house of cards into 2025. For sure the massive bubble into 2025 is coming but they need first to overcome some obstacles that have returned from 2019, such as the orangeutan hair populism. Nothing a good crisis like C19 can not fix again. You need to become a bit more sophisticated. ==== From the comments: > “😂😂😂👌 That's a good joke. Now that institutions and banks are interested in buying and want to offer BTC, no new ath... 🤡🤡🤡 Good luck, man!” @Andbcoin, institutions will not rush in to buy right after a 150% pump, caused by retail FOMO being dumped on by the insiders who realize that retail are suckers for a narrative. After the ETFs are approved, institutions that want to start hedging the ultimate demise of the US dollar, will accumulate on cycle lows, because they understand very well that the dollar will skyrocket from 2026 in its last hooray before the Thucydides trap finally dethrones it as the world reserve currency and liquid Eurodollar market. In short, institutions are much more sophisticated because they have the economies-of-scale to hire people to study reality. Retail are dumb a.f., because individuals employ daft heuristics and are easily swayed by propaganda narratives. Thusly the looming top and bubble heading into 2025, must be driven the same way the 2021 top and bubble was, by flooding idiots with stimulus checks and liquidity. In order to do that, you first need a crisis, as the excuse and pretext to drop money from helicopters. The metaphoric 747 is running out of idiot fuel. Stall incoming. I do not know if you noticed, but interest rates are very high and people are loaded to the gills with credit card debt that they are paying 24% interest on. Institutions are not going to bail out you idiots. They will wait for you all to default and sell the looming bottom.Comment: INTERACTION IN THE COMMENTS IS WORTHWHILE UP TO THE LIMIT OF DIMINISHING RETURNS WHERE MOST OF THE NUANCE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. From the comments: @btcusdhappyPaella56213, perhaps what you meant to write is that a 747 can stall even with thrust? Which is correct, for example climbing at too steep of an angle with insufficient airspeed. But I do not see how that obviates or has anything to do with my analogy? If anything that would bolster my stance that this recent acceleration is too steep to be sustainable. Too high, too fast, too early in the 4 year cycle, especially given a high interest rate, stagflationary macroeconomic environment where the retail hopium (thruster) fuel is limited because for example they are up their ears in 24% APR credit card debt. Volume has been declining during this entire bull trap bounce with a slight rise for this blow off top acceleration. Rising on declining volume is not a bullish sign. ==== From the comments: > “while you could be true , EW is completely speculative , you're right, Crypto can be zero , but only after Quantum computers kick in might be that case. Elliott Wave wasted so much of time and money for many. It's beautiful to count waves, it's inherently bearish in nature” @kkandru, the crux of my speculation here is not depending on EW theory. Given the update yesterday from Steve Courtney that shows I was correct that the top in 2025 will be at most 70k, then on a risk weighted basis, it is much wiser to sell ~40 - 45k this early in the 4 year cycle before the halving. Or at least hedge my hodl stack with some long-dated puts as I am doing. IF WE KNOW NOW THAT THE MAX IN 2025 WILL BE $70K IS IT NOT WISE TO SELL AT $40+K GIVEN THAT 2025 IS SO FAR AWAY? Some commentators seem to placate their confirmation basis and comfort themselves by assuming I failed to buy the 15.4k low (which is an incorrect assumption which my public record disproves). While what it more likely represents is how late they are. Maybe they failed to sell the last top or bought at higher prices on the way down being fooled by Michael Saylor or Elon Musk. I was around in 2012 when Bitcoin was 10 dollars. Everyone is buying too late now. Bitcoin is approaching its apogee in terms of how much fuel can be squeezed out of plebs, because the pleb civilization is bankrupt. So whilst many are hoping for a new ATH because they were so late to get into Bitcoin, the smart money is cashing out of the pleb impostor fork of Bitcoin and preparing for the 2026 totalitarianism transition to a new world order, where the legacy protocol Bitcoin rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix from the ashes of Western civilization to enslave humanity in stark fiscal discipline of a fixed money supply (not even the gold standard was that harsh) and UNDEFEATED THROUGHOUT ALL HISTORY OF MANKIND vortex of power-law distribution of wealth concentrating all the wealth among the 0.1%. So while these boastful idiots think they are on top, they are really on the bottom of the boot and about to have their faces ground into the mud by reality. As it should be. Their hopium is they are not too late and that institutions will bail them out. As if dumb a.f., late a.f. retail could actually dump their bags on institutions. Lol. Never. It is always the other way around that we the smart money are dumping on the retail hopium addicts. @kkandru, dismissing EW as speculative is a crude interpretation of what is meant by those sophisticated who admit it. EW is only speculative to the extent that the future possibilities could invalidate a posited wave count and structure. Triangulation of multiple datums convert independent into fully constrained, dependent variables. So while I became aware today that the ending diagonal hypothesis is invalid, the two possible competing theses still lean more to my A-B-C corrective wave (as a Three Hills and a Mountain) inside of an overall W-X-Y corrective bear market that will not be completed until around the April halving. Especially factoring in (triangulating) all the corroborating data such as the new epiphany about Steve’s 5.3 ratio theory posted in the updates yesterday. This published idea is not mainly supported by EW. The 5.3 ratio theory is perhaps one of the strongest datums underlying this published idea. Also if the current is a leading diagonal terminating only in wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves into 2025, that egregious +150% wave 1 would indicate that extremely high prices such as $200+k would be reached in 2025 and that simply is not credible. You clearly do not understand the technology and what is going on there with the game theory of Bitcoin. The impostor Bitcoin (i.e. the 2017 softfork that enabled scaling) is going to $0 and that is inarguable. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV, not BCH) is rising to become the world’s reserve currency to enslave all of you in 666 national digital currencies in what is historically known as a two-tiered monetary system. You will not be able to afford the Bitcoin transaction fees after 2032, only milionaires and billionaires (and central banks) will be using Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not for us. We were fooled. Satoshi designed Bitcoin to deal with quantum computing as was pointed out only by myself. I am the only person to ever correctly explain why Satoshi employed double-hashing. You are outside your depth of competency here on Bitcoin. The price speculation is of course speculative but the technology issues are clearly outside what you understand well. You are just regurgitating some quantum computing trope you read.Comment: From the comments: @bwfisher83, to understand what is driving WWIII we must first understand who created the war in Ukraine and why they need this war. We need to understand that there was a coup d'etat in the USA in 2020 and why they needed this and why they needed the C19 hoax. We need to dig into a lot of detail to understand what I understand that the average person is uninformed about. I did a detailed, deep drive on 9-11 a few years ago. I know with great confidence that was done by the same uniparty Neocons who are launching these wars. In 2001 they only needed the first salvo of the Patriot Act and what not. The pressure on them is intense now and they are becoming extremely desperate to hold onto to their power. So they are becoming evermore aggressive and their risk taking is becoming evermore outlandish (until it all blows up in their face eventually later this decade). Btw, I will soon publish (on Substack) a blog refuting virology once and for all, and I challenge any expert to refute it. You could start with my Quora answer about George Soros. Note that is necessarily incomplete (or steps outside the relevant topic of the question depending on your perspective) and too much crammed into the small limit of space allowed for a Quora answer. I interact with YT personalities to test my hypotheses. To make sure I haven’t overlooked some factor. I find that framing my understanding in the context of what other well known influencers are presenting may help to form understanding for those who consume my posts. It helps I think to have some context for others to compare to. Pretty much I do not shut myself out from any place I might find some new information. I have an inquisitive, curious temperament. Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio discovery is profound and I think should be considered valuable orthogonal to any BS he may be selling. Focusing is an important skill as well. But as in all things in life there is a yin and yang to it.Comment: Armstrong’s private blog containing the Socrates AI Forecast array on BlackRock points to BlackRock failing in a massive Panic Cycle by 2026 due to a liquidity crisis as its customers try to withdraw funds from a fund that is too large and illiquid. The liquidity crunch will ensue in 2025. Also liquidity issues will amplify volatility in 2024 as well. This is perfectly correlating to my expectation on my latest Tradingview idea, which calls for a bout of volatility to the downside before or around the Bitcoin halving, and then 2026 being the end of the impostor Bitcoin after a doomsday triple top ~70k in 2025. Note this is why they will need the capital controls in place for the 2026 tax reporting season (for taxable year 2025) and the CBDCs. This why they are going to trap all the capital in the Hotel California-esque ETFs. “You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.” NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO. www.armstrongeconomi...ecm-middle-east-war/Comment: Anyone who doubts my prediction for ETH to rally (originally 2600 to 3200, but possibly only 2300 to 2400) before crashing to 600 should watch this. Why 600? Because the bearish harmonic points there and this bounce off the bottom is wave X of a W-X-Y bear market. The bull market has not started yet. Prepare to be shocked Steve. youtu.be/xjfWN4WbSp8?t=227 ← click for chart (WARNING: IS ETH ABOUT TO CRASH!? HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve notice the distance from 9 to 10, should equal from 11 to 12. Thus ETH may go higher before crashing. My thesis since Oct 2022 is playing out as I predicted, except lower expectations for this rally based on your video. Also notice previously from 11 to green to 12 was split into two major moves the second slightly more than first, which concurs with ~2300 to 2350. This 4 year cycle is MUCH weaker than any prior. Will end with a triple top 70k and 2026 Bitcoin will go to 0 as I warned you in 2022.Comment: Prices I expect for a possible top. BTC 40 - 41k ETH 2300 ENJ 0.38 ETC 23 - 24 SOL ~69 (already topped) GALA 0.0285 - 0.0345 (probably 0.03 - 0.033) APE 1.75 - 2.15 (but most likely 1.75 - 1.80) Oh crap, ETCUSD has very similar pattern as BTCUSD did in 2018, before the final drop from 6k to 3k. Below $7 incoming after this final bull trap bounce. Many crypto FOMOium fools are about to get REKTD.Comment: From the comments: > The $38,000-41,000 zone is Death Valley for BTC. > > BTC has not found enough organic buyers since the opening price (0:00 UTC: $37,300). After aggressive action by the binance operator, there were no organic purchases above $38,000 despite three attempts for an hour. > A single trader on Binance pushes the BTC price above $38,000. > > Fully rigged BTC price market at this point. The price action for the last hours is again controlled by a single participant from Binance. There has been a lot of speculation on this subject for several hours now. Taking a long position on the binance while squeezing short positions on the bybit perps. > > Let no one even try to suggest that I am unaware that such manipulations are normal in the markets. > > Not in such proportions and with such determination and not in context with what happened with binance this week. The situation is obvious. I am still adding to a short position. Stop order is reset. If this operator manages to get the BTC price over $39,000, I will sell even more. I am sure that market participants like me will regulate this sick situation. > > I have nothing against BTC, I am a long-term BULL myself. Always willing to buy after large declines and when the right momentum appears. @goodblackcat, historically massive option market positions can and I quote, “send Bitcoin up 300% and down 75% in a single day.” Overall the crypto charts look horrible, with bearish RSI divergences on all timeframes (as does the S&P stonks which fell out of a bearish rising wedge but could make on more drive to a high to test the bottom of the wedge it fell out of), except nearly all crypto USD(T) pairs have bullish RSI diverge on the 3d chart. Also several of the altcoins have a bull flag such as ETCUSD. Thus the reason for the topping prices I posted last night to the idea update. So far only BTC and ETH have moved strongly enough towards a new drive to a high, but I am thinking the rest of the altcoins will follow today or so? Also looks to me ETH is going to break out towards 2300? Indeed the smart money is grabbing the liquidity of the short-term leveraged shorts first, before they will take this down hard for next few months. I can not rule out a significant pullback and then one final drive to a high perhaps in January? But for sure by March crypto will have crashed. The crypto markets are dead. This ETF hopium will not lift crypto out of the doldrums of stagflation and the pre-halving crypto winter. Too many newbies and naive forgot that the crypto bull market in the 4 year cycle does not start until after the halving.Comment: youtu.be/abxE0-Dqlvg (The December Breakout Is Real For Ethereum) Krown you about to get REKTD with your bull market nonsense. That is a bearish rising wedge, not an ascending triangle. youtu.be/-MMmGKtsrCk (The #1 Altcoin Chart No One Is Watching | The 'EXBS Index' | DataDash) That is a bearish rising wedge (not a bullish ascending triangle as you and many others incorrectly annotate it) on the weekly chart, which is also a 5 wave leading diagonal. Thus it must be wave 1 of a 5 wave bullish structure (can not be an ending diagonal). Thus wave 2 incoming could nearly retest the lows (not a lower-low!) before the halving thus before the bull market ensues in earnest. I charted this on my public trading view. 16:00 You slaughtered the inane narrative that the Bitcoin ETFs can drive new ATH. ==== youtu.be/17oGYIQlBbU (Why This Bitcoin Move Will Shock Everyone in 2024 | Robert Prechter) If Elliot Wave specialist Prechter is correct, then his 3 (as you illustrated it) could the end of the first wave down of a expanded flat 3 wave correction. I would have Bitcoin coming back up to a triple top ~70k by H2 2025 for the 2nd wave of the correction, then down into the abyss ~0 for the final third wave by May 2026. From there the Bitcoin market would reset. Which entirely fits with my thesis that the impostor Bitcoin (the 2017 softfork which broke the Nash equilibrium creating 13+ million tokens which are ANYONE CAN SPEND) will be destroyed. All the details are on my public trading view. As Prechter points out that the final "c" wave of an expanded flat are waterfall collapses, very fast and devastating. Well I know exactly what could cause such a dramatic face ripping selloff. The legacy protocol miners will take the 13+ million tokens as donations, no need to even have the private keys because they are ANYONE CAN SPEND. What I find even more interesting is that the legacy protocol Bitcoin (the one Satoshi created, not the current impostor) continues to coexist with the softfork (they will hard fork off from each other when the tokens are taken as donations) can rise as the 1988 Economist Magazine's cover story Phoenix from the ashes of the looming WWIII, as the new world reserve currency in the multipolar new world order that will replace the death of the dollar in said Thucydides trap underway (after a massive crash upwards of the dollar in the final EuroDollar driven liquidity crisis). The legacy as a global reserve currency used only by the wealthy and central banks, will not need transaction scaling that Prechter laments. IOW, Satoshi was not designing a payment system, but rather the new global order. And by the way, the design of Bitcoin was anonymously publicly leaked in 1998 on the 10 year anniversary of its 1988 announcement, then launched 10 years later, then public stampede 10 years later. Thus 2028 it rises. I would be grateful if you would forward my comments to Prechter and his son Elliot.Comment: Possibly one more, final drive to a high imminent.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/8q7NQyhhEc4?t=353 (WARNING: SUPPER GUPPY JUST FLIPPED GREEN! | Crypto Crew U.) Covering all the possibilities. Wise. Do not commit to bullish here. I am happy you corrected the public that has been claiming you were pushing a trope that says Bitcoin held its market structure. Now you have pointed out that has not necessarily been the case. I will cite this video on my public trading view.Comment: Someone commented on a published idea of mine from 2022, which caused me to realize it is still on point and applicable to this recent idea.Comment: youtu.be/AvQp5e3tapE (It's The Dumb Money Buying Bitcoin - Not The Whales - BTC Wyckoff Distribution Update | Ron Walker)Comment: Gammon's reason why the Fed will not renew the BTFP and my comment: youtu.be/ilfzGplcT-U?t=731 (WARNING: This Is When The Banking System Will Fail (Date Revealed) | George Gammon) Rather I think the Fed will not renew because they will want to stress test the system so they are not moving forward blind. They will posit that maybe the original crisis was due to the rate of interest rate rise and with much intervening time in which banks have been able to hedge and adjust to the higher interest rate environment. But I think the deeper reason is more conspiratorial that they need a banking crisis so they can test how their FedNow will be employed to cause bank runs when they are reading to entirely centralize the banking system circa 2026.Comment: From the comments: @GDuBFX, I can not see any of your charts here in the comments on this page. I do not know if other readers also can not see your links. I will post my reply to the updates on my idea, so that everyone can see your chart (I dug the link out of my notifications which is the only place I can access it, not here on this page for some unknown reason). You have mislabeled your chart because you failed to note that the trading range was between 17590 and 25215. Thus when the price exploded to 32k, that was already phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation. This started a Wycoff distribution which is now in the UTAD final test (aka spring) to be followed by a plummeting price in a new phase D.Comment: Follow-up response from the comments: > images.prismic.io/3c...c-fe2d7f2fe7d8_2.png > miro.medium.com/v2/r...aDkgynKOUBU-2J6g.png @GDuBFX, cripes man, the SC is 17590 and the top of the bounce from AR is 25215 which thus defines the trading range (aka TR). Thus after the price rallied from the LPS as it crossed above 25215, it left the trading range (TR) and was in Phase E already. Thus the 31 - 32k level was already starting the Wycoff distribution as Phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation had immediately transitioned into a Wycoff distribution. Please do not make me repeat myself again. Open your f-ing eyes. The UTAD on your chart is in the incorrect location. It should be at the current price level ~39k which is the final Spring test of the Wycoff distribution. We will have a crash soon. Price might tag 39 - 40k first. Also it is probably incorrect to interpret the price action from the 15.4k bottom as a Wycoff accumulation. Appears to be a rare Three Hills and a Mountain pattern, as I documented in the idea itself. And wtf is your problem, that you did not even click the correct Reply. You replied to yourself instead of replying to my reply. Again I can not see any links or charts you included in your reply. Some issue or bug with Trading view, at least for me. But the idea that Phase E must continue higher and higher is not necessarily the case. Can transition directly into a Wycoff distribution instead of progressively higher prices during Phase E. Especially when we consider that the overall pattern may be a Three Hills and a Mountain. ==== My comment: youtu.be/RlhWhQSWils (How the Next Round of Bailouts will be Reserved for the Elites) Tl;dr money injected into the economy must be sanitized such that it can not be spent on things that drive up inflation. Can you say cashless economy with CBDC and dystopian capital controls? Can you say New Green Deal as a BS pretext to limit what people are allowed to spend their money on? I know you can. Note allowing people to spend on stonks and crypto ETFs will not be inflationary if that all gets locked up by a CBDC so that in Hotel California-esque fashion, you can check in anytime you like but you can never checkout.Comment: Typo: s/when they are reading/when they are ready/ ==== Covid-23 has been announced? Here we go again, 2020 repeating because it is an election year and they need to stop Trump again? ==== From the comments: @zvonyo, that BlackRock disclaimer from their ETF application is screen captured on my blog where I discuss the ANYONECANSPEND attack (and to the Tradingview mods, I am not selling anything offsite nor do I have any sponsors so this is not advertising). It is not necessarily that BlackRock will fork Bitcoin, as BlackRock will be forced to choose which fork they are hodling and which one they will sell if they hodl in legacy addresses (thus not ANYONECANSPEND) and thus receive the free airdrop of non-legacy. It will be the miners taking the 13+ million ANYONECANSPEND Bitcoins as generous donations, that will force the non-legacy (i.e. 2017 softfork impostor Bitcion) protocol to hard fork (fck) off from (the bona fide Bitcoin) Satoshi’s immutable legacy protocol, because that will be a violation of the new protocol. To protect yourself, make sure you hodl all your Bitcoins in addresses that begin with 1 not 3, bc1 nor any other obfuscation for legacy addresses that the scammers come up with. I suppose it is possible that BlackRock will invest a lot in Bitcoin mining and help drive the Schelling point for when the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium {but that is not essential nor relevant to the logic of the inevitability of the attack}. Anyway, it appears to me that BlackRock and the new ETFs will be where all the institutions go to die as all their investment will go “poof it’s gone.” NOT YOUR LEGACY KEYS, NOT YOUR BITCORN. The 2017 softfork broke the Nash equilibrium because it created this huge 13+ million booty that gives the miners a different strategy than benevolence. It incentivizes the miners to force the 2017 softfork to fork (fck) off because miners get first dibs thus get to keep the 13 million Bitcoin for themselves {and thus finances the Nash equilibrium restoration even}. I discuss the game theory in great detail on my Github gist linked from my blog. People make the mistake of assuming the restoration will not occur because it will crater the price of Bitcoin. What they do not understand is the miners will have no choice because due to the asymmetrical economics of the situation, the non-legacy fork will stall and miners who try to continue mining it will have no income and go bankrupt. There is another wrinkle that affects all of us holding Bitcoin, even if we hodl legacy addresses. The restoration “attack” (actually a healing, not an attack) will create an involuntary taxable event due to the airdrop, even for those whose Bitcoins are taken from them (i.e. donated to the miners). And even those of us who keep our Bitcorn will have this involuntary taxable event. I did the research and any claim that we did not take possession of the airdrop or what have you, will not be a valid excuse. Thus this event is going to REKT everyone as they will have a huge tax bill, but {especially those who did not hodl in legacy addresses} no Bitcorn remaining to sell to pay the tax!!! @zvonyo, c.f. also the latest updates on this idea where I elaborated. The optimum time to initiate the ANYONECANSPEND event is after a massive run up in the price, because it will cause the more egregious stalling of the impostor fork. Thus the ideal juncture might be the looming ~70k top in 2025 because the projected abyss crash to bottom by May 2026. It is possible that BlackRock will convert the impostor Bitcoin to proof-of-stake, because that will be the only possible defense to the mining difficulty non-readjustment attack(s) which will stall the impostor fork after it fcks off. The legacy protocol Bitcoin will recover and rise as the new world reserve currency replacing the dollar after the looming WWIII Thucydides trap. This plan was laid out in 1988 as the Phoenix on the cover of the Economist Magazine. Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle ever since, with its clever design leaked in an anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/2009, and attained mass retail awareness in 2018. I am an expert on this topic. Proceed to my blog, Dig into my detailed Github gist. Legacy Bitcoin is a diabolical plan to enslave the world, as I had publicly pointed out in 2013. Eric Krown Crypto thinks the DXY might still come down to 100. Dollar will crash upwards in its final peak going into 2026 as the Thucydides trap accelerates. After 2028 (Bitcoin’s 10 year cycle), Bitcoin will start to rise as the Phoenix and the new world reserve currency, because the nations will not trust each other nor the dollar anymore. Also the dollar can no longer be a reserve currency when they trap us in a cashless CBDC dystopia.Comment: youtu.be/ERpp2ygWdyE (Elliott Wave Master Predicts Next Market Top | Alessio Rastani) @CryptoCrewUniversity Alessio explained this very well. Steve if your 5.3 theory is correct, then we are in the bearish version of Alessio’s thesis. Which is what I believe and have posted publicly. I think Bitcoin will make new lows in 2024 as shocking as that sounds. EuroDollar University is explaining why. People think the blackswan from 2020 will not repeat. They should study more. I like that you raised your range bound thesis based on the 4-year halving cycle, which Alessio reacted to. However the reason I think you are wrong and Alessio’s bearish thesis is correct, is bcz your 5.3 theory says the price can not exceed ~70 to 79k (measured 2 ways), but if price is already ~48k yet not even close to the timing of the parabolic move in the 4 year cycle. Fib retracements are deceiving bcz bullish when a significant new ATH is expected, but not the case now bcz of your 5.3 theory! Thus may decline below 15k in 2024 and never make a new ATH bcz your 5.3 theory will be measured from a lower bottom. ==== From the comments: > “I remember you wrote that you only hedge your long-term positions with options, not aggressively playing on the short side…I'm waiting to hear from you and hope everything is OK. @goodblackcat, Tradingview banned me from posting for 2 or 3 days. C.f. my most recent update today on my other recent published idea. I have a very important comment about the Elliot Wave structure. I think this might be the final blowoff top for Bitcoin for a few years. Maybe one relief rally to above this level in 2025 but not a new ATH. This looks very bearish to me. Parabolic on very low volume (lol BlackRock announced $100k in seed capital and the markets pumped!) and too soon in the cycle if the 5.3 theory is correct and the new ATH in 2025 can only be ~70 to 79k, then this is not bullish at all. Thus to tell you frankly, I am shifting to taking profits on crypto. Not even 15% of my hodl portfolio yet, but if this hits 47 - 48k, I am thinking about taking profits on up to 50%. Will be interested to read your thoughts. I was also long the breakout. Remember I was warning you that there was manipulation and they might take this higher before they let it crash. The insiders know what is coming in 2024. EuroDollar University knows also. Your methods can not really decipher these long-term outlooks. That is why I look at a lot of different data points in the macro and the T/A. @goodblackcat, I have seen some compelling arguments for one more push to 47 - 48k. Could happen soon or later in December or early January. Then I expect a rug pull after that with a precipitous drop. We could have already hit the top but I am doubting that. @goodblackcat, Alessio (c.f. my latest update on my other recent idea) says needs to waterfall crash below 40k then 35k for the bearish thesis to be intact. Can not be a slow move. Must be very precipitous. Else the bearish thesis is discarded.Comment: Says signals of doom for 2024 are worse than 2019, more like 2007/8. Points out that the supply shock from Covid, was papered over with fiat printing but this will revert to the mean. That the global economy is still very weak and getting weaker. My take is crash coming in 2024, but Fed will be able to bring out their bazooka one last time. We go up again in 2025 and then from 2026 to 2028 at least is going to be absolute totalitarian hell with massive economic problems globally. People will be suffering. Global suffering is good feedstock for world war. youtu.be/Y6nKuf-KxY0?t=609 (It Was Only A Matter Of Time...But It Finally Happened | EuroDollar University) ==== Something non-linear (i.e. blackswan) may be brewing. Swap spreads going negative like they did in 2020. Also the Baltic Dry index has doubled in November. youtu.be/0hCDxRc6HDs (Things Are Getting REALLY Serious Now | EuroDollar U.) ==== 82% of Americans can’t afford to finance even a used car. Precipitous drop in November. Something is brewing while Bitcoin is rallying on stupid ETF nonsense. youtu.be/AGn5Mi_HSGw?t=556 (The Used Car Market just COLLAPSED) ==== youtu.be/aUKchot5V-I (Holy Sh*t! The Fed Just Admitted We Are In A Recession | EuroDollar University)Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, If you are correct than so be it but what if your wrong? I have been in these cycles reading highly articulate people telling me that Bitcoin was going to zero since 2012. Being merely articulate with a smug and condescending bias towards technology which often scales far past it's original development is what you seem to miss. Bitcoin layer 1 is the vault and layer 2 will be the spending mechanism. It does NOT have to be lightning and that constant in development is still unseen but Moore's law along with mass adoption breaks these barriers you seem to focus on.” @btrimas, you have an aspirant class deficiency in reading comprehension. What part of “inarguable, ASYMMETRIC economics” did you fail to grok from my exposition. An average guy like you is incapable of understanding anything about Bitcoin, what Bitcoin is here to disrupt, that Bitcoin is here to justifiably enslave you and why transaction scaling is nonsense. Your “articulate” source idiots do not teach you anything useful. It’s not my vocation to hold your inept hand. All (but one of the) links are to writings of the 145 IQ Bitcoin whale who has ~500,000 BTC and who faked his own death as he prepares to move those BTC in the looming ANYONECANSPEND attack perhaps in 2026. Note the 2017 softfork impostor Bitcoin will be destroyed, not Satoshi’s authentic legacy protocol Bitcoin, which will rise from 2028 as the January 1988 Economist Magazine’s Phoenix from the ashes of WWIII, ashes of socialism, ashes of all the nonsense world that idiots believe to be true. Everything in your cushy world is going away. Pack your bags for the slavery train. If you had read carefully you would know to store your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 1, not 3 nor bc1, so you will be protected. But you would still have the problem of an involuntary income tax liability for the looming airdrop.Comment: youtu.be/c0ZIqiVFTQk (I respond to DUMB comments (what I REALLY think of bitcoin and stock markets) | Alessio Rastani) No worries Alessio. I have been sharing on my public trading view (with 486+ upvotes on my latest published idea so I have nontrivial reach), your latest analysis such as the interview you did with Steve Courtney of Crypto Crew University this week. I also explained why I think the bearish interpretation of the Bitcoin EW count is much more likely the situation right now. I wrote as follows on Steve's video...in short this parabolic move is either bearish or Steves's 5.3 theory is incorrect. Did you see he updated his 5.3 theory recently with an alternative way of measuring it that says the looming top in 2025 will be ~70k. If the top will be ~70k how can we be approaching 48k so soon in the 4 year halving cycle. Something does not make sense. Also wave 5 would be much too long if it did not complete in 2021. That was the top for Bitcoin. Bitcoin is ending. I explain the technological reasons Bitcoin is ending on my trading view. You really should study what I have written about the ANYONE CAN SPEND attack.

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رتبه: 1969

I keep hearing people regurgitating Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. YT channel) trope about the market has built a lot of structure by slowly grinding up, unlike in 2019 in which the price moved too quickly to 13.9k. And they take this as some gospel or evidence that the price will not crash back down to a lower low. This a syllogistic logical fallacy or a form of apophenia that attempts to assign causation to features which may be present among other outcomes. A more sophisticated person entertains all of the facts of the situation and doesn’t try to form causal conclusions based on myopic cherry picking of preferred datums. They should read the How to Piss Me Off Guide. Why doesn’t anyone else notice the following? 1. For every bear market bottom, the second crash below the 200 WMA is always deeper than the prior one within the same cycle. Thus clearly another deeper move below the 200 WMA is looming before the bottom. 2. Note my textual annotations on the following chart. Note ending diagonals in 2018 and currently are followed by massive, intense moves in the other direction. Also note that the 5 waves for the prior bull market were a terminating wave because of wave 2 retraced more than 67% of wave 1. A TERMINATING WAVE MEANS THE BITCOIN BULL MARKET SINCE ITS INCEPTION IS FINISHED. Thus Bitcoin will not make a new ATH ever again until the entire bull run from its inception has been reset. Per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio theory which predicts every bull market top for Bitcoin, the next top can only be ~413% above the bottom. If Bitcoin bottoms at 13.6k in 2024 as I expect, then it will top at ~70k and will not make a new ATH.Comment: Another fact I omitted is that for the first time the subsequent bull market bottomed below the top of the prior bull market. This means the bull market cycles are now overlapping which is another form of ending diagonal. Amazing me that people think logistic growth S curves just slow down and levitate after they peak, as if a Boeing 747 could stall in mid-air without any thrust. Exponential on the way up and exponential on the way down.Comment: I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024.Comment: Readers have an incorrect model of reality. Bitcoin the new asset is here to enslave you, not to help you. And it will not be lifted to $ 1million until first destroying the impostor Bitcoin taking the Bitcoin price to ~$0, which you currently incorrectly think is Bitcoin and here to save you. The reality is the Bitcoin ETF is all about enslaving you. Educate yourself. Dig into the links, especially the first one which is my blog.Comment: If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5.3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 (+413%) expected by said 5.3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO.Comment: The 80% down has not completed yet for the current bear market. We are not in the bull market yet. Jason Pizzino is a sleepwalking cheerleader (with pompoms) leading you to complacency. This entire altcoin pump is fake! User and investor adoption has continued to plummet. The altcoin bear market is not over folks! youtu.be/oRR11bYspPE (The Altcoin Rally Is Fake | My Biggest Altcoin Warning Yet... | DataDash) Of course the insiders who are holding bags from the FTX blowup are pumping the markets to dump on retail before the bear market continues with the expiration of the BTFP on March 11 and the banking collapse that will allow the Fed to pivot. Wash, rinse, repeat. Retail never learns. ==== Here is the follow-up from George Gammon where he has the possibility of the expiration of the BTFP on March 11, could lead to a banking contagion and be the catalyst for the crash I am expecting. youtu.be/92i2M_1p7v4 (Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March – George Gammon) ==== Storm clouds accumulating into a looming hurricane in the global economy: youtu.be/8gFhm7_VQ2k (Oil Is Sending A Warning Message To The Stock Market | Mott Capital Mgmt) ==== Why is Solana rallying like crazy? Ron Walker has a plausible explanation. He argues that FTX et al, needed to pump their bags so they could liquidate them on the retail investor fools. Also he points out that Bitcoin is rising on declining volume. The dumb retail investors always believe the hopium. And we have sleepwalking cheerleader Jason Pizzino assuring them that crypto can never crash anew. youtu.be/BVLXhQwQlpc?t=633 (The Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Has Begun - BTC To Test of 32K Soon - BULL TRAP) Ron argues the Wycoff distribution is still in play even if pullback followed by a higher high. He thinks the moves in Bitcoin are exaggerated, thus allowing for slightly more extreme than textbook Wycoff. youtu.be/Larttvdrbh4?t=88 (Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Coming - BTC BULL TRAP Being Set) ==== Let’s contemplate other Elliot Wave counts which might invalidate the thesis of the ending diagonal. The following is invalid because wave 1 is the largest wave which can not be the case. The following is proposed in the following video and I corrected him. Alternatively he considers the bearish case which is the same as what I expect. youtu.be/7uaRYmvlYqA (BITCOIN ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS) Your B is higher than your 1. That not allowed. Thus it can only be the bearish case W-X-Y currently in the A-B-C bull trap wave X. Any attempt at labeling a 5 wave count currently is an ending diagonal, which is bearish. Also prior bull cycle wave 2 corrected more than 67% of wave 1, which makes it a terminal wave. That means this bear market will be much worse than prior ones. And no new ATH will be reached in this next bull market. You like everyone else thinks the C19 contagion will not repeat in 2024, but in fact the macroeconomic and orangeutan hair threat (i.e. political) conditions are nearly the same. And do not forget the BTFP (aka buy the f-ing pivot) banking collapse prevention expires March 11.Comment: Took short-term profits from bullish position entered earlier today (c.f. updates). Might reenter on pullback. ==== My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. ==== Jason Pizzino highlighted my comment and specifically said he does not think Bitcoin can go to my prediction of 14k. He implied I am loony. youtu.be/Kw3APTaYrlY?t=529 ← click for his screen capture of my comment on his prior video Jason didn’t address any of the detailed points I made in comments on his recent videos. He is ostensibly oblivious to for example the Shark harmonic pattern pointing to an Ethereum crash in price after this pump to the 3200 Bat harmonic target. I purchased ETH December calls this past summer expecting the Bat rally, which have seen 10 times gain already! Jason is ostensibly oblivious to the Terminal Wave and Ending Diagonals on the Elliot Wave structure of Bitcoin. In 2022, I employed harmonic pattern theory to PUBLICLY (on TradingView) predict NatGas would crash to $2, that the S&P would rally to 4650 (the 0.886 target), pullback (as it did this summer) and then rally anew to ~4950 (the 1.13 target) which is underway. From the comments: @ivanguzman102, I did predict the future numerous times. ==== To reiterate that Bitcoin will enslave the 99%. Per the explanation I aforelinked in my blog, the SegWit, Lightning Networks, scaling crap will be destroyed and that impostor Bitcoin will go to ~0. The 1 MiB block limited legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes after the WWIII underway as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix. Bitcoin transaction fees will be affordable only to large transaction values, thus used only by the wealth. Bitcoin is not long, for us. We were deceived into supporting our future enslavement. ==== www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIpPwfML... (Comments on "How Mexico Will Save The West") > “@SMoore-vj7bt I'm not Mexican nor am I diminishing regular Americans. It's just obvious that America doesn't have a long term plan for dealing with most of the world becoming industrialized. American politicians are senile and out of touch.” @jay1jayf the holistic picture is actually enslavement of the entire world. The political elite of the US Empire are just pawns of the real power behind the curtain. Industrialization does not mean freedom. It means trading freedom for trinkets. Just as the indigenous were lured into trading their land for mirror or bottle of liquor. The deck of cards is being shuffled but the House remains in control of the odds of winning. Mexico is a new frontier to some extent, because of low regulations. But the tax man cometh. Within a few decades or less the enslavement in the West will be universal all over the world. That is what the rise of multipolarism (and the deflationary, dystopian Bitcoin to displace the USD) is really about. When you ponder who created Bitcoin just ask yourself who benefits from enslaving the world in a unit of account that is a fixed supply and can be monopolized by the 1%. ==== From the comments. @cornvutthole, what part of the first link I put in the prior comment are you ostensibly not capable of clicking, reading and comprehending? Perhaps if you are technologically illiterate and/or average IQ, then what is written there (by myself, i.e. I am the author of the linked blog) may make no sense to you? It is inarguable that the impostor Bitcoin (which you all ERRONEOUSLY think is the official Bitcoin) is going to ~$0, when the 13+ million Bitcoin ANYONECANSPEND booty is donated to the miners (no need to even hack the private keys) by the fact that you willfully and ignorantly stored your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1, instead of Satoshi’s legacy addresses that begin with 1. And BSV and BCH have nothing to do with this. I am not referring to any of scammer Craig “Faketoshi” Wright’s nonsense/shenanigans. The 2017 soft fork broke the Nash Equilibrium by creating a huge booty. The only way to fix the equilibrium is for the miners to take it and force the hard fork. After which the impostor will go to $0, because of the economic asymmetry of the airdrop, i.e. everyone hodling legacy Bitcoin will receive both airdrops, whereas the those not will donate their legacy airdrop to the miners AND HAVE A HUGE TAXABLE CAPITAL GAIN THEY CAN NOT PAY thus wrecking their lives and burning their fingertips up to their armpits for touching impostor Bitcorn. This restoration event (aka “attack”) must occur before Bitcoin can rise as the new world reserve currency, i.e. the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix.Comment: It was a hidden secret code pattern that I discovered (and published in my idea update) on September 3 that enabled me to pinpoint a plausible bottom price ~14k for Bitcoin. I wrote: Based on these patterns, I think BTC will flash crash only to ~14k in 2024. Will only be down there for a very short period and quickly back above 21k again. Thus per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 rule, looks like the H2 2025 top will only ~71k. ==== Expounding on my two comment posts in the comments section (on this published idea) reflecting on my historical Tradingview record being incorrectly understood, I will write my thought progression as best as I can recall off the top of my head without going back into all my history meticulously to bolster my recollection. I had not discovered Ron Walker’s YT channel (currently aka The Doctor of Dump & Pump, formerly The Crypto Trader) near the Sep/Oct 2021 top in the market. Thus I was all alone in my belief that Bitcoin had topped. I was up against intense FOMO for the $100+k thesis even in my own discussion circle. Couple this being back and forth between Mexico and the USA, not ultimately settling into an apartment in Arizona until Jan 2022, I was very distracted and disorganized at the 2021 top. After the drop below $20k, I noticed some short-term bullish divergence on the CME that was not on spot (or maybe it was vice versa) and I noticed Gareth Soloway had started to nibble and soften is expectation of 13k, allowing for the possibility of an interim bounce to maybe 32k. Ron Walker continued to call for 9 to 12k. Right before the drop to 15.4k, I started to entertain the notion of a Wycoff accumulation and this was before I discovered Jason Pizzino who was spouting the same hypothesis. When the price hit 16k and bounced, I called the bottom. Then surprisingly it dropped again to 15.4k and I knew this was the final spring on the Wycoff accumulation, I actually talked someone out of despair in my private Telegram group. He has since held his position all the way up. Ron Walker finally allowed for a bounce from the 15.4k level but did not see the Wycoff accumulation. And thus he as expecting only a bull trap dead cat bounce to ~20k to be rejected and decline to his 9 to 12k targets. All the way up, he kept having correct short-term buy and sell calls, but he was always bearish overall. Every bull move higher was counter to his stated expectations until the price broke above 32k, he started to allow for 40k. I had found OPTICALARTdotCOM when the Bitcoin price was still around or above the $30+k level and he like Gareth were calling for 13k. Note he was similar to Ron Walker always expecting the next leg down that I am expecting now, and expecting that all way from the 15.4k level at every attempt to thrust over 32k. But to his credit, he did have a Fib circle ring that enabled him to go long at exactly 15.4k as it crossed his circle which was a bullish pump signal for him. But he never expected the price to rally as much as it did. Whereas, around Oct/Nov 2022, I found harmonic patterns (Shark and Bat) which enabled me to publicly predict (in updates on my Year from Hell idea) 4650, correction, then 4950 for S&P (and commensurately also for the Nasdaq) as well as a crash to $2 for NatGas I predicted earlier in 2022, and the 2100 followed by 2600 to 3200 level for Ethereum. So this is why I was buying Dec 29 2100 strike ETH calls in Sep/Oct 2023 for ~$10 and selling them recently for ~$100. I had been following Game of Trades on YT who had pointed that historically the stock market rallies to an ATH after the Fed pauses, then crashes when it pivots (reduces Fed Fund rates). He was expecting that pause in June 2022, so eventually he got weary waiting for it and turned very bearish. I protested and many of his followers thought I was loony to call for 4650 at the Oct/Nov 2022 lows. As I tied in all the developing factors into my analysis of the situation, I realized that Ron Walker and OPTICALARTdotCOM bearish thesis for another leg down, is probably correct. And so now I join them, but only after they were mostly wrong since the 15.4k bottom, although they were both correct from the $66k top to the $20k level at least.Comment: From the comments: @SwallowPremium, your linked chart (linked chart{1}) does not appear for me in the comments. I only found the link in my notifications. My reasons are more elaborate yet more or less an equivalent outlook. Note I am open to the possibility that the pre-halving correction will be only just below ~20k and not a lower low. The lower low makes sense to me though for reasons so expressed on this page. I will post this in my idea updates where your chart will thusly display properly. {1} I tried to link it and it causes the "linked chart" text to be redacted from my comment! What kind of bug does Tradingview have in their software? ]linked chartComment: Ah another corroborating datum that my expectation is plausible. youtu.be/nAvgnCtFevI (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT 250K BITCOIN – THIS WILL HAPPEN INSTEAD (BE READY) | Crypto Crew U.) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve (Courtney) you just validated what I have been posting on my Trading view the past couple of days that the bottom will be ~14k (just before the halving again), because when you apply the 70k top predicted by this new variant of 5.3 to your prior 5.3 variant, it indicates the actual low will be just below 14k. Also contemplate the doomsday implications of the looming triple top. I informed you in email last year this will likely be the destruction of the impostor 2017 softfork Bitcoin crashing it to near 0 in 2026 before the legacy protocol recovers. ==== From the comments: > “I think it's too early to say what will happen in 2025 while we're still in 2023. Anything can happen by that time but most likely scenario that there will be new ATH on BTC” @fastprofittrader, do you still have that same opinion if you assimilate all my corroborating details from the numerous updates on my idea and all my replies in the comments section? I think I have presented a very strong case as to why there can not be a higher high in 2025. We can pinpoint that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 based on the timing of Bitcoin’s repeating (i.e. periodic) 4 cycle. Couple that with Steve Courtney’s discovery of a 5.3 ratio rule which dictates the top of each subsequent bull market based on a ratio of the prior top and bottom. Thus per his calculation, the current bull market CAN NOT exceed +413% of the bottom. If 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k would be the top in H2 2025. But based on my other numerous analyses, 15.4k may not be the final bottom, which instead may be ~14k (perhaps 13.6k to be more exact), which thus pegs the looming top to be only ~70k, thus a doomsday triple top, which might be the signal that the impostor Bitcoin may decline to ~$0 in during the horrific bear market coming from 2026 to 2028, wherein the dollar will become incredibly strong because of WWIII with China, Iran, Russia.Comment: Ah another indicator of the posited looming further leg down and thus that crypto is still in a bear market after this bull trap rally. youtu.be/1PLv4gUm0cM?t=371 (Bitcoin & Altcoin Price Analysis | The Critical Levels You Need To Watch | DataDash) ==== Liquidity crisis on tap for March/April. How can people not see that a liquidity crisis is already preprogrammed into the system for that future date? youtu.be/GgK4566_xRI (Reverse Repo is Crashing | Heresy Financial) Coincidentally I had been detecting indications in the crypto charts of looming crash in the markets H1 2024. Also the Fed’s BTFP expires March 11. It’s as if those in control are planning on creating a crisis. ==== From the comments: > “In which case it turns into a leading diagonal blah blah.” @ParabolicPanic, not which turns into. I am actually incorrect to posit that it could be an ending diagonal, because per Elliot Wave theory ending diagonals can only occur in the ending C or 5th wave, which is obviously not that case currently. The current wave structure is either the 1st motive wave (thus a leading diagonal) or the second (aka X) corrective wave. I did posit that the current wave structure coming off the 15.4k bottom is either an A-B-C corrective structure or I mentioned it could be an ending diagonal. I should have stated or it could be a leading diagonal. But on further study as I just stated, it can not be an ending diagonal. Thus either this is a bullish leading diagonal for wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves to come, or as I believe it is a corrective A-B-C of an overall larger W-X-Y correction from the 2021 top. However for it to be a leading diagonal, then small wave 5 underway (not the posited future, larger wave 5) must not be larger than wave 3. Given that small wave 5 already appears to be larger than its small wave 3 and if the Three Hills (, valley) and a Mountain pattern which appears to be underway is fulfilled heading into Dec/Jan, then wave 5 will extend and be much larger than the posited wave 3. Thus a corrective (i.e. not motive) A-B-C would be the only correct Elliot Wave interpretation. Your “blah, blah” can be lazy self-deception. Corroborating factors and evidence should be studied to support or invalidate a hypothesis. Your leading diagonal hypothesis in invalidated by other facts, or at least the presumption that wave 2 could not be very deep perhaps to 18k which is a possibility I am also allowing for (although the updated as of yesterday 5.3 ratio theory seems to be invalidating that possibility yet we will see). Ostensibly you have not even read all the analysis. Apparently you decided that the page was not worth your time about a paragraph or two into it. This is a problem and why humans are so easily deceived. Most people are lazy and apathetic, and thusly apply heuristics so they can minimize the effort they expend. Often heuristics fail. ==== youtu.be/0Fg30bxX9BA (Buying Bitcoin Now Will Not Make Your Descendants Rich | Heresy Financial) Unfortunately pessimistically, this video’s optimism is wrong on two levels. First, Bitcoin will never be the currency (as in for payments), because the 2017 scaling softfork broke the Nash equilibrium and will be destroyed. Bitcoin will only be the global reserve currency used by the very wealthy because of the very high transaction fees given the immutable 1 MiB block size limitation in the legacy protocol. Any attempt to change the protocol will fail due to the economic asymmetry of airdrops (even softforks that become hard fcks when the Nash equilibrium is restored). Bitcoin is moving us to a two-tier monetary system, where the plebs will be forced onto to dystopian, cashless 666 central bank digital currencies and the central banks will hold Bitcoin on their balance shits. Secondly, the economic mobility of meritocracy does not obviate the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources. Unfortunately Bitcoin replacing the dollar will result in dystopia because unlike gold, the dominant empire will not be able to debase the unit-of-account that the entire world relies on. Thus massive deflation and widespread pestilence because most people are incapable of self-reliance, self-discipline, long time preference, etc.. This means that the 1% will become the 0.1%, then the 0.01% and ultimately all the wealth of the world concentrated on the proverbial, metaphorical Biblical Seven Hills. Armageddon follows in Biblical prophesy. The reason for the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is not just regulatory capture. It runs the gamut of ways that economies-of-scale and selection-of-the-fittest-most-ruthless can capture power vacuums because we do not exist in your naive, idealistic implicit assumption of a milieu of perfect disorder.Comment: youtu.be/qdeS2wRI60Q?t=126 (Bitcoin, SP500, Real Estate | Jason Pizzino) @JasonPizzinoOfficial Jason I don’t deny the existence of a real estate cycle but it is not a universal hammer and not every market is its nail. The real estate market (which some characterize as 18 years peak-to-peak or trough-to-trough) is not perfectly repeatable. There’s significant variance from 14 to 21 years, with and without a significant mid-cycle. Moreover the stock markets do not appear to be solely or even primarily governed by the real estate cycle. For example, the 2000-2001 mid-cycle was rather mild for real-estate, but egregious crash for the stonks with the 2007 S&P top a double-top of the Dotcom peak. Significant pullback in late 1971 one year before the top in late 1972 which may apply if we are expecting a cycle top in 2025. Moreover from 1969 to 1980 was basically flat due to a monetary disinhibition (end of gold standard) and concomitant stagflation which we have now amplified to the nth degree. You should not continue to just apply the variable real estate periodicity blindly to the other markets. Martin Armstrong has instead for example, fed the entire detailed history of human civilization into his AI data mining Socrates which discovered periodicity and correlations which your overly simplistic model can not. Socrates says something dire/significant will occur in H1 2024 probably around the Ides of March again. Specifically the liquidity that has been feeding the markets has been the draining of the reverse repos into Treasuries with the government spending the funds into the economy. This dries up as of March, as well the Fed’s BTFP (bank rescue) expires March 11. The largest bank failures ever (greater than the GFC) occurred in 2023. The Fed prevented these from being marked-to-market with the BTFP. There was no need to allow for a crisis and inject massive new liquidity in 2023, as inflation was still running high. But now the same global stress that appeared in 2019 has returned with the rest of the world slipping into severe recessionary spiral. So now the elite need another liquidity crisis so they can turn on the money printers again. They will need some event to disrupt the conservatives in the House that are now blocking the ever increasing government spending needed to sustain this house of cards into 2025. For sure the massive bubble into 2025 is coming but they need first to overcome some obstacles that have returned from 2019, such as the orangeutan hair populism. Nothing a good crisis like C19 can not fix again. You need to become a bit more sophisticated. ==== From the comments: > “😂😂😂👌 That's a good joke. Now that institutions and banks are interested in buying and want to offer BTC, no new ath... 🤡🤡🤡 Good luck, man!” @Andbcoin, institutions will not rush in to buy right after a 150% pump, caused by retail FOMO being dumped on by the insiders who realize that retail are suckers for a narrative. After the ETFs are approved, institutions that want to start hedging the ultimate demise of the US dollar, will accumulate on cycle lows, because they understand very well that the dollar will skyrocket from 2026 in its last hooray before the Thucydides trap finally dethrones it as the world reserve currency and liquid Eurodollar market. In short, institutions are much more sophisticated because they have the economies-of-scale to hire people to study reality. Retail are dumb a.f., because individuals employ daft heuristics and are easily swayed by propaganda narratives. Thusly the looming top and bubble heading into 2025, must be driven the same way the 2021 top and bubble was, by flooding idiots with stimulus checks and liquidity. In order to do that, you first need a crisis, as the excuse and pretext to drop money from helicopters. The metaphoric 747 is running out of idiot fuel. Stall incoming. I do not know if you noticed, but interest rates are very high and people are loaded to the gills with credit card debt that they are paying 24% interest on. Institutions are not going to bail out you idiots. They will wait for you all to default and sell the looming bottom.Comment: INTERACTION IN THE COMMENTS IS WORTHWHILE UP TO THE LIMIT OF DIMINISHING RETURNS WHERE MOST OF THE NUANCE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. From the comments: @btcusdhappyPaella56213, perhaps what you meant to write is that a 747 can stall even with thrust? Which is correct, for example climbing at too steep of an angle with insufficient airspeed. But I do not see how that obviates or has anything to do with my analogy? If anything that would bolster my stance that this recent acceleration is too steep to be sustainable. Too high, too fast, too early in the 4 year cycle, especially given a high interest rate, stagflationary macroeconomic environment where the retail hopium (thruster) fuel is limited because for example they are up their ears in 24% APR credit card debt. Volume has been declining during this entire bull trap bounce with a slight rise for this blow off top acceleration. Rising on declining volume is not a bullish sign. ==== From the comments: > “while you could be true , EW is completely speculative , you're right, Crypto can be zero , but only after Quantum computers kick in might be that case. Elliott Wave wasted so much of time and money for many. It's beautiful to count waves, it's inherently bearish in nature” @kkandru, the crux of my speculation here is not depending on EW theory. Given the update yesterday from Steve Courtney that shows I was correct that the top in 2025 will be at most 70k, then on a risk weighted basis, it is much wiser to sell ~40 - 45k this early in the 4 year cycle before the halving. Or at least hedge my hodl stack with some long-dated puts as I am doing. IF WE KNOW NOW THAT THE MAX IN 2025 WILL BE $70K IS IT NOT WISE TO SELL AT $40+K GIVEN THAT 2025 IS SO FAR AWAY? Some commentators seem to placate their confirmation basis and comfort themselves by assuming I failed to buy the 15.4k low (which is an incorrect assumption which my public record disproves). While what it more likely represents is how late they are. Maybe they failed to sell the last top or bought at higher prices on the way down being fooled by Michael Saylor or Elon Musk. I was around in 2012 when Bitcoin was 10 dollars. Everyone is buying too late now. Bitcoin is approaching its apogee in terms of how much fuel can be squeezed out of plebs, because the pleb civilization is bankrupt. So whilst many are hoping for a new ATH because they were so late to get into Bitcoin, the smart money is cashing out of the pleb impostor fork of Bitcoin and preparing for the 2026 totalitarianism transition to a new world order, where the legacy protocol Bitcoin rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix from the ashes of Western civilization to enslave humanity in stark fiscal discipline of a fixed money supply (not even the gold standard was that harsh) and UNDEFEATED THROUGHOUT ALL HISTORY OF MANKIND vortex of power-law distribution of wealth concentrating all the wealth among the 0.1%. So while these boastful idiots think they are on top, they are really on the bottom of the boot and about to have their faces ground into the mud by reality. As it should be. Their hopium is they are not too late and that institutions will bail them out. As if dumb a.f., late a.f. retail could actually dump their bags on institutions. Lol. Never. It is always the other way around that we the smart money are dumping on the retail hopium addicts. @kkandru, dismissing EW as speculative is a crude interpretation of what is meant by those sophisticated who admit it. EW is only speculative to the extent that the future possibilities could invalidate a posited wave count and structure. Triangulation of multiple datums convert independent into fully constrained, dependent variables. So while I became aware today that the ending diagonal hypothesis is invalid, the two possible competing theses still lean more to my A-B-C corrective wave (as a Three Hills and a Mountain) inside of an overall W-X-Y corrective bear market that will not be completed until around the April halving. Especially factoring in (triangulating) all the corroborating data such as the new epiphany about Steve’s 5.3 ratio theory posted in the updates yesterday. This published idea is not mainly supported by EW. The 5.3 ratio theory is perhaps one of the strongest datums underlying this published idea. Also if the current is a leading diagonal terminating only in wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves into 2025, that egregious +150% wave 1 would indicate that extremely high prices such as $200+k would be reached in 2025 and that simply is not credible. You clearly do not understand the technology and what is going on there with the game theory of Bitcoin. The impostor Bitcoin (i.e. the 2017 softfork that enabled scaling) is going to $0 and that is inarguable. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV, not BCH) is rising to become the world’s reserve currency to enslave all of you in 666 national digital currencies in what is historically known as a two-tiered monetary system. You will not be able to afford the Bitcoin transaction fees after 2032, only milionaires and billionaires (and central banks) will be using Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not for us. We were fooled. Satoshi designed Bitcoin to deal with quantum computing as was pointed out only by myself. I am the only person to ever correctly explain why Satoshi employed double-hashing. You are outside your depth of competency here on Bitcoin. The price speculation is of course speculative but the technology issues are clearly outside what you understand well. You are just regurgitating some quantum computing trope you read.Comment: From the comments: @bwfisher83, to understand what is driving WWIII we must first understand who created the war in Ukraine and why they need this war. We need to understand that there was a coup d'etat in the USA in 2020 and why they needed this and why they needed the C19 hoax. We need to dig into a lot of detail to understand what I understand that the average person is uninformed about. I did a detailed, deep drive on 9-11 a few years ago. I know with great confidence that was done by the same uniparty Neocons who are launching these wars. In 2001 they only needed the first salvo of the Patriot Act and what not. The pressure on them is intense now and they are becoming extremely desperate to hold onto to their power. So they are becoming evermore aggressive and their risk taking is becoming evermore outlandish (until it all blows up in their face eventually later this decade). Btw, I will soon publish (on Substack) a blog refuting virology once and for all, and I challenge any expert to refute it. You could start with my Quora answer about George Soros. Note that is necessarily incomplete (or steps outside the relevant topic of the question depending on your perspective) and too much crammed into the small limit of space allowed for a Quora answer. I interact with YT personalities to test my hypotheses. To make sure I haven’t overlooked some factor. I find that framing my understanding in the context of what other well known influencers are presenting may help to form understanding for those who consume my posts. It helps I think to have some context for others to compare to. Pretty much I do not shut myself out from any place I might find some new information. I have an inquisitive, curious temperament. Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio discovery is profound and I think should be considered valuable orthogonal to any BS he may be selling. Focusing is an important skill as well. But as in all things in life there is a yin and yang to it.Comment: Armstrong’s private blog containing the Socrates AI Forecast array on BlackRock points to BlackRock failing in a massive Panic Cycle by 2026 due to a liquidity crisis as its customers try to withdraw funds from a fund that is too large and illiquid. The liquidity crunch will ensue in 2025. Also liquidity issues will amplify volatility in 2024 as well. This is perfectly correlating to my expectation on my latest Tradingview idea, which calls for a bout of volatility to the downside before or around the Bitcoin halving, and then 2026 being the end of the impostor Bitcoin after a doomsday triple top ~70k in 2025. Note this is why they will need the capital controls in place for the 2026 tax reporting season (for taxable year 2025) and the CBDCs. This why they are going to trap all the capital in the Hotel California-esque ETFs. “You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.” NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO. www.armstrongeconomi...ecm-middle-east-war/Comment: Anyone who doubts my prediction for ETH to rally (originally 2600 to 3200, but possibly only 2300 to 2400) before crashing to 600 should watch this. Why 600? Because the bearish harmonic points there and this bounce off the bottom is wave X of a W-X-Y bear market. The bull market has not started yet. Prepare to be shocked Steve. youtu.be/xjfWN4WbSp8?t=227 ← click for chart (WARNING: IS ETH ABOUT TO CRASH!? HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve notice the distance from 9 to 10, should equal from 11 to 12. Thus ETH may go higher before crashing. My thesis since Oct 2022 is playing out as I predicted, except lower expectations for this rally based on your video. Also notice previously from 11 to green to 12 was split into two major moves the second slightly more than first, which concurs with ~2300 to 2350. This 4 year cycle is MUCH weaker than any prior. Will end with a triple top 70k and 2026 Bitcoin will go to 0 as I warned you in 2022.Comment: Prices I expect for a possible top. BTC 40 - 41k ETH 2300 ENJ 0.38 ETC 23 - 24 SOL ~69 (already topped) GALA 0.0285 - 0.0345 (probably 0.03 - 0.033) APE 1.75 - 2.15 (but most likely 1.75 - 1.80) Oh crap, ETCUSD has very similar pattern as BTCUSD did in 2018, before the final drop from 6k to 3k. Below $7 incoming after this final bull trap bounce. Many crypto FOMOium fools are about to get REKTD.Comment: From the comments: > The $38,000-41,000 zone is Death Valley for BTC. > > BTC has not found enough organic buyers since the opening price (0:00 UTC: $37,300). After aggressive action by the binance operator, there were no organic purchases above $38,000 despite three attempts for an hour. > A single trader on Binance pushes the BTC price above $38,000. > > Fully rigged BTC price market at this point. The price action for the last hours is again controlled by a single participant from Binance. There has been a lot of speculation on this subject for several hours now. Taking a long position on the binance while squeezing short positions on the bybit perps. > > Let no one even try to suggest that I am unaware that such manipulations are normal in the markets. > > Not in such proportions and with such determination and not in context with what happened with binance this week. The situation is obvious. I am still adding to a short position. Stop order is reset. If this operator manages to get the BTC price over $39,000, I will sell even more. I am sure that market participants like me will regulate this sick situation. > > I have nothing against BTC, I am a long-term BULL myself. Always willing to buy after large declines and when the right momentum appears. @goodblackcat, historically massive option market positions can and I quote, “send Bitcoin up 300% and down 75% in a single day.” Overall the crypto charts look horrible, with bearish RSI divergences on all timeframes (as does the S&P stonks which fell out of a bearish rising wedge but could make on more drive to a high to test the bottom of the wedge it fell out of), except nearly all crypto USD(T) pairs have bullish RSI diverge on the 3d chart. Also several of the altcoins have a bull flag such as ETCUSD. Thus the reason for the topping prices I posted last night to the idea update. So far only BTC and ETH have moved strongly enough towards a new drive to a high, but I am thinking the rest of the altcoins will follow today or so? Also looks to me ETH is going to break out towards 2300? Indeed the smart money is grabbing the liquidity of the short-term leveraged shorts first, before they will take this down hard for next few months. I can not rule out a significant pullback and then one final drive to a high perhaps in January? But for sure by March crypto will have crashed. The crypto markets are dead. This ETF hopium will not lift crypto out of the doldrums of stagflation and the pre-halving crypto winter. Too many newbies and naive forgot that the crypto bull market in the 4 year cycle does not start until after the halving.Comment: youtu.be/abxE0-Dqlvg (The December Breakout Is Real For Ethereum) Krown you about to get REKTD with your bull market nonsense. That is a bearish rising wedge, not an ascending triangle. youtu.be/-MMmGKtsrCk (The #1 Altcoin Chart No One Is Watching | The 'EXBS Index' | DataDash) That is a bearish rising wedge (not a bullish ascending triangle as you and many others incorrectly annotate it) on the weekly chart, which is also a 5 wave leading diagonal. Thus it must be wave 1 of a 5 wave bullish structure (can not be an ending diagonal). Thus wave 2 incoming could nearly retest the lows (not a lower-low!) before the halving thus before the bull market ensues in earnest. I charted this on my public trading view. 16:00 You slaughtered the inane narrative that the Bitcoin ETFs can drive new ATH. ==== youtu.be/17oGYIQlBbU (Why This Bitcoin Move Will Shock Everyone in 2024 | Robert Prechter) If Elliot Wave specialist Prechter is correct, then his 3 (as you illustrated it) could the end of the first wave down of a expanded flat 3 wave correction. I would have Bitcoin coming back up to a triple top ~70k by H2 2025 for the 2nd wave of the correction, then down into the abyss ~0 for the final third wave by May 2026. From there the Bitcoin market would reset. Which entirely fits with my thesis that the impostor Bitcoin (the 2017 softfork which broke the Nash equilibrium creating 13+ million tokens which are ANYONE CAN SPEND) will be destroyed. All the details are on my public trading view. As Prechter points out that the final "c" wave of an expanded flat are waterfall collapses, very fast and devastating. Well I know exactly what could cause such a dramatic face ripping selloff. The legacy protocol miners will take the 13+ million tokens as donations, no need to even have the private keys because they are ANYONE CAN SPEND. What I find even more interesting is that the legacy protocol Bitcoin (the one Satoshi created, not the current impostor) continues to coexist with the softfork (they will hard fork off from each other when the tokens are taken as donations) can rise as the 1988 Economist Magazine's cover story Phoenix from the ashes of the looming WWIII, as the new world reserve currency in the multipolar new world order that will replace the death of the dollar in said Thucydides trap underway (after a massive crash upwards of the dollar in the final EuroDollar driven liquidity crisis). The legacy as a global reserve currency used only by the wealthy and central banks, will not need transaction scaling that Prechter laments. IOW, Satoshi was not designing a payment system, but rather the new global order. And by the way, the design of Bitcoin was anonymously publicly leaked in 1998 on the 10 year anniversary of its 1988 announcement, then launched 10 years later, then public stampede 10 years later. Thus 2028 it rises. I would be grateful if you would forward my comments to Prechter and his son Elliot.Comment: Possibly one more, final drive to a high imminent.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/8q7NQyhhEc4?t=353 (WARNING: SUPPER GUPPY JUST FLIPPED GREEN! | Crypto Crew U.) Covering all the possibilities. Wise. Do not commit to bullish here. I am happy you corrected the public that has been claiming you were pushing a trope that says Bitcoin held its market structure. Now you have pointed out that has not necessarily been the case. I will cite this video on my public trading view.Comment: Someone commented on a published idea of mine from 2022, which caused me to realize it is still on point and applicable to this recent idea.Comment: youtu.be/AvQp5e3tapE (It's The Dumb Money Buying Bitcoin - Not The Whales - BTC Wyckoff Distribution Update | Ron Walker)Comment: Gammon's reason why the Fed will not renew the BTFP and my comment: youtu.be/ilfzGplcT-U?t=731 (WARNING: This Is When The Banking System Will Fail (Date Revealed) | George Gammon) Rather I think the Fed will not renew because they will want to stress test the system so they are not moving forward blind. They will posit that maybe the original crisis was due to the rate of interest rate rise and with much intervening time in which banks have been able to hedge and adjust to the higher interest rate environment. But I think the deeper reason is more conspiratorial that they need a banking crisis so they can test how their FedNow will be employed to cause bank runs when they are reading to entirely centralize the banking system circa 2026.Comment: From the comments: @GDuBFX, I can not see any of your charts here in the comments on this page. I do not know if other readers also can not see your links. I will post my reply to the updates on my idea, so that everyone can see your chart (I dug the link out of my notifications which is the only place I can access it, not here on this page for some unknown reason). You have mislabeled your chart because you failed to note that the trading range was between 17590 and 25215. Thus when the price exploded to 32k, that was already phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation. This started a Wycoff distribution which is now in the UTAD final test (aka spring) to be followed by a plummeting price in a new phase D.Comment: Follow-up response from the comments: > images.prismic.io/3c...c-fe2d7f2fe7d8_2.png > miro.medium.com/v2/r...aDkgynKOUBU-2J6g.png @GDuBFX, cripes man, the SC is 17590 and the top of the bounce from AR is 25215 which thus defines the trading range (aka TR). Thus after the price rallied from the LPS as it crossed above 25215, it left the trading range (TR) and was in Phase E already. Thus the 31 - 32k level was already starting the Wycoff distribution as Phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation had immediately transitioned into a Wycoff distribution. Please do not make me repeat myself again. Open your f-ing eyes. The UTAD on your chart is in the incorrect location. It should be at the current price level ~39k which is the final Spring test of the Wycoff distribution. We will have a crash soon. Price might tag 39 - 40k first. Also it is probably incorrect to interpret the price action from the 15.4k bottom as a Wycoff accumulation. Appears to be a rare Three Hills and a Mountain pattern, as I documented in the idea itself. And wtf is your problem, that you did not even click the correct Reply. You replied to yourself instead of replying to my reply. Again I can not see any links or charts you included in your reply. Some issue or bug with Trading view, at least for me. But the idea that Phase E must continue higher and higher is not necessarily the case. Can transition directly into a Wycoff distribution instead of progressively higher prices during Phase E. Especially when we consider that the overall pattern may be a Three Hills and a Mountain. ==== My comment: youtu.be/RlhWhQSWils (How the Next Round of Bailouts will be Reserved for the Elites) Tl;dr money injected into the economy must be sanitized such that it can not be spent on things that drive up inflation. Can you say cashless economy with CBDC and dystopian capital controls? Can you say New Green Deal as a BS pretext to limit what people are allowed to spend their money on? I know you can. Note allowing people to spend on stonks and crypto ETFs will not be inflationary if that all gets locked up by a CBDC so that in Hotel California-esque fashion, you can check in anytime you like but you can never checkout.Comment: Typo: s/when they are reading/when they are ready/ ==== Covid-23 has been announced? Here we go again, 2020 repeating because it is an election year and they need to stop Trump again? ==== From the comments: @zvonyo, that BlackRock disclaimer from their ETF application is screen captured on my blog where I discuss the ANYONECANSPEND attack (and to the Tradingview mods, I am not selling anything offsite nor do I have any sponsors so this is not advertising). It is not necessarily that BlackRock will fork Bitcoin, as BlackRock will be forced to choose which fork they are hodling and which one they will sell if they hodl in legacy addresses (thus not ANYONECANSPEND) and thus receive the free airdrop of non-legacy. It will be the miners taking the 13+ million ANYONECANSPEND Bitcoins as generous donations, that will force the non-legacy (i.e. 2017 softfork impostor Bitcion) protocol to hard fork (fck) off from (the bona fide Bitcoin) Satoshi’s immutable legacy protocol, because that will be a violation of the new protocol. To protect yourself, make sure you hodl all your Bitcoins in addresses that begin with 1 not 3, bc1 nor any other obfuscation for legacy addresses that the scammers come up with. I suppose it is possible that BlackRock will invest a lot in Bitcoin mining and help drive the Schelling point for when the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium {but that is not essential nor relevant to the logic of the inevitability of the attack}. Anyway, it appears to me that BlackRock and the new ETFs will be where all the institutions go to die as all their investment will go “poof it’s gone.” NOT YOUR LEGACY KEYS, NOT YOUR BITCORN. The 2017 softfork broke the Nash equilibrium because it created this huge 13+ million booty that gives the miners a different strategy than benevolence. It incentivizes the miners to force the 2017 softfork to fork (fck) off because miners get first dibs thus get to keep the 13 million Bitcoin for themselves {and thus finances the Nash equilibrium restoration even}. I discuss the game theory in great detail on my Github gist linked from my blog. People make the mistake of assuming the restoration will not occur because it will crater the price of Bitcoin. What they do not understand is the miners will have no choice because due to the asymmetrical economics of the situation, the non-legacy fork will stall and miners who try to continue mining it will have no income and go bankrupt. There is another wrinkle that affects all of us holding Bitcoin, even if we hodl legacy addresses. The restoration “attack” (actually a healing, not an attack) will create an involuntary taxable event due to the airdrop, even for those whose Bitcoins are taken from them (i.e. donated to the miners). And even those of us who keep our Bitcorn will have this involuntary taxable event. I did the research and any claim that we did not take possession of the airdrop or what have you, will not be a valid excuse. Thus this event is going to REKT everyone as they will have a huge tax bill, but {especially those who did not hodl in legacy addresses} no Bitcorn remaining to sell to pay the tax!!! @zvonyo, c.f. also the latest updates on this idea where I elaborated. The optimum time to initiate the ANYONECANSPEND event is after a massive run up in the price, because it will cause the more egregious stalling of the impostor fork. Thus the ideal juncture might be the looming ~70k top in 2025 because the projected abyss crash to bottom by May 2026. It is possible that BlackRock will convert the impostor Bitcoin to proof-of-stake, because that will be the only possible defense to the mining difficulty non-readjustment attack(s) which will stall the impostor fork after it fcks off. The legacy protocol Bitcoin will recover and rise as the new world reserve currency replacing the dollar after the looming WWIII Thucydides trap. This plan was laid out in 1988 as the Phoenix on the cover of the Economist Magazine. Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle ever since, with its clever design leaked in an anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/2009, and attained mass retail awareness in 2018. I am an expert on this topic. Proceed to my blog, Dig into my detailed Github gist. Legacy Bitcoin is a diabolical plan to enslave the world, as I had publicly pointed out in 2013. Eric Krown Crypto thinks the DXY might still come down to 100. Dollar will crash upwards in its final peak going into 2026 as the Thucydides trap accelerates. After 2028 (Bitcoin’s 10 year cycle), Bitcoin will start to rise as the Phoenix and the new world reserve currency, because the nations will not trust each other nor the dollar anymore. Also the dollar can no longer be a reserve currency when they trap us in a cashless CBDC dystopia.Comment: youtu.be/ERpp2ygWdyE (Elliott Wave Master Predicts Next Market Top | Alessio Rastani) @CryptoCrewUniversity Alessio explained this very well. Steve if your 5.3 theory is correct, then we are in the bearish version of Alessio’s thesis. Which is what I believe and have posted publicly. I think Bitcoin will make new lows in 2024 as shocking as that sounds. EuroDollar University is explaining why. People think the blackswan from 2020 will not repeat. They should study more. I like that you raised your range bound thesis based on the 4-year halving cycle, which Alessio reacted to. However the reason I think you are wrong and Alessio’s bearish thesis is correct, is bcz your 5.3 theory says the price can not exceed ~70 to 79k (measured 2 ways), but if price is already ~48k yet not even close to the timing of the parabolic move in the 4 year cycle. Fib retracements are deceiving bcz bullish when a significant new ATH is expected, but not the case now bcz of your 5.3 theory! Thus may decline below 15k in 2024 and never make a new ATH bcz your 5.3 theory will be measured from a lower bottom. ==== From the comments: > “I remember you wrote that you only hedge your long-term positions with options, not aggressively playing on the short side…I'm waiting to hear from you and hope everything is OK. @goodblackcat, Tradingview banned me from posting for 2 or 3 days. C.f. my most recent update today on my other recent published idea. I have a very important comment about the Elliot Wave structure. I think this might be the final blowoff top for Bitcoin for a few years. Maybe one relief rally to above this level in 2025 but not a new ATH. This looks very bearish to me. Parabolic on very low volume (lol BlackRock announced $100k in seed capital and the markets pumped!) and too soon in the cycle if the 5.3 theory is correct and the new ATH in 2025 can only be ~70 to 79k, then this is not bullish at all. Thus to tell you frankly, I am shifting to taking profits on crypto. Not even 15% of my hodl portfolio yet, but if this hits 47 - 48k, I am thinking about taking profits on up to 50%. Will be interested to read your thoughts. I was also long the breakout. Remember I was warning you that there was manipulation and they might take this higher before they let it crash. The insiders know what is coming in 2024. EuroDollar University knows also. Your methods can not really decipher these long-term outlooks. That is why I look at a lot of different data points in the macro and the T/A. @goodblackcat, I have seen some compelling arguments for one more push to 47 - 48k. Could happen soon or later in December or early January. Then I expect a rug pull after that with a precipitous drop. We could have already hit the top but I am doubting that. @goodblackcat, Alessio (c.f. my latest update on my other recent idea) says needs to waterfall crash below 40k then 35k for the bearish thesis to be intact. Can not be a slow move. Must be very precipitous. Else the bearish thesis is discarded.Comment: Says signals of doom for 2024 are worse than 2019, more like 2007/8. Points out that the supply shock from Covid, was papered over with fiat printing but this will revert to the mean. That the global economy is still very weak and getting weaker. My take is crash coming in 2024, but Fed will be able to bring out their bazooka one last time. We go up again in 2025 and then from 2026 to 2028 at least is going to be absolute totalitarian hell with massive economic problems globally. People will be suffering. Global suffering is good feedstock for world war. youtu.be/Y6nKuf-KxY0?t=609 (It Was Only A Matter Of Time...But It Finally Happened | EuroDollar University) ==== Something non-linear (i.e. blackswan) may be brewing. Swap spreads going negative like they did in 2020. Also the Baltic Dry index has doubled in November. youtu.be/0hCDxRc6HDs (Things Are Getting REALLY Serious Now | EuroDollar U.) ==== 82% of Americans can’t afford to finance even a used car. Precipitous drop in November. Something is brewing while Bitcoin is rallying on stupid ETF nonsense. youtu.be/AGn5Mi_HSGw?t=556 (The Used Car Market just COLLAPSED) ==== youtu.be/aUKchot5V-I (Holy Sh*t! The Fed Just Admitted We Are In A Recession | EuroDollar University)Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, If you are correct than so be it but what if your wrong? I have been in these cycles reading highly articulate people telling me that Bitcoin was going to zero since 2012. Being merely articulate with a smug and condescending bias towards technology which often scales far past it's original development is what you seem to miss. Bitcoin layer 1 is the vault and layer 2 will be the spending mechanism. It does NOT have to be lightning and that constant in development is still unseen but Moore's law along with mass adoption breaks these barriers you seem to focus on.” @btrimas, you have an aspirant class deficiency in reading comprehension. What part of “inarguable, ASYMMETRIC economics” did you fail to grok from my exposition. An average guy like you is incapable of understanding anything about Bitcoin, what Bitcoin is here to disrupt, that Bitcoin is here to justifiably enslave you and why transaction scaling is nonsense. Your “articulate” source idiots do not teach you anything useful. It’s not my vocation to hold your inept hand. All (but one of the) links are to writings of the 145 IQ Bitcoin whale who has ~500,000 BTC and who faked his own death as he prepares to move those BTC in the looming ANYONECANSPEND attack perhaps in 2026. Note the 2017 softfork impostor Bitcoin will be destroyed, not Satoshi’s authentic legacy protocol Bitcoin, which will rise from 2028 as the January 1988 Economist Magazine’s Phoenix from the ashes of WWIII, ashes of socialism, ashes of all the nonsense world that idiots believe to be true. Everything in your cushy world is going away. Pack your bags for the slavery train. If you had read carefully you would know to store your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 1, not 3 nor bc1, so you will be protected. But you would still have the problem of an involuntary income tax liability for the looming airdrop.

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رتبه: 1969

I keep hearing people regurgitating Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. YT channel) trope about the market has built a lot of structure by slowly grinding up, unlike in 2019 in which the price moved too quickly to 13.9k. And they take this as some gospel or evidence that the price will not crash back down to a lower low. This a syllogistic logical fallacy or a form of apophenia that attempts to assign causation to features which may be present among other outcomes. A more sophisticated person entertains all of the facts of the situation and doesn’t try to form causal conclusions based on myopic cherry picking of preferred datums. They should read the How to Piss Me Off Guide. Why doesn’t anyone else notice the following? 1. For every bear market bottom, the second crash below the 200 WMA is always deeper than the prior one within the same cycle. Thus clearly another deeper move below the 200 WMA is looming before the bottom. 2. Note my textual annotations on the following chart. Note ending diagonals in 2018 and currently are followed by massive, intense moves in the other direction. Also note that the 5 waves for the prior bull market were a terminating wave because of wave 2 retraced more than 67% of wave 1. A TERMINATING WAVE MEANS THE BITCOIN BULL MARKET SINCE ITS INCEPTION IS FINISHED. Thus Bitcoin will not make a new ATH ever again until the entire bull run from its inception has been reset. Per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio theory which predicts every bull market top for Bitcoin, the next top can only be ~413% above the bottom. If Bitcoin bottoms at 13.6k in 2024 as I expect, then it will top at ~70k and will not make a new ATH.Comment: Another fact I omitted is that for the first time the subsequent bull market bottomed below the top of the prior bull market. This means the bull market cycles are now overlapping which is another form of ending diagonal. Amazing me that people think logistic growth S curves just slow down and levitate after they peak, as if a Boeing 747 could stall in mid-air without any thrust. Exponential on the way up and exponential on the way down.Comment: I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024.Comment: Readers have an incorrect model of reality. Bitcoin the new asset is here to enslave you, not to help you. And it will not be lifted to $ 1million until first destroying the impostor Bitcoin taking the Bitcoin price to ~$0, which you currently incorrectly think is Bitcoin and here to save you. The reality is the Bitcoin ETF is all about enslaving you. Educate yourself. Dig into the links, especially the first one which is my blog.Comment: If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5.3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 (+413%) expected by said 5.3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO.Comment: The 80% down has not completed yet for the current bear market. We are not in the bull market yet. Jason Pizzino is a sleepwalking cheerleader (with pompoms) leading you to complacency. This entire altcoin pump is fake! User and investor adoption has continued to plummet. The altcoin bear market is not over folks! youtu.be/oRR11bYspPE (The Altcoin Rally Is Fake | My Biggest Altcoin Warning Yet... | DataDash) Of course the insiders who are holding bags from the FTX blowup are pumping the markets to dump on retail before the bear market continues with the expiration of the BTFP on March 11 and the banking collapse that will allow the Fed to pivot. Wash, rinse, repeat. Retail never learns. ==== Here is the follow-up from George Gammon where he has the possibility of the expiration of the BTFP on March 11, could lead to a banking contagion and be the catalyst for the crash I am expecting. youtu.be/92i2M_1p7v4 (Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March – George Gammon) ==== Storm clouds accumulating into a looming hurricane in the global economy: youtu.be/8gFhm7_VQ2k (Oil Is Sending A Warning Message To The Stock Market | Mott Capital Mgmt) ==== Why is Solana rallying like crazy? Ron Walker has a plausible explanation. He argues that FTX et al, needed to pump their bags so they could liquidate them on the retail investor fools. Also he points out that Bitcoin is rising on declining volume. The dumb retail investors always believe the hopium. And we have sleepwalking cheerleader Jason Pizzino assuring them that crypto can never crash anew. youtu.be/BVLXhQwQlpc?t=633 (The Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Has Begun - BTC To Test of 32K Soon - BULL TRAP) Ron argues the Wycoff distribution is still in play even if pullback followed by a higher high. He thinks the moves in Bitcoin are exaggerated, thus allowing for slightly more extreme than textbook Wycoff. youtu.be/Larttvdrbh4?t=88 (Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Coming - BTC BULL TRAP Being Set) ==== Let’s contemplate other Elliot Wave counts which might invalidate the thesis of the ending diagonal. The following is invalid because wave 1 is the largest wave which can not be the case. The following is proposed in the following video and I corrected him. Alternatively he considers the bearish case which is the same as what I expect. youtu.be/7uaRYmvlYqA (BITCOIN ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS) Your B is higher than your 1. That not allowed. Thus it can only be the bearish case W-X-Y currently in the A-B-C bull trap wave X. Any attempt at labeling a 5 wave count currently is an ending diagonal, which is bearish. Also prior bull cycle wave 2 corrected more than 67% of wave 1, which makes it a terminal wave. That means this bear market will be much worse than prior ones. And no new ATH will be reached in this next bull market. You like everyone else thinks the C19 contagion will not repeat in 2024, but in fact the macroeconomic and orangeutan hair threat (i.e. political) conditions are nearly the same. And do not forget the BTFP (aka buy the f-ing pivot) banking collapse prevention expires March 11.Comment: Took short-term profits from bullish position entered earlier today (c.f. updates). Might reenter on pullback. ==== My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. ==== Jason Pizzino highlighted my comment and specifically said he does not think Bitcoin can go to my prediction of 14k. He implied I am loony. youtu.be/Kw3APTaYrlY?t=529 ← click for his screen capture of my comment on his prior video Jason didn’t address any of the detailed points I made in comments on his recent videos. He is ostensibly oblivious to for example the Shark harmonic pattern pointing to an Ethereum crash in price after this pump to the 3200 Bat harmonic target. I purchased ETH December calls this past summer expecting the Bat rally, which have seen 10 times gain already! Jason is ostensibly oblivious to the Terminal Wave and Ending Diagonals on the Elliot Wave structure of Bitcoin. In 2022, I employed harmonic pattern theory to PUBLICLY (on TradingView) predict NatGas would crash to $2, that the S&P would rally to 4650 (the 0.886 target), pullback (as it did this summer) and then rally anew to ~4950 (the 1.13 target) which is underway. From the comments: @ivanguzman102, I did predict the future numerous times. ==== To reiterate that Bitcoin will enslave the 99%. Per the explanation I aforelinked in my blog, the SegWit, Lightning Networks, scaling crap will be destroyed and that impostor Bitcoin will go to ~0. The 1 MiB block limited legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes after the WWIII underway as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix. Bitcoin transaction fees will be affordable only to large transaction values, thus used only by the wealth. Bitcoin is not long, for us. We were deceived into supporting our future enslavement. ==== www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIpPwfML... (Comments on "How Mexico Will Save The West") > “@SMoore-vj7bt I'm not Mexican nor am I diminishing regular Americans. It's just obvious that America doesn't have a long term plan for dealing with most of the world becoming industrialized. American politicians are senile and out of touch.” @jay1jayf the holistic picture is actually enslavement of the entire world. The political elite of the US Empire are just pawns of the real power behind the curtain. Industrialization does not mean freedom. It means trading freedom for trinkets. Just as the indigenous were lured into trading their land for mirror or bottle of liquor. The deck of cards is being shuffled but the House remains in control of the odds of winning. Mexico is a new frontier to some extent, because of low regulations. But the tax man cometh. Within a few decades or less the enslavement in the West will be universal all over the world. That is what the rise of multipolarism (and the deflationary, dystopian Bitcoin to displace the USD) is really about. When you ponder who created Bitcoin just ask yourself who benefits from enslaving the world in a unit of account that is a fixed supply and can be monopolized by the 1%. ==== From the comments. @cornvutthole, what part of the first link I put in the prior comment are you ostensibly not capable of clicking, reading and comprehending? Perhaps if you are technologically illiterate and/or average IQ, then what is written there (by myself, i.e. I am the author of the linked blog) may make no sense to you? It is inarguable that the impostor Bitcoin (which you all ERRONEOUSLY think is the official Bitcoin) is going to ~$0, when the 13+ million Bitcoin ANYONECANSPEND booty is donated to the miners (no need to even hack the private keys) by the fact that you willfully and ignorantly stored your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1, instead of Satoshi’s legacy addresses that begin with 1. And BSV and BCH have nothing to do with this. I am not referring to any of scammer Craig “Faketoshi” Wright’s nonsense/shenanigans. The 2017 soft fork broke the Nash Equilibrium by creating a huge booty. The only way to fix the equilibrium is for the miners to take it and force the hard fork. After which the impostor will go to $0, because of the economic asymmetry of the airdrop, i.e. everyone hodling legacy Bitcoin will receive both airdrops, whereas the those not will donate their legacy airdrop to the miners AND HAVE A HUGE TAXABLE CAPITAL GAIN THEY CAN NOT PAY thus wrecking their lives and burning their fingertips up to their armpits for touching impostor Bitcorn. This restoration event (aka “attack”) must occur before Bitcoin can rise as the new world reserve currency, i.e. the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix.Comment: It was a hidden secret code pattern that I discovered (and published in my idea update) on September 3 that enabled me to pinpoint a plausible bottom price ~14k for Bitcoin. I wrote: Based on these patterns, I think BTC will flash crash only to ~14k in 2024. Will only be down there for a very short period and quickly back above 21k again. Thus per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 rule, looks like the H2 2025 top will only ~71k. ==== Expounding on my two comment posts in the comments section (on this published idea) reflecting on my historical Tradingview record being incorrectly understood, I will write my thought progression as best as I can recall off the top of my head without going back into all my history meticulously to bolster my recollection. I had not discovered Ron Walker’s YT channel (currently aka The Doctor of Dump & Pump, formerly The Crypto Trader) near the Sep/Oct 2021 top in the market. Thus I was all alone in my belief that Bitcoin had topped. I was up against intense FOMO for the $100+k thesis even in my own discussion circle. Couple this being back and forth between Mexico and the USA, not ultimately settling into an apartment in Arizona until Jan 2022, I was very distracted and disorganized at the 2021 top. After the drop below $20k, I noticed some short-term bullish divergence on the CME that was not on spot (or maybe it was vice versa) and I noticed Gareth Soloway had started to nibble and soften is expectation of 13k, allowing for the possibility of an interim bounce to maybe 32k. Ron Walker continued to call for 9 to 12k. Right before the drop to 15.4k, I started to entertain the notion of a Wycoff accumulation and this was before I discovered Jason Pizzino who was spouting the same hypothesis. When the price hit 16k and bounced, I called the bottom. Then surprisingly it dropped again to 15.4k and I knew this was the final spring on the Wycoff accumulation, I actually talked someone out of despair in my private Telegram group. He has since held his position all the way up. Ron Walker finally allowed for a bounce from the 15.4k level but did not see the Wycoff accumulation. And thus he as expecting only a bull trap dead cat bounce to ~20k to be rejected and decline to his 9 to 12k targets. All the way up, he kept having correct short-term buy and sell calls, but he was always bearish overall. Every bull move higher was counter to his stated expectations until the price broke above 32k, he started to allow for 40k. I had found OPTICALARTdotCOM when the Bitcoin price was still around or above the $30+k level and he like Gareth were calling for 13k. Note he was similar to Ron Walker always expecting the next leg down that I am expecting now, and expecting that all way from the 15.4k level at every attempt to thrust over 32k. But to his credit, he did have a Fib circle ring that enabled him to go long at exactly 15.4k as it crossed his circle which was a bullish pump signal for him. But he never expected the price to rally as much as it did. Whereas, around Oct/Nov 2022, I found harmonic patterns (Shark and Bat) which enabled me to publicly predict (in updates on my Year from Hell idea) 4650, correction, then 4950 for S&P (and commensurately also for the Nasdaq) as well as a crash to $2 for NatGas I predicted earlier in 2022, and the 2100 followed by 2600 to 3200 level for Ethereum. So this is why I was buying Dec 29 2100 strike ETH calls in Sep/Oct 2023 for ~$10 and selling them recently for ~$100. I had been following Game of Trades on YT who had pointed that historically the stock market rallies to an ATH after the Fed pauses, then crashes when it pivots (reduces Fed Fund rates). He was expecting that pause in June 2022, so eventually he got weary waiting for it and turned very bearish. I protested and many of his followers thought I was loony to call for 4650 at the Oct/Nov 2022 lows. As I tied in all the developing factors into my analysis of the situation, I realized that Ron Walker and OPTICALARTdotCOM bearish thesis for another leg down, is probably correct. And so now I join them, but only after they were mostly wrong since the 15.4k bottom, although they were both correct from the $66k top to the $20k level at least.Comment: From the comments: @SwallowPremium, your linked chart (linked chart{1}) does not appear for me in the comments. I only found the link in my notifications. My reasons are more elaborate yet more or less an equivalent outlook. Note I am open to the possibility that the pre-halving correction will be only just below ~20k and not a lower low. The lower low makes sense to me though for reasons so expressed on this page. I will post this in my idea updates where your chart will thusly display properly. {1} I tried to link it and it causes the "linked chart" text to be redacted from my comment! What kind of bug does Tradingview have in their software? ]linked chartComment: Ah another corroborating datum that my expectation is plausible. youtu.be/nAvgnCtFevI (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT 250K BITCOIN – THIS WILL HAPPEN INSTEAD (BE READY) | Crypto Crew U.) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve (Courtney) you just validated what I have been posting on my Trading view the past couple of days that the bottom will be ~14k (just before the halving again), because when you apply the 70k top predicted by this new variant of 5.3 to your prior 5.3 variant, it indicates the actual low will be just below 14k. Also contemplate the doomsday implications of the looming triple top. I informed you in email last year this will likely be the destruction of the impostor 2017 softfork Bitcoin crashing it to near 0 in 2026 before the legacy protocol recovers. ==== From the comments: > “I think it's too early to say what will happen in 2025 while we're still in 2023. Anything can happen by that time but most likely scenario that there will be new ATH on BTC” @fastprofittrader, do you still have that same opinion if you assimilate all my corroborating details from the numerous updates on my idea and all my replies in the comments section? I think I have presented a very strong case as to why there can not be a higher high in 2025. We can pinpoint that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 based on the timing of Bitcoin’s repeating (i.e. periodic) 4 cycle. Couple that with Steve Courtney’s discovery of a 5.3 ratio rule which dictates the top of each subsequent bull market based on a ratio of the prior top and bottom. Thus per his calculation, the current bull market CAN NOT exceed +413% of the bottom. If 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k would be the top in H2 2025. But based on my other numerous analyses, 15.4k may not be the final bottom, which instead may be ~14k (perhaps 13.6k to be more exact), which thus pegs the looming top to be only ~70k, thus a doomsday triple top, which might be the signal that the impostor Bitcoin may decline to ~$0 in during the horrific bear market coming from 2026 to 2028, wherein the dollar will become incredibly strong because of WWIII with China, Iran, Russia.Comment: Ah another indicator of the posited looming further leg down and thus that crypto is still in a bear market after this bull trap rally. youtu.be/1PLv4gUm0cM?t=371 (Bitcoin & Altcoin Price Analysis | The Critical Levels You Need To Watch | DataDash) ==== Liquidity crisis on tap for March/April. How can people not see that a liquidity crisis is already preprogrammed into the system for that future date? youtu.be/GgK4566_xRI (Reverse Repo is Crashing | Heresy Financial) Coincidentally I had been detecting indications in the crypto charts of looming crash in the markets H1 2024. Also the Fed’s BTFP expires March 11. It’s as if those in control are planning on creating a crisis. ==== From the comments: > “In which case it turns into a leading diagonal blah blah.” @ParabolicPanic, not which turns into. I am actually incorrect to posit that it could be an ending diagonal, because per Elliot Wave theory ending diagonals can only occur in the ending C or 5th wave, which is obviously not that case currently. The current wave structure is either the 1st motive wave (thus a leading diagonal) or the second (aka X) corrective wave. I did posit that the current wave structure coming off the 15.4k bottom is either an A-B-C corrective structure or I mentioned it could be an ending diagonal. I should have stated or it could be a leading diagonal. But on further study as I just stated, it can not be an ending diagonal. Thus either this is a bullish leading diagonal for wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves to come, or as I believe it is a corrective A-B-C of an overall larger W-X-Y correction from the 2021 top. However for it to be a leading diagonal, then small wave 5 underway (not the posited future, larger wave 5) must not be larger than wave 3. Given that small wave 5 already appears to be larger than its small wave 3 and if the Three Hills (, valley) and a Mountain pattern which appears to be underway is fulfilled heading into Dec/Jan, then wave 5 will extend and be much larger than the posited wave 3. Thus a corrective (i.e. not motive) A-B-C would be the only correct Elliot Wave interpretation. Your “blah, blah” can be lazy self-deception. Corroborating factors and evidence should be studied to support or invalidate a hypothesis. Your leading diagonal hypothesis in invalidated by other facts, or at least the presumption that wave 2 could not be very deep perhaps to 18k which is a possibility I am also allowing for (although the updated as of yesterday 5.3 ratio theory seems to be invalidating that possibility yet we will see). Ostensibly you have not even read all the analysis. Apparently you decided that the page was not worth your time about a paragraph or two into it. This is a problem and why humans are so easily deceived. Most people are lazy and apathetic, and thusly apply heuristics so they can minimize the effort they expend. Often heuristics fail. ==== youtu.be/0Fg30bxX9BA (Buying Bitcoin Now Will Not Make Your Descendants Rich | Heresy Financial) Unfortunately pessimistically, this video’s optimism is wrong on two levels. First, Bitcoin will never be the currency (as in for payments), because the 2017 scaling softfork broke the Nash equilibrium and will be destroyed. Bitcoin will only be the global reserve currency used by the very wealthy because of the very high transaction fees given the immutable 1 MiB block size limitation in the legacy protocol. Any attempt to change the protocol will fail due to the economic asymmetry of airdrops (even softforks that become hard fcks when the Nash equilibrium is restored). Bitcoin is moving us to a two-tier monetary system, where the plebs will be forced onto to dystopian, cashless 666 central bank digital currencies and the central banks will hold Bitcoin on their balance shits. Secondly, the economic mobility of meritocracy does not obviate the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources. Unfortunately Bitcoin replacing the dollar will result in dystopia because unlike gold, the dominant empire will not be able to debase the unit-of-account that the entire world relies on. Thus massive deflation and widespread pestilence because most people are incapable of self-reliance, self-discipline, long time preference, etc.. This means that the 1% will become the 0.1%, then the 0.01% and ultimately all the wealth of the world concentrated on the proverbial, metaphorical Biblical Seven Hills. Armageddon follows in Biblical prophesy. The reason for the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is not just regulatory capture. It runs the gamut of ways that economies-of-scale and selection-of-the-fittest-most-ruthless can capture power vacuums because we do not exist in your naive, idealistic implicit assumption of a milieu of perfect disorder.Comment: youtu.be/qdeS2wRI60Q?t=126 (Bitcoin, SP500, Real Estate | Jason Pizzino) @JasonPizzinoOfficial Jason I don’t deny the existence of a real estate cycle but it is not a universal hammer and not every market is its nail. The real estate market (which some characterize as 18 years peak-to-peak or trough-to-trough) is not perfectly repeatable. There’s significant variance from 14 to 21 years, with and without a significant mid-cycle. Moreover the stock markets do not appear to be solely or even primarily governed by the real estate cycle. For example, the 2000-2001 mid-cycle was rather mild for real-estate, but egregious crash for the stonks with the 2007 S&P top a double-top of the Dotcom peak. Significant pullback in late 1971 one year before the top in late 1972 which may apply if we are expecting a cycle top in 2025. Moreover from 1969 to 1980 was basically flat due to a monetary disinhibition (end of gold standard) and concomitant stagflation which we have now amplified to the nth degree. You should not continue to just apply the variable real estate periodicity blindly to the other markets. Martin Armstrong has instead for example, fed the entire detailed history of human civilization into his AI data mining Socrates which discovered periodicity and correlations which your overly simplistic model can not. Socrates says something dire/significant will occur in H1 2024 probably around the Ides of March again. Specifically the liquidity that has been feeding the markets has been the draining of the reverse repos into Treasuries with the government spending the funds into the economy. This dries up as of March, as well the Fed’s BTFP (bank rescue) expires March 11. The largest bank failures ever (greater than the GFC) occurred in 2023. The Fed prevented these from being marked-to-market with the BTFP. There was no need to allow for a crisis and inject massive new liquidity in 2023, as inflation was still running high. But now the same global stress that appeared in 2019 has returned with the rest of the world slipping into severe recessionary spiral. So now the elite need another liquidity crisis so they can turn on the money printers again. They will need some event to disrupt the conservatives in the House that are now blocking the ever increasing government spending needed to sustain this house of cards into 2025. For sure the massive bubble into 2025 is coming but they need first to overcome some obstacles that have returned from 2019, such as the orangeutan hair populism. Nothing a good crisis like C19 can not fix again. You need to become a bit more sophisticated. ==== From the comments: > “😂😂😂👌 That's a good joke. Now that institutions and banks are interested in buying and want to offer BTC, no new ath... 🤡🤡🤡 Good luck, man!” @Andbcoin, institutions will not rush in to buy right after a 150% pump, caused by retail FOMO being dumped on by the insiders who realize that retail are suckers for a narrative. After the ETFs are approved, institutions that want to start hedging the ultimate demise of the US dollar, will accumulate on cycle lows, because they understand very well that the dollar will skyrocket from 2026 in its last hooray before the Thucydides trap finally dethrones it as the world reserve currency and liquid Eurodollar market. In short, institutions are much more sophisticated because they have the economies-of-scale to hire people to study reality. Retail are dumb a.f., because individuals employ daft heuristics and are easily swayed by propaganda narratives. Thusly the looming top and bubble heading into 2025, must be driven the same way the 2021 top and bubble was, by flooding idiots with stimulus checks and liquidity. In order to do that, you first need a crisis, as the excuse and pretext to drop money from helicopters. The metaphoric 747 is running out of idiot fuel. Stall incoming. I do not know if you noticed, but interest rates are very high and people are loaded to the gills with credit card debt that they are paying 24% interest on. Institutions are not going to bail out you idiots. They will wait for you all to default and sell the looming bottom.Comment: INTERACTION IN THE COMMENTS IS WORTHWHILE UP TO THE LIMIT OF DIMINISHING RETURNS WHERE MOST OF THE NUANCE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. From the comments: @btcusdhappyPaella56213, perhaps what you meant to write is that a 747 can stall even with thrust? Which is correct, for example climbing at too steep of an angle with insufficient airspeed. But I do not see how that obviates or has anything to do with my analogy? If anything that would bolster my stance that this recent acceleration is too steep to be sustainable. Too high, too fast, too early in the 4 year cycle, especially given a high interest rate, stagflationary macroeconomic environment where the retail hopium (thruster) fuel is limited because for example they are up their ears in 24% APR credit card debt. Volume has been declining during this entire bull trap bounce with a slight rise for this blow off top acceleration. Rising on declining volume is not a bullish sign. ==== From the comments: > “while you could be true , EW is completely speculative , you're right, Crypto can be zero , but only after Quantum computers kick in might be that case. Elliott Wave wasted so much of time and money for many. It's beautiful to count waves, it's inherently bearish in nature” @kkandru, the crux of my speculation here is not depending on EW theory. Given the update yesterday from Steve Courtney that shows I was correct that the top in 2025 will be at most 70k, then on a risk weighted basis, it is much wiser to sell ~40 - 45k this early in the 4 year cycle before the halving. Or at least hedge my hodl stack with some long-dated puts as I am doing. IF WE KNOW NOW THAT THE MAX IN 2025 WILL BE $70K IS IT NOT WISE TO SELL AT $40+K GIVEN THAT 2025 IS SO FAR AWAY? Some commentators seem to placate their confirmation basis and comfort themselves by assuming I failed to buy the 15.4k low (which is an incorrect assumption which my public record disproves). While what it more likely represents is how late they are. Maybe they failed to sell the last top or bought at higher prices on the way down being fooled by Michael Saylor or Elon Musk. I was around in 2012 when Bitcoin was 10 dollars. Everyone is buying too late now. Bitcoin is approaching its apogee in terms of how much fuel can be squeezed out of plebs, because the pleb civilization is bankrupt. So whilst many are hoping for a new ATH because they were so late to get into Bitcoin, the smart money is cashing out of the pleb impostor fork of Bitcoin and preparing for the 2026 totalitarianism transition to a new world order, where the legacy protocol Bitcoin rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix from the ashes of Western civilization to enslave humanity in stark fiscal discipline of a fixed money supply (not even the gold standard was that harsh) and UNDEFEATED THROUGHOUT ALL HISTORY OF MANKIND vortex of power-law distribution of wealth concentrating all the wealth among the 0.1%. So while these boastful idiots think they are on top, they are really on the bottom of the boot and about to have their faces ground into the mud by reality. As it should be. Their hopium is they are not too late and that institutions will bail them out. As if dumb a.f., late a.f. retail could actually dump their bags on institutions. Lol. Never. It is always the other way around that we the smart money are dumping on the retail hopium addicts. @kkandru, dismissing EW as speculative is a crude interpretation of what is meant by those sophisticated who admit it. EW is only speculative to the extent that the future possibilities could invalidate a posited wave count and structure. Triangulation of multiple datums convert independent into fully constrained, dependent variables. So while I became aware today that the ending diagonal hypothesis is invalid, the two possible competing theses still lean more to my A-B-C corrective wave (as a Three Hills and a Mountain) inside of an overall W-X-Y corrective bear market that will not be completed until around the April halving. Especially factoring in (triangulating) all the corroborating data such as the new epiphany about Steve’s 5.3 ratio theory posted in the updates yesterday. This published idea is not mainly supported by EW. The 5.3 ratio theory is perhaps one of the strongest datums underlying this published idea. Also if the current is a leading diagonal terminating only in wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves into 2025, that egregious +150% wave 1 would indicate that extremely high prices such as $200+k would be reached in 2025 and that simply is not credible. You clearly do not understand the technology and what is going on there with the game theory of Bitcoin. The impostor Bitcoin (i.e. the 2017 softfork that enabled scaling) is going to $0 and that is inarguable. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV, not BCH) is rising to become the world’s reserve currency to enslave all of you in 666 national digital currencies in what is historically known as a two-tiered monetary system. You will not be able to afford the Bitcoin transaction fees after 2032, only milionaires and billionaires (and central banks) will be using Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not for us. We were fooled. Satoshi designed Bitcoin to deal with quantum computing as was pointed out only by myself. I am the only person to ever correctly explain why Satoshi employed double-hashing. You are outside your depth of competency here on Bitcoin. The price speculation is of course speculative but the technology issues are clearly outside what you understand well. You are just regurgitating some quantum computing trope you read.Comment: From the comments: @bwfisher83, to understand what is driving WWIII we must first understand who created the war in Ukraine and why they need this war. We need to understand that there was a coup d'etat in the USA in 2020 and why they needed this and why they needed the C19 hoax. We need to dig into a lot of detail to understand what I understand that the average person is uninformed about. I did a detailed, deep drive on 9-11 a few years ago. I know with great confidence that was done by the same uniparty Neocons who are launching these wars. In 2001 they only needed the first salvo of the Patriot Act and what not. The pressure on them is intense now and they are becoming extremely desperate to hold onto to their power. So they are becoming evermore aggressive and their risk taking is becoming evermore outlandish (until it all blows up in their face eventually later this decade). Btw, I will soon publish (on Substack) a blog refuting virology once and for all, and I challenge any expert to refute it. You could start with my Quora answer about George Soros. Note that is necessarily incomplete (or steps outside the relevant topic of the question depending on your perspective) and too much crammed into the small limit of space allowed for a Quora answer. I interact with YT personalities to test my hypotheses. To make sure I haven’t overlooked some factor. I find that framing my understanding in the context of what other well known influencers are presenting may help to form understanding for those who consume my posts. It helps I think to have some context for others to compare to. Pretty much I do not shut myself out from any place I might find some new information. I have an inquisitive, curious temperament. Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio discovery is profound and I think should be considered valuable orthogonal to any BS he may be selling. Focusing is an important skill as well. But as in all things in life there is a yin and yang to it.Comment: Armstrong’s private blog containing the Socrates AI Forecast array on BlackRock points to BlackRock failing in a massive Panic Cycle by 2026 due to a liquidity crisis as its customers try to withdraw funds from a fund that is too large and illiquid. The liquidity crunch will ensue in 2025. Also liquidity issues will amplify volatility in 2024 as well. This is perfectly correlating to my expectation on my latest Tradingview idea, which calls for a bout of volatility to the downside before or around the Bitcoin halving, and then 2026 being the end of the impostor Bitcoin after a doomsday triple top ~70k in 2025. Note this is why they will need the capital controls in place for the 2026 tax reporting season (for taxable year 2025) and the CBDCs. This why they are going to trap all the capital in the Hotel California-esque ETFs. “You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.” NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO. www.armstrongeconomi...ecm-middle-east-war/Comment: Anyone who doubts my prediction for ETH to rally (originally 2600 to 3200, but possibly only 2300 to 2400) before crashing to 600 should watch this. Why 600? Because the bearish harmonic points there and this bounce off the bottom is wave X of a W-X-Y bear market. The bull market has not started yet. Prepare to be shocked Steve. youtu.be/xjfWN4WbSp8?t=227 ← click for chart (WARNING: IS ETH ABOUT TO CRASH!? HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve notice the distance from 9 to 10, should equal from 11 to 12. Thus ETH may go higher before crashing. My thesis since Oct 2022 is playing out as I predicted, except lower expectations for this rally based on your video. Also notice previously from 11 to green to 12 was split into two major moves the second slightly more than first, which concurs with ~2300 to 2350. This 4 year cycle is MUCH weaker than any prior. Will end with a triple top 70k and 2026 Bitcoin will go to 0 as I warned you in 2022.Comment: Prices I expect for a possible top. BTC 40 - 41k ETH 2300 ENJ 0.38 ETC 23 - 24 SOL ~69 (already topped) GALA 0.0285 - 0.0345 (probably 0.03 - 0.033) APE 1.75 - 2.15 (but most likely 1.75 - 1.80) Oh crap, ETCUSD has very similar pattern as BTCUSD did in 2018, before the final drop from 6k to 3k. Below $7 incoming after this final bull trap bounce. Many crypto FOMOium fools are about to get REKTD.Comment: From the comments: > The $38,000-41,000 zone is Death Valley for BTC. > > BTC has not found enough organic buyers since the opening price (0:00 UTC: $37,300). After aggressive action by the binance operator, there were no organic purchases above $38,000 despite three attempts for an hour. > A single trader on Binance pushes the BTC price above $38,000. > > Fully rigged BTC price market at this point. The price action for the last hours is again controlled by a single participant from Binance. There has been a lot of speculation on this subject for several hours now. Taking a long position on the binance while squeezing short positions on the bybit perps. > > Let no one even try to suggest that I am unaware that such manipulations are normal in the markets. > > Not in such proportions and with such determination and not in context with what happened with binance this week. The situation is obvious. I am still adding to a short position. Stop order is reset. If this operator manages to get the BTC price over $39,000, I will sell even more. I am sure that market participants like me will regulate this sick situation. > > I have nothing against BTC, I am a long-term BULL myself. Always willing to buy after large declines and when the right momentum appears. @goodblackcat, historically massive option market positions can and I quote, “send Bitcoin up 300% and down 75% in a single day.” Overall the crypto charts look horrible, with bearish RSI divergences on all timeframes (as does the S&P stonks which fell out of a bearish rising wedge but could make on more drive to a high to test the bottom of the wedge it fell out of), except nearly all crypto USD(T) pairs have bullish RSI diverge on the 3d chart. Also several of the altcoins have a bull flag such as ETCUSD. Thus the reason for the topping prices I posted last night to the idea update. So far only BTC and ETH have moved strongly enough towards a new drive to a high, but I am thinking the rest of the altcoins will follow today or so? Also looks to me ETH is going to break out towards 2300? Indeed the smart money is grabbing the liquidity of the short-term leveraged shorts first, before they will take this down hard for next few months. I can not rule out a significant pullback and then one final drive to a high perhaps in January? But for sure by March crypto will have crashed. The crypto markets are dead. This ETF hopium will not lift crypto out of the doldrums of stagflation and the pre-halving crypto winter. Too many newbies and naive forgot that the crypto bull market in the 4 year cycle does not start until after the halving.Comment: youtu.be/abxE0-Dqlvg (The December Breakout Is Real For Ethereum) Krown you about to get REKTD with your bull market nonsense. That is a bearish rising wedge, not an ascending triangle. youtu.be/-MMmGKtsrCk (The #1 Altcoin Chart No One Is Watching | The 'EXBS Index' | DataDash) That is a bearish rising wedge (not a bullish ascending triangle as you and many others incorrectly annotate it) on the weekly chart, which is also a 5 wave leading diagonal. Thus it must be wave 1 of a 5 wave bullish structure (can not be an ending diagonal). Thus wave 2 incoming could nearly retest the lows (not a lower-low!) before the halving thus before the bull market ensues in earnest. I charted this on my public trading view. 16:00 You slaughtered the inane narrative that the Bitcoin ETFs can drive new ATH. ==== youtu.be/17oGYIQlBbU (Why This Bitcoin Move Will Shock Everyone in 2024 | Robert Prechter) If Elliot Wave specialist Prechter is correct, then his 3 (as you illustrated it) could the end of the first wave down of a expanded flat 3 wave correction. I would have Bitcoin coming back up to a triple top ~70k by H2 2025 for the 2nd wave of the correction, then down into the abyss ~0 for the final third wave by May 2026. From there the Bitcoin market would reset. Which entirely fits with my thesis that the impostor Bitcoin (the 2017 softfork which broke the Nash equilibrium creating 13+ million tokens which are ANYONE CAN SPEND) will be destroyed. All the details are on my public trading view. As Prechter points out that the final "c" wave of an expanded flat are waterfall collapses, very fast and devastating. Well I know exactly what could cause such a dramatic face ripping selloff. The legacy protocol miners will take the 13+ million tokens as donations, no need to even have the private keys because they are ANYONE CAN SPEND. What I find even more interesting is that the legacy protocol Bitcoin (the one Satoshi created, not the current impostor) continues to coexist with the softfork (they will hard fork off from each other when the tokens are taken as donations) can rise as the 1988 Economist Magazine's cover story Phoenix from the ashes of the looming WWIII, as the new world reserve currency in the multipolar new world order that will replace the death of the dollar in said Thucydides trap underway (after a massive crash upwards of the dollar in the final EuroDollar driven liquidity crisis). The legacy as a global reserve currency used only by the wealthy and central banks, will not need transaction scaling that Prechter laments. IOW, Satoshi was not designing a payment system, but rather the new global order. And by the way, the design of Bitcoin was anonymously publicly leaked in 1998 on the 10 year anniversary of its 1988 announcement, then launched 10 years later, then public stampede 10 years later. Thus 2028 it rises. I would be grateful if you would forward my comments to Prechter and his son Elliot.Comment: Possibly one more, final drive to a high imminent.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/8q7NQyhhEc4?t=353 (WARNING: SUPPER GUPPY JUST FLIPPED GREEN! | Crypto Crew U.) Covering all the possibilities. Wise. Do not commit to bullish here. I am happy you corrected the public that has been claiming you were pushing a trope that says Bitcoin held its market structure. Now you have pointed out that has not necessarily been the case. I will cite this video on my public trading view.Comment: Someone commented on a published idea of mine from 2022, which caused me to realize it is still on point and applicable to this recent idea.Comment: youtu.be/AvQp5e3tapE (It's The Dumb Money Buying Bitcoin - Not The Whales - BTC Wyckoff Distribution Update | Ron Walker)Comment: Gammon's reason why the Fed will not renew the BTFP and my comment: youtu.be/ilfzGplcT-U?t=731 (WARNING: This Is When The Banking System Will Fail (Date Revealed) | George Gammon) Rather I think the Fed will not renew because they will want to stress test the system so they are not moving forward blind. They will posit that maybe the original crisis was due to the rate of interest rate rise and with much intervening time in which banks have been able to hedge and adjust to the higher interest rate environment. But I think the deeper reason is more conspiratorial that they need a banking crisis so they can test how their FedNow will be employed to cause bank runs when they are reading to entirely centralize the banking system circa 2026.Comment: From the comments: @GDuBFX, I can not see any of your charts here in the comments on this page. I do not know if other readers also can not see your links. I will post my reply to the updates on my idea, so that everyone can see your chart (I dug the link out of my notifications which is the only place I can access it, not here on this page for some unknown reason). You have mislabeled your chart because you failed to note that the trading range was between 17590 and 25215. Thus when the price exploded to 32k, that was already phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation. This started a Wycoff distribution which is now in the UTAD final test (aka spring) to be followed by a plummeting price in a new phase D.Comment: Follow-up response from the comments: > images.prismic.io/3c...c-fe2d7f2fe7d8_2.png > miro.medium.com/v2/r...aDkgynKOUBU-2J6g.png @GDuBFX, cripes man, the SC is 17590 and the top of the bounce from AR is 25215 which thus defines the trading range (aka TR). Thus after the price rallied from the LPS as it crossed above 25215, it left the trading range (TR) and was in Phase E already. Thus the 31 - 32k level was already starting the Wycoff distribution as Phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation had immediately transitioned into a Wycoff distribution. Please do not make me repeat myself again. Open your f-ing eyes. The UTAD on your chart is in the incorrect location. It should be at the current price level ~39k which is the final Spring test of the Wycoff distribution. We will have a crash soon. Price might tag 39 - 40k first. Also it is probably incorrect to interpret the price action from the 15.4k bottom as a Wycoff accumulation. Appears to be a rare Three Hills and a Mountain pattern, as I documented in the idea itself. And wtf is your problem, that you did not even click the correct Reply. You replied to yourself instead of replying to my reply. Again I can not see any links or charts you included in your reply. Some issue or bug with Trading view, at least for me. But the idea that Phase E must continue higher and higher is not necessarily the case. Can transition directly into a Wycoff distribution instead of progressively higher prices during Phase E. Especially when we consider that the overall pattern may be a Three Hills and a Mountain. ==== My comment: youtu.be/RlhWhQSWils (How the Next Round of Bailouts will be Reserved for the Elites) Tl;dr money injected into the economy must be sanitized such that it can not be spent on things that drive up inflation. Can you say cashless economy with CBDC and dystopian capital controls? Can you say New Green Deal as a BS pretext to limit what people are allowed to spend their money on? I know you can. Note allowing people to spend on stonks and crypto ETFs will not be inflationary if that all gets locked up by a CBDC so that in Hotel California-esque fashion, you can check in anytime you like but you can never checkout.Comment: Typo: s/when they are reading/when they are ready/ ==== Covid-23 has been announced? Here we go again, 2020 repeating because it is an election year and they need to stop Trump again? ==== From the comments: @zvonyo, that BlackRock disclaimer from their ETF application is screen captured on my blog where I discuss the ANYONECANSPEND attack (and to the Tradingview mods, I am not selling anything offsite nor do I have any sponsors so this is not advertising). It is not necessarily that BlackRock will fork Bitcoin, as BlackRock will be forced to choose which fork they are hodling and which one they will sell if they hodl in legacy addresses (thus not ANYONECANSPEND) and thus receive the free airdrop of non-legacy. It will be the miners taking the 13+ million ANYONECANSPEND Bitcoins as generous donations, that will force the non-legacy (i.e. 2017 softfork impostor Bitcion) protocol to hard fork (fck) off from (the bona fide Bitcoin) Satoshi’s immutable legacy protocol, because that will be a violation of the new protocol. To protect yourself, make sure you hodl all your Bitcoins in addresses that begin with 1 not 3, bc1 nor any other obfuscation for legacy addresses that the scammers come up with. I suppose it is possible that BlackRock will invest a lot in Bitcoin mining and help drive the Schelling point for when the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium {but that is not essential nor relevant to the logic of the inevitability of the attack}. Anyway, it appears to me that BlackRock and the new ETFs will be where all the institutions go to die as all their investment will go “poof it’s gone.” NOT YOUR LEGACY KEYS, NOT YOUR BITCORN. The 2017 softfork broke the Nash equilibrium because it created this huge 13+ million booty that gives the miners a different strategy than benevolence. It incentivizes the miners to force the 2017 softfork to fork (fck) off because miners get first dibs thus get to keep the 13 million Bitcoin for themselves {and thus finances the Nash equilibrium restoration even}. I discuss the game theory in great detail on my Github gist linked from my blog. People make the mistake of assuming the restoration will not occur because it will crater the price of Bitcoin. What they do not understand is the miners will have no choice because due to the asymmetrical economics of the situation, the non-legacy fork will stall and miners who try to continue mining it will have no income and go bankrupt. There is another wrinkle that affects all of us holding Bitcoin, even if we hodl legacy addresses. The restoration “attack” (actually a healing, not an attack) will create an involuntary taxable event due to the airdrop, even for those whose Bitcoins are taken from them (i.e. donated to the miners). And even those of us who keep our Bitcorn will have this involuntary taxable event. I did the research and any claim that we did not take possession of the airdrop or what have you, will not be a valid excuse. Thus this event is going to REKT everyone as they will have a huge tax bill, but {especially those who did not hodl in legacy addresses} no Bitcorn remaining to sell to pay the tax!!! @zvonyo, c.f. also the latest updates on this idea where I elaborated. The optimum time to initiate the ANYONECANSPEND event is after a massive run up in the price, because it will cause the more egregious stalling of the impostor fork. Thus the ideal juncture might be the looming ~70k top in 2025 because the projected abyss crash to bottom by May 2026. It is possible that BlackRock will convert the impostor Bitcoin to proof-of-stake, because that will be the only possible defense to the mining difficulty non-readjustment attack(s) which will stall the impostor fork after it fcks off. The legacy protocol Bitcoin will recover and rise as the new world reserve currency replacing the dollar after the looming WWIII Thucydides trap. This plan was laid out in 1988 as the Phoenix on the cover of the Economist Magazine. Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle ever since, with its clever design leaked in an anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/2009, and attained mass retail awareness in 2018. I am an expert on this topic. Proceed to my blog, Dig into my detailed Github gist. Legacy Bitcoin is a diabolical plan to enslave the world, as I had publicly pointed out in 2013. Eric Krown Crypto thinks the DXY might still come down to 100. Dollar will crash upwards in its final peak going into 2026 as the Thucydides trap accelerates. After 2028 (Bitcoin’s 10 year cycle), Bitcoin will start to rise as the Phoenix and the new world reserve currency, because the nations will not trust each other nor the dollar anymore. Also the dollar can no longer be a reserve currency when they trap us in a cashless CBDC dystopia.Comment: youtu.be/ERpp2ygWdyE (Elliott Wave Master Predicts Next Market Top | Alessio Rastani) @CryptoCrewUniversity Alessio explained this very well. Steve if your 5.3 theory is correct, then we are in the bearish version of Alessio’s thesis. Which is what I believe and have posted publicly. I think Bitcoin will make new lows in 2024 as shocking as that sounds. EuroDollar University is explaining why. People think the blackswan from 2020 will not repeat. They should study more. I like that you raised your range bound thesis based on the 4-year halving cycle, which Alessio reacted to. However the reason I think you are wrong and Alessio’s bearish thesis is correct, is bcz your 5.3 theory says the price can not exceed ~70 to 79k (measured 2 ways), but if price is already ~48k yet not even close to the timing of the parabolic move in the 4 year cycle. Fib retracements are deceiving bcz bullish when a significant new ATH is expected, but not the case now bcz of your 5.3 theory! Thus may decline below 15k in 2024 and never make a new ATH bcz your 5.3 theory will be measured from a lower bottom. ==== From the comments: > “I remember you wrote that you only hedge your long-term positions with options, not aggressively playing on the short side…I'm waiting to hear from you and hope everything is OK. @goodblackcat, Tradingview banned me from posting for 2 or 3 days. C.f. my most recent update today on my other recent published idea. I have a very important comment about the Elliot Wave structure. I think this might be the final blowoff top for Bitcoin for a few years. Maybe one relief rally to above this level in 2025 but not a new ATH. This looks very bearish to me. Parabolic on very low volume (lol BlackRock announced $100k in seed capital and the markets pumped!) and too soon in the cycle if the 5.3 theory is correct and the new ATH in 2025 can only be ~70 to 79k, then this is not bullish at all. Thus to tell you frankly, I am shifting to taking profits on crypto. Not even 15% of my hodl portfolio yet, but if this hits 47 - 48k, I am thinking about taking profits on up to 50%. Will be interested to read your thoughts. I was also long the breakout. Remember I was warning you that there was manipulation and they might take this higher before they let it crash. The insiders know what is coming in 2024. EuroDollar University knows also. Your methods can not really decipher these long-term outlooks. That is why I look at a lot of different data points in the macro and the T/A. @goodblackcat, I have seen some compelling arguments for one more push to 47 - 48k. Could happen soon or later in December or early January. Then I expect a rug pull after that with a precipitous drop. We could have already hit the top but I am doubting that. @goodblackcat, Alessio (c.f. my latest update on my other recent idea) says needs to waterfall crash below 40k then 35k for the bearish thesis to be intact. Can not be a slow move. Must be very precipitous. Else the bearish thesis is discarded.Comment: Says signals of doom for 2024 are worse than 2019, more like 2007/8. Points out that the supply shock from Covid, was papered over with fiat printing but this will revert to the mean. That the global economy is still very weak and getting weaker. My take is crash coming in 2024, but Fed will be able to bring out their bazooka one last time. We go up again in 2025 and then from 2026 to 2028 at least is going to be absolute totalitarian hell with massive economic problems globally. People will be suffering. Global suffering is good feedstock for world war. youtu.be/Y6nKuf-KxY0?t=609 (It Was Only A Matter Of Time...But It Finally Happened | EuroDollar University) ==== Something non-linear (i.e. blackswan) may be brewing. Swap spreads going negative like they did in 2020. Also the Baltic Dry index has doubled in November. youtu.be/0hCDxRc6HDs (Things Are Getting REALLY Serious Now | EuroDollar U.) ==== 82% of Americans can’t afford to finance even a used car. Precipitous drop in November. Something is brewing while Bitcoin is rallying on stupid ETF nonsense. youtu.be/AGn5Mi_HSGw?t=556 (The Used Car Market just COLLAPSED) ==== youtu.be/aUKchot5V-I (Holy Sh*t! The Fed Just Admitted We Are In A Recession | EuroDollar University)

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اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 1969

I keep hearing people regurgitating Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. YT channel) trope about the market has built a lot of structure by slowly grinding up, unlike in 2019 in which the price moved too quickly to 13.9k. And they take this as some gospel or evidence that the price will not crash back down to a lower low. This a syllogistic logical fallacy or a form of apophenia that attempts to assign causation to features which may be present among other outcomes. A more sophisticated person entertains all of the facts of the situation and doesn’t try to form causal conclusions based on myopic cherry picking of preferred datums. They should read the How to Piss Me Off Guide. Why doesn’t anyone else notice the following? 1. For every bear market bottom, the second crash below the 200 WMA is always deeper than the prior one within the same cycle. Thus clearly another deeper move below the 200 WMA is looming before the bottom. 2. Note my textual annotations on the following chart. Note ending diagonals in 2018 and currently are followed by massive, intense moves in the other direction. Also note that the 5 waves for the prior bull market were a terminating wave because of wave 2 retraced more than 67% of wave 1. A TERMINATING WAVE MEANS THE BITCOIN BULL MARKET SINCE ITS INCEPTION IS FINISHED. Thus Bitcoin will not make a new ATH ever again until the entire bull run from its inception has been reset. Per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio theory which predicts every bull market top for Bitcoin, the next top can only be ~413% above the bottom. If Bitcoin bottoms at 13.6k in 2024 as I expect, then it will top at ~70k and will not make a new ATH.Comment: Another fact I omitted is that for the first time the subsequent bull market bottomed below the top of the prior bull market. This means the bull market cycles are now overlapping which is another form of ending diagonal. Amazing me that people think logistic growth S curves just slow down and levitate after they peak, as if a Boeing 747 could stall in mid-air without any thrust. Exponential on the way up and exponential on the way down.Comment: I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024.Comment: Readers have an incorrect model of reality. Bitcoin the new asset is here to enslave you, not to help you. And it will not be lifted to $ 1million until first destroying the impostor Bitcoin taking the Bitcoin price to ~$0, which you currently incorrectly think is Bitcoin and here to save you. The reality is the Bitcoin ETF is all about enslaving you. Educate yourself. Dig into the links, especially the first one which is my blog.Comment: If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5.3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 (+413%) expected by said 5.3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO.Comment: The 80% down has not completed yet for the current bear market. We are not in the bull market yet. Jason Pizzino is a sleepwalking cheerleader (with pompoms) leading you to complacency. This entire altcoin pump is fake! User and investor adoption has continued to plummet. The altcoin bear market is not over folks! youtu.be/oRR11bYspPE (The Altcoin Rally Is Fake | My Biggest Altcoin Warning Yet... | DataDash) Of course the insiders who are holding bags from the FTX blowup are pumping the markets to dump on retail before the bear market continues with the expiration of the BTFP on March 11 and the banking collapse that will allow the Fed to pivot. Wash, rinse, repeat. Retail never learns. ==== Here is the follow-up from George Gammon where he has the possibility of the expiration of the BTFP on March 11, could lead to a banking contagion and be the catalyst for the crash I am expecting. youtu.be/92i2M_1p7v4 (Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March – George Gammon) ==== Storm clouds accumulating into a looming hurricane in the global economy: youtu.be/8gFhm7_VQ2k (Oil Is Sending A Warning Message To The Stock Market | Mott Capital Mgmt) ==== Why is Solana rallying like crazy? Ron Walker has a plausible explanation. He argues that FTX et al, needed to pump their bags so they could liquidate them on the retail investor fools. Also he points out that Bitcoin is rising on declining volume. The dumb retail investors always believe the hopium. And we have sleepwalking cheerleader Jason Pizzino assuring them that crypto can never crash anew. youtu.be/BVLXhQwQlpc?t=633 (The Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Has Begun - BTC To Test of 32K Soon - BULL TRAP) Ron argues the Wycoff distribution is still in play even if pullback followed by a higher high. He thinks the moves in Bitcoin are exaggerated, thus allowing for slightly more extreme than textbook Wycoff. youtu.be/Larttvdrbh4?t=88 (Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Coming - BTC BULL TRAP Being Set) ==== Let’s contemplate other Elliot Wave counts which might invalidate the thesis of the ending diagonal. The following is invalid because wave 1 is the largest wave which can not be the case. The following is proposed in the following video and I corrected him. Alternatively he considers the bearish case which is the same as what I expect. youtu.be/7uaRYmvlYqA (BITCOIN ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS) Your B is higher than your 1. That not allowed. Thus it can only be the bearish case W-X-Y currently in the A-B-C bull trap wave X. Any attempt at labeling a 5 wave count currently is an ending diagonal, which is bearish. Also prior bull cycle wave 2 corrected more than 67% of wave 1, which makes it a terminal wave. That means this bear market will be much worse than prior ones. And no new ATH will be reached in this next bull market. You like everyone else thinks the C19 contagion will not repeat in 2024, but in fact the macroeconomic and orangeutan hair threat (i.e. political) conditions are nearly the same. And do not forget the BTFP (aka buy the f-ing pivot) banking collapse prevention expires March 11.Comment: Took short-term profits from bullish position entered earlier today (c.f. updates). Might reenter on pullback. ==== My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. ==== Jason Pizzino highlighted my comment and specifically said he does not think Bitcoin can go to my prediction of 14k. He implied I am loony. youtu.be/Kw3APTaYrlY?t=529 ← click for his screen capture of my comment on his prior video Jason didn’t address any of the detailed points I made in comments on his recent videos. He is ostensibly oblivious to for example the Shark harmonic pattern pointing to an Ethereum crash in price after this pump to the 3200 Bat harmonic target. I purchased ETH December calls this past summer expecting the Bat rally, which have seen 10 times gain already! Jason is ostensibly oblivious to the Terminal Wave and Ending Diagonals on the Elliot Wave structure of Bitcoin. In 2022, I employed harmonic pattern theory to PUBLICLY (on TradingView) predict NatGas would crash to $2, that the S&P would rally to 4650 (the 0.886 target), pullback (as it did this summer) and then rally anew to ~4950 (the 1.13 target) which is underway. From the comments: @ivanguzman102, I did predict the future numerous times. ==== To reiterate that Bitcoin will enslave the 99%. Per the explanation I aforelinked in my blog, the SegWit, Lightning Networks, scaling crap will be destroyed and that impostor Bitcoin will go to ~0. The 1 MiB block limited legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes after the WWIII underway as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix. Bitcoin transaction fees will be affordable only to large transaction values, thus used only by the wealth. Bitcoin is not long, for us. We were deceived into supporting our future enslavement. ==== www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIpPwfML... (Comments on "How Mexico Will Save The West") > “@SMoore-vj7bt I'm not Mexican nor am I diminishing regular Americans. It's just obvious that America doesn't have a long term plan for dealing with most of the world becoming industrialized. American politicians are senile and out of touch.” @jay1jayf the holistic picture is actually enslavement of the entire world. The political elite of the US Empire are just pawns of the real power behind the curtain. Industrialization does not mean freedom. It means trading freedom for trinkets. Just as the indigenous were lured into trading their land for mirror or bottle of liquor. The deck of cards is being shuffled but the House remains in control of the odds of winning. Mexico is a new frontier to some extent, because of low regulations. But the tax man cometh. Within a few decades or less the enslavement in the West will be universal all over the world. That is what the rise of multipolarism (and the deflationary, dystopian Bitcoin to displace the USD) is really about. When you ponder who created Bitcoin just ask yourself who benefits from enslaving the world in a unit of account that is a fixed supply and can be monopolized by the 1%. ==== From the comments. @cornvutthole, what part of the first link I put in the prior comment are you ostensibly not capable of clicking, reading and comprehending? Perhaps if you are technologically illiterate and/or average IQ, then what is written there (by myself, i.e. I am the author of the linked blog) may make no sense to you? It is inarguable that the impostor Bitcoin (which you all ERRONEOUSLY think is the official Bitcoin) is going to ~$0, when the 13+ million Bitcoin ANYONECANSPEND booty is donated to the miners (no need to even hack the private keys) by the fact that you willfully and ignorantly stored your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1, instead of Satoshi’s legacy addresses that begin with 1. And BSV and BCH have nothing to do with this. I am not referring to any of scammer Craig “Faketoshi” Wright’s nonsense/shenanigans. The 2017 soft fork broke the Nash Equilibrium by creating a huge booty. The only way to fix the equilibrium is for the miners to take it and force the hard fork. After which the impostor will go to $0, because of the economic asymmetry of the airdrop, i.e. everyone hodling legacy Bitcoin will receive both airdrops, whereas the those not will donate their legacy airdrop to the miners AND HAVE A HUGE TAXABLE CAPITAL GAIN THEY CAN NOT PAY thus wrecking their lives and burning their fingertips up to their armpits for touching impostor Bitcorn. This restoration event (aka “attack”) must occur before Bitcoin can rise as the new world reserve currency, i.e. the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix.Comment: It was a hidden secret code pattern that I discovered (and published in my idea update) on September 3 that enabled me to pinpoint a plausible bottom price ~14k for Bitcoin. I wrote: Based on these patterns, I think BTC will flash crash only to ~14k in 2024. Will only be down there for a very short period and quickly back above 21k again. Thus per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 rule, looks like the H2 2025 top will only ~71k. ==== Expounding on my two comment posts in the comments section (on this published idea) reflecting on my historical Tradingview record being incorrectly understood, I will write my thought progression as best as I can recall off the top of my head without going back into all my history meticulously to bolster my recollection. I had not discovered Ron Walker’s YT channel (currently aka The Doctor of Dump & Pump, formerly The Crypto Trader) near the Sep/Oct 2021 top in the market. Thus I was all alone in my belief that Bitcoin had topped. I was up against intense FOMO for the $100+k thesis even in my own discussion circle. Couple this being back and forth between Mexico and the USA, not ultimately settling into an apartment in Arizona until Jan 2022, I was very distracted and disorganized at the 2021 top. After the drop below $20k, I noticed some short-term bullish divergence on the CME that was not on spot (or maybe it was vice versa) and I noticed Gareth Soloway had started to nibble and soften is expectation of 13k, allowing for the possibility of an interim bounce to maybe 32k. Ron Walker continued to call for 9 to 12k. Right before the drop to 15.4k, I started to entertain the notion of a Wycoff accumulation and this was before I discovered Jason Pizzino who was spouting the same hypothesis. When the price hit 16k and bounced, I called the bottom. Then surprisingly it dropped again to 15.4k and I knew this was the final spring on the Wycoff accumulation, I actually talked someone out of despair in my private Telegram group. He has since held his position all the way up. Ron Walker finally allowed for a bounce from the 15.4k level but did not see the Wycoff accumulation. And thus he as expecting only a bull trap dead cat bounce to ~20k to be rejected and decline to his 9 to 12k targets. All the way up, he kept having correct short-term buy and sell calls, but he was always bearish overall. Every bull move higher was counter to his stated expectations until the price broke above 32k, he started to allow for 40k. I had found OPTICALARTdotCOM when the Bitcoin price was still around or above the $30+k level and he like Gareth were calling for 13k. Note he was similar to Ron Walker always expecting the next leg down that I am expecting now, and expecting that all way from the 15.4k level at every attempt to thrust over 32k. But to his credit, he did have a Fib circle ring that enabled him to go long at exactly 15.4k as it crossed his circle which was a bullish pump signal for him. But he never expected the price to rally as much as it did. Whereas, around Oct/Nov 2022, I found harmonic patterns (Shark and Bat) which enabled me to publicly predict (in updates on my Year from Hell idea) 4650, correction, then 4950 for S&P (and commensurately also for the Nasdaq) as well as a crash to $2 for NatGas I predicted earlier in 2022, and the 2100 followed by 2600 to 3200 level for Ethereum. So this is why I was buying Dec 29 2100 strike ETH calls in Sep/Oct 2023 for ~$10 and selling them recently for ~$100. I had been following Game of Trades on YT who had pointed that historically the stock market rallies to an ATH after the Fed pauses, then crashes when it pivots (reduces Fed Fund rates). He was expecting that pause in June 2022, so eventually he got weary waiting for it and turned very bearish. I protested and many of his followers thought I was loony to call for 4650 at the Oct/Nov 2022 lows. As I tied in all the developing factors into my analysis of the situation, I realized that Ron Walker and OPTICALARTdotCOM bearish thesis for another leg down, is probably correct. And so now I join them, but only after they were mostly wrong since the 15.4k bottom, although they were both correct from the $66k top to the $20k level at least.Comment: From the comments: @SwallowPremium, your linked chart (linked chart{1}) does not appear for me in the comments. I only found the link in my notifications. My reasons are more elaborate yet more or less an equivalent outlook. Note I am open to the possibility that the pre-halving correction will be only just below ~20k and not a lower low. The lower low makes sense to me though for reasons so expressed on this page. I will post this in my idea updates where your chart will thusly display properly. {1} I tried to link it and it causes the "linked chart" text to be redacted from my comment! What kind of bug does Tradingview have in their software? ]linked chartComment: Ah another corroborating datum that my expectation is plausible. youtu.be/nAvgnCtFevI (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT 250K BITCOIN – THIS WILL HAPPEN INSTEAD (BE READY) | Crypto Crew U.) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve (Courtney) you just validated what I have been posting on my Trading view the past couple of days that the bottom will be ~14k (just before the halving again), because when you apply the 70k top predicted by this new variant of 5.3 to your prior 5.3 variant, it indicates the actual low will be just below 14k. Also contemplate the doomsday implications of the looming triple top. I informed you in email last year this will likely be the destruction of the impostor 2017 softfork Bitcoin crashing it to near 0 in 2026 before the legacy protocol recovers. ==== From the comments: > “I think it's too early to say what will happen in 2025 while we're still in 2023. Anything can happen by that time but most likely scenario that there will be new ATH on BTC” @fastprofittrader, do you still have that same opinion if you assimilate all my corroborating details from the numerous updates on my idea and all my replies in the comments section? I think I have presented a very strong case as to why there can not be a higher high in 2025. We can pinpoint that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 based on the timing of Bitcoin’s repeating (i.e. periodic) 4 cycle. Couple that with Steve Courtney’s discovery of a 5.3 ratio rule which dictates the top of each subsequent bull market based on a ratio of the prior top and bottom. Thus per his calculation, the current bull market CAN NOT exceed +413% of the bottom. If 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k would be the top in H2 2025. But based on my other numerous analyses, 15.4k may not be the final bottom, which instead may be ~14k (perhaps 13.6k to be more exact), which thus pegs the looming top to be only ~70k, thus a doomsday triple top, which might be the signal that the impostor Bitcoin may decline to ~$0 in during the horrific bear market coming from 2026 to 2028, wherein the dollar will become incredibly strong because of WWIII with China, Iran, Russia.Comment: Ah another indicator of the posited looming further leg down and thus that crypto is still in a bear market after this bull trap rally. youtu.be/1PLv4gUm0cM?t=371 (Bitcoin & Altcoin Price Analysis | The Critical Levels You Need To Watch | DataDash) ==== Liquidity crisis on tap for March/April. How can people not see that a liquidity crisis is already preprogrammed into the system for that future date? youtu.be/GgK4566_xRI (Reverse Repo is Crashing | Heresy Financial) Coincidentally I had been detecting indications in the crypto charts of looming crash in the markets H1 2024. Also the Fed’s BTFP expires March 11. It’s as if those in control are planning on creating a crisis. ==== From the comments: > “In which case it turns into a leading diagonal blah blah.” @ParabolicPanic, not which turns into. I am actually incorrect to posit that it could be an ending diagonal, because per Elliot Wave theory ending diagonals can only occur in the ending C or 5th wave, which is obviously not that case currently. The current wave structure is either the 1st motive wave (thus a leading diagonal) or the second (aka X) corrective wave. I did posit that the current wave structure coming off the 15.4k bottom is either an A-B-C corrective structure or I mentioned it could be an ending diagonal. I should have stated or it could be a leading diagonal. But on further study as I just stated, it can not be an ending diagonal. Thus either this is a bullish leading diagonal for wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves to come, or as I believe it is a corrective A-B-C of an overall larger W-X-Y correction from the 2021 top. However for it to be a leading diagonal, then small wave 5 underway (not the posited future, larger wave 5) must not be larger than wave 3. Given that small wave 5 already appears to be larger than its small wave 3 and if the Three Hills (, valley) and a Mountain pattern which appears to be underway is fulfilled heading into Dec/Jan, then wave 5 will extend and be much larger than the posited wave 3. Thus a corrective (i.e. not motive) A-B-C would be the only correct Elliot Wave interpretation. Your “blah, blah” can be lazy self-deception. Corroborating factors and evidence should be studied to support or invalidate a hypothesis. Your leading diagonal hypothesis in invalidated by other facts, or at least the presumption that wave 2 could not be very deep perhaps to 18k which is a possibility I am also allowing for (although the updated as of yesterday 5.3 ratio theory seems to be invalidating that possibility yet we will see). Ostensibly you have not even read all the analysis. Apparently you decided that the page was not worth your time about a paragraph or two into it. This is a problem and why humans are so easily deceived. Most people are lazy and apathetic, and thusly apply heuristics so they can minimize the effort they expend. Often heuristics fail. ==== youtu.be/0Fg30bxX9BA (Buying Bitcoin Now Will Not Make Your Descendants Rich | Heresy Financial) Unfortunately pessimistically, this video’s optimism is wrong on two levels. First, Bitcoin will never be the currency (as in for payments), because the 2017 scaling softfork broke the Nash equilibrium and will be destroyed. Bitcoin will only be the global reserve currency used by the very wealthy because of the very high transaction fees given the immutable 1 MiB block size limitation in the legacy protocol. Any attempt to change the protocol will fail due to the economic asymmetry of airdrops (even softforks that become hard fcks when the Nash equilibrium is restored). Bitcoin is moving us to a two-tier monetary system, where the plebs will be forced onto to dystopian, cashless 666 central bank digital currencies and the central banks will hold Bitcoin on their balance shits. Secondly, the economic mobility of meritocracy does not obviate the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources. Unfortunately Bitcoin replacing the dollar will result in dystopia because unlike gold, the dominant empire will not be able to debase the unit-of-account that the entire world relies on. Thus massive deflation and widespread pestilence because most people are incapable of self-reliance, self-discipline, long time preference, etc.. This means that the 1% will become the 0.1%, then the 0.01% and ultimately all the wealth of the world concentrated on the proverbial, metaphorical Biblical Seven Hills. Armageddon follows in Biblical prophesy. The reason for the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is not just regulatory capture. It runs the gamut of ways that economies-of-scale and selection-of-the-fittest-most-ruthless can capture power vacuums because we do not exist in your naive, idealistic implicit assumption of a milieu of perfect disorder.Comment: youtu.be/qdeS2wRI60Q?t=126 (Bitcoin, SP500, Real Estate | Jason Pizzino) @JasonPizzinoOfficial Jason I don’t deny the existence of a real estate cycle but it is not a universal hammer and not every market is its nail. The real estate market (which some characterize as 18 years peak-to-peak or trough-to-trough) is not perfectly repeatable. There’s significant variance from 14 to 21 years, with and without a significant mid-cycle. Moreover the stock markets do not appear to be solely or even primarily governed by the real estate cycle. For example, the 2000-2001 mid-cycle was rather mild for real-estate, but egregious crash for the stonks with the 2007 S&P top a double-top of the Dotcom peak. Significant pullback in late 1971 one year before the top in late 1972 which may apply if we are expecting a cycle top in 2025. Moreover from 1969 to 1980 was basically flat due to a monetary disinhibition (end of gold standard) and concomitant stagflation which we have now amplified to the nth degree. You should not continue to just apply the variable real estate periodicity blindly to the other markets. Martin Armstrong has instead for example, fed the entire detailed history of human civilization into his AI data mining Socrates which discovered periodicity and correlations which your overly simplistic model can not. Socrates says something dire/significant will occur in H1 2024 probably around the Ides of March again. Specifically the liquidity that has been feeding the markets has been the draining of the reverse repos into Treasuries with the government spending the funds into the economy. This dries up as of March, as well the Fed’s BTFP (bank rescue) expires March 11. The largest bank failures ever (greater than the GFC) occurred in 2023. The Fed prevented these from being marked-to-market with the BTFP. There was no need to allow for a crisis and inject massive new liquidity in 2023, as inflation was still running high. But now the same global stress that appeared in 2019 has returned with the rest of the world slipping into severe recessionary spiral. So now the elite need another liquidity crisis so they can turn on the money printers again. They will need some event to disrupt the conservatives in the House that are now blocking the ever increasing government spending needed to sustain this house of cards into 2025. For sure the massive bubble into 2025 is coming but they need first to overcome some obstacles that have returned from 2019, such as the orangeutan hair populism. Nothing a good crisis like C19 can not fix again. You need to become a bit more sophisticated. ==== From the comments: > “😂😂😂👌 That's a good joke. Now that institutions and banks are interested in buying and want to offer BTC, no new ath... 🤡🤡🤡 Good luck, man!” @Andbcoin, institutions will not rush in to buy right after a 150% pump, caused by retail FOMO being dumped on by the insiders who realize that retail are suckers for a narrative. After the ETFs are approved, institutions that want to start hedging the ultimate demise of the US dollar, will accumulate on cycle lows, because they understand very well that the dollar will skyrocket from 2026 in its last hooray before the Thucydides trap finally dethrones it as the world reserve currency and liquid Eurodollar market. In short, institutions are much more sophisticated because they have the economies-of-scale to hire people to study reality. Retail are dumb a.f., because individuals employ daft heuristics and are easily swayed by propaganda narratives. Thusly the looming top and bubble heading into 2025, must be driven the same way the 2021 top and bubble was, by flooding idiots with stimulus checks and liquidity. In order to do that, you first need a crisis, as the excuse and pretext to drop money from helicopters. The metaphoric 747 is running out of idiot fuel. Stall incoming. I do not know if you noticed, but interest rates are very high and people are loaded to the gills with credit card debt that they are paying 24% interest on. Institutions are not going to bail out you idiots. They will wait for you all to default and sell the looming bottom.Comment: INTERACTION IN THE COMMENTS IS WORTHWHILE UP TO THE LIMIT OF DIMINISHING RETURNS WHERE MOST OF THE NUANCE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. From the comments: @btcusdhappyPaella56213, perhaps what you meant to write is that a 747 can stall even with thrust? Which is correct, for example climbing at too steep of an angle with insufficient airspeed. But I do not see how that obviates or has anything to do with my analogy? If anything that would bolster my stance that this recent acceleration is too steep to be sustainable. Too high, too fast, too early in the 4 year cycle, especially given a high interest rate, stagflationary macroeconomic environment where the retail hopium (thruster) fuel is limited because for example they are up their ears in 24% APR credit card debt. Volume has been declining during this entire bull trap bounce with a slight rise for this blow off top acceleration. Rising on declining volume is not a bullish sign. ==== From the comments: > “while you could be true , EW is completely speculative , you're right, Crypto can be zero , but only after Quantum computers kick in might be that case. Elliott Wave wasted so much of time and money for many. It's beautiful to count waves, it's inherently bearish in nature” @kkandru, the crux of my speculation here is not depending on EW theory. Given the update yesterday from Steve Courtney that shows I was correct that the top in 2025 will be at most 70k, then on a risk weighted basis, it is much wiser to sell ~40 - 45k this early in the 4 year cycle before the halving. Or at least hedge my hodl stack with some long-dated puts as I am doing. IF WE KNOW NOW THAT THE MAX IN 2025 WILL BE $70K IS IT NOT WISE TO SELL AT $40+K GIVEN THAT 2025 IS SO FAR AWAY? Some commentators seem to placate their confirmation basis and comfort themselves by assuming I failed to buy the 15.4k low (which is an incorrect assumption which my public record disproves). While what it more likely represents is how late they are. Maybe they failed to sell the last top or bought at higher prices on the way down being fooled by Michael Saylor or Elon Musk. I was around in 2012 when Bitcoin was 10 dollars. Everyone is buying too late now. Bitcoin is approaching its apogee in terms of how much fuel can be squeezed out of plebs, because the pleb civilization is bankrupt. So whilst many are hoping for a new ATH because they were so late to get into Bitcoin, the smart money is cashing out of the pleb impostor fork of Bitcoin and preparing for the 2026 totalitarianism transition to a new world order, where the legacy protocol Bitcoin rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix from the ashes of Western civilization to enslave humanity in stark fiscal discipline of a fixed money supply (not even the gold standard was that harsh) and UNDEFEATED THROUGHOUT ALL HISTORY OF MANKIND vortex of power-law distribution of wealth concentrating all the wealth among the 0.1%. So while these boastful idiots think they are on top, they are really on the bottom of the boot and about to have their faces ground into the mud by reality. As it should be. Their hopium is they are not too late and that institutions will bail them out. As if dumb a.f., late a.f. retail could actually dump their bags on institutions. Lol. Never. It is always the other way around that we the smart money are dumping on the retail hopium addicts. @kkandru, dismissing EW as speculative is a crude interpretation of what is meant by those sophisticated who admit it. EW is only speculative to the extent that the future possibilities could invalidate a posited wave count and structure. Triangulation of multiple datums convert independent into fully constrained, dependent variables. So while I became aware today that the ending diagonal hypothesis is invalid, the two possible competing theses still lean more to my A-B-C corrective wave (as a Three Hills and a Mountain) inside of an overall W-X-Y corrective bear market that will not be completed until around the April halving. Especially factoring in (triangulating) all the corroborating data such as the new epiphany about Steve’s 5.3 ratio theory posted in the updates yesterday. This published idea is not mainly supported by EW. The 5.3 ratio theory is perhaps one of the strongest datums underlying this published idea. Also if the current is a leading diagonal terminating only in wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves into 2025, that egregious +150% wave 1 would indicate that extremely high prices such as $200+k would be reached in 2025 and that simply is not credible. You clearly do not understand the technology and what is going on there with the game theory of Bitcoin. The impostor Bitcoin (i.e. the 2017 softfork that enabled scaling) is going to $0 and that is inarguable. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BSV, not BCH) is rising to become the world’s reserve currency to enslave all of you in 666 national digital currencies in what is historically known as a two-tiered monetary system. You will not be able to afford the Bitcoin transaction fees after 2032, only milionaires and billionaires (and central banks) will be using Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not for us. We were fooled. Satoshi designed Bitcoin to deal with quantum computing as was pointed out only by myself. I am the only person to ever correctly explain why Satoshi employed double-hashing. You are outside your depth of competency here on Bitcoin. The price speculation is of course speculative but the technology issues are clearly outside what you understand well. You are just regurgitating some quantum computing trope you read.Comment: From the comments: @bwfisher83, to understand what is driving WWIII we must first understand who created the war in Ukraine and why they need this war. We need to understand that there was a coup d'etat in the USA in 2020 and why they needed this and why they needed the C19 hoax. We need to dig into a lot of detail to understand what I understand that the average person is uninformed about. I did a detailed, deep drive on 9-11 a few years ago. I know with great confidence that was done by the same uniparty Neocons who are launching these wars. In 2001 they only needed the first salvo of the Patriot Act and what not. The pressure on them is intense now and they are becoming extremely desperate to hold onto to their power. So they are becoming evermore aggressive and their risk taking is becoming evermore outlandish (until it all blows up in their face eventually later this decade). Btw, I will soon publish (on Substack) a blog refuting virology once and for all, and I challenge any expert to refute it. You could start with my Quora answer about George Soros. Note that is necessarily incomplete (or steps outside the relevant topic of the question depending on your perspective) and too much crammed into the small limit of space allowed for a Quora answer. I interact with YT personalities to test my hypotheses. To make sure I haven’t overlooked some factor. I find that framing my understanding in the context of what other well known influencers are presenting may help to form understanding for those who consume my posts. It helps I think to have some context for others to compare to. Pretty much I do not shut myself out from any place I might find some new information. I have an inquisitive, curious temperament. Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio discovery is profound and I think should be considered valuable orthogonal to any BS he may be selling. Focusing is an important skill as well. But as in all things in life there is a yin and yang to it.Comment: Armstrong’s private blog containing the Socrates AI Forecast array on BlackRock points to BlackRock failing in a massive Panic Cycle by 2026 due to a liquidity crisis as its customers try to withdraw funds from a fund that is too large and illiquid. The liquidity crunch will ensue in 2025. Also liquidity issues will amplify volatility in 2024 as well. This is perfectly correlating to my expectation on my latest Tradingview idea, which calls for a bout of volatility to the downside before or around the Bitcoin halving, and then 2026 being the end of the impostor Bitcoin after a doomsday triple top ~70k in 2025. Note this is why they will need the capital controls in place for the 2026 tax reporting season (for taxable year 2025) and the CBDCs. This why they are going to trap all the capital in the Hotel California-esque ETFs. “You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.” NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR CRYPTO. www.armstrongeconomi...ecm-middle-east-war/Comment: Anyone who doubts my prediction for ETH to rally (originally 2600 to 3200, but possibly only 2300 to 2400) before crashing to 600 should watch this. Why 600? Because the bearish harmonic points there and this bounce off the bottom is wave X of a W-X-Y bear market. The bull market has not started yet. Prepare to be shocked Steve. youtu.be/xjfWN4WbSp8?t=227 ← click for chart (WARNING: IS ETH ABOUT TO CRASH!? HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve notice the distance from 9 to 10, should equal from 11 to 12. Thus ETH may go higher before crashing. My thesis since Oct 2022 is playing out as I predicted, except lower expectations for this rally based on your video. Also notice previously from 11 to green to 12 was split into two major moves the second slightly more than first, which concurs with ~2300 to 2350. This 4 year cycle is MUCH weaker than any prior. Will end with a triple top 70k and 2026 Bitcoin will go to 0 as I warned you in 2022.Comment: Prices I expect for a possible top. BTC 40 - 41k ETH 2300 ENJ 0.38 ETC 23 - 24 SOL ~69 (already topped) GALA 0.0285 - 0.0345 (probably 0.03 - 0.033) APE 1.75 - 2.15 (but most likely 1.75 - 1.80) Oh crap, ETCUSD has very similar pattern as BTCUSD did in 2018, before the final drop from 6k to 3k. Below $7 incoming after this final bull trap bounce. Many crypto FOMOium fools are about to get REKTD.Comment: From the comments: > The $38,000-41,000 zone is Death Valley for BTC. > > BTC has not found enough organic buyers since the opening price (0:00 UTC: $37,300). After aggressive action by the binance operator, there were no organic purchases above $38,000 despite three attempts for an hour. > A single trader on Binance pushes the BTC price above $38,000. > > Fully rigged BTC price market at this point. The price action for the last hours is again controlled by a single participant from Binance. There has been a lot of speculation on this subject for several hours now. Taking a long position on the binance while squeezing short positions on the bybit perps. > > Let no one even try to suggest that I am unaware that such manipulations are normal in the markets. > > Not in such proportions and with such determination and not in context with what happened with binance this week. The situation is obvious. I am still adding to a short position. Stop order is reset. If this operator manages to get the BTC price over $39,000, I will sell even more. I am sure that market participants like me will regulate this sick situation. > > I have nothing against BTC, I am a long-term BULL myself. Always willing to buy after large declines and when the right momentum appears. @goodblackcat, historically massive option market positions can and I quote, “send Bitcoin up 300% and down 75% in a single day.” Overall the crypto charts look horrible, with bearish RSI divergences on all timeframes (as does the S&P stonks which fell out of a bearish rising wedge but could make on more drive to a high to test the bottom of the wedge it fell out of), except nearly all crypto USD(T) pairs have bullish RSI diverge on the 3d chart. Also several of the altcoins have a bull flag such as ETCUSD. Thus the reason for the topping prices I posted last night to the idea update. So far only BTC and ETH have moved strongly enough towards a new drive to a high, but I am thinking the rest of the altcoins will follow today or so? Also looks to me ETH is going to break out towards 2300? Indeed the smart money is grabbing the liquidity of the short-term leveraged shorts first, before they will take this down hard for next few months. I can not rule out a significant pullback and then one final drive to a high perhaps in January? But for sure by March crypto will have crashed. The crypto markets are dead. This ETF hopium will not lift crypto out of the doldrums of stagflation and the pre-halving crypto winter. Too many newbies and naive forgot that the crypto bull market in the 4 year cycle does not start until after the halving.Comment: youtu.be/abxE0-Dqlvg (The December Breakout Is Real For Ethereum) Krown you about to get REKTD with your bull market nonsense. That is a bearish rising wedge, not an ascending triangle. youtu.be/-MMmGKtsrCk (The #1 Altcoin Chart No One Is Watching | The 'EXBS Index' | DataDash) That is a bearish rising wedge (not a bullish ascending triangle as you and many others incorrectly annotate it) on the weekly chart, which is also a 5 wave leading diagonal. Thus it must be wave 1 of a 5 wave bullish structure (can not be an ending diagonal). Thus wave 2 incoming could nearly retest the lows (not a lower-low!) before the halving thus before the bull market ensues in earnest. I charted this on my public trading view. 16:00 You slaughtered the inane narrative that the Bitcoin ETFs can drive new ATH. ==== youtu.be/17oGYIQlBbU (Why This Bitcoin Move Will Shock Everyone in 2024 | Robert Prechter) If Elliot Wave specialist Prechter is correct, then his 3 (as you illustrated it) could the end of the first wave down of a expanded flat 3 wave correction. I would have Bitcoin coming back up to a triple top ~70k by H2 2025 for the 2nd wave of the correction, then down into the abyss ~0 for the final third wave by May 2026. From there the Bitcoin market would reset. Which entirely fits with my thesis that the impostor Bitcoin (the 2017 softfork which broke the Nash equilibrium creating 13+ million tokens which are ANYONE CAN SPEND) will be destroyed. All the details are on my public trading view. As Prechter points out that the final "c" wave of an expanded flat are waterfall collapses, very fast and devastating. Well I know exactly what could cause such a dramatic face ripping selloff. The legacy protocol miners will take the 13+ million tokens as donations, no need to even have the private keys because they are ANYONE CAN SPEND. What I find even more interesting is that the legacy protocol Bitcoin (the one Satoshi created, not the current impostor) continues to coexist with the softfork (they will hard fork off from each other when the tokens are taken as donations) can rise as the 1988 Economist Magazine's cover story Phoenix from the ashes of the looming WWIII, as the new world reserve currency in the multipolar new world order that will replace the death of the dollar in said Thucydides trap underway (after a massive crash upwards of the dollar in the final EuroDollar driven liquidity crisis). The legacy as a global reserve currency used only by the wealthy and central banks, will not need transaction scaling that Prechter laments. IOW, Satoshi was not designing a payment system, but rather the new global order. And by the way, the design of Bitcoin was anonymously publicly leaked in 1998 on the 10 year anniversary of its 1988 announcement, then launched 10 years later, then public stampede 10 years later. Thus 2028 it rises. I would be grateful if you would forward my comments to Prechter and his son Elliot.Comment: Possibly one more, final drive to a high imminent.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/8q7NQyhhEc4?t=353 (WARNING: SUPPER GUPPY JUST FLIPPED GREEN! | Crypto Crew U.) Covering all the possibilities. Wise. Do not commit to bullish here. I am happy you corrected the public that has been claiming you were pushing a trope that says Bitcoin held its market structure. Now you have pointed out that has not necessarily been the case. I will cite this video on my public trading view.Comment: Someone commented on a published idea of mine from 2022, which caused me to realize it is still on point and applicable to this recent idea.Comment: youtu.be/AvQp5e3tapE (It's The Dumb Money Buying Bitcoin - Not The Whales - BTC Wyckoff Distribution Update | Ron Walker)Comment: Gammon's reason why the Fed will not renew the BTFP and my comment: youtu.be/ilfzGplcT-U?t=731 (WARNING: This Is When The Banking System Will Fail (Date Revealed) | George Gammon) Rather I think the Fed will not renew because they will want to stress test the system so they are not moving forward blind. They will posit that maybe the original crisis was due to the rate of interest rate rise and with much intervening time in which banks have been able to hedge and adjust to the higher interest rate environment. But I think the deeper reason is more conspiratorial that they need a banking crisis so they can test how their FedNow will be employed to cause bank runs when they are reading to entirely centralize the banking system circa 2026.Comment: From the comments: @GDuBFX, I can not see any of your charts here in the comments on this page. I do not know if other readers also can not see your links. I will post my reply to the updates on my idea, so that everyone can see your chart (I dug the link out of my notifications which is the only place I can access it, not here on this page for some unknown reason). You have mislabeled your chart because you failed to note that the trading range was between 17590 and 25215. Thus when the price exploded to 32k, that was already phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation. This started a Wycoff distribution which is now in the UTAD final test (aka spring) to be followed by a plummeting price in a new phase D.Comment: Follow-up response from the comments: > images.prismic.io/3c...c-fe2d7f2fe7d8_2.png > miro.medium.com/v2/r...aDkgynKOUBU-2J6g.png @GDuBFX, cripes man, the SC is 17590 and the top of the bounce from AR is 25215 which thus defines the trading range (aka TR). Thus after the price rallied from the LPS as it crossed above 25215, it left the trading range (TR) and was in Phase E already. Thus the 31 - 32k level was already starting the Wycoff distribution as Phase E of the prior Wycoff accumulation had immediately transitioned into a Wycoff distribution. Please do not make me repeat myself again. Open your f-ing eyes. The UTAD on your chart is in the incorrect location. It should be at the current price level ~39k which is the final Spring test of the Wycoff distribution. We will have a crash soon. Price might tag 39 - 40k first. Also it is probably incorrect to interpret the price action from the 15.4k bottom as a Wycoff accumulation. Appears to be a rare Three Hills and a Mountain pattern, as I documented in the idea itself. And wtf is your problem, that you did not even click the correct Reply. You replied to yourself instead of replying to my reply. Again I can not see any links or charts you included in your reply. Some issue or bug with Trading view, at least for me. But the idea that Phase E must continue higher and higher is not necessarily the case. Can transition directly into a Wycoff distribution instead of progressively higher prices during Phase E. Especially when we consider that the overall pattern may be a Three Hills and a Mountain. ==== My comment: youtu.be/RlhWhQSWils (How the Next Round of Bailouts will be Reserved for the Elites) Tl;dr money injected into the economy must be sanitized such that it can not be spent on things that drive up inflation. Can you say cashless economy with CBDC and dystopian capital controls? Can you say New Green Deal as a BS pretext to limit what people are allowed to spend their money on? I know you can. Note allowing people to spend on stonks and crypto ETFs will not be inflationary if that all gets locked up by a CBDC so that in Hotel California-esque fashion, you can check in anytime you like but you can never checkout.Comment: Typo: s/when they are reading/when they are ready/ ==== Covid-23 has been announced? Here we go again, 2020 repeating because it is an election year and they need to stop Trump again? ==== From the comments: @zvonyo, that BlackRock disclaimer from their ETF application is screen captured on my blog where I discuss the ANYONECANSPEND attack (and to the Tradingview mods, I am not selling anything offsite nor do I have any sponsors so this is not advertising). It is not necessarily that BlackRock will fork Bitcoin, as BlackRock will be forced to choose which fork they are hodling and which one they will sell if they hodl in legacy addresses (thus not ANYONECANSPEND) and thus receive the free airdrop of non-legacy. It will be the miners taking the 13+ million ANYONECANSPEND Bitcoins as generous donations, that will force the non-legacy (i.e. 2017 softfork impostor Bitcion) protocol to hard fork (fck) off from (the bona fide Bitcoin) Satoshi’s immutable legacy protocol, because that will be a violation of the new protocol. To protect yourself, make sure you hodl all your Bitcoins in addresses that begin with 1 not 3, bc1 nor any other obfuscation for legacy addresses that the scammers come up with. I suppose it is possible that BlackRock will invest a lot in Bitcoin mining and help drive the Schelling point for when the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium {but that is not essential nor relevant to the logic of the inevitability of the attack}. Anyway, it appears to me that BlackRock and the new ETFs will be where all the institutions go to die as all their investment will go “poof it’s gone.” NOT YOUR LEGACY KEYS, NOT YOUR BITCORN. The 2017 softfork broke the Nash equilibrium because it created this huge 13+ million booty that gives the miners a different strategy than benevolence. It incentivizes the miners to force the 2017 softfork to fork (fck) off because miners get first dibs thus get to keep the 13 million Bitcoin for themselves {and thus finances the Nash equilibrium restoration even}. I discuss the game theory in great detail on my Github gist linked from my blog. People make the mistake of assuming the restoration will not occur because it will crater the price of Bitcoin. What they do not understand is the miners will have no choice because due to the asymmetrical economics of the situation, the non-legacy fork will stall and miners who try to continue mining it will have no income and go bankrupt. There is another wrinkle that affects all of us holding Bitcoin, even if we hodl legacy addresses. The restoration “attack” (actually a healing, not an attack) will create an involuntary taxable event due to the airdrop, even for those whose Bitcoins are taken from them (i.e. donated to the miners). And even those of us who keep our Bitcorn will have this involuntary taxable event. I did the research and any claim that we did not take possession of the airdrop or what have you, will not be a valid excuse. Thus this event is going to REKT everyone as they will have a huge tax bill, but {especially those who did not hodl in legacy addresses} no Bitcorn remaining to sell to pay the tax!!! @zvonyo, c.f. also the latest updates on this idea where I elaborated. The optimum time to initiate the ANYONECANSPEND event is after a massive run up in the price, because it will cause the more egregious stalling of the impostor fork. Thus the ideal juncture might be the looming ~70k top in 2025 because the projected abyss crash to bottom by May 2026. It is possible that BlackRock will convert the impostor Bitcoin to proof-of-stake, because that will be the only possible defense to the mining difficulty non-readjustment attack(s) which will stall the impostor fork after it fcks off. The legacy protocol Bitcoin will recover and rise as the new world reserve currency replacing the dollar after the looming WWIII Thucydides trap. This plan was laid out in 1988 as the Phoenix on the cover of the Economist Magazine. Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle ever since, with its clever design leaked in an anonymous user group post in 1999, launched in 2008/2009, and attained mass retail awareness in 2018. I am an expert on this topic. Proceed to my blog, Dig into my detailed Github gist. Legacy Bitcoin is a diabolical plan to enslave the world, as I had publicly pointed out in 2013. Eric Krown Crypto thinks the DXY might still come down to 100. Dollar will crash upwards in its final peak going into 2026 as the Thucydides trap accelerates. After 2028 (Bitcoin’s 10 year cycle), Bitcoin will start to rise as the Phoenix and the new world reserve currency, because the nations will not trust each other nor the dollar anymore. Also the dollar can no longer be a reserve currency when they trap us in a cashless CBDC dystopia.Comment: youtu.be/ERpp2ygWdyE (Elliott Wave Master Predicts Next Market Top | Alessio Rastani) @CryptoCrewUniversity Alessio explained this very well. Steve if your 5.3 theory is correct, then we are in the bearish version of Alessio’s thesis. Which is what I believe and have posted publicly. I think Bitcoin will make new lows in 2024 as shocking as that sounds. EuroDollar University is explaining why. People think the blackswan from 2020 will not repeat. They should study more. I like that you raised your range bound thesis based on the 4-year halving cycle, which Alessio reacted to. However the reason I think you are wrong and Alessio’s bearish thesis is correct, is bcz your 5.3 theory says the price can not exceed ~70 to 79k (measured 2 ways), but if price is already ~48k yet not even close to the timing of the parabolic move in the 4 year cycle. Fib retracements are deceiving bcz bullish when a significant new ATH is expected, but not the case now bcz of your 5.3 theory! Thus may decline below 15k in 2024 and never make a new ATH bcz your 5.3 theory will be measured from a lower bottom. ==== From the comments: > “I remember you wrote that you only hedge your long-term positions with options, not aggressively playing on the short side…I'm waiting to hear from you and hope everything is OK. @goodblackcat, Tradingview banned me from posting for 2 or 3 days. C.f. my most recent update today on my other recent published idea. I have a very important comment about the Elliot Wave structure. I think this might be the final blowoff top for Bitcoin for a few years. Maybe one relief rally to above this level in 2025 but not a new ATH. This looks very bearish to me. Parabolic on very low volume (lol BlackRock announced $100k in seed capital and the markets pumped!) and too soon in the cycle if the 5.3 theory is correct and the new ATH in 2025 can only be ~70 to 79k, then this is not bullish at all. Thus to tell you frankly, I am shifting to taking profits on crypto. Not even 15% of my hodl portfolio yet, but if this hits 47 - 48k, I am thinking about taking profits on up to 50%. Will be interested to read your thoughts. I was also long the breakout. Remember I was warning you that there was manipulation and they might take this higher before they let it crash. The insiders know what is coming in 2024. EuroDollar University knows also. Your methods can not really decipher these long-term outlooks. That is why I look at a lot of different data points in the macro and the T/A. @goodblackcat, I have seen some compelling arguments for one more push to 47 - 48k. Could happen soon or later in December or early January. Then I expect a rug pull after that with a precipitous drop. We could have already hit the top but I am doubting that. @goodblackcat, Alessio (c.f. my latest update on my other recent idea) says needs to waterfall crash below 40k then 35k for the bearish thesis to be intact. Can not be a slow move. Must be very precipitous. Else the bearish thesis is discarded.

ترجمه شده از: English
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نوع سیگنال: فروش
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قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 1969

بیت کوین در حال پایان است. اوج جدیدی در سال 2025 نخواهد آمد من مدام می شنوم که افراد از استیو کورتنی (کانال Crypto Crew U. YT) در مورد بازار بسیار ساخته شده است. بر خلاف سال 2019 که در آن قیمت خیلی سریع به 13.9 هزار رسید. و آنها این را به عنوان انجیل یا شواهدی می‌دانند که قیمت به پایین‌تر سقوط نمی‌کند. این یک مغالطه منطقی قیاسی یا نوعی آپوفنی است که تلاش می کند به ویژگی هایی که ممکن است در میان نتایج دیگر وجود داشته باشند، علیت را نسبت دهد. یک فرد پیچیده‌تر تمام حقایق موقعیت را سرگرم می‌کند و سعی نمی‌کند نتیجه‌گیری علّی را بر اساس برداشت نزدیک‌بینانه گیلاس از داده‌های ترجیحی ایجاد کند. آنها باید راهنمای چگونه مرا عصبانی کنیم بخوانند. چرا هیچ کس دیگری متوجه موارد زیر نمی شود؟ 1. برای هر نزولی بازار، دومین سقوط زیر 200 WMA همیشه عمیق‌تر از یک قبلی است. همان چرخه بنابراین واضح است که یک حرکت عمیق تر دیگر به زیر 200 WMA قبل از پایین آمدن است. 2. به حاشیه نویسی های متنی من در نمودار زیر توجه کنید. مورب های پایانی نت در سال 2018 و در حال حاضر با حرکت های عظیم و شدید در جهت دیگر دنبال می شوند. همچنین توجه داشته باشید که 5 امواج برای بازار صعودی قبلی، یک موج پایان‌دهنده بودند، زیرا موج 2 بیش از 67 را دنبال کرد. ٪ از موج 1. یک موج پایان دهنده به معنای بازار صعودی BITCOIN از زمان آغاز به کار آن است. بنابراین بیت‌کوین هرگز ATH جدیدی ایجاد نمی‌کند تا زمانی که کل روند صعودی از زمان شروع آن بازنشانی شود. طبق تئوری نسبت 5.3 استیو کورتنی که هر قیمت صعودی در بازار بیت کوین را پیش بینی می کند، بالاترین سطح بعدی فقط می تواند 413 درصد بالاتر از پایین باشد. اگر همانطور که انتظار دارم بیت‌کوین در سال 2024 به 13.6 هزار تن برسد، آن‌گاه به 70 هزار نفر خواهد رسید و رشد نخواهد کرد. یک ATH جدید

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: فروش
تایم فریم:
1 هفته
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 1969

Something really horrible is coming to the markets in Q1 or Q2 2024. Here are the short-term bullish Bat harmonic projection (www.ig.com/en/tradin...r-should-know-210608) to $3200 and long-term bearish Shark harmonic (www.ig.com/en/tradin...r-should-know-210608) to $200 - 600 I had for ETH. I do not know if that bullish will complete, as it was cherry-picked from a ridge not the top. But the stock markets might rally to ATHs in Q4 or Q1 before the looming catastrophe.Comment: A different perspective on ETHBTC would be consistent to ETH perhaps rallying a bit more here to maybe $ 2100 or if somehow miraculously ETHBTC bounces to 0.088, then $ 3200 while BTC hits 36k. But after that decline of ETH below $ 500 and BTC below $ 15k in H1 2024. ETHBTC should rally back towards an ATH double-top (or thereabouts) into 2025. Given my expectation is BTC will top ~70k in 2025, ETH perhaps will top $ 5 - 10k. So buying altcoins in the looming crash will end up very lucrative.Comment: ETH is in the SOS phase D of the Wycoff Accumulation schematic so after reaccumulating in the mid-to-low $ 1700s then should top out ~2k, before resuming an egregious decline.Comment: I was originally interpreting XRPUSD near-term bullish because I thought a bullish breakout from a massive wedge. However, I added the yellow trendline now which is much more bearish. XRP could revisit $ 0.30, 0.22 or even 0.15 before rallying to less than $ 2 in 2025 as the final top before it dies! XRPBTC is forming a symmetric triangle. This can be either a bearish continuation or a bullish reversal pattern. Unfortunately this is likely to be bearish. Most likely rallies only to place XRPUSD at ~$ 1.75 when BTC hits ~$ 70k. Might rally to 0.00004 thus ~$ 2.80 but not likely. After that it appears it could continue bearish with the projection to 0.000002 basically means XRP dies worth less than 5 cents after 2025.Comment: An alternative interpretation is that XRP may decline to $ 0.30, 0.22 or 0.15 but is in an overall bullish flag headed to $100 on a violent move. In this case XRPBTC coming down first could form a bullish W pattern. I rather like this scenario, because I do think XRP will win their case against the SEC and ETFs will send massive amounts of FOMO into crypto later in 2024 and into 2025. Buying XRP on a pullback in H2 2024 could be the speculation of a lifetime!Comment: XRP could drop crash down to 10 cents in 2024 in this posited bullish flag, with XRPBTC dropping below 0.000008 and BTC below 14k. Remember that BlackRock wants to buy everything cheap before they launch the ETFs.Comment: LTC has a crazy Butterfly harmonic pattern projecting to (negative) -$ 80. So we can probably discard that as nonsensical. LTC looks to be in an A-B-C correction like BTC, ETH and XRP. Thus LTC should revisit the 2019 and 2020 lows of ~$ 23. LTCBTC concurs as likely to retest bottom of channel before rallying into 2025 back to LTCUSD $ 350 for the final double-top. Do not forget I have S&P projected to double-top by December. But remember BTC is leading S&P. When S&P rallied from May 1 to July 24, BTC had already rallied and was declining until July 12 when it rallied to make a slightly higher high, before S&P rallied to top. This was the same in 2019 as well before the March 2020 C19 Bill Ackman crash.Comment: Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, Sell Bitcoin. We will be able to repurchase below $15k before the halving. QAnon, I was just thinking ftx shook out the weak hands and that was the bottom Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, And we have +133% off that bottom. The problem now is not leverage in Bitcoin, but the macro economic situation. Late 2019 and early 2020 repeating. QAnon, Is that a Fibonacci rise Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, I believe so. Could still chop between 33K and $40k in Q4 before the dump. Appears to be an A-B-C (aka W-X-Y) correction from the 2021 top. Wave B/X completing now. Top always comes with the maximum ETF fud. QAnon, How do you know FTX wasn’t the c Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, Nobody can know with 100% certainty, but there was never the capitulation what we see at bottoms where everyone hates crypto and calling for it to drop $900 as they were at $3k in 2018. Also we definitely have some contagion looming in H1 2024. Armstrong's computer is picking up the capital flows in advance as it done in advance of every major event. There is too much hope too early in the cycle before the halving. BTC should have crashed to ~ 12K , but it was lifted by the Fed pause, banking crisis and now again Fed pause + ETF rumors. Full capitulation was interrupted and thus still looming before the halving. I have many data points. I may fail to hit on all of them in my response. You would need to read my history of posts to get the full flavor. But for example, volume has been declining on this entire rise. There will be no easy money from the Fed until there is a contagion event. Bitcoin is fueled by the Fed’s self-immolation because it will be the replacement for the dollar as the world's reserve. Steve Courtney’s 5:3 ratio theory which has pinpointed the top of every bull market in Bitcoin's history, says that the top will be ~413% rise from the bottom. Thus if $15.4k was the bottom, then the top would be ~$79k. If this rally is going to hit ~40k (or $58k?) so early before the halving, then there will be nothing left for the actual bull market after the halving. Thus clearly we need a lower-low first. So if we get a decline to $12 - 14k as a I expect (lower-low as Bitcoin is slowing down every cycle until the ANYONECANSPEND legacy protocol restoration, thus will be worse than 2020), so thus the top in ~2025 will be only ~62 - 71k, i.e. a triple-top marking the end of Bitcoin before it is attacked and the non-legacy protocol tokens go to ~$0 in the coming global conflagration period 2026 - 2028. After that the legacy protocol tokens will rise as the new Phoenix reserve currency to ~$1m after 2032 as the world is reset w/o the USA as the superpower after it is defeated in WWIII underwayComment: QAnon, yeah i think there's still pervading doubt of bitcoin doing anything crazy bullwise so i think the downtrend is already over QAnon, if some sort of economic downturn happens again kind of like 2020, btc might just go up like it did then again QAnon, i wouldn't bet against btc now, at least Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, Careful w\your confirmation bias. www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdRpzW68... (bear market is over!) youtu.be/6cgWtKj_ob0?t=55 (altcoins mooning again) youtu.be/Bz7ATjco1x8 (Moonboys are baaackk) QAnon, i just wouldn't bet against btc ie go short it's like trying to short the stock market except with more rapid movements Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, I remain in my hodl position. I only hedged ~2 BTC. I feel comfortable because will not moon from here anytime soon. I sold 1.33 BTC and bought June 2024 puts. QAnon, who knows Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, I already explained to you why it CAN NOT moon from here. Impossible. Somebody knows. I know. Steve Courtney’s 5:3 ratio has been correct 3 or 4 times already. QAnon, didn't you just say he is "hyper bullish" for crypto Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, No. He actually recently published a video stating the ETF is all FUD. QAnon, eh the ETFs are an eventuality QAnon i really think the ftx crash was as big a capitulation event as we are gonna get Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, Thanks. Now I am very sure the bottom is not in yet. You are representative of the market. QAnon, sure. i was pretty confident of my bottom call then and i'm more sure now Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, Did you sell the double top? Did you buy $3.1k in 2018 or $3.9k in 2020? QAnon, you say double top... but i guess I see higher highs--and no but i would've if I had cash all i know is given its history it's not worth betting against btc unless you're taking gains Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, Bearish divergence M top which projected to the wave A/W interim bottom. Full projection is ~$9 - 13k perhaps coming after this bull trap. Isn't cash what you get when you sell? Why do you need cash to sell BTC? QAnon, i would need cash to buy more btc i think that would be lovely if we get lower prices Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, yeah that is an acceptable strategy if you do not mind waiting and do not want to feel bad if you could have doubled or tripled you hodlings. Even breathing has risk. I put considerable effort into researching the data points and probabilities. There is also massive bearish divergences right now as well on this three drives to a high pattern. Of course nobody can predict the future with 100% probability. Thus I did not sell even 15% of my hodl position. I just do not want to feel bad if it drops like a stone and I have no dry powder. I should also mention, I needed the cash reserves for my liquidity over next 4 to 6 months. I have many unknowns and expenses ahead, and no income. So for me selling some was a no brainer. QAnon, I also hate thinking, "Oh man, I can't fully buy back those 2BTC I sold to hedge" Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, I do not think like that, because I still assume I will create a crypto project that will generate 1000 BTC for me. I view my current BTC as my checking account.Comment: Stock market might pullback, but probably going much higher in Q4 before any crash. Bitcoin could pullback, perhaps even below 33k, before it makes another assault on 37k. I sold and waiting to reenter if I see bullish short-term divergence on any pullback. I will sell again if I do when it has bearish divergence at target. www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTkVpDVc... (Stock Market CRASH Fake Out: The Signals That Predicted the October Bottom Now Predict A Pullback)Comment: 1. How high does this go? Although one can imagine scenarios for ~50k, per Steve Courtney’s 5:3 ratio for bull market tops such that if 15.4k was the bottom then ~79k will be the top thus 50k before the halving is unlikely. So rather that looks like a bullish W pattern projecting to 37 - 39k. 2. Preceding or just after every major halving has been a 42 to 71% correction. Thus a severe correction is probably looming. youtu.be/ouVayqVAebY?t=14 (Bitcoin : This Next Move Will FOOL MOST In Crypto. Traders Beware! | Michael Pizzino) 10:09 It will break a monthly swing bottom.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouVayqVA... > > {my comment} Preceding or just after every major halving has been a 42 to 71% correction. > > “yerp. just very limited data points.” @MichaelPizzino noted though that ~25% corrections before halving currently versus ~35% 2015/16, which only had a 42% correction after the halving. But for me the 2019/20 fractal is repeating. I think still in an A-B-C (aka W-X-Y) bear market, with wave C/X looming in H1 2024 that will bring Bitcoin back down to a lower low. One of the reasons I think this current wave B can not hit 50k is Steve Courtney’s 5:3 ratio theory has predicted the top of every bull market, which if 15.4k was the bottom then 79k is the top in 2025. Thus this current rally can not go so high so soon. Beware. Your brother seems to be not allowing for another corona dump but does he not understand that Hamas was a false-flag. They can not allow Trump to win in 2024 else he would dismantle the Deep State and all their plans for WWIII. Something is going to happen again to stop Trump. I see right now the last surge up in a Wycoff distribution during 2023. We need a crisis reason for the Fed to reflate.Comment: > > “So in other words it could go up or it could go down? Genius” > > “Retail buyer right there for ya” ← upvoted 🤪Probability is as you know a percentile estimate of likelihood. It does not provide success if only a small number of instances. But over enough trials, the statistics of probability hold. Whether I am estimating the probabilities correctly is subject to debate and measurement. Bitcoin should not be mooning this early before the halving. That alone (without even considering any of my other comments) is a warning sign.Comment: Looks like there could be a pullback before pushing up higher, both for Bitcoin and stock markets. youtu.be/SKs686bW14E (MELT UP COMING- Fake Stock Market CRASH First: Professionals & The Herd Are So Bearish It's Bullish) youtu.be/TBGfapcaXbg (Bitcoin Will Likely Begin Its First Test to 32K on Thursday- BTC Wyckoff Distribution Pattern Update) Bitcoin is approaching the targets both in time and price of the statistical move. youtu.be/R15bMOJPn1Y (Bitcoin Next Objective Upside Target. {price statistics})Comment: QAnon, idk, from Reminiscences of a Stock Operator I think I’m not going to try to fight the trend You think there’s a bigger bear market thatwe’re still in, I think, but even if there is I’m not going to fight the even higher scale up trend Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, I already acknowledged that is a reasonable strategy if you have the patience to wait through any dip in 2024. ======= It’s like Covid is almost already back in Europe. youtu.be/sdPVJEw2jPY?t=505 ← click for chart (BREAKING: A Global Recession Is Starting) World slipping into spiraling deflation w/o another Covid-like pretext to constrain supply chains. Especially now with House Republicans to constrain fiscal spending. youtu.be/t0M6Nkd94Ks (Lacy Hunt Says US Heading for 'Hard Landing') > With regard to the shrinking money-supply, Lacy continues to miss the elephant in the room i.e., the mountain of growth since 2008 and since the Basel 3 accord. That mountain still resides in financial assets and real estate, and while I agree that it is declining, it only requires a larger proportion of what remains to circulate in the goods market for consumer prices to explode higher. > > This is already happening, and most reasonable economists expect more and more money to flee financial assets and real estate as the coming recession takes hold. In its place, more and more money will flow into consumer markets via loans & credit extensions, along with extra govt deficit spending. > > In short, the shrinking overall money-supply can coexist with an increasing money-supply in the goods market, and thus rising consumer price inflation. It seems to me that Lacy has never really considered this point, and that probably explains why he has been so wrong with his previous inflation forecasts. > > For the reasons given, I expect accelerating inflation in the coming months and years, not decelerating inflation, and certainly not deflation (which is something Lacy had previously predicted, although he seems to have recently shied away from). Yours is a very relevant point that the wealth effect drives consumer confidence and financial markets are now a much more outsized portion of the economy than back in the old days when Lacey Hunt cut his teeth as a young economist. And the powers that be understand they can goose this wealth effect by creating a crisis to force the Fed to drop rates. Also you are correct to imply that Boomers are downsizing, liquidating assets as they age to fund their lifestyles. Also they use any crisis drop in interest rates to move, refinance, take out home equity credit, etc.. Boomers are astute this way. Also Lacy Hunt is overlooking is that the powers that be are not going to allow the world to slip into a depression without creating a pretext to blame it on. Essentially he just laid out all the reasons that another pLandemic event is likely in H1 2024. Also an election year again and no way they can allow Trump to be elected. So what Hunt is not factoring in is the WWIII that the powers that be are launching in 2024. That can constrain supply chains and create the emergency powers situation again that they had under C19. > “We are heading towards an economic crisis that cannot be solved by economic policies. Just like WW2 saved the US economy, the Ukraine war has been helping the US economy. US may need an additional new war to save its economy. Either China or Russia is too big for US to chew, I would pick Iran.” Exactly. Lacy Hunt is overlooking is that the powers that be are not going to allow the world to slip into a depression without…Comment: Might be the topping tail. BlackRock filed for Ethereum ETF. Thursdays (today) closed negative 70% of the time.Comment: Worth a listen on double-speed. youtu.be/MnHPPWUWj30 (Bitcoin Bull Trap - BTC In Wyckoff Distribution - Bitcoin About To Start It's First Test To 32K)Comment: From the comments: > “This has more momentum behind it than we can see in the charts.” @Hellstorm2, possibly. Let’s see if the posited Wycoff distribution is invalidated. I doubt it. The troublesome outlier though is the S&P might still rally to a new ATH. But as I pointed out that Bitcoin leads, and from May to mid-July it was down-to-sideways while S&P was rallying. I noted this (in my public comments) before Ron Walker ever mentioned it in his videos. > “interesting. but wasn't the btc crash due to FUD over regulations destroying crypto and BTC has never been in an equities bear market. now that it seems to have survived the regulation and perhaps equities bear market - so it makes sense to recover?” @simplejoe1, hopefully you read in the updates on this idea, my friend “QAnon” and I discuss that very issue you raise. Maybe you are raising it again to elicit any further thoughts I have? Well was FTX all just FUD or was it actual unwinding of massive leverage and FOMO hopium? I guess to some degree those are one in the same, in that those greedy who buy the top, panic sell the bottom, which is almost analogous to “leverage.” Ron Walker had presented the idea that BlackRock may want to crash the markets so they can scoop up crypto for their ETFs from panic sellers. QAnon thinks all the panic sellers already sold the bottom at 15.4k. Actually I know someone who was almost ready to sell that level but I convinced him to hold on. So it seemed to be very near to but not quite at the final capitulation level. Also there was not absolute despair. We did not have a prominent person in the space such as Tone Vays predicting 600 or 1500 as he did at 3.1k in 2018. We had Gareth Soloway (correctly?) predicting 13k from the top (or at least since 40k), but he started to hedge his bets and was telling everyone he started buying some below 20k. Then he turned cautious again ~32k. We have seen a lot of euphoria since 15.4k. Almost everyone thinks the bottom is behind us. When almost everyone thinks the same thing, I as a sigma male get paranoid. When the herd goes left, I go right if other signals are confirming I should such as at inflection points. I guess I would relate the current juncture to 2018 when the final drop from 6k to 3k had not yet occurred. Many were confident the excesses had already been wrung out of the system, and were not expecting the sudden final 50% drop, which after the fact was attributed to Craig “Faketoshi” Wright FUD. In fact there was a graphic which I had saved which depicts this. As you say Bitcoin is now facing macroeconomic headwinds it had not faced before 2018, i.e. vulnerable for another crash in the equities market (after S&P makes a new ATH which I covered in my update today). The above is in addition to the other reasons I have which were already presented in the updates for this published idea.Comment: Big correction looming by March. youtu.be/t4onXujCrpw?t=325 (MONEY MAKING CHEAT CODE 100% ACCURATE LATEST)Comment: I am famous now: www.newsbtc.com/news...itcoin-crypto-crash/ @goodblackcat, hahaha. Ty for heads up. The writer accurately summarized, which is nice. ====== THOSE WHO THINK THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY OF A CRASH, ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION THAT THE GOVT SHUTDOWN OF THE USA IS LOOMING. ALSO EVERYWHERE OUTSIDE THE USA IS ENTERING RECESSIONARY SPIRAL. ===== They explain that the EuroDollar market which is all the foreign bonds (i.e. loans) denominated in dollars are not owed to the U.S. but to foreigners, which is why the world can not get off the dollar standard without massive pain abroad. The Chinese selling U.S. Treasuries is worse for China than for the U.S., thus clearly why Winnie-the-Poo needed Covid as a pretext for Chinese to self-sacrifice. We are headed into WWIII and the Thucydides trap which is what ultimately dethrones the dollar. But more importantly, Bitcoin is what replaces it. youtu.be/DbBUv4IepuU?t=223 (How The Dollar Will Actually Get Dethroned (Brent Johnson)) “I’ve come to conclusion that it’s impossible to end the dollar as the reserve currency without massive volatility.” “Dollar will rise during the de-dollarization process.” www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpaLUb0a... (Dollar Milkshake Wrecking Ball | Brent Johnson & Michael Kao) WWIII is the solution. It will force the world's capital to stampede into the dollar both for a flight-to-safety and meet margin calls on EuroDebt, defaulting all EuroDollar debt in a scorched earth spiral, that wipes out the entire otherwise inescapable inertia. This of course also depends on the U.S. military being severely weakened in the process. The die has been cast, as U.S. has insufficient industrial capacity to sustain its military without China as the supplier. Bitcoin is waiting in the wings to be the next reserve currency in the new multipolar world. This was all predicted on the Denver Airport wall murals since the 1990s, ditto the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story which anointed Bitcoin. 46:00 why UK is headed into (“double-digit”) hyperinflation.Comment: ADDED COMMENT: This video contains much useful discussion of the variables, but these guys do not seem to understand that the Minsky Moment is forcing the Great Reset which will incorporate the orchestrated, premeditated WWIII (of which C19 was the first bowl poured out intentionally) underway to wipe out the U.S. military, globalization and the EuroDollar problem. It will all be reset with Bitcoin as was planned by the powerful entity behind the curtain who created Bitcoin in 1988.Comment: FOLLOW-UP AS A FINISH LISTENING TO THAT VIDEO: ”Assets with no counter-party risk will be at a premium.” There is only one such asset which can also move over distance in instant time. And this is important because in the multipolar world post-2032 no country is going to trust the counter-party risk of any other nation. National sovereignty will no longer exist as fiscal discipline will instead be enslaved by the fiscal discipline of the global Bitcoin unit-of-account, replacing the EuroDollar for denominated loans. Be careful what you wish for. The post-dollar world will be quite dystopian.Comment: youtu.be/JUS6SOoU7QA (WARNING: A Nasty Manipulation in Crypto & Stocks.) Buy the rumor, sell the actual event. Of course, this is a bull trap. Bitcoin will make new lows before the halving repeating 2020 and 2018. The capitulation wave C/Y leg is yet to come. Bitcoin is in a A-B-C (aka W-Y-Y) correction. We are at the peak of B/X. S&P may tag new ATH before the H1 2024 crash. Remember from May to mid-July BTC was down to sideways while S&P rallied. Expecting a repeat. Go back to test ~31k, then back up one last time in December or January to ~39k, then crapola into the looming crash of all markets. S&P will not make lower-low but BTC will.Comment: Marc Faber aka Dr. Doom nails it. Been following him for 15 years. youtu.be/GksY5TASYQw (We Are Already In A Recession Despite Strong Liquidity with Marc Faber)Comment: From Crypto Anup. youtu.be/C38iWgxFzmM?t=362Comment: youtu.be/-Xlg1tFdCPw?t=526 (Bitcoin SURGE on HOLD Has Ethereum PUMPING: Is Crypto NOW at Risk of a Crash? | Jason Pizzino) 8:45 Pizzino claims the posited Wycoff distribution is invalidated by the posited Wycoff accumulation coming off the 15.4k low as the posited accumulation Spring. This belies a literal reading of the Wycoff schematic rules or description. Once the price has exited the trading range (TR) in phase E, which was back in March, the reactions should be short-lived. Perhaps ostensibly Jason has not paid attention that the top of the TR is below the PS on the schematic. Whereas in fact what has formed since March is a perfect Elliot Wave ending diagonal, with exactly 38% moves for each 3 wave, thus targeting ~40k as the ending price of wave 5 after a pullback for subwave b of the 3 wave of wave 5. Jason apparently got lazy/arrogant here and failed to reread the Wycoff schematic details before dissing his audience in a noticeably condescending or dismissive/disrespectful manner from my perspective. This does not need to be interpreted as a Wycoff distribution forming. It can simply be the ending diagonal of what I believe is a larger W-X-Y correction which will bring lower-lows for Bitcoin. Of course Jason thinks this is highly unlikely because of his guru and his real estate cycle fixation. A lower low for Bitcoin does not have to invalidate the bullish trend ongoing for said cycle. The S&P is unlikely to make a lower-low. Bitcoin is just weakening and much weaker than it was in 2019/20. We know that because of how long BTC loitered below the 200 MA and also Steve Courtney’s 5:3 ratio has predicted the top of every bull market and if 15.4k was the low, then 79k will be the top. How can BTC continue to rally so soon before the halving if the top will only be 79k in 2025. Makes no sense.Comment: Corrected link steemit.com/trading/...-20190513t224433919zComment: Found another trend line which might indicate overhead resistance, originating from the 2017 ATH ~19.7k. This actually come from Gareth Soloway. For some unknown reason he thinks it points to 47k.Comment: There is no popular support for this sucker’s bull trap rally. Bitcoin mooning, but the public interest is not. trends.google.c.../trends/explore?date=2015-... Slightly better for the U.S. relative to prior ATH: trends.google.c.../trends/explore?date=2015-... I remember the fervor did not start for the prior bull market until Bitcoin exceeded the prior ATH of ~20k. So this means the public will probably not get excited until Bitcoin exceeds ~65k circa 2025, which will be right at the top and the public will buy the top. trends.google.c.../trends/explore?date=today...Comment: Bullish RSI divergence on 4-hour chart during this pause. If this breaks out to 41k, the bearish RSI divergence on the daily will be invalidated, then only weekly will have bearish RSI divergence remaining. C.f. also my discussion with goodblackcat in the comments.Comment: A salient question in the comments: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/ETHUSD/ZiNWlLwD-Another-March-2020-epic-crash-coming-in-H1-2024/#tc10749315 > “very interesting. but regarding your point that we are not at the level of total despair as in previous cycles. could it be that BTC is now well established and this won't happen again? after all, it used to be that any kind of uncertainty dropped the BTC price. notice the middle east war did not drop crypto. also people used to think of BTC as a ponzi scam. now it is getting credibility by the likes of blackrock CEO, ETFs. there is just not the same uncertainty as in previous cycles. so maybe we won't have this stage this cycle?” @simplejoe1, first some general epistemology. Two useful heuristics especially w.r.t. markets (less so for political questions and civilization collapse because can-kicking can exceed our lifetime) are that what seems straightforward is usually not (i.e. there are issues lurking which you are not being informed about) and whatever the MSM narrative is always presented to fool the most people. For example, I happen to know that the current Bitcoin which everyone thinks is the official Bitcoin is actually an impostor (and this has nothing to do with BCV nor BCH) and that everyone who is storing their BTC in addresses that do not being with a 1, i.e. storing in bc1 or 3, will implicitly donate all their BTC to the miners (no need to have the private key) when Satoshi’s legacy protocol is restored. I have blogged extensively about this. Crypto is not being adopted at all, except Bitcoin as a safe haven, digital gold. Crypto only has one market right now which is the market of greater fool FOMO sheepeople. With that in mind, reevaluate what you just contemplated and ask yourself is the public in FOMO fever right now? IOW, view crypto correctly as a Tulip bubble, which is a much more realistic perspective on reality. And note I am a s/w developer since age 13 in 1978 so I very much want decentralization technology to succeed.Comment: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/ETHUSD/ZiNWlLwD-Another-March-2020-epic-crash-coming-in-H1-2024/#tc10749375 @dizzidTrade, curiosity got the best of me. I decided to do a quick Google search. Ostensibly the alleged fraud goes back to the Ethereum ICO and that ostensibly some Ethereum people were in bed with the SEC as alleged by XRP’s attorney. This is quite possible although still most likely to play out as FUD, and perhaps not directly involving Vitalik but rather people around him. I remember Charles Hoskinson was kicked out of the Ethereum project ostensibly because he wanted better legal compliance. Note back in 2013, Charles and I had briefly touched on the possibly of starting a crypto project after he was ousted by Dan Larimer from Bitshares, but I told him I could not proceed due to my illness. I did give him some feedback on Vitalik’s plans before he decided to join Ethereum as a co-founder.Comment: Crypto Anup is citing the Three Hills and a Mountain pattern which projects 41k for BTC. The 62% retracement for the valley before the mountain was fulfilled exactly. youtu.be/cQ2Tu_8UAkY?t=84Comment: CORRECTION: the valley retracement was only 38.2%. I had my Fib retracement tool reversed when I wrote 62%. The retracement is claimed to be 50 - 62%, and extension for the hill can range. So I would conclude there is only limited knowledge about this pattern and projection could be anywhere between 38 - 47k. So this does not really help us identify the top other than another confirmation of this rally.Comment: If break out to the upside on what appears to be an ascending triangle for ETHUSD, then indeed going 3200 as I had predicted back in Q4 2022. Note TOTAL3 Crypto market cap has similar ascending triangle potential breakout. This would create the FOMO for a great fool wave X or a W-X-Y correction.Comment: I’m leaning away from the Wycoff distribution being the correct interpretation. If ETH is about to break out to the upside, S&P going to rally to an ATH double-top and depending on how much ETHBTC rallies, then BTC to 41 - 51k. The Vitalik fraud accusations seem to be well timed to be a buy the rumor sell the news.Comment: youtu.be/GiHT6TTy7Ws (The 2024 Recession is coming) youtu.be/uH8bPjeyVM0 (1.7 Million More People May Lose Their Job as Major Recession Indicator is Flashing Red! | lowkey economist) Don't forget the potential government shutdown to add fuel to the fire of scorching the economy. Also Europe and China are cratering much more egregiously than the U.S.A.. What will spark the economy again is a crisis situation that forces the Fed to reflate. Soft landing would make sense in a vacuum but there is a lot going on which can exacerbate the situation. The Demonrats need an Emergency Powers Act excuse to steal the POTUS election again. Either bring back Covid or manufacture a new emergency. > “We need a new president and senate.” Can not happen without revolution. The coup d'etat of 2020 is not going to allow fair elections ever again, until we forcefully take back control. And any force we use will be prosecuted with their kangeroo courts. The U.S. is collapsing because of this. They will take us into WWIII as the Emergency Powers Act encore to C19 as the pretext for stealing POTUS elections. I wonder when most Americans will realize what is actually going on. Must be too shocking and cognitive dissonance for them to admit to themselves that elections do not matter at all anymore.Comment: Importantly I just found out that if the Fed buys all the U.S. Treasury debt, then the debt will be interest-free to the Treasury, because the Fed pays all profits back to the Treasury. This means the U.S. economy can remain strong while the rest of the globe collapses due to rising interest rates. The problem for the elite controlling the U.S. empire is that for now the Fed is keeping massive private sector liquidity locked up in mutual funds by paying high interest rates directly to depositors. But if the Fed wants to return profits to the Treasury, it must lower short-term interest rates and allow private sector capital to flow out. But as this causes the dollar to become very strong, rising with assets, markets and interest rates simultaneously, TPTB do not want this private sector capital to be free to flee the bubble to sovereign assets because this will be a threat to the junta which has grabbed power in a coup d'etat in 2020. The Canadian trucker scenario will expand in scope. Thus the need to move everyone onto cashless, 666 CBDCs where all speculative bubbles are forever enslaved in panopticon fiat which can deplatform any dissenters at the flip of a switch. And this will cause the transition away from the dollar as the reserve currency after ~2028 (ultimately to legacy protocol Bitcoin because there is no other viable choice). www.brookings.edu/ar...quantitative-easing/ youtu.be/qn9YkwX0Hew?t=693 (The Debt Can’t be Repaid - So What will Happen Instead? | Heresy Financial) ========= Gareth Soloway explains how the Fed eventually loses control of long-dated U.S. Treasury interest rates if they do not directly monetize them. Which is another reason elite who control the U.S. empire are moving us towards WWIII and towards CBDCs with capital controls, so that when the Fed needs to go nuclear, they have some tool of control over spending, capital flight, etc.. Gareth also points out that markets are bumping into intense overhead resistance. Likely due for a pullback. Gareth inadvertently made me aware that ETHUSD also has a bulllish Three Hills and Mountain pattern (which he had posited was a bearish H&S now potentially invalidated), which had textbook 50% retracement on the valley, projecting to 2600 to 2850. VERY IMPORTANT: Bitcoin is about to form bullish RSI divergence on the daily chart! ETH probably needs one more drive lower to ~1950 to establish bullish RSI divergence on daily and 12 hour. Looks like BTC to 40 to 41k looming. ETH to 2600 to 2850 on a break out of ascending triangle. So clearly ETH to out perform BTC. BTC dominance (excluding stable coins and ETH) appears bullish short-term by about +15%, then the altcoins will rally. ETH appears to account for roughly ~50 - 67% potential upside from ~1950 on the crypto market cap chart as well. youtu.be/FDyC_HSjFH4?t=55 (Mega Cap Slams Trade Levels, Crypto Pump Stops Here, Gold Miner Alert)Comment: From comments section: > “I am waiting for an update from Ron Walker to see if he will abandon his Wycoff distribution thesis for Bitcoin.” Well Ron Walker is doubling-down on his Wycoff distribution. Probably because he is ignorant of the Three Hills, Valley and Mountain pattern. He does not see that the RSI just formed a hidden (aka phantom) RSI divergence on the daily chart for this pullback. This reminds me of how he was bearish at the bottom 15.4k and missed much of the initial rally. He later tried to rewrite his history and claim he called every move correctly. Ron has a bit of ego and honesty problem. youtu.be/iOH98oZ1TU0 (BULL TRAP - Bitcoin CRASH To Test 32K Likely This Week - BTC ETF Trap Being Set For Retail Investors)Comment: I forgot to insert the word ‘bullish’ in front of RSI divergence in my prior update. ====== youtu.be/TGyJPmDRqEU (This Bitcoin Chart Is Indicating The BIGGEST Altseason for Crypto Is Still Ahead | Jason Pizzino) Upvoted. Well done and coherent analysis of the phases of the bull market which everyone should watch. Agree with everything in this video, except disagree Jason’s implication that another deep crash mimicking March 2020 is not likely. A key facet of the final rally into Q4 2019, was that it formed bearish RSI divergence on the weekly chart which required a deep crash to reset to bullish. We have the same situation again, which will require at least a decline below 24.8k to reset. Could possibly turn bullish ~18k or might require a lower-low than 15.4k. As well the altcoins will make lower-lows as they did in 2020 and it will be worse than 2020. So although ETH is likely to hit 2600 to 3200 before the looming crash, it is quite irresponsible of Jason Pizzino to be implying to his viewers that mega altcoin season is ahead and that they can not lose their shirt and the entire farm in the interim. I hope he does not get sued for not providing sufficient disclosures and caveats.Comment: Note I am not ruling out BTC to 45k, and in fact looking more likely. ADDED: @JasonPizzinoOfficial Follow-up on my prior comment. Appears BTC and ETH both have the Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain pattern, not a Wycoff distribution. Looks like 40 to 45k incoming for BTC and 2600 to 3200 for ETH. After that, look out below. Timber. www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGyJPmDR... (This Bitcoin Chart Is Indicating The BIGGEST Altseason for Crypto Is Still Ahead) > “Which AI app did you use? Great writing. Poor and incorrect summary.” @JasonPizzinoOfficial It’s good I have you on record now, so I can point to your incorrect interpretation of the markets when the recessionary crash underway pulls the markets back down, before the Fed reflates again. Your blind spot Jason is ostensibly the geopolitics that are necessary at this juncture as we approach the end of the dollar as the reserve currency and Thucydides trap, which paradoxically will drive the dollar, interest rates and markets simultaneously sky high during the looming yield curve control where the U.S. Treasury monetizes Treasury debt. Did you know the Fed returns all profits to the Treasury, thus interest rate expense will cost the Treasury nothing? Anyway, C19 was required by the uniparty, warmonger Neocon elite who control the U.S. empire to facilitate their subversion of populism (aka Trump) during a POTUS year. There was a coup d'etat in 2020. 2024 is another POTUS event and to hold onto the reins of power they will need another anti-democratic, totalitarian Emergency Powers Act crisis to subvert while fooling the populism which has only increased since 2020. You seem to not even contemplate that Hamas in lawnmower powered hang gliders could not subvert the Iron Dome (nor could terrorists armed with box cutters subvert NORAD for an hour without being intercepted by F-15s in 2001) without those events being inside jobs. Your real estate cycle thesis is not incorrect nor will it be invalidated by a severe correction in H1 2024. Volatility increases near the apogee of a monetary reset. And to react to your other comment, I do not need ChatGPT Jason, my IQ is sufficiently up there to compose English without any AI assistant. Again I point you to Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. channel) 5:3 ratio thesis, which has predicted the top price of every bull market exactly. It currently predicts that the top in 2025 will be only ~413% above the bottom. So if 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k will be the top. How can the crypto market head to 50k so soon before the halving without any severe correction if the top will only be 79 in 2025? Makes no sense. Something is incorrect in your thinking about the phases of the bull market. And I am telling you that your mistake is assuming that C19 was a random event and thus that it will not repeat in some form. There is a bearish RSI divergence on the weekly chart which can not be invalidated unless Bitcoin makes a new ATH. Thus it is guaranteed that Bitcoin will after this bull trap rally crash below 24.8k at least. And your disrespect of me will end at that point if you have any capability of introspection. Note I also identified Wycoff Accumulation independent of you (all public on my trading view) and I also called the bottom at the exact 15.4k price. I also had identified publicly a harmonic pattern in October 2022 that said ETH would go to 3200 before crash anew and that is still in play. As well my harmonic pattern calls in 2022 predicted exactly the summer tops for the markets as well as the crash in Natural Gas to ~2. I was not bearish on the way up. Now I have identified a Three Hills (valley to 24.8k) and a Mountain pattern underway which provides for this wave B or X of this A-B-C or W-X-Y bear market correction from the top which is still underway. There will be a significant crash or pullback before or just after the halving. It might go to lower lows. It will be worse for altcoins. If Bitcoin makes a lower low ~13.5k, then the top in 2025 will only be ~70k, providing for a triple top which spells doom for Bitcoin in the next bear market.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hBXA5oo... (Are Bitcoin & Crypto On Schedule To CORRECT BEFORE The Halving? | Cycle Explained | Jason Pizzino) @JasonPizzinoOfficial need to get your attention one more time Jason. Upvoted again and as per the prior video, I think your analysis is excellent. Highly recommended for everyone to watch and listen carefully so as to refine their understanding of the bull market phases and potential fractal patterns. Kudos for clarifying your prior video and making readers aware of a possible correction of some sort in H1 2024 and thus before the 2025 moon. So they will not bet the farm here at what is likely a topping out process for the first stage of the bull market before the halving volatility. Note I am first expecting another thrust up for crypto, because all my analysis of stonks (including S&P) says they are headed up for an ATH or double-top before any H1 2024 crash or severe correction. An open question is the severity of such a possible correction (for stonks and crypto). You have since the prospective bottom in 2022 leaned away from the C19 contagion repeating. I addressed that issue in more detail in my follow-up comment on your prior video. Note I do not sell subscriptions thus I am not promoting anything. Just interacting for knowledge sake. Whereas, I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5:3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024. ======= youtu.be/WcL7LOitfps (SPY QQQ Update | Henry James) Thanks for pointing out the Cup & Handle. I was not paying attention. Not that Cup began on S&P March 2022, not the January 2022 top. Thus the typical 30% projection agrees exactly with my harmonic top projection (since the Q4 2022 bottom) of 4850 to 4950. The first target of that harmonic projection predicted the summer top and ostensibly the maximum extension will predict the final top of this rally before the recession crash looming in H1 2024. I am not 100% confident of a pullback here. If crypto pulls back significantly it will likely be a leading indicator that stonks will.Comment: OPTICALARTdotCOM is convinced that if BTC crosses his blue Fib circles ring at ~40.5k that Bitcoin MUST moon, thus he thinks it will not and will instead cross his orange Fib circles ring and crash to the downside. I proffered an alternative scenario. www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_no0P6W... (Epic move for bitcoin soon! I hope you're ready to play this. | OPTICALARTdotCOM) > > “When btc crashed to 16k you Said that we are going to 9k ... I dont remeber that you Said to go long.” > > “Video is there. I referenced it in a few videos back.” He did go long when crossed the blue Fib circle near the 15.4k bottom so he was very prescient and demonstrated the ability to adjust his thesis to what his charts were informing him. He just did not think it would rally as high as it did. Upvoted this video, but I wish he could touch on some specific levels and dates, considering that the S&P is clearly in a bullish Cup & Handle thus likely to proceed up to my harmonic 1.13 extension target to form a new ATH which I identified at the bottom in Q4 2022. So if BTC is headed to 40 to 45 before the crash, what levels on your charts correspond, and how and when will the crash take place if the moon from crossing the blue Fib circle has transpired? OPTICALARTdotCOM the price action has never approached a cross of the orange ring from being above it. Crossing the blue ring has not always lead immediately to a pump. In the past the price rallied after a cross, then came plummeting back down to retest the blue ring as support at a lower price than the said bullish cross. Thus what if the blue ring is crossed bullish, but the price then comes back down, crosses the orange ring from above for the first, and plummets over the next 2 to 3 months down the outside of the blue ring to a lower-low price for Bitcoin before it retests blue ring as support and restarts the bull market from there?Comment: BTC appears to be inching down to retest the median dashed line of the parallel channel I diagrammed, to between ~35.6 to 35.9k, while staying above the downtrend line of the prior posited symmetric wedge. After it might rally again to the top of the channel to perhaps ~40.5k or maybe it will breakout to the upside of the channel? Amazingly I had Nov 13 diagrammed on my chart since a few months ago, as the expected peak or parabolic topping. I also had purchased cheap December calls on ETH expecting the rally back when ETH was below 1600.Comment: Toying with possible scenarios.Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, No the PUBLIC is in denial, regret and fear after those who lost or had their assets tied up in all the chaos from FTX. Once it really takes off, they will be refinancing their homes and trying to buy with credit cards, then the whales will rug pull the whole damn market again. Rinse and repeat. Not enough noise. Big chance for the big boys to really make a killing from GP.” @Hellstorm2, you have not disagreed with me about market psychology, unless you are implying that there is not enough FOMO noise in the market right for another leg down in the bear market to lower lows? Please find my other explanations in the comments (responses to @simplejoe1) where I explained my opinion/perspective on why the crypto markets have not yet hit rock bottom despair. The public might be turned away, but you need the actual hardcore crypto people giving up to have a bottom. I used the example of Tone Vays calling for $900 and $1500 at the $3.1k bottom in 2018 and that was after everyone thought $6k was the bottom (analogous to currently everyone thinks $15.4k was the bottom) and suddenly the floor fell out from under them and we were at $3.1k. Also I have numerous points in my updates such as my arguments presented to Jason Pizzino, that the crypto market is only in a bull trap bounce off the low, and lower lows are incoming in H1 2024 before the nascent bull market kicks off in earnest. And yes by the top in 2025 or 2026, the public will once again be in another irrational Tulip bubble as you describe but that is not going to be happening in 2023 nor in early 2024. Have not even hit the halving yet. Too soon in terms of the phases of the bull market which repeat. Also catch up on my logic in the updates to get a fully formed dose of my arguments. Your comment is appreciated.Comment: From the comments: @simplejoe1, the impostor Bitcoin (created by the 2017 soft fork) will go to $0 or nearly so when the miners take all the ANYONECANSPEND BTC which is incorrectly stored by fools in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1 instead 1. This will probably not transpire until some years after 2025 unless it occurs at the top in 2025/26. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (i.e. those BTC stored in addresses that begin with 1, not referring to BSV nor BCH chains) will continue to appreciate over the decades reaching perhaps $1 million eventually. I bet you all the ETFs will store their BTC in addresses that do not begin with 1. So all of that BTC will end up being donated to the miners. The period from 2026 forward is going to be massive chaos. World war, the tax authorities will be going after everyone, Bitcoin as everyone knows it will be destroyed, the altcoins will be dust, etc.. The dystopian central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will likely be launched and cash might be banned and phased out. The rules for reporting every transaction by brokers to the IRS will take effect January 1, 2026 applicable to all transactions from 2025. Strangely if the described attack occurs at the top in 2025/26, then many people will have a huge tax bill for the involuntary airdrop to the ANYONECANSPEND yet their Bitcoins will have fled their wallets poof it’s gone (taken by the miners on the blockchain) so they will have nothing to pay their tax bill with.Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, The cluster at $36,238-36,390 is an easy terrain to open short positions. If BTC breaks it at all, it will be tested again from the top, which in my opinion is a transaction with minimal risk and high profit potential. Let's see how this ages.” @goodblackcat, the scenario for a quick higher high lurch seems to have been invalidated. My thought is that this pullback has to drag out for a while, because no ETH approval is coming by Friday November 17 when the window to approve all 12 closes for a while as 3 of the applications go into a public comment period. The hard deadline is January 10 when the Ark application expires. The BlackRock application expires January 24. Also stonks pushed up higher so they may still have a couple of weeks to complete a retest before heading to ATHs. I do not think stonks will complete this entire final bull trap to ATHs within November. Has to stretch out into December and perhaps January. So I lean to the scenario of more pullback on crypto before any attempt to break out to higher highs.Comment: Well f*ck I need to remember that I am usually correct the first time, even when I was just toying around… From the comments: @goodblackcat, do you mean never see 40k on this momentum thrust or never see it again after a significant pullback and reaccumulation? I do agree the current momentum is played out. Bearish RSI divergence reforming on the daily. Remember I wrote there was bullish, hidden RSI divergence that had formed, so this thrust up was technically necessary before a deep reaccumulation can ensue. C.f. also update.Comment: youtu.be/qd_Gl3sXaa4 (WARNING: THEY’RE LYING TO YOU ABOUT BITCOIN RIGHT NOW | Crypto Crew U.) > “I agree with you Steve except I think we might have a red 6 month candle if we go back to test our base so it might add another 6 months so either January or June could be the top 🙏👏” Indeed, Steve has an oversight (i.e. mistake) here, although he did mention the possibility of a second top in July 2025 so he is not entirely off. Here follows is the additional nuanced insight. The past two cycles have been eight 6 months periods (i.e. 48 months aka 4 years) total (which is the period between each halving). This means the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 (i.e. four 6 month periods after current one, not 3). And to concur with your point, I have provided an extremely detailed analysis on my public trading view as to why the 15.4k low will be retested and probably breached this time to 13 to 14k. In fact, Steve's 5.3 ratio ends up fitting perfectly at 5.13 times in a way he has not realized yet if he does not go read my detailed analysis. > “Great video Steve! One question though, what about the 16 yr cycle theory? If we are at the end of a 16 yr cycle then this last bull run will be much shorter than previous ones. It could mean we will already reach a cycle top between March and July 2024. This could catch everyone by surprise and for sure we will not reach 100k and in-line with you 5.3 theory. Do you think it’s likely we are at the end of a 16 yr cycle? Like to hear your opinion. Thanks Steve!” Actually it is two 8.6 year cycles per Martin Armstrong’s ECM (Economic Confidence Model) based on a multiple of the mathematical constant Pi. So that would extend it by 1.2 years from your expectation. Note the macroeconomic ECM (not Bitcoin) does have a key turning point in the date range you mentioned, thus very likely Bitcoin will retest the 15.4k low and I actually have very detailed reasoning on my public trading view as to why it is likely to make a slightly lower low 13 to 14k. Steve’s 5.3 ratio top ~79k for the posited 15.4k low, is a key factor in my analysis. Bottoming ~13 - 14k, will make 70k the triple top if you draw a trendline through the double top of 2021. I have many other reasons. You should go read them. C.f. also my other comment explaining that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 because every cycle is 48 months in duration (Steve has a slight oversight in his interpretation in this video).Comment: Retail FOMO is baaack! youtu.be/9FJtBbrOB5I (BITCOIN & CRYPTO: everybody is WRONG right now! | MMCrypto) Are you aware of Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio which has predicted the top exactly for every bull market? It predicts that if 15.4k was the bottom, then the top in 2025 will be 79k. Thus how can BTC go to 48k now and then not repeat the corona crash? BTC will moon now, but 48 to 51k max. Then it will retest 20k, possibly 14k in H2 2024, before the bull market resumes. Be careful. You always get wiped out to the downside. I hope you have matured and learned your lessons by now. You look more matured now, more focused and more cautious. I ignored you during the entire bear market, and I will ignore you on the looming retest.Comment: youtu.be/BhrweqBVt1k (These 7 Crypto Coins Will 15x In DEC (Last Chance) | Alex Becker) Problem is that this bull trap will be topping out by January and we have another corona-like correction before the bull market starts in earnest after the halving. The timing of this video is daft. I do not think viewers can resist inserting their phallus into the proverbial pencil sharpener, regardless how many times you repeat the disclaimer. You are hilarious entertaining though bro.Comment: HERE IS A MASSIVE AND VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE (as promised in the comments) Altcoins not including ETH, USDT, USDC in bullish accumulation with potential +50% upside, although bearish RSI divergence on daily will need a pullback to dashed line to reset bullish to enable subsequent upside breakout. Bearish RSI divergence on weekly can’t be invalidated and will require a massive crash after this bull trap completes, i.e. this is a corrective wave B/X yet with +50% upside before completion. Alternative explanation is already in breakout with backtest completed, thus might continue rallying w/o any pullback. But this descending pattern posited by E.K.C. makes less sense to me. E.K.C. pointed out that volatility on the weekly is at lowest levels, thus significant rally is likely. But he also agreed overextended on the daily and needs a pullback, thus again the descending (i.e. symmetric wedge) pattern seems less valid. youtu.be/0L_KIkSEFdI?t=298 (Next Macro Low Emerges For Crypto Investors & Bitcoin Continues) Note Jason Pizzino points out this is also a Wycoff accumulation which since his video has moved into the SOS of phase D, thus invalidating his explanation of how there could be a pullback around the halving that is still within the Wycoff accumulation. Thus affirming that my expectations are correct. youtu.be/6ur6nCDn2lI?t=630 (These Two Crypto Charts Are Indicating When Bitcoin Investors Should LOAD UP! | Wyckoff Trading) Perplexing though that BTC Dominance as measured against all altcoins not including ETH, USDT, USDC, has bullish RSI divergence on both daily and weekly charts, which daily chart requires at least +10% rally, although an intraday wick lower-low wouldn’t necessarily invalidate either — which could resolve the other issue below. Yet for said rally to complete on a pullback would require BTC to fall by 10% less to only ~700B market cap, thus ~37.3k pullback only allowed (unless as aforementioned the pullback was an intraday wick). Is this bullishness thus implying BTC will rally to 40k (after any pullback) before altcoins breakout? I.e. altcoins will lag on next BTC thrust higher? That is unless one posits that said altcoins have topped out already, which I already explained is unlikely.Comment: ETHBTC must pullback ~5% to reset bullish RSI divergence on the daily but upside is 0.0625 or 0.0705, which if ETHUSD hits 3200 as expected, implies BTC 45 - 51k. Yet ETHUSD must remain above 1800 to sustain bullish RSI divergence on daily. E.K.C. had also expected this ETHBTC bull trap bounce, and a continuation to lower-lows after. youtu.be/gwHqHaw9GZ0?t=41 (Don't Get Caught In The Ethereum Dumpster Fire) I can model BTC & ETH hitting ~45k & 3200 by January w/possible ~34k & 1870 - 1916 pullback in November. ETH 1870, BTC 34k = ETHBTC 0.055 which is plausible if ETHBTC bottoms on pullback before ETHUSD does (on wicks). The big picture on ETHBTC is rallying to backtest the breakdown from the wedge @ 0.0705 over next month or two, which will create bearish RSI divergence on the weekly and monthly requiring a significantly lower-low to reset them bullish again. Although Jason Pizzino thinks my blue uptrend line will hold as support (I do not): youtu.be/6ur6nCDn2lI?t=518 (These Two Crypto Charts Are Indicating When Bitcoin Investors Should LOAD UP!) And thinks that current move up is bearish as a fulfilled back test of bearish wedge (note I think still inside bullish channel, confirmed by RSI divergences): youtu.be/Qxfw-Pl1PiM?t=556 (We May NEVER See These Prices in Crypto Again) Very difficult to predict Solana‘s posited looming pullback, but here’s one possibility. Note this would be the first lower-low for SOL on this parabolic rally, so this would trigger a lot of fear, maybe instead SOL continues to make higher lows and higher highs. Yet note the first bearish RSI divergence on the daily of this rally. This posited pullback range is corresponding to BTC pulling back to 34.6 to 35.7k. Next lower option corresponds to BTC 33.7k. SOLUSD would need to surpass 140 (more than double) to invalidate bearish RSI divergence on the monthly. Bearish RSI divergence on the weekly can only be fully invalidated with a new ATH, although it can reset bullish numerous times with choppy pullbacks on the way up. Best guess is 115 - 130 and SOLBTC 0.0023 - 0.0029. Which is projecting BTC to a top in the 40 - 50k range.Comment: If set chart to non-log-scaled as Pizzino did, then I can clearly show that ETHBTC is headed down to the level I expect. He cheated with his support line drawn sloppy and daft. I commented on his aforelinked video as follows: “Draw your support line correctly on your non-log-scaled ETHBTC chart and you can clearly see it will be crashing down to 0.03. If BTC drops to 14k as I expect, ETH will be $420. Draw said support trendline again log-scaled and you can clearly see the current bounce bounced off the support trend line. There are numerous indications that a crash is looming in Q1 or Q2 2024. I detailed many of those indications in my detailed comments on your prior recent videos. If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5:3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 expected by said 5:3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO. Look at the retail comments on your video here and that you’re encouraging this groupthink, inkblot psychology. Also I am not a bear. I have been long since 15.4k. Your assumptions about my psychology are incorrect. I am not needy for lower-lows, I have my hodl long position.”Comment: > > 28.8K is likely the lowest BTC will ever reach in this cycle and 20K is likely the lowest in the next cycle > > It will never see 20K again, especially with the ETFs. @eddyherrera3207 you guys should never say never. Jason is incorrect. I have explained why in detail. He ignores. > Bears are pulling out their hair, punching the wall, and smashing their keyboards right now 🤣 Somebody is gloating. Overconfident myopia before the flogging. > if btc etf spot approved we may never see $30k again forever.. Thanks for the retail idiocracy comment. > We hit 45k -50k then we go back down to 26k - 30k Nope. Back down to 13k. Nobody expects the low will be retested. Everybody thinks the ETF is the new normal. > Bitcoin is going to 100k my friend Nope. 70k will be the triple top in 2025 and the end of the Bitcoin logistic growth curve until after the ANYONECANSPEND great reset. > @SMoore-vj7bt haha 13k, what do you smoke😅 even with corona we didn't hit 13k😂😂😂 @MisterCro check back with me in April or May amigo. You have not been reading my detailed comments on Jason's recent videos since Nov 8. Btw, I remember retail idiocracy groupthink inkblots (on Game of Trades channel) making similar nonsense remarks to me back in Q4 2022 when I said the harmonic pattern on S&P projects 4650 for 0.886 extension, then ~4950 for 1.13 after a correction. Exactly what has and will transpire. I never heard from them again, and probably will not receive an admission of fault from you in 2024. > @SMoore-vj7bt lol. there is zero chance of that @JamesMullarneyIsAFraud actually about 70 - 80% probability of at least retesting 20k. You are a clueless fool following the herd. > @SMoore-vj7bt you’re on some high shi…… @conormcgregor7707 disbelief phase of your retail investor idiocracy. I will be correct again. > Btc does not owe another major low, ya all had a chance ​ @SlobosReality we bought that low and we will sell the ETF FOMO and buy the looming lower low, while you one-way-minded, boastful, overconfident, herding retail eat your shirts. > > True, I do like Steve's video from crypto crew on why 50k top this cycle before the clean out dump is plausible. Especially with everyone calling for 100k+ > > @HerAunty I'm pretty sure. Steve from crypto crew said we are going to top out about 80k @kendagostino5699 indeed Steve's 5.3 ratio has predicted every top and it is one of the reasons that everyone here is incorrect to not expect BTC to retest the lows. I explain in detail in my trading view. > I bet on a correction BEFORE your 45/50k guess. @phpianocover the near-term pullback before next leg up, may only be ~34k. Too many are waiting for 31k. > Meh. I’ll buy when it’s low, and bide my time. I don’t put anything in I can’t afford to lose, so again, meh. @southern-samurai upvoted. Bull market does not start in earnest until after the halving. Urgency is not until then. > $4,000 @BrianHallmond After the kiss-of-death 2025 triple top 70k. But make that ~$0, not $4k. > @SMoore-vj7bt Are you talking about the WEF agenda ? @azerguillaume7654 that is one aspect of it but certainly not the only major point I proffer. I hope you are aware that one of the goals of the C19 charade was a coup d'etat to stop the orangeutan hair because he was against the WWIII they are intentionally creating for the pretext of blaming the global debt collapse (monetary reset and Thucydides trap) on an external scapegoat. They ostensibly need to repeat a pretext for martial law 2024 POTUS steal. Pizzino does not think about issues like this. Note legacy BTC which is not BSV nor BCH but addresses that begin with 1 on the main chain (1988 Economist Magazine Phoenix rising from the ashes) does become the new global reserve currency after 2032. But the impostor Bitcoin (addresses that begin with 3 or bc1) dies first before 2032, most people losing (ignorantly donating) all their BTC to the miners to finance the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium that the 2017 soft fork broke. I cover all the technological and game theory details in my blog. > My instinct is because we are entering the final and hyper bullish stages of the 18 year cycle, something crypto has not seen, that the corrections will tend towards being more limited price wise, so may find support holding around $34K. @schumanhuman actually the opposite. Volatility will go crazy as the global monetary reset is underway. That is why Bitcoin is here.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/0SfVJ08-RGs (Is The Crypto Rally About To Explode? {bitcoin domination} | E.K.C.) BTC.D as well CRYPTOCAP:BTC/(TOTAL3-CRYPTOCAP:USDT-CRYPTOCAP:USDC) has bullish RSI divergence on the daily and weekly, but bearish RSI on the monthly. Thus looks like BTC.D dominance will make one more thrust up to a double top 54% (and the more focused latter +10%), while overextended altcoins (e.g. Solana) pullback and reaccumulate, before the final parabolic move of the alts for this bull trap heading into end of year, before the mega crash looming in Q1 or early Q2 2024. Yeah I know the looming mega crash is not at all on your radar. You think altcoins will be in a steady bull market from here until the end of this 4 year cycle, but I disagree.Comment: AVAX one of those recommended by Alex Becker seems no better than ETH or SOL projecting maybe a pullback to 18, then top 31 to 36. Alex also mentioned GALA, which is extremely difficult to make sense of per expected top of BTC, but perhaps 3 to 4 times gain from a ~0.20 pullback? Alex mentioned ENJ which is much easier to analyze and might do 2.5 times again w\ pullback to ~0.26. Amazing Cardanao (ADA) has done exactly what I diagrammed in summer 2022. Upside roughly a double. DOGE drifted as my summer 2022 annotated speculated it might. Upside at most a double if that. Not worth the risk.Comment: I AM SUGGESTING BUYING ETH 1870 to 1980 and GALA 0.02 to 0.021. Potential upside or price targets (no guarantees) are ~3200 and ~0.06 by perhaps January. Binance Japan is about to list Gala, which was one of Alex’s suggestions. Usual disclaimers apply. youtu.be/8VItSMuJIeA?t=20 (Why You’re NOT TOO LATE For The Biggest Bull Run In Crypto History! | Crypto Banter) I disagree with your opinion that the market psychology is in the Disbelief phase. Has clearly already transitioned for the crypto faithful to Hope or Optimism, bordering on Belief. We are in a mid-cycle FOMO bull trap that will end with Europhia but not among the general public as they will not being coming back until 2025. C.f. the comments on following poll for evidence. Poll: www.youtube.com...eztkA/community?lb=Ugkxg1x...Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, Notice that in the recent days, we are experiencing the highest volatility and a rapid change in direction at the newly established peak compared to the last three peaks, where a 20% correction followed each of them. Increased volatility and the speed of directional changes are potential signals of a significant peak in the existing trend.” @goodblackcat, resembles January and March 2023 with wider spreads, which is exactly what to expect in a parabolic end phase. Trying to call the top of a parabolic rocket is inherently difficult and you are far too early to make that call. Bitcoin broke out above the 32k trading range it had been stuck in for months, not going to stop at a measly 37.9k. Have you read carefully my last updates? Clearly the TOTAL3 is poised for a breakout to the upside. How is it possible BTC does not also bust through 40k like a hot knife through warm, soft butter? Can you not sense the palpable FOMO fever that has reignited? This move has momentum. Look at Solana. Do not seppuku yourself on the saber tip of a rocket. S&P is headed to a new ATH. Bitcoin is not going to stop below 40k before this bull trap has completed by Q1 2024. Pullbacks are possible but must be bought until the price targets I outlined in my updates are hit. Too many people in cash hoping for a 31 - 32k pullback to buy moar, c.f. the poll I cited in the updates. Thus unlikely to backtest below 33k. The market including yourself is still transitioning from a bear market to bull market psychology. As soon as it flips, that will be the top and the bear market will resume. Not before then. From the comments: > “@shelby3, I wonder how much BTC these losers still have to sell today? Twice within 2 hours BTC returned to the cluster between $36,238-36,390, so BTC testing it as I expected, everything was well designed in advance. Someone is a great engineer here, hahaha” > “Thank you to those who, as the last biggest fools, decided not to buy BTC over $38,000 and waited patiently to buy every dip today, bravo, I am full of admiration, you were kicked out...” @goodblackcat, you are not more powerful than the channels. If the following chart does not display, c.f. the updates.Comment: From the comments: > “@shelby3, I wonder how much BTC these losers still have to sell today? Twice within 2 hours BTC returned to the cluster between $36,238-36,390, so BTC testing it as I expected, everything was well designed in advance. Someone is a great engineer here, hahaha” @goodblackcat, when you start gloating, that is usually when you get blown to smithereens and then after-the-fact (ex post facto) ‘backsplaining how you were really adjusting in real time. 47 of the top 75 altcoins are leading BTC, which is an early indication that altcoin fever parabolic blowoff top is looming when most of them are outperforming Bitcoin, that will then be near to the top. Not there yet.Comment: George Gammon explains how the Western will self-immolate with the CBDCs starting by 2026 in the U.S.A. maybe as early as 2025 in other G7 nations. He also speculates a banking contagion could transpire as early as early 2024! youtu.be/fQMk3lnuAMM (Bank Reports Show 'Big Brother' CBDC Is Just 3-5 Years Away in the U.S. | Kitco News) Western civilization will burn itself to scorched earth over the next several years. We will not recognize the world by 2032.Comment: Government taking control over our vehicles under the pretext of stopping drunk drivers. Mandates monitoring of our eyes, listening devices and will be run by AI. Only two Democrats voted against including surprisingly AOC. Democrats really want to control others. Despicable. youtu.be/pQVuEgeyh6A (UPDATE - Car ‘Kill Switch’ - House Vote Fails To Remove From Bill) At least half the population, probably more like 80%, prefer to be slaves. What we need is a way to opt-out and let them have the clusterfck they desire. Organizing an overthrow will never come to fruition. > “@telcobilly I believe that people’s right to be on the road without people DUI far outweighs the right to be DUI.” @davecooper3238 you are a good slave. We should allow you to enslave yourself, but some of us want to opt-out of being lumped together with you. Have you ever contemplated there might be less intrusive means of removing drunk drivers from the roads? I would be in favor of laws which make culpable those who knowingly allow someone they are in the presence of to drive away drunk if they do not report it to police. Thus people will enforce the law because they do not want to be sued for damages. Suddenly nobody will want to be around anyone else who is drunk. This will pretty much end all drunken social life. Mexico will boom as a party location for drunkards. The drunkardness problem originates from American culture, such as tailgating at college football games. Perhaps originates from British ancestry where drunkardness is rampant. America needs to apply peer pressure towards drunkedness to make it not acceptable behavior. Unfortunately a large swath of the nation loves drunkedness and even narcotics. I’ve personally transitioned to a teetotaler after I my adolescence overcoming the culture programming from my youth. www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQVuEgey... (Comments on "UPDATE - Car ‘Kill Switch’ - House Vote Fails To Remove From Bill") > “Maybe if we all just keep complaining about how bad things are getting, they'll eventually get better!” @ShuShuShop complaining is for losers and slaves who are incapable of making any changes and who the system will ignore and abuse because no reason not to. You actually have to do something, like for example move your wealth out of their system and onto Bitcoin. Get out of their tax system. Stop feeding the beast. Do not take out loans. Do not buy new vehicles with all the digitized dystopian crap. Become wealthy and never share any of it with the corporations which are ramming the Red, White and Blue dck up our arses.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQMk3lnu... (Comments on "Bank Reports Show 'Big Brother' CBDC Is Just 3-5 Years Away in the U.S.") > > “George Gammon is right and in many ways this has already began; most money in America is electronic; the only barrier is the fear that exists among the public and that a bad thing because we are far closer than most think.” > > “Not the same thing as a CBDC” @huwhitecavebeast1972 the FedNow system enables instant payments backstopped by the Fed. That is essentially the CBDC without the liability for the creation of money directly on the Fed balance sheet bypassing the need for separate accounts at banks. But FedNow will facilitate bank runs in the looming banking contagion, and as Gammon said we will find it more convenient to just transfer via FedNow to an account at the Fed that pays us a higher interest rate. The CBDC is already here, now it will be a process of onboarding everyone to it. FedNow is the CBDC. Some claim FedNow is not the the CBDC because it is just a payment system and does not authorize the Fed to create user accounts on its balance sheet, so that last step will be required to complete the transition. Note that the Fed pays all profits back to the U.S. Treasury, thus as interest rates rise, the U.S. government will still pay 0% interest because all the Fed's proceeds will be returned back to the Treasury. That assumes though the Fed is not paying out more interest on CBDC accounts or through its discount window (as it is now making it unprofitable). The centralization of ending cash and turning the dollar into a CBDC would probably end the global, decentralized EuroDollar market (more $100 bills outside the U.S. than inside) and thus end the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency, allowing the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix now known as Bitcoin, to take over and enslave the nation-states in austerity and fiscal discipline. We are headed into a maelstrom of totalitarianism, deprivation and pestilence.Comment: From the comments: > “this guy is right on it?:} he nails it every time:) ha!ha!” @Totalsecurityplus, not every time. My success rate is better than 50/50 when I am focused. Many of my correct predictions were not separate published ideas. They are buried in the updates. For example, I predicted the NatGas crash to ~$2. I predicted from the bottom the levels that S&P and Nasdaq topped out this past summer and I have the extension correct that they will hit by over next couple of months, which I predicted back in October 2022. In 2010, I correctly predicted all the moves in silver hence. Let’s not forget back in 2016 when I predicted on Bitcointalk.org that LTC would rise from $4 to $300. Etc...Comment: Follow-up. C.f. Martin Armstrong’s blog published today entitled, “The 80-Year Cyclical Theory v. the Economic Confidence Model.” The posited 80 year cycle aligns with the 224 year life of the United States to its peak and downfall, but it is just a coincidence. The Pi cycle is more fundamental and accurate.Comment: Clickbait title. Vlogger thinks BTC will crash from here, never reach 40k. youtu.be/6Me8gs6S27E (Bitcoin hit the moon! | OPTICALARTdotCOM) > > “The funny thing is Steve. People don't realise 12.5k is still in play. This is the start of a 6 monthly wedge to 12.5k. It's hard for people to believe it. Which is fine by me. BTC needed more liquidity in the market hence why they sent it up to 38k which is the top by the way. If people think 40k is still in play. They are delusional. Next stop will be around 31.5k. Then maybe a bounce to 34k. Then sadly down to 21.5k. Then maybe another bounce. 12.5k around the end of April. Then massive bullrun 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉” > > “40k is a lot closer than 12.5 k so it's hardly delusional. I'm not saying anything either way. But don't be fooled by your own bias. Good luck out there” @Beattie755 a crash is definitely coming in H1 2024. I have explained the reasons why (not just recession) in the updates on my public trading view. But how does this person know the crash is starting now and now some months from now from a higher prices? Both BTC and ETH are in a rare Three Hills (valley) and a final Mountain pattern. All indications are stonks headed up to new ATHs as the Fed has paused (which always happens historically before a recession when Fed pauses). The crash comes when the Fed is forced to start cutting rates. There is a banking contagion and commercial real estate collapse looming but meanwhile markets will moon.Comment: Follow-up on my prior update: > “Don't you think we could cross the blue ring first to have small pump and after that cross the orange line and have major dump?” @youtube-classified I raised that issue on his prior video and he did not respond. I noticed in the past after pumping when crossing the blue ring from below instead of from the side, that price fell back down to test the blue ring as resistance at a lower price than the said initial cross. Also an orange ring has never been crossed from above. What if price crossed the orange from above after pumping from an initial blue cross, then traced down the outside (right side) of the blue Fib circle all the way down to a new lower low?Comment: Thanks to Sheldon @ Crypto Banter, ETC (Ethereum Classic) looks to be headed to possibly 43 (ETCBTC indicates BTC possibly to ~46). That is the potential upside of SOL without the crazy risk of a massive pullback. Allmost has the upside of GALA. Unfortunately GALA has not pulled back and continued up.Comment: APE(coin) looks like 3.5 to ~5 times potential gain. Has bullish RSI divergences and is backtesting its breakout. Opportune time to accumulate it? Do not bet the farm on this one though!Comment: Tone Vays responded to me and stated he would not call for 6k if BTC drops to 14k in early 2024, because he said it would be too close to the halving to be more bearish. Note he and I disagreed about why small caps are underperforming. He is reacting to me in the live chat. youtu.be/wuoFMjwAFjw (Huge Volatility with SEC vs Bitcoin ETF News)Comment: I keep hearing people regurgitating Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U. YT channel) trope about the market has built a lot of structure by slowly grinding up, unlike in 2019 in which the price moved too quickly to 13.9k. And they take this as some gospel or evidence that the price will not crash back down to a lower low. This a syllogistic logical fallacy or a form of apophenia that attempts to assign causation to features which may be present among other outcomes. A more sophisticated person entertains all of the facts of the situation and doesn’t try to form causal conclusions based on myopic cherry picking of preferred datums. They should read the How to Piss Me Off Guide. Why doesn’t anyone else notice the following? 1. For every bear market bottom, the second crash below the 200 WMA is always deeper than the prior one within the same cycle. Thus clearly another deeper move below the 200 WMA is looming before the bottom. 2. Note my textual annotations on the following chart. Note ending diagonals in 2018 and currently are followed by massive, intense moves in the other direction. Also note that the 5 waves for the prior bull market were a terminating wave because of wave 2 retraced more than 67% of wave 1. A TERMINATING WAVE MEANS THE BITCOIN BULL MARKET SINCE ITS INCEPTION IS FINISHED. Thus Bitcoin will not make a new ATH ever again until the entire bull run from its inception has been reset. Per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio theory which predicts every bull market top for Bitcoin, the next top can only be ~413% above the bottom. If Bitcoin bottoms at 13.6k in 2024 as I expect, then it will top at ~70k and will not make a new ATH.Comment: I have leaned towards Bitcoin weakening in each cycle and much weaker per the amount of time it spent below the 200 MA unlike prior cycles. Also Steve Courtney’s (Crypto Crew U., no affiliation of mine) 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has predicted every bull market price top, says the next top in 2025 can not exceed ~5.13 times the bottom (i.e. +413%). Thus if 15.4k was the bottom, then top in 2025 will be ~79k. Yet if Bitcoin were to decline to a lower-low ~13k, the top would be projected ~70k, which would be a doomsday triple top. Expounding on my bearish RSI divergence point (and other points arguing for why another contagion may be forming of which I did not even go into detail about how much the economies outside the U.S. are weakening which is exactly what was happening in 2019 as well at least in W. Europe) from my said prior comments, note the different Elliot Wave structure of the bounce from the bottom in 2018 compared to 2022. The significant rally from 3.1k to 13.9k in 2019 was wave 1 of a bullish 5 wave structure that completed with the 2021 top. Thus the corrective wave 2 for the C19 contagion was not a lower-low. Whereas, coming off the prospective 15.4k low, there is a bull trap 5 wave structure forming which will complete in next couple of months or less. Thus this is a corrective wave B or X of an A-B-C aka W-X-Y bear market correction from the ATH. Thus Bitcoin is likely to make a lower-low in H1 2024.Comment: Readers have an incorrect model of reality. Bitcoin the new asset is here to enslave you, not to help you. And it will not be lifted to $ 1million until first destroying the impostor Bitcoin taking the Bitcoin price to ~$0, which you currently incorrectly think is Bitcoin and here to save you. The reality is the Bitcoin ETF is all about enslaving you. Educate yourself. Dig into the links, especially the first one which is my blog.Comment: If 15.4k was the bottom thus per the 5.3 ratio invariant discovered by Crypto Crew U., 79k will be the 2025 top. So implicitly you expect a slow, steady staircase rise from a halving low ~28 - 37k to 79k top? Is that reasonable less than a triple (perhaps only a double) from the halving low when 2020 was 17 times? And from 2016 to 2017 top it was 42 times. Even if we expect only a third of 17, that should be 5+ times from the halving low incoming which precisely agrees with the 5.13 (+413%) expected by said 5.3 ratio which predicted every cycle top in Bitcoin’s history. The correction from the peak in 2019 to the bottom in 2020 was ~71%, which if measured from the ~45k top I expect for this bull trap, will put the 2024 low at ~13k, which is roughly what my other analyses expect. I already explained to you in great detail in my comment on one your recent videos, that the global macroeconomic stress as well as the POTUS year threat of populism overcoming the coup d'etat will demand another pandemic-like result. It will be the first severe recession in Bitcoin’s existence, so a hard landing and concomitant liquidity contagion alone may be sufficient. Do not rule out a government shutdown to exacerbate the hard landing and liquidity contagion. The congestion for months below the 32k level is not necessarily indicative of building an impenetrable base for the looming correction. That appears to be a Three Hills (valley) and a Mountain blowoff top bull trap culminating in a wave 5. It is also ostensibly an Elliot Wave ending diagonal because wave 4 corrected below the top of wave 1. Everyone and his uncle expects Bitcoin never to drop below 20k again which is retail idiocracy being lured in by the ETF moon FOMO.Comment: Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, {11/18/23 5:09 AM} My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, {11/18/23 8:25 AM} Studying ETH very meticulously. Is it a bearish rising wedge with 2300 top or a bullish ascending triangle with upside targets from 2600 to the Bat harmonic 3200? If ETH remains above ~1750, bullish RSI divergence holds on the daily. Monthly RSI also has bullish RSI divergence. Weekly had it but it is in limbo until break out above ~2135. The overhead resistance for BTC if it breaks above 38k after a pullback into 33 - 34k range, is at most ~44.6k by January. Seeing that ETHBTC could decline to 0.052 and form bullish RSI divergence with upside of 0.058 at least, if not 0.0625 or possibly 0.0709, thus all potential targets are in play from 2300 to 3200. My guess ETH pulls back to mid-1800s, then rockets to at least 2300 probably 2600 by late December. Whether it continues to the 3200 Bat harmonic target, I do not know, but note the bearish Shark projection to just below 600 in 2024, can be fulfilled as a continuation W-X-Y projection either from 2300 or 3200. Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, {11/18/23 8:48 AM} TOTAL3 - CRYPTOCAP:USDT - CRYPTOCAP:USDC (i.e. altcoins not including BTC, ETH & stablecoins) does not have a prominent potential bearish wedge seen on the ETHUSD chart. Thus this leads me to believe that after a potential ~10% further pull back to 267B, a further rally to 429B. The 35% higher level off the recent highs doesn’t necessarily mean that the sum of all altcoins will only rise +35% more, because there can be rotation out of tokens that moon first, to shitcorns that moon last. Note the 72 - 76% correction from the bull trap rally in 2019, will if it repeats, take the level down to the next lower level of support. That will surely be panic and blood in the streets in 2024, before the bull market resumes. Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, {11/18/23 9:09 AM} Solana already hit its target and thus might not make new high. Although looks to me it may pull back to ~45, then rocket to 120, at which point it will have massive bearish RSI divergence on the monthly! Note SOL invalidated the potential bearish, rising wedge it had so perhaps we should expect ETH to do so also on the next leg up. Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, {11/18/23 9:29 AM} SOLBTC plausibly concurs. Already hit the first target. After pullback to 0.00135 with BTC ~33.5k and SOL ~45, next target is most likely 0.029 which could correspond to BTC ~42k and SOL ~120. Shelby Moore ⏱🌐🧖, {11/19/23 6:43 AM} BTC appears poised to make another attempt at 38k. GALA and ETC could be ready to break out. ETH probably not to break out just yet. ETHBTC has not yet reset bullish RSI on larger time frames. My hypothesis is another failed attempt to make a significant new high, then most crypto still has another leg down. But some altcoins may make breakouts and merely retest resistance as new support on the new down leg. I could be wrong of course. Just hedging my bets a little now, by nibbling on some of these.Comment: The 80% down has not completed yet for the current bear market. We are not in the bull market yet. Jason Pizzino is a sleepwalking cheerleader (with pompoms) leading you to complacency. This entire altcoin pump is fake! User and investor adoption has continued to plummet. The altcoin bear market is not over folks! youtu.be/oRR11bYspPE (The Altcoin Rally Is Fake | My Biggest Altcoin Warning Yet... | DataDash) Of course the insiders who are holding bags from the FTX blowup are pumping the markets to dump on retail before the bear market continues with the expiration of the BTFP on March 11 and the banking collapse that will allow the Fed to pivot. Wash, rinse, repeat. Retail never learns. ==== Here is the follow-up from George Gammon where he has the possibility of the expiration of the BTFP on March 11, could lead to a banking contagion and be the catalyst for the crash I am expecting. youtu.be/92i2M_1p7v4 (Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March – George Gammon) ==== Storm clouds accumulating into a looming hurricane in the global economy: youtu.be/8gFhm7_VQ2k (Oil Is Sending A Warning Message To The Stock Market | Mott Capital Mgmt) ==== Why is Solana rallying like crazy? Ron Walker has a plausible explanation. He argues that FTX et al, needed to pump their bags so they could liquidate them on the retail investor fools. Also he points out that Bitcoin is rising on declining volume. The dumb retail investors always believe the hopium. And we have sleepwalking cheerleader Jason Pizzino assuring them that crypto can never crash anew. youtu.be/BVLXhQwQlpc?t=633 (The Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Has Begun - BTC To Test of 32K Soon - BULL TRAP) Ron argues the Wycoff distribution is still in play even if pullback followed by a higher high. He thinks the moves in Bitcoin are exaggerated, thus allowing for slightly more extreme than textbook Wycoff. youtu.be/Larttvdrbh4?t=88 (Bitcoin Wyckoff Distribution CRASH Coming - BTC BULL TRAP Being Set) ==== Let’s contemplate other Elliot Wave counts which might invalidate the thesis of the ending diagonal. The following is invalid because wave 1 is the largest wave which can not be the case. The following is proposed in the following video and I corrected him. Alternatively he considers the bearish case which is the same as what I expect. youtu.be/7uaRYmvlYqA (BITCOIN ELLIOTT WAVE ANALYSIS) Your B is higher than your 1. That not allowed. Thus it can only be the bearish case W-X-Y currently in the A-B-C bull trap wave X. Any attempt at labeling a 5 wave count currently is an ending diagonal, which is bearish. Also prior bull cycle wave 2 corrected more than 67% of wave 1, which makes it a terminal wave. That means this bear market will be much worse than prior ones. And no new ATH will be reached in this next bull market. You like everyone else thinks the C19 contagion will not repeat in 2024, but in fact the macroeconomic and orangeutan hair threat (i.e. political) conditions are nearly the same. And do not forget the BTFP (aka buy the f-ing pivot) banking collapse prevention expires March 11.Comment: Took short-term profits from bullish position entered earlier today (c.f. updates). Might reenter on pullback. ==== My best guess is that this rally needs a backtest ~33 - 34k to the blue support line on my chart before possibly one more upthrust to ~42 - 43k to form the final bearish divergence. Although I guess possible, I doubt ~38k was the final top, as other indications are this bull phase will continue a month or two more to run up including perhaps a pullback. ==== Jason Pizzino highlighted my comment and specifically said he does not think Bitcoin can go to my prediction of 14k. He implied I am loony. youtu.be/Kw3APTaYrlY?t=529 ← click for his screen capture of my comment on his prior video Jason didn’t address any of the detailed points I made in comments on his recent videos. He is ostensibly oblivious to for example the Shark harmonic pattern pointing to an Ethereum crash in price after this pump to the 3200 Bat harmonic target. I purchased ETH December calls this past summer expecting the Bat rally, which have seen 10 times gain already! Jason is ostensibly oblivious to the Terminal Wave and Ending Diagonals on the Elliot Wave structure of Bitcoin. In 2022, I employed harmonic pattern theory to PUBLICLY (on TradingView) predict NatGas would crash to $2, that the S&P would rally to 4650 (the 0.886 target), pullback (as it did this summer) and then rally anew to ~4950 (the 1.13 target) which is underway. From the comments: @ivanguzman102, I did predict the future numerous times. ==== To reiterate that Bitcoin will enslave the 99%. Per the explanation I aforelinked in my blog, the SegWit, Lightning Networks, scaling crap will be destroyed and that impostor Bitcoin will go to ~0. The 1 MiB block limited legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes after the WWIII underway as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix. Bitcoin transaction fees will be affordable only to large transaction values, thus used only by the wealth. Bitcoin is not long, for us. We were deceived into supporting our future enslavement. ==== www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIpPwfML... (Comments on "How Mexico Will Save The West") > “@SMoore-vj7bt I'm not Mexican nor am I diminishing regular Americans. It's just obvious that America doesn't have a long term plan for dealing with most of the world becoming industrialized. American politicians are senile and out of touch.” @jay1jayf the holistic picture is actually enslavement of the entire world. The political elite of the US Empire are just pawns of the real power behind the curtain. Industrialization does not mean freedom. It means trading freedom for trinkets. Just as the indigenous were lured into trading their land for mirror or bottle of liquor. The deck of cards is being shuffled but the House remains in control of the odds of winning. Mexico is a new frontier to some extent, because of low regulations. But the tax man cometh. Within a few decades or less the enslavement in the West will be universal all over the world. That is what the rise of multipolarism (and the deflationary, dystopian Bitcoin to displace the USD) is really about. When you ponder who created Bitcoin just ask yourself who benefits from enslaving the world in a unit of account that is a fixed supply and can be monopolized by the 1%. ==== From the comments. @cornvutthole, what part of the first link I put in the prior comment are you ostensibly not capable of clicking, reading and comprehending? Perhaps if you are technologically illiterate and/or average IQ, then what is written there (by myself, i.e. I am the author of the linked blog) may make no sense to you? It is inarguable that the impostor Bitcoin (which you all ERRONEOUSLY think is the official Bitcoin) is going to ~$0, when the 13+ million Bitcoin ANYONECANSPEND booty is donated to the miners (no need to even hack the private keys) by the fact that you willfully and ignorantly stored your Bitcoin in addresses that begin with 3 or bc1, instead of Satoshi’s legacy addresses that begin with 1. And BSV and BCH have nothing to do with this. I am not referring to any of scammer Craig “Faketoshi” Wright’s nonsense/shenanigans. The 2017 soft fork broke the Nash Equilibrium by creating a huge booty. The only way to fix the equilibrium is for the miners to take it and force the hard fork. After which the impostor will go to $0, because of the economic asymmetry of the airdrop, i.e. everyone hodling legacy Bitcoin will receive both airdrops, whereas the those not will donate their legacy airdrop to the miners AND HAVE A HUGE TAXABLE CAPITAL GAIN THEY CAN NOT PAY thus wrecking their lives and burning their fingertips up to their armpits for touching impostor Bitcorn. This restoration event (aka “attack”) must occur before Bitcoin can rise as the new world reserve currency, i.e. the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix.Comment: It was a hidden secret code pattern that I discovered (and published in my idea update) on September 3 that enabled me to pinpoint a plausible bottom price ~14k for Bitcoin. I wrote: Based on these patterns, I think BTC will flash crash only to ~14k in 2024. Will only be down there for a very short period and quickly back above 21k again. Thus per Steve Courtney’s 5.3 rule, looks like the H2 2025 top will only ~71k. ==== Expounding on my two comment posts in the comments section reflecting on my historical Tradingview record being incorrectly understood, I will write my thought progression as best as I can recall off the top of my head without going back into all my history meticulously to bolster my recollection. I had not discovered Ron Walker’s YT channel (currently aka The Doctor of Dump & Pump, formerly The Crypto Trader) near the Sep/Oct 2021 top in the market. Thus I was all alone in my belief that Bitcoin had topped. I was up against intense FOMO for the $100+k thesis even in my own discussion circle. Couple this being back and forth between Mexico and the USA, not ultimately settling into an apartment in Arizona until Jan 2022, I was very distracted and disorganized at the 2021 top. After the drop below $20k, I noticed some short-term bullish divergence on the CME that was not on spot (or maybe it was vice versa) and I noticed Gareth Soloway had started to nibble and soften is expectation of 13k, allowing for the possibility of an interim bounce to maybe 32k. Ron Walker continued to call for 9 to 12k. Right before the drop to 15.4k, I started to entertain the notion of a Wycoff accumulation and this was before I discovered Jason Pizzino who was spouting the same hypothesis. When the price hit 16k and bounced, I called the bottom. Then surprisingly it dropped again to 15.4k and I knew this was the final spring on the Wycoff accumulation, I actually talked someone out of despair in my private Telegram group. He has since held his position all the way up. Ron Walker finally allowed for a bounce from the 15.4k level but did not see the Wycoff accumulation. And thus he as expecting only a bull trap dead cat bounce to ~20k to be rejected and decline to his 9 to 12k targets. All the way up, he kept having correct short-term buy and sell calls, but he was always bearish overall. Every bull move higher was counter to his stated expectations until the price broke above 32k, he started to allow for 40k. I had found OPTICALARTdotCOM when the Bitcoin price was still around or above the $30+k level and he like Gareth were calling for 13k. Note he was similar to Ron Walker always expecting the next leg down that I am expecting now, and expecting that all way from the 15.4k level at every attempt to thrust over 32k. But to his credit, he did have a Fib circle ring that enabled him to go long at exactly 15.4k as it crossed his circle which was a bullish pump signal for him. But he never expected the price to rally as much as it did. Whereas, around Oct/Nov 2022, I found harmonic patterns (Shark and Bat) which enabled me to publicly predict (in updates on my Year from Hell idea) 4650, correction, then 4950 for S&P (and commensurately also for the Nasdaq) as well as a crash to $2 for NatGas I predicted earlier in 2022, and the 2100 followed by 2600 to 3200 level for Ethereum. So this is why I was buying Dec 29 2100 strike ETH calls in Sep/Oct 2023 for ~$10 and selling them recently for ~$100. I had been following Game of Trades on YT who had pointed that historically the stock market rallies to an ATH after the Fed pauses, then crashes when it pivots (reduces Fed Fund rates). He was expecting that pause in June 2022, so eventually he got weary waiting for it and turned very bearish. I protested and many of his followers thought I was loony to call for 4650 at the Oct/Nov 2022 lows. As I tied in all the developing factors into my analysis of the situation, I realized that Ron Walker and OPTICALARTdotCOM bearish thesis for another leg down, is probably correct. And so now I join them, but only after they were mostly wrong since the 15.4k bottom, although they were both correct from the $66k top to the $20k level at least.Comment: Ah another corroborating datum that my expectation is plausible. youtu.be/nAvgnCtFevI (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT 250K BITCOIN – THIS WILL HAPPEN INSTEAD (BE READY) | Crypto Crew U.) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve (Courtney) you just validated what I have been posting on my Trading view the past couple of days that the bottom will be ~14k (just before the halving again), because when you apply the 70k top predicted by this new variant of 5.3 to your prior 5.3 variant, it indicates the actual low will be just below 14k. Also contemplate the doomsday implications of the looming triple top. I informed you in email last year this will likely be the destruction of the impostor 2017 softfork Bitcoin crashing it to near 0 in 2026 before the legacy protocol recovers. ==== From the comments: > “I think it's too early to say what will happen in 2025 while we're still in 2023. Anything can happen by that time but most likely scenario that there will be new ATH on BTC” @fastprofittrader, do you still have that same opinion if you assimilate all my corroborating details from the numerous updates on my idea and all my replies in the comments section? I think I have presented a very strong case as to why there can not be a higher high in 2025. We can pinpoint that the top will be in H2 2025, not H1 based on the timing of Bitcoin’s repeating (i.e. periodic) 4 cycle. Couple that with Steve Courtney’s discovery of a 5.3 ratio rule which dictates the top of each subsequent bull market based on a ratio of the prior top and bottom. Thus per his calculation, the current bull market CAN NOT exceed +413% of the bottom. If 15.4k was the bottom, then 79k would be the top in H2 2025. But based on my other numerous analyses, 15.4k may not be the final bottom, which instead may be ~14k (perhaps 13.6k to be more exact), which thus pegs the looming top to be only ~70k, thus a doomsday triple top, which might be the signal that the impostor Bitcoin may decline to ~$0 in during the horrific bear market coming from 2026 to 2028, wherein the dollar will become incredibly strong because of WWIII with China, Iran, Russia.Comment: Ah another indicator of the posited looming further leg down and thus that crypto is still in a bear market after this bull trap rally. youtu.be/1PLv4gUm0cM?t=371 (Bitcoin & Altcoin Price Analysis | The Critical Levels You Need To Watch | DataDash) ==== Liquidity crisis on tap for March/April. How can people not see that a liquidity crisis is already preprogrammed into the system for that future date? youtu.be/GgK4566_xRI (Reverse Repo is Crashing | Heresy Financial) Coincidentally I had been detecting indications in the crypto charts of looming crash in the markets H1 2024. Also the Fed’s BTFP expires March 11. It’s as if those in control are planning on creating a crisis. ==== From the comments: > “In which case it turns into a leading diagonal blah blah.” @ParabolicPanic, not which turns into. I am actually incorrect to posit that it could be an ending diagonal, because per Elliot Wave theory ending diagonals can only occur in the ending C or 5th wave, which is obviously not that case currently. The current wave structure is either the 1st motive wave (thus a leading diagonal) or the second (aka X) corrective wave. I did posit that the current wave structure coming off the 15.4k bottom is either an A-B-C corrective structure or I mentioned it could be an ending diagonal. I should have stated or it could be a leading diagonal. But on further study as I just stated, it can not be an ending diagonal. Thus either this is a bullish leading diagonal for wave 1 of a bullish 5 waves to come, or as I believe it is a corrective A-B-C of an overall larger W-X-Y correction from the 2021 top. However for it to be a leading diagonal, then small wave 5 underway (not the posited future, larger wave 5) must not be larger than wave 3. Given that small wave 5 already appears to be larger than its small wave 3 and if the Three Hills (, valley) and a Mountain pattern which appears to be underway is fulfilled heading into Dec/Jan, then wave 5 will extend and be much larger than the posited wave 3. Thus a corrective (i.e. not motive) A-B-C would be the only correct Elliot Wave interpretation. Your “blah, blah” can be lazy self-deception. Corroborating factors and evidence should be studied to support or invalidate a hypothesis. Your leading diagonal hypothesis in invalidated by other facts, or at least the presumption that wave 2 could not be very deep perhaps to 18k which is a possibility I am also allowing for (although the updated as of yesterday 5.3 ratio theory seems to be invalidating that possibility yet we will see). Ostensibly you have not even read all the analysis. Apparently you decided that the page was not worth your time about a paragraph or two into it. This is a problem and why humans are so easily deceived. Most people are lazy and apathetic, and thusly apply heuristics so they can minimize the effort they expend. Often heuristics fail. ==== youtu.be/0Fg30bxX9BA (Buying Bitcoin Now Will Not Make Your Descendants Rich | Heresy Financial) Unfortunately pessimistically, this video’s optimism is wrong on two levels. First, Bitcoin will never be the currency (as in for payments), because the 2017 scaling softfork broke the Nash equilibrium and will be destroyed. Bitcoin will only be the global reserve currency used by the very wealthy because of the very high transaction fees given the immutable 1 MiB block size limitation in the legacy protocol. Any attempt to change the protocol will fail due to the economic asymmetry of airdrops (even softforks that become hard fcks when the Nash equilibrium is restored). Bitcoin is moving us to a two-tier monetary system, where the plebs will be forced onto to dystopian, cashless 666 central bank digital currencies and the central banks will hold Bitcoin on their balance shits. Secondly, the economic mobility of meritocracy does not obviate the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources. Unfortunately Bitcoin replacing the dollar will result in dystopia because unlike gold, the dominant empire will not be able to debase the unit-of-account that the entire world relies on. Thus massive deflation and widespread pestilence because most people are incapable of self-reliance, self-discipline, long time preference, etc.. This means that the 1% will become the 0.1%, then the 0.01% and ultimately all the wealth of the world concentrated on the proverbial, metaphorical Biblical Seven Hills. Armageddon follows in Biblical prophesy. The reason for the power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is not just regulatory capture. It runs the gamut of ways that economies-of-scale and selection-of-the-fittest-most-ruthless can capture power vacuums because we do not exist in your naive, idealistic implicit assumption of a milieu of perfect disorder.Comment: Anyone who doubts my prediction for ETH to rally (originally 2600 to 3200, but possibly only 2300 to 2400) before crashing to 600 should watch this. Why 600? Because the bearish harmonic points there and this bounce off the bottom is wave X of a W-X-Y bear market. The bull market has not started yet. Prepare to be shocked Steve. youtu.be/xjfWN4WbSp8?t=227 ← click for chart (WARNING: IS ETH ABOUT TO CRASH!? HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) ​ @CryptoCrewUniversity Steve notice the distance from 9 to 10, should equal from 11 to 12. Thus ETH may go higher before crashing. My thesis since Oct 2022 is playing out as I predicted, except lower expectations for this rally based on your video. Also notice previously from 11 to green to 12 was split into two major moves the second slightly more than first, which concurs with ~2300 to 2350. This 4 year cycle is MUCH weaker than any prior. Will end with a triple top 70k and 2026 Bitcoin will go to 0 as I warned you in 2022.Comment: Prices I expect for a possible top. BTC 40 - 41k ETH 2300 ENJ 0.38 ETC 23 - 24 SOL ~69 (already topped) GALA 0.0285 - 0.0345 (probably 0.03 - 0.033) APE 1.75 - 2.15 (but most likely 1.75 - 1.80) Oh crap, ETCUSD has very similar pattern as BTCUSD did in 2018, before the final drop from 6k to 3k. Below $7 incoming after this final bull trap bounce. Many crypto FOMOium fools are about to get REKTD.Comment: From the comments: > The $38,000-41,000 zone is Death Valley for BTC. > > BTC has not found enough organic buyers since the opening price (0:00 UTC: $37,300). After aggressive action by the binance operator, there were no organic purchases above $38,000 despite three attempts for an hour. > A single trader on Binance pushes the BTC price above $38,000. > > Fully rigged BTC price market at this point. The price action for the last hours is again controlled by a single participant from Binance. There has been a lot of speculation on this subject for several hours now. Taking a long position on the binance while squeezing short positions on the bybit perps. > > Let no one even try to suggest that I am unaware that such manipulations are normal in the markets. > > Not in such proportions and with such determination and not in context with what happened with binance this week. The situation is obvious. I am still adding to a short position. Stop order is reset. If this operator manages to get the BTC price over $39,000, I will sell even more. I am sure that market participants like me will regulate this sick situation. > > I have nothing against BTC, I am a long-term BULL myself. Always willing to buy after large declines and when the right momentum appears. @goodblackcat, historically massive option market positions can and I quote, “send Bitcoin up 300% and down 75% in a single day.” Overall the crypto charts look horrible, with bearish RSI divergences on all timeframes (as does the S&P stonks which fell out of a bearish rising wedge but could make on more drive to a high to test the bottom of the wedge it fell out of), except nearly all crypto USD(T) pairs have bullish RSI diverge on the 3d chart. Also several of the altcoins have a bull flag such as ETCUSD. Thus the reason for the topping prices I posted last night to the idea update. So far only BTC and ETH have moved strongly enough towards a new drive to a high, but I am thinking the rest of the altcoins will follow today or so? Also looks to me ETH is going to break out towards 2300? Indeed the smart money is grabbing the liquidity of the short-term leveraged shorts first, before they will take this down hard for next few months. I can not rule out a significant pullback and then one final drive to a high perhaps in January? But for sure by March crypto will have crashed. The crypto markets are dead. This ETF hopium will not lift crypto out of the doldrums of stagflation and the pre-halving crypto winter. Too many newbies and naive forgot that the crypto bull market in the 4 year cycle does not start until after the halving.Comment: youtu.be/abxE0-Dqlvg (The December Breakout Is Real For Ethereum) Krown you about to get REKTD with your bull market nonsense. That is a bearish rising wedge, not an ascending triangle. youtu.be/-MMmGKtsrCk (The #1 Altcoin Chart No One Is Watching | The 'EXBS Index' | DataDash) That is a bearish rising wedge (not a bullish ascending triangle as you and many others incorrectly annotate it) on the weekly chart, which is also a 5 wave leading diagonal. Thus it must be wave 1 of a 5 wave bullish structure (can not be an ending diagonal). Thus wave 2 incoming could nearly retest the lows (not a lower-low!) before the halving thus before the bull market ensues in earnest. I charted this on my public trading view. 16:00 You slaughtered the inane narrative that the Bitcoin ETFs can drive new ATH. ==== youtu.be/17oGYIQlBbU (Why This Bitcoin Move Will Shock Everyone in 2024 | Robert Prechter) If Elliot Wave specialist Prechter is correct, then his 3 (as you illustrated it) could the end of the first wave down of a expanded flat 3 wave correction. I would have Bitcoin coming back up to a triple top ~70k by H2 2025 for the 2nd wave of the correction, then down into the abyss ~0 for the final third wave by May 2026. From there the Bitcoin market would reset. Which entirely fits with my thesis that the impostor Bitcoin (the 2017 softfork which broke the Nash equilibrium creating 13+ million tokens which are ANYONE CAN SPEND) will be destroyed. All the details are on my public trading view. As Prechter points out that the final "c" wave of an expanded flat are waterfall collapses, very fast and devastating. Well I know exactly what could cause such a dramatic face ripping selloff. The legacy protocol miners will take the 13+ million tokens as donations, no need to even have the private keys because they are ANYONE CAN SPEND. What I find even more interesting is that the legacy protocol Bitcoin (the one Satoshi created, not the current impostor) continues to coexist with the softfork (they will hard fork off from each other when the tokens are taken as donations) can rise as the 1988 Economist Magazine's cover story Phoenix from the ashes of the looming WWIII, as the new world reserve currency in the multipolar new world order that will replace the death of the dollar in said Thucydides trap underway (after a massive crash upwards of the dollar in the final EuroDollar driven liquidity crisis). The legacy as a global reserve currency used only by the wealthy and central banks, will not need transaction scaling that Prechter laments. IOW, Satoshi was not designing a payment system, but rather the new global order. And by the way, the design of Bitcoin was anonymously publicly leaked in 1998 on the 10 year anniversary of its 1988 announcement, then launched 10 years later, then public stampede 10 years later. Thus 2028 it rises. I would be grateful if you would forward my comments to Prechter and his son Elliot.Comment: From the comments: @goodblackcat, the ~39.3k level is the support trendline from the grindingly slow staircase climb from Oct 24 through Nov 27. Quite reasonable to drop to that level then rally fiercely to ~47 to 48k in the first week of January if the ETF is approved. And I will be selling that with both fists! Look out below after that. Timberrrr… Nobody believes Bitcoin can make new lows! Have you viewed my latest published idea? Take note of the short-term prediction in the updates of that long-term DJIA prediction.Comment: From the comments: @goodblackcat, I am minimizing my use of this site now because I suppose I am near to being banned anyway. I will still reply from time-to-time if I see a notification. I maintain what I been saying for weeks, that a government shutdown starting on January 19 will crash the markets. The first low will be in March, final low in May. Then the rally into 2025 which will be the final high for Bitcoin as we knew it. Bitcoin will test near $0 in 2026 as the ANYONECANSPEND attack is looming. If not in 2026, then maybe ~2028. The 2025 high for Bitcoin will not be more than ~79k. If Bitcoin makes a lower low in 2024 then the 2025 high will be a triple top ~70k. Looks like one final push to $46 - 49k next week, then Bitcoin will start crashing.Comment: Looks like after any bounce, BTC is very likely to decline to $31 - 34k, if not maybe $28k, over the coming months before resuming the bull market into 2025 to hit Armstrong’s uptrend line (that marked $49.6k as the top) again ~$79k by 2025 as that uptrend line is rising. The only way to go lower than that this Spring would be an egregious blackswan contagion. Originally I was thinking there would be a repeating blackswan event from 2020 because another election year where they need to stop Trump, i.e. that in an election year the “unlikely event that the government pulls a snake out of its ass again” (as Alex Becker said in recently cited video). However, they can not get away with that sort deception-pretext again. Instead they have clearly signaled they must overtly strip Trump of his rights with ”kangaroo courts” lawfare or whatever it requires. The recent admission of the MSM that Trump is trouncing everyone, is I think a calculated move to call for more radicalism in form of radical-desperation in their ranks— i.e. that the faithful will tolerate any burning-at-the-stake required to purge the evil witch Trump. Anglo-Saxon Protestants/Puritans due to our Nietzschean ressentiment are really into burning-at-the-stake. youtu.be/OJfjyfcDBO8?t=632 (MAJOR WARNING To Bitcoin & Crypto Investors In 2024 | E.K.C.)Comment: Posited bullish T/A patterns for ETH seem to belie the Elliot Wave count. Appear to be completing 5 waves now at (non-log scaled) 0.5 (~$2853) Fib retracement. Looks to be either a 9 wave Extension or a Zigzag in progress, potentially topping in H1 2025 at the 0.786 ($3985) after which the Shark harmonic pattern projects below $0 into 2026! Bearish RSI divergence on monthly, weekly, daily. Could pullback below $2k first below heading further up. But this interpretation doesn’t support a Hugh Hendry’s massive deflationary crash (due to sudden Chinese currency devaluation) until H2 2025, unless wave B is completing prematurely now? Is Fed likely to ease this summer to keep this bull market going and Chinese can stave off collapse? ETF seems unlikely (c.f. also) or lacking demand. Gensler still thinks ETH is a security. =============== Nothing has changed on my BTC chart since I labeled this a couple of months ago. BTC is rallying to ~$ 52k (maybe at most $58k based on the 3 month chart but I doubt it). Then it will correct to $32 - 34k. Then bull market continues. Note the EW count can either be as labeled, or 2021 was the end of wave 5 since Bitcoin’s inception and an Expanded Flat A-B-C correction. Either way, 2026 will send Bitcoin crashing back to $13.9k at least. As mentioned numerous times, the ~$79k top in 2025 is predicted by Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio hypothesis which has correctly predicted the BTC top of every 4 year cycle.Comment: youtu.be/Xaj2uo28ZC0 (Bitcoin BTC Seems UNSTOPPABLE! - Is This Pump A MAJOR TRAP? | Wolves of Crypto) 6:10 the “horizontal yellow line” is not the dead cat bounce. Go look at it carefully on the weekly chart. The only level that is consistent has been the top of the solid candles on the 3 monthly chart, which for this cycle is $58k. The top could be anywhere below $58k (most likely ~$52-53k) and I agree with your thesis that a monthly close below $49 - 50k will signal the usual correction incoming around the halving (which is what I also expect).Comment: youtu.be/HsUVCcTDf1E (Bitcoin Buyers: You Have 60 Days Left to Change Your Life FOREVER!! | Chico Crypto “the most trustless name in crypto”) Given that the ratio between the 4 year bull cycle top and the price at the halving has historically been shrinking with diminishing returns by a factor of 3.3 and 3.75—and given that Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio hypothesis (also covered on Alessio Rastani’s February 23, 2023 episode), which has precisely predicted the said top price given the preceding crypto winter bottom is predicting 79k for the 2025 top, the price at the April 2024 halving must be between 21 - 33k. Also the current trajectories of the MAs on the Pi Cycle Top indicator which has predicted every said top are aligned such that Bitcoin must decline significantly below 36k if the $79k top will be delayed as normal until Q2 to Q4 2025. Also Bitcoin has crashed ~40+% just before or after every halving. ========= How much evidence do we need to realize why every person either has to be a callous diabolical elite, else a dumb ass sheep? I choose the former. Even King Solomon did eventually realize it was futile as well. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsUVCcTD... > “@SMoore-vj7bt 😂 you must be a blast at parties.” @stephenwhalen2634  how’s the mud wrestling working for ya? www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsUVCcTD... www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsUVCcTD... Note YT censored all my commentary: > > “Peak in end of 2025? Hmm I’m thinking end of this year/early 2025” > > “The pattern has always been the same. But 6 months before the halving and sell 18 months later” @peterlane2721 the 4 year cycle bull top has ranged between roughly 12 to 18 months after the halving event. Also the second top in 2021 might be an Elliot wave B or an Expanded Flat correction with looming wave C to make a lower low, but perhaps not until after topping at roughly 79k in 2025. That’s the million dollar unknown as to whether the said 2021 double top was the ending wave 5 which would also make it the ending wave 5 of Bitcoin’s entire history. In that latter case the crypto winter should me much deeper than it has been. Thus I lean to the former interpretation with major wave 5 ending in 2025 roughly 79k. @peterlane2721 the speculative math is that given that the ratio between the 4 year bull cycle top and the price at the halving has historically been shrinking with diminishing returns by a factor of 3.3 and 3.75. So given that Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio hypothesis (also covered on Alessio Rastani’s February 23, 2023 episode) has historically computed the said top given the preceding crypto winter bottom is now computing 79k for the 2025 top, thus the price at the April 2024 halving should be between 21 - 33k. @peterlane2721 Also the current trajectories of the moving averages on the Pi Cycle Top indicator which has triggered at every said top are aligned such that Bitcoin must decline significantly below 36k if the 79k top will be delayed as normal until Q2 to Q4 2025. Also Bitcoin has pulled back roughly 40% or more historically just before or after every halving, if that pattern will repeat.Comment: Is Bitcoin heading to $58k? Remember ~$58k was the maximum extent of the bullish extension that I expected could be plausible. youtu.be/Fymlj7c2vsk (BITCOIN WILL HIT A NEW ALL TIME HIGH!!!!!!!!) Taking Steve Courtney’s 5.3 ratio top for this 4 cycle at $79k to be inviolable, mathematically impossible for BTC to have a Pi Cycle top if it rocketed to $79k immediately. Given the red MA is the 350 DMA×2, mathematically must decline below ~$30k in 2024 before rallying to Pi Cycle top $79k. If currently in up wave B of an Expanded Flat correction, could B top $79k w/o Pi Cycle top? IOW, do Pi Cycle tops only apply to Elliot wave 5 tops? If so, wave C is going to be brutal to a lower-low heading into 2025, which nobody would expect. Pi Cycle top requires a rocketing price, not hesitations+lurches. Prior cycles tagged (currently ~ 65K ) 350 DMA×2 before halving. ============== Facetious, click bait video title. youtu.be/RUufWnEH9UE (This is super bullish for bitcoin so I decided to short it! Let me explain | OPTICALARTdotCOM) 7:00 On the monthly chart, I can drawn those three trend lines such that they intersect ~65k where the Pi Cycle top 350×2 DMA is where Bitcoin normal tags around the halving. This might be going higher before decline. Eyeballing it, looks like the orange above was ~58k at time of video and rising ~2k every 5 - 7 days depending how many days to get there. ============== No weekly topping tail this week and the week ends Sunday night. Looks like do not have the topping pattern yet. Ron said he could be wrong if no topping tail by Sunday’s close. youtu.be/m_lfrX-fiig (Bitcoin Has Likely Topped & the BTC CRASH Will Likely Begin Over The Weekend & Escalate by Next Week) Divergences are indicative that a top is near. youtu.be/P5_Me5NAWLY (The AI Bubble is About To Pop & CRASH the Markets - Investors Are Extremely Complacent | Ron Walker) I get $58 or 65k for Ron’s trend lines when I draw them in blue color. ============== If February closes above 49K , that will be a bullish engulfing candle.Comment: I watched it. I agree Bitcoin is near a top if not already. I still think Bitcoin could lurch higher, but he may be correct that $ 53.5k could be the maximum. Or Bitcoin could just roll over from here. I was hoping for a long wick topping tail though. www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjJHU51x... (The Bitcoin Bull Trap is Nearly Complete - BTC CRASH Back To 38K Coming Soon) =============== With ETH heading rapidly towards the $3000 - 3200 harmonic target I have had since October 2022, and Nvidia to report earnings on Wednesday with an implied market volatility of 11%, I am thinking that Wednesday may be the top. Bitcoin may only top out $53.5 or it may topping tail $55 - 58ish. I highly doubt the $60+k level. As Ethereum heads towards its top that is usually the last gasp for the crypto markets. youtu.be/w5kEAxf31mc (Nvidia's Results May Unleash A Wave of Market Volatility) ============ Look ETH almost $3000 now and Bitcoin sideways to down. This feels very much like a top. Bitcoin might make one more lurch to $53k, but I highly doubt now it is going much higher. I am calling a top.Comment: The following is the first attempt I’ve encountered to come up with a different pattern than Steve Courtney’s 5.3 diminishing returns ratio model. youtu.be/4cJxpt7G2_Q (BITCOIN: HOW HIGH CAN IT GO? No BS Model (Engineer Explains) | CTO LARSSON) @CTOLARSSON actually I made this same analysis a while back. Note pre-halving gain decreasing by a factor of 1.5, thus should be 1.8×15.4 = ~28k. Expecting a crash! Pre/post ratio decreasing by a factor of 2.3, thus 1.3×1.8×28 = ~66k. Thus the ~70 - 79k top of the first model will also be fulfilled! Triple top kiss of death. I have not emailed you yet about the anyone can spend destruction coming for pay-to-script-hash. I recently reexplained to another engineer, so I will send you a copy of the convo. ========== C.f. JerryMander’s comment below and my reply. “@JerryManders, skip to the last update I will post to this after this comment. I had Bitcoin going as high as ~58k. Even 64k is possible on a final wick. I was skeptical of the top not being in at 53k due to the lack of a topping tail. Crash must be around the corner.” ===== Massive rug pull incoming? youtu.be/FkGcAsi7PKk (It’s NOW LAW: The Great Crash To Start March 11th - 15 Days (w/100% Proof!)) It’s not just the end of the BFTP, but also the winding down of the Reverse Repo facility. If that combined with a government shutdown in March could trigger a deflationary flash event? theconversation.com/...anking-crisis-224092 My hypothesis is they need one more deflationary flash crash to complete the banking system centralization and give China/Japan the opportunity to dump their Treasuries at a massive profit, before the Fed becomes the entire Treasury market going forward at spiraling up interest rates (not a problem when the Fed owns all Treasuries and remits all interest back to the Treasury).Comment: I have a new take on Steve’s point about the first 2021 price top being the RSI top and thus indicating that should break the ATH now. Could be that we are headed for another double top with the first one coming right now, and then second one in Q3 2025? And this may form a quadruple top. Again based on the pre/post-halving gain model which validates Steve’s 5.3 model as well! Steve is starting to notice something is weird about this 4 year cycle. youtu.be/Mp7cJLDCgI0 (BITCOIN RALLY: IS IT OVER? BE READY FOR THIS | Crypto Crew U.) ===== Final topping tail blowoff top for Bitcoin before the halving crash underway? youtu.be/tP6KKG0OQCQ ===== My comment: youtu.be/uJe_FNl51V0 ← c.f. liquidity vs. BTC chart @ 2:55 (TEXT BOOK SETUP = $90,000 🎯) Liquidity is about to crash in March. Have you not being paying attention to the March 11 deadline?Comment: Someone reacted to my prior update (specifically the part of a possible rug pull) with a rotflmao emoji. So I replied as follows… YOU WILL BE REKTD IF YOU ARE LAUGHING AT THE PROSPECT OF A MASSIVE RUG PULL. I WILL NOT MESSAGE YOU ANYMORE IF YOU ARE LAUGHING AT THE ANALYSIS. IF YOU ARE LAUGHING AT THE HILARITY OF THE PROSPECT FOR A POSSIBLE FLASH CRASH CATCHING MOONBOYS BY SURPRISE, PLEASE CLARIFY THAT IS YOUR INTENT. Remember I had stated it could go to 58k or even 64k. I also told you that until it closed below 49k, that I was wary of 53k not being the top, because of the lack of a topping tail. I even passed along Wolves of Crypto’s and Ron Walker’s analyses suggesting another leg up when it was down around $50.8k. Also realize I have been traveling since Feb 20, from Baja Sur to LAX to Manila to Davao to Pagadian. The first and last legs were long drives. You are now missing a lot of important follow-up analysis. Make sure you do not sell, because you deserve to reap what you sow. I should not get involved anymore. Regards. ============================ Follow-up comments about in my prior update the CTO LARSSEN model for how price can go… > “@SMoore-vj7bt i agree. 300 grand isnt impossible of course but a crazy high prediction. most long term logarithmic charts have the top at 80-90g like pi cycle and a few others” @denaco the possible impetus for another 2020-style flash crash in March, is the recent uptick in inflation (even used cars up significantly with tax refund season, Carvana on a buying spree at +20% prices, as well Panama and Suez canals are under stress) thus emboldening the Fed with the BTFP expiration on March 11, the winding down of the Reverse Repo facility (which on the prior two times it was wound down in 2008 and 2020 it resulted in a severe market crash) and the prospect of a U.S. government shutdown in March. This resembles the 2019 pump and dump pre-halving, except the peak is coming later nearer to the halving, which could have the effect of luring in, fooling and REKTING all the moonboys. A flash crash to below 28k, then the halving at 28k in late April is a (shocking?) possibility. @denaco as for the price at the top in 2025, Steve Courtney had identified that 5.3 diminishing factor of the gain from bottom to the top of every 4 year cycle. I think that is going to hold, so ~79k in 2025. That is going to shock many people. But the perplexing matter is that mathematically the Pi Cycle top indicator can not trigger unless there is a very fast run up in the price. So does this mean there could be a very fast run from say 28k to ~79k in 2024 and then another flash crash and another quadruple top in 2025? This 4 year cycle is even more bizarre than 2019 and I ponder whether it is indicative of a looming anyone can spend hypothesis and game theory. @denaco I hope CTO LARSSON is reading these replies. Shockingly the Fed might even raise rates (c.f. below) and the administration needs a flash crash in an election year to force the Fed back to QE. CTO LARSSON presumably does not understand the game theory and asymmetrical economics of the posited looming anyone can spend Nash equilibrium restoration event which will destroy the scaling on Bitcoin and return it to the legacy protocol (forcing a hard fork wherein the miners take ~15 million Bitcoins for themselves). This is going to crater the price to near 0 in perhaps 2026. youtu.be/4_FxBhAgVCQ (Is The Fed's Next Move A Rate Hike?) @CTOLARSSON Apologies I have been traveling (Cabo to LAX to Manila to Davao to Pagadian sandwiched with two long drives) so hadn’t the opportunity yet to provide you the vital explanations you have presumably never read before (because I am the only non-cryptic source in the world). Very unlikely you understand the posited anyone can spend even though you claimed to have studied it, because everybody gets the analysis wrong until I debate them and rebuke all their incorrect misconceptions. Nobody has explained it correctly other than myself and cryptically by the original source Mircea Popescu (the whale with 500k BTC). ======================== youtu.be/4_FxBhAgVCQ?t=852 (Is The Fed's Next Move A Rate Hike? | Andreas Steno) 14:12 very interesting point that the wealth effect of pandemic QE has removed much of the skilled labor force causing enduring structural inflation. Immigrating non-skilled migrants doesn’t replace skilled early retirees. The West is screwed. I figure the administration needs the Fed to hike, end the BTFP and Reverse Repo, along with a potential government shutdown, so as to create another 2020-style March flash crash to force the Fed back to QE in an election year. This would also allow the Chinese and Japanese to dump their Treasuries so that the Fed can become the sole owner of Treasuries as they collapse/centralize the banking system pre-CBDC, because the Fed remits all interest income profits back to the Treasury. So they can run spiraling up interest rates from 2025 forward with the U.S. Treasuring needing to roll over ~11T of debt every year forward! This unrelenting economic pain will condition the world for WWIII. Also the system is coming to clawback, confiscate, capital controls against all those who cashed out of the workforce with their huge capital gains. ============================== Jim Rickards also says the Fed did a last rate hike tightened into recession. Fed will create a crash landing because they have no choice, as they are stuck between inflation and deflation. youtu.be/WZjB3Kv5TXI?t=220 (5 MINS AGO! Jim Rickards: "We're Seeing Something We've Never Seen Before" - 2024 Recession)Comment: Can you say “flash crash incoming”? I know you can. March 2020 repeating? As I predicted since I posted this idea on Tradingview on Oct 24, 2023. www.youtube.com...DtzlA/community?lb=UgkxkkB... > “Would you support a Government Shutdown in March if it meant a wider effort to secure the border? Share why in the comments. #BorderCrisis” 91% of 16k voters voted YES ==================================== What Steve fails to point out is that the red also crossed up above the purple in 2019, then crashed back down through it. youtu.be/ukz1NjyKH9Y (BREAKING: ICHIMOKO LEGENDARY CROSS | Crypto Crew U.) ==================================== youtu.be/twv2XPB-fps (BREAKING: IS BITCOIN ABOUT TO BURST INTO PHASE 3 OF BULL | Crypto Crew U.) REKTING incoming. Steve makes two very important points in this video. The March monthly candle must close above ~50k level for phase 3 of the 4 year cycle to be confirmed— it’s not enough for February to close the end of the month above. Secondly that the parabolic bull run of Q42020 to Q12021 was 5 monthly green candles (~151 days) which is the exact same as this current move (5 monthly green candles), unlike the 2016 to 2017 phase 3 which was about a year in duration. The implication is that this current move up could fail and we could see more double-top nonsense like in 2021. This concurs with my other analyses. Additionally Steve is reiterating his point about the RSI indicating the move to a new ATH could occur now based the measured time since it crossed down through and now back up into the key level, but this could be part of the overall nonsense of how bizarre and perturbed the 4 year cycles are ostensibly becoming. Additionally even though February is likely to close with a bullish engulfing candle, this has never occurred before for Bitcoin. Yet quarterly bullish engulfing candles have failed before. ==================================== youtu.be/B4qiPshFT0A?t=645 (Is bitcoin about to go parabolic? | OPTICALARTdotCOM) 10:45 On BITSTAMP exchange monthly time frame chart, I had on February 18 plotted your three intersecting lines along the candle bodies and I get the intersection price as high as 65k or as low as for example 58k. Thus I do not think there is enough precision to say it has flipped as support yet as it could still be overhead resistance. I just added your new cyan line and it can indeed be taken to be overhead resistance at ~58k, although precision is not exact enough to pinpoint that specific level only. I have done extensive other analyses which point to the high-likelihood that this is a massive bull trap! His indicators are useful, but he hasn’t learned how to use them correctly yet. Remember his cyan ring predicted the pump from 15.4k exactly. He turned bearish too soon. REKTING now incoming for the moonboys right when he turns bullish. I can also redraw OPTICALARTdotCOM’s intersecting trend lines to indicate a ~57 - 58k top. ==================================== QAnon: you didn't think "It’s NOW LAW: The Great Crash To Start March 11th - 15 Days (w/100% Proof!)" is a little hyperbolic and sensationalist? as if they wouldn't just find another way to kick the can at the expense of the taxpayers? Myself: > theconversation.com/...anking-crisis-224092 Was this hyperbolic and sensationalist? QAnon: they created the BTFP they can make another one if it expires and creates a lot of volatility Myself: Exactly. Now add 2 + 2. QAnon: i do imagine that the costs to kick the inflationary debt can down the road grow exponentially so there will come a point where they can't Myself: You are still missing the elephant in the living room. Which both the election year and the Fed need an excuse to restart QE. What better way than to repeat a March 2020 flash crash by raising interest rates again into a global recession, end the Reverse Repo, end the BFTP and shutdown the government all in March after capturing all the moonboys in a bull trap. QAnon: idk they probably want to keep the stock market pump going so people will vote for the incumbent Myself: People who receive stimi checks vote for Demonrats. Renewed QE sending the stock market to the moon before the election would be better than having it rollover into a recession by Q4. QAnon: agreed plus all the politicians with stocks have it in their interests to keep prices up nominally at least Myself: okay I will forward today's new analysis to you then. So a deflationary crash first in March, then renewed QE to the moon into the election.Comment: I also forgot to mention that a posited crash could extend past the late April halving, as was the case in 2016. Also if we repeat the March 2020 crash, that targets a bottom of ~21k, which is the bottom side of the possible “21 - 33k” range I calculated by a different method as well. Allessio also agrees with Ron Walker this is possibly the last leg up minor wave 5 with key 0.786 Fib retracement resistance (on the non-log chart) of $57.5k. youtu.be/E4wE_hhcdIc (Bitcoin Hits SECOND Important Target ...now what? | Alessio Rastani) ======================================= www.youtube.com/watch?v=znjRdshA... (Comments on "Bitcoin BTC: EARLY Bull Run Confirmed? - The UNSTOPPABLE Pump!") > > {my comment} Downvoted. March must close above 50k to confirm, not February. > > “@SMoore-vj7bt lol” @WolvesOfCrypto_ REKTING incoming for the arrogant bloke. Your Aussie attitude is a carbon copy of the Pizzino brothersComment: > “The only level that is consistent has been the top of the solid candles on the 3 monthly chart, which for this cycle is $58k. The top could be anywhere below $58k” Bingo! I nailed it on February 12.Comment: @WolvesOfCrypto_ you foolishly disregard that I told you the only consistent level of rejection for each mid-cycle top was the top of the quarterly candles which is 58k. You now turn bullish after being bearish right at the top, lol. @WolvesOfCrypto_ your inane intransigence reminds of the Aussie vloggers the Pizzino brothers. www.youtube.com/shorts/IrwJ1y8LFtM (Elon Musks Completely Wrong Economic Prediction | #recession | Jason Pizzino) > “Musks comment was from 2022, and he was talking about the economy not the markets. He was right on the money. And Jason, I follow you all the time and think you’re great, but you often highlight the distinction between the economy and the markets.” Exactly. Self-aggrandizing Pizzino conflates tough environment for tech and auto companies in a high interest rate regime with a stock market prediction. 🤦‍♂️🤡 ================================= Myself: Bingo! I nailed it on February 12. QAnon: Not quite! Myself: Excellent. I only sold 0.5 BTC at 57k. Time to sell some moar. I have 65k as the absolute maximum possible. If above that, then something else entirely is going on. ================================= This move is much too vertical. This is very reminiscent of June 2019. The more extreme the spike up, the more extreme the pre/post-halving correction is going to be! I very much doubt I will be wrong about this. If I am, then all the diminishing returns math for the 4 year cycle is broken and “this time is different.” Sorry it is never different— the naive and inexperienced have to learn this the hard way. I sat there in June 2019 and watched the price spike to 13.9k sitting on 50 BTC that I did not sell. It was too much, too fast, too soon. I previously wrote: > “Prior cycles tagged (currently ~ 65K ) 350 DMA×2 {the Pi Cycle upper moving average} before halving.” > “On the monthly chart, I can drawn those three trend lines such that they intersect ~65k where the Pi Cycle top 350×2 DMA is where Bitcoin normal tags around the halving. This might be going higher before decline.” If this is headed up to 79k, then it means there is a horrible crash to a new low incoming. So I do not care if I sell my last BTC at 65k and then it continues to 79k. If 65k is the top, this is likely going back down to 21k. If 79k is the top, then 13.9k or lower is coming post-halving as that will be my posited Expanded Flat correction scenario wherein wave B makes slightly higher high then wave C a lower-low! ================================= Gareth Soloway says a three daily green candle surge is often the final exhaustion move, just before the PCE release tomorrow. He says 65 and 69k are next major overhead resistance. youtu.be/bvgQhA-dmGc (Trading & Investing: Bitcoin Booms, NVDA Tops, CRM Earnings Trade, Gold Time Bomb | Gareth Soloway) ================================= youtu.be/re12cNcKLnI?t=1824 (Bitcoin & Crypto - It's Only Up From Here | Eric Krown Crypto) 28:45 and 30:54 the moving average caught up in 2019 before the corona dump. You just cherry pick a juncture where the blue indicator is above some level. I do not take your rationale as any sort of valid statistical claim. Heck you do not even have enough data samples to differentiate which metrics are statistically significant from those which are just noisy coincidence. Thus Bitcoin could still dump into a March government shutdown and BTFP+RRepo expiration, also if a posited Fed rate hike with recently surging inflation. PCE inflation data and Powell speaking this week. ================================= > > {my prior comment} Allessio also agrees with Ron Walker this is possibly the last leg up minor wave 5 with key 0.786 Fib retracement resistance (on the non-log chart) of $57.5k. > > “That guy has been wrong so many times lol I stopped following him” @sharhful Ron Walker (aka the Doctor of Dump & Pump) was correct at the top in 2021. Also he has been correct on every top and resurgence on the way up. For example he did call for another leg up on the decline to ~50.8k. He has been incorrect about expecting those tops to the final top of this rally numerous times. IOW, Ron has good turn indicators but has been expecting the next leg down since ~20k. Every analyst has a weakness, which is why I learn to use them for what they are good at and form my own holistic analysis, which you will not find above. My comprehensive analysis is multi-faceted and compiled at trading view. ================================= Fed lied last year when they said 3 rate cuts, because they were just protecting themselves politically. Economic activity towards the end of 2023 was significantly coming from the government fiscal side. All that has changed now, yet the risk-on FOMO has not yet caught on yet. Government shutdown possible in March. Woo thinks the economy can go into paralysis in the 4 months leading up to the election because of the political risk and polarization. My reaction is surely TPTB know this and thus they would prefer a govt shutdown and economic crash, which they can blame on the Republican House as the pretext to drive the Fed back to QE. Especially if inflation is rising again simultaneously which appears to be the case. youtu.be/4yJ0F44K9gg (Analyst Who Nailed 2016 & 2020 U.S. Elections Sees Huge Economic Headwind With 2024 Vote | David Woo) ================================= The U.S. headed for massive civil unrest when the 2024 election is stolen again by some means. This discussion gets really heated. Americans are increasingly pissed off. youtu.be/ZmlAuhOFUYA (JUST IN: Tom Homan Issues Blunt Warning To Migrants Who Have Crossed Into U.S. Under Biden | Forbes) www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMMR_HRE... ('As I Ready Myself For A Prison Cell...': Peter Navarro Speaks At CPAC Before Heading To Prison | Forbes) www.armstrongeconomi...erious-civil-unrest/ www.armstrongeconomi...or-lawless-migrants/Comment: QAnon2: Who would be selling? More than 60% of BTC hasn’t moved in 2 years+… I don’t see a sub $ 29k crash happening.. too much of the supply was accumulated at $ 23k+ .. wouldn’t make any sense Myself: Famous last words. Who would sell? At 69k in 2021. The whales who will dump on your ass so they can create a panic sell-off contagion, so they can repurchase lower. Did you forget the point I made that during a liquidity contagion, the most liquid assets are sold first? ======================== QAnon: that's what happens when there is less and less supply "If this is headed up to 79k, then it means there is a horrible crash to a new low incoming." I'm not sure that can be the only outcome btw foreign markets are already past ATH local top hopefully 58-59 might be a local bottom but there was little support down to there so i suspect further down Myself: “It is different this time.” Sorry never is. That is what they said at 69k, it is going to $ 150k, and I stupidly got talked out of selling despite massive bearish divergences. If this does go to the moon before the halving that will be exactly jibe with what Craig Wright said that the attack would come at a halving event. If 79k I sell all my BTC and GTFO so I do not end up REKTD with a huge tax bill from the airdrop I can never pay. ======================== QAnon2: $ 64k.. you sellin? I’m not Bitcoin moves in mysterious ways Myself: Yes I sold moar. But I still have some to sell if it goes higher to $ 79k. I also wanted to open more June 35k puts. ======================== QAnon2: Luckily I only gambled what I can afford to lose I don't own any BTC in was just trying to short it Seems like sports betting is easier than trying to catch the top lol Myself: I have June 35k puts. I have not lost anything yet. Also back at ~$ 50k I suggested you reenter long. You have to scale in shorts. We got the $47k to 38k short correct, but we had to reload when Ron Walker said to. Then we were correct to sell at $ 53k, but when Ron Walker said reload at $50.8k we had to go long again. Now we got the 64k topping tail. That may be the top. If not and we must reload for going to 79k, then the wave C back down is going to be vicious to a lower-low. Something very ominous is transpiring with Bitcoin. The ANYONECANSPEND attack may be coming prematurely? I will need to wait to see where the top is on this ETF FOMO. ======================== QAnon2: Was it really a topping tail on 64K considering the Coinbase fiasco that triggered the dump? Myself: Amazing the manipulation underway now! This is not an organic move. TPTB are luring everyone into a massive bull trap and they are going to slam this down hard pre-or-post-halving. Billionaires been selling stock as they may know what is looming perhaps in March. www.cnbc.com/2024/02...-suffers-glitch.html Responding to Patl66: > “Just love how every crypto just turned super red at the same time at around 12:35 pm 😂. It’s so fake this whole market makes is a fraud. Hopefully I can get my little share of the crypto fraud by mid 2025.” > “Feels like TPTCC (powers that control crypto) have decided to change their tactics and get as many small fish as possible into btc and they will pull the rug. They will also pull the alts rug since most will think that the newly minted money will go towards alts but in fact they will pull the plug on the whole freaking market. IMO of course” That they pumped it during the U.S. market day hours where the Millennial (to-da-moon) FOMO is maximum is I think worthy of contemplation. ======================== QAnon: we're probably gonna keep heading back towards ath Myself: It looks plausible with the top of the PI Cycle MA up there and it was pierced with an overthrow wick in June 2019. This is very, very ominous, especially at this pre-halving juncture in the 4 year cycle. This would mean Bitcoin is completing wave B of an Expanded Flat Correction, which requires wave C to come down to a lower-low than 15.4k unless the RARE Running Flat. Either way, this should be coming down hard & significantly pre-or-post-halving. Note bearish RSI divergence forming on the monthly chart if close Feb at these levels!! 😱Comment: Government shutdown or not on March 1 or 8? perspectives.agf.com...government-shutdown/ “THERE ARE NO OTHER PLAUSIBLE SHORT-TERM SCENARIOS, which raises a major wild card – if there’s no deal by April 30, an across-the-board spending cut of 1 percent would be imposed, which would hit defense spending hard. This provision was part of the debt ceiling deal last spring. THE GROWING LIKELIHOOD OF NO DEAL BY FRIDAY has stunned Washington insiders. A month ago, we thought chances of a shutdown were about 25%. Last week it looked like 40%. Now it appears likely – perhaps 60% – that there will be no deal by Friday and possibly many days longer.” www.forbes.com/sites...l-likely-be-averted/Comment: I forgot to add that OPTICALARTdotCOM also allowed for the plausibility that the price might meander up to the intersection of his two Fib circles. Eyeballing it that looks like late March and ~79k. So the U.S. Congress will pass another 2 to 3 weeks continuing resolution to avert shutdown? And then the crash will come in April after the BTFP expires on March 31 and the government finally shuts down due to impasse over the border? The American people are mad as hell about the border and are putting massive pressure now. The truckers are now boycotting the entire City of NY after the Trump case that fined trump $400m for doing nothing wrong. ======================== I had my 64k limit sell order on Bybit for USDC. If I had set it for USDT, it would not have filled. Not yet a topping tail. Looks like it will go up and wick through that overhead Pi Cycle top MA, as it did in June 2019 as well. I will double down on some more puts if make another surge up. I prefer to target the downside profit potential since IT IS SO MUCH GREATER THAN THE UPSIDE because (soon-to-be REKTD) moonboys do not think so. For me this is mostly likely an Expanded or Running Flat, thus this needs to triple top ATH. I will not repurchase to try to sell the exact top. That is for those who need more risk and more reward. I have enough now to complete my plans and my work on an altcoin (notwithstanding the new problem I have with Michelle). ======================== QAnon4: Hi, Shelby. Do you have any estimate of how high it may go up if it breaks upper MA? I am not asking for thorough analysis, just for more or less realistic figure to look at. Thank you. Myself: Draw a trend line from the two 2021 tops. Perhaps somewhere between that and 79k at the absolute max. ~70+k QAnonemo Wells Fargo and Merrill Lynch now offering bitcoin ETFs to their clients x.com/watcherguru/st.../1763265462887223740 Myself: More moon boy FOMO. The wood chipper is being prepared. trilema.com/2013/the...intless-and-witless/ You all better hope this does not rocket to 100k because that would in my mind signal a very high probability that ANYONECANSPEND attack is what will crash it. I am already getting a bit wary of this and wondering if I feel safe hodling USDT and USDC instead of actual USD. I hope the ANYONECANSPEND is either not at a halving as Craig Wright had alluded, or that it comes in 2028. But something is very weird about this and the prior 4 year cycle. I expect most will be entirely REKTD. Which is the plan of course, which is why BlackRock got involved. QAnonemo: Craig Wright is a charlatan Myself: He is a pawn who will be used as a scapegoat by TPTB who will issue the ANYONECANSPEND. They will say he moved his 1 million coins. The entire trial thing is to eventually provide the pretext where he must move them or something. He sued himself btw, while pretending he was sued. Biden pretends to be senile or maybe is. ======================== My censored comment (Steve has been me banned from commenting): youtu.be/DMyQ9WGcZBA (BREAKING: IS BITCOIN ABOUT TO HAVE NEW ATH FOR FIRST TIME EVER BEFORE HALVING | Crypto Crew U.) If makes new ATH before the halving (e.g. 79k to fit your 5.3 diminishing returns hypothesis, and it certainly looks like it will now with the RSI breaking out as you have shown) that would be either wave B of a (typically the case) Expanded Flat or the very rare Running Flat Elliot Wave formation. This means a severe correction for wave C would ensue possibly even a lower-low if it is an Expanded Flat. This development is very ominous and not healthy for the market structure. It seems to confirm the hypothesis that the first peak in 2021 was the top and the second one was an Expanded Flat forming wave A of this larger/consuming Flat that is forming now. Elliot Wave Flats can have a wave B that makes a higher high before correcting into wave C. ======================== Looking like ~79 - 81k will be the top. This will be the final top for this 4 year cycle, unless it crashes hard then comes back up in Q3 2025 for a quadruple top. youtu.be/59Rxp0_FXGU (BREAKING: BITCOIN ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING FOR FIRST TIME SINCE LAST TOP | Crypto Crew U.) Steve explains unhealthy market structure. youtu.be/3EncmIrkyCQ (CRYPTO PUMP: WILL IT CONTINUE? BE READY FOR THIS) Triple top with ATH followed by a triple bottom with a lower-low all within the 4-year cycle? Then back up by Q3 2025 to a quadruple top? ======================== The no-user-comments-allowed Ron Walker still hasn’t caught on yet, still calling for a top at every breakout level on the way up since 19k,🤦‍♂️🤡 although he his admitting could run to a new ATH. youtu.be/ztRK-BXw5LQ (Bitcoin - Important Trendlines & BTC Resistance Levels | Doctor of Dump & Pump) ======================== QAnon4: Is this really smart? Wasn't this easy to predict just a matter of when the collective phsyche of investors made their move? Inspired by IRL new like the small bank collapses Myself: Yeah I underestimated how much TPTB would push the ETF narrative FOMO. But I think they are not yet done. We have a breakout now. Why would it stop here? This will turn into a frenzy. QAnon4: If market conditions were okay , how could it stay at 15k? I understand how it will stop at the top, but calling that it goes up from 19k doesn't seem particular insightful Oh I think I misread it Myself: Huh? The market structure is how long it takes to rise. Since 15.4k, the rise has been very gradual with breakouts then pullbacks on the way up. That built a lot of market structure that is enabling this crazy June 2019-esque FOMO to go much higher than it did in June 2019 relative to the ATH. Myself: No he (Ron Walker) was calling for a top at every juncture since 19k. He has been wrong about a top umpteen times. QAnon4: Do you know the site aggr.trade? Myself: Sorry no. QAnon4: But I can surely confirm from that observation that itS a frenzy Myself: Maximum frenzy? The obscure alts have not mooned yet? QAnon4: On 5s charts there is constantly support at every previous low from 30s prior Until it spikes enough to hit sell orders Myself: I am thinking we will get a deeper pullback first with the threat of government shutdown. Then next leg up later in March?Comment: The post-halving correction will be at least the -40% of 2016, but possibly -80%, because a new ATH is an Extended or (very rarely) Running Flat. Extended Flats make new lows (i.e. lower than 15.4k). This 4 year cycle is going to shock everyone. I had been warning about this on my public Tradingview since 2021 when I identified a worrisome pattern. As for other reasons the post-halving correction could be so severe in addition to BTFP/RRepo expirations on March 31 and possibly government shutdown on March 22, I also think based on Gensler’s statements that the Ethereum ETFs will not be approved in May. This video reiterates what I previously mentioned which is that the pre-halving rally usually terminates at the upper MA of the Pi Cycle Top indicator or up to 20% wick above it. Wish I would have noticed this earlier than this past week, as I would have been more bullish along this rally. Since per my prior comments yesterday, there is a great plausibility of this rally continuing into the end of March (and the U.S. Govt shutdown was just delayed until March 8 and 22, with 22 probably the onerous one) which concurs with the logic of the following video. I do think we might get a pullback to the 57k level before this rally continues. Could be brought on by concerns about the March 8 deadline. The upper MA of the Pi Cycle Top will be ~71 - 73k by late March, so a wick above can easily take it to the 79 - 81k target price level for the top of this rally. www.youtube.com/watch?v=rafJ7R1b... (The Bitcoin Pre-Halving Rally - When & Where Will It End?)Comment: Government shutdown showdown looming finally in March. They can not kick the can any longer. We will soon find out if there are enough House Republicans with a pair of balls. And whether they will demand a bill which House Democrats will reject. thehill.com/homenews...vows-shutdown-fight/ archive.today/https:...-extension-congress/ House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) floated the extension Tuesday to Democrats, who reacted favorably — but only to a point. “If that’s what it takes to get this done, then let’s do it. But this ‘kicking the can down the road’ crap really does need to stop,” said Sen. Jon Tester (Mont.), the top Democratic negotiator on the defense appropriations bill. … “Such a proposal would almost surely trigger a shutdown, which is the preference of the Freedom Caucus, members have said.”Comment: Don’t forget that what I predicted in October 2023 for this idea, has been playing out exactly. So the -80% crash comes next. ======================== Probably a pullback to 55.6 to 58.4k before launching to ~78k. youtu.be/a4_tlF_-f5M?t=65 (BITCOIN: I'M IN SHOCK!!!!!!! | Crypto Anup) ======================== Watched this after stating already I expect a 40 to 80% correction. Notice Steve published after I emailed explaining a new ATH would be an Expanded or Running Flat, which requires a huge correction. This shows without any doubt that the 2019 to 2020 scenario is repeating as I had predicted since 2021. At most another month remaining for this rally. Moon boys MUST watch this (on double-speed). youtu.be/xILjzGm29bo (WARNING: What They’re NOT TELLING YOU About This Crypto PUMP | Crypto Crew U.) ======================== Pootin: B.T.W. Masterluc thinks that the trend is bullish noting that monthly candle closed above BB Myself: I hope you understand I expect a 40 to 80% correction but not until after this rally completes in March. Pootin: His last post (translated) Yes, a new month has opened. Above the BB and very high. This means that on the one hand the trend is very fast. On the other hand, the price will visit the upper BB back. Thus, a temporary correction up to 50k is possible, and this will not negatively affect the bullish layout. Myself: Excellent. Yes I am also expecting a pullback first, and Crypto Anup had 53+k as the range of the possible pullback before rocketing higher.Comment: QAnon: i kind of think we're about to pop up from this range Myself: It is threatening to pop right now. We will see if it will just form a second drive to 65k with a bearish divergence or break out. QAnonemo: Sold my March 29 Strike for $45k at $21,800. Originally purchased at $1,197.7 Better safe than sorry Myself: Yeah I think you had a bit more upside, but you had a significant gain there. Congratulations. I wish I had paid more attention to that every mid-cycle hit the Pi Cycle Top upper MA. I would have realized sooner that BTC was headed to 65+k. I am pattern driven in trading. You were driven based upon narratives. I never buy into narratives. Unfortunately I missed the key pattern I should have been paying attention to. QAnonemo: Interest in BTC still relatively low compared to last cycle trends.google.c.../trends/explore?date=2019-... Myself: About the same level or higher than it was at the crash from extreme rally ino June 2019. Seems like a similar pattern to me. They did not have stimi checks to FOMO into with in 2019. Had to wait until 2020/21. They are broke right now. We need a crash and restart of QE/stimis? QAnonemo: At least 80% nothing seems to be slowing down ETF purchases, OTC sales are slowing, miners are hodling more in preparation of halving, and FOMO hasn’t kicked in yet Myself: Oh so we are going to 100k then? You are so narrative driven. I tell you exactly what reverses ETF buys into panic sells. A blackswan crash in the economy. QAnonemo: {chart} $670,000,000 worth of shorts will get liquidated if bitcoin breaks its previous all time high of $69,000. Myself: Probably this entire rally has also been driven by short-covering. Everyone was attempting to short it all the way up due to disbelief of a new ATH so early in the 4 year cycle, not paying attention to every prior mid-cycle pierced the upper MA of the Pi Cycle Top indicator. Certainly the general market FOMO is entirely absent. I bet shorts will give up and flip long at the ATH. Also ostensibly noone is reporting correctly on the strange dynamic of the ETFs: www.investopedia.com...bitcoin-etfs-8358373 “So the ETF shares track the price of bitcoins as closely as possible, and the ETF occasionally rebalances its holdings by buying or selling tokens…which create or redeem shares of the ETF based on market demand. If the ETF shares are trading at a premium or discount to the actual price of bitcoins, then the APs create or redeem ETF shares in large blocks, essentially arbitraging the difference so that the ETF share price alignments with the cost of bitcoins.” So think about this mathematically. While the token supply held by ETFs is initially small then inflows are a large premium delta, thus driving much demand in the spot market. Over time the supply held in ETFs swells and even a non-subsiding level of ongoing new demand leads to a much smaller premium delta and thus much smaller spot market demand. I.e. the premium delta is ongoing demand divided by supply held by ETFs. This invalidates your naive conceptualization that ETF demand (on the spot market) is not diminishing. It is diminishing due to math regardless if flows into the ETFs are not diminishing. “Traditionally, authorized participants are large banks, such as Bank of America (BAC), JPMorgan Chase (JPM), Goldman Sachs (GS), and Morgan Stanley (MS).” APs reap more profits when ETF share premium or discount is maximum. Thus as premium naturally diminishes, they have every incentive to create massive crash in the price and restart massive selling. The Bitcoin ETFs are diabolical by their very design, because the Bitcoin market is still too small and can be too easily dominated in direction by whales and narrative propaganda bombs as well as convenient timing when the Fed stops the liquidity with the expiration of the BTFP/RRepos this month.Comment: Btw, where I wrote earlier that the opening chart for this idea is playing exactly, scroll to the top, click the Play button the chart at top of this idea, note Ethereum completed the bullish harmonic pattern to 3200+. Now we have the looming bearish harmonic patter to sub-500 to play out either this year or no later than 2026. Those harmonic targets helped me predict back in 2022 the massive crash in NatGas, massive rallies in all these markets with some precision as I explained my other published idea. QAnonemo: x.com/bitcoinmu...753244771815584?s=46 {chart} Sell walls across exchanges are thin AF. Many on my feed are expecting a consolidation or even a 10-30% drawdown at $69k. But it seems to me we are going to explode upwards instead. Tick tock! #bitcoin Myself: That’s not my understanding of how to analyze these. The move up should consume the liquidity only, which is pointing at exactly the top I expect 79 - 81k. I mentioned this many times. I have an exact calculation since October 2022, pointing to that to be top price, I just did not expect it so soon but now I do. QAnonemo: {chart} Chewing through the sell wall Myself: What part of “chewing through” is not the correct narrative did I not already explain? The manipulators only have an incentive to go grab the liquidity, nothing more. I hope you realize this is all being manipulated by (or for) the APs I mentioned previously. Myself: Snowden claims a country is accumulating Bitcoin to replace gold as their monetary reserve. How much longer is Martin Armstrong going to continue to ignore that Bitcoin is put here to replace the dollar and dire implications of that. www.nasdaq.com/...bitcoin-in-2024?time=17091... An aside for moving off-grid: naturalbuildingblog....r-no-building-codes/ QAnonemo: New yearly high! BTC just hit ATH in UK, Euro and AUD! Myself: Did you not understand from my prior comments that I think Bitcoin making a new ATH only 2 years into the 4 year cycle is a dystopian outcome? Why are you expressing so much glee about your looming enslavement? I do not share your enthusiasm for the fact that this indicated the first peak in 2021 was the end of Bitcoin’s 5th Elliot Wave {since its inception in 2009}. Bitcoin is now in correction mode. Expanded Flat corrections can make higher highs, but they are still corrective and this has implications which I presume you are choosing to believe will not transpire. The little profit you make now pales in comparison to the negative implications of what is forming. QAnonemo: JUST IN: 📈 Gold breaks $2,100 to make new all-time. Myself: Btw, I was agreeing with another vlogger yesterday that gold was about to breakout to 2400. And that gold is harbinger of something bad looming, probably a restart to QE after some induced crash, bcz gold is a flight to safety. QAnonemo: Agree, gold moving like this into a blow off top is usually right before market expansion and a correction Myself: I should have clarified that it is not that I frown on BTC making a new ATH, it is just I am not giddy with excitement about it. I am reverent in my need to prepare for a deflationary wrecking ball, and all the crap the nation-states are going to be doing in desperation to remain relevant. The Chinese curse applies, “may you live in interesting times.” BTC will be both a useful tool for us (for a while at least) but also an extremely sharp one akin to a wood chipper that we can insert our fingertips into if we are not careful (being chewed up to our armpits or beyond fully body exposure, lol). Also it will behoove us to develop a viable scalable decentralized cryptocurrency since BTC will not be scalable after ANYONESPEND. Also in case I forgot, the Power Rangers will be forced to hard fork their turd to polish it back to reset mining difficulty. I guess my reaction was do not get too excited because the greater challenges lie ahead. And it is really not clear for example that we will escape our unconstitutional “U.S. Citizenship” ball & chain around our necks with any assets intact. The U.S. doing whatever fuckery they want wherever one of their presumed subjects is in the world. If they play by the rules and only take what you think the law says. For how much longer will we have rule of law? Capital controls can simply lock everything inside. The {devolution of the} nation-state is coming after us Westerners. I think you should be more worried than giddy {or glib}. I think we have a lot of work to do to survive what is transpiring. IOW, yes I am amazed at what is transpiring but not entirely in an positive demeanor. I have mixed reactions to the radical changes the world is undergoing in an accelerated pace of late. …continued…Comment: QAnonemo: Definitely worried, but for the moment.. giddy that I’ll have more resources to manage the worries I assume the enslavement you posit is in regards to the implications of what comes along with anyonecanspend? Yeah, that’s not happening in my timeline. Not my belief, not my reality. You’re welcome for having such a positive person in your life whose belief systems will negate that outcome. The future is bright my friend, abundance on the horizon. Between AI helping to eliminate unnecessary work, and identifying new discoveries that will enable the base layer of Maslow’s hierarchy to be the standard for the majority of humans. Advancements in 3d printing and materials, regenerative farming, energy production and storage, the list goes on and on. The awakening that’s taking place and the accountability that comes along with bitcoin… we are on the verge of a renaissance. TPTB will be ignored… will be very difficult to finance war, incentivize poverty, and buy unlimited influence to prop up fuckery when you don’t have a money printer, one has to be careful with how they spend with sound finite money. You’re not plugged into the same communities I am. We're at a really interesting time in humanity right now, people are waking up to the cracks in the system… and the harder they push for technocratic dictatorship via CBDC and implementation of constraints that come along with programmed money… the faster they accelerate us towards this new renaissance. We are shifting into a new timeline for humanity as more and more people are really questioning the old paradigms, whether that be systematically or internally… The solution is as simple as non-compliance. And with the coming technological advancements and ever increasing abundance of resources, their ability to incentivize compliance dissipates. Bitcoin is likely to still move in mysterious ways as it eats all the fiat value in the world until people no longer will accept fiat in exchange bitcoin and sats become the standard… either way, the future is positive and bright… this is what I expect and welcome, and in my preparations for it, it also prepares me for the alternative dystopia… but I will be putting my energy behind the abundant future Myself: Well you are young and naive, so you can be excused for not studying history. You make severe mistakes here and I may fail to enumerate every single one, because it is 2am here. 1. You have to overcome a lot of Boomers who do not want you to change anything. You {i.e. Gill Yates} will need to kill {cull} them off first. And in between here and there, you have to overcome the dollar as the deeply embedded global reserve currency with 100 trillion of global debt denominated in dollars. And the evil ones control the Fed. They do not need anyone's permission to finance WWIII, they can just take for example the 250 billion they stole from Russia. And maybe they can steal China's trillion or so Treasury bonds. They have many ways to side-step the voting public of the USA. 2. Good thing I am not plugged into snowflake mindset communities. They are not realistic. They need to grow up first. Yes it is true that this will push the world towards a new system, but that comes after much collateral damage. Do not put the cart before the horse. Just fathom what 100 trillion in global debt defaults means. They may end up causing massive global starvation before the old system is defeated and cast off. 3. Bitcoin is not here to help you/us. It is here to enslave you/us. Wait I will cite the whale with 500,000 BTC who carried out the DAO attack on Ethereum on this. You do not seem to factor in that the world that comes after this global smashup, is a broken, multipolar world, where in some places warlords rule. Where capitalists rule, and the Gini coefficient skyrockets. You are either rich or you are useless. ALL FUNGIBLE RESOURCES ARE POWER-LAW DISTRIBUTED. Let that fact sink in. trilema.com/2015/let...n-scamcoin-proposal/ trilema.com/2015/let...n-scamcoin-proposal/ trilema.com/2015/let...n-scamcoin-proposal/ trilema.com/2015/thi...n-scamcoin-proposal/ trilema.com/2014/the...-bitcoin-foundation/ trilema.com/2014/the...inally-incorporated/ trilema.com/2015/the...uille-details-below/ trilema.com/2015/ok-...-bitcoin-disrupting/ I also hope for the brighter version of the future, but we have so much work to do, and that is not a given. The future looks very precarious to me. QAnonemo: Something like $14.3 Quadrillion is the true number if you include human capital finance They do refer to the populous as the useless eaters. Deagel says we’ll have a 70% population reduction… and we’re seeing all cause mortality soar as much as 30% in many demographics… stillborns are up north of 3000%… the food and water supply are being poisoned at an increased rate to slowly kill or sterilize, and the general public is constantly being brainwashed into welcoming it all …I hear you loud and clearComment: youtu.be/G2UF_uRPROg (7 TINY Crypto Coins That Will 15x Mid 2024 (Last Chance Before TRUE Bull Run) | Alex Becker) Bitcoin topping at 79k in March will be an Expanded or Running Flat. That means a 40 to 80% megacrash post-halving. I think the timing on these alts is incorrect. Even you agree the widespread interest will not be coming until there is a sustained move to a new ATH. youtu.be/955-DocCeBA ('Lefties Losing It': Woman takes son to vet because he identifies as a cat) But I read teachers will be deprecated by AI. Imagine most clerical jobs will be replaced with AI. We will have Tesla-bots as the teachers soon, so we could do our own school in Mexico easily. AI is going to change so many things. Also the looming WWIII will remove the USA as the world’s superpower. The USA will no longer be able to borrow and spend as the dollar will be trashed after growing very strong one last time during the upcoming global war. This is all intentional of course. Biden et al were selected to carry out this plan for the NWO. And all the lies about Uraine and Pootin to fool the faithful into supporting their own self-immolation. It just amazes me that very smart people can drink the Koolaid (and refuse to study the facts) because their heart will not agree. Heart overrules their logic. The leftists are going to become increasing loony (and they will try to confiscate everything so beware this is what Communist devolution always looks like at the end game) and they will self-immolate eventually when they can no longer steal from everyone via the Federal Reserve. The problem with leftists and progressives is they put “noble” ideals (e.g. we should respect how every “person” thingy want to self-identify) above reality and then they wonder why everything goes F.U.B.A.R. (but they are provided scapegoats to keep them clueless). Human civilization is dumb and needs periodic megadeath. Not to say that I am a troglodyte that wants Puritan fundamentalism. Both sides are extremists deluded by the religion of their belief system. The leftists always self-immolate throughout history. Unfortunately their ideals can not be reality. And this pains them. They would rather be dead than forsake their (what they perceive to be lofty/noble/ethical) ideals. Lol, the son identified as a cat so the mother brought him to the vet. Loony.🤡 {image depicting ‘menticide’ w\a brain puppeteered as enchained} youtu.be/T5zkjRlfw70 (Cultural marxism explained in 7 minutes) The actual goal is devolution of civilization as the only means by which the corrupt elites attempt to hold on to their corrupt power beyond their expiration date. The sad bit (or hilarious actually if prefer to distance myself from the outcome and take a more Machiavellian attitude towards it all) is all the (even high IQ) fooled (i.e. not fools perhaps but at least fooled) who latch onto the various propaganda that pulls at their ideological biases and heart strings. Just like the son who chooses a POTUS based on how reverent he is, representative democracy is stupid. Because we do not vote based on issues, but based on personalities. Which is dumber than dumb. Which is why democracy is so corrupted. www.armstrongeconomi...ides-so-do-families/ “This is the hated that is a deliberate psychological war tactic that they have used against our own people.”Comment: For me this chart of Bitcoin conveys extensive information. 1. Every first move to the Pi Cycle Top upper MA lead to a correction before or into the halving (which is coming in April). 2. Every time said upper MA was breached at the new ATH (as is the case now), the yellow lower Pi Cycle Top MA was very close to the upper signaling a quick move to a top— which is what vloggers such as Steve Courtney (i.e. Crypto Crew U.) are calling for Bitcoin being already in some “phase 3” with parabolic “phase 4” to follow soon. But this cycle is different in that yellow is too far below as was the case for every first move to the said upper. This strongly hints to me that this rally can not continue parabolic now. 3. Not only first time ATH was breached before halving, but also note that the first peak in 2021 was the (Pi Cycle and RSI) top, not the second peak. And measuring from the first peak gives us correct timing for this “premature” break to new ATH. But that first peak was aborted (as it was too accelerated until the 2017 rally), thus the egregious -56% correction before the bull trap rally to second 2021 peak. This seems to hint that there will be some sort of egregious correction fake out on this too accelerated ATH as well, before moving back up for a quadruple top. 4. In 2019/20, the first move to said upper MA, was following by a crash which wicked far below the lowest Pi Cycle Bottom MA, which is currently ~24k. If Bitcoin were to crash to ~17.5k after hitting the ~79k 5.3 theory target (5.13 × 15.4), then the 5.3 theory would reset predicting the projected brown trend line ~90k top for Q3 2024. Again per #3 above, suggestive that Bitcoin is in some sort of Elliot Wave Expanded or Running Flat CORRECTION from the first 2021 top.Comment: Typo: unlike the 201 7 rallyComment: Jesse Livermore’s pivotal points are where a confirmed breakout should be bought with a reasonably tight stop loss. Thus they’re not a guarantee of a parabolic move, but rather a zone to place bets on it and minimize stop losses. Note though that the resistance line must be drawn through the prior two peaks in 2021, which creates a rising trend line. I reckon Bitcoin would need to break above ~80k before Livermore’s breakout would be triggered. youtu.be/B40f5cTfFoU ← c.f. charts @ 4:39 & 7:20 (😱 BITCOIN: THE NEXT BIG BOMBSHELL!!!!!!!) jesse-livermore.com/...trading-signals.html (c.f. chart)Comment: The chart I posted in December on my published idea U.S. dies by financial repression, then hyperinflation, is interesting to consider in the context of the posited 18.6 year real estate cycle (c.f. also) which is the single-tool, toolbox hammer that ostensibly causes the obnoxious, narcissist Australian clown vlogger Jason Pizzino to view everything as a nail. Even the originator of the 18.6 year theory admits volatility increased. Note that 18.6 cycle that peaked May 1989, had the 1987 flash crash (c.f. also, and gold will breakout when Fed loses control of interest rates) in the area of the cycle that Jason Pizzino thinks is impossible to have a flash crash. Note 2008 crash of the 18.6 cycle was much more severe than 1990. Obviously there are other cycles and economic factors in play overlapping the posited 18.6 year cycle. Thus we can’t rule out for example volatility that is due to some factors unrelated to the real estate cycle itself.Comment: Hot CPI report incoming may cause Fed to return hawkish. Something amiss in your M2 leading indicator model for CPI? We have tax refund season, recent UAW strike wage hikes, Houthi just sunk a tanker in the Red sea. youtu.be/HMFm2yOndqo (The February CPI Report May Deliver A Big SHOCK To Markets)Comment: Be ready for the 40 to 80% correction rogue wave. youtu.be/cjDgWT8BC5c (The next financial CRISIS is unfolding and The Fed is TRAPPED | Brent Johnson) youtu.be/RPxG4wTyBhU?t=98 (3:00 Larry Summers next move might be upwards in rates, not down) youtu.be/ovXaIFPy-ks (Aggressive Layoffs Coming By March, Economy On Last Legs | Fmr Fed advisor) youtu.be/0Ct4w72743M (New Data Warns Major Layoffs Coming | EuroDollar U.) youtu.be/dsDksZOHqL8?t=1458 (31:00 Job data revisions hiding the rising unemployment | Ron Walker)Comment: I can’t imagine that Mike Johnson allows a budget deal for DHS (Homeland Security) given the immigration chaos and the rejection of the House immigration bill by the Senate. I think Biden’s SOTU speech made it clear he wants to paint the House Republican Freedom Caucus as the troublemakers who killed the faux economic recovery illusion currently underway. Whereas, actually the BLS has been cooking the books to force the looming rogue wave crash and sudden recession (U.S. has probably actually been in recession since 2023) but BLS under reports CPI and unemployment. TPTB need the consequent banking failures to consolidate the banking system to prepare for their privatized CBDC. thehill.com/policy/d...d-into-budget-chaos/ “In the background is last year’s debt ceiling deal — an agreement Biden struck with then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) last summer — which imposes a 1 percent cut on the Pentagon and all other agencies if Congress fails to pass a full fiscal 2024 (FY-24) budget by April 30.” Expect fireworks by March 22. Remember Greene is the one who shouted down Biden during his SOTU speech and Biden reacted angrily. She isn’t afraid of the ramifications. www.alternet.org/joh...reene-maga-hat-sotu/ ('They’d remove him': Ex-senator predicts Johnson 'afraid' of Greene as her MAGA hat violates rule) www.newsweek.com/mar...so-desperate-1862579 thehill.com/homenews...te-over-border-deal/ www.aol.com/greene-s...corum-214039643.html www.dailykos.com/sto...aker-for-Ukraine-aid =============================== www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4wYfJXo... (Comments on "Bitcoin - Let's Talk") > > {my comment} Okay let’s talk. One final move up in March (DJIA will come back up and test bottom of up trend line), Bitcoin will hit mid-to-high 70s, then a 40 to 80% correction follows. Bitcoin always has a severe correction before or into the halving after the first move up to the upper Pi Cycle top MA. > > > > Bitcoin topped in Q1 2021 (c.f. monthly RSI and Pi Cycle top indicators for proof and also the break to new ATH now is correct historically if measured from the first 2021 peak not the second). Since then in some sort of Elliot Wave Expanded or Running Flat CORRECTION. Yes this new ATH is a CORRECTION not a bull market. Bitcoin will come back down hard, then back up to a quadruple top in 2025 ~80 to 90k. There will not be 100k in this 4 year cycle. > > time will tell... seems more likely we are at 100k within 3 months than no 100k imho @camelfinance yeah it will be interesting to see if the published hypothesis I have had since 2021 holds. And yes I did publicly predicted these insane rallies with harmonic targets back in Oct 22, as well the crash in NatGas. Harmonic patterns work very well in my experience. @camelfinance the likely top is exactly 79k, which is the 5.3 diminishing returns target for the top of this 4 year cycle. All sentiment indicators such as Google trends are at the same level as this same juncture (first test of the upper MA on the Pi Cycle indicator) in June 2019. Too far, too fast, most people are not even interested yet. The markets priced in perfection of many rate cuts and falling inflation, but the BLS is trying to force the Fed to crash the banks, because the anti-taking clause of the U.S. Constitution prevents a Fed-direct CBDC. They need the CBDC to force the Green New Deal, rationing, etc. Thus they will ostensibly achieve it instead via the private sector bypassing the Constitution. Only JP Morgan is adding 500 branches while regional banks are in distress. This is why raised interest rates late and then too fast and now higher for longer. @camelfinance but ostensibly the books have been cooked to provide cover for Fed to crater the regional banks. This is a necessary step in the privatized CBDC plan. The anti-taking clause of the U.S. Constitution prevents going Fed direct. @camelfinance draw a trend line through the 2021 peaks, you can arrive at approximately ~80k which would be Jesse Livermore’s pivotal price point where either a parabolic move ensues or fails.Comment: Fed is also restoring the reserve requirement it had lifted in 2020, then is in addition to ending BTFP and reverse repos. Some experts are expecting 500 banks could over the next 2 years. youtu.be/kJ6BevBQGms (In 12 hours The Banking Crisis Begins…)Comment: The only other hypothesis I have is if we take the first bottom 17.5k and multiply it (instead of 15.4k) by 5.13, we get ~90k target. It is also possible to draw the trend line through the 2021 highs of the weekly (instead of monthly) candle bars to get that 90k target. Honestly I am worried that this looks like what Craig Wright had warned of a nosebleed top and then ANYONECANSPEND attack into a halving. But why would they do that attack before most institutions are onboard the ETFs?Comment: QAnonemo: I don’t see the top being $79k or even $90k… there’s too much money coming into the space, and too much money available to come into the space… and it’s becoming incredibly obvious that it’s the least risky asset. Opportunity cost will always be a thing. Mainstream, pension funds, corporations, dowry’s, sovereign wealth funds, etc are all learning it carries none of the risk factors that a company has, no credit risk or corporate execution risk… doesn’t carry the risk factors of bonds as there’s no currency devaluation risk. No political risk, and it’s never gonna get hit by a bolt of lightning or hurricane, most importantly, no property tax risk… If just 1% of the index makes a 1% allocation it goes to 1M … I can’t fathom the dip not being absolutely devoured and it never approaching anywhere near $17.5k They aren’t going to rug their own ETF Myself: (put a clown emoji 🤡 reaction on the above) You moon boys. 🤦‍♂️ I have nothing more to say. QAnonemo: You’ve shifted your top 3 times in the past month and a half. We’ll see if you move it again Myself: I had 79k since 15.4k, just did not think would be this soon in the 4 year cycle. I offered a crazy idea that maybe the first bottom should be used if there will be a quadruple top. Just trying to find other less likely scenarios. I think most likely the top is here and now actually. I see everyone calling for 100k, which makes it sure not going there. I have nothing more to say. I will go silent.Comment: Okay I am tired of the BS. Refute this moon boys! The outer rectangles on the Wave Trend at the bottom are nearly identical. And the last two times above the red threshold are the inner two rectangles indicating the level of crash that should be forthcoming.Comment: With U.S. Google trends for “Bitcoin” at roughly the same level as June 2019 (again indicating that this time will likely not be different than any other that the price tagged the upper MA of the Pi Cycle Top indicator for the first time in each 4 year cycle, especially taken with my aforelinked interpretation of the Wave Trend on the weekly chart), clearly retail FOMO is no where near participating at the levels they would need to be for a blow off retail top and altcoin retail mania. This is why meme and other new altcoins sectors (e.g. AI) are not going absolutely bonkers, because there is only a subdued level of FOMO (i.e. a lesser number of greater fools to rug pull and dump the musical chairs bags on). But the narrative is that retail front ran and is dumping on institutions. Actually that’s not the case. Whales are selling and dumping on retail who are buying this bull trap via the ETFs, such as mutual funds. cryptonews.com/news/...oin-etfs-bitwise.htm cointelegraph.com/ne...-bitcoin-etf-bitwise cointelegraph.com/ne...allets-lagging-kaiko Ron Walker (aka Doctor of Dump and Pump) is likely correct that retail is going to be rug pulled again as always. And then and only then, will the institutions come in and buy at the bottom of the 40 to 80% correction. cointelegraph.com/ne...dity-crisis-analysis Nothing ever changes in crypto. Wash, rinse, repeat. What is perplexing to me though is that the Craig “Faketoshi” Wright (who I think sued himself as the pretext to be forced to liquidate Satoshi’s 1 million BTC when the ANYONECANSPEND comes but he will just be the scapegoat and is not actually Satoshi) speculated that the attack would concur with a future halving event. But if the institutions are not even onboard yet, why would the ANYONECANSPEND be this April 2024? Wouldn’t the plan be to onboard all the institutions and then bankrupt the entire West with the ANYONECANSPEND to pave the way for the Fourth Turning where the Gen Z will rebuild the destroyed institutions on a new tabula rasa? I conjectured that miners would be most susceptible to a cratered price (when the protocol hard forked airdrop impostor BTC is dumped on the exchanges to cause the impostor chain to stall, forcing Core devs to centralize a hard fork to reset the mining difficulty lower else it will never reset) at the moment their mining reward halves, because they have been operating with double the revenue and double the mining difficulty. Would the ANYONECANSPEND be delayed until 2028 nearer to the tail-end of WWIII? I also conjectured that before the ANYONECANSPEND, there should be a massive increase in the BTC price to push the mining difficulty skyhigh before the rug pull. But the 5.3 ration diminishing returns theory seems to suggest that Bitcoin can’t assault 100k this 4 year cycle. This 5.3 theory has to break on the next cycle else Bitcon will never make a new ATH again after this cycle. I conjectured it might break after the ANYONECANSPEND. But could the run up into the ANYONECANSPEND break that diminishing return model? If I’m correct that there is an Elliot Wave Extended or Running Flat CORRECTION ongoing since the first top in 2021 (i.e. the second top being part of a correction even though it was higher, as indicated by the Pi Cycle Top, monthly RSI, weekly Wave Trend, etc), then the correction would be completed by 2026 and then 2027 to 2028 during WWIII could be a massive runup in the Bitcoin price to say $million? I am liking this.😬Comment: I hope everybody notes that only once did the Wave Trend stay up above the red for the duration of the 4 year cycle and that was the extended 2016/17 bull run. Bitcoin simply isn’t going to do that again. That was the extended retail FOMO adoption cycle. Been there, done that. Not happening again.Comment: Okay the first crack in the narrative that we will not get rogue wave crash. CPI came even hotter than expected! Markets priced in many rate cuts and about to be disappointed when the new Fed dot plot is released on March 20. CPI data puts pressure on call for three Fed rate cuts this year, economists say ”As of February, the six-month annualized supercore CPI inflation rate was 5.9%, up from 2.8% in August 2023, the economists wrote in a note. ‘Clearly, the inflation data are running hotter than FOMC participants were generally thinking’ at their December meeting.” Markets are 'ripe' for disappointment as disinflation momentum is stalling, says Zacks Investment Management “February's CPI report showed the decline of inflation in the United States has been stalling in 2024. Because of this, the financial market is "ripe for some disappointment" as summer months might still be too early for the Fed's first interest-rate cut” Core inflation has accelerated over the past six months, potentially creating problems for the Fed, Apollo says “Core CPI continued to decline on a year-over-year basis in February. But things look different over a three-month and six-month time horizon. For both, core prices have actually accelerated on an annualized basis, according to Apollo's Torsten Slok.”Comment: Look what the cat just dragged into the house— an elephant now in the living room! Yeah baby, this will top out ~79k and drop to below 30k!!Comment: QAnonilipino: u think it will be like 2013-14 with small top big correction then blow off top? or will that be like 2021 with or without a 2nd similar top ? Myself: My conjecture is that current moon boy ETF FOMO is not adequate (general public still reeling from FTX) for a quick second top. I think the markets will shit their pants when the Fed is forced to raise interest rates this summer (or signal no rate cuts coming). Then we get another climb back to a slightly higher ATH by 2025. I do not see any way to have a blow off top right now with the sentiment in the toilet still among the general public. Only 7 stocks leading the markets higher. And only ETF narratives pulling crypto up. The markets were pricing in perfection of several Fed rate cuts and an election year. It was just programmatic buying of indexes by contributions to retirement plans. And too much short covering on the way up. By now, both the shorts and the longs are exhausted. So thus look out below, as there is nothing to provide buying. Institutions will not buy into a massive pump, they wait and buy at the quarterly average price, i.e. when markets settle down. It was necessary to wring out all the bull trap fuel to maximize the looming crash. I think the market structure is a need for more time and/or more stimulus checks before the general public comes back into crypto. Steadily rising into mid-January in anticipation of ETF launch, 20% (10k) correction, then rockets on narrative that GBTC selling subsided and large uptake of ETFs. Two surges sandwiched with sideways bull flags. But now look at that highly sloped attempt to breakout out above new ATH and upper Pi Cycle Top MA. There was another 10k correction from 69k to 59k, but instead of surges higher with bull flags, there’s pushes to slightly higher highs, and slightly higher lows, with 5k corrections. This is a pattern of distribution and bull exhaustion. QAnonemo: These dumps are getting shorter and shorter.. Myself: Indeed. This is very bearish. Approaching the climax. And if the trend has been up, then of course the climax inflection point will be to the downside viciously. This is running out of steam: the recharges are monotonically shorter in duration, which implies that narratives, short covering and long/FOMO hodling have less resolve (aka staying power). IOW, the market is getting very uncertain. People are taking long profits sooner, and covering shorts sooner. Important observation. I should have realized that’s also what I was detecting intuitively. I would have probably eventually have noted that (near midnight here after long day, much coffee, etc). QAnonemo: His response, “https://x.com/invest_answers/status/1768289298657509509?s=12 Some other turd made the same analysis as I did” Myself: But that's not the same insight. Might be correlated to when ETF buys but IMHO it is the shorter duration between the pumps that is a critical datum. There is no damn way those ETF buys are natural demand. That is market manipulation clear as day. He found what I posit might be an important pattern. I find that bouncing stuff off others can lead to new insights. Someone notices one thing, another notices another facet. Crowd sourcing. My antennae is up open to finding data that refutes my stance. I have not been able to validate that the ETF surges have been organic. I am suspicious of everything. Crypto has proven to be one huge scam and some of the same entities that were involved with FTX are in this ETF launch, e.g Gensler. Crypto is always about combustible narratives, e.g. even Tom Brady and Taylor Swift were investing with FTX. And then… Only the privileged APs can rebalance the ETFs, so they are now armed with fuel to manipulate the spot market. The correct way to think about the crypto market (and that includes Bitcoin until the impostor soft-fork and its sycophants such as Impervious are destroyed) is one huge scam. Crypto exists to feed off the fools who lose their shirts with rug pulls. We have known this since 2015 and yet another round of starry-eyed come around again for the fleecing. Baaa. Baaa.Comment: This looks really bad. This is not being bought up as for other recent selloffs. In 6 hours that may close as a bearish engulfing candle on the daily. Bitcoin is teetering on a massive rug pull. Bearish H&S on the daily RSI.Comment: Moon boys about to be REKTD. How many times I have stated this. How many of them will heed the warning and GTFO before the rug pull? youtu.be/VysWOeE12u8 (WARNING: BITCOIN SURPRISE CRASH COMING) Cripes even Drake is pumping Saylor’s semen drop. youtu.be/9gFbRyaoKRw (BITCOIN FAILED 4-YR CYCLE WARNING: Most Are Not Ready For What Comes Next! | Jason Pizzino) My comment: youtu.be/-15cwLQPqlw (Bitcoin: $79k Top & A 10 YEAR Bear Market? - Crypto Crew University DEBUNKED!) Arrogant that you do not respond to valid comments, neither in the comments nor in your video. Fed cuts into a deflationary spike with jobs recession, not into a bear stock market. If the Fed cuts it will mean the markets are crashing. Steve Courtney is correctly expecting the end of the 18.6 year real estate cycle in 2026 (c.f. your fellow Aussie Jason Pizzino), which will coincide with another Great Financial Crisis. As for what happens next, is a 40 to 80% correction then up again in 2025 for quadruple top, before the long crypto winter that will reset legacy protocol Bitcoin killing off the impostor Bitcoin that everyone thinks is Bitcoin (most will be fleeced by the anyone can spend donation of their BTC to miners). You have no f-ing clue what is going on. Bitcoin completed major wave 5 in 2021 from its inception. It is in an Extended or Running Flat CORRECTION now, which can make slightly higher ATHs, then massive corrections, even to lower lows. QAnonemo: TL;DR: bitcoin goes up and it also goes down… but then it goes back up Myself: And then it goes to $0 for all those not hodling legacy. And those hodling legacy will have an airdrop at ~79k that they must pay income tax on after selling at $0. No man. Crypto is a wrecking machine. You simply refuse to learn. QAnonemo: Past models were easy, now we have trillions begging to come in… I don’t think this is accurate given the current landscape. Wealth fund managers do not want to keep holding cash, and now they have an avenue via ETFs to stop their dollars ice cubes from melting Myself: Drink that Gen Z Kool aid. Do you really believe that nonsense that spills out of your mouth? Really? Please try to enlighten me on how your generation is able to believe this hopium nonsense? Is there no rational skepticism? Do you even attempt to find counter facts? QAnonemo: The interviews from wealth management firms that say they literally have $7T on standby to at they intend on funneling into Bitcoin now that there is a vehicle that makes sense for their policies Myself: All narratives. No actions. The facts are that retail are buying the ETF as usual, about to be dumped on. Just like the EOS narratives in the 2017 cycle. World computer. Etc.. It is no different. You just think it is qualitatively different, because you think some guy who is associated with institutions (did you even fact check his history?) has been paid $50k to say some BS. Narratives are for suckers. Data is for winners. Charts do not lie. The actual reality is in the charts. Anyway, you go right ahead. Please increase your calls by a factor of 10 or 100. Sell all your assets and go all in. Come on! Put your money where your confidence is! Insert your arms into the wood chipper. I used to speculate on mining companies back in 2008. I heard so much BS about what was going to happen. I learned from experience that BS is the game. One more thing. $7T will come in. But over the next several years. They never tell you that part. Institutions are very conservative. They dollar cost average in over years, not weeks nor months or even quarters. I mentioned this to you weeks ago, but you seem to have forgotten or chosen to demerit the significance. Institutions never FOMO. QAnonemo: December options aren’t out on LedgerX yet. They’re available in UK on Deribit and the numbers are crazy. Even with a $148,000 price target to exit before December 27, it doesn’t beat buying and hodling to the price target by much… Which means, they’re expecting to do wayyy above that for the risk to make sense… I honestly don’t see where the money comes from when you factor in profit takers and OTC buys For me, at least right now… too risky. Safer to just time my exit from my current positions, and buy the dip and hodl the underlying asset if thats gonna at least double in value by end of year anyway More narrative x.com/btc_archi...602151310737541?s=12 Myself: Thank you for this. I need to jump on some puts. This confirms to me very near to a top. QAnonemo: More narrative x.com/bitcoinne...567223026266264?s=12 More narrative x.com/bitcoinlf...560469567684655?s=12 x.com/jseyff/st...531434258964630?s=12 Myself: They are so pumping the narratives right before the rug pull. Do you all really fall prey for this? Just FTX all over again. Remember Gensler was involved in that also. BlackRock are run by criminals and mafia. QAnonemo: 1. I don’t think all of these entities are coordinating this will to pump news for a rug pull 2. I don’t think blackrock will intentionally rug pull… manipulate the market, yes.. but those are 2 different things Time will tell More narrative x.com/saylor/status/1768009710031024202 Myself: Exactly what happened around the peaks in 2021. Saylor is a contrarian indicator. He heats up near the top. Perfect. You can see Bitcoin is really starting to struggle now. They are pulling out all the narratives to sucker in the moon boys before they rug pull it. BlackRock has every incentive to destroy as many people as they can. That is the role BlackRock plays for the WEF. You do not know that Larry Fink is in bed with all the evil ones right?Comment: Following up on that Wolves of Crypto video... Given you seem incapable of connection obvious dots, maybe I better spell it out for you. The Fed threw the kitchen sink at the deflationary spike of 2020, they have been trying to suck liquidity out of the markets without creating a hard landing. Thus for example they had the *ANONYMOUS* BTFP and Rrepo to give banks a lifeline, which they just let expire. Now the banks will need to go to the discount window which is not anonymous, thus leading to bank runs. Also the liquidity in the Rrepos was drained and many indicators of tightening financial conditions as inflation ticks back potentially forcing Fed to raise rates again or hold higher for longer, as the markets were pricing in cuts as early as March (not anymore). We are likely about to see another deflationary spike to force the Fed back to QE in time for the election cycle. Your thesis that the Fed was raising into bear market where as they were cutting into prior bear markets does not reflect the reality that the prior cuts were in recessions and these interest rate rises caused the bear market because Fed was trying to drain the excess liquidity from the pandemic. The markets are now on a yoyo because the Fed is on a yoyo they can no longer manage.Comment: QAnonemo: x.com/bitcoinmu...323289360011770?s=46 Myself: You do realize don’t you that exchange balances have been declining since covid and that a ~6B draw down over 30 days, is something like less than 5% of exchange BTC balances? Obviously the chart was representative of retail before launch of the ETFs, but it says ABSOLUTELY nothing about the supply and demand situation. This is an example of mindless orangutans citing data which they have not even put one iota of skeptical analysis into contemplating. What we have here is simply the fingerprint of BlackRock taking over manipulation of the exchanges after their prior attempt with FTX blew up in their faces. Could you all please be a bit more sophisticated? Is that too much to ask? Surely you all have the IQ for it. Why not use the intellect you were gifted? QAnonemo: “One Billy per day keeps the 20%-30% retracement away” Seems there’s a clear trend where we recover at least 50% of the dump attempts Myself: Clearly a trend of BlackRock manipulating to capture both the margin calls on the longs and the shorts. Amazingly the day did not close with an engulfing channel. So BlackRock was causing a panic sell, so they can take it up one more time. Remember I said that if the engulfing did not close, then 79k is still likely. My target has remained 79k.Comment: Selling Bitcoin at the 5.3 ratio (i.e. 5.13×15.4k) 79k top in 2 to 3 weeks.Comment: youtu.be/92zhKtHIRSM (Exclusive Trade Alert (March 11 2024) for ADA | Steve Courtney @ Crypto Crew U.) Downvoted. Steve sorry to have to disagree with you but clearly on the weekly chart, the recent pullback you’re citing corresponded to the June 2020 pullback below the 0.382 log-Fib retracement level testing the horizontal band of structure from Q3/Q4 2018 and Q22019. The subsequent move to 0.5 Fib level tested the next level of structure higher and fulfilled the W bottom projection followed by a 50% correction after the halving. Thus this current rally will terminate 0.85 to ~1, followed by at least a 50% correction. But worse note that the only two times the weekly stochastic RSI turned up from above 20 level as currently, a 60 - 70% correction ensued. You need to be more sophisticated in your analysis.Comment: Strong dollar during WWIII will not be kind to Bitcoin. Bitcoin rises as the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix only after and from the ashes of the U.S. empire no more. Moon boys need not apply.Comment: Fed will be forced this week to take away the punch bowl. If they do not, commodities are going break out which could end up forcing the Fed to raise rates. But I am seeing Bitcoin likely to make one more surge higher, thus appears the Fed is going to make this mistake? Or would the posited final surge be due to the Congress passing a budget by March 22 deadline for shutdown? youtu.be/FvmhbouEftc (The Fed May Make A Massive Mistake At This Week's Meeting)Comment: Major macro top for Bitcoin with the turn down in this indicator. Here is the absolute proof. Note this is Accumulation/Distribution is a monthly indicator, and the month hasn’t closed yet. My comment: youtu.be/T9DYCBL_PoQ?t=104 (What If I'm Wrong On Bitcoin & It Is DOWN ONLY FROM HERE | Eric Krown Crypto) Your counter point that BTC’s production cost will double to ~60k after the halving, belies an understanding that it varies w\mining difficulty which readjusts and varies w\changes in price but on a lag. Notice the doubling in production costs at prior halvings were supported by a prior steep run up in the price pre-halving. Sustainable bcz the 4 year cycle bull rally was functioning normally. But this cycle is different bcz the 2021 was the final wave 5 peak of Bitcoin’s bull market since inception. Thus as I recently charted Bitcoin is now in a series of paired Expanded and/or Running Flat Elliot Wave corrections. Yes CORRECTIONS can make an ATH before crashing anew. BTC hasn’t been in a bull market since 2021 and won’t be until after the next crypto winter in 2026.Comment: Right on schedule for the target high next week.Comment: Bearish divergence forming. 2021 repeating. One more drive to a high, then a 40+% correction. youtu.be/9mgjGkEe-eE?t=977 ← skip to 16:17 (WARNING: BITCOIN JUST PRINTED CRYPTIC CANDLE)Comment: QAnonJan6Riot: Why does a bearish divergence mean we go higher Myself: Watch the video. There are conflicting factors in the short-term. Also c.f. OPTICALARTdotCOM’s latest which still has my same target of ~$79k within two weeks.Comment: As I had warned more than a month ago: www.coindesk.com/mar...-halving-approaches/ “In the meantime, the dwindling probability of the SEC approving an ETH ETF by May seems to have demotivated ether traders.” “The current positioning being so extended is setting the market up for a VERY interesting 'sell-the-news’ halving cycle play,”Comment: Expecting ~$62k before heading back up.Comment: Might get another chance to enter long ~$70 - 71k. Resistance at ~$76-77k. Absolute possible upside is ~$80k. That cyan ring is going to take Bitcoin price down sharply. When and if cross the cyan ring from lower price levels, the bull market will be back on (in June). youtu.be/ee7IJFoDJWM (How I predicted this Bitcoin pump from $ 69k - Next upside targets!) =================== Panic correction incoming. Prepare to buy in May/June, as Armstrong predicted. cryptohayes.substack.com/p/heatwave I previously wrote that the cessation of the US Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) on March 12th would cause a global market rout. The BTFP was cancelled, but a vicious sell-off in crypto specifically did not occur. Bitcoin broke $70,000 decisively and topped out around $74,000. Solana kept pumping alongside various doggie and kitty meme coins. My timing was wrong, but like the ski season, the unexpected favourable March conditions will not be repeated in April. While I love winter, summer brings joy as well. The onset of northern hemispheric summer brings sporting bliss as I reorient time towards playing tennis, surfing, and kiteboarding. Summer will usher in a renewed gusher of fiat liquidity due to the policies of the US Federal Reserve (Fed) and Treasury. I will briefly outline my mental map on how and why April will experience extreme weakness in risky asset markets. For those intrepid enough to short crypto, the macro setup is favourable. While I will not outright short the market, I have closed in profit several shitcoin and memecoin trading positions. From now until May 1st, I will be in a no-trade zone. I hope to return in May with dry powder ready to deploy to position myself for the bull market to begin in earnest.Comment: This week must close down below $ 69k for the hanging man candle of prior week to indicate a bearish reversal in price. Thus expect the Panic Cycle move to $79k to be swift, maybe by Wednesday and then fail by this weekend! youtu.be/vyXIlZlHRx4 (WARNING: BITCOIN JUST PRINTED CRYPTIC CANDLE)Comment: Bitcoin not behaving like any previous halving. Indicator driven by Grayscale profit taking indicates a major top is in. cointelegraph.com/ne...d-multiple-indicatorComment: Near to an inflection point. cointelegraph.com/ne...oric-phase-glassnodeComment: One final bullish move? youtu.be/xN3pzJNmFFI?t=176 (BITCOIN: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT THIS!)Comment: My comment: youtu.be/jWaMlIGd_sE (Bitcoin Daily open above this price bullish! Open below bearish! | OPTICALARTdotCOM) > > “Yes, I could see we dropped after crossing the orange ring. As a comparison of this time we crossed the orange ring, we didn’t drop like the last orange ring we crossed.” > > “Yes we did. But this time as resistance. I hope you understood what i was pointing out.” @OPTICALARTdotCOM Also there was a significant drop after it crossed the orange ring. What I have been arguing to OAdotC for months is that having the two rings dancing around each other were going to act as magnets and draw the Bitcoin price to them before drops, creating a much higher topping price. I have had 79k specifically since 2022, because of the 5.3 ratio of diminishing returns from the cryptowinter to the top of every 4 year cycle. What is very strange is that Bitcoin appears to be hitting that 79k before the halving. So this seems to indicate that Bitcoin needs a huge drop before rally back up to a quadruple top at the end of this current 4 year cycle top. Anyway, the blue ring is likely to be ridden down on the inside as the orange ring can only be a magnet to the left and down at this point. As the blue ring is moving away from the orange proceeding in 2024, at some point the price will be far enough away from the orange magnet and cross the blue ring to the upside. There is no way we get a crash to a lower low on Bitcoin until towards the end of the repeating 18.6 year real estate cycle in 2025ish. Interesting the percentage of people expected an egregious crash on Bitcoin has been steadily dropping from 39% in October 2023 to like 19% now. So psychologically the market is ready for a drop to suck back in all those who failed to buy the bottom at 15.4k, who will return to the lower low hopium. Then we cross the blue ring and REKT them to the upside again. Altcoins are going to outperform on the next move up if Bitcoin is going to be capped to ~79k quadruple top.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/sjD1s7d2Dbo (Bitcoin BTC: A PIVOTAL MOMENT! - All Eyes On This…) That was very insightful to notice that triangle or wedge on the RSI, which is also visible on the daily chart. Notice also that the 4 hourly Stochastic RSI has a bullish cross up and is already back into the bullish zone, but on the daily it’s still positioned bearish. Looks like one final spike wick up to 79k then a correction into May. The measured move from the ascending wedge projects exactly to the 79 - 80k top I have been expecting since the 15.4k 2022 bottom, as it is predicted by the 5.3 ratio of diminishing returns from cryptowinter bottoms to 4 cycle tops. Strangely this top has come before the having. So what does that mean? Arthur Hayes' Heatwave blog explains why there could be a liquidity crash from April 15 into May, which could provide a buying opportunity.Comment: youtu.be/6AZrzvTSuAM (Bitcoin Price Making New Highs & No One Cares | Eric Krown Crypto) 7:44 you are ignoring the first peak in early 2013, which resulted in a 80% flash crash. Also the 55% flash crash at the 2012 halving. Something odd is happening on this 4 year cycle. Looks like double peak scenario with the ATH reached before the having. Have you read Arthur Hayes’ recent Heatwave essay? Note I also lean to ~79k first.Comment: Only a very slim thread of hope now that the pre-halving top was not already hit.Comment: My reply comment: @goodblackcat, bouncing back and forth between. Currently in the former. Posted an update. Very likely now a break out of volatility to the downside. Only a very slim thread of hope now for hitting 79k pre-halving. If so, then a significant flash correction is likely heading into May 1st. Possibly 40 to 80% down. If so, 79k will remain the upside target for 2025 and everyone will be shocked that Bitcoin does not hit 100k on this 4 year cycle which ends in mid-to-late 2025. The year 2026 is going to be a blood bath for all markets and real estate.Comment: The hope for one final thrust up remains…Comment: QAnonJan6: “I feel like the only safe time to buy is on big red candles” Except in an ongoing correction, it can be catching a falling knife or only a fake-out deadcat bounce. “New buying opportunity incoming” Buying opportunity for a deadcat bounce you mean? Not a new ATH, that is already looking very, very unilkely. If 65.4k is breached, then 63k is next possible level of support for deadcat bounce back up to maybe ~70k. The 40+% crash is likely underway into start of May as Arthur Hayes explained in his recent Heatwave blog.Comment: youtu.be/0b_6TTpz9qg (*URGENT* BITCOIN BULL MODE CONFIRMED!!!!!!? | Crypto Anup) EVERY TIME THE CRYPTO GREED & FEAR INDEX HIT 90 IT DECLINED TO 10. NO EXCEPTIONS SINCE 2018. 1:55 this looks more like January because the blue line of the indicator has already curled up or horizontal. Possibly one rejection and lower low like in January before the bottom of this correction? As you say RSI (ARE-S-eye, not “Erisay”) has moved slightly above 50 but it also touched 50 at the first resistance rejection in January. Close enough to the same? As for the H&S bottom, they actually perform worse when neckline is slanted upward and not symmetrical about the head. Thus you measure ~45% of the projected amount from the lower left side of the neckline on average, which means basically the pattern on average should fail about right where it is now up to at most ~69k. ACTUALLY THAT POSITED H&S HAS NOW TURNED INTO A BEARISH RISING WEDGE ON THE 4 HOUR CHART!!!! I prefer your bearish descending triangle interpretation projecting down to ~52k, instead of the posited bull flag. The rapid continuation to bullish extension of posited flag makes absolutely no sense here. Mass psychology that is for moon boys to be REKTD. Also wave 3 just completed thus wave 4 must be a significant correction same as in May 2021. Need a healthy correction here, not just a blip bump & run. Also the bearish descending triangle already has the requisite three touches on the horizontal support, thus does not need to go back up to test resistance again. It can break down from here. Even your descending channel has in the prior instance has a retest lower before turning bullish, which if the channel is drawn correctly the top is currently 57k. Your interpretation of the channel appears to be incorrect and not steep enough when viewed on the BTC:USD (CRYPTO) instead of an individual exchange. 8:01 your green support line is ~52k. 9:45 problem with drawing parabolic curves is you can pretty much draw any outcome you want beforehand. Whereas if I draw the best three-point curve for the prior bull market I get a perfect on the second 2021 top (unlike what you annotated). And if I do the same for the current cycle, I get a 79k level by September which could possibly the final top? Would Bitcoin then loiter up choppy sideways until 2025 while altcoins moon? 10:20 the parabolic extension beyond the new ATH has been diminishing quadratically 3500%, 1500%, 250%, which is 0.4, 0.16, and thus next 0.028 which is +7% which is exactly the recent new ATH. Thus assuming we make one more stab, will only be +0.5% thus ~78k. Which exactly agrees with the 5.3 ratio diminishing returns hypothesis. 10:40 granted monthly RSI is historically not overbought except if we compare to the second top in 2021. 🤔 Something is very weird about this cycle. I am still trying to figure what would cause Bitcoin to stall below 80k.Comment: youtu.be/_E-iym1UBAs (Should You SELL Bitcoin Before May And Walk Away?? | Eric Krown Crypto) Yes of course that’s virtually a no brainer that if the bull market continues unabated from May then the bull cycle will end early. Thus this tells you how unlikely that outcome is unless something has fundamentally changed? Again you noted yourself that the Meta signals call for ~75k only has a 30% probability. The much more likely probability is that crypto is going to be sideways to down for a while like in the previous instances of double peaks: 2013 and 2021. And yes, I do expect a double-top not 100k. I would go out on a limb and based on data I have thus far, I do not think 100k will be hit during this 4 year cycle. I am open to changing my mind if some data jumps out that me. I am searching for that datum. Note I think your point samples of comparing May of every year is daft. I should not need to explain why if you know anything about Probability & Statistics theory. Other than that, this video was okay, except that you cherry pick January when the period prior to that did correct into the lower statistical bands although maybe the contraction pattern was different as well the rise first up into the upper statistical bands (yet this recent was more extreme in that regard than January). January was radical shift in realization to the bullish FOMO catch up. We have the opposite going on now, where there market may not yet have caught up to the fact that Treasury is preparing to reload their account and cause a massive liquidity squeeze. Was that elephant not in your room already Mr. Crown? The January comparison may be valid but there may be more contraction and a deeper move into the statistical bands first. Given January was band lower in extreme, thus if this recent is one band more extreme to the downside, then my expectation of a final capitulation into the 52 - 57k range could be in play. ================================= youtu.be/jvbxqzYKOYs (Bitcoin: DON'T BE FOOLED! - BTC Is Preparing For Something BIG) 6:00 nuance but more accurately stated the Fed never raised rates and held them high while the bear market bottomed. They raised them into bear market before, e.g. 1982 but quickly reserved into the bottom. Thus indeed this time is different in that sense. The nuance is important because it is indicative of the fact that what has actually changed is the U.S. govt is running massive deficits throwing money out the window like there’s no tomorrow. Also international capital is stampeding into the dollar markets as a safe haven to escape the collapsing global economy and world war. Actually I do not think that the rate cuts are actually bullish. Rather impulsive moves up in rates create knee-jerk impulsive moves down in risk-on markets, but normalization is a continual FOMO back into risk-on. As the looming Treasury account reload proceeds, this is going to temporary draw massive liquidity out of the market— the elephant in the living room that you were not aware of but now you are. Thus expect more downside unless the market has already priced that in? 11:08 can you find any instance in Bitcoin’s history where that sort of pattern we see since March has not been a top with a significant correction at least ~30%? That looks very similar to April 2021, right before ~50% capitulation back down to the level of horizontal support on the way up. If that repeated, then Bitcoin needs to come back to at least ~50k if not ~40k. Yet this time we can look further right to the prior bull market for horizontal support because the ATH is so marginal thus far. Thus the ~50+k or ~55+k levels looks likely? Make sense? =========================== youtu.be/THWN2580UvU (Bitcoin’s Chart is Hiding a MAJOR Clue (and few are paying attention)) youtu.be/ypKzHYwuaDk (A Key Pattern Forming Now on Bitcoin (what it means)) @alessiorastani Alessio do not forget the 5.3 diminishing returns ratio theory (from Steve Courtney). Is it possible that Bitcoin does not make above ~79k during this cycle? For example, let's posit that the double peak scenario of 2013 and 2021 is repeating. So Bitcoin declines now to maybe 52 - 57k, then sideways for months while some altcoins rip higher followed by Bitcoin final rip later in the year with the rest of the laggard altcoins?Comment: youtu.be/aURTnrqmbYE (8 Year Resistance BREAKOUT! - When Will ALTCOIN SEASON Begin? (BTC.d)) There is no breakout of BTC.D on the log-scaled chart. BTC.D includes stablecoins, thus it is misleading. If I do CRYPTOCAP:BTC divided by (TOTAL3-USDT-USDC) I find bearish divergence. However for BTC divided by OTHERS, not clear bearish. So it seems altcoin season is about kick in at least for the top altcoins. ==========================+ Excellent. youtu.be/pzEsXXgXYVE (SPY QQQ Weekly Update | Henry James) Sell-off also because the market realizes there will not be any rate cuts this year and interest rates have been going back up along with CPI. PCE report this Thursday could come in hot, so any bounce early this week might fade. Eventually bull market will be back on and shrug off the rising inflation, because the narrative will be the recession is not coming and the economy is strong. ========================+ Ron Walker thinks the S&P might bounce, but Mott Capital is making a strong case that a hot PCE/GDP this week could rattle markets even more. youtu.be/MPjbDEJKhUY (This HASN’T Happened To The Market In Almost 50 Years...) ======================== This relief rally is probably a trap and a fake-out. youtu.be/k3d_2cPJMx0 (❌ Bitcoin: The Next Big Bombshell is About to Happen!!!!!! ❌) ======================= Clearly the Wave Trend has a rejection and will need to come down if keeping with the prior rejections. youtu.be/w0BYuO_FTkM (BREAKING: WAVE TREND REVERSAL | Crypto Crew U.) ========================== Looks like a repeat of 2013, with crash that should come down 30 - 40% and historically to the blue MA which is currently ~50k. Same as 2013, Bitcoin would be sideways most of the rest of year before eventually rocketing back up for final top ~79k. youtu.be/tqBp9-KjORc (WARNING: BITCOIN FLASH CRASH – IS IT OVER OR ABOUT TO GET MUCH WORSE | Crypto Crew U.)Comment: Potential bearish hidden RSI divergence on the daily. Back down we go?Comment: Volume is decreasing. The bearish divergence still exists on the daily because the daily close was lower than the intraday wick. youtu.be/b1aE69UIr68 ← c.f. from the 9:45 mark (Bitcoin crash or die out, important 24 hrs ahead for crypto - SP500 bottom?)Comment: My comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty5VdIDT... (Comments on {Bitcoin's Price Floor Is Moving Higher | Eric Krown Crypto}) Price dropped 34% below the post-halving electricity cost in 2016, ~19 days hence. The electricity cost starting moving down as non-profitable miners starting shutting down, reducing the hashrate (i.e. causing a contagion of selling) and thus electricity required to win a block. A 34% drop from ~71k would be 41k, which is the level of support I had identified on my chart more than a month ago. You shouldn’t compare to 2020 because the price was swinging from a massive black swan crash, thus momentum was strongly up. Whereas, right now momentum is swinging to strongly down. The correction may have only just begun. Bitcoin takes its time doing what it’s going to do, especially during this 4 year cycle, it has meandered slowly before it suddenly went parabolic. Might see comparable behavior to the downside. Right now everyone is expecting a quick move to 85+k— the greed is palpable and the Greed & Fear index has always come back down to 10 after hitting 90. No exceptions. Ruminate on that statistic Mr Laser Eyes. As for interest dropping off, the inflows and outflows from ETFs have plummeted. You are noting that retail FOMO hype seems to be subdued but the ETFs drove this rally, not retail. Retail may not be coming this cycle, because they are hurting. No stimi checks. High interest rates. 8:35 good to hear that you’re not convinced by the stochastic pivot up a.t.m.. At least you’re being somewhat circumspect. My a.t.m. Elliot Wave hypothesis is April 12, 2021 was the top (and final top since Bitcoin inception) right on the Pi Cycle Indicator top. Since then, in a A-B-C expanded Flat correction. Contained within that was a minor A-B-C correction with wave B forming the second slightly higher high in 2021, and wave C the 15.4k bottom. Completed minor wave A of major wave B of the overall major A-B-C, i.e. a second minor A-B-C. Incoming minor wave B correction, to be followed by minor wave C completing major wave B of the major expanded Flat.Comment: My comment. youtu.be/DiJhfSHnFrk (Bitcoin: Is BTC Still In DANGER?) As you pointed out that ~60k support level is getting weaker and weaker on each subsequent test to downside. The last retest breached it severely and loitered down there much longer. Greed & Fear index has always come back down to 10 after hitting 90. No exceptions.Comment: youtu.be/qQeWAR5V6Zg (BREAKING: PI CYCLE TOP INDICATOR LATEST | Crypto Crew U.) Steve looks like Bitcoin should come down to at least the 111 DMA as support @ ~57k. I wanted to posit it would be range bound between the upper 350×2 DMA and lower 111 DMA of the Pi Cycle indicator for several months— possibly nearly horizontal as 111 DMA slowly grinds higher with the 350×2 DMA leveling off. This could cause altcoins to skyrocket. However, this is mathematically impossible as if the Bitcoin price does not drop below 40k, then 350×2 DMA will rise. Thus either the cycle top is going exceed your 5.3 ratio theory projection of ~79k, or Bitcoin will crash down as was the case in 2019. Or the Pi Cycle indicator simply will not trigger this time, because Bitcoin might be in an Expanded Flat correction and thus no top this cycle, as this entire 4 year cycle could be a correction. Expanded Flats can make higher highs.Comment: youtu.be/JtphNHrO0TE (This Won’t End Well… | Game of Trades} Have the Bitcoin and S&P 500 corrections completed already?Comment: Arthur Hayes argues that the correction is a massive opportunity and that the money printers will go Brrr. And crypto will moon. cryptohayes.substack.com/p/left-curve ====================== I previously wrote: “10:20 the parabolic extension beyond the new ATH has been diminishing quadratically 3500%, 1500%, 250%, which is 0.4, 0.16, and thus next 0.028 which is +7% which is exactly the recent new ATH. Thus assuming we make one more stab, will only be +0.5% thus ~78k. Which exactly agrees with the 5.3 ratio diminishing returns hypothesis.” Even when I measure this another way, and use 350 = (2400 = ~8100^0.87)^(0.87*87), I get 25 = ~350^(0.87^4), which again projects the top of this 4 cycle at ~79k. But let’s not forget CTO Larsson’s model, which predicts 5× gain = 1.3125×3.8 where 1.31 = 3×0.43. So that would be ~92k by ~516 days after the halving. My comment: youtu.be/4cJxpt7G2_Q (BITCOIN: HOW HIGH CAN IT GO? No BS Model (Engineer Explains)) Interesting ETH’s post-vs-pre-halving gains appear to be increasing, thus projecting ETH to hit ~5 - 7k on this 4 year cycle?Comment: I wrote: “But let’s not forget CTO Larsson’s model, which predicts 5× gain = 1.3125×3.8 where 1.31 = 3×0.43. So that would be ~92k by ~516 days after the halving.” Few thoughts about that prior most reasonable analysis. 1. The first peak in 2021 was hit 331 days after halving, so that would project to March 2025, with the final second peak in Sept. 2. That ~92k level corresponds well with the blue line projection of the 2021 double-tops as annotated on my chart below. 3. There’s no way to get a Pi Cycle top at only ~92k, unless Bitcoin were decline much lower than ~46k before a nearly vertical price move to 92k. So either the Pi Cycle top will not be triggered on this 4 year cycle, or the Bitcoin price is going much, much higher. I lean towards the former, which is why I would prefer to go more heavily into altcoins on the post-halving phase of this 4 year cycle. 4. I do have a support channel that could have Bitcoin dropping to ~46k on this post-halving correction. As long as posited wave 4 bottoms (i.e. ends) above the ~31k top of posited wave 1, then the posited 5 wave structure remains intact. That’s not to argue that I think price will drop that far. 5. The 2016 post-halving correction wicked down 18% below the Pi Cycle 111 DMA. A repeat of that would bring Bitcoin down to ~46k.Comment: twitter.com/ZssBecke.../1782792113769357340 The S&P is continuing up. There’s nothing to send it down. Tons of sidelined money to push it up. Bitcoin follows the S&P at a higher multiple. Mid/low caps follow bitcoin at a 10x-30x multiple. If you fumble this your fooking dumb. I think he is forgetting L1 scaling is also very hot, e.g. SOLana. twitter.com/ZssBecke.../1782780116398903687 It’s just so silly obvious that we’ve hit an accumulation period before a continued bull later this year. It’s so obvious the narratives will be AI, gaming and (unfortunately) memes. I frankly don’t know how to make content for this. It’s so damn basic n easy it doesn’t even need to be explained. Stick to obvious. twitter.com/ZssBecke.../1782780614824821226 I’m not touching memes. Making your nut in AI/gaming is simply way more predictable/less random. Memes can give way higher multiples if your right, but it’s total unpredictable chaos. ======================================================= I previously wrote: “Interesting ETH’s post-vs-pre-halving gains appear to be increasing, thus projecting ETH to hit ~5 - 7k on this 4 year cycle?” I previously wrote: “Several thoughts about that most reasonable analysis. 1. The first peak in 2021 was hit 331 days after halving, so that would project to March 2025, with the final second peak in Sept.“ DOGE’s post-vs.pre-halving gains also increased in the prior 4-year cycle bull market, reaching ~35× on first peak and ~300× on second. But perhaps we should be wary of that repeating because perhaps driven by stimi checks and other ways that govts flooded money into the system during C19. Reasonably tho it’s difficult applying the same model to not see DOGE have at least a 10× gain for the remainder of this bull market, if not just into the posited first March 2025 peak. DOGE historically underperformed before the halving, then eventually goes face-ripping rockets post-halving. Everyone is really down on Cardano right now (primary because it lacks Solana’s scaling but they are working on it), but ADA also historically underperformed pre-halving and then face-ripping rockets post-halving. I have a ~5 - 6 target for ADA. Appears ADABTC has finally bottomed.Comment: Has the S&P 500 correction bottomed?Comment: 2Y about to break up to 5.25%? youtu.be/LunHCXyS7jE (Rates Are On The Cusp Of A Massive Break Out)Comment: I previously wrote: “There is no breakout of BTC.D on the log-scaled chart. BTC.D includes stablecoins, thus it is misleading. If I do CRYPTOCAP:BTC divided by (TOTAL3-USDT-USDC) I find bearish divergence. However for BTC divided by OTHERS, not clear bearish. So it seems altcoin season is about kick in at least for the top altcoins.” They never stopped QE…just shifted the mechanism to banks monetizing Treasuries BTFP. Someone wrote: “alts will probably bleed into btc until they start QE” Again ADABTC was posited to be at long-term support: Bitcoin Dominance against altcoins not ETH, USDT, USDC has bearish RSI divergence as it did in January 2021: Even on the monthly, which was not present in 2021: ETHBTC and SOLBTC are basing with bullish RSI divergence: FYI, SOLUSD looks like ~300 - 400 target, slightly more upside than ETH ~5 - 7k.Comment: I do not entirely trust this guy, but he argues there is still more downside and a possible contagion sell-off He has 5100 at the max upside of this deadcat bounce on the S&P. A horrible earnings report by Tesla at the market close today could possibly be a catalyst. youtu.be/fLcy-53Wj1M (Market Meltdown Imminent: They Are Dumping Everything (And Why It's About to Get Much Worse)) =========================== My interpretation is that some major economies outside the U.S. are weakening, which combined with U.S. interest rates rising due to stubborn price inflation (due to egregious fiscal spending), thus US dollar appreciating. Which in turn will cause price inflation to decrease given the U.S. a significant net importer. Thus eventually providing the cover for the Fed to ease (such as in the manner Arthur Hayes had posited) enabling dollar and interest rates to decline, and risk-on markets to resume their bull market. In summer, there is flash correction underway, probably not yet at its climax apogee. youtu.be/-i1EpHofy6k (Global Leaders in Turmoil as Looming Catastrophe Escalates)Comment: youtu.be/bGZMLDCEr5M (Bitcoin rejected, crypto crash and fade continues (here’s your chance) | Jason Pizzino) 15:35 All your analysis herein was reasonable, but your claim that those who think ADA could rally to $5 are "idyuks" is actually your Dunning-Krugerness. If you actually look at the ADA chart, you will realize it historically underperforms pre-halving, then massively outperforms post-halving. Also the ADABTC chart has hit the long-term support line finally. The reason is Cardano’s scaling is still forthcoming so that it can compete with SOLana. Ditto DOGE which underperforms pre-vs-post-halving. DOGE will at least 10 times gain post-halving. Anyone can speculate on what the catalyst might be, perhaps Elon adding crypto wallets to X? youtu.be/oIWbnRrNhsg (How Bullish Is Bitcoin's Bull Market. Expect This In May | Eric Klown Cryptoad) Eric Klown Cryptoad, the probability of the cycle being over is near nil. But based on the ratio of pre-vs-post-halving relative historical gains, Bitcoin should top out ~92k in 330 to 516 days from the halving. An altcoin season is likely to kick in with Bitcoin underwhelming the rest of this cycle. “Anything below ~63K & the BTC miners are losing. Fees are already bad enough, post halving.” @Ambassador_Gkar price dropped 18% below the miner's cost basis in 2016 post-halving. Subtract 18% from 71k and you will know the likely bottom of this correction. Unprofitable miners shut off their mining machines which reduces the cost of mining. Problem is so many people who regurgitate that incorrect trope (nonsense), do not even understand the math of how proof-of-work actually functions. Duh.Comment: 34 seconds clip: youtube.com/cli...2DwhiEt8_ASqTO6?si=CWfCknw... (Crypto asymmetric gamble | Alex Becker) 44 seconds clip: youtube.com/cli...rtIWX3AzLDnXaPf?si=akw9zO6... (~70+% sh8tcoin corrections | Alex Becker) 58 seconds clip: youtube.com/cli...OOsz_0vsXWa6W2v?si=S7ESYHk... (Bullish election year | Alex Becker) 18 seconds clip: youtube.com/cli...y0cTf60VG8mC2nn?si=OJanYFR... (Further down then $90+k | Alex Becker) 60 seconds clip (or 30 seconds on 2× speed): youtube.com/cli...s1dvn54_9sogieo?si=YTDcR_S... (Cardano bag hodlers prepping for the $5 moonshot | Alex Becker)Comment: Market is shifting towards altcoin season. Remember if draw that trendline on the log-scaled chart, there's no breakout. youtu.be/w83fsO1Dh9Y (Buying BITCOIN vs ALTCOINS Right Now - You Need To PREPARE!) ========================== youtu.be/Tn1ndUXNies (The Altcoin Reckoning | Benjamin Cowen) Ah good ole Benjamin Cowen. He does not see the elephant in the living room. Per the Wolves of Crypto video I just shared, Cowen does not realize that confluence of new ATH and halving demarcate the start of altcoin season. Also there is RSI divergence now, which was not present the prior time at this level pre-halving that Cowen is referring to.Comment: 1. Cardano (ADA) acquire 0.38 - 0.41 (or anything below current price 0.47) with upside target 2 - 5.5. Above 2.3 - 3 then 4 - 5 most probable. 2. DOGE acquire 0.105 - 0.13. Minimum target is prior ATH 0.66. Believe it or not I have identified a pattern indicating ~4.5 or more final top. I can’t guarantee that it won’t decline ~0.075 first but seems unlikely. 3. SOL(ana) acquire 104 - 120. Minimum target after ATH is 325. Likely 385+. My maximum target is 667 based on some patterns and measurements. Alex Becker said 800 (youtu.be/Vmg7BZ4LfOU?t=976). 4. ETH(ereum) acquire 2500 - 2700. Target 5 - 7k. 5. Alex Becker (youtu.be/yshWpJFQ6nM?t=1455)’s choice (docs.google.com/docu...I3C6ernugLJi3R8/edit) Blockchain Bets (BCB). Will require signing up with Mexc (coinmarketcap.com/cu...ies/blockchain-bets/) (ostensibly no KYC for small accounts), unless want to mess around with Uniswap. Acquire 0.010, 0.0135, 0.015 - 0.018. Targets 0.16 minimum. Likely 0.23 - 0.50+. This seems like too much hassle and risk than DOGE, except this legitimately might 100 to 1000 times gain. DOGE will do at most ~30 times. Has very low liquidity. Do not put too much into this, e.g. 1K enough to justify hassle with +9k gain likely, +99k possible and +999k if hit jackpot. Personally I think it’s nonsensical that a blockchain sports betting service could eventually have a 1+ billion mcap but crypto mcaps aren’t based in reality anyway. DraftKings has a 20B mcap though. 6. … =================================================== Pretty much the only chart that needs to be watched to determine which direction Bitcoin is going. When TGA is being filled, BTC down, then being spent or head steady, BTC up. There can be other factors such as whether filling TGA by draining from reverse repos instead of private sector, etc.. cryptohayes.substack.com/p/heatwave fred.stlouisfed.org/series/D2WLTGAL =================================================== Ah! Arthur Hayes was close to understanding what they would do, but now the clarification. The tax receipts were much higher than expected, which has helped drain liquidity at the same time that interest rates are spiking due to resurging inflation. But that will enable the Treasury to announce next week that their expected debt issuance over the next 3 months will be lower. This will drive a short-squeeze on Treasury bonds which will cause interest rates to plummet back down! All while Treasury will spend down the TGA in a massive stimulus between now and the November POTUS election. The financial conditions will ease without the Fed needing to cut rates. The market might misinterpret this initially as rates falling due to incorrect expectations of hard landing recession incoming, which could provide for another capitulation sell-off in May or perhaps June. Looks like the volatility (i.e uncertainty) is going to peak anytime soon. Could even be the first week of May. I will be DCAing the dips. Likely ~58k Bitcoin incoming and the altcoin buy price targets I recently provided. archive.ph/https://w...t-meltup-next-mondayComment: Again I am expecting BTC to possibly come back down one more time to bottom of my diagrammed parallel descending channels: a bullish chart pattern. Maybe not? But I see bearish divergence on 4 hourly with stoch RSI cross to downside perhaps looming. Already crossed down on hourly and nearly so on the two-hourly (tho these timeframes can and often do cross back and forth at overbought levels indefinitely). I had shared (on my private Telegram discussion group) other info indicating ~55k is plausible. I would seem odd not to retest lows one more time to maximize fear and panic before bottom of correction. ======================================= Very close to a bottom, if not already bottomed. Could possibly have already bottomed depending on how I draw that large ascending parallel channel for this bull market since the 15.4k bottom. Daily and Weekly stochastic RSI preparing for bullish crosses. Note the prior instances whether the price moved lower. Ignore bear market instances, because crypto is still in a bull market.Comment: Posted this last night else where. Just getting around to copying it to Tradingview. Anup is now seeing what I am seeing, except I think the bounce might only be to the dashed median line, then retest down only to ~55k, then up and break up out of the channel. I don’t think the price is going to drop to 50 - 52k, but I will change my mind if the price action drags out too long in duration. youtu.be/c4m5NwJ6QpQ (*ALERT* BITCOIN: SELL NOW!!!!!!!!?) ============================================= Arthur Hayes followed up on Apr 25: twitter.com/CryptoHa.../1783701769371185274 What games will Yellen play, here are some options: 1. Stop issuing treasuries by running down the TGA to zero, that is a $1tn injection of liquidity. 2. Shift more borrowing to T-bills, which removes money from RRP, that is a $400bn injection of liquidity. 3. Combo of 1 and 2, issue no long term bonds, only bills and run down TGA and RRP at the same time, that is a $1.4tn injection of liquidity. The Fed is irrelevant, Yellen is a bad bitch, you best respect her. If any of these three options happen, expect a rally in stonks and most importantly a re-acceleration of the #crypto bull market. The following essentially explained that they tried to make the Quarterly Refunding report look ominous but in fact it is right in line with what Hayes has been expecting. Do you really think Yellen will have $850B balance in TGA at end of Q3? Why not backload into Sep! She might but perhaps sometime in August after she has drained it to near $0, she starts blitzkrieg bond issuance which crashes all the markets into Sep/Oct, which they can blame on expectations of a Trump victory claiming the Democrats need to win to restore order and reflate the balloon. www.zerohedge.com/ma...elow-median-estimate Ahead of today's big event - the Treasury borrowing estimates publication - we said that contrary to hyperbolic expectations of $300BN in revised Q2 funding needs and a whopping $1.2 trillion in Q3, the most likely range of Q2 and Q3 borrowing estimates is as follows: a ranges of $120bn to $240bn for Q2, and $650bn to $850bn for Q3, to wit: … But wait, there's more, because while the Treasury projects $750BN cash balance at end of Q2, this number rises to $850BN at end of Q3, and since the streetwide estimate for Q3 end of quarter cash was $750BN, this suggests that the real funding needs (on an apples to apples basis) is actually $747BN, which is below the median Wall Street estimate The above is referring to the below. archive.ph/https://w...g-estimate-3pm-today …a firely but nerdy clash - with potentially huge consequences - has broken out within the rates market between those who expect the Treasury to surprise to the downside with its upcoming Sources and Uses forecast (like us, for example, as discussed in "How Janet Yellen Will Unleash Another Market Meltup Next Monday"), and a splinter group which expects far greater borrowing estimates to be unveiled by Janet Yellen 6 months before the election (and in doing so sending yields soaring, stocks tanking, and generally tanking the Biden admin at the worst possible moment). We won't go over the specifics of the former, since we already did that in great detail last Friday; we will instead focus on the recent view that today's Borrowing Estimate statement (due at 3pm ET) may come as a shock surprise to the upside according to some, who expect a Q3 borrowing estimate as high as $1.2 trillion. … the new borrowing estimates could begin to include the estimated buybacks for the quarter…initial purchase sizes are small…should not impact the Treasury’s coupon issuance. As the program matures and purchase sizes grow larger, they could eventually be factored into the Treasury’s overall issuance strategy. * * * …the immediate future, which is as much financially-driven as it is politically: after all, what servile Treasury would pull the rug from below its own president 6 months before the election, sending yields surging (let's be real: if borrowing needs come in higher, the Treasury can just revise them after the fact instead of guiding higher and sparking a bond selloff) and forcing the Fed to sound even more hawkish on Wednesday. But with that in mind, and considering Trump's arrival in the White House at the end of the year will spark total market chaos, keep in mind that the long term trajectory US debt issuance is very ugly...Comment: Do you guys understand what the prior posted means? “... and getting uglier by the day, and that while yields may drop today and even in the next few days/weeks as the Treasury "manages expectations" like the best corporation, the endgame is all too clear.” Both Hayes and Zero Hedge are positing the US Treasury will unleash massive liquidity over the summer potentially up to $1.4T (heck the 2020/21 level was only $1.6T) while borrowing short (probably from RRepos) to buy back the long-end of the curve (e.g. 10Y Treasury bonds) which this along with the Fed announcing today they would reduce QT (i.e. selling Treasury bonds) from 60B to 25B (per month) Is all designed to decrease interest rates (especially home mortgage rates) keep the yield curve inverted (because uninversion precedes a recession crash). This is why Japan has been allowing the Yen to crash w.r.t. USD because for JCB to protect the Yen, they must sell 10Y Treasury bonds! You see all the mofos are cooperating prevent a crash before Sep, so that they can claim the incumbent should win the POTUS election (whether Biden does or not, he will “win” regardless so this about optics). Also this is about prepping for a significant crash and liquidity crunch around the time of the election, which will serve several very important goals.Comment: alternative.me/crypt...ear-and-greed-index/ I previously stated that in the prior cycle (since this chart’s inception) a reading 90 or above, always crashed to 10. But actually the correct statement is a reading 95 crashed to 10 or below, but a reading 85 crashed only to 39. And the latter corresponds more to the current juncture in terms of position in the 4 year cycle. Thus looks like very close to a bottom if not already bottomed. ===================================================== Aussie Jason Pizzino (filmed at the beach on the Gold Coast) is thinking mid-May for a bottom, 3-4 months for the next top and end of wave 5 . His target price levels are 56k (50% retracement), then maybe 52 - 53k. youtu.be/v21HASLUSg0 (Bitcoin dumping, giving up on crypto (trader’s response)) ===================================================== Pizzino’s hint to check the Fib levels has possibly/ostensibly provided more clarity for me. On this log-scaled chart the blue trend support lines are higher than on my prior non-log-scaled chart. But the Fib levels are non-log-scaled else they make no sense. So the 0.5 was hit and golden pocket (0.618) was hit on the way up so not likely a target on retracement. Thus if I measure from that 0.618, I get a 0.782 level exactly at the next expected support ~55k over the weekend! So if 56.4k wasn’t the bottom, perhaps a bounce to 59.5 - 60.4k, then down into the weekend for the final capituation ~55.5k? As seen on my chart, an exact repeat of Apr 13 to 17. ===================================================== Fed reduced QT from 60B to 25B as Arthur Hayes had predicted (cryptohayes.substack.com/p/heatwave), also a crash from April 15 to May 1. Their posited BTC channel later invalidated as markets digested FOMC meeting. My 1st chart shows bounced off a key level. Possibly one more leg down to ~54 - 55k after multi-day bounce 60+k? Interest rates and DXY (dollar) limited upside as I’ve also posited. Armstrong said a recession starts in May, so will they kick-the-can into end of Q3, then allow the crash, which they will fix after the election with massive stimulus and possibly launch of UBI+CBDC dystopia? If BTC crashes to ~47k, 73.5k would be top of wave 5, c.f. my 2nd chart. Even if so, and if BTC makes new ATH (73.5 + 4500 = 78k? Steve’s 5.3 ratio target!), new ATH could still be wave B of an A-B-C wave expanded flat (didn’t diagram this on my chart): wave C -55%? Federal Reserve Interest Rate Decision: Market Impact Analysis LIVE with Gareth Soloway & DR. BComment: youtu.be/el1Tvhk7Tws (If Bitcoin does not hold above these key levels its game over for bulls!) I believe BTC will pump up through the blue ring for another ATH into end of Q3, then crash down to test the blue ring or your major support lines as support into the election, then dead cat bounce to another final ATH 6 months later for a double-top repeating the 2021 double-top. I just can't fathom the administration allowing a market crash in an election year. They will drain the massive TGA instead while delaying bond issuance to Q4. Note foreboding omen of the massive gravestone doji on the bimonthly chart! But the weekly stochastic RSI is pointing to one more leg up, also that this is only wave 4 correction of the 5 waves from the 15.4k bottom. I also via other metrics have ~55k as the last line in the sand for this bull market. ===================================================== QAnon, {5/1/24 1:27 PM} Yeah I don’t think we stabbed down far enough for “capitulation” myself, {5/1/24 1:27 PM} There is a lot of accumulation of altcoins though. They are strengthening. I think one more push down on Bitcoin is possible. 50 - 55k would be ideal. Price can not go below 47k unless this bull market is no longer intact, which I doubt because this is wave 4 only. ===================================================== First descending monthly CPR since the bottom. First level of support on that indicators is at 55.6k. Will need a massive bullish reversal to turn that Williams Alligator indicator back to bullish. Else it could be the start of long downtrend. Note descending triangles don’t always meet their projected targets, e.g. 55k would be reasonable. youtu.be/mW0so-ko6rw (BITCOIN: IT'S FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!? | Crypto Anup) My charts with daily stochastic RSI indicating maybe a move down to 55k is needed: ===================================================== www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ofa8tkQ... I wrote last night: Why wouldn't MSFT just finish the move to 384 tomorrow and get it over with and reset the bull market? Also you found gaps on others still need to be filled to the downside. I do not think S&P is heading much lower. I think this selloff will be over this week. He replied: Me too @HenryJamesCharts BTC printed a gravestone doji on the bi-monthly. Yet altcoin season indicators are flashing and a bullish weekly RSI cross is imminent on crypto. Thus looks like a 3 to 4 month rally, then a massive crash into the election. Which makes sense as the administration only needs to levitate these markets into end of August historically to win reelection. I expect the TGA account to be drained with minimal borrowing to jumpstart while bringing interest rates down. Also oil was looking toppy, so maybe another minor wave of inflation abating just slightly because resuming with a venegance. Expecting BTC to repeat 2021 double-top then 55% crash into election. If we do the 4 year cycle patterning from the first BTC top in 2021, then the second top was an expanded flat correction to the 15.4k bottom. Then everything aligns perfectly according to timing. Thus back up again into 2025 (~6 months after August) for another ATH top. Presumably the stock markets will rally into mid to late 2025 with the top of the 18.6 year real estate cycle. Hope my macro helps you. Thanks for your charting. ===================================================== youtu.be/llM_tGTl2hQ (BREAKING: ALTCOINS JUST FLASHED THIS SIGNAL) Well done Steve. There is another 4 year cycle repeating indicator that the altcoin market is about to ensue, which is consistently after BTC makes new ATH and after the halving. Also regarding the ATH looming by August and then a 55% crash to repeat the double-top of 2021, note that if the first 2021 ATH was the top, the second 2021 top was wave B of an A-B-C expanded flat correction down to 15.4k. Thus should see a massive crash into the US elections, then rally back up in 2021 to ~92k. The 92k comes from modeling the gains pre and post-halving which CTO LARSSON pointed out. Maybe your 79k 5.3 theory top will be in August? Altcoins will moon interim then. ===================================================== Steve claims that was a gravestone doji. But he clarifies this is on the 3 to 6 month timeframe. He says the weekly timeframe is indicating that crypto and stock markets are gearing up for a strong rally. This perfectly coincides with the thesis that Bitcoin will top in August, not too far above the recent ATH, maybe 92k max but perhaps not that high. And then a massive 55% crash into the election perhaps mimicking the 2021 double top. REMEMBER I ALSO SHOWED THAT THIS WAS WAVE 4 CORRECTION OF A 5 WAVE BULLISH OFF THE 15.4k BOTTOM. youtu.be/Mgd9SC_fPtg (BREAKING: BITCOIN JUST PRINTED BLOODBATH CANDLE) Steve added that the simple strategy is should be 50% invested with free cash at this level. And that is if did not sell the top. He means new cash coming in. He does not advise selling into a bull market. Wait for my wave 5 to complete first.Comment: Bitcoin hit key support even though one might frame it as a break down. Including the Pi Cycle support I has mentioned must be hit before bull market can continue. youtu.be/SUcxRWnccHA (Bitcoin: Most Important Moment In BTC History! | Wolves of Crypto) I WILL ADD TO MY LONG POSITIONS NOW! ===================================================== Trying to catch up on researching this potential bottom. I went pretty heavy into reaccumulating at ~57k including the altcoins I had mentioned. Still have more dry powder than crypto a.t.m. and I am wondering if I am missing the bottom? ===================================================== ADA:BTC is holding at support! Rockets to $5 quite plausible on the next leg up. Ditto ETH:BTC holding support. ===================================================== Why markets capitulated. More selling still to go? www.zerohedge.com/ma...bonds-crypto-crushed “The final day of April was really ugly: ECI way hotter than expected (spooked markets), Case-Shiller home prices soared far more than expected (spooked markets more), Chicago PMI puked (while prices paid increased), Consumer Confidence crashed, and Dallas Fed Services slumped... all of which left stocks, bonds, gold, crude oil, and bitcoin all languishing into month-end while the dollar rallied. Stocks puked into the month-end close today ahead of AMZN earnings...” ===================================================== Btw, I am copacetic with $2+k loss on the JUNE puts I held since ~50k up. It was a hedge for me. At least we were able to close them on this correction. I did not realize that this bull cycle was starting from the first top in 2021. And that the second top was ostensibly wave B of an A-B-C “Expanded Flat” correction with wave C terminating at $15.4k. Thus by now I am expecting possibly a first top for Bitcoin ~92k by end of August, then the double-top scenario of 2021 to play out again with a nasty 55% correction going into the U.S. November election. Then back up for another ATH when the Democrats win. Note this correction now is clearly wave 4 of 5 waves going up from 15.4k. Incoming wave 5 should take Bitcoin to 90+k. Ethereum should hit $5 - 7k. Solano probably north of 350. DOGE, DOT, ADA et al down in the doldrums could suddenly moonshot, e.g. ADA maybe $5. ===================================================== QAnon, {4/30/24 5:42 PM} I want to see a big red candle myself: Look at the corrections during this bull cycle. Do you seen a long red candle on all of them? QAnon: I just like seeing them because they are tough but great buying opportunities myself: Was the 15.4k bottom a long red candle. QAnon: Protracted iirc myself: I am searching for a macro economic or news reason we should get a fat red dildo down to 47 - 52k but I did not find it yet. Dollar break out looks tired to me. Yen is oversold. QAnon: I just feel like breaking past this repeated level would cause a bigger shakeout myself: Everyone thinks that. QAnon: But somehow we keep revisiting myself Bull flag? Scare the weak hands? Make everyone think that level will break? I started accumulating. I am still researching. QAnon: 60k broke I don’t see why we can’t go down further myself: We have the red dildos already on the altcons. Remember this cycle retail has been all in on altcoins, not Bitcoin. Institutional has been buying Bitcoin. So your long red candles already played out at the original 59k bottom.Comment: Looks like one more slight dump lower should really scare the spike wick lows out of altcoins. Maybe set some lowball limit orders down there. Bitcoin has always tested the yellow/green Pi Cycle MAs at this juncture. youtu.be/l09-yWwdJOU (You Are Not Bearish Enough On Bitcoin | Eric Klown Cryptoad) ===================================================== Another indication that this next leg up is likely to be stunted and USDT not into Bitcoin instead bleeding into altcoins. youtu.be/uWlG_iQB9vg ===================================================== Ah another reason for the sell-off. This is FUD that will be entirely erased tomorrow! The bottom is probably in or overnight. archive.ph/https://w...nnouncement-461e3c8b ===================================================== youtu.be/uquwOiLJcMs (Rate Cuts Odd For 2024 Are Melting Away | Mott Capital's Market Chronicles) Expect the quarterly refunded to come in shockingly low TOMORROW, because the tax receipts have been $815b and climbing. Treasury will favor bills to drain the remainder of the balances deposited at the Fed. To give a 1T spend in Q3 which will shockingly send risk-on markets up, while interest rates drop. Also severe weakness in economies abroad will probably show up in moderating inflation again on a lag. We are on a yoyo as inflation will head back up again with the fiscal stimulus, so expect to be back here again by September. DXY may breakout but that flag pole extension only projects slightly above 107. This dollar rally will soon fizzle out. You have been bearish all the way, Come on man, don't put more egg on your face. I love your analysis but you have horrible record since I been following you in terms of understanding the macro trend. This is an election year, they will not let anything crash. Duh. ===================================================== Even Ron Walker and Wolves of Crypto also agree that 59k could have been the bottom already or maybe 56 - 57k. youtu.be/uWlG_iQB9vg (Bitcoin Closes Below the 10 Week MA - Bigger BTC Drop Likely Coming To Be Followed by a Bottom | Ron Walker) youtu.be/iZM85aQl8xI (Bitcoin: ON THE EDGE OF A CLIFF! - Can BTC Avoid A CRASH? | Wolves of Crypto) ===================================================== Watch for an inverted H&S pattern. ~57k would be ideal for a bottom. youtu.be/nUHIL92zUaI (Hong Kong ETF Surprise Dump, 200K Subs and More! | CTO LARSSON) ===================================================== QAnon, {4/30/24 5:12 AM} Action myself: Yes start accumulating. Maybe going to 59k, 57k or 52k. ===================================================== Massive retail investor funds poised to FOMO into the market. This bull market has been the most hated with low participation. youtu.be/uT_8CdVHbTQ (THE TOP IS JUST 3 - 4 MONTHS AWAY) ===================================================== youtu.be/p3VGsoH-g8M (Bitcoin BTC: A PARABOLIC BULL RUN Is Near! - An AMAZING Trend!) @WolvesOfCrypto_ Absolutely altcoin season is imminent. Also Bitcoin has been more about institutional this cycle and some of the alts have been mooning because retail is going direct to alts, bypassing a Bitcoin season. Also look at what Camel Finance just showed that the fractal pattern since the second bottom of each 4 year cycle is perfectly matched. Thus this cycle will end with a blowoff top into August. Actually this makes sense if the first top in 2021 was the actual top that we measure from. Does that mean another double top is coming 6 months after a first top in August? ===================================================== This got me to thinking. youtu.be/uT_8CdVHbTQ (THE TOP IS JUST 3 - 4 MONTHS AWAY) If we take the 15.4k bottom from the first, April 2021 top, all the timing aligns for a top in August 2024, if comparing it to the first top of the prior cycle off the bottom and the time from the 2017/18 top to the 2018/19 bottom. Then there’s nothing strange about the ATH coming so soon, regardless of being before the halving for the first time. The posited repeating “fractal” pattern is from second bottoms of prior two 4 year cycles and this cycle. Yet the analysis I shared recently from CTO Larsson, suggests the final top will not be until ~Nov 2025, with a possibility of a first top in March given 2021 pattern repeating. That analysis indicated ~92k as top. Final top or posited August top?Comment: Bottomed already or will drop to ~55k for final bottom. Not going lower than that. youtu.be/uRnElYCey4M (Bitcoin BTC: Is The Bottom In? - EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS! | Wolves of Crypto) I am certain it will bounce from this region, because there is no way bad gurl Yellen is going to allow a market crash in the most critical months before a critical POTUS election. She will flood the summer with $ 1T in liquidity while not refilling the TGA with bond issuance so that the interest rates and dollar fall again. Then in Sep all hell will break lose as they ramp up bond issuance draining the liquidity and sending Bitcoin crashing 55%. Then back up again 6 months later to repeat 2021 double top. Mark my word.Comment: Posted 14 hours ago. March 2023 Fed BTFP (Bank Term Funding Pogrom) correction bottom perfectly matches the current posted bottom. =========================================== Update just posted. Okay now confirmed that Bitcoin is repeating the same move from March 2023. Maybe get one more chance to buy Bitcoin on a pullback to the white line ~61k within the day perhaps. Altcoins have not mooned yet, so accumulate.Comment: Again I reiterate that ETH:BTC and ADA:BTC have hit their bottoms. Just pulled back on that Bitcoin surge. Opportunity to buy altcoins before they start surging.Comment: There is a significant chance the “sell in May and go away” crowd are going to come rushing back in when they realize they were wrong. One of his main points is a potential broadening of market participation— ergo altcoin season. EDIT: his thesis is that the recent uptick in interest rates, inflation, dollar is overblown and will moderate. Fed will worry about being too hawkish . That everyone got spooked and now the sentiment has reset to Wall of Worry. Also those who missed the bull run from 2023, are waiting for a big correction and when they realize they missed it again, they will come stampeding in. Couple this with what he believes is global economy tipping into recession, thus the blow-off peak that normally occurs when Fed pauses, before they cut, could finish in August. Hmm, that corresponds with the Bitcoin fractal I recently presented. youtu.be/t9vNPckCZMo ('Historic' 40% Rally In Stocks By Summer: David Hunter Doubles Down On Market Melt-Up) =================================== Luckily I bet big on DOGE and it really mooned off the bottom. Looks like ADA and SOL are about to make their moves. Weekly RSI crosses on their USD and BTC charts. Betting big on another leg up. Looks like BTC (and alts) have broken up out their bullish down channels. I suspect the majority are still in disbelief? ====================================== Prolly another leg up. Then maybe come down to form right shoulder of a posited bullish inverted H&S pattern? youtu.be/GPk48h_1LGk ====================================== My comment on one more leg up in stonks then back down: www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_gmshc8... (Comments on SPY QQQ Weekly Update | Henry James) Interesting, because Bitcoin ostensibly has one leg higher to ~65-67k before potentially declining to $60k by May 13/14 or so, to form the posited right shoulder of a massive, bullish inverse H&S, which would then project to a new ATH on the way back up. U.S. Treasury said in their Apr 29 QRA that they would pause bill issuance (i.e. draining Rrepos which adds liquidity) in the first two weeks of June when they will receive corporate tax receipts, which is a double whammy to liquidity given that taxes incoming to TGA removes the liquidity until the Treasury spends it.Comment: URGENT: prepare to sell all within the next few hours or less, then reaccumulate for a huge pump up to posited necklines, then another YoYo severe crash into final (R)ight (S)houlder abyss (higher low ~59 - 60k). Then from there up, up, up breakout into June (will cross OPTICALARTdotCOM’s blue ring). “Any pump after it crosses your blue ring may fail at ~79k and ride down the outside of the ring.” Here are the prices I want to buy in the next 12 hours or so. ADA ~0.441 BTC ~61743 DOGE <= 0.13 MYRIA ~0.0052 to 0.0057 (or this price on next, yoyo decline to R.S.) SOL ~147 Sorry do not have time to explain and share all the myriad of charts and patterns: a huge mess of accumulated information. DISCLAIMER: as always this is not investment advice. This is for entertainment value only.Comment: Oh crap, my Wycoff Distribution hypothesis is likely correct. Bitcoin is also in massive, bearish Bump & Run Reversal pattern, likely to crash to ~38k after this final summer bounce to ~79k. youtu.be/F48GUGmvTxE (Bitcoin Could Trigger a Signal Not Seen for 9 Months)Comment: Yup. Wycoff Distribution and bearish Bump & Run Reversal. Bitcoin will crash ~55% after August!!! youtu.be/p3a_MOdKBTU (BREAKING: CRYPTO JUST PRINTED BLOODBATH CANDLE)Comment: Looks like looming one final capitulation for BTC to $59.7k as I had been expecting. Altcoins may need to back test their BTC pairs at support. Also their 4H stochastic RSI have not reset yet which have been doing at bottoms. Estimating bottoms for ADA ~0.426 - 0.431, SOL ~137 - 142, DOGE 0.135 - 0.139. ================================== For those who forget I named Ethereum and Cosmos. “I thought of other names trying to say the coin lives in the internet such as cosmocoin and ethercoin (or cash versions). Does anyone prefer these or prefer a meaning of privacy instead of durable, e.g. stealthcoin (but that is negative)?” Realize I was trying to think of a name that captured the fundamental concept of the blockchain being the Backbone (a prior name idea) of the decentralized Internet. It really distills down to a decentralized ledger of relative ordering of events, which is what separates the types of applications you can build on from Mastodon or any decentralized system that has no canonical record of global consistency. ============ Actually I named Iota, Grok, Rune and so many others. Most people do not realize how influential I was in the history of block chain, also first to propose proof-of-space: bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1606... ============================= The fact that greed did not hit 95+ on the top (only 90) nor 10 on the bottom (only 43 and always hits 10 after 95) indicates the expected summer rally is just the final move to the top with a requisite crash looming. Currently 53 neutral. alternative.me/crypt...ear-and-greed-index/ ======================================= Previously wrote but updated hence by chart above... This might be the bottom. I have three posited channels intersecting at this price plus a key support line I marked weeks ago. 1. Down channel 2. Smaller (i.e. inner) descending neckline, inverted H&S. 3. Larger (i.e. outer) ascending neckline, inverted H&S.Comment: youtu.be/jW9gfWFrX5U (WARNING: LARGEST FAKEOUT IN HISTORY?) No phase 5 in the 2020/21 cycle. No phase 4 in 2024/25 cycle? Indeed, that is what I have been warning. Will instead probably have a quadruple top, getting rejected multiple times below $100k into mid-to-late 2025. Gravestone doji on bimonthly and bearish engulfing on the monthly. Not good. Ominous warning for what COMES AFTER 79k IN AUGUST. ================================+ youtu.be/95WN_BgxndA (Game of Trades, just watch it) Interest rates are predicting that market crash starting in September after another bounce/rally in summer.Comment: Must watch (on double-speed): youtu.be/ZbrNsBa6ylA (WARNING: EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT BITCOIN 100K) Bitcoin has been thus far increasing ~4.5k on each higher ATH since the first 2021 top. The recent 74.k + 4.5 would precisely hit the 5.3 theory target perhaps this coming August. If Bitcoin then had a severe decline as it did after the first 2021 top (e.g. that 55% correction), perhaps it would climb again for another top 6 months later again? So if the 5.3 theory resets, we would except 415% divided by 5.3 = +78% for the 2025 top. Well I pinpointed the pre and post-halving model from CTO Larsson at ~92k. That would seem to indicate that Bitcoin might correct only to ~52k later this year after hitting 79k in August.Comment: youtu.be/HbN4Me6lMcE (Bitcoin BTC: Don't Be FOOLED!! - Everyone Is WRONG About These Charts! | Wolves of Crypto) 14:10 “the two month candle is an idiotic form of analysis” Let's see how that ages. We have you on record now. 8:00 the two-month bearish gravestone doji (or reciprocally the bullish dragonfly doji) plays out over a longer time frame of several two month candles. It is perfectly normal for the bullish (or bearish) weekly stochastic RSI cross to dominate for the next bimonthly candle before the expected trend change (i.e. to the downside again in the current case). Also a bullish hammer in a rally is a hanging man, which can be bearish. Ditto but vice versa for bearish hammers at bottoms can be bullish. A gravestone doji only occurs at tops, not at bottoms lol. Also as I explained previously your pattern match labeling is not entirely correct and also Bitcoin was not at an ATH during the prior instance you are citing. Thus what you can expect is for altcoins to go wild and catch up this summer while Bitcoin tops out at 79k and then crashes to 52k again after August. Inflation will moderate a bit this summer, Fed will maybe cut once, but then by September the recession will drag the markets down. Remember when the Fed cuts that will be the last leg up before a correction. I know you argued that rate cuts will be bullish, but not if they are signaling a recession. The Fed was raising rates all the way into a bottom in markets in 2022 instead of cutting, but that does not mean that cutting before a recession is bullish. Cutting coupled with massive fiscal support or incumbents winning the election can be massive risk-on again leading to quadruple top in 2025. “One of the most important factors to consider is the state of the US ecconomy and the stock market which are both hard to be optiimistic about at the moment. We have to wonder if average Americans even have any significant money available to buy bitcoin and the same in Europe and many other parts of the world where they have had a lot of inflation. If they ecconomy looked very strong and there were a few bearish things in the Bitcoin charts I wouldn't be that worried about em becausae they'd likely only be short term bearish but the ecconomy isn't looking good at all and it's easy to see why a lot of people think that bitcoin will only go to 80 or 90k in this cycle, if it even breaks back above 73k!!!” $900 billion extra pilled into money markets, still waiting to pour into the markets. This has been the most hated bull market ever, with very low participation and breadth. Expect inflation to moderate and cut in June. Bitcoin has been thus far increasing ~4.5k on each higher ATH since the first 2021 top. The recent 74.k + 4.5 would precisely hit the 5.3 theory target perhaps this coming August. If Bitcoin then had a severe decline as it did after the first 2021 top (e.g. that 55% correction), perhaps it would climb again for another top 6 months later again? So if the 5.3 theory resets, we would except 415% divided by 5.3 = +78% for the 2025 top. Well I pinpointed the pre and post-halving model from CTO Larsson at ~92k. That would seem to indicate that Bitcoin might correct only to ~52k later this year after hitting 79k in August.Comment: My comments: youtu.be/0DRxRt7LVk0 (Printer is NOT COMING this time: Here's Why... | Camel Finance) Crypto Hayes was interviewed by Cointelegraph 6 days ago and I was interested to hear that he had the same opinion of the relevancy of M2 as I do. The “liquiditists” are correct because the incumbents do not yet have enough control to force the population into financial repression (that is coming but not until 2026) thus politically they must buoy markets by means that are not entirely obvious and do not show up in M2 as Hayes explains. That M2 no longer accounts for the fact that for example Treasury bonds are money and can be used as full collateral. I do think there will be soft patch coming after the summer final rally (for the reasons you state and Fed will likely make one preemptive cut as well cut back more on QT in reaction), but that will NOT by any means be the end of the bull cycle nor will it proceed to a contagion because TBTF banks are not overleveraged like in 2008. REALIZE WHAT YOU FEAR IS CONTAGION BUT THERE IS NO CONTAGION COMING; that is a key distinction between now an 2008/2001. This has been the most hated bull market, with very low breadth and retail participation. There is no bubble other than the bubble of the entire Bretton Woods legacy, which is not going to end in 2024 (that is coming but not in 2024). The regional bank failures will simply lead to more liquidity. Bitcoin will complete the 5.3 theory move to 79k by August, then if it declines to ~52k, then next 5.3 theory extension +78% would be ~92k which would be CTO Larsson's pre versus post-halving methodology top. That would be the second top 6 months hence akin to the 2021 double top. Realize that you are fooled into thinking this is a left-translated top by the fact that the first top will be measured from the first top in 2021, which means this 4 year cycle is not at all accelerated. Arthur Hayes Reveals the 'Perfect Time' to Buy Crypto | Cointelegraph 6:22 Another point is that consumers do not matter anymore. The middle class is becoming irrelevant and bankrupt. What matters now is capital flows, which dwarf the American consumer. We are in a new stage of the demise of the former economic order. Paradigms and political orders are shifting rapidly. You will need to be more deft on your feet to keep up. Lol you think the greatest superpower ever can not sustain liquidity. Dude we are no where near the end of the power of the U.S. to print. Just getting started. This will get more and more bizarre, especially when it is accompanied by financial repression as the means to contain price inflation in things people use, while allowing assets to run to the moon because nobody will be allowed to cash out of the system anymore. Personal consumer debt can be easily solved with UBI after the election. 3:27 regarding your (what I think is myopic) posited parabola since ~2000, I suggest you zoom out to the entire Elliot Wave history of the Dow Jones since inception in the 1800s and for that my U.S. dies by financial repression, then hyperinflation. 14:40 we can not have SUSTAINED deflation during a world war. Do you realize the British MP just acknowledged that NATO troops are already fighting inside of Ukraine and Russian embassy told him that we are already at war. The precise reason TPTB need war so badly is because a massive deflationary cliff is staring them in the face. They will go to extraordinary (e.g. capital controls) measures to prevent their (eventual) free market demise. 16:35 indeed there can be an economic downturn after Aug/Sep but this will quickly be met with massive liquidity especially massive fiscal dominance after the elections. A key point will be the lack of banking sector or Tulip contagion like during DotCom and subprime. 18:25 why do you dismiss from 1995 to 2000 where the bond market did not lead downwards and instead sideways?Comment: I can’t rule out BTC coming back down to 59.5k one final time.Comment: youtu.be/EXQ2rSkPgh0 (You NEED To Prepare For ALTCOIN EUPHORIA! - When, Where & How? | Wolves of Crypto) Altcoin season always begins after Bitcoin makes a new ATH and post-halving. I will tell you again! Use instead the log-scaled Bitcoin Dominance (BTC.D) and clearly you will see that overhead rejection resistance is ~58%. And massive, triple bearish RSI divergence on the weekly and monthly. Bitcoin dominance relative to TOTAL3 minus also USD stablecoins, had already tripled topped since June 2023, Q4 2023 and April 2024, also with massive bearish RSI divergences. Thus the Bitcoin dominance has already topped relative to altcoins excluding ETH and stablecoins. Clear as day that altcoin season has already started, with the initial thrusts off the lows such as PEPE. So many altcoins are on inchoate breakouts already. 1. BTC.D 2. CRYPTOCAP:BTC/(CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL3-CRYPTOCAP:USDT-CRYPTOCAP:USDC)Comment: youtu.be/8G0NeXD1k5I (Can We Still Have An Altcoin Cycle? | My Brutally Honest Take... | DataDash) Hey this video was more balanced than the preceding one which I left you a somewhat harsh comment about you being too cautious all the way up since 15.4k. You have been fighting this bull market all the way up. I bet you flip too bullish in August near the top! Gravetone Doji on the bimonthly Bitcoin is warning that there is 2021-like ~40+% correction looming, but interim there is a bullish stochastic RSI cross that should take Bitcoin back up to the 5.3 theory top target of ~79k. Looks like there will be an altcoin season this summer into August, then that crash into end of the year. Should head back up for that 2021-like double top roughly 6+ months later. Final top in 2021 perhaps CTO Larsson's ~92k pre vs. post-halving methodology. You psyche yourself out at the lows of pullbacks by that large gap between the 21 EMA and the 100 MA or near the bottom with the threat of lower lows. But if you simply understand that there is no way the incumbent administration is going to allow crash during the summer before a critical Fall election, coupled with push too far to no rate cuts with liquidity being temporarily pulled away by the April 15 tax payment deadline. Clearly the TGA was being reloaded for another round of massive fiscal spending in the summer and the Fed has started to ease by lowering QT as the advanced price inflation indicators show that there is an economic downturn looming after August. So back up the risk-on markets will go for one more ATH as the antithesis of the typical summer doldrums given this is a critical election year and voters typically decide before September. That rapid move to the ATH pre-halving obviously needed a breather, but no reason that should immediately crash into a major 50% correction. Markets toy with us and take their time, employing shorter-term (e.g. weekly stochastic RSI cross) fake outs within the longer-term trend (e.g. bimonthly Gravestone doji). Perhaps you need to broaden your net of information. For example I read Crypto Hayes in April when he warned about the tax deadline liquidity crunch and the subsequent summer altcoin mania. Thus I was prepared in advance. I was also aware since 15.4k of the 5.3 theory ~79k top so I was selling near the recent ATH while I awaited more clarity. ===================================== Altcoin season forthcoming. 13:07 your expectation of a further decline to up trend line support for OTHERS.D chart is correct, as there are bearish RSI divergences in play. But this is misleading, because if instead look at OTHERS mcap divided by only BTC and BNB mcaps for example, the potential decline in the dominance (viewed on the monthly) is much, much smaller. Most of that decline in dominance will be due to SOLana leading the way up as it has been. And that metric also includes a lot of other laggards which do not reflect for example PEPE that (initially at least) was massively leading off the recent lows. The inchoate altcoins are already forming their breakouts and retests on various chart patterns such as formerly overhead down trend line resistances flipped as support. Altcoin season is imminent! Charted your Stacks (STX) recommendation: ascending parallel channel, ~5.50 upside…a 2.5× rise off recent 1.85 low. DePIN layer 1 such as HNT may outperform perhaps 4× to 5× into August.Comment: I have too many meme coins. I need some layer 1 or 2, gaming or AI that can also moon. MYRIA will be at least 2.5× up to 5× from current price. Note I was buying ~0.0052. It might do 7.5×. ============================================== ElioTrades speculated that cat memes might moon this cycle, because of the kitty twitter account that pumped GameStop this week. I am nibbling on MEW now. Super tiny mcap, and available on Bybit. These are the sort of speculations that can go up 100 times in short-order. Also looking to grab some WEN ~17 currently 19 (add the requisite leading zeros decimal places). Reaccumulating FLOKI below ~206 (add the leading zeros). coinmarketcap.com/view/memes/ Top 3 Animal Meme Coins, Roaring Success or Wild Ride? (coinmarketcap.com/co...946ee28f534896294cc/) Cats In A Dog’s World (MEW) is at least a double, and probably a triple. At least buying at the bottom, ostensibly on a breakout. Perhaps it could go nuclear on Keith Gill, the 'Roaring Kitty', hype perhaps even up to 5× to 8× multiplier? Even better the absolute (worthless!) sh8tcoin WEN, already confirmed breakout and back test. Easy 2.5× up to (and likely a) 4.5× multiplier. Could possibly reach orbital escape velocity to up to 11×? Got to love the entire world gone fucking Tulip Bubble madness. Actually the point is that FUNDAMENTALS of capitalism/stock market are so corrupt, the word on the street is to make a PUMPAMENTALS point by pumping worthless memes. Note afair same as for PEPE some of those were created on SOL(ana) so have that facet to add to pumpamentals. Wen culture is a Chinese concept.Comment: Zooming out to the monthly time frame. Attempting to guessestimate the likely high prices over the summer before the posited crash into the abyss later in the year. Comparing the percentage bounces of the lows of this correction thus far, and assuming BTC will top out at ~79k (numerous indications this is likely), I compute the following tops which also line up with Fib retracements or extensions. ADA ~$1.10 BTC ~$79k DOGE ~$0.45 ETH ~$5k SOL ~$415 This was not a precise method coming off the C19 lows, but it did indicate for example that ADA was going to massively outperform as it did. It didn’t predict DOGE's massive pump, but Elon caused that. Given an end of summer top, this may not be full-on crazy FOMO. Thus my metric might be indicative, as it is attempting to measure current relative FOMO and assuming no Elon is going to jump into the fray over the summer. Assuming Cardanao's community is not going to be able to pull in hordes of incels like they did into early 2021. Remember I am currently expecting BTC to top out ~79k by August, then crash to perhaps $40k-ish ($36 - 43k) into the Sep/Oct typical weakness and pre-election madness, then up to ~92k perhaps by Q1 2025 (or maybe only $84k, then another crash post election and back up again later in 2025 to the final ~89k - 92k). =================================================== Actually there was a way to predict a priori the eventual ATHs for ADA and DOGE relative to BTC coming off the C19 lows. Measuring the impulsive moves from the May recovery to the August 2020 high, ADA was about 10 - 11× more impulsive than BTC which ended up exactly the ratio of their percentage gains off the C19 lows to the 2021 tops. And DOGE was ~2× more impulsive (than ADA) on a weekly candle coming out of the May recovery plateau, which is also close to the ~3× it ended up topping. 😲🤔 Applying this to current, by comparing relative maximum 1 and 2 week candles during this choppy bounce off the correction lows, and assuming BTC as the reference to ~79k top off a ~56550 bottom: ADA 1.08 BTC 79k DOGE 0.48 ETH 4.5k SOL 347 Intuitively this seems more accurate, because it tones down the SOL and ETH estimates relative to the clearly undervalued and more impulsive ADA and DOGE. Compare to prior estimates: ADA ~$1.10 BTC ~$79k DOGE ~$0.45 ETH ~$5k SOL ~$415 Thus buying a mix of ADA, DOGE, ETH and SOL but not BTC, should double our investment by August. Bitcoin will be the laggard dog.Comment: “Btw, HNT is DePin for WiFi routers.” I really can’t find a way to chart HNT such that it will be less than a 3.5 to 4 time multiplier gain. Really looks like a 6 times gain multiplier, possibly higher to ~9. ========================================== PEPE may only double from here. Perhaps triple. ========================================== FLOKIA can’t be less than almost a double. Looks like a 4 to 5 multiplier to me. With a more careful and sober analysis, BONK is probably a triple. BONK could go nuclear for ~8 times multiplier gain. A more careful analysis of AR(weave) indicates possibly a Cup & Handle with a projection to between 80 to 125. The latter is taken as 54% average extension per the pattern site (thepatternsite.com/cup.html) (applied to the log-chart). I bought this ~41, so it is double to triple. Roughly the same upside as ADA, as I had previously stated. SUPER is another 2 to 2.5 up to 4 to 5 times potential multiplier. Try to buy if it comes back down into the low 90s. Gaming. Rebranded to SuperVerse from Superfarm. The is one of Alex Becker’s largest holdings. I found another available on U.S. Kraken also on Binance and others. FET looks like a 4 to 5 multiple. An AI token to diversify a bit from memecoins. May come back down one more time $2.00 to 2.10, which would increase upside to 5.5. Btw, HNT is DePin for WiFi routers.Comment: youtu.be/R13C9i1rPUI (The Bitcoin Setup is TOO PURE... $100k Loading) Nonsense. That there is only a small bullish inverted H&S projecting to ~79k. Possibly it was a bull flag with the pole projecting up to ~84k. You are going to be rektd, if you continue with this thesis.Comment: Looks to me like this week might be bullish. Although he does allow for bearish scenario, he thinks it is very unlikely. youtu.be/OdI5eXFfzDI ================================= Mott Capital has been bearish all the way up since 2022. Sometimes he is correct about imminent bad news. But seems to me that in this video he refutes his own bearishness for the most part? The main thing is he is expecting ISM report to come in hot indicating higher inflation ahead, but the market might dismiss that as noise with job creation falling being the main driver of disinflation? Or the market might freak out if signals economy is weakening while inflation also increasing. Is the demand for copper from New Green Deal reflecting all inputs to manufacturing? And does increase in manufacturing costs mean inflation will be rising for consumers given rent, food, services, gas, etc being also inputs to CPI? youtu.be/8FtU72IIng8 ================================= Looks like a Directional Change this week, so that would be bullish since the DJIA has been correcting recently. And looks like maybe a peak heading into the first week of July. www.armstrongeconomi...the-us-in-8-6-years/ “Interestingly, our computer projected a major turning point for the Week of July 8th and a Panic Cycle thereafter, which aligns with the date for Trump’s sentencing – July 11th. The Neocons who really run the country, are scared of Trump and they intend to start a war BEFORE the election. They think Biden will win since no president has lost during war, They fear Trump is anti-war so this is their time to accomplish the destruction of Russia and they will create something just in case they cannot eliminate Trump to trap him into this war.” ================================= Ditto on the monthly forecast array, June is DOUBLE Directional Change. Seems to indicate the final top comes in August which is what I was expecting. www.armstrongeconomi...-in-nyc-as-expected/ The Monthly Array has targeted June as a major turning point this year with a Double Directional Change. So far, May has lived up to its forecast globally. When the rule of law collapses, civilization can no longer survive. Also had the Down Jones Transport Index not make a lower low in May, while the DJIA did. This is bullish divergence. ================================= youtu.be/JZMlKQRPnkY (WARNING: Two DANGEROUS Signals Just Triggered on Stock Markets (first time since 2007)) @alessiorastani election seasonality points to around September for the severe correction. Is it possible this bad omen could play out after a summer rally? What is special about the specific level of 39 that has to be imminent? ================================= Bitcoin still in accumulation mode. Thus should still be up. youtu.be/QiVwnSxvKqs (Undeniable proof bitcoin is being accumulated above $60,000)Comment: youtu.be/YUKB5Oc5Z6Y (Bitcoin: The END Of The 4yr Cycle? - Watch THESE CHARTS Instead! | Wolves of Crypto) 8:54 on your TOTAL3 chart, from the beginning of stage 4 when Bitcoin makes a new ATH, it was 24 weeks in 2021 to the first top. That would put the first top at last week of August! You must understand that this cycle is accelerated because you are measuring from the second peak in 2021. If measuring from the first peak in 2021, this 4 year year cycle is not accelerated at all. And everything is right on time with the first top to come in August as I have been saying for many weeks now. The second top will come 26 weeks later towards the end of February, but not until after a very severe correction this Fall. Also the CRYPTOCAP:BTC divided by TOTAL3, looks to only fall at most 33 to 50%. Thus given I do not expect the first top of Bitcoin to be above 79k, the TOTAL3 should have its first peak in August at its prior ATH.Comment: I posted these to my TG yesterday but am delayed in reposting them here as updates. Apologies I am not so active on Trading view as I was. And will be less so as I focus more on my core vocation as a s/w engineer and computer scientist (blockchain related activities). ==================================== youtu.be/4dV-XcqLZfU (Why I Sold 90% of My Stock Positions | Alessio Rastani) Alessio you are too early. Nine days ago GoT pointed out that the breadth indicator signals 3 more months of upside from May. The harbingers you are citing do not have a specific threshold. They can move higher (not necessarily 60) before being triggered with a massive downturn. Selling 90% was the antithesis of hedging risk, yours was an apophenia panic. Bitcoin can not crash until hits the 5.3 theory ~79k target. Diamond hands until then. No doubt we are looking at significant correction after July or August. Nvidia must hit 1400+ before the market is fully cooked. ============================+ youtu.be/a685wUX-I4g (WARNING: BITCOIN ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING THAT CAUSED HUGE CRASH LAST TIME – CAN IT BE AVOIDED | Crypto Crew U.) Steve indeed that two week stochastic RSI turning down is am ominous harbinger, but in addition to the choppy fake outs on that indicator in the 2017 bull run, I want to also draw your attention to the surge back up for the second ATH in 2021 which was also a reversal of the current said situation. Thus as I have long expected that Bitcoin would make one more thrust up to your 5.3 theory 79k before a major correction, but that will not be the end of the bull market. Your 5.3 will reset on the low! 84 - 92k will mark the end of the bull market in 2025. ============================== youtu.be/YUKB5Oc5Z6Y (Bitcoin: The END Of The 4yr Cycle? - Watch THESE CHARTS Instead! | Wolves of Crypto) 8:54 on your TOTAL3 chart, from the beginning of stage 4 when Bitcoin makes a new ATH, it was 24 weeks in 2021 to the first top. That would put the first top at last week of August! You must understand that this cycle is accelerated because you are measuring from the second peak in 2021. If measuring from the first peak in 2021, this 4 year year cycle is not accelerated at all. And everything is right on time with the first top to come in August as I have been saying for many weeks now. The second top will come 26 weeks later towards the end of February, but not until after a very severe correction this Fall. Also the CRYPTOCAP:BTC divided by TOTAL3, looks to only fall at most 33 to 50%. Thus given I do not expect the first top of Bitcoin to be above 79k, the TOTAL3 should have its first peak in August at its prior ATH. =====================================+ From : From June 2: @goodblackcat, c.f. my latest update. 79k will be hit before 60k this summer. This might retest down as low as that ~63 to 65k region first. But you are correct that market crash is brewing. Stonks will make another leg up first. And most likely the looming crash be pushed out into August or September. I think Bitcoin is really going to struggle to get up to 79k. Many times it is going to be looking like it is about to fall off a cliff again. But somehow it will make it up to 79k this summer. I totally agree Bitcoin is not at all healthy right now. The ETH ETF narrative will grab the victory again from the jaws of defeat just as it did in May aborting the crash. The S1 applications are being processed. Today: @goodblackcat, another update. Thoughts? I expect a decline into this week. I had been expecting that because of U.S. corporate tax deadline on June 15 drained liquidity. Over the summer the TGA will be spent down, injecting liquidity. Crypto always sniffs that and makes another lurch up.Comment: youtu.be/fP3j-DyHdZ0 (TOP CALLERS ARRIVE AS PREDICTED !! | ) 4:32 I think the DJIA has topped already like your chart indicates. Notice how lethargic Bitcoin is and it has invalidated your blow-off top thesis as I told you it would. I will agree with the July/August Bitcoin top, but there will be a double-top coming 26 weeks later as I explained below. Reaction? As for the recession, the timing for a massive crash is not until 2025, because the powers that be are not quite ready for there next diabolical move. Got to get through the U.S. elections first and all that orangeutan soap opera first. Need Pootin to retaliate directly against NATO first. Just wait. You are too impatient. 18.6 year real estate cycle does not end until 2025/26. This end game in 2025/26 is for all the marbles. They not going to let a little recession mess it up. I do not think the dollar is coming that much lower either. Camel, I wrote on Wolves of Crypto’s video from ~20 hours ago the following. ================================== Still have one more wave 5 up which will finally break above that downtrend overhead resistance. youtu.be/AcofomwQJiU (What Bitcoin's DROP Today Means (and what needs to happen) | Alessio Rastani) If wave 5 will be the same length as wave 3, that projects to ~77k. ============================================= youtu.be/vcWKdw3zU9A (Everything's screaming crash for bitcoin. However... | OPTICALARTdotCOM) 11:30 look the last time crossed the blue ring 5 weeks sideways, then one week bull trap failed rally, back down to retest horizontal ring break price, then finally the significant pump over the next couple of months. Expect ~79k top in July/Aug, then for the price to come back to at least test ring break level of 67k, but perhaps all the way down to test the ring as support by Fall! So that could be as low as ~43k or perhaps even your 33k! Then finally that pump back up. Why? Bcz if measure from the first top in 2021, then Bitcoin is not accelerated in its 4 year cycle. So Bitcoin is making its first top to mimic 2021. Notice how each new ATH since the first one in 2021 is only ~4.5k higher. Thus the final top of the 4 year cycle should come ~26 weeks after the looming top in July/Aug w\a severe intervening correction. Also even your overextended chart indicates a July/August top as well. Hope it helps. Also I would not get too worried as long as Bitcoin stays above ~65k on a daily close (intraday wicks to ~64.5k are okay) because as Alessio explained today that is just an A-B-C expanded flat correction for the wave 4 from the recent ~72k level, with wave 5 still incoming to ~77 to 80k. Interesting that the blue ring support is currently ~65k also! Bingo! Also your looming red ring cross for Nvidia signaling a huge drop after a final pump to ~137 to 152 which is roughly the top price I was already targeting for Nvidia (times ten before the stock split). ======================================= youtu.be/3ATOly2y0VE (Bitcoin Stalls at CRITICAL Level - WILL IT BREAKOUT ?? | Camel Finance) I can now confirm with v.h.p. (very high probability) that the Bitcoin top will be in July/August ~78 to 79k. Nvidia will not exceed 160. Massive crash in the Fall, followed by another rally with the second ATH top for Bitcoin in Feb/March 2025 (and as historically the S&P will peak later). Mark my word Camel. Will you admit I was correct after the fact or not? I am looking at many different data points and concepts which you are not. Can you not see that the rally off 57k is a 4 wave structure already and currently in a mini-expanded flat correction for wave 4. With wave 5 to top out ~77k if wave 5 is same length as wave 3? According to Elliot Wave theory, Bitcoin price must not close daily below 65k (as it would cross back down in wave 2), else this will all be invalidated and the top is already in. 7:50 btw I was also expecting a cycle low mid-June because the June 15 corporate tax deadline in the U.S. is a drain on liquidity as it is filling the TGA. As the TGA is spent down (buying back long-bonds and fiscal expenditures) this will inject the liquidity for this final rally. The final move up with be underwhelming for Bitcoin. As for your 3rd angle thesis, I refuted that previously for Bitcoin historically it looks only like a final slight deviation from the 2nd angle, with no really well defined 3rd angle phase. 9:10 GoT had also recently (~ 2 weeks ago) said the recently widening breadth was the signal that stonks should be up ~3 more months historically. 13:24 a thesis against your parabolic blowoff top for Bitcoin is that the current cup pattern only projects up to ~80k. The prior years did not have this dominant cup structure around the ATH, instead were bull flags. As I posited on your video from a day ago (citing what I said to Wolves of Crypto), that if we measure from start of that choppiness around the new ATH to the 2021 first top, then the first top of this 4 year cycle would be in ~6 weeks from now. I had another measurement indicating out to possibly at the latest the last week of August. By looking at the Bitcoin dominance relative to TOTAL3, and assuming Bitcoin will top ~79k, TOTAL3 will only reach its prior ATH, which will still be more upside than Bitcoin. Thus the parabolic-like blowoff top move will be in altcoins, not Bitcon. But rotation might be severe with some altcoins popping off and fading quickly into topping tails as the very limited liquidity this cycle hunts the next altcoin that didn’t spike up yet. Analogous to breadth concentration in the stonks, we will need to stay with the altcoin leaders else we will be playing a rapid-fire game of whac-a-mole. This is not a buy and hold a basket season.Comment: youtu.be/DDyhCLWhBTg (WARNING: BITCOIN CALM B4 STORM – EXPLOSION COMING | Crypto Crew U.) Steve you missed something very important on this Historical Volatility chart if one studies themselves on trading view. You are correct that Bitcoin tends to decline from high levels of volatility and rally from low levels. However, look what happened in late 2019 into the 2020 flash crash where the high was at somewhat low levels of volatility and the crash was a massive spike up in volatility. And as you have stated before that descending triangle for the historic volatility indicator has to break up or down soon as so near to the apex. Thus this indicates a feeble rally to ~79k then a flash crash into Fall with the historical volatility indicator breaking out to the upside of the descending triangle! OMG! This will also match the declining/diminishing Fib levels of the tops in each 4 year cycle, and this phase 3 topping out at the current Fib level (with a slight wick above) and then crashing due to that bimonthly gravestone doji! Do not worry, there will be a second top again (like 2021) in Q1 2025 after a massive correction this Fall. And you will need to stop telling your subscriptions hodl when a massive correction is looming after August. =================================+ Cycle theory lows projects the markets will find a low tomorrow. youtu.be/mYMNwNtFVtE (This Video Will Give You an Advantage Over The Markets | Camel Finance) Agree with this. And I have no idea what the CPI print will be and agree it does not matter. However, I do know what price Bitcoin will top. There are so many confluences of metrics pointing to 79k. Again I want to clarify that I agree with a slight in inflation this Fall, but the problem for your thesis of the end of the bull market in 2024 (instead of just a severe correction) and ongoing deflation/disinflation is that the fiscal and monetary brrr bazookas will come out sooner and faster, and perhaps more importantly NATO directly at war with tin likely by September. War is very inflationary because redirects industry and supply chains to the war. 19:00 kudos on finding that chart! But what about the second 2021 top? 20:22 again I repeat myself, can you not see the diminishing factor (i.e. a 7.7 multiple) of blowoff after ATH? Indicates 85k max. If I compare the ratio of percents for each 4-year cycle from low to prior ATH and from there to new ATH top, I get a diminishing factor that indicates ~10% above prior 2021 ATH for the incoming top! 23:20 even you will not be able to deal with some black swan, rogue wave Bitcoin parabolic blowoff. Where would you take profits? I have no reasonable area above 80 - 90k to take profits. Anyway, it will not happen. 24:00 why are you ignoring that the chart you cited is telling you that there is no parabolic blowoff top coming and we are very near to the top? ====================================== Excellent timely video. Watch on double-speed playback. youtu.be/VHDyd5RpqI0 (Bitcoin: Most Are WRONG About This Move - BTC Needs To BOUNCE! | Wolves of Crypto) That apophenia of a "double-top" is an A-B-C expanded flat for wave 4 of a 5 wave move up to ~77k coming off the 57k low. Alessio Rastani pointed this out today. The invalidation level is ~65k on a daily close. ===========================+ youtu.be/C-j3GvJXzKE (This Is The BIGGEST Trap I've Seen In My 6 Years In Crypto | Miles Deutscher) I remember that same frustration about altcoins not rally when Bitcoin was moving up aggressively in late 2020. The difference this time is that as your pointed out by citing the dismal OTHERS chart, that very few altcoins are performing well even as Bitcoin has reached the ATH and halving has passed, which normally signals the start of an altcoin market. But those events came prematurely this 4-year cycle if measured from the second 2021 top, but right on time if measured from the first 2021 top. However it does look like Bitcoin dominance (and even relative to TOTAL3 to remove stablecoins) has peaked and is overdue for run over the next couple of months for a mini-altcoin season. Altcoins are relatively weak because liquidity is so poor. Ditto the lack of breadth in stonks. The public is fearful and cautious now, after dumping their stimi check load in 2021 and being wiped hodling into the FTX collapse. The BTC ETF narrative was driving the only FOMO of this bull market thus far. But now we have the ETH ETF on tap to drive some altcon FOMO. EDIT: I wrote the above before watching. Finished watching and you made the same points. I agree that egregious token issuance is another factor. Thus there must be a Schelling point around buy the top coins only and thus memes as they are already fully diluted and there is nothing to research about them just follow the leader blindly.Comment: C.f. the S&P 500 and Nvidia topping targets charts from ~17 mins forward. Very near to the top in stonks. youtu.be/SvDqKAkK1uI (A Bitcoin Collapse Is Imminent | The Brutal Truth You Need To Hear... | DataDash) ================================ youtu.be/rrhcX-Wrkao (S&P 500 Update (SPY, QQQ, CPI Prep!) | Henry James) 🚀June 15 also a cycle low for S&P, corporate tax deadline which has been draining liquidity into TGA past week or two. Up we go! ----- Do not take this the wrong way. Bitcoin and stonks could possibly still make one more wick down, and remember corporate tax deadline is June 15 in USA. Tomorrow is only June 12. You can start nibbling and accumulating but be skeptical about sudden turn. I would though buy more heavily any wick down this week. Remember Bitcoin targets are possibly as low as (the line in the sand that must not be breached) 64.5k on a wick but daily closed must stay above ~65 to 66k. We are very near to a bottom. I thought ONDO was already breaking up out of its bear flag on the way up to 1.60/1.70 then $2+, but looks like it is still within the downtrending flag yet. If it breaks above ~1.30 on a 4+ hourly close (especially a 12 or daily), then it has likely bottomed for sure. Stick with quality altcoins on this next up phase. Btw, Jim Cramer mentioned a BONK ETF to SEC chair Gensler on national TV this past week! MYRIA and SUPER for example shit their plans and I am staying away from these more obscure ones this next time. This is not the time for extreme gambling and extreme gains hopium. Be thankful for the safer plays and what we can get over the next 6 weeks or so. =============================== youtu.be/q64EppNJnqY (Bitcoin: PUMPS RIGHT ON TIME !! | Camel Finance) Well I blogged in 2018 on Steemit that Bitcoin was rising BECAUSE land was becoming worthless. Note the causality. As robotics drives the cost of production towards 0, drone attacks on individuals become indefensible, bankrupted govts unable to print money anymore because Bitcoin is the global reserve currency and thus property taxes as essentially confiscation/nationalization with most already dispossessed thus no popular resistance, no debt pulling income forwards thirty years to overvalue land, most of us will have no choice but to huddle into the vertical Jetson sh8ties. Can you afford your own complex radar and laser drone protection system for your rural land plot? As I was essentially pointing out in 2013 in my Bitcoin : The Digital Kill Switch, that be careful what you cheer and wish for, because you might just get it. 2:07 that tweeted interpretation does not quite reflect comparative reality of Nov/Dec 2020 to Apr/May/Jun 2024. Firstly, the backtest during week of Dec 21, 2020 was already completed during the week of Apr 8, 2024. Secondly the FOMO for altcoins did not start until Musk went all in on DOGE on Twitter on Dec 20, with the fledgling inertia from his tweet taking a week to digest and by Jan 2021 there was a retail GameStop Reddit brigade social collective investment movement underway, c.f. Elon and Doge: A Timeline. Point being that Bitcoin had been ripping since the corona with nary a pause of significance unlike this current, monotonous "watching paint dry" sideways movement for months ABOVE the ATH. The smallish pause in Nov/Dec 2020 was BELOW the ATH. Also the Fib levels of these pauses are distinct. So the structure and timing are different as well, with the backtest already completed and Bitcoin is not parabolic and WILL NOT be parabolic (despite your indefensible fantasies which you avoid steelmanning the cogent counter points that had been leveled against your expectation, instead preferring to argue against weaker strawmen instead in your presentation). All the retail inertia (what little of it there is remaining after FTX and high interest rates bleeding out) will be focused on the (comparatively weak) Q2/Q3 ETH ETF impetus which is akin to the Musk+Gamestop FOMO from Q1 2021. You should know with your science background that you should look for all possible alternative explanations and essentially attempt to falsify our hypotheses. I am paying close attention to any strong points you make and assimilating them into what I hope will be a holistic thesis. Btw, BTC.D has likely topped. Draw the overhead trendline resistance across the highs on the log-scaled chart. (…continued below…)Comment: (…continued from above…) 2:45 that Bitcoin chart does not look bullish at all. What are you smoking dude? There was a horrific Gravestone doji on the bimonthly chart that is portending a massive crash. Something hovered for weeks and months is rolling over, not bull flagging. In prior bull markets Bitcoin shot right on through as the momentum was too intense. There's very weak momentum because liquidity is drying up all over the planet, as you readily admit as part of your thesis for what comes soon with a massive correction. You even noted that the BTC ETH inflows are being negated by matching short positions. Your hypothesis is that might lead to a short squeeze but what if instead there is no other liquidity to kickstart the squeeze and instead it ends up as proper hedge as Bitcoin declines back to 34 - 47k by Q4? There will likely be a bull trap move up to ~77k to take out the retail shorts and flip retail long at the top before fleecing them yet again with a crash. Heck there will be very little retail remaining by the time we get to the final double-top in 2025, except that the government might be handing out stimi checks again but with strings attached perhaps (CBDC launch is some nations perhaps). We are headed into very strange times, which is actually a Chinese proverb in the form of a curse. 3:47 regarding this MRRV it is the same diminishing returns argument I made on your prior one (and others prior) which afaict you either seem to be ignoring or YT is censoring and you are not seeing them perhaps. Anyway, clearly the looming further leg up as compared to the leg from June 2017 to Dec 2017 and Jan 2021 to Feb/Mar 2021, must acknowledge that the latter was tiny compared to the former. Thus the looming leg up will be absolutely minuscule. 4:45 kudos I see you picked up on my point from prior video(s) about the Treasury buybacks distributing net liquidity out of the TGA once the corporate tax deadline of June 15 stops sending liquidity into the TGA. Btw I would absolutely love a Bitcoin parabolic move now. I am resigned to the fact I will not get my wish. It is not some aversion to it. You might be lumping me in with the herd. I did publicly (my trading view) call the Bitcoin bottom at precisely 15.4k and I identified the Shark and other harmonic patterns back in Oct 2022 stating S&P to 4950 and Ethereum to 3200. I did not expect the Bitcoin and Ethereum ETHs though, because my mind was off on other things the intervening time. 8:00 regarding retail pyschology and your parabolic blowoff top thesis for the S&P 500, retail simply does not have the fuel right now. That is another reason this looming top and crash will not be the final top, which instead will come in 2025 after the election when the truly dystopian crap can ensue. C.f. for example Morningstar’s, “Individual stocks are increasingly going their own way” and “Dow trails Nasdaq by most in a year. What it means for the stock market.” While breadth has been improving slightly (and indicates a final topping action underway over next couple of months), it reflects more of smart rotation (i.e. rejecting some sectors entiring for those that have an AI derivative narrative, e.g. utilities and electricity) than blindfolded retail throwing spaghetti at wall and taking swings at the piñata. Note your recent T/A video with your collegue that pointed out that Nvidia is very near to its final top in the (post-split) ~130 to 150 range. One of those Morningstar articles explains why the DJIA is not reflecting reality and thus might not make a new ATH in Jul/Aug, even if the Nasdaq does. 8:35 yeah that is what a textbook left-translated cycle would look like IF there is a parabolic blowoff top, but there will not be. Thus instead we will get the 2021 double-top repeated with an intervening ~55% correction. And the double-top will not look like your 8:25 because again there will not be any parabolic move here and now. The Jul/Aug top will be ~80k more or less. Btw, I do not dislike the thumbnail. What I dislike is a total lack of acknowledgement in the presentation of the argument that there will be top ~80k with a 55% correction and second top ~90k in Q1 2025. You continue to only present rollover or parabolic, and not another scenario. Is that tranparency and fair to your audience? I do not care if you recognize me. I have been banned from almost every social media platform. Such is life. 10:45 why do you assume the 2Y yield has to come down while the Treasury unleashes liquidity by selling short bonds to buy long bonds? 10Y can come down while the 2Y levitates, until the crash this Fall. P.S. I think I have made my points. Have other more important things to do. Good luck Camel. I will be back to tell you I told you so, or to admit I was wrong.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYMNwNtF... “U lost me at ‘I do know what price btc will top’” @camelfinance I am a s/w engineer since age 13 in 1978. I apply a technique known roughly as fuzzy logic. It is not fool-proof, but the more data points I integrate the more confidence (although that can blow-up of course by missing one key factor), and that is bolstered if I am eagerly/sincerely searching for falsification (which is why for example I appreciate your videos and did learn more about the small cycles in markets and the left-translated thesis from you). The numerous factors pointing to a 79k top including Steve Courtney’s 5.3 diminishing theory backtested to prior four year cycles (and note I also mention Camel Finance on other channels w.r.t. your cycle analysis), as well his point that each top has been at a lower Fib level, indicating that Bitcoin is right at the top now with only an inter-month wick up possibly (he is open to that being invalidated but there are so many other confluences indicating it will not be including very odd things going on with the RS and Historic Volatility which is in a Descending triangle since Bitcoin's inception near to the apex currently). Also Alessio Rastani just identified that Bitcoin's move off the 57k low appears to be a 5 wave structure with 3 waves completed and an A-B-C expanded flat completing now for wave 4, with wave 5 up to come, this can not possibly be parabolic. If wave 5 is not the longest wave and matches the length of wave 3, that indicates a 77k top. wave can not be more than 1.618 times wave 3 in any case. Oh and as Gareth Soloway pointed out that each ensuing ATH since the first 2021 top has been 4.5k higher than the prior. Maybe I have apophenia though? I could rattle on about confluences which are screaming at me from every mountain top. I am ostensibly your canary in the coalmine and hopefully not the idiot thorn screaming from some need to be correct. I just can not find much support for the parabolic blowoff. The Treasury is not doing some massive TGA draw down, just a meager one. Afaik, they will be selling 2Y bonds also while buying 10Y. Where is the fuel coming from? Even your own colleague recently suggested to you that Nvidia was near a top. You want the blowoff top now, but I do not see the market forces for it. Retail is mostly absent. I could be wrong. Am I really mucking up the probabilities with confirmation bias? Best of luck to you bro. I will go dark for a while. Cya. Cheers.Comment: youtu.be/9G1uWJJg2co (Everyone is wrong about 100k bitcoin | Camel Finance) OMG, you suggested I take a look at this video, as if this is some sober, cogent refutation of the 5.3 theory. This video is absolute trash. Your points are essentially: 1) the ratio is not precisely 5.3 to the second decimal point (then you admit it makes no difference, lol), 2) the first cycle’s start point was arbitrarily chosen when the entire thesis is to take the low from the PRIOR ATH (and the only possible prior ATH on the chart was where he placed the low, 3) a diminishing returns the is nonsense because you say so, and 4) that a triple top must be symmetric in period and amplitude having a shared neckline. As for your 4th point, there is another Elliot Wave pattern that could be in play with allows for a non-symmetric higher-high for wave B that is actual an Expanded Flat A-B-C correction. I have been posited that for over a year now. In fact, I predicted on my public trading view the 2021 double-top as the first top was forming (and the top level) by applying a fractal geometry of trend lines and pattern from the 2017/18 top and June 2019 double-top (yes that was the first case of a double-top but people were not paying attention, but I was). See the first top in 2021 was the end of MAJOR wave 5 for Bitcoin which ended Bitcoin’s bull market logistic S-curve adoption since inception in 2009. Thus the second top in 2021 was an Expanded Flat wave B. Now we appear to be in a larger Expanded Flat that encompasses that inner one, i.e. this looming Jul/Aug top with me wave B of the Expanded Flat, then another inner expanded flat will take it down this fall with wave B coming up for a quadruple top in Q1 2025. My narrative for all this is that Bitcoin is shifting adoption from the FOMO driven retail, to the next stage which is onboarding all the institutions onto ETFs so they can be fleeced “poof its gone” by the looming anyone can spend Nash equilibrium restoration perhaps at the 2028 halving. And as you noted the BTC ETFs are providing no net flows as they are offset by short positions. Remember the Jan 1988 Economic Magazine cover story preannounced that the Phoenix would arrive in earnest by 2018, which is exactly when Bitcoin burst onto the global FOMO scene. The design was actually leaked anonymously in 1998/9. And the launch was 2008/9 and then the final move to emerge from ashes in 2028. Note the 10 year cycle. Also Steve did not commit to the 5.3 theory as gospel. He stated numerous times since that not one any one theory can supercede all other facts in the charts. But hence has sound a ominous Gravestone doji on the bimonthly chart, strange RSI pattern and even the diminish Fib level of the top of each 4 year cycle all pointing to this currently level being the top more or less other than an intra-month spike up to ~80k. Also I have been pointing out to you that there are diminishing returns on several Bitcoin and Total market cap related charts you have been citing more recently (at the time of posting this). As for most participants believing in the 79k top, I do not think anywhere near most believe that. Steve (plus Alessio Rastani covered it and Gareth Soloway may have also) has a wide following so you will see a sprinkling of us in the comments around. But by no means was that a widely held view as far as I can tell. I think maybe you may see more pushback because you are the one pushing so hard for this left translated parabola which worked well for you up to the recent ATH and so your confirmation bias seems to be very intense. CTO Larsson did a similar but different form of analysis, comparing the pre-and-post-halving gain ratios and timing. I computed his calculation more precisely and arrived at ~92k for the final top, which might be a 5th top later in 2025 after the quadruple top in Q1 2025. Gareth noted that so far each new ATH is progressing +4.5k from the prior one since the first in 2021. I realized that if the 5.3 theory resets again on a posited severe correction this Fall, then it could project the next ATH in Q1 2025 as right around the +4.5k level from the posited ~79k top for Jul/Aug. I am open to these numbers not holding with any precision, but I will be (pleasantly) shocked if Bitcoin makes it above 100k this summer. I really wish it would happen. One can argue that Bitcoin has been moving sideways, then lurch up, then sideways, then repeat. But this months of sideways right above the prior ATH is quite bizarre compared to prior 4 year cycles.Comment: This labels the EW count differently. In this labeling, the wave 2 could pull back as much as 61.9% which would be ~63k except c.f. below. This would also allow for much more upside on Bitcoin than Alessio’s EW count, which is why I do not think this is correct. In either case, that last move down over the past 6 days appears to be a completed A-B-C. Thus perhaps not going lower unless C will be longer than A. Also the corrective wave of a 5-wave (i.e. his labeled wave 2) normally does not correct back into wave 1 of the 5-wave (i.e. 65k). Thus Alessio’s 65k invalidation seems to hold either way. youtu.be/L9mFW5wBmeE?t=514 (STOCK MARKET UPDATE 06 11 24 | ElliottWaveSage) youtu.be/jsrQS9R0m4o?t=499 (STOCK MARKET UPDATE 06 08 24 | ElliottWaveSage) ============================================ “@shelby3, I agree that this uptrend with a direction above $71,288 will be given another chance from June 17. However, as I wrote regarding risk/reward, even if you hit a good point like $69,100, it will be difficult to get anything out of it. I wonder if it will test $64,000-66,000 in the coming days.” @goodblackcat, I was cautiously accumulating altcoins when Bitcoin dropped below 67k. C.f. the EW update I will post now. Also we are going into an altcoin season with ETH ETF expectations and Roaring Kitty about to send GME to the moon. Major hedge funds probably joined him on doubling-down on more calls on this recently bullish pullback. They are going to wreck the naked shorts and end up owning (controlling interest in) the company, while injecting the company with $billions of issuance at high prices, which they can then use to buy Bitcoin and pursue the Microstrategy strategy on the looming crash this Fall. Thus the risk/reward is great is one assumes TOTAL3 headed up to its ATH by end of July or mid-August. Bitcoin is not that exciting here, as my updates argue. We just need it to flip over 72 to 74k, then altcoins will rocket. Altcoin season always starts after Bitcoin new ATH and post-halving and a catalyst, e.g. Musk DOGE promotion on Dec. 20, 2020 followed by GME pump on reddit in early Jan 2021. Now we have both elements again repeating, ETH ETF and GME pump underway. “@shelby3, The critical $69,100 level was tested perfectly twice in the last hour on 1 minute and lower time frames. US indices lead, BTC is led by them. There is nothing left to do but move towards $71,288. The best risk/reward point was at $69,100. It's all just a numbers game from my point of view.” @goodblackcat, oic. Yeah I am starting to lean towards Bitcoin can not go test lower than it already did, but will not rule out a test of ~65k. C.f. the update I will post now on the EW count. The market seems perplexed by the Fed’s dotplot, which raised inflation expectations and moved all but one of the rate cuts to after the election as well increased unemployment expectations. Market was initially enthused about the lower CPI print thus the gap up that was faded. But Treasury will inject liquidity after June 15. The narrative will shift to match the reality that liquidity drives the outcome, which is what they market is trying to discern with rate cut expectations anyway. Yet rate cuts come with the recession is accelerating and markets crash soon thereafter. I suspect the narrative will quickly shift to the Fed dotplot might have not have factored in the latest CPI drop and/or that higher inflation expectation means economy is stronger and thus a no/soft landing expected by Fed. When in fact the dotplot is Fed realizing the economy and banking crisis is looming but they do not want to cut before the election and also they are worried about stoking inflation by cutting. Again it all distills back to actual liquidity injection and market narratives follows the actual liquidity.Comment: Meet Kevin argues the both the Fed and current administration need to pump up small caps this summer. The Roaring Kitty situation appears to have implicit major hedge fund backing. They are going to flip a switch. The Fed dotplot is because the Fed does not want to be seen as political. Thus they aredgoing it with stealth mechanisms! Damn it all makes sense now! youtu.be/yDnk8sXFfBw (sh9t - I need to cover!!! SORRY! | Meet Kevin)Comment: GoT points out that the breakdown of the gold/silver ratio signals a blow-off top over the next 3 months. Retail is being lured back in right at the top! youtu.be/LvIE2M5OzcM (Dumb Money Just Went ALL IN on Stocks. (Dangerous Setup) | Game of Trades)Comment: This chart suggests Bitcoin will not make a new ATH until after August 12. 😳 The yellow-dashed vertical lines are the halvings.Comment: If that’s a bullish, inverted H&S or a bullish ascending triangle, Bitcoin needs to come back down significantly. Presumably altcoins would be slaughtered, although some of them did bottom before Bitcoin did at 57k.Comment: Bitcoin at a critical level. He points out that if altcoins drop much more, the thesis for an altcoin season has no prior 4-year cycle basis. youtu.be/L4kTL45hD98 (Bitcoin BTC: You SHOULD Be Concerned! - This Level Is EVERYTHING | Wolves of Crypto) ======================== This altcoin season appears to be doomed by the attack of the clones. Every person and his inbred cousin is releasing a new altcoin. Btw, most ETF inflows are being hedged with shorts, thus net no inflows. youtube.com/cli...HN6VxyCD2L4kU-C?si=5EpzCsh... (Bleeding altcoins musical chairs; no retail FOMO replenishment)

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"Official" (impostor) Bitcoin Core to Drop to $0 in 2023? Make sure you’re paying attention to my update comment buried on my prior idea. “So now the ANYONECANSPEND donations attack timing might be imminent? How else can that pattern repeat? The posited egregious crash from Dec to February will likely be before the full scale recession crash to come later in 2023. And how would BTC rally back up during a recession? Because legacy Bitcoin will rise and the impostor Bitcoin Core (which everyone erroneously thinks is the official Bitcoin) will die. Remember if you don’t hodl in addresses that begin with 1 (not 3 nor bc1) then you do not hodl Bitcoin, you hodl some impostor scam coin from Blockstream not Satoshi’s protocol which will be restored as I explained in detail in my Gist document.”Comment: I think we will get another crypto bull market starting Q1 2025 and running through 2026. The proof-of-work altcoins will destroyed by miner attacks. The exchanges will be more regulated by the FATF, e.g. there will be travel rule where your coins are tracked from exchange to wallet to exchange. If you use decentralized exchanges (DEX) and/or anonymity features your coins can become tainted and not accepted by centralized exchanges. Also as the WW3 develops there will likely be capital controls to enforce sanctions against the enemy. Our overlords might leverage the incoming recession (2023 – 2024) to launch their diabolical 666 central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) by offering Universal Basic Income (UBI) via the national CBDC. These will scale up over the years. But it’s not clear what ponzi features altcoins will be able to FOMO the public into in the future? DeFi basically doesn’t make any sense as Luna recently demonstrated when you can’t print money out-of-thin-air like the Fed can to prop up the unsustainability of leverage and compounding when it crashes. Have any utility tokens really panned out? Brave’s browser token? Anonymity could be important for privacy, but needs to be compatible with reporting to authorities because an underground economy isn’t likely going to fly. My idea for an altcoin remains… {rest of my Telegram post is redacted from public view}Comment: Taking a harsher and more critical eye to the Bitcoin Dominance chart, BTC might be set to outperform until BTC.D hits perhaps 50 – 52%. After that altcoins may outperform into the coming, posited crypto top (perhaps December) but probably only back to backtest support at 42 – 43%. Thus the outperformance of altcoins to be less than half of what it was from January to May 2021. Thus I should scale back my projections on the altcoins.Comment: If $1475 is not the bottom for ETH which I doubt although might get a bounce from here, looks like ETH/BTC is going to drop to the 0.382 log Fib level (0.0474) thus probably headed down to $1100 – $1250 if BTC is headed down to $23 – $26k. I have ETH only outperforming BTC by 60% (1.6 times) from the bottom to the posited December top.Comment: Possible that ETH/BTC bottomed here if use non-log scaled Fib retracements. In which case ETH would only decline to ~$1225 – 1375.Comment: ADA is projecting down to $0.40 – 47 with an intermediate level $0.43. The $0.525 level may hold but I doubt it. ADA/BTC won’t make a lower low because at the low the $0.40 – 47 price range would correspond to $26.3 – 30.9k for BTC. At $0.40 and $23.1k, that would be 0.0000175. I think ADA will outperform BTC by 3 – 3.5 times after it bottoms, but it’s possible to be only 2.2 – 2.5. After it bottoms, ADA should be a decent method to have leverage on BTC without a margin or leverage trading account.Comment: I am one of the few experts who understand the economics and game theory of why this ANYONECANSPEND “attack” is coming to destroy the impostor Bitcoin which everyone thinks is the official Bitcoin. I explained it all here: gist.github.com/shel...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9Comment: This is a very interesting discussion with Harry Dent. I read his book in 2005 and it set me on my path to investing in precious metals. I suggest listening on 1.75 speed from the linked juncture forward: youtu.be/sXa6YNUFGEo?t=350 1. Dent says 43 minutes that cryptocurrency and blockchain is in its dot.com bubble phase and the crash of 2023 to 2024 will be like the 2001 Dot.com crash. Some years later real companies akin to Amazom.com will be spawned. He says Bitcoin will drop to $3 to 10k, then years later rise to $0.5 million—well I agree with that. 2. Dent is expecting the S&P to decline 85% to 670 by 2024. Remember Ron Walker expects 1600. Dent has since 2007 underestimated that the Boomers and the governments they elect would not take away the punch bowl. And would continue to use the Fed to print money to levitate the economy and debt levels. As Dent points out that the economy is a zombie; and I’ll add that is why they had to create this COVID scam in 2020, because the Repo markets were blowing up and they needed a way to artificially force the Fed to pump $trillions into the economy. I expect the Fed again in 2025 to attempt to levitate this economy but this is economic maladaptation going to cause the global economy to fracture and WW3. www.armstrongeconomi...e-only-market-maker/ 3. At 30 minutes in the video, Dent thinks housing will crash 40 – 50% in 2023 – 2024. Given the number of homes demanded at peak buying age 41 (for an individual’s lifetime largest house), the U.S.A. never needs to build another home in the U.S. ever. Housing will go into a decline for decades, except in Asia. This is the best time to sell housing and downsize immediately before 2023 starts. Bankrupt local governments will raise property taxes which will drive housing prices lower. www.armstrongeconomi...ird-political-party/ 4. I commented: “Harry Dent needs to search for the Armstrong Economics' blog article "The Risk of Low Interest Rates", also "Interest Rates – Just Amazing". His mistake is that as interest rates rise it will be spiral up because who is going to buy all those Treasuries as the government has to borrow at faster rates as interest rates rise. This will not unwind in 2 years.Has he not noticed that interest rates have been rising with the dollar lately as risk assets sold off? The Fed will try to monetize again in 2024 which will prevent 670 S&P (more like 1600 for the bottom instead), but the global monetary system is breaking and WW3 becomes the only option. The cerveza sickness scam was all about forcing the Fed to monetize. The premier safe haven will become the non-impostor Bitcoin (perhaps in 2023) which nobody knows about and for a while the dollar. The 'official' Bitcoin Core is an impostor and will be destroyed. Gold will probably also be a safe haven because gold rises during war and fear about the global monetary system going up in flames. Harry Dent will be correct about deflation leading to low interest rates but later perhaps after 2028 or 2032. Harry clarified at 42 minutes 30 seconds that his interest rates falling thesis is only during the sharp crash coming with a recession and market crash 2023 to 2024, which I can perhaps agree with.” 5. Dent says the Millennials can lead us out of this crisis from 2024 forward if we write off the debts. But there is no damn way the Boomers are going relinquish political control until they are dead. Really nature is in control and the COVID scam really was nature out smarting the system, as all those jabs (my mother had 2 doses plus 2 boosters already) are going to help kill them off faster (sorry to say in my mother’s case I hope she is an outlier). So the 2024 election is likely to be won by Trump. That will be the last POTUS not elected by the Millennials. From 2028 onward (after the WW3 that the Boomer’s system is fomenting) the Millennials will take control and they will radically change the U.S.. and other countries that had a baby Boomer bulge after WW3. So the Boomers were created by WW2 and they will cease and leave us with WW3 as they depart. Will the Millennials elect Ron DeSantis as POTUS in 2028? The Millennials will embrace central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), They will expect social change and for society to be “fair”, “socially responsible” and all those weasel words for TECHNOCRACY. www.kornferry.com/in...s-purpose-generation In a recent survey, 63% of millennials—essentially workers under 35—said the primary purpose of businesses should be “improving society” instead of “generating profit." www2.deloitte.com/co...illennial-survey.pdf philanthropynewsdige...ay-lives-study-finds www.quantumrun.com/p...-human-population-p2 www.bushcenter.org/c...illennial-world.htmlComment: In today’s private blog, Armstrong emphasized that inflation will continue to rise in 2024. Here is what he blogged publicly in March and look at that reescalation of international war in 2023, Panic cycle in 2026 and second peak in 2027. Is that a WW3 from 2023 to 2027? The interest rate chart has escalating peaks until 2027. www.armstrongeconomi...tes-the-chaos-ahead/ “I am concerned that when you look around the globe, so many things have serious targets and panic cycles in 2023. Even in the war cycle, the computer has the highest aggregate bar for 2023. The central banks are unable to prevent inflation because this is a shortage crisis, not a speculative boom where raising interest rates will reduce the buying. While the Central Bankers think this is clear sailing, they have entered uncharted waters. The risks of the markets discovering they cannot control the economy anymore will raise the crisis to extreme levels as we head into 2023.”Comment: Armstrong explains what I was attempting to point out in my rebuttal of Harry Dent: www.armstrongeconomi...ill-be-inflationary/ “So how does stopping QE actually create inflation? The withdrawal of the Fed, the ECB and the BOJ from the QE programs will lead to an increase in yields on the bond markets sending the financing costs for the states higher. This will now increase government spending & borrowing much more rapidly even if they fail to increase program spending. Governments are not looking at this at all because they always assume what worked before will resume. This is predicated upon the notion that people will continue to buy government debt. Governments have increased their spending sharply because interest rates were effectively zero and the central banks were buyers. Where the national debt under Ronald Reagan reached $1 trillion for the first time, Obama routinely ran $1 trillion budgets annually. Now comes the moment of truth. Has QE undermined the bond market to such an extent that only a blind fool will buy government debt in an atmosphere of rising rates? How can bonds survive and the system of perpetually borrowing year after year without ever paying-off the debt continue indefinitely? Such theories cannot ever see that the economy is a cycle and that just because they could sell their bonds today does not guarantee they will be able to do so tomorrow…” This is what we were saying back in 2016 or even 2008, that there would be stagflation with inflation in the things that can’t suffer demand destruction (e.g. food) and deflation in assets and discretionary spending. So interest rates will rise while the economy will decline and the populations of the world will be suffering and angry which is the recipe for international war.Comment: From this Armstrong is emphasizing that from 2024 to 2028 at least perhaps until 2032, the authoritarianism will become much worse especially in the Western world. Remember lately there was proposal floated (out of the WHO?) to tax those who didn’t take vaccines. WHO’s pandemic treaty suffered at least a temporary setback to 2024 recently when African nations refused. Note which locales have been most lax on authoritarianism during the COVID scam as those may be the most freedom oriented post-2024? Although will Western, G7 and NATO nations be able to pressure non-aligned nations (e.g. Mexico, Thailand, Philippines) into enforcing wartime capital controls? WW3 (e.g. PoSoFs for crypto) will be the excuse for property confiscation? (click links for the charts) www.armstrongeconomi...o-the-ecm-into-2032/ www.armstrongeconomi...M-March-14-2022a.pdf www.armstrongeconomi....com/qa/qa-4-7-2020/Comment: Armstrong is elaborating: www.armstrongeconomi...ssians-you-are-next/ www.armstrongeconomi...gress-in-us-history/Comment: Shelby Moore, {6/13/22 7:38 AM} My comment: www.tradingview.com/...o-Drop-to-0-in-2023/ @grepcat, I stopped working on the Gist which is incomplete. For example, I do believe viruses exist, just they have not been proven to cause disease. And there are always dozens if not 100s or 1000s of corona viruses circulating every year. Except for iatrogenic responses there were no excess deaths nor an increase of non-influenza-like respiratory illness. I have the data and the charts. The cerverza sickness scam was premediated and manufactured illusion to cover up the fact that Europe had reached the point their economy was going to blow up. The Minsky Moment has arrived but the Boomer politics is forcing WW3 down our throats. The Boomers arrived because of the baby boom after WW2 and they will depart with WW3 and the political scams to appease their desire to keep the debt party going forever. gist.github.com/shel...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9 anonymous, {6/13/22 9:31 AM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} A virus should fill a few functions in order to be categorized as such, though. Meaning it should be pathogenic and reproduction competent. So if such a thing doesn't exist, then neither do viruses, and the particles they take electron microscope images of are something else. Agree? anonymous, {6/13/22 9:35 AM} I guess it is semantics, but considering how they abuse this concept, I think it is important not to use the term virus unless it really is what they claim it to be. Shelby Moore, {6/13/22 10:10 AM} jermwarfare.com/podc...ast/martin-armstrong One of the most significant problems we face in the future is that the Millennials are significantly college education and in particular in an era in which universities were pushing leftist and technocrat ideologies. So I don’t like the NWO that the Millennials will create after 2028 or 2032 in the Western world. The future is dismal. Plus we have the Maunder Minimum accelerating from 2030 into 2050, so the food supply and climate will be horrible. So not only do we have WW3 incoming and then the West basically taxing and stealing everything from us from 2024 to 2032. Then from 2030 to 2050, we get to watch the Millennials enslave us in social justice and technocracy. Martin mentions the nonsense about climate change in the interview and he points out historically that during cooling periods, society collapses. Scientists don’t yet know if the recent Tonga mega eruption will cause a cooling spell next year and crop failures analogous to the Year Without Summer 1816, which correlates to the rise of disease, e.g. Black Plague occurred during the Little Ice Age. I want to hide in the mountain. This will not be a golden years retirement for me. It will be dismal and bleak. Thanks to the Boomers for taking everything for themselves, raising the Millennials wrong and leave us with a bleak future. As I have been writing for years, the West is committing societalcide. As Armstrong says in the aforelinked video, the wealth of a nation is its people and their culture and attitude. Thus the West is doomed because the Millennials are fucked in their heads, because they were the late and second batch of the children of the Boomers. Or GenX parents who put their kids in the matrix allowing them to take on massive student loan debt to go to college to become indoctrinated in BS. The question is whether the U.S.A. can shake off this leftist, social justice and technocracy mental illness, attitude, culture and indoctrination and get back to what we do best? I do not think so, because the U.S.A. became driven by consumerism and that must die now because the debt bubble is in extremis. Interestingly Armstrong notes that before China starts a war with the U.S. by blockading Taiwan, it would sell its massive U.S. Treasury holdings first. Thus what do you think will happen in U.S. Treasury interest rates circa 2023, 2024 or 2025 when China sell? The Fed may not be able to buy it given high inflation rate due to supply destruction. As Armstrong’s forecast arrays are showing, the situation in the U.S. and world is going to become very bleak in 2024 going forward. Armstrong explains basically what I have written how the Davos elite plan to enslave the society in Universal Basic Income and Central Bank Digital Currencies. The EU destroyed their pensions with negative interest rates. Martin explains that authoritarianism that will result will mimick the EU system where the people’s vote means nothing. The stolen 2020 POTUS election was the first example. The U.S. may break up into individual States eventually as the reaction if Americans migrate to congregate by political ideology— not clear yet. Crude oil double current price next year. Strife and crime will rise radically. Expect many mass shootings in the U.S.. Africa and South America to come out better than the West. Shelby Moore, {6/13/22 10:25 AM} {In reply to anonymous} Right. There are apparently particles created. Whether these are fragments of dead cells or whether cells really communicate their RNA and DNA machinery with other cells, there’s no proof that these cause any illness. I have looked at the research attempting to show a causal relationship between viral transmission and disease and it doesn’t hold up. Illness could be caused by toxins (e.g. vaccines, DDT) and possibly bacteria. Bacteria may change their mode of action based on the environment, i.e. toxins which is the terrain theory of illness. Modern civilization is drunk on its Koolaid of thinking science is a super power. No. Science is a flawed system as is everything in human nature.Comment: Typo s/education/educated.Comment: expounded one sentence…supply destruction intentionally created by Davos elite leveraging the (Yuri Bezmenov’s) “useful idiots” leftist and social justice warriorsComment: ADDED: Might just be the way cells respond to disease, not actually causal and certainly not transmitting in the air human-to-human lol.Comment: I’m not saying that every Millennial is a leftist, but the chart at the following linked exemplifies that we face going forward. Millennials approved of that corrupt rascal Obama 64% and disapproved Trump with only 27% who was the best POTUS since Reagan. Not that I like everything Trump did and he can be oaf about certain issues. www.pewresearch.org/...n-american-politics/ www.pewresearch.org/...prior-generations-2/ The future is absolutely wrecked when the Millennials takeover the voting, e.g. AOC who would have wrecked our economy even worse had she had her way.Comment: So it appears I may have been correct since I first identified this megaphone pattern in summer 2021, even before the November top. Which is why I was prepared to sell that top. Bitcoin is in some sort of Expanded Flat: elliottwave-forecast...elliott-wave-theory/ What is not clear is if there will be a panic selling thrust down to ~$13k. Both the a-b-c projection and the Terminal Elliot Wave condition of wave #2 retracing more than 0.618 of wave #1 (on a wick only though) and the proportion projection of wicks below the megaphone (compared to March 2020) all point to a $13k wick low. Yet the fractal structure seems to imply that wick low below the megaphone will not be until after the posited nosebleed rally to ~$110 – 130k. So it’s nearly impossible to target precisely the exact bottom. If purchase for example at the back fill of the $18.4k CME gap (assuming price falls that far) a wick low could possible take the USD price of your hodlings down -30%. Will panic selling take Bitcoin down that much? Or will $17 – 20k hold for the bottom?Comment: Finite Maz, {6/14/22 8:36 PM} { Video } Thought this visual was good. Was wondering if this is fiscal spending or monetary policy. Finite Maz, {6/14/22 8:38 PM} { Photo } Here’s a good view of the fiscal. The borrowing in these “budgets” is ON TOP of the money printing, exacerbating the inflation. And since Bush and Trump, running huge deficits seems to be BIPARTISAN. (Sorry if off topic, Shelby) Finite Maz, {6/14/22 8:44 PM} The red inflection is a series of Covid relief stimuli, much of it passed under Trump but the last of which passed under Biden and was IMO completely and hilariously unnecessary. The amount of that total “stimulus” that was obtained by fraud or otherwise caught up in corrupt institutions I would bet is much >50%. Shelby, I think you remember me calcing just how absurd the stimuli amounts actually were Finite Maz, {6/14/22 9:16 PM} People are retarded because they can’t realize the real stimulus went into the hands of growing behemoth whales. It’s a war of whales, everyone else are nobodies. Look at Bill gates shorting tesla a month ago before a collapse in everything, elon musk asked very good questions. “I cannot take your philanthropy on climate change seriously when you have a massive short position against Tesla, the company doing the most to solve climate change” Have we been in a free market since 1913? People claim whats happening now is the purest form of capitalism Shelby Moore, {6/15/22 6:27 AM} {In reply to Finite Maz} Coincidentally I was watching a video by Noami Prins last night and she was emphasizing that since the U.S. went off the gold standard in 1971, the financialization of the economy has separated from the real economy. She makes the point that prices are rising so fast that it makes no sense to even hold a job and only investing or trading markets could possibly keep up. Remember I had documented in Gist how Blackrock has taken over the control of the Fed essentially and has been using crises to force them to hand money to Blackrock via QE. The banksters’ coup d‘etat of the U.S. really accelerated after the Long-term Capital Mgmt fiasco (which illegally snared Martin Armstrong in prison for contempt-of-court), the inside-job 9/11 attacks, and then of course the 2008 Great Recession which turned the keys over to BlackRock. As these entities destroy the global monetary system while enriching themselves and fomenting WW3 intentionally, they are impoverishing the U.S. people which will achieve the elitist goal of pushing everyone onto Communist style Universal Basic Income (UBI) which they will dole out with 666-like Central Bank Digital Currencies, in which they can turn off your ability to survive (buy & sell) if you write anything critical about or protest their tyrannical rule coming— essentially if you are not a good slave. The West is now moving towards the Communism that Russia and China had. And yet so many AmeriKaans are oblivious and floating their social justice ideologies as the “useful idiots” in support of the Biden who is acting on behalf of this coup d’etat — all as Yuri Bezmenov warned would be the case back in the 1970s. Yet if you try to tell people this, they are not worried and they tell you it is just a cycle and they had seen it all before in the 1960s or 1970s, lol. Freaking idiots. There is nothing we can do but escape to the mountains and watch the West self-immolate. Yeah Trump also contributed to the ongoing coup d‘etat. But he did not go as far off the rails as Biden who intentionally forced the war with Putin in order to crush the American people. At least Trump scaled down troop deployments in the Middle East and told NATO they needed to pay their own way. But as Europe’s banking system was on the verge of collapse in 2019 because of their ZIRP, that is when they prepared in 2019 (see Bill Gates’ Event 201, Trump signing legislation or E.O. for $billions for new corona vaccines in 2019, etc) for the pLandemic. Create a new test for the flu and then you have an instant pandemic of the flu, lol— a pLandemic of testing. Exacerbate it with iatrogenic treatments and face diaper breathing your own carbon dioxide into the lungs. Yet these idiots in our world are so easily duped. You have to wonder what use is high IQ when people with such high IQ can’t grok these basic concepts. To keep up with the money printing one can’t just hodl the dollar, not real estate. As they crush the markets with volatility over the coming years, and then start confiscating assets as capital controls for WW3 (as they are now doing against Russians in the West), we will end up owning nothing. Real estate taxes will likely skyrocket as local govts go bankrupt and real estate values plummet. This is why legacy Bitcoin will rise to the be world global reserve asset (not the impostor Bitcoin which everyone currently, erroneously thinks is the official Bitcoin). youtu.be/ZGuuAxfbVQA (America's Great Distortion with Nomi Prins) gist.github.com/shel...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9Comment: Something I wrote in my private Telegram channel when discussing my potential altcoin design… ADD: low txn fees are accomplished because each transaction (even smart contract) is only run and verified once by the receiving aggregrating node due to the use of aforementioned STARK proofs unlike Ethereum which has high gas fees purportedly because every mining node computes every smart contract. Note I have posited in the past that the Ethereum miners are an oligarchy and thus they only run the smart contract (verification) computation once by secret agreement and thus the high gas fees is purely an oligarchy extracting egregious rents on the ecosystem— another form of corruption. No one ever wanted to believe me about the fact that the cryptocosm is mostly a corruption. And that there was massive leverage in the DeFi system via recursive farming which is impacting Celsius (youtu.be/m-fMWLxeYiw). Etc.. Nobody ever wants to believe me about the ANYONECANSPEND attack coming. Sigh.Comment: {In reply to SunZoomSpark} Exchanges can fail at any time, but I am doubting the exchanges will fail en masse until after the wave #5 peak expected to hopefully be a new ATH by December or Q1 2023. Again the terminal EW condition (i.e. that wave #3 at the March 2020 low retraced more than 61.8% Fib of wave #1 from summer 2019) requires wave #4 (which we are in now) to bottom below the top of wave #1, thus below $13.9k. I have been saying this since summer 2021 and everyone thought I was nuts for saying BTC could decline back to $13 – 14k then make a new ATH before the cryptowinter is over. That being said, note that on a weekly chart that the candle bodies did not close below the golden pocket (61.8 – 65%), thus may not go down to $13k but if it does it could be an intraday wick low as was March 2020. Again I doubt very much the $9.8k CME gap will be filled on this wave #4, because we still to go back up to a new ATH for wave #5, so that would be too bearish and too much of a decline for bull market correction. That would be 30% below the top of wave #1. Instead it is more likely that if we do get the egregious wick down, that it will tease that the sky is falling but will top short of filling that lowest CME gap. We need to reserve that $9.8k CME gap for the egregious crash coming after wave #5 peak. Anything can happen, but I am playing the probabilities. I would not look a gift horse in the mouth and refuse to buy $13.9k because I am scared about a 5% chance of dropping to $9k. Yeah I also use to bet at the horse race track at age 13 and I always won because I bet to show conservatively, evaluated the horses carefully and played the odds mathematically. Whereas my grandfather was doing it for the thrill and so he bet exacta and usually lost but sometimes won big but overall he lost on average but it was the cost of his entertainment.Comment: I mean before bull market is over and cryptowinter starts.Comment: Gareth Soloway who predicted the $20k crash since the top, says BTC will bull trap bounce to ~$25k, then crash to $12k. youtu.be/0JU-RW-5PmI?t=292 Full interview: youtu.be/j3ZPRMthgtU Another interview he’s not expecting a new ATH for many years from now (he will be correct after the bull trap bounce to a new ATH): youtu.be/JpQFFn948gw His chart: Mine implicates a lower low $14.7k in July:Comment: Assuming a bounce to ~$25k, each of the prior two declines has been ~45 – 46%. Thus expecting a wick below the prior wave #1 high of $13.9k for the July bottom. This will entirely fulfill the terminal impulse Elliot Wave condition where wave #2 for March 2020 cerveza sickness dump retraced more than log Fib 68.1% of wave #1. This still allows wave #5 to make a new ATH but implies that the correction after wave #5 will be precipitous. Bitcoin Elliot Wave Theory (www.tradingview.com/...-Elliot-Wave-Theory/)www.neowave.com/qow/...qow-archive-1079.asp www.litefinance.com/...pulse-wave-patterns/ www.neowave.com/qow/qow-archive-43.asp youtu.be/Bzz_xV2cre4?t=476 (Webinar: Terminal Impulse)Comment: Brought price action to the front for clarity.Comment: Putin tells the truth. In his words. What Westerners don’t realize is that WW3 is an economic war and the West will and is losing. The West stole Putin’s dollar reserves! Do you think anyone is going to trust the dollar as a reserve currency. I keep telling everyone that legacy Bitcoin will be Rothschild’s 1988 Economist Magazine cover story’s rising Phoenix out of the ashes of WW3 as the article predicted. Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle since then with the design leaked in an anonymous user group post in 1998, then launched in 2008. youtu.be/D-7pOsCV3zI (Did Putin Just Show Us The Future Of Bitcoin?)Comment: youtu.be/IBxPK5DYPX4?t=500 (click to see his charts which I am referring to) Ron Walker proposing to modify his posited Elliot Wave count. The posited Ending Diagonal supports my massive ANYONECANSPEND crash for crypto! Except that he is proposing after the posited December peak and correction maybe pushing to another final higher high in 2023! Wow. Nice. I hope so. So we get one more altcoin season in Q1 2023?Comment: youtu.be/U6QMXRB5SJs (Why December 1973 Looks EXACTLY Like the Stock Market Today (With 2 BIG Exceptions)) They key difference between 1973 and 2022, is the Boomers were causing massive demand side inflationary pressure and unemployment because they were entering the work force and their prime earning years. Whereas our current price inflation is supply side driven, actually premeditated sabotage (cerveza sickness scam, forcing Putin to war, and sabotaging domestic oil production by the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control of our illegitimate government).Comment: Massive, starving refugee horde to invade Europe from N. Africa and the Middle East? This lamestream media attempts to blame it on Putin, but we know the protagonists are the actually the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control of the illegitimate Western governments, especially the U.S.A.. www.scottishdailyexp...plan-starve-27211644 (Putin's chilling plan to 'starve the world' is next stage of Ukraine war)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... ('Russia will find some countermeasures' | Sergey Aleksashenko) The U.S. is the one that lost the ability to produce tritium for maintenance of nuclear arsenal (perhaps only our submarine nukes will function). Before Elon we didn’t even produce rocket engines anymore and were sourcing them from Russia. Imagine sending Kamala Harris to the Munich Conference on Feb 20 to proclaim that Ukraine should immediately join NATO, thus violating the Belgrade Agreement on which all peace was based. This forced Putin to invade and the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control of the illegitimate government of the U.S. know damn well they are intentionally provoking WW3 and trying to fool ignorant Westerners (such as yourself) into blaming Putin.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP9Fw2hi... > “@S. Moore They'll give £1200 a month UBI which within about 6 months will only be worth £600.” @stephen girling people who need to eat will take what they can get. Remember there was severe rationing during WW2. And the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control our illegitimate government are intentionally creating WW3 right now. First they forced Putin into a corner on Ukraine. Now they are have bribed Lithuania to block his resupply trains to the three sides, land locked Kaliningrad, forcing Putin to eventually take the Suwałki Gap, or Suwałki Corridor, which will be a direct invasion on a NATO member meaning the security obligations of the U.S. will be triggered and WW3 ensues. China will force the U.S. to fight on two fronts by taking or more likely blockading Taiwan. The U.S. then blockades all of China or perhaps all of the first island chain of SE Asia after China sinks one of our aircraft carriers near the Taiwan strait with their hypersonic missiles for which we have no defense. So massive shortages of everything, everywhere in the world. This is not a maybe. This has been the premediated plan for a while now. You should search for the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document “Scenarios for the Future” where they said all that has happened already happened (e.g. the pLandemic). WW3 may eventually go nuclear war.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... ('Russia will find some countermeasures' | Sergey Aleksashenko) The U.S. is the one that lost the ability to produce tritium for maintenance of nuclear arsenal (perhaps only our submarine nukes will function). Before Elon we didn’t even produce rocket engines anymore and were sourcing them from Russia. Imagine sending Kamala Harris to the Munich Conference on Feb 20 to proclaim that Ukraine should immediately join NATO, thus violating the Belgrade Agreement on which all peace was based. This forced Putin to invade and the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control of the illegitimate government of the U.S. know damn well they are intentionally provoking WW3 and trying to fool ignorant Westerners (such as yourself) into blaming Putin.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “Like having an agreement that if Ukraine gave up its nukes that they could remain free and be safe from invasion including Crimea? Because thats what russia did in 1994. Russia has no friends” @Valrahaha Shunyata The West is bankrupt, decadent and produces nothing except maladaption, debt, and ideological suicide. Russia and China along with the developing world are friends (of mutual need forced together by the abhorrent West), have the demographics and low personal debts to drive the economic boom after the West destroys itself by intentionally fomenting WW3 and falls into the abyss. Your hubris is indicative of the societalcide gripping the West. Russia invaded to stop the slaughter (e.g. shooting rocket launched grenades aka RPGs into civilian homes in the Donbas) of the Russian speaking regions by Zelensky’s Nazi ASOV thugs. You consume too much lamestream media and your brain has ostensibly atrophied from a lack of research. Russia never had any intention of taking control of the Ukrainian speaking regions of Ukraine. You can argue the morals but it won’t change the fact that fomenting WW3 ultimately (after 2032) benefits everyone except the West. It will be our collective death knell. As for Crimea that was gifted to Ukraine by Khrushchev who was born in the Donbas. This was historically “Little Russia” and the Western oil companies were hatching a plan to subvert Russia’s energy control in the region so Putin had no choice for security reasons. The U.S. has done comparable coups and crap in Latin America (e.g. Monroe Doctrine) to protect its sphere of influence for security and other objectives. @Vajrahaha Shunyata c.f. my prior reply. Ukraine has never been free. It was under the grip of Western meddling and installing puppet governments, which Russia had to counter attempting to do the same. Familiarize yourself with the concept of a power vacuum. Your hubris lacks holistic situational awareness and comprehension of geopolitical invariants. You’ve been hoodwinked by the MSM into your own self-immolation.Comment: Resistance on the way back up $47.6k. Bitcoin for first time closing a monthly candle below the regression. youtu.be/T3gzWVLFiSE?t=532Comment: www.armstrongeconomi...ng-cracks-in-the-g7/ www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > > > “Many mistakes were made after www 2. We see it all too clearly. Too many concessions were given to Russia” > > > > “Have you completely melted your brain?” > > “Imagine sending Kamala Harris to the Munich Conference on Feb 20 to proclaim that Ukraine should immediately join NATO, thus violating the Belgrade Agreement on which all peace was based. This forced Putin to invade and the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control of the illegitimate government of the U.S. know damn well they are intentionally provoking WW3 and trying to fool ignorant Westerners (such as yourself) into blaming Putin.” > > “too many concessions were given to the west” > > “@Frank Renda I’m an American but it is hilarious, tragic and sobering to observe the hubris and ignorance of my fellow Westerners. Going to be interesting to see how they react to being impoverished and defeated by WW3.” www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@Teru So why didn’t Russia uphold their agreement with Ukraine to respect and protect Ukraines borders when Ukraine gave their nukes?” @Chad Zahir Shah Ukraine violated the 2014 agreement regarding granting elections in the Donbas. And Zelensky’s Nazi thugs were killing the Russian speaking civilians in the Donbas with RPGs and other heinous forms of ethnic cleansing. Also Ukraine joining NATO violates that Belgrade agreement. Kamala Harris said at the Munich conference on Feb 20 that Ukraine should be immediately admitte to NATO.Comment: youtu.be/r1zGA7HUCKo?t=845 (click link to see the charts I’m referring to) E.K.C. is positing a biannual, bearish engulfing candle, comparing to claims of the same in 1973 and 1929. I refuted E.K.C.: www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1zGA7HU... Technically 1973 and current were not bearish, engulfing biannual candles because the bearish candle did not open above the prior biannual, green candle. With that definition then only 1929 had a bearish, engulfing biannual candle. However someone else claims only the bearish candle body needs to longer than the prior green candle: youtu.be/bzG5Hd34xpw (Caution: Bitcoin Is About To Do Something For The FIRST TIME EVER) Also note 1973 had a wick bull trap nearly up to the prior ATH in the next biannual candle (but nothing like that in 1929!), which is what I am expecting currently. Note that 2022 has some distinct differences from 1973 which bode for markets making a new ATH before the egregious recession crash later in 2023 to 2024. youtu.be/U6QMXRB5SJs (Why December 1973 Looks EXACTLY Like the Stock Market Today (With 2 BIG Exceptions)) They key difference between 1973 and 2022, is the Boomers were causing massive demand side inflationary pressure and unemployment because they were entering the work force and their prime earning years. Whereas our current price inflation is supply side driven, actually premeditated sabotage (cerveza sickness scam, forcing Putin to war, and sabotaging domestic oil production by the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control of our illegitimate government). www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1zGA7HU... > “I've watched both Ben & Eric for a while now. Eric is my go to TA guy. Ben is my macro and general market outlook go to.” @Perri Madison EKC’s backtested, short-term statistical moves have helped me immensely when combined with Ron Walker’s technical analysis. I wish I could find a way to contact Ron Walker to make him aware of EKC’s channel. If so he would have anticipated this recent bounce as EKC was telling us to expect it. Walker has now posited we are in an Ending Diagonal pattern! Someone needs to teach Walker how to properly monetize his channel. His vlog is excellent but he is old school, apparently not even aware that Patreon exists. Perhaps EKC could help him? youtu.be/IBxPK5DYPX4?t=500 @Eric Krown Crypto Make sure you all read my other comment at the top level questioning the validity of your claim of a biannual engulfing, bearish candle. After the incoming lower-low bottom markets are likely rocketing back up to new ATHs before the egregious crash to 1600 on the S&P in 2024.Comment: @Eric Krown Crypto In the link I shared, Ron Walker is proposing to modify his posited Elliot Wave count. The posited Ending Diagonal supports my massive ANYONE CAN SPEND crash for crypto! Note I can’t link my trading view here where I explain that posited destruction of the impostor Bitcoin in technological detail. Find the links and further information from the About tab on my YT profile. Everyone currently thinks Bitcoin Core is the official Bitcoin but it is actually an impostor. Note I am not shilling BSH, BCH nor any altcoin. The immutable, legacy Bitcoin protocol is the only one that ultimately survives.Comment: Elaboration. Martin you really need to understand how Bitcoin is an entirely premeditated phenomenon by the elite who are enslaving us. Of course it was not created by some anonymous Japanese in his basement. The possibility of the markets raising Treasury interest rates while the recession is ongoing in 2023 – 2024! Yikes that’s a death spiral. 2024 could get very fugly (f*cking ugly). Be prepared to find distressed asset sales, including even rural land in cash only markets. But more liquid assets will be sold first, such as gold and markets. (Long-term at least) Interest rates could even continue to go up while the Fed tries to reflate like that did in 2020. In other words, we are headed for a monetary crisis. And WW3 as a result (in addition to the crap the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control of the illegitimate U.S. government are doing to force destruction of supply chains and WW3). You guys are not aware that this outcome was premeditated as is the rise of legacy Bitcoin as the new global reserve unit of account (not the current impostor that everyone erroneously thinks is the official Bitcoin). Rothschild announced this Phoenix on the cover of his Economist Magazine in 1988. Then they leaked the Bitcoin design in an obscure anonymous user group post in 1998. Then they publicly launched Bitcoin in 2008. Then Bitcoin hit mainstream awareness in 2018 with the $20k price. See the 10 year cycle? So 2028 should be the start of bona fide adoption of it as a global reserve asset. youtu.be/gTvDtYQeSfw?t=167 (Q3 A Critical Turning Point: Fed Reversal, Recession, More Inflation, Weaker Dollar | Luke Gromen)Comment: Interesting chart of the egregious volatility of gold’s price rise in Weimar Germany’s currency. If you held gold throughout, you lost all your gains in German marks 4 times until it reached the trilion marks price. youtu.be/gTvDtYQeSfw?t=1086Comment: Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 4:11 AM} www.armstrongeconomi...to-seek-world-peace/ Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 4:32 AM} { Photo } Interesting chart of the egregious volatility of gold’s price rise in Weimar Germany’s currency. If you held gold throughout, you lost all your gains in German marks 4 times until it reached the trillion marks price. Implications for what to expect for Bitcoin. youtu.be/gTvDtYQeSfw?t=1086 (click link for the chart) Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 5:07 AM} The recent Supreme Court rulings on abortion and concealed carry gun rights seem to have been engineered on purpose by someone behind the curtain to foster more hate in U.S. politics right before the mid-term Congressional elections. Lindsey Graham appears to be playing right along with burning Trump’s effigy while pretending to be praising him. And Trump doing it to himself as well, making you wonder if he’s just a complicit actor. After all Trump did create the Operation Warp Speed to murder people with ventillators for the pLandemic of flu tests. And Trump did sign the $billions of funding for corona virus vaccines in 2019. Did Trump forget that the Supreme Court justices he appointed totally failed him refusing to hear any cases on the stolen 2020 election. Ergo the entire swamp is corrupt. There is no one in WA D.C. (not even the Supreme Court) that is not in the back pocket of the societalcide and kleptocracy. They want us to believe it is a just a kakistocracy (we wish!). All of it is premeditated. youtu.be/BXLhkE0qRDg?t=353 (What AOC said is 'outrageous': Trace Gallagher) youtu.be/4rIu48lAv5E (Sen. Graham: Trump fought like a tiger for this) When the leftists create an insurrection they get a pass: www.armstrongeconomi...a-pink-insurrection/Comment: Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 4:53 PM} www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... Search for this since YT will not allow me to link it directly. The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace by Martin Armstrong > Aberun Z replied: "I wonder how much putin is paying to all vatnik trolls... how low you can go?" @Aberun Z Putin isn't paying me anything. I am a founding stock American (lateral descendant of Isaac Shelby, search about him and his role in the revolutionary war). You dimwits are entirely unaware of or unwilling to study the facts. The Westerners are also entirely hoodwinked by the lying MSM. > “@S. Moore "COVID was manufactured toexert absolute control" yaaaaahhhh right and the earh is flat... I respect YT for not alowing to add such links ;)” @Aberun Z GAFC dimwit. Do some actual research on excessive deaths and non-influenza respiratory illness. I have all the data. Nothing happened in 2020 except a pLandemic of billions of new tests for the flu. There are always a wide diversity of corona viruses circulating. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “The Russian regime always acts using terror tactics, this should be enough to include them in the list of terrorist groups” @Filipe Kraus The U.S. Government is the terrorist. Who bombed Serbia? You need to get your facts straight about what happened in Ukraine. The MSM is lying to you. Search for this since YT will not allow me to link it directly. The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace by Martin Armstrong www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore If you bother to read a bit of History, you;ll find uncanny parallells with Hitler's and Mussolini's rise to power and what those Nations did to try and dominate the World. They failed via War. Pootin's Russia is headed down the same path and so is China. Trump tried in the USA and also failed. I could write a book titled The Rise and Fall of Tyranny by Historical events... LOL But you have no clue as to why all of this happens and who is behind it. Most do not know. But I can tell you is that they have already lost... again. There is no room for Tyrants where we are headed.” @White Dragon you know nothing about Hitler. Even the claimed Holocaust is a media fabrication. Hitler admired England and did not want to invade Poland either. The Davos elite Bolshevicks in the West who are fomenting this WW3 were the ones who manipulated the situation of WW1 and WW2 also! The U.S. Government is the terrorist. Who bombed Serbia? You need to get your facts straight about what happened in Ukraine. The MSM is lying to you. Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 5:10 PM} Good discussion forming over there…I’m the only American participating… www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@Sticky59 Maybe the Russians should have fought harder to uphold their previous agreements with Ukraine if they want anyone to take their agreements seriously.” > “@Chad Zahir Shah I believe it was based in the US, they were paying for the patent royalties to Mauser. And I believe Western companies were forced to pull out Russia. Forced in the way of "you will face sanctions yourself if you dont comply" which is pretty new. Even Chinese banks and credit card companies have been hesitant as they're trying to have good relations with both the west and russia.” > “@Chad Zahir Shah They did until Ukraine allowed a coupe to happen and installed a hostile/anti russian president. Part of the agreement was that Russia respects their sovereignty so long as Ukraine also respects the agreement to remain neutral/pose no threat to Russia. Them trying to join the EU undermined neutrality. Ukraine didn't think Russia cared that much or would actually invade.” > “@Teru well, in principle i share your opinion, but as a European with good knowledge of European/Russian politics and history, i am having a hard time not to laugh about „gentleman like“ or standing by your word/agreements. There are too many broken / violated words / agreements by the leaders of Russia. And i am not saying this is exclusive to Russian politicians, but on the European continent, official Russia does really stand out. But to remind everyone again: The whole talk „against“ Russia is not about the people or the culture, but it‘s about the imperialism and thirst for comtrol which bothers the rest of Europe. All of this has unfortunately a long history and if a Russian history book praises the heroism of Russias soldiers and leaders, it‘s at the same time a story of suffering for the European countries which had to endure these invasions and occupations. We should all be able to walk a mile in someone elses shoes to understand the same story from both sides!” @Vinland Russia has always had a security problem because of the easily traversed plains through Ukraine. It was only the mud that stopped Napoleon. They are also vulnerable from the East being invaded by the Mongols. So it is not surprising that Russia has to draw the line for NATO overstepping the implied agreements post WW2 to not encroach on Russia’s security buffer. GAFC dude, because being that you are in Europe, you are the one who is going to suffer the most from this WW3 that Davos elite are intentionally creating to usher in a multi-polar world, thus creating the need for their planned NWO with legacy protocol Bitcoin (not the current impostor which everyone erroneously thinks is the official Bitcoin, lol) as the enslaving world currency. You need to broaden you understanding of what is actually going on. > “The treaty of free passage has been trashed by fools in Lith. Them aint very smart.” @Mochie bellina It is intentional to destroy globalization temporarily so as to foment WW3 which is a prerequisite for the Davos elite to achieve their NWO plans. > “@Teru When you are ready to tell everyone the real reason you vehemently support Russia, we will be waiting.” @Chad Zahir Shah Putin isn't paying me anything. I am a founding stock American (lateral descendant of Isaac Shelby, search about him and his role in the revolutionary war). You dimwits are entirely unaware of or unwilling to study the facts. The Westerners are also entirely hoodwinked by the lying MSM. > “Imagine an anglo grub who doesn't mention his beloved Yankees are in northern Syria protecting stealing their oil who asked them certainly not the sovereign government of Syria,yet they have been doing it for years ..,” > “@Claude Maggard When were you anglo grubs sanctioned for your actions atrocities???” > “@Sticky59 Like the Yankees + NATO saying they wouldn't move east after the collapse of the Soviet union,that type of agreement.”Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@Sepp Baumeister so you trying to tell me you don't see the usa declining and china about to double the usa gdp in about 2 years 🙄” @Rugged Discipline No I expect the Western GDP plummeting into the abyss whilst BRICs and the developing world move on from the fall of Rome again. The cerveza sickness scam, the current fomenting of WW3, and the WEF’s Great Reset NWO plans of “you will own nothing in the West, have your debts forgiven, and be a happy 666 slave with CBDCs controlling all of your spending actions” is all the means by which the Davos elite expect to maintain their grip on power as the $quadrillion (if measured actuarial, including entitlements and derivatives) Western debt bubble goes through its Minsky Moment scorched earth economic collapse and global monetary reset with legacy protocol Bitcoin rising as 1988 Economist Magazines (i.e. Rothchild’s) Phoenix since in a multi-polar world after WW3 there will be no national currency suitable for trusting as a global reserve unit-of-account. This was exquisitely planned out with a 10 year cycle, 1988 the announcement, 1998 the obscure user group post leaking Bitcoin’s design, 2008 the actual public launch of Bitcoin, 2018 the $20k and public awareness and 2028 to be the adoption of legacy Bitcoin as the global monetary reserve currency. Note the current impostor Bitcoin which everyone erroneously thinks is the official Bitcoin will be destroyed soon along with all the altcoins. I presciently coined the term 'societalcide' on my public Steemit blog in 2016 to describe my expectations for how the West would self-immolate.Comment: Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 6:45 PM} You could forward this instead. I think iTradeChips already forwarded my prior message to ORO___ and info____ about my expectation for a Bitcoin bottom in July probably at a lower low. And then rocketing to a new ATH by end of the year or Q1 2023. If they did not receive, they could tell you so you could send. I do want them to be aware that I added a few more updates today to the following, detailing why Putin is not the boogeyman and why the U.S. Government (presumably at the behest of the Davos elite) is intentionally creating WW3. And the implications for legacy protocol Bitcoin after the current impostor Bitcoin Core is destroyed. This will all be accelerating…as March 2020 signified… Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 6:46 PM} www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore Really Dude? I suppose Adolph rained terror weapons V2 rockets and Buzz Bombs on London civillian target populations much like Pootin in Ukraine is doing because he loved them? I get that some still love the Darkness he embodied as well as for pootin. But get a dose of real Reality... because when he goes down, he will take many with him.” @White Dragon Adolf was forced into that. Analogous to Putin being forced now by the bastards who are directing the world for their NWO aims. I already told you that the forerunners of the Davos elite manipulated the outcome. You have much to learn ignoramus. Do some actual research and stop lapping up all the MSM lies like a Cocker Spaniel. For example, the elite employed their control over propaganda to create xenophobia against Germans in Poland forcing Hitler to invade (also the manipulation of the Soviet Union was ongoing as well which forced Hitler’s hand). Look dude I have seen the video of Auschwitz which clearly shows there were no gas chambers. Search for the video David Cole in Auschwitz 1992 Documentary: A Jew investigates Auschwitz.Comment: Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 7:06 PM} youtu.be/qO1RlvTAE7k (Suwalki Gap: The Most Vulnerable Place in Europe to Putin? - TLDR News) Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 7:18 PM} youtu.be/gRJrwAa6EDY (US suspects China might be planning missile attack on Guam | Latest International News | WION) Shelby Moore, {6/27/22 7:55 PM} { Photo } So apparently the Mexican cartels can traffic a human from any country in the world to the U.S. southern border and help them cross. Then the Biden administration arranges to have them flown in the middle of the night to Florida where they hope to rig the next election with them and subvert AmeriKa. youtu.be/SoqaP7gARig?t=143 (Governor DeSantis sets up strike force to combat immigration-related crimes) Shelby Moore, {6/28/22 4:59 AM} www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore look, i will try to explain you my point of view and my idea of life. Maybe you will then be able to get rid of your categorisations like „the west“. 1. i am living in the country i was born into and try my best to be a decent fellow human being for others in this society. 2. i do not care about the name or flag or such of the country i am living in and am able to call out the governments wrong doings. Not blinded by nationalism. 3. i don‘t care on which continent or country anyone else is living when we meet, and color of skin, religion, ideology does not matter as long as i don‘t have to listen to missionary statemets and being left alone from indoctrination with such ideoligies. 4. now, even if i see myself as „ideology free“, a live will still get shaped by experiences. Unfortunately i have experienced a lot of „bad“ things from Russian emigrants here and have now listened to Putins verbal threats against millions of people for 10+ years! At the same time, i have experienced Europe as „calm“ when it came to these Russian threats and never heard something like russophobia bevore this war, but rathe „europhobia“ by Putin. People here where more upset with the American foreign policy and their interventions or invasions in the middle east. And yes, there where protest about these in all European cities multiple times! It is simply Russian propaganda, if they claim Europe allways supports the US! No way! If you personaly think that this useless war will solve or improve anything, then be it! I am still convinced, Russia will suffer from this for generations and no, i don‘t feel malicious joy for that!” @Vinland personal anecdotes don’t equate with the overarching reality of who is driving the geopolitics and for what aims. Your personal ethics can be admirable and your personal experiences with Russians may be indicative (although I also experienced extreme rudeness in Asia and also Latin America, so it seems to be a norm outside the West), but that doesn’t equate with a holistic understanding of geopolitical truths and invariants. Note I would agree with you about the synagogues which even Jesus criticized in Matthew 6:5. But I would disagree if you intend to gain any understanding without the guiding wisdom of Jesus. He suffocated in the most agonizing form of death crucifixion for us so we might find our way to the wisdom yet I see most people throwing the baby out with the bathwater and not distinguishing Biblical wisdom from the corruptions of by for example Constantine who only adopted it (and created Catholicism) as the excuse to loot all the pagan and Christian temples of their gold and valuables. I would pay special attention to 1 Samuel 8 and 2 Timothy 3:1-5 as we are clearly in the last days. No the West is going to suffer for lying about everything and your European leaders have totally fooled you into equating the peacefulness of socialism with holiness and virtue. The pretend-and-extend socialism debt bubble bursting will unleash the dogs of hell onto Europe. Mark my word. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore you lost me when you started with the NWO and other conspiracy stuff my fellow human being! I would remind you of one thing tho: the deeper you will go into this rabbit hole, the more paranoid you will be, the more miserable your life will feel and most of all, you will change NOTHING but your own health which will decline!” @Vinland I agree about the NWO blackhole. But soon it will be unavoidable to be aware of the intentional enslavement. I have Jesus as my savior for my sanity. Shelby Moore, {6/28/22 5:09 AM} www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... @Tommy Gun YT has been shadow banning to help achieve the NWO political agenda. I surprised you are not aware that Big Tech is totally on board the plan for our enslavement. > “@S. Moore jury is still out if we will find a way through or not, don't beat your meat too soon!” @Paul Deck no chance in Hades of any way out. Do the math. You better start preparing. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore your own leaders think NATO would win a conventional war against Russia. In ***15 MINUTES***! You're gonna have to wake up and smell the roses, comrade!! Your leaders misled you and have given you a false sense of strength and security!” @Paul Deck I am American actually descended from a key revolutionary war general Isaac Shelby. You have lost your way. You really have no clue as to what is really going on in the world. Who needs conventional war when Russia’s nuclear subs are surfacing off the coast of California. Russia has a 500 meter high, tidal wave nuclear torpedo which could turn the entirety of Florida into a nuclear wasteland for a thousand years. Russia likely has hypersonic tactical nuclear weapons, maybe even dirty bombs. Be careful what you wish for. Also China will step into the void and drag the U.S. into a war on the other side of the world, further straining U.S. resources. U.S. forces have never been tested by world power much less two world powers simultaneously. And they relied heavily on air support. Russia and China have been planning to mitigate those strengths. We will see what they have come up with. Also I think what you are failing to recognize is this will largely be an economic war and the West depends on Russia and China for vital resources such as rare earth metals, etc... Also it seems the point about your upcoming enslavement entirely flew over your head. You are so focused on the boogeyman Putin because of the propaganda Koolaid you lapped up like a Cocker Spaniel that you are completely oblivious to the actual threat which is the Davos elite who are manufacturing your enslavement and deploying propaganda to achieve it which you fall right into as designed.Comment: Traxo, {6/28/22 10:21 AM} Happy birthday Shelby :) Shelby Moore, {6/28/22 4:14 PM} {In reply to Traxo} Surprised that a few people remembered. Maybe Telegram notifies? Actually I forgot today is my bday — that’s how slammed I am. Traxo, {6/28/22 4:31 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} No notifications. Just memory. 👏👍 Shelby Moore, {6/28/22 4:47 PM} www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore Is that the same Martin Armstrong who denies climate change and spent 11 years in prison for defrauding investors out of $700m?” @cat parka you believe the lies of the leftist gatekeeper Wikipedia and complicit Big Tech? I have done the research on what really happened and once again our terrorist government running roughshod with their complicit Kangeroo courts. Your ignorance about the climate change scam is on full display. Maybe you should listen to talks by for example 180 IQ Freeman Dyson and other Nobel laureates who debunk it. You’re just another of the billion Western blobs of ignorant protoplasm. And you only joined YT this month presumably just to make this ignorant comment. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW_Bdf_j... > “Justice wheels turn slowly but they are still working, trump will reap what he sows on earth and on judgement day!” @Angel 1973 my lord you people are ignorant, propagandized blobs of protoplasm. 2 Timothy 3:1–5. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@Teru So you think Russia is behaving like gentlemen? I think the gentlemen's aspect of any agreement with Russia is de facto null and void as it is behaving like a wounded animal.” @whssy geopolitics is not a gentlemen’s club. Cripes you people have the mental maturity of adolescents. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore and i have my „since ever independency“ from governments, institutions and money. I am able to live life completely self sustained if needed.” @Vinland until Agenda 2030 dictates that you are not allowed to do any self-sustainable activities on your land. You people do not realize that you are going to fully enslaved soon. > “@S. Moore They'll give £1200 a month UBI which within about 6 months will only be worth £600.” @stephen girling people who need to eat will take what they can get. Remember there was severe rationing during WW2. And the Bolsheviks and Neocons in control our illegitimate government are intentionally creating WW3 right now. First they forced Putin into a corner on Ukraine. Now they are have bribed Lithuania to block his resupply trains to the three sides, land locked Kaliningrad, forcing Putin to eventually take the Suwałki Gap, or Suwałki Corridor, which will be a direct invasion on a NATO member meaning the security obligations of the U.S. will be triggered and WW3 ensues. China will force the U.S. to fight on two fronts by taking or more likely blockading Taiwan. The U.S. then blockades all of China or perhaps all of the first island chain of SE Asia after China sinks one of our aircraft carriers near the Taiwan strait with their hypersonic missiles for which we have no defense. So massive shortages of everything, everywhere in the world. This is not a maybe. This has been the premediated plan for a while now. You should search for the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document “Scenarios for the Future” where they predicted all that has happened already happened (e.g. the pLandemic). WW3 may eventually go nuclear war.Comment: Distressed tax sales coming? www.scottishdailyexp...otland-hits-27292171 > “I don't think UK property prices are in for anything like a hit compared to the States (where you stated there are more than enough properties for everyone over the next few years), as we have such high demand, and growing. Your open borders policy is mirrored to some extent here with the daily numbers of "refugees" arriving along the British coastline every day.” tatistic was for the next few decades, not years. I don’t know if the statistic I quoted about U.S. housing supply sufficiency takes into account millions of illegal immigrants becoming permanently resident although they tend to live 10 or 12 per household or in shanties. DeSantis has formed a task force to put an end to flying in migrants in the middle of the night by the Bolsheviks running the U.S.A.. The immigrant demand for housing in the UK is not in rural areas. Eventually with UBI perhaps populations can spread out to cheaper areas outside of cities? But UBI will not be during the incoming 2024 markets implosion. Areas where land is bought with cash not mortgages will see much less price drops than mortgaged real estate. > “It will be interesting to see if cash-bought land will at least hold value (supposedly ~16%pa at the moment in the UK) as it's seen as a relative safe haven for investors.” I don’t think anything the government can tax and steal will hold its value over this decade. Everyone abandoned the city of Rome (population plummeted from 1.3M to 30k). Agenda 2030 is a definitive plan. Certainly they are not going to allow anyone to survive off the land in Western nations. In developing countries they may not be able to move the people off the rural farm land efficiently and I see prices continuing to accelerate there. It is time to leave the West, but I know you do not want to face that reality. I am starting to face it, realizing that I can only have one foot in the USA and need to have the only one firmly in a plan B. You have no plan B. Not wise.Comment: > “"Moving to Ireland - Differences Between Ireland and the UK" Interesting you should point me towards this guy, I've been following him for a few months. Certainly the area where he's based is particularly scenic. Three years ago I would have taken relocating to Ireland seriously, but more recently, it's clear their govt is even more committed to Davos hell than we suffer in the UK. The Irish seem to have replaced their devotion to the Catholic church with "experts" and "scientists"; swapping one form of authoritarian paternalism for another. The people seem more susceptible to this form of control than elsewhere in the British Isles. Catholicism ughh. All of Latin America seems to be gripped by it. I wrote: “I read a Pew Research report (Changing Faiths: Latinos and the Transformation of American Religion, III. Religious Practices and Beliefs) which states that most Latin Americans are Catholic but that unlike Evangelicals Latinos, many of the Catholics don’t typically find time to actually read the Bible, nor do the Catholics typically take it as the literal word of God. Ostensibly according to the Pew Research that for many Catholic Latinas their faith is predominantly just a cultural tradition lacking a deep understanding of the Biblical wisdom. One blog pointed out: “Él que peca y reza, empata” (roughly “he who sins and prays, breaks even overall”) — which I think is nihilistic almost worthless attitude towards Christianity. Do you realize that crucifixion is the most agonizing form of death because Jesus slowly suffocated over days or weeks? Jesus suffered for us so we might be saved by the wisdom but more and more people have entirely lost any deep and sincere interest in the wisdom. For example how many of you could explain to me the importance of Matthew 6:5, Matthew 7, Matthew 19, 1 Samuel 8, etcetera?” > “I see you were experiencing 21C at 65% humidity {in Sierra Vista, Arizona}: pretty much like it's been here for a few days.” That’s rather pleasant isn’t it? Note the climate along the Pacific coast in Baja Norte is more consistently like that. But the cold, stiff wind is a turn off.Comment: youtu.be/Hz_NeOSMzmo?t=565 (click link for charts referred to) SEC chief says no Bitcoin ETF anytime soon. This signifies that a new ATH is incoming before they approve it! Ah right before the posited ANYONECANSPEND attack. Everything in my model is ailgning! Last chart indicates likely another liquidity crash in July.Comment: I can’t emphasize enough the importance of having a plan B option outside of the Western nations. The uncertainty about outcomes is far too great to put all of one’s eggs in one basket and expect to come out of this global smash-up unscathed. The developing world isn’t laden with mortgage debt, has traditional family values, low property taxes, booming youthful demographics and massive future demand for real estate. The West is dying literally. In the West not only risk of plummeting real estate value with rising taxes, but confiscations, Civil Asset Forfeitures, etc.. You ever involved with Bitcoin? Okay justification for seizing all your assets the same as they can seize your home if any suspicion (not proof needed) of any criminal activity conducted from out of your home. Armstrong explained that the asset committed the crime, not you, thus they do not need any proof. This originates from the UK (deoland) so expect it to return there also. I am not asserting with any certitude this outcome will affect most or even some of us. I am just pointing out the risk of complete, unlucky wipeout having all one’s eggs in one basket. How many of you expected and predicted $13k Bitcoin in summer 2021 as I did publicly on my Trading view? Black swans are becoming more frequent now as the end nears for Western civilization as we knew it.Comment: I am interested to at least check out Piura, Peru and that may be a prerequisite stopover for us anyway. I am leaning towards Baja Sur as the better option because I can drive to the U.S., in case Bill Gates’ eugenics and 666 enslavement WHO vaccine passports ever becomes a limitation on flying. Petty crime is overt against including foreigners in Peru (e.g. hold ups anywhere even smashing taxi window) whereas typically not in Baja except a few cases of home break-ins by petty criminals against frail elderly. Note the Biden administration is encouraging all these hoodlums to waltz into the U.S.A., so might be the plan of the Davos elite to Latin Americanize the U.S. and make it just as dangerous but they will need to get rid of gun rights to fully accomplish it.Comment: Typo: *DeodandComment: www.google.com/search?q=site:arm...Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore and i have my „since ever independency“ from governments, institutions and money. I am able to live life completely self sustained if needed.” @Vinland until Agenda 2030 dictates that you are not allowed to do any self-sustainable activities on your land. You people do not realize that you are going to fully enslaved soon. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore as i said - go down the rabbit hole as deep as you want, it‘s your life and you only have one to live! What bothers me most about people believing in all the doomsday scenarios is, that they wan‘t to drag others into it as well by acting like missionaries! Look, i am very tolerant and i have no need to teach anyone they should not dig in the dirt as it won‘t help them, but will make em paranoid. Each to their own. But believe me, you do not know anything about my life and i‘ve gone trough so many things, that i am confident about being able to live completely isolated and self sustained if needed. No one will drag me down and we have enough remote areas here where no on bothers to go and check. Again, it‘s up to you if you want to live your life in constant fear of things to come, or if you simply walk your own path and find ways to endure all the s** out there. YOU choose! Take care and think about my words…. Please” @Vinland if you are hunting and gathering then yes you may be able to do that. Even the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation “Scenarios for the Future” admitted that. I was referring to stationary agriculture and livestock husbandry which they can easily identify with satellite.Comment: Shelby Moore, {6/29/22 3:47 AM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} @Vinland is (an example of why) why I think an attempt to inform people is probably futile and a waste of time and effort that could probably be more fruitfully applied to other endeavors. Take a moment to listen for 100 seconds from the linked 44 second mark in the following video: youtu.be/NiBiSu_6tt4?t=44 (‘The Five’ talks the rising red wave in America) Jesse’s description of the way voters are only focused on the parochial issues in front of their nose and move together as nearly mindless sheep, should be instructive as to the likelihood of an enlightenment wave sweeping across the populace due to some censorship-free forum for reeducation. Forced indoctrination only works if you control the mass media and know the trigger points and how you can move the herd in a particular direction of thought and action. There will be no saving Western civilization from its self-immolation destiny. Don’t try to teach the sheepeople anything. Focus on how you will navigate the collective insanity.Comment: Click to the see the film postor/billboard for DUMB and DUMBER: www.armstrongeconomi.../defaults-stupidity/ “The West has forced Russia into its first foreign debt default since 1918. You really have to wonder exactly how our world leaders rationalize their reasoning. While our politicians cheer forcing Russia into default, these morons only look at stopping Russia from borrowing. They have relieved it of debt servicing and that means the losers are Western institutions which are primarily pension funds because they got a better rate in the face of deplorable rates in the West. This will create more of a financial crisis in the West and these funds will then turn to their respective governments for compensation since they caused the default. The Federal Reserve is pushing rates higher as I warned because they are blamed for inflation. It does not matter that it will fail and created more inflation and spur the emerging market sovereign default. That is the ONLY tool they have under Keynesian Economics. My bet is when the history books are written of this period, they will classify our world leaders as the worse possible gathering of incompetent people who are leading the world DELIBERATELY into World War III. I thank God I am not 18 years old. I get to leave this insane world that is now just simply nuts. I had one reader comment that they must be too old because they do not even understand all these labels like a non-binary person. I think it is time for a singular label – Hey you! Historically, the more labels you create, the greater the division, and the faster civilization crumbles to dust. That’s what 2032 is all about.”Comment: So many typos because rushing and multitasking: the OTHER one firmly in a planComment: Expounded… > “It will be interesting to see if cash-bought land will at least hold value (supposedly ~16%pa at the moment in the UK) as it's seen as a relative safe haven for investors.” I don’t think anything the government can tax and steal will hold its value over this decade. Everyone abandoned the city of Rome (population plummeted from 1.3M to 30k). At best hope to be able to keep your Western-based land and home, but expect it to bleed value because it’s movable and thus a sitting duck for the government to tax. As taxes rise to compensate for declining local government revenues, real estate values should decline in relative terms (although maybe not nominally depending on if the central banks are expanding the money supply). Thus attempt to the put the minimum possible investment in Western real estate. Invest in developing world real estate, legacy Bitcoin (and possibly as a long shot my altcoin if it comes to fruition and meets goals 😉). Invest in Internet businesses, trying to find the next Amazon.com that spawns from the current blockchain wave (again who knows I might surprise everyone still). Agenda 2030 is a definitive plan. Certainly they are not going to allow anyone to survive off the land in Western nations. In developing countries they may not be able to move the people off the rural farm land efficiently and I see prices continuing to accelerate there. It is time to leave the West, but I know you do not want to face that reality. I am starting to face it, realizing that I can only have one foot in the USA and need to have the other one firmly in a plan B. Even rural land in Arizona is not priced less than rural land in Baja Sur or Peru. I thought it might be to compensate for higher property taxes and permitting costs, but apparently it’s all demand driven. In the rural most, arid areas of Baja Sur and Piura, Peru apparently the upscale (e.g. expat and tourism) demand is low thus competing only against the non-wealthy Mexicans for that land. Whereas in expat, tourist or urban areas of the developing countries then the demand is very high and land prices more expensive than Arizona. Note the more temperate climate of for example Guerro Negro nearer to the Pacific ocean is in much higher demand and thus comparable or more expensive than Arizona. I’m very impressed though with the climate in Cochise County, AZ so I probably want to grab some land here and an owner build permit assuming it fits into my budget. I notice many price cuts on raw land in Cochise County right now on Zillow presumably because this is low season for tourists and perhaps also because of the near recession and high interest rates dampening demand for housing.Comment: Typo: immovableComment: Shelby Moore, {6/29/22 7:29 PM} > “While I'm open to change my mind given new information, at the moment I'm of the opinion that each and every country will be met with numerous restrictions, clampdowns on freedoms etc etc. Not in a synchronised manner, no, but probably over the space of a few years. I'm less inclined to believe there will be anywhere to hide, unless living out in the wilds somewhere. We also don't know the speed at which this wave will hit us; how the New Normal agenda will metastasise throughout the globe.” I provided an example and explanation of why that can’t be the case in every facet in the second voice message I posted. Some percent of the Western youth are insane and have lost all the values that hold society together. This is the opposite of the developing nations which still predominantly maintain traditional family values — there’s some insane Millennials in for example Mexico that for example have studied abroad on scholarships but they are insignificant in number. For example, respect and extra courtesy for elders. Aggrieve/maltreat an elderly person in Latin America or Asia and everyone will be very angry at you. Whereas, increasingly in the West, it is politically correct to not offer any preferential treatment based on age. Mexico is apparently the only nation on Earth that never had any requirement for COVID testing or vaccines for entry. So that is an example that the Davos elite did not achieve ubiquity of their diabolical edicts. I was told by husband and wife (engineer and mathematician both with Masters degrees) hosts of my AirBnB in Ensenada that most educated people in Mexico City are rebellious and will flout any government edicts they disagree with. They voted for the current President AMLO who is a devout Christian and was adamant against COVID restrictions. The Brazilian President fought hard against the COVID restrictions and was only overruled by the complicit Supreme Court at the end of 2021. You presumably lack experience with how the developing world operates. Yes Mexico officially embraced all the WHO edicts and they will officially embrace the 666-like CBDCs, but what they say and what they actually do are two different things. Rule of law is bent as needed for making money. Unlike in the West, where everyone will adhere to the corrupt edicts and you won’t be able to find anyone to buy your gold, Mexico there will always be a way to turn your gold into whatever you need. The West is dying. The developing world will rise. The financial center of the world is shifting from the West to the East. Armstrong predicted back in 1979 this outcome for 2032: www.armstrongeconomi...1/why-things-happen/ Armstrong is correct in that the Davos elite (aka the Great Resetters of the WEF, Bill Gates, Soros at al) will not succeed entirely. They will probably succeed officially to some degree, but it will take some decade(s) to transition the developing world entirely to the insanity of the West. Eventually the world will be entirely enslaved but probably not in my lifetime (unless I live to perhaps 80+). Also the entire Reset agenda is to cover-up for the economic collapse that can’t be kicked down the road any more. So the most diabolical facets of the Reset applies most fervently to the nations which are actuarially, culturally and politically bankrupt, i.e. the West. Asian societies are traditionally authoritarian, but even our Filipino group members have stated you can just write yourself a fake vaccine card in the Philippines (the locals think nothing of the risk, unlike we foreigners would fear being thrown in rat-infested, overcrowded Bicutan Detention Center). Thus our number 1 threat is the West because it will cannibalize itself. Do not forget my long-standing point about financial surrogates, which will be trivially easy to source in Mexico but probably nearly impossible in the West when an anti-surrogacy law is enacted criminalizing the activity. In the Mexico there will be plenty of people who middle finger any such law if they need money and can earn money. Unlike the West, the developing countries can not afford and will not be offering UBI to bribe the population to adhere to the edicts. I am surprised you hadn’t realized this, as you are normally very astute. The Philippines attempted to offer stipends and they couldn’t even distribute it and it was wholly insufficient in any case. > “I try not to hope for anything, or abandon hope. I suppose in the last two and a half years there is a degree of acclimatisation to "life during wartime"; though I'm not saying I've come to accept it in any way. Things are much clearer to understand now than they were; we really know the direction of travel. I think I've also been able to reclaim a little of what was normal, to obtain a little balance, though hopefully without complacency. I for one need to retain some humour in my life (even though it might stray towards the gallows variety at times!), and to reconnect with creative interests, as life has been too stark without them. On the surface, indulging in these might seem a little trivial given the circumstances, but they provide some sense of renewal and positivity, if that doesn't sound too flaky.” I was preparing to write some points about that before I even read that. We must be cognizant of our tendency to become numb, complacent, coddled by some relaxation of the COVID enslavement w.r.t. to our analyses. We know from the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation “Scenarios for the Future” document that they plan to hit us with multiple diabolical schemes in waves. The next phase of the diabolical Great Reset involving world war is on tap. From that comes the economic dislocation and unraveling of the West, which will feed into the plans for UBI and leftist overthrow with the support of the insane youth. The West and developing world will not have the same outcome. As the Rockefeller Foundation document told us, the developing world will not have open arms for accepting additional indigents as they will be bogged down with poverty. From that we also know they will not be bribing their masses to adhere to some insane Agenda 2030 edicts that say they can’t have a garden. The Agenda 2030 crap in Mexico will presumably initially take hold in the high-priced, expat tourist districts. I URGE YOU TO REEVALUATE. YOUR MODEL IS INCORRECT. Your cognitive bias is likely driven by the fact that relocating out of the UK is not something you and your wife are willing to do. Thus it helps you to believe that there is no better option than right where you are. But this doesn’t seem to be factually supported.Comment: Bank robbers rob banks because that’s where the money is. The Westerners have the (debt inflated, fake) wealth thus that is where the large-scale stealing (e.g. taxation, confiscation, unexplained wealth orders, Civil Asset Forfeiture, Deodand, etc) will occur. The developing world has no wealthy middle class to cannibalize. And much less debt-inflated, fake wealth that has to be cannibalized in a Minsky Moment collapse (which historically enables the leftists to step into the power vacuum and drive it, e.g. Wiemar Germany, collapse of Rome, etc). Whereas the threat in the developing world is from the common criminals (although less so in some enclaves in SE Asia which have good law & order). Discrimination of fundamental differences is central to critical thinking: trilema.com/2018/how...he-fuck-off-a-guide/ trilema.com/2018/the-common-psychosis/Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “@S. Moore mate, don‘t worry about me when it comes to that. I‘m a survivor and ready to do whatever will be needed to go my own way.” @Vinland not intending to pester you. I want to share an additional insight I had to today. The Agenda 2030 plan will be much less likely to be fully enforceable in the developing world because the masses are poor and thus telling them they can’t supplement their food supply would cause riots, and because the developing nations will not be able to afford to handout UBI to bribe their populace to follow the diabolical edicts that the Davos elite have planned for enslaving the Westerners. I would GTFO of the Western nations. Bank robbers rob banks because that’s where the money is. The Westerners have the (debt inflated, fake) wealth thus that is where the large-scale stealing (e.g. taxation, confiscation, unexplained wealth orders, Civil Asset Forfeiture, Deodand, etc) will occur. The developing world has no wealthy middle class to cannibalize. And much less debt-inflated, fake wealth that has to be cannibalized in a Minsky Moment collapse (which historically enables the leftists to step into the power vacuum and drive it, e.g. Wiemar Germany, collapse of Rome, etc). Whereas the threat in the developing world is from the common criminals (although less so in some enclaves in SE Asia which have good law & order).Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP9Fw2hi... > “@christinakis yes, he did.. unfortunately, as did most wealthy folks back then..... Thank God those days are over!” @John Braun chattel slavery was an economic reality since time immortal up until very recently. But slavery is still with us. You are a slave for example. You do not realize it yet, but soon you will when cash is entirely outlawed and you can not buy nor sell without a fully centralized digital currency. So please understand that slavery is an invariant immortal and has never been eliminated.Comment: www.youtube.com...drlZQ/community?lc=UgybX0f... The bottom of the golden zone has not been hit yet. Also numerous other indicators such as 300 WMA, the 0.5 log-scaled Fib retracement and even drawing the trendline from 2014 low through the 2020 low. It’s going higher first to break all those who are short now, then lower low to break all those who flip long prematurely. Then to a new ATH by December. What is worse is what is coming in 2024. Expect Bitcoin to go near to $0. What Steve does not know is that the official Bitcoin is actually the impostor Bitcoin. The legacy protocol will be restored with an ANYONE CAN SPEND donations to the miners Nash equilibrium restoration “attack” against everyone who held in non-legacy address pay-to-script-hash and variants. Hodl in an address that begins with 1, not 3 nor bc1. The full game theory and economic model details are linked from my About page. Yes I am an expert.Comment: Here is an example of my expectation of difference between the West and developing word. Brazil massive homeless because they use more debt than cash as is the case in Colombia where no extensive homelessness: youtu.be/C7Ncdv63oEY (Why So Much Homelessness in Sao Paulo (My Theory) 🇧🇷)Comment: Median net worth of U.S. households predominantly comprising equity in their real estate and retirement plans. As stagflation turns the politics towards vendetta against those who still have equity by those who have fallen, or principally by acceptance of UBI by the burgeoning numbers of financially wrecked in the 25th to 50th percentile of the U.S. population, the piranhas will be gunning for that wealth locked up in home equity. Inflation running hotter than interest rates is chewing away a retirement accounts invested in fixed income and the looming 2024 epic market crash will eviscerate stock market investments. www.cnbc.com/select/...ge-net-worth-by-age/ www.census.gov/conte...0/demo/p70br-170.pdf www.census.gov/conte...0/demo/p70br-170.pdfComment: www.benzinga.com/gov...-3-putins-ally-warns "We'll destroy the entire group of enemy space satellites during the first air operation," Gurulyov said. "The first to be hit will be London. It's crystal clear that the threat to the world comes from the Anglo-Saxons." He also said Russia will target critically-important sites that would cut off power to Europe. The U.S. will have to ask Western Europe to continue fighting in the cold without food and electricity, he warned. www.realclearpolitic...huge_escalation.html Instead, they took down Peter Navarro in public, as you would a fugitive terror mastermind so everyone could see it and learn the lesson they were sending. They handcuffed Peter Navarro. They put him in leg irons, and then they threw him in a cell. He's now facing years in prison. So, what did Peter Navarro do to deserve treatment like this? Well, he resisted a subpoena from the January 6 committee. The January 6 committee is Washington's latest partisan inquisition. It's run by Nancy Pelosi with help from obedient little quislings like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. Navarro resisted that subpoena because he had nothing to do with January 6, nothing whatsoever. That's not disputed. Peter Navarro did not break into the Capitol. He didn't encourage anyone else to break into the Capitol. He wasn't even there that day. He had no idea it was going to happen. Again, that's beyond dispute and Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney know that. This is not the way civilized countries operate. Just because you control the White House and both houses of Congress, does not mean you get to throw your political opponents behind bars. That's not what we do in America. That's what they do in Haiti, but that's what we're doing now and Peter Navarro was not the first. Biden's Justice Department also arrested former Trump adviser Steve Bannon for a similar fake crime. Steve Bannon is awaiting trial this summer. So, this is not something we've seen before. It's a huge step toward the politics of the Third World, but the media whose job you thought of was to push back against power are not. They are, in fact, applauding because it turns out no punishment is too severe for those who disagree with the national news media. Watch them gloat.Comment: blog.reaction.la/par...y-of-god-and-christ/ The Republican party is walking dead, in the same way the lamestream media are walking dead. If you look at measures of engagement, the lamestream media have absolutely insignificant engagement compared to the major media figures of the alt right, and major alt media figures who frequently interview major media figures of the alt right. And now the lamestream Republican party is showing similar symptomsComment: Get a Latin American residency before it is too late to escape the dying West: www.theepochtimes.co...isorder_4519797.html archive.ph/https://w...isorder_4519797.html youtu.be/AsVSC54VfqI (Why Latin America Chose China (You Won't Believe What USA Did))Comment: Shelby Moore, {6/30/22 6:54 AM} Fmr. Atty General Bill (William) Barr’s narrative Trump lost the election because he mismanaged COVID and didn’t set up a legal trust fund to fight against the rule changes for the elections. Yet Barr lies about several issues such as stating that capitol was a riot breaking into the Capitol when in fact there is video of Capitol police opening the doors for an orderly queue: youtu.be/q1oeJwF5tG4?t=1387 Barr is well spoken. And he makes some good points such as (1:12:00) supporting States rights as the release valve to the insanity that the Federal government has become. Bill Barr appears to be putting on a show. He appears to be complicit. Why hasn’t anyone asked him why he covered up Jeffery Epstein’s murder? steemit.com/goldman-...r-corrupt-government (click this for irregularities in Epstein’s alleged suicide) Contrast Bill Barr’s characterization of the findings of the 2000 Mules movie, wherein he says that the routes detected from the data could have been contractor trucks, “100s of cell phones will pass by 5 ballot drop boxes or whatever it was. One contractor said one of our truck’s regular route alone would account for six cell phone signals”: youtu.be/vPriOpIek0E?t=727 With the actual findings from the movie: thecurrentga.org/202...-gaps-in-2000-mules/ “Gregg Phillips of True the Vote says that in Atlanta, the group identified 242 ‘mules’ who went to an average of 24 drop boxes and made an average of eight stops at one of the nonprofits during a two-week period. The group says it proves “coordinated, systematic fraud in all key states where the election was decided” and that the number of alleged illegal votes was enough to swing the 2020 presidential election in Biden’s favor” Note in the aforelinked video these people conveniently fail to mention that the voting counting late in the night in Georgia that they claim is not anomalous was done without the Republican watchers present. There was some bogus scare about a exploded water pipe they used to evacuate our observers and then carried on in the middle of the night with their own complicit ‘observers’ to replace ours so that we had no oversight. And yet our Barr et al, claim this was not fraudulent!!!! blog.reaction.la/par...politics/2000-mules/ “ ‘2000 mules’ is an investigation of the everyday routine ordinary fraud that preceded the 2020 election. It does not look at the extraordinary and hastily executed fraud that was performed in the early hours of the morning, when they hastily shut down the counting places, then reopened them at three AM with truckloads of freshly printed Biden Ballots, that, being centrally printed, failed to fill out the down ballot candidates. Everyone has known for decades about the everyday routine fraud, and in this sense nothing new to see. But what is new is that they gathered petabytes of computer data on the everyday routine fraud, allowing them to make plausible lower bound guesses on that fraud. It is, at the lower bound, still enormous. Honest elections would produce a wildly different political leadership.” {…} “Another thing that is new is that it documents Republican refusal to do anything about fraud, that everyone in every state at every level of authority, turns a blind eye, absolutely regardless of party affiliation. All the ballot boxes in every state investigated had official video cameras watching every ballot box, and all of the many thousands of incidents of ballot box stuffing were officially recorded on official video in each and every state, and officially ignored in each and every state. That, I did not know.” Shelby Moore, {6/30/22 8:26 AM} { Photo } youtu.be/2yvM3DmNVKI?t=239 (My Honest Opinion About "2,000 Mules." - We're Screwed!) “What you see here is {the route map} of a singe person {actually mobile phone} on a single day in Atlanta, GA, they went to 25 {ballot} drop boxes and 5 organizations.”Comment: Inculcating the dependency of Westerners on UBI. Is this happening in any of the developing countries? No!: www.armstrongeconomi...t-talk-june-28-2022/ “Democratic Gov. Newsom of California is handling inflation by spending more federal funds. Around 23 million residents of California are slated to receive between $200 and $1,050 within the next year.”Comment: www.theepochtimes.co...founder_4549790.html (Mexico to ‘Open Its Doors’ to Julian Assange, With President Asking Biden to Free WikiLeaks Founder) archive.ph/https://w...founder_4549790.html Meanwhile, Lopez Obrador skipped the recent U.S.-hosted Summit of the Americas at the Los Angeles Convention Center in protest over the White House’s exclusion of the governments of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua from the event. “I am not going to the Summit because not all the countries of the Americas are invited,” Obrador said in a statement. “I believe in the need to change the policy that has been imposed for centuries, exclusion, wanting to dominate for no reason, not respecting the sovereignty of countries … All countries, no matter how small, are free and independent.”Comment: www.theepochtimes.co...isorder_4519797.html (COVID Vaccines Linked to New Type of Incurable, Fatal Degenerative Brain Disorder) archive.ph/https://w...isorder_4519797.htmlComment: youtu.be/_-QDEWwSkP0 (The Myth of the Chinese Debt Trap in Africa) youtu.be/szAChpVvQuk?t=478 (Kevin Rudd: Understanding How China Sees the World) ☝️China’s model for our world future is horrific from the perspective of a Westerner who values individual rights, so the developing world will eventually become dependent but that is decades from now. But Xi’s lurch to more extensive centralized control may be destined to economic failure? Rudd predicts all COVID will end in China after Xi is reappointed in November. youtu.be/SUfjtKtkS2U (Inside China's Accelerating Bid for Chip Supremacy) youtu.be/xJJ96APeAJ0 (China’s Military is Growing – Fast) One of the points made in the aforelinked is the U.S. is burdened with much higher military costs because projecting power all over the world. Whereas China only desires to be a regional military power and then use economic influence for world influence. This means China accepts a multi-polar world outcome. (Thus whether Xi knows it or not, he accepts Bitcoin as the future world reserve currency) I expect China to be hemmed in going forward and the Davos elite know exactly what they are doing to leverage China for their NWO — something Armstrong can’t seem to accept. In the following video, the U.S. having females (very slowly) wheel out the heavy cruise missiles on a $13B carrier, lol. Spend all that money and then have females ruin the effectiveness. Besides that behemoth will be a sitting duck to China’s hypersonic missiles. youtu.be/oHUbkikAnao?t=194 (US Testing its Brand New Gigantic $13 Billion Aircraft Carrier, In Fact, It's The World Largest) Actual men no longer want to serve in the U.S. military: townhall.com/tipshee...ke-policies-n2609553Comment: My prior comments about the demise of the West are not a suggestion to uproot one’s life unless this presents a great opportunity (e.g. for a young person with work opportunities in the developing country destination and the prospect of a better lifestyle). My situation is different in that although I am 57 years old, because I’m already uprooted and trying to become astutely rooted with significant flexibility on my options. I am suggesting that in case one’s rooted situation becomes unbearable, it is ideal if one can have a plan B option already waiting in the wings ready to “fly” at a moment’s notice. I am lucky because I can simply drive across the southern U.S. border to (Baja California) Mexico while living in the U.S. Southwest (e.g. AZ or TX) or vice versa. For someone who is rooted in the UK they have no option to drive to a developing country for a plan B option. For example, what if some crypto exchange access (e.g. Binance or ByBit) or ability to cash in/out without onerous PoSoFs blocking, becomes blocked contingent on an Internet account in a non-developed country (and note these exchanges have figured out how to detect VPNs). How would someone stuck in the UK quickly access a developing country if there were vaccine requirements to fly and they refused to take the jabs? The UK feels to me like an all-in commitment to only a dubious plan A, especially if for the anti-vaxxers and anti-Resetters. Clearly Europe is going to be much worse than the U.S., which again will be much worse than Latin America and developing nations in Asia. Anyone who does not understand why can ask me to explain it again. For example Putin will not be rolling his tanks into the U.S.. And the U.S. is likely to reelect a Trump or DeSantis as POTUS in 2024, but the EU and the UK have long since lost any semblance of actual democracy. The Old World Western Empires are much further along to the incoming Dark Age than the U.S. is. There is probably no future whatsoever in Europe and I realize the UK is not Europe exactly but close enough (ostensibly Scotland and Ireland practically joined the EU after BRExit) and much more decadent than it’s offspring Empire the U.S.A.. I am reminded of the seminal essay Martin Armstrong wrote while still held in prison for the illegal contempt-of-court. www.scribd.com/docum...-the-Lights-Mar-2009 (Is it Time to Turn Out the Lights?) Europe is turning out the lights in every facet of their society. I even had a Latina tell me they do not want to date Italians because they are so stingy that they prefer to be single than have any responsibilities like wife and kids. It’s over. Just turn out the lights and go to sleep if you want to stay in Western Europe. I don’t expect much to survive in Western Europe, not real estate, not employment. There is some probability that one is able to navigate the outcome and eek out a reasonable life. Some people will, as not everyone will die. But if Deagel.com’s prediction comes to fruition, more than 50% will die and/or emigrate this decade presumably from suidcides, starvation, war, political persecution and pestilence. When the Waterfall turn to the abyss starts it will be too late to react. The time to sell BTC was in 2021 and last chance ~$32k. Once the waterfall collapse ensued the complacent and hopium hodlers were REKTD. Ditto the complacent and hopium hodlers of Western civilization will be REKTD. Mark my word on this day June 30, 2022. Note if you must stay in W. Europe, perhaps consider Portugal or rural Spain instead. At least from there you have more reasonable yacht access to Africa or the Middle East. Again there may be those who successfully eek it out in the UK, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, etc. I am just a person who does not like to be trapped into going all-in to one option with no plan B. If outcomes go awry in ways I didn’t anticipate, then it is better to have another option that might have significantly different situation to choose from at that future date. The U.S. has States rights and gun rights and other forms of opt-out not just stuck to the outcome of the charade of national democazy. We are a unique country in the world that way. So I can bet on a State (against the insanity of the national democrazy) while also having a plan B perhaps in Mexico. IN SHORT: Diversification is the only strategy when one does not have conviction about the outcome.Comment: You still want to try your luck having only a plan A in the insane West and no plan B outside of it? www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “@S. Moore Well, after the 2020 election ,Trump and his cronies lost 63 lawsuits contesting election processes, vote counting, vote certification process in multiple states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania , Wisconsin. With Trump appointed judges presiding over many of those lawsuits. Judges, lawyers and others observers described the lawsuits as frivolous and “ without merit.” Nearly all those lawsuits were dismissed do to lack of evidence. Trump, his supporters and lawyers asserted widespread voter fraud in public statements , not in a court of law. Loyola law school professor Justin Levitt; “ there’s literally nothing that’s I’ve seen yet with the meaningful potential to affect the final result.” Phi State University election law professor Net Foley ; “ you have to have a legal clime, and you have to have a evidence to back it up. And that’s just not in there.” I could go on and on… The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency; “2020 election the most secure in American history .There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” So, it’s time to return to reality and look at facts . Movies are grate, fantastic pass time , conspiracy theories are grate ,laughing moments in circle of friend sharing a cocktail. Reality is based on FACTS.” @Dorota Zapolnik 63 bribed and complicit judges. Certification by the complicit, bribed and/or under duress of kompromat. You (Yuri Bezmenov) ‘useful idiots’ go forth with your delusions as the ones you support are going to do what Stalin did with all the leftists. Your soi-disant “facts” are vacuous lies and fabrications. I could go on and on also, but all that will matter in the end is all of you idiots are going to reap what you sow. Mark my word and the word of God. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “@kckiper This is what is so scary, that so many people just fall in line chasing a multitude of lies with no evidence.” @JJ M yes all you fall in line chasing the lies of the establishment which includes Bill Barr and his omissions and misrepresentations of the facts which all you dimwits lap up like Cocker Spaniels. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “@Clayton Bigsby Read the constitution first , learn history, basics of foreign affairs, and then … come back to civilized world if you wish and add some comments that actually make sense.” @Dorota Zapolnik you do not know anything about the Constitution (capital C btw not lower case). Read 160 IQ Anna von Reitz’s exposition on the fact that Constitution has been void since 1861. You people are ignorant a.f.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “ @Clayton Bigsby Well, there is a lot off chopped salad in there, but … the WEF isn’t some separate entity on its own as you’re suggesting. In our present world global economic system is based on capitalistic principle of constant grow. That concept isn’t working any more even provided way out poverty for millions all around the world, medical breakthroughs, higher living standards etc. A relatively new, born in the 1970s economic system of thought, called Degrowth is gaining momentum and is based on an idea of slowing - not promoting - economic growth, to use less of the world dwindling resources. Degrowth stared to gain” @Dorota Zapolnik degrowth just means Davos elite need an enslaving scapegoat for the coming $quadrillion Minsky Moment. And you lap it up as some genuine, virtuous thing. Duh.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “@S. Moore : Anyone who uses the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome” to describe someone who can’t stand a hate-mongering, card-carrying, torch-bearing, hood-wearing r ac is t fits “the stereotype” so thanks for the validation” @PJE Trump Derangement Syndrome has you chasing your shadow. I am not racist. Cripes I am a white guy married to a person of color. My sister and I were only the two white kids in our all black elementary school in Baton Rouge. Get a grip on yourself. Certainly Trump is not a racist, he helped minorities as much as Brandon has destroyed them by intentionally launching WW3, woke/green agenda and intentional disruption of supply chains. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “@S. Moore : “Trump is not a r ac is t”? Remember when he called up the proud boys? Remember when he was told on NUMEROUS occasions that his “China flu” moniker was causing hate crimes against Asians yet he persisted? Remember when he called Mexicans “rapists and murderers”? Remember when he invited Kyle Rittenhouse over after he was acquitted for a hate crime? I can do this ALL DAY” @PJE I am sorry you are handicapped by possessing such a low IQ. ‘China flu’ is an attempt to blame the flu on an alleged origin, i.e. a place not a race. Stating factually that criminals elements to the south are leaking across our border, has nothing to do with race. Also you conflate nationality with race. Your verbal diarrhea about Rittenhouse is stupendously ignorant of the facts and the respectful, ethical, volunteeristic, civic-minded, and legally vindicated person that Kyle is — certainly not a racist. This is why most people will not be allowed to vote when we reconstitute our State Assemblies. Direct democracy can’t be a solution when those who are voting are fools. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “@S. Moore Because Barr was part of the cover up. You should look into Barr's father also. The Barr family has been part of the dirty game for a long time.” @Mike Joints YT is shadow banning your reply. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “@S. Moore It must be hell living in your alternate universe.” @Dorota Zapolnik the hell will be yours when you wake up and realize that you have enslaved yourself in hoodwinked verbal diarrhea. The Bolsheviks and Neocons you are supporting do not care about you at all. They will throw you under the bus as Stalin did. You fools will reap what you deserve. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWl_Jxwb... > “@S. Moore That wouldn't surprise me at all. At least my channel has not been suspended yet this year. So thats a plus” @Mike Joints I do not see any content on your channel. We need an alternative to YT. Rumble? But I do not trust any of the centralized alternatives. There are the blockchain based ones (e.g. Bitchute, Odyssey, etc) but who wants to buy tokens just to be able to participate?Comment: CNN is insane. They are now spinning the denials by Trump (and Secret Service which they do not mention of course) as witness tampering. Have we entered the Twilight Zone? youtu.be/7abUPtWrP0k (Trump verbally attacks Hutchinson over January 6 testimony) www.armstrongeconomi...r-heard-2-0-perjury/ www.armstrongeconomi...nd-this-latest-scam/Comment: The West is doomed. Even if for example certain States try to be enclaves of sanity (e.g. Florida, but DeSantis clarified that the bill they passed to stop teaching kids sexual orientation only prevents it to grade 3!), the problem is the societalcide is in control of the monetary and fiscal system, so they’re in the process of destroying the fabric of society by making it uneconomical to hold a normal job. Who wants to be a policeman, fireman or whatever when your wages are being eroded like in Venezuela. The inflation rate is not 8.6%. More like 15 – 20% or more. www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP6xWTXO... > “@S. Moore handing money out thats already in circulation does not drive inflation, printing money drives inflation.” @StuntmanDAN your simplistic quantity theory of money is not a complete model. Firstly poorer people spend everything they get whereas rich people save it. Thus handing out money to poor people exacerbates demand thus price inflation more than QE which instead ends up mostly in the hands of the wealthy. Secondly, the source of the tax surplus in CA is probably the Feds, which was financed with money printing. Thirdly taking money from the wealthy via excessive taxation (to create tax surplus) and giving it to the poor will drive price inflation for the reason I already mentioned. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “Eric Connor, I know you are made ignorant by western censorship, but in the last 8 years when America has been training Ukrainian forcse to attack Russians in the Donbas, they were also busy destabilising neighbouring countries to Russia. The US spent at lot less than they did in the Ukraine to destroy democracy(5 billion dollars)and so they caused unrest in Armenia Aserbaijan and Kazakhstan, but Russia had agreements with Kazakhs and prevented revolution. Turkey has interests with Azerbaijan and blocked a border. In short Russia was a peace keeper in that dispute. BUT the people that are always threatening are NOT the Russioasns, most conflicts can be placeed fairly and squarely at either the UK or the USA's door. Support peace and freedom , support Russia and stop business destroying democracy in the USA and the UK.” @Mtsensk Mtsensk AmeriKaans are asleep. Do not expect them to do the right thing. Putin is correct that the Anglo-Saxons (I am Anglo-Saxon) have become the terrorists in this world by implicitly supporting the Anglo-Saxon terrorism due to being entirely hoodwinked by lamestream media propaganda. Perhaps Deagel’s forecast will be correct and NATO countries will be depopulated by 50 – 75% by 2025. Seems like the appropriate outcome now unfortunately. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs... > “They should name ALL public toilets “the Kremlin,” by law. You can then say “ I’m off to the Kremlin or i need a Kremlin , god , I’m dying for a Kremlin , I’ve just had a Kremlin.” ‘Pootin’ Derangement Syndrome. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW_Bdf_j... > “@S. Moore he's the biggest lair on earth 🌎 🤣🤣🤣" > “@creoleladee i sure hope so, sue the pants 👖 off of each and everyone of them, he keeps right on calling her name 😳😳😳😳😳😳 what a nut job” @Arlene Johnson You have the Pootin and Trump Derangement Syndrome. www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-7pOsCV... > “Of course you have to go with the mainstream rhetoric of things but the reality is that the Ukrainian government has been guilty of genocide against Eastern Ukraine the people of eastern Ukraine ever since 2014 and with the backing of the United States and NATO has become a fascist State ever since World War II incidentally most people don't know this but the current president of Ukraine is an actor who's been on several television shows including one show that he actually played the president of Ukraine. just like the United States the Ukrainian government is a fascist dictatorship under admiralty law jurisdiction do your homework you might find something that you didn't know.” @Steve Miller Copy+pasta (clicking will not take you to the comment thread). YT is shadow banning your comment about Ukraine which I am replying to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqxkqTs...Comment: Fleeing capital flows indicate war and bad times coming to W. Europe between now and 2024. www.armstrongeconomi...-fed-reverse-course/ (click for the chart referred to herein) This marks the end of globalism. Xi’s recentralization of China is preemptive to prepare for the sacrifice of crossing the chasm to China’s boom after WW3. The alternative in China is chaos which historically devolves to devastation. While the West will devolve to the democrazy of idiots voting, China will prevent idiots from having any voice at the cost of retardation of innovation and productivity growth that requires (otherwise spawns from) economic decentralization. I am thinking the best place to be will be outside both the West and East Asia. Really Latin America may end up being the most freedom and decentralized economic growth that will exist on earth. South Asia and Africa probably the other good option.Comment: Fate of Brazil hinges on two Supreme Court appointments that will be made by which President will win the upcoming October 2, 2022 election. If the socialist Lula (Brazil’s most popular President ever) wins, then Brazil will go to hell. Remember the Supreme Court overruled Brazilian President Jair Bolsonar on vaccine requirements for entry to Brazil for non-residents. youtu.be/GXSiLFyxj10?t=93 (Brazilian president talks protection of life and faith with Tucker)Comment: All the U.S. apartments I listed do not reply. I sent multiple attempts to have questions answered. Only two replied with automated replies that do not answer my questions. Renting an affordable apt in Arizona is a pita. Texas was easier as there was a walk-in mgmt agency. Mexican AirBnB was very responsive. AmeriKa is soon burnt toast. Congratulations Brandon! Trump and Pootin Derangement Syndrome is a more important priority than not collapsing our civilization into a Dark Age for 600 years. Yes that happened before. All the useful idiots don't realize they are going to be thrown under the bus.Comment: Finally found a place I really like in the U.S. (Sierra Vista, AZ) and freakin apts are a pita. They billed me $1290 this month for my 1bd/1ba. They tack on lots of extra charges to hide that they are really increasing the rent 25% for inflation.Comment: Mom, real quick … I am acknowledging that I did search to confirm the reasons I thought that possibly demand for housing in Bellingham might outstrip supply even in a severe recession — WWU and Canadians. However note this article points out that prices still haven’t returned to their pre-2008 recession levels. So expect prices to fall significantly in Bellingham during the coming Second Great Recession unless the Fed steps in quickly to reflate in 2023 and let’s inflation run crazy which would cause interest rates to go up like crazy which would still crash the prices of houses. You can thank your good ole boy Brandon (actually the unelected Bolsheviks and Neocons pulling his strings) for INTENTIONALLY MANUFACTURING this inflation. I can prove that beyond any doubt. I agreed not to send you more details. So to the extent you suffer from this (either selling sooner than you wanted to, or possibly hodling too long and losing significant equity), it is a self-inflicted wound. No worries I have a grand history of self-inflicted damage, but at least not from politics. At least my mistakes were actual life decisions, not some inane ideological masturbation. Your home is in a great location and an affordable home. I see home prices in Blaine are up the most, which you may remember is the place I chose as the best to live with Joy in 2004 in the trailer (preferred it to the at that time more urbanized Bellingham): bellingham.com/whatc...-county-home-prices/ cob.org/services/pla...ey-housing-questions brandonnelson.com/be...upply-demand-report/Comment: My Gist is also archived: archive.ph/btO4BComment: Biden’s RealityComment: Re: I posited Agenda 2030 to be aggressively implemented in Western nations > “But I guess it will be a war of attrition. It's a very big ask to close down all attempts at food production, especially smallholders and people simply growing stuff in their gardens. Attempts are being made though to spread nonsense about chickens, ducks etc being vectors for zoonotic transfer to humans of numerous "viruses" - mostly exaggerated or completely fabricated claims.” Western commercial farmers will relent as you say. The attrition is likely to rather pointed, not dragged out for decades. Small scale Western gardeners may eventually have their homes confiscated. You are playing with fire amigo. The West is in a leftist holiness spiral. I have become more aware of the acceleration lately. The problem is precisely that those who are sane are stuck in normalcy bias thus not taking the extreme actions they need to take, yourself included to some extent. All of us love normalcy. It behooves you to be more in awe of the exponential function. On the 29th week the Lily pond is only half covered and on the 30th fully. When the shitshow goes into Waterfall acceleration you will not have any time to even think. Humans seem incapable of understanding civilization collapse. Perhaps read some books about the accelerated waterfall collapse of Rome? I think within a decade or so everyone left the city. Now imagine the city of Rome is analogous in contemporary times to the Western nations. None of us know when that waterfall collapse is triggered exactly. Would it be 10 years from now? Maybe. 50 years? Possibly, especially for the U.S., not W. Europe. To allow for the timing variable, I want a more normalcy oriented plan A and also a EOTWAWKI plan B.Comment: {In reply to anonymous} > “My choice is to strongly oppose what might seem to be the inevitable, hopefully with significant numbers of likeminded resistance. I realise you think this is pretty much hopeless and doomed to failure and probable death. I have no illusions regarding the risks and possible fate in store. It could be we're nuked, or attempts to starve us to death - who knows. Please don't interpret that as a death wish, or as giving up.” If the probability is very high that choice will be much less pleasant than the alternatives, I choose the plan that seems more sensible and has a better chance of making me prosperous and happy. What kind of person chooses to stay mired in a clusterfuck? I have never understood why people with prior knowledge of a likely outcome choose to torpedo themselves. Maybe you can explain it better to me? I presume you will not be fighting, just trying to cope as a slave if my plan B option becomes needed. I guess your mischaracterization of the likely outcome as if trying to spin it as having some noble or virtuous component is what bothers me. What is virtuous about supporting the clusterfuck by staying in it and offering up all your productivity, time and effort to it? The best way to accelerate the death of a clusterfuck is to withhold resources from it, not serve up yourself to be harvested. This point is taken out of the holistic analyses of options and tradeoffs though. But you are not writing about that. You are claiming futile masochism is virtuous at least when viewed through the lens of my expectations on the likely outcome (which is only the plan B in my preparations). Have you not yet rationalized the likelihood that eventually (ultimate outcome) there will not be any credible resistance? Somehow it seems your fundamental assumptions are very different than mine? It is not the possible death I am worried about. Rather it is how I would be feeding the clusterfuck in the interim (even if by expending extra effort prepping that I might not need to do if I just leave for the plan B when needed). I don’t hang around with insane people and insane society/civilization. I leave the decadent and go join those who have a future. Now if my assumptions are very far off from the reality then my choices based on those assumptions will be not well reasoned. Yet I have said I will keep one foot in the normalcy oriented plan A. So it seems you would need to counter point my assumptions? Or explain to me why masochism and slavery is virtuous? Now if you argued you can’t afford a plan B, I empathize and it is unfortunate not virtuous. There is nothing virtuous about being stuck in a plan A if our worst fears accelerate. If there was going to be serious resistance, we would have already stopped the leftists. The sane people are too complacent and too much married to normalcy bias to actually do the extreme actions soon enough to actually succeed. That is not to say that I might not still try to develop software to help educate and provide alternatives. But I am becoming more sober with my expectations.Comment: > “We know the potential risks and we are choosing to stand our ground, rather than run - perhaps forever, and with quickly depleting funds in a foreign country and culture with few if any contacts.” There is no such thing as stationary existence. Existence is about attempt to stay ahead of the trend to maximum entropy/disorder — that everything returns to dust eventually. If you know that you are doomed with that boxed in situation, you could decide might as well take some risks. For example, you could risk 0.1 BTC with leverage in an attempt to become wealthy enough to retire any where in the world. If you are stopped out and lose it, it is not like you really lost anything ultimately — we all going back to dust soon. It is not like there are no other options. It is as if you choose to not have any other options. I guess I do not understand Earth signs at all. Water keeps moving and probing for fruitful downhill terrain. Earth signs seem to convince themselves they have no options. Life is a risk. There is no such thing as a risk-free existence. The astute look at the probabilities and if there is 99% chance of failure by not taking any risks, that is taking a huge risk. Better to take the 50% chance of flipping a coin. I am not trying to say what you should do, because I do not know what is best for you and that is an entirely other complex discussion (some of which we already discussed). I am just reacting to the “logic” presented on its face value out-of-context of whatever might be the best, complex analysis of your situation.Comment: > “Neither of us with our contrasting approaches can be certain of relative success. We each know what type of personalities we are, weigh up the pros and cons and give it our best shot, aware of the possible pitfalls. I'm not afraid to examine very dark possibilities ahead, of what people are capable of at extremes. But also I'm aware of the untapped resources others can have at similar extremes. It's a spiritual battle ahead in which we will each discover who we really are, compared to who we might think we are.” Spiritual battle sounds like a mumbo-jumbo excuse to believe in stationary existence? Or it’s orthogonal to the point of having a plan A and B, not just a plan A. Of course we are always adapting if that’s what you mean by spiritual accretion. And one way I am adapting and learning more is by not being insular stuck to only a normalcy, familiarity-bias oriented plan A. If by spirituality you mean that the society around you and your role in it will find some salvation, I think that is BS. We live in cycles in and we know what happens in decadent cycles. That is why we study history. Nothing really changes. Humans periodically megadeath themselves. It is a repeating cycle. Indeed your personality type is impossible for me to put myself in. No way I would be so intransigent to the point of locking myself into being a deer in the headlights. I like having multiple options. As for specific pros and cons, yes maybe after a complex analysis one would arrive at the conclusion that you have no options because of your personalities. I have no contacts in Mexico. Never stopped me from going. I could end up with a worse outcome possibly. Such as if the security situation in Latin America snags me, although that is why I have two options in case Mexico is not working out. But the general thesis of having multiple options is one that 160 IQ Catherine Austin Fitts recommended.Comment: > “I believe we are living through the apogee of the mechanistic mindset, ranging from approximately Socrates, through the Enlightenment, towards this hubristic ambition of the would-be technocratic elite to completely divorce themselves from Nature, placing themselves as would-be gods who must assert their perceived superiority by replacing everything natural with the artificial. While the Enlightenment shone a bright light into the shadows of superstition and ignorance, reliance solely on measurement, logic and the tangible is not a reflection of the whole. We have gone from one extreme to another. "There is more in Heaven and Earth..." Love cannot be measured in a lab; it would be absurd to assume that all it amounted to was a change in brain chemistry, hormones etc. But the New Eugenicists would have us believe we are simply biological robots, very predictable and hackable, that any notion of spirit or soul is laughable, and any such archaic notion should be removed at birth - which is probably one hoped for function of the experimental injections. So, there is a practical path each of us could take right now, or an intuitive one.” Astute. Agreed. I have made those points also. But that is orthogonal to survival and prosperity interim. And I doubt very much that humanity en masse is on the verge of crossing the chasm to Jesus. Eventually Jesus returns but not until after the Tribulations and gigadeath. Realize that all these Davos elite are playing their roles exactly as the Biblical Revelation predicts: steemit.com/coronavi...g-as-the-common-cold (The First Jar—Painful Sores Then I heard a loud voice coming from the house of God. The voice said to the seven…) Aforelinked blog was written before I realized COVID was just a fabricated lie, but Bill Gates is vying to make billions sick with an eventually fully mandated vaccine regimen. I read the CDC now recommends 72 vaccines before someone is adolescentComment: Let me summarize. Indeed the ultimate outcome will be end game in Revelation but we do not know if our death and salvation with Jesus is imminent. So in the interim having practical, real world plan A and B is wise, as not everything may be resolved spiritually for decades or centuries. We can not know the timing.Comment: Seems to me that you have perhaps to some degree conflated the collapse of Western civilization with globohomo. I believe the developing world probably has at least an entire generation to go before it fully synchronizes with the Western societalcide. There will be some synchronization but I think also some defection/differentiation. Anyway, I believe my best chance for some differentiation is both outside the West and enclaves (as opposed to enslaves) within the West such as DeSantis in Florida to some extent (although I pointed out that he only got the sexual orientation indoctrination removed from schools for K – 3rd grade, not K – 12).Comment: Newly published idea:Comment: Steak (beef) in Mexico is 1/3 to 1/2 the price of the equivalent here in the U.S.A. and the the beef here has much less taste. Decent beef is $22 per kilo now in the U.S.A.. (in Philippines pesos that is P1100) Maybe the Mexican beef is more grass fed? I bought the cheapest steak I could find priced $14 per kilo and its very tough and difficult to chew. For $7 to $9 a kilo in Mexico I was getting tender and succulent beef. The ribeye in Mexico was ~$12 to $14 per kilo. It is $27 in the U.S.. It is ridiculous the cost of the food in the U.S.A. now. Romain lettuce (same size and quality) is $0.75 in Mexico and $1.80 here in the U.S.. I already told you that fuel is 20% less in Mexico (or 35% less than California fuel). Home rentals In Mexico are roughly half the price for the same quality. A liter of all natural (no sugar added, whole milk fat) yogurt in Mexico is $1.60. In the USA I can only find an upscale brand that has no sugar and is not the non-fat insanity that Americans are pursuing, costs $6 for same size. My sense in walking around in the large format stores (including grocery) is that Americans aren’t really aware of the gravity of what is being perpetrated against them and the dire threats to their well being on the horizon.Comment: Elaborated including I researched the causation… Shelby Moore, {7/3/22 2:37 AM} Steak (beef) in Mexico is 1/3 to 1/2 the price of the equivalent here in the U.S.A. and the the beef here has much less taste. Decent beef is $22 per kilo now in the U.S.A.. (in Philippines pesos that is P1100) Maybe the Mexican beef is more grass fed? I bought the cheapest steak I could find priced $14 per kilo and its very tough and difficult to chew. That might be equivalent to the $5 per kilo beef in Mexico. For $7 to $9 a kilo in Mexico I was getting tender and succulent beef. The ribeye in Mexico was ~$12 to $14 per kilo. It is $27 in the U.S.. It is ridiculous the cost of the food in the U.S.A. now. Romain lettuce (same size and quality) is $0.75 in Mexico and $1.80 here in the U.S.. I already told you that fuel is 20% less in Mexico (or 35% less than California fuel). Home rentals In Mexico are roughly half the price for the same quality. A liter of all natural (no sugar added, whole milk fat) yogurt in Mexico is $1.60. In the USA I can only find an upscale brand that has no sugar and is not the non-fat insanity that Americans are pursuing, costs $5.60 for same size. Also it was out of stock even though the website said it was in stock, so a wasted trip and fuel. In Mexico the yogurt I cited is always in stock. Granted the Mexico version isn’t the very thick consistency Greek style (which is excellent btw and not available in Mexico). Upscale items (e.g. also that canned sockeye, wild caught salmon I mentioned) are not available in Mexico. www.target.com/p/cho...rt-32oz/-/A-15242876 There is $4 but it starts from non-fat milk and cream added back in. Sounds like a lot of processing of a formerly natural food: www.target.com/p/gre...er-8482/-/A-78362089 I solved this yogurt price issue by buying sour cream instead which is priced equivalent to as in Mexico. I doubt those food prices differentials are solely attributable to increased wages in the U.S.. It is most likely government making everything more expensive than it needs to be. Additionally the food in the U.S.A. spikes my bad omega-6 level, which I can tell because I immediately have inflammation all over my body. High omega-6 is due to the crap they feed the cows instead of grass, and the grotesque, Frankenstein processing of milk which converts it from food into a toxin (source: realmilk.com). Our milk used to be delivered raw in glass jars on our doorstep (milk trucks) and nobody got sick. Industry and government has conspired to maximize profits and shelf life and with the medical industry to intentionally make us sick so as to maximize profits. My sense in walking around in the large format stores (including grocery) is that Americans aren’t really aware of the gravity of what is being perpetrated against them and the dire threats to their well being on the horizon. Shelby Moore, {7/3/22 4:34 AM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} Confirmed: www.globalproductpri...m/Mexico/beef_price/ So why in the heck are beef prices so much higher in some countries? It’s not the labor costs which are 10% of the cost. That is the first statistic I have seen which the UK for example puts the USA to shame. I keep raving about how I think the USA will be a better option than Europe, but UK beef costs 56% less. Okay I found the reason! archive.ph/https://w...ed-costs/9485174002/ (Despite high demand for beef, it's a tough time to be a Texas cattle rancher. Here's why many are reducing herds.) www.kold.com/2022/02...lan-ease-food-costs/ I also read this in the article from Arizona. The pLandemic enabled consolidation of the meat packing industry who have now cornered the market, limiting supply and taking all the profits from the providers of beef, thus causing the providers to cull their herds! The U.S.A. — once formerly the land of the free, brave and free markets — is now well on its way to monopolies and fascism in multiple industries, e.g. even Big Tech has cornered the Internet market. Amazon.com (and to a less extent Walmart.com) has cornered the market for online sales. Remember many meat packers were forced to shut down during the pLandemic so many of them presumably had to sell their operations. Also high heat and drought. Mexico’s superior climate is a significant factor. With the Maunder Minimum on tap for 2030 to 2050, expect this to worsen which yet another reason to leave for Mexico. www.quora.com/How-is...n-Nafarrate-Martinez Shelby Moore, {7/3/22 4:48 AM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} { Video } This is what is going on: www.armstrongeconomi...r/political-reality/Comment: What the f-ck has happened to AmeriKa? All this slime, slander, hearsay and misrepresentation of the significance in an official Congressional hearing. They have reduced the rule of law in AmeriKa to a banana republic. These are the early warning signs of the exponential function starting to show its teeth. Remember on the 29th week the lily pond is only half covered and the farmer is totally shocked that on the 30th week the other half is covered. Remember the waterfall collapse of rule of law will be in the blink of an eye. Humans can’t perceive the exponential function. youtu.be/WdnUNKw2cZ0 (Detailing Crimes May Have Discouraged Trump From Pardons)Comment: I replied to Tony Turissi: > “Jesus or not the concept and reality of the spirit or soul is a truth denied by the man from mud or big bang materialists . Every race of man and every civilization to date has recognized the existence of the soul. It's only since the advent of Russian and German psychiatry that the soul has been fought. You cannot make slaves of souls. But negate the existence of the spirit and slavery becomes hope for the ignorant” Well put. Will share your reply with my small Telegram group.Comment: My detailed reply: www.tradingview.com/...us-terminal-impulse/ @grepcat, July 4 updates on this published idea and my published idea Bitcoin bottom to be or not to be? in conjunction with those cited ideas published by math prodigy @otwa2113, corroborate that what’s going on with Bitcoin thus has implications for all risk-on market sectors. Properly and fully grokking Bitcoin, its game theory, Nash equilibrium and economics — and especially why legacy protocol Bitcoin must rise to be the next world reserve currency and how it will rise by destroying the posited impostor Bitcoin Core (which is actually only an altcoin analogous and equivalent to Litecoin or any other proof-of-work piece-of-sh8t that integrated the scammer concept of Lightning Networks and SegWit) — is important to understanding all investment going forward. The world is radically changing. I suggest you read all the updates on my published idea "Official" (impostor) Bitcoin Core to Drop to $0 in 2023? as I’m explaining in detail the unraveling of the world’s global financial and geo-political system (i.e. the post Bretton Woods order) and the monetary and political reset to a multi-polar world 666 enslaved by Bitcoin per the model in John Nash’s Ideal Money (Jstor) proposal. John Nash explained how an ideal unit-of-account would discipline and enslave the profligate nation-states. In my aforelinked published idea, I explain why human nature, civilization, and political power vacuums can never create a nation-state which is not dysfunctional. Do you really think that Rothschild’s 200 IQ secret team launched Bitcoin (pretending to unrealistically be some lone Japanese who created Bitcoin “in his mother’s basement”, lol…and I hope you read where I am explained that Satoshi Nakamoto = I am Nash) because it will remain decentralized forever? Of course as biblical Revelation predicts all the wealth will become concentrated on the seven hills surrounding Rome and/or Jerusalem and of course if the elitemost (Rothschild?) of the Davos elite (i.e. the old world money hiding behind the curtain of the underlings such as Gates and Soros, pulling the strings with compartmentalization and playing all sides off each other — essentially Satan in a human form) then of course the hidden elite will control more than 51% of the Bitcoin mining farms either directly or more likely indirectly (e.g. forcing KYC and PoSoFs via the NWO, globalist FATF rules which essentially 666 enslave everyone using Bitcoin). @grepcat wrote: “there are currently about 10-12 mil btc on segwit addresses” Of course that slightly more than half of Bitcoin’s token supply is currently foolishly held in non-legacy addresses (i.e. those what begin with a 3 or bc1 instead of a 1, which are pay-to-script-hash and its variants such as SegWit specific address protocols) is going to fool the sheepeople herd of linear thinkers who favor a normalcy bias that weights continuation of trend greater than black swans (and they are usually correct, except when they are wrong they plunge to their demise over the black swan cliff). Some people mistakenly believe that black swans can’t be anticipated, but there is order in chaos if you know where to look and how to correlate it — which is what @otwa2113 is doing from an ostensibly purely mathematical chaos theory fixed point and bifurcation analyses, whereas I am incorporating my domain expertise about Bitcoin’s history, game theory, economics, technological details, Martin Armstrong’s cycle models, my markets analysis, etc.. I am sort of a polymath (almost) and incorporating information I find from many different sources of investigation. Specifically to your question about how would the miners and Bitcoin’s reputation survive such a “donations attack” (where the legacy miners take al the non-legacy address BTC as donations on the legacy fork, leaving those foolishly held in non-legacy only with their Core fork BTC remaining and a huge income tax bill to pay for the free airdrop income at the nosebleed price before the “attack” drives those sh*tcoins to to ~$0, i.e. bankrupting everyone who was so foolish and ignored me. To understand why I am unequivocally correct, you must read again more carefully the section “Official” Bitcoin to be Destroyed, Satoshi’s Legacy Bitcoin to Rise from the Ashes as Rothschild’s Phoenix (archived) of my (incomplete) Gist. Specifically read more carefully from point #4 to the end of the section and make sure you understand what is written. Do not gloss over (i.e. ignore) the significance of any words. Let me quote some essential excerpts which speak directly to your mischaracterization of the reality and the unassailable facts: This economic asymmetry alone as it has been for every case of hard fork of Bitcoin, is enough to guarantee that the legacy fork is economically dominant. But it’s not the only reason…Comment: And: Miners don’t decide and will be forced by the economic majority to mine the legacy fork because presumably the “attack” will occur at a nosebleed high price with the network hashrate mining difficulty pumped sky high, and to coincide with suddenly dumping million+ ₿ of the free airdropped Core (aka SegWit) sh8tcoins on the exchanges thus cratering the price of the soi-disant “official” Bitcoin fork (which everyone erroneously believes is Bitcoin). The price will be so low compared to the mining difficulty, that miners won’t even recoup a negligible fraction of their electricity costs. The Core sh8tcoin will halt because no blocks will be mined. And the mining difficulty can not be adjusted lower until 2016 blocks are mined — yet since no blocks will be mined because not profitable, then non-legacy (aka Core) protocol blockchain will be stuck and halt. Which of course will cause massive panic selling on the centralized exchanges, which will probably cause exchanges to also halt, lol. Blockstream’s “power rangers” will be forced to ”maintain” their sh8t staining fetish by manually hard forking (i.e. hard f*cking in the butthole and polishing the circlejerk turd of) their mining difficulty, thus rendering their Core sh8tcoin a centralized, sh8t stained security. And then the repeated ‘difficulty bomb‘ attacks will ensue until that sh8tstainedcorn is notionally “valued” ~$0. Let’s suppose human waste has some infinitesimal value to microbes and the antediluvian agricultural economy. And: Whereas at the time of the restoration “attack” the legacy Bitcoin blockchain will not have a high mining difficulty relative to its value, and there will be ANYONECANSPEND booty available in each block mined thus increasing the mining reward. Thus miners will only have the choice to either sell their ASICs or mine on the legacy Bitcoin chain forsaking the sh8t stained protocol fork forevermore. And: Yet even after this ELI5, the {redacted} stones in between @exstasie’s ears still won’t fathom why the legacy ₿ tokens would have any value, because he ostensibly incorrectly concludes that monetary value is a USAF consensus (aka democrazy) and not embedded in the Nash equilibrium monetary restandardization that organizes/promotes/fosters maximum capital formation via the constant marginal utility of an Ideal Money. Which is an unrelated process to onboarding poverty stricken plebs (c.f. also) in Web 3.0 with transaction scaling. Note I refrained here on Tradingview from linking to trilema dot com in those quotes because Mircea’s website is banned on most social media (even though Mircea held ~500,000 BTC when he allegedly drowned in Costa Rica...and if you believe he drowned I have bridge to nowhere I would like to sell you). So refer to the original for the relevant links which are embedded in the afore-cited text at my Gist. @grepcat opined: “i doubt miners will take/steal these without any major consequences. why would the community continue believing in bitcoin legacy (and the miners) after miner attack execution?” @exstasie and nearly everyone who reads the explanation can’t seem to comprehend that the millions of worthless plebs and their FOMO Tulip bubble has already served its intended purpose and they are no longer relevant. Humans don’t comprehend the exponential function (example of the Lily pad only covering half of the pond on the 29th week and farmer is shocked fully covered by the 30th week) and they don’t comprehend the inviolable power-law distribution of fungible resources such as wealth and tokens — thus ultimately the 99% do not matter and depend entirely on the 1% who decide how to manage and harvest their 99% livestock herd. Satoshi intentionally designed Bitcoin to not be a transactional currency for the masses (when he intentionally set the block size to 1 MB and used the Wikileaks excuse to leave when he was being pressured to raise it and I already refuted the hearsay that it was only Hal Finney’s who want to cap the block size) — he rather designed Bitcoin to be an international settlement system for central banks and $trillionaires (possibly also $billionaires) as the transaction fees will become too high (e.g. $50,000) for the plebs to transact on chain (and Lightning Networks will be destroyed when Core it). Note Wikileaks was controlled by Rothschild and Assange even stayed at the house of Rothschild’s attorney in the UK who was helping him with his legal battles before he escaped to the Ecuadorian embassy. Yet those extraneous details are not even required to make my N.B.A. slamdunk point. The fact is that invariably economics (and nature’s cycles as order in chaos, e.g. the Strange Attractor) drives outcomes. And the economics is such that only Bitcoin can be the future world reserve currency. You can observe that whomever is pulling the strings behind the curtain to create WW3 is creating a multi-polar world where globalism fails and no nation-state can trust and use another’s currency (not even the IMF or World Bank will be trusted by the BRICs Russia+China et al economic bloc that is forming and who would trust the Yuan or Ruble in the West?) as the global unit-of-account and reserve asset for international trade — thus making Bitcoin the de facto alternative. And that a Bitcoin based on a mutated protocol that has create a 12 million BTC booty is never stable (no Nash equilibrium) and thus can’t be a reserve currency until that booty is removed. Also very important realize that the model that best predicts the price of Bitcoin (after Plan B’s model failed) is cost of mining. Well when the miners take the booty, their profit skyrockets so thus the hashrate can be driven to the moon, thus the cost of mining driven to the moon, thus the price of legacy Bitcoin driven to the moon very quickly after the attack. The so called “attack” (and it is not an attack, but rather a restoration and removal of the 2017 NY agreement attack on the Nash equilibrium) actually will slingshot the price of legacy Bitcoin to the moon, precisely the opposite of the layman’s intuition, because layman do not understand anything and are ignorant fools who are slaughtered because they are ignorant. I hope you are paying attention now! Remove those {redacted} stones from between your ears so you can be one of those who becomes insanely wealthy instead of impoverished and enslaved by the 666 plan ahead. Start to understand reality as it is, not the snowflake nonsense that was presumably indoctrinated into your (and all of our) mind(s) since birth. Cross the chasm with me, don’t be left behind with the linear thinkers herd who are incapable of (too lazy/preoccupied by the N.B.A. to do) research and critical reasoning.Comment: N.B.A. = {redacted} Baboon Arseraping = National Ballsack Asswipes = National Basketball Association. P.S. Note I am not a racist, and I am even in a relationship with a person of skin color. Each individual’s intellect and astuteness is judged individually.Comment: Repeated again but with typos corrected... My detailed reply: www.tradingview.com/...us-terminal-impulse/ @grepcat, July 4 updates on this published idea and my published idea Bitcoin bottom to be or not to be? in conjunction with those cited ideas published by math prodigy @otwa2113, corroborate that what’s going on with Bitcoin thus has implications for all risk-on market sectors. Properly and fully grokking Bitcoin, its game theory, Nash equilibrium and economics — and especially why legacy protocol Bitcoin must rise to be the next world reserve currency and how it will rise by destroying the posited impostor Bitcoin Core (which is actually only an altcoin analogous and equivalent to Litecoin or any other proof-of-work piece-of-sh8t that integrated the scammer concept of Lightning Networks and SegWit) — is important to understanding all investment going forward. The world is radically changing. I suggest you read all the updates on my published idea "Official" (impostor) Bitcoin Core to Drop to $0 in 2023? as I’m explaining in detail the unraveling of the world’s global financial and geo-political system (i.e. the post Bretton Woods order) and the monetary and political reset to a multi-polar world 666 enslaved by Bitcoin per the model in John Nash’s Ideal Money (Jstor) proposal. John Nash explained how an ideal unit-of-account would discipline and enslave the profligate nation-states. In my aforelinked published idea, I explain why human nature, civilization, and political power vacuums can never create a nation-state which is not dysfunctional. Do you really think that Rothschild’s 200 IQ secret team launched Bitcoin (pretending to unrealistically be some lone Japanese who created Bitcoin “in his mother’s basement”, lol…and I hope you read where I am explained that Satoshi Nakamoto = I am Nash) because it will remain decentralized forever? Of course as biblical Revelation predicts all the wealth will become concentrated on the seven hills surrounding Rome and/or Jerusalem and of course if the elitemost (Rothschild?) of the Davos elite (i.e. the old world money hiding behind the curtain of the underlings such as Gates and Soros, pulling the strings with compartmentalization and playing all sides off each other — essentially Satan in a human form) then of course the hidden elite will control more than 51% of the Bitcoin mining farms either directly or more likely indirectly (e.g. forcing KYC and PoSoFs via the NWO, globalist FATF rules which essentially 666 enslave everyone using Bitcoin). @grepcat wrote: “there are currently about 10-12 mil btc on segwit addresses” Of course that slightly more than half of Bitcoin’s token supply is currently foolishly held in non-legacy addresses (i.e. those what begin with a 3 or bc1 instead of a 1, which are pay-to-script-hash and its variants such as SegWit specific address protocols) is going to fool the sheepeople herd of linear thinkers who favor a normalcy bias that weights continuation of trend greater than black swans (and they are usually correct, except when they are wrong they plunge to their demise over the black swan cliff). Some people mistakenly believe that black swans can’t be anticipated, but there is order in chaos if you know where to look and how to correlate it — which is what @otwa2113 is doing from an ostensibly purely mathematical chaos theory fixed point and bifurcation analyses, whereas I am incorporating my domain expertise about Bitcoin’s history, game theory, economics, technological details, Martin Armstrong’s cycle models, my markets analysis, etc.. I am sort of a polymath (almost) and incorporating information I find from many different sources of investigation. Specifically to your question about how would the miners and Bitcoin’s reputation survive such a “donations attack” (where the legacy miners take all the non-legacy address BTC as donations on the legacy fork, leaving those foolishly held in non-legacy only with their Core fork BTC remaining and a huge income tax bill to pay for the free airdrop income at the nosebleed price before the “attack” drives those sh*tcoins to ~$0, i.e. bankrupting everyone who was so foolish and ignored me. To understand why I am unequivocally correct, you must read again more carefully the section “Official” Bitcoin to be Destroyed, Satoshi’s Legacy Bitcoin to Rise from the Ashes as Rothschild’s Phoenix (archived) of my (incomplete) Gist. Specifically read more carefully from point #4 to the end of the section and make sure you understand what is written. Do not gloss over (i.e. ignore) the significance of any words. Let me quote some essential excerpts which speak directly to your mischaracterization of the reality and the unassailable facts: This economic asymmetry alone as it has been for every case of hard fork of Bitcoin, is enough to guarantee that the legacy fork is economically dominant. But it’s not the only reason…Comment: And: Miners don’t decide and will be forced by the economic majority to mine the legacy fork because presumably the “attack” will occur at a nosebleed high price with the network hashrate mining difficulty pumped sky high, and to coincide with suddenly dumping million+ ₿ of the free airdropped Core (aka SegWit) sh8tcoins on the exchanges thus cratering the price of the soi-disant “official” Bitcoin fork (which everyone erroneously believes is Bitcoin). The price will be so low compared to the mining difficulty, that miners won’t even recoup a negligible fraction of their electricity costs. The Core sh8tcoin will halt because no blocks will be mined. And the mining difficulty can not be adjusted lower until 2016 blocks are mined — yet since no blocks will be mined because not profitable, then non-legacy (aka Core) protocol blockchain will be stuck and halt. Which of course will cause massive panic selling on the centralized exchanges, which will probably cause exchanges to also halt, lol. Blockstream’s “power rangers” will be forced to ”maintain” their sh8t staining fetish by manually hard forking (i.e. hard f*cking in the butthole and polishing the circlejerk turd of) their mining difficulty, thus rendering their Core sh8tcoin a centralized, sh8t stained security. And then the repeated ‘difficulty bomb‘ attacks will ensue until that sh8tstainedcorn is notionally “valued” ~$0. Let’s suppose human waste has some infinitesimal value to microbes and the antediluvian agricultural economy. And: Whereas at the time of the restoration “attack” the legacy Bitcoin blockchain will not have a high mining difficulty relative to its value, and there will be ANYONECANSPEND booty available in each block mined thus increasing the mining reward. Thus miners will only have the choice to either sell their ASICs or mine on the legacy Bitcoin chain forsaking the sh8t stained protocol fork forevermore. And: Yet even after this ELI5, the {redacted} stones in between @exstasie’s ears still won’t fathom why the legacy ₿ tokens would have any value, because he ostensibly incorrectly concludes that monetary value is a USAF consensus (aka democrazy) and not embedded in the Nash equilibrium monetary restandardization that organizes/promotes/fosters maximum capital formation via the constant marginal utility of an Ideal Money. Which is an unrelated process to onboarding poverty stricken plebs (c.f. also) in Web 3.0 with transaction scaling. Note I refrained here on Tradingview from linking to trilema dot com in those quotes because Mircea’s website is banned on most social media (even though Mircea held ~500,000 BTC when he allegedly drowned in Costa Rica...and if you believe he drowned I have bridge to nowhere I would like to sell you). So refer to the original for the relevant links which are embedded in the afore-cited text at my Gist. @grepcat opined: “i doubt miners will take/steal these without any major consequences. why would the community continue believing in bitcoin legacy (and the miners) after miner attack execution?” @exstasie and nearly everyone who reads the explanation can’t seem to comprehend that the millions of worthless plebs and their FOMO Tulip bubble has already served its intended purpose and they are no longer relevant. Humans don’t comprehend the exponential function (example of the Lily pad only covering half of the pond on the 29th week and farmer is shocked fully covered by the 30th week) and they don’t comprehend the inviolable power-law distribution of fungible resources such as wealth and tokens — thus ultimately the 99% do not matter and depend entirely on the 1% who decide how to manage and harvest their 99% livestock herd. Satoshi intentionally designed Bitcoin to not be a transactional currency for the masses (when he intentionally set the block size to 1 MB and used the Wikileaks excuse to leave when he was being pressured to raise it and I already refuted the hearsay that it was only Hal Finney’s who wanted to cap the block size) — he rather designed Bitcoin to be an international settlement system for central banks and $trillionaires (possibly also $billionaires) as the transaction fees will become too high (e.g. $50,000) for the plebs to transact on chain (and Lightning Networks will be destroyed when Core is as posited herein). Note Wikileaks was controlled by Rothschild and Assange even stayed at the house of Rothschild’s attorney in the UK who was helping him with his legal battles before he escaped to the Ecuadorian embassy. Yet those extraneous details are not even required to make my N.B.A. slamdunk point. The fact is that invariably economics (and nature’s cycles as order in chaos, e.g. the Strange Attractor) drives outcomes. And the economics is such that only Bitcoin can be the future world reserve currency. You can observe that whomever is pulling the strings behind the curtain to create WW3 is creating a multi-polar world where globalism fails and no nation-state can trust and use another’s currency (not even the IMF or World Bank will be trusted by the BRICs Russia+China et al economic bloc that is forming and who would trust the Yuan or Ruble in the West?) as the global unit-of-account and reserve asset for international trade — thus making Bitcoin the de facto alternative. And that a Bitcoin based on a mutated protocol that has created a 12 million BTC booty is never stable (no Nash equilibrium) and thus can’t be a reserve currency until that booty is removed. Also very important realize that the model that best predicts the price of Bitcoin (after Plan B’s model failed) is cost of mining. Well when the miners take the booty, their profit skyrockets so thus the hashrate can be driven to the moon, thus the cost of mining driven to the moon, thus the price of legacy Bitcoin driven to the moon very quickly after the attack. The so called “attack” (and it is not an attack, but rather a restoration and removal of the 2017 NY agreement attack on the Nash equilibrium) actually will slingshot the price of legacy Bitcoin to the moon, precisely the opposite of the layman’s intuition, because layman do not understand anything and are ignorant, sheepeople fools who are led as pigs to the slaughter house by their blissful ignorance are ignorant. I hope you are paying attention now! Remove those {redacted} stones from between your ears so you can be one of those who becomes insanely wealthy instead of impoverished and enslaved by the 666 plan ahead. Start to understand reality as it is, not the snowflake nonsense that was presumably indoctrinated into your (and all of our) mind(s) since birth. Cross the chasm with me, don’t be left behind with the linear thinkers herd who are incapable of (too lazy/preoccupied by the N.B.A. to do) research and critical reasoning.Comment: Linear thinkers (i.e. the sheepeople) enslavement plans are underway. The mandated edicts justified by the pLandemic of flu tests (aka the cerveza sickness hoax) was just the first salvo... Let Them Eat Crickets Bill Gates’ dream of a meatless Utopia is coming to fruition one insect at a time. Aspire Food Group of Canada announced that it has created an “alternative protein manufacturing facility.” They are not referring to soy or plant-based alternatives but are encouraging the consumption of crickets. The facility will produce 9,000 metric tons of crickets annually for both pets and humans. I personally would not even allow my dog to eat this pest. So, the plan is to distribute two billion bugs across the US and Canada. Crickets were previously sold to fish bait and pet shops (reptiles) for around $12 for 250 crickets, according to some estimates. The average female lays up to 10 eggs per day for the duration of her short lifespan. One square feet can hold an estimated 1,000 crickets, making this a much easier alternative to raising traditional livestock. Crickets require less space than cattle and allegedly produce less CO2 despite the fact that livestock is not the main culprit. While other nations have eaten insects for centuries due to a lack of alternatives, the West has not been exposed to this diet. An article in Farmer’s Weekly noted that bacteria contamination is associated with both wild and farmed insects, including the genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, Lactobacillus, Erwinia, Clostridium and Acinetobacter, as well as members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Expect the media to normalize eating bugs. Perhaps Ina Garten will do a special on how to roast them for your next gathering. However, we have always had the resources to eat fresh produce and animals that are traditional to Western culture. The idea that eating insects will somehow save the planet from mass climate destruction is absurd. A Future Draft is Possible in the US The US military is having trouble recruiting new members, according to the Pentagon. A much lower percentage of Americans are eligible to serve, and within that population, an even smaller amount is willing to enlist. Ret. Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr of the Heritage Foundation said, “This is the start of a long drought for military recruiting.” A recent poll by NBC News showed that only 9% of those eligible want to join the military, a major decrease from 29% in recent years. {...} People would enlist in the military to honor their country and provide a stable framework for their lives as the military assists with housing, education, and other benefits. A separate study found that only 45% of Americans trust the military, marking a 25-point decline since 2018. Furthermore, 57% of respondents from the NBC News poll believe that they will suffer psychological damage from serving. The last generation had the hot topic issue of 9/11, terrorism, and protecting their country’s freedom. This generation has been raised in classrooms where they sit for the pledge of allegiance and are taught that their country is inherently bad. They watched the Commander in Chief abandon their mission in Afghanistan and continually disrespect members of the military. Not to mention the military fired servicemembers who declined to take the experimental vaccine. Patriotism is declining rapidly. The military is desperate for recruits as every branch is struggling to attract new members. The Department of Defense (DoD) is actually hoping the new “Top Gun” movie will encourage people to join the Navy, and they plan to advertise on the Gen Z popular platform TikTok. The DoD may even remove the high school graduation requirement. The military is currently an all-volunteer service in the US, but that may change. “2022 is the year we question the sustainability of the all-volunteer force,” Ret. Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr admitted. Since top government agents are unable to define women, expect everyone to be targeted. Other nations such as Israel implement mandatory military requirements for all eligible young adults. Will America be next?Comment: Martin Armstrong, I am appealing you to please read this carefully so I can impart to you my domain expertise about Bitcoin and the distinction between the bona fide legacy protocol Bitcoin that Satoshi left for us and the mutated protocol so-called “official” Bitcoin Core (which is actually an impostor created by the 2017 New York soft fork agreement which broke the Nash equilibrium). This is extremely important for you to understand, because predicting the outcome of the monetary reset for the world hinges on this knowledge. I have been attempting to impart this knowledge to you in communications I have sent you over the past few years. You seem to be resistant to learning that although you are correct about the end game of all the cryptocurrencies (except for the legacy Bitcoin) and that none of us will be rescued by cryptocurrency and that cryptocurrency is an evil, you are incorrect about the significance of Bitcoin on the upcoming monetary reset. It is crucial for you understand that legacy Bitcoin will not be accessible to 99.9% of people. It will be the international tier settlement asset in a two-tiered monetary system. The two-tier restriction will be achieved by both the transaction fees being driven to $50,000+ (due to the limited 1 MiB block size for the surviving legacy protocol) and due to FATF et al restricting who can cash in and out of Bitcoin to nation-state fiats.Comment: Centralized (traditional, old) finance failing, not DeFi: youtu.be/zGmm0EMS1Vg?t=474 (URGENT WARNING: GET YOUR CRYPTO OFF THESE EXCHANGES NOW!)Comment: > “Chicken or egg? I wonder if said elites are manufacturing their agenda roll out to incorporate aspects of Revelation, to gain a psychological advantage.” They do not need such ‘psychological advantage’. Nor would it be one.Comment: > Longview Economics x David Murrin: Kondratiev Waves, WW3 & Bear Markets > youtu.be/X2x1bn9d18s > 10:15 (youtu.be/X2x1bn9d18s?t=615) Kondratiev Waves > > He builds on Kondratiev’s observation that the world seemed to have spikes in commodity prices roughly with the periodicity of 54 to 56 years, and that those spikes coincided with major wars, and conjectured there was a cycle that went with it. Murrin saw the year 2,000 was the beginning of a new cycle, and that the period 2022 – 2027 was a window for WW3. Agreed. Martin Armstrong’s cyclical models and his A.I. data mining engine conclude the same. 12:20 (youtu.be/X2x1bn9d18s?t=740) Elliot Wave analysis. Murrin appreciated the insight that there is a fractal structure to the analysis of price – because the universe is fractal. At JP Morgan it changed the whole way they took risk. Murrin’s Global Forecaster model looks at eighty inter-related macro markets operate within various windows and time frames. The Asian markets peaked last year in China and HK, which also fitted with analysis showing that China was moving from a manufacturing export-driven economy to a consumerist society preparing for war - like the Nazi Four Year Plan - and they were stockpiling commodities. A commitment to conflict. The forecasting model was able to predict the American bubble peak and got their clients to be mega-short at the highs – and have been short ever since. he observed pattern showed the end of at least of a decade trend, if not two or three decades. And coincides with the collapse of the American financial system. Ditto my prior response. 17:55 (youtu.be/X2x1bn9d18s?t=1075): Linear v Lateral Thinkers. Hunter gathering was/is a lateral pursuit within an entropic multi-variable environment. In contrast, the move to an agrarian lifestyle meant that the adoption to linear-thinking led to a more predictable, survivable trait. And Murrin would argue that is where the bulk of the human system expanded to the present 70% linear-thinking population. We now have a symbiotic dynamic, where one isn’t better than another, that we need each other and work together. This is fine in a steady state environment, but if you then have an adaptive event - or entropic event as he calls it – you need adaptive mindsets which are lateral mindsets. However, these two mindsets don’t tolerate each other very well. Systems are built by lateral people, which become stable as they get bigger. As this progresses, the lateral people get ejected and the linear people take over, and believe they built it. When an entropic event comes along, they fail to adapt to it, and they run the system into the ground. It’s what’s happening now in our politics, in our leadership. In America and Europe, they will not change. Most of the people in stock market now who are buying the dips are linear. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Lateral people have really struggled to survive in the last few years. Agreed. He believes humanity is split between 70% linear thinkers - who remain with the trend to the end - and 30% lateral thinkers, who have the ability to see things from the outside. Over recent years, the whole market has ejected their alpha-generating mavericks in favour of linear thinkers. I agree with that. In fact I was thinking yesterday how my approach to interacting with linear thinkers is entirely ineffective because they are linear thinkers.Comment: 22:00 (youtu.be/X2x1bn9d18s?t=1320): The Five Stages of Empire. The Five Stages of Empire: Regionalisation; system expands with demographics, has to find new social organisation, controlled by linear leadership. There is war; essentially a Darwinist process of forced lateralisation - the lateral challengers beat the linear Establishment. The system militarises and starts knocking everyone off around it. You end up with an exponential expansion of empire, by obtaining more and more land and men, which gets faster and faster. Expansion then reaches hard limits, which leads to an integrative, mature phase. Lateralisation is still very strong in the system. The values of courage, individuality, assessment and bold action are part of the system. But as time passes, the system starts to establish itself and institutions become bigger. There is stability because there are no challengers, only subject to natural events. More and more linear people creep in, who politic have the ability to move through the system rather than create. So they throw the mavericks out. Somewhere near the top of this system there is another quiet civil war: the linear side ejecting the lateral side, creating a new way to power. Debt and manipulation ensue to overcome issues relating to imbalance of incomes versus outcomes. Thus overextension. There is so much momentum though, no one notices it. Then you get to the final moment, the 9/11 moment before decline, when something fundamentally changes – like Suez for Britain. In America, Biden is the most linear leader the country has had, and completely unfit for purpose. But he got there for a reason. Hedonistic, narcissistic leadership across the whole spectrum becomes apparent, clogging the system. Agreed. Martin Armstrong has just summarized this also in an excellent and highly recommended blog: The Future – Post 2032 – A New Beginning? All empires did the same thing: all the Chinese empires, Egyptian empires, the Roman empire (including the baton passed to the later Eastern Roman Empire) etc. And then something happened. In the Super Western Christian Empire (as Murrin began to call it), our empires of Portugal, Spain, Dutch, French, British – Germans tried twice - and America, had different durations, and shorter durations than the average 300 – 350 years. He thought that was interesting, and wondered if it was technology. Then Murrin realised that if you take the meme of Christianity and remove the national elements, as a Christian empire, it is the same duration. The cycles were there, just in a different construct. The Great Power Shift from the Super Western Christian Empire to the Super Asian Empire, starting with Japan, and China as the second one. Systems could have superdynamics, rather than single cycles: spin out elsewhere. A bit like how the British empire spun out America. Brits benefited by having our cousins in power with very similar values. Western systems have lower numbers of people, who are far more individualistic, which grew out of the democracies evolved, led by the Netherlands and Britain. Asian systems have people who are subordinate to the collective and have bigger populations. China is ascending to empire and America is in decline. Interesting to see how many countries surrounding China have been attacked and assimilated over the last decades, immediately after its civil war, where the Communists won. It supported NK against America, in the background during Vietnam – we’ve fought China before. China then reached a point where it couldn’t expand any more because of American power. The hegemony has to shrink to let the challenger find some space. As China could not directly oppose American power, they chose to enact a stratagem of subversion instead. Since 1996, they have decided to seduce the West, to invest in their manufacturing base and their economy, using the carrot that they would become like us, as capitalism took hold, and that democracy would inevitably follow. And we completely fell for it. China has the biggest shipbuilding capability in the world. In a wartime situation, the Americans can make twenty major units; the Chinese can build a hundred. Whereas as Russia, which is dead on its feet, but Putin is ambitious, Xi is exactly aligned with the expansive energy of the system. China’s demographics (an ageing population, so capturing a foreign workforce for their needs is likely on the agenda) will peak any time now, comprised of a bias off 55% males over females, which equates to roughly 55 million extra men that could go to war and be lost. There has never been another aggressive structure in the world that will take a leap when others won’t. The problem for the Chinese is twofold. Xi has his own agenda, and the Chinese know that the Indians aren’t behind them. And at what stage do Indians start replacing the American weakness, and the alliance between them balances their ambition. China’s version of an empire will not be as dominant as were the Westerners. They won’t be able to force the Yuan to be the global reserve currency. They won’t be able to project military power over the end globe as the Westerners did. China will grow with the excellent demographics of the developing world. The multi-polar world is important both in understanding why legacy Bitcoin will rise and why nations will fracture and thus only a NWO world government could restore order. All hegemons have weapons systems that define their power. For the British empire it was it was battleships. With America, with a Pacific empire to rule over, distance and strike power reuqired aircraft carriers. So we now think of American hegemony as carrier power. For the Chinese, the thing that ends carriers is hypersonic weapons that drop in from above, that are fired from land in saturation attacks, which mean the carriers can’t operate. They have the capability soon to kill a ship before it leaves Portsmouth (south coast of England]. We are coming to the era where they have adapted to remove the power base of the West’s ability to project into the region. The American navy would have to deploy well over half its combat capability to have any chance of surviving. And then it risks its whole naval power in the endeavour of supporting Taiwan. He states that America claimed that when they get their rail guns and lasers, they’ll be safe. But Murrin claims the rail guns don’t work and the lasers aren’t powerful enough. And we’re now in a gap. We have nothing against super-hypersonics. But the Chinese realise that gap could be filled any time soon, so that’s another reason why the imperative to move now for them. Astute.Comment: > “Murrin believes that China has serious economic issues and they’re really in trouble. Which makes this moment so dangerous. It’s just like the Germans would have been bankrupt in 1940, so they go to war in 1939. But once you go into a wartime economy with physical acquisition, you change your balance. So for China it’s a case of shit or get off the pot. > > China now registers more patents than America, the case for the last two years. So, it used to steal IP, but now it’s bursting with creative energy.” China is indeed forced into WW3 as is Russia. Rothschild, Soros, Kissinger, Brzezinski et al mapped this NWO plan out well over the past half-century. Now they put the plan in accelerated phase transition as they go for the juggler.Comment: Markets: 1:03:15 (youtu.be/X2x1bn9d18s?t=3780) America entered the final stage of decline after 9/11. Real non-leveraged growth of America is likely <0.1. The peak in the Nasdaq and the other indices was ~ Thanksgiving 2021. We are going back to lower than the lows of 2020; probably ~10% further before any chance of a bounce – either gradually or suddenly from here. It’s going to trap all the longs the wrong way. In this period there will be a demand drop and commodities will come back. The dollar will weaken because people will rake their money out of the USA, and the $ come down with that. Traditional safe haven merchants get flushed out, to about 30% of pain. We could get to the low quickly and sit on it for a long time before a correction. The “Doomsday Bubble” bubble at the end of the American empire, which is at the end of the greater Western Christian empire. So, whatever comes out of this financial system will not be as it was; the institutions around us are going to change. Markets face an extinction level event. A sequence of serious entropic disasters. And the question is if you can get your head around it and face it, and at least start to take mitigating actions – you haven’t got long in order to save yourself faster than others. This will be 1929 on steroids. The bottom will lead to hyperinflation. Murrin was asked what hope is there. He answered that he financial system is beyond hope, and there are no actors who can change it. The Fed now understands the disaster they face. We may have seen the last interest rise before the whole thing collapses. The country I can see able to take avoiding action is Britain. Europe can’t do it an America can’t do it, because it’s in terminal decline. Britain could lower its taxes to flat taxes and fund the gap with one of these war loan structures, and basically attract what’s left of capital out of Europe and out of the USA to the UK, to attract a greater, faster growth rate than the inflation rate. That’s the only way you can recover, to create a hyper-growth environment. Britain’s cycle of empire is at the point where it could do it. And he thinks belatedly they’ll work it out. But the old Treasury people that believe in the dogma of “tax more, get more” need to be put in the toilet. We need to do it very quickly, and sort out food security too. We will beg for hyperflation because what is planned for us is much worse. Hyperinflation only happens if the confidence in the monetary system of that nation completely collapses, c.f. also. The U.S.A. is no where near complete collapse. The confidence in the dollar and the U.S. military will not evaporate to 0 overnight — that takes time to wind out. I will follow-up with the timing of that Mad Max or EOTWAWKI scenario. Lol he must be British? The hopium and confirmation bias. The dollar will be strong until at least the USSA loses WW3. So that is mistake I see. The USA is no where near insolvency. His myopia is he does not seem to understand that the lateral thinkers are in control and they are not going effing die any time soon. Also the leaders of the decadence are getting rich by continuing what they are doing. And the youth who will remake the system as it fails are all into “fairness”, “snowflake reality”, technocracy, etc.. This is a permanent and terminal decline albeit with thrusts to worst followed by dead cat bounces along the way to a multiple hundreds of years Dark Age. I am interested in any specifics on why he thinks Britain is an outlier. Makes no sense whatsoever to me, excepting perhaps that Britain always relied on leveraging the resources and growth of external nations for its empire. Does Britain find some way to hitch onto China and Russia?Comment: I need to rush out the door but quick thoughts while I was putting on my shoes. 1. Hyper growth in the West is impossible without discarding the lateral thinkers, which is precisely what I have been thinking about how to create an orthogonal virtual economy. We can not dehitch from the lateral thinkers in the physical realm, because they control the Weberian monopoly on physical violence/coercion/confiscation/imprisonment. 2. Thus his outlandish theory about Britain is obviously incorrect. How could he commit such a blunder after being so astute in the initial understanding? It is as if he entirely dismissed his initial understanding. The only spiritual awakening is going to be mass gnashing of teeth. > “Britain’s cycle of empire is at the point where it could do it.” I believe Armstrong wrote that Europe has another couple hundreds years before it can rise again. The U.S. maybe 600 – 900 years, although it will not fully collapse into a Dark Age until 2080. Europe is accelerated on that front. > “We need to do it very quickly, and sort out food security too.” He is dreaming. Not going to happen. > “This decade is a case of catastrophe or consciousness for mankind. This is a battle of human evolution, not just of our time. It dictates the nature of the human race going forwards.” Catastrophe only. If there will be an consciousness it will come from some new form of association, such as virtual government that knows no physical borders. Where the like-minded lateral thinkers can disintermediate themselves from the morass.Comment: Excerpts from this excellent and highly recommended blog post: The Future – Post 2032 – A New Beginning? QUESTION: Will you explain what Socrates foresees for after 2032 at this year’s WEC in November? {…} ANSWER: I have warned that the Economic Confidence Model and how markets even trade themselves is always fractal. We are completing the end of the BIG ONE. I think a lot of people are starting to see this too. The End of the World is by no means the END. It is just the point in history where it all begins again. We can see that Biden is probably the instrument of death, or should I say those who write his executive orders and cheat sheets. They are obsessed with climate change and are deliberately trying to destroy our capacity to produce and use fossil fuels. The hatred and division in our society is just insane. We have celebrities canceling the 4th of July over abortion. The very law that the Supreme Court ruled on limited abortion to 15 weeks. They seem to think they have the right to kill a child up to birth. {…} There is an ebb and flow to civilization. We all come together because it benefits all of us, and then it falls apart when one group begins to exploit another. This is the basic rhythm of civilization. As taxes are low and the economy booms in the city, the youth are attracted to the city and leave their parents on the farms or suburbs and head off to make their fortune in the world. Rome became the largest city in history, reaching a population in excess of 1 million by its peak in 180 AD. It had crossed that 1 million mark in 133 AD during the reign of Hadrian (117-138AD). With the death of Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD) in 180 AD, the decline and fall began just 51.6 years after it exceeded one million people. The crazy emperor Commodus (177-192 AD) followed his father. Like the Democrats today who attack anyone who supported Trump and are still running against Trump in 2022, Commodus did the same, and anyone who had supported his father he attacked. Today, Liz Cheney, who is as evil as her father in my opinion, is today’s Commodus. She is the destroyer of civilization, for her personal hatred of Trump is dividing the nation and will ensure that people like her will end the United States as we have known it. Cheney will unleash civil war if she really thinks that she can prevent Trump from running {…} Rome was the largest city in ancient times. It eventually collapsed to a population of just 15,000 during the middle ages. The city of London, England, was the first city to reach a population again of one million and it took nearly 6 waves of 309.6 years. London reached the 1 million mark in 1810 during the reign of George III (1760-1820) and in comparison, New York City finally reached that level in 1875 thanks to all the people fleeing Europe. We once again are approaching the peak in civilization and what will come after 2032 will be once more the disintegration of civilization. Rome fell and broke up into small enclaves that ushered in the feudal system. People became serfs for the common protection of a landlord and his castle. We still retain the word “landlord” to this very day. We will see a new world where countries will no longer exist as we know them and they will all divide and separate into localized jurisdictions lacking the strength of central power. There will be battles over separation. About 86 years from the peak of Rome, it was divided into three segments. Then there were battles to reunite the empire. Then Constantine divided the empire by moving the capital to Constantinople, which is today Istanbul. Even when Russia fell, it divided regions along the lines of the original countries that were conquered. Globalization will come to an end and we’re already witnessing this with the Biden sanctions on Russia that have caused inflation and divided the world economy in two. We will witness a return to make the manufacture of various goods locally for each division as well as growing their own food. Energy may revert back to wood and oil for there will be no major power grids as they become localized. Our population models suggest up to a 50% reduction perhaps as soon as 2040. The population is already shrinking and aging in all the major industrialized nations. {…} This will be a NEW BEGINNING for civilization. We will get to rewrite the form of government of the future. This will be a 309.6-year Private Wave, which will be volatile, but our current form of Republics that pretend they are democracies are coming to an end. These are the most corrupt forms of government known in history. They will no longer exist. We will see an admixture of dictatorships/monarchies and democracies.Comment: I was speaking to an American in the grocery store. He is a former military and now claims to be a devout Christian studying to be a preacher. I mentioned to him 1 Samuel 8 and he was unfamiliar with that scripture. I also mentioned that Romans had been mistranslated from the original Greek to English. He was adamant that that could not be the case and he was unwilling to look at the original Greek and see if it had been mistranslated. And his reasoning if the English Bible is the literal word of God then translation from the original Greek has nothing to do with it. He was so close-minded and so sure of his opinion. He cited his mentor who is apparently able to read Greek and Hebrew. So I asked him if he could check with his mentor to study the original Greek of Romans and see if it had been mistranslated. He was quite offended by this suggestion and he said he didn't need to and he got angry. He walked away in a huff when I asked him how does he know that to be the case if he doesn't check it. He walked off muttering something about literal word of God or something like that. His attitude reminded me of the person who I now forget the name was a member of our group who I had met in Las Vegas Nevada the one who had a said he didn't want to be associated with me anymore because he was afraid that I would expose him to criminal activities. At this point Americans have a lot of hubris and they deserve everything that's coming to them. I recall now that this was the sort of conclusion and reaction I had come to originally before I left for the Philippines the first time in the 1990s. That Americans were so set in their thinking and unwilling to explore and discuss openly and let the facts fall where they may. That was one of the reasons I originally left the United States and I guess maybe it'll be a reason again. So my reaction is that people in general are very intransigent and unwilling to change their beliefs, their lifestyle, etc. So there will be no massive Awakening. The decadence and implosion into the abyss is preordained and impossible to stop or preempt. We can only speak or help or guide those who want to change or already of the mindset to be lateral and not linear thinkers. I challenged myself throughout my life to embrace radical changes in my life and myself. So I think I'm quite the rare black duckling. I don't think there will be many others like me or to the extent that others are like me in in the sense of being very open to radical change their choices are likely to be different than mine. Note this was transcribed by Google voice so any errors might be attributable to that technological interface. ADD: governance is thus always about the most ruthless capturing the power vacuum of humanity's intransigent ignorance. In short humans are sheep to be harvested. Really nature wants to slaughter them (1 Samuel 15). As the Trilema dude Mircea wrote that they're cute little bunny 🐰 rabbits. The only spiritual awakening is going to be mass gnashing of teeth.Comment: > “Yes the old economy of the world is collapsing, but as I have said, even in the country that will suffer the most, there will be a lot of people who will survive. > > e.g. Even if US lost 50% percent of population, why not try to be top 20 % of the population who won't be affected that much. In other words, trying to win despite the economic conditions. > > There's concern for staying in east asia, tho, i would indeed worry about the food, will the food market always be functioning, no matter what happens. If i store& hide 3 years of food somewhere , will that solve the problem,” It doesn’t mean that those who survive were not affected that much. Survival/misery and prosperity/happiness are at opposite extremes. I have stated I will keep one foot in the U.S. for as long as I can. And yes I am shifting my focus to the more pragmatic decisions and actions, as I realize the futility of my prior efforts (intended plans) to educate, inform and possibly prevent the horrific outcome. I believe there will be shortages (not just in China) eventually because of WW3 and the collapse of global trade. Latin America exports food (and copper), as it has low population relative to is agricultural and mining fecundity. The U.S. had very high productivity and prosperity but it has been captured by fascism (Bolsheviks, Neocons and monopolists in bed together for the time being). Leftist holiness spirals are not stable. Eventually the U.S. devolves to something much worse as the more ruthless cast off the allegiances of convenience because the power vacuum of popular (nearly ubiquitous) AmeriKaan ignorance and intransigence will be increasing captured by the more ruthless who devour the less ruthless. This is how power vacuums and holiness spirals play out historically. In China the power vacuum has been captured so far by Xi who was more ruthless than the moderates. Xi is prepping China for WW3. These are the pitiful, grotesque, sordid invariants of human civilization.Comment: Wither England? www.armstrongeconomi...l-capital-of-europe/ “What is most curious is that 2021 is precisely 314 years from the birth of Great Britain. The events from the year 1707 created on May 1st the Treaty of Union and its ratification by the 1707 Acts of Union. The fact that Amsterdam has retaken the lead in stock markets seems to be right on schedule.” www.armstrongeconomi...ns-rise-over-brexit/ “A gun-wielding man fired twice, and kicked her as she was lying on the floor while shouting “Britain first!” This is warning what our computer has been projecting; if the BREXIT vote fails, there will be a serious rise in violence in Britain. We will also see the issue of Scotland breaking away from the UK resurface. As we have warned, we are entering the year from political hell with FOUR major political elections: BREXIT, US Presidential election in November, and the German and French elections. The idea of federalizing Europe to end war was precisely the cause of a right wing rising all around Europe. Brussels is causing political unrest and this is very serious moving forward.” www.armstrongeconomi...apital-of-the-world/ “QUESTION: Why was Britain the financial capital of the world before the first world war? Are you saying it was not their gold reserves? ANSWER: It was never the British gold reserves. It was the unique talent of the British who were traders in the city by nature. Perhaps it was a cultural aspect that made London the trading capital of the world compared to other cities, and the United States learned this trading instinct from the British.” {…} “London had emerged as the financial capital of the world before the war. London was of critical importance for its large financial institutions emerged as clearing banks for worldwide trade, which grew in importance and with that their gold reserves. London exercised great influence on global financial market conditions much as New York does today during the Post World War II era.” {…} “London was the linchpin of the global financial system for it was the Financial Capital of the World prior to World War I. The real power behind the British pound was the international reach of the British Empire. London became the center of the financial markets which dominated the world economy. The city of London and the financial expertise of its traders and bankers were the real power that supported the British Empire, not its politicians nor its actual gold reserves.” Read the entire aforelinked blog. The key facet is that the world was dependent on the pound sterling (and then later the U.S. dollar) for global trade. Thus these nations could debase their currencies to kick the can down the road and maintain both their power and raison d‘etre. BUT THAT LEASH HAS COME TO ITS END NOW!!! Monetary system collapse means empire collapse. It means the Western returns to Third World standard-of-living. Europe will return to the pestilence of the Middle Ages and the U.S. may only fair slightly better.Comment: Armstrong is really incorrect, the reason was not just the expertise of its people, but enslaving the rest of the world in a reserve currency. And now Rothschild plans to enslave the world in Bitcoin as the reserve account, but this will have an entirely different flavor as explained by John Nash in his Ideal Money proposal (c.f. Jstor). Bitcoin will enslave all the nations. The 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document “Scenarios for the Future” explained what the plan is. The nations will become saddled with massive poverty. Expect Western nations to become leftist banana republics with coup d‘etats every few years or decades. Expect warlords, separatism, lack of physical security, lack of food security, insane governments confiscating everything for any reason, and dangerous to live in the countryside. The masses will huddle into the cities and sleep in cubicles. Suburban housing will rot and decay as unoccupied haunted houses. Armstrong blogged in 2013 and I wonder if he still has the following opinion? www.armstrongeconomi.../britain-the-future/ > “I wanted to say that the three candidates for adopting monetary reform are actually Britain, Italy, and Spain. We have been preparing a map for Britain to save itself and if it would adopt such a reform, it will become the light that guides the way to the future. What we ultimately submit will be published in due course” Seems by 2018 Armstrong realized it would simply be collapse followed by eventual rebirth (after we are long since dead): www.armstrongeconomi...-the-united-kingdom/ > “Therefore, we have two historic break-ups that Britain faces in the future. Eventually, the United Kingdom will break apart formally, but with the collapse of Brussels and the EU Project, we are also likely to then see AFTER 2032, the general trend toward decentralization of governments as a whole. Hence, we will see England break apart into the old Anglo-Saxon regions as we will see the United States break apart. This is the cycle of dissolution politically against centralized government, which is why the Communist experiment also collapsed. Then you begin again and reform nation-states in the next major cycle wave. Society comes together for economic efficiency, and then government abuses its power, which in turn then results in the cycle of dissolution and it all begins once again.” Sounds like the leftist holiness spiral will devour the West until perhaps a decade after 2032, everything will just collapse in separatism. www.armstrongeconomi...vive-past-2042-2044/ ”During the reign of Eadgar (959-975 AD), England was united under one ruler. It was Eadgar who instituted a uniform coinage throughout the land. Eadgar set the pattern for the ‘reformed’ coinage of the later Anglo-Saxon and Norman period and standardized the use of the king’s portrait as in old Roman tradition. Here too, we are reaching 21 cycles of the ECM 51.6-years from the reign of Eadgar, which also confirms independently 2042-2044 the likelihood of England breaking apart back toward the regions that were united by Eadgar will be the fate of Britain.” Note Australia may or may not be the ‘West’. I think it will probably become subservient to China and maybe even mass emigration from China to Australia. Economics dictates outcomes. www.armstrongeconomi...-of-the-world-moves/ > “Britain was the Financial Capital of the World until World War I. This chart illustrates what happened to Britain and how it lost that stature of being the Financial Capital of the World — it was debt. The people in Britain did not lose everything. What really happened was that the separatist movement emerged and the British Empire began to break up.”Comment: Important cycle charts in each of these blogs: The USA is in its Death Throes Thailand and the Future 224 Year Collapsing Wave Structure Points to Breakup of USAComment: “Look at the British pound during the American Civil War. It was the rally in the pound that began the breakup of the British Empire, as I have warned will happen to the US dollar. That rise in the pound exported DEFLATION to the British Empire and the economic conditions led to the start of separatist movements. Canada won its independence on July 1, 1867. The second major wave of separatist movements came with the end of World War II. India won its independence on August 15, 1947. The United States will be at risk of also breaking apart under economic conditions, which will fuel both the religious and political battles between left and right. There will be a high probability that the United States will break into regional groups, probably four major regions in general. It does not mean life will come to an end or that we all have to run and hide in a cave. The British survived as will Americans. If we understand the cycle, we will be better positioned to survive with security.” Click to see charts and infographics on all links I provide. I can not insert images here on Tradingview. www.armstrongeconomi...eak-up-into-regions/ “Without the USA holding the world up right now, there is not much politicians can do but muck up the entire world economy. The EU will turn against its citizens quite violently {…} In the final straw, I do not think Scotland will surrender its sovereignty to Brussels when the economy turns down very hard. As for the break-up of the USA {…} This is the core of the break-up for what lies behind that is culture and religion. Once the economy turns down, this will accelerate.” www.armstrongeconomi...admax-v-restructure/ “How did Britain reduce its massive debt? The debt was devalued by the collapse of the British pound {…} So the collapse of the British Empire resulted in the collapse in purchasing power of the currency, the devaluation of debt, and the loss of territory. It was NOT a MADMAX event such as the fall of Rome. That takes placed when government attacks its citizens, hunts down capital as they are all starting to do now, and keep raising taxes PREVENTING economic growth. That is the substantial difference. So what are we looking at with the fall of the American Empire? There should be a loss in unification (territory) just as we saw in Britain and the collapse of Russia or even that of Charlemagne. Look at the full history of Britain, you see the tribal Celtic pre-Roman Period, the collapse of Britain back into tribal states post-Rome {…} The future course of the United States will follow the same pattern. Pre-Revolution, you had separate states. That became the UNITED states in 1789. We will see a breakup of the states most likely banding together in regions because of the difference in cultural views {…} but it should not go into a MADMAX event as long as we reach resistance from the people. If the people keep just watching their sports and never notice what the governments are doing to their future until it is too late, then it can go too far and that in the MADMAX event the ended the Roman Empire. There is a danger of a MADMAX event because of the stubborn insistence upon Marxism and we have a crisis in philosophy that is even infecting Britain to this day. I may be the gadfly.“ Amazing that Armstrong can’t see that the only future reserve currency has to be controlled by no one (in theory) thus will be LEGACY Bitcoin (after the current impostor Bitcoin is destroyed): www.armstrongeconomi...ll-the-usa-break-up/ “A one-world reserve currency would most likely emerge from some sort of G20 type model. We are talking about only a reserve currency that will require international agreement like Bretton Woods. Each country’s currency would float against that based upon confidence. That will replace the dollar as the reserve. The people would not surrender their cultures to one government – just look at the results in Europe. There is no question that the monetary system must fall as we know it. This is simply a matter of time. As far as government, when the economy falls, then we will see the pressure build. We either move toward totalitarianism or freedom.” www.armstrongeconomi...-brink-of-civil-war/ “Indeed, I have been warning that our models have been pointing to tremendous civil unrest which will eventually lead to the break-up of the United States post-2024 and the war this Great Reset unleashes upon the world. People like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are as dangerous to humanity as Adolf Hitler, Stalin, or Lenin. They only see their dream and fail to understand that the world is split 50/50 on this idea of Marxism and we are not their toy things to play with. {…} Ironically, our model on the prospects for the rise in a civil war in the United States turned upward in December 2019 when COVID was released. This should erupt within three years of that turning point which will be 2022. That is not to say there will be a civil war at that time, but the confrontation will rise up and start to take shape in 2022. Traditionally, the revolution will erupt 13 years after that turning point which ironically brings us precisely to 2032.”Comment: Ah fmr Atty General Bill Barr also covered up Hunter Biden: www.armstrongeconomi...the-split-is-coming/ “AG Barr declined to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden because a special counsel cannot be dismissed by Biden or his AG. This way any investigation of Hunter will be covered-up.” The video in that blog goes into detail about the Dominion voting machines evidence.Comment: Here Armstrong explains what kind of youth are going to create that revolution in 2032 and it is the opposite of the virtues of the youth who fought the Revolutionary War: The Rising Civil Unrest in America is Highly Dangerous for the Future “{…} Therefore, beware of the youth. They are easily influenced and will have little regard for life for they will see themselves throughout history as the great reformers. {…} The first opportunity where the United States will break apart at least into three parts if not four will be 23 years from 2013. That will will most likely be the Pi target from the 2032 high – 3.14 years later bringing us to 2036. That may sound nuts, but in 1985, restated again in 2011, that a third party could take the White House in 2016 which was perfect on a 51.6 year (8.6-year) ECM (Economic Confidence Model) Frequency. {…} The refugee invasion into Europe is akin to the invasion of the barbarians into the Roman Empire. Both groups had little respect for the culture and open contempt for much of it. They are not interested as a whole in adopting the European culture, they are intent upon imposing their own upon Europe. Centralized government is the doom of humankind. It is people like Hillary and Obama who have, as Thomas Paine observed, “confounded society with government, as to leave no distinction between them.” Their goal is to eliminate personal freedom and impose their doctrine by sheer force. The Puritans imposed the same policies in England following their revolution they called “Glorious” after beheading the king. They made it a felony to kiss your wife in public, outlawed sports because it led to cursing, outlawed plays for they were filled with lies, and outlawed Christmas because you should be praying not giving gifts and partying. (see Roots of Evil). Whenever one group thinks it has the right to impose its philosophy upon the whole, civil war breaks out historically.” Remember democracy was the alternative to war. Democracy is now failing and we go back to constant strife.Comment: The Next US & World Civil War {…} the Sixteenth Amendment matters most because it has forever changed the character of the United States into a Marxism playground from Socialism while converting the government, from a modest central government dependent on consumption taxes and tariffs on imports to the much more powerful modern government that sees no end to its power with the vast power to humble anyone from a tax perspective even Obamacare. {…} America’s Rising Separatist Movement52 In the United States, there has been a similar underlying hatred of opposing sides that is developing not seen since the American Civil War. While many want to paint the Civil War as simply just racist slavery, the only people who owned slaves were the wealthy and they were not in the front lines shooting. Much of the fight for the majority of soldiers had little to do with the slavery issue. It was in part about state’s rights, which had been a festering question for a longtime. Even when the Constitution was passed, only 39 delegates signed it out of 70. So, from the very beginning, there was never one voice of the people. Many protested over the lack of a Bill of Rights. As mentioned, Patrick Henry (1736-1799) who also said: "Give me Liberty or give me Death" refused to sign the Constitution for the lack of safeguards against violating the rights of States and individual freedoms. The north claimed that the South was using States’ Rights to justify everything. Yet this was the core of the real dispute. Indeed, with the end of the war, then came the questions of how to treat the Rebel States in light of state rights. Was there a right of any state to secede from the union thereby terminated? {…} This interpretation certainly denies the idea of a free society. You can enter the Union but you can never leave –sort of like the song Hotel California. {…} Those who argue that no state can secede from the United States based on the Supremacy Clause are clearly in conflict with the Republican Guarantee Clause. {…} However, the Civil War was won by sheer force and not well-reasoned law. So, it does not appear that the break-up of the United States can take place in a peaceful manner without the federal government losing power. {…} The Civil War was America's bloodiest conflict. It was truly the real killing field. The battles such as Shiloh, Antietam, Stones River, and Gettysburg shocked citizens and international observers alike. Nearly as many men died in captivity during the Civil War as were killed in the whole of the Vietnam War. But given the size of the population, about 2%+died or an estimated 620,000 men, lost their lives in the line of duty. World War II saw a death toll for Americans of 407,316.Taken as a percentage of today's population, the death toll of the American Civil War would have risen as high as 6 million souls something that would have approached the deaths inflicted by Joseph Stalin on Ukraine. {…} This is how you move toward a totalitarian state. First, you must separate and divide the people as much as possible using race and religion. Now they have introduced COVID-19 vaccines to further the divide the country by pitting vaccinated versus unvaccinated and turn them against each other. Yet if being vaccinated was supposed to protect you, now they say that the vaccinated are dying because of the unvaccinated. It is not acceptable to simply allow people free choice. That is just not allowed in this new totalitarian state. {…} The Kent University State Massacre took place on May 4th, 1970 {…} Simply applying the standard 8.6-year frequency to this event and the cycle of civil unrest will turn up in the United States come December 8/9th, 2021. This will reach a peak initially in 2026.23 (March 25th, 2026). {…}Comment: that empowers the president of the United States to deploy military troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion. Invoking the Insurrection Acts suspends Posse Comitatus in the area of the insurrection, {…} The fear that everything was crashing down around them led the politicians to embrace Klaus Schwab’s solution of destroying the world economy to BUILD BACK BETTER and use that as the excuse to: (1) terminate government debt, and (2) eliminate any democratic process that would allow “populism” to expand. Consequently, it was the election of Donald Trump that made the career politicians realize that their money pot could come to an end. The rise in worldwide protests in 2019 also helped to strengthen Schwab’s argument to now change entire world economy. The Democrats used the January 6th, 2020 event that they called an “armed insurrection” despite the lack of any guns discovered and the clear involvement of government agents to assist in planning this event to not just justify Pelosi’s Wall, to cling to this event to justify passing the Domestic Terrorist Act which was to be used against any American protesting what they intended to do. Taking the January 6th, 2020 event, besides lining up with the turn in the economic Confidence Model, it did not line up with previous civil unrest events. This is an indication that it was used as a False Flag for political power. {…} Even looking at the 224-year cycle of political change, from the start of the United States in 1789, that meant that a shift was due to take place in 2013. On June 6, 2013, that is when former CIA employee Edward Snowden disclosed operations engaged in by a U.S. government mass surveillance program to news publications and fled the country, later being granted temporary asylum in Russia. That was the watershed moment that marked the peak in public confidence and the decline has begun from that point. This suggests that if we are talking about the end of the United States and it being reduced to a third world country, that is not likely until 2085. That would be 72 years from the 2013 peak in that cycle. What is interesting is the 224-year cycle from when Columbus landed in America, Columbus Day, which was when the morning of October 12, 1492, a sailor on board the Pinta sighted land, beginning a new era of European exploration and expansion, brought us to the second wave in 1940 and 72 years thereafter brings us also to 2012/2013 as well. So,it does not appear to be the end of American civilization until 2085. From the death of Marcus Aurelius on March 17th, 180AD which historians market the beginning of the fall of the Roman Empire, curiously, 72 years later brings us to the first Roman Emperor to be killed by the barbarians in battle, Trajan Decius (249-251AD) and the chaotic period of 251-253AD where three emperors vied for power and then eventual rise of Valerian I (253-260AD) who was then captured by the Persians in 260AD and the entire collapse of the Roman monetary system then begins in just 8.6 years. These time periods have been amazing throughout history. There is simply a rhythm to everything. Therefore, we can see that both the 224 and the 8.6-year cyclical waves have been relevant. This brings us to our current times and how to judge what is the most likely time frame for the turmoil. Of course, the Pi date on the Economic Confidence Model had even picked the very day of the 911 attack. On the 2007 Wave, the Pi target picked the day Greece sought help from the IMF beginning the debt crisis. When we plot an 8.6-year wave from the release of Snowden’s effort to reveal the illegal activities of the CIA and NSA on spying on Americans, the results are very interesting. The day of the peak marked the invasion of Russia intervening in the Syrian Civil War. This actually led to Merkel opening the gates to Europe unilaterally starting the entire mass immigration crisis. It was this decision by Merkel that never put anything to a vote for Germans no less all of Europe that justified BREXIT as the British disagreed with what Merkel had done. It also illustrated that a single head of state could take action that then impacted as a dictator upon all of Europe. {…}Comment: Then the Pi Target magically produced the first major protest against the election that stormed Washington on November 14th, 2020. This was thrown down the gauntlet and from this point on, the nation has become ever more divided The next date to arrive will be January 11th, 2022. If we again see yet another important event take place on that date, they we know for sure that the Snowden event was a major turning point which will point to the peak of the next 8.6-year which will be 2026.33 (April 1st, 2026) where we see the risk of both civil unrest and international war. If we plot 51.6-year wave from the start of the American Civil War 1861.279, we end up with 1912.879 when the major political uprising of Marxism took hold in the United States Clearly, 1912 was a very critical year in the scheme of things from a rising political division. The next target was Mon., June8, 1964 (1964.479) was the start of the week that marked when the US Senate broke a 75-day filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, leading to the bill’s passage. It was the period of massive race riots and civil unrest. Yet on May 2nd, an explosion sunk the USS Card while it is docked at Ho Chi Minh City Saigon. The US accused the Viet Cong forces of placing a bomb on the ship which was raised and returned to service less than seven months later. The Gulf of Tonkin incident when the Vietnamese allegedly fired on the USS Maddox was quickly followed by the August 7, 1964 when Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, authorizing President Johnson to take any measures he believed were necessary beginning the Vietnam War. The next wave ended with Fri., Jan. 29, 2016 (2016.079) when Donald Trump became President. President Donald Trump is the only modern president who had no political experience before entering the White House which was his strong suit and it frightened career politicians worldwide. {…} Other presidents who lacked political experience had strong military backgrounds such as Dwight Eisenhower and Zachary Taylor. Trump stands out as the first private businessman ever to be appointed by the people against career politicians. {…} What is important to understand is that within the current ECM 51.6-year Wave that began 1985.65, the Pi target was 2017.05 from the beginning which was the precise day that Donald Trump was elected. Once more, this has nothing to do with the policies of Trump. The model projected that the first opportunity for a Third-Party candidate to win would be the 2016 election. That forecast was made in 1985 when this wave began. Therefore, plotting a 51.6-year wave from 2016 will be revealing. We see turning points lining up in 2020 and 2024 followed by 2028, 2033, and 2037 which will be the bottom of this 51,6-year ECM wave. {…} There is absolutely NO WAY these people will succeed. The economic structure is entirely different today than the rising conflicts where society was still emerging from serfdom during the 19th century. As explained, nations will split along the same historic lines as previous divisions. In the case of the United States, the Midwest was not yet formed during the American Civil War. California did provide funding for the Union and they will be aligned with the New England states. The next separation of the United States will be primarily the South versus the North and it will be over state rights. However, this time it will be the North imposing economic slavery demanding compliance and the Democrats are indeed in full secret league with the foreign movement spearheaded from the World Economic Forum. The risk of collapse begins in 2022 but they will fight until 2026. Martin Armstrong needs to properly define ‘succeed’ in that context. If we are all splintered into warlordism, separatism and chaos, this opens the power vacuum for the NWO which will totally enslave us. This plan for our future had been depicted in the giant wall sized murals at the Denver airport, c.f. also my Something is rotten in the Denver airport (archived).Comment: Bitcoin to $0 & Bankruptcy | The Truth. Kevin very likely in the incoming 2023 to 2024 recession that stock markets will decline to 2008 levels. Because the Fed will not be able QE in 2023 because oil will be spiking north of $200 as a consequence of the West forcing Russia to take the Sulwaki corridor after Lithuania (as a proxy for Brandon) essentially declared war on Russia. The Bolsheviks and Neocons running the U.S.A. now are forcing Russia and China into WW3 intentionally. But international capital will stampede into the dollar and Treasuries because of this, thus relieving the Fed of need to QE at least until the depths of the 2024 Greater Depression/Recession. So after this bounce in the markets incoming into the end of the year (BTC perhaps to ~$50k), GTFO and don’t try to catch a falling knife in real estate either. The model for Bitcoin’s demise which you presented herein aligns very well with the fact that Bitcoin will be “attacked” by the miners. The details can be found on my trading view which is pointed to by my About profile. Bitcoin's Ominous "terminal impulse" "Official" (impostor) Bitcoin Core to Drop to $0 in 2023?Comment: Bank of International Settlements (BIS) just launched the process for making Bitcoin a reserve currency, now allowing banks to hold up to 1% of their capital in cryptocurrencies! youtu.be/q3pPBJiQSvAComment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX2AmK1L... (Stocks vs Real Estate.) If you had purchased Bitcoin even at the highest price of $34 in 2011, and sold even at the crash price of $34k in 2022, your $18k investment would have netted $18M in profit. Those of us who were former silver investors, had scooped up BTC at ~$10. My colleague (after asking for my opinion) sold $100k of silver to buy 10,000 BTC. You may remember he bought the castle in Estonia for $1M in BTC in 2014. Another multi-year 100X opportunity is coming in legacy Bitcoin at the ~$5k bottom of the lows in 2023 or 2024. Houses will be lucky to appreciate double off their bottoms in 2024 because of persistently rising interest rates and property taxes as local government revenues suffer the crunch of the demise of Western civilization and WW3. Your compelling home investment example requires excellent credit and an income because there’s a limit to debt to income ratio that will be allowed. Also it’s a headache of maintenance, and managing tenants which is also a lawsuit risk. Also houses are immovable so if the Bolsheviks (and Neocons) in control of the USSA decide to essentially confiscate assets (you should familiarize yourself with Civil Asset Forfeiture and its Deodand historical precedent) or suddenly raise taxes (e.g. net worth tax) you can’t leave the country or hide your assets from the Venezuela future of the West. My upside is still programming new Internet businesses (e.g. a dating site, AirBnB clone on a blockchain) with 1000+X upside on investment time, effort and capital. Houses are old school. I understand it works for you but I could surpass your net worth in the blink of an eye with one stroke of properly applied effort and astute marketing (only my bad health has been holding me back past decade). Health is the most important! There’s an oversupply of housing for our future demographics, especially suburban housing because the younger generation will choose to live in cubicles in walkable cities as they will be also be dependent on UBI to survive. So the only thing holding up housing is people buying investment homes (e.g. for appreciation and AirBnB/VRBO rentals). There’s probably a higher level of interest rates where the entire paradigm breaks even if buying the dip. Martin Armstrong predicts 6+% Treasuries by ~2026. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX2AmK1L... I have a friend that just bought a house last week in Stockton 22,000 down on 540,000 payment of 3900, that’s real life, and that was a rate of 5 percent, your numbers make no sense now, I’ll keep investigating in stocks for the next year or two instead, I believe they can rent there place out for 2400Comment: twitter.com/petersch.../1245721647732207617 “America was once a nation of self-reliant, rugged individuals, who asked nothing from government other than their freedom. We have since become a nation of dependent wimps, asking the government to solve all of our problems. Ironically, the government created the problems.” twitter.com/Blueridg.../1245770575290793989 “At the present time it's now a totalitarian Nanny state!” twitter.com/DoctorHe.../1245722285228556288 “Now we are a government reliant society asking the government to take freedoms away” twitter.com/StefanBr.../1245798279478218752 “Very well said!!! If only you were a bitcoin visionary you would be a god like status Peter. Lol” twitter.com/KevinSve.../1245725542030159874 “Wait, you hold these opinions, but you are anti #Bitcoin??? A form of currency that is not dependent on any government? And who’s supply cannot be manipulated??? ..... 🧐” twitter.com/JayPel7/.../1245724785130319873 “America is part of the 20th century past. The nation's time is over, time to accept this inevitable fact” twitter.com/AJWILLIK.../1245726490551083009 “The Post WW2 business model of car dependence and consumerism was failing by mid 1970s, and then America elected a cowboy actor so we've been running up the credit card and pretending we're rich since 1980. Learn to live like it's the 1930s.” twitter.com/TheNerfH.../1245726607043674113 “6.6M unemployment filings in a week with a global pandemic. What would you have those people do? They can be rugged all you want but they still just lost their jobs.” twitter.com/russowoo.../1245727102617321473 “Peter leave the country and seek greener pastures elsewhere (come to Asia)! Ur cause is lost” twitter.com/a_crypto.../1245734904001900545 “we use to be way more socialistic when the top tax rate was between 70-93% for decades and the middle class thrived for a generation. This trickle down bs is defunct and is killing the middle class, also who is the head of the gov at the moment?“ twitter.com/Caustica.../1245747465472675845 “Why do people romanticize the past? It was a shitty time to be alive. Rugged individualism was only a product of the environment.” twitter.com/blackswa.../1245772703065407488 “There are still self reliant rugged individuals that are carrying their weight and the weight of the slackers. The laws of nature favor the fittest and punish the weak but USA government does exactly the opposite punish the strong and reward the lazy. And the slackers want more!” twitter.com/sellmeon.../1245778841001435138 “Gosh you really need to go to AA & get your drinking under control. I don't know anyone depending on the government! NONE! The gov't doesn't solve problems they create more: student loans(college tuition soars), Fed's manipulation(real inflation soaring-truck $75k/house $300k)etc” twitter.com/blunt707.../1245808554147074050 “Unfortunately, the so called leaders of this country care more about ‘corporate socialism’....” twitter.com/HenryDri.../1245827356624744448 “It also was once a country with slaves and a guy who ran the FBI forever because everyone was scared shitless of him. Oh the good old days.”Comment: Someone severely damaged Ted Turner’s eugenics and totalitarian shrine Georgia Guidestones. Local officials decided to topple the remaining structure: www.independent.co.u...latest-b2117639.html www.npr.org/2022/07/...nt-damaged-explosionComment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX2AmK1L... This is what I warned about more than 2 years ago. The national governments will not be able to bail out the local governments. And thus local governments will be forced to find new sources of revenue as their revenue plummets due to the Greater Depression we are entering with the Minsky Moment and skyrocketing interest rates. For example in the UK property tax rates are ~2 – 3% of assessment values (which is already very high!). Yet house prices (in nations where they are mostly financed with mortgages) will decline perhaps by 50% as interest rates explode higher. Yet property taxes are allowed to rise 3% per annum on the nominal (not percentage!!) amount (same referendum laws were passed in Texas for example). And the portion of the 3% per annum not used by a local council can be deferred and added back in future years. So over the next decade nominal property taxes could rise by 33% while assessment values plummet. Expect effective tax rates north of 6% per annum which means in 12 years you had to pay for your house twice. Look most people won’t be paying them as they will be renters (possibly their rent paid as UBI by the government). So the populism politics will support essentially confiscating the private homeowners via egregious taxation. Local govt doesn’t care if you can’t pay the tax, they seize your house, throw you in prison, sell the house which helps drive down valuations thus forcing more people to default in a death spiral. Lovely. Additionally due to Civil Asset Forfeiture (aka Deodand) the local governments (or police) will seize properties that they allege (but never need to proof) had any contact with criminal activity, such as if you rent out and someone alleged to have smuggled/sanctuary for illegal migrants, smoked pot or drug dealing visits the home. Government then seizes your home even if the allegation was entirely false. Yes this happens and I have linked to numerous examples in the past. THIS IS WHY I SAY IT IS TIME TO LEAVE THE WESTERN WORLD. YOU WILL BE DOOMED THERE. Move to where real estate is not financed and property taxes are only 0.1%. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_Tax assets.publishing.se...rinciples_Report.pdf www.norfolk.gov.uk/w...ncil-tax/council-taxComment: How Western Sanctions Crippled Syria “{…} as the US invaded sovereign nations under false pretenses {…} It all ties back to the US and Russia vying for Syrian oil. Both sides were bombing Syria into oblivion. The US has not lifted sanctions despite desperate cries for help from the Syrian people. At least 1.5% of the entire population of Syria is now dead, and over 90% live in extreme poverty. Biden recently claimed sanctions do not work, but he was referring to a country with a larger GDP and established infrastructure. Russia was able to bypass the sanctions, continue trading with allies, and most importantly hold power over one of the world’s most important natural resources. It is no wonder that Syrian men are fighting along with Russia against the West and will likely align with Eastern powers for generations to come.” Dutch Protest: No Farmers, No Food “The Dutch farmers are pushing back against a new law that plans to reduce nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions by 50% by 2030. These gases are produced by livestock, and some estimate that 30% of livestock farms will close under the new plan. “The honest message … is that not all farmers can continue their business,” Prime Minister Mark Rutte coldly said. We have an ongoing food supply shortage globally, and this is something that will affect everyone. These farmers are protesting for all of us. Other industries that are known to produce emissions have more relaxed rules under the new restrictions such as aviation, transportation, and construction. Why unfairly target farmers? It is a deliberate attempt to exacerbate the food supply shortage to push forward the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) agenda for the Great Reset. Again, the WEF is transparent about its plans but no one wants to see what is staring them in the face.” Dominion Voting Systems Linked to Soros “We already knew the system was rigged – but how far does it go? This picture, albeit poor quality, has been circulating the internet and shows traitor Trudeau “testing” the Dominion Voting System. Standing behind him is none other than Alex Soros, George Soros’ son who is now doing the footwork for his dad. Rebel News entered the building headquarters for Dominion Voting Systems. The investigative journalist found an odd link as a group linked directly to Soros also works in that building. They attempted to remove their office number from the building directory and even have a guard outside. The journalist is asking all the right questions. What happened to the data stored from prior elections? Is there a backdoor within the system that could be used to tamper with elections? “Accurate, reliable, and transparent,” ironically is their slogan. The same agency handling our elections has handed mass amounts of money to politicians, on the left, including Hillary Clinton. Dominion Voting Systems has disrupted democracy, and our elections can no longer be trusted. Dead people have mysteriously cast votes, people do not need to show IDs to vote, and there is actual footage of “mules” voting countless times. While I am not one to encourage additional laws, permitting blatant voter fraud to occur is destroying democracy. If the masses knew the truth, we would be propelled further into the inevitable cycle that is leading us to the death of democracy.”Comment: Every Nine Months “The Canadian government is relentless in pushing vaccinations. Health Minister Duclos just announced that “two doses is no longer enough.” We knew that the Canadian government ordered a massive shipment of vaccines, but those who obeyed whether by force or fear thought they were “fully vaccinated” with two doses. He ominously told the public to “get the vaccine that is waiting for you,” as that has been the plan all along. The Freedom Convoy truckers warned the public that they too were one dose away from being an unvaccinated societal outcast. The day has come that the meaning of “fully vaccinated” has changed – Canadians must receive a dose every nine months indefinitely. “Nine months is very clear and will help people understand why ‘up-to-date’ is the right way to think about vaccination now,” said Duclos. “‘Fully vaccinated’ makes no sense now. It’s about ‘up-to-date.’ So am I up-to-date in my vaccination? Have I received a vaccination in the last nine months?” Schwab must be proud of his young globalist leader, Trudeau, who has destroyed a once free nation. “‘Up-to-date’ means you have received your last dose in the past nine months,” said the health czar. “If you’ve already received a first booster, that’s great. Please see if you’re eligible for a second or third booster to remain up-to-date.” The most vulnerable people will be the first test subjects. They are bringing the fourth dosage to nursing homes, the immunocompromised, and of course First Nations communities. No one believed that there would be a third shot, and no one believed that children would be forced to receive vaccines. The truth of the matter is that there is an active war on health to promote the New World Order under the guise of a virus with a 0.02% death rate.”Comment: Kremlin: NATO Preparing for War with Russia (Footage from Operation Barbarossa, known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War) I have warned that Russia has felt as if it were on the defensive. They feel that the West and NATO have aligned against them and infringed on their sovereignty. Pope Francis made similar comments when he said that Russia was perhaps “provoked” and invaded Ukraine once they felt backed into a corner from which there was no escape. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently stated that he fears NATO and the West are planning to eventually wage war with Russia. The European Union (EU) recently granted candidacy status to Ukraine after denying them entry for years. They know Ukraine’s debt will be unpayable after the war without Russian reparations which will likely cripple the Russian economy. The war would have ended months ago if Western powers did not intervene and continually provide billions in funding. They are not simply doing a good deed – there is a reason behind their involvement. Lavrov compared the situation to June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was surprised by the attack, but Germany was not alone. Troops from Romania and Finland helped Germany invade, and later forces from Croatia, Hungary, Italy, and Slovakia were brought in to fight all the way to the outer areas of Moscow. “Hitler rallied a significant part, if not most, of the European nations under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union,” Lavrov said. “ow, the EU together with NATO are forming another—modern—coalition for a standoff and, ultimately, war with the Russian Federation.” Everyone disregards these remarks simply because they cannot fathom comparing a Jewish identifying leader (Zelensky) to Hitler despite the fact that Zelensky has been seen alongside modern-day Nazi coalitions. History repeats.Comment: The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace The {corrupt, complicit} press {i.e. mass media and Big Tech censorship on social networks} has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders gathered together for a conference in Munich to discuss WORLD PEACE and SECURITY. Today, they seem to conspire on how to bring the world into the arms of death, perhaps to reduce population and forge a new one-world government with the deranged idea that they can actually wipe both Russia and China off the face of the earth. {…} We are looking at the very death of our freedoms. Everything we have built since World War II is now to be tossed into the gutter. Putin pointed out that the West lied and cheated following the fall of communism. Instead of embracing Russia and a new democratic state, even the Guardian wrote on December 20, 1999, under the headline that the “Kremlin hails ‘peaceful Russian revolution” that power in Russia changed at the ballot box. They reported: “Hailing a “peaceful revolution” in Russian politics for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kremlin officials and Putin supporters relished a relatively harmonious relationship between the legislature and the executive.” Still, our politicians expanded NATO and rejected peace. If peace was sought, then there was no longer a need for NATO. That would have led to the unemployment of millions. So NATO was not just retained but expanded. In 1997, at the time of the Nato-Russia Founding Act, a treaty designed to create a new relationship between the NATO alliance and Russia, foreign minister Yevgeny Primakov again raised Baker’s “double-dealing” 6 years earlier that NATO would not expand. This accusation prompted the then US secretary of state, Warren Christopher, to commission an internal report into the claim. The report drew a distinction between side comments made by German politicians, such as Hans-Dietrich Genscher, ruling out NATO expansion, and what was agreed in the treaty text. But that report was disingenuous since numerous people there confirmed the understanding was that NATO would not expand to Russia’s border. Today, Lithuania announced a partial blockade of the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. This is a deliberate act to provoke war. Kaliningrad is Russian territory and to claim it is now justified because of Ukraine, once again shows how treaties mean nothing, and the politicians of Lithuania, like Zelensky, are willing to sacrifice their people for politics. They gather scheming on how to provoke a Russian invasion for this very purpose of creating World War III. They can no longer maintain this economic system they abused with endless borrowing with no intention of paying anything back. Instead of reform, they want to create war. Our world leaders are delusional if not sheer mad. Putin and Russians know well that the West lies, cannot be trusted, and our politicians are obsessed with war as their exit strategy from an economic system that is collapsing because they have done nothing but borrow endlessly with no intention of paying anything back. Then Europe required pension funds to buy government bonds which they then took the interest rates to NEGATIVE in 2014 destroying not just the European bond market, but their pension system. When their co-conspirator Schwab and his WEF say you will own nothing and be happy because the government will default on everything and he is trying to pretend they are doing this for you to help with your debt burden. First, it was manufactured COVID to exercise absolute control. We saw police abusing their power beating people because they did not have on a mask. Now we have Biden saying they need more taxes to prepare for the NEXT pandemic. In my entire life, there was never a pandemic that warranted closing schools and locking down society. {…} Worse still, I have been told for weeks now that there are people inside NATO who actually promote war and are using the phrase they intend to “wipe Russia off the Earth,” and this is starting to make the press in the UK and also in Russia. {…} It was actually Hitler who ironically saved Europe from what was never really discussed. Hitler was against Stalin who wanted to conquer all of Europe and spread communism. His invasion of Russia curbed that desire. My father was with Patton. He always said that Patton argued that Germany was NOT our enemy – it was Stalin for his Communism and dream of taking all of Europe. Patton wanted to go from Berlin straight into Moscow but the President said no. The only two major leaders to invade Russia were Hitler and Napoleon. We seem to be headed for a third try. They can threaten China to stand aside, but Xi is not stupid. He knows this thirst for world domination that has been cheered by Soros and Schwab egging on American Neocons who took the mantle from John McCain. If Xi does not unite with Putin, then China will be next. Just listen to the insane words of George Soros who seems to refuse to die and leave the world alone. Soros’s version of “civilization” is his one-world government as is Schwab’s. He and Schwab think they can now create body parts to keep plugging in to live forever. They refuse to die and refuse to leave the world in peace. So while Soros is lining the pockets of everyone who would overthrow everything that created world peace since 1945, the very threat to civilization is Soros and Schwab. Unfortunately, our computer would hide under my bed if it had legs. It has revealed our fate, but there seems to be no way to prevent it. These people are pushing for World War III because the economy is collapsing and governments can no longer keep borrowing endlessly. We have reached the end of the road and they cannot kick the can any further.Comment: Hospitalizations More Likely Among Vaccinated Health organizations would like us to believe that the vaccine lessens symptoms of COVID. Even Justin Trudeau said he was grateful for the vaccines, despite catching COVID twice this year. They cannot hide the fact that vaccinated individuals can catch and transmit the virus. Now, the myth that the vaccine lessens the severity has been exposed. ResearchGate conducted a study with 18,500 individuals in the control group and a total population of 300,000 participants. They studied people from over 175 different countries and looked at the bigger picture. They found that vaccinated individuals were more likely to end up in the hospital with severe COVID symptoms than the unvaccinated. Even far-left MSN is covering this study. This means there are zero benefits to taking the vaccine. The vaccine mandates were never about health.Comment: Watchdog President Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH Fauci’s secret payments. “In order to better understand the potential conflicts of interest at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), we spoke with Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of OpenTheBooks.com. He explained to us that according to redacted documents he was able to obtain, it was revealed that an estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the NIH and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.” Facts Matter (June 16): Capitol Police Chief Debunks J6 Committee Conspiracy Theory Claim Through Official Letter Facts Matter (June 7): Top 9 Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum “The World Economic Forum held its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, wherein the world’s elites come together in their private jets in order to mingle, plan out the future, and also (ironically) lay the groundwork for reducing the world’s carbon footprint.” 1. “You will own nothing and be happy” 3. Panopticon tracking grid, even clothing. 4. Eliminate free speech. 5. Great Reset plan (pLandemics, 666 digital currency, one world govt, etc) 6. Lockdowns help reduce carbon, reduce noise 7. Vaccines/pills injected microchips 8. Control via microchip implants 9. Penetrating governments Pfizer’s mRNA Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study “A new bombshell study that was just published by researchers in Sweden found that, within a Petri dish, the synthetic mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine is able to enter human liver cells, and then be reverse-transcribed into spike DNA. The reason that this is such a big deal is because this scenario was something that both health experts as well as the fact-checkers have said—for over a year now—couldn’t possibly happen. In fact, to this very day, the CDC’s official website claims the exact opposite is true.” Facts Matter (May 27): Uvalde Shooter Fired Gun for 12 Minutes Outside School Before Entering; Police Stood ByComment: We know Putin is a complicit elite, otherwise he would nuke the Davos and WEF meetings and send his secret agents to assassinate all the world complicit leaders. Instead Putin plays along with the NWO. Officials: Highland Park shooter had concerning posts online, but no one reported them Same issue with the Ulvade shooter had telegraphed his plans on social media. This will end up with the Minority Report outcome in the West, wherein we are imprisoned for thought crimes and we are monitored continuously by a panopticon grid and something analogous China’s social credit score. China Uses COVID Pass to Restrict Movement People believed that governments would use tracker apps solely for COVID purposes. Sadly, the Chinese are quickly learning the harsh reality – the apps were always intended to control the masses. Over $6 billion (39 billion yuan) has been frozen, and thousands of people are unable to access their bank accounts. A few banks in rural Henan reported bank runs, and residents were planning a protest after finding that their funds were frozen. Conveniently, the COVID tracing app is required to enter the bank. Users need to scan their QR codes to enter most public places. It has been reported that thousands of COVID-negative individuals had their status changed via the app, restricting their movement and making public places inaccessible. Numerous depositors were taken to quarantine camps. CNN reported on one individual who was forced to spend the night in a quarantine camp after his code falsely showed he came into contact or was infected with COVID. He was permitted to leave the following day, but since his code was still inactive, he was not permitted to board the train home. As the lockdowns have shown, government tyranny is certainly not restricted to China. If it happened there, it could happen anywhere.Comment: www.tradingview.com/...umulation-follow-up/ @otwa2113, there’s substantial liquidity-connected actors on CME futures for Bitcoin which does have gaps. The Bitcoin CME chart adds significantly to my expectation, because the $18.1k CME gap didn’t fill yet even though spot dipped below that level on low weekend volume (retail traders only). Additionally there can be overriding factors at larger scales. I am confident you agree our universe is fractal (or at least that’s a model to consider). I measured the decline of BTC from top of bounce before the crash in May on the CME chart. I measured down from the highest point of the May bounce. Indicates to me the move down did not yet complete. The oscillation around the 1120 for ETH resembles the undamped waffling of a loudspeaker after an impulse signal — as you know differential equations apply. So your assumption is that reversion to the mean probabilities drive the next impulse up, but what if there are overriding factors that generate another downward impulse before your mean reversion is activated. Also the Pi Cycle Bottom indicator crosses (signals) on July 11 and it has called the bottom within 2 days twice before. The Pi Cycle Top indicator has been correct 4 times in Bitcoin’s history. I agree a significant bull trap rally is coming, but there may be other factors outside your assumptions that cause a delay until October. We may only get a bounce to ~$29k (maybe after my expected decline this weekend) and then a pullback in September first. I wish I had time to brush up on the exact methods you’re employing so I could comment more meaninfully and mathematically. I did complete (and top 3 tester) in math courses such as Linear Algebra, Probability and Statitistics Theory, Diff. Eq., Calculus I, II, III, etc. some 37 years ago. But I did not complete a minor in Math although I originally was working on it. P.S. The impostor Bitcoin going to 0 as I posit, will actually be the Big Bang to drive the legit, legacy protocol Bitcoin to the stratosphere. And I know the exact mechanism because the donations to the miners will fund a massively high hashrate. The Bitcoin price is correlated to the miner’s reward.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADtkhZ3O... (Warning: Bitcoin Is About To Do Something For FIRST TIME IN 11 YEARS!🔥) @Crypto Crew University your E.W.C. is incorrect. Wave 1 can’t extend beyond the start of wave A of the correction. Wave 1 is where market sentiment remains bearish, which is what gives rise to wave 2. There is an A-B-C correction to the December 2018 bottom and then a wave 1 in 2019 followed by terminal impulse wave 2 that retraced more than 61.8% of wave 1 due to the corona dump. That terminal impulse condition requires that wave 4 retrace back below the top of wave 1 which was $13.9k. We are probably still in wave 4 right now and any bull trap bounce to as high as ~$50k should be sold as the price is going to come crashing back down below $13.9k eventually (perhaps Q1 2023).Comment: @Crypto Crew University The alternative is that the candle body of wave 2 did not retrace more than 61.8% of wave 1, thus wave 4 is completing now and we will have a wave 5 to a new ATH perhaps by Q1 2023. Additionally a flat correction requires that A-B-C is a 3-3-5 wave pattern which obviously is not present in the incorrect E.W.C. you presented. elliottwave-forecast...elliott-wave-theory/Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMAo0PLb... (The Truth about the Massive 2022 Great Recession.) Kevin indeed there will be a bounce, but eventually this rolls over into the Greater Recession as you have pointed out. And then the VIX will spike. So be prepared to sell the bounce or new ATH later this year or Q1 2023. The incoming bounce will only be the deadcat or final ATH before the egregious recession. Inflation expectations down, but still on a mega-bullish trend. Oil will be $200+ in 2023 simultaneous with a recession. Stagflation on steriods. Catalyst will probably be Russia forced by Lithuania to take the Sulwaki corridor perhaps blamed on the Fed for easing a bit.Comment: {In reply to Shelby Moore} > “We know Putin is a complicit elite, otherwise he would nuke the Davos and WEF meetings and send his secret agents to assassinate all the w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶p̶l̶i̶c̶i̶t̶{complicit world} leaders. Instead Putin plays along with the NWO.” I didn’t really believe this when I wrote it. The President in Russia just like the POTUS has limited power. Nothing gets done without the moles in the bureaucracy relaying information to the Davos elite. Also it’s not clear if Russia poisoned dissidents abroad or whether the Five Eyes national security apparatus did it.Comment: Leaked phone call reveals fiery exchange between Putin, Macron days before Ukraine warComment: Perhaps it helps to understand our situation abstractly. We can become blinded in the myriad of details such as whether we can organize politically to overcome those who wish to enslave us. Some political invariants which most people refuse to accept as reality… Regardless of political system (even will be the same with Armstrong’s direct democrazy idea), fact is that the only way human civilization is capable of being cooperative is when the debt bubble is expanding. The corrupt who deal in raw power focus their efforts on the spoils of that huge expanding debt resource, e.g. BlackRock’s complicity in the $100s of billions (up to ~$trillion) awarded to the connected by 2008 subprime bailout corruption which beget and parlayed into the $trillions achieved with the 2020 pLandemic forcing the Fed to award massive MMT to the connected. Thus any human civilization is always about maximizing theft. This was the astute point made by Curtis Yarvin that maximum power projection is always victorious. It has been for several years essentially my point that ONLY the most ruthless can capture the power vacuum of any collectivized resources (e.g. the power of the collective government). That’s refutation of those who argue we need a virtuous government or monarchy to lead us (in defiance of the wisdom of the Lord in 1 Samuel 8 admonishing us not to do that because the Bible is cognizant of the political power invariants!) Spiritual awakening is rubbish hopium. Humans are not into spiritual awakening. Never have been, never will be. We humans are by and large livestock. The elite know this. I now know it. And I know why. The Bible knows it. So from this paradigm we can easily conclude that when the expanding debt spigot reaches its end game, then the ruthless have to look for a different paradigm from which to maximize theft. Instead of stealing (so as to be the most powerful who can capture the power vacuum) via expansion of economic activity through debt expansion, the maximum power projection opportunity cost shifts to outright confiscation and direct theft. This must become much more Orwellian, totalitarian. There will never be any exception! So where can the elite expand the debt bubble anew? In the developing world! But not in the West, not at least until they do a complete debt and cultural reset in the egregiously, maladapted West. Politically and culturally there is no way to achieve a Western debt reset which both maximizes the power of the ruthless and respects property rights. The only way forward is a massive abolition of property rights via democraZy. Thus collapse of rule of law in the West. Do you want to spend the remainder of your life trapped in the West without a plan B, fighting and struggling against the tide if and when it takes the turn for the worst? For me, hell no. For what? Why would I choose such a sordid existence unless I have no better alternative. We can not (easily at least) know the exact timing of when the West becomes intolerable (well maybe we can with sufficient math, data, modeling and research but if preparing my plan A and B options do not require me to know with precision the timing), so thus if I can continue to live and visit the West while having my wealth and assets outside the West (and preferably not even in my name unless I have relinquished my Western citizenship), then that is a nice option to have especially if I can insure that physical travel between the West and greener pastures in the developing world can’t be blocked. I have already explained that I have a situation where I am currently that provides me that freedom of movement across the border which does not require me to fly. But to not prepare to be able to depart the West is an intransigent fool’s gambit. It’s not likely you’ll be dead before the egregious violations of property rights in the West ensue. Look there are still hoards of gold coins being dug up that were buried after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. People had no better option than to just hide their wealth and forget about it. Repeat incoming. For the time being only Americans are taxed by their country of citizenship if they establish residence abroad. But this is being eroded and I think eventually abolished entirely, especially as more and more wealthy become expats eroding the home country’s tax base.Comment: {In reply to Shelby Moore} > “For example in the UK property tax rates are ~2 – 3% of assessment values (which is already very high!).” It was explained to me (reiterating what Wikipedia stated) that valuations in the UK have not been reassessed since 1991 (in England and Scotland at least, 2003 in Wales) thus the example was provided to me for a ~£250k market value home currently assessed in the <£40k Band A, thus an effective annual “property tax” (Council Tax on property) of ~0.5% of actual valuation. Local Councils receive 50% of their funding from said Council tax, 23% from national government grants, and 27% from taxes on businesses: www.instituteforgove...ment-funding-england As in the USA, public community schools are the single largest budget line item at ~35%, with Social Care and Health services comprising another ~30% which will explode higher as the population becomes indigent. Also ~5% on debt servicing which will increase as interest rates rise: www.gov.uk/governmen...-2021-to-2022-budget England’s under age 18 demographics are comparable to the U.S., so that’s a very low assessed property tax percentage compared to the U.S. which for example in Cochise County, AZ is assessing ~0.32% in property tax just for education if no local school district (and up to 1.05%, 1.15%, 1.18%, 1.36% in McNeal, Double Adobe, San Simon, Bowie school districts) not including the 0.25% county tax not for education and fire district property taxes: www.cochise.az.gov/439/Treasurer (divide values by 10 for residential or 6.66 for raw land) Americans expect schools with extensive sports facilities. And we have a flood of school age illegal migrants who apparently receive free public education. The UK seems to be receiving mostly working age migrants and their offspring mostly in the cities? Also I suspect in the U.S. education property tax has become a gravy train for corruption and SJWs. Note renters in multi-unit dwellings in the UK do not pay the Council tax which is instead paid by the property owner (aka the landlord). And the cities receive the highest percentage of their funding from the national government. There was a proposal in England to reassess valuations in 2007 but it ostensibly met with political resistance. But what happens when most of the UK population becomes indigent renters? I expect they would push for an exemption for the indigent (if doesn’t already exist) thus saddling non-multiple dwelling homes with making up the shortfall. If the 3% annual cap on revenue raises applies to the total Council tax collected, then the amounts paid by those who must pay must increase. Something has to give way and the politics will be against those who are not indigent. This is how civilizations collapse. Study the collapse of Rome. Everyone left the city (population dropped from 1.3M to 30k and only cows were grazing in the city center) because the city taxed everything to death. U.S. property taxes are a percentage. So if property values decline 50% on average globally, then England will be at a ~1% average property tax, more comparable to the ~0.9 – 1.5% in Cochise County, AZ (depending if in a school district). Yet both will need to find a way to raise rates on those who still pay property tax (presuming most will not pay), as so many become wards of the government in the coming economic collapse. And as property valuations decline, thus percentage tax rates must increase. This is why the Davos elite organized to flood our nations with migrants so that those who actually own stuff will be outnumbered politically — democrazy not democracy. I expect property tax rates to increase more in the realm of 3 – 5% including in England perhaps at least 2% (although valuations will be ~50% lower). In some places in the U.S. they are already above 2% so those could reach 5%. The UK also already has Unexplained Wealth Orders confiscations of assets, which I expect to be liberally abused as the economy implodes.Comment: Ever touched Bitcoin? Illegal migrant stepped foot on your property line? Alleged cash with drug residue ever carried on your property? All your assets seized by Unexplained Wealth Order (even if you can explain) or Civil Asset Forfeiture (bcz your asset touched criminal activity). What crony judge will help you? Desperation begets impropriety — normalcy and high trust society abandoned. Christian values long since abandoned by our hedonist, materialistic, science-faith-based, arrogant modern culture. My bet is society will not come together instead fractured by financial desperation — we do not even greet our neighbors anymore. Does it fracture into subgroups that can effectively out maneuver their lack of control of the fully corrupted Western national monetary and political system which they are dependent on? No! These posited property tax increases are survivable, but the risk is a spiral against valuations as effective tax increases along with interest rates rising, causing valuations to ratchet down (as each valuation decline leads to another increases in property taxes to compensate for revenues to spend on the indigent) especially for single-family homes which are too expensive for the downtrodden to rent (unless they rent out rooms, perhaps funded by UBI, in which case the neighborhood valuation plummets due to crime and drug use). Sales, income and capital gains taxes will be gutted by the economic collapse so governments will be forced to tax wealth and property. What else could they tax? Come on this is a no-brainer. Martin Armstrong argues that Westerners are not indigent and thus will not accept Klaus Schwab’s planned serfdom. But middle class Western wealth is tied up in real estate and the stock market. Both are expected to plummet into 2024. Some will liquidate into fiat to avert the expected market crash, but WW3 supply chain destruction will drive price inflation high eroding the value in terms of expenses but not in terms of crashed asset values. So the strategy of those who retain wealth will be to time their entry into and exit from asset prices. Yet the government is coming after you with capital gains taxes. Most will not sell their primary residence as it is too disruptive (need a place to live, rental leases are 12 months). Real estate has likely seen its pinnacle in real (inflation-adjusted) values due to persistently (although not monotonically) rising interest rates from now on. The majority will see their retirement investment accounts vanquished by the stock market collapse, because the psychology has been the stock market always goes up. Well maybe eventually it goes back up but some must sell at the bottom to pay their mortgage if they lose their job. Conversely unlike in the past when indigents accepted to wallow in pestilence like pigs, the disenfranchised, entitled-attitude Westerners will expect to live the same quality-of-life they always did and thus applaud when the governments spend money on them. Also those with wealth (the Boomers) are dying and estate taxes will kick in. The youth have no wealth to stay afloat with asset appreciation. All governments other than U.S.A. national government won’t have foreigners buying their Treasury bonds to stampede to safety. If these government outlays on burgeoning indigents are debt financed, then either the central bank has to drive (non-mortgaged) asset price inflation bananas with MMT and/or taxes must increase. High inflation hurts the indigent the most (unless the government subsidizes them which if so thus makes inflation worse, because the indigent spend everything they get). The Fed can’t keep private sector interest rates below the inflation rate forever as they are destroying the pension plans, which will thus skyrocket the government spending to bailout out retirement accounts or which make retirees indigent.Comment: The WEF plan is debt will be forgiven in exchange for giving up the rights (forever?) to own private property. The bank takes back the home, the government pays your rent (mortgage payment becomes rent) with UBI so the home has a guaranteed income stream giving it value. U.S. States which attempt to defy the Feds may be denied this assistance, thus their real estate values and local economy enter a death spiral? The relatively small percentage of Westerners whose assets and wealth are not leveraged to the debt bubble will have no political representation of significance. And what asset would that be? Western real estate will plummet in real terms. Well the typically non-mortgaged real estate (with low <0.1% property taxes) in the developing world is one. Debt forgiveness is a monetary reset which implodes debt-driven demand thus virtually all assets plummet and perhaps in real terms if supply chains are still eviscerated by the end of globalization (WW3, etc). Essentially the only way to survive financially is to get away from anything whose valuation is associated with debt, and escape taxation from any Western nation that is pumped up with debt. Thus if legacy Bitcoin becomes a reserve currency (not this current speculative crap) then maybe it is a way to store value across this chasm if governments don’t declare yours verboten — to a lesser extent also gold which is continually being demonetized. Also any projects whose revenue stream is not exposed to the debt collapse, e.g. value-oriented businesses where individuals only spend a very small fraction of their income and receive a huge emotional, informational, and/or career oriented result (again why I am thinking real Internet businesses such as dating site, AirBnB clone on a truly decentralized block chain). Armstrong thinks he is so much smarter than the technocracy planners. Yeah right. As if Armstrong has Bill Gates’s 160 IQ. The Davos elite know damn well how they will achieve their enslavement plans. Of course they will not perfectly achieve all their goals, but the general outcome they have already game theoried out and they know damn well what they need to do to achieve their goals. The resetters have ‘thermalization’ on their side, i.e. they are aligning with creative destruction disorder which is the natural trend especially at the Minsky Moment at the end of Western civilization. The current U.S. real estate market bubble may be nearly as bad as (or worse than?) the 2008 subprime situation because investors have been taking on cheap FHA loans so they only have to put 5% down so they can maximize the number of homes they own with leverage. Thus prices are being driven unaffordably sky high. This drives valuations sky high which drives property tax revenues sky high (e.g. Cochise County’s budget increased 28% for 2022 with no tax rate increases) but governments can never shrink (their personnel and retirement plan commitments) thus when real estate valuations plummet they will have no choice but to raise property taxes. Nominal values declined just slightly more in the 1929 Great Depression (~30%) than in the 2008 subprime crash (~27%). How many homeowners have 30% equity in their homes? Note that doesn’t reflect that in highly overleveraged markets there were declines in excess of 50% in both cases. Raw land prices fell 67% in Florida due to a speculative bubble. And a land prices fell 50% in Chicago. www.econ.yale.edu/~shiller/data.htm www.econ.yale.edu/~s...ller/data/Fig3-1.xls worldanything.com/wh...ubble-burst-in-1926/ fcit.usf.edu/florida...ld_boom/ld_boom1.htm www.hbs.edu/ris/Publ...ffa-c604d236cc98.pdf If must own Western real estate then preferably in the least developed, least populated, least bubble inflated area. The local government will have the least obligations. When civilization collapses, it is best to avoid civilization. Duh.Comment: The Great Depression was deflationary, so homes didn’t decline much in real terms as indicated by the Shiller index document I linked to. Whereas now we are in stagflation because the Minsky Moment has arrived and the civilization has no pathway for real growth unless all the elderly (and all the socialism) are thrown under the bus. Western financial and political system can not survive rising interest rates intact as the same paradigm. Yet there is no politically palatable way to impoverish all the elderly and those who depend on socialism, unless the pain is shared by all. Thus there is no pathway for real growth. So all Western civilization can do is destroy itself. Everyone will want to point the finger of blame. And those who still have any wealth or assets will be prime targets with the government as the henchmen proxy. After all the devastation, confiscation and war, when interest rates eventually peak and start coming down, after the WEF has engineered a “you will own nothing and be happy ” debt reset so the Fed isn’t attempting to prop up a debt bubble to prevent economic collapse (the collapse will have already happened), then the world can start to grow again. The developing countries and China will be leading the way. The Western countries have been eviscerated culturally by the maladaptions to the massive Western debt bubble. It will require new generations of youth who grew up in poverty with strong families (what the developing world has now) to restore the West. But when will the West finally abandon UBI and socialism? The current youth want it. I doubt the West will return to economic and cultural sanity in my lifetime (given I am already age 57).Comment: > “to a lesser extent also gold which is continually being demonetized” Gold Discovery in Uganda Rocks the World So below ground supply of gold reserves has suddenly increased from 50,000 to 320,000 tonnes. The entire above ground supply of gold is estimated at 190,000 tonnes. This is not good for the future of gold as a store-of-value. This can’t happen to Bitcoin.Comment: Larry Kudlow (fmr Economic Advisor to Trump) and Steve Forbes discussing Boris Johnson’s failure. They point out he essentially delayed and worked against all the benefits that BRExit could have won for the nation. The Davos elite are going to let us have our conservative governments going into WW3 and severe stagflation so that we can’t blame the Minsky Moment on socialists. Our sordid Western future is inescapable at this juncture. The socialists will be back with a venegance in 2026 (mid-terms) and 2028. They need to feed us conservatives some hopium and sow more fire in the belly all those who hate conservatives. Make sure you take full advantage of any respite from the leftists to get your plan B in order! youtu.be/OK11o25wf9o?t=259Comment: So here is an example of my abstract invariants point. All the power has shifted to those who can steal the most and what sort of society they want so that they can steal the most. And thus we lose all our common sense rights. Even GoFundMe (Big Tech) makes more money posturing to those with the power than to any sort of actual business model. Because there really are no business models in the West that are profitable anymore, other than selling out to power. This will only increasingly become the norm. youtu.be/qDbg7zwbxDc?t=198 (Tucker Carlson: You can no longer fight back)Comment: > Something very strange just happened with my bank. They reached out to me offering a $300k HELOC at only 4.5%. Are banks now pushing people to leverage their home equity? I could easily use it to park BTC in a legacy address and wait it out since I'm in a position career wise that I will never have an issue making the payments. BTC would have to not perform in a 10 yr period for it to not be worth it. I wonder how many newbs did this last year at the peak.🤯 > > trilema.com/2017/the...sal-plan-for-wealth/ > > I understand if things get bad, housing prices collapse, people will lose their jobs, and banks will call loans in unprecedented numbers. I think US infrastructure, especially bridge work, will be one of the last underlying systems to collapse. I still might be naive to even contemplate leveraging here, dont rip on me too hard if that's the case lol 👀 It’s absolutely a smart investment assuming you hodl in legacy format Bitcoin address (no altcoins!) and assuming I am correct that merely spending a non-legacy to a legacy insures the miners can’t take your BTC as donations in 2023 (just in case I am correct about the imminent timing of the ANYONECANSPEND attack). But absolutely I would sell ~40% of hodlings at ~$50k and pay off the HELOC equity loan and then hodl the rest. Assuming you buy BTC below $20k (another opportunity likely in August or September), then you will be still hodling 60% of the BTC you purchased with no cost whatsoever to yourself (other than your loan fees and payments interim). The other alternative is to sell the home and invest the equity in BTC. But you could do that at the top in December (house prices likely to rebound also) after paying off the HELOC, then you could plow the equity into BTC at the expected $5k bottom in 2023. I don’t need to even click that Trilema blog article, because I remember what it is about. Essentially leveraging the dying financial system to help it destroy itself by borrowing at low interest rates and buying BTC (especially at bottoms like right now). And he wrote to leave the West immediately. Which coincidentally is a segue into an important elaboration to my prior post about our abstract situation in the West. Actually there’s something more holistic to consider in terms of the progression of humanity, but I would characterize it as entropic, not spiritual.Comment: Actually that Trilema blog post The Universal Plan for Wealth also speaks directly to what my next post will be about. “If you live in what was the First World back before your grandfather let your stupid mother ruin it -- this is what you must do.” {…} “The USG full well understands TMSR will end it, and has been deploying the full array of nonsense to try and delay the inevitable.” {…} “In any case -- and make no mistake about this -- there is not going to be a fiat Reich left within your lifetime. There is a reason TMSR.MPEx is not paying USG any tax while USG.Maersk is paying TMSR everything it can, and then some. That reason is the simple and ineluctable fact that while TMSR is the sovereign, the USG is a mere pretender to sovereignity with no basis in either fact or ideology. In other words : there will not be a United States tomorrow. The Republic won't have it. These aren't matters that require your approval, be it comprehending or uncomprehending. All you can do in face of the inevitable is to start planning accordingly. Today.” P.S. hope this idea doesn’t get censored for linking to the Trilema website.Comment: I’ll begin my entropic point by quoting some excerpts from perhaps the most important essay I ever wrote in October 2012, Demise of Finance, Rise of Knowledge: The new world order could be the antithesis of an apocalypse. I had correctly predicted much of what has transpired in the past decade. You must read the entire essay — it’s excellent and I was obviously younger, healthier and had the spare time to think. Applied mathematician and medical doctor CoinCube had praised my essay in 2013. “The economic plague besetting the globe can be entirely explained by the cycle of failure of passive capital, which repeats throughout history. This futility of finance is mathematically caused by the pervasive human demand for a guaranteed return on savings and a guaranteed insurance in all outcomes, i.e. to avoid risking their knowledge or lack thereof— the generative essence of socialism. Fortunately, the age of the rise of knowledge capital threatens to breakout of this futile cycle, because in its purest form, knowledge can not be held in a store-of-value (a.k.a. money) and money can only represent some quantity of hard resources and manual labor.” {…} “Since recorded history began, the knowledge production share of the economy is inexorably increasing, which is why the cost (i.e. relative value) of hard resources has inexorably declined over the centuries (see the chart). Iron was a precious metal 323 B.C..” {…} “Agriculture increased the economy-of-scale of food production, yet it still required three to six months of financing (savings) for the hard resources (e.g. seeds, fertilizer) and manual labor inputs. Mechanized agriculture still required financing the amortized depreciation of the machines. Against the violent protest of the cottage industry Luddites, mass production industry further increased the economy-of-scale of manufactured goods, a.k.a. hardware, but knowledge remained a small component of cost as explained below.” {…} “These hard resource capital intensive paradigms put a relatively large amount of passive hard savings at risk in order to create a relatively small amount of productive value, as compared to software.” {…} “Knowledge capital (i.e. design, art, engineering, marketing, human resources, software, etc.) is about producing dynamic configurations of systems, because life is not static. Knowledge capital is about maximizing fitness to our diverse and dynamic world.” {…} “If the aggregate nominal interest rate is consistently close to the increase in the aggregate nominal production, then passive capital is taking the increase in value without supplying any new knowledge {…} The cycle of failure for financing hard resources and manual labor, is due to the mathematic impossibility of expecting a greater proportion of the nominal GDP due to the aggregate nominal interest rate, when the financed production creates no knowledge, yet knowledge production is increasing as percentage of nominal GDP.” {…} “To the degree that knowledge production is not financed, for passive capital to retain its share of GDP (i.e. retain its aggregate net worth), mathematically it must steal from knowledge production. Thus if knowledge production was increasingly not financeable, then we would expect to see top-down suppression of knowledge production by vested financing interests and widespread theft by those vested interests trying to maintain levels of net worth they would not have in an economy with more knowledge production.” {…} “Lets consider if this means that China has been doing its citizens a favor, by accelerating development and modernization of infrastructure {…} It was the way China recycled its trade surplus, without having to increase wages. The LGUs did not pay market price to the peasants for the land they took for developers. In China, the govt owns all the land. They paid the peasants just enough for a bus ticket to work in sweat shops in the cities. There is no way to consider it anything but a transfer of wealth from the poor to the vested members of the Communist party (and friends).” {…} “Real aggregate interest rates below 0% since 1994 can mathematically only mean that finance is stealing elsewhere, because why else would finance accept a negative return of purchasing power.” {…} “Who profited from this price fixing, debt form of globalism? Clearly what was sustained was passive capital via theft by political control, at the expense of knowledge capital formation {…} the passive capital interests which are embedded in the politics of the welfare state. The welfare state caters to those who don't produce enough knowledge to fund themselves. My thesis is that the wealthy passive capitalists intend to maintain and increase their net worth in fixed and financial investments by any means, e.g. QE-ternity, as the old world they are invested in has reached its futility. The model of passive finance has always been one of privatizing gains and socializing losses, i.e. protecting the net worth of the kings of passive capital. The princes of passive capital such as savers in bonds, stick with their king until the bitter end when the king necessarily steals from them too. The pawns of passive capital such as savers in house equity, have already been sacrificed.” {…} “The kings of passive capital are going to own most of the dying hard resource capital, which is apocalyptic for those who stay mired in the passive capital arena.” {…} “If knowledge production is increasingly unfinanceable, then finance must decline in relative value in the economy, else prosperity can not be maximized. Yet in our global economy, finance is huge like the big bun, and renumeration to individualized knowledge production is tiny like the beef. For example in 2011, of Apple's $108 billion in revenue and $26 billion in profit, only $2.5 billion was paid to individual appstore developers, which have provided 30 billion downloaded apps.” {…}Comment: “As explained in the ‘Economy of Knowledge’ and ‘Energy of Knowledge’ sections, knowledge doesn't exist now if it isn't dynamically adaptable in the future. The only systems in nature which can do this, are those that are composed of autonomous agents without top-down control, e.g. ant colonies, the neurons and synapses of the human brain, free markets, and unregulated social networks. Due to aggregating and concentrating capital via an interest rate, as opposed to dispersing and scattering capital, finance mathematically must over time reduce the quantity of autonomous decisions (at least decisions about who receives funding to produce). Thus if financing were the predominant long-term trend, knowledge could not be.” {…} “Since the ownership of knowledge can't be transferred with money, financing incurs the risk of guaranteeing knowledge to spontaneously create itself where it did not already exist. No level of guaranteed interest rate can compensate for this lack of knowledge in the act of financing. What attracts savers to be passive capitalists is the economy-of-scale, where the due diligence effort (i.e. knowledge production) applied does not rise significantly with the amount saved (i.e. loaned) at interest. The collective politics will guarantee (insure) the return by debasing the money as necessary to pay for the lack of knowledge production— another evidence that financing is a centralization paradigm because knowledge can't be owned with money. Whereas, equity investment has no guaranteed return and requires knowledge production.” {…} “Thus, finance and corporations are inherently ownership centralization paradigms. Whereas, knowledge ownership can not be centralized without destroying it.” {…} “The new world order is one of enslavement for those reliant on passive capital. It is simultaneously freedom and enormous wealth for those who produce much knowledge capital.” {…} “Gold's constant marginal utility assumes passive capital can always passively extract rents via interest rates, i.e. that there is no management overhead limitations and the ability exists to plow unlimited passive capital into interest bearing investments {…} Gold's constant marginal utility does not apply to knowledge production. Gold has a declining marginal utility w.r.t. knowledge investing” {…} “This juncture in history is not like prior cycles where when the dow-to-gold ratio declined to less than 1, and gold was able to buy cheaply the assets (e.g. bonds or real estate) that would appreciate the most as the economy recovered. Regardless of the potential reoccurrence of such as low dow-to-gold ratio, I previously explained that gold can't buy knowledge capital, and knowledge capital appreciates orders-of-magnitude faster than passive capital.”Comment: I will follow this up with a complete explanation of the future of humankind… first I cited above what I wrote in 2012 which has played out as I predicted it would… FYI, the The Most Serene Republic (TMSR) are those who hodl LEGACY Bitcoin, not the current “official” Bitcoin Core (2017) soft-fork which will be destroyed by a donations of tokens to the miners perhaps in 2023…Comment: CLARIFIED: But this {privilege for non-Americans} is being erodedComment: Here we go again with Martin Armstrong spreading incorrect propaganda. COVID Came from a Lab Said Lancet Chairman The pLandemic of flu tests wasn’t accidental but there was no ‘release’ — former is efficient and plausible to implement, the latter is complete nonsense and implausible. They are still fooling you with propaganda. The fight against natural treatments for flu symptoms was so they could continue to spread FUD. Of course the alleged SARS-CoV-2 “virus” that allegedly circulates in the human population, was not created in a lab. What are alleged to be “viruses” are either natural phenomena (not necessarily proven to be the causation of disease, maybe only just a by-product or immune response to disease) and/or by-products of the methodologies employed to culture, visualize and study them (i.e. sort of analogous to a biological research variant of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle). So we could say SARS-CoV-2 originated from a lab (i.e. an illusory or inconsequential fabrication of research) and possibly be entirely correct whilst the correct meaning being something entirely different than the propaganda (i.e. that some diabolical pathogen was engineered orthogonal to nature in a weapons research lab) intended to fool the gullible. Moreover COVID is not even a virus — there’s a propaganda reason the name of the alleged syndrome is orthogonal to the alleged virus that allegedly causes it. COVID is a designation determined primary from a (highly flawed) PCR test (which Fauci and the CDC even admitted would create false positives among those suffering the flu) created in a lab which essentially tests for bits of genetic material alleged to be from a virus which is alleged to cause disease which has never been well substantiated in research. The genetic material for dozens if not hundreds or more variants of what are alleged to be corona viruses are ostensibly always circulating in the human population. Essentially by testing billions of people for the flu for the first time in human history, a pLandemic was fabricated even though nothing else abnormal was occurring other than iatrogenic treatments for a fabricated illusion. There were no excess deaths nor statistical increase in non-influenza respiratory-like disease, except in countries that implemented draconian measures that made people (mentally and otherwise) ill. So yes we could say that COVID originated from a lab, but again the meaning would be entirely different from what the propaganda meaning is. Our enslavers are master wordsmiths. And they enslave us with words. Unfortunately Martin is ostensibly not astute enough to realize it. GAFC Martin.Comment: I can’t quote nor share the charts from Martin Armstrong’s private blog which is accessible to those who subscribe to his basic level Socrates service. I have no affiliation with that. Yet I can summarize for you the major points in the most recent private blogs, NATO – Ukraine & Coming War and The Plan to Rig the ’22 Mid-Terms. The A.I. Socrates system which correlates massive data from around the world and historical data since the dawn of human civilization (so it can find cycles and repeating patterns) provides Forecast Arrays. The International War forecast array is predicting Russia to invade Lithuania and take the Sulwaki Corridor in 2023 (of course after the Lithuania closed it declaring war on Russia, Zelensky Nazis shelling Russian speaking Ukrainians, and NATO breaking all the agreements with Russia forcing Pootin to defend Russia), ongoing war until some severe Panic Cycle escalation by 2026 probably involving WW3/nukes/China. And the U.S. Political Left forecast array has another Panic Cycle following the U.S. elections as it did two years ago. NATO and our overlords need war as the pretext for enslaving us with capital controls (i.e. confiscating your crypto or preventing cash in/out), canceling elections, canceling due process, martial law, rationing/UBI, etc.. There are now videos circulating showing Zelensky’s Nazi Asov battalions torturing captured Russian soldiers with crucifixion (i.e. slow suffocation) and burning alive at the stake. I remember the videos earlier this year of the Zelensky’s Nazis shooting captured Russian troops in the legs and letting them wither in pain on the concrete. FASB to announce at least stablecoin regs in Oct. FATF wants travel rule, enhanced PoSoFs…Comment: Martin Armstrong, there is an important link below about the real reason for the attack on the Dutch farmers. I have tried over the years to educate you about why Bitcoin will become the global reserve currency in a two-tiered monetary system wherein the plebs will be using 666-like, centralized (central bank) digital currencies (CBDCs). Yet you ostensibly continue to refuse to read and comprehend. Thus you continue to gloat whenever cryptocurrency declines from a peak. Note most of the cryptocosm will die eventually (perhaps in 2024) as did most of the Dot.com startups. Did Amazon.com not survive the Dot.com bubble and disintermediate the world? You do not seem to fully understand the entire implications of a very fundamental thesis about how the world is being disintermediated from tangible to intangible: Demise of Finance, Rise of Knowledge.html Read the following and make sure you also read my technical explanation carefully (not the Elliot Wave ‘terminal impulse’ theory but the technological and game theoretic explanation in the idea updates, scroll down the page): Bitcoin's Ominous "terminal impulse" Shelby Moore, {7/14/22 9:54 AM} Armstrong’s Ethereum monthly Forecast Array chart published on his May 20, 2022 blog Can Cryptocurrencies Survive WWIII?, expected a Long-term and Direction Change bottom in June (after the Direction Change in May for the crash), followed by (in a bottoming context presumably) a slingshot stomp down and then a breakout to the upside Panic Cycle in July, then a pullback from Sep, and then rally from Oct to Jan with a January Long-term top. This concurs with my favored published scenario for a bull trap BTC rebound to ~$50k by Q1 2023. His private blog Bitcoin the Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History? contains a quarterly forecast array for Bitcoin, suggesting that July moves up from and/or is the low, Oct to Jan will be the relief rally bull trap. He says the monthly forecast array has a Panic Cycle in August — presumably a slingshot following on Ethereum‘s July. He says Monthly Bearish Reversal $10370 not yet elected, thus can be strong rebounds and wild volatility. Shelby Moore, {7/14/22 12:10 PM} {In reply to anonymous} > “Btw, understand that the whole cutting Nitrogen use by 30% thing in the Netherlands with the farmers is a pretext to build some kind of large single city network - prototype Smart City perhaps - stretching into Germany and Belgium” My 2012 essay thesis (and recent follow-up) predicts this. The mechanistic (your term for tangible), financiable world is becoming so devalued (i.e. economically nonviable) w.r.t. individually possessed knowledge (i.e. the posited Knowledge Age) that it must increase economies-of-scale (in blobs of human protoplasm) and efficiencies in costs, technological-integration in a futile attempt to remain viable. Physical efficiencies can no longer compete against information which transmits electronically at the speed-of-light (or actually independent of time but that’s a multiverse concept!). The knowledge-capital-bankrupt masses will huddle together in a dismal attempt to remain economically relevant. To the extent the Knowledge Age can leverage such smart cities and not be retarded by them (e.g. via technological disintermediation and obfuscation), these meat space developments may have viable utility in addition to being massive “reeducation camps” (i.e. 666-like, China’s digital panopticon, The Stepford Wives) for the unenlightened masses. This is all natural and expected by my 2012 essay thesis (and recent follow-up) about nature and the Universe. > “Yeah, if/when the CBDCs and track & trace bio-surveilance are in place it's game over. The majority of people seem unable to comprehend the importance of this total loss of personal sovereignty, and that they and their offspring will become perpetual digital serfs.” They won't need to understand, they will naturally embrace the Knowledge Age because that’s where all economic growth will lie. Game over for buying tangible goods that have been in a race to the abyss for negative profit margins sustained by debt and fiat money printing (i.e. subsidies) — I had pointed out years ago how the marginal-utility-of-debt has gone negative. My 2012 essay explained that China was enslaving its billions to subsidize the global debt bubble. The entire financiable era is huddling together and imploding into totalitarianism because it’s a bankrupt paradigm as my 2012 essay Demise of Finance, Rise of Knowledge thesis posited, predicted and explained. And those people who don’t figure out how to offboard will sink with the totalitarian Titanic. But why would the decentralized Internet space (which is the critical infrastructure of the Knowledge Age) adopt centralized, totalitarian currencies? That sector would only do so if all decentralized options were assailable and thus nonviable. And that sector will become 99% of the economy in the coming decades as the Industrial Age is economically relegated as the Agricultural Age before. Why? Because knowledge is more valuable — iron was historically a precious metal until technology changed that and as the recent Uganda discovery exemplifies eventually gold will no longer be a precious metal. Long before Musk created his Boring Company, I proposed that autonomous boring bots could following ore veins in the process of exploration causing the supply of gold to skyrocket. It will only take a few examples of centralized control wrecking the freedom of knowledge accretion to cause knowledge accretion to shift away from CBDCs, analogous to how Russia and China are dehitching from the Western financial system and launching their own monetary system cooperation. Good luck to the government trying to ban quadrillions of $0.01 transactions. If the government attempts ban encryption (which they can not do!) then we will employ steganography.Comment: Armstrong is an absolute idiot about cryptocurrency. No matter how many times I email him to try to politely explain to him, he still continues to erroneously state that the government can confiscate crypto. The private keys for crypto can be held inside someone’s head. How is the government supposed to confiscate that which I have only memorized? Is the government going to waterboard torture a billion people to force them to puke up their private keys? Armstrong is thinking in terms of brick&mortar transactions — he should study game currencies and imagine them entirely decentralized. I’m flabberghast that Martin would write such idiotic statements, given he claims to understand computer science. The government could confiscate anything centralized, such as preventing conversion to/from the fiat system (although people can always find a way around this in the black market and good luck to the government trying to track billions of people trading favors with their friends or relatives or some decentralized matchmaking blackmarket akin to Localbitcoins but decentralized P2P). But knowledge age actors don’t need fiat — read my 2012 essay! Potentially although far-fetched nearly impossible to organize, the world government via an institution such as the FATF and/or FASB could regulate all Bitcoin miners worldwide forcing them to honor a global blacklist for confiscating BTC (or block transactions) from the actual decentralied ledger. But Bitcoin mining can move, as it has in 2021 left China. So the blacklist would need to have no defection (e.g. El Salvador must first be enslaved by the world government and the IMF) any where on earth or outer space (yes satellites may be sovereign!). And besides I already devised a consensus system that entirely evade such plans of any world government. So Armstrong is simply wrong. Bitcoin does not depend on the power grid, as it could be run entirely off solar and the blocks could be broadcast over shortwave radio. Eventually some governments (e.g. NATO countries to fulfill Deagel’s prediction for their 50 – 75% depopulation) may attempt to implement something like China’s Great Firewall, but this will just cause those societies hitched to the tangible age to implode faster as the knowledge age extracts themselves and their knowledge age capital from Iron Curtain jurisdictions. Armstrong made the dumbest mistake ever which exemplifies that he is stuck in the atavistic Industrial Age and can’t grok that he just wrote the exact antithesis of the reality of what is coming, “The only thing outside the fiat system as they want to call it is EVERYTHING tangible from real estate, stocks, collectibles, and precious metals.” Everything tangible will become relatively worthless precisely because it can’t evade the societalcide (satellites and drones can monitor you). Whereas everything informational (digital) can be decentralized in such minute granularity, intraceability and obfuscation so as to evade the collapsing societalcide. If you want to end up in the poor house, then listen to Armstrong’s ignorant prognostication. “Call me old fashion, old-school, or just old. But the most PRACTICAL thing you can do is have pre-1965 silver coins that the average person can recognize and see the date knowing that it is valuable.” Yep Martin you are ostensibly blinded by your old age and inability to think objectively about this topic. Silver coins are laughable — the most idiotic possible thing someone could do. “Just because you understand something does not mean everyone does.” Nobody thinks silver is money any more. Nobody uses coins. Everyone uses digital money. GAFC Martin. You lost touch with society in the decade you were in prison and in the decade or so hence, you have been too busy to see how much the world has changed. “Cryptocurrencies are TRADING VEHICLES but not a long-term asset class. Our computer called the top in the cryptos, and it has been the ONLY unbiased forecaster out there.” As was the case for the Dot.com bubble most are just exit scams and schemes and will plummet to $0 eventually. But there is an Amazon.com lurking in the cryptospace and maybe also a Paypal, Twitter, etc.. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. Armstrong’s private blog Bitcoin the Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History? ridicules those who claimed Bitcoin will become a reserve currency. I presume Marty is reacting to my emails to him explaining the technological, economics and game theory mechanism by which the legacy protocol Bitcoin will rise from the ashes of the bust of the cryptocosm bubble. The old fart will ignorantly gloat for now, but will he run away and hide when I am proven correct, as the “152+” IQ Eric S. Raymond did when I was vindicated (e.g. absolute, unequivocal proof of the WTC7 demolition on 9/11) about all our arguments on his blog which he banned me for. Eric stopped blogging in 2020 and disappeared after he was removed by the societalcide from the Open Source Foundation that he helped created, lol. I wonder if Martin will do the same when I am vindicated? I have tried to be nice and communicate in a respective tone to these guys and they are obstinate fools who refuse to learn anything new that goes against their subjective confirmation bias. Yes crypto peaked in 2021, as it did in 2017, as it did in 2013, as it did in… every single time these troglodyte idiots such as Martin Armstrong and Peter Schiff come out gloating crypto has permanently peaked and will never go higher. Because they do not understand It Is Just Time for the Knowledge Age to rise disintermediating and bankrupting the tangible age that is dying. The Boomers will never, ever understand it. I guess I should stop trying to communicate this to Boomers. Let them out to pasture as they’re ostensibly too old, brains too ossified to adjust and save themselves.Comment: CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION: The flaw in Bitcoin is that if 50+% of the miners enforce censorship of transactions, then the minority can not defect. Thus an eventual globalist managed blacklist is eventually plausible. That is what my consensus algorithm fixes. And this is yet another reason that I posit that Bitcoin is a 666 enslavement launched by the global elite (perhaps Rothschild’s think tank).Comment: Spain’s rural countryside depopulated because it was economically inefficient to live there: youtu.be/pL8XPZp4-5c (Why 70% of Spain is Empty) Btw, rural Spain looks like a serene place to live if one wants to get away from human civilization yet stay within the Western Europe and escape the cold of the north. If the sprawling smart tricities are overly planned there could be chaotic, unexpected outcomes: Complex Cities That blogger also provides an example of the maladaption the debt bubble has created: “Our cities in the United States are generally not complex systems, at least not today. Our affluence has made them – as Johnson describes – ‘non-complex.’ Let me explain. I routinely see cities fix a street – new pavement, new sidewalks, etc… -- then come back a couple of years later and rip it up to replace the pipe underneath. Routinely. This seems insane. Can’t the department that fix streets talk to the people who fix pipes? They would if there truly was a resource problem. If there was scarcity and feedback. If they didn’t, in a complex system, they wouldn’t make it.” Yet the massive debt bubble and affluence enabled the U.S. to sustain an economically inefficient suburban sprawl that is destined to plummet in value as Americans are forced to choose more efficient walkable cities and their higher population density economies-of-scale: End of the Suburban Experiment The Growth Ponzi Scheme The implications of this is that rural land is not a good investment — likely to become highly liquid as there will be no buyers. Thus there will be no political support to resist Agenda 2030 and its intended banning of human population from rural areas. Also EVs make more sense when range and off-road capability aren’t a factor anymore. The following linked argues that rents are rising too fast to prevent a housing bubble: U.S. Housing Market Real Estate Crash Prediction Metric Yeah but it’s the stimulus to individuals, the desire to invest in homes in addition to primary residence and the increasing costs to build (including regulatory and permitting), that are forcing rents up. Thus eventually bankrupting everyone who needs to rent. That paradigm is unsustainable. When it eventually implodes it will be a wasteland because the prior trapped demand will be destroyed by massive unemployment and transition to a new paradigm as the first blogger described such as numerous people sharing houses. Note the first blogger admits some wealthier people may choose to build walled compounds in rural areas, but he says you better factor in the cost of security guards. It’s silly to think about living in a sparsely populated rural area without gun rights and Castle Doctrine enshrined in law and local practice. Law and order will collapse everywhere in the world as we are observing in Sri Lanka.Comment: Exactly as I predicted in my Gist document, here we go towards a two-tiered monetary future where citizens are prevented from hodling the reserve currency of the future: www.armstrongeconomi...t-talk-july-15-2022/ The European Central Bank has come down hard on Proof-of-Work consensus algorithms—primarily bitcoin. To highlight concerns over Proof-of-Work energy consumption, the report also references previous data claiming that the yearly electricity consumption of bitcoin and ethereum is in line with that of individual countries, such as Spain, the Netherlands, or Austria. Additionally, the ECB argues that the current carbon footprint for Bitcoin and Ethereum as of May 2022 negates target greenhouse gas emission savings for most euro area countries. The report concludes that EU authorities will likely not go forward with plans to restrict the use of fossil fuel cars by the planned date of 2035 without also taking action against Proof-of-Work cryptocurrencies. In line with the Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) Regulation currently under consideration in the European Parliament, 2025 is now the target date for punitive measures targeting Proof-of-Work crypto assets.Comment: ‘Experts’ broke the world. But they’re rapidly losing power…Comment: Yet again Martin Armstrong is so myopic and doesn’t seem to realize the power structures in Russia and China want WW3 — a scapegoat for them to maintain and consolidate power. WW3 begins soon. It’s not just Lithuania declaring war on Russia by closing the Russia’s resupply of Kaliningrad across the Sulwaki Corridor, but also all of NATO declaring war on Russia effectively fighting the war in Ukraine. This of course after Zelensky and NATO violated all the agreements since 1991 and his Navi Asov thugs were shelling Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donas which forced the initial introduction of Russian troops into Ukraine. Meanwhile Russia is getting rich selling oil at higher prices to the non-aligned world, China is getting cheaper energy than the Western world, and Russia is turning off the gas to demonstrate the W. Europe will fall into the energy and economic abyss should they continue this. And while Germany and Japan shut down their nuclear plants, China builds more and so in the end China will have superior carbon emissions with a growing economy while the West’s societalcide will have self-immolated. It would make sense if China and Russia are bribing our Western leaders to make war and destroy the West. I think Armstrong has the antithesis of the correct hypothesis in that China and Russia want this war and probably helped to create the demise of the West by infiltrating it: WWIII is not Worth Supporting Ukraine in a Land GrabComment: I did some research on Quora with multiple Mexicans there explaining more fully the situation of gun rights in Mexico. Essentially there is no Castle Doctrine and you should only use provably necessary force against an invader. In other words you should be able to demonstrate that the invader was attacking moving forward not fleeing even after verbal warnings and/or was armed with a gun. My opinion is thus that all encounters should ideally be filmed on surveillance (and if possible also body or headcam) video. Also in Mexico a bribe can solve most problems, except possession of unlicensed firearms or transporting a firearm outside the home without a transport license, results in 6 years in a horrid Mexican jail (which may not be survivable) and very little chance of bribing out of it. Only permanent legal residents and citizens can apply for a gun license in Mexico and it does not need to be renewed annually. So essentially Mexico has more gun rights than the UK for example. The UK has an egregious, idiotic anti-gun culture and they will never, ever have the right to self-defense again. It’s unlikely Mexico will become more restrictive because the police are entirely incapable of protecting the public and the criminals and cartels are loaded to the gills with illegal guns. Illegal guns are easy to obtain. How the 1996 Dunblane Massacre Pushed the U.K. to Enact Stricter Gun Laws “A devastating attack at a Scottish primary school sparked national outcry—and a successful campaign for gun reform” Quite obvious that soon even shotguns and virtually all gun licenses will effectively become banned. The government continues to find excuses and the Brits go along with it: UK’s strict gun laws strengthened with new medical arrangements Plymouth shooting: Who can own a firearm or shotgun in the UK? Getting a licence is a long and complicated business. It starts with an application form which asks specific questions about why the individual wants a gun, telling them they need to show "good reason". This might be that they need it for their profession or sport. A simple wish to own a particular type of firearm is not in itself enough. They must also prove that they are allowed to have a firearms certificate and pose no danger to public safety or to the peace. Independent referees have to provide confidential character statements in which they are expected to answer in detail about the applicant's mental state, home life and attitude towards guns. Officers check the Police National Computer for a criminal record - anyone who has served a prison sentence of more than three years is banned for life from holding a firearms licence. GPs can be contacted if someone has listed a relevant medical condition, including neurological conditions or mental health disorders. Otherwise, GPs are contacted after certification, when they can raise concerns. A note is added to the medical records of a firearm certificate holder. Finally, senior officers must be sure that prospective shotgun holders have a secure location for the weapon, typically a dedicated gun cabinet. Each certificate is valid for five years. Chief police officers have the right to revoke a licence or not to renew it. Police chiefs can revoke certificates if they conclude that the holder can no longer be trusted: In 2020/21, 306 firearm certificates were revoked in England and Wales Michael Ryan's massacre of 16 people in Hungerford in 1987 led to the banning of all modern semi-automatic rifles, the type of guns that can be fired rapidly without needing to be reloaded. Nine years later, Thomas Hamilton killed 16 schoolchildren and their teacher when he opened fire at a school in Dunblane. Parliament banned all handgunsComment: ‘Experts’ broke the world. But they’re rapidly losing power… The Western societalcide is “trust the experts”. The Brits are k̶n̶e̶e̶{neck} deep in this. Americans also to great extent and even Simon Black of Sovereign Man drinks the junk science Koolaid. And he cheers and incorrectly associates the rise of leftist, populism in South America with the experts losing power (but otherwise has some interesting summaries of the sordid outcome of the technocracy). At least there is a contingent of Americans who will never agree to strict gun control. America has a staunch pro-gun culture. The Brits will never, ever have a pro-self-defense culture — in fact they are tumbling into the abyss the other direction where the “experts” will render them entirely defenseless and thus incapable of living outside of the mechanistic, CBDC-controlled, Agenda2030 bubble cities. That is a key distinction.Comment: Starlink will be operational in basically every country by end of 2023. Peru and the Philippines will both have it in late 2022. www.starlink.com/map No sign at all the Philippines will relent on their vaccine requirement. And no form of residency nor reasonable pathway to citizenship that doesn’t require reporting to the authorities annually to renew/report. Although apparently 13g immigrant visa holders (i.e. married to a Filipino) can use a power-of-attorney for non-appearance for some years: kittelsoncarpo.com/a...-in-the-philippines/ Mexico is 1 year extendable for 3 more years temporary residency which can then be converted to permanent residency. Peru has a single step rentista visa that valid indefinitely and after 3 years (or 2 years if you a child born in Peru) apply for citizenship. internationalliving....-visa-and-residence/ Note residency is reasonably easy in Malaysia and they dropped their vaccine requirement. Heck I once rode the Allison Lines ship from Zamboanga City to Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. Yet again no pathway to citizenship. nomadcapitalist.com/...thout-taxes-in-asia/ Citizenship in Asia and Russia is essentially impractical for foreigners to obtain. nomadcapitalist.com/...citizenship-in-asia/ “As a general rule, Asian countries have yet to adopt the modern paradigm shift that you can be of any ethnicity and be a citizen of any given country. In general, once you’re considered their citizen, Asian countries tend to expect loyalty and sacrifice, regardless of where you live.” I was told by a Philippines attorney that if I had 10 years of residence in the Philippines I could attempt to apply for citizenship if I renounced my U.S. citizenship. Had to be fluent in Tagalog. Wow I entirely agree with him on the following experiences: nomadcapitalist.com/...ving-southeast-asia/ Here’s an apropos excerpt: “here’s a part of me that sees Asia as the place where men go to meet women and enjoy warm weather. I’ve grown out of that. I’ve gotten tired of drinking out of a coconut every day. The good news is that when I do want to drink out of a coconut, I can go on vacation . . . whenever I want.” Yup! Exactly. Philippines was a blast when I was young and not there to live but to just a perpetual vacation. But it turned into a pita when I tried to actual live there, although with more significant investments I could have bettered my daily environment. Guns rights are reasonable in Peru. Even allows concealed carry, but the gun permit has to be renewed every three years, presumably you can pay someone to do it for you: www.activeresponsetr...ruvian-amazon-jungle www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/peru More difficult but possible in Mexico after gaining permanent residency only: iapcar.org/mexicans-...own-guns-but-few-do/ At least six separate documents are required to buy a gun: a birth certificate, a letter confirming employment, proof of a clean criminal record from the attorney general’s office in the applicant’s home state, a utility bill with current address, a copy of a government-issued ID and a federal social security number. Gun owners must register every weapon they have, and people say it’s nearly impossible to secure a concealed carry permit (unless you’re an accountant), something that’s allowed in the majority of U.S. states. Luciano Segurajauregui Alvarez, a gun advocate who shoots recreationally and competitively, said those permits are routinely denied. “If I put my papers in … they’re going to take about three to four, even six months, and then send me a letter telling me that it’s the obligation of the state to provide security for all people in Mexico, so your permit is denied,” No Castle Doctrine in Latin America: www.indianagunowners...arry-in-peru.142672/ “Peru has equal and opposite force laws so using a handgun for self defense better be valid or well, have a nice long vacation in a Peruvian prison.”Comment: It’s not possible to have an identity on *CENTRALIZED*, social media: www.zdnet.com/articl...orm-for-free-speech/ “Nothing less than a radical re-thinking of identity online can ensure that freedom is granted to those participating in all online worlds, including social media. If Musk were to take the path of helping to create a personal protocol owned by no one, it would promote freedom and free speech. It might not boost the value of Musk's Twitter stake, but it would advance the second, more important of his stated goals.” My comments which were immediately removed as “spam”, lol: www.zdnet.com/articl...-musk-to-force-deal/ Not intending to be discourteous nor am I am criticizing any specific person, yet noting in general the stupefying ignorance in the comments. This article is explaining that any centralized social media platform will never allow the user to have full control over their online identity. Even if Musk has good intentions, the government can for example force him to take certain actions. The advertisers who fund the platform can force a Musk-run Twitter to take certain actions against your online identity. www.zdnet.com/articl...-musk-to-force-deal/ Users thus place no value on their online identity if they are not willing to pay to maintain it.Comment: youtu.be/BJdE3b-ZvJI (PUTIN: US DOLLAR REGIME IS OVER)Comment: If the 40 – 50% of Americans possessing legal firearms is not sufficient and you want some additional evidence of American resolve on gun rights, read the answers and comments on this idiotic question: www.quora.com/Why-ar...ns-freely-in-the-USAComment: My comment: www.quora.com/W...Bobby-Clifton-2?comment_id... Because the European snowflake “reality” soon to become Europeons, causes them to trust and rely on government. Europeans have risen with their civilization and trust it. Now they will collapse with it.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “I was considering Colombia until their last election. It will be sad if Colombia goes the way of Venezuela. Now, Ecuador and Mexico seem my best options.” Brazil will be next to reelect a former felon leftist who will promise “free” handouts to the people. Argentina has gone this direction. Chile appears to be sliding leftist. George Soros is funding the leftist overthrow of the nation-states. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “I actually like America a lot, it's just the system is set up to drain every drop of blood out of you. You can't live without a job for even a few months.....that's freedom for you in the country that prides itself as the most free in the world. But people are nice and really hardworking.” @Elena Kelley Why is YT shadow banning your comment? I can only see it on alerts but not on the page itself. The globalists don’t want you to be self-sufficient on your own land. You can still do it in rural U.S. but they are coming after you with U.N. Agenda 2030 to make it illegal to be self-sufficient. Running away to these U.N. subservient Latin American nations is admitting defeat and full enslavement to come.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > I agree! I’ve lived in Mexico for 3 years, acquired my residency here a year ago and I’m never leaving!! Black people are thriving in Mexico. There is a full release of the TRAUMA of living in the states. > > I left America officially in 2009 and tried on different countries around the world until I hit Mexico in 2019 and knew I had finally found my home. Much safer? No way. They broke the window of my SUV in the parking lot of Walmart in Ensenada. You need to read Mexico Daily to know about the numerous home break-ins and murders of expats. Maybe if you are comparing to some African city inside the U.S. such as Chicago or New Orleans. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “Oddly enough, many wealthy citizens of Latin American countries are at present making great effort to immigrate to the USA, particularly from Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America (Brazil and Chile primarily). Families of means are arriving daily in Miami and the trend shows no sign of slowing. Yet, despite this, many American citizens seem more and more drawn to the idea of emigrating to Latin America, probably for a myriad number of reasons but cost of living and perceptions of freedom seems to be chief amongst them at the moment. Perhaps capital is simply moving across the globe due to a general sense of instability or economic malaise? Puzzling situation, I’m not quite sure what to make of it.” If you’re wealthy in Latin America, you are target for criminal syndicates. If you are lower middle class in the U.S., you can reduce some costs in the Latin America and mostly the criminal syndicates do not target you, although the petty criminals will (if you are not careful). But Mexico and Peru for example raised their financial requirements for residency and they will continue to do so. They do not want the lower middle class gringos anymore. Lower middle class gringos are going to end up in U.S. trailer parks within a few years. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “Thanks Andrew you are absolutely correct. I am in Puerto Vallarta and it is great. Paid the dues in Chicago and glad to be out of that hell hole. Many friends and family are overrated.” Comparing Mexico to Chicago is not saying much. Chicago is not the U.S., it is Africa. There are many places to live in the U.S.A. which are much safer with much better infrastructure than Mexico. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “I moved from Mexico to Dallas, I think American people doesnt appreciate the opportunities to make make money they have in the US, yes its true is more expensive than undeveloped world, but in echange of that you have lots of banks willing to lend you money to make business, also plentiful number of investors willing to invest in your company or deals, there are many ways to pay 0 taxes if you know the law, real estate is a very easy tax free avenue. Im in the real estate development buisiness and I can tell you there are like 20 private equity funds in Mexico (no more thatn 10 are actively investing), i mena in the ENTIRE country, in DFW alone there are between 200 to 300, while in Mexico there are 50 banks, only in texas there are houndreds of them.” The developing world is for retired people, digital nomads, or those with capital to invest — although doing business in the developing world is extremely risky and likely to get one is a lot of trouble unless it is just something simple like a AirBnB. For example gas stations owners are routinely kidnapped in Mexico.Comment: Trying to complete the formulation and writing down my generative essence expectations for our future. An undeniable essence of the trend is that humans have no means by which to *HOLISTICALLY* reorganize, upend, or head-off the self-immolating civilization. Voting and protesting will remain impotent. This is because of inertia and the lack of large-scale game theoretic Schelling points. Examples of potentially watershed Schelling points which presumably would launch widescale chaos and breakout from extant inertia include: 1. Attempting to confiscate or ban firearms in the U.S.A.. I doubt this will be attempted. Instead the continued attempts to gradually erode our 2nd Amendment which have been mostly impotent. 2. Radical impoverishment of the Western population which would not only be the pretext for 666-like, enslaving, CBDC-administered UBI, but also presumably a drastic rise in criminality and drug use, financially distressed, desperate local governments, etc.. Westerners are still basing actions on salvaging normalcy and continuation of inertia, e.g. migrating from leftist to more right-oriented U.S. States, or planning to retire in the countryside. This is no threat to self-immolating and/or enslaving organization and order which requires scale that can’t be averted with jurisdiction-arbitrage, e.g. vaccine passports enforced by commercial airlines, the fiat CBDC/UBI/666 monetary reset, the national military and security apparatus, the national law making, the local governments emboldened/entrapped by the power of said large-scale. I posited why I think that the online/virtual space offers the most potential for a freedom-oriented frontier and safe haven, including for a prospective online decentralized cryptocurrency which does not exist yet and a decentralized digital ecosystem built around it. Maybe I am biased since I still intend to create that. I think my rationale is sound and correct. It’s possible that there will be no advantages to rural versus city life during this smashup, but I assess a risk to vulnerability to edicts and mass breakdowns in the city, not to mention the noise, crime, dependency (lack of self-sufficiency). I’ve read of ranch invasions in Argentina. For the moment Western society is fairly safe in rural areas, but a chaotic breakdown may threaten that. Not only is there safety with gun rights but there’s also safety and more resiliency with like-minded, rural neighbors. If those (e.g. Amish) neighbors aren’t already residing in one’s preferential rural location, then one would need to stimulate a community by for example building affordable housing and other infrastructure. The West increasingly attacks any productive endeavor and especially real estate development is a prime gouging target, especially as local governments become more desperate. The financiable, tangible world is self-immolating. So on the one hand one could establish a safe rural existence now in the West with a meager homestead development, but unless one wants to live for example in Alabama with rednecks or in the cold winter climates of the Amish, it would not be cost effective from a real estate development perspective to stimulate a like-minded community in the U.S.A.. Even if build in a no building permit required area such as some counties of W. Texas, the property taxes are still 10 times higher than in Latin America. I don’t know if it’s the same issues in Spain, but their gun rights suck anyway. In short it’s not the time to be planting large, tangible-world investments in the West. A meager homestead yes (e.g. employing Cochise Country’s owner build permit exemption) leveraging the strong Castle Doctrine gun rights of the U.S. to provide safety in the face of any future, wide scale break down in law & order. But resiliency might be less as lonesome potentially pitted against a future berserk local, State and/or Federal government regime.Comment: For example if I wish to build a basketball court, a gym, and jogging oval because I don’t want to be dependent on lockdown edicts, it is entirely impractical for me to build that only for myself (unless I am very wealthy) and especially not in a Western country where I would pay egregious annual taxes on that highly valued infrastructure. But looking forward in the future if law & order breaks down in impoverishment chaos (and not only) in the West, then if seeking to stimulate a like-minded community then large scale, cash-only real estate development is much more workable in the developing world, because the taxes and regulatory regime is an order-of-magnitude more amenable and less predatory. Although the security situation is (and in many cases MUCH) worse in Latin America, if the priority is for your like-minded community to be left alone and unperturbed, then a developing world government is much less funded, capable and interested, especially not out in the middle of the unpopulated, dirt-cheap land in the desert that I’m looking at in Mexico and Peru. Granted some Asian countries still have inane medical mandates and paranoid residency programs that require you to report annually, but (not including highly developed nations) they are not typically flying drones and using satellite imagery to monitor your rural activities on your private property. They do not require a serial number on every egg your hen lays as is the case in Belgium. The developing world can’t afford that level of insanity yet, but the West is attempting to afford it and pump up their debts. Agenda2030 is accelerated in the developed West, as evidenced by the banning of nitrogen for Dutch farmers and U.N. template building codes adopted by most local governments. In the West our individualized independence depends on the well functioning of the civilization. In the developing world, there is no dependence — you do only what YOU can. No loans, no subsidies, no debt-based growth oriented paradigm — more brutal, unadulterated and difficult, yet less restricted. There are tradeoffs to each option, which is why I do not want to be stuck in either option (because I can not predict the future, timing, etc exactly so I need to remain nimble) but I want access to both without needing to fly on a commercial airline. Obviously it’s impossible to have both a Western option and a developing world option accessible without flying in Asia. Eastern Europe can presumably be reached overland from W. Europe. Putting all my eggs in one basket in Asia is not a risk or preference I will choose now — maybe if I was much younger I would. I read that there’s so many expats living in Chang Mai, Thailand that it will feel a bit Western. Ditto maybe Bali, Indonesia? Civilized Asia has inherently better personal security than Latin America because of strict enforcement and Asians are more restrained, reputational focused, less Holfestede Insights Indulgence than Latin Americans. But not necessarily so in far-flung rural areas where rebels, bandits, unethical muslims and criminal gangs operate with impunity. Note thus populated areas of the developing world are entirely uninteresting to me in terms of these stated tradeoffs and goals. That is not to say the populated areas have no utility to me, probably just don’t want to live in them regularly. Paraguay has much better gun rights than other Latin American countries, but the climate is a turn off. For me climate is a huge factor because if I can’t be active in my non-water-based sports and have the lifestyle I prefer, then from my perspective given how much my state-of-mind and productivity in all endeavors depends on sustaining my active summer lifestyle year round, what is the point of living anyway?Comment: Sign of the end times (near the end in Rome was analogous with the bath houses): wtop.com/government/...eyve-become-parents/ (click for photo of the grinning couple) Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced Tuesday that he and his husband, Chasten Glezman Buttigieg, have become parents. The former Democratic presidential candidate said the {homosexual, not homosapien} couple is “overjoyed” by the prospect of having a child. I call that child abuse!Comment: Yarvin sums it up well: You can only lose the culture war I suppose that in theory you could massacre all the elves. You don’t seem up for that in practice {…} If there was a way to impose hobbit culture only on hobbits, there might be a case. But our country is not configured to support separate rules for elves and hobbits. If it was, it would be a different country. Maybe a better country—but it isn’t. {…} For the underdog, making the overdog mad makes the overdog more powerful and dangerous to you, the underdog. You do not want your overdog to become more powerful and dangerous. You want him to become more apathetic and unguarded. {…} Power in America is a marriage of elves and hobbits and always will be. {…} Your job, when you are a battered wife, is to get out of the situation. To escape, it is sufficient to know what your job isn’t. Most people who do not escape fail to escape because they are doing some other job, which is not their job. {…} In a situation of weakness, the only possible reversal must come from strategy rather than struggle. Hitting your husband back is struggle. Setting a hidden camera before you talk to your husband about his drinking is strategy. {…} Any elf knows that the hobbits could indeed overthrow the elves by force tomorrow. All those guns! But that would require hobbits to be something other than hobbits. Hobbits just want to grill. Hobbits just want to be governed sensibly, in a way that makes sense to hobbits, so that they can just grill. Hobbits have little desire for power and no great talent for it, which is what makes them so easy for the elves to rule. And hobbits are not—not in their hearts—into telling elves how to live their lives. THE REASON THE DARK ELVES LACK SUFFICIENT POWER TO CONQUER THE RADICAL LEFT IS BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT YET DISINTERMEDIATING THE DYING FINANCIALIZED TANGIBLE AGE: “The hobbits can only win by taking power from one group of elves, then giving it to another group of elves. Let’s call these groups the high elves and the dark elves. These dark elves are the allies hobbits need to get the quality of government they deserve. Hobbits will always be governed by elves. But they need to be governed by elves who respect hobbits (as well as elves, dwarves and orcs).” READ THE REST OF YARVIN’s EXCELLENT ESSAY.Comment: An interesting ramification of Yarvin’s essay is that whether the masses lean left or right is probably irrelevant. It’s the power structure that determines the outcomes. So it’s probably irrelevant what the masses think and do because they do not project power. The radical left is currently empowered over their competitors trying to capture the power vacuum of the society, by the ability to print money out-of-thin-air — they are leveraging the strong dollar and dollar reserve currency status whilst they accelerate its destruction. They are empowered by centralization such as centralized social media. But the sources of their power will be disintermediated, e.g. legacy Bitcoin will rise, decentralized/P2P social media will rise, etc. That is why I emphasize a strategy of avoiding becoming collateral damage while the extant dying system self-immolates.Comment: Typo: s/DISINTERMEDIATING/DISINTERMEDIATED/Comment: The concept of power vacuums and power projection is not intuitive for most people. So let’s consider the recent disposal of Boris-the-clown. This creates a power vacuum. He was not ruthless enough! How can someone more sane step into this power vacuum when maximum power can not have anything to do with true prosperity and sanity when in face Western civilization is actuarially bankrupt and at the precipice of a Minsky Moment economic collapse? You see the Westerners mortgaged their future and put themselves in this position where the leftists have maximum power. This can only be resolved by self-immolation of Western civilization. Game over. Checkmate. The only frontier that remains is the disintermediation of and thus the acceleration of the bankrupt, financialized, tangible moribund economy. That might remove the source of the empowerment of our overlords, if it creates new economic opportunities for enough of our society, providing an escape value. Otherwise into the societal collapse abyss and dark age we go as the leftists will not relinquish power until the last man standing. Try to understand it abstractly. It will help you make wise decisions and GTFO of normalcy bias paralysis.Comment: The major urban areas in the West of the U.S. are riddled with homeless druggies. I made the mistake of stopping to fill up gas in Tuscon and there were homeless people loitering around everywhere. Ditto I got very bad vibe in Phoenix. I think I remember writing that they resembled Tijuana, Mexico to some extent. NASCAR star Bobby East stabbed to death at California gas stationComment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “there's a lot of "Illegitimacy" going on in the U.S. Starting with those that claim to Respect and Follow the Constitution. And from there it trickles down to Local Constitutions and Charters. Stuff as old as America. But I'm curious, is there a Law that says that State assemblies had to RE assemble after the civil war?” @Poveri Sfigati that merits a long discussion, which we can not do in this format on YT. Hope I can encounter you in a proper forum where we can hash this out properly. Note there is more going on at the Big Picture level that needs to be factored in. I want to suggest you read Curtis Yarvin’s Gray Mirror substack. His latest essay You can only lose the culture war is excellent. I elaborate on my trading view. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “@S. Moore The slums in Chicago are worse tha in India, Egypt, Kenya, etc. At least will Not get shot, raped or held up at gun point. Many parts of the US are the 4th world.” @Bibi Bach MD wow. Haven’t actually bothered to go check out Chicago. I did make the mistake of stopping to fill up for gas in Tuscon and I thought I had been teleported to Skid Row. I read today that a Nascar driver was stabbed to death at a gas station in Westminster, CA.. Btw, I vacationed in Puerto Vallarta in 1991. I remember the year was the release of Prince’s Diamond & Pearls single. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “I know of Californians who work in California but live in Mexico.” ​ @Maria Tolentino Baja, CA is reasonably safe if one is careful about where they stay and where they park their vehicle. I parked my vehicle on the not well lit side of Walmart in Ensenada and they shattered my passenger side window to steal an empty wallet that was in the back seat (and failed to grab the back pack with the expensive laptop). Some areas in and around Los Angeles may be more dangerous to Mexico. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “@S. Moore exactly. Longview, Lubbock, Austin, and Houston are all completely different places. Hard to believe they’re all in the same state.” @dudedude949 I wish the cities of the U.S. could have a separate government from the rural areas, as the politics are diametrically opposed. We can make free trade agreement with them (the cities), if they can honor their commitments, lol. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > @S. Moore "Chicago is not the U.S., it is Africa." > > Chicago: 29% black @JdeC1994 I was born and initially raised in New Orleans, thus I experienced it first hand. My sister and I were once the only white kids in the entire Baton Rouge elementary school. I am not racist meaning I will not prejudge someone only by their race. There are some geniuses of African ancestry. Some of what has happened with the blacks in the U.S. can be attributed to welfare and the drug trade. Before that many more were hardworking (after slavery was abolished) and family oriented. That being said many of the African nations seem to be plagued by tribalism, violence, kleptocracy, warlords, kakistocracy, etc.. I have empathy but that doesn’t mean I want to live in a clusterf*ck.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “Will, I have lived in Asia, Europe ,UK, USA and Central America. In US , I have lived in Texas,Ok, Florida and have visited the whole West Coast for long periods of time. My opinion, if u want to do business it is in Texas and lived very well there and go vacation in all these other places.” @Judy Mckee I have lived in the Philippines, Baja California, California, Texas, Arizona, Washington state, and New Orleans. I have visited Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore as well as several other U.S. States. Maybe it depends on which sort of business you will do. For AirBnB’s I think it might be better outside the U.S.A. if not in a saturated place like Colombia, due to the lower property taxes, less druggies, less chance of getting sued, less expensive insurance, etc.. Although the AirBnB I rented in McAllen, TX is persistently fully booked. I suspect a real estate agent will earn the most and most efficiently in the U.S. for example. Texas has been booming. For those of us who generate our income online or are retired, then other considerations take precedence with Texas getting a downgrade from me (compared to high elevation Arizona and the Pacific West Coast) due to its hot a.f. summers. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “That's because all other countries are sold the American lie. There is so much propaganda in Latin America that the US is paved with gold and the land of the free. Etc. Then they get here and are slaves to the gov. They were freer back home and Mexico is BEAUTIFUL. They crazy lol” ​ @pinkyhotmessx69 poverty is enslaving and there is a lot of poverty in Mexico. Have you not seen people living in shanties in Tijuana. Yes Mexico is beautiful for you because you are rich in Mexico. They know their country has natural beauty, same as the U.S. has natural beauty. They come to the U.S. to work. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “@S. Moore As I understand it, there are very few to almost "0" property zoning laws and/or permits required in many west Texas counties. Perhaps it's because so few very people actually live there, or want to live there? 🐍" @Fumble_ Brewski indeed. Note there are some higher elevations in W. Texas that have a pleasant summer climate but you will be isolated from most of civilization. Actually the Latin Americans are taking it over — they outbreed and migrate whites thus displacing white culture — the U.S.A. will be minority white probably by 2035ish. There is a natural spring pool at the Balmorhea State Park which used to be very nice and tranquil 20 years ago, now overrun with human protoplasm ever day. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “Grand parents retired in San Miguel de Allende my aunt lives there 6 months a year. I live in Indonesia 6 months a year. Live exceptionally well on 3k a month house keeper, gardener etc. Cheap travel to Vietnam, Thailand etc.” @Adrien Bancroft cheap flights in the future only if fully vaxxed. The CDC now recommends 72 injections before adolescence. No way I am going to have half my life on the other side of the Pacific ocean. The chatter is everyone will need a booster every 3 months from now on. Brandon (and Bill Gates) already warned us the next pLandemic is coming. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDt4UkNy... > “@S. Moore Which town(s) do you recommend I check up? ( I am not American?” @chac cmi that depends on what you want? I am quite pleased with Sierra Vista, AZ where I am now. The climate is nice, and the town is charming and has everything I need. You could check out the surrounding towns such as Wilcox and Brisbee as well. If you can handle a hot climate, there many smaller towns throughout Texas for example. Idaho and Utah will have small towns with more traditional American values, but the winters are colder. Between Reno and Salt Lake City there are smaller towns and communities. Probably ditto from Reno heading down before Las Vegas. Avoid the low elevation Arizona and Nevada counties and big cities! if you into more verdant with mosquitoes then maybe small towns in the Southeast of the U.S. such as Tennessee although I have not visited there. Also some small towns in CA, OR and WA states. The U.S. for now is a driving culture. Get yourself a fuel efficient vehicle and roam.Comment: So let’s apply this abstract model to expectations for 2023 and 2024, possibly also applicable to 2025 forward for a couple to four years as well. There’s an attempt to strip radical left ‘elves’ of political power, e.g. the U.S. Supreme Court was instructed by the radicals to make many rulings to anger the Demonrats, Boris-the-clown disposed, Demonrats going to be challenged at this year’s midterm elections likely to end up with a lameduck POTUS Brandon in 2023 and 2024. But there is no moderate/centrist power strong enough to capture the power vacuum this exposes. And certainly the radical right is not going to grab power with a military coup and genocide the ‘elves’. So the radical left will leverage all their power to create crises that shift authority to their bureaucrats and Deep State swamp (e.g. as they did with CDC/NIH director Fauci in the 2020 pLandemic on Trump’s watch) and this can involve the complicit judges, executive orders, clandestine operations (remember Operation Fast & Furious and presumably analogous in Ukraine), etc.. Expect 2023 and 2024 to be the years from stagflation and shortages hell as the radicals push Pootin to shut off the energy to Europe as that is his only option to pressure NATO to reopen Russia’s unfettered access to the Sulwaki Corridor. They will push Putin until he is eventually forced to invade which automatically triggers war with NATO. I suspect if Trump is on the verge of being POTUS again in November 2024, they will attempt to rig the election and if that fails (which I predict it will because Rothschild/Soros et al wants to radicalize the radical left) then in 2025 the radical left will go absolutely berserk in terms of fomenting WW3, rationing, totalitarian and stagflation hell. And probably have the Republicans supporting much of it because Republicans love war also! They key is international war, as that is the excuse for capital controls and all sorts of totalitarian hell. Domestic civil war (e.g. a right wing group executes Brandon) could be another excuse for restricting our freedoms. In short, life is going to become much more totalitarian, difficult and arduous. This brief respite we may get in Q4 2022 may be the last from these levels of moderate grief for some years. Future relief could be from much severe levels of pain. I can not emphasize enough that Western civilization is in self-immolation mode. I know this is difficult to accept and act on. Humans are incapable of perceiving the exponential function until it is too late for them to act. Another thought is the bearish, engulfing semi-annual candle on the stock market (and Bitcoin) which last occurred in the 1970s. The Millennials are coming to mature adults and are driving a lot of demand, which was the analogous effect of the Boomers in the 1970s. Yet the distinction is we didn’t have the societalcide in the 1970s and the Boomers outstripped by far the Silent Generation before them. Whereas we have now a battle between the needs of the Millinneals and those of the Boomers who hang on to everything trying to kick-the-can of debt collapse which is destroying Western civilization. The Boomers may be the most selfish generation ever.Comment: Another reason the risk-on markets will be spooked again is inflation is becoming sticky and there are factors which can continue to drive CPI higher even if oil and commodities decline (not to mention we appear to be seeing the start of a bounce in those). Also the implications of this are depressing. We have an inflation spiral ahead. Additionally California will send out the stimulus checks in October and that’s also when Biden will stop draining the U.S. petroleum reserve. youtu.be/uliw6ZedASM (3 Reasons why the Fed will "Paul Volcker" CRASH Markets.)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uliw6Zed... An economic collapse is needed to thwart spiraling, sticky inflation. The supply chains have been wrecked (intentionally by leftists). Only the demand side can be modulated now. I just returned from Mexico. Beef is 3 times more expensive in the U.S. (even compared to the UK) because during the pLandemic many meat processors went bankrupt. The consolidation has created a monopolistic processing industry which is squeezing the cattle producers who are decreasing their herds because they have no pricing power. Yet the processing industry sets the prices as high as the market will bear, raking in insane profits.Comment: Unlike in the 1970s, spikes in price inflation aren’t leading to massive unemployment. Instead more like before the Dotcom and 2008 crash. Duh! Because Westerners can pay the higher prices as they’re heavily invested in assets that have gone up more than inflation, e.g. stocks and housing. The massive unemployment won’t happen until the massive implosion of investment assets. Also the Western governments are subsidizing those who are not invested. youtu.be/j5H9kU5R3go?t=475 (Why Stocks are Completely Disconnected From Reality.)Comment: This confirms BTC will not be rallying to new ATHs until after the bottom of the 2024 recession and market crash. twitter.com/venturef.../1549577722300715010 (click for the chart)Comment: SunZoomSpark, {7/20/22 4:03 PM} I finally got round to watching this Special Solari Report: Mass Formation: A Decoy for Digital Concentration Camps with Dr. Peter Breggin (home.solari.com/spec...th-dr-peter-breggin/) a discussion hosted by Catherine Austin-Fitts. (I'm posting this as information rather than intending to start a discussion.) Many who’ve seen Mattias Desmet being interviewed these last months on his mass formation theory may have been mislead to some extent by his superficial explanation, compared to the much more bold statements in his book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism (www.amazon.com/Psych...Desmet/dp/1645021726)Dr. Peter Breggin for the Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium. “Peter’s resume, credentials and experience in the field of psychology and psychiatry are second to none. His nickname is “the conscience of psychiatry.” Somehow the theory of mass formation came up – and it turned out Peter shared my criticisms but from a place of much greater expertise.“ The “meat” of the discussion starts at 23:48 mins in. "Mass Formation is a theory that has circulated over the last year. My immediate reaction upon hearing it was that I could not fathom why anyone would take it seriously. It was proposed by a Belgian professor named Mattias Desmet.” {…} “Our destiny is to confront the evil before us. We are not made safe by theories that distract us from seeing the control grid that is steadily invading all aspects of our life and work or identifying and stopping the people who are lavishly spending our money and resources to build it.” Dr. Breggin likens Desmet’s main theory with Freud’s Oedipus Complex, which was formulated (either consciously or unconsciously) to give air-cover to sexual predators by betraying his patients with assertions that stories of abuse were fantasies; that children lust after their parents with primitive sexual instincts. In contrast to his many video interviews, in his book, Desmet’s essential point is that all the people who are thinking for themselves about what is going on behind the scenes are mentally disturbed. That we have overwhelming needs to simplify things by thinking up conspiracy theories – as if that’s simplifying things. Austin-Fitts says Desmet’s book panders to people who realise something unnatural is happening, which reminds them of a hypnotic trance, but who don’t want to look in the mirror at themselves and realise that they are the receiving end of military grade neurological weapons, and that their smart phone is one method of delivering them. We’re watching massive force to herd people into a position where they jump into the coral of the official narrative. But Desmet claims they’ve created the fear themselves from primitive Freudian needs for creating authoritarian leaders. And he states that we don’t need to back out of the control grid, just shift our consciousness, then the authoritarianism will go away (that we allowed to happen anyway due to our stupidity). And of course we don’t have to do anything, just stay on your couch like a psychotherapist’s QAnon. No need to take on evil or fight for freedom. Dr. Breggin points out the difference with the American Revolution compared to the French Revolution was that the former was conservative, it said just leave us alone Great Britain, we want to be free. The French Revolution said we’re great European intellectuals and we wish to change everything: take down the Church, take down private property and that’s exactly what’s being talked about now. The rights of the individual against the Utopian collective. Austin-Fitts likens what we’re experiencing to the Bolsheviks. It ends in genocide. They discuss Political Ponerology , A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes (a concept popularized by Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Łobaczewski, in his book www.amazon.com/Polit...rposes/dp/1897244258 (Zbigniew Brzezinski blocked its publication) who advocated using the fields of psychology, sociology, philosophy, and history to account for such phenomena as aggressive war, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and despotism.). SunZoomSpark, {7/20/22 4:03 PM} “A certain % of the population is born without empathy … and they are excellent at finding each other and organising for political advantage … the rest of the human race cannot fathom that a few people don’t have empathy … They cannot fathom that the other person is channelling real evil.” She goes on to say that Łobaczewski points out that as long as the population can’t fathom this dynamic, they are sitting ducks. Once they do realise it exists, they stop allowing the psychopaths making them neurotic and can begin to use successful strategies and coping mechanisms once they break through. We need to realise we are dealing with evil and we can outwit it. If we can’t face it, God can’t fix it. Dr. Breggin observes that the profile of globalist predators is the opposite to the average person. They don’t identify with country, fellow feeling, do not believe in God, they’re hyper-materialists, because they don’t possess empathy. In some sense they have an autism to the rest of the world. They can’t see them as people. Even their children they see as objects. They cannot make friends with humanity. Austin-Fitts adds that the whole message of “Mr Global” is that people are not worth the effort. She likens Desmet’s Mass Formation to psychological castration. Shelby Moore, {7/20/22 4:46 PM} {In reply to SunZoomSpark} Fitts is correct but I augment with my insight that the elite are serving a purpose. Humanity fucked themselves in the ass with debt. And humanity are sheep focused only on parochial issues (the ass of the sheep in front of them). I had an interesting experience yesterday in the gym. I went to the back of the Zumba room to jump and they stopped the music and the entire class to come scold me for being out-of-sync. One participant said, “you are only allowed to do Zumba in here.” Really these are Americans! Can you imagine how fucked in the head most people are. I exited saying, “your zumba is too slow.” I try to love humanity but every time I try to be myself, humanity reminds me why I agree with Bill Gates. What is coming now to Western Civilization is entirely deserved. And it will not be thwarted by any awakening. My take is more inline with 1 Samuel 8. The people were warned. SunZoomSpark, {7/20/22 4:48 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} I'd like to hear a discussion between you and Austin-Fitts. What she would make of your theories. Shelby Moore, {7/20/22 4:48 PM} {In reply to SunZoomSpark} I would be up for that!Comment: I pointed out that beef prices are 3 times higher in the US than in Mexico and much of the world. Well looks like it is coming to the UK next: www.armstrongeconomi...-v-animal-activists/ www.theguardian.com/...meet-climate-targetsComment: youtu.be/24dyS6DEZD0 (Crypto Regulations INCOMING! Here's What They Could Look Like) youtu.be/CIRsEOBYxbA (Have You READ THIS!? The DeFi Crypto Regulation THEY Want!!)Comment: Biden’s Hatred of Russia Predates Putin Republicans Fail to Reject NATO ExpansionComment: CDC Stops Reporting Cruise Ship COVID Outbreaks The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will no longer report COVID outbreaks on cruise ships. Per the CDC’s website: > “As of July 18, 2022, CDC’s COVID-19 Program for Cruise Ships is no longer in > effect. CDC will continue to publish guidance to help cruise ships continue to > provide a safer and healthier environment for passengers, crew and > communities going forward.” Clearly, this is an attempt to hide the fact that the vaccinated are spreading and contracting COVID, possibly more frequently than the unvaccinated. Nearly all cruise liners have required staff and passengers to be “fully vaccinated” before boarding. Yet, there are countless stories of COVID outbreaks on ships with 100% vaccination rates. So the cruise industry lost over $63 billion between 2020 and 2021 for absolutely no reason.Comment: Shelby Moore, {7/22/22 7:50 AM} I need to attempt some sleep before commenting more about the following linked. I did some research on the water well situation in Arizona which I will share. First read the following while I am sleeping. Climate Engineering: 40 Million in US West Without Water in 2023 I didn’t watch that video yet. Shelby Moore, {7/22/22 7:51 PM} As I explained in the voice messages, I will not just accept that person’s claim that the cause of the water crisis is chemtrails. Climate change is caused by the Maunder Minimum underway. Nevertheless the water crisis is real and probably there’s concerted effort to make it a crisis and leverage the crisis for political purposes. Wikipedia: California drought manipulation conspiracy theory www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ So it appears to target the beef industry but they might shut off water to 25 – 40 millions first to get the public-at-large to chastise the beef industry: tucson.com/news/loca...3d-63579bae83c6.html The primary use of river water in the basin is “grasses,” he said. “Eighty percent of Colorado River water is used for agriculture and 80% of that is used for forage crops like alfalfa {…} “But at the same elevation, Arizona, California and Mexico will be cut off entirely. We’re 150 feet from losing access to the Colorado River, and the rate of decline is accelerating,” he said. “The burden of shortage can’t be borne by any community or sector. We’re 150 feet from 25 million Americans losing access to the river.” Methane is emphasized as a key GHG to reduce but TPTB haven’t been able to apply carbon taxes, so ostensibly they have decide to attack beef in the West by attacking the water supply. The takeaway is not going to be able to tax your non-commercial cow on your private land any time soon, especially not in Mexico which does not have the tax regime to enforce draconian policies towards individual landowners but as the West’s politics turns toward ideological scapegoating-on-steriods, the West does have the invasive tax authorities and enforcement regimes to essentially ban any activity on private land the ratcheting ideological mass psychosis inflicts on itself 🤮💩🤦🏻: www.oecd.org/tax/tax...ng-united-states.pdf www.internationaltax...-tax-policy-analysis www.imf.org/en/Publi...gy-for-Mexico-494708 (skip to pages 29–30 of the PDF file) Idiot who wrote the above IMF paper: www.linkedin.com/in/...ay/background-image/ www.linkedin.com/in/simonjblack/ The reason water is becoming so politicized in the West (and Baja California Sur, Mexico) is that is the control mechanism which can be used to enslave commercial farming and livestock. Shelby Moore, {7/22/22 11:08 PM} So the military pilots are told they are doing anti-radar activities with the chemtrails so it becomes high classified and thus they do not suspect they’re doing climate engineering: youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY?list=PLwfF... (The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ))Comment: Shelby Moore, {7/23/22 3:24 AM} Slate: Who Hung the Colorado River Out to Dry? “In my reporting, when I was talking to ranchers in Colorado and Wyoming, I found that even if they don’t need all the water they’re allowed to take in a given year, they take it all anyway and they dump it out. That way, they can tell the state that they take their water every single year and they don’t risk losing their rights. When you multiply that by thousands and thousands of water users, you have a pretty extraordinary inefficiency right there.” {…} “ cities didn’t exist in the mid-1800s, so they have very junior water rights now, even though that’s where most of the people are. So literally the largest volume of water goes to the people in places with the deepest historical roots.” {…} “Because of how much water is used to grow alfalfa to feed cattle to provide meat, the research suggests that if Americans stopped eating meat just one day a week, that alone would translate to a savings of water equivalent to the entire flow of the river. Were that ever to happen, that would solve the West’s water problems in its entirety for a long time to come.” NPR: How A Historical Blunder Helped Create The Water Crisis In The West Cotton is one of the most water-intensive crops that farmers can grow. It's not the most — grasses, like alfalfa, which are also grown in abundance, use far more water. But the long list of options, cotton uses about six times as much water as growing a crop of lettuce and about 60 percent more than growing wheat. Cotton has been a staple of Arizona's agriculture economy for many years. It's in decline. There's much less of it today than there used to be, but there's still more than 100,000 acres of cotton grown in Arizona. Arizona is probably the worst off when it comes to water of the seven states in the Colorado River Basin, so that decision to continue to use its water to grow one of the thirstiest crops is something that caught our attention very early in our reporting. ... When you look at cotton, it's not actually a really good business. There's a glut of cotton on the market, there's not a lot of demand for it, and in recent years the price has been really low, so it wouldn't appear to be a very good business decision for farmers. What we found is that under the U.S. farm bill, the federal government heavily subsidizes cotton, it subsidizes other crops but no crop in Arizona received more money than cotton through a variety of forms. The farmers that I spoke with basically said that this money helps them bridge the gap between good years and bad years and keeps them in the black. If they didn't grow cotton, they wouldn't be eligible for as much money. Their entire farming operations would likely suffer. On how much water it takes to grow alfalfa, which is grown to feed cows If you were to pick any one crop that uses the most water in the Colorado River Basin, it's alfalfa. There's a lot of surprising aspects to alfalfa usage, not just that it supports our meat and dairy industries but a lot of it is actually exported to support other countries' meat and dairy industries. There's large alfalfa farms in Southern California and southern Arizona for example that are owned by the United Arab Emirates, or other Middle Eastern countries. I calculated, based on the very high water intensity of say a steak, you can calculate that if Americans theoretically ate one less meal of meat each week it would save an amount of water that could be the equivalent of the entire annual flow of the Colorado River. On one of the massive geo-engineering projects that were built to carry water from the river to the arid lands in the West The Navajo Generating Station is a three-generator, coal-fired plant. It's one of the largest in the country, and it sits in the northern edge of Arizona along the Colorado River, outside the town of Page as a phenomenally massive monument to industry. It sits in an otherwise plain and open wilderness landscape, red sandstone spires and desert buttes, and then all of a sudden is this enormous, thrumming, loud facility with three smokestacks that reach almost 800 feet into the air. It consumes about 22,000 tons of coal each and powers a number of Southwestern cities, but mainly provides the power to move water through the Central Arizona Project canal into the middle of Arizona. ... About 300 miles south of Page along the Colorado River, the river sits in a small reservoir called Lake Havasu, and from Lake Havasu there's a couple of intake pipes that move the water out of the river, about 10 percent of the flow of the river, carry it up a total elevation gain of about 3,000 feet and across 336 miles through the cities of Phoenix and Tucson into the central part of the state of Arizona. Moving that much water up that much elevation gain requires an enormous amount of energy, and to acquire that energy the federal government basically built the Navajo Generating Station in the early 1970s.Comment: Shelby Moore, {7/23/22 3:35 AM} Agenda 2030 underway: NY Times: Wall Street Eyes Billions in the Colorado’s Water Investor interest in the river could redefine century-old rules for who controls one of the most valuable economic resources in the United States. There is a myth about water in the Western United States, which is that there is not enough of it. But those who deal closely with water will tell you this is false. There is plenty. It is just in the wrong places. Cibola, Ariz., is one of the wrong places. Home to about 300 people, depending on what time of year you’re counting, the town sits on the California border, in a stretch of the Sonoran Desert encircled by fanglike mountains and seemingly dead rocky terrain. Driving across the expanse, where the temperature often hovers near 115 degrees, I found myself comforted by the sight of an oncoming eighteen-wheeler carrying bales of hay, which at least implied the existence of something living where I was headed. Thanks to the Colorado River, which meanders through town, Cibola is a verdant oasis that chatters at dusk with swooping birds. Along both banks, a few hundred acres produce lush alfalfa and cotton, amid one of the more arid and menacing environments in North America. This scene is unlikely to last, though. A few years ago a firm called Greenstone, a subsidiary of a subsidiary of the financial-services conglomerate MassMutual, quietly bought the rights to most of Cibola’s water. Greenstone then moved to sell the water to one of the right places: Queen Creek, a fast-growing suburb of Phoenix 175 miles away, full of tract houses and backyard pools. Transferring water from agricultural communities to cities, though often contentious, is not a new practice. Much of the West, including Los Angeles and Las Vegas, was made by moving water. What is new is for private investors — in this case an investment fund in Phoenix, with owners on the East Coast — to exert that power. When I reached Holly Irwin, a county supervisor who lives in Cibola, by phone a couple of weeks after my visit, she was angry. “They’re going to make big bucks off the water, and who’s going to suffer?” she said. “It’s the rural counties going up against big money.” {…} To proponents of open markets, water is underpriced and consequently overused. In theory, a market-based approach discourages wasteful low-value water uses, especially in agriculture, which consumes more than 70 percent of the water in the Southwest, and creates incentives for private enterprise to become involved. Investors and the environment may benefit, but water will almost certainly be more expensive. {…} “The idea is, if you pay the farmers enough, they’ll go away,” said Brad Udall, a water and climate researcher at Colorado State University whose family have been lawmakers in the region for 60 years. It’s not necessarily a new concept — in parts of Southern California, farmers have been paid for more than a decade to fallow land. Nor is it official policy yet. But Mr. Eklund would like it to be.Comment: Armstrong posted two blogs that argue there will be a separation of the U.S. based on different politics: www.armstrongeconomi...op-for-civil-unrest/ www.armstrongeconomi...e-foundation-of-law/ However the cities lean more and more left. And the cities are growing. Unless the conservatives can find a way to take back control of the election process and to remove the right to vote from city dwellers, I think there are much fewer Southern States that can remain Republican such as Alabama will never become leftist. I have my strong doubts about whether Florida and Texas can remain Republican as the global economic implosion hits. I don’t see this political strife culminating anytime soon. The Westerners will exhaust all their energy and lifeblood and be dead before any resolutions.Comment: The water issue in the Western U.S.A. will probably end up impacting the food supply later this year and/or 2023 forward, and possibly also rationing in the cities that depend on the Colorado river such as the mega-cities Tucson and Phoenix. Should not impact wells in rural land in Cochise county, AZ. None of the farmers nor towns in Cochise county depend on water from the Colorado river. Looks like some if not all areas of Cochise county are headed towards restricting irrigation wells but not wells for residential use, although there’s some investors with clout (e.g. son of Warren Buffett) have been buying up farm land around here. Well permits are virtually impossible to obtain in Mexico, at least especially so in the Baja California Sur area which is overallocated (static1.squarespace....EastCape-BCI-LWG.pdf). Need to either buy water rights, collect rain water, haul in water and/or drill and hide an illegal well. With the recession incoming due to rising interest rates and supply side driven inflation, the supply and prices of real estate should increase and decrease respectively. If anything a food crisis in the U.S. should drive prices higher which should increase the demand for Mexican food imports, which should thus further buffer politically Mexican agriculture against Agenda 2030. Also Mexicans simply violate the law when necessary. We could even see the drug cartels diversify more into farming. They even extort the avocado farms. These droughts should help garnish popular political support to banish farming from drought stricken regions. My point from my voice messages remains that the Western world is financially maladapted. And thus there will be massive cannibalization of the finances, assets and wealth structure. It’s not quite clear if such anticipated dysfunction in the West will eventually result in effective confiscation or ruin (e.g. through taxation) of rural residential homesteads. I think the probabilities are reasonable enough to make it worthwhile to purse a rural homestead in Cochise county, but the assurance going forward is insufficient for me to trust to put all my eggs in one basket. It is difficult to predict the myriad of machinations and ratcheting going forward as the West cascades towards deflation/devolution of its $trillions debt bubble notional value. Although the developing world will present issues such as (in Latin America) more crime, less infrastructure, reduced gun rights, cultural differences, more noise if have neighbors, etc., the food supply, building permitting, real estate taxation and government intrusion of land use is likely to be more favorable. As the climate cools due to the Maunder Minimum which will accelerate later this decade until a 2050 peak, the warmer ocean temperatures and climate nearer to the tropics might sustain growing seasons better, although drought remains a threat. My overall thesis remains that we should not 100% trust to have all our financial and homestead assets solely in the West. Also for myself given I don’t want to rely on public infrastructure for sports facilities (e.g. a basketball court) then unless I want to pay egregious property taxes in the West, it is better to place such infrastructure in a developing country which essentially will not tax it nor require any onerous permitting for it.Comment: In addition to the end of the release from the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve in October, the U.S. supply chain could take a massive hit in Q4 as well. Expect $240 oil in 2023. Note I only have a spike bull trap rally into September on my published trading idea, and then back down to egregious lows until the Fed pivots Q2 2023: TPTB running the freak show in WA D.C. want to impoverish the Americans before the end of Brandon’s term, so as to create dependency on pushing out UBI directly with a new enslaving 666-like central bank digital currency (CBDC) which will probably be launched in earnest during the projected 2024 market abyss. We will make more money shorting the markets than long positions over the next over the next 1.5 years. www.cnn.com/2022/07/...ke-threat/index.html (Biden averts freight railroad strike - for now) “But the action by Biden could be only a short-term solution, setting the clock is ticking towards a possible work stoppage in 60 days. The Presidential Emergency Board that Biden named Friday has 30 days to try to find a solution satisfactory to both sides. If either rejects it, a second 30-day "cooling off" period would begin in which the two sides try to reach a deal. Only at the end of that second cooling-off period, which would be in mid-September, could the 12 unions that represent the railroad workers go on strike, or the nation's major railroads could lock out the workers and try to convince Congress to intervene and impose a labor deal more to their liking.” youtu.be/Sz8AavXcKXk (Leaked insider info from a very reliable source.. THEY ARE PREPARING FOR SOMETHING BAD PREP NOW) www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz8AavXc... > “I have been storing canned goods and everyone thinks I’m being paranoid I’m trying to get my house in order and they don’t realize that this is going to happen! Thank you for your information and giving us a warning. At least I feel I’m not alone and I’m even going through a deep depression and trying to fight through it.” Jacquelyn all of us are suffering emotionally and mentally from this concerted attack by the powers that be on Western civilization. That the majority is still in denial doesn’t bode well for the future, because it means Brandon et al can continue to destroy the nation without the people fighting back en masse. They are attempting to manage the collapse of our $trillions debt bubble. They see this as an opportunity to turn us into digital panopticon slaves. For example, COVID was a pLandemic of billions of new tests for the flu. My plan is to get the f*ck off-grid so as to remove the stress and return to enjoying my life. In order to accomplish this financially we need to have funds to invest wisely, including shorting and longing the markets at the correct juncture. For this I can suggest to all of you Ron Walker’s channel. Good luck to all of you! > “Yep...I'm an ASM at a local retail chain similar to ts/rural king/harbor freight. We have been warned from corporate that here soon we won't be able to recieve anything. Had a corporate visit this past week & we were told to let go of all the part time employees. It's gonna be hard bc a couple have been begging for more hrs since their rent just jumped from 1400 to 1900 this month. So now instead of telling them there's no extra hrs avail we have to say sorry, we gotta let u go. Hope people r prepared for a great depression or worse. Get your house in order NOW!!” > “yeah sadly everything we've been prepping for is coming to fruition. I started stocking up last yr but still don't feel secure enough w my 3 littles. Guess we'll be hunting & fishing as much as we can....growing potatoes! Potatoes kept many alive during hard times & they're so easy to grow!”Comment: Armstrong’s mistake is that his solution doesn’t factor in political inertia: The Solution to this Insanity For the analogous reason that Caesar Crossing the Rubicon failed (he was assassinated and Rome still collapsed). The Westerners are so maladapted to the end of the Industrial Age that will follow in the wake of the end of the financialization bubble, that there is no political support whatsoever for anything but kicking-the-can. Armstrong is quite naive if he thinks the the NWO will not come to fruition. Armstrong ostensibly fails to understand the inertia that is driving this outcome.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz8AavXc... You may not be allowed to grow potatoes nor keep any livestock. The Agenda 2030 plan includes banning any form of agriculture that is not controlled by Bill Gates and our enslavers at the Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. You can see this has been put into motion already by lowering the level of fertilizers that we be allowed in Canada and the Netherlands, to bankrupt the farmers. Green house gas limits will be one of the means that they enslave us destroying all independent businesses, so only their cronies can produce anything which they will then ration to us via the incoming, 666-like digital panopticon central bank digital currencies which will be adopted when UBI is doled out directly (digital stimulus checks) to unemployed and homeless people so they can afford to eat. This is why they are collapsing the economy into the abyss by 2024. Then WW3 by 2025 which they have been pushing. The Western mass media is lying about everything, including Putin, Ukraine and Russia. The major social networks are censoring most truthful comments. Western civilization is committing suicide (aka societalcide) against itself.Comment: Armstrong on Worldwide Inflation Shelby Moore, {7/25/22 8:24 PM} {In reply to __________} The dollar will be the last to experience any form of hyperinflation. I doubt very much hyperinflation in the West, because that would relieve the masses of their debt burden. The hyperinflations will only be in failed developing countries. The way this ends we will wish for hyperinflation as a better alternative. Instead they leverage the CBDCs to enslave the Westerners on a rationing pogrom. I don’t believe there will be a monetary crisis until after WW3 when the dollar loses its hegemony. And it will be hyperinflation only relative to Bitcoin, not relative to goods and services. The point is that inflation is not hyperinflation. Hyperinflation only happens when the government collapses. The Western governments are not going to collapse. They will enslave the population instead and force rationing as the solution. The inflation will go very high, but that is not hyperinflation which is always instead a monetary phenomena when the population abandons the national currency. We are no where near hyperinflation. Not going to happen in any Western nation. The model for our enslavement is not monetary collapse. It is instead a pogrom. The problem is our governments are not weak. Because our populations are very, very, very weak and dependent on the government. You have an incorrect model of the collapse. Governments are strong. People are weak. In the past, people were strong and fought back. There will not be another WW2 trench warfare killing millions in Europe. You could not find a million men in all of W. Europe willing to die for their nation in a trench. There is a hyperinflation. It has been going on since 2009. It is every currency as priced in Bitcoin. But the masses will not ever make it to Bitcoin. So there will be no mass hyperinflation. What is happening is the world is being returned to the ancient times where 99% were slaves. Only 1% will have Bitcoin after the ANYONECANSPEND attack. The last thing our overlords want is hyperinflation in the West. That would evidence that the people are strong and capable of resisting enslavement.Comment: Prepare for a winter in W.Europe without heat and electricity. EU Energy Panic Cycle to Begin Note the timing of this is when I am expecting maybe a spike rally on Bitcoin before crashing back down again. This is peculiar but could explain along with other reasons I have mentioned recently as to why any significant rally is going to a bull trap.Comment: > “Any Plan B or C location options I think would be far more sensible if living amongst likeminded individuals (I realise this would be difficult or impossible for certain personality types) rather than attempting to go it alone as an innocent abroad, ripe for the picking. I think this is where we need to link to some kind of network of people in numerous countries - our extended "tribe" if you like.” Sensible in some quaint fantasy? One of the main reasons for a developing country option is the hypothesis that we will be able to rely on their society continuing to function, e.g. food, Chinese manufactured goods and petrol supply to continue to be available. Thus having like-minded neighbors may be less of a necessity. And having no neighbors at all might be even better given the crime that accompanies population in Latin America or the noise, resentment (crab bucket mentality) and expectations of forced charity in the rural, poverty stricken Philippines. A posited problem with the like-minded rural neighbors in the West is if the society is so fucked up that like-minded really do not overcome the main issues. Also I do not think there is really anything such as like-minded when the shit gets really bad most people turn. We only really know who the capable are when the shit gets as bad as it will. For me the only practical like-minded is a functioning society and economy, something like Florida. The society is somewhat like-minded as long as the debt bubble is still being sustained. Let’s see what it looks like when the debt is moribund with sky high interest rates. The like-minded I like to depend on in the West is an AR-15 assault rifle. Come fucking with my homestead and I apply the Castle and Stand Your Ground rules. Maybe I am wrong and one will be able to form a quaint, like-minded rural community that did not already exist, but I doubt it. Easier to just move to Alabama if want to live with rural, more self-sufficient folks who have been living that way for centuries. I think everything is going to take turns in directions that we as a collective group who just met each other, are not going to be able to predict. If you wanted that like-minded rural community then should have joined the Amish or Mennonites a decade or more ago. Most have fantasies about how their quaint rural life will proceed and perhaps talk up how they can form quaint communities. I expect it to more or less blow up in their faces. Human nature being what it is and individuals reacting to the loss of the shine on their former fantastical enthusiasm. For example, you and I. Numerous times I have suggested we could loosely hold in reserve as a plan B or C to help and rely on each other and numerous times I have been essentially rebuffed (which is understandable and I am not upset about it, just a factual reality) because you and I have very different situations, priorities and preferences. Each of us is fickle and steadfast in our ways enough, that there is no synergy at all. And it would probably be even worse in times of great stress. TPTB know this. They know Westerners are spoiled by fickle individualism afforded by a century of debt ascension. I am resigned to the fact that I must proceed on my own, excepting to the extent I can afford to pay others to delegate tasks and perhaps only with significant financial means can I afford to fund like-mindedness where it is mutually beneficial (e.g. trading financial support for something I need as an example). Economics drives outcomes to a large extent. I suggest we cease all discussion of a plan B for you. And cease discussing your prepping plans. I need to stop wasting time on so many extraneous tangents, including discussion. Westerners are not going to turn back the clock hundreds of years and return to the “pull myself up from my boostraps while doing my daily chores in the mud” subsistence lifestyle. Any who have some quaint fantasy about it, are likely to quit at some point as the reality of the grind of that lifestyle becomes more real. Thanks for the discussion. I learned. My like-minded would be for example Filipina Michelle. She is accustomed to a subsistence lifestyle. If you want like-minded for subsistence existence then start with people who have been doing that their entire life. Otherwise construct paper fantasies of your own self-deception. As far as I know there is no such thing as Brit culture married with subsistence living from centuries back. If you mean like-minded as so you can have the luxury of your home culture yet somehow regress that turning back the clock centuries. If you want to turn back the clock, leave the developed West. Maybe I wrong though. If you want to try to establish that combination of Middle Ages lifestyle coupled with modern Brit culture, I do not want to blamed for discouraging you. The same applies here in the U.S.A.. Nobody is living at a subsistence farming level (excepting perhaps some Amish), probably not even Alabama. And I do not like the climate in Alabama so I did not even investigate. I keep the U.S.A. as a plan A assuming I won’t need subsistence farming. I prepare the plan B outside the U.S. for the case I will need it.Comment: ADDED: I think the SE Asians are harder working, more apt to fight for security and normalcy and not look the other way when criminal elements are at-large. But that comes with it a much more judgmental society. Also my climate choices in SE Asia are less amenable to my preferences. Thus I am trying to proceed in Latin America, but I remain open minded to the possibility I may eventually come to the conclusion that Latin America will not work as well. But for the time being I think Latin America will work better for me as a plan B than SE Asia for various reasons I have mentioned in past discussion. P.S. no animosity intended. Just need to be more focused. Each of us expended much effort discussing our perspectives on the situation of plan A, B, C and where and how to ride out this global smashup. I think if my points are not clear by now, no amount of additional repetition and prodding would be beneficial. I of course wish you the best possible outcome in your choices. No ill will.Comment: www.youtube.com...0XOIg/community?lc=UgyJ9Oe... All PoW other than Bitcoin will fail due to difficulty non-readjustment attacks coming. And no this has not been fixed and can not be fixed. This is an invariant that can not be changed. This is why ONLY Bitcoin will be the world’s reserve currency. I do not like Bitcoin, but this is the fact. As for PoS(h8t) well it is really sh8t oligarchy control, as you all will soon find out.Comment: Martin Armstrong explained (this was recorded in 2021 but published to YT this week) that the plan is merge the Fed and the U.S. Treasury department so that the central bank will just print the money the government needs to spend instead of the government borrowing it: youtu.be/mGOGLcBaRMw?t=147 (A New Kind Of Debt Crisis - Q&A with Martin Armstrong) BlackRock’s surreptitious privatization of the Fed which John Titus revealed and I summarized is ostensibly the plan wherein BlackRock will essentially be and own the U.S. Treasury Dept: gist.github.com/shel...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9 This is ostensibly why they need the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) (i.e. Armstrong says the Fed will take direct deposits), so that there are no private banks and no way to earn any interest on savings. This is insane and only worthless people will adhere to this and not find some alternative monetary system where the proper market function of interest rates and opportunity cost and wealth accumulation can persist — this insane plan is going to drive the adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as the alternative. Armstrong is correct that most cryptocurrencies are too technologically flawed to survive, but there will be exceptions. I had documented the official timelines for the launch of the CBDCs: gist.github.com/shel...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9 Here are the archived backups: archive.ph/https://g...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9 web.archive.org/web/...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9Comment: Now Martin Armstrong’s interviewer uses my phrase “Western civilization in the throes of self-immolation”. I swear the interviewer must have read some of my published information, as he pushes back against Armstrong’s idea that this is an outcome due to incompetence and suggests instead it is deliberately provoked: content.libsyn.com/p...strong_19.Jul.22.mp3 (can be played at 2X speed in the Firefox browser) www.armstrongeconomi...to-martin-armstrong/ “Looks like this is going to cascade into total chaos” Martin said he wants to hide under his bed in 2023.Comment: { Photo } As mentioned in that voice message post, my 2013 blog explained why if information can be transmitted between observers faster than the speed-of-light, then the past could become the future and vice versa. Thus nothing could be perceived to exist. The Universe “This creates a hyperbolic light cone that extends unbounded into the past and future as shown below. Whereas, a plus + sign would transform into a 4D ellipse in Euclidean geometry thus limiting the past and future inside boundary of the edge of the ellipse (which would not model the real world) and unlike hyperbolic rotation relative observations could rotate future into the past (where rotation moved from t > 0 to t < 0 around the center point of the ellipse) and vice versa, which can only happen in the hyperbolic space when v > c (as explained below). The above 3D visualization of the hyperbolic light cone flattens the non-time 3D portion of the space to a 2D hypersurface. This illustrates light (and thus also the propagation of information via electricity, electromagnetism, or light) traveling (at speed c) from the observation at point A into the future and from the past expanding reach to more of the non-time (i.e. 2D hypersurface) portion of the space over time. Any event point B inside the upper cone (as shown, i.e. t > 0) could be caused by interaction or information reaching it from A; or if inside the lower cone (i.e. if t < 0) could cause A by transmitting information or interacting to it from the past {…} Thus, if ever v > c, then different observers can perceive inverted causal relationships (i.e. the effect is the cause), the future can be inserted into the past and vice versa.” I proceeded to explain thus why entropy must always increase: “The ‘edge of the universe’ only has a meaning in the macroscropic spacetime model which is apparently not the fundamental reality— matter is a continuum in the frequency domain. Thus the edge of the universe is defined by how finely matter can be subdivided, i.e. the macroscopic geometric models of reality have infinite extent which is equivalent to the infinite resolution of matter. On this question, the implication of Russell's paradox is that every set that is populated by rule instead of explicit enumeration, includes itself. Also Turing completeness is in essence unbounded recursion. Also Gödel's incompleteness theorems which state that no theory of computation can be both complete and consistent, as there will always exist another truth which can't be proven by the existing theory. Unbounded recursion appears even mathematical conceptualization of infinite sets which are duals of unbounded induction from a known origin which a disjunction of all members (and a conjunction of all operations on members) and unbounded coinduction towards an unknown end which is a conjuction of all members (and a disjunction of all operations on members). A universe with finite future entropy, would mean it is prescripted deterministically and the future is known to a hypothetical observer being who can see all of the finite universe. An infinite frequency domain corresponds to infinite possible configurations in the time domain.”Comment: I had followed up in three blogs before 2020: The Golden Knowledge Age is Rising “I want to focus first on Verlinde's derivation of the gravitation force from emergent principles of conservation-of-energy and Shannon entropy (upper bound of the information content) which I had explained in the prior blog. First of all, I want to explain why the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates that energy must always disperse from a hot to a cold body, and not the reverse of a colder body giving up energy becoming colder and making the hot body hotter. This is because the equation for entropy of any system is maximized by having as many equiprobable possible states, i.e. the probability is very high that a hot body with its very highly probable collision of moving particles due to high kinetic energy will transfer some kinetic energy to the slower moving particles in the cold body because it maximizes the entropy of the combined system of hot and cold bodies together. But that is sort of a tautology. The point is that random events are unlikely to be able to keep a system highly ordered and concentrated, just as random twists on a Rubik's cube are unlikely to solve it. Since there can't exist any top-down omniscience in the universe, the probability of maintaining ordered systems trends towards zero on a large enough scale. This is why one can keep small things in order for a while, but large endeavors unravel more quickly. For the same reason, small things grow faster, such as a saplings grow to trees, but trees don't grow to the moon {…} Relating Physics to Information What I want to add is the insight that gravity emerges from the probability that the microstates of relative bodies of mass can't avoid dispersing some energy from the one with the higher energy (mass) to the one with less. As the bodies move closer to each other, the equations dictate the force increases, and this is because the number of equiprobably microstates is decreasing as the surface area of the imaginary sphere decreases, so relative acceleration between the two bodies must increase so as to maintain the rate of energy dispersion. Or in other words, as the bodies move closer to each other, the change in the relative entropies decreases, so the acceleration (and force) increase to compensate since the relative energy (mass) has not changed. So the upper bound for information content (Shannon entropy) of that system of two relative bodies is directly involved in physics of the acceleration of relative bodies due to the gravitational force. So intangible information content which is a dimensionless quantity, is projected into a dimensional structure in the physical world and thus interacts with energy and forces. This is profound because it seems to hint that information content is not orthogonal to our physical world.” Information is the Fundamental Matter of Existence — the Multiverse is (partially) Observable? Overcoming the Power-law Distribution Being embedded and invested in resisting change is antithetical to life. As our tangible human civilization has reached its ordered apogee, and our nearly worthless overlords attempt to counteract the collapse of the extant order into chaos, by deceiving themselves into believing that they can strangle life as alternative to creative destruction — all they will accomplish is to help destroy that which refuses to change in order to opt out of the societalcide. The vast majority of people if unable to make this leap to the Knowledge Age (and thus including detaching themselves from the dying tangible era by among other actions, maximizing their tangible jurisdictional nimbleness, e.g. plan B, C, etc), will thus be collateral damage of the paradigm shift that can’t be delayed and impeded any longer by expanding debt. The point is that the extant tangible order has become so worthless and embedded in a single-minded focus of sustaining itself (thus unable to spawn and drive the trend to maximum entropy), that it is cannibalizing itself as the alternative to embracing change a priori (e.g. if most people had abandoned debt and opted out, but that did not happen did it!). IOW, the powers-that-be are invested in power projection, which is measured myopically in the extant dying tangible order. Thus their fantastical proscriptions for technology should not taken as the gospel on the actual outcome of technology — rather indicative of the creative destruction chaos they can’t avoid as they merely destroy their own power by maximizing it in terms of the worthless, dying morass. So the error of SunZoomSpark, James A. Donald and Adam is wanting to sustain the tangible era by somehow making it even more ordered, somehow resisting change and the trend to maximum entropy. The problem with our democrazy isn’t the evil overlords, as they are just fulfilling the destruction of what needs to die. To posit to replace them with benevolent or virtuous leaders is a misconceptualization of power vacuums and thus the too highly ordered morass that human civilization is structured in with the tangible age. The only solution moving forward is to disintermediate the tangible era with decentralization technology. This does not imply that our tangible existence entirely ceases during our lifetimes but that eventually it becomes economically irrelevant or highly insignificant. In my voice messages, I used the example of how stones were very valuable during the Stone Age. But obviously stones are not economically significant in human civilization now. I agree with Armstrong that our overlords are destroying themselves, but I disagree with Armstrong that will take the form of the masses rising up to sustain their existing tangible era systems including forms of collective governance. Instead the entire morass of human civilization will be distintermediated by new decentralization technology and most of the masses may perish as unable to adapt. So the overlords fail by destroying everything almost. The extent of the collateral damage depends on whether most people can adapt.Comment: SunZoomSpark, {7/24/22 1:43 PM} "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche Shelby Moore, {7/24/22 2:28 PM} {In reply to SunZoomSpark} > “You appear to see the brain/mind as something superior to the physical body.” Information being that it is without mass can change faster and thus can achieve higher entropy faster. It’s fundamental to the most essential trend and fact of our universe that things with mass will become antiquated because they will be too inefficient to keep up. Has nothing to do with whether we like it or not. Imagine if I had to hand deliver this reply to you. SunZoomSpark, {7/24/22 2:39 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} Technology is not the only means available to transcend our tangible state and ability to communicate. Controversial yes, but I'm coming more to the understanding that there has long been the ability to experience numerous realms - and I'm not talking about taking drugs, which I don't. Of course, none of this is measurable or verifiable. I don't expect or need you to agree. You can dismiss it as fanciful nonsense of course. I've made numerous connections just recently; breakthroughs of understanding if you like. Shelby Moore, {7/24/22 2:41 PM} {In reply to SunZoomSpark} The multiverse is pure information. Don’t conflate technology and information theory. www.google.com/search?q=informat... www.livescience.com/multiverse www.nature.com/artic...s/s41598-020-77855-9 (Information theory and dimensionality of space) www.space.com/29477-...eate-the-cosmos.htmlComment: Richard Heart wants to start his own country: youtu.be/vfE7UFDceqI?t=2635 Make sure you listen from 43:45 to the end. Just a couple of minutes on double-speed. He is saying exactly that I am saying that cryptocurrency is the future out of the insane world.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=txNm0h6_... @Forex Dissector if HEX and Richard Heart were entirely sincere then there would be no origin address which takes 50% of the penalties assessed when staked HEX is cashed out prematurely or late. HEX has this inane rule if you don’t unstake within 2 weeks of the expiration, you are penalized 50% of your stake (knowing darn well that humans are notorious for forgetting to do things on some long range calendar). The original address takes 50% of that penalty. Also HEX is dependent on proof-of-stake (whether it runs on Ethereum or PulseChain), which is entirely susceptible to oligarchy control and thus eventually government edicts. Proof-of-stake is dog sh8t as will become evident over the coming years. HEX’s market dynamics game theory and marketing with Richard Heart as a very active promoter has exhibited outsized gains and will likely continue to do so — until it doesn't. Heart is pointing out that even though HEX is down -95%, that only retraced a 20 times gain. Whereas overall HEX remains up 100 times or more for those who bought in 2020. Other than the compounding by diluting the money supply, what else does HEX do that is unique and worthwhile? HEX is a marketing coup. The HEX smart contract is only ~2000 lines of code, so it’s not some massive technological achievement. I had a brief private TG chat with Richard and he is incapable of carrying on a discussion without shouting (i.e. excessive multiposting even in a private chat) to drown out the other party without listening, being condescending, rude and juvenile — constantly posting insulting memes in a serious discussion with someone who is a much more expert programmer and blockchain technologist (i.e. myself) than Richard could ever be. Richard has the unjustified ego the size of Manhattan. The more damning issues that Kevin didn't address in his line of questioning include the ludicrous claim that proof-of-stake is more secure than proof-of-work. I have eviscerated this in detail with some messages I posted today, but they are too long to post in a Youtube comment. And he didn't realize that the reason the OG oligarchy which controls the token supply is not staking is so they can get out when the greater fool paradigm unravels. The 40% compounding for locking up stake for years is the way to fool the plebs so that only the founders are taking profits while the fools onboard by buying from founders. Saplings grow to oak trees, but oaks trees don't grow to the moon. HEX has no use case other than extreme price appreciation, thus nobody (other than greater fools) is (are) buying it as a store-of-value. Thus it has no use case when the supply of greater fools is exhausted. The HEX origin address scam is well documented. Anyone can find the information with a search. HEX will (eventually) crash and burn (if anything because proof-of-stake will crash and burn eventually as it is vulnerable to oligarchy control and government edicts). HEX has many shill bots commenting on this video. Note I am not a Bitcoin maximalist and I am very pessimistic about the diabolical purpose that Bitcoin was created for and will become. As of late July 2022, there’s a highly recommended two-part interview of Richard on Kitco News. I agree with Richard on some points and by the end of the interview he stops being defensive and condescending, because the host is exceedingly gracious and lathers him with copious gratitude. He corrects the host to point out that he’s much, much more expert than the top 1% in the crypto sector — typical Richard and mathematically maybe correct but not as correct as he thinks, e.g. his incorrect comprehension of the proof-of-stake versus proof-of-work issue (something I have studied since 2013 and I was even for example having discussions with Charles Hoskinson about it). P.S. I have moved on because ‘talk if cheap, show me the code’ and I am an expert and highly experienced programmer. It’s time to lead by launching something, not talk.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6reu7qp... > “Powell’s neutral is just slightly above where he wants inflation to end up. But it doesn’t work like that. You can’t bring 9% inflation down to 2% with 2.25% interest rates. He’s dreaming. You need net positive interest rates to fight inflation. Not net negative. Everyone knows that from the Volker case study.” @Victor Villanova your simpleton conceptualization is actually incorrect believe it or not. Let me see if I can enlighten you. The inflation was firstly not caused by interest rates being too low, but by intentional destruction of the supply chain with the pLandemic and actions of the Bolsheviks now destroying West civilization. So all the Fed can do is crash the economy to try to bring demand down to the lower level of supply and to break the wage-price spiral which might take hold otherwise. So it really does not have anything to do with matching the level of interest rates to the price inflation rate! It has to do with the level of interest rates that will destroy enough demand, which is much lower than it used to be because the world is so egregious indebted.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=txNm0h6_... @Forex Dissector apologies I am very busy and was sleep deprived so just wanted to reply quickly last night. I decided to elaborate both for my own benefit to summarize my thoughts on the matter and to inform. There is no way to provide access to the private TG chat I had with Richard. I believe I did screen capture it and posted it somewhere but it's not really important as I won’t compete effectively with Richard down that line of discord. The only effective way to compete is to release something superior (while also heading off an attempt by Richard to copy the code as his developers are doing cloning Ethereum to create Pulsechain). To this end let’s observe that all forms of money and investments are a confidence game. The only use case of HEX is really the promotional activities of Richard which sustains the belief that HEX will appreciate in value long-term. HEX has really no use case. Even Richard admits in the recent Kitco News interview that only ~15% of the money supply is staked. Proof-of-stake will eventually crash and burn. Mark my word. Thus Ethereum (and its clones and all the other proof-of-stake trash such as Cardano, AVAX, Cosmos/ATOM, etc) will crash and burn, which HEX runs as a smart contract on. Thus HEX will crash and burn. No one knows how many years into the future that scorched crypto landscape will be.Comment: This is excellent. Armstrong elaborates. Uncensored: Martin Armstrong – Hell in 2023, Recession, Civil Unrest but Schwab Will Fail!Comment: Capital Controls in Europe Have Arrived ”I was trying to wire money from my bank account in Italy to the one in the UK, just to realise that I can no longer transfer more than 6,000EUR per month. The Soviet EUSSR is in full capital controls mode.” {…} “REPLY: I warned that all my sources were confirming, three very high up, that Europe would quietly impose capital controls on June 30, 2020. That has now taken shape. Europeans and not allowed to send more than 6,000 euros per month to another account outside the EU. Capital has been pouring out of Europe, and they beat not just the war drums but also the Green drums that forewarn of a severe economic decline for Europe.” {…} “While they call Putin authoritarian, the head of the EU also does not stand for election. They are appointed by EU member politicians. This is what they want — ZERO right of the people to vote. They intend to control what we buy, where we live, and what we are allowed to say.”Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9A1JsgB... @Crypto Zombie You have better sell the significant rallies, because there’s an ominous Anyone Can Spend attack looming. There’s only one legitimate Bitcoin, but it is not BSV, BTC, BCH. The impostor Bitcoin Core which you presumably hodl, will go to $0 when the miners proceed to restore the Nash equilibrium and take the 14 million BTC booty that the impostor 2017 soft fork created. You have been warned multiple times but you continue to ignore me at your peril. I have written extensively about the unequivocal game theory. Even worse than going to $0, is the restoration “attack” will cause you to receive a free air drop of Core sh8tcoins (your legacy will be donated to the miners if you did not store in a legacy address), which means a massive income tax obligation preceding the price crash but you will be unable to sell for complex reasons I explained in detail.Comment: IMPORTANT: The Four Mysteries of Pelosi’s Troublesome Taiwan TripComment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOhqqYA6... When three highly uninformed fools cuddle together in a circle jerk to drool on each other about a topic is outside their domain expertise. The blockchain is not here to solve your problems: “Bitcoin is not a reflection of your hopes and aspirations, but a check on them. Bitcoin isn't here to make it easier for you to do what you want to do ; Bitcoin is here to make it trivial for others to prevent you from doing what you want to do every time that's stupid. The sooner you comprehend this fundamental difference between Bitcoin and ‘technology’ especially in the ‘revolutionary & innovative’ subsense of that nonsense, the better, for you.” Use a search engine to locate the source.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwwZKwTg... This interview is well done. Delighted that you noted the HEX community is probably an illusion and quite small. My first reaction at the start was … Well duh, you should have known from the get go that Scootercoin was a scam, because anyone who understands computer science would understand that there’s no decentralized means by which to differentiate from uber efficient ASIC mining hardware the proof-of-work generated very inefficiently from scooter generators. Thus you are probably not qualified to have created a HEX documentary. Tom, the blockchain is here to solve actual world problems not the incorrect aspirations of the worthless aspirant class of plebs: “Bitcoin is not a reflection of your hopes and aspirations, but a check on them. Bitcoin isn't here to make it easier for you to do what you want to do ; Bitcoin is here to make it trivial for others to prevent you from doing what you want to do every time that's stoopid. The sooner you comprehend this fundamental difference between Bitcoin and ‘technology’ especially in the ‘revolutionary & innovative’ subsense of that nonsense, the better, for you.” www.youtube.com/watch?https://ww... HEX is a scam because those who staked for 15 years, meaning they can’t even cash out with a 50% penalty for 7.5 years, will likely never get any of their original investment back out of HEX. And HEX was intentionally designed to take advantage of the forgetfulness of humans in that they lose all their investment if they are busy and don’t unstake in a very small two week time window after expiration (and not before expiration because they incurs a 50 – 100% penalty). HEX is also a scam because the origin address received “sacrificed” crypto tokens exchanged for HEX thus obviously an ICO that violates the Howey test for U.S. Securities laws and which probably enabled the insiders to buy HEX from themselves, thus entirely centralizing the token supply and pump-a-mentally creating an illusion of a high market cap and illusion of popular adoption. Which means all penalties are awarded to the insiders. HEX is also a scam because it is promoted as (by implication) equating FDIC insured Certificate of Deposits with an uninsured technology (proof-of-stake) which is going to crash and burn because every proof-of-stake system is entirely centralized and governments can and will be able to crack down on them. Every ICO (including Ethereum) has been insiders buying the ICO from themselves centralizing the token supply. Why do you think Ethereum had sky high gas fees when the oligarchy of mining can compute the smart contracts only once instead of duplicating the computation for the illusion of decentralized miners? Obviously for the oligarchy in control to centralize the token supply. And the power-law distribution of fungible resources in an inviolable invariant in our Universe. Notwithstanding Richard’s condescending, juvenile memes to impress other naive juveniles, who but those inebriated on Richard’s Koolaid are making a fool out of themselves?Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT6upTL1... > “Is there anyone besides Richard that has a more clinically obvious NPD diagnosis than Trump ? I think not.” www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT6upTL1... > “He fails to mention that most of Hex rise in the last couple of years was price discovery, it is just another altcoin now, and would have to go up 10x to go back to all time high. Ethereum is worth way more than this meme coin.” Excellent refutation of Richard’s BS rationale to backsplain the 95% drop as only the retracement of a 20 times gain.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfE7UFDc... > “@S. Moore Time and forgetfulness are not indicative of a scam, my god man, do you even hear yourself? Anyone that would stake for maximum duration is "all in" by any use of the term, it might be worth noting that most don't. You don't trust it, just stake for months, not years, you are grow boy. But that does not make hex a scam.” @Just another Jarhead you did not respond to all points made. For example buying the ICO from himself and centralizing the token ownership. And preying on the naive is a scam. Sorry you HEX shills can’t deal with the facts. Look I don’t have time to further respond to your incoherent, deficient responses. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT6upTL1... > “@S. Moore so many words my friend. Nobody forces you to stake 15 years. Don’t be greedy and be responsible for your decisions, it’s not that hard, especially with convenient staker app tracking all your stakes” @Alex K. you did not respond to all points made. For example buying the ICO from himself and centralizing the token ownership, which is especially onerous when the consensus algorithm is proof-of-stake. And preying on the naive is a scam. Sorry you HEX shills can’t deal with the facts. Look I don’t have time to further respond to your incoherent, deficient responses. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vT6upTL1... > “@S. Moore also, it's worth noting, you don't HAVE to stake. No one is forcing you to stake and the VAST majority of gains in Hex have been made by USD appreciation but nevermind that. I think you exercised so much you started burning brain cells instead of fat.” @Jack Smack's Crypto Shack you did not respond to all points made. For example buying the ICO from himself and centralizing the token ownership, which is especially onerous when the consensus algorithm is proof-of-stake. And preying on the naive is a scam. Sorry you HEX shills can’t deal with the facts. Look I don’t have time to further respond to your incoherent, deficient responses. “He fails to mention that most of Hex rise in the last couple of years was price discovery, it is just another altcoin now, and would have to go up 10x to go back to all time high. Ethereum is worth way more than this meme coin.” Excellent refutation of Richard’s BS rationale to backsplain the 95% drop as only the retracement of a 20 times gain.Comment: Expect fireworks soon! Pelosi Provokes War with China The Department of Defense will be forced to escort Pelosi to Taiwan, and China has blatantly said that this would be considered an aggressive act of war. “If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is invasion,” Hu Xijin of Global Times wrote on Twitter. “The has the right to forcibly dispel Pelosi’s plane and the US fighter jets, including firing warning shots and making tactical movement of obstruction. If ineffective, then shoot them down.”Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4I4ZtE2... Richard “Heart” James Schueler first argues that Bitcoin had lost its libertarian ethos and community. That’s an irrelevant point because the power-law distribution of fungible resources is inviolable — in every monetary system the 0.1% (e.g. Richard) will eventually control 99.9% of the fungible resources (e.g. HEX). So instead of the silly strawmen points that Richard makes, we should ask serious questions such as what major need or problem does each crypto system solve. Richard accurately admits at 42:40 that Bitcoin solves decentralized, permissionless, digital store-of-value, medium-of-exchange (and obviously also the unit-of-account — the three key attributes of money) without the threat of the 51% (or more accurately 50+% and liveness) attack(s) that threatens proof-of-stake (because the token supply aka stake is power-law distributed and these entities can be targeted unlike in Bitcoin where new miners can sprout up at-will). HEX solves no need, other than being a clever scam that recently underwent price discovery (in 2020 and 2021) thus recorded a massive rise in the price. Steem is an example of how proof-of-stake is corruptible. Ethereum on proof-of-stake will eventually immolate, as will inevitably Richard’s Pulsechain. Richard’s point that debasement is a flaw for Bitcoin is nonsensical because the debasement trends towards zero over time. Thus the environment sensationalism is nonsensical for that reason and others I won’t bother to detail now. Richard inflates this issue of inflation bugs out-of-proportion to any relevance. I have been a computer programmer since 1978. Yes it’s true that the HEX smart contract by definition is immutable and given the tiny code base ~2000+ lines of code, is unlikely to have an inflation bug. Whoop-de-do. HEX doesn’t solve any important need (although Richard tries to nonsensically imply HEX is a better store-of-value than Bitcoin, lol). Bitcoin solves the need for an impartial world reserve currency in a rapidly rising multi-polar world where no one will entirely trust the ruble, yuan or dollar. Besides Bitcoin Core is an impostor altcoin, created by the 2017 NY Agreement soft fork and it will be destroyed as Satoshi’s immutable legacy protocol (not BSV nor BCH) is restored. Thus all the complaints about inflation bugs and buggy code do not apply whatsoever. I have explained the game theory and economics of this extensively for example at my trading view. Tone Vays is correct that the legacy address BTC tokens are not confiscatable in the Bitcoin protocol (unless there’s a 50+% attack that violates and mutates the protocol, which is what the 2017 soft fork did) and confiscations are not the fault of the legacy protocol. However, the 2017 soft forked protocol is confiscatable as Anyone Can Spend, and only a few people on earth correctly understands the game theory of why those who store their BTC in non-legacy addresses will have their legacy BTC confiscated and be left holding worthless bags. Thus Tone is entirely incorrect about the mutations added to Bitcoin since 2017 solving all the smart contract and scaling needs that Ethereum attempts (but will fail) to address. Also Tone did point out that Richard scammed everyone out of their ETH in the ICO for HEX and then convinced many of the fooled to lock up their HEX for ~7+ years. Richard alone outmatched all these guys collectively in IQ. None of them were able to make coherent rebuttals as I am doing here. The munee chap was particularly slow witted. Why does Richard always chose to debate people who are two standard deviations below his IQ? Tone is correct that Bitcoin is decentralized and nothing else is, but he didn’t really make the point coherently, even though Richard essentially admitted it. I actually agree with Richard about the legacy protocol of Bitcoin can’t provide improvements such as better anonymity and that the FOMO has to go somewhere so much better for it to go into something where users can get yield without giving their keys — the stated market fit for HEX. Without Richard, HEX dies. Okay but Tulip Bubbles aren’t eternal or even long lasting. Saplings grow to oak trees, but oak trees don’t grow to the moon. I tried to have this private debate with Richard in TG last year, but all he did was spam me with insults and there was no opportunity to even have a reasoned discussion. Tone is incorrect that he can reject the 50+% Nakamoto proof-of-work consensus with his full node. His full node must follow the longest chain. The uneconomic majority is irrelevant. Tone doesn’t even understand proof-of-work, lol.Comment: ADD: to be more explicit in case the implication was not fully impressed upon readers, ICO issuers can buy their offered tokens from themselves, recycling the same payment tokens over and over again (e.g. ETH in case of HEX’s ICO) during the duration of the ICO — a phenomenon that was clearly identified in for example EOS’s ICO. Thus Richard and his insiders could own virtually the entire token supply and those who onboard are simply providing additional liquidity for Richard to cash out and buy $million Rolex watches. Thus the amount of money claimed to be raised in an ICO is an egregious deception. Also thus Richard’s point that the origin address never sold any HEX is irrelevant, because he ostensibly sold the ETH (and other payment tokens) that were “sacrificed” by those who participated in the ICO to obtain HEX or who buy HEX on an exchange. Thus of course making HEX a security under the Howey test, especially given that HEX’s price levitation is impossible without Richard’s continued promotion and management of for example the next scam (Pulsechain and PulseX) to keep the FOMO alive. HEX should just be correctly named RichardCoin because he is the entire thing essentially. Thus asinine to compare HEX to Bitcoin’s huge, global, decentralized ecosystem (i.e. no leader, no spokesman, no centralized proof-of-stake, etc) with deep liquidity and use.Comment: Here is why my hypothesis is correct that the only way to the future is the decentralized, intangible, Knowledge Age (aka information age). Armstrong’s direct democracy is not the solution and this is why he doesn’t realize that legacy Bitcoin (not the impostor current “official” Bitcoin) will rise as Rothschild’s 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix, to be the next world reserve currency in a multi-polar world (of Rothschild’s creation by pulling the strings to incite WW3 underway) where no one will entirely trust any nation-state currency such as the dollar, ruble nor yuan: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8y1DW08... > “@S. Moore I don't really care what Fox or CNN are saying. My real concrete is about the people who are in the position to make choice for humanity to always make the wrong choice. They are mostly profit driven. They lie or inflate the issue out of proportion to create public distrust. Now, we have more than just a climate change issues. We have issues with almost everything. We have plastic pollution problem. We have recycling problem. We have population aging problem. We have international conflict problem. Any of those can cause doom to humanity, not just climate change.” @Medusa Skull the corruption of government is a given. Even the Lord warned everyone about that in 1 Samuel 8. But nobody will listen to the point that they must resist having a government. Thus we continue to enslave ourselves as the Lord warned. Even you are expecting someone to solve imagined problems for you, thus you will always be enslaved.Comment: youtu.be/feWzzRB6EGk (What Putin and China just did to the WEF is a game changer | Redacted with Clayton Morris) www.youtube.com/watch?v=feWzzRB6... Nope. Iron used to be a precious metal. Gold and silver are being demonetized.Comment: graymirror.substack....nerate-cryptofinance Again: a ponzi is any cryptocurrency without a realistic chance of becoming the new monetary standard. Any commodity whose price is inflated by its scarcity, but which cannot become money, is a bubble that has to pop. Or gradually deflate—look at the price of Litecoin in Bitcoin over its lifetime. Friends don’t let friends buy Litecoin.Comment: Richard Heart was raving about Tornado Cash, lol. Remember I said capital controls were coming and they would severely impact the cryptocosm. And they did this on the same day the FBI raided Trump’s mansion, resort home. blockworks.co/tornad...-defi-achilles-heel/ home.treasury.gov/ne...ress-releases/jy0916 Now we found the potential cause of another leg down crash in crypto! Oh my I did not think of this. As the centralized stable coins block funds, essentially backing for those is now free money for the proprietors of the stable coin, unless they expect some legal regime that require those funds be sent to someone (but how and how would anyone know which funds were stolen from whom if they were all mixed?). Thus this is the perfect scam. Launch a stablecoin, then comply with government sanctions to legally steal money!Comment: Note violating OFAC sanctions can result in a 30 year prison sentence. Note these sanctions only apply to U.S. persons, which is a reason I have positing we may eventually need jurisdictional arbitrage and surrogates. Isn’t this essentially the end of crypto fungibility? twitter.com/bantg/st.../1556721709931175937 “github accounts of people who contributed to tornado repos just got deleted” home.treasury.gov/ne...ress-releases/jy0916 “As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of the entity above, Tornado Cash, that is in the United States or in the possession or control of U.S. persons is blocked and must be reported to OFAC. In addition, any entities that are owned, directly or indirectly, 50 percent or more by one or more blocked persons are also blocked. All transactions by U.S. persons or within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons are prohibited unless authorized by a general or specific license issued by OFAC, or exempt. These prohibitions include the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any blocked person and the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from any such person.” blockworks.co/tornad...-defi-achilles-heel/ Jerry Brito, executive director at blockchain research group Coin Center, however, threw cold water on the idea that the US Treasury would freely hand out sanctions to any address interacting with Tornado Cash moving forward. “I would think that’s unlikely, and I’d be surprised if this would metastasize that quickly in those directions,” Brito told Blockworks. “It seems, from their previous statements, they are very specifically concerned about mixers, particularly those used by specific bad actors — North Korean hackers and ransomware attackers.” blog.chainalysis.com...signation-sanctions/ “List of cryptocurrency addresses included as identifiers for Tornado Cash OFAC designation”Comment: As I had warned @infofront before he departed, DeSantis is not a Julius Caesar: blog.reaction.la/sci...ervice-announcement/ Here’s the content of the linked article: “Florida Governor Ron DeSantis doesn’t use his official office account to release a statement on the FBI raid in Mar-a-Lago, that likely required a joint cooperative task force response from the state, as customary for fulfilment of a federal warrant upon a Florida citizen. Instead, Florida Governor DeSantis issues a tweet from his personal account noting the action was yet ‘another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies.’ Oh well, that’s a relief, heavy sigh, as long as it’s just ‘another escalation’… TWEET {The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.} “Quick pivot right to the whataboutism politics DC is famous for… “while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves”, and “IRS agents,” etc. You see, this is what DC does to bang the pots and pans loudly in the UniParty kitchen. As a congressional representative, Ron DeSantis learned the chaff and countermeasures well. Actually challenge the federal government? No way. Not gonna happen. Meanwhile, compare the response from future Arizona Governor Kari Lake: STATEMENT {This is one of the darkest days in American history: the day our Government, originally created by the people, turned against us. This illegitimate, corrupt Regime hates America and has weaponized the entirety of the federal government to take down President Donald Trump. *Our Government is rotten to the core.* These tyrants will stop at nothing to silence the Patriots who are working hard to save America. This is an incredibly horrendous abuse of power. If we accept it, America is dead. *We will not accept it.* The 10th Amedment can and will save our Republic and the road to stripping the Feds of power travels right through Arizona. *We must fire the Federal Government.* As Governor I will fight these Tyrants with every fiber of my being. America-dark days lie ahead for us. May God protect us and save our Country.} “Keep in mind, the personal account of Ron DeSantis could say anything he wants. Again, for reasons known to political followers, DeSantis chose not using the FL Gov Twitter account for his response to an FBI raid that happened in his state…. that used his joint cooperation task force to execute. Times of consequence provide insights into strength of leadership. Or as Ron DeSantis would say “another escalation” amid a lot of escalations that have yet to reach a line where ‘escalations‘ are no longer accepted; at least not for him. Someone with political ambitions generally draws those lines in a much different place than the regular people impacted by the escalations the professional political class like to bang their pots loudly about. “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” ~ Sam Adams State Representative Anthony Sabatini from Florida district 32 seems to understand the dynamic that changed today.” TWEET {It is time for us in the Florida Legislature to call an emergency legislative session & amend our laws regarding federal agencies Sever all ties with DOJ immediately Any FBI agent conducting law enforcement functions outside the purview of our State should be arrested on sight} END OF ARTICLE How is it the so-thought based Desantis is coming off as a tepid little daisy compared to a lady-Governor and a state senator? If he is not in bed with the RINOs, if he is not taking on the role of Brutus, what logic or strategy is behind his handling of this ongoing and growing fiasco? theconservativetreeh...-another-escalation/Comment: Civil War approaching because the Demonrats think this is some sort of petty game or sport? It’s like the snotty kid who keeps pestering the gentle giant, until finally the giant reacts with a blow that sends the kid flying into a concrete wall where the juvenile’s head impacts and explodes into mush. www.armstrongeconomi...orched-earth-policy/ “Hillary Clinton is using the tyrannical Mar-a-Lago raid to sell merchandise. Clinton began promoting “but her emails” clothing only a day after Trump’s personal residence was stormed. That seems to be a quick turnaround time considering everyone claims the raid blindsided them. She is blatantly bragging that intelligence agencies never came after her in any meaningful way. This would be akin to Hunter Biden selling “but his laptop” hats to laugh that he is above the law. Could you imagine if Trump had the Clintons’ personal residence raided? The media and liberal mobs would have started a civil war. In fact, “civil war” is now trending on Twitter as people fear the Democrats are only willing to leave office on a scorched Earth premise.” www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTo6_xrd... @Boredy McBoredface I stopped believing in fairy tales at about the age 4 or so. Narratives are not facts. Where is the evidence? The Jan 6 hearings have been a farce. No actual evidence of anything. Just a lot of fairy tale narratives. He replied: S. Moore what evidence would you accept ? I replied: @Boredy McBoredface actual hard evidence of a crime. Not hearsay for example (which is inadmissible in court but you seem to be unaware of that and thus think the Jan 6 hearings are anything but a propaganda, freak show for the ignorant). He replied again: @S. Moore he has just pled the 5th multiple times in NY course. It’s not heresay. They took TS classified information out of the Whitehouse and took it home - WHY would that ever be ok !!? I replied again: @Boredy McBoredface pleading the 5th does not provide evidence of any criminal activity. Dude you seriously need to stop pretending to yourself that you understand the function of the law. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is not evidence. It is your personal, emotionality problem. Your emotions does not equal evidence. Capice? P.S. in case you are too dumb to realize it, there are situations where an innocent party pleads the 5th to avoid corrupt attempts to achieve perjury entrapment on an irrelevant technicality. The courts are highly corrupt in NY. Someone else wrote: @ask the Etruscans I guess we'll have to wait and see huh? 🤣😂🤣😂 The CULT is nervous. It's hilarious to watch this absolute GQP meltdown. I replied: @KAWS ONE the meltdown is your life and country, as you will learn the hard way when the boot is on your throat. The Bolsheviks you are supporting do not care about you Demonrats and will throw you all under the bus in the end game. Observe. The Republic is toast. The Bolsheviks will not quit until they self-immolate and the collateral damage will be our Republic.Comment: Martin Armstrong notes that Pelosi’s visit will help solidify the support for Xi Jinping to be elected for life as head of the CCP. And a war in 2023 will give the Demonrats the excuse to cancel the 2024 elections. So you think Biden and Xi aren’t actually cooperating? Armstrong has become very pessimistic after the FBI raid on Trump. He and even commentators at J.A.D.’s blog expect the 2022 midterms to be stolen. He thinks the authoritarianism will accelerate every year, with the U.S. likely to target farmers in 2023. The recently passed “Inflation Reduction Act” will weaponize the I.R.S. (tax authority) against Americans. Essentially via social media posts and smart phone tracking, the government knows who are the conservatives they need to destroy, so will probably unleash a rogue IRS on us. Expect passports to be canceled (e.g. if owe more than $50k to the IRS), liens to be placed against bank accounts, etc.. MY STANCE ON ALL OF THIS IS THAT THIS WILL DRIVE A REACTION. MORE AND MORE PEOPLE WILL LOOK TO PLACE ASSETS OUTSIDE THE REACH OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE RULE OF LAW, E.G. INTO PRECIOUS METALS AND MOREOVER BITCOIN. I am wondering if I should retract my statements from the prior day prioritizing the ability to remain within a first world country like the U.S.A. as opposed to a developing country like Mexico. It’s not clear how quickly and widespread the devolution of Western civilization will be and at which junctures? Is it pointless to buy land in the West if it is all going to be confiscated under “unexplained wealth orders” or I.R.S. witch hunts as the case may be? Yet if such ruin is widespread enough in the U.S., there will probably be armed rebellion. Will the abuse instead be more narrowly targeted? Will countries that have unarmed citizenry be spared the individual attacks on wealth as the people more or less are compliant with the Great Reset aims and edicts which impoverish everyone collectively? This is not the time to invest a lot of money into assets that could be seized. Much better to use irreproachable surrogates for hodling seizable assets. Although I don’t prefer it, this also causes me to revisit the idea of living out of a mobile home. I wouldn’t have the problem of brownouts nor the expense of AirBnbs. I could also park it in California where I actually prefer to be in the summers. I could even visit my mother in WA State and not have to rely on expensive hotels. If my mobile home was unobtrusive and not significantly identifiable as such, I could probably get away with parking it almost anywhere and certainly in rural locations.Comment: Absolutely insane the FBI tried to get away with a sealed warrant and could have planted anything they want in Trump’s estate as they refused any transparency. youtu.be/VrNrQviSTUM (Trump attorney speaks out on the Mar-a-Lago raid)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiRoHd4c... Thanks Tommy you’re awesome bringing us new eclectic experiences, sights and sounds off the beaten path from the typical vapid youtubes. Loved the rock restobar to cap it off at the end. That’s what I need even at age 56! Hey I think maybe the story about the Nazi extermination camps is propaganda. I am still digging into this. You can learn more from the Gist document linked from the top of my About tab of my profile page. Be prepared to be shocked though if you read the entire document. Note the document is a work-in-progress that needs much more organization and refinement. Someone wrote: Crazy how much this region resembles the area around Lake Tahoe in California and Nevada-both the lake and the towns. Great video as always. Stay safe. I replied: Really?I’m American but haven’t visited Lake Tahoe. I was in NV recently but only from Salt Lake city down to Las Vegas. He replied: @S. Moore Absolutely. The majority of Nevada is desert, as you saw in Vegas. However, in northern central Nevada, along the California border, there are alpine forests surrounding Lake Tahoe- which is shared by both states. There are a number of towns on the lake that have a similar alpine vibe. It’s a pretty magical place. Other replied: There are legit parts of Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina that would make you think you’re in the South West of the US. Mainly California. I replied: @L.A. Prodigy What are the downsides? Someone else replied: @S. Moore You earn less, but things are much cheaper too. Not too many downsides to be honest. I replied: @Khalid Carrillo Thanks but what about crime (home and ranch invasions) and lack of gun rights to defend yourself? What about onerous vaccine requirements? Maybe you do not care about those facets but I do. He replied: @S. Moore No what you're saying is very true. I am not too sure about how much home invasions really happen, especially in Argentina, but I don't think it's too difficult to get a hold of a gun here if you really need it. And yes the vaccine requirements are a pain and I don't agree with it. But there are pros and cons to every place, just have to see which works out for you. I replied: @Khalid Carrillo thanks bro. Agreed. The world is a mess right now and it is going to get much worse. Maybe escaping to a farm in Argentina would be the best of the worst?Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GQiTe4B... (Why Asia Pacific Chose China (You Won't Believe What America Did)) Biden pledges $150 million to ASEAN to counter China’s influence whilst laundering $40 billion as “military aid” through the Ukrainian mafia headed by Zelenskyy. Do you understand the West is being run by crimiinals and Xi had every motivation to go along with it as this will result in him being awarded a lifetime position.Comment: ADD: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GQiTe4B... > “@S. Moore Someone should tell Biden what the GDP is from the ASEAN countries, (hint: $3,646,220 millions). Unfortunately so many here still think those "little brown people" are just beggars.” @W. Lam did you even read my comment? The entire objective is intentional. The U.S. mafia is cooperating with the Asian mafia. How is that your reading comprehension is so incoherent? Do you have a ‘one track’ mind that actually ignores the context of what you purport to read.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GQiTe4B... > @S. Moore Which part of my comment made you think my "reading comprehension is so derelict"? Or I may ask, do you understand my comment at all? If not, then let me explain. My comment was NOT to agree, or disagree with what you said. It is to pick up on the fact you included, which is true, that Biden "Biden pledges $150 million to ASEAN", which was just an idiotically uninformed act, for whatever the objective his team of morons was trying to accomplish. > > And if you want my opinions on your opinions, then, YES, the West is being run by some criminals, not all, but enough to screw us all up, especially the MIC and the politicians they bought and paid for while we the people are being lied to. And NO, I don't thing Xi is going along with them because obviously he has been working hard to improve the lives of the people in his country, and the results have proved it. I just wish our leaders are doing that for us Americans, instead of just lining up their own pockets” @W. Lam my entire point is that it was not idiotic and instead was an intentional, fully understood insult. And it is to help propel the China mafia crime boss Xi to a lifetime position as the head of the Communist Crime Party mafia. Somehow that point flew right over your head twice. And they say East Asians have a high average IQ, but I am doubting it. Are you so naive as to not realize that government is a racket captured by the official mafia? Nothing is ever about what is good for the people. Never. Take off your rose colored glasses and get in touch with reality.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8y1DW08... > “@Jim Nevin I think that’s the OP’s point. Wind Turbines are upgraded wind mills. Wind mills were an innovation in their time, but they are wildly more inefficient than more modern processing methods. Wind turbines are more inefficient than nuclear by a long shot. And, how do you propose to repair wind turbines, when they go down? If you are such a wondrous mechanic, you would know that those large wind turbines break relatively easily and quickly. And repairing them still takes trucks using what fuel source???” @First name Last name also renewables can’t provide base load as Texas learned. The inefficiencies (both cost and power losses) worsen if need to employ costly batteries to store renewable energy for base load. Recnnt news story of wind turbines toppled and mangled by a tornado, so another problem is they can’t feasibly be hardened unlike a well designed (even the new solid-state) nuclear reactor. It’s ridiculous that brainless incompetents push this societalcide on the rest of us.Comment: EVs are heavier and accelerate faster thus statistically more deadly accidents. www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4M-59gV... (No One is Talking About Electric Car Deaths, So I Have to) > “Has anyone mentioned how heavier vehicles will affect the road conditions?” @TeksidStang and narrower, highly pressurized, harder tires (for range economy) focusing more (transient spikes) forcefully that additional weight on a smaller road patch! As usual the righteous, brainless environmentalist types don’t consider the actual economics and the actual egregious harm to the environment their nonsensical renewables fetish has.Comment: Let’s compare Constellation’s PRO consensus protocol to my altcoin consensus design proposal: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwSPf9IH... (Constellation DAG is the biggest thing in crypto. Must See!) Proof of Reputational Observation (PRO) will fail to disintermediate the inviolable economics of the power-law distribution of fungible resources aka ‘plutocracy and centralization’, because all consensus protocols can be gamed — thus devolve to a competition over resources (e.g. proof-of-stake block leadership selection can devolve to proof-of-work via (bitfury.com/content/...pos-vs-pow-1.0.2.pdf) if monopolization of stake is not more economical, which all that multiparty computation for verified randomness accomplish thus not actually solving the aforementioned ‘inviolable’ invariant). I will elaborate in follow-ups. I skimmed the CTO Wyatt Meldman-Floch’s foundational Blockchain Cohomology paper. Read the Business Whitepaper v1.0 and both the blog articles How Constellation is Different Than Blockchain and The Unique Value Proposition and Bull Case for Constellation Network. Remember I was ridiculed many years ago for being I believe the first to point out that Iota’s tangle relied on a centralized Coordinator. I will be ignored and ridiculed again, but correct again as always on the point that all global consensus algorithms centralize unless they allow for partitioning divergence. Constellation’s PRO consensus does not (and no consensus protocol can) obviate the Blockchain Trilemma, which by the way is really just a variation (or restatement) of the Brewster’s (aka the CAP) Theorem where Consistency is Security, Availability is Scalability and Partition tolerance is Decentralization. The Wyatt quote in the blog article The Unique Value Proposition and Bull Case for Constellation Network points out the the honest network can fork off from the dishonest Sybil attack if even just one honest node tags a double-spend, but what it doesn’t say is whether nodes on the network can be fooled by reputation trust into accepting a transaction to be final before every last node that was going to (or needs to instead of trusting violable reputation) has verified a double-spend (or in general smart contract parlance ‘conflicting’) transaction. The adversary may stand to gain more from the attack (e.g. shorting the token on the exchanges) than the cost in loss of reputation. Reputation can’t replace direct verification, because reputation is gamed out-of-band from the actual protocol math (e.g. shorting on an exchange). The adversary paradigm-shifts the playing field to a competition over resources with out-of-band tactics. It was this realization that led me to conclude that the only consensus protocol design capable of obviating this weakness would enable every node (no matter how meager its computational and connectivity resources) to verify every transaction, while still possessing infinite scaling via recursive proofs. Even if Constellation’s consensus protocol was modified to abandon trust and reputation, the borderless, permissionless gossip model employed by PRO could not feasibly define a metric by which to declare the size of the set of all nodes so that a node could conclude that every node had verified every transaction — thus my design relies on a clever paradigm-shift without devolving to the degenerate, winner-take-all paradigm of extant consensus protocols. And yes I am designing an infinitely scalable consensus protocol that can fork off from malfeasance without enabling the resource powerful adversary (aka the oligarchy or plutocracy of wealth) to game the possible to attacks to their economic advantage. Thus you should not abandon crypto (as you claimed in your video you would) if Proof of Reputational Observation (PRO) fails as I claim it will. Note my allegation of eventual ‘failure’ doesn’t mean market price FOMO failure; I am not on any marketing campaign to spread FUD about Constellation. I am just writing this down for my own notes and might as well share it with you and the community one time. You ostensibly appreciate the utmost importance of finding a way to decentralize consensus. Even legacy Bitcoin eventually ends up as a Biblical 666-like global reserve currency with all wealth concentrated on the Seven Hills of Jerusalem or Rome (depending on theological timeline interpretation). So it’s not just that legacy Bitcoin won scale and the dubiously ‘scalable’ soft fork impostor dies a fiery Anyone Can Spend death. In case my point wasn’t entirely clear, I am alleging that it will possible with sufficient resources and out-of-band incentive (which may not be the case for a while) to fool different partitions of the Constellation network into accepting that conflicting transactions are final, and thus these partitions will have no objective means to coalesce and thus be permanently forked off (or f-cked off if you prefer) from each other, even though both were entirely innocent and attempting to be honest.Comment: To understand my technical and game theory allegation and criticism more abstractly in Wyatt’s conceptualization of biomimicry (c.f. the blog article Biomimicry in Blockchain: How Constellation’s Design Is Based On Natural Systems), paradigm-shift, out-of-band attacks can be more information optimal in the overriding, dominating holistic perspective of the ‘world’ outside the myopic, compartmentalized assumptions of the consensus protocol. I will offer two more examples of for layman intuition about out-of-band and compartmentalized. First note that ICOs are overstated in value and the insiders end up with all the tokens, because they recycle the same tokens used to purchase the auctions over and over again buying from themselves. And ETH gas fees are entirely centralizing because the larger your pool the less redundant computation and thus the more gas fees pocketed not incurred as computation costs. The out-of-band factors are complex and unseen.Comment: James A. Donald (aka Jim) points out that a Dark Age has likely started for Western Civilization. I entirely agree. When I write about how we can (possibly but I think certainly) detach from and accelerate the demise of the societalcide with clever decentralization technology (and note I have not yet shared/published all that I wrote in my private Telegram outside the group, due to a need to reorganize what I wrote to remove confidential bits), this is coincident with helping to push the former holistic organization of the Western civilization over the cliff into the abyss. Read the entire linked blog article and the comments not just the snippet I quoted below… blog.jim.com/economi...e-in-gdp-per-capita/ “A holiness spiral peaks suddenly, and then it is over. Sometimes no one survives, but usually it is abruptly terminated by a Hitler or a Stalin before it gets to that point.” “A dark age sets in slowly, at about one percent a year for centuries, From time to time there are dramatic crises, and even turnarounds, but these make little difference to the long term trend. We have a holiness spiral and a dark age setting in.” Jim points out that the holiness spiral (e.g. wokeness) will end suddenly eventually. But note it will have so eviscerated the former, holistic organization with so much scorched earth maladaptation in its wake, that the Dark Age will likely continue to worsen spiraling down for hundreds of years. Because Westerners are completely incapable of agreeing on how to become holistically cooperative and competitive again. Thus those who want to excel will be forced into the decentralization economy, which will further implode the mainstream, traditional civilization into the abyss because all the (intellectual, energy and monetary) capital will be leaving it.Comment: Note Pooch is correct (and his follow-up) and Jim is an atavistic diehard, blowhard. Technology has paradigm-shifted the economy. Decentralization is winning, not Jim’s antiquated, recentralization by conquest. Decentralization doesn’t need K-strategy reproduction. The random R-strategy reproduction or K-strategy IVF (thus no need for dealing with maladapted, female bullshit) will spawn the geniuses that continue to drive the decentralization forward into the intangible age.Comment: IRS Seeking Agents Willing to “Use Deadly Force” The enhanced police state is turning tax accountants into the Gestapo. The IRS was forced to remove its job description after creating a buzz across the internet. > “As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes,” the job advertisement stated. “No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government.” > > * Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary. Anon says: Hope this on topic I follow a blog by an army guy, this is his take on the IRS hiring > “Republicans are focused on this as being a bid to catch more tax cheats. They’re wrong. You don’t need armed agents to grab tax cheats. If anything you’d hire more computer programmers. Accountants. Lawyers. Hell even more analysts. But armed agents? This many? I believe its about gun seizures. Remember all those guys shouting “come and get them”? Others were asking who the govt was gonna get to do the deed? Well they can’t plus up the ATF. That would be a dead giveaway and Congress would be forced to react. But the IRS? That’s just perfect. I could be wrong but like I said. You don’t need this many armed agents to do tax collection. Uh you do know that’s bigger than a fully staffed Marine Expeditionary Force (legacy…don’t know how big the retooled force is gonna be). It’s bigger than a US Army Corps! Whatever the real deal is one thing is certain. The US govt just added a helluva number of forces to its domestic security force.” > “This is just a quick hit. > > If you ain’t alarmed by the fact that the US Govt is about to hire 87K new IRS Agents (that have full arrest powers!) then you aren’t paying attention. > > At the height of the war on terror we didn’t see this many new FBI Agents hired and they were worried about terrorist doing everything from a suitcase nuke, to a dirty bomb, to chemical attacks, multiple hijackings, kidnappings etc… > > 87K new agents mean that you’re putting more than 1K agents in EACH STATE! > > That’s a freaking Army! > > Pay attention people. This is NOT normal. Normalcy bias is NOT your friend!”Comment: Are you concerned with the IRS hiring 87,000 new agents? “It is a part of something bigger. The goal of current governments is to eliminate as many small and medium enterprises as possible and to consolidate corporate/government partnerships. If you are wealthy or work for a big corporation you have nothing to worry about.” “A lot of people will own nothing and be happy🤷🏻‍♂️” “It's 87k border patrol officers they should be hiring instead” “Meant as a private political police force not revenue, to target they're adversaries you don't have to do anything wrong, just be accused” “They are not hiring them to go after big business that's for sure” “It's like they're hiring a private army.” “After the irs bought machine guns and pallets of ammo… you could say it’s a bit of a red flag to see tens of thousands of new irs agents” “Good time to be a IRS agent I guess ;-) but funny in an age where everything is computerized, that they need more people!” “The massively expanded IRS will act as today's American version of yesterday's Stasi.” “For reference - the FBI is hiring more armed agents than we have Soldiers in the 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne, 11th Airborne, 10th Mountain Division and 3rd Infantry Division combined.” “I never cheated on my taxes but I had them freeze my accounts and cause havoc in my life later they admitted they made a mistake and wrote me a check to cover some of the damages.” “I don't mind the new agents, as long as they only prosecute the little guy and leave the millionaires and billionaires alone, those people have it tough with their lavish lifestyles and private islands and planes. That stuff doesn't pay for itself you now, the working slob will only waste it on food and clothes and housing and getting to work to enrich the rich and the taxman.”Comment: Martin Armstrong keeps reiterating that Klaus Schwab and his WEF will fail. I guess he means they will fail to enslave us in a 666 centrally controlled digital currency panopticon wherein we “own nothing and are happy” eating grasshopper protein? Armstrong stated two justifications, 1) that civilization only exists when people can come together to cooperate, and 2) never in the history of the world has there been an orderly, premeditated monetary reset. As for his second point, Bretton Woods was orderly and entirely premeditated, even we know FDR was entirely aware of Pearl Harbor before it happened. And this current monetary reset to legacy Bitcoin as the future world reserve currency is entirely premeditated since 1988 and we can clearly see the strings being pulled behind the curtain to bring about the multi-polar world which will demand a monetary reserve controlled by nobody, i.e. Bitcoin. As for Armstrong’s first point, civilization is coming together in the East with Russia now selling to 700 million consumers in China for example entirely side-stepping, suicidal Western sanctions whilst earning higher profit margins because commodities were driven so high in price. The chaos and devolution of the West doesn’t mean civilization does not continue on somewhere else. Long-term (e.g. after 2032 or 2037) Armstrong will be correct that the diabolical societalcide of the West will cannibalize itself and what scorched earth remains will perhaps have rejected some of the worst of the societalcide memes and schemes. My point is Armstrong is essentially wrongheaded because the WEF is failing along with the entire Western civilization failing! What is the consolation and utility of arguing the societalcide will fail, if we will all fail along with the titanic? It’s not like Western civilization is suddenly going to come to its senses after 2032 and reconstruct a glorious civilization from the ashes of what transpires between now and then. Armstrong should refer back to his own cycle model for the devolution of the USA which shows it will fall into a Madmax completely failed civilization by 2085 after an interim deadcat bounce from 2032 to 2037 and another deadcat bounce around 2047. I doubt the WW3 and economic devastation between now and 2032 can totally wipe out all those who still believe in centralized government aka statism, i.e. the rise of the 51.6 year public wave from 2032 on Armstrong’s ECM which will probably be more relevant in the developing world aka the East. Any attempt to continue centralized control (especially in the formerly civilized West…perhaps some “direct democracy” masturbation), will be ultimately at odds with the future of decentralization (because valuable Westerners are not going to just stand like deer in the headlights and be wiped out by decadent civilization), despite any short-term (e.g. 2032 – 2037 on Armstrong’s cycle model) illusions otherwise. Yet the statism in the West will have an ally in the statism in the East and thus perhaps align to fight against the decentralization movement rising worldwide. If not for the ability of statism to continue to flourish in the East, the world would have no choice but to rapidly embrace decentralization as did Europe embrace industrialization. But note the East rejected industrialization and thus stayed mired in the Agricultural Age for a century longer than the West leading to its impoverishment. Thus I see an ongoing devolution of the West for decades as the centralized clusterfuck of statism fights against decentralization technology. That is unless most Westerners onboard decentralization and middle finger centralized governance, which I am not optimistic will happen in my lifetime. Even if 50% come over to decentralization, the other 50% will fight to enslave the 50% who just want to be free and left alone. This is human nature. The only way to end this is to economically eviscerate the 50% who believe in statism, which will be an arduous process stretching out over decades as did the demise of the Luddites. Old paradigms don’t die in a Waterfall collapse and especially when the East heavily embraces statism. Old paradigms die by a long, drawn out attrition and cat&mouse game process. Look at the demise of Western Rome for the timeline. And civilization transferred East to the Byzantine empire.Comment: Spain Says New Gas Pipeline To France Could Be Ready In 8-9 Months > The US plan in 2012/13 when Shell and Chevron convinced Yanukovuch to sell them the rights to the Yuzivska shale gas field in Ukraine (2/3 of which is in Donbass) was to mine that, and then use the Ukrainian (yes, Russian) pipeline system to sell to the EU and cut off Russia at the border. That was always the plan. That is the reason for the war in Ukraine. Shell and Chevron have since bailed out but Naftogaz acquired the rights to Yuzivska in 2020. But, the people in Donbass have been against it since day 1 back in 2010, because it requires the relocation of over 100,000 people and damage to farmlands, and possible contamination of the Dniper River. > > Nordstream 2 exists. The UK wanted to switch people to the BP-owned Trans-Adriatic pipeline with gas from Azerbaijan and that is being done. The US wants to build from the TAP hub from TAPAP an corridor called the Three Seas Initiative with gas from Azerbaijan to feed Eastern Europe up to the Baltic. > > If you look up the American Security Project, the whole US strategy for gas in the EU and cutting off Russia has been there and in the works since 2009. The failed Nabucco pipeline was a major setback, but the US got both Southstream and Nordstream 2 which is built and just needs to be launched cancelled. The US is calling the shots and the EU is just following.Comment: Perhaps the root cause of the societalcide insanity gripping the West can be most succinctly reduced to the generative essence of a power vacuum. It’s useful to understand the phenomenon in this abstraction because it illuminates that there can be no halt to the worsening destruction until the economic failure halts (which can not be the case until everyone in the West has abandoned the dying, financialized, tangible age dragging everything and everyone down with it, as it’s in denial refusing to go quietly into the night because most people aren’t ready to adapt as it being they’re egregious maladapted the multi-decade debt bubble). Acutely the near implosion of the U.S.A. (in 2008) and E.U. (in 2019) banking systems were probably inflection points that demanded the most ruthless take control to provide a path forward that kicked-the-can on disintegration of the economy and government. For an example of the kicked-can, the COVID scam forced the Fed to expand its balance sheet like crazy and for the U.S.Gov to run massive fiscal deficits. As the debt bubble has matured since the 1980s and the society has become less and less attached to debt-free production (and especially when the marginal-utility-of-debt turned negative sometime in the prior decade meaning that the more debt created the faster the economy implodes and the more desperate those who want to control the power vacuum), there was no longer any viable industry nor aegis capable pushing for sanity, soberness, balanced budgets and a sustainable path. Thus out of necessity Western civilization is increasingly captured by those willing to fly careening with napalm ablaze and engines on fire. Note that this destruction of the financializable tangible age is forcing (what will be the surviving) humanity to adapt away from the clusterfuck of centralization and tangible vulnerabilities towards the intangible, non-financializable, decentralized Knowledge (aka Informational) Age. How else can I put it more bluntly that EVERYTHING tangible and centralized will be confiscated and destroyed in the West because there’s no viable, solvent aegis. Normalcy bias, deer-in-the-headlights hopium and waiting for things to get better will prove to be a catastrophic, personal strategy. Yet contemplate the winding road of machinations this will go through as the various sectors of the Western society are destroyed one after the other. “Those who borrow are slaves of moneylenders” — Proverbs 22:7 Westerners have sleepwalked into what the Bible warns them not to do. And thus now the civilization is eating itself as the Bible so warned would result. There will be no solution, except for those who find some way to opt-out of the dying paradigm and into some new prosperous paradigm. He said, “This is what the government who will reign over you will claim as its rights: It will take your sons and make them serve with its chariots and horses, and they will run in front of its chariots. Some it will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow its ground and reap its harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for its chariots. It will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. It will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to its attendants. It will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to its officials and attendants. Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle and donkeys it will take for its own use. It will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become its slaves. When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the government you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.” — 1 Samuel 8 Samuel said to Saul, “I am the one the Lord sent to anoint you government over his people Israel; so listen now to the message from the Lord. This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” — 1 Samuel 15Comment: It’s useful to understand the phenomenon in this abstraction because it illuminates that there can be no halt to the worsening destruction until the economic failure halts (which can not be the case until everyone in the West has abandoned the dying, financialized, tangible age dragging everything and everyone down with it, as it’s in denial refusing to go quietly into the night because most people aren’t ready to adapt as it being they’re egregiously maladapted to/in the multi-decade debt bubble).Comment: "Tijuana Under Attack!": Sudden Eruption Of Cartel Violence Leaves Cars Burned Across Border City > “Edit; this article is a little light on details; CJNG is trying to force the Mexican government to release the local plaza boss Ricardo Ruiz Velasco who was arrested 3 days ago; it wouldn't be the first time they've released a cartel boss to end the violence.” > “Minnesota in 2020 looked way worse.” > “Are you sure those aren't pictures of Chicago?” > “The cartels are not leftist. The are hardcore and trigger happy capitalist.” Cartel threatens weekend of mass violence in all of Northern Baja > “Be warned. As of Friday at 10 p.m. through Sunday at 3 a.m. we’re going to create mass chaos so the (expletive) government frees our people. We’re the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, we don’t want to hurt good people but it’s best they don’t go outside, we’re going to attack anyone we see on the streets on these days.” Remember I hypothesized in 2020 that the reason Mexico didn’t have COVID restrictions for tourism (not even a PCR test was required) was because the cartels have a lot of investments in tourism (e.g. own hotels). The mayor of Tijuana makes a highly controversial statement > “we ask you to collect the bills from those who did not pay what they owe, not from families and citizens who work” We can classify each nation by the high valued assets at sufficient scale that are in contention to be captured. Small time crime doesn’t scale thus is relegated to the purview of small-time criminals (another, including the murder in the small rural community I had been staying in 2021) and corrupt police: 1. Mexico: drug & human trafficking turf, water resources, avocado farms, prime tourism (in addition to energy production, manufacturing and financial industry) 2. West: middle-class assets, each Westerner’s share of the statism, debt and money printing 3. Philippines: exported labor via BPO and OFWs (and some manufacturing) So the West is devolving to the end game of capturing all assets and each individual’s share of the money printing, debt spigot. When the West was growing in real terms (marginal-utility-of-debt wasn’t negative), then there was enough fertile ground to capture without going full authoritarian (i.e. there were enough powerful who could resist societalcide). But now with the debt bubble collapsing, all Westerners are going to fleeced and hooked up to CBDCs so that the power structure can cannibalize itself in an attempt to be fed. The West could become a top-down gulag! Mexico’s power structure can’t gain that much by fleecing its own mass of poor people of assets, thus Mexico will probably remain more freedom oriented despite the criminality. My personal security in Mexico behooves me to be aware of my surroundings more so than in the U.S.A. because the threat are the small time criminals littered about any where, yet the statistical risk is quite low in rural areas of Baja and for example Oaxaca. Living out of a mobile camper in Mexico might feel a bit dangerous as one could imagine that local small time criminals could be lurking any where. But again the statistical risk is low and can be lowered more probably with personal security paraphernalia such as pepper spray, an air gun, pepper paint ball gun and perimeter warning systems. Yet it may be wiser to just spend $500 a month as I am now. Thus the drug cartels are no threat to me as long as I avoid the cities, so I don’t become an accidental, collateral damage. Also don’t get involved in any of their turf. And avoiding the congested areas also removes much of the threat of small-time criminality and violence. 75 Americans out of the 31 million that visited in 2016 were killed down from 120 deaths out of 5.7 million that visited in 2011 and still three times safer than Houston while hundreds in the USA are maimed by lightning strikes every year and 42,915 died in vehicular crashes last year. 1,850 Brits killed annually in vehicular accidents. Some U.S. cities are nearly as violent: Ensenada is the sixth most violent city in the world: 18 of the 50 cities that are part of this list are located in Mexico Look what happened in Brazil when the conservatives got back in power and made it legal to kill motorcycle riding assailants. Karma Compilation: Thieves on motorcycles being dealt with by citizens in Brazil (warning very graphic!) Remember that Latin Americans think any day is a good day to die. Violence an integral heartbeat to their life. Yet many or most are peaceful most of the time. It is much more like the jungle in terms of the human action, e.g. drivers sometimes make sudden, dangerous decisions. But the statistics are that personal safety is really not any better in the West with deaths due to random events such as vehicular accidents orders-of-magnitude higher than murders. Control freaks (i.e. Westerners) thus have an irrational bias towards the control they actually don’t have.Comment: www.youtube.com...DtzlA/community?lc=Ugw4uZt... They laundered $40B through Ukraine. blog.jim.com/economics/the-end-of-gold/ Nor does he get money “direct from the federal reserve” (well he does now in a sense, but that is not how he is became wealthy) There is some elaborate government laundering before it gets into the Soros account, and then some of it goes back into the muppet account. I describe that laundering. What is my description? And in fact no one gets money “directly from the federal reserve” – there is always an elaborate game of three card monte, albeit lately it is has been getting a lot more direct. The nearest thing to direct funding, which happens a lot these days, but used to be more elaborately covered, is that people sell debt of dubious value in the open market to nominally private buyers in quasi statal but not direct state employment who buy it knowing that they can, and probably will, resell it to the federal reserve. But the worthless debt that passed through Soros’ hands used to be far more elaborately covered, and as far as I know still is. blog.jim.com/economics/the-end-of-gold/ When fixed exchange rates went away, so did his strange ability to predict exchange rate changes, and instead a different mechanism was applied to channel government funds to him. Instead he would buy up worthless third world debt, and the World Bank, aka the US taxpayer, would make the debt worth something. So why this strange generosity to Soros by the US state department? Soros is a laundry for US government money. They funnel money to him, and he funnels money to ngos that carry out US government policy in foreign lands. Ngo stands for “non governmental organization”, but ngo employees supposedly funded by Soros tend to think of themselves and call themselves government employees. They are on a revolving door between official government employment and unofficial government employment, and often continue to work at the same desk in the same office regardless of who their salary is billed to.Comment: “When you corruption is rewarded and honesty is becoming a self-sacrifice, you may know that society is doomed.” — AYN RANDComment: www.youtube.com...DtzlA/community?lc=Ugyq_bn... > “@S. Moore My biggest concern is that they close the borders for those of us trying to leave” @Derbs Biz the U.S.–Mexico land border has never been closed during the pLandemic to U.S. citizens in either direction whether crossing by feet or vehicle. I don’t think they can close it because the drug cartels would create mayhem as their drug business requires the high volume border flow. And the mafia running the USG is probably connected with the cartels, e.g. former Attorney General Eric Holder’s Fast & Furious gun running. The official proclamations were not the reality on the actual border in my experience. Commercial airline flights are a vulnerability. If you plant a child in Mexico while a resident, you will be given citizenship rather quickly. Ditto Peru and Colombia.Comment: If despite my best efforts to route around their malfeasance, they somehow get me caught up in something that corners me, I will stand my ground valiantly. But I don’t want to wish it into existence by being too inflexible. I don’t believe in rights. I think it is vapid to assume I have some natural rights that are being trampled and thus I should stand my ground as some ethical statement. If my rights can be trampled, then they do not exist. I need to be pragmatic. The only ethical high ground is to further the advancement of humanity via the knowledge age.Comment: Russia, China, Iran and N. Korea will not attack Mexico with nuclear weapons. Did you read that Russia has been positioning their rocket launchers beside or in the compound of nuclear reactors to dare the West to create a nuclear disaster? Did you read that Lithuania and Latvia have declared Russia a terrorist nation and Putin has warned if this spreads, Russia will end all relations with the West entirely? The world is hurtling towards a nuclear WW3.Comment: My counter-point is not that those discussing forming a community aren’t expressing sincerity and some semblance of capability. Rather that human nature is that we do not know people well until a) we have seen their worst which usually requires months of intimate interaction and b) that percentage of people who will hold themselves together through the worst coming will be small out of the people who might seem capable now. Especially pooling resources will end horribly as you were the first to point out to me. Surprised you would become so “desperate” (without other options?) as to go against your wise insight on that. The reason is that pooling resources is a leadership vacuum and nobody will agree if they are not forced to. The dynamics combined with shifts in situations for different individuals as the SHTF will put pressures on the arrangement causing it blow up in innumerable ways. Humans are complex enough without adding the shit-storm we are headed into. Just realize how difficult it is for you and your wife to find a mate who you can both tolerate and extrapolate that out. I urge you to not pool resources. If you and your wife can not afford it independently then do not do it. On a more abstract level note that community does not form from the bottom up out of desire, because humans are naturally antithetical to community. Community forms out of emergent economic necessity and it’s only those economic forces that hold it together. So planning out a community is nonsensical. The only communities that function are those that formed organically, unplanned from emergent forces. This BTW is why TPTB have so much power, because humans can’t plan out their groupwise reorganization — even the mass migration to Florida recently wasn’t a premeditated plan but rather an organic phenomenon due to emergent forces that intensified during the pLandemic. Typically communities form out of some initial, critical mass of economic activity which creates friendship/kinship connections which draw others to that nexus and it metastasizes organically. To attempt to gel around a shit-storm threat that none of the participants have yet to experience is the height of the arrogance of the DETERMINISTIC (thus fragile) plans of mice and men. Only organic systems are resilient as there are many actors and trials with PROBABILISTIC (thus anti-fragile) outcomes in play forming an emergent feedback system.Comment: > > “Yet my logic has shifted and nuanced a bit because of for example the added threat of 87,000 I.R.S. agents to be hired soon with the recent passage of the soi-disant “Inflation Reduction Act”. I suspect that threat to gain momentum not before tax filing deadline April or June 2023.” > > “...increasingly there appears to be the risk that the Bolsheviks at the helm of the USG are literally going to steal the elections forevermore and even perhaps cancel the 2024 election. If so, expect similar outcomes throughout the West. If so there will likely be a violent reaction in the well armed USA, thus the hiring of 87,000 well armed I.R.S. agents?" > > “I heard that realistically, Biden’s approval rating was something closer to 11%. So they are almost certainly going to pull something. Surely a large swage of non-Dems are now wise to this by now and won’t simply shrug their shoulders. I guess they know that if chaos breaks out, something like in Sri Lanka recently, then it is the perfect excuse to bring in martial law. Though I can imagine Americans offering a reaction closer to that of the Canadian truckers or Dutch farmers (except with many guns of course), though I realise that is likely futile too, unless inspiring enormous numbers of the population to turn. How likely that is I’ve no idea.” Americans aren’t going to just stand in one place. Americans will as they did in the Revolutionary War exploit any and every decentralized advantage. Americans are pragmatic a.f.. You know uncivilized, rednecks don’t really care how they skin their hunt as long as the barbecue sauce is thick and tasty. I think Rothschild (and/or the power vacuum I wrote about in the abstract) has put the Bolsheviks in a situation where they can’t reverse course nor take any abortive course. The 87,000 I.R.S. troops is desperation. This situation is possibly to turn hot soon. Even if they just go after what they think are docile small business, they might eat more hot, flying lead in 'dem hills than they anticipated. Some Americans (millions?) will fight every which way, including in the courts, gerrymandering, voting with their feet, emploring county Sheriffs to deputize the citizenry to stand down the Feds, etc.. Which means different outcomes in different locales thus America having different levels of destruction depending on locale. The fragmentation of the USA that Armstrong predicted is underway. We’re not near the Sri Lanka outcome yet because Americans are still eating well. But we don’t take kindly to the KING stealing from us. Americans will route towards the most efficient and least belligerent solutions until they have no other choice, e.g. mass migration to Florida from woke Blue States.Comment: Ah another potential clue that I might be correct that the Demonrats have been pushed into desperation and are now fighting off their back foot: Something Smell About the Raid of Trump > Back in October 2020, Trump issued had issued a major declassification order for every Russiagate document. He also included every former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton document to be declassified. Sources in Washington suggest that the National Archives is playing politics and has ignored the declassification of all the RussiaGate documents. The raid of Trump appears to be a move to protect the full disclosure of what took place under RussiaGate. This may get far worse if the true scope of the seized documents ends up being revealed. Let’s see what surfaces. The president has the power to declassify any document. This is raising serious questions as to what is going on at the National Archieves.Comment: Trump says he declassified Mar-a-Lago documents. Experts say it's unclear whether that will hold up Kash Patel, a Pentagon chief of staff during the Trump administration, told Breitbart News in May that the documents previously recovered from Mar-a-Lago had been declassified by Trump, but their markings were not updated. “Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves,” Patel said then. “It’s information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from Russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance — anything the president felt the American people had a right to know is in there and more,” Patel said then, adding that he was with Trump when the then-president said, “We are declassifying this information.” Patel, who declined comment on the documents this week, told Breitbart that the “White House counsel failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn’t mean the information wasn’t declassified.” A source who had discussed the matter with Trump but was not authorized to reveal those conversations said the former president wasn't concerned with formal protocol. "We’ve told him there’s a process and not following it could be a problem but he didn’t care because he thinks this stuff is dumb,” the source said. “His attitude is that he is the president. He is in charge of the country and therefore national security. So he decides.”Comment: As I expected Americans will fight back decentralized: Florida CFO threatens IRS with criminal charges: We'll protect our citizensComment: More climate change nonsense: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8y1DW08... @Simon economies-of-scale is a thing — 1000 dispersed versus one intensified. Men who don’t comprehend economics shouldn’t trust themselves to comment on topics that require that knowledge. Wind doesn’t blow all the time thus can’t provide base load. Also wind power distributes the eyesore and deleterious environment impacts (bird kills, wildlife and foliage impacts, etc) over a huge area. Driving across some areas of CA is downright fugly with square miles of wind turbines eyesore. Or look at the formerly beautiful beach in Bagui Bay, Philippines now an eyesore. “Harvard researchers found that the warming effect of wind turbines in the continental U.S. was actually larger than the effect of reduced…” www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8y1DW08... @First name Last name what you mean to say more generally is carbon-based fuels. But we have massively benefited from carbon in the atmosphere. These dimwits should search for the video from 180 IQ Freeman Dyson on this topic. The more carbon, the more verdant the planet. A warm planet corresponds with rising economic outcomes and a cooling planet (which is what we are entering now as confirmed by the non-lying scientists!) corresponds to pestilence and Dark Ages. The idiocy and propaganda consumption among the masses is off-the-charts.Comment: > > "I need to be pragmatic. The only ethical high ground is to further the advancement of humanity via the knowledge age." > > I suppose the tricky bit is in the varying definitions of what constitutes "advancement". I'm not intending to goad you when I point out that some of what you say doesn't sound too dissimilar to the pronouncements of Yuval Noah Harari. > > On one level he's accurate in his observation here that: > > > "We just don’t need the vast majority of the population” in the early 21st century given modern technologies’ rendering human labor economically and militarily “redundant.” > > Continuing with "He assessed widespread contemporary disillusionment among “common people” as being rooted in a fear of being “left behind” in a future run by “smart people." > > > ”Such fears are justified, he added, given his projection that emerging technologies will displace economic needs to many categories of existing work Maybe if they are nice, they will throw some crumbs my way like universal basic income,’ but it’s much worse psychologically to feel that you are useless than to feel that you are exploited." > > he concluded, > > > “because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence bioengineering, Most people don’t contribute anything to that, except perhaps for their data, and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.” > > So, just how much intervention of the human body and mind can take place and still retain humanity? I realise that many of the dreams of Transhumanists are pie in the sky, but the intention is clearly there. I'm not entirely sure how your Knowledge Age fits with Transhumanism; what you would consider beyond the pale, if anything. I should stress again, I'm not having a dig. Merely curious if you would consider the greater capacity for collecting, storing, assimilating data and uploading it, within a modified body to be one aspect of the advancement of the Knowledge Age. For me, applying any evolving technological advances would need to be on my own terms, as retaining personal autonomy and sovereignty are paramount - and I'm guessing would be for you too, more or less. Otherwise we might as well be batteries in The Matrix, or some semi-sentient node within the global hive mind. Thanks for raising this point because ostensibly the necessary understanding hasn’t been conveyed by my prior explanations perhaps because mine were too dispersed, high-level and abstract (and note for readers outside my small, private Telegram group, I haven’t yet published externally all of my prior comments on this topic which require some redaction). Some of the possible technologies overlap thus the technological buzzwords implying some superficial similarity of concepts to my writings about a DECENTRALIZED Knowledge Age, Yuval et al (i.e. Klaus Schwab’s W.E.F. with its CENTRALIZED communist-fascist “stakeholder capitalism”, its CENTRALIZED planning U.N. NWO takeover model, its alliance with BlackRock the owner of the U.S. Fed, and its pronouncement, ‘you will own nothing, eat grasshoppers and be happy’). But there’s no actual similarity and in fact the two are antithetical, because these are central planners who believe they can decide for humanity which technologies we need and how they should be applied. Whereas the free market, real “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is uncontrollable by central planners, decentralized, organic and what will benefit humanity the most because certainly humans won’t adopt what is not economically beneficial to themselves. These central planners imagine themselves to be so self-important but they are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. They imagine that only a few people will be relevant because most people aren’t STEM-field career, tech-savvy wizards, but everyone who embraces the DECENTRALIZED Knowledge Age will find a role (and note many ignorant idiots can’t get their ‘one track’, atrophied “brains” unstuck from statism, centralization, socialism, propaganda, etc and thus will perish). Malthusians have never been correct. Every technological revolution creates more jobs than it destroys. (I was collecting research on these assertions but have not written that blog yet) You imagine that for example the ability to hook our brain into a computer will be diabolical and dehumanizing but it doesn’t have to be. Those who become entrapped by or choose to follow and perish with the central planners might become collateral damage to these insane, megalomaniac, idiotic (yes Bill Gates is a high IQ idiot, Musk is correct) attempts to centrally plan which will ultimately fail. Those who choose similar technology but without the centralized, diabolical shit enabled can benefit from the technology. This is analogous to I can choose to buy a spyware Android or Apple smartphone or I can rootkit my phone and run a non-spyware OS. I can even purchase an expensive smartphone that purports to have non-spyware hardware. Technology will advance and it will be glorious because knowledge will increase, we will become more wealthy and easier lives than $billionaires have today, just as contemporaneous plebs have a higher standard of living than the nobility of the past. I hope you finally get it!?Comment: @KaSo fuel costs are volatile because Brandon and Zelenskyy having been doing everything they can to make it so, while your lamestream media lies to you about everything so that you all blame Pootin and remain clueless a.f. as to who and how everything was instigated. Pitiful. www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8y1DW08... > “@S. Moore A man with your last name should know better than talking lightly about the low about the single intensified incident. Jokes aside though, wind does blow a lot in the right regions though and yes I am aware that there are issues with wind power but other than your sensitive sense of beauty in scenery I don't see any of them de-validating wind power being a justified part of a diverse set of electricity sources. Talking about comprehending economics and then proceeding to use the plants ruining the scenery as the main argument against them...” @Simon I decline your strawman. You cherry picked an ancillary point and misattributed it as a main point that has nothing to do with my unequivocal economics points. My ancillary, environmental points were OBVIOUSLY to mainly point out the hypocrisy of soi-disant, righteous, holier-than-thou environmentalists claiming to be protecting the environment with their predatory, destructive politics. Wind power isn’t intensive enough to be economical and blowing most of the time is still not adequate for base load. Wind power would not be installed at all if not the societalcide, kleptocracy, kakistocracy politics (except in rare scenarios where for example its the most accessible option) — which will be self-immolating along with all those who remain hitched to and apologists for it. Stop trying to straddle the middle of the fence between astute logic and the slobbering, politically correct Overturn window idiocracy. I have no mercy for those intransigent, unwilling to learn when cordially provided multiple, polite hints. Yes my lateral ancestor was Isaac Shelby so now you know my first name which was formerly a family name. And my father of the same name (Jr.) was the West Coast Division Head Attorney for Exxon who graduated #1 from a prestigious law school. My witty, leftist mother has a confirmed 137 IQ. www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8y1DW08... > “@First name Last name well you are indirectly suggesting that wind power is too expensive to be useful. Yes I am aware that nuclear power is the most stable source of electricity right now and I myself am all for keeping a large portion of it until there is an actual viable solution. As you said, most other technologies aren't quite there yet. However you will never find other solutions if you never even try to build them. How are they supposed to get cheaper if you never build them in bigger quantities ? New relibale technologies don't just pop into existence, they need time and over many iterations they will be in a state in which they become profitable enough to exist without government funding.” @Simon wind turbines are already ~80% of maximum Betz’s law efficiency, so no amount of R&D is going to improve the situation. Levelized comparisons of generation costs factor in all the regulatory and politicized factors. Without those, natural gas is by far the most economical and also because it supplies base load which wind and solar can’t. Levelized solar costs are several times higher so even efficiency advances aren’t going to help. All we are doing to committing societalcide by making a big drama about carbon when in fact carbon is entirely beneficial and contrary to propaganda our planet is actually entering a Maunder Minimum cooling cycle that threatens food production. Not the time for us to be shutting down our reliable, carbon-based energy systems. Demonizing natural gas and Pootin has now eviscerated the supply of fertilizer. The Planet of the Apes idiocracy. Enjoy it!Comment: @Simon stimulating demand with government subsidies (in any form such as predatory regulation of alternatives) to increase economies-of-scale in production to drive unit costs down (most especially applicable to solar panels and not wind turbines), is fraught with the problems of unintended ramifications and lack of omniscience in such planning. For example if overstimulate solar installations then the base load capacity must be reduced (because it’s a depreciating asset sitting idle when the sun is shining) so it won’t be available if demand is high when the sun doesn’t shine. It may make sense if summer daytime demand for airconditioning is very high and winter heat is provided by natural gas piped into homes. But most modern homes inefficiently generate heat with electricity because it’s safer. If the government would apply such subsidies to highly efficient petrol engines (or at least stop penalizing and attempting to destroy petrol engines) then we would see more advances such as Mazada’s Skyactive technology.Comment: Amazing how blind locals are to the reality in their own countries. It reminds me of how deaf Filipinos are they can’t even hear a 117dB karaoke blasting in their ears 24 x 7. www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiRoHd4c... > “@S. Moore you don't need a gun in Argentina but I guess you are thinking they still live like in the 1800s with natives attacking properties? That would sound like the typical US logic about all Latin America” @Luis Torres there have been ranch invasions in recent years. Do some Internet searches for the news stories. Also yes the Western hinterlands of Argentina are overflowing with poverty stricken natives. I know more about this than you do. Here are videos I viewed in 2019 when I was researching the topic. youtu.be/y0g4Y9BfSKI?t=57 youtu.be/w535nLRCdaQ?t=397Comment: Too many idiots in this world. I wish Bill Gates the utmost success with his culling efforts.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4I4ZtE2... @Strangeloop why did you delete your comment question? > “S. Moore - You bring up some interesting points…. What are you bullish on?” Bullish as in FOMO bullish or are you asking what I think will be resilient and rescue me from the 666 monetary reset with centralized central bank digital currencies? Your guess is as good as mine for the FOMO issue. For the latter issue only legacy Bitcoin (not the current impostors BTC, BSV and BCH) and possibly my own altcoin if I launch it.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiRoHd4c... > “Im proud of whe have our "Lake Tahoe" and pines tree areas in the south and the good thing is this more low cost and less burocratic than visit the Tahoe in USA.” @Nicko my comments about lawlessness shouldn’t be construed as an overwhelming negative on Latin American countries. I am in Baja California as I type this. Argentina is interesting and with the economy imploding everything will become cheap again (e.g. land) for foreigners to buy. I just wish the culture wasn’t such an idiocracy (i.e. heavy European influence) w.r.t. for example the need for guns in the hands of responsible, law-abiding for self-defense. And to stop this nonsense of criminally prosecuting the law-abiding person who defends against a criminal. Latin Americans are illogical on this and related issues. Descendants of founding stock of the USA (e.g. myself a lateral descendant of Revolutionary War General Isaac Shelby) reject that facet of hierarchical, nobility-centralized-authority-statism-based European society and culture. We spilled our blood to kick the King of England out of our affairs and be entirely independent of government and top-down edicts, e.g. the COVID-scam. Also ignorant pride cometh-before-the-falleth.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8y1DW08... > “@S. Moore well your ancestry explains your almost religious hate for any renewable source of energy at least. Nuclear energy itself started out of government funding and turned private afterwards. You don’t have to be a „holier-than-thou environmentalist“ to see that wind power can be a viable solution for A PART of the energy portfolio of a nation. Technological challenges are there and are being worked on. There are regions in which wind power already does this job quite well and combined with nuclear power and others it finds it’s right place.” > > “By referencing your name I meant to connect Moore with the widely known law in combination of your portrayal of the low occurrence of high intensity incidences of nuclear power plants. Especially since you were complaining about wind power on the Philippines which leads me to assume you are suggesting nuclear power to be the better solution there. Given the fact that said country is situated on the ring of fire, which is a tectonically highly active region, I would argue this to be one of your rare scenarios in which wind power becomes the most accessible or even least dangerous option. Or the current situation in Ukraine for instance with the Zaporizhzhya plant in the middle of a war zone shows another example of what can go wrong under certain conditions. I understand where your opinion is coming from but nuclear is simply not a one size fits all solution. It does it’s job well however you can’t rely on it alone.” @Simon that’s a more reasoned reply. Yet you’re still projecting false assumptions; my father and I have much different personalities and ethics (and he is not against environmentalism), other than I share his work-aholic discipline. I harbor no illogical aversion to any sensible renewables. I am against the collapse of our Western civilization underway, which is going to be much more catastrophic than imagined boogeymen FUD that keep self-righteous, holier-than-thou environmentalists up at night. And as George Carlin quipped in Saving the Planet about the hypocrisy has nothing to do with actual environmentalism, “self-righteous, environmentalists, these white, bourgeoisie liberals who think the only think wrong with this country is there aren’t enough bicycle paths … trying to make the world safe for their Volvos.” Pootin is positioning his rockets next to or in the nuclear reactor compounds ostensibly to dare the instigators of this war (and no Pootin wasn’t the instigator) to create a nuclear holocaust if they want to continue their $40B of money laundering corruption in the guise of war in Ukraine. Note there is sodium-salts, solid-state cooling technology for nuclear reactors that would virtually eliminate all safety concerns but ostensibly because of the idiocracy politics nothing is ever allowed for R&D of nuclear. And we need more carbon in the atmosphere to fight against the egregious global cooling coming 2030 (sunspots almost non-existent!) and Texas and Louisana have abundant supplies of natural gas if our predatory, Bolshevik, leftist-holiness-spiral politics would stop destroying our carbon-based economy. Wind power is not working well! I was in Texas in during the winter of 2020/21 when the power was out for days and we were freezing. The base load of Texas has been destroyed by the meddling of the Feds with their economic incentives for renewables (also ostensibly corruption or incorrect incentives in the Texas system), as I explained to you abstractly in my prior comment. When you can no longer eat, then maybe you will understand how myopic your comments are! Moore’s law is for transistor physics not the unit cost economies-of-scale of solar due to a doubling of production — a law of physics versus an economics effect. I already explained to you in the abstract and now backed it with the Texas example, that the unintended effects of subsidizing production could end up starving you to death. Enjoy the Planet of the Apes idiocracy that you ostensibly desire! youtu.be/7W33HRc1A6c?list=RD-54... (George Carlin - Saving the Planet)Comment: K-Dub (aka Crypto Zombie) is finally making some of my points about the fallibility of proof-of-stake. Worth a quick listen.Comment: SunZoomSpark, {8/16/22 5:11 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} I appreciate the distinction between a centralised and decentralised Knowledge Age. So, without central planners deciding for you what kind of tech goes into your body to "enhance" it, I'm curious what you would welcome on your own terms, knowing that no-one was sharing information or had any control over you. I know you've said you would consider something like stem cell treatment that might restore sight in your eye in the future, but what about "merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind" (to quote Schwab)? Would you welcome such an "enhanced" and constantly evolving humanity that incorporated such technological advances into the body, that would extend the capabilities of humans beyond their present biological ceiling? I realise there isn't an enormous conceptual leap regarding the tech we surround ourselves with now and increasingly rely upon now to make the move to placing it within our bodies instead - if there were no unwanted side-effects, and it would be reversible if desired. My concern is if such an accelerated evolution might result in unwanted consequences, and that numerous "superpowers" once experienced would be very difficult to put back in their box once experienced. I can easily see many people embracing something like this contact lens. I wonder at what point we might endanger our sanity; if we could accommodate so much more information coming into our minds, and consciousness, or if instead we would take it in our stride, like telephones, cars, television, computers. There are bound to be a significant minority of people who reject some or all of this tech, somewhat like the Amish now. But the divide will be so much greater than we experience now, almost as if the burgeoning "Bionic Man" was a new species. I know you have never wanted to take mind-altering drugs, but doesn't the course we're on suggest we'd be embracing mind-altering tech instead? Are you anticipating something like this from "Years and Years? "It is absolute joy". Shelby Moore, {8/17/22 2:06 AM} {In reply to SunZoomSpark} > "It is absolute joy" That particular example seems like the antithesis of “3. Focus (remove dopamine addiction diversions).” So I doubt that will be an economically viable strategy. > “I know you've said you would consider something like stem cell treatment that might restore sight in your eye in the future” Or even eyeglasses or a contact lens that communicates the images to my retina or optic nerve which both appear to still be at least partially function. The main destruction is I lost the lens in the eye and the iris no longer functions, so there’s no focus. When I experimented with a pin hole I was able to barely read very large letters closeup. Perhaps 3D-printed augmentation will help soon. > “I'm curious what you would welcome on your own terms, knowing that no-one was sharing information or had any control over you.” I would weigh the productivity benefits against any potential negative impacts. I am very conservative and skeptical about invasive bodily implements, so there would need to be compelling benefits and significant historical experience. If irreversible then the requisite bar would be raised even higher in that respect of reward vs. risk ratio. > “My concern is if such an accelerated evolution might result in unwanted consequences, and that numerous "superpowers" once experienced would be very difficult to put back in their box once experienced.” Extremely unlikely because free market, decentralized, organic adoption of new technologies is slow and diversified, especially in the nascent stage. So it is very unlikely for humanity to find a pathway to avoid resilient, antifragile, minority defection. The herd may be pushed to maladaption en masse by centralized incompetence and/or corruption, but there’s always an organic, diversified annealing in some portion of the population. Natural systems just don’t behave the way you fear, for the analogous entropic reason I previously explained why it’s very unlikely for anyone to be able to walk into a room and there be no oxygen there. > “There are bound to be a significant minority of people who reject some or all of this tech, somewhat like the Amish now. But the divide will be so much greater than we experience now, almost as if the burgeoning "Bionic Man" was a new species.” Significant? I do not count the Amish as significant. Meaningful yes, significant in terms of an insurance policy defection for resiliency yes, but not significant in the likely continued march to higher technology and the outcome of the world. The Amish are retrograde troglodytes that are likely to go extinct. They are falling so far behind in terms of applied knowledge and you’re correct that gap is accelerating for those Amish that don’t adopt technology. Farming will become so poverty inducing that soon they will be living at what today we would consider to be Stone Age or pre Stone Age existence. Whilst you are so enamored with atavistic lifestyle, just contemplate how much you would scorn a Stone Age existence. There is nothing dehumanizing about amplifying our knowledge and brains by any means most beneficial for maximizing it. The entropy of natural systems will insure there’s not some non-antifragile, blackhole fork in the technological road that everyone falls into.Comment: ADD LINKE I can easily see many people embracing something like this (twitter.com/TheFigen.../1559234614287384579) contact lens.Comment: Turn off the idiot box — it’s not reality. Other than few football games I haven’t watch TV (e.g. drama and cinematic movies) for a couple of decades.Comment: EDITS: Whilst y̶o̶u̶{many of us} are so enamored with atavistic lifestyle, just contemplate how much y̶o̶u̶{we} would scorn a Stone Age existence. There is nothing {inherently} dehumanizing about amplifying our knowledge and brains by any means most beneficial for maximizing it.Comment: An Alleged Tornado Cash Developer Was Arrested. Are You Next? There are certain things about writing code that are pretty cut and dry. At least in the U.S., merely publishing code on Github is almost always legal if it’s an original idea – even for controversial things like ghost guns and crypto mixers. That’s a legacy of the so-called cryptography wars 30 years ago: Code is a language, cryptography is speech and the government is constitutionally prevented from banning its production under, say, munitions regulations. The situation gets dicier when you move beyond the act of writing. “Without commenting on Tornado Cash specifically, acts like providing help to someone who wants to use the code, uploading a mixing smart contract to a protocol or operating a web app which can hook into a user’s MetaMask wallet strays into potentially criminal territory,” Preston Byrne, a lawyer who specializes in cybercrime and crypto, told Motherboard this week.Comment: IRS Agents Training to Raid Homes The Internal Revenue Service 2021 report contains a bit more information about who the IRS aims to target – you. These special IRS Criminal Investigation agents are armed and ready to prevent a penny from leaving the government’s control. After only six months of training, these armed accountants will learn how to use weapons and other law enforcement tactics against the general population. Agents at the National Criminal Investigation Training Academy (NCITA) participated in mock raids on suburban houses. The Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) is followed by a 14-week NCITA Special Agent Investigative Techniques (SAIT) course. “The SAIT program trains new agents in tax law, evidence gathering, interviewing, report writing, methods of proving unreported income, and money laundering violations. It also provides physical fitness conditioning and use of force training, which includes firearms, weaponless tactics, and building entry,” the report states. Additionally, agents will need to complete quarterly training in “firearms, defensive tactics, and building entry.” How often do they plan to raid homes under the guise of taxes? The report states that these agents will “use good judgment” in order “to apply the appropriate degree of force necessary to safely carry out enforcement activities, including issuing search warrants, arrests, surveillance, dignitary protection, undercover activities, and seizures.” They are not doing this on a grand scale to target drug dealers and organized crime leaders. The government is preparing an independent army of IRS agents who can work undercover, spy on citizens, and seize assets under their “good judgment.” Very “Orwellian” indeed.Comment: Ah the other facet of the plan to make legacy Bitcoin the only thing still standing after all… 😱 Note I think a smart contract oracle can call an off-chain, chain analysis API. The consensus algorithm can affirm the veracity of these oracles, but such oracle calls will be very costly because they can’t be incorporated into a recursive STARK proof and thus don’t scale. Note if the users don’t care about taint (because they don’t intend to off-ramp to fiat and feel their identity is adequately obscured and/or their balances are too small and herd of such users is too large) then no need for off-chain, chain analysis API. I.O.W. mixed, private crypto is the only form of smart contracting crypto that survives! And mixed, private crypto receives all the tainted capital in the entire cryptocosm! Bingo! Tie this together with my prior comments on this issue. Is crypto still fungible? {…} Also, to be safe, this restriction may be applied to Tornado tainted coins from before the OFAC listing. And since Tornado is an Ethereum thing, and Ethereum uses accounts {balances} rather than true coins (UTXOs), any tainted inputs taint a whole account—creating maximum taint amplification. And since WBTC is a thing, taint chains can stretch over to Bitcoin or to any other coin. As for privacy coins—writes the compliance staff—Tornado used the same tech, zero-knowledge proofs. It is safe to say that ZCash, etc, fall under the same regulatory precedent—meaning that anything that has touched a privacy coin is also tornadoed. What ensues is an arms race in taint defense. Anyone who accepts any coin has to check a tornado API. An on-chain API can check against the OFAC list—it can’t do chain analysis. This shuts down any on-chain exchange of value—nobody wants to be caught exchanging clean coin for tornadoed coin. Moreover, holders of tainted coin will look for every avenue to remove the taint, even if that avenue may not necessarily work—if it may be traceable enough to taint the clean coin. As this fear spreads downward from the most reputable exchange, it’s devil take the hindmost. The last people who still accept dirty coin are liable to end up with all of it. {…} In a way this is not so bad, because “DeFi” is before its time. But the loss of crypto fungibility, or at least onchain fungibility (because, again, onchain taint analysis is not practical) also deals a crippling blow to any kind of smart contract. It returns crypto to its core function—which is not even commerce, but merely a medium of saving.Comment: SunZoomSpark, {8/17/22 5:16 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} > "Natural systems just don’t behave the way you fear" Agreed mostly. In contrast to the would be accelerated and forced adoption by the WEF crowd. So, we need to progress along the path of that natural and organic adoption of technology, also being aware that some advances may be injurious to humanity. That not all innovation is progress. We see evidence of blind alleys of evolution over many millennia within nature. I still wonder if humans have the capacity for sufficient wisdom given our technical ingenuity. We can see how social media use can often fuck people's heads up, especially the young. Not to mention the corrosive effect of access to unlimited online porn, so that socially inept, basement-dwelling incels can now choose to have virtual sex with anyone they fancy, without having to make any effort to adjust their interaction and adjustment to real individuals out there. I think there is a real risk of increasing sociopathy if more of us are encouraged to divorce ourselves from the tangible world. By that, I'm not saying we should never stray from the tangible world, as there would appear to be many opportunities lost otherwise, but that we have some kind of considered and sensible relationship to virtual realities. > "Significant? I do not count the Amish as significant. Meaningful yes, significant in terms of an insurance policy defection for resiliency yes, but not significant in the likely continued march to higher technology and the outcome of the world. The Amish are retrograde troglodytes that are likely to go extinct." While in numbers the Amish are not significant, I wrote that they amongst others represent a wider group of people who are advanced tech hesitant, shall we say. Rather like the widening gulf between rich and poor over the last couple of years, the gap is also growing between the cutting edge of technological evolution and aspiration, compared to how, say, the Amish presently live (I realise that related groups such as the Mennonites have varying levels of acceptance of technology in their lives). > "The Amish are retrograde troglodytes that are likely to go extinct." Hunter gatherer tribes still exist dotted around the globe: the Amazon, Namibia etc, who are either unaware of "civilisation" outside of their communities, or who purposely keep their distance from us. So, even though their lives are closer to that of Stone Age peoples, we still co-exist - I believe this was also the case with early humans going back two or three hundred thousands years, certainly back to Neanderthals (who now represent ~4% of our DNA), who may have actually taught more modern humans cave art etc - these are more recent findings. So, I don't think it's the case that self-selecting legacy humans will necessarily become extinct. > "Whilst you are so enamored with atavistic lifestyle, just contemplate how much you would scorn a Stone Age existence." No, I'm not really signing up to tear flesh from the bones of wild animals with my teeth while sporting a bearskin. I'm not aware of ever suggesting I desire a Stone Age lifestyle. Just because I don't relish living much of my life in the cloud, it doesn't mean I want to go back in time. There are lessons and methods from the past that can be utilised now, alongside the benefits of modern technology. Some kind of balance, that's all. Shelby Moore, {8/17/22 5:26 PM} {In reply to SunZoomSpark} Many will likely be coerced and tricked, that’s their ignorant, apathetic destiny. There can be an accelerating mass societalcide (and increasingly appears we are threatened by one now) but the probability of it exterminating the human species is unlikely. The more they self-immolate, the better for those who are resourceful and not woke. Most humans don’t have the capacity but some do and that's all nature needs. Again I agree those legacy cultures linger on for resiliency. Entropically driven nature is quite clever and that’s an example. Extinct was too strong of a claim. I should claim increasingly marginalized to the asymptotic limits, e.g. the untouched hunt and gatherers are extremely small in number by now. > “Why are you suggesting I'm mind controlled by the TV?” Note I wrote that very late at night when I should have already been asleep. You realize I am doing an insane amount of multitasking and this is a distraction. I hope we are done. Influenced enough to fear the drama of a TV show could become the inescapable reality. I avoid those dramas designed to spike our dopamine or cortisol. Maybe a mass psychosis can lead to a vast majority committing societalcide as portrayed by that drama, but even if it does (which is dubious) it will just be self-immolation clearing the way for those of us resourceful enough to step into the clearing free of idiocracy. That’s why I am attempting to be resourceful to avoid becoming entrapped as collateral damage.Comment: Comprehensive long-term projection follow-up on the mathematician’s published idea: www.tradingview.com/...-toward-20-3k-20-4k/ My observations after studying the charts intensively last night and this morning. The December 2018 bottom to the March 2020 corona dump is repeating. The proportional duration (prior:current) could be 1:1, 11:13 or 2:3; I’m leaning to the middle (second) one. Timing wise the crypto markets are much more tightly correlated to the S&P than in 2018. Bitcoin is languishing as it did in early 2019 until it went parabolic after ETH periscoped its 200 daily SMA and BTC surmounted the same and its overhead resistance downtrend line (which is currently ~$29k); expecting a repeat. Implications include a crypto top in December 2022, January or March 2023 respectively and a massive corona-like flash crash from a final peak August, October 2023 or March 2024. Martin Armstrong’s DJIA Forecast Array has an aggregate peak and long-term, trading cycle for January 2023. A May 2023 bottom could follow a January crypto top with the Fed forced to become more dovish as they did Oct/Nov 2019 corresponding to a Panic Cycle in May 2023 on said Forecast Array. The early 2018, late 2018 and 2020 S&P crashes have monotonically increased in percentage by a factor of 1.75; which projects to -62.5% for the next one; and from top (~5700 – 6100) to bottom in less than 2 months! Pootin invades the Sulwaki Corridor? Monkeypox is crowned? Near-term whether there’s a leg higher interim, S&P must decline between 3960 to 4090 — probably the latter only. ETH may decline into the low 1400s. BTC should not decline below $20.7k. I believe the markets have been in a terminal impulse wave status since major EW count wave 2 for the corona dump retraced more than 61.8% of major wave 1, thus all wave counts should be A-B-C even on non-corrective, impulse waves. Counting from the June bottom in waves of 3 seems to make more sense than a posited 5 wave count? ETH currently retraced log-scaled 0.382 Fib contrasted with 0.236 for the posited corresponding juncture in early 2019; BTC has comparable Fib amplification. Whereas the Nasdaq and S&P currently retraced 0.5 and 0.618 respectively contrasted with 0.618 and 0.618/0.786 in early 2019. This may portend 53 ­– 63k BTC, 3400 – 3800 ETH, 4831 S&P and 16050 Nasdaq for the Q1 2023 top. And 53 – 75k BTC, 3400 – 6000 ETH, 5550 S&P and 21389 Nasdaq for the posited final top before the posited -62% flash crash. I’m leaning to the higher values for crypto reflected in the aforementioned relative Fib amplification, because unlike 2019 when crypto was in a disbelief stage, crypto is more digested now and once the Fed turns dovish then crypto FOMO will surge.Comment: I am not bullish on ADA. Maybe to hit $1.20 by Q1 2023, but to decline below 1 cents again in the late 2023 or early 2024 flash crash. Well BTC and ETH to decline below $10k and $150 then also. Possible explanation is ADA has slow development and proof-of-stake is doomed.Comment: Or one could argue as Ron Walker does that because markets have been pushed higher on the bull trap rally, then drop will be worse. But what is the catalyst for that? Inflation is moderating, companies are still reporting good earnings in the U.S., consumer spending, jobs and wages not yet declining. And massive amounts of cash still on the sidelines with many still betting short. Are they going to sit in cash while the ~20% inflation debases purchasing power? Would need to be some black swan with Russia? In an election year? Sept/Oct is often choppy and volatile, especially in an election year. In 2021 the Elon Musk and Michael Saylor hype. In 2020 was the tech bubble driven by the pLandemic lockdowns and massive stimulus. In 2019 it was the QE momentum from the Great Recession coupled with the dead cat enthusiasm from the altcoin FOMO bubble of 2017. Coming off the 2022 bottom has been the ETH merge. Altcoin gaming with transportable NFTs may be the next hype. Also Kevin O’Leary has been pushing the theme that sovereign wealth funds are coming very soon into Bitcoin and BlackRock recently enabled custodial purchasing facilitated by Coinbase! BlackRock owns the Fed and Treasury Dept!The markets are flooded with cash from the QE and stimulus, and that cash has to go some where so that the whales can fleece the greater fool dolphins and minnows. Remember the game theory prerequisite to take Bitcoin to a nosebleed price and onboard everyone the-powers-that-be want to destroy/fleece, before the ANYONECANSPEND attack can be unleashed.Comment: Sorry Adam I believe you will be left behind on this. Reevaluate your imminent doom. Doom takes time to play out. Stuff happens interim. You can not win in investing by being afraid. Emotional investors are destroyed. You must have conviction so as to ignore the volatility. Adam the logic in everything overhyped is the entire world is maladapted due to the money printing. The way the system destroys itself and the powers-that-be attempt to consolidate everything is by overhyping and then crashing, wash-rinse-repeat. The charts have patterns which are a roadmap to these actions, because the markets can’t hide their order in chaos. The data is public. Don’t take a simpleton perspective that everything must just crash in one move. Entropy and natural systems never behave like that. Notice how everything moved back to a peak in January 2020 before the implosion. And the insiders were selling that peak. Insiders are not selling now! They are buying now at the juncture where most people are very afraid that the recession will get much worse before it gets better as indicated by sentiment surveys. Yet when asked about their own finances, they are spending like nothing changed. Since this bottom Google searches for bull trap are on a giganormous spike up. On this rally the searches for bear trap have also started to rise, thus the need for a pullback to keep the majority afraid and sitting on their hands while the market runs away from them (and they end up buying the top). The psychology of the markets is manipulating you. There’s no surety with markets and those who want surety will be destroyed as biblical proverbs warns. There’s only probabilities.Comment: I annotated this VIX chart in the summer of 2021 and published it. The VIX chart narrative. The bull-market, declining channel from 2010 to 2018, which turned into a bullish (for VIX bearish for stocks) ascending triangle or wedge from 2018 to 2020. Then the massive spike bull move corresponding to the corona, pLandemic flash crash. Then the bull-market, declining channel from Q2 2020 to Q4 2021, with the market-bearish, bullish VIX breakout peaking to the projected measured move. VIX has essentially repeated December 2018 to February 2019 already; and now appears poised to repeat pattern from week of February 19. VIX appears to be in another bullish (for VIX bearish for stocks) wedge with a massive spike (market flash crash) breakout to follow in Q3 or Q4 2023. nitial, spike up breakout (i.e. markets correction) may be in Q2 2023 then calm down again for several months. All proceeding exactly as the chart projected! If we would just stop ignoring this chart structure, we would be very wealthy from speculative investments. Notice the bull-market, declining channels are becoming shorter in duration and steeper; thus the next one from 2024 may be only 6 months in duration and near vertical — can readers repeat after me, “ANYONECANSPEND Bitcoin attack followed by vertical, catapult of legacy Bitcoin”! The monetary, economic and political system is self-immolating. Nuclear WW3 (against China-Russia-N.Korea-Iran) surely on tap for ~2025 with Russia-NATO conflict as early as H2 2023.Comment: I studied the chart history for a significant sampling of these altcoins. I’ve soured on this (NFT and gaming) altcoin moon thesis as BTC breaks out above ~$29k. Rather it looks like a repeat of H1 2019 where all these look to be nearing their peaks as priced in BTC and once BTC breaks out above $29k, it will suck the air out of all the alts (at least in terms of leverage over BTC) as it also did in H2 2020. Better to wait on all these until at least the posited bottom in May 2023 for the rally into the final high. It’s not altcoin season in earnest. The Bitcoin Dominance with stable coins removed looks bullish to me with the ETH merge hype as a dead cat rally only. The proof-of-work fork of ETH will duplicate and double the supply of all ERC-20 altcoin tokens after the merge causing chaos and sell pressure — another reason for a pullback incoming and probably an overhang on the altcoins for some months. These (including my recent comments about the loss of fungibility) are revealing the untenable dogesh8t that altcoins are.Comment: Feudal manorialismComment: Here’s a matching “triple top” (aka actually quadruple or double-double) ANYONECANSPEND death spiral (followed by Rothschild’s Economist Magazine 1988 cover story Phoenix ‘rising from the ashes’ thereafter) visual model for Bitcoin:Comment: Referring to Armstrong’s latest Demonrat Forecast Arrays. (and Martin has become much more pessimistic since the Trump raid). Look at the Composite, Directional Change and Panic Cycle. Note the 2021 and 2023 Panic Cycles indicate the stolen Nov 2020 and to be stolen 2022 elections. Directional Change to upswing from 2019 (includings planning for and implementation of the pLandemic), downswing because Senate blocked most of agenda, upswing again in 2022 as they pushed their power by any means. So they remain in control until 2025, which may mean canceled 2024 election results in Civil War! Suddenly attorneys are not willing to take Trump’s case, as criminal charges likely. Proposals for Congress to disqualify Trump. The leftist holiness spiral is accelerating. Soon we will be afraid to speak out.Comment: C.f. the post I am replying {scroll back to the post about fungibility} and this one. zeek rollups can enable full blockchain scalability and full blockchain privacy Nothing I didn’t know although he explains more than I had time to write down. And some things he still apparently doesn’t know such as the data availability issue whose solution ties into the consensus design which only I have solved.Comment: Trump becoming desperate? Trump asked AG Garland what he could do to “reduce the heat.” It's time to turn out the lights on freedom. Totalitarian hell is on the doorstep.Comment: I forgot I had blogged in March 2020 about that a myriad of coronaviruses are always present in civilization. Nothing new in 2020 other than billions of PCR tests and $billions in bribes. The Coronavirus Merry-Go-Round, Blackmail ScamComment: Marty (Martin Armstrong) you should remind everyone that your Socrates predicted in January 2020 what is happening now with Trump-to-be-jailed and Biden-to-be-replaced: Trump Assassinated in 2022? Civil War by 2026? Why is 2022 A Possible Change in the Presidency? How prescient I was and realize I wrote this blog while in Angeles City, Philippines before the pLandemic was obvious.Comment: Armstrong blogged Why Do Democrats Create More Laws That Harm Society?: “Without term limits, we are simply doomed. We cannot bar attorneys from running for office.” Incorrect. The Titles of Nobility Amendment (the actual 13th Constitutional Amendment) which was ratified, clearly prevents Bar attorneys from holding any office in the government. C.f. also Help for Attorneys --- Yes and Interregnum My Rump, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 26 among other blogs by Anna von Reitz. Armstrong is correct that Western civilization is devolving and eventually it will be like how Rome collapsed from 1.3M to 30k inhabitants as everyone will just flee. I’m accelerating my planning and preparations to bug-out. “Our modern world is falling into the same trap that destroyed the Byzantine Empire. They created so many laws that they often said that they employed more tax collectors than there were people left to pay taxes.” {…} “One friend I knew who was a policeman said that everyone was guilty of something. One legal professor even wrote a book on that subject – “Three Felonies a Day.” That is the entire problem. There are so many laws that everyone commits something that would justify their arrest every day. For example, adultery is technically illegal in 21 states. Cheating on your spouse in Idaho, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin, among others, have felony charges against it. Adultery, or having an intimate relationship with someone other than your spouse, is a Class 3 offense in Arizona, and a sentence of up to 30 days in prison is possible. To be charged with a felony then deprives you of owning a gun or ammunition. So, adultery and just possessing a gun or ammunition will land you in prison for five years. I saw a Vietnam Vet get five years because he had an empty shell from Vietnam on a chain around his neck, and he was sentenced to five years in prison as the prosecutor claimed he could fill the drilled holes, pour in gunpowder, and that was good enough for five years in prison.”Comment: youtu.be/eIBYFQ8naEM (What This Woman Said Went VIRAL & TRIGGERED Modern Women ... | The Coffee Pod)Comment: I told you capital controls are coming: Ontario crypto exchanges impose $30K CAD annual limit on altcoin buys Canada to Launch Digital Identity ProgramComment: The former Google employee explains that proof-of-stake is centralization. youtu.be/6NHJc6rfsUc (Ethereum is Dead. How to PROFIT from THE MERGE to ETH 2.0)Comment: Regulatory chatter against unregulated, centralized crypto exchanges heating up. Kevin O'leary has been all over the TV and Youtube media arguing Bitcoin needs regulation so the sovereign wealth funds will buy in. Can exchanges create imaginary Bitcoin to dump price? Crypto platform exec answersComment: www.tradingview.com/...-toward-20-3k-20-4k/ Bitcoin will make a new ATH in 2023! Or at least close to it, c.f. this yearly chart. Let’s analyse the pattern. 2019 almost got back to the ATH and that appears to be repeating except note in 2019 that stock markets did make ATHs and crypto is more correlated with stock markets now than in 2019 (as evidenced by the relative Fib amplification compared to 2019, crypto bottoming on same day and other metrics of correlation). Notice that 2020 printed a new ATH after 2018 red year. Whereas only 2017 was new ATH after 2014 red year. 2019 was more correlated to stocks and 2022 even more correlated. 2024 will be a near vertical move to an egregiously higher high ~$1 million for legacy Bitcoin after a crash to $7k or lower. thus the next one from 2024 may be only 6 months in duration and near verticalComment: I don’t think Trump is desperate by asking AG Garland how they can reduce the heat. He is confidently pointing out that the leftists are self-immolating. He is also implicitly pointing out that now for example IRS agents are receiving death threats. His statement is on the surface about defusing a civil war before the level of loss of trust in government gets past the point of no return.Comment: > “as everyone will just flee” Reminds me of my high school Trigonometry teach (a black female) who failed me for not drawing boxes around my ALWAYS CORRECT answers because I rarely showed up for class only for the tests (had my father write excuse notes). Luckily the principal overruled her (as I was a star athlete). Like I am said, I am preparing to have one bug-out foot outside the West. My small business was audited by the California State Tax Franchise Board circa ~1989ish and I remember how they tried to find any technicality. What Armstrong wrote is common. Pelosi – Taiwan – China QUESTION: With the bank runs in China, do you still think China will surpass the US economy? What about Pelosi’s trip? China’s response was more shock and see than anyone expected. GD ANSWER: Nothing has changed. But you have to understand that the decline in the US economy also benefits China’s rise. The Democrats are attacking corporations and hiring 87,000 IRS agents to harass the people. There comes a point where it no longer pays to work. They do not understand that. I used to manage money in the USA and quit in 1985. I handed back all the money and told clients I was retiring. The auditors were crazy. They view NOBODY as honest, so they will not leave until they can charge you with some infraction. Mine was the tabs on our files were “pink” not “red” so they were going to write me up for improper record keeping. I am not one to cower. That was it. I said, fine. I would close the business. IRS agents are no different, but now they will be armed. Later, the government had the audacity to say I was prejudiced against Americans and refused to manage their money. I warned Congress that they were forcing everyone offshore and thus began the hedge fund business. We are at such a crossroads, and the future does not look bright.Comment: Real estate investing long-term versus speculative assets. My comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPYxdkUV... (Rich vs Poor: The Best Rule for Becoming a Millionaire.) There’s two long-tail risks. 1) you can’t make the mortgage payment and a Great Recession eviscerates your equity. 2) The monetary system collapses and the mortgage system along with it. Both of these risks are increasing every year.Comment: ADD: The leverage risk in real estate is systemic. When the declining interest rates environment which has been in place since Volker comes to an end with a monetary reset then real estate plummets to cash prices. A massive depression wipes everyone out. Monetary reset at very, very high market interest rates. It’s a societalcide wipeout. Imagine local governments to increase property taxes to insane percentage levels to make up for short falls. The legislated caps in many States apply only to the aggregate nominal assessed tax not a cap on the percentage assessed.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKirx3mN... > “Everyone forgot about how much money was pumped in the economy, for those who lost the bottom you might have to seat on the sidelines until the breakout on the top. 👌” They are getting one more chance on Bitcoin which will triple. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKirx3mN... > “Rate hikes take up to 18 months to work their way through the real economy. Damage has already been done to the real estate market and it will compound into 2023. > > Despite what Brown thinks, rate hikes do not work immediately and the prudent next steps is for the FOMC to pause and monitor the damage already caused by their hikes. > > Accumulate and hold long your high conviction growth stocks.” Markets don’t need a Fed pause to make new ATHs. All the cash pumped into the economy is coming back in the markets as the worst of the FUD is behind us until winter. Remember it’s an election year so the Bolsheviks running the U.S.A. are not going to intentionally provoke another international war before the mid-terms. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKirx3mN... > “What are you smoking? Consumers are heavily leveraged in debt, and it doesn't matter if the select "few" were privileged to higher wages, they are weighed down by the masses that were not. What people don't seem to understand is, that it doesn't matter what you think something is worth on paper. If people can't afford it and don't want to pay it, it isn't worth that #, you won't sell it and congrats you are stuck there forever.” @Toofan Habib the poor do not drive the economy nor the stock market. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKirx3mN... > “Inflation will be much stickier than most realize. Consumers are in a much stronger position than before the pandemic with higher wages, much less consumer debt, and more income thanks to lowered expenses thanks to working from home and moving to cheaper areas. This has allowed them to deal with higher inflation costs but the problem is as soon as prices drop they can go right back to spending more which will keep pressure on inflation.” Stock markets will make new ATHs before the next recession. > “Why does the 10.year bond pay less than a 2 year bond” Betting on a recession which won’t start until 2023 or 2024 and not end for more than 2 years out from now. In a financial crisis bonds rise, but not expired bonds. > “wake me up when its all been built back better. until then in not lifting a finger to own nothing.” They will not be able to take your Bitcoin if you store in addresses that begin with a 1, not 3 nor bc1. Those latter two will be donated to the miners in order to send Bitcoin to $1M. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKirx3mN... > “Let me put it to you this way. I'm in the repair service business, the kind where I come to your house and fix your broken stuff. As the cost of housing and food increases, the cost you are paying me for my services also increases. What used to cost you $600, now cost you $1200. Next year I'll be charging even more if prices don't come down. That's the only way I'll be able to afford to buy a home, my first home by the way, and I'm in my 40's. It's a shame hard working people like myself must compete against second and third home owners as well as institutional and corporate buyers... I'll keep raising prices till I can compete. The alternative is to John Galt and burn it all while I walk away from society.” Meet Kevin wants to teach you to be a real estate broker and become a real estate investor. Let the immigrants do your job, they’re willing to share 12 to a house to reduce their costs. You need to move up the food chain. > “Inflation allways was and will continue to be a supply problem.” Which is always a political problem. It used to only be Argentina, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Now the West is run by Bolsheviks also who intentionally created this crisis so that we will “own nothing and be happy” while they “build back better” after intentionally destroying it all. > “Global import/exports levels are higher than pre-pandemic levels. It’s all MONETARY. 🤡 ” @Stevie Wonders crude oil spiking was not driven by monetary demand but rather intentionally forcing Pootin into war. Most of the monetary inflation ends up in investment assets, not consumer spending. Consumer products supply can easily be increased if not for the Bolsheviks’ pLandemic lockdowns > “Common sense here, I like when the common sense overstake the media. No way inflation come down with these crazy asset valuations, Houses and $AAPL stock” Actually the fmr Fed governor is nonsensical, as the astute comments below this video explicate. > “Housing is always delayed, it will start to drop” Upvoted.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKirx3mN... > “Yes, but if there is less production and less consumption, the rich get less rich, which in turn affects the market and the economy.” @Toofan Habib yes but timing and speculative inertia has to be factored in. The rich are getting richer as the monetary injections are siphoned through the greater fool paradigm of speculative investing. And the middle class drives the bulk of the consumer spending, not the bottom third. Meet Kevin and Game of Trades both recently pointed out that (if I remember correctly something like) although savings rate is down, the accumulated savings a percentage of disposable income has increased. The actual recession (the one with severe job losses, severely depressed corporate earnings and real estate down 30+%) will be in 2023 or 2024. It takes a while for the effect of higher interest rates to trickle through the economy. Meanwhile upper two-thirds (i.e. middle-class) Americans are flush with savings that they do not want to leave sitting in cash (while price inflation grinds away the pricing power) if they are no longer afraid of an imminent recession whose delay is becoming more and more clear to everyone. This massive selloff was FUD and fear driven, and thus will experience a FOMO reversion to new ATHs as an overreaction to the prior overreaction. This is the greater fool paradigm, as the most afraid will end up buying the top, lol.🤦🏻 www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKirx3mN... > “@Toofan Habib all the data shows the consumer is strong. Look at almost every metric from the Fed from household debt as a ration of discretionary spending to personal savings rate. Consumer debt hit an all time low and personal savings skyrocketed in the first year of the pandemic. > > This supports what I see very day because I work in the industry. The company I work for files and serves lawsuits for every major creditor and debt collector in the country including all the big banks. We're talking well over a million lawsuits a year. The entire industry suffered one of the largest hits in a few decades during the pandemic and charge-off rates plummeted as much as 50% across the board. Many of our competitors didn't survive or are struggling to recover. > > Further, earnings show the consumer is still spending despite the high inflation and unemployment is at an all-time low. The only way we will see price inflation drop and stay near the 2% rate is if unemployment rises which means a fairly significant recession will need to happen which means the Fed will be forced to keep rates higher and longer than the market is predicting.” @Wackzingo the price inflation was mostly supply side driven and intentionally by the Bolsheviks running the USA who executed the pLandemic hoax intentionally and pushed Pootin into a corner forcing him to do what he did. The CCP is employing the pLandemic lockdowns to hold on to power as their debt bubble implodes — and working with Brandon et al to create a scapegoat WW3 so they all remain in power. We plebs are ignorant a.f. to the realities. Our lamestream media is lying about the entire history of that situation but I need not elaborate that here. The salient point here is that inflation will moderate if supply chain disruption does, regardless of what the Fed does with interest rates. The Fed is engineering a recession so that they will be forced to hyperinflate again. The Fed and Treasury Dept is already owned by BlackRock as John Titus was able to figure out. The “you will own nothing, eat grasshoppers, rent and be a happy slave” plan is proceeding on schedule. In any case you are correct that there will be another risk-on bubble before the actual egregious Greater Recession by 2023 or 2024 and eventually Greater Depression coming within this decade. I am expecting a 62% flash crash for the S&P sometime in Q4 2023 or Q1 2024. And Bitcoin will crash from near new ATHs to below $7k.Comment: Several themes in this Vice video, America’s Last Affordable Housing Is Under Threat: 1. My long-standing prediction that Americans would end up in trailer parks at the end of the coming Greater Depression. 2. The corporatized takeover of rental properties and gouging for the maximum the market can pay. 3. The Hispanization (i.e. La raza-cósmica) of AmeriKa. Look how their tendency is to turn it into a sh8thole, not much different than my experience with poverty-stricken Philippines. 4. “You will own nothing, be happy, eat grasshoppers and rent everything,” like a good slave.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=361ROwke... (Moment gamer teen is arrested after threatening to shoot up his school online) > > “The fact that this so-called “mother” is defending this kid for making a threat of this nature is just as appalling as the threat itself… absolutely unbelievable 😞.” > > “Two cops just showed up out of nowhere on her porch to take her teenage son away and charge him with a felony. She's still processing. She's upset, and it would honestly be more concerning if she wasn't. And frankly, most parents would say similar things in her shoes. And then some. Is it the perfect response? No. But calling her a ¨so-called mother¨ and referring to her reflexive response in the heat of the moment to defend the child that she raised and loves as equally appalling to a calculated threat against numerous children's lives, is unreasonable, unfair, and very harsh. > > Personally, I think people are way too fast to judge a parent on a single action or statement, way too fast to judge someone's decisions in an objectve or personal crisis that they don't have to experience themselves, and way too fast to judge a stranger that they only saw an out-of-context moment of on YT. This woman hit the jackpot of all three. These comments are full of peope calling her a terrible person and a terrible mother, saying she doesn't really love her son, blaming her by proxy for mass shootings, etc. It's literally just a woman crying and saying her young son is a good kid and didn't mean it, while he's being carted off by police in a potentially life-changing event. Jesus christ. Do you not see how over the top that is? Chill out and have some compassion, bro.” @L. S.D. shooting up schools is a serious f*cking crime against society. The social response to her inability to parent is commensurate. Stop making excuses for her lack of mental processing. Any astute person can process that in a split second.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgXVHInZ... > “@S. Moore I have no interest or belief in astrology, however the principle of doing to others and showing love originate with Jesus, and are not mine so yes they are lofty but not unattainable and nor can they can be refuted, and can only work to our benefit. In any case there is one seeing all who is the rewarder of every deed. Again no assumptions about your past. Granted u were in a horrible position, especially living in poverty and uncertainty. I can relate in some ways. Being poor all my life but always finding a way out, as u have. I've also lived in a place of barking dogs all through the night, along with noisy motor bikes, roosters crowing, and karaoke.” @Tony Barfridge Jesus guided me through the morass. I had the print out of the eulogy from my grandfather’s 1996 funeral pasted on the wall above my computer, “Jesus is the granite upon which I stand, all else is sinking sand.” Seriously I spread much love in the Philippines and many Filipinos reciprocated, but my tank ran empty from the morass of the underside and struggle of it all as well as old age and accumulated bad health from it all — imagine how difficult it is for the Filipinos and generations of grinding poverty. Difficult to explain or even process. I am just warning foreigners that much of the Philippines is still a poverty stricken land and that comes with certain challenges that may wear a person down depending on their means, personality type, vocation, etc.. Being that I’m a computer programmer I was stuck in the house trying to generate income from (originally) a Nipa hut in a densely packed shanty. So I could not escape the noise. Could not afford to go on a vacation. Etc.. I am blind now in one eye since 12-1-1999, after my Filipina wife had flipped off some bad boys in Angeles City when I took my first vacation after years of grinding poverty, as they were insulting her something about she was too ugly for me and resembled the vagina of a pig. The Asian financial crisis was really hard on the Filipinos. Many were literally eating only grass. Maybe there‘s some improvement now in some facets, but it’s very spotty. And now the pLandemic corruption has been layered on top which most of Asia is strictly enforcing. The Philippines stands out as still requiring these toxic, useless jabs to enter as a tourist or even to apply for SRRV. I am not going back even though my love one is stuck there for the time being. I also grew weary of the lack of spontaneous, respectful and even philosophical interaction. In my last weeks in Manila, I encountered a couple from Peru who were not ashamed to be having a lively discussion in the elevator whereas Filipinos either go entirely silent or if they have dominating group they will crack some insulting jokes. And in Walmart, Sierra Vista, Arizona various older ladies joking with me such as nearly colliding shopping carts, etc.. The Filipinos are so conscious of how others are judging them. It was suffocating for me. As for scripture I am also applying 2 Timothy 3, “Have nothing to do with such people.” I noticed most Filipinos I encountered were entirely uninterested in the actual values of Christianity and church going was just a social event as Jesus warned in Matthew 6.Comment: youtu.be/javNu2qXY-s?t=250 (ETHEREUM HODLERS… CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING (LEAKED AUDIO)) My comment: Censored transactions is an inherent diabolical weakness of proof-of-stake which I warned about since 2015. I have been designing a solution in preparation for this forthcoming cryptopocalypse. I have devised a reprioritization within the blockchain trilemma (which is really a restatement of the CAP aka Brewster’s Theorem) which sacrifices Partition tolerance (aka forking) in exchange for weak subjectivity objectivity. Actually proof-of-work can censor also if the powers-that-be control 50+% of the network mining power. You will find my original discussions as username Anonymint with Charles Hoskinson and Daniel Larimer in 2013 on the official Bitcoin talk forum.Comment: All current consensus algorithms other than proof-of-work have the same censorship vulnerability. And no altcoin proof-of-work can survive because only the dominant PoW blockchain (i.e. legacy Bitcoin) will survive the mining difficulty non-readjustment attacks. I have seen all the counter arguments and refuted them all. The Cryptopocalypse is coming much sooner than most of you realize. Only a very few us realize that Bitcoin Core, BCH and BSV are all impostors that will be destroyed by the Anyone Can Spend restoration attack of the Nash equilibrium which will restore Satoshi’s legacy protocol. Only those who have BTC addresses that begin with 1 (not 3 nor bc1) will retain their legacy BTC which will otherwise be donated to the miners in the attack which will non-intuitively catapult legacy BTC (again not BCH nor BSV) to $1M valuation (because the miner’s reward drives the cost of mining which drives the valuation). I have been writing about this since 2015 but idiots never pay attention.Comment: All current consensus algorithms other than proof-of-work have the same censorship vulnerability. And no altcoin proof-of-work can survive because only the dominant PoW blockchain (i.e. legacy Bitcoin) will survive the mining difficulty non-readjustment attacks. I have seen all the counter arguments and refuted them all. The Cryptopocalypse is coming much sooner than most of you realize. Only a very few us realize that Bitcoin Core, BCH and BSV are all impostors that will be destroyed by the Anyone Can Spend restoration attack of the Nash equilibrium which will restore Satoshi’s legacy protocol. Only those who have BTC addresses that begin with 1 (not 3 nor bc1) will retain their legacy BTC which will otherwise be donated to the miners in the attack which will non-intuitively catapult legacy BTC (again not BCH nor BSV) to $1M valuation (because the miner’s reward drives the cost of mining which drives the valuation). I have been writing about this since 2015 but the clueless never pay attention nor do the influencers have any incentive to relay the information. www.youtube.com/watch?v=javNu2qX... > “You stated that Bitcoin is decentralized. How do you figure that? With Bitcoin 10% of the wallets OWN 90% of Bitcoins…How is that decentralized? ;)” Stake is orthogonal to mining consensus with Nakamoto proof-of-work. www.youtube.com/watch?v=javNu2qX... > “The trade-off they were talking in the call was not scalability but censorship resistance.” Censorship resistance is related to the security or Consistency (in the CAP Theorem trilemma), e.g. the Miner’s Extraction Value from gaming the reordering of transactions. His point is they are trading off security or consistency for scalability. www.youtube.com/watch?v=javNu2qX... > > “The trilemma applies only to single chain blockchains. Coins like Nano with a block lattice structure doesn't suffer from this.” > > “Not true, the more chains the less secure” @GankMan agreed, more chains is either less secure (because the chains can game each other’s consensus) or more centralized (to prevent that).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=javNu2qXY-s&lc=Ugxu-aM-7IMyy-1m9Ch4AaABAg.9exHxQaiygy9eyCJ6PzbP0 > “This had nothing to do with scalability, mev boost has been implemented to handle mev which bogged down the chain in early 2021. Validators will still be able to validate on their own without using mev boost and the mev boost relay has been open sourced so that anyone that wants to can run their own relay, the reason this has to been done this way is to seperate block production and validation so that sophisticated players dont out-compete less sophisticated once. If this wasnt done then more sophisticated players could offer a higher apy as a staking provider then you could get as a solo validator, leading to centralization of staking. This is a problem that every smart contract chain will have to face once they get any value flowing on their chain. > > Also the dishonesty in the title and the intro... realy...” Block production and validation are always intertwined at some level of the complex game theory economics regardless of the obfuscating technobabble (which I can parse but refuting every new instance with technological precision, becomes tiresome to play Whac-A-Mole with) deceptive and futile attempts to claim they are kept orthogonal by the protocol. You’re correct that MEV isn’t related to scalability but is an inherent issue with any externalities (i.e. dependencies) for ordering transactions; but Tornado Cash censorship was also mentioned which is related to scalability in the trilemma which must trade off some facets of centralization of consensus for scalability. Ultimately stakers can be forced to censor because their stake is censorable by other stakers — a tragedy-of-the-commons cascade. This is why proof-of-stake is doomed. There’s also the issue of fungibility being destroyed by the interaction with the fiat system and Ethereum’s account balances design makes that even worse as explained in 150+ IQ Curtis Yarvin’s recent Graymirror blog entitled, Is Crypto Still Fungible (graymirror.substack....rypto-still-fungible). The transaction ordering issue (is complex and) must be properly addressed perhaps at the level of design of DApps and possibility also encrypted recording of transactions with decryption publicized off-chain.Comment: Bill Gates met with Senator Joe Manchin to sweet talk into supporting this bill: youtu.be/YtoiPRUqq8U?t=340 Official analysis estimates ~1% of Americans earning less than $75k will be additionally audited by the new IRS agents. youtu.be/YtoiPRUqq8U?t=79Comment: Interview: An Introspective Look At The Collapsing Republic & Push For Global Totalitarianism “thus lust for comfort murders the passions of the soul” I downloaded it then opened in my desktop/laptop Firefox so I could right-click and set to double-speed playback. I entirely disagree with Armstrong’s suspicion that the diabolical planners and powers-that-be are just stupid and didn’t anticipate the impacts. I also disagree with him that the CCP is not working together with the diabolical planners, as I said that to hold on to centralized power the CCP needs to construct foreign enemies and pLandemic lies. Even Putin is probably part of the scam and laughing his head off that Russians and some foreigners think he’s not a member of the WEF Club. He is probably correct that local officials are ignorant and just following what they are told and/or bribed to do. I do agree with Armstrong that the diabolical planners will not defeat nature’s inviolable trend to maximum entropy. The interview is worth listening to as Armstrong and I agree on most of his points and he elaborates on the crises ahead. As to the host’s quest for a purely decentralized existence, he needs to read my archives. Armstrong is correct it has never existed before. Armstrong is incorrect to claim we can’t travel with money. We can travel with Bitcoin private keys memorized in our head. Armstrong needs to lift weights and reduce carbs to sustain his health. His crackling voice is probably a sign of declining health. 100% potato starch powder is digested in the large instead of small intestine.Comment: This U.S. resident Hispanic points out that Cubans aren’t being facilitated and because they know what communism is and thus would vote Republican. Armstrong is incorrect about the planners being idiots — they know damn well the effects of their diabolical plans. youtu.be/ukzROkKRLEY?t=511 (Texas Conservatives Fear “Takeover” By Immigrants)Comment: As the following linked video points out (16:50 mark), the government mortgage insurers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (via 5% down loans) are facilitating the investor uptake of housing displacing the actual tenants and fostering the entire paradigm of a highly leveraged real estate market. Meet Kevin and others getting rich on real estate in an unsustainable, enslavement paradigm. Biblical proverb, “the borrow is slave to the lender.” This will not end well! Note rent control just makes the problem worse. And another facet of the problem are the egregious permitting costs and the fact that bourgeoisie Americans empower the tyrannical, power hungry, kickback-friendly planning commissions because Americans don’t want development in their middle-class neighborhoods. youtu.be/KgTxzCe490Q?t=1012 (Vice: Renters In America Are Running Out Of Options)Comment: What is happening to us Westerners now is analogous to what has happened before. And the model and paradigm in which the United Fruit Company finally died by total societal collapse and megadeath is the way Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros will fail — with our blood spilt all over the soil. Watch this video (on double-speed) and weep. For this is our future in Western civilization. I read the Bitter Fruit book in one of my university classes. This video presentation is much better narrated version of the story. The CIA's Secret Genocide in GuatemalaComment: Interesting: youtu.be/8i9Rg1rmyb8 (Why wasn't Thailand Colonized?)Comment: youtu.be/WJdZfAEi700 (Growing GENTRIFICATION Problems in Mexico | Locals Blame U.S. Remote Workers) From the comments: “I read a comment about Mexican politeness and wanted to share my response for the broader group to read: I am Mexican-American & lived in Mexico City for 18 mos. I have friends who are Mexican nationals. I’m from L.A. and have also traveled all over LatAM (incl. many parts of MX), and I’ve lived in NYC, San Francisco, London, Barcelona and Hamburg. I speak near-native Spanish. All of this to say, I have deep experience in many cultures, countries and speak various languages. From all of the Latin American cultures I’ve come across, Mexicans are BY FAR the most polite. They put a significant emphasis on what the French call “la politesse”…minding your manners! Def more polite than any English-speaking society, even the English who like to pride themselves on politeness, no offense but they really aren’t polite at the MX level (I lived in England). So, YES, being polite, refined, patient, humble, respectful, smiling, thanking people, sometimes having to be indirect, saying good morning, good afternoon, good night, not raising your voice….ALL of this is expected and valued in Mexico. ☺️” Another: “I believe the term is: my how the tables have turned. For years we've had a similar but opposite situation happening that has affected the US as well. Yes when illegal immigrants come into the country people will hire them at a lower wage. The issue is that creates a wage stagnation and even worse people are taking advantage of the immigrants. Now while I do think this is bad, hopefully it will help lead to a solution that resolves both issue's. And before anyone gets their panties in twist I am half Mexican and I have grown wanting to own land in Mexico to retire too. So we'll see how this plays out”Comment: Holy shit! Even the black socialists are siding with Russia against the FBI and even Mark Suckerberg. The world is entering chaos as individuals assert their independence against the Old World powers. youtu.be/wJj9typ7SbA (Florida Uhuru leader defends Russia, bashes Colonial powers after FBI press conference}Comment: The FBI has gone after a Russian in the USA who was just telling the truth about the Western propaganda! I think Armstrong is correct that the FBI raid of Trump’s resort home is about preventing formerly classified Russian information from being disseminated. youtu.be/Xal-CqZafyI (FBI halts Russian agent's 7-year influence campaign)Comment: A white-only community that prints its own paper money! youtu.be/iB7cF3J72BQ (Gravitas | Orania: A 'whites-only' town in South Africa)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Ez2oH9... > “Just yesterday I met a colleague who had recovered from Covid. She is young and healthy beside a light asthma that doesn’t require regular medication. She was bedridden for 6 weeks (!) and now still suffers from long- Covid- syndrome, still feeling very poorly. Btw: she had 3 vaccines but got the Omicron mutation. So you see, it can go both ways, no guarantee there.” @Celisar1 your colleague is suffering from the vaccines, which is what they named ‘covid’. The statistical data on the rate of covid being much higher in the vaccinated proves this. Along with other analyses I am not going to detail in this short comment. www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Ez2oH9... > “@S. Moore Putin is a globalist, dig deeper. He talked about it before” @Chronometer Pootin is a globalist, and probably cooperating with the deception, but nevertheless Russia did not provoke the war and Zelenskyy did by shelling the Russian-speaking citizens in the Donbast since 2014. The Russian taking of Crimea in 2014 was because of the U.S. State Department meddling in the election installing a puppet government that was hostile to Russia and Russian speakers.Comment: E.K.C. replied: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGDcZp9x... > “nope” @Eric Krown Crypto there’s no statistically defined minimum threshold level of confluence for the bottom on either the Tradingview Index nor the BraveNew Coin (BNC:BLX) index. You have only two data points of confluence for that minimum being meaningful (and not just some arbitrary concept pulled out of your arse) on the former and no confluence on the latter. The BNC chart is arguably more accurate because the data is more scrubbed (vetted) and includes more exchanges. The only pattern of some very weak statistical confluence (on both indices) is that the bottom comes within 3 months of the said indicator turning red. Thus a bottom this month is plausible w.r.t. to the indicator and a bottom next month is highly dubious w.r.t. the indicator although still well within the variance because so few data points. Nothing else can be said with any semblance of statistical reasoning. That being said, the entire indicator is highly dubious because it’s very dependent on the volume data and we know volume is fake on these centralized exchanges (which is again why I am more apt to trust the scrubbed and vetted data of BNC for this indicator). I predict you will obstinately and subjectively call a bull trap on what ends up running away from you! I look at many macro factors as well and the stock markets are currently climbing the wall of worry with massive levels of cash on the sidelines as the consumer and market investor is flush with accumulated cash despite saving rates declining now. When the FOMO reverses direction the bears will be caught buying the top, lol. Numerous other indicators which have marked previous bottoms have already flashed that the bottom is in including the Pi Cycle, the Guppy and the hash ribbons miners’ capitulation. You are ostensibly still fighting the last war (as apparently you didn’t call the top but I sold at $66k and predicted in the summer of 2021 a drop to egregious lows would come after moving back up the top of a repeating megaphone pattern), as are the EuropeOns.Comment: I suppose I was noting its terrible relative performance in (the posited to be fractal correlating period of) 2019 when I quickly blurted out that bearish comment about ADA. Also currently below the green 200 daily (simple) moving average. Note the shaded rectangles on all charts below. But the Elliot Wave structure is different and highly bullish possibly indicating a new ATH ~$4+ (if BTC $50+k) by roughly the end of this year. This difference can also be noted on my posited Bitcoin charts where I do not project Bitcoin to come back down to the bottom of its posited, diagrammed, megaphone, broadening wedge until the egregious crash expected in Q4 2023, unlike in 2019 where it came down to the bottom of the diagrammed broadening wedge twice before the final top and egregious corona dump crash. This current distinction for Bitcoin is ostensibly because Bitcoin will form a new smaller megaphone pattern at the posited incoming top of the posited incoming bullish rally into the end of this year. Remember I had noted many times previously that ADA/USDT did not have the terminal impulse condition because Elliot wave 1 began after the corona dump, because the corona dump was the low unlike most other crypto charts. Thus wave 4 didn’t need to come back down to the top of its wave 1. Recently there’s been some test net FUD about Cardano, but appears to be resolved now and the 75% of nodes may update to Vasil within the next 10 days! Expect a price pump soon. The ADA/BTC chart also exhibits a bullish EW count and its terminal impulse condition was already fulfilled as wave 4 retraced to top of wave 1. The monthly chart has hidden, bullish RSI divergence and the daily chart has two drives of bullish RSI divergence if bottoms at current level.Comment: Clarification: “where I do not project Bitcoin to come back down {again}” (inserted the word ‘again’)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4YQNq9m... (Crypto Expert Gives SHOCKING Bitcoin Prediction for September (When Will Bitcoin Bottom?)) Disagree on his Accumulation/Distribution thesis. www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGDcZp9x... I have ostensibly cast my information gathering net much wider than you two if you both think that the Fed needs to stop tightening before the stock market can rally to new ATHs and Bitcoin making a significant rally. Firstly just look back to 2019 (which btw is my repeating fractal, broadening wedge model period as well) wherein the Fed had been reducing its QE balance sheet and then gradually only in very slight, nuanced, dovish tone, jawboned through early 2019 causing a massive risk-on rally. What happened is that once the FOMO kicked in, the cash on the sidelines rushed back through the exit door in a stampede to get back inside the burning movie threater before the corona dump. Essentially the markets exploded once the worst of the balance reduction FUD (i.e. fear) had been priced in. C.f. Yardeni Research’s Chronology of Fed’s Quantitative Easing & Tightening. Also every recession has come delayed and even for example in 2007, the initial dive bomb was reversed into a new ATH before the actual crash into the Greater Recession abyss which is coming 2023 to 2024. Both of you would be well served to partake of some of Meet Kevin’s and Game of Trades’ analyses. The sentiment analysis for example points to the bottom is behind us for the major U.S. stock market indices until after another new ATH is printed. Coming in late 2023 or early 2024 will be another black swan flash crash and 1.75 times that of the corona dump, thus -62%. E.K.C. is such a n00b when it comes to understanding the technology and game theory of the crypto sector. Ethereum has always been a USG scam: www.youtube.com/watch?v=javNu2qX... www.youtube.com/watch?v=javNu2qX...Comment: BTC, ETH and ADA prices respectively. My current outlook is for a potential continued relief rally tomorrow to ~21.9–22.8k, 1720–1820 and 0.48–0.50. with a decline into the end of the week to ~19.3–20.4k, 1475 and 0.40–0.43. A bull trap rally next week to ~25.7k, 2500 and 0.59–0.69. A decline into third week of September ~18.1–19.3k, 1300 and 0.40–0.45 (SPX to ~3980). A rally into Nov/Dec 42k, 3400 and 1.45 as ETH and ADA slam into their overhead resistance trend lines on my recent chart updates. Pullback and two more surges into January and March with final tops 60–65k, 4100–4200 and 1.55. What’s not clear is whether ETH and ADA will under perform from that juncture as they did in 2019. Will they stay trapped under their said overhead trend lines or will the bullish EW count (c.f. my published updates) hold and they proceed up to new ATHs to complete their posited, major wave 5? BTC will decline until May perhaps to ~36k. Then it will rally to ~75k (70–80k, i.e. a “triple, quadruple or double-double” top) into Q4 2023 (perhaps a Sept/Oct peak), presumably due to the Fed forced to become more dovish but not yet rockets-to-da-moon QE (as was the case in 2019 as noted in my recent updates). A FLASH CRASH (Russia invades Lithuania and takes the Sulwaki Corridor?) will seek egregious lows ~5–7k, 120–300 and 0.03–0.10 by end of 2024. Readers repeat after me, ‘ANYONECANSPEND restoration, donations-to-the-miners “attack”.‘ Note timing could be extended by a couple of months or so. I’m expecting the SPX to crash -62.5% from ~5900 to ~2180. Note every percentage decline on the SPX has been increasing by 1.75 so the -35.5% corona flash crash will be amplified. Many exchanges and stable coins may fail so keep that in mind if attempting to short the cryptocurrencies. The Fed will be forced to QE-to-da-moon again but with inflation already hot a.f. due to accelerating international war and sanctions thereof. The Fed will discover they are pushing on a string (marginal-utility-of-debt gone egregiously negative) so they are likely to be unable to control interest rates and non-speculative, non-FOMO legacy (i.e. Satoshi’s immutable protocol, not BTC, BCH nor BSV!) Bitcoin should finally start mooning on fear (as gold does) as the monetary reset looms. The altcoins (all that FOMO, speculative dogesh8t, including the altcoin Bitcoin Core which was created by the corruption on the 2017 N.Y. Agreement soft fork…soft forks are deceptions and must eventually hard fork/f-ck) will have declined for the first time to well below their prior cycle ATHs indicating the end of their half-decade bull market (all except LTC launched ~2017). The proof-of-work altcoins will be destroyed by repeated, difficulty-bomb non-readjustment attacks. The proof-of-stake sh8tcoins will be attacked by government regulation as they are folded into the orbit of the central bank digital currencies’ (CBDCs’) dominion — as TPTB try to enslave us in totalitarian, negative interest rates aka capital controls by trying to end the free market with their futile, diabolical “Great Reset” collateral damage wrecking ball. ETH may form a bearish double-top and/or decade long, bearish, H&S pattern projecting to $0. All cryptocurrencies other than legacy Bitcoin to $0 whilst Satoshi’s Phoenix rises to $1 million. ETH:BTC appears to be dying. It peaked in 2017 and now is dead cat rallying in a bearish rising channel or wedge. Ditto ADA:BTC:Comment: c.f. also Coinbase CrackdownComment: > 3D printing quality is hitting parabolic phase twitter.com/yeezy_pr.../1561886302311555073 > > Yeezy > I 3D printed this @chairmanwon Glock 9 months ago on a $200 Ender 3 I got from Amazon. Built it with parts that were delivered to my front door and so far, ~400 rounds without a single issue. I presume you’re citing this from the perspective of resistance to tyrannical government, Agenda 2030 (they raided an Amish farmer this week) and the Great Reset plans; and not as a last resort for personal self-defense against criminals. I don’t think the U.S. government is going go on the offense to pick a fight with the American people en masse. They instead will cherry pick who they use force against. Let’s say they actually rule that Trump can’t run for POTUS and/or otherwise steal more elections. Are the American people really going to rise up in armed rebellion to take back control? I don’t think so. Remember I warned you to not go to the Capitol on Jan 6. And I am happy you didn’t go otherwise your life may have been ruined. The government is going to slice and dice us economically and via the technicalities in the law and agencies making effective law, e.g. via the IRS and enslaving CBDCs. There is nothing DeSantis and Florida can do to protect any of us against the IRS and enslaving CBDCs with the forthcoming national government ban of cash and the global monetary reset with CBDCs and thus essentially ends private bank accounts in all nations (including Russia and China). The U.S. States don’t have large enough economies to motivate a sufficient number of businesses to adopt some non-national fiat. Thus everyone will default to the slavery of the incoming CBCDs. I have in mind that for online games and such (everything virtual on the Internet, aka the Metaverse) I might be able to create the surviving cryptocurrency that scales. This might provide us the alternative. For me this is our only remaining hope and guns literally has almost nothing to do with our salvation. That might be the means by which a parallel economy develops and States eventually find it plausible to secede and/or assert States’ rights more emphatically. The U.S. Federal government is likely to die slowly over a long period of time — death by accrued incremental defection over decades. Think of the analogy in China of not rising one’s head too high above everyone else, so as to not be noticed. Insidious change that happens outside the ability of the government to track it is how decadent systems can transition without a massive head-on collision Civil War. I don’t think there’s anyone in the U.S. who could lead a shooting Civil War effectively nor a catalyst Schelling point to bring it about. Rather the Feds are trying to amplify the social media chatter and use this in a Minority Report fashion to cherry pick who they need to REKT. I am happy it will always be possible to obtain sufficient personal self-protection weapons, but that doesn’t seem to the context for which you cited that? P.S. Havana Syndrome and Directed-energy weapons, c.f. also Member of CIA chief's team reported Havana syndrome symptoms on recent trip to India.Comment: Martin Armstrong is mostly correct in his recent blog Coinbase Crackdown, but he always fails to mention that legacy Bitcoin can never be cracked down on by the government. All the other cryptocurrencies yes the government can destroy them all, except not legacy Bitcoin. Legacy Bitcoin is not the Bitcoin that everyone currently thinks is Bitcoin…Comment: Listen to the last two minutes of the video on the changing world order, “centralized East versus a decentralized West”: youtu.be/Q3lrvkTTMxM?t=1792 (Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong reveals new details about pivot to subscriptions: CNBC Crypto World)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=57iQch4O... @OPTICALARTdotCOM the red line may be the thin one parallel to and above the thick one! You arbitrary chose the lower one. You are confused by the double top. 14:32 {juncture in the aforelinked video} When the DXY bottomed December 2019, the price did not come all the down to your red line. I expect the DXY to top out 113 for a decline until end of the year. The proper red line is the thin one up higher than your thick one. So Bitcoin does not need to make a lower low before it rallies to $60k by December. The price will come down to your thin red line but not until Q4 2023. And yes it will be a very low price. Cryptocurrency is dying. Follow-up… www.youtube.com/watch?v=57iQch4O... @OPTICALARTdotCOM notice also that the DXY already rallied half-way to the 113 top target off recent lows, but BTC has barely declined. So there is no way that the move to 113 will bring BTC down to your ridiculous 7k or 10k target. I don’t even see the momentum for a lower low than the June low, which is why I mentioned to note that in December 2019 Bitcoin did not move down to your diagrammed red line as the DXY moved to an extreme (actually a low but you argued that visits to the red line also occur on DXY bottoms as well as tops). So those observations taken together with my assertion that the thin, upper red line is that actual line of confluence we should be paying attention to, I have concluded that Bitcoin bottomed in June and the incoming retest will bottom on your cyan (i.e. blue) colored Fib circle ~18 – 19k. Multiple indicators flashed that the Bitcoin bottom is behind us already, including the Pi Cycle, Guppy, miner capitulation hash ribbons, the log RSI bullish cross, various MA crosses as detailed by Steve aka Crypto Crew University, etc.. I do have a published trading (view) idea which shows the repeating pattern for why Bitcoin will bounce to a “triple top” (actually a quadruple or double-double top) before another flash crash late in 2023 back down to your thin, red line. The posited Q4 2023 flash crash will likely be cause by Russia invading Lithuania to take the Sulwaki Corridor (which will invoke the NATO mutual defense treaty).Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX4_Ibxe... 11:24 {juncture in the above linked video} K-dub you should read 150 IQ Curtis Yarvin’s recent Graymirror blog entitled Is Crypto Still Fungible? Unfortunately Ethereum’s account balances design (instead of UTXO) creates this problem where even if you do not spend an input, all of your balance is polluted by someone unsolicited sending an input to your account.Comment: I highly recommend Game of Trades’ recent videos (listen on double-speed), which are all consistent with my recent summary of my price expectations. (Note the titles are click bait and the points he makes are opposite of the titles) THIS Signal Has Triggered Major Historical SP500 Crashes | Markets Will Price In a Fed PIVOT First (Aug 24, 2022) THIS Has Triggered ALL Great Market Collapses In the Last 30 Years | Bear Market or All-Time Highs? (Aug 22, 2022) Savings are at 2007 Levels. | SP500 is Set for a Massive Bear Market Rally or a MEGA Short-Squeeze? (Aug 19, 2022) SP500 REJECTING Off a Major Line of Resistance | This is Going to SHAKE Investors Out (Aug 17, 2022) ← covers market sentiment SP500 is Breaking a PIVOTAL Resistance Level | THIS Will Lead to a Massive Bull Run (Aug 15, 2022) ← momentum has shifted to bullish above 100 daily MA I commented on the aforelinked video: Oil will go above $187 but not until later in 2023 or 2024 after Russia invades Lithuania to take the Sulwaki Corridor. There is time enough for a rally to ATHs no later than Q1 2023. Meantime the interest rate driven demand destruction will help bring CPI down. The Moment We’ve All Been Waiting For: Massive SP500 Dead Cat Bounce or a V-Shaped Recovery? (Aug 12, 2022) ← the Wall of Worry will leave most people behind as this retest is not bought by the fearful This is a WORSE Reading than the Bottom of 2008 | Investors are NOT Positioned Correctly (Aug 10, 2022) Nobody Understands This SP500 Rally | Investors About to Get CRUSHED Missing This Opportunity (Aug 8, 2022)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=javNu2qX... > “@S. Moore so everything but Bitcoin will get rekt” @Viserion even BTC wil be REKT because it was soft forked in 2017. Only the immutable legacy Bitcoin protocol will survive and it currently has no ticker. You obtain it by spending BTC (from yourself) to (yourself to your) address that begins with 1, not 3 nor bc1. I have published all the game theory and technical details on why this is so but YT will not allow me to link it here nor mention how to find.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=javNu2qX... > “Pow ain't the answer either” @BF Flyer well proof-of-work is the solution for a global reserve currency that the powers-that-be behind the curtain will ultimately enslave the world with as per the Biblical Seven Hills where all the wealth will be concentrated in the end time (Jerusalem or Rome?). Proof-of-stake is doomed so we are all doomed.Comment: www.tradingview.com/...-toward-20-3k-20-4k/ > > > @shelby3 beautiful {VIX} chart: the death spiral > > > > @otwa2113 (@JerryManders), a mathematician such as yourself can visualize a spiral in a 2D chart. > > My life is a spiral lol Relatable. The least stimulating tasks seem to be essential for running daily life.Comment: www.tradingview.com/...-following-earnings/ @Steadyeddy69, over 95% of Nasdaq stocks were above their 50 daily MA — a startling shift in that measure of market bullishness from virtually none being above that breadth metric at the June bottom. Yet only 45% of market participants were positioned bullish on this rally (and probably even less now on the “last chance to board the train” pullback underway). Although savings rates are declining, that’s a lagging indicator because accumulated cash is very high and has to go somewhere. The market is overpriced w.r.t. to sour forward Q3 estimates (to be reported in Q4) but that along with expectations of labor market recession are more lagging indicators. Whereas price (as distinct from monetary) inflation expectations are a 3 to 4 months leading indicator and they turned down in May until just recently starting to turn back up. This market wants to rally back to ATHs because the FUD selloff was driven by imminent recession fears stoked by inflation continuing to rise, yet a GDP recession is not a labor recession which come on a lag some months from now. Meantime the threat of future labor recession is causing commodities to be priced downwards due to expected demand destruction, notwithstanding the trend in future inflation expectations as a leading indicator trending back up especially after Biden announced a massive ‘stealth’ stimulus via student loan abatements and abeyance (which might just end up FOMOing into meme stocks like AMC). And the thing with FOMO (and the memory effect of those who lost over the past decades by not buying the dips) is that once it starts to rip then everyone eventually piles in whether they are early or buy the top. Of course everything will be overpriced and irrationally priced w.r.t. to earnings because that’s a feature of a the Mises crack-up boom that has been engineered by the Fed and Bolsheviks at the helm. Nvidia will be considered “cheap” as one of the few lone assets (and the only major semiconductor focused with massive growth potential in the cloud) “underpriced” in this insanity paradigm. The market will invent narratives to justify pumping it. When price inflation paused in Q1 the markets attempted to rally but crashed anew when it was clear CPI was still increasing. If CPI has indeed peaked until winter then June was the bottom of this expected risk-on rally to ATHs over next few months. Remember that we had the same situation in 2019 where all the Fed had to do was jawbone slightly more dovishly and the markets came off the December 2018 low to new ATHs. And there’s a lot more cash floating around now after the massive corona dump stimulus. Timing of leading and lagging indicators along with the level of insanity of a crack-up boom must be factored into the analysis.Comment: www.tradingview.com/...-following-earnings/ Additionally the same thesis applies in spades to the crypto sector. Bitcoin priced still near its June low is going to look mighty attractive (especially it has no earnings thus can’t be “overpriced” w.r.t. to earnings) when 95+% of the Nasdaq is already above their individual 50 DMAs. Bitcoin lagged coming off the December 2018 lows then suddenly catapulted after the other risk-on markets had reestablished a bullish footing. I posit the fractal of 2019 is essentially repeating. The Austrian economics crack-up boom is accelerating. The sh8t is going to get even more bizarre and diabolical than the cerveza sickness pLandemic come Q4 2023! Can you say WW3? Can you say 666-like central bank digital currencies, capito{a}l controls, forced rationing and no more private bank accounts? My research is deep.Comment: Follow-up quoting from my prior comments… Bingo! My plan mimics what the barbarians did after the fall of Rome; and is to create an algorithmic USD stable coin which can’t be destroyed as LUNA was and also is a way to cash out to USD (either the stable coin or exchange it for the fiat version) without incurring any capital gains by taking it as a perpetual loan! The powers-that-be are aware of the threat — remember what they did to centralized Liberty Gold and E-gold! Armstrong is simply wrong. The governments can only shut down proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies (because the stake is not permissionless and can individuals can be targeted, unlike proof-of-work where new miners can be stood up any where, any time even in the middle of the Sahara desert running on solar power with shortwave radio!). They can not shut down a truly decentralized block chain such as the legacy Bitcoin protocol (not this impostor crap that everyone erroneously thinks is the official Bitcoin since the corrupt 2017 N.Y. Agreement soft fork), as they could not shut down the decentralized (aka peer-to-peer) alternatives to the centralized Napster. Napster was as an important juncture as was Snowden’s whistle blowing. The technological challenge now is to invent a decentralized alternative to proof-of-work which isn’t proof-of-stake, because proof-of-work will only be stable for the dominant chain (due to the altcoins being attacked with mining difficulty adjustment bombs over and over again). I devised such a technological solution. Armstrong is correct that Schwab’s failure will be the fracturing of the West into separatism and economic implosion. But Armstrong is incorrect about a NWO forming, which is precisely what the rise of Bitcoin to be the world’s de facto reserve currency will represent. Of course the power-law distribution of fungible resources is inviolable, thus the proof-of-work mining will be surreptitiously controlled by the $trillionaires who run this world from behind the curtain. The “Rothschilds” are using Schwab as their sacrificial pawn to fracture the West so that it becomes dependent on their Bitcoin! That’s the NWO with the nation-states enforcing totalitarian CBDCs, Agenda 2030, etc. How can locales (aka fiefdoms) be economically independent if their local currencies do not scale to the globalized business of the information age? Armstrong seems to have forgotten basic principles of economics. > “The U.S. States don’t have large enough economies to motivate a sufficient number of businesses to adopt some non-national fiat. Thus everyone will default to the slavery of the incoming CBCDs. > > I have in mind that for online games and such (everything virtual on the Internet, aka the Metaverse) I might be able to create the surviving cryptocurrency that scales. This might provide us the alternative. For me this is our only remaining hope and guns literally has almost nothing to do with our salvation. That might be the means by which a parallel economy develops and States eventually find it plausible to secede and/or assert States’ rights more emphatically. The U.S. Federal government is likely to die slowly over a long period of time — death by accrued incremental defection over decades.” Armstrong blogged: The World According to Schwab? When Rome fell, it broke up into fiefdoms. The barbarians issued coins that imitated that of Rome. They pretended to be Roman, for they wanted the air of that civilization. {…} Therefore, following the collapse of Rome, it was the typical cycle of 31.4 x 8.6 years = 270 years before we began to see the rise once again of formal civilizations. Europe had broken apart into simple fiefdoms that were not united. {…} The West will fall and fragment. I do not see the US being occupied by Russia and China. There will be no one-world government. That is NEVER going to take place. Even in the aftermath, when the West has fallen, you will then see Russia and China become foes. Cycles are inevitable. So the world, according to Schwab, is the dream of a fool who ignores human nature and history. > “P.S. Havana Syndrome and Directed-energy weapons, c.f. also Member of CIA chief's team reported Havana syndrome symptoms on recent trip to India.” Projectile weapons are an old technology that is laden by mass. Let’s move into the information age warfare… blog.jim.com/category/war/ Chinese Protestors Escape Facial Recognition with LasersComment: youtu.be/Nt2aoZX8k-0 (Warning: Pay Attention to This UNEXPECTED Shift.) www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt2aoZX8... Agreed the H1 2022 “good news was bad news,” has shifted for the smart money. The recent tectonic shift from no breadth above their 50 daily period moving averages at the June lows, to 95% above on this recent rally indicates the dominant market psychology has reverted to the multi-decade memory of the pain of not buying the dips. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt2aoZX8... > “Kevin is unironically at the "new paradigm" stage of the investment cycle. Massive top signal.” Welcome to the Austrian economics crack-up boom. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt2aoZX8... > > Mate we never had a inflation problem between 2009 - 2019 coz we never printed trillions on hand outs, also the fed balance sheet has trillions on it before it slows down hikes. > > That's when QE started @Meet Kevin unfortunately most people seem to be unaware that the supply boom was the peace dividend from the fall of Communism. That peace dividend is reverting now, but we’ll get a brief respite for some months until there’s escalation as Russia takes the Sulwaki Corridor after Lithuania broke their contracts for passage.Comment: How did the surreptitious Bitcoin creator know that Western governments would self-immolate and so brazenly abuse their power that the world would embrace Bitcoin as an unbiased, trustless, permissionless reserve currency to discipline/spank the nation-states as John Nash had proposed in his Ideal Money manifesto (Jstor)? Perhaps Rothschild’s Economist Magazine 1988 Phoenix cover story, the double-spaces after periods 1999 usergroup description of Bitcoin, the 2008 pre-release/Jan 2009 launch and the 2018 20k peak mainstream awareness? That ten year cycle implies incoming 2028 monetary reset? Profoundly, Bruce Fenton doesn’t seem to realize that secularism doesn’t really exist (c.f. the religion of the radical left and their lamestream media propaganda engine) and government can’t exist without Weberian power to enslave constituents in fiat money. Creative destruction chaos incoming! US Senate Candidate Bruce Fenton: Get the government out of the money business. We need to separate money and state just like we separated church and state.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-NG7zIM... > > “The Fed has two choices: 1) protect the dollar's status as world reserve currency OR 2) avoid recession or depression in the US. They will not do #2. They do not care about you or me, so they will make sure inflation reverses a significant amount. The dollar must not be diluted or other countries will abandon it - which some already are doing. So regardless of what they do, this is a temporary measure as the dollar is on its way out. The only sound money is built on scarcity: gold or BTC.” > > “100% agree. I mean Powell literally said rate hikes “will also bring some pain to households and businesses.” Basically admitting they don't care about what it does to the citizens in the short term.” @Crypto Zombie the entire point is to destroy the current monetary system and replace it with enslaving CBDCs with LEGACY Bitcoin as the reserve currency only accessible to the $billionaires and central banks. The Fed wants a recession so they are then forced to QE like mad again. This is all by design. BlackRock already controls the Fed, c.f. John Titus’ channel for the research. The current impostor which everyone thinks is the official Bitcoin was the product of a corrupt soft fork which created a 13 million BTC booty thus destroying the Nash equilibrium. This has all been exquisitely planned out by Rothshild for our 666 enslavement. I have deep research on this. I can prove this beyond any doubt. If you are not hodling in addresses that begin with 1 (not 3 nor bc1) you will donate your BTC from your wallet to the miners when the Nash equilibrium is restored. www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-NG7zIM... > “Btc doesn’t even have a usecase dude 😂" @Unavailable legacy Bitcoin (i.e. Satoshi’s immutable protocol before all the scaling nonsense which will all be destroyed in an event that takes down the entire cryptocosm) will be the global reserve currency. You can already see Rothschild’s plan in action as he has pushed Russia and China out of the Western financial system. Now all the nation-states will be discredited until nobody trusts anything but Bitcoin as a unit-of-account. But the legacy protocol only has 1MB blocks thus transaction fees will be $50k and none of us will be able to transact on it. Also our nation-states will forbade us to transact declaring it money laundering. We are heading into a maelstrom.Comment: SunZoomSpark, {8/27/22 11:29 AM} {Forwarded from The Crowhouse} diariodevallarta.com...co-mundial-max-igan/ Igan: "The cartels like your business too much. They like to carry things as they carry them. Even if the IMF or the World Economic Forum comes along, the cartels are not going to want to work for them. In many ways, it is what keeps the country safe. It can be bad in some ways. Sure, there is open crime. I mean, the cartels are an openly corrupt system, but they are what they are. Western governments are the same, but they are covertly corrupt..." "...Everything is cartels in Mexico. So you can see the cartels as the management departments of the government. You have a government department that deals with grain, another that deals with fish, another that regulates all these different things. In Mexico, they are the cartels and they do it outside the government. And if you know how to deal with them, it works. If you do something bad, they will cut off your head. Just don't do the wrong thing. Pretty simple...." Shelby Moore, {8/27/22 2:53 PM} {In reply to SunZoomSpark} > “ ‘Mexicans will not accept the delivery of the country to the World Economic Forum’: Max Igan” > > “VIDEO INTERVIEW. The strength of family values, the permanence of the spirit of the Revolution and the influence of the cartels will save Mexico from the scheduled collapse of the Great Reset, anticipates Australian activist Max Igan, a refugee in the country for a few months.” He concurs what I wrote about the cartels don’t want to be enslaved. Mexico seems to pay lip service to the international edicts but then only implements them in theory but less so in practice. Why would the cartels want to lose access to cash and have all their transactions tracked by a CBDC? And yes the cartel is a facet of government corrupt that is hidden but exists in the West. The Western corruption is entirely beholden to the WEF. The West is imploding. Found this also on his website, which concurs with the conversation I had with this Mexican AirBnb host and also a conversation I had with a Brazilian. Some of the Latin Americans are figuring this out. Record of children and adults with Guillain-Barré in Mexico: "It's the vaccine", admitted to hospitalComment: 🤣 youtu.be/ApfBvkql0lI I Wish We All Could Leave California (Beach Boys Parody) A commentator wrote: > “I left California a year and a half ago because of the terrible polices and high cost of living. The bit about not having any U-haul trucks available is on point. They wanted to charge us $3000+ for a truck to move OUT of California but only $500 to move from the same state INTO California. Even then, the order was pushed back several times because they just did not have any trucks available. We ended up saving $2000 paying my brother-in-law to rent a truck from out of state, driving it to us in CA, and then all the way back. It is sad what these terrible policies have done to this once beautiful state.”Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcmNgC08... > “@S. Moore And a word about market breadth from Charles Schwab (Aug 22): > At the recent high, about 93% of stocks within the S&P 500 were trading above their 50-day moving averages—fitting the definition of a "breadth thrust." What makes it unique relative to others in history, however, is that the Federal Reserve is in an aggressive interest rate hiking campaign. Other than in February 2019 when the Fed was on hold, the nine other breadth surges off lows since 1975 all occurred during Fed easing campaigns (hat tip to our friends at Strategas for that stat). In addition, all 10 prior breadth surges (including 2019's) were accompanied by a positive 2y/10y yield spread. As most readers know, that yield spread is decidedly negative (inverted) today. > > Are you still sure you should use this indicator and ignore a deteriorating economy, yield spread, increasing downward forward earnings revisions, and QT?” @Christopher L I elaborated on my reasoning on my public trading (view). For example, the Fed was not entirely paused in 2019 as they were still reigning in their balance sheet. The Yardeni Research document (Chronology of Fed’s Quantitative Easing & Tightening) I cited shows how the Fed gradually jawboned from hawkish (from 2017 to late 2018) to gradually and only slightly more dovish in early 2019 about the future possibility of being willing to eventually moderate that reduction of the balance sheet. By November 2019 they had entirely paused and the markets made one more surge higher before the corona dump. Albeit interest rates are rising now and a labor recession is approaching in 2023, the massive injection of monetary policy since 2020 is a massive hoard of cash sitting on the sidelines waiting to FOMO back in to risk on. The U.S. is at maximum employment and inflation is raging but declining. Inflation expectations leading by 3 to 4 months and they started dropping like a rock in May and only bounced from much lower levels in August. So we have a bullish few months ahead. Although savings rates are declining, accumulated cash is high. The DXY has massive, bearish RSI divergence and every time it has peaked, Bitcoin has bottomed. Game of Trades is correct that we are too early in the interest rate raising cycle to crash. As was the case in prior recessions, the markets make new ATHs while the Fed is raising, and do not crash until the Fed starts easing. @Christopher L I have a model for Bitcoin on my public trading (view) which has a massive crash in late 2023 bottoming by Q1 2024 below 7k. Also note that each of the recent S&P major crashes have been increasing by a factor of 1.75. Thus the next one (ostensibly in Q4 2023) will be a -63% flash crash. So back up to a new ATH no later than Q1 2023 then the Fed is forced to moderate by worsening economy then another black swan event akin to the corona dump before the end of 2023. I bet it will be Russia invading Lithuania to take control of the Sulwaki Corridor after Lithuania violated their contracts for passage due to the intentional globalist sanctions as Rothschild is ushering in his legacy Bitcoin as the new world’s reserve currency per the model presented in John Nash’s Ideal Money manifesto (Jstor). www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcmNgC08... > “@S. Moore One more thing to add. Since you like contrarian indicators (I do too) consider this: The Hulbert Nasdaq Newsletter Sentiment Index, compiled by US analyst Mark Hulbert, shows that bullishness among a subset of short-term traders who concentrate on the technology-focused Nasdaq market has reached an historical extreme.” @Christopher L indeed the Nasdaq is overcooked and Bitcoin is undercooked. Expecting them to trade places on the next leg up as was the case after February 2019.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcmNgC08... > @S. Moore Cherry picking benchmarks can be dangerous. We have deteriorating economic conditions - consumers using credit card debt - now up to its highest level in years, major layoffs coming in, a growing inventory overhang, housing purchases going down, GDP growth going negative, major commodities still expensive (no change yesterday in spite of the stock market) and the FED promise to keep tightening. None of this was true when the last ATH was reached last year. Worry is about what might happen; these things are happening. And as far as pundits go the only two people I put any faith into are Michael Burry and Ray Dalio who have a long history of correct calls (long and short) and put their money where their mouth is. Ray Dalio runs the one of the largest and most successful hedge funds in the world; he is up for 2022. He uses very effective macro models and is rarely pessimistic. Today, he is negative on the US economy and the stock market. > > "The pundits spun this as all doom and gloom" Really? All I heard about during the rally to 4300 was about the FED pivot; not doom and gloom. Many pundits saying "if we have a recession it will not be that deep", "soft landing", etc. That does not sound very gloomy to me. Does an increased probability (from 50% to 60%) of 75 basis points in September move a market down like this? Or was because the market is starting to get convinced that Powell is not going to back down (early) from tightening? > > And one more thing -- in 2018 the FED was raising interest rates and reducing balance sheet assets -- tightening. The stock market underperformed that year starting at 2700, ending at 2500 with an average price around 2700 for the year. Got's analysis was not even correct. @Christopher L so you really think with the majority of the market so bearish doom and gloom expectations that the markets will crash? Markets do the opposite of what the herd expects. This Powell FUD was to scare the weak hands into selling into the strong hands. I don’t think the breadth thrust was expectations of an imminent Fed pivot. Heck the market has been clearly pricing in 3 more interest rate increases in 2023 from the Fed. That is a strawman narrative I see all over the lamestream media, employed to scare the herd. The breadth surge was cash FOMOing back in as the smart money had been accumulating as every dip off the June bottom was bought up. Now we reset by scaring the f-ck out of the weak hands and repeat for the next leg up. This pullback is forming the right shoulder of what appears to maybe be a massive bullish, inverted H&S on the SPX. And I had been expecting that to form for the past weeks once I had identified the neckline to coincide roughly with the 200 daily MA. @Christopher L inverted yield curves are an early signal that correspond with final bull trap moves to ATHs. The 2018 decline as the Fed was raising has already completed in 2022 as the market priced it all in rapidly perhaps because of the negative GDP Q1 figure scaring the f-ck out of everyone and then the capitulation in June with the rebounding CPI. Thus I posit the 2019 cycle already started as of the June bottom. Heck we have half dozen indicators that have flashed the Bitcoin bottom already. There was a daily bullish RSI divergence on the June Bitcoin bottom on the CME (not on spot price). The stock markets also had a daily (and weekly?) bullish RSI divergence on the June bottom. Ostensibly GoT’s timing mistake (as was him being too early bullish in 2022) is he didn’t wait for the final capitulation. I was warning in comments before May 2022 that the RSI was still too high. @Christopher L yes the economy will start to roll over by 2023 but in the meantime there is a massive cash hoard waiting to FOMO back in once the lamestream media narrative pivots again. Maybe the media was pitching the Fed pivot thesis recently (I wasn’t seeing it but I do not watch TV) but fact remains is the futures pricing markets had already priced in the incoming Fed rate hikes and there was already a significant probability of a 75 basis hike for Sept. So nothing has changed since Powell’s FUD other than (perhaps an ephemeral spike in the probability of a 75 basis increase and) the media spooking the sheep. Did you know a herd of sheep actually keeled over and died after being scared by some barking dogs? 🤣 Powell and Mester both said that if inflation continues to come down they will moderate their tone (which is repeating what occurred in 2019 and besides I have a repeating broadening wedge for Bitcoin which had alerted me in summer 2021 that 2019 would repeat in 2022 so I had been predicting the double top and crash to $20k since summer 2021 and all publicly shared on my trading (view)). And the precipitous drop in inflation expectation since May tells us that the inflation will continue to drop over the next few months until at least Nov/Dec. These current dead cat bounces for commodities, Treasuries and dollar all formed bearish RSI divergences. The Euro can’t go straight to zero in one move. Euro vs dollar parity is a logical level for a dead cat bounce for a few months. @Christopher L the recession is likely to be soft in most of 2023 (after we get through the rough winter in Europe without natural gas) only requiring a slight moderation from the Fed to keep the markets buoyed (as was the case in Q4 2019) and then comes the repeating black swan, probably an act of war that invokes the NATO mutual defense treaty that officially launches WW3. China will force the U.S. to fight on two fronts by blockading Taiwan eventually as well. Between China and N. Korea that’s a 2.5 million troops. I wonder if China and Russia have the lift capacity to transport them for an Alaskan invasion?Comment: > “Game of Trades is correct that we are too early in the interest rate raising cycle to crash. As was the case in prior recessions, the markets make new ATHs while the Fed is raising, and do not crash until the Fed starts easing.” MUST WATCH: youtu.be/TcmNgC08fX0Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2obo8_0b... > > I am an ex UK govt administrator.. clearly by the law an unelected bureaucrat does NOT have the authority to reclassify what has already been declassified by an elected executive! SMH political hate tricks going on at the USa DOJ right now.. I pray the corrupt judge and officials behind this are exposed brought to justice soon. May they recieve a double dose of their own medicine. > > “@Fallon Best No one has reclassified anything, because they were never declassified. Plus the breaches of the documents and espionage acts don't need the documents to even be classified.” @David Welsh by what law passed by Congress that requires the POTUS to declassify via the whims of some unelected bureaucrats? Cite the law. You don’t know what this is really about. Trump ordered all the RussiaGate documents declassified and the Demonrats don’t want this information made public. Simple as that. www.youtube.com/watch?v=2obo8_0b... > “@Fallon Best All original copies are to remain with our government library regardless of classification. You can't ever keep an original. You can get a cheep copy like your Rolex and your education certificate.” @4U812 he was cooperating fully with the National Archives. There was no valid justification for the raid. This is all about corrupt, illegal pretext to prevent Trump’s declassification of the RussiaGate documents. The Demonrats don’t want those documents to become available to the public. www.youtube.com/watch?v=2obo8_0b... > “@S. Moore no one is claiming that POTUS declassified anything at the whims of anyone” @ronnie james some are claiming he was required to, which is not a valid claim. > “@S. Moore lol. Valid enough for Trump to get a lawyer to attempt to keep documents from the American people that he’d taken. Valid enough to get a warrant to get those documents.” @ronnie james dimwit GAFC. Trump declassified the documents thus there was no crime. Some claim that he needed to go through some bureaucratic process of declassification but there is no enabling law stipulating that. The POTUS can declassify instantly by simply stating it verbally. As for any unintentionally taken unclassified documents that the National Archives wants, his lawyers were fully cooperating. Realize Trump did not pack everything himself. It was packed in boxes by his staff. There is no justification whatsoever for this raid. They would need some probable cause that he was a risk to flight or destroy documents. There is no reason he would as there is no crime. What is really going on is that Trump declassified the RussiaGate corruption and the Demonrats do not want the National Archives to make those documents available to the public. The unsubstantiated National Security redaction excuse enables them to hide the fact that the judge and warrant were in violation of the law. Now get your low IQ, Dunning-Kruger arse off my lawn.Comment: Discussion with the mathematician: www.tradingview.com/...ztZd9-Bullish-Futes/ It is always best to buy when we are maximally afraid it will go lower. Control emotions and make logical risk vs. reward decisions. Half-dozen Bitcoin indicators have flashed the bottom and BTC is near to the bottom again. Ostensibly the massive FUD sell-off on Friday was purely emotional as nothing substantive changed in the Fed’s message — the market was already pricing in an additional 3 Fed funds hikes this year? The market had been rising on increasing FOMO as the price was leaving the train station; and as best as I can discern NOT primarily on expectations of Fed pivot before Q1 2023 — the FUD narrative pitched by the media to amplify the panic sell-off. Panic selloffs can be capitulation bottom confirmations — the bullish inverted H&S pattern forming on the S&P is not bearish pointing to new lows? The smart money ostensibly realizes (and/or the natural market dynamics confirms/materializes) that (per my numerous YT comments ← copy and paste the link as clicking the link does not seem to take me to the comments plural) market wipeouts do not historically occur until the labor recession starts which is not until the Fed starts easing. Cash savings accumulated from the 2020 stimulus is on the sidelines nervous about failing to “buy the f-cking dip” (BTFD). Consequently most people will end up buying the f-cking top 5200 – 5500, lol. Then with market crashing the Fed will be forced to ease and S&P back up to ~5900 before the -63% flash crash in Q3 to Q4 2023 or as late as Q1 2024 with the plausible event catalyst when Russia invades Lithuania. Ostensibly may be essentially 2019 repeating again yet with some fractal wave interference altering the structure perhaps as I have posited on my published ideas. An outlier to our thesis of Sept highs is YTuber Eric Krown Crypto’s dubious model of arbitrarily chosen random variables (where is the comprehensive Chi-squared test for independence against all possible such arbitrarily chosen metrics?) for historical volatility expansion models on various time frames which is signaling that the expected massive incoming move will be to the downside if the 5-day stoch is below $21k and 2-day stoch is below $24k on the close Sunday (which they both were).Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xaUnBio... > “Cassino ! the price nowadays is aleatory,manipulated . there is no reason to any pump ... but still happens anyway... Cassino !!!!” Incorrect. There is every reason for it to pump. The S&P has a bullish inverted H&S pattern forming and this dip was wave 4 heading next up to the 4400 then coming back down again to form the right shoulder. OpticalArt is likely incorrect about it coming back down to his thick red line at ~$7.5k by Nov/Dec. Instead markets will counter intuitively head back up to new ATHs first by Q1 2023 at the latest. There will be another corona-like flash crash but that is coming late in 2023. And it will be a doozy probably -63% on the S&P and -95% on Bitcoin. The mistake OpticalArt is likely making is that his upper thin red line is taking precedence for a triple top (or double-double actually) before the mega crash to his lower thick red trend line. What OpticalArt does not realize is that historically the recession mega crash does not come until the labor recession when the Fed starts to ease. The U.S. is still at maximum employment. Look back at prior recessions as Game of Trades has done and you see that there is a fake out rally to new ATHs when the Fed starts raising. We are essentially repeating 2019 again. I have explained this in great detail on my public trading view citing much data.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2obo8_0b... > “@S. Moore Sounds good except you cannot remove original documents from the national archives even if declassified. They keep all original documents, you can get a copy after declassification. These are our nations history records, you cannot change history. He simply got caught, same thing with tax evasion, paying off prostitutes, attempting to overturn a fair election, exciting a riot, causing an insurrection and his attempted coup. And he did these things with help from attorneys, staff, family, associates and the Proud Boys. That's called organized crime and falls directly under RICO law.” @4U812 any such unclassified documents not intentionally taken and thus not prosecutable under the law. Trump was reportedly hastily throwing all sorts of stuff into boxes and perhaps most of it was packed up by his staff. His attorneys were fully cooperating with the National Archives. Thus the raid has corrupt ulterior motives as I explained in my reply above to @ronnie james. There is no way you can win this argument as you are simply wrong. GAFC dude. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome notwithstanding. There is no proof whatsoever that could stand up in a non-corrupt court-of-law (i.e. hearsay is inadmissible) that Trump was ‘exciting’ a riot. You f-cking, clueless Demonrats applaud while the nation is burned down by Bolsheviks. You realize this will be the end of any nation shared between us and you idiots? A break-up is coming. P.S. the election was stolen but I can’t possibly get into all those details in this comment.Comment: youtu.be/7FF31Ozn-PA?t=343 (Bitcoin price prediction! I charted the future and I see what's coming!) www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FF31Ozn... The DJIA is probably going to move up your next outer ring before coming down to much lower targets. The mega crash will be in 2023, not 2022. I explained why in my comments on your prior video. We will see if you are correct about ~7.5k by Nov/Dec. I explained in my comments on the prior video why that is not likely. Perhaps this recession could be different than the prior ones and the mega crash occurs while the Fed is raising and not yet in a labor recession? Never happened before. The mega crash always happens when the Fed starts easing because the labor recession has ensued. I am afraid you are going to end up with egg on your face.Comment: youtu.be/7gCUh2ls0Yc (Have You SEEN This?! Euro CBDC is Around the Corner!!) One of the interesting points is that rush to CBDCs would force commercial banks experiencing withdrawals to load up on speculative assets such as stocks (or Bitcoin?)!!!!!Comment: Hal Turner Radio Show: You Will Only See This Story if I have been Arrested or Killed This is interesting (and much of it Armstrong already told us) but Hal is incorrect; this is not and will not be hyperinflation for those holding U.S. dollars. Instead it will be persistently high price inflation. Hyperinflation requires a total loss of public confidence in fiat and a country’s bond market. The hyperinflation might develop in some fiats outside the U.S. dollar and Americans will be stuck with the consequent stagflation as Americans will not lose confidence in the U.S. dollar. Armstrong had explained this would be a repeat of what happened after WW1 and before WW2 where all the capital fled out of Europe to the U.S. causing stock and speculative land (e.g. Florida) bubbles in the USA. Indeed war rationing will make the inflation even worse, but again distinguishable from runaway, hyperinflation. It will be enough price inflation to impoverish Americans making them dependent on the forthcoming CBDCs, but not enough to collapse all public confidence in the U.S. dollar. And by design of the perpetrators, the public after all will not blame the U.S. dollar, as Hal rightfully acknowledges. You can bet I am correct that Russia does not invade Lithuania this winter. Instead it will be next winter. Russia will use their restriction of national gas as a weapon first before resorting to the nuclear option. Also China is not yet ready militarily. The charts do not lie. And the markets never crash during a rate hiking cycle as Hal admits! Also the West forced Putin to invade Ukraine and now the West is forcing Putin to invade Lithuania to restore uninhibited rail passage across the Sulwaki Corridor. The West needs Putin to act, to crash the dollar and markets. That will be the next flash crash when Putin invades. And my charting (c.f. my Tradingview) points to Q4 2023 and -62% on the S&P — not this year! Hal is correct WW3 will be launched in Q4 but 2023 not 2022. And no, silver will not be the underground currency. It will be a cryptocurrency, probably one that hasn’t been created yet (I know because I am creating it) “In August of 2019 the rates BLEW OUT to 10% in a single night! This was historic because it PROVED there was a SERIOUS dollar shortage in the system. The Fed panicked because it had insisted on tightening - and with the markets at raging all-time highs in 2019 there was absolutely NO justification for reversing course on rates or stimulus. They had to manufacture a crisis because the DEMAND FOR DOLLARS was so intense. The decision was made in August of 2019 to reset the system BECAUSE the demand for dollars was so unbelievable it was collapsing the euro. By October 2019 we have event 201 - our covid simulation. By December COVID is making mainstream news. By March were locked down and creating 40% more currency than has ever existed in history. NOT because of covid but because the market was literally about to die without a massive injection of new dollars. This is how I knew covid was BS from Day 1. Anyone who had paid attention to the economics of the dollar understood EXACTLY what these people were actually doing. It was all a farce to create the dollars they needed! ALL OF THIS was done to inject dollars in the global monetary system. That's how serious the dollar demand is! These people were literally willing to destroy the global economy just to come up with a reason for why they just HAD to create all those dollars.” {…} “The Fed believed that if the inflation were to run out of control due to the actions that were taken in March of 2020 that they would simply raise rates and deflate the asset bubbles - bringing deflation to asset prices and preventing a hyperinflationary collapse. The Fed embarked on this quest over a year ago with the yield on a 10yr note at around .7%. Today the yield is roughly 3% and the bubbles have not popped. We've had pullbacks but not relative to the rise in rates.” {…} “Where the Fed did their job is they got the USDX up to 108, they've got 10yr yields over 3%. BUT! What they didn't anticipate was that the new administration would COLLAPSE the global energy markets for their own political reasons. The combination of the Biden administration destroying our energy markets - with ZERO alternatives - combined with the fact the government holds all the debt now - not the consumer - created a situation where the rising rates MAKE ZERO DIFFERENCE TO INFLATION AND ACTUALLY MAKE IT WORSE! This is why EVERYONE is starting to PANIC! The Fed has fired all it's bullets and we are still experiencing a hyperinflation.” {…} “But ask yourself what happens once they have to reverse course and kill the dollar's value again?” {…}Comment: “The BRICS recognize the game is over and so they have moved on to the inevitable conclusion of the game - WAR. The Russians have made their move on Ukraine and right now the Chinese are gearing up for an invasion of Taiwan and the South Chinese sea (perhaps even more). These lockdowns in China are about converting their economy into a war-machine without people noticing - There was a leaked 60min CCP meeting on this released a few months ago that confirms this.” {…} “The West has to explain to ALL it's people that ALL the promises of socialism they made were FALSE and they will NEVER bring themselves to do that so WAR it will be. That is why absolutely NO ONE in America is interested in peace in Ukraine or anywhere else. THEY NEED THIS. The financial mismanagement of the last 51years will be blamed on the WAR - not the political class or the central banks like it should be. They will do everything in their power to convince you the Chinese and Russians are the reason you are now broke. They are already attempting to do this with the Russians with Food and Gas. Let me be the first to tell you that is completely BS.” {…} “These nations know the greatest strength they have at the moment is their energy sectors. They do not want to escalate this situation until the weather starts to turn COLD again.” {…} “In the face of this asset collapse, and the realization WW3 has started, the fed will be forced to do the only thing it can - with the intense dollar strength and higher yields WW3 will bring the Fed will reverse course, AGAIN, and the dollars created will be in an even larger amount than EVER before - yields will be driven lower again as well but what makes it worse this time is the GAS and DIESEL will be needed for the war. It's not going to be like March of 2020 where the collapse hit energy and saved people with lower prices. The hyperinflation at that point will be driven by BOTH the shortages in energy AND a falling dollar value due to the restart of QE and Stimulus. This is how we get to never before seen levels of price far FAR worse than today... Gas and Diesel will be rationed. So too will most food items. We will live again as our grandparents and parents did during WW2. Our government will use the chaos of this situation to advance their Great Reset agenda... Around this time I suspect the government will justify more lockdowns and a mail-in only election with some sort of political false flag relating to the beginning of WW3.”Comment: youtu.be/WbkxByh9xEc (Leave the West Now!) Tim your theory about collectivist society correlating with females adhering to more traditional gender roles seems valid and accurate given my 3 decades experience in the Philippines (departed 2020 and probably never going back!). But who needs vapid relationships and family in the Knowledge Age? Your wife and the people around you are no where near your intellect. The most efficient will be those who leverage technology. Kids and family is a burden that depletes the man. I suggest Thinking-Ape’s YT channel. The most successful men will dominate social evolution about which 180 IQ Freeman Dyson pointed out is moving a zillion times faster than Darwinian species evolution (when he slapped Richard Dawkins’ ignorance). You are advocating hanging on to something that is antiquated and dying. We will have artificial procreation soon as well too. Successful men will have everything at their fingertips instead of wasting their life in some backwater and becoming stagnant.Comment: 3:59 Kash Patel just pointed out that the FBI raid was probably to prevent the Trump’s declassification of the RussiaGate documents! So Martin Armstrong was correct when he posited this in his blog Something Smells About the Raid of Trump! youtu.be/TOY8Cz2qq_0?t=159 (Kash Patel says he was intentionally named in FBI affidavit for 'political purposes')Comment: Most of us guys hang on to some semblance of normalcy because we are beta males, not alpha males.Comment: Read backwards from the end of the updates on my published idea, "Official" (impostor) Bitcoin Core to Drop to $0 in 2023? You will understand nothing holistically until you understand that (ostensibly some very high IQ contractors of) the $trillionaire, surreptitious, shadow, uppermost elite (e.g. Rothschild, Vanderbilts, etc) created Bitcoin and they are implementing John Nash’s Ideal Money (Jstor) (which is Bitcoin) as a NWO. Bitcoin is Rothschild’s (et al shadow elite) Economist Magazine 1988 cover story Phoenix. That is why we inexplicably see Mark Suckerberg revealing that the FBI was manipulating the 2020 election, with the only plausible explanation being a more powerful entity is pulling strings behind the curtain so as to discredit the nation-states and create discord while also pushing the transition to an interim multi-polar fiat monetary and economic trade system so that only legacy Bitcoin can be trusted as the new world reserve currency. The sacrificial elite pawns (e.g. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab) are being manipulated for this purpose. If the FBI is reading this then they should try to understand that they are a collateral damage target for destruction also, not at my hands of course, but as a necessary sacrifice under the plans of the shadow elite on the way to total world enslavement in a 666 Bitcoin “Ideal Money”. Legacy protocol Bitcoin (not the current “official Bitcoin” impostor which will be destroyed, because the 2017 New York Agreement soft-fork broke the Nash equilibrium by creating a 13+ million BTC booty) will be a 666 system, because: a) the nation-states will first fight it by restricting our access (e.g. via aggressive AML, KYC, taxation, capital controls against Russia, etc) along with the legacy protocol limited to 1 MiB block size thus driving transaction fees too high for most of us to transact on; and b) although proof-of-work mining is permissionless, fungible resources are always power-law distributed in nature thus meaning eventually the Biblical prophesy that all the wealth (and the surreptitious control of more than 50% of the Bitcoin mining enabling censorship of transactions by the surreptitious “God” which is really just the shadow elite) becomes concentrated on the Seven Hills (of Rome or Jerusalem depending on your theological interpretation). Also such majority control of mining also enables complete deanonymization of Monero; yet that’s irrelevant anyway because only one proof-of-work block chain (i.e. Satoshi legacy, immutable protocol Bitcoin) can survive anyway due to all other proof-of-work altcoins inherently carrying an INSOLUBLE (i.e. there is no possible fix) flaw of repeated non-readjustment after mining difficulty bomb attacks. The people of the world are receiving this outcome because human nature can’t avoid choosing a King on Earth (e.g. a government) as the Lord warned and admonished not to do in 1 Samuel 8; and note that Romans was corruptly translated to English from the original Greek — Paul was critical of government. P.S. The technologically astute may be interested in my epiphany, Why did Satoshi employ double-hashing? And most people don’t realize that Nash’s discoveries were a profound unification of economics and social science.Comment: Apparently some new U.S. crypto regulation will be announced in September. Not clear if it will take effect immediately, but we have seen reports that for example Coinbase has been asking some users to revalidate their identity (KYC) and possibly submit PoSoFs (AML). I think September is more related to something like that and escalation of capital controls (e.g. Tornado.cash) than some imminent WW3 action and hyperinflationary spiral. Actually if you realize that the problem is the rapidly appreciating U.S. dollar (exacerbating price inflation in the EU) due to the stampede out of the Euro, then the likely action coming in September is to make it much more difficult to move capital internationally. This would also provide another boost to Bitcoin (thus justifying more capital controls on crypto), as was the case when Venezuela’s gold and Russia’s foreign reserves were confiscated. Pope Instructs ALL Vatican Entities to Move all Funds to Vatican Bank Before September 30 This move by Pope Francis aligns perfectly with the information provided to me over this past weekend, from Bankers/Financial people I had to "lean on" for information, revealed in my August 29 radio show. Those Bankers/Financial people told me on Saturday night-into-Sunday that THEY expect a massive financial collapse "within 3 to 4 weeks" the official commencing of World War 3, and a hyperinflationary period, wiping out societal function. It's all in the archive of my August 29 radio show. The notes I used for that show are HERE for subscribers to this site, who support it with $1 a week subscription. When The Pope tells the church to get all their money into the Vatican Bank (pronto), it sure looks to me like he knows the other banks are going to be in massive trouble, and he wants the church funds to be safe. Of course, that's only my interpretation, but it seems to fit the facts.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOY8Cz2q... > “I highly recommend storming an FBI field office and finding out. Go "exercise your 2nd Amendment rights" against the "tyrannical government"! ROFL...” @B B the 2nd Amendment rights are more for when the FBI and IRS agents come storming individual booby trapped homes and receive a whole lot of collateral damage for each individual they retrieve guns from cold dead hands. Do they want to foster a Schelling point for a fully organized State militia to form? I don’t think so. Thus the 2nd Amendment discourages tyranny.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOY8Cz2q... > “@S. Moore at this point, I dont know who's going to be in prison first. Kash or Eric's dad.” @The Dude if Trump is imprisoned there will be Civil War. Once the Civil War begins it will be as deadly or more than the prior one. Keep pushing for it dimwit. > “@S. Moore hahahaha why did it take trump over a year to let us know what's in those classified documents? He never released anything that was in them. He was selling those secrets to foreign agents.” @The Dude Trump ostensibly didn’t publicize the contents of the declassified RussiaGate documents because firstly that would make him appear desperate and perhaps be some pretext for accusing him of inciting revolution or bypassing some normal process. Much better to let the leftists squirm and scheme for a couple of years committing more crimes along the way in their attempt to stop the declassified documents from reaching the National Archives and public distribution and awareness. But moreover Trump is likely playing 4D chess and a raid was the best way to boost his campaign contributions. Did you know that unspent campaign contributions can be kept tax free? > “@The Dude Don't worry, Americans will show you how they really feel this November.” @MyITRcom no unfortunately elections will decided by voting machines (not legit voters) forevermore after 2020 and possibly a canceled election in 2024 because of the outbreak of nuclear WW3. Western civilization is collapsing. Prepare accordingly. www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOY8Cz2q... > “No, what we won't tolerate is Marxist traitors abusing their power. All tyrants claim to be upholding "law and order". The crucial question, though, is whether the law is just in the first place, and whether it is being enforced impartially. Neither of those things is true anymore.” @Cyber Edge don’t shed an inutile, hopium tear for the irreparable Federal system of government. This will devolve and fracture to States’ rights over a long period of time. Prepare accordingly. > “@Donald Pump When your criminal heroes in the corrupt establishment go to prison will you cry and flail your arms and legs around?” @Cyber Edge don’t delude yourself. The Federal government will never be restored trustworthy and none of the Demonrats will be going to Federal prison.Comment: As your Chinese friend said, that politics has killed more people than wars. The issue in China has less of anything to do with resources, proximity to attacks from war nor even Martin Armstrong’s incorrect theory that China and Russia are the alternative to the WEF. Nope. It is always about political power. China and Russia are working together with the globalist elite in the West to fool all the people into believing that their enslavement is because of war and COVID. Observe. Later China will blame the war on foreigners who allegedly released a biological weapon China in Wuhan. Even Russia claims to have found a biological weapons facility in Ukraine. Thus the lockdowns will be used to make Chinese more and more angry at foreigners, just as the sanctions are used to make Russians more angry at the West. And same the Western mass media will continue to fool most Westerners into believing the war was started by Russia and China and an attack on human rights in Ukraine and Taiwan (when in fact it was fully instigated by the West or at least providing sufficient justification with Putin and Xi fully cooperating with Western globalist elite to enslave all of us but you will never get a proud Russian to believe their government is enslaving them). And that China released the COVID viruses on everyone by not shutting down their airports sooner and by hosting a biological weapons facility in Wuhan. Our globalist elites are fooling the entire world. And humans believe this nonsense. Just goes to show how much I hate the sheep that populate this world, because they are gullible and apathetic a.f.. The sheep that populate this world never do any research. Martin Armstrong in 2020 and 2021 (and Hal Turner this week in 2022) have explained that the Minsky Moment had arrived for the multi-decade $trillions global debt bubble. The elite who run this world were threatened with the chaos and blame for the imminent global economic collapse. Thus they needed a scapegoat to fool the people and make the people of the world believe the economic collapse was caused by something else, i.e. COVID and war. Humans are stupid a.f.. My strategy is move to where the governments have nearly no control over daily life. And/or where the people are armed and resisting effectively (e.g. some States of the USA). No way I am going to remain in some Eastern country, because Easterners are collectivists and will end up fighting their own shadow if their government tells them the shadow is the enemy. And the East now includes most of the EU and most Australians, as they are much more collectivists than the USA.Comment: Responded in chat to a man who lives in China… > or maybe go to romania georgia armenia etc by 2024 > these 3 countries seems not bad? > I think most chinese would know many covid rules are stupid but they can do nothing. > In shenzhen, the rules are really absurd, covid test very day. ( most are done on tongue, but still, it's stupid and a waste of time). > > Where i am currently, I only do it occationally. Research their COVID policies from 2021 if you want freedom. For me only (at least parts of) the USA and Mexico will be freedom. Maybe Costa Rica. Maybe SE Asia with a vax card obtained by bribing someone. I do not know about those other countries. People in United States are already fighting against the corruption. For example in the Philippines it is impossible (or highly impractical even if possible) to do inter-island travel and enter many establishments without a vax card. Many in the United States are already buying AR-15 military rifles so they can never be forced to do anything they refuse to do. We in the USA prepare to die if necessary in self-defense in our homes (not insurrection). You do not have until 2024. Maybe 6 to 9 months only to leave China if you want to leave. After that probably damn near impossible. In the Western world the next series of totalitarianism is likely to take the form of rationing and capital controls. Westerners can be controlled through their bank accounts and later even more fine grain control via CBDCs. In mostly cash based countries such as poor countries, much of the population would be unaffected by bank and CBDC imposed controls. So maybe in those countries the problems will only be price inflation, economic collapse, vaccine totalitarianism and crushing poverty leading to rampant criminality? Maybe they do not need another pandemic excuse to require biannual vaccine boosters as the WHO might just mandate it for no reason. The ability to bribe for vax cards might disappear maybe they go 100% digital and remove any ability to cheat by highly centralizing the vax centers. Cheating is dangerous as later records may be back traced and many thrown in jail. Who knows even those who had valid vax cards may be accused of bribing in these disorganized, illogical, “don’t know, don’t care, not my problem” collectivist/backward society, dictatorial countries in Asia — could turn into huge clusterfuck of epic proportions as the economy implodes during WW3 and governments become more empowered domestically (e.g. martial law, rationing, etc) by emergency war powers. Maybe they do not care if centralizing means vast numbers of people are not able to obtain a vaccine and thus become trapped in their locale in crushing poverty thus making it very uncomfortable for foreigners who attempt to remain. China is preparing the people to sacrifice and rationing of food. COVID and later WW3 are the excuses to do it. We are headed into a maelstrom. Prepare!Comment: Here’s some mention (17:25) of the likely September surprises coming on the rationing and capitol controls front I alluded to previously. youtu.be/BqUPtipcDTw?t=1044 (Crypto News: ETH, ADA, Twitter, Jackson Hole, BlackRock & More!)Comment: Convo with a Chinese… x, {8/31/22 10:15 PM} he mention to travel around PH, he need vax card, I wasn't aware , interesting China choose to require PCR test, not vax card , currently in big cities of china, they are only incentivising old people to take it with gift or money. PCR test might look like a more strict policy, but it isn't compare to VAX CARD! PCR testing industry won't go away, if g ates have other pandemic in mind. x, {8/31/22 10:47 PM} i just realized china is not being absurd. Yeah, sometimes policy implemented on the local level can be absurd due to various reasons (e.g. can be laziness or stupidy etc), BUT VAX CARD is not here. I'm curious tho about what will change in the future. Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 10:54 PM} {In reply to x} PCR is worse. More control. Vax card is good for some months. PCR only good for 48 hours. x, {8/31/22 10:54 PM} you cann't remove the vax from your body, that's why i think it is 10000 tims worse Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 10:55 PM} {In reply to x} Keep trying to convince yourself that Xi is not going to use COVID as the excuse to make Chinese sacrifice and angry at the West. Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 10:55 PM} {In reply to x} It is about control and the objective of the CCP to remain in power. Why can you not get out of your personal fears and understand what this is really about and the implications thereof? Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 10:56 PM} The PCR may not kill you, but being locked up without food might. Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 10:57 PM} The Communists have starved 100s of millions of people. Xi is a Communist. x, {8/31/22 10:58 PM} I'm just stating some facts, Yes, I would agree on food, in china lack of food per capita, i think that can be a problem Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 10:58 PM} {In reply to x} My gosh why are you so incapable of understanding what I wrote before? it is not a lack of food, but the intention of the CCP to create hate of the West (and problematic LGUs) as a scapegoat from their own failures. x, {8/31/22 11:00 PM} I do see your point about that. I think lack of food per capita make it worse Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 11:01 PM} {In reply to x} Another of the failures of the CCP.Comment: x, {8/31/22 11:10 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} at least they are trying to improve on that( not trying to destroy) but who knows if they can actually acomplish anything meaningful. About LGUs, you would need to pick the right city & location to live, Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 11:11 PM} {In reply to x} Why you believe that they are trying to improve? They only care about their own power. x, {8/31/22 11:14 PM} i observed the polices, they actively trying to improve agriculture, they take food security seriously, problem is those polices might not work, it may not be scientific, and might be stupid. on the local level, they may not do real work to improve. x, {8/31/22 11:15 PM} who knows x, {8/31/22 11:15 PM} I'm not an insider Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 11:17 PM} {In reply to x} Always you find excuses for the CCP. Indeed China is a very difficult country to manage, partially because of the horrible geography and the attitude of the Chinese. But the fact remains is that the ruling entity takes all the blame in China. As you know from history when everything gets bad in China the Chinese think the rulers have lost the mandate from heaven to rule and they become vicious in their attacks on the government. So the CCP needs a scapegoat needs to monitor the population in a dystopian way. China is a clusterfuck and its demographics are falling off a cliff. x, {8/31/22 11:18 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} they won't want to lose face , look at their promises. when people starve, they might rebel. Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 11:19 PM} {In reply to x} Exactly. So the outcome in China will be dystopian as always, e.g. Seven Kille Stele. No thanks! x, {8/31/22 11:21 PM} I'm not old enough to know, and didn't learn ,maybe i need to take a look at what happened during korean war & vietnam war. ( during those times economy were bad to begin with) This new generation of young chinese is different, they never experienced any REAL hardship. Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 11:23 PM} {In reply to x} Look even further back in the history of China. The problem is that China is naturally not united but the CCP is trying to force it to be. The natural trajectory of China is chaos, except the East coast is prosperous. x, {8/31/22 11:25 PM} Oh! you think east coast will be prosperous, which is my hometown. Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 11:25 PM} {In reply to x} Indeed. I do not know the details of the implications, politics, etc. Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 11:41 PM} Keep in mind that the Latin Americans have never had a problem with food ever. There is a fundamental difference from China. That is why they are so unconcerned about government and organization. It is why they end up in poverty which leads to criminality. They have an attitude of freedom first, enjoy life, so not worry about anything. Fear and Loathing in CaracasComment: Anonymous, {8/31/22 11:49 PM} The east coast of China may likely maintain it's prosperity but as a defacto penitentiary. Aside from a socially engineered androgynous acceptance, China seems to be an ideal power center for NWO trans-humanist ideals/innovation. Chinese are typically very analytical but extremely rigid-minded due to several factors such as a cultural cleansing of independence and freedom. Shelby Moore, {8/31/22 11:50 PM} Well analyzed. I didn’t take the time to connect those dots. Anonymous, {8/31/22 11:52 PM} Thanks Shelby. To be fair, China ranks higher on the Global Food Security Index than most Latin countries other than Chile. Shelby Moore, {9/1/22 12:05 AM} {In reply to Anonymous} Unbalanced geography is not factored into this data. In a country with vast plains for producing grains and grazing livestock, with the population concentrated on the East coast for trade, the politics is able to wedge itself in between the food supply and the population. Whereas Latin American food supply is more decentralized because the population centers are mixed in with the agriculture. The people are to a large extent still living in the farms and there isn't this Great Divide as there is in China where you even need a permit to move from the farms to the city, because the government has a huge problem with the economic imbalance between prosperity on the coast and on the inland, landlocked farms. The USA has oceans on two coasts, a huge gulf on the third, a huge Mississippi River that bisects the Eastern half. The Great Lakes feed a huge canal system in the North-East. China was able to feed a huge population and focused their energy on that, which created a very unstable situation of feeding the coasts with massive migration. Choke points in China enables control which leads to failure and chaos. So my point isn’t a relative abundance of the ability to produce food in Latin America, but the fact that a person can go pick a banana off the banana tree if they need to. The vast population of China can not do that and this imbalance has historically created the culture and politics. Farmers need a lot of kids, the population swells, poverty increases, a bad harvest comes, famine and the government collapses. Since the Latin Americans are not relying on intensive farming, they are more resilient to climate change and the Biblical 7 bad years. The U.S. automated farms and thus the population did not swell out of proportion and the U.S. has naturally awesome transportation. Also the individualist culture. The Brandon administration is attempting to create a food crisis in the USA though. Anonymous, {9/1/22 12:23 AM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} Population density and inherent fragility of more complex systems do seem to be detrimental factors worthy of consideration in the next 10 years Shelby Moore, {9/1/22 12:24 AM} {In reply to Anonymous} Politics always makes everything worse. The ability of politics to control due to choke points.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXUN6GCJ... @Brian Pereira Bitcoin appreciation will dwarf any appreciation of the yuan. Bitcoin will be the global reserve currency. The yuan will never attain that status. Never. This time is different. We did not have Bitcoin in the early 1900s when the Anglo-Saxon global reserve shifted from Britain to the U.S.A. (both still Anglo-Saxon). Note the impostor Bitcoin will go to 0.Comment: Monkeypox. Rebranding vaccine injuries? halturnerradioshow.c...keypox-patient-deathComment: www.tradingview.com/...ztZd9-Bullish-Futes/ @Chartguru1, do you mean buying any dip after hitting 5200+ by Q1 2023? Or do you mean my posited -63% flash crash after hitting ~5900? My model is 2019 is more or less repeating but with some potential fractal wave constructive interference. Thus I expect an initial high Q4 2022 to Q1 2023, then a reaccumulation while the Fed is forced to become more dovish with the labor recession ensuing. That dovish stance will propel a final move to ~5900 as was the case in late 2019 into January before the March 2020 flash crash. My posited reason for the Q4 2023 to Q1 2024 flash crash might be the beginning of WW3 with Russia launching an invasion of Lithuania and/or the use of nuclear weapons. This is guess work of course. If the posited flash crash mimics 2020, then it should be bought immediately as the Fed will be forced to Brrrr $trillions again.Comment: youtu.be/GCte7Lh01ds?t=555 (WARNING! SEPTEMBER WILL BE A BITCOIN BLOODBATH!!!) www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCte7Lh0... The potential flaw in your estimate for the price of the bottom is that this cycle bottom might be a wave 4 and wave 5 ATH is still incoming. It appears that the flash crash of March 2020 also factors into the projection, thus the percentage decline will be significantly less than your -79% estimate. The mega crash is coming in Q4 2023, especially if Bitcoin is still in wave 4 with wave 5 ATH incoming first.Comment: To expound a bit on the EW count, major wave 2 that ended March 2020 retraced more than 61.8% of wave 1. Most people do not know this creates a terminal impulse condition in which all waves take the form A-B-C instead of 1-2-3-4-5. Thus the April 2021 peak was A, the summer 2021 decline was B and the November 2021 top was C forming wave 3. Now we had a A-B-C correction already and the bottom was in June.Comment: Brandon laying out the case based on his radioactive-cornucopia-of-lies to persecute anyone who resists the draconian, diabolical, dystopian, leftist-holiness-spiral Great Reset. Laying out the case for stealing the 2022 elections among other repressive, illegal, tyrannical actions they’re planning: youtu.be/QWaNkcfFnNc (LIVE: President Biden speaks to the American people about the 'soul of the nation' — 9/1/22) Start writing the obituary for Western civilization. www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWaNkcfF... Nice hellish ambient light, it really brings out the dystopic future wellComment: Lol CA will ban gas cars but their grid can in no way be upgraded to support everyone with an electric car. They’re already rationing electricity. Western civilization is self-immolating. It's the same pattern of self inflicted insanity during the collapse of every decadent civilization. We became too self-important and a massive debt bubble. Note 1.5 million troops in N.Korea and 1 million in China. There is still the land bridge to Alaska separated by only a small gap of water. And Alaska is sparsely populated. Trudeau seems to be inviting them and disarming the citizenry. In U.S. heartland there's a gun under every blade of grass. Probably not in left leaning coastal WA state. Russian nuclear subs have been surfacing off the Pacific coast regularly, ostensibly to warn us to stop poking Russian bear. Lithuania is forcing Russia to invade to restore rail supply access to land locked Kaliningrad. Russia is first trying to warn us by applying energy sanctions against Europe. If that fails to stop us then invading a NATO country invokes the mutual defense treaty and WW3. Russia is very willing to deploy first strike nukes. Mayhem late next year. Mark my word. Russia is no match for the NATO military might. But Russia has always said nuclear is on the table if the Russian state’s existence is threatened. So Russia will ultimately be forced to the nuclear option. This is not what I envisioned for the latter half or third of my life. And surely not what you envisioned for the last decade or two of yours. It's so antithetical that most would rather believe absolute nonsense propaganda directed at manipulation of these emotional no fly zones. There's got to be a clever way to game theory this predicament. To profit off everyone else's Idiocracy. Not that I don't wish to see others prosper but we can't even lead a horse to water much less force it to drink from the fountain of truth a zillion miles away from it's head. Also the collapse of the debt bubble was going to impoverish many anyway. The only difference between that and the Bolshevik propaganda Idiocracy, is it will make it much worse by convincing people not to adapt sooner because it's really the fault of rebranded flu, Trump and Pootin. Convert the failure to a Planet of the Apes culture war. And we claim to have big brains? Nope. We are still ruled by our savage animal instincts. Society only functions when we can come together in a mutually beneficial economy and social structure, e.g. the Western Hajnal Line nuclear family (not Eastern clan oriented culture) in a highly liberalized, networked civilization. Unfortunately that requires a debt bubble and empire. And eventually becomes decadent and divisively righteous. We're at that inflection point now for the collapse into Planet of the Apes societalcide. It's sad and I'm sad for Mark, uncle Brent and you my mother. I'm praying you will be enlightened now. It's not worth losing the crumbs of our family to Idiocracy. Good night.Comment: 2023 - Year From HellComment: www.tradingview.com/...2023-Year-From-Hell/ @LUC_Capital, Treacherous Times Ahead “Q: You have said that gold will rise when there is a loss of confidence in gov’t. I would think we are there already. Is there an objective measurement to the loss of confidence? A: I believe that the 2022 election may be the catalyst. Not all people who voted for Trump and/or are Republicans believe that the election of 2020 was rigged. I have been warning for months, that reliable sources in DC, or the Corruption District, have been planning to hand citizenship to illegal aliens before the election to rig the midterms. In addition, they were pushing to indict Trump. Either, but more likely BOTH, may be carried out {…} Most people who read this blog already know the truth about the government. What we are missing is the majority. It is the general mask-wearing public because Lord Fauci told them what to do. It is their confidence that needs to be shaken – not stirred. {…} Granting citizenship by executive order will be UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but the LEFT never cares about laws. {…} I fear that if this RUMOR became true, perhaps this is why my computer is going nuts on civil unrest and international war in 2023.”Comment: The Western civilization gulag… (Cops Arrest ATF Agent and Get Sued) www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOInYwP8... This is just a heartwarming story, sounds like all LEO's involved are getting screwed, and the citizens were left alone. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOInYwP8... I love how when authorities go against authorities, they always get their fee fees hurt and go full Karen. Shameful really. What's an ordinary citizen supposed to do then? www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOInYwP8... All law enforcement are thugs. Both sides in this incident are dickheads. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOInYwP8... @Sean L. no they were just being power hungry dickheads as usual. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOInYwP8... Imagine an ATF agent shows up to confiscate your weapon, you call the cops and they taze and arrest the agent. "Hell yeah, this worked out great." www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOInYwP8... What we see here is a prime example of the failure to de-escalate. All it would have taken was to calmly approach the ATF agent and ask him to verify his credentials. Instead, the officer approached the situation aggressively from the very start. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOInYwP8... When you watch this, think about this...this is how the local police treated a Federal Agent and lied about it afterward. What would they do to you? Then the first officer lies and the second one swears to it.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFYYtI3V... (ATF Announces Pistol Brace "Amnesty" Period: What It Means For You) Sounds like an underhanded way to make a firearms registry to me. Please do not mistake this as a free way to make an SBR. It’s not. The second this goes into effect and you fall for it, you can’t legally bring your firearm over state lines anymore without the letter he mentioned. How the AFT has gotten away with their bs for years is ridiculous and needs to stop.Comment: youtu.be/bfRhs62FK7c (Retail CRYPTO BANS Are Here! What It Could Mean For YOU!) This is well worth expending a few minutes listening on double-speed. As was the case for the stock market crash of the Great Depression, the LUNA crash of the crypto markets is the pretext for coming crackdowns (possibly in September in the U.S.) against trading (and especially leveraged trading) of cryptocurrency and especially the highly volatile, small cap altcoins. The commercial banks were jealous seeing money flow out to Coinbase. Thus you can imagine the bans on crypto coming after my posited egregious wipeout, flash crash next year.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqIJbLGV... Maybe you got pneumonia from breathing your own exhale too much. The cerveza sickness was an illusion of billions of new tests. Test a billion times and voila instant pandemic out of nothing. @Fiveash-Art The loss of taste and smell might be more common in pneumonia? My theory is breathing your own exhale with the useless masks might have created respiratory illness. @MrSpankyTank thanks for considering the possibility. Did you all know that the Spanish Flu was actually caused by the Rockefeller Foundation administering 10 million experimental bacterial menigitis vagginations to soldiers entering the war? 94+ percent of cause of death were confirmed to be bacterial pneumonia. We have been lied to. Spread the truth. I can not do it alone. @KJ Our bodies have always been able to fight the flu whether rebranded into a pLandemic will billions of flu tests. Do you know why they foisted this pLandemic on us? Primarily because the multidecade debt bubble had reached the Minsky Moment and our overlords did not want to lose control and be blamed for the chaos. So they need a scapegoat to blame our incoming economic collapse on. Much better to blame it on a cerveza sickness, Pootin and China. The CCP also needs a scapegoat to blame their mismanagement of their unmanageable country — they have been using the PCR test to prepare their nation for war. CCP needs WW3 to remain in power. Everything has been instigated and planned out by the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, Soros, etc.. The media is lying to you about everything. Do you know what they have planned for us with 666-like central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the end of cash? James Braun wrote: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqIJbLGV... I’m a historian. In general, people will put up with a major amount of oppression. When they are hungry, things change. I appreciate what you are doing Russell. Thanks.Comment: Must listen especially from the 1:15 juncture. Armstrong points out for example that Putin will push the nuclear button and can incinerate the UK with 100 Megaton number bomb and also a radioactive tidal wave bomb to make most of the low lying lands of UK uninhabitable. Maybe that’s how they will force us into bubble cities? www.armstrongeconomi...allenges-for-the-us/Comment: Bill Barr is clearly a Deep State actor. The way he lies about how Trump declassified all RussiaGate documents. Remember he also covered up Epstein’s murder. www.cnbc.com/2022/09...-shouldnt-do-it.html But if Trump indeed “stood over scores of boxes, not really knowing what was in them and said, ‘I hereby declassify everything in here,’ that would be such an abuse and that shows such recklessness that it’s almost worse than taking the documents,” Barr said.Comment: So I hope now Martin Armstrong realizes I was correct!! Legacy Bitcoin will become the de facto world reserve and settlement currency. Bank of Russia agrees to legalize crypto for cross-border payments: Report I was predicting this back in 2015: bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=9854... (One-world reserve currency inevitable and will enslave all nations?)Comment: Arthur Hayes: entrepreneurshandboo...-the-war-fd5509d525d Before I jump in, a quick PSA — the time to buy Bitcoin is now, while you still can. Because once your fiat assets are frozen or fiat capital controls are erected, your wealth cannot be converted into a harder currency. At that point, you are at the whim of the State, and you better hope the flag printed on your passport wins. That is how the State gains the support of the masses — it takes away their modes of escape. The only way out is through!Comment: medium.com/@tanmayni...culture-d20f94dbf956 (click for a concise, astute infographic) www.bbc.com/future/a...undly-different-ways psu.pb.unizin.org/ps...nd-western-cultures/ “Eastern cultures emphasize relationship interdependence, hierarchy and status, whereas Western cultures emphasize individual uniqueness and equality. Based on these cultural differences, Easterners would be expected to experience more emotions related to hierarchy, violations of group norms, and maintaining group harmony. Conversely, Westerners would be expected to experience emotions related to violations of an individual’s rights and to individual successes. Westerns seek to optimize positive emotions and minimize negative emotions. Conversely, Easterners are more comfortable balancing positive and negative emotions, and thus tend to experience mixed emotions more often and for a longer period of time.” This last bit is very instructive for me. Indeed, I place an extreme weight against negative experiences. Whereas I noticed Asians tolerate a lot of negative feelings and more interested in maintaining a balance. I was flabbergast that Filipinos would just tolerate everything and not rage for immediate, corrective actions. Westerners want to strive to maximize their peaks, and live the rollercoaster than settle for the banality or drab existence of harmony and stability. For a Westerner to settle for the mean is death; for an Asian it is life. This is also reflected in our distribution of IQ with Western IQ much less, closely clustered around the mean (more variance and individual exceptions), but East Asian average IQ being higher. THIS COULD NOT BE MORE OPPOSITE AND IT IS PRECISELY WHY I FELT DEAD IN ASIA AND I HATE IT. The more individualistic one is the more extreme this is. I am on the most extreme edge, as I said I admire the absolute lawlessness of the rural Western States of the USA. I harbor an intense passionate hate for the limitations of society, authority and hierarchy. I could not be more Western! How did I manage to stay in the Philippines so long without becoming entirely insane? The British Empire was more harsh on the Chinese addicting them to opium because the Chinese were prudent, predatory traders (importing less than exporting as usual) and were amassing all of England’s silver, so England had to be more clever and outwit the Chinese collectively. And thus China had turned even more inward hence. The Westerners will always be more clever in the end because we tolerate and foster individual ideas more. You can also relate this to the issue of perception of Chinese quality being low. Westerners don’t forget negative experiences, thus you had better never make a bad impression on a Western consumer. We want to maximize our time for positive experiences, not be wading through hordes of low quality crap to find a few items of high quality. Now given that Westerners will not tolerate negative outcomes, just imagine why our overlords needed a manufactured Pootin war and cerveza sickness scapegoat for the incoming economic collapse. And given Russians and Chinese will willingly endure many negative experiences, imagine the sacrifices for Easterners that are planned for the upcoming WW3 period. In America this is going to erupt into separatism and if necessary Civil War. Armstrong is correct.Comment: Armstrong’s latest blog is very important as cited below (as it hints at the possibility that ultimately the US cities may be nuked…reduced to rubble so we can build back better), but it’s also important for another reason which he does not state. I don’t know if he refuses to entertain the thesis I will repeat for the umpteenth time. One of the key recent events is Russia legalizing Bitcoin for international settlement. Precisely as I predicted that the $trillionaires behind the curtain (whomever they are) would foster a the conflict long since predicted in the apocalyptic Denver airport murals that would create the instability of a multipolar world which would allow the Phoenix global currency to rise from the power vacuum ashes as predicted on the 1988 Economist Magazine cover story. Legacy protocol Bitcoin is the Phoenix (not the current official impostor Bitcoin which will soon be destroyed and the legacy resurrected via the ANYONECANSPEND mechanism which I have detailed in my writings). Thus the incoming nuclear war has been planned for a long time. Martin is so naive and thinks politicians are too stupid and don’t realize what they are doing. No it is that Rothschild has them all by the balls with kompromat and situational inertia. Our political elite don’t want to be blamed for the inevitable, debt bubble economic collapse so they take the bait for creating scapegoats which the greater NWO power behind the curtain uses to further manipulate to play all sides off on each other to create the NWO outcome they desire. The people steering our ship are beholden to the globalist powers which are driving us towards the NWO with Bitcoin as the enslaving international reserve currency, as explained in famed mathematician John Nash’s Ideal Money paper (distributed on JStor). The NWO will not entirely end the nation-state but it will enslave the nation-states and foster separatism. Martin needs to understand this has all been planned for decades and carried out methodically. Even the planners behind the curtain which Armstrong can not know (they are much more behind the curtain than Margaret Thatcher) knew the Euro would be a disaster. This was all intentional, for the outcome we are witnessing now. Is the US Sacrificing Europe to Maintain Global Dominance? “Vladimir Putin believes that Washington is sacrificing Europe to maintain global dominance.” {…} “Nations maintain diplomatic relations, but only Schwab wants a one-world government as everyone is competing for global dominance.” Is Russia Losing? “NATO needs war with Russia and Putin by now has to understand that his real enemy is NATO and the USA.” {…} “Beware of the feigned retreat is a military tactic, whereby a military force pretends to withdraw to lure an enemy into a position of vulnerability. Ukraine is now concentrating its forces in Kharkov region. Putin cannot be stupid and with the approach of winter, he should cut off all the gas through Ukraine to Europe and do as Stoltenberg keeps saying. There are two options. Use Tactical nuclear weapons, also called nonstrategic nuclear weapons, are generally designed for battlefield use and have a shorter range than strategic, or long-range, nuclear weapons, which are designed to directly attack an adversary’s homeland” {…} “The problem now is that this appears to be an all-out war that the West keeps saying Russia is losing. I fear if that were true, then we will be looking at tactical nuclear weapons being used in Ukraine calling the bluff of Europe- Who will be next?”Comment: > “there are so many good product that i cant get else where , and it is very affordable. you let the market decide what i s of low quality.” I don’t disagree that there is a smorgasbord of product variety coming out of China. Yet even when I search on alibaba.com and aliexpress.com, I rarely find something I like with the assurance of quality I need to order that from overseas. The hit-and-miss rate with Chinese quality is horrible, so we Westerners will not bother with it. Instead we would rather pay double or triple the price for the U.S. branded import from China, which has been vetted for quality already. Consistency is important to us. We value our time. Chinese marketers do not understand this, thus they are unable to effectively sell directly to us. Now I just gave you insight with which you can become very wealthy given your training is in marketing. To expound upon this a bit, Chinese are serving the market of cheapskates in Asia who want a disposable product because they can’t afford a quality product. But this is an anathema to Americans who have traditionally expected all products to be sturdily constructed to endure for decades. We do not like buying junk. It has gotten so bad that I had a very difficult time finding a can opener that would last. I finally found one but it was one of a 100s of low quality junk. What a massive waste of my time trying to find that needle in the haystack. In other words, Americans are adjusted to a middle class society not a society with an egregious Gini coefficient. Asians are well adapted to enslavement. It is even reflected in their willingness to serve a market of improverished with an intentional quality that are disposable products. Even Filipinos buy their shampoo and toothpaste in extremely small packages that cost much more over the long-term but are less outlay in the immediate. These are not false statements. They are the perspective of those from a culture alien to your own. We simply will not understand each other. And that was my conclusion in the Philippines also. We can not understand each other.Comment: MY ANONYMITY TECHNOLOGY EPIPHANY For first time in several months I applied myself to the anonymity technology issue while traveling on Wednesday and again today. In theory I've made an important discovery which should make anonymity both practical and 100% guaranteed. So we won't even need to use surrogates to attempt to hide our Internet connection. Specifically I'm referring to hiding the identity of any sender of a message over the Internet, normally proposed to be handled by a mix-net. I'm not referring to onchain unlinkability of transactions which is already well studied by Zcash (c.f. also, also, also, and not that dog shit Monero). Specifically I wasn't satisfied with the impracticality of the high latency, huge number of servers, communication load and impossibility to prove one honest server per anytrust group in the Atom networked-mixing protocol. In theory my novel, homorphic encryption shuffle-in-place (i.e. no networked-mixing) design needs only one server that does not need to be trusted and no increase in communication load over non-anonymous sending. Under the incoming totalitarianism it might be difficult for individuals to stand up servers. My righteous, astute and salient goal is to shift the burden to computation from (the impractical notion of) user-maintained servers. It will be nearly impossible for the authorities to play the Whac-a-Mole game tracking down and banning single server solutions (in my design) erected by those motivated by significant financial profits (e.g. imagine the Mexican cartels getting into that business model). Anonymous receipt is already well studied by oblivious transfer (OT) and private information retrieval (PIR){1}. My new idea applies specifically to sender identity both for private communications and public broadcast. I will write this down here for my own retention later after returning from gym and setting up my notebook for the first time. We're in a brownout today bcz of the tropical storm passing through. I'll be able to run the notebook off my vehicle battery. I'm typing this on mobile. I can say with more confidence that the governments will lose and we will win. Soon they won't be able to ban anything because everything on the Internet will be amorphous in terms of linkability to banned activity. {1} Tangentially, The Simplest Protocol for Oblivious Transfer explains eloquently how OT works (which btw exhibits how clever some Chinese are). If you don’t understand the (rather simple) modular math, just realize (as shown concisely in the summary box) that sender encrypts both messages in a way that sender can’t determine which message the recipient is able to decrypt, and the recipient can only decrypt the message indicated by his choice. PIR is just OT without the restriction of what the recipient can receive/decrypt. Most OT/PIR algorithms send more messages than the recipient requests (excepting the paper by Aggelos Kiayias, the Chief Science Officer of Cardano’s IOHK) but OT and not PIR limits those which the recipient can decrypt.Comment: www.visualcapitalist...in-forks-subway-map/ (click for the map of Bitcoin forks)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2iz6a_S... (Have you Seen This Fed Report? Here Are Their Plans for Defi!! | Coin Bureau) > “If you can regulate then its not decentralized finaice” Bingo. All proof-of-stake block chains can be regulated, because new stake can’t be stood up at-will permissionless. Governments will target stake. I actually have a posited technological solution to this. As far as I know I am the only person on the planet who does. Because proof-of-work altcoins will all be destroyed by the mining difficulty bomb non-readjustment attacks which are planned. > “cbdc might replace usdc and usdt. I think that's there goal.” It absolutely is their plan.Comment: ADD: @Alekillo10 it is easy to reason out the tragedy-of-the-commons reason why proof-of-stake can’t be resistant to government control. The government merely has to declare that any stake that does not enforce certain regulations is committing illegal activity. Those regulations can include censoring stake that is committing said illegal acts by not censoring other transactions. This implodes. For example all BFT algorithms halt if 33% of the stake refuses to agree on the consensus. The power-law distributed wealth in stake will of course side with the government. Proof-of-stake is an enslavement paradigm. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2iz6a_S... > “we knew this day would come, the pushback is here, time to use the courts and secure the future for decentralization ” Lol. So you propose to fight centralization with the corrupt, centralized kangaroo court system. No. You fight with decentralization. Truly decentralized systems would be entirely impervious to the government. Unfortunately only Bitcoin is decentralized. Proof-of-stake in inherently centralized and will be fully regulated by governments. Another issue is anonymity technology. Zcash handles onchain technology well, but there is a gaping hole in sender anonymity as all extant mix-nets (including the Atom paper) are impractical and unreliable. I have recently devised the homographic encryption solution we need.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1lmskWV... > > Contrast Bill Barr’s characterization {…} > > The GBI also investigated this. If u watched Brad Raffensberger testimony he said there were 300 investigations in GA alone. He went over point by point the allegations. And I wouldn't take an election finance fraud felon's word for anything. His book of the movie was delayed due to the fact it needed to remove sections that were unsupported outright lies. @RachelB Brad is a clever obfuscationist. What they never tell you is they refused to audit Fulton county and they refused to have any of our people monitor the audit. Thus they are simply covering it all up and declaring it official when it is nothing but a pile of stinking lies and corruption. And yet you sheepeople are not a clue wiser to what is really going on. @RachelB I will not take anyone's word for anything and that includes Brad's word. I want a transparent investigation which they will never do! @RachelB removing sections from the 2000 Mules movie that could get them sued does not obviate the damning information that was in the released video. You are employing the typical argumentation tactics of intentional deception and ad hominem innuendo while always denying the salient point that we still do not have an unbiased investigation.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqIJbLGV... Cherylyn, a stolen election in 1946 Athens TN America caused a 6 hour gun battle at a police station & then the use of dynamite to blow open the police station brought justice in 1946 America!! A 1992 Hallmark movie is on you tube titled An American Story about this incident & use of America's 2nd-Amendment in American history!!Comment: Armstrong was pointing out today in his private blog a sea change in Russia’s strategy in the Ukraine operation. Has he been watching The Duran YT channel which goes into much more detail? Is N.Korea sending 100,000 troops to help the Russian military? Alexander Mercouris suggests that Russia may start to assassinate Ukrainian leaders. youtu.be/4ypbY04NAdk (Upgrading the Special Military Operation)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ypbY04N... A possible reason Zelenskyy would commit an offensive destined to fail or get bogged down, is he forces the West into a position that they must send him even more military aid to prevent the embarrassing outcome. Also why do you all think Boris and the West are driving Zelenskyy. Could it actually be the other way around? Is Zelenskyy really a CIA operative? I think so. This has been planned out for a long time.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ypbY04N... Guys you do not understand what this war is about. This was never a Civil War. This is a proxy war and specifically the purpose is to intentionally foment WW3. The goal is to destroy the old Brenton Woods system and bring in a NWO. A multipolar world with the nation-states discredited and in shambles, no more single reserve currency, will open the door for Bitcoin to rise as the world’s only trusted international reserve asset. This past week Russia legalized Bitcoin for international settlement. This entire thing has been planned out since the 1988 Economist Magazine Phoenix cover story. The Phoenix will rise from the ashes of the incoming nuclear WW3. And they powers-that-be who are pulling the strings behind the curtain will not stop escalating this until Russia is backed into a corner and forced to use at least tactical nukes if not also ICBMs and submarine launched nukes. It is desired that the optics in the West is that Russia (and later China also w.r.t. Taiwan) will have created the entire conflict, which is the case since the ignorant Westerners consume only the liar lamestream mass media.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE7iStv7... @Not your Fall Guy, Daddy or Son indeed the Austrian crackup boom has been entirely manufactured by the commies running the West now. With a billion flu tests a cerveza sickness pLandemic is manufactured from nothing actually that happened in reality. Brandon and Zelenskyy intentionally pushed Pootin into a corner giving him no choice but to invade. And the factually incorrect climate change BS as the pretext for shutting down our energy economy. I am going to be laughing at all these idiots buying EVs with Commie-fornia now instituting rolling blackouts. Speaking of idiots buying EVs and the enslavement of recharging: youtu.be/L1kbKHDcGcs (Danny Duncan catches a Karen using his Tesla charger)Comment: The powers that be want our pre-Millennial generations gone. We serve no purpose post debt bubble. This will not be like WW2 which was about transferring the Western empire across the Atlantic pond. Now we transfer the empire across the Pacific ocean and as well away from nation-states. This is a millennial epoch shift, as giganormous in impact as the fall of Rome. This is not on the middling level of WW2.Comment: His is a detailed refutation of the Western propaganda about Ukraine’s counter offensive: youtu.be/sfeT4tmPDbA?t=2172 (Redacted’s YT channel)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zV2qGGQ... > > 11:58 “And you don’t recover the same genome from an uninfected cell culture” How is this not a tautology? How did you otherwise determine who is and is not “infected” except by recovering the genome. But what is the objective measure of actual disease and causal relationship to the alleged virus? Whereas with bacteriophages we can infect bacteria in their natural habit (e.g. rivers and lakes) and observe die-off, there is no valid research I am aware of (although I have seen some papers I can easily refute) that has demonstrated the comparable causal relationship in vivo for alleged human viruses. Also mock infections don’t factor out the potential toxicity of the cell culture containing the alleged virus regardless of any alleged viral action. So you weaken a cell culture with some toxic brew and then proclaim viral action, even capture cyro-EM images of the alleged viral action, but we know very well from most all other biological science that in vitro results rarely ever pan out in vivo. Those alleged viral genetics structures could actually exist in the body but that by itself doesn’t establish a causal link with disease in vivo. Virologists are never able to actually demonstrate any of this in vivo (because obviously you can’t do cyro-EM on living things). So it is possible you have fooled yourself with your sophistry. 😉You claimed any genetic material not found in the “human genome” is infectious?🤦‍♀️Did you forget we have more bacteria in bodies than cells. Duh. There’s a lot of genetic material hanging around in the human body that isn’t infectious. > > Ever heard of something called animal models? Great invention that allows us to observe how a pathogen wreaks havoc on the body. @Sithwolf lol of course and I have looked at them and you may not comprehend the layers of obfuscation, junk science and confirmation bias that is involved. The devil is in the details and we can not have such a detailed debate in YT comments. YT will not even allow me to link to anything in comments. > @S. Moore in other words you have no clue how animal models work. What's wrong with using them to study diseases? @Sithwolf is that how your simpleton brain conceptualizes? Also did I not already inform you that we can not have that detailed discussion in YT comments. You run along now and play in the dirt with the other retards. I have more important things to do than argue with an idiot. The map is not the territory and the model is not the reality. Sophistry reigns.Comment: Americans are fighting back. God bless them. 🙏 youtu.be/eDZUy0XHqIY (This is becoming way too common: Florida AG)Comment: Very important. The world with all the youth is shifting rapidly away from the West: Debt Diplomacy – Is China the East IMF? | Armstrong EconomicsComment: I also replied on Meet Kevin’s Discord… Delusional. While Russians are prospering more than before the start of sanctions, Westerners will now be imprisoned for not freezing in the dark like troglodytes. You seem to have an inability to perceive reality. Putin correctly pointed out that the Western sanctions are effectively against the Westerners, lol. Dumb fcks. Switzerland to Imprison People for Heating Homes | Armstrong EconomicsComment: Must listen on double-speed. Russia systematically accomplishing their goals. Russia 'Encircling' Bakhmut, Putin Sticks with SMO, Rebuffs Scholz, MacronComment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8NYXQtu... > > “I did this same math. Could btc actually go to zero like they said? Will ETH after merge show king of all alts and decouple? Btc could go mainstream and become more affordable while the other projects we’ve invested gain dominance. We may have to go through the growing pains as a whole that btc is not practical for dailyt ransactions ” > > @Whale Talk I don't think Bitcoin needs to be seen as something used for daily transactions to retain its no.1 spot. Bitcoin's goal is to be a universal store of value away from centralised systems and an easier, cheaper and faster way to conduct border-less transactions. I think there is plenty of use in what I just described for it to retain its position and grow massively, probably more use than a daily cryptocurrency. @Wolves of Crypto correct Bitcoin was always intended to be the next world reserve currency, not some irrelevant toy for purchasing coffee at Starbucks. Now when you understand that Bitcoin is the 1989 Economist Magazine’s cover story Phoenix and that its design was even leaked in an anonymous 1998 user group post, then you are getting closer to opening Pandora’s box and piecing together the diabolical plan as I have already done. You ignore the technological and game theory facts I know at your peril. Find the relevant nugget in my replies in the comment section on the page found if you search verbatim for: trading view "2023 - Year From Hell" The soft forked variant of Bitcoin will go to zero. Make sure you read what I told Wolves of Crypto to read and that you are hodling in addresses that begin with 1, not 3 nor bc1. @Wolves of Crypto The anomaly that is coming has been known by Satoshi since 2010 when he wrote about turning corrupted gold (i.e. the 2017 soft fork) back to gold again. Steve has almost unlocked the entire Pandora’s box. His remaining myopia in terms of understanding how this diminishing returns $90k top could co-exist with a $million lambos top is that Bitcoin will bifurcate with the incoming Anyone Can Spend Nash equilibrium restoration. I have been trying to get him to pay attention but he and other vloggers ostensibly refuse to read the inarguable game theory I have published. This also ties into the constructive interference of fractal waves which will cause the ~90k top to be in 2023 as an extensive wave as was the case in the 2013 bull cycle. If you want to understand why Bitcoin has fallen out of his log-regression fit then he needs to understand properly the Anyone Can Spend technological facet and game theory. > “I would also like to add that anyone who thinks the bottom in this bear market will be lower than 15k AND believes in Crypto Crew's analysis is, by default, claiming that Bitcoin will never see an ATH again.” @Wolves of Crypto trust me, you're ignorant of what I know. You would be wise to schedule a phone call with me so I can enlighten you. > “I wonder if this is an indication that Bitcoin will be running its course, and $90K is the most the world can sustain for environmentally-unsustainable proof-of-work? Perhaps this is an indication that ETH, ADA, and others will take over in this and following cycles… > > I would love to see your 4-year-cycle analysis consider crypto market cap instead of BTC market cap.” @Scott W environmentally sustained, lol. You and 70% of my other fellow Westerners are gripped with the junk science religion that Carl Sagan warned us would come. > “@S. Moore I’m an engineer. I worked for a few years in the oil industry. Now I teach math and science. I know the science, and Carl Sagan also knew the science.” @Scott W Carl Sagan has been entirely debunked for example about the prospects for a nuclear winter. And anthropogenic climate change is if anything highly beneficial although the sun spot cycle dominates any effect humans have. Partake of for example 180 IQ Freeman Dyson's interview on the topic before he passed on in 2020 sadly. 20 year old, 160 IQ Naomi Seibt has done an admirable job of explaining the junk science of the CPCC. As I am sure you know that environment is not at all the same as climate. And the two are not even loosely linked. And you did write environment, not climate. The Carbon cycle is the life cycle of our planet. Environmental concentration maybe behooves us to use EVs in crowded cities but this isn’t applicable on the aggregate such as climate. Base load can’t be provided by solar and wind. Bitcoin’s electrical security cost is declining as a percentage of market cap with the 4 year halving cycle.Comment: Won’t be long before most of the video work I do will be automated by AI twitter.com/daniel_e.../1572210382944538624 Will still need to be told what to create. It can only create what it can learn from patterns. Human decisions are not motivated only by data. Every human is entirely unique and will take a different path in the small. Humans don’t achieve in a vacuum. We recognize winners with intuition and then a snowball of attention forms. Also humans will leverage A.I. so A.I. would need to become smarter than A.I. to overcome human leadership. Human knowledge is accreted in a highly randomized path dependent manner in a dynamic process. Process is a labyrinth that A.I. can’t even determine from static data. Sorry Kurzweil is an idiot. My blog from 2013 and note Taleb had responded in email to agree with me: web.archive.org/web/...mation Is Alive.htmlComment: Putin is being criticized within Russia for being too soft on Ukraine. Putin addressed the nation finally admitting that the West “wants to destroy our Russia” and has frankly stated that the West is disingenuously turning “Ukraine’s people into cannon fodder.” Putin explained that the Western nations intentionally provoked and instigated a proxy war with Russia. For example, the day before Russia’s invasion Zelenskyy declared Ukraine would be reestablished as a nuclear power in violation of the implied intent and raison d’être of the 1991 Budapest agreement. Putin had been pleading with the West not violate the spirit and implied intent of the Budapest agreement to not have NATO encroach on its Eastern border. Those Warsaw pact nations were to remain an unaligned buffer zone. Heck decade before Putin even asked for Russia to be admitted to NATO to prevent such a conflict. As the Western oil companies were moving into Crimea in a proxy energy war against Russia, facilitated after the U.S. State Dept and CIA had arranged for a U.S. puppet to become president of Ukraine, Putin had no choice but to take Crimea in 2014. An outcome of that struggle was the Minsk agreement that Ukraine was to allow free and fair elections in the Russian-speaking-dominated areas of Ukraine. Zelenskyy was elected on a platform of honoring these agreements and making peace. Instead he did the opposite and had his Nazi Asov battalion committing atrocities (e.g. firing RPGs into civilian homes) against the Russian-speaking Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine. Finally when Brandon sent Kamala Harris to the Munich Conference on February 20, 2022 to declare that Ukraine was to be immediately admitted to NATO, Putin had no choice anymore and was forced to start the Special Operations to stop the atrocities and secure the buffer zone in Eastern Ukraine. He never intended to take all of Ukraine because that would cause instability in the region and be difficult to manage. But the West continues to escalate the proxy war forcing Putin into a corner in which at last resort he will not hesitate to deploy first-strike annihilation of the West with nuclear weapons. Remember Carl Sagan’s nuclear winter hypothesis has been entirely debunked. Only the Western cities will be destroyed not the rural areas. I am excited about this outcome because the cities are mostly Demonrats (democrats).Comment: EDIT: Those Warsaw pact nations (or at a minimum the bordering Baltic nations) were to remain an unaligned buffer zone.Comment: Fed pointed out something very important and different from prior recessions. The labor market is incredibly supply side limited in the USA with two job offerings for every willing applicant. Thus a wage price spiral of inflation could be sustained until the Fed breaks the economy. This is imbalance is what happens when the government is handing out money like fruit cakes to everyone with a pulse. Thus the Bolsheviks running the USA have made it impossible to contain inflation.Comment: Westerners are mentally deranged being so Gung-ho about “defeating” Putin with their virtue signaling about defending democracy in Ukraine when in fact Zelenskyy is a Nazi thug who was committing atrocities against civilians in the Donbast? Heck we do not even have democracy anymore in the West (unelected EU Commission, stolen elections in the USSA), so we should clean up our own backyard and stop throwing stones in our glass house! youtu.be/qy1-ARu4RlM ('The Five': Putin says he's not bluffing about using nuclear weapons)Comment: > > “Or maybe they will just be paid to not operate — UBI.” > “That is a message that seems to be coming across more. I heard some statement recently from the govt suggesting that businesses facing crippling energy costs might stop trading for some unspecified period but not go bankrupt! Presently, business energy rates appear to be capped at double. All-in, the energy capping will cost well over £100 billion, which is more than the annual cost of the NHS.” Subsidies and/or price controls ultimately lead to egregious stagflation, rationing and war, e.g. paying people to not work in the USSA has resulted in two jobs open for every applicant and thus a wage-price spiral that can only be stopped by crashing the economy. Interesting thing about UBI is nobody has an incentive to work but demand inflation goes crazy. So UBI forces rationing. Insanity!!!!!! The writing is on the wall. Deagel.com’s prediction for 50+% depopulation of NATO by 2025 might end up coming to fruition. You would think more Westerners would be fleeing but no they just lower their heads, and raise their bungholes up to be reamed. All will probably end up entirely enslaved in CBDCs, not being able to even talk to their neighbor without permission from some panopticon monitoring app. That’s not my cup of tea to stand my ground in front of a freight train which can’t be stopped. I escaped or in the process of thereof, while keeping one foot of access in the USSA just in case the worst does not come to fruition.Comment: Oh sh8t! The truth on Russia goes mainstream in the USA!!! youtu.be/1MJDvr-1Z-A (Tucker Carlson: This is insane)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqdFGCaJ... (Is the Fed Fighting Against The Global Elite | Mark Moss) @Mark Moss you have an error in your thesis. The market sets interest rates not the Fed. The bearish RSI divergences on the 2Y and DXY say that the market believes the interest rates can not go higher than 4 – 4.5% without crashing the U.S. economy. Meaning that even if the Fed could raise market interest rates (which they can’t) that the crashing economy would bring them right back down. Or understand it as market participants believe that they will profit at 4.25% when the economy crashes and bonds increase in value as the Fed is forced to Brrrr again and interest rates plummet as investors stampede back into the safety of bonds when the S&P plummets -63% from the new ATH incoming before that. Bitcoin is sniffing this. That is why it did not moon after the June low because it knew that rates and the dollar would increase. And that is ostensibly why it is not making a lower low while the S&P heads for a lower low, because Bitcoin is ostensibly sniffing out that rates and the dollar will have peaked this month. Bitcoin is becoming the monetary reserve unit-of-account of the world. And now it is starting to clearly play a monetary role, correctly interpreting the movement of interest rates and the dollar. Bitcoin has become the canary in the coal mine, so to speak.Comment: For those who wish to pull their head out of their arses. Otherwise ignore this. Interview WORLD FIRST: The Plot to Seize Russia, War Propaganda, and MoreComment: This is basically the same discussion as the prior video but with some additional details. From ~45 min mark, they discuss the future of the ongoing trend of moving out of the cities to the suburbs. Many Europeans escaping to Latin America. Also in both videos Armstrong claims a single 100 megaton nuclear bomb from Russia can wipe out the entire island of Britain (not sure if that is correct but certainly 3 or 4 of them directed at the major population centers will make the entire southern half probably uninhabitable). I don’t know if this was just a (Freudian?) slip of his tongue, but he said if China was going to INVADE the U.S., the first thing it would do is sell of its former massive holdings of U.S. debt (well that is exactly what China has been doing lately!). Surely he meant go to war with the U.S. and not invade Alaska (although apparently Trudeau has been hosting Chinese troops)? He said the EU will entirely collapse: Interview: The Plot to Seize Russia & Make It a NATO VassalComment: Everyone in a ~60km radius of 100 megaton would sustain 3rd degree burns and probably die unless they are inside well sealed shelter at that time. Up to 35 km radius total destruction (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_Bomba). These will be effective only against the cities and their suburbs. And I doubt Russia will deploy a 100 megaton even they have one, because the radioactive fallout would be severe. The Tsar test was limited to 50 megaton because they would have need uranium-238 to double it which would have made it orders-of-magnitude more radioactive. At 1 megaton the radius for total destruction shrinks to 3.7km. I would tend to think Putin would not bomb civilians and instead military bases: www.raf.mod.uk/our-o...uk-raf-stations-map/ en.wikipedia.org/wik...h_Army_installations Here’s the thing though. I don’t think Armstrong has the entire understanding. Armstrong seems to think this is the Neocons versus the East. My model is someone (who ever created Bitcoin) trapped all sides and are putting them in compromised positions where they have no choice but to escalate. That entity’s goal is to discredit and then enslave the nation-states in a NWO where Bitcoin is the Ideal Money as described in famed mathematician John Nash in his Jstor paper of that name. For example the Neocons (or at least the EU side) need a scapegoat so they can hang on to power as the debt bubble implodes. The Western side are thus pushing Putin to the brink. But the Western side is also vulnerable and will become more and more desperate as the Western people have access to the Internet and thus are waking up to what is happening. Thus as Armstrong fears they may move to cancel the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. Problem is that desperate, powerful people could do insane things. And the posited Bitcoin mastermind behind the curtain has no qualms about massive WW3 as depicted and dedicated in the Denver airport murals, as that will discredit the nation-states and allow the 1989 Economist Magazine’s Phoenix (i.e. Bitcoin) to rise from the ashes of WW3. The Denver airport runways were also laid out in a Nazi Swastika pattern as clearly seen from aerial photos. One would think Rothschild would not want his properties in London bombed. But the Rothschild family has been busy selling off their properties in the UK. Hmm. But who knows who is the actual mastermind entity that created Bitcoin. Anyway, I do not feel secure to conclude that WW3 will proceed in a logical way only targeting military bases instead of civilians. “In October, Hitler ordered a massive bombing campaign against London and other cities to crush British morale and force an armistice.” Always a false-flag as the justification for escalation: “The first German attack on London actually occurred by accident. On the night of August 24, 1940, Luftwaffe bombers aiming for military targets on the outskirts of London drifted off course and instead dropped their bombs on the center of London destroying several homes and killing civilians. Amid the public outrage that followed, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, believing it was a deliberate attack, ordered Berlin to be bombed the next evening.”Comment: www.armstrongeconomi...cts/the-great-reset/ The Great Reset may go down as the most important book, perhaps with hindsight. I will be adding to it over the next month with a section reviewing the demise of every economy that has ever tried to impose precisely what they are doing now. We need not just look at Russia and China or how the collapse of Marxism forced political change, and we need not even regurgitate the ongoing example of Venezuela. There are more shocking examples that warn of civil war and the breakup of nations, such as Yugoslavia and the collapse of Spain, which was once the wealthiest nation in Europe before it fell to third world status. Spain became a serial defaulter beginning in 1557, 1575, 1575, 1596, 1607, and 1647. You would think that people would wise up and stop lending to governments. That is the definition of insanity; they continually do the same stupid thing and expect a different result. Then there is Argentina. Most write off South America and pay no attention to it, assuming they are all just corrupt banana republics. Believe it or not, Argentina was actually one of the richest countries in the world at the start of the 20th century. Then the Marxists dominated South America, and when they did, they absolutely destroyed Argentina. Argentina has never been able to recover, much as was the outcome of former Yugoslavia, Spain, Russia, and just about every other country Marxists seized control.Comment: The Marxist Blue States of the USSA will collapse. The Red States will secede possibly requiring Civil War.Comment: The last chance for the U.K. was the BRexit. Remember George Soros spent heavily to defeat it and then has ostensibly been instrumental since then in installing Theresa May and then Boris the Clown to subvert BRexit; and now the follow-up Prime Minister who take a hard-line against Russia. So maybe nukes explain Deagel.com’s prediction of 75% depopulation of the UK by 2025? That would certainly do it. Not just the death from the initial attacks but the pestilence that would follow including the radioactive fallout and disruption of supply systems. I am sorry I just could not stand put there in the U.K. with my blinders on to my potential future hell. Sure it might not happen, but why risk it? For what? There will not be any employment going forward anyway, so why not make a plan to escape and find a way to survive in a area that will be outside the conflict zone? It is very simple. If the U.K. stops threatening Russia then I would stay put if that was my personality type. But for as long as the U.K. will continue threatening Russia then I would view the risk as far too high to stomach. Look I hurried to get my Mexican temporary residency in March/April 2021. Things were improving in the USA then I was thinking maybe I was a tinfoil hat Chicken Little (“sky is falling, sky is falling”). Now looks like it is becoming progressively more difficult to be approved for residency in Mexico, just as the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document (Scenarios for the Future) warned and predicted. Since 2022, Mexican Consulates have been instructed to no longer allow crypto balances for application of residency. The escape doors are closing. The clock is ticking. Perú is an easier residency to obtain perhaps. Note that radioactivity in the upper atmosphere will not cross the equator significantly as it blows around the world. Thus being south of the equator has a potential advantage if WW3 goes full retard nuclear. Carl Sagan’s nuclear winter scenario has been debunked. The threat is that the culprits in the West have been trapped and become ultra desperate. And they depose the moderates in the East (e.g. Putin) enabling the insane hard-liners in the East to grab control of the nukes. Remember this was all depicted and predicted by the wall-sized murals at the Denver airport. Steve @ Crypto Crew University is an American who moved recently to Australia with his wife and child.Comment: Martin Armstrong thinks the NWO will fail, but is he correct? It’s quite clear the humanitarian crisis in the Ukraine was also another plank is the program to break down the borders of nation-states in Europe as well, with Ukrainians migrating into Poland. Ditto the collapse of Venezuela sent their population into Colombia, Perú and Chile. South America is well on its way towards regional government with the Mercosur common market providing freedom-of-travel and residence in all participating nations. The failed governments of Venezuela and Argentina, along with a Constitutional crisis in Chile and heading that way in Brazil point to a festering power vacuum in South America lacking for effective governance. Award winning, investigative journalist Lara Logan has a high-level source at the U.N. who has told her that the plan is to migrate 100 million Latin Americans across the open border so as to foster the politics for a religion government for North America that subsumes the governments of the nation-states Canada, Mexico and the U.S.A.. There will be no need for a border between these nations anymore as the differences between these nations are amalgamated and brought into parity. What these hosts do not realize is that this amalgamation required to ameliorate the need for borders and separate nation-state governments, also requires a mass exodus of Caucasians into Mexico to raise Mexico up. I was wondering why there is a massive spending push to make four lane highways in Baja California after decades of neglect. So how would you motivate millions of Caucasians to escape to Mexico? Nuclear war against NATO countries? Btw, this also perfect fits with my thesis that the powers-that-be launched Bitcoin to enslave the nation-states in a NWO as proposed by famed mathematician John Nash’s Ideal Money proposal (published by Jstor). youtu.be/iRSs3sTIi0Q?t=37 (The WEF plan to REMAKE Mexico, US, and Canada's borders EXPOSED! | Redacted with Clayton Morris) > “We aren't going to have a choice...clearly action by the people is the only thing these psychopaths will understand.” @Roxanne Armstrong the only thing that will stop them is to have your financial system outside of theirs. Which is virtually impossible. It can’t be physical money, because our economies can not function of physical money any more (efficiencies, distance, etc) unless you want to revert to the poverty inducing agrarian society. > “Many of us remember when this plan was first exposed during the W. Bush administration, when there were talks about merging the U.S., Canada and Mexico and creating a new currency for the newly merged "nation". I even remember the "Amero" being the leading candidate for the name of such a new currency.” > “Creating the N. American currency (the Amero) was outlined as their plan to bring Canada, USA, Mexico under one government or one financial entity. This is in a multi part film released around 10 years ago called Zeitgeist.” @Dug Nice, @Jeff Boyajian actually the plan goes back to the 10 Kings regions in the Biblical prophesy. > “this has been known in Mexico for years ....” ​ @wet timguavass yes in Mexico it was known as La raza cósmica. > “I drive across the US and Mexico Border at Nogales about ever 3-6 months to visit family in Mexico. I can’t speak for other borders, but the Nogales Mariposa Road crossing is very secure. I would need to see other boarder crossing or masses of people waiting to come across either direction to think otherwise.” @Stephanie Holbrook open borders means in the current context that only law-abiding people cross at secure border checkpoints.Comment: Typo: I meant ‘regional government’, not ‘religion government’. Also another word to use instead ‘amalgamate’ would be ‘harmonize’.Comment: Given that 100 million was Deagel’s projected population of the U.S.A. after a depopulation/migration event by 2025, I wonder if something was misinterpreted as relayed to Lara Logan? Anyway it is clear that the powers-that-be want to harmonize the vassal nation-states to form the biblical Ten Kings regions for the world. The more they can move the governance away from the control of local people (e.g. the unelected EuropeOn Commission and the rigged elections in the USSA) to a distant, unelected authority, the more enslaved the people. Remember slavery has been the norm throughout human civilization. Never have humans been truly freemen. There’s hardly a soul reading this who isn’t enslaved in the debt-based fiat, politicized financial system for example. Thing is that the vast majority of people are sheep. The (Stanley) Milgram experiment proved the sheepeople will follow and submit. This will NEVER change. Never. So what are we who wish to be sovereign freepeople to do when the sheepeople will always choose enslavement? We need some way to unhitch our financial system from theirs. I know what has to be done. Mircea Popescu’s WoT (web-of-trust) was the essence of what we need. We need a system recorded indelibly on a blockchain wherein those who pledge to never report anonymous transactions to the government obtain an anonymous reputation for not doing so (they can be anonymous and still have reputation at stake). Those who defect are cast out of the black market, parallel, anonymous (i.e. cash-like cryptocurrency that can not be tracked) financial system. And probably arses-assination bounties are put on the heads of those who join, then defect (not that I am advocating this in public). My proposed parallel economy could grow so powerful that the government would become afraid of persecuting members, because I dare say some members might be bold enough to propose anonymous crowd-funded arses-assination bounties on the heads of senior-rank trouble making government officials and those who opt-in and then defect. This will not be for most people as most prefer a cuddly warm blanket enslavement instead of the effort required for freedom. The sheepeople can go fail and be enslaved in their derelict, politicized financial system. We would leave them alone, as long as they leave us alone. My proposal is the direct democracy Armstrong was proposing except entirely not in the all-inclusive manner he envisioned. Remember the State Constitutions and Assemblies (which have never been in session since the globalist coup d‘etat of Abraham Lincoln’s Lieber Code martial subversion) only allowed land owners (10+ acres) and white men to vote. Never has any sane system been all-inclusive of idiots and sheepeople. What I am saying is we can not be in any one identifiable place or person, because the powers-that-be could just decapitate our leaders and annihilate us. We must be amorphous and attacking us must be akin to playing Whac-A-Mole. Men must understand that freedom always requires spilling blood from time-to-time. And that every sovereign must have paid arses-assins (i.e. a military). Much better that military element be entirely anonymous, amorphous and decentralized! I am proposing to move our sovereign into the knowledge age! That is how we win. I am a computer programmer and a block chain expert. Those troglodyte, atavistic fools such as James A. Donald want to return to monarchy, as if that paradigm has any economic relevance after humanity departed from the agrarian and industrial ages to the fledgling knowledge age that I have been writing about since 2012.Comment: To prevent Sybil attacks (i.e. government operatives creating multiple anonymous identities so we can only play Whac-A-Mole against them), an anonymous identity is naturally revealed to the other party when doing tangible business in a way that could enable doxxing the other party (e.g. AirBnB rental). This does not doxx either party to the public-at-large unless one of those parties is provably doxxing the other first in violation of our new Constitution, which becomes grounds for blacklisting and if egregious enough possibly proposing arse-assination. All transactions are anonymous so even if an identity is doxxed, their funds are not traceable. Doxxing would only blacklist for those tangible transactions where the other party demands identity because of the nature of the face-to-face product or service transacted for. This is essentially the way physical cash works. Anonymity of transactions means that for example a YTuber could put up a donation address, but no one would know which transactions were received at that address. It would even be impossible to know whether the recipient even accessed or spent funds sent to that address.Comment: Bitcoin $billionaire (~0.5 million BTC) Mircea had concluded in Closure that the idea for such a Serene Republic failed and would not work because there was nothing accomplished by (i.e. no uptake of) his efforts, which he then blamed on there not being any men who exist on the planet anymore due to our squalid environment. Mircea believed that freedom is only obtained via the monopoly of the sovereign. I presume he was thinking that Bitcoin whales would have more resources at their disposal than governments, when he rejected the need for any anonymity. That is a winner-take-all paradigm, which he implicitly acknowledged. How is that Mircea failed to understand that wealth itself is self-defeating because of entropy. Large wealth must always dissolve, such as due to the mechanism that saplings grow fast to oak trees, but oak trees don’t grow to the moon, instead become stagnant and eventually rot and decay. Thus great wealth will always try to parasite on upcoming wealth and actual productivity, thus strangling itself and the entire society — Bitcoin is that Luciferian attempt on steroids! How the fuck did Mircea expect the actual productive people to get excited about Bitcoin when it is a 666 panopticon system? Mircea thus effectively believed that productivity needs to be enslaved, yet then wonders why no actual productivity was interested in his enslavement system. Fuck all. End of anonymous cash? Yeah I am all for that! Sign me up Mircea for 666 central bank digital currencies. Let’s strangle all the productivity and provide no portal from which any productivity can escape by concluding that the anonymity of cash was never important. 🤦🏻 His argument is inane to employ the example of the parochial rural where everyone knows everyone as the reason why anonymity is not a necessary counter-balance to the economies-of-scale in global political-financial enslavement. Most humans understand that the earthly life is fleeting and that amassing great wealth is pointless unless you want to control others. Thus most people are only interested in being sovereign in the small — Mircea can’t control where ever leaf falls to the ground nor where I will piss and fornicate, although the powers-that-be are working on a panopticon for that. The loss of informational access to the individual’s every action is necessary for humanity to even have the degrees-of-freedom (i.e. potential energy) to generate any productivity and wealth. Mircea’s retarded (or myopic) conceptualization (presumably that wealth is a benevolent or at least virtuous steward) actually leads to complete strangulation and poisoning of the well from which any light can emanate. Again that is because wealth accumulation itself is a winner-take-all self-immolation paradigm. Thus humanity can only exist if there are means with which to ameliorate the power of accumulated wealth, at least in the small. Mircea offered no viable choice and no pathway to success. Thus HE failed, and then blamed it on US. He did not gain any sovereignty nor freedom. He either joins Satan in his lust to enslave humanity by joining the cabal, or he succumbs to the cabal eventually. All roads lead to the Revelation. The 170 IQ Omar Bessa who I met on Quora told me privately that in his estimation Mircea only has an ~145 IQ. So much for that “polymath genius” BS.Comment: It’s disappointing that ostensibly no one understands the significance of my comments enough to react. Human civilization will always run on debt-slavery because humans have a short time preference. Economic activity stagnates without usury (as was the case in the Dark Age) because humans are only motivated to produce by a debt servicing obligation that supplied their immediate gratification. Thus the bulk of society will always help enslave any of the rest of us who would prefer to just be left alone. The wealthy need to enslave us all because their wealth and power depends on preventing competition from those who are more nimble. So we have a system in human civilization where the majority enslave the minority with the wealthy playing their (ultimately self-immolating as Satan deceives himself) wealth-preservation, control-freak role. Because to repeat that nimbler (smaller) capital can grow wealth faster than large wealth. Thus instead of relinquishing their relative wealth to the up-and-coming, the entrenched wealth clamp down and oppress. So the only paradigm that prevents society from strangling itself into an eternal Dark Age, is the ability of capital to transaction away from the stifling control the wealthy and the complicit derelict majority. In the Dark Age after the fall of Western Rome there were abandoned hordes of silver and gold coins because there was no way to transact without being hunted down. This spawned the rise of feudalism and protective manors (castles even) to protect the stored gold. So in this new digital era it essential that we have anonymity technology to duplicate the functionality of physical money (aka cash) otherwise we are doomed to possibly even the extinction event narrated in Revelation. Bitcoin as John Nash’s Ideal Money concept providing a stable, impartial, incorruptible unit-of-account and store-of-value, facilitates both winner-take-all wealth accumulation and also potentially also nimble capital formation. I say potential because by limiting the blocks to 1MiB it is possible that nimble capital formation may be priced out by transaction fees. Also Nakamoto proof-of-work is flawed in that a 50+% attack by a cabal of the whales could in the future (i.e. the end game of Revelation) censor transactions of those who are nimble and competing to overtake them. Bitcoin is a (thus necessarily self-immolating) technological “triumph” of Luciferian wealth accumulation over the inexorable trend of entropy to maximum. If humanity is to survive we must have a counter balance to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most diabolical, Luciferian weapon ever unleashed on humanity. Mircea is/was an idiot with a moderately high IQ and a sharp wit (not genius level). Bitcoin can maybe be converted into a boon for humanity (and those of us who wish to opt-out from the societalcide smashup of the derelict majority, so as to be sovereign at least in the small) for some decade(s) if we have an anonymous system with a decentralized exchange to/from Bitcoin. But in the long-run Bitcoin is the end game of Revelation. Yet I might be dead by then anyway and hopefully humanity will work out a way to overcome Bitcoin’s diabolical end-game such as perhaps by building on any of my (or others’?) imminent efforts after I’m retired. The foundational problem is that humans employ the zero-sum game of monetary exchange as a motivation for being productive, instead of perhaps a gift culture, c.f also. Maybe I can also do something about that foundational issue also with a block chain that encourages sharing production as more rewarding than monetary accumulation — it’s at least worth an attempt. It is key to understand that all proof-of-work altcoins will be destroyed by mining difficulty non-readjustment attacks (and yes I have studied all claimed solutions and they will not stop the attack). And proof-of-stake can be regulated by governments. Thus there will only be one global unit-of-account which is legacy Bitcoin. And eventually a cabal of the wealthy can control Bitcoin in the Revelation end-game (when all the wealth is on the Seven Hills of Jerusalem/Rome).Comment: Exactly the following is what is coming (repeating in history) as the governments will ban Bitcoin for domestic transactions (to the extent they can, because they certainly can’t confiscate it if held in a private wallet, although the same applied to gold as they were only able to confiscate the gold that was stored at institutions such as bank vaults) and Bitcoin will become the international transactions tier in the two-tiered monetary system. That Martin can not see this future exemplifies his hubris. And the following blog post is full of hubris as if Socrates is smarter than us who know what is happening with Bitcoin. Socrates knows nothing about legacy protocol Bitcoin becoming the next global monetary reserve. Duh. The British Pound & the FX Crisis In the process, the rise in the dollar will kill US exports and start the economic decline in the USA as the rise in the dollar also did during the Great Depression. This will create deflation and the rising interest rates may make some people think that the Fed is achieving its goal, but we have also shortages which are the opposite of the Great Depression. It was the sharp rise in the dollar that led to Protectionism because the politicians did not understand what was taking place. This rise in the dollar was also the reason Roosevelt confiscated gold and raise its value from $20 to $35 to devalue the dollar. Thereafter, the US had a two-tier monetary system. Gold for international transactions and silver domestically precisely as what took place back in Florence under the Medicis.Comment: An interesting insight is that central banks around the world can not defend their currencies by selling U.S. Treasury bonds (as the Japanese Central Bank recently did) because this drives interest rates up in the U.S.A. which strengthens the dollar, thus sanitizing their selling of dollars generated by the said liquidation of Treasury bonds. Thus interest rates must go much higher outside the USA thus creating a global Great Depression, or the dollar must continue rising. We are heading into a monetary reset and the WW3 that accompanies the Thucydides Trap as the U.S.A. loses its superpower status. The UK ostensibly decided to raise interest rates by enacting tax cuts without cutting government spending which will force the UK government to issue more bonds than before.Comment: Philippines as now a Chinese vassal helps to prevent the laundering of money out of China. I really hated what Manila had become with all those Chinese. They were not friendly at all. www.gamblinginsider....wants-pogo-crackdown www.asiafinancial.co...n-gambling-crackdownComment: To my Filipino group members please do not be offended by my statements about the Philippines. The Philippines is a wonderful place for a tourist. Or at least it was and hopefully it will be again. My issues are my own. I should have had my life more organized and not trapped myself in a foreign place for 3 decades. That was unhealthy for me given my personality type and my significant likes and dislikes. For example I derive a lot of my daily happiness from the climate and the serenity of for example rural California and rural Baja California where I am now. I sacrificed that while in the Philippines to I guess pursue Filipina girls. Some of it was just pure adventure especially at the earlier years. Some of it was running away from issues with my father in the USA. Then I got mired in it. My fault. I ruined the beauty of it by turning it into torture by staying too long. I did not appreciate enough the opportunities that were still there in the USA which I flushed down the toilet. So as much of anything I am expressing disgust with myself, when I express repulsion to what I tortured myself with.Comment: youtu.be/0v_6cIVodlo?t=387 ← click the see chart of divergence between oil and U.S. interest rates (A Major Capitulation Event is Occurring on the Stock Market | This is What Could Trigger a Reversal) My comment: Bond markets set interest rates, not the Fed. Rates diverged up as oil declined because the stronger U.S. economy requires a higher level of rates (than abroad) to crush demand, which increases dollar demand. Central banks defending their currencies by selling U.S. bonds, cause U.S. rates to increase nullifying their defense. UK just cut taxes to increase bond issuance to force UK interest rates higher. Thus global demand will collapse and oil will move lower. Too much stimulus checks so U.S. labor has no incentive to work. This severe global recession is eventually likely to lead to war cutting off supply of oil sending it skyrocketing. Meantime EU and UK will increase govt spending on energy subsidies and if this includes increased borrowing, their interest rates should rise providing some defense against the dollar as U.S. rates top out. This is a vicious cycle leading to economic scorched earth with a soaring dollar and a cratered global economy. Their weakening currencies abroad will exacerbate their domestic inflation thus also help to force their interest rates higher, thus helping to arrest the dollar’s rise for awhile. The UK pound sterling is likely to defend its 1985 1.03 level while the U.S. starts its cycle of peak rates (probably now or in October) and ensuing employment recession by Q1 2023. But the dollar is headed much higher later in 2023+ as economies abroad implode abroad from the egregious stagflation (high interest rates and inflation) although the EU/UK subsidies may kick-the-can for awhile on their ultimately unavoidable, abject collapse into the abyss — thus why our Western leaders need and instigated the WW3 scapegoat. Sterling will later plummet to 89 and then ultimately perhaps 72 by 2026 or 2027. In summary we have maybe one more respite of risk-on markets from October. But later in 2023 until at least 2026 appears to be an incoming, utter hell. Appears inflation will be sustained as long as possible with WW3 and subsidies to prevent deflation. In which case the vicious cycle of the soaring dollar will persist. Until everything is reduced to ashes and there’s no demand regardless of supply. We are staring down the barrel of Hades.Comment: Number of non-military, U.S. federal officers with arrest authority tripled from 74,000 in 1997 to 200,000 by 2016 which was more than 180,000 U.S. Marines. And recently the hiring of another 87,000 armed I.R.S. agents have been authorized and funded. This is a military in violation of Posse Comitatus. youtu.be/8VOb5s4FRR8 (WEF is building the world's biggest ARMY to take away your rights | Redacted with Clayton Morris)Comment: Yes indeed this is what I see on the horizon. youtu.be/3_8BOeCIhhk?t=197 (Investing Legend Just Predicted The Unthinkable | Mark Moss) Super Bubble’s final act. Stocks, bonds and real estate into a Greater Depression. Only the 4th time in U.S. history.Comment: Understand the referendum in Eastern Ukraine will be counted on Sept 27. If they have voted to join Russia, then any further attacks by Ukraine or the West on Eastern Ukraine will be an attack on Russia. This is escalating towards WW3. U.S. military officials say there is a 50% chance of nuclear war. youtu.be/PH4S_maL5nA (Putin just CALLED their bluff and it's about to get real bad | Redacted with Clayton Morris)Comment: youtu.be/CXHT8-pN5H4 (Bill Gates Stopped Trump From Investigating Vaccines)Comment: How do you explain that the one major Japanese brand (Suzuki) not available in the West, has global production up 205%? While the Japanese brands available in the West have shrinking production? www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxmoE6tr... > “@S. Moore Suzuki What explanation do you need? They make simple and inexpensive cars, people are buying them.” @Chill Will I wanted someone to make the connection between the lie about man-made climate change in the West which has been totally debunked by for example 180 IQ Princeton emeritus Freeman Dyson, which thus requires our vehicles to meet all sort of egregious emission requirements intended to end I.C.E. vehicles to (i.e. so the powers-that-be can) force us onto the enslaving, bankrupting and failure directed EVs; and the fact that Suzuki can’t meet those emission requirements thus exited Western markets. And also that Suzuki has expanded production in India where they pretty middle gave the middle finger to pLandemic hoax which was launched intentionally as the scapegoat for the collapsing Western debt bubble. The chip shortage is just another intentionally planned facet of the plan to entirely enslave the West in central bank digital currencies. Observe your sordid future you bunch of inept, clueless, apathetic plebs. @Chill Will ah I see that YT censored my reply. As usual their A.I. bot filters any stark truths that do not want you plebs to know. Laughing at your vagginations which test more frequently positive than the non-vagginated. Billions of tests for something that circulates every year and voila a pandemic out-of-nothing. And you f-ing idiots believed it. Lol.🤦‍♂️Comment: Heading out to the gym. Will be contemplating everything on the drive to/from. I am in the extreme case contemplating a cyber attack on all our bank accounts to be blamed on Russia might be how they push us onto enslaving central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Maybe this would only be done to NATO countries. But this would make people wary of allowing the government to ban cash. So maybe this will not happen. In any case I think hodling a significant number $100 bills would be important. The dollar would be the last paper currency to be canceled. Remember there are limits to how much paper dollars one can travel on a plane with and across some borders and not have it confiscated by authorities. Just wondering what is going to cause that -63% flash crash on the S&P that I am expecting later in 2023 or early 2024. I doubt it will be any health care related excuse. Pondering if even an act of war between NATO and Russia would be enough to crash the markets that much and that fast? The use of a strategic nuclear weapon might do it? It is quite clear to me that there will be no resistance at all to the CBDCs in Germany, UK and a few other nations in the EU. The diabolical BlackRock CEO (at a recent globalist conference including Bill Clinton) was asking for a change to the IMF charter to put $trillions of capital into forcing ESG (new green climate crap) down the throat of the developing world. He said the current amount of capital applied there (~$500B) is far insufficient to “uplift” the developing world onto their panopticon plans. So clearly their plan is to bankrupt and impoverish the developing world also, and then have the IMF stipulate compliance with the Great Reset as a prerequisite for IMF bailouts. My model is that the rise of Bitcoin (Economist Magazine's Phoenix) will bankrupt their fiat-based, dollar-based capital. Thus I think they will fail to completely onboard every single individual in the developing world onto their panopticon. In other words, the West will experience a massive devaluation and the CBDCs will be most widely adopted in the most failed, socialist Western countries. The CBDCs I think are a failure directed pogrom of self-immolation. I believe in the inexorable trend to maximum entropy. Highly ordered (i.e. centralized) systems are death stars. How else can I say leave Germany and the UK? Yes to some extent jumping out of the boiling pot into the frying pan. I am also wary of the crap I might deal with if I attempt Perú. I would much rather stay here in Mexico and North America from an efficiency standpoint. Wary that I will bog myself down in crappy Internet connections, noise, theft, and perhaps not even find a suitable gym nearby. It will deplete my focus from what I need to be working on pronto. Difficult decisions. I think I will probably be highly skeptical of any intention of living long-term in Perú. I may be forced to visit in order to reunite with someone. But if so I will go into thinking that it will only be a temporary thing. Thus for example only rent a vehicle. If while there I decide I really love it there, then I could adjust my plans. But I even hate the disruption of needing to go there temporarily. I wish I could find another solution. OTOH having some experience on the ground in a country south of the equator might come in handy if there is a nuclear holocaust in the northern hemisphere. I doubt I would be heading to Australia. But we can’t do everything. We need to prioritize.Comment: A key summary: the powers-that-be only have power because of the power vacuum of collectivized resources forced on us by the fact that the minority can’t unhitch from the “might makes right” Weberian raison d‘etre for the State. I propose to technological ameloriate that invariant that has existed since time immortal. That is how important is my disagreement with Mircea Popescu (Trilema.com).Comment: Canada to End Vaccine Mandates Canada is finally ending the absurd COVID vaccine mandates. No, Trudeau did not come to his senses. The truth of the matter is that the majority of people dying {…who tested positive for flu tests named “COVID”…} are the triple and quadruple vaccinated. In fact, they {i.e. the vagginated} account for 90% of “COVID-related” deaths in the past three months. There is true mass psychosis surrounding the vaccination. It does not prevent transmission or infection. Despite that being a known fact, politicians are eager to promote the vaccine, along with the media that continues to push boosters on every platform available. People are bringing their babies and elderly loved ones to get the latest vaccine with lines out the door. What happens now when the mask falls and people realize the truth? There are people crying online that it is “too soon” to remove the vaccine requirement. It is cognitive dissonance. They cannot allow their brains to process that they were lied to for years. The vaccine only weakened people’s immune systems and made them more susceptible to {alleged} COVID {bugaboo}.Comment: IMPORTANT: Jordan Peterson EXPOSES Bill Gates Nasty Plan I wrote previously as follow: > “It is quite clear to me that there will be no resistance at all to the CBDCs in Germany, UK and a few other nations in the EU. > >The diabolical BlackRock CEO (at a recent globalist conference including Bill Clinton) was asking for a change to the IMF charter to put $trillions of capital into forcing ESG (new green climate crap) down the throat of the developing world. He said the current amount of capital applied there (~$500B) is far insufficient to “uplift” the developing world onto their panopticon plans. > > So clearly their plan is to bankrupt and impoverish the developing world also, and then have the IMF stipulate compliance with the Great Reset as a prerequisite for IMF bailouts. > > My model is that the rise of Bitcoin (Economist Magazine's Phoenix) will bankrupt their fiat-based, dollar-based capital. Thus I think they will fail to completely onboard every single individual in the developing world onto their panopticon. In other words, the West will experience a massive devaluation and the CBDCs will be most widely adopted in the most failed, socialist Western countries. The CBDCs I think are a failure directed pogrom of self-immolation. I believe in the inexorable trend to maximum entropy. Highly ordered (i.e. centralized) systems are death stars.” > “Mexicans will not tolerate any plan that rations their food and needs. ” Now listen to the following starting at the 5:50 linked juncture: youtu.be/CBs34Frdxwo?t=350 (Jordan Peterson EXPOSES Bill Gates Nasty Plan) Essentially the host (not Peterson) points out that Dutch farmers don’t have their blinders on unlike most Westerners. And then he points out that unlike Dutch farmers, Panama’s protestors will go home if bought out with cheap food and cheap gas. Ah ha! You see that is why BlackRock’s CEO was pointing out they need more funds to effect ESG compliance in the developing world. But as that host points out they are destroying the most efficient farmers in the world. So seems they want to accomplish it in the developing world by making them even more bankrupt and dependent and then manage the resource scarcity by doling them out the subsistence needs the developing world people need to be satiated. And that is why they need private armies to take out those who are awake in the West. They might fail with their private armies in the USA, as too many of us are aware and we are armed to the hilt, although we may lack a Schelling point and they will both pick us off individually and undermine our attempts at political organization (e.g. they will bankrupt Florida and DeSantis). We are waiting for them. Bring it on boys! The 2nd Civil War is going to be interesting. Economic Devastation awaits us in the West. Jordan Peterson seems to agree with me that they will fail because they will undermine their own capital. But as I pointed out numerous times which Armstrong et al refuse to acknowledge is the key factor is the rise of Bitcoin that will enable the productive capital of the world to offboard from the diabolical W.E.F. insanity and break free from their resource scarcity plan for global domination. Again I posit that some entity behind the curtain is playing the W.E.F. as pawns in their plan for total domination because Bitcoin eventually becomes the biblical Revelation Seven Hills as I previously described. It is all abundantly clear to me now. And I have informed you all what we need technologically which I must create (asap). My confidence grows that I have the correct interpretation. Now whether the minority needs to unhitch from the majority (as a viable black market) is realistic or whether the dispersed minority is globally actually the surviving majority movement that becomes the sanctioned market is perhaps an issue of timing and actually a self-fulfilling outcome of ameliorating the power vacuum of the collective if it is possible. The other important take away from this is that the plan of the W.E.F. appears to be to increase poverty and dependence in the developing world. They may succeed for a short-term so expect some rough sailing in the developing world. But ultimately they fail. And thus the developing world may be more suitable for avoiding for example CBDC enslavement plans, if one can insulate themselves from the effects of intensification of poverty. In the developed Western world we face the problem that the majority still have their blinders on but the minority is an egregious threat to the diabolical plan and they they will be coming after us out of desperation for it us or them. As I said many of those who are aware are now seething and reading to hang the W.E.F. leaders and sycophants from lamp posts. Thus I expect them to forcefully push the CBDCs in the West as there will be significant uptake given how addicted Westerners are to their collapsing, debt bubble affluence.Comment: Here’s the relevant video clip: youtu.be/8R3P9t_zVWU?t=154 (Bill Clinton and Blackrock team up to ACCELERATE the great reset | Redacted with Clayton Morris)Comment: Everyone in Europe do not delude yourself. A 4 or 5 year WW3 is incoming: NATO Preparing for World War Alarmingly, Minguet believes that training will last for four or five years. They are planning for a long-term ongoing battle fought among numerous nations, aka a world war.Comment: > “I know those roads, they’re less than an hour from Oxford. I can appreciate how the contrasting roads of Europe and America would lead to very different driving preferences. I’ve had no experience of driving for miles in a straight line (other than tedious motorways), but I imagine I would find an appeal in cruising wide expanses, and would choose the right tool for the job (probably with a V8), if I had the opportunity. Yes, the enjoyment of tackling the narrow, twisty bits is the challenge I enjoy: anticipating the right gear and speed for corners, positioning the car for the apexes etc, which lightness, a responsive chassis, and predictable handling all add to the experience” Your desire for a 4-seater that handles like a 2-seater is unconsciously because on your roads you don’t get to specialize a 4-seater for wide open relaxing interstate highways running a V8. You’re adapting to your environment. > “I’m unable to find the appeal of going round and round like that; what you’re used to I guess.” I did too. But I was never much into watching racing. I think the Americans wanted a track where V8 torque and violence would be employed. So they like seeing the Nascars pile up around the curves and then jockey for acceleration into the straight portion. It looks more like football in the curves. The tail gate partying in the parking lot is a carbon copy of what is done before football games. > “Could be, though that might be a bit of a stretch. I can see it could be connected to a self-reliant pioneer spirit.” No it really is. Americans want to be perceived as tough, that is why they are so gung ho about their military for example. > “though there are a growing number of seethers this side of the pond” Verbally only of course. And with proper decorum. Because form matters more than function. Same as in the British vehicles. > “I’ve always found much of American culture appealing, also the tendency to be generally more open and less self-conscious.” Americans are prioritized on action and outcomes. The Gadsden Flag among us cut through the civility BS and go directly to deeds. This is significantly a Southern culture although Southerns are also very respectful of others (a form of civility on the personal, familiar level, but not a form over function effect). And note those Americans who think they are more civilized and sophisticated (especially institutionalized and statist) hate that what they perceive to be backwards Southern culture. That is one reason they hate Trump. They also think football and Nascar racing is inane. Note of course we have a significant number (even a super majority) of Americans with more of a British-civility-over-function, Euro-socialist-statist and other non-Gadsden Flag oriented cultures. Which is why the country appears to be splitting in two as the debt-financed model for keeping us united is exhausted. The Gadsden Flag is a symbol of the South even though it was conceived during the Revolutionary Warjust look at the Wikipedia map of which States still prominently display it. And note the military gung ho orientation of Southerners is being deceived right now as they are lied to about who intentionally instigated and is intentionally perpetuating the war in Ukraine. So even our Gadsden Flay archetype are being undermined by their ignorance. > “Perhaps less so than a couple of decades ago, as we now share so much of your culture, so there is less perceived distance.” Afaik, Brits share some of the non-Gadsden Flag core culture. Brits gave up their guns willingly. Thus there is no Brit with a Gadsden Flag culture.Comment: My ex (the pinay who lives in the U.S. since 1999) says she thought the Gadsden Flag was something about not stepping in poop. Hahaha. That’s the Filipino interpretation. 🤣🙃Comment: Liberland will use block chain for voting and all functions of their government. Those who pay more taxes have more votes. youtu.be/Hc9dXztILfU?t=359 (he New Wave of Crypto Colonialism | Cryptoland | VICE News)Comment: This is why I say to Adam that “the Jews” correctly figured out that we can not help others. The correct model of the world is to help stupid people destroy themselves by feeding them all the BS they will accept. And then this bitch: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRSs3sTI... > > > “Naw, we knew he was right, we just didn't know what to do about it.” > > @Suzanne Blaylock I replied to another of your comments. I am on that ‘what to do about it’ aspect. I am a computer programmer > > > > @Suzanne Blaylock one of the issues is a viable Schelling point. As you see for now most Americans are rallying around States rights by voting with their feet. That is one facet of the resistance but the globalists expected and wanted that. Their intent is to discredit the nation-states and enslave us in Bitcoin as the world reserve currency with us plebs on 666-like central bank digital currencies. The current Bitcoin is actually an impostor soft fork that will be destroyed. This is very complex and I can not put everything in a YT comment. > “@S. Moore programmer? Yawn 😁” @Suzanne Blaylock you have no f-ing clue you numbskull. The other dialogue I referred to: > > > “So scary. Thank you for being so brave in exposing this. I am praying for you all that you have peace in your hearts and minds. This is depressing information to know. Lots of Love to you all. 🤗” > > @Heather Greenwood Peace and hugs will not rescue you. > @S. Moore Neither will her prayers, unfortunately @Suzanne Blaylock Gadsden Flag. Lock and load. But we will also need more than just guns. We will need our own currency and unfortunately physical currency does not compute anymore.Comment: And that shall be the final post in this published idea updates thread. I abused its intended purpose long enough already. And so it shall be.Comment: I decided to make one final update on October 1, 2022. There was a time when I thought building consensus and getting along with others was virtuous. I was so naive. The virtue is in making it impossible for the consensus to f-ck with those who want meritocracy. I am basically in tune with Mircea’s conclusion except I don’t see how a winner-take-all competition which Bitcoin perpetuates, is congruent with the Second Law of Thermodynamics that entropy trends to maximum inexorably. Such winner-take-all outcomes are a black hole (which I have often stated as only the most ruthless can capture and hold the power vacuum of the collective), i.e. the winner strangles everything (totally ordered, zero entropy) thus wins nothing (no light/information can exist). Maybe the cyclical nature of the universe can’t operate any other way than by cycles of consensus and dark ages, but I seek instead to find a way to be invisible from the herd and to make the 50+% attack that exists in proof-of-work ineffectual in my alternative formulation of a block chain protocol. I don’t know if either is more correct than the other. Two different approaches to the problem. I am not going to waste my time with anyone. I will not give another person an opportunity to interact with me, except on a need to basis, i.e. if they come bearing gifts I need. We need to start to prepare out psyche for the changes coming to our civilization. You will want to avoid 99.99999% of people. It’s protoplasm harvesting time. Armstrong wrote in his recent blog that billions will die. www.armstrongeconomi...comment-from-europe/ Our computer has been pointing to 2023 as an absolute MAJOR crisis point in global geopolitics. The risk of international war is very real. These climate zealots are destroying our way of life the very same way that Karl Marx did, which led to the death of over 200 million people between Russia and China. This time, it will be in the billions.Comment: Finally the very popular Joe Rogan show (13.1M subscribers) hosts a guest who for the most part does an accurate and complete exposé on the truth about the Ukraine situation that is leading us into a nuclear WW3! Finally we are getting the truth out to millions of Americans! youtu.be/WVXzwnU1H6U (Dave Smith Breaks Down the Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine | PowerfulJRE) Yikes tactical nukes. That means widespread radiation from lots of smaller nukes used on key targets all over NATO countries. Will there be Nuclear Weapons? These people are playing a very dangerous game for the hardliners are still there behind Putin and blowing up the pipelines has now shown Russia that this is a war intended to defang and declaw the bear assuming they would even allow it to still breathe. That means that pushed up against the wall, Russia will have no choice but to use at least tactical nuclear weaponsComment: That CIA operative bastard Zelenskyy has just pushed this to WW3 by requesting for Ukraine’s immediate admission into NATO. Realize NATO can not legally accept any country that is current under attack, thus ostensibly this had to wait until now that the Russian occupied regions have been annexed by the Russian Federation. youtu.be/vx1NXKIZvBA?t=137 ← click for the video of Zelenskyy’s militaristic signing and pronouncement. (EMERGENCY! This is heading for ALL OUT WAR and Putin knows it. | Redacted with Clayton Morris)Comment: The plan to use a cyberattack on our bank accounts to force into a cashless economy and centralized central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). If they can blow up the Nordstream pipeline and our governments not admit their culpability, they can also launch a cyber attack on our bank accounts and not admit they did it. youtu.be/6VSpaP51ZeI?t=251 ← click for image of IMF simulating a cyber attack youtu.be/6VSpaP51ZeI?t=457 ← click for image of W.E.F.’s plan to freeze our bank accounts and blame it on a scapegoat (WEF caught LYING about their plan to control our bank accounts | Redacted with Clayton Morris)Comment: Neil with his thick Scottish accent explains how the world’s central banks are controlled by unelected, shadowy figures in the B.I.S. which has its headquarters in a glass building in Basel, Switzerland. youtu.be/x-xik96nX1k (Neil Oliver: 'By taking back control of the money we can begin regaining control of our world' | GBNews) Sue Davey commented: “Thank you Neil, that was absolutely brilliant, the truth is slowly coming out. The problem as I see it though is, judging from the comments, that the majority of people do not have a clue what's actually happening at the moment. They blithely think ( or don't it would appear) that they are going to be able to continue to have cash in their pocket when in actual fact their bank account will be run by the government. Any slight demeanor such as eating incorrct foods such as meat, and your assets are frozen, no cash, no food , no petrol. I really despair that the sheep will never wake up. It's later than we think.”Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx1NXKIZ... > “I'm not holding my breathe. The greatest thing for an evil person is to make and let the world burn and try to save it at the same time.The world has become so corrupt and unfortunately, as a result of letting narcissists run things, the people under these corrupt individuals become equally so (as in us as a society).” @Malik Marcus the sheepeople idiots of the world enable this. Don’t blame on the sheep herders, who are just serving the great demand for their services.Comment: Neocons – Climate Zealots – Ukrainian Neo-Nazis QUESTION: Martin, I am now becoming confused as to who or what is the instigator of the major global war that is transpiring. You have made the point that the Climate Change Zealots and their claims to end fossil fuels are the cause for inciting WW III. However, you have also made claims that the Neocons in the Deep State and their hatred of Russia are the instigators of this same conflict. Are these two forces one and the same or are they two different factions fighting for the same outcome? ANSWER: John McCain, who was the leader of the pack of Neocons, was promoting Nuclear Power for climate change to end the US dependence on oil and that of Europe. McCain used climate change to cut off Russia whose 50% of GDP was energy. Thus, McCain could care less about the climate. He used it as a weapon against Russia. {…} What we have is the Climate Zealots who want to end all fossil fuels, where their goals support the Neocons who want to annihilate their enemies – Russia and China. {The Nordstream pipeline was destroyed by the powers-that-be, because the Europeans were protesting the sanctions against Russia and Putin was willing to turn the gas back on and negotiate. Our powers-that-be want WW3 for various reasons.} The waters are now polluted and the impact on fishing will be considerable. This was not the brainchild of the Climate Zealots yet it sparks a few champaign toasts in celebration. Russia has come out and said that the slaughter of civilians in Bucha was fake and propaganda. Based upon information and belief, this was also a staged event by the [Zelenskyy’s, i.e. Ukrainian} Neo-Nazis. There are even videos confirming that which are in the possession of NATO. It does not end there. The Neo-Nazis shot down the Malaysian Flight M17 using an old BUK Russian missile that was no longer in use in an effort to get the US to send in troops claiming it came from the Donbas. The Neo-Nazis are really willing to do anything to quench their thirst for the hatred of Russians. The 2014 Massacre of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in Odessa where they killed them grabbing them on the streets was a Neo-Nazi event. That was the turning point. It revealed that the Donbas had to separate for the Neo-Nazis wanted their death, not their submission. That began the civil war. They set fire to the building and burned all the Russian-speaking Ukrainians alive. For the first time in history, an organized massacre of civilians was carried out and even filmed by numerous people. This has been documented in extraordinary detail and the Neo-Nazis did not even fear of any negative consequences in world opinion. The Neo-Nazis have manipulated the news to foster hatred of all Russians. You see it in forums like on eBay how can any Russian be allowed to sell anything? This is the same hatred that Hitler inspired against the Jews. You constantly demonize a group and it works. I personally knew people there in Kyiv during Maidan. I also know people personally from Donetsk. You could never bring a simple bottle of Russian vodka to dinner in Kyiv – that was an insult. Most have no understanding of the hatred in that entire region. It was a Serb who assassinated the Archduke in 1914 and that single act resulted in the death of about 7% of the entire world population during World War I. Those spouting out the hatred of Putin are simply brainwashed and they better turn and look at your family for there are always more civilians who die in these large-scale wars than soldiers.Comment: It’s very interesting what is going on in Chile. If you watch all the way to the end, it becomes apparent to me at least that Chile is trying to find a reasonable balance between government and a center left coalition, rejecting radical leftist precepts. The problem is how to distribute the balance-of-power through a representative government. There is no way to please everyone. And the government is never trusted anyway. What is so interesting to me is that they are ripe for a direct democracy on a block chain. It will be interesting to observe what transpires. South America is dynamic and on the move, unlike SE Asia which is still stuck in their cultural respect for authority. I prefer to be in a dynamic situation no matter the outcome. I felt so intellectually dead in the Philippines. youtu.be/l74_s2cMMTY (Why Chile Rejected the World’s Most Progressive Constitution | Vice News) > “The right and business interests are why the Pinochet constitution exists in the first place.” @Praise The Sun the problem is if you go full leftist retard then you will have nothing but economic disaster. Leftists are good at pointing fingers but horrific at crafting actual solutions. Leftists only know how to topple the apple cart, because they operate only on ideology not economic reality.Comment: These foreign missionaries are not Christians. They are manipulators and parasites. youtu.be/s6LPl2pFoeU (Indigenous Tribes Push Back Against Evangelical Missionaries | VICE News)Comment: As I previously mentioned that the BlackRock CEO had admitted at a globalist conference where Bill Clinton spoke, the globalists don’t have enough capital to onboard the developing world to their climate change scam U.N. 2030 agenda. So they are offering economic favoritism for those who invest in it: Foreigners can own 100% of renewable energy projects – DOJ This makes it clear that Philippines is entirely in the grip of George Soros and Klaus Schwab.Comment: Biden’s illegal attempt to pump additional stimulus into the U.S. economy by forgiving student debt to further stoke price inflation, might be overruled. This Kansas State attorney general makes several valid points about the unfairness of forgiving student debt given that others made sacrifices and should not have to pay the additional taxes to fund this. For examples those who worked simultaneously (as I did!) to pay their tuition. Or those who signed up for the military which funded their university education. youtu.be/mx68l0gebYM (Congress did not give this power to the president: Derek Schmidt | Fox Business)Comment: I had to catch up on some sleep today so I could think clearly, which is why I was sleeping all day. My reactions: www.armstrongeconomi...swering-questions-2/ > “Now insofar as the sovereign debt default, we are looking at governments collapsing which will take down banks that must retain reserves in government bonds.” Astute! That is a very important observation. The banks can not survive as they are forced to hold as Tier 1 capital by B.I.S. regulations. So unless bond interest rates top out then banks will continue bleeding. Are U.S. interest rates topping out for the meantime given the bearish RSI divergences on the monthly and weekly time frames for yields on the 2Y Treasury bond? Just imagine what happens when the B.I.S. designates legacy protocol Bitcoin as Tier 1 capital after WW3. Then the 1989 Economist Magazine Phoenix will be entirely fulfilled. 😉 > “Schwab’s idea {“you will own nothing and be happy”} will fail because the setup is different this time. Marxism succeeded because in Russia serfdom ended only during the 1860s. Therefore, the common people DID NOT own anything and it made sense to raid the rich. This time, people own houses and cars, and they save with pensions and to help their children. This time the common people would have to surrender all their assets so Schwab’s Marxist theories can be implemented.” Is Armstrong logical? If the plan is that people do not give up their assets but are instead allowed to use them in return for a percentage of their income being garnished automatically by the CBDC then why would Westerners resist when their alternative is starving in the dark? Armstrong seems to ignore how indebted Westerners are and that they will have no choice but to lose their assets or agree to Schwab’s offer. Florida thought it was going to be independent but look they now have lost all availability of home insurance, because the Federal government was preventing insurers from charging market prices. Florida doesn’t have its own sovereign currency and bond market. Florida will be taken down economically with the Minsky Moment just the same as California and Seattle. The real estate boom in Florida will make the bust all the much worse. It is 1929 all over again. > “Our computer has NEVER been beaten by anyone, even me. It sees the future because it is monitoring everything. So while people argue over what they “think” will happen, Socrates just plugs away and lacks that human emotion that interferes with objectivity.” I certainly don’t dispute how prescient it has been. But those are interpretations after the events. How do we know that your interpretations of the Forecast Arrays are correct? Do you have a Forecast Array for U.S. interest rates? Would I be able to access that if I upgrade to the $150 monthly subscription level?Comment: Well put. Men are wired to desire respect. youtu.be/k0X9YoorKh0?t=75 (Andrew Tate Explains Why Men Should NEVER Get Married | Valuetainment Money)Comment: When war shuts off supply chains (e.g. Strait of Hormuz, the Suez canal and/or SE Asia first island chain blockade), then there will be both price inflation and economic collapse, unless the Fed does Q.E. to finance Congress’ inevitable war machine spending to uphold the economy. Which as in WW2 also involved forced rationing to contain price inflation and conserve resources for the war machine. Unlike after the speculative bubble ending in 1929 driven by capital flight into the dollar (after WW1) where the Great Depression of the 1930s preceded and precipitated WW2, it appears that WW3 will occur simultaneous to the current capital flight into the dollar. So now for the first time the dollar has been strong simultaneous with rising interest rates. But during WW3 the Fed Q.E. brought interest rates down despite the rising CPI from 1940 to 1942 and high CPI persisting until 1944. The DJIA didn’t start rising (after the decline from the rebound out of the 1929 crash) until CPI had peaked in 1942. FDR had to untether the dollar from gold domestically to finance WW2 and get the world out of a depression by creating a NWO that persisted until Nixon absolved Breton Woods by defaulting on the dollar-to-gold peg internationally. The non-NATO world must now untether from the paper dollar to finance WW3 against the dollar peg (i.e. global reserve currency) system. The Fed will have to finance the dollar-peg side of WW3. There isn’t likely to be a -85% speculative bubble driven market crash now as was the case for the DJIA after 1929. Rather the flash crashes (expecting -63% on the S&P) will be caused by black swan events created by the W.E.F.. The next one is likely to be some forced lockdown of the banking system, perhaps to be blamed on a “Russian” cyber or tactical nuclear attack (e.g. creating cascading disruption of electrical grid). The Fed’s Q.E. will be turned into Schwab’s enslavement system where to receive your rations you must register for the CBDC so you can be dolled out your share of the government’s fiscal stimulus. We are unlikely to even have a 2024 POTUS election, so the Federal government will operating rogue anyway but nobody will be able to do anything about it because we will all (in the U.S.) be bankrupted without the Fed’s handouts. After the posited incoming final attempt for an ATH in 2023, I think it is time to sell the stock markets and run away for at least a decade. The W.E.F. plan is to strangle the Western consumer economies with forced rationing via CBDCs (e.g. as a first indoctrination step only subsidizing a portion of their egregious electricity bills this winter in Europe) and blame it on WW3. The only speculative future may be legacy protocol Bitcoin (and to a lesser extent gold) as they rise as the alternative to the dying dollar-peg system and the inadequate Russia-Chinese alliance monetary system. The other investments that may prosper will be anything in demand during war under a rationing regime enforced with draconian centralized central bank digital currency (CBDC) accounts. Even the price of oil fell during WW2 (← chart on the W.E.F. forum) because ostensibly consumer demand was low. Central Bank QE Q: Will QE continue if we end up in war? It seems there would be no choice. A: Yes. The Fed was “directed” by the White House to carry out QE during World War II {…} As the war unfolds in Europe, the capital will flee as usual to the States. But the money supply will have to increase because the dollar will become the only viable currency still standing {…} The Fed has been raising rates to fight inflation that will fail because this has to do with shortages – not speculation {…} That said, the Fed is faced with a triple crisis – liquidity, banking stability, and an inevitable Sovereign Debt Crisis. As interest rates have risen based on domestic inflation rates, simultaneously, the higher rates have undermined both European banks as well as Emerging Markets. The Federal Reserve has become the DEFACTO central bank of the world.Comment: > “The non-NATO world must now untether from the paper {i.e. unanchored, fiat} dollar to finance WW3 against the dollar peg (i.e. global reserve currency) system.” We are in the Thucydides trap. The powers-that-be are intentionally discrediting the dollar reserve currency system as they will create the conditions that usher in their legacy protocol Bitcoin as Rothschild’s 1989 Economist Magazine Phoenix rising from the ashes as predicted and planned out 33 years ago by our overlords deep behind that curtain that Armstrong can’t even access (no Margaret Thatcher had no access to this deeply hidden cabal). The entire world will be driven to hate the current dollar-based system. The W.E.F. is being set up as scapegoats in the end, but that will not come soon enough to escape our enslavement in the Great Reset plan. The world is moving to a new two-tier monetary system (like the one during Breton Woods where gold was not money domestically but was internationally until Nixon abrogated) with legacy protocol Bitcoin as the international tier (per famed mathematician John Nash’s Ideal Money proposal published on JStor) and domestically we will all be banned from transacting in Bitcoin and instead enslaved on fully centralized, draconian 666-like CBDCs. Welcome to the next NWO after Breton Woods. The World is Pointing Fingers at the US for Attacking Nord Stream Even Jeffrey David Sachs, an American economist, has come out and said on TV, as the journalists go nuts, that the US destroyed Nord Stream. Everyone I have spoken to from around the world, including high levels, all believes the US did this and I know there is a think tank that has recommended the US now take out the South Stream through Turkey. This was a formal act of war. Russia sees it that way, as does most of the world. This is an attempt to destroy the economy of Russia where energy accounts for 50% of its GDP.Comment: The real life zombie cannibals apocalypse created by America. Is this coming to the West? Or to those who don’t agree to live in the sanctuary cities and take their CBDCs as proscribed? Negros are more irrational violent than whites correct? Is that why the U.S. is being fed the crazy Fentanyl drug to prepare it for the zombie apocalypse? youtu.be/ZRuSS0iiFyo ← prepare to vomit (The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Full Documentary) | Vice News) Follows is a video for the logic for how it might come about in some form. In summary, the West turned into Africa. A key point is that whites will be underrepresented. I don’t think it can go all the way to the zombie apocalypse during the WW3 aftermath this decade. Rather I think it will require a few more decades of self-immolating societalcide to get there. Armstrong should look at his own timeline for the demise of the U.S. into the Madmax abyss by 2085. Note on Armstrong’s chart that April 22, 2013 was when Snowden made his final irreversible move to leak. www.bitchute.com/video/PEoRIWdzXYzo/ (Is the Movie Idiocracy the Future? My Review)Comment: Apparently I am not conservative. At least not as how defined from 9 minutes in the following video. Fundamentally because I reject authority, an in-group and individuality via equality. My dream is to radicalize civilization such that meritocracy (which I guess is equal opportunity due to a permissionless playing field) obviates those to-be-antiquated means of sustaining life. It’s as if I am a person of reason as are liberals but who rejected the religious aspect of leftist culture. The leftists banned together in a culture of reason which gave them societal status and power via a religion that demands myopia and societalcide. I come from the future, not of this world. The following video discusses how the youth are entirely polarized. They can not cope with having any friendship with a person with a different opinion as theirs! Twenty percent of the Western youth want a dictator to enforce their ideology. The West will entirely lose its formerly high trust society. www.bitchute.com/video/K5qNyHxrBH8Q/ (Gen Z Will Finish Off Democracy But All Their Time Online Is Making Them More Conservative | Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic)Comment: This is fascinating. The inventor of the Dunbar number. They discuss why we need friends for example. If you do not want a police force then the maximum community size is 150. Religion is the solution when we exceed the 150 Dunbar number — a way of bonding without reifying into personal knowledge of each person in the same religion. www.bitchute.com/video/rJp54uMPcc19/ (Oxford University's Professor of Evolutionary Psychology Robin Dunbar Discusses Many Things | Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic)Comment: This is the better response to a previous discussion about the merits of moving forward with technology. They segue into discussing the future break up the U.S.S.A. and the thesis that the average IQ of civilization will be reduced to 85 IQ by end of the 21st century. They discuss the significance of American guns. They predict the U.S.S.A. will split into two societies: the low IQ African Liberia Cannibal one that eats all the leftists alive and the high IQ, Christian one that remains stable. I love these sort of intellectual discussion. Try to see if you can follow at 1.75× to double-speed if you are native English speaker: www.bitchute.com/video/c1EUAn9Me3Eo/ (Charles Haywood Joins Us to Discuss Whether Utopia is the High Middle Ages Plus Rockets | Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic)Comment: So Armstrong is clarifying in his private blog that there’s also a Panic Cycle in third week of November for NatGas. So presumably this is what leads him to believe that the Panic Cycle in the Euro in the second week of November will be to downside. Presumably those who sniff the posited coming attack on the pipelines in the Black Sea (he points out an intelligence report has recommended blowing these up to cut off Russian NatGas revenue) would dump the Euro in advance. It makes sense that the Biden administration may want to create a distraction after the mid-term elections on November 8 if they will be significantly rigging the elections (especially for the Senate). One could speculate that they hope to establish some war time executive powers almost like martial law, perhaps to intimidate or imprison those who might be vocal about the election outcome. Also note that Direction Change on Oct 10. Looks like I am correct about a rally in the stock markets and crypto starting in October. Okay so there is a panic selloff in the Euro in November and NatGas spikes. But that hardly affects the U.S. price inflation situation. The E.U. would need to stimulate more thus further increasing their price inflation to compensate for the weakening Euro. They will not opt for the central bank monetizing ZIRP because hyperinflationary collapse would be antithetical to Klaus Schwab’s plan to trade debt forgiveness for servitude via CBDC enforcement. Read Think Like a Bankster. Hyperinflation never occurs where the citizens hold many valuable assets and large debts, because it would make it trivial to pay off debts. So it seems the effect would most economic enslavement of Europe while the Euro would climb back up from 89 and the U.S. stock market rally would continue into Q1 2023 perhaps have a respite. I still do not know why Armstrong thinks this potential action in November is the end game of WW3. It is only another salvo. The real hostilities will not break out until later in 2023. Russia is still mobilizing and such. And as Armstrong says the pressure on Putin to take the side of the hardliners has to reach the boiling point in Russia. I do not think Putin is so politically weak that they can overthrow him in the instant the Black Sea pipelines are blown up because surely at that point Putin will start to make contingent promises of lines-in-the-sand to the hard liners.Comment: Typo: perhaps AFTER a respite. Add: The key is to keep the price inflation above the level of bond interest rates to bankrupt everyone.Comment: ADD: another key point is that if these gas pipelines are destroyed anonymously then Russia can not declare war on the U.S.A. directly without being painted by the International Community as the instigators of WW3. I suspect Putin would attempt to take some action in Lithuania and claim he is operating only secure his contracts for free passage there? Or more likely he could escalate in Ukraine (which is not NATO) to attempt to force the West to become entwined such that he able to justify direct nuke retaliation against the West? You see it is really difficult for this to escalate to a direct attack on NATO immediately. So what changes in November for the U.S. interest rates and price inflation? Nothing maybe.Comment: The world is going to hate the USA or at least distrust it after the truth about how we instigated WW3, committed genocide in Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Iraq, etc, blew up pipelines to squeeze/freeze/starve Europe and helped to starve and murder 100 millions of people comes to light over the coming years. I doubt the U.S. Passport will even be good for travel to visit the cannibal Madmax post-apocalypse we created in Liberia. Americans are so fucking ignorant. I am ashamed of our nation and our people.Comment: You can find a copy of the video that YT censored at the 13:30 juncture at the following linked video: youtu.be/6FVgqyuxoEU?t=819 (Globalists are pushing a nuclear attack, and Putin knows it | Redacted with Natali & Clayton Morris) The Insanity of Ukraine So Ukraine claims to have killed Russian soldiers fleeing Lyman but those were actually fleeing civilians that the Ukraine forces murdered.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUvi1_bI... > > “Keep helping ukraine, DEMOCRACY is the future. Love from USA” > “@Huner Democracy? Where did you saw democracy in Ukraine? Do you even know what democracy means?” @Healz democracy = demoncrazy. Study political economics.Comment: Armstrong might be smoking crack if he continues to assert that the W.E.F. is failing to convert Westerners into delusional, robotic, climate change fanatics. www.weforum.org/agen...-sustainable-cities/ 1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility. 2. Fourth Industrial Revolution technology breakthroughs – Advances in emerging technologies like AI, blockchain and digitization can enable tracking personal carbon emissions, raise awareness and also provide individual advisories on lower carbon and ethical choices for consumption of product and services. {they going to track everything we do on a blockchain via CBDCs} 3. Raised awareness and ownership for nature and environment – In the last few years, there is an increased awareness and public concern on climate change and specially among youth. The UNDP’s “Peoples’ Climate Vote” reflects that over 64% of people believe climate change is a global emergency. A new Pew Research Center survey in 17 advanced economies found widespread concern about the personal impact of global climate change: 80% of citizens say they are willing to change how they live and work to combat the effects of climate change. Young adults, who have been at the forefront of some of the most prominent climate change protests in recent years, are more concerned than their older counterparts about the personal impact of a warming planet in many public surveys.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... > > @Frank Cardano except that they found the ark already in the mountains. > “@S. Moore Lol. No they didn’t find the Ark. The feature discovered by a WW2 airplane from above that kind of looks like an Ark is actually a mid slide. No rivets or wooden beams were found. The pictures of such are a hoax. If the Ark had been found it would be history, not some childish story in a book of ancient myths.” @Frank Cardano why do you react with such hubris. Can’t anyone have a civil, respectful discussion anymore in the West? Here is the video I watched. Can you refute it? They did indeed find wooden beams. www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQwfU7Dv...Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6fLCnVa... (Comments on "🇺🇦 ⚡️ Referendum: Who really wants to join Russia?") > “Kyiv never been capital of Moscow state, never been capital or Russian empire (was there any other Russian states?) I hope you does not mean Kyiv Rus which was located on Ukrainian territory a way before Russia appeared ;-)” @Olga Reznikova Educate yourself on the history of Russia and how it formed. What is most sad is that you would approve of WW3 just because you do not want the Russian speaking areas of Ukraine to be allowed to have their own referendum. I hope you are happy with the horrific outcome coming to the world. It is very selfish of you: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUgzqkCW... @Olga Reznikova I am sorry to have to be harsh on you, because I was raised to respect females. I feel that maybe you are nurturing and loving person, especially to your family and love ones. The reason I am so upset with you is because your attitude is enabling the NATO to use your men and land as fodder for instigating a World War 3 proxy. Zelenskyy has pocketed $100 million from this war and stashed in private bank accounts overseas. You are being manipulated by propaganda and then you come here and repeat the nonsense to other Westerners who are also fooled the propaganda.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... (A New Social Credit Score!? You Won't Believe What's Coming!!) > “@S. Moore So theoretically, the only way to decrease the value would be to have a population explosion.... Tbh, with a decrease in population and decrease in carbon emissions, it makes the whole carbon credit thing useless. If credits are destroyed when spent, then there's technically no value, and it's all a means of control. There is a way to fight back, albeit limited. Regardless, I'm of the assumption that less people = less products to sell. If the value of the credit increases, but say emissions go down, more trees grow, and there's less people: people could opt to live in the wilderness” @Joseph Stalin industrialization increases emissions. The developing world have very low per capita emissions. Now rework your logic correctly. This is mainly targeted at the West initially as a way for the large corporations to fleece and cash out. Move to the developing world and after some decades cash out there while achieving the end game of Revelation. People such as Martin Armstrong who can’t work out in their mind the long-range plan think the plan will have failed after the West implodes. Nope.Comment: Btw, I saw that Martin Armstrong on the W.E.F. website many months or maybe it was a year ago. Martin is just finding out about it now. The NWO can be a one where the West is entirely under the grip of Klaus Schwab, George Soros and Bill Gates who turn it into a nightmare. It does not mean that those guys have to control the Non-Aligned Movement countries. The NWO can be one where legacy protocol Bitcoin rises to be the de facto reserve currency, since nobody will entirely trust the ruble nor the yuan. The Carbon Credits crap could be employed to self-immolate the West only, so Martin better not start gloating about how his nemesis Klaus Schwab failed. If the West is torched then I do not consider that a failure. It will create the pretext for the next stage of the multi-decennial march to Revelation. The world is being remade now with the Thucydides trap underway. That has historically been a brutal transformation. Also there’s real possibility of Klaus’ success in terms of Westerners being onboarded to 666-like CBDCs, UBI and having their debts forgiven in exchange for agreeing to give up their right to private property ownership. Klaus has already succeeded. The rich have gotten much richer durig their pLandemic hoax while the freedom in the West was eviscerated and election integrity lost forevermore. They have ended democracy, globalization and prepare to fleece the West. How is that a failure? What is Armstrong smoking? Sit back and observe. www.armstrongeconomi...b-getting-desperate/ “I see international war unfolding, probably post-2024 into 2028. I do not see Schwab’s dream of a New World Order and this one-world economy ever coming off. He will try, no doubt. But we are looking at the collapse of sovereign government debt starting in Europe.”Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... (A New Social Credit Score!? You Won't Believe What's Coming!!) @Coin Bureau apparently this Carbon Credits crap is mostly going to affect the industrialized Western nations because credits will be awarded according to population and the West has by far the highest per capita carbon emissions. The highly populated developing world will profit on this. Thus essentially this appears to be the large corporations and capitalists cashing out the West. The Westerner will be entirely fleeced. It’s time to move south. Goodbye Anglo-Saxons. The lights are going out on the Anglo-Saxon empire. Note I am pure Anglo-Saxon.Comment: I am healthier eating steak every day. www.globalproductpri...Paraguay/beef_price/ 1. S. Korea $61.60/kg 7. USA $26.38/kg 8. Germany $24.26/kg 9. Thailand $22.61/kg 11. Indonesia $22.24/kg 14. Japan $18.38/kg 19. Australia $12.73/kg 27. Uruguay $11.95/kg 35. Russia $11.48 39. UK $10.92 46. Philippines $10.16 55. China $9.47 59. Mexico $9.08 62. Belarus $8.83 69. Colombia $7.95 70. Peru $7.94 77. Argentina $6.23 90. Paraguay $3.73Comment: Just because carbon credits won’t make surrogates useful, doesn’t mean that surrogates won’t be critically important against other plans our evil masters have for us. Don’t delude yourself into thinking Bill Gates and Big Pharma finished with vaccine mandates. They’re likely waiting until they have people dependent on the 666-like centralized central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) slated to be rolled out in the Western countries by 2024 or 2025. The incoming economic implosion exacerbated by their intentional WW3 will force so many Westerners onto UBI stipends doled out via CBDC. This Carbon Credits concept shouldn’t have any adverse effect on developing countries in the foreseeable future. They have a dearth of industrialization per capita. And Carbon Credits aren’t an excuse for locking people inside their homes, until they get to the extreme that exhaling CO₂ is accounted for and walking increases the rate of breathing. The Carbon Credits thing seems to be a way for the Non-Aligned Movement developing world to take more capital out of the industrialized world. It appears to be weaponized against the West: en.wikipedia.org/wik...emissions_per_capita en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol en.wikipedia.org/wik...te_Change_Conference China was willing to make binding commitments to limited greenhouse gases in 2020 if they appropriately took into account historical contributions of greenhouse gases by developed countries such as the United States and European states and sustainable economic needs of developing countries such as China and India en.wikipedia.org/wik...Assigned_amount_unit submer.com/blog/what...-are-carbon-credits/ Any government or other regulating body willing to limit the carbon dioxide emissions can issue Carbon Credits ===== Essentially the Western capitalist and large corporations have sold out on the people, because they know we’ve reached the Minsky Moment. So they want to destroy their competition in the West and consolidate while having the government monetize UBI for the basic level of sustenance the population needs and have this siphoned to them via these mechanism. They can invest in the developing world for growth. They won’t hyperinflate away our debts, instead just enough monetization and distributed to the poorest, so that price inflation remains above interest rates with interest rates increasing to ~6+% in the coming years in the U.S.. In this way they will squeeze Westerners and no traditional investments will prosper (more like a yoyo going no where for a decade). This will make carbon credits as an investment relatively more attractive as well in the West. Astute investors will capitalize on the demise of the West. Another way of looking at this is as I said the Industrial Age is dying. So this is a transfer of capital from Industrial Age to the Knowledge Age. So again all signs point to investing my time in software development, not the activities I have been doing. In the West at least it forces deindustrialization or at least a transition to highest profit margins industry. Westerners can’t resist this fascism because we have no economically viable alternative path to prosperity because we’re floating on a mountain collapsing debt. If the economy were allowed to implode naturally then we could compete again globally, but by handing out stipends our competitiveness, dependence and investments decline while prices, interest rates, economic decline and taxes (in all forms including carbon credit costs) increase. Not likely even the younger generation will vote for an elimination of their stipends when they take political control in the West circa ~2032. The West is stuck in a regime of paralysis and I can’t envision any Schelling point to overthrow it. All signs point to leaving the West and put this misery out of minds. And get on with living a joyous life. I am tired of this shit. I can lead a horse to water but I can not make it drink. They will just need to deal with their own shit. Just in case convert your petrol vehicle to E85 as surely the carbon credits will be assessed at the gas pump. They might make it illegal to run E85 so then you modify your gas tank to have a secret smaller partition for holding some petrol when they test along the roadway: eflexfuel.com/us/blo...our-carbon-footprintComment: This carbon credit system for individuals they will unleash on the world is so very clever in the most diabolical way. It won’t help to have surrogates as the identity of the person spending the credit does not matter — it only matters you have the credits you need when you want to buy something. Also it will be self-enforcing because you have only have to demand that the upstream choke points provide the credits they need to move goods & service to market. They in turn will require the downstream distribution points to collect the credits they must pay. For a while some of them may subsidize these credits while they are still very cheap. Gradually they can’t afford to do so anymore so more and more goods & services start demanding the credits from the end user. The credits will be hoarded by astute investors because they continuously skyrocket in value. The more they are hoarded by investors, the less will be available to people who need them. The mofos are constructing a world of artificial scarcity. The Ministry of Truth will point deer, declare it to be a horse and we will all agree it is a horse. The shortages will be blamed of human climate change which will all agree on less our 666 number be switched off. Orwell’s 1984 has arrived thanks to all the idiots who believed COVID was anything but a hoax. These people have doomed the human species to gigadeath. THANK YOU COVIDIOTS. YOUR LEGACY WILL BE A SIGHT TO BEHOLD.Comment: The globalists who control this entire world will make a new system of carbon credits. They say we must not consume carbon because they say humans change the climate in a bad outcome. But this is a lie. The climate is controlled by the sunspot activity. Humans only impact our local environment. We humans have no impact on the climate. Their plan is to use the carbon credit system to slowly impoverish us and eventually starve us to death over many years or maybe a couple of decades. Those who want to eat meat or drive their car will need to purchase carbon credits. But these credits will always be going up in price. Eventually the poor will not be able to avoid them and they will not be allowed to buy anything. They will control what we can buy by forcing us to use a digital money in our mobile phone. Nobody will be allowed to accept paper money. The government will make paper money illegal. They intended to reduce the human population from 8000 million to 500 million. That means 15 out of every 16 people must starve to death. THIS IS INSANE. BUT THE PEOPLE WILL FOLLOW AS THEY FOLLOWED FOR COVID. BECAUSE THE PEOPLE ARE IGNORANT AND WILL BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO BELIEVE. IT WILL DEVELOP SLOWLY AT FIRST AND PEOPLE WILL NOT RESIST UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE TO RESIST ANYMORE. Remember if you want to be successful with a lie then make it a lie so big and ridiculous that nobody will believe it's a lie. This is what they did with COVID also. Sheepeople 🐑 will believe that shit.Comment: U.K. has legislation already enacted since 2008 which enables them to institute at-will a carbon credits scheme on individuals enforced with central bank digital currencies and social credit score (aka ESG) system. There is no need to seek any additional legislation. Can be rolled out whenever our enslavers are ready. The entire ESG criteria is monopolization of the economy, because small competitors can’t fulfill the requirements. Also the criteria is often arbitrary. This enables these corporations to continue to grow even though the West is in demographic decline. The theory is that the growing developing world (or just profitable individuals within the West) will trade for carbon credit. The powers-that-be will reduce the carbon credits supply thus the value of the scarce credits will increase. Tesla already makes more profits on carbon credits than its vehicles. If you use up your carbon credits (i.e. eat too much meat or drive too much), then you will need to purchase more carbon credits. So the carbon credits are like a tax that makes the poor poorer and the rich richer. Also a declining population will reduce the supply of carbon credits even further. Thus it will be a race to the bottom to meet Ted Turner’s Georgia Guidestones’ “500 million global population living in harmony with nature.” THIS IS FUCKING INSANE AND HORRIFIC. I wonder if the developing world can be fooled into embracing this shit? They sure did go along with the COVID hoax, so I am not optimistic. China used the COVID hoax to manipulate its own people. youtu.be/Ub6zP6q25zk (A New Social Credit Score!? You Won't Believe What's Coming!! | Coin Bureau) > @Coin Bureau How does a decrease in population = increase in carbon credit value? Less people means less demand, which would mean less products sold. supply and demand and capitalism doesn't really work with a small population. People will just refuse in future @Joseph Stalin carbon credits will be minted per the number of people. Less people means less minting. The credits are destroyed when spent. But the supply of resources on the planet is not decreasing. Thus the value of the unspent tokens skyrockets. How can anyone push back when they will turn off your number and you can not eat? Who will you push back against when the million person strong enforcement arm (87,000 new armed IRS agents first stage) is there to fight you?Comment: Into the Western civilization Dark Age we go: New PayPal Policy Lets Company Pull $2,500 From Users’ Accounts If They Promote ‘Misinformation’Comment: China is using COVID as the scapegoat for their collapsing economy. Because historicallly Chinese leaders are overthrown if the economy drags down and out for too long. Chinese judge politicians retrospectively by their outcomes (they love data but statistics can also deceive), not at promises — the antithesis of the Western political mindset which is forward looking and hopium-delusion based. So some percentage of the people see the government doing something claimed to be good, such as lock downs and widespread PCR testing. This is also viewed as a form of discipline which Asians admire. So this distracts the mind of the politik from the economic downturn. This is also why China needs WW3 as a scapegoat. And the West needs these scapegoats also for the same reasons. The global debt bubble is at the Minsky Moment. And so now we move into the Thucydides Trap as the U.S. vacates its former superpower status.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS1y-ZCK... > “If “something breaks bad”, a pivot isn’t going to fix it. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a complete breakdown of the USA economy. People who’ve saved $ for 40 years aren’t going to stay “civilized” when their retirement funds disappear. January 6 will look like a cakewalk. It’s already happening in EU. Only a matter of time before civil unrest spreads to the states. 🍿” @Lysergicaciddiethylamideaddict the U.S. economy can not break down catastrophically for as long as the government cum Fed can print more dollars and the world is willing to eat those dollars. The Thucydides Trap will require a WW3 to hand-off the superpower mantle to China. Until then the dollar rules the roost.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... > @S. Moore Many of us spoke before Congress with issues such as the Fairness Doctrine along with other important issues. We wrote letters and marched...We spoke at school boards & political meetings. We rallied and gave speeches. We spoke out and called people in government. We promoted talk radio....The problem is an uninformed, uninterested society who cannot care less. The schools indoctrinated along with all media & Hollywood. IMO, most people would not understand this issue, muchless all the other important issues that control our every day lives.. @K Foster upvoted. But your mistake was talking and politics. Politics is always failure directed to the least common denominator. Instead we need the opt-in crypto Networked State. I’m building.Comment: May the force be with us. I remain a founding stock State National American citizen by birth — not a vassal of the United States Incorporated papal legal fiction: tasa.americanstatenationals.org annavonreitz.com/ This can never be taken away from me by any impostor government abetted by Abraham Lincoln’s illegal Lieber Code martial law. My lateral ancestor Isaac Shelby was a key Revolutionary War general. And my direct ancestors served in the first Mississippi State militia.Comment: Scapegoating is the reason Putin is doing that…to make it appear the government is still law abiding and doing good despite the horrors of war and economic blight… Remember the Sputnik vaccine is probably much less toxic than the Western jabs. Anonymous wrote: btw, look this : edwardslavsquat.subs...accinating-mobilized Putin is destroying his army by forcing them to vaccinate!Comment: German Climate Change Terrorism COMMENT From Germany: Dear Marty, there was a sabotage act on the German railroad company „Deutsche Bahn“. Two cables in different locations were cut on Saturday morning (October 8th, 2022). Result: No trains were moving in all of northern Germany. This must have been accomplished by someone highly sophisticated and with insider knowledge. First, someone blew up Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines, now someone sabotages Deutsche Bahn. Are we (Germany) already in a war? Kind regards from Germany, Michael REPLY: There is a very strong rising element of this Climate Change Zealots. They are out to destroy all fossil fuel production. This element is very strong in Europe, although it is rising in the United States as well. They have no idea what they are unleashing upon the world. Yet, there is no talking to these people. They have been totally brainwashed. These people are totally insane and they see humanity as the problem.Comment: Unfortunately I'm typing this on mobile because mañana cultures can't keep the electricity turned on. And ostensibly their lineman don't work on Sunday night. Haven't set up my notebook yet. New World Order v Status Quo by Martin Armstrong Armstrong doesn't correctly conceptualize power vacuums and human behavior in collective society with group size in excess of our ~150 person Dunbar limit. Humans are primates thus will never escape from a Planet of the Apes. Any collective larger than ~160 persons requires a police force, because the group can't keep tabs on everyone: Anonimity or the Urban Versus Rural Dispute | Trilema.com www.bitchute.com/video/rJp54uMPcc19/ (Oxford University's Professor of Evolutionary Psychology Robin Dunbar Discusses Many Things | Dr Edward Dutton) Most saliently Armstrong's category error (i.e. #NotEvenWrong) started with for example claiming that Westerners won't embrace Communism because we have private property unlike the serfs in 1917 enticed with the leftist holiness spiral of wealth redistribution. But as we clearly observe in present day outcomes that holiness spirals aren't limited to any one paradigm of misperceived injustice. Mass psychosis only requires the means of the most powerful weapon ever invented: propaganda. The printing press is mightier than the sword. Holiness bonding to an in-group of misperceived righteousness trumps intellect. Liberalism and the (Un)Enlightenment appealed to soi-disant “reason,” but predictably devolved to “point deer, make horse.” Pointed at sunspot induced climate change, make it anthropogenic induced. The Common Psychosis | Trilema.com How to Piss Me the Fuck Off: a Guide | Trilema.com Inheritability of (at least exceptional) IQ another example of Unenlightenment junk pseudoscience: The Genetics of Intelligence | Trilema.com More specifically the reason that the NWO will be global and nobody will escape from it, is because of this f-ing device I'm typing on. Never before in the history of human civilization has there existed the power to beam addictive, psychological programming directly in the impressionable minds of every freakin human on the planet. And that's a power vacuum. And power vacuums can only be captured by the most ruthless: Marty GAFC please. For example both Demonrats and MAGAtards share COVIDIOT and Pootin derangement syndrome mass psychoses because it was programmed into their minds by CNN and Fox News. As well their inane blue vs. red team memebot beliefs were also programmed. Martin will retort within his mind that there will be separatism and factionalism because people have different cultures and beliefs but although true that's also facilitates divide-and-conquer of us all with the mass psychoses we all share. Additionally the global Internet is creating a virtual global village that subsumes any physical secession in terms of ideological and economic assimilation. Global politics is in the process of subsuming parochial politics. There's no resistance nor plausible physical frontier possible when mass psychosis can be directly programmed into every human mind. The only frontier remaining will be realms that the zombie masses don't even know exist, e.g. invisible virtual networks via anonymizing cryptography and steganography. It's not possible to turn back the clock on technology. We have no choice but to accept that the vast majority will self-immolate over the coming decades in a self-destructive 1984 NWO. They will ultimately devolve themselves to a global dark age, madmax Planet of the Apes. www.weforum.org/agen...-sustainable-cities/ t.me/c/1225356242/36645 ← previously copied & posted to this idea (scroll back) (Carbon Credits enslavement now in West, decades later in BRICS) t.me/c/1225356242/36644 ← previously copied & posted to this idea (scroll back) (NWO can proceed in stages) t.me/c/1225356242/36637 ← previously copied & posted to this idea (scroll back) (First disgust that Armstrong is arguing Westerners won't embrace totalitarianism)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... (Comments on A New Social Credit Score!? You Won't Believe What's Coming!!) > > “I think it's only a matter of time that the officials attempting to implement these dystopian measures, will start paying the ultimate price for trying to rob humans of their freedom and when it happens, they will have deserved it and I definitely wont be shedding a tear for them.” > @imisskatelyn If you're hoping someone else will raise the gallows doing the hard work you're wrong. @Skavi Hekkora unless someone invents Bitcoin assassination bounties. I would never advocate that. Someone already dynamited Ted Turner’s diabolical Georgia Guidestones that had called for a reduction of the human population to 500 million. > “Karma” @Jotaro actually it is karma for all, because we humantards gorged on debt and materialism and defied the admonition against statism in 1 Samuel 8.Comment: Who thinks Mircea Popescu is dead? thebitcoin.foundation/ “(C) 2014 - 2022 The Bitcoin Foundation”Comment: www.tradingview.com/...Mid-term-projection/ Did you invent a yet unnamed harmonic pattern? The only applicable pattern I know is the Shark pattern. Which would project ~4800 – 4920 at any time. Also the bottom would be up to ~30 points lower. I could envision ~4800 by March/April, a summer correction to ~4200 followed by a rally to ~4800 – 4920 the remainder of 2023. Then an egregious -63% flash crash in 2024 mimicking the pLandemic amplified by 1.75×. Martin Armstrong’s Socrates A.I. Yearly Forecast Array for the S&P has a Direction Change in 2024 and again in 2025. He asserts I think correctly that there can’t be a -90% crash as was the case in the Great Depression because that required a multi-year, deflationary shift to Treasury bonds. Whereas at this time with global stagflation there’s been a flight from U.S. Treasury bonds because interest rates have been rising and are projected to rise to ~6+% into 2026/7. Armstrong is ostensibly only focused on the Aggregate row of said Forecast array which only exhibits a decline for 2022. He might be ignoring those Direction Changes and the Monthly Forecast arrays might exhibit some Panic Cycles for the posited -63% crash. Armstrong’s reasoning is correct in that the only way for the powers-that-be to manufacture deep crashes on the S&P is to create some kind of egregious “black swan” (actually false-flags) event which creates a temporary stampede to the safety of bonds. I posit that the launch of a nuclear weapon might do it?Comment: Protests in Russia Calling for Nuking the U.S.A. This is the payback when dumbass Amerikaans with their propaganda-induced Pootin derangement syndrome are supporting an illegitimate proxy war (instigated and thus started by Brandon et al) in Russian speaking territories that are historically ethnically Russian and territories that were part of Russia’s pre-history (c.f. www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUgzqkCW...). So now the ignorant, unjustified war monger Amerikaans have incited the justified, war monger Russians. The Amerikaans are going to get the nuclear war they deserve.Comment: Stop Funding School Drag Shows | Armstrong Economics Absolutely disgusting what these leftists are allowed to do in the public schools. And yet somehow people who claim to be responsible adults and have a brain stem look the other way and implicitly condone this shit. Watch at the very end of the video you can see what the freak did in his performance at the public school.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... > > > @S. Moore i would never advocate assassination either, i hope for their repentance while they still have time given by the Lord > > @Jotaro actually it is karma for all, because we humantards gorged on debt and materialism and defied the admonition against statism in 1 Samuel 8. > > @Skavi Hekkora remember the Lord ordered assassination of even the women and children in 1 Samuel 15 after they had disobeyed the command in 1 Samuel 8 to not aspire to statism. Most people including most people who think they are Christians are in defiance of 1 Samuel 8 and Matthew 6:5 (or is it 5:6) about praying in your closet. > “@S. Moore govt is people, our brothers and sisters, if one of yr children was a villain or murderer, wouldnt you want and hope it to repent and come back on the right path? So i hope for them to repent, which doesnt mean i should subjugate to them, quite the opposite is required to be the witness of Truth.” @Skavi Hekkora these globalists are not humans. They are psychopaths akin to but much more megadeath capable than the cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer. But it’s not any specific person that is judging them. When God directs a man in a fit of rage to take their life then God has judged them as the Bible instructs us to let God pass the final judgement. No I don’t think they are humans. They w(h)or(e)ship Satan and the Great Harlot. They will be cast into the pit of eternal fire and never receive a single drop of water on their searing tongue. Look at all the suffering they have caused. How can you conflate Satan’s beasts with God’s children? God’s children sin but they feel very guilty and repent. Satan’s beasts get aroused by human suffering. According to Roseanne Barr, they even ejaculate while watching films of entire African villages being slaughtered. @Skavi Hekkora as for the politicians, some of them are not Satanists but just opportunists and trapped by kompromat. And ditto the many humantards that become trapped in the mass psychoses, debt-based materialism and other sins. All these humans simply need to be punished by being cast out of a society of mindful humans who employ their brain stems properly. They need to suffer in their own toilet mindsets so they can learn. We should not be mingled amongst them so that they will not force their self-immolation societalcide on us. Even the Bible (e.g. in John) instructs us that we are not of this world and to come out from them. @Skavi Hekkora I pity Jeffrey Dahmer. He knows what he was doing was wrong. His mind was warped by his childhood and he developed Necrophilia. He did not worship Satan. His beyond-heinous crimes are revolting and sad but he is one of God’s children in my opinion. But only God knows. I share your bleeding heart but I’m also a man capable of violence as God made me. The commandment is that thou shall not murder. Killing is sometimes necessary such as in self-defense. I agree that harboring hatred is counter productive. But we need to be careful that as Christians we do not enable evil by conflating love and self-defense. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... > “agreed. i think most people would rather die with their liberty than live subjugated. they will not win.” @Kai Buchan unfortunately they will win because the vast majority (e.g. of both Demonrats and MAGAtards) have been hoodwinked into mass psychoses such as the covidiocy and Pootin derangement syndrome. You see what changed is these mobile idiot boxes every human of the planet is glued to. Propaganda can beamed directly into their pliable minds with addictive programming. Much more effective than radio and TV were, and can be globally directed by Soros et al. Why do you think all major social media is onboard the political correctness and moving the Overton window further away from the center. More than 60% of the population are now zombies who can’t think clearly nor for themselves.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... > @David Keltgen Well, it's time we stop sitting in the pot to begin with and call them out on EVERYTHING!!! @joy n I’m building both the safe bastion that we can flee to that exists in no specific place tangibly nor possessively, except only in the amorphous, decentralized, dispossessed, ethereal cryptographic space; and also hope to encourage and build Christian communities we can escape to (in my case perhaps in Latin America because it will not be the target of carbon credits societalcide given their low per capita “carbon impacts”) that are within our Dunbar limit of ~160 persons. Communities larger than that require a police force because not everyone can keep tabs on everyone. Humans can’t entirely escape from our limitations as primates, at least not in the physical, tangible realm of statism. We can aspire to the spiritual and knowledge realms where the deleterious effects of statism don’t reach.Comment: Is this an elementary school cafeteria food fight? Excuse if I mistook it for a Parliamentary process of running a major nation-state. The Conservatives start by pointing out serious problems with inflation created by the leftists. Then Trudeau moves the goal posts to a virtue signaling contest involving leftist holiness spiral values about how to create a society where women are no longer women and lower income folks are abused as altar sacrifices while of course feigning virtuousness. And then Conservatives bite and allow the discussion to drift far from anything resembling sanity. This is what Western civilization has devolved to. Shouting matches about how we can point deer, make horse. The end is neigh. youtu.be/XCmEh8cLvvA (MUST WATCH: Trudeau and Poilievre trade blows in question period)Comment: We are primates indeed: 🤣 youtu.be/UwTw_Xwbz9M (Proof that everyone loves the black woman)Comment: Rewording: s/dispossessed/unowned/Comment: youtu.be/WWlEIXhRu_k (Scott Ritter - Russia Ukraine War Latest | Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom)Comment: If you remain in the West then you will be enslaved by Big Pharma. There is no way around it. The plan appears to be to make everyone sick with radiation poisoning which will then make them dependent on medicines. GTFO now while you still can! America Quietly Prepares for Nuclear War Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are not losing. What is Armstrong smoking? Or if they are then they will become more desperate and push this to even worse extremes.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... (Comments on "A New Social Credit Score!? You Won't Believe What's Coming!!") > “Oh they will put a water meter on your well and charge you for solar power used. You got a license for that garden? Are those veggies certified?” @OffTheBeatenPath absolutely. We are entering the panopticon technocracy because sheepeople love mortgage debt and government. The outcome of biblical Revelation is ultimately unavoidable. The painful sores all over the body is what can happen with radiation poisoning from the incoming nuclear WW3. Big Pharma even has a medication ready and the U.S. government has been buying millions of doses. The covidiocy was the trial run. > “klaus schwab: you will own nothing and you will be happy > ^ by that statement i guess even if we are broke and poor we'lll still be happy though. Would klaus schwab lie to us?” @Alex Nguyen you will sign away any future right to private property in exchange for debt forgiveness and UBI. www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5hg22kU... > > > “Central banks have done ENOUGH DAMAGE.” > > You have not seen anything yet. We are heading into absolute hell. > “We are very important for modern finance to work safely. I work very hard at the central bank to make things so much easier for all of us.” @Shivang Srivastava you do nothing but enslave humanity by backstopping human’s insatiable love of debt.Comment: We can not entirely judge Elon Musk on that his endeavors are potentially aiding and abetting the fledgling technocracy. Or that he voices ideological communion with climate change fear porn. Elon is one of the few remaining in the West still pushing technological and engineering advance instead of decadence. He is going about it the only plausible way for the type of heavy industries and economies-of-scale he has chosen. Elon is not a member of some cabal attempting to enslave humankind.Comment: ADDED: > “Let's quit doing business with our enemies!” @Powerbacker for that we need our own currency that they do not control. > “@S. Moore I've chosen my hill, I refuse to kneel to anyone other than christ our savor Jesus.” @Alfred Durbyn I hear you brother. Ditto.Comment: FreeMoneyCrypto, {10/13/22 5:04 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} we have a similar opinion about elon. he is up there in the system and he surely knows the way, the ins and outs of the system. BUT he is a libertarian and a tech guy so i dont like it when the conspiracy crowd says hes one of them elites herding us into dystopia. i will send here a video from Guy of coinBureau. still looking for the video. Guy said something like, there are factions in the power dynamics of the world. its not just the WEF/Davos group. and big dogs like elon and bezos would be hugely incentivised to be the first to defect from the cabal. you can skip to 19:00 www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o02uGWu... Shelby Moore, {10/13/22 5:12 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} ADDED: @unnamed is ostensibly trying to hang on to and uphold some social norms. One of our issues was I have difficulty interacting with and respecting men who are under the skirt of their woman — on that point I can understand if he felt disrespected and we were incompatible. Sorry. Reason is because I think (most, maybe less so for conservative, obedient Asian) females excepting some exceptional situations (maybe a high IQ female who is highly independent and not demanding) if not under their man can inject much chaos. I probably still have more to learn about the balanced cooperation of the genders. FreeMoneyCrypto, {10/13/22 5:18 PM} its hard to totally break free from the conditioning we had when we were young and innocent. individual temperament and IQ play a huge role. unique experiences play a role too. i like austin-fitts' idea of harmony between a man and a woman but how do we achieve that when indoctrination is on a mass scale ? the corbette report guy is right about the importance of narratives to win the crowd over and win this war FreeMoneyCrypto, {10/13/22 5:21 PM} hence MAGA, dark enlightenment, red/black pill, etcetera Shelby Moore, {10/13/22 5:21 PM} {In reply to FreeMoneyCrypto} And a lot of non-solutions in most of that. FreeMoneyCrypto, {10/13/22 5:22 PM} have you listened to Haz Infrared from youtube ? Shelby Moore, {10/13/22 5:22 PM} {In reply to FreeMoneyCrypto} Maybe not. Does not register in my admittedly groggy memory. (Again need to get the health consistently under management to reduce my Alzheimers and amnesia that is accumulating. And need to get my life situation sorted in order to get my health under management, per our private discussion) FreeMoneyCrypto, {10/13/22 5:27 PM} www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LrOJjRa... he does these 2-hour long livestreams. i think the two of you discussing live on his streams would be good. he takes in commenters and debates them live he has a TG channel t.me/infrahaz the guy is smart. i heard he has a law degree or at least went to law school. he seems well versed in history and very vibrant and masculine in his mid-20sComment: I’m trying to develop a historically consistent model of the current monetary reset and incoming WW3. I had been hoping for Armstrong to lead the way to comprehensive understanding but he has not yet articulated a coherent, holistic model. Let’s see if I can assist. 1. Deflation is not possible until the reserve currency of the world is not held by the strongest economy. Deflation was possible after 1929 because although capital was fleeing to the U.S. because it had the safest economy outside of any warzone (nearly impossible to attack the U.S. except with nukes) but the U.S. dollar was not yet the world’s reserve currency. Thus sovereign bonds will be a very poor investment (other than any flash crash in markets due to black swan event) because interest rates must rise abroad else their currencies implode (driving price inflation to the moon) cratering their economies. The periphery nations (i.e. not the U.S.) must either borrow-and-spend to avoid the implosion that high interest rates and/or imploding currencies will impose. Or for the Non-Aligned Movement nations dehitch from the dollar and grow their way out (which the geriatric boomer bulge demographics cum socialist, unfunded retirement liabilities in the developed world can not do). And ultimately some countries will even default on their sovereign bonds. (Tangentially: Either Americans stop Brandon’s intentional forcing of Russia to nuclear war, or Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran will eventually have no choice but to desperately and fatalistically break the U.S.S.A. and all of NATO with nukes) 2. The turn of the 20th century was the transfer of the Anglo-Saxon empire to the U.S. from Europe. The 1970s was the rise of egregious demand for resources as the global boomers demographic bulge entered the workforce and prime spending years. First there was stagflation as the resource intensive countries (e.g. Russia, Iran, OPEC) asserted their pricing power under the scapegoat of the U.S. support for Israel. But then interest rates rose to nosebleed levels in the early 1980s which caused for example the former Soviet Union to collapse which broke the solidarity of the resource intensive countries. This consequent cheap labor and cheap resources peace dividend is what fed the Western debt bubble since. But that peace dividend and that form of globalization has come to an abrupt end, because the global debt bubble reached the Minsky Moment and the now we have another demographic bulge (in the developing countries) entering the work force and prime spending years competing for resources. The developed world is being intentionally thrown to the dogs because there’s no plausible economic future. The Thucydides Trap is underway and will result in the end of the U.S. dollar reserve currency and Anglo-Saxon empire. Also will maybe end up as Deagel.com predicted back in ~2014 that NATO countries will lose 50 – 75% of their populations to self-immolating economic collapse, war and pestilence (aka societalcide). I’m thinking possibly widespread radiation sickness from nuclear war. Note Carl Sagan’s nuclear winter hypothesis is probably nonsense. And south of the equator would be spared of radiation fallout as the jet streams don’t cross it.Comment: Thus, we are in the Austrian Crack-up Boom. The developed world nation-states have no choice but to enslave themselves in borrow-and-spend with their central banks self-immolating by buying all the sovereign debt. At the end the developed world central banks will hold all of it. Imagine as interest rates rise the pension funds who were required to hold bonds at near zero interest rates will blow up. The (at least E.U.) banking system will blow up (which is a reason the W.E.F. is promulgating an incoming cyber attack on the banks as a scapegoat). The consumer will blow up. The Bank of England, Bank of Japan and Bank of Australia already pivoted, as well the governments already piling on subsidies and soon more bailouts. The individual E.U. nations with their sovereign bonds issued in Euros are next to pivot to this along with the ECB. The last to pivot will be the U.S.S.A. as our economy also can’t withstand these high interest rates. Are you picking up what I am throwing down? The developed world nations will stimulate into stagflation and will not tolerate a -95% stock market meltdown and deflation. Yet this stagflation environment is also putting enormous economic and thus internal political pressure on Russia, China, N.Korea, Iran — all of the Non-Aligned Movement nations. Thus the world bifurcates into a WW3 because those nations also need the scapegoat of WW3 to sell their populations on a scapegoat (e.g. covidiocy and next patriotism) instead of regime change. Armstrong is incorrect to frame the war with Russia (and soon China et al) as one-sided instigation by Brandon and the Neocons. China needs this WW3 too and has been manipulating the situation to help bring it about. Thus there will be some black swan event in 2024 that causes a -63% flash crash on the S&P. For a blip in time mimicking March 2020, bonds will spike to massive profits. And China will sell into that rally for sure. The Thucydides Trap is underway and the West will self-immolate while the East rises to be the economic future of the world after Armstrong’s 2032 ECM peak (of the socialistic, decrepit Western civilization). As Armstrong rightfully points out that $50T in global capital has no place to go but the private sector, i.e. stocks. And that will also include legacy protocol Bitcoin eventually as the future monetary reset of the world takes form with culmination of WW3 and the Thucydides Trap towards the end of this decade. So we must buy the dips on the U.S. stock markets because they will rise even with an overall rise in the level of interest rates and dollar, because capital has nowhere else to go. But there will be egregious volatility also. We need to be on the lookout for another leg down or a pullback in November as the E.U. and ECB are likely the next to experience a Panic Cycle in their situation akin to the recent pivots by the U.K., Japan and Australia. Once that is out of the way then the U.S. stock markets can turn bullish as the U.S. equities are currently far oversold relative to the current state of the economy. Eventually the U.S. economy will also roll over but there are some months to go before that and the U.S. govt is likely to simulate and Fed likely to accommodate over the summer 2023 to spur another rally into Fall 2023 before the flash crash likely in 2024 due to some black swan events that surface because of said need for scapegoats. The implications ahead are dire for the West in particular because the scapegoats have the West as the target and the government becoming the entire economy looms which means totalitarianism, pestilence, and perhaps even mega-death. You have been warned to GTFO before the exit doors slam shut.Comment: Even with the central banks going insane and buying up all the sovereign debt (and remember the end game is as John Titus’ research revealed that BlackRock already owns the Fed and will ostensibly parlay this into corporate-fascist takeover of the U.S. Treasury Dept as Western civilization descends into a 666 technocracy panopticon), hyperinflation can only occur if the citizens entirely lose confidence in their government cum central banks AND ALSO they have the ability to flee with their capital. But the powers-that-be (e.g. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Neocons, Brandon et al) have already prepared for that and will impose capital controls preventing capital from fleeing. That is if you do not get your capital out pronto before the stampede begins (probably imminently) then you will not have access to your funds except as doled out in small morsels periodically per capital control limits. This is how they implement the “you will own nothing and be happy only as a renter receiving a small rationing allowance via the CBDC.” The Carbon Credits scam will also be the scapegoat for the rationing. Westerners will live out a dismal life. Boomers will probably just choose to sign-off from life, thus Deagel’s 50+% population immolation. Of course this will blamed on some scapegoat such as Russian hackers creating a cyber attack on the banking system or whatever. And those who want liquidity will have to adopt the soon-to-be, newly introduced 666-like central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) which in essence means BlackRock will own you and control every financial transaction you conduct.Comment: ADDED: > “And they need to be seen to face serious consequences. As in prison or worse. Need to send a clear message this BS won't be tolerated in the future. Because there will always be sociopaths trying it again...” @Ham Yai they are just giving the people what they deserve for gorging on debt and embracing statism. The people will do it again. You are just playing Whac-A-Mole.Comment: Note regarding #1 that the Fed (or actually the markets) made a mistake by lowering interest rates in the 1920s thinking that would discourage international capital from fleeing Europe to the dollar, which just caused the stock market to go parabolic because the capital still fled. As the Fed (or actually the markets) raised interest rates capital was able to flee from the stock market bubble to the bonds. Subsequently FDR was able to combat the strong dollar problem with the threat of followed by then the actual order to confiscate gold and devalue the dollar overnight as priced in gold. Thus the world was able to avoid the immediate economic and political pressures of a runaway strong dollar because the dollar was not an embedded reserve currency all over the world and instead the capital flows were speculative. Whereas now the entire world is holding bonds (i.e. debt) denominated in dollars and the dollar debt financial system can’t be unwound without also the Thucydides Trap (i.e. WW3 and end of the U.S. empire). Thus it is impossible for the U.S. to experience deflation for as long as the Fed can prevent it because the entire world must eat dollars. This strong dollar vortex forces the other consumer (i.e. non-export dominant) nations to self-immolate with borrow-and-spend (so as to raise their interest rates and prop up their economies) because otherwise their currencies will collapse (i.e. those nations are on the verge of hyperinflationary wreck if their populations can not be enslaved in CBDCs, rationing and capital controls). The exporting and low consumption nations of the Non-Aligned Movement don’t want to be enslaved and dragged down by the dollar empire’s Great Reset. So they are participating (wittingly or unwittingly whatever the case is behind the curtain) in the scapegoat of an enveloping WW3 which will bifurcate the world’s financial systems to large degree, but with legacy protocol Bitcoin rising from the ashes (as the Phoenix originally promised in the 1989 Economist Magazine cover story) to be the basis of some international trade and settlement regime that (eventually) subsumes said bifurcation regime. Debt reset is the end game for the aforementioned consumer nations. The debt reset could have potentially taken the form of Armstrong’s proposed Solution wherein bond holders received some new backing (e.g. real estate options) in exchange for taking a haircut on their holdings in the form of longer terms or whatever. But that would have wasted an excellent opportunity for a crisis to grab more power by the powers-that-be. Of course political collectives are a power vacuum that can only be captured by the most ruthless. So instead the plan appears to be that Westerners will be enslaved in a panopticon whereby they must accede to sign away all their future right to private property in exchange for debt forgiveness and to be enrolled into the rationing Carbon Credits scam scheme. Are you picking up what I am throwing down? Are you seriously contemplating owning anything including land in the Western nations? Good luck because if the W.E.F. with their Agenda 2030 succeeds then you will not be able to hold onto that private property. In this way the powers-that-be hope to enslave all the capital and siphon it to themselves which they will then use to finance their bankster operation in the developing world as they prepare over the coming decades to complete the 666 totalitarian enslavement of the developing world also. It remains to be seen how successful their plans will be and what if anything the moribund, pitiful Western sheepeople can do to stop them.Comment: There is a 62 person Steering Committee in charge of all of this. Their plan they call Society 5.0. Check it out, they plan to circumvent legislative processes and many other dystopian things. www.google.com/search?q=62+perso...Comment: MUST LISTEN from the 4:30 minute juncture forward. Especially focus from 28 minutes forward. This explains also why CBDCs will be adopted by bond investors. They also explain why crypto is going to boom massively after the November 8 U.S. mid-term elections. I listened on 1.75× speed. youtu.be/ExrcOWdI1kQ?t=271 (“THIS Will Cause Bitcoin To SMASH $100,000..” | Kevin O’Leary | Crypto Banter)Comment: youtu.be/lY219Tdh50I (Banks are Days Away From Freezing Credit Cards and Accounts | Steven Van Metre The Bond King) > “I hope Steve covers BANK BAIL INS. Bigger risk in the EU and UK, Cash is safer hidden someplace in your house, than being seized and converted to shares.” > “It looks so scary when you watch these videos but you don't really see nothing closing down in the real world, not credit suisse or anything, I think we, through these videos, become aware of situations that always existed and are mostly resolved behind closed doors the majority of the public and clients would never guess they existed if not for the internet today but mostly they will solve themselves out.” > “I can sort of imagine banks cutting credit card limits. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure they won’t be “freezing” accounts. That would stop everything. Not going to happen.” What is this FUD? This is a very irresponsible video!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Capital controls are coming but not in 12 days in the U.S.S.A.. Come on now. They will eventually do this and blame it on a Russian cyber attack. We Westerners are at war with Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Soros et al and their Great Reset plans (aka Society 5.0) ”you will own nothing and be happy as a perpetual serf controlled via 666 central bank digital currencies.” www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... > “There is a 62 person Steering Committee in charge of all of this. Their plan they call Society 5.0. Check it out, they plan to circumvent legislative processes and many other dystopian things.” @The Grey I am disappointed your comment only got 1 upvote which was mine. The sheepeople have no idea how they are about to be corralled with a cyber attack shutting down their bank accounts. www.google.com/search?q=62+perso...Comment: > “If I knew that the banks are going to restrict my credit, I would penalize them by moving most of my account funds somewhere else which defeats the purpose of the bank limiting my credit. If they want to play games, I am going to punish them as much as I can. They were never your friends, and so, you can be ruthless with how you treat them because they are doing that to you on a daily basis.” Your ‘funds’ are imaginary digits that can be entirely frozen at any time, “poof and it’s gone.” Got Bitcoin? Not your private keys, not your Bitcoin.Comment: > “@S. Moore I thought about it. I see seasonal scams coming around again like the Amazon coin scam running on most of the investment YouTube videos. At the moment I just suggest holding more cash than usual and not holding it in a bank.” @fturla ___ Eventually they are going to make cash illegal. Also precious metals will be made entirely illiquid by regulating the market makers (i.e. the coin dealers and upstream). Barter will not function with lock downs. You have until ~2024 to get yourself out of NATO countries as a nuclear war is going to depopulate about 50%. And if you hold Bitcoin then you must hold in addresses that start with a 1 and not 3 nor bc1 else you will lose everything.Comment: > “@fturla ___ so buy quality gold and silver link chains” @El Eleven nonsense. If you are referring to block chains, then how can something be decentralized and thus not vulnerable to government if it must be back with something physical. What you do not understand is that Bitcoin is just as physical as gold, because of the sunk costs in the miners and the real cost to mine, but those miners are distributed all over the world. And we get to hold the claims on that (physical backing) electronically in an entirely decentralized paradigm. Gold and silver will be entirely useless in what we are facing. Hope you enjoy fondling your shiny tinfoil as that crap is being demonetized which is why it has been going nowhere since I publicly predicted on marketocracle in 2010 that silver would jump from $26 to $45 by summer 2011 then crash back down again. I was formerly a tinfoil hat bug but not no more.Comment: youtu.be/nVqPUhLgsvI (Doomsday For Car Dealers | Inventory SPIKES 54% | Y.A.A.) Guys it is not just high interest rates and high prices. It is that consumers see a recession coming and they realize they may not keep their job or that inflation will continue to increase further eroding their income. And they might in some cases now hear from others about repossessions. So this is also forward looking which means the downturn in {vehicle} demand will last probably into the Spring now that the IRS has destroyed 30 million information returns (c.f. Fox Business story yesterday) and so may not be able to send out tax refunds on time (which normally stimulates vehicle purchase demand in Spring). Also manufacturers like Ford have 100,000s of vehicles sitting in parking lots waiting for IC chips so it is possible that supply will flood in as we slide into an employment recession later in 2023. Note many of those vehicles may need entirely new wiring harnesses (because they used soy-based wiring coating) though due to rat infestation. Why would they crush the entire vehicle for scrap metal instead of replacing the wiring harnesses?Comment: youtu.be/iRenhJpDW-I (BEST EXPAT COUNTRIES for 2022! (One is a big NO WAY) | Amelia And JP) Health “care” is an oxymoron. It a racket and Big Pharma profits from keeping you sick. All these people who feel they need health care make me want to vomit. I hope you will self-immolate because you endanger us all with your inane priorities and politics. Sorry to rain on your ignorant bliss. Carry on 🐑🐑🐑🐑. Follow the hind quarters of the other one in front of you.Comment: > “We are starting our retirement in Mexico. It is USA-light in expat enclaves like San Miguel de Allende or Lake Chapala, so those were crossed off our list immediately. We are heading to the southern mountains. Stay away from the border and cartel areas like Sinaloa …just like in the US stay away from south Chicago and most of LA” Expats have been brutally slaughtered in and around Lake Chapala. Not frequently but it has happened. Fentanyl has decentralized the drug business because it can be synthetically produced in small make-shift labs anywhere. And the 50 times greater potency and tablet form (resembling legal meds) makes it much easier to smuggle and distribute. The large cartels used to frown on kidnapping and criminality against foreigners. This protection will be going away as the large cartels are disintermediated by the new said paradigm. As the global economy plummets into the abyss over the coming years, expect those poor Latin Americans countries to boil the expats in a stew for bone broth. Good luck! You are not allowed to arm yourself in Mexico (and even if you do qualify for a handgun you are not allowed to defend yourself with it in Latin America they require you to use your fists instead else you go to prison).Comment: These Westerners make me want to puke with their idiocracy: youtu.be/aq7I8rAjVZA (ECUADOR HEALTHCARE: Real Costs (MRI, Colonoscopy, Sonogram, Bloodwork & More) | Amelia And JP) The dye used for enhancing imaging with an MRI is long-term neurotoxic. Welcome to your future Alzheimer’s disease. The health “care” system is a racket that will scare you and make you more ill. The best is no health “care”, eat healthy, exercise intensely and sleep enough and on time. Your problem is you are ostensibly not going to the gym to do resistance training. No we do not all have to go the doctor. We should avoid the doctor and never go. I am going to notify Youtube to never show your channel in my feed. > “One of the frustrating things in the USA is with back and neck issues you have to go through physical therapy before imaging is done.” I am hoping Bill Gates can successfully cull you retards. > “Interested in the colonoscopy” I give for free with a nail studded baseball ball, especially for dimwits. > “Amelia IS hot, and you are one very lucky helping of chopped liver. 😝” How can a middle-aged, infertile female be ‘hot’. 🙈Comment: Martin Armstrong clearly articulates that Xi had every incentive to have this outcome but yet somehow does not think that Biden is not in Xi’s back pocket. Does Armstrong forget that Hunter Biden was being bribed by China. The Neocons in China control China and have been orchestrating this along with the Neocons in the USA. I remember noting how several of the Rockefellers have been very active in their meetings in China over the years. Xi Appoint for Life Thanks to BidenComment: I am tending to agree with Armstrong about November being a potential threat. The Demonrats are losing the mid-term elections. They may want a military distraction to draw attention away from their expected attempt to rig the elections again. If the markets rally this week as I am expecting might be the case, then perhaps November will mark the lower low? I have to laugh though at Armstrong not realizing that China is probably the mastermind behind much of this and might also be using Putin to accomplish their goals. Remember the Chinese are playing 5D chess per Sun Tzu’s Art of War. www.armstrongeconomi...start-world-war-iii/ “China will NOT stand by and allow Russia to be defeated for they know they will be next.”Comment: > “Alex was also telling people not to go to the capital building on Jan 6, saying it was a trap.” I was also saying that! Alex Jones warned Trump he better disavow the vaccines (and his ventilators push which was used to murder patients) before he would be blamed for rushing them through the FDA with his Operation Warp Speed. And now the Demonrats are doing exactly that. Do you all not remember I was screaming that in early 2021 on ZeroHedge long before Alex Jones did. youtu.be/VnigzbdN2JM (Alex Jones just EXPOSED the truth about Trump and vaccines | Redacted with Clayton Morris)Comment: The bastards have pivoted from COVID medical passports to Carbon Credit tracking apps. So that is how they will lock us down is by monotonically decreasing our personal carbon credit allowance. This is one of the methods they use to apply forced rationing and artificial scarcity so that they gain power and money during the incoming Minsky Moment instead of losing it. I wonder if they actually have the power to have authoritarian governments in the developing world come cull livestock claiming it is warming the climate? In the developed world they can easily do this by just using the corporations and chokepoints. But in the developing world individual farmers and communities might fight back violently against government thugs as they routinely do in Peru. youtu.be/ap-pKA1mIEU (Bill Gates just dropped MILLIONS to track every move you make | Redacted with Clayton Morris)Comment: Bill Gates wants to leverage this Carbon Credit crap to create a monopoly in synthetic food. So that we can not get our food from nature without paying in a royalty-fee. He is purely a megalomaniac. youtu.be/kvzKkEuj0OE?t=291 (We Can't Talk About Him Anymore....(Bill Gates) | The Kwak Brothers)Comment: This vlogger claims a Russian offensive is expected in November. Elon Musk is now on Ukraine’s hit list and he recently became aware of it. “Douglas McGregor, Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Margery Taylor Green, Scott Ritter and everyone else who spoke up against the war in Ukraine and who tells the truth about it, are on the Ukrainian Hit list. Darya Dougina, who was killed in the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg this summer, was on that list, with a sign "Executed" under her name now. Hopefully, Musk will be able to publish the Hit list.” youtu.be/j-Q8lJYkZJM?t=673 (Time To Get Mobilized! Musk Discovers Ukranian Hitlist 'Myrotvorets' | iEarlGrey)Comment: Why can’t Martin Armstrong add 2 + 2 = 4? Even Trump explains that the USA has 500 years of fossil fuel reserves potential while China does not. Yet China has rare earths to make EVs. And thus China wants the world on EVs. China is of course complicit if not in fact the entire puppet master behind the curtain of the entire crap that is going on right now. Marty is such a gullible person sometimes. He has been fooled into painting China as the victim. youtu.be/nhEVtbfB9IQ?t=343 (The Right View with Lara Trump & President Donald J. Trump)Comment: This prepper does have a point. Something big may be about to transpire in Ukraine on the Belarus border perhaps? He claims insider says the Canadian government will use the Emergency Powers Act to do lock downs if there is war. Freeze bank accounts, etc. OH FUCK!!!! Says the nuclear war strategy will be to wipe out each other’s nuclear facilities and who ever has more nukes remaining will then demand the other side surrender and start nuking cities slowly one-by-one until they do. So you can imagine the martial law power this will give the government as panic spreads and the tension in society as nobody knows which city will be hit next. The government will probably need to prevent millions from streaming out of the cities because it would be gridlock and cause massive social instability. youtu.be/wRJ-jhjeC1M (WARNING: MAJOR EVACUATION UNDERWAY / Governments Prepare for PANIC AND UNREST)Comment: Okay now a plausible plan of our enslavers is coming more clearly into view. They realize that if they rig the 2022 mid-terms (as they most definitely did in 2020) there is going to be massive civil unrest. And the Demonrats are going to get routed and creamed in the mid-terms if they do not rig it. So they need some ruse to justify lockdowns again. So maybe we are not looking at actual ICBMs yet in 2022 or even 2023. Rather some false-flag which gives the government the excuse to declare that a nuclear war could be launched at any moment. They could then use this to declare martial law of some sort. There is no way for us to know exactly what they will do or when. The risks of them doing something extreme as they have been forced to move on from the COVID deception and they can not allow MAGA to take control of the government again. Perhaps they will tolerate grid-lock instead since Brandon can veto any legislation. But for sure they will have to resort to such extreme measures by 2024 when Trump or DeSantis clearly wins without rigging the election. So I am not saying the martial law scenario is imminent and I tend to believe it is not. I think we have a couple more years to go until the craziest shit is launched. But we need to be prepared for acceleration at any time now. They are clearly ramping up the nuclear war scare mongering in their mass media mind programming. I think hopefully I still have a year or maybe two until everything goes F.U.B.A.R.. I assume you are familiar and can unpack that acronym.Comment: youtu.be/dRNzKOCVlAs (CRYPTO HOLDERS: The Real Reason The Fed May Crash Global Markets in November...) > Interesting concept but Idk if he appreciates the various ways war escalates. Especially when economics falls off the table. His idea of using the dollar to destabilize currencies could ironicaly provoke war at the same clip if not higher 😅 finance guys sometimes have a hard time seeing the forest through the wallstreet {…} > I think this theory of FED policy against nuclear war has one big gap. FED policy influences mainly western countries. There is little influence on the Russian people, especially those outside cities. So who's willing to start a nuclear war? Western countries or Russia? Who is threatening nuclear weapons? Russia. Influencing us not to begin nuclear war doesn't make any sense. Weaponizing the dollar forces the Thucydides trap. The real narrative is that the powers-that-be want to maintain control despite the arrival of a global Minsky Moment. Thus all parties need WW3 as a domestic scapegoat.Comment: Bill Gates and Fauci want to redux at us again but with an “80% mortality” engineered bioweapon virus… My comment: youtu.be/71CSZmX-Sd0?t=1686 (Gates and Fauci are doing it AGAIN and not even hiding it this time | Redacted with Clayton Morris) The chimera virus they supposedly engineered is not deadly. Rather the poisoned human-mouse model is deadly. And this pseudo-science (i.e. propaganda) is the ruse they will use to fool us again when people are dying from all the other diabolical crap they are going to be doing to us including malnutrition, irradiation, breathing out own exhale, etc..Comment: Janet Yellen working on merging the Treasury and Federal Reserve. This is as dystopian as I have been warning. They will micromanage interest rates such that different sectors of the economy have a different interest rate but this means they will require totalitarian control over all commerce via CBDCs so that there can be no arbitrage nor free market. It also means they can pick the winners and losers in the economy so thus only crony corporations can survive. This is about as 1984 dystopian as one could envision. They are really trying to do this to us. youtu.be/VgCRj5d4Sqs (Janet Yellen Just Revealed Diabolical New Plan (MMT Is Back) | George Gammon) > “I think you're alluding to the central bank digital currency is actually the main point. I think this is the setup for the cbdc, they're going to play on the idea that they can micromanage the economy like this if there was a cbdc. Not only will they be able to put out steamies, but as you said regulate supply and demand. This is step one of the creation of the cbdc in my humble opinion.” This appears to be the plan underway to privatize the Fed and Treasury merged so that BlackRock will own the U.S. government and manage us in a technocracy, as I had explained previously: BlackRock and Going Direct Reset Armstrong blogged privately something to the effect of (paraphrased): “This is essentially Operation Twist swapping short and long-term bonds to further reduce long-term Treasury interest rates forcing the yield curve even more negative, so as to reduce mortgage rates and stimulate the economy {…} Will result in the USG having higher interest expenditures while driving inflation higher forcing the interest rates ever higher on the short-end eventually bankrupting the USG.” Essentially they are INTENTIONALLY creating a worse crisis as the pretext and ruse to justify technocracy. And Armstrong thinks they are stupid and short-sighted. No Martin is short-sighted for not understanding this is all part of their diabolical long-range plans for our enslavement.Comment: Brandon needs to wear a bib. 😂 How can a claimed superpower be run by a man who slobbers all over himself. 🤦🏻 youtu.be/VDXnU2frN-8 (I Feel Like I’m Living in a Nightmare... | 0 Seconds Ago)Comment: > “I agree with the overwhelming majority of the comments you post, but perhaps there will always be one stumbling block, inasmuch as I think people need to be led by someone with integrity and moral fibre and in that way, having a “leader” of a sort is always paramount to a functional society, irrespective of whether that contradicts one’s hermeneutics.” Leadership is dysfunctional because: 1. a moral leader will always be overthrown (undermined, overpowered) by a more ruthless one because the more ruthless one can capture more power from the power vacuum. It is thus impossible to have a moral democracy, which is why I renamed it democrazy. People will refuse to understand this. The only way to teach them is by implementing decentralization thus obviating the power vacuums thus forcing them to stop being dependent on statism. The Lord told them this in 1 Samuel 8 but they refused to listen. 2. leadership doesn’t anneal as per the analogy of cracks in ice frozen too quickly because the individual molecules aren’t able to arrange themselves optimally trapped by the rapid temperature gradient. Decentralized actors are more resilient with more optimal outcomes than centralized management. This is also why the concept of Dunbar limited “one mind” as proposed to apply tribalism to the entire society as Asians do, is going to end in abject failure. CoinCube and I had debated this on Bitcointalk.org and we agreed that centralized systems are expedient but ultimately collapse under their lack of expanding entropy. What would be optimal is to obviate the power vacuum itself so that individuals are forced to manage themselves or perish. Then all those those are capable survive and all those who are incapable perish. Varying hermeneutics could become a boon to resiliency instead of feeding the status quo divide-and-conquer power vacuum. Obviating the power vacuums is an incredibly difficult problem. I have been thinking about how to do it at least for a block chain for the past ~7 years. And with a truly decentralized block chain, other facets of the societal power vacuum could be possibly disintermediated.Comment: Eventually you guys will realize I was correct and stop delaying your transition to the Knowledge Age I first starting writing about publicly in 2012. > “America is headed for a divorce and Europe is not far behind. The technologies and forces of the Information Age will continue to push cultural identity and isolation to a tipping point, past which reconciliation is no longer possible. Simultaneously, the globalization of internet based groups and multinational career tracks will greatly weaken the sense of national identity. As unemployment skyrockets and a growing Knowledge Class continues to enjoy significant increases in income, the current angry protests over income and wealth disparity could lead to riots which could, if not resolved, lead to insurrection. > > The growing Knowledge Class, possessing exploding incomes and a Live Anywhere, will move out of the Industrial Age urban centers for more commodious locales. The large Northern metropolitan areas whose populations have already stabilized will begin to lose population, falling to 50% or less of their 2015 levels by 2050. In other words, for these cities, the housing bust is permanent and many of their residents are more or less permanently 'under water.' In the end, the Industrial Age cities, no longer facilitative of Information Age lifestyles, will simply die.” I commented on his blog from 2015: michaelwferguso...log-page_7.html?sc=1666478... Agree with your well organized and articulated points. Note my 2012 essay postulating the root mechanism for the imminent and hopefully permanent death of financialization predated your blog post: web.archive.org/web/...se of Knowledge.html bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3552... ====== michaelwferguso...log-page_7.html?sc=1666478... > “One important step will be moving from linear economy to circular. Profits no longer viable by the old model of resource extraction --> production --> consumption --> waste, because simply there will not be resources to keep drilling like up to now. Owning stuff will go out of style at all levels, and we will at some point recognize that all that we ever can be are subscribers of ecosystem services. ..if our handling of material goods also moves towards services provided instead of everyone owning "stuff" - then there can BE an economy. There may be unrest, wars, strife and famine on the path there, but responsible actors should be settings their sights on what's next today. Like this: ec.europa.eu/commiss...-circular-economy_en ...or I could mention Volvo:s ideas about subsciptions of "car services" as they see how it would be beneficial to actually keep ownership of the cars as they get automated and they will be responsible for the driving, not actual owners and drivers...” I don’t know why I bother to rebut because nearly if not all who profess will not listen nor learn except by being shown again-and-again that Malthusianism has never been correct.Comment: My posited interpretation of the recent, insane Janet Yellen proposal, cum recent Fed leak trial balloon through the WallStreet Journal that they will communicate a slowing of interest rate hikes at the November 1–2 Fed meeting, is the powers-that-be’s realization of implausibility to surreptitiously steal the mid-term elections via vote rigging. Too many eyes now presumably focused, at least for the hundreds of contested lower House positions. Thus further fiscal stimulus legislation DOA, necessitating an alternative diabolical means to stimulate via the executive (e.g. the Treasury department) in defiance of the will of the American voting public for respite from the MMT which is (especially when combined with their intentional destruction of the supply chains with their fabricated faux pLandemic and stoking Ukrainian war towards WW3). Note Yellen’s “Operation Twist” proposal implies they intend to levitate short-term interest rates in 2023 (with increased issuance) while reducing long-term interest rates (with buybacks deploying funds raised from said increased issuance), thus further exacerbating the yield curve recession signal. The markets ostensibly are sensing this and a surge up in the risk-on stock (and perhaps also monetary alternatives such as Bitcoin and gold) markets could be possible this week front running the outcome of the election. Which would also agree with the two week lag correlation for the S&P to the recently discussed Net Liquidity epiphany. Even Martin Armstrong privately blogged yesterday finally admitting to my stance that his early November Panic Cycles could possibly be to the upside if the DJIA can clear resistance ~3250 ­– 3284. Yet I am thinking that Ron Walker’s point about a Dow Theory divergence (transports making a lower high on this bounce while industrials made a higher high) is signally another pullback in November before continuing higher. Not clear if that will be a lower low for the S&P and/or a higher-low for the DJIA. The Fed could rug pull on that said leak. There is a real risk that Bitcoin could surge to $22+k this week. Even $25+k later in November or early December. Armstrong is correct to point out that the U.K. and Europe will be disemboweled by the aforementioned premeditated, intentional resultant (concomitant) stoking of inflation via the wealth effect and stimulation of more debt given the abatement of the 10Y Treasury interest rate (via said buy backs) would exacerbate demand driven aspect of inflation simultaneous with presumably ongoing, intentional escalation of supply chains destruction. Armstrong should abandon his naive belief that the politicians are inadvertently societalciding us because they’re idiots with short-time preference only to save their own skin. Applicable perhaps to many politicians, but powers behind the (deeper) curtain exquisitely premeditated this very intentionally to transition to a 666-like NWO. They’re not failing. Armstrong is simply naive, myopic and wrong. TPTB know exactly what they’re destructively constructing — to fragment our world into thousands of political jurisdictions subservient to regional blocs (each managed akin to an unelected EU Commission) overall servile to a global institutions rising as the 1989 Economist Magazine’s Phoenix Bitcoin as the only unaligned, international reserve monetary asset (reset) in the intentionally crafted multi-polar world they’ve achieved masterfully. I emailed Martin years prior positing the E.U. and Euro were intentionally crafted in their defunct manner, intentionally structured to fail in a path that ushers in said dystopian NWO — a premeditation in the works for decades prior now bearing fruit. Biblical Proverbs 22:7 — “the borrower is slave to the lender.” Ditto 1 Samuel 8 those who embrace statism are enslaved by it. Lurch into a dystopian world underway with the indebted sheepeople to be fully enslaved in 666 debt forgiveness in exchange for, “you will own nothing, rent everything, and be happy.” Methinks Armstrong protest too much. My other postulate is that MMT is just my oft-reiterated model of the process that only the most ruthless can capture power vacuums. The ability to create money out-of-thin-air (something only Bitcoin can resist, because gold is no longer viable in an Internet connected era) is a power vacuum which those who intend to hold onto such power must absolutely deploy said centralized power in the most ruthless and diabolical means possible. If they do not they will be deposed by those who will derive more power from doing so. This is why Armstrong’s oft-reiterated, naive delusion that the Fed is independent (behind the curtain) has to be utter nonsense. Thus game theory is such that who ever wished to uphold a fiat system has no choice but to eventually strive for the Biblical Revelation end game. This is the Great Harlot system. They have no choice but to devise diabolical plans to maximize the power that they control. The inability of humanity to admit to themselves the inviolable invariants of power vacuums and power-law distribution of fungible resources is an ineptitude of epic implications and a stumbling block of our collective iniquity. Wish you all the fortitude and clarity of mind that your carefully, meticulously contemplated actions reflect your understanding. (can anyone discern that I am on caffeine tonight?)Comment: youtu.be/NxMMsvT4ydE (Russia Now: Martial law! High alert mode! Mobilization.., Thoughts, plans ... | The Sheekoz Family)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgCRj5d4... (Comments on "Janet Yellen Just Revealed Diabolical New Plan (MMT Is Back)") > “Interesting take on this. How exactly does one stop inflation on food? Do they increase it so much that people stop eating or just shift to cheaper (you know bugs). How does one control something that is sold internationally, like say oil? How do you control that, oh right you "Cap" another countries oil price. This can't possibly work if anyone or group can break it. They need total control and we are seeing real world examples that it cannot be done. Unfortunately, in the meantime the WEF will do massive damage to western economies and the rest of the world through their own shear arrogance that they are smarter than everyone else.” @billalumni you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed. The bifurcation of the global trade system at-scale is not an example of how you can subvert a national central bank digital currency after they ban cash. Every transaction you make will be digitally tracked — a 666 panopticon. Barter does not scale. Barter would imply a societal collapse so intense that you would have other threats such as warlords. (Note I am not sure if the above coercion will work in the rural developing world.) > “The definition of communism is, 'Abolish all private property'. The sad thing is they think they are saving the planet when in reality they will kill us all.” @billalumni they want to kill most of us. They figure that is saving the planet. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub6zP6q2... (Comments on "A New Social Credit Score!? You Won't Believe What's Coming!!") > “they are a corrupt, bloated, bureaucracy. They’re not long for this world” @Anon The to-be-sacrificial-scapegoat politicians and bureaucrats are not the powers-that-be behind the curtain who are orchestrating all this. > “I'm here 11 days AFTER you uploaded this video because I've been hearing about this A LOT recently. Too many people giving out warnings about the possibility of this happening to ignore it. Looking more into this, yes, they have been discussing / hinting at this type of thing at various gatherings like Davos. So yes, it is something that they want to roll out. Will they be successful? I don't know. There is going to be A LOT of people against this for obvious reasons to the point where it might be rejected by the public in a very vicious way. To get around this, they aren't going to announce to the public "Hey, we are doing social credit scores!!", they are going to try to sneak this in in a very sneaky way while coming up with a way to publicly shame people who don't go along with it. Also, those ESG scores corporations have been chasing after the last few years is definitely a starter point for this entire thing.” @John Penguin the 3rd when they cyber attack the banking system and blame it on Russia then no one will have the means to conduct any transactions without complying with the newly issued 666 panopticon CBDC. Hungry people comply. > “This is like Ceausescu allowance food card law in the the old comunist 🇷🇴 Romania. But much worse.” Upvoted. www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WOVPzKP... (Comments on Life During Shanghai's Lockdown: A First Person Account | The Wonton Don) > “Glad your friend is safe, thank you for sharing. What a horrible situation and ignorant government” @SkuXX the Chinese government is not ignorant. The pLandemic of billions of global flu tests (nothing else happened) was an intentional ruse power grab. The CCP was virtue signaling with a scapegoat excuse to take people’s attention away from the collapsing real estate bubble and preparing them for the patriotism and sacrifice of the WW3 scapegoat excuse that Xi needs to hold onto power during the global Minsky Moment underway.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1_JpABE... (Kari Lake slams Katie Hobbs's refusal to debate | Fox News) > “I don't even understand Katie's {irrational} point. She doesn't want to debate her because she doesn't think Kari is going to debate her? Then debate her and prove it! She looks way to soft.” @Leroy Rodgers hers an attempt to shift the goalposts by implying that Kari Lake is unwilling to sit down for a rational, calm fireside chat and by implication instead intends only to fling sensational Trumpian-style arrows. She is implying that she won’t debate an “oaf like Trump.” This is the way the Demonrats employ virtue signaling to ostensibly hypnotize their mindless memebots voters — what few of them remaining. It’s a narrative of holiness and moral superiority. It’s also Point Deer, Make Horse.Comment: INSERTED TWO WORDS: The to-be-sacrificial-scapegoat politicians and bureaucrats are not the powers-that-be puppet masters behind the curtain who are orchestrating all this.Comment: Kari Lake is unstoppable! Next Arizona governor. Wow. She is too smart, well spoken and she knows damn well the elections were rigged. youtu.be/agtS7wzj_sQ (Kari Lake's Message to the NFL)Comment: Kari Lake is going to make Arizona the State to be in! youtu.be/i-y2QgH_2aQ?t=73 (‘Let’s Just Vote These Bastards Out’: Kari Lake Goes Scorched Earth On Opposition | Forbes Breaking News)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-y2QgH_... > “What Kari Lake said about giving children the covid vaccine has moved her to legendary status in my opinion. And the way she is with the media..she really is a class act.” @Jeffrey Reeves Indeed elevated her even above Trump who (ostensibly unwittingly) went along with the entire cerveza sickness hoax. I could elaborate for those who do not understand what really happened with illness and death for the past two years. > “Didn’t Trump have that vaccine made??” @flipnotrab unfortunately Trump also ramped up the supply of ventilators with his Operation Warp Speed. Whistleblower nurses were informing us that those were being used inappropriately to glassify lungs and euthanize the patients. The hospitals were bribed by insurance which was paying more if the patient was put on a ventilator than not. There is much that I could explain to those who still do not understand how Bill Gates et al fooled the entire world with his pLandemic of billions of flu tests. Oh so you know someone who had shortness of breath or lost their olfactory or taste senses? Well that is what pneumonia can do. And what better way to induce pneumonia than have everything breathe their own exhale with face diapers, locked inside for weeks, expose their nasal passages to toxic formaldehyde with the PCR tests, and other iatrogenic “treatments”. > “Trump 2024 if not before!” @LeAnn Davis 2024 is the potentially apocalyptic threat. Our overlords (e.g. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, etc) can’t allow the 2024 election to proceed. That is why they are fomenting WW3 and fooling all of you into believing Pootin was at fault. I hope you all are not sheepeople and are doing your research about what is really going on. Check out Jordan Peterson’s explanation for example. And Martin Armstrong’s blog archives. > “Let's just make sure the votes are correctly counted.” And if the votes are rigged again and Katie Hobbs {conflict-of-interest!} refuses to certify the election? Are we headed for some Constitutional crisis if the Supreme Court continues to refuse to hear election rigging cases?Comment: My comment: youtu.be/YL86snd4dP8 (How Foreign Drug Operations Are Taking Over California’s Desert Towns: Jorge Ventura) Economic and political collapse opens the power vacuum to the rise of warlordism. Western civilization on trend to societalcide collapse back to feudalism if Americans aren’t able to overthrow the leftist-fascists who have taken control the government.Comment: This will segue into a discussion of Bill Gates and my thoughts positing the what and why some of these intellectual elites pursue dystopian crap. The pre-1994 SAT test predicts the g-factor for IQ to approximately ±5.94 D15IQ points, as extrapolated from the ASVAB test for g (but) which has only 64% of its variance applicable to g. Meaning that a person’s performance on any cognitive test can vary significantly because the mutual correlation g-factor is never 100% of the variance of the test. Thus a corroborated IQ across many cognitive tests should be a reasonable predictor of how well will perform on cognitive tests relative to others in the test group. My year 1983 SAT (including if estimated separately for my Math and Verbal score) and ACT scores seem to predict my IQ roughly Mensa level ~130 D15IQ. Other conversions (c.f. also) are within ±5 D15IQ points. Yet there are numerous factors that could have my D15IQ swinging between 120 – 140: 1. If everyone with my IQ took the SAT in 1983 and not just the ACT or neither (or with foreign students filling in for those excluded), then perhaps +5 IQ points. Remember IQ is a rarity measure among a population. 2. My SAT increased 110 points (~8 D15IQ points) the second time I took it. What if I had taken it a third time? I also remember becoming weary during the second test. I was born with jaundice and I seem to have issues with sustaining mental energy. I was initially supercharged but mentally fatigued each time after I interacted verbally in real-time on the phone with (self-proclaimed “167 IQ” same as the Unibomber) Risto Pietilä circa ~2011 (both driven to “insanity”). 3. Aforementioned potential variance between different cognitive tests, although afair my ACT corroborated my highest SAT score. I could order a copy of my ACT results to verify my memory. 4. My mother claims for herself a professionally measured 137 IQ. I don’t know which test she took? If Cattell which is a D24 scale so she would only be 124 D15IQ in that case. My mother’s vocabulary recall and wit seems superior to mine. 5. Two cognitive tests may not be sufficient to corroborate the g-factor given the variances involved. I was sent to be professionally tested by psychologist in downtown New Orleans when I was in elementary school to find out if I am gifted presumably because I devoured the SRA reading set to high school level in a week. Either my mother does not remember my score or won’t tell me maybe because it was presumably too low as I wasn’t subsequently moved to the gifted program. But my mother took me to an optometrist who dilated my eyes right before the IQ test which made me very nauseated. Additionally I was entirely unfamiliar with the sort of cognitive tasks that the interviewer was asking me to do. I could discern he was perplexed because he kept trying other types of tests where some were trivially easy for me but then for example when asked to find a pattern among many squiggly lines I just wasn’t interested and said I don’t see anything but squiggly lines (lol). He was not testing me on anything that caused my brain to wake up and be intrigued. Little did he know I was already thinking about the origins of the universe and doing experiments with insects and electricity on my own back in like third grade when my ~160 IQ stepfather had an Opel GT. Had the tester broached a topic within my interests he might have observed more of my effort. I attribute my not pointing this out due to my much more introverted personality type at that time. I think I had been socially traumatized by neglect and the disruption on me due to my parent’s divorce and my mother’s subsequent chaos (← not her fault really). I changed schools roughly every other year until high school. Also perhaps even a majority of my mental curiosity got sapped by compensating for emotional trauma and also my love of violent sports along with my high testosterone. I was attending inner city schools and in some cases with no teacher and being the only white student among negro kids that were enacting jungle life.Comment: IQ correlates to cognitive test performance and also various life outcomes but not precisely nor without extreme outliers. A person such as myself who is not that interested in cognitive tests is not fully engaged. Then again others for which cognitive tests are trivially easy also may not be putting their full effort into it as explained by my “150+ IQ” high school classmate Jeff Agron. I wholeheartedly accept that my g-factor isn’t genius level. My interaction with superior intellects informs me I’m not a 150+ D15IQ genius. Highly doubt I’m 140 IQ, although I performed some shocking cognitive feats, e.g. during a particularly lucid moment (mental energy very high) I retyped verbatim ~1000 lines of code lost due to a brownout in the Philippines in my age early 30s (before losing vision in my right eye and probably before I was hit over the head with a hammer leaving a permanent 2” hole in my skull but after numerous severe helmet-to-helmet concussions from Little League football to high school football). IQ can be impacted by health and especially endocrine health (again note I was born with liver jaundice, and have metabolic and endocrine disease now). If my brain can’t get the energy it needs then it will not be able to perform to its full capability. Yet I’m not going to delude myself with excuses and bullshit to my own detriment as to which genre of accomplishments and vocations I’m probably suited to pursue: “However, because of the moderate r values of its correlates, IQ is primarily of value in understanding the characteristics and interactions of large populations. Save as a diagnostic tool for very high IQ individuals, it is not sufficiently predictive to be reliably used on an individual case basis.” {…} “There are approximately 6.5 million people with an IQ over 140 and 729,000 people with an IQ over 150.” {…} “In other words, in audiences dominated by high school graduates, who average around 105 IQ, the successful leaders will have an average IQ of 105+20=125 {…} A college educated audience (110 IQ) will be most convinced by a IQ of 110+20=130 and confused by a 110+30=140. Effective leaders recognize that they need the counsel of those smarter than themselves. They will be most convinced by advisors with IQs of 119+20=139 {…} Because Leaders become ineffective above an IQ of 135, Advisors won't find clients if their IQ is over 135+20=155.” {…} “What applies to productive environments also applies to social environments and even personal relationships. Theoretically, after Hollingworth, a person's social relationships should be limited to people with R16IQs within 30 points of their own. For the 100 IQ person, this will include about 94% of the population and consequently it is not an issue. However, for the 150 R16IQ (140 D15IQ), social relationships are limited to 120-180 R16IQ people which represents just a little over 10% of the population. The 165 R16IQ (150D15IQ) person will be limited to people with 135+ R16IQs (130 D15IQ). This comprises just 2% of the population. By 182 R16IQ (160 D15IQ) the problem becomes critical with social relationships limited to those with R16IQs over 152 (142 D15IQ) which comprises just 0.25% of the population.” {…} “This is of mild interest to the group within which the 150+ D15IQ person is embedded but it is moderately to profoundly important to the high IQ individual who will feel an often profound sense of isolation. It has often been observed that 150+ D15IQ people are loners. Also, Loius Termann found that children at this IQ level were emotionally maladjusted in about 40% of the cases.”Comment: My CoolPage.com accomplishment at the turn-of-the-century garnishing some 1% of the published websites on the entire Internet belies my only 100 million others IQ rarity. Instead was the manifestation of orders-of-magnitude more rare opportunism, foresight and “Essence of Genius” prioritization: “Apologies if this is quite egotistical, but it is just to demonstrate that most IQ tests are in fact wrong.” — Shelby Moore You could read the aforelinked for some examples I provided to justify my claim. Some jealous and/or agenda driven high IQ trolls at BCTalk (e.g. iCEBREAKER) forum lambasted that CoolPage.com accomplishment as not relevant because for example it wasn’t as mathematical as cryptography. Also ranked top 3 out of three sections of freshman Chemistry comprising about 300 college students at L.S.U.. Thus rarity synonymous with ~145 D15IQ but a result of numerous factors in addition to IQ. A non-genius IQ places some limitation on the obscurity (← polymath Michael W. Ferguson on audio) and cognitive complexity of the insights and solutions an individual can aspire to discover and (to a lesser degree) even comprehend. We can conceptualize this g-factor abstraction descriptively reified as for example verbal (i.e. symbolic) reasoning, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed. Yet unlike a cognitive test, the outcomes in the universe can’t be reduced to deterministic set of factors, because otherwise the universe would be static and we couldn’t exist (as well the past and future spacetime light cones would overlap meaning everything that could happen is happening at every present instant making no thing distinguishable from anything else). Kurzweil’s A.I. Singularity is nonsense for an analogous reason (c.f. also, also, also) — my 2013 “Thought Isn’t Fungible” insight was ostensibly carried over from my 2012 essay “Demise of Finance, Rise of Knowledge” (reviewed by CoinCube M.D., B.A.M. in 2013). Consequently that the notion of superior intelligence is itself a non-sequitur, because there’s unbounded realities extant at any given present instant relative to the observers’ perceptions and interactions (and that applies even to subatomic particles, information propagation and other phenomena as observers). It’s nonsensical and in fact a violation of the inexorable trend to maximum entropy in the Second Law of Thermodynamics to contemplate a deterministic universe wherein a superior IQ will have all the deterministic erudition to account for every Chaos Theory pendulum experiment Butterfly effect. There are boundless emergent features arising out of randomness, e.g. the Strange Attractor. “Do not believe this nonsense. Each one of you is unique. Your mind is a galaxy of stars. A hundred billion points of light. A machine can never replace you. Resist the greedy tech companies who collect and trade in information about you and everyone you love. You are an evolutionary traveler. Two hundred billion years on our Earth.” Some examples: 1. ‘Excessive automation’ a ‘mistake’, ‘humans are underrated’ — 155 IQ Elon Musk 2. Numerous Tesla Roadster strategic blunders — 155 IQ Elon Musk 3. 152+ I.Q. Eric S. Raymond stated I was “batshit crazy” about 9/11 being a conspiracy and yet it’s now proven beyond any doubt to the extent that NIST is now refusing its legal obligation to acknowledge the facts. His regular, the very high IQ Jessica Boxer scolded me about Biblical wisdom because in 1 Samuel 15 the Lord orders the death of everything including the women and the children. Duh as if she entirely doesn’t comprehend that the pretext 1 Samuel 8 is a warning that will happen when humans subscribe to statism. 4. Eric et al didn’t take kindly to my skeptism of Popperism. Btw, here is that long-lost essay I wrote way back in 2009 where I predicted our current economic collapse and societalcide (even correctly identified climate change activism as the form of seppuku). I was wondering where that African photo of pet hyenas had gone. 5. The comparably high IQ James A. Donald (blog.jim.com) similarly is an illogical 9/11 truth denier, but worse thinks humanity would be best served by regressing back to monarchy and he and all his regulars ridiculed me when I commented on his blog in 2019 correctly predicting the powers-that-be would take Trump down in 2020 by crashing the economy.Comment: Now for the meat of what I was Layering and Leading into by Laying (yes L.L.L.ol) the foundations about the relevance, limitations or irrelevance of IQ. Bill Gates’ has a genius IQ that’s maybe close to 170, c.f. also. I remember reading that Gates was very frustrated that Westerners were too self-absorbed to fund major humanitarian projects in Africa. Bill seems to have (with his preamble Event 201 and subsequently enacted COVID pLandemic with the encore yet to come) ultimately decided he would have to force people to do what he thinks is right for the world, an analogous “reasoning” that drove the Unibomber insane (who had the same IQ as Risto). BILLY-BOY SEEMS FRUSTRATED BY THE FACT THAT THE WORLD ISN’T DECIDABLE FROM METRICS ALONE, i.e. that his IQ alone is not sufficient: 1. Bill Gates: ‘I was so jealous’ of ‘genius’ Steve Jobs “He was such a wizard at over-motivating people — I was a minor wizard so I couldn’t fall under his spells — but I could see him CASTING THE SPELLS, and then I would look at people and see them mesmerized,” {…} “And, there’s no chance in hell it happens without him. I mean, Apple was on its way to die {before Jobs returned},” Gates says in the interview. He adds: “No one else can do what he did there. I couldn’t have done that {and} I don’t know anyone who could have.” {…} “I wish I could be as magical because I have causes that are in some ways more impactful and I need to make sure they don’t get ignored,” 2. Watch Steve Jobs steal Gates’ audience rapport with his more humanistic story-telling (and note the mention of the 1977 Radio Shack TRS-80 which was my first experience with personal computer at age 13). 3. Bill Gates’ half smile at the end of Mac software announcement. 4. Bill Gates’ admiration of Jobs’ ability to hit home-runs with intuitive risk-taking. 5. How Steve Jobs And Bill Gates Went From Friends To Bitter Enemies (and back to friends again) 6. Bill Gates only knew how to build software with the Cathedral style and then Linus Torvalds comes along and builds Linux with minimal resources employing the radically superior Bazaar-style of software engineering, c.f. also. Linux wipes Windows face with the floor. Apple’s iPhone finally stole Microsoft’s mass market after all those years of Apple computers being only a niche market. Gates lost. He retired. Had to find a new gig. “Well, Steve, I think there’s more than one way of looking at it. I think it’s more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.” Martin Armstrong had posited (← might be in the private blog as I can’t find a link with Google) that these megalomaniac elite end up with $billions they don’t know what to do with and that is what causes them to pursue insane adventurism just because they can. Whereas what it appears to be about how a person’s ego (sense of self-worth) drives them to insanity via the desire to have more control. Notice it’s all about control in Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and its diabolical, dystopian Great Reset along with U.N. Agenda 2030 and the complementary efforts of wrecking balls such as George Soros and other sycophant henchmen such as the various bribed and kompromat induced politicians. They dream that technological disruption will be their Hegelian dialectic crisis to usher in their centralized solutions. And that’s sad for all of us who end up the collateral damage of the failure-directed dystopia that humanity will have to fight through until we come out the tunnel on the other side. And it may be about another thing perhaps even subconsciously. Bill Gates may have a 1-in-100,000 IQ but there’s still 75,000 others with that IQ. Reduce the population by a factor of 100 and abracadabra, Bill Gates is much more unique. This is all perfectly natural. Nature abhors a vacuum, especially a power vacuum.Comment: More of my insights ostensibly missed by high IQ, self-proclaimed polymath Michael W. Ferguson: michaelwferguson.blo...on-by-michael-w.html Kurzweil’s Singularity is nonsense but as quoted by you he is correct about deflation and your criticism is misguided. Krugman exudes academic self-serving DKE. Deflation is a growth of the economy from debt misallocated, uneconomic insanity into sane economic production. michaelwferguson.blo...-of-microstates.html The author fails to note the possibility that new microstates might not need be bounded to contiguous land mass, c.f. The Network State (thenetworkstate.com/god-state-network). michaelwferguson.blo...m/p/blog-page_7.html Agree with your well organized and articulated points. Note my 2012 essay postulating the root mechanism for the imminent and hopefully permanent death of financialization predated your blog post: Demise of Finance, Rise of Knowledge Economic Devastation ================= michaelwferguson.blo...p/virtual-money.html I’m sorry but you ostensibly don’t comprehend the significance of the block chain. > “I agree with the overwhelming majority of the comments you post, but perhaps there will always be one stumbling block, inasmuch as I think people need to be led by someone with integrity and moral fibre and in that way, having a “leader” of a sort is always paramount to a functional society, irrespective of whether that contradicts one’s hermeneutics.” Leadership is dysfunctional because: 1. a moral leader will always be overthrown (undermined, overpowered) by a more ruthless one because the more ruthless one can capture more power from the power vacuum. It is thus impossible to have a moral democracy, which is why I renamed it democrazy. People will refuse to understand this. The only way to teach them is by implementing decentralization thus obviating the power vacuums thus forcing them to stop being dependent on statism. The Lord told them this in 1 Samuel 8 but they refused to listen. 2. leadership doesn’t anneal as per the analogy of cracks in ice frozen too quickly because the individual molecules aren’t able to arrange themselves optimally trapped by the rapid temperature gradient. Decentralized actors are more resilient with more optimal outcomes than centralized management. This is also why the concept of Dunbar limited “one mind” as proposed to apply tribalism to the entire society as Asians do, is going to end in abject failure. CoinCube and I had debated this on Bitcointalk.org and we agreed that centralized systems are expedient but ultimately collapse under their lack of expanding entropy. What would be optimal is to obviate the power vacuum itself so that individuals are forced to manage themselves or perish. Then all those those are capable survive and all those who are incapable perish. Varying hermeneutics could become a boon to resiliency instead of feeding the status quo divide-and-conquer power vacuum. Obviating the power vacuums is an incredibly difficult problem. I have been thinking about how to do it at least for a block chain for the past ~7 years. And with a truly decentralized block chain, other facets of the societal power vacuum could be possibly disintermediated.Comment: Did you all read the link about the Unibomber and realize I am positing an analogy between the rationalization of the two for their insane actions? Also did you all fully appreciate that my hypothesis being that Gates is frustrated with the Second Law of Thermodynamics (that entropy trends to maximum inexorably) and that he can’t always reason about the outcomes because nature is random and boundlessly multivariate — this driving him to the madness of culturing totalitarian control? In fact all totalitarians (even Katie Hobbs with her high school slavery enactments) hate nature because they can’t control it. So they erroneously believe man and intellect can entirely subjugate chaos.Comment: FreeMoneyCrypto, {10/26/22 3:31 AM} i saw this today www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntumMNrz... Shelby Moore, {10/26/22 1:44 PM} {In reply to FreeMoneyCrypto} Note that since this is a sovereign debt default crisis with the central banks on unrelenting Q.E. (MMT) the powers-that-be need some way to insure that price inflation outpaces wage growth so that consumer debt isn‘t inflated away making the borrower the winner. Thus another reason (in addition to the Magician-like, attention-redirecting scapegoats and excuses for totalitarian control at the Minsky Moment) for fabricating the supply chain disruptions with the pLandemic and forcing Putin into WW3. Again I reiterate that I do not agree with Armstrong’s thesis that China is entirely benevolent and resisting Klaus Schwab, because Xi also needs all those I enumerated. Thus I posit that Armstrong’s geopolitical model is yet again myopic and too simpleton. China might even be mastermind of the entire outcome having Klaus Schwab et al captured with bribes and kompromat. What more Sun Tzu-esque than achieve the Thucydides Trap transfer to China by engineering the politics of your enemy. 😉Comment: ADDED: To understand China understand how impossible it is to govern because the East coast is properous and the rest of the country is mired in poverty due to the horrible geography for trade. China is essentially trapped by the Himalayan mountains. Thus the CCP and Xi needed COVID and need WW3 in order to hold on to power as the global debt bubble collapses.Comment: Make sure you send this to everyone you know: The Plot to Seize RussaComment: anonymous, {10/26/22 4:18 PM} when i tell someone, she probably can move to a relatively safer location, she says: "Im not going to hide. Im going to face it" Shelby Moore, {10/26/22 4:20 PM} How does one face radiation? Face-off (as in falling off)? Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more face-off noun noun: face-off; plural noun: face-offs; noun: faceoff; plural noun: faceoffs North American a direct confrontation between two people or groups. "a face-off for the championship title" Ice Hockey the start or a restart of play, in which the referee drops the puck between two opposing players. SunZoomSpark, {10/26/22 4:34 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} "(Obviously only if and when you afford to do so)" You anticipated my reply😉 That Brit sounds like he is permanently plugged-into BBC propaganda. There are many intellectuals but idiots buying into all this crap. IQ but no clue. I wonder if That Brit would take the time to watch 22mins of this (youtu.be/tJNOuelpKuw) exchange from The Duran regarding "A flurry phone calls, warning of dirty bomb from Russia's Shoigu". I should imagine he'd interpret it as classic mis/disinformation. Seems Z might now have to abandon his plans for escalation using this method. Shelby Moore, {10/26/22 4:36 PM} {In reply to SunZoomSpark} I will share this discussion with That Brit. Your fellow Brit is beyond saving. He for example argues illogically that Ukraine would not want to dirty bomb their own land, but it is not Ukraine that is pushing this war — it is the West that wants to overthrow Russia so they can push their Climate Change panopticon enslavement down the throats of every soul on his planet. That Brit can not accept that the powers-that-be are trapped by a Minsky Moment and need our 666 enslavement so that they can prevent a stampede of capital to the East as the West collapses. Just a little bit of common horse sense that a high IQ academic like That Brit rejects out-of-hand. SunZoomSpark, {10/26/22 4:38 PM} {In reply to Shelby Moore} He appears to have only a superficial interest/understanding of the topic. Perhaps the truth would blow a few circuits in his brain. Anyway, for me I'm turning out the lights in this small corner of Europe. 'night all.Comment: > “Anyway, for me I'm turning out the lights ON this small corner of Europe. 'night all.” F.t.f.y.Comment: Climate Change = Military Strategy Comment: {…} wished to ask you about something you often reference: that many of these globalists are trying to destroy fossil fuels for “climate change”. However, going by their actual behavior, it seems that they don’t *genuinely* believe in climate change, otherwise they wouldn’t be flying around in private jets, owning ocean-front property, or creating more carbon emissions than many small countries. Do you think they actually believe the earth is in danger or are they trying to force the majority of humanity back into a third world state because without the ability to travel, or heat/cool homes, communicate with one another, or have access to clean water, meat and nutritious food, etc., we not only will lose much of the population to sickness and starvation, but those who are left would become much more dependent on the state (them) and therefore easier to control? Depopulation and crushing humanity into a smaller, weaker, more controllable feudal-system peasantry seems more like the actual reason for destroying fossil fuels, food security, and private ownership, with “climate change” merely being their flimsy excuse to do so. Do you think any of those pulling the strings on all this really believes what they’re saying about climate change? ED REPLY: The elite could care less about climate change. They know it is laughable. Even John McCain was pushing it only because it was to hurt Russia cutting off its resources and he was pushing nuclear energy to replace fossil fuels only as a strategic chess move against Russia – his eternal enemy. These people do not care about the climate. They all travel to Davos in private jets. Al Gore and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres at Davos in 2019 told delegates that humanity is “losing the race” against climate change. Al Gore conspires with Greenpeace and used Greta for their publicity stunts. They have used climate change as the spearhead for the Great Reset which is all about coming up with the propaganda to cover up the Sovereign Debt default. Trust me. They are laughing their ass off at how they have sold this nonsense to people who just eat it up. John McCain was preaching nuclear back in the 2008 election to end dependency on foreign oil purely for military purposes – not environment. They used Greta and once they managed to get the press selling their BS and believing this all changed the planet, they have discarded her. They use people to achieve their goal and that is all this war is really about. To destroy the economy of Russia. Occupy the country and end fossil fuels so that Russia will be reduced to a vassal state. They have no problem reducing the population by 50% ANYHOW. The real powers do not care about Climate Change. They know this is all nonsense.Comment: The Climate Change Zealots are Coming for Your PetsComment: Delete PayPal (if you still can!) There are growing calls from users to delete the payment app PayPal. Two weeks ago, the company came under fire for hiding a clause in its terms and conditions that permits the company to fine users $2,500 for misinformation. {…} Two weeks after removing the penalty after mass backlash, PayPal has reintroduced the language into their terms and conditions. Basically, PayPal can use their “sole discretion” to rob its customers for any reason. Former PayPal CEO David Marcus criticized the company’s woke policy. “It’s hard for me to openly criticize a company I used to love and gave so much to. But @PayPal’s new AUP goes against everything I believe in. A private company now gets to decide to take your money if you say something they disagree with. Insanity,” he tweeted. Elon Musk, also a former PayPal CEO and co-founder, said he agreed with Marcus. Why would anyone want to link their bank account to a company that could fine their users for thousands of dollars at any time? There are plenty of alternatives. As a reminder, PayPal also owns Venmo. {…} One of my employees attempted to close her account yesterday and received the following message. {“Before you close your account… Sorry, there’s a problem. If you continue seeing this, please contact customer service.” and then Customer Service is unresponsive and can’t assist} PayPal is making it difficult for users to delete their accounts and unlink their debit cards. This is completely unethical and shows that the service cannot be trusted.Comment: My outline sketch of my Telegram private group voice recordings up to this point so far: 1. Cyberpunks tenets curiousity decentralization, permissionlessness, trustlessness. To disintermediate my central, fundamental two theses: a) power vacuums of control of collective resources can only be captured by the most ruthless because the most powerful take control; b) 80/20 power-law distribution of fungible resources (which include wealth, ASIC mining farms, etc).. And how Nakamoto proof-of-worth ends up 50+% centralized by the 1% and thus Nash equilibrium is eventually lost. John Nash -> JSTOR Ideal Money proposal -> conspiracy about his death. Forgot to mention the 10 year cycle I identified since the 1989 Economic Magazine Phoenix cover story. 2. I refuse to pivot away from #1, because… 3. Too late to create “everything app” because for one Elon Musk will do it first and too many extant social networks? Made the scaling & latency impediments point so far. Made the features nimbleness point. Only get-rich-quick FOMO so far, not features adoption. 4. Could I pivot to layer 2 on the legacy protocol Litecoin or Bitcoin? Andrew Poelstra’s new discovery. The Mt. Box centralization invariant oh Hash Time Locked Contracts (value transfer or even smart contract State) channels for offchain layer — my novel coincidence of wants of barter (normally applies to why we need fungible money) analogy to convey some intuition as to why Mt.Box hubs centralization is the unavoidable outcome. N-P computational complexity issue as no polynomial time deterministic algorithm, “garbage collection” analogy exit door stampede settlement onchain scaling bottleneck problem, etc.. 5. Litecoin might be the silver to Bitcoin’s gold, due to an oversight I had which I realized in my conversation with FiniteMaz. Mircea Popescu (the trilema.com dude) had an error on his key blog article: The woes of Altcoin, or why there is no such thing as "cryptocurrencies" 6. Both Litecoin and Bitcoin have a double-top pointing to below $0 portending the ANYONECANSPEND attack to come perhaps in 2024 if they do not make new ATHs before that. Differentiate between the posited ANYONECANSPEND attack and the aforementioned Mircea’s blog which is instead about a difficulty bomb attack against all proof-of-work altcoins. Do not conflate the two posited attacks, although the latter is important in arguing why the former will be unavoidable. TODO. Discuss why Nash equilibrium forces return to the immutable legacy protocols for both LTC and BTC. Why all the privacy and layer 2 crap added to LTC and BTC will be destroyed and thus why my proposed alternative consensus (which is not PoS nor PoW) is necessary. Explain why LTC will be a surviving proof-of-work along with BTC. Explain some more nuances of the posited ANYONECANSPEND attack. Etcetera.Comment: How many times have I told you that 3 and bc1 addresses are SegWit. You will lose everything if ANYONECANSPEND attack. Please provide to me an address that begins with 1. Seems you were going to lose all your BTC and LTC if I had not discovered you were using bc1 addresses? Devil is in the details man. Details are critically important.Comment: There are many videos claiming that Russia’s military is derelict. Is this true? If so it means the hardliners are going to resort to nukes if Russia is failing militarily. youtu.be/kAp9lPRbmoc (What's Wrong With Russia's Military) youtu.be/ifBhKzKkkRU (Why Russia Can't Stop US Weapons) youtu.be/XATbBXqwKx4 (Inside Russia’s Military Collapse) youtu.be/iqx_-OHE1Hk (The War With Ukraine Is Coming Home to Russians) youtu.be/W3aR2nGJ1gc (Ukraine's Dam Problem: What to Watch for on the Southern Front) youtu.be/hRdjsJISOAo (Putin traps the West as NATO burns through ammo reserves; weapons shortages across Europe) youtu.be/SZ2Uo0_rs5A (Leader of Russia's Wagner group believed to have confronted Putin about the war) youtu.be/FsqdZR5JdJQ (What would happen if we lost the war?) youtu.be/0YarNZ5YKNU (20-50K of our soldiers have already died. Do you know that?) youtu.be/XpTWE8ysNn0 (Russians react to losing the war) youtu.be/qlNNetHEMYs (US World War 3 Plan)Comment: John Nash’s Ideal Money paper (the paper on JStor) mentioned EZ Pass which is where he later died! Ideal Money describes how Bitcoin will enslave the nation-states.Comment: bifurcation of the world monetary and economic system is part of the plan of how they will enslave us with Bitcoin. Read John Nash’s Ideal Money paper on Jstor which describes how. And note he mentioned EZ Pass, which is where he ultimately died (was murdered by the powers-that-be before he could realize he had created the design for Bitcoin unwittingly).Comment: Here comes the next FOMO bubble and Elon will help kickstart it, e.g. Twitter Tiles will be a new feature to preview NFT images in tweets: youtu.be/96-gNzVU8Ug?t=227 (CRYPTO is about to EXPLODE! (HERE is WHY) | Altcoin Daily) This is why I say that nobody is focused on the fact that all the shit they are creating ends up centralized and controlled by government regulation. They are too busy chasing FOMO money.Comment: Ukraine is now attacking the grain shipping. Food crisis coming. youtu.be/-2zry8cL_FA (URGENT: FOOD PRICES ARE ABOUT TO EXPLODE! | Canadian Prepper)Comment: > “a man that believes he can improve the health of an already healthy human, and no one questions him. 'Everybody get yours for free today! Get 2, they're small. Not working? Take a 3rd & 4th', Still no questions. If he was broke & said the things he does...hmph” @brr johnson monkeypox is likely an adverse reaction to the vagginations. After every mass vaggination campaign in the 20th century, there followed a new outbreak of some *pox disease. Bill Gates wants to leverage this Carbon Credit crap to create a monopoly in synthetic food. So that we can not get our food from nature without paying him a royalty-fee. Billy boy is a megalomaniac, more ambitious than his inbred cousin “I didn’t touch that woman and it depends on the what the definition of ‘is’ is.”Comment: The insanity increases in China. Is the plan to make Chinese so crazy that they will be callous to nuclear holocaust? youtu.be/FjXwcfEyfDk (COVID is expanding in China: Not enough indoor quarantine sites, more crazy and absurd Measures | China Insights) I contemplate if China wanted to squeeze Russia so that it becomes so desperate and forced to nuke the West? Did China bribe Biden to do this? I am highly disappointed in myself for allowing myself to be swayed by Martin Armstrong to believe that Russia was the victim and a formidable military force. Armstrong blogged that Russia could roll over W. Europe in a few weeks, lol. Russia can’t even advance past Donbass. Actually I had in the past the model of Russia as a failed State, rife with corruption and lack of a dynamic free market economy. The stark reality is melting away the illusions. The following videos are extremely pessimistic with for the future of Russia. Vietnam will be Putin’s Vietnam. It’s clear that Putin has been lured into a trap by the globalists and now they are going to blame Armageddon on him while backing him into a corner where he has no other options. youtu.be/AK8GQIHj36w ← EYE OPENING, MUST LISTEN. THE REAL PLAN FOR THE NWO!!! (A CHILLING WARNING From a Wise Old Man About Whats Coming... | Canadian Prepper) So I was correct that after the U.S. ICBMs are taken out, Russia and China will hold the U.S. cities hostage with the blackmail threat of nuclear strikes on cities one-by-one. Imagine the Madmax. Imagine the martial law. Imagine the fear and thus the power extended to our overlords. J. Skousen predicted the exact year the conflict with Russia would start, now he has an even more dire prediction. U.S. has 400 ICBMs, Russia has 3000. Entire U.S. will be hit with an EMP strike that will take down the grid. Madmax within a few days. Russia’s nuclear arsenal is only useful in a first-strike, all-or-nothing salvo. He says survival communities always fracture! Holy shit he says the Australia and New Zealand will be occupied by China (“you don’t want to live under Chinese occupation”). And now I know why that massive hidden command and control complex was built under the Denver Airport, along with those dystopian murals at the Denver airport! He excoriates Trump!! > “Retreating to a rural area in most states is a false sense of security. I bought 30 acres meeting all of the “criteria” in 2007 for a small hunting camp in an area I’m local to. Of course I posted the land and still there were COUNTLESS trespassers to include sheriffs deputies seen on my trail cams and even Google earth. One kid I caught told me the land I bought was in his family for 70 years and his daddy told him he could hunt it whenever he wanted. After a lot of vandalism and constant trespassing I sold it. Property boundaries mean nothing to people now, let alone in tough times.” youtu.be/XS1a7xxR1hs (Gravitas: Inside China's police stations overseas | WION) youtu.be/seMozQKU538 (How War in Ukraine Will Cause Russia To Collapse | The Infographics Show) youtu.be/M4fGgOXK4Kw (What Will Russia's Economy Look Like in 5 Years | The Infographics Show) youtu.be/NYKkIO448uQ (Why Putin Is Scared to Deploy the Su-57 Aircraft in Ukraine | The Infographics Show) youtu.be/gC96cnmPfB4 ← disgusting! (Recently Mobilized Russian About How He Was Sent On The Frontline As A Cannon Fodder) youtu.be/3l2FgTr4fUw ("I fought in the war for 5 minutes, asked to stay on Ukrainian side" - Russian soldier in capture)Comment: youtu.be/M4fGgOXK4Kw (What Will Russia's Economy Look Like in 5 Years | The Infographics Show) > “It'll probably look like America's economy with Brandon running the show” Americans are already fighting back. Russians are fleeing instead or burying their heads in the sand. > “For a country that have a lot of resources while living through so many sanctions, it's highly unlikely russia will end up like this. It's more likely happening to USA who have larger import than export resources when 'petrodollar' is no longer the only mean of oil deal transactions. It's kinda exciting.” Human capital and efficient networks is orders-of-magnitude more valuable than commodities. Russians will learn this the hard way. The number of young and educated Russians who have left Russia for countries here in Europe in recent months is staggering. We (most of us anyway) welcome them with open arms. Such a massive brain drain is in all likelihood going to be debilitating to the economic future of Russia. Sir, I would like to mention that India till now only bought ~1-2% of its oil demand from Russia, rest being bought from middle east. I don't think that we would buy anymore than 1-4%. Same goes for China with the additional problem for China being they themselves can't afford to pay for pipelines or railways to be built from Russia to China as they're 3x their GDP in debt and losing money from exports as companies are pulling out of China due to costs growing too much and moving manufacturing to places like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Thailand etc. or like Russia they've had foreign assets frozen or seized due to things like lack of payment. EU energy dependance is one of the reason Russia invaded Ukraine.. Ukraine have the potential to seriously reduce EU energy dependance to Russia. Side remark: Germany made itself dependent on Russian gas precisely because of its green policies. So let’s not conclude that green policies per se are a way out of Russian dependence This is a misunderstanding of the Reason for Germany’s dependence on Russian Oil. The Idea was that cheap Russian Gas would fuel the German economy while they deactivated their nuclear plants and transitioned to a self sustaining renewable energy economy via wind, solar, and hydro electric this was meant to be the stop gap not the end goal. Yep. And its already signed and on its way. Heads of government from the North Sea countries met in the Danish town of Esbjerg on Wednesday (18 May) to sign a cooperation agreement on offshore wind development and green hydrogen. They will target at least 65 GW by 2030 and 150 GW by 2050. One thing everyone misses about Russia is that it is basically two countries. There is the part of Russia that is around Moscow and St. Petersburg, and then there are the poor ethnic areas that are the vast majority of the landmass. The ethnic regions are where the natural resources are, but all of that oil money gets redirected to the Moscow area. It is why Moscow and St. Pete appear rich and similar to any western city.. but the vast majority of Russians live like a third world country. This is also important with regards to the war in Ukraine. Moscow has the parades where Putin shows off nice looking troops and a few copies of each type of very modern military equipment. But the kids dying in Ukraine are entirely from the poor ethnic areas and have to use 40 year old tanks. Putin learned from Afghanistan, where one of the biggest reasons Russia had to admit defeat was the corpses of soldiers being returned to Moscow. If you look now, none of the dead soldiers are from the Moscow region.. they are just marching in parades. It is important, when talking about Russia selling oil to India or China instead, to remember the Caucasus mountain range. The pipelines to those countries are already running at capacity, but even if there was a way to move more oil, it couldn't get there. All of the wells in western Russia pretty much have to export west, either via pipeline or ship. And a lot of the major ship ports are in the black sea, essentially a war zone now, which means no one will insure the ships. And Russia can't just wait to sell the oil until they have new facilities. Their wells either pump, or freeze. If the pumps stop, it will cost a lot of money to get them running again-more than the remaining oil is worth in most cases. Russia is looking at the loss of most of the oil production it currently sells to Europe! There is another much overlooked but absolutely critical problem facing the Russian economy. In general, for export industries - transport of products by water costs about 1-2% of the costs of goods BUT transport of products by land costs 10+% of the cost of goods. Russia has a terrible internal waterway system, poor canal system, and very limited ports and as a consequence goods produced for exports virtually all go by land boosting costs by 10%. So Russian exports has a huge disadvantage in price because of transport costs compared for example to Germany or Japan or the US with great river systems and ports. To put that 10% disadvantage in context, the average business only makes about a 4% profit per year. What that means is that Russia cannot cut profits to compete on costs because their 10% disadvantage is massively larger than their 4% profit per sale. As a consequence Russia is completely uncompetitive in the basic business of making things and exporting them. That is why their only serious industrial exports are for military systems where competition is very limited - only the US is in their league and US politics limits arms sales to many countries while Russia is much less discriminating. THIS is the reason why Russia has always been relatively a poor country since the Industrial Age occurred. And the lack of Russian focus on transport, building canals, expanding ports etc keeps them in the box of countries that just cannot compete in industry except niche industries like weapons which are good for about $24B in sales a year (similar in total to the US).Comment: youtu.be/6Awx8MvT7qk (What Will Ukraine Do After The War With Russia | The Infographics Show) www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMozQKU... You have to admire how this channel pumps out one anti-russia video after the other without taking a break to catch their breath. Can you do a video of how the Pentagon can whip up a Silverlight demo of this magnitude in a few hours? www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMozQKU... So weird how the west thinks that letting russia and china (2 of the largest armies in the world) keep all the oil to themselves while the west struggles and is running out of supplies is a good idea, in real life a country the size of russia with unlimited oil will never run low on supplies or equipment. You didn't factor in Russia's OPEC membership who are other dictorships of like mind. Nor have you factored in an uneasy alliance with China. China will clean their clocks of high tech, and access to the Arctic for their help in manufacturing chips and parts. They will buy Russian fossil fuels at bargain prices too. China's help will only prolong the conflict. Their allied aggressions might bring both economies down eventually. www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMozQKU... Its interesting how every channel mentioned the resurgence of the rubel WITHIN Russia, I am in Thailand and there are lots of desperate Russians here, they cant even give away rubels at 10% of the "Russian" value as no one wants to fly back to Russia and use them and they cant be exchanged here. I assume its the same on a global scale. This gives me "China will collapse in the next 0.0003 seconds" vibes Any reasonable person would rightfully fear even a limited nuclear exchange, but we need to keep in mind and account for in our plans to bring about a peaceful end to Russia's genocidal war with Ukraine - that it is a near certainty that Russia's nuclear missiles are almost entirely non-functional. But why?? Here's why: Russia's war with Ukraine has humiliatingly demonstrated to the world that Russia's conventional weapons are embarrassingly old, poorly maintained and mostly nonexistent. See old Vlad and his cronies weren't the only leaders to be embezzling funds from the military budget - so was virtually EVERYONE else in authority in the command chain. While literally everyone was pocketing their share that they could themselves get their hands on, there was no budget left for years for not only the procurement of new weapons, ammunition and supplies - but for their maintenance as well. That is proven by multitude of reports of ammunition shortages, so much so that Russia has arranged to buy back ancient (post WWII) ammunition from North Korea that they had sold to them almost 50 years ago. Also is that their naval flagship, the pride of their Navy, was so easily lost in a short battle just a few months ago. And most recently, that they secured drones from IRAN to hit residential areas in Ukraine as punishment for the bridge attack. With this reality, it is a virtual certainty that their nuclear arsenal is overwhelmingly nonfunctional due to neglect by theft of maintenance funds. Think about it, the theft of these funds by widespread corruption would make the most sense. The widespread neglect and theft would be (and has been) most noticable for their most basic supplies and munitions. Who would really notice that the funds for their nuclear missile systems have been misappropriated? It would only come to light if the order was given to mobilize and launch about the theft - and in that scenario, other things are far more serious than trying to figure out and arrest those responsible. Also they would be the literally the last weapons to be used in a war. Instead they are far, far more useful as scary props and decorations by Vlad. To which he has threatened to use over, and over, and over. He knows that all he has is the threat and fear - but that's all. He will certainly go down in history as being the biggest crybaby to have ever led a nation. www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMozQKU... What’s collapsing is the Siberian oil patch. Without contract technical consultants and foreign employees they Siberian reserves go away. They will have to cap the wellheads. To be honest, the balkanization of Russia was always inevitable. Considering it’s history with autocracy and corruption would have its chances high enough for a possible civil war was always there. As a person from India, I know Russia has never won wars because they have the most skilled fighters, have the most brilliant commanders, or the most efficient supply lines. Closer to the opposite is the norm for them. They've always benefited massively from having a huge land mass with brutal weather that they can keep retreating back into when an invader win battles, they had a huge population that could always absorb loss after loss and keep coming back with more troops, and they have a population that knows nothing but suffering and is prepared to endure more of it. These have always been the keys to Russian victory. Now things are different. Russia still has the large land mass, but this does not help them in offensive wars. The Russian population is half of what it used to be, and really much less than that since Russian women barely have kids anymore. Losses by the military are not easily replaced like they used to be, and the loss of an only child is felt much more severely by Russian families. The people are not as willing to endure endless hardship as their grandfathers and great-grandfathers used to be. The old leaders. are still reliving the glory days of a bygone era in their heads, but their efforts to bring them back are hitting the wall of the current reality. Something has to give.Comment: joelskousen.com/ HIGH INFLATION IS HERE TO STAY Inflation rates are the highest in decades, even according to the official “Consumer Price Index” which is manipulated downward by excluding the fastest rising prices, even though we all feel the pinch of higher prices everywhere. This is bad news for the incumbent Democrats because high inflation is the number one complaint of voters heading into this year’s mid-term elections, and there are signs inflation will continue to be a major issue well into 2024 as well. It may seem contradictory to still have rising prices when all the economic indicators point to a recession, driven in large part by rising interest rates currently at 7%. But interest rates don’t tell the whole story. High interest rates only kill demand in those parts of the economy that depend on debt—consumer credit card debt, mortgages on housing, and business interest for growth and expansion. The recession is hitting in those areas right now, but actual inflation of the money supply by the FED is NOT stopping as only part of the new debt is being monetized. Increasingly, the FED is using secret back channels to create money by stealth and feed it to its favored banks here and abroad. SO, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ECONOMIC HISTORY WE ARE FACING STAGFLATION FOR THE MIDDLE AND LOWER INCOME PEOPLE (who curtail spending as their ability to buy at higher prices diminishes) AND CONTINUED PRICE INCREASES IN CONSUMER GOODS DRIVEN BY THOSE WITH DEEP POCKETS WHO CAN STILL AFFORD TO PAY, AND FOR THOSE STILL ON THE RECEIVING END OF THE FED’S NEW MONEY (Wall Street insider brokers, speculators, and military contractors, and all those downwind of their spending). Even though housing sales and new starts are declining rapidly, high housing prices are only leveling off and declining slowly. In fact, I think real affordable housing will not happen again until there is a major recession or war comes and wipes out people’s money to buy big-budget items.Comment: SHIT. BILL CLINTON PREPPED THE U.S. FOR THE NEXT PEARL HARBOR BY ELIMINATING NUCLEAR RESPONSE ON LAUNCH OF THE ENEMY AS A DETERRENT. joelskousen.com/ Did you Know? The Russians are building tremendous new nuclear/biological and chemical weapons systems--all with the assistance of US technology transfers. They are deploying on average, 3 new Topol-M 6th generation ballistic missiles per month. We built our last MX over 10 years ago, and are disarming unilaterally. Further, the Russian are building huge underground nuclear bunkers and weapons production facilities in the Ural Mountains, clearly intended to function during a nuclear war. The US intelligence community (under both Republican and Democratic administrations) knows this and are actively covering for the Russians, so the American people won't become alarmed. Both Republican and Democratic administrations have been supplying the Chinese with high technology weapons systems for years, knowing that they, in turn, are supplying other enemies (Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea) as well. Both Russia and China continue to protest against any US anti-ballistic missile system, even though such systems are purely defensive. It doesn't take a genius to understand that ABM systems only threaten someone who intends to launch ballistic missiles someday. President Clinton directed our military to absorb a nuclear first strike rather than launch on warning (our only true deterrent to a first strike) and to prepare to retaliate afterward. That first strike will take down all command and control, all bombers (since none are on alert), most missiles, and all satellite and submarine communications. According to the House Armed Services Committee, the following reductions have taken place during the Clinton Administration: Strategic and General Purpose Forces from 1990 to 1997: B-52 Bombers have gone from 220 to 56. B-1 Bombers from 90 to 60; Strategic Defense Interceptor Aircraft from 36 to 0; and Army Divisions (1990 to 1997) have gone from 18 Active down to 10. Reserve divisions have gone from 10 to 8. Army Brigades (1990 to 1997) have declined from 8 Active to 3 and Reserve brigades have gone down from 27 to 18. Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief attempts to track the insider moves underlying the major stories you hear each week. The WAB is not a primary news source--but rather, the best source of news analysis. Joel's purpose and strong point is to help you see how world and national events are shaping up in accordance with the secret agendas of men and groups who control government. The World Affairs Brief puts together the probable set of intentions and motives of the power elite by inductively cataloging their specific actions over time. What will you do about it? What is the risk to you and your family if there is a major terrorist attack on a U.S. city with chemical or biological weapons? What will you do? Did you know the US, by policy, will not retaliate on warning of a nuclear attack --effectively removing any deterrent? Are you prepared if the "unthinkable" happens --nuclear war? Have you considered what you will do if an economic crisis threatens your pensions, investments and other so-called "guaranteed" income? What about a major earthquake or other natural disaster suddenly upsetting the natural social order for months at a time? Could you get out of harm's way if massive social unrest erupts in the wake of a crisis? What about your home? Do you have extra tanks of potable water should public water supplies be cut off or contaminated? Would you know how to collect and filter your own water if none was available for a long time?Comment: I would not want to REMAIN: www.zerohedge.com/ge...eam-terrorist-attack www.armstrongeconomi...-nord-stream-for-us/ Joel Skousen pointed out that nations which banned their firearm ownership will be rife for occupation by China (or U.N. troops in the U.K.?) and I think adding that perhaps under the pretext of containing the Madmax with martial law. He said Canada will very soon ban firearms. His other very, very important point is that Trump was an example of how the planners are using hopium to prevent us from doing the actions we need to be doing. You can see they are about to do that again with for example the U.S. mid-term elections. The powers-that-be will string us along until they are ready to drop on us the nuclear war hammer and Madmax —> martial law.Comment: Again I want to reiterate that if the plan is as Joel Skousen has explained that the Bill Clinton signed an order that will not allow the U.S. (or all of NATO?) to launch retaliatory nukes when Russia and China launch theirs. Thus the NATO to absorb a first strike destroying its ~400 ICBMs leaving Russia and China with 1000s more to threaten to nuke Western cities with until NATO surrenders Ukraine and Taiwan and other military operations. Thus you can imagine from the initial radioactive fallout, the loss of all civil services (water, sewer, food, electricity, heat, fuel) after the initial EMP attacks. That within days there will be Madmax looting and chaos. Thus especially with the threat of further nukes incoming against cities, this will be the perfect pretext to justify strict martial law. THUS WE SEE THAT COVID WAS JUST THE TRIAL RUN. IT WAS SO OUR OVERLORDS COULD SORT OUT THE CHANGES THEY NEED TO MAKE SO THE NEXT LOCK DOWNS DURING WW3 WILL BE MUCH MORE STRICT AND 1984 DYSTOPIAN. Armstrong is such a fool for spreading the hopium that our evil overlords will fail. We are heading into “hell on earth.”Comment: Russia can not continue this war in Ukraine much longer without resorting to tactical nukes. Or accepting troops from N.Korea? youtu.be/W024_4gZAUk (Why are Ukrainian casualty rates so high?)Comment: If our overlords succeed with their Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset, the long-term future is one of artificially induced resource scarcity. Per the Joel Skousen’s revelations and how pitiful Russia’s military is (other than their posited exceptional nukes, per the plan of the overlords to empower, then trap and force Putin and China to deploy nukes) we can see clearly our overlords have the upper-hand towards their plan to enslave the world in a NWO technocracy with the incoming nuclear war blackmail and martial law dystopia as the key lurch into 666-like, Carbon Credits rationing, CBDC technocracy. Appears that China and N.Korea are fully onboard the plans for a global technocracy and are pivotal collaborators with our overlords Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab et al, unlike Armstrong’s naive belief in the intentional, deceptive theater that China is somehow resisting the NWO plan. We are learning from Bradley Manning in the Iraq war and even in spades in the current Ukraine war, that the future is one where our overlords can govern us with sniper drones from the sky: youtu.be/unEF8YJzuEk (Ukrainian drone drops bomb on Russian soldier sending his helmet flying | The Sun) Refuse to obey edicts then assassination from the sky as depicted in the above video. Also satellite imagery coupled with big data A.I. will make it trivial to detect who are farming and raising livestock not in compliance with their carbon credit allotments. Thus the future of the world in terms of freedom will only be both of: 1. Cryptographic obfuscation as frontiers in the online, digital economy. 2. Underground farming and animal husbandry. There is no long-term future for above ground freedom in meatspace. The developing world will lag a bit the lurch into Agenda 2030 but it will accede to it not more than within a couple of decades. What changed was technology. There are no more frontiers in above ground meatspace going forward. The first, most immediate threat is surviving the incoming nuclear WW3 that our overlords have in the works. This behooves moving out of the NATO countries that will be the first-strike target of Russian and Chinese nukes. After surviving that then the next challenge is how to prosper despite carbon credits restrictions. Again my idea is move meatspace carbon-based (e.g. agriculture and livestock) production underground. Carbon neutral or net positive agriculture can remain above ground to the extent it doesn’t draw attention. Armstrong’s ECM (model) is that the 51.6 year shift to the private sector peaks near the end of 2032. His thesis has been that this was the peak and death of socialism. Starting in 2033 the world will rebuild and the public sector (i.e. government) will be rejuvenated. In that case we can expect the younger generation and their idealistic climate change religion (based on priests falsely given the title of “scientists”) to take over the politics. I see a future of most people moving to the cities. And rural lands being highly restricted by the carbon credits societalcide. Our overlords now have all the power because of advances in technology such as the panopticon Internet, satellites and overhead drones. Armstrong has the wrong interpretation of our future. He thinks that humans will never agree, but he fails to understand humans have no choice. We do not have the power anymore for the frontiers of yore. Technology has changed the invariants. Note for underground structures to be undetectable they probably need to below solid rock or at least very moist soil. And the top soil must not have been disturbed. I suppose perhaps one could put crops on top as the plausible deniability for a change in the top soil and vegetation, but the soil would need to be moist and dense enough to prevent penetrating optics: www.intechopen.com/chapters/67412 www.quora.com/Is-it-.../answer/Ralph-Strong www.quora.com/Can-sa...answer/Hunter-Corvus The most undetectable would be under solid rock. Because I could imagine flying overhead with an airplane with long-wave electromagnetic radar to detect changes in density deep below the surface. Or maybe a better strategy is place the underground structure immediately below an above ground structure with denser foundation than anything below it, as long as that foundation is not inappropriate thus raising suspicion. Of course if underground space is limited by above ground structures, there will be some limits on below ground livestock production. Also there might be an issue with venting and methane release signature although the methane could be presumably captured. www.quora.com/Can-sa...answer/Robert-Clouse en.wikipedia.org/wik...nsing_in_archaeology www.quora.com/How-ca...er/Mark-Hutchison-31 www.newscientist.com...for-buried-treasure/ In short I am pointing out that we will need to employ technology to outwit the onslaught of modern panopticon technologies.Comment: Another option is to trap and hunt wild game. Could even trap and hunt the predators, to stimulate overpopulation of game. If dependent on the largest grazing game such as Buffalo, the government could in theory decimate the large game population as the U.S. did to starve out the plains indigenous populations. Unless the area was overrun by hunters I doubt government could decimate the small game such a deer, fowl and rabbits. I contemplated that if assassin drone technology will become so commonplace then whether extortion via threat of assassination would proliferate? But the prerequisite is the certainty that the threat has been delivered and understood. Only the government could force individuals to acknowledge messages. And individuals could hire accountants who shield them from extortion messages. I contemplate whether the government will be able to force individuals to live in bubble cities and prevent rural abodes? The key is whether the incoming nuclear holocaust can wipe out most rural, dispersed life via both radiation and madmax+martial law inducing everyone to yield to city life for security and survivability? I doubt our overlords can accomplish that extreme. Firstly they have no ruse nor pretext excuse to drop nuclear bombs on the non-aligned nations which are not parties to this incoming WW3. Secondly, humans can not adjust that abruptly to such a radical change in lifestyle. Even the youngest generation still enjoys going to beach sometimes. Nah. The most our overlords can accomplish in my lifetime is some climate change religion based society. Sheepeople must be fooled to jumping into their frog boiling pot. So I don’t think we will be absolutely prevented from living in rural abodes. But the control grid will intensify, e.g. taxes and regulations. As well we will have to purchase carbon credits to exceed our allotments. And the individual allotments will be monotonically decreased over time. However after I am dead circa 2085+ the abject dystopia may be achievable because the people will have imposed abject poverity upon themselves. Bitcoin as John Nash’s Ideal Money will enable this as the richer will get richer and totally enslave the sheepeople masses in their stupidity and gullibility. Move to the developing world and thrive. And hope your children are geniuses who can escape with Elon Musk to the interstellar frontier. That’s a journey, challenge and battle our young lads will have to surmount. My aging Gen X generation (myself on the cusp of Boomer at 57 years old) can only work on the cryptographic frontiers that have indefinite lifespan and the stop-gap meatspace solutions which have a viability measured probably only in decades. The human species continues to evolve and probably must become an interstellar species lest it self-destruction if cordoned on earth. To the youngest Boomers and eldest Gen X, I urge you to yank up your roots and head south outside of NATO. Or in sparsely population areas of a NATO country at significant distance from any cities. To the elderly Boomers I can only offer my prayers because I know most of you are set in your ways and not youthful enough to totally change your venue embarking on a new adventure. Some of you have made that move to retire in Mexico or the Philippines for example. Good luck to everyone. The younger generations must find their opportunities because they still need to work and build up their finances. I can only hope to still be relevant in their economy with my software engineer skills.Comment: Why {man-made} Climate Change is a Fraud “This is one of the oldest methods to brainwash a population known to ancient history. The high priests had discovered the cycle of the heavens. They would pretend to turn the sun dark, for they managed to calculate the cycles when an eclipse would take place.”Comment: Qanon, {10/31/22 5:54 AM} i have been seeing some prominent people in crypto mention Jeff Snider or show clips of his interesting take on things. im intrigued by the points he is making. thoughts ? www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNa-fewr... (Everything You Know About the Economy is Wrong with Jeff Snider | What Bitcoin Did) shelby3, {11/1/22 4:57 PM} {In reply to Qanon} Yes this is very interesting. I had figured this all out about 10 years ago. And I urge everyone to listen to this (on double-speed playback to at least the 31 minute mark) so they will understand for example why money as a medium-of-exchange requires more than just some attributes: durability, portability, divisibility, fungibility, uniformity, limited supply, and acceptability. This can explain why the demand for LTC as money is not as great as for example ETH. Let me explain… The Eurodollar ledger system of promises which expanded as ad hoc fractional reserve system between major banks to meet the demand for dollars abroad (i.e. the Triffin dilemma), is analogous to the ad hoc gold certificates which expanded into the ad hoc fractional reserve banking system in the U.S.A. in the 1800s which ultimately led to Rockefeller bailing out the entire U.S. banking system and government. Which ultimately led to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Ditto the recent episode of massive fractional reserve leverage in the cryptocosm with LUNA and wrapped ETH (WETH) loans, which also recently crashed and burned, because there was no one trusted enough who could create ETH or WETH out-of-thin-air. The rise of the Fed who could create USD out-of-thin-air is what has enabled the Eurodollar fractional reserve bubble to endure so long as it has thus repetitively kicking-the-can on the ultimate crash & burn of the Federal Reserve and sovereign debt systems in a massive global monetary reset which is approaching. Which is why our overlords created Bitcoin to rise as the 1989 Economist Magazine Phoenix to be the next reserve currency. And btw, this will validate my prediction that eventually BTC becomes a fractional reserve system. The power-law distribution of wealth and fungible resources is undefeated. Thus eventually Bitcoin mining becomes controlled by a 51+% cabal and they can then do whatever they want with Bitcoin, including creating BTC out-of-thin-air and censor transactions. That is the 666 end game as described in biblical Relevation. But the Rothschild and Vanderbilt overlords behind the curtain will bide their time and allow Bitcoin to become a global standard first. So this will mean ad hoc fractional reserve banking systems will develop which offer WBTC created out-of-thin-air. Eventually there will be some global crisis in WBTC that demands that BTC reserves be created out of thin air and that is when the cabal wolves that surreptitiously controls the Bitcoin mining will remove their sheepskin to come to the “rescue” of the world (as the Fed is doing to us today, which is just a pretext for our enslavement as is ongoing today). Jeff Snider is correct to explain that these emergent ad hoc fractional reserve systems phenomena often create positive and negative outcomes, i.e. they serve a necessary function in nature. For example with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the acceleration of the opening of China to free market capitalism after Tiananmen Square, the demand for economic activity radically accelerated because of the peace dividend of a massive supply of cheap labor, manufacturing and commodities. Ditto the WETH and Luna bubble (as well the ICO bubble before it as a form of created money out-of-thin-air) propelled the Bitcoin ecosystem overall (to help it rise to the next reserve currency to replace the dollar with the upcoming global monetary reset), as well advance the interest in smart contracts and scaling block chains.Comment: shelby3, {11/1/22 5:18 PM} {In reply to shelby3} So this is why we were incorrect to think the SEC could crack down on the proliferation of ICOs. Of course there was a huge market demand and thus ample financial resources to pay off the regulators. Where there is demand, the supply will rise to meet it somehow. This is why those who think Litecoin is superior due to some hodgepodge of features (not being even the most well known in any particular market sector) are myopic about why the FOMO cryptocosm even exists. Everything exists for a reason in nature and not necessarily some highly ordered reasoning that lacks a more holistic understanding (i.e. that an inelastic currency is unsuitable for humanity and only reserves as a store-of-value fulcrum upon which fractional reserves are constructed). And one should not conflate the inelastic store-of-value (i.e. Bitcoin) with a FOMO or transactional monetary phenomenon which per Gresham’s law must not be inelastic. So Litecoin really has no CURRENT purpose as currently constructed (other than to be the blockchain the DOGE is merged mined on), other than to IN THE FUTURE rise from the ashes of the ANYONECANSPEND attack as the silver to Bitcoin’s gold. Thus it is very complex to think about what sort of altcoin project I should create and what will actually create demand in the ecosystem. On the one hand we can hope that money and financialization becomes less important per the insights of my oft-mentioned 2012 essay about the Rise of Knowledge, Demise of Finance (as reviewed by CoinCube, M.D. BAM) in the context of post-scarcity, post-industrial age society. But our financialisation overlord priests are trying to ram artificial scarcity down out throats, even fooling the sheepeople into supporting Malthusian defeatist societalcide under the guise of virtual signaling environmentalism and fact-free anthropogenic climate change. And as I pointed out recently our overlords have technological advances in warfare and panopticon control. I think the world needs an actually permissionless, trustless, decentralized, scalable blockchain. Proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-work (PoW) can’t. We know that PoS can’t as Ethereum PoS miners are already signaling OAFC compliance with government regulations. We know that PoW is vulnerable to the mining difficulty bomb non-readjustment attack which will insure there can be only one surviving blockchain for each type of specialized ASIC (i.e. SHA256 and Scrypt). Also proof-of-work should also be vulnerable to the mining farms signaling OAFC compliance eventually, because either too costly to move their mining farms to a non-compliant country (e.g. El Salvador) or the resultant banning of the non-compliant token in major compliant countries crashing the token price thus causing huge losses for the miners (especially where there is only one blockchain surviving for each ASIC type). Bitcoin being that it lacks anonymity technology is always compliant given the governments may find it more practical to employ chain analysis and the NSA harvesting all internet activity, than to attempt to battle the vast and widely distributed mining resources of Bitcoin at this stage. Whereas Monero and Zcash lacking ASICs can be trivially difficulty bombed to oblivion when the governments (or Klaus Schwab’s W.E.F. cyber attacks) are ready. Litecoin has Scrypt ASICs but high likelihood the miners will be willing to signal OAFC to effectively subvert any users attempting to use the base layer anonymity features (or those features will be reverted with the ANYONECANSPEND restoration of the Nash equilibrium on both Litecoin and Bitcoin). If for example privacy and fungibility-of-money are an essential need that these out-of-control insane leftists cum banksters are unable to allow, then I posit that PoW and PoS won’t be able to provide it.Comment: Qanon, {11/1/22 5:28 PM} {In reply to shelby3} i remember last cycle. i became a more of a litecoin fan because your epic BCT threads swing trading LTC in the segwit testnet FOMO. learning charting, among many other crypto relevant things. Qanon, {11/1/22 5:30 PM} www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g7WDpux... (Congress to Powell: This Time You've Gone Too Far! | Steven Van Metre) plot twist ? shelby3, {11/1/22 5:34 PM} {In reply to Qanon} Have I not been writing about how BlackRock owns the Fed and Treasury and will eventually privatize them, enslaving us all. C.f. my Gist document as well my recent comments about Yellen’s recent proposal to do an Operation Twist to infinity to destroy the U.S. sovereign. This is the banking system Jeff Snider is talking about. It has grown more powerful than anything else. And now it must control everything to prevent it from disappearing in the Minsky Moment. This is why they even need to even micromanage our consumption rationing with a personal Carbon Credit allotment enforced with a 666-like central bank digital currency (CBDC)> Qanon, {11/1/22 5:34 PM} {In reply to shelby3} maybe the fixed supply is a crucial property to acieve their end? (as close to gold as possible) i have always toyed with the idea of BTC having dynamic suppply but only very minimally inflationary at worst (something like less than 2% ) to have some penalty for hoarding and to stimulate velocity shelby3, {11/1/22 5:36 PM} {In reply to Qanon} Did you not comprehend? I already wrote that the fixed supply becomes the fulcrum for the ad hoc fractional reserves that will form, e.g. WBTC. Then at the biblical Revelation end game Bitcoin becomes a fractional reserve system that enslaves us all even much more worse than the enslavement we are in now because it will be global. Right now the non-aligned countries will not be nuked so there will still be frontiers. At the biblical end game there will be no more frontiers on earth. It is trivial and obvious that BTC becomes a fractional reserve system at the end game. 51% control over the mining is a given, because the power-law distribution of fungible resources is inviolable since antiquity.Comment: Qanon, {11/1/22 5:37 PM} {In reply to shelby3} yes i read your last posts. thats is what prompted me to make the comment Qanon, {11/1/22 5:41 PM} fckng genius elite. always many steps ahead. this is a profound idea. but not very difficult to grasp if you are conspiracy minded already. when i read your ideas about BTC being the phoenix i thought thats why they did not nip BTC in the bud, why they dont censor BTC maxis. we were all used to build our own prison wether we realized it or not Qanon, {11/1/22 5:57 PM} and out of nowhere this SBF character emerges last cycle doing all the arbing at scale (i was doing arbing manually in LTC, BCH, ETC and other cheap txn fee pow coins LOL). and it looks like he is the one doing all the acquisition for them. Bitboy crypto has been suspicious of SBF years ago. like who actually uses FTX? and where does all his money come from? he is probably a lieutenant like JP Morgan was to them shelby3, {11/1/22 6:00 PM} {In reply to Qanon} And I noted in my recent discussion of the Elon Musk tweets during the Twitter buyout, Sam Bankman-Fried donated heavily to the Biden campaign. Only Bloomberg donated more. It’s a cabal of fractional reserve banking that serves the human need for it. Yes we need it. So do not get angry at them. It is our human condition. Qanon, {11/1/22 6:05 PM} have you seen clips of eric voorhees totally destroying SBF in a debate recently ? SBF looked very dumb shelby3, {11/1/22 6:23 PM} {In reply to shelby3} > “If for example privacy and fungibility-of-money are an essential need that these out-of-control insane leftists cum banksters are unable to allow, then i posit that PoW and PoS won’t be able to provide it.” This KYC shit is new to Western civilization. How can an economy function if users must fear their tokens will be clawed back at any time in the future due to the banning of some upstream transaction that had nothing to do with the current token hodler. On this point FiniteMaz and others seem to have a very strong point. Bitcoin does not have privacy thus fungibility will not be attacked by the governments. I don’t think any PoW nor PoS altcoin can survive if it has privacy. I already explained why. Thus I think I must create the alternative to PoW and PoS where there is no way for the government to force OAFC signaling. Because what humanity needs, then nature will supply. I presume humanity needs privacy and fungibility both, not just one or the other. Maybe the world’s reserve currency does not need privacy on-chain, because those either those are public institutions or $billionaires making large transactions with public institutions in the aggregate, or because very wealthy individuals can perhaps defeat chain analysis and NSA snooping. Or is it the opposite that the sheepeople need to be tracked, monitored and dog tagged? So that the wealthy can control them? Or is it both? The free market astute non-sheepeople need privacy and fungibility and the sheepeople need to be managed? I think the latter applies. So if such a private and fungible token becomes the foundation of the Internet (and the post-scarcity, post-financialization Knowledge Age) because it is used by those who are not enslaved. And because any fractional reserve proxy (e.g. WBTC) for Bitcoin has repeating bank runs (e.g. the recent LUNA and WETH fiasco) thus viewed a less suitable for an Internet currency (and because of Gresham’s law), then if I named my currency DIB then would WDIB become the new Eurodollar instead of WBTC thus defeating the posited plan of our overlords w.r.t. their diabolical Bitcoin creation? And what if told you that you can cash out to WDIB tax-free and still hold onto your original DIB!! > “fckng genius elite. always many steps ahead. this is a profound idea.” Who is one step ahead. 😉🤞 So how do I incentivize the FOMO and fractional reserve bubbles that have been on Solana and Ethereum to come over to my blockchain and altcoin? Perhaps the key is greater scalability and actually building out the mechanisms that can scale a social network which I described in my recent analysis of the Elon Much Twitter buyout? A key feature can also be that DIB is deflationary, whilst WDIB isn’t. Making it superior in some ways to BTC for saving and also WDIB for transacting. All in perfect harmony with Gresham’s law. So now I described my upcoming altcoin plans.Comment: SoundMoney, {10/5/22 12:56 AM} Elon is making power moves by taking twitter private with this deal. Reading through his leaked texts, much respect for him and Jack. They’re ready to build. SoundMoney, {10/5/22 1:14 AM} Sorry for the wall of text. Just curious of your thoughts on this all, it seems like big news for tech, social media, and crypto. He’s pushing the “everything” app that @anonymint envisioned. twitter.com/elo...428272056389633?s=42&t... SoundMoney, {10/5/22 1:16 AM} If he opens up twitter back up to trump, dwac (truth social) will probably get absorbed. The dwac ticker is crashing. Elon is pushing for the censorship free platform needed shelby3, {11/1/22 1:50 AM} {In reply to SoundMoney} Elon Musk will not allow Twitter to become a “right wing nuthouse”. s3.documentcloud.org...ck-from-edward-b.pdf (jump to pg. 114) Also they try to coax him on pg. 109 – 110 (after a prior attempt in the March discussion) to chat with FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried after he is informed that Sam donated massively to the Biden campaign, but appears he was not that interested and never replied publicly to SBF on pg 113. Note on pg. 112 is the email address of Musk’s family office mgr Jared Birchall, if I really need to connect to Elon. On pg. 111, Elon confirms that Jack Dorsey isn’t interested in returning to Twitter because he is focused on Bitcoin at Square.Comment: shelby3, {10/5/22 7:13 AM} {In reply to SoundMoney} WHY TWITTER ON A BLOCKCHAIN WILL FAIL Okay you asked my opinion so I will give it to you frankly. Twitter on a block chain is not happening. Privately owned Twitter, running a traditional, centralized client-server system with slightly better polices might happen. Meanwhile Tiktok has grown very fast globally while Twitter has stagnated. To scale an application of Twitter’s size and real-time posting volume onto a block chain is not viable in 2023, probably not even 2024. There is not a block chain that can handle that now. So someone would need to invent it. And for what? None of them have any clue how to make that and keep it decentralized. And nobody has a clue how to make a decentralized consensus protocol that is out-of-reach of the government (certainly not proof-of-stake). And altcoin proof-of-work will be difficulty bombed into oblivion when Klaus Schwab is ready. You had better be thinking about how you are going to protect your wealth from CBDCs, shutdown of the banking system, etc.. The world you know will nevermore soon. Twitter is just a clown show. Has no bearing on anything important. If there will be any successful foray into like what I had envisioned starting roughly in 2015 then it will start very small and grow organically being improved along the way to meet the increasing scale. But in reality you would not want it to scale too large too fast in real-time applications like Twitter because that is just impractical and it is picking the fruit from the sky instead of the low hanging fruit of easier applications that are more viable. You would not want to compete with Twitter. It was a massive amount of work to scale up Twitter. They are not going to suddenly scale it up on an even more implausible foundation of a block chain. They would need to throw away and redo much of their infrastructure. Eventually someone much more experienced will talk some sense into Musk. Elon is uber high IQ but he has made many blunders in areas he lacked experience. www.joelonsoftware.c...uld-never-do-part-i/ Well, yes. They did. They did it by making the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make: They decided to rewrite the code from scratch. shelby3, {11/1/22 2:05 AM} {In reply to shelby3} I wrote on Oct. 5: > “Eventually someone much more experienced will talk some sense into Musk.” I was prescient (well it had already happened but I just read it tonight). Exactly what I wrote is what happened, including my points about Twitter on a block chain being implausible anytime soon: s3.documentcloud.org...ck-from-edward-b.pdf (jump to the bottom of pg. 109 where Musk admits exactly what I had explained) “Blockchain twitter isn’t possible, as the bandwidth and latency requirements cannot be supported by a peer to peer network, unless those "peers" are absolutely gigantic, thus defeating the purpose of a decentralized network.” — Elon on Apr 25 This was after he was introduced to Anthony Krose on pg 104, who was the CTO of blockchain company Matter Labs: www.linkedin.com/in/anthonykrose/ So presumably after he spoke with Krose and other experts he realized the engineering difficulties.Comment: shelby3, {11/1/22 4:24 AM} {In reply to shelby3} Actually I disagree with Musk’s conclusion that supernodes necessarily defeat the purpose of a decentralized network, at least as it pertains to censorship of immutably recording data on the blockchain. And my insight hinges on my novel (not PoW and not PoS) consensus algorithm. In my design the supernodes (which provide the scaling and low latency) are replaceable, permissionlessly stood up and chosen (routed to) by the users’ individual nodes organically, such that any malfeasance causes the users’ peer-to-peer (p2p) nodes to route to a different, properly functioning supernode. Musk may have a valid point w.r.t. the government cracking down on large server farms preventing them from hosting certain data. We can get around that w.r.t. to recording data on the blockchain by only posting to the servers the hash of the data so that servers aren’t hosting the actual (offending) data. Offensive data (presumably a smaller fraction of all data) might have to be p2p routed through client nodes which would thus slow down the arrival of such data. A distributed hash table can be used to find which client has the hashed data already. Won’t be egregiously slower yet occasional hiccups delays. As I wrote previously nobody has scaled this yet on a blockchain so Twitter couldn’t do this from day 1. But I do think the technology can be developed but it would be more reasonable to start from a small userbase and grow it organically and refine the technology as it scales up over time. Thus it is not the right match for Twitter in 2023 as Jason Calacanis lists their priorities for 2023 on pg. 106. Somewhere in those published tweets mentioned Twitter’s Bluesky research project to Elon, although he didn’t react. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluesky_(protocol) blueskyweb.org/blog/...ting-social-protocol (discussing the scaling issues) atproto.com/guides/overview That Bluesky research proposes federation instead of a blockchain, but federation is yet another “might makes right” paradigm so would fail into centralization. Federation is essentially what Gab is doing when they essentially monopolized Mastodon, thus proving that federation fails to centralization. I am trying to tell you that I have spent years thinking about this. And I am the only person on this planet who really worked through the pitfalls blocking actual and not fictitious (e.g. PoW and PoS) decentralization. If you don’t want to believe me then fine. The second Bluesky document essentially points out that the scaling problem is more for “global conversations” user actions (aka updates) that need to be propagated to thousands of users per action, e.g. Likes. Whereas actions that only need to update to one or a few users scales easily with p2p. Nevertheless I believe global scale updates could propagate via p2p gossip network with clever design and engineering. Twitter’s design bottleneck is ostensibly top-down coordination of data consistency. Instead compress the hit-vector, globally propagating only 32-bit Bloom filters updates which means a false positive hit-rate of 1 in ~2million — a client will only request the entire update unnecessarily for only 1 out of every 2million cached items. This also decentralizes the hit computation resources to the clients! Yet that still requires propagating a compressed 32-bit data item to every user for every user action. Which does not scale analogous to BitMessage which doesn’t scale because every message is propagated to every user. Instead need to propagate updates to coordinating nodes which manage the update lists for groups of users. This hierarchy could still be highly decentralized and permissionless. Ephemeral trust but misbehaving coordinating nodes could be outed probabilistically and users would switch. Thus I hope you can understand why I say to scale Twitter or any large social network decentralized on a blockchain requires some clever engineering and design which apparently nobody has done yet. I am OBVIOUSLY the man for that job.Comment: shelby3, {11/1/22 4:47 AM} {In reply to shelby3} techcrunch.com/2022/...s-discovery-twitter/ youtu.be/hTFDFaAZIz0 (Elon Musk Has TOP SECRET Plans for Dogecoin in 2023 💥🚀 | Altcoin Daily) > “Isn't Doge too slow to handle all of Twitter's transactions?” Layer 2 on Litecoin might scale but HTLC channels (e.g. Lightning Networks) centralize into Mt. Box nodes because of the liquidity routing problem. So what is the point then if right back to a fiat system in effect? Actually in the end game proof-of-stake and proof-of-work also centralize because they are “might make right” (for the canonical chain) and the power-law distribution of wealth is undefeated since antiquity. Perhaps I am the only person on the planet who has a technological solution in mind. > “Inflation rate makes doge unrealistic just like fiat” Distinguish between store-of-value (Bitcoin) and the transaction currency. Gresham’s law applies. > “Imagine not knowing dogecoin is merge mined with Litecoin 😅🤣” Imagine not knowing the merge mining makes the piggybacked chain trivial to COSTLESSLY 51% attack if its contribution to the miner’s reward becomes less than the reward from shorting and 51% attacking, because the miner’s don’t harm their ongoing revenue source in that case unlike for a naked 51% attack. In short, merged mining is stoopid. shelby3, {11/1/22 7:22 AM} Note on pg. 112 Elon noted that Twitter is not yet able to monetize video: s3.documentcloud.org...ck-from-edward-b.pdf Reason is because advertisers are risk-adverse to Twitter’s politicization: digiday.com/future-o...-news-video-twitter/ Some media agencies said that Twitter’s user experience necessitates the additional restrictions. “Twitter is a conversation/conversational platform,” Lillian Ehrmann, a director of social activation at the media agency Essence Global, wrote in an email. “With that comes the inherent risk for bad actors to detract from reasonable conversations and debates.” Youtube actively censors to satiate advertisers, even employing a very difficult to deal with automated A.I. and/or Bayesian filter on comment posts. Which means a very high percentage of comment posts are rejected. Whereas tweets are rarely rejected because if so the platform would become much less useful. Everyone hates posting YT comments because they are so frequently censored, but YT is not primarily used for commenting but for viewing. So Elon has proposed to advertisers to implement more finely tuned matching something which sort of sounds like a variant of the decentralized curation model I proposed in 2016. Elon is also immediately added a feature to attach “fact checks” from users, which was another of my ideas. Can’t tell if that is some sort of A.I. algorithm or human intervention. My idea was to allow more of a free-for-all with decentralized curation. Whereas appears Musk’s idea is for much more uniformly curated form (less chaos, ostensibly more centralized). Elon is playing with fire. I doubt that the powers-that-be could tolerate this without self-destructing. The advertisers are members of Klaus Schwab’s cabal and their social climbing, bootlicker minions — and social climbing is the root aspiration of Marxists. Elon Musk seems to be unaware that this is already a war (and one that will cause the smug political elite to panic again as they did when Trump was elected) and that the real plan is to nuke the West within a couple of years. Elon seems to think the nation is salvageable and thus I conclude he is out-of-touch with reality. The powers-that-be have all the real power. It is going to be interesting to see the demands they place on Elon if he wants Twitter to retain a revenue stream. Musk has owned Twitter under a week and big names are already leaving the platform, complaining about a hate surge, and calling for tighter regulation Advertisers are closely watching Elon Musk’s Twitter. They can’t like what they see so far I noted from the Twitter discussions that Elon was considering a premium subscription model similar to Telegram’s. Users should be able to choose their curation preferences. Advertisers should be able to choose which curation preference they want to be associated with. I suspect that Elon is not going to be swayed by the pressure from advertisers and thus the call for increased regulation. But how will they powers-that-be push through legislation in the U.S. at least, if they don’t rig the mid-term elections next week. Thus I think Elon has some time to try his ideas. But when the cyber attacks hit and the WW3, his centralized systems will probably fail. Perhaps only p2p decentralized systems will remain resilient. In other words, the powers-that-be will resort to extraordinary measures. And actually they knew they would have to. Klaus Schwab’s W.E.F. has been presaging the coming cyber attacks. (And the includes Telegram, Signal, Protonmail and Whatsapp also which are centralized and thus vulnerable to cyber attack).Comment: I commented on that YT video (Everything You Know About the Economy is Wrong with Jeff Snider): The first 30 minutes is correct. The latter part about the Fed not injecting liquidity is BS. Also the Quantity Theory of Money is nonsense. Public confidence is liquidity, which is essentially what he is saying. > “Get Jeff Snider and Greg Foss on at the same time please, they differ in opinion in some key areas and it'd be awesome to see that discussion!” @Adam there is nuance to these issues. Jeff is essentially correct but the notion that the Fed doesn’t inject liquidity if even only by injecting public confidence is somewhat lost in his explanations (although it is the generative essence of what he is explaining). Also I have seen some explanations of how commercial banks have been able to convert their bank reserves to Treasuries and buy the stock market. The machinations are complicated and I will not claim I understand it all, because there is much complexity such as discounting, time preference, etc, etc, etc.. > “@Dan Ripoll beat me to it, Booth is Mr. Deflation and would offset Snyder perfectly. Why do ppl downplay deflation? If we can live with 2% deflation for 50 yrs, lets try 2% deflation for awhile and live within our fing means! That would be a true market that forces honesty, saving, hard work, etc.” @Schlemmer Maul deflation is good for people who pull themselves up by their bootstraps and are net savers. Deflation is bad for the economy overall in the sense that often demands for economic expansion exceed savings. And debt bearing interest compounds thus can’t be serviced without an expanding money supply. But too much debt leads to misallocation and then we end up in a situation like we are in now where we have spoiled rotten entitled people who vote to have the government and Fed cooperate to continue to spoil them. Moral hazard and misallocation of capital are some of the drawbacks of an inflationary system run amok as they always do. As you can probably discern there appears to be no solution. Monetary and political systems (along with empire) run in cycles and we are headed directly for the Thucydides trap. I could write much more about this, but I am not an expert. I am a computer programmer and my interest is coming from the perspective of being a blockchain developer and an autodidact investor.Comment: > “I think the world needs an actually permissionless, trustless, decentralized, scalable blockchain. Proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-work (PoW) can’t.” youtu.be/XNS1Qs2n0Uc ({160 I.Q.} Eric Weinstein on Bitcoin | What Bitcoin Did) 19:15 160 IQ explains how the new technology creates immortality. Nobody seems to realize what Eric said.Comment: > “I think the world needs an actually permissionless, trustless, decentralized, scalable blockchain. Proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-work (PoW) can’t.” youtu.be/XNS1Qs2n0Uc ({160 I.Q.} Eric Weinstein on Bitcoin | What Bitcoin Did) 19:15 160 IQ explains how the new technology creates immortality. Nobody seems to realize what Eric said. 1:12:55 www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNa-fewr... (Everything You Know About the Economy is Wrong with Jeff Snider) > > “This could be too simplistic, but what I took away from Eric is that we bitcoiners are all about “opting out” but there are systemic things that need to be directly addressed. We are taking our ball and leaving the current system for a new playground. We trash talk as we walk away, and puff our chests, but we are merely opting out and are off to create a new game on a new playground, but meanwhile the old system is still running things. I think he’s saying merely opting out is not good enough because elements of the old system needs to be addressed or the new system will always be hamstrung. We need to go toe to toe, punch the other kids in the mouth, and directly address what’s wrong with their playground; and he believes the approach of traditional economists are currently the biggest thing wrong with the existing system.” > > @JeffTexas “Well said, I agree. What is the bottom line thing to be accomplished? I think that is what Eric is asking. The scope of Eric's answer to that question is broader than most people can comprehend (and I am guilty). At least he is asking if cancelling the Fed, etc., is not the target then what is? The step missing is that there needs to be a consensus on the target, then Peter pointing out that it needs to be less academic and more folksy so that we can gain broad adoption by the bitcoin-er masses. Only at that point can we ask what are the concrete steps to proceed.” @rcreazzo1 decentralization could in theory disintermediate the inviolable power-law distribution of fungible resources (i.e. wealth) in the context of a post-scarcity, post-industrial civilization wherein economic expansion takes place in the knowledge accretion (what Eric refers to as the ‘senses’) activity that isn’t hamstrung by the need for debt-based expansion (c.f. my 2012 essay AnonyMint Rise of Knowledge, Demise of Finance) which creates the cycles of societalcide Economic Devastation between deflation and inflation: 1:12:55 www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNa-fewr... (Everything You Know About the Economy is Wrong with Jeff Snider) The paradigm of relying on debt expansion for avoiding deflation (i.e. deflation is hoarding) has to be managed by trust and fiat eventually run amok. In a post-scarcity utopia based in knowledge accretion an Inverse Commons gift culture emerges (c.f. Eric S. Raymond’s Magic Cauldron) in the presence of abundance. Humans can end-to-end, unbounded degrees-of-freedom coordinate when they’re seeking truth, wisdom and not enslaved by funneling through the albatross of debt and the artificial scarcity that the old world banksters (e.g. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, et al) are scheming to impose on society. > “That was my take too. He seems very concerned that bitcoin/crypto folks tend towards libertarian/dismantler/decentralized type mentalities to the point that we will all be left HODLing while the world burns around us. Can we actually come together and build replacements for all the aspects of society that are falling apart? Its the sense that everything is falling apart/unreliable/untenable that causes so many of us to lean towards crypto in the first place. And to be honest, I think he's right, I'm not sure we are even able to have the conversations, let alone get to building. Society at large is so deconstructionist and post modern and cynical, we have spent the last 60 years systematically breaking down all our societal bedrock. And crytpo folks are even more cynical than average.” I’m building. C.f. my other replies.Comment: > “@micillo07 I agree. I didn't take it as him disrespecting the bitcoin community. Just like he continually said he wanted to pick a fight with the economists I believe he was throwing down the challenge to the bitcoin community and baiting the outspoken successful members of the community to pick up the batten and run with it.” @Gavin Clayton mainstream economists won’t admit that it’s impossible to calculate one rate of price inflation for the entire population because it would blow up the entire public confidence in the institutions that prop up the debt-bubble based fiat system. For as long as society needs debt to expand the economy, then the society needs to be ignorant about what fiat systems must pretend to be able to do so as to prop up the public confidence necessary for their existence. I can’t believe Eric is too dumb to realize this. Unfortunately Bitcoin is a deflationary monetary system that will send us back to depressions every decade like the 1800s. > “Is it even Bitcoins battle to confront the old system directly? It's a opt-out with no direct link to what it serves to replace.” ​ @Ram caiD the point is that Bitcoin is not a replacement. It is John Nash’s Jstor paper Ideal Money enslavement of the nation-states. As Eric pointed out at 1:12:55, we will be back in the 1800s with an economic depression every decade. > “I agree that's what Eric said. But if BTC builds the better system, like a Black Hole, its greater density will suck the energy out of the legacy system. Frontal attacks rarely work. The go around or orthoganol attacks work.” @Conor Miller c.f. my reply to Ram caiD. > > “This conversation makes me appreciate podcast hosts like Joe Rogan even more. The constant defensiveness and unwillingness to entertain and explore Eric's views prevented a much more interesting conversation from taking place.” > > @Reuben “The issue is that Eric's frame isn't shared with maximalists. Eric wants to fight the power. Maximalists want to ignore the power. Eric's entire take seems to be 'This is clearly a problem. Why aren't you doing something about it?'. If he wants to recruit high wealth individuals to storm the castles with him, fine, but that is not what is meant by bitcoin saves the world and he knows it. If you could snap your fingers and live in a world with sound money, accurate price signals and efficient allocation of resources do you really think anyone would bother calculating the cpi?” @Chad Kemp it’s impossible to ignore power. Eric is a realistic, Bitcoin maximalists are delusional masochists. > “I know. listening to them makes me bearish on cypto, in the sense of a contrarian indicator sort of thing. You just think, people who are like this cannot be correct.” @Matt Markus don’t give up. I am still coming… > “@Matt Markus damn spot on - poignant reminder that every community is a bell curve” @PseudonymAnonyous123 yep and I am on the right tail. Actually though it may be power-law distributed at the tails w.r.t. fitness to each disparate epiphany or situational need. > “The hosts do not know how to take on other people's perspectives without feeling like they are losing. Simply play the Eric's mind game and that is that...” @Vyacheslav.FlunkedIn no the host simply can’t wrap his mind around concepts. > “The problem with 'taking our ball and leaving' is that there is nowhere to go. So long as the current system stands, it will have the power, by violence, to compel certain behaviors or actions. While it may not be able to take your BTC, for example, it could make it impossible for you to use it - through incarceration if it comes to it. You could literally die in prison, a bazillionaire because the current system wins. If nothing happens while the current system is vulnerable, such a result is more than a little likely.” @Matrim Cauthon The government can assassinate anyone from the sky now with pinpoint accuracy: youtu.be/unEF8YJzuEk (Ukrainian drone drops bomb on Russian soldier sending his helmet flying | The Sun)Comment: Reason that hard money like gold or Bitcoin is really bad for society: 1. Boom and bust bank run depressions every decade as was the case in the 1800s. 2. My 2019 blog: Rise of Hard Money is a Harbinger of Misery 3. Sustains unproductive, corrupt dynasties that for example obtained their wealth running drugs: youtu.be/9-DFlIY9St0?t=1077 (Drug Kingpin Explains How Money Laundering Actually Works)Comment: > “And we onboard the important people who can make our social network on a blockchain grow gangbusters. > > (Tangentially I find it noteworthy that ~80% as expected by the 80/20 Pareto principle rule, do not want to pay for verified and thus prefer the business model where the site is funded by a leftist cabal or data harvesting. Seems sheepeople have much to learn about how to not be a slave. Cheapskates are always slaves. The ongoing verified service including manual re-verifications for hacked accounts is valuable to those who monetize their followers and use Twitter as a branding and promotional platform. Whereas, YT shares advertising revenue for content creation which is an orthogonal matter. I already explained why Twitter content is more difficult to monetize thus far. Verification of the followed builds repute to Twitter thus increasing participation and increasing the value of the entire site for all.)” {…} > “I’d probably opt that the awarded tokens remained locked up for a period of time (so the influencers receiving them become invested in the platform) except for use in paying burned transaction fees necessary to use the site.” The point is that the users of Twitter do not perceive that they own the site. They perceive they are helping the $billionaire investors, not themselves. This is what we can change by putting social networking on a blockchain. But we need to do it correctly and not make the mistakes Steem(it) made. Again I am the man for the job. Elon needs me, eventually… but I can be symbiotic force for him in the interim to eventually grab his attention. Now we just need an inspiring site name… (separate from the blockchain name)Comment: Elon Musk and I have the same bday and we are on a synergistic collision course. Destiny. 💥Comment: Clarify: 3. Deflation sustains…Comment: I have adjusted my public messaging away from conspiratorial towards a positive technology future.Comment: Money is not going to be your problem per se (unless everyone’s money is seized which is my following your problem is our problem point). Your problem is our problem. We have to provide an alternative to society to offboard this train wreck fiat system before it scorches the earth. Hard money is a harbinger of cataclysmic economic pestilence. We instead need to build the new knowledge economy to replace the failing old world economy. Elon is leading the way in the centralized server space. I must lead the way in the decentralized space.Comment: Is Elon planning to employ holding crypto and blockchain stablecoins to implement payments while overcoming U.S. bank and other forms of resistance? So the scaling will be accomplished centralized, as if X.com will hold the balances like an exchange does? It will be like RobinHood for payments? If Elon will not go full blockchain and decentralization for everything then he will face hurdles as all who came before him found out… we have entrenched independence and competition in the West which ostensibly China’s WeChat found a way to get around or did not face… Why isnt there something like WeChat in America | Quora “The US banking and investment cartels will never allow that kind of competition and that is why something like WeChat that is fully featured will likely never happen. Apple Pay is the best most Americans can hope for.” Mark Zuckerberg wants to build WeChat for the West “WeChat could become the platform of choice on smartphones because China had no dominant app stores. Facebook must contend with incumbents such as Apple and Google. Since you can’t sell microtargeted adverts against encrypted messages your algorithms cannot see, the new platform will need a fresh way to make money. For all its ubiquity, WeChat is no cash cow (Tencent, its owner, makes most of its revenue from online games). Maintaining Facebook’s fat margins would require new revenue sources, such as charging businesses to contact users or taking a cut of any purchases, as credit-card issuers do.” Will the WeChat Model Work in the West? When people ask, “Who will be the WeChat of the West?” they are really saying, “Which of the existing messaging platforms can extend from P2P to B2C?” {…} “WeChat is the first time both mobile UX and discovery have been solved for B2C chat.” {…} “Second, there is the issue of neutrality. What if you commit to using a messaging platform for your customer interaction and then the owner of that platform invests in a business that competes with yours?” It might be time to stop looking for the WeChat of the West “WeChat is a replacement for the mobile operating system {…} soon found that the app-within-an-app approach was more effective. Instead, WeChat is providing a better way to interact with mobile services, period {…} WeChat has succeeded because it is an effective solution for a broken OS. He cites multiple OS shortcomings, including increasingly meaningless notifications, a lack of baked-in QR code scanners, bloated apps that hog memory, contacts that are disjointed from social graphs, cumbersome authentication systems and an absence of universal payments solutions, to name just a few.” Are super-apps really coming to the West? “It worked in China {…} population that leapfrogged desktop internet {…} Banking unbanked {…} Government support {…} Hardware” Why China’s “super-apps “ will never succeed in the US “The US: An established, diversified internet ecosystem {…} As people moved from the browser to phones, these primarily desktop browser users expected phones to be a continuation of that experience. Where in the US, the internet world had already led rise to heavy competition between Facebook, Myspace, and a newly rising Twitter. Google had already taken up the search space and online news sites for each media outlet were gaining traction {…} WeChat has had two more factors that helped it build its empire: the Chinese concept of money as a social item, and the unique relationship of government and corporations with the Chinese people {…whereas in the West…} Social media app users have no desire and quite possibly are opposed to financial services offered by those social media giants.” Elon Musk reportedly wants to launch a new Twitter product called 'X' which he projects would have 104 million subscribers by 2028 “Product "X" would launch in 2023 and bring in 9 million users within the first year, the pitch deck estimates.” Musk Wants To Buy Twitter To Launch His Mysterious "X" App “Many people are speculating that X is likely to take influence from the all-encompassing “super-apps” of Asia that feature social media, instant messaging, and digital payment services all in one place. The idea is basically to have a single app that provides all the services of Twitter, Whatsapp, Netflix, PayPal, Uber, and Uber Eats. The biggest and best known of these is WeChat, a wildly popular Chinese instant messaging, social media, and mobile payment app that has over 1 billion users. You can pretty much do everything on WeChat, from chatting with friends and sharing images to booking movie tickets and paying at a street market.” Inside Elon Musk’s Big Plans for Twitter “In his pitch deck, Mr. Musk claimed he would increase Twitter’s annual revenue to $26.4 billion by 2028, up from $5 billion last year.” {…} ”Under Mr. Musk, advertising would fall to 45 percent of total revenue, down from around 90 percent in 2020. In 2028, advertising would generate $12 billion in revenue and subscriptions nearly $10 billion, according to the document. Other revenue would come from businesses such as data licensing.” {…} “Twitter would bring in $15 million from a payments business in 2023, according to the document, which would grow to about $1.3 billion by 2028. The company’s payments business today, which includes tipping and shopping, is negligible.” {…} “With all of these changes, Mr. Musk anticipates he can lift Twitter’s average revenue per user — a key metric for social media companies — to $30.22 in 2028 from $24.83 last year, according to the document.”Comment: youtu.be/qRg_rxBWCjs (The REAL Reason Musk Bought Twitter Is SO MUCH BIGGER | Mark Moss) Mark yes but I might supersede his efforts with my own, but likely in a synergistic outcome. Elon has according to the court records of his tweets (at least for the near-term, unless they plan some radical departure from Twitter’s IT design) abandoned social media ON A BLOCKCHAIN (because stated that it’s technologically incompatible, yet I disagree), thus his efforts will only be about payments on a blockchain which falls well short of what humanity needs. I am trying to figure out what Elon Musk’s realistic plans for X.com could be? He can’t do payments with DECENTRALIZED crypto because no blockchain can scale yet (at least not decentralized if we are talking about proof-of-stake or HTLC payment channels like Lightning Networks) and merchants don’t want crypto. And he can’t generate income from a DECENTRALIZED payment system, unless he launch he own token and blockchain which I highly doubt he could attempt. He could aggregate payments in fiat and stablecoins but this would probably not get massive uptake because he would be seen as competitor to many. There are presumably many alliances especially with the embedded lefists, banking cartels, etc.. His pitch deck emphasized $10B in subscriptions (and $12B in advertising out of $26B total) by 2028 and only $1.3B from payments. Also X.com users would only grow to 103M by 2028 from 9M in 2023, i.e. less than 20M a year adoption. Apple Pay is generating $1B annually on 500 million users globally which is 5% of all credit card transactions. So I don’t think Elon is about to do anything that radical. He is ostensibly essentially going to take a page from Apple’s playbook given that Google has fumbled their opportunity to do so on the Android mobile OS. So the decentralized on a scalable blockchain market will remain wide open for the taking with Twitter’s verification and subscriptions providing a big boost for an onboarding strategy as I already wrote. Elon’s plans lack the fact that users will be drawn to a platform that they feel they own shares in, i.e. the Fat Protocol (c.f. also my post as X ← ironic username…‘fate loves irony’ — Musk) which I was in discussion with FiniteMax about in January 2019. This was clear to me from reading dozens of user reaction tweets to the Twitter poll asking how much users were willing to pay monthly for a verified blue checkmark subscription (including some other feature upgrades). 80% of users rejected paying anything and many vehemently resented the idea of paying for a status symbol so they could enrich the $bilionaire Twitter investors. Some of that could be resentment that Elon is taking away their progressive, leftist walled garden, but certainly not all of the resentment was political.Comment: Addressed to: Lane Rettig @ Spacemesh Cc: Nick Carter Lane, I’m overqualified for your core dev job. I want to quickly draw your attention to some oversights in your recent roundtable discussion with Nic Carter and Peter McCormack. P.S. I originally proposed the idea of proof-of-disk-space in 2013 on my Bitcointalk thread, Bitcoin – The Digital Kill Switch: I have studied your PoST {proof-of-spacetime for disk space proof-of-work for which my idea was prior art}. Sent the following email to Peter McCormack… You will be able to detect from this copy of my comments that I’m an expert. I was formerly @AnonyMint on Bitcointalk.org. You need to pay attention to the following. I deserve at least an email acknowledgement. (P.S. you ostesnibly did not understand Eric Weinstein’s point but that is an orthogonal issue. He appears to be maybe outside your communication range, i.e. the holistic concept seems beyond your current conceptualization of the issues.) 56:20 the 30 – 40% Ethereum transactions are being OFAC censored and MEV exploited! youtu.be/L54YT6NGj_U (Censorship & State Capture with Nic Carter & Lane Rettig | What Bitcoin Did) Do any of you soi-disant ‘experts’ have any clue about the anyone can spend restoration {of the Nash equilibrium from the status quo disequilibrium} attacks coming against proof-of-work blockchains that implemented the pay-to-script-hash loot and fooled all the sheep into moving their tokens to non-legacy protocol addresses? {This game theory economics in inarguable and I have done more to explain this publicly than anyone else. I can refer you to a Gist document.} Nic Carter is incorrect to equate proof-of-stake cost of capital to proof-of-work costs. Proof-of-stake lockups of capital are self-referential thus there’s no objectivity ex post facto aka Vitalik’s weak subjectivity. Whereas proof-of-work burns external resources thus the longest, mining-difficulty chain is objectively verifiable ex post facto as the cumulative work is stored in the published block proof-of-work solutions. Additionally stake is captive and not permissionless, i.e.the tragedy-of-the-commons if the OFAC threatens all stakers to censor stake which didn’t signal OFAC. Whereas proof-of-work ASICs can be moved at-will to a different chain and/or legal jurisdiction (although that’s not an ironclad defense against a well coordinated global OFAC crackdown on “money laundering”). EDIT: Lane covered this subject later in the video and Nic pointed out this is a theoretical problem. How do you expect us to take you seriously with this idiotic nonsense? Man-made climate change is an age-old hoax dug up to fool idiots yet again. Why Climate Change is a Fraud by Martin Armstrong (archived). Do you guys even comprehend how stupid you are? “This is one of the oldest methods to brainwash a population known to ancient history. The high priests had discovered the cycle of the heavens. They would pretend to turn the sun dark, for they managed to calculate the cycles when an eclipse would take place.” Many People will Starve & Die from Freeze While Fighting Global Warming by Martin Armstrong (archived) > ““Regulators” can’t regulate Bitcoin. What am I missing here?” Bitcoin centralizes after some decades also. The power-law distribution of fungible resources (i.e. wealth or even ASIC mining farms) is undefeated since antiquity. With 50+% of the mining resources then Bitcoin is just as dystopian as Ethereum’s proof-of-stake signaling OFAC. Crypto is not your friend. It was put here to enslave us. Nic Carter’s diseconomies-of-scale are actually the reason that mining farms are ultimately subservient, e.g. nobody really owns anything but is allowed to possess and operate it with permission from the State and the State is power-law captured. For example, given that mining is a low-margin business, which mining farms will find it cost-effective to evade OFAC edicts? > “My understanding is that dank sharding actually bypasses the broken-composability problem of normal sharding. And it's a lot simpler than full on sharding.“ I don’t understand why MEV can’t be solved with cryptographically secure randomization (employing the Fiat–Shamir heuristic) coupled with blinded pre-commitments by validators? This seems to be compatible with bidding for block space as well. This seems so obvious to me. Surely these geniuses considered it? What gives? The malevolent validator could only stall (aka denial-of-service) or publish multiple pre-commitments, both of which lack plausible deniability (i.e. are discernible behaviors) given a network synchrony bound assumption. EDIT: 1:14:19 Lane mentions probing techniques as an attack vector {c.f symbolic fuzzing}, but I’m suggesting secured randomness, which is categorically distinct from privatizing the entire contract state. Dankshading doesn't rectify the MEV problem because the proposer and builder might collude. I’m utterly shocked that some cryptographically secure randomization wasn’t instead pursued. Vitalik is not this stupid. What is going on? How to Fix Ethereum’s MEV Problem and Give Traders the Best Price research.thetie.io/d...y-killer-post-merge/ What is MEV aka Maximal Extractable Value?Comment: Armstrong blogged: No COVID Amnesty > “I will not forgive what was done and the permanent damage the COVID zealots caused to the global economy. This was not a simple misunderstanding – it was a deliberate plot to crush the economy and hand all power over to governments.” Absolutely Martin. We can not go back. But I’m confident you will agree that we must go forward. We need to try to form unity (with all Americans) around common values such as the right to privacy and not panopticon edicts which will attempt to use the fabricated WW3 to arrest and imprison anyone who attempts to have any privacy, e.g. they are now arresting any programmer if they even contributed to some open source code base that is later used by someone in N. Korea, as if we can control that! Elon is attempting to unify us with a reworked, nonpartisan Twitter. I hope the center-left and center-right can join hands and rationality will prevail. Or maybe people are too invested in their pet ideologies and too entitled to care until the boot is on their throats? > “Trump failed us by implementing Operation Warpspeed and distributing mass vaccines that were not properly tested.” Wow Marty. I am so proud of you. I thought you would never write that. Kudos. Trump is unfortunately a victim of his own huge ego. So proud to show that he beat the China virus, which was really Bill Gates’ hoax of billions of flu tests. > “The unvaccinated were demonized by the politicians who led the masses to believe that COVID was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” when that was a blatant lie. Those same politicians frequently broke their own rules because they knew they were baseless.” {…}I do not forgive the media who fueled the hysteria and banished anyone who questioned “the science.” {…} “Despite our current knowledge, governments have refused to let go of the emergency powers granted to them under COVID.” How can progressives sleep at night if they even are, for being fooled into abdicating human rights? Do these people have a conscience? Where are the apologies from our relatives who demonized us (even if they only silently thought it)?Comment: EDIT: Where are the apologies and remedial actions from our relatives and compatriots who demonized us (even if they only silently thought it) or if not at least abetted the unnecessary (and ongoing!) destruction of the global economy and civil life and (continue to) put us all at risk of falling into a Stasi-like police state with their ignorance and ideological delusions?Comment: If we lose free speech and privacy of our transactions, when we will be living under a 1984 gestapo. Why do so many Americans view this threat so nonchalantly? I can’t understand them. Did they flunk their civics course about what American is all about? Recent, current and ongoing subversion by our government (DHS) colluding with Big Tech is an existential crisis for freedom applicable to all of humanity worldwide (because the West was the last standing beacon and bastion for freedom). The priests and manipulators pushed their man-made climate change hoax and the billions of flu tests hoax on us for the initiating pretext. Now the ongoing fabricated war by forcing Putin into a national security corner as the next ongoing pretext. These Bolsheviks and Neocons will not stop unless the 🐑🐑🐑sheepeople wake the f-up. Baaa. Baaa. youtu.be/Km_jGoQU9IY (Elon Musk appears up to the task: Vivek Ramaswamy ← Twitter battle for free speech and privacy)Comment: To our beloved elderly, please do not go to a hospital EVER again. Do not admit to a managed care nor housing for the elderly. You might be prematurely culled: Stop White Coat Killers: Holding Hospitals Accountable For Deaths Whistleblower Report – Whistleblowers have provided documentation that hospitals have widespread policies for administering euthanizing doses of deadly combinations of sedatives, narcotics such as morphine and fentanyl, with benzodiazepines. Hospitals are also coercing the use of toxic drugs like Remdesivir as well as intentionally administering these drugs without patient consent or even… Truth For Health Foundation’s legal and medical team reveals new shocking details from families who lost loved ones to these hospital death protocols, including intentional euthanasia, and provides details on the tools for citizen action aimed at stopping these deaths of vulnerable COVID and disabled patients. Hospitals across America are killing as many as 1000 patients a day using “COVID” protocols with a deadly cocktail of toxic drugs, ventilators, withholding fluids and nutrition, physical restraints, and other measures to weaken patients.Comment: x, {11/3/22 6:47 AM} "We fear that Red China fully intends to make Australia a colony or at least occupy it someday during the next world war, when China will take possession of all the Far East." from Joel Skousen's book, Oh, I never expect china to occupy foreign nations. why would he think like that... shelby3, {11/3/22 6:49 AM} {In reply to x} Why not? Australia has vast natural resources that China needs. And an underutilized superior geography and land mass than China has. China has always been landlocked by the Himilayas. For China to be a superpower it must take control of the first island chain, which includes Philippines, Indonesia and Australia. You Chinese people are sadly just unwitting slaves that will be used to accomplish the goals of your CCP overlords. Of course you will be convinced that you are part of a Great Patriotic Outcome. That you are one big family and Xi is your grandpa Winnie-the-Poo.Comment: x, {11/3/22 1:18 PM} "never invade other nations, and protect its own land," is what they always promised. , Taiwan would be #1goal. I never expect them to do more than that shelby3, {11/3/22 3:55 PM} {In reply to x} How could you possibly trust a CCP which based on ruthless power? Paradigmatically ruthless power and word-of-honor are incompatible. How many times do I have to repeat that ONLY RUTHLESS power can capture a power vacuum. Is there something not functioning properly in your brain. The propaganda they drilled into your head since birth and the cultural need Chinese have to believe their enslavers are their paternal tribal leader, seems to be too dense to be penetrated by obvious logic. Having stated clearly why the CCP must project power to the first island chain to be consider a stable superpower (just as the U.S. has had the Monroe Doctrine which Russia challenged in Cuba and Venezuela and China is now challenging by buying the controlling interest in the Panama canal), I do not know if they have the military capability to accomplish it. Do they have the lift capacity to move sufficient infantry troops? Yet if China has the largest bus factory in the world then how is it they can not produce more military ships than any other country in the world? (I think they do) www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNXLXCV9... (Walkabout The World's Largest Bus Factory (Yutong Industrial Park))Comment: Armstrong replied that we will be forced by our relatives and compatriots to separate and fight. That the divide is too ideological and entrenched. That the priests know how to divide us by the ignorance of the progressives coupled with some of their pet ideological issues such as abortion. As for abortion, it was immediately after aborting my third child that the Lord took my right eye. And then I proceeded to convince my sister in 2001 to abort her first child with her drug addict, sexually abused, psycho husband because I thought she and the child would be forever stuck with his abuse. My punishment was banishment to the Philippines in 2003 and a destroyed career and life, along with losing my sister to murder by that asshole in a faked suicide in 2006 because she finally tried to leave him. I hadn’t studied females biological psychology at my younger age — motherly instinct would likely have given her the resolve to leave him much sooner. Abortion is evil. And females need to be careful what they push for because technology is disintermediating them. We already have IVF so economically female eggs (and surrogate wombs) which are rarer than male sperm are being reduced to a marketable commodity. Recently a synthetic mouse womb and egg were fertilized. If men move to a post-scarcity society where females have no rarity nor relevance to force irrationality, then will men stop fighting each other and learn to seek mutual knowledge accretion instead? Remember in the Bible that Eve was the tempted one who messed up the utopia. www.armstrongeconomi...sion-of-pure-hatred/ (Division of Pure Hatred)Comment: Additionally the Chinese prefer to win Sun Tzu-style. Meaning they would much prefer to capture a power vacuum with bribes, kompromat and economic domination than to some risky infantry war of attrition. This is why I suspect China has been a key player in actually bribing the West to commit societalcide — the CCP had the incentive, resources and cultural mindset to do so. I had postulated in private discussions that if ever they try to take control of the Philippines and Indonesia during the upcoming WW3 that there is no plausible way they could inject enough Chinese infantrymen to garrison a soldier on every farm to control those 300 million people. They would rely on cooperation of bribed local officials. There will be no lack of aspirant little Hitlers in the Philippines. I observed that one of the outcomes of Asian society where the group turns against anyone who attempts to rise his head above the tips of the grass and dare to speak out on issues in public and also the crab bucket mentality of Asians, is that they have repressed, subconscious desire to enslave the society that has enslaved their freedom-of-expression. Asian culture is a form of mental illness from my perspective as a Westerner, although Nietzsche’s conceptualization of the weakness of Western psychology is the religion of the supremacy of rational humans over nature and that progress is linear, highly ordered not cyclical nor random. This for example is why I know Elon is very astute when he remarked, “fate loves irony.” Nietzsche’s ressentiment was a critique on Western idealism as faked (even nihilistic) idolization of pity or narcissist, self-impression of suffering (e.g. Jesus on the cross), which apparently where our extreme affinity for entitlement derives. Note how Asians view individual suffering as routine and not worthy of special attention. I suppose Nietzsche was really driving at our neurotic Western moralizing. And observe we are doing it again with all this irrational virtue signaling about the flu tests and man-made climate change hoaxes. steemit.com/philosop...thos-science-is-deadComment: x, {11/3/22 4:56 PM} “As for abortion, it was immediately after aborting my third child that the Lord took my right eye” I don't understand the reasoning when it is related to belief in GOD. it happens after, it must be because? There is a English word called " karma", but i don't think karma works a lot of times. shelby3, {11/3/22 4:59 PM} {In reply to x} Read my prior message about the difference between Westerners and Asians. Westerners have a moralizing, narcissist, self-pity orientation towards their life.Comment: COVID, Pootin, climate change, 9-11 deniers must be burned at the stake by Western ressentiment. Moralizing is how Westerners cordon in-group loyalty. It’s how we form high-trust bonds and society. Whereas, Asian culture has low-trust and fatalism. (C.f. Puritanical burning of witches at the state) Then in Latin America and Latin Asia (Philippines) you have Western Catholicism as paganized and reinterpreted from non-Western or mixed Western mindset.Comment: > > > A thought: Elon Musk serves AI masters. We’re transitioning much sooner than expected. > > > > Any evidence? > > “The evidence is Elon himself. He appeared out of nowhere but is now poised to control the world.” Remember the second-coming of the Luddites who thought the automobile was an evil invention and in Britain they passed a law someone had to walk in front of the automobile to warn pedestrians. Sheep people are afraid of change. Thus they demonize every technological future as necessarily evil when in fact technology always has a myriad of effects, which always improves humans efficiency and quality of life. The next step up in quality which probably be to entirely remove menial labor and enables us to pursue the glorious Knowledge Age. I written numerous times why super-sentient AI and Kurzweil’s Singularity is FUD nonsense. Elon is no where near controlling the world. At best he is trying to game the system to achieve his quest to advance humanity and knowledge. Simple as that.Comment: I’m trying to set aside distractions but I guess the Elon Musk phenomena is worthy of some discussion. 1. The antichrist allegation has an unimpressive track record, e.g. various Roman Catholic Pontiffs, Mark Zuckerberg, and others have been alleged to be. 2. Elon Musk displays Jesus-like traits which are thus definitionally antithetical to the antichrist who must be the opposite of Jesus in every facet. Because this must be an obvious choice of humans to choose all the attributes opposite of Jesus as their leader. Elon routinely expresses genuine love for humanity, has sold all his possessions to live a frugal life of focused purpose (Jesus said sell everything and walk with nothing), has even (e.g. on the Babylon Bee interview) expressed admiration for Christian virtues. Also the Antichrist may be a symbolic concept not be a literal human. Elon Musk has spoken about how he had an existential crisis in his youth after reading German philosophers and found inspiration in the Hitchhikers Guide the Galaxy. It inspired him that being on a continual, DYNAMIC quest for questions is (the meaning of life and) more important than the STATIC possession of the actual answers. www.quora.com/Does-b...r/Anderson-Dourado-1 “Singer Grimes, who is in a fluid relationship with billionaire Elon Musk, spoke about what it was like to live with the richest man in the world. The singer said that Musk, despite his wealth, lives below the poverty line.” “It got to the point where I asked myself, ‘Can we not live in an unsafe house worth $40,000? Where the neighbors can film us, there's no security, and I have to eat peanut butter for eight days straight?'” My Quora comment: The point is not whether he actually lives in poverty, but whether he prioritizes use of his money for status symbols and any other unnecessary conspicuous consumption that doesn’t improve his efficiency in his technological quests. Elon is a driven, purposeful man, who isn’t wasting his fortune on silly luxury for status signaling. He is literally following Jesus’ virtues by sacrificing himself to great extent for what he believes to be greater humanitarian and existential causes and important questions. Elon is a philosopher in engineer’s skin. Elon is many things. Elon doesn’t even know who Elon is. Elon and I have the same birthdate. Am I fanboy? I am looking at his actions and accomplishments, from one (lower IQ) fellow software engineer nerd to another (with a higher IQ). www.quora.com/How-do...answer/Roshan-Thomas “Being one of the early employees at Tesla I was interviewed by Elon as part of his policy although the middle management position that I was joining perhaps really did not require it. After having finished describing my work experience and why I can be of value to Tesla I asked him a similar question. My question was whether when he embarks on a project/business doesn't the huge hurdles, bureaucracy, high barriers to entry etc cause him to pause? I also added whether he doesn't see these things like others do. His answer was what sold me on Tesla, since it was still a fledgling startup back then. He said he looks at 2 things before embarking on anything. 1) Can it be done? (That by doing it we are not breaking any laws of physics) 2) Is it important? Is it important enough for humanity that it would make a major dent. If the answers to both the questions is ‘Yes’ then he goes ahead with it. Simple. I was floored!” www.quora.com/What-h...swer/Steve-Baker-100 “This guy is trying the very best any human could possibly do to save our species - and make the world a better and more interesting place.”Comment: www.quora.com/What-i.../answer/Jim-Cantrell “I worked with Elon for 2 years, spent a lot of time with him and helped him start SpaceX. It's hard to know for sure but by comparing Elon with most other bright people that I have worked with, I would put his IQ at 160-165. He is very smart but he is also very determined and hard working. Together with his intelligence and vision, hard work is what makes him so successful. Did I mention that he works very very hard? Yeah.” www.quora.com/Why-is...er/Andrew-Forrest-40 “In Australia we call it “tall poppy syndrome”. When an individual rises above the pack, they automatically become a target for disgruntled people who don’t like to feel outdone. Elon Musk is on the autism spectrum, and his Aspergers Syndrome, although not impeding his formidable intelligence, does make social interactions difficult for him. So here we have an incredibly high achiever who seems to have difficulty vocalising what his intentions and motivations are, often pausing for what seems inordinately long periods of time as he formulates an answer to a question. Is it any surprise that some will take this as signs of duplicity? After all, what’s the likelihood that a giga-rich individual actually wants to do good things? I still find it puzzling that his most vehement detractors still seem capable of either ignoring all his achievements, or even worse, paint them as some sort of decades long con job that has lured us into a false sense of security.”Comment: www.quora.com/What-i...swer/Steve-Baker-100 Well, he’s without-doubt a world-class genius and a workaholic…but he also has Asperger Syndrome {…} he frequently gets distracted by some interesting thought and stalls in mid-sentence. He has a very poor “social filter” and often says things aloud that he really should be saying quietly to himself. {…} He’s also very committed to free speech and openness - and can’t seem to cope in situations where he should just say nothing {…} He often works 120 hours a week {…} you need to mentally multiply by three to allow for “normal people” working 40 hours. Also - for the richest man in the world - he doesn’t seem to care too much about money {…} He did, for a while go crazy buying big houses {…} He now lives in two “tiny-houses” - one in Austin and one in BocaChica {…} Essentially, it’s a place to sleep and shower and not much else. The only thing of significant luxury value he owns is a private jet {…} A while back, he did take some serious advice about his health - and now has a full-time nutritionalist {…} He never really chooses what to eat - he just eats whatever is handed to him! He’s known to sleep on a sofa at the office {…} He’s very ‘driven’ by the goal he set himself soon after graduation from college to devote his life, 100% to “saving humanity”…which is a great idea, but can get a bit weird when pushed to the extreme. His interactions with multiple ex-wives and girlfriends is a little predictable {…} I think enough women are interested in his money - but given that he doesn’t do much more than work or sleep - they are probably not going to be too happy about him in other regards. However, he now has a bunch of kids - and does seem to involve them and love them as much as any other father. {…} People find it hard to believe that all of that money isn’t somehow corrupting him…but it seems that it is not. {…Henry} Ford understood that the ‘machine that builds the machine’ is the important thing. They both work crazy hours and Ford was notorious for sleeping whenever and wherever he felt like it. {…} Do you want to hear the craziest thing about Elon Musk? In 1949, Wernher von Braun (the famous ‘father of rocketry’) wrote a science fiction novel in german called “Marsprojekt”. It was never published in his lifetime - and it was entirely forgotten until 57 years after when it was discovered among his papers, translated into English and published in 2006 under the title “Project Mars: A Technical Tale.” Well, in the book, the people who colonize Mars elect a leader…what name does Von Braun choose to the this man? “Elon”. {…} There is literally no way Musk’s parents could have known of the book - because he was born (and named) in 1971 - long before the book was rediscovered and long after Von Braun died.Comment: Qanonymous, {11/3/22 6:09 AM} "-The Twitter takeover is a NWO promotion to try to get conservatives to return to Twitter, where they can be tracked by the AI. AI models have failed on conservatives due to lack of reliable data. News is of course highly controlled by the Cult. Why would they allow any free speech at all on Twitter, unless they are doing a Mao style CCP honey trap operation to target people saying things against the Cult/NWO?" henrymakow.com/2022/...k-a-cult-member.html btw, IMO Elon Musk is a perfect man for a role off an Antichrist (listen to interview with father and Vatican exorcist Malachi Martin from 1998 ...) pbs.twimg.com/m...FgWE1BnXwAM9wi9?format=jpg... www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgK1izMP... shelby3, {11/3/22 10:09 PM} {In reply to Qanonymous} 3. The cited Henry Markov article is attempting to construct a conspiracy narrative which on deeper inspection falls apart. For example Elon denied knowing Ghislaine Maxwell. Elon Musk has been critical of Bill Gates and even spoke out against E.S.G. stakeholder capitalism, “ESG is the Devil Incarnate.” Elon values high integrity over political a particular orientation. Elon’s alleged support for a NWO, global government, Universal Basic Income, Carbon tax and the COVID vaccines can be a combination of some ignorance, the political realities of his corporate predicament (remembering his long-range goals are philosophical), understanding anarchy doesn’t scale (not yet at least) thus pragmatism towards the necessity of optimizing statism, the current world order being quite regressive for billions of humans who do not live in the developed countries. He may have other reasoning. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants it to cascade into a 666-like, 1984 dystopia by design. Maybe he’s a bit reckless or maybe he has reasoned out the probabilities more astutely than we fearful, “troofer” conspiratorialists. Again maybe he is playing 3D chess as he did with Twitter. Or maybe Elon thinks throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks is not a problem, i.e. that life is a journey and nobody is in control so just jump on any interesting ride. I don’t like the coercive push to electric vehicles. EVs might be suitable to clean up air pollution in crowded cities, but otherwise are just an irrational, virtue signaling status symbol. Elon is probably stuck promoting his companies regardless. But consider that billions want personal transportation who do not yet have it. And thus cities are the transportation challenge for sustainability of nonrenewable fossil fuels which was Elon’s altruistic motivation not alarmist climate change (Elon is a typical Cancer zodiac male hyperfocused on threats, a trait which I share yet I am more skeptical than him about for example his fear of threat of A.I.. Also ostensibly he had to pick challenges which are suitably difficult for his intellectual capabilities). But what matters to me are simply his actions and whether I can find synergies. I talk my own sphere-of-interest book. If Elon by just continuing to implement his plans for Twitter can indirectly help me do what I think I need to do to help humanity, then for me I am not going to worry about whether he is part of some evil cabal. Because even if so I still believe humanity benefits from the aforementioned indirect assistance. The laughable claim that TPTB need Elon to bring conservatives back onto Twitter so as to be able to obtain more data on them, belies the fact that the damn NSA records everything we do and can even turn our mobile phones on remotely. That claim would seem to be a defense mechanism planted by those who invested in that woeful Truth Social, that has the most to lose if their self-aggrandizing Orangeutan mascot leaves to return to Twitter. I fault Trump more for Operation Warp Speed and normalizing hopium and kick-the-can instead of ripping the threads out as Elon might do with Twitter. None of us are omniscient but Trump doesn’t know how to mea culpa! I take issue with the premise that wealthy families could groom their offspring to rule the world in some deterministic manner. If the universe was so well ordered then I have explained in the past that the movement of time could not be perceived and thus we would not perceptibly exist. Elon is against or conflicted about his father’s (lack of?) virtues — I can relate. He apparently struggled financially when he migrated to Canada because he ostensibly rejected his faster. Again I can relate. What do you think was the driving factor for my impoverishment in the Philippines? Later his father came back into the fold providing an initial $28k invest in Elon and his brother’s Zip2 startup company. I don’t know where Elon got the money to buy that frat house in 1995, but heck if the guy has 160 I.Q. then he could probably figure out a way.Comment: “Musk's connections to NASA come via Mike Griffin, the former head of NASA with ties to In-Q-Tel, the CIA's venture investing fund {…} Elon's name is derived from Hebrew El Elyon (God), Elon is not the anti-christ, but he will get people to accept The Mark.” — Henry Markov Musk is the “perfect target” because he isn’t suspicious that he’s the pawn of some cabal (if he even is?) — not that Musk is wittingly complicit. It’s illogical to expect the INVIOLABLE, UNRELENTING advance of technology to stop. Blaming people for a natural advance is scapegoating personal frustration. Elon states unequivocally that, “I’m not Jewish.” The fact that he has partied hard (even he and Grimes were doing hard drugs according to one social media personality that claimed to have visited them) and hangs on in wealthy social circles (e.g. iirc, attended a party thrown by the Google founder Sergey Brin during the pLandemic). It’s quite expected that someone of Elon’s IQ is intellectually lonely and would have eclectic interests. Also anyone who wants to change the world and needs capital, would hobnob with those who can help. Elon said, “the woke mind virus is a world without humor.” Elon spoke in the BabylonBee interview about coming to Canada with only a few $1000s in travelers checks. Elon is pumping up Tesla presumably to fund his major life goal. So presumably his calculus that making humans an interstellar species is more important than any cost incurred. That the means justifies the end. The central character in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy had to escape earth for a new frontier to save humanity. Elon Musk’s 50th: Taking a look into the billionaire’s wealth – from emeralds to SpaceX and Tesla “In 2018, Musk revealed that he planned to finance SpaceX’s Mars plans by selling a “major” stake in Tesla at some point in the future.” This entire notion of all wealthy Jews being evil and part of some grand conspiracy seems to be an oversimplification. For example, the geniuses Curtis Yarvin, Eric R. Weinstein and his microbiologist brother Bret are Jews yet extremely devoted to the well being of society and humanity. Although none of the three are rich nor desire to be, but they are also not driven enough to change the world in a way that requires large capital. There is some credence to the fact that devout Jews are obligated to give to the church as much as is requested of them, c.f. video IN GOD WE TEST. This would seemingly build strong bonds and networks of mutual support. So it’s no wonder that some Christians (or even just agnostic members of Christian society) would perceive them as a scheming out-group that manipulates Christians. Also when Christians had banned usury in the middle ages the Jews had no moral obligation to not offer loans at interest which were in high demand. I believe there is also some truth to some evil in-group signaling against goyim in the written Talmud. Politicized, institutionalized Zionism may have corrupted this even more. Remember the biblical narrative that Jesus came to challenge the institutionalized, priestly Pharisees. We humans reach for completely nonsensical, simplistic explanations that we can wrap our minds around. Because they seem expedient towards some notion of what a solution to our fears could be, e.g. the comfort-blanket insanity of the thought if we just exterminated the enemy then we would have eternal peace on Earth.Comment: Sent a follow-up email to Peter McCormack… Again Peter it behooves you to fully comprehend the posited ANYONECANSPEND attack: www.tradingview.com/...o-Drop-to-0-in-2023/ ←READ THIS CONCISE COMMENT Some idiots on the Internet consoled in their faithful sheep something about a worthless nothingburger bag they will be left hodling: www.reddit.com/r/btc...nspend_bug_everyone/ (the Pied Piper Andreas Antonopoulos) seebitcoin.com/2017/...top-saying-they-can/ (ostensibly some Bitcoin Core developer community idiot) medium.com/segwit-co...s-funds-6cc871230ce2 (randodiot) Those “bitcoin maximalists” who follow the Power Rangers at Blockstream and impostor Bitcoin Core deserve our ire. They constantly obscure the truth from the public. trilema.com/2015/if-...-lose-your-bitcoins/ trilema.com/2015/let...n-scamcoin-proposal/ The basis for an underlying animosity in my introductory email could be because you exhibited an analogous blind immune mechanism in your discussion with Eric Ross Weinstein. For example I explained why Satoshi employed double-hashes and still have not received any recognition: gist.github.com/shel...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9 I was the original prior art in 2013 on Bitcointalk for proof-of-disk-space which SpaceMesh employs yet never received any acknowledgement from the community. Anyway I don’t need validation but you all surely don’t want egg on your faces at the end game. I hope you snap out of the in-group-think, bromance psychosis: trilema.com/2018/the-common-psychosis/ trilema.com/2018/how...he-fuck-off-a-guide/ P.S. what Eric was ostensibly urging you to be less ambivalent to that hard money is a harbinger of misery, failure and enslavement by the 1% (and you and I are not the 1% so stop being so smug about Bitcoin maximalism). He was urging you to discuss the holistic paradigm of this social consensus we know as human civilization. Bitcoin is an instigating trojan horse, but not the entirety of the technological and social transition underway.Comment: Qanoner, {11/4/22 5:40 PM} {In reply to shelby3} will (re-?) watch the peter mccormack + eric weinstein now. i think i saw this interview before but have not taken note of the part you are talking about. when we were talking about richard hex many months ago i forgot to mention that peter and richard got into a hostile debate about hex www.youtube.com/watch?v=0myslqBI... shelby3, {11/4/22 5:53 PM} {In reply to Qanoner} Don’t have time to watch. Feel free to tl;dr summarize. Quibbler, {11/4/22 5:57 PM} {In reply to shelby3} What would be more straightforward is if McCormack invited you onto What Bitcoin Did to explain for yourself! I often listen to the show (pretty sure including the Weinstein interview) and have thought that previously. Qanoner, {11/4/22 6:00 PM} {In reply to shelby3} peter looked like went into the interview already having the conclusion that hex is a scam. peter tried to be nice at first then it became ugly when peter could not hold it anymore then all the name calling and cursing ensued shelby3, {11/4/22 6:02 PM} {In reply to Quibbler} I will inform Peter that you’re also a Brit. Only if I can find the time to get rested up and make sure I have all my points about the attack well rehearsed. I can’t visualize myself doing that soon as you know the chaos I will be under for the next couple of months at least. I suppose I could just wing it. Perhaps he could ask Nick Carter to study what I have written about the attack and provide a summary of the argument and the counter-arguments. Some of the key rebuttals to the counter-arguments might be overlooked. Maybe get Nick Carter and/or Lane Rettig and I on the same round table discussion? I doubt AsciiLifeForm from the Trilema logs would be willing to be interviewed. Quibbler, {11/4/22 6:03 PM} {In reply to shelby3} Yes, the second option might work. shelby3, {11/4/22 6:10 PM} {In reply to Qanoner} Peter’s interviews flow well until his ideological blind spot turf is threatened. Then he can go off-the-rails. The discussion with Eric Weinstein could have deteriorated significantly if Eric had not been exceedingly patient and unwilling to be drawn into a mudslinging contest. I probably share Peter’s criticisms of Hex. Nevertheless we should explore concepts outside our intransigent beliefs. There’s something to learn from Hex. The brilliant person would know how to get Richard to contradict himself without Richard knowing it. Keep Richard engaged while exploring the tradeoffs of Hex in a logical manner. Anyway I did not watch the video so I can’t draw any conclusions based on your summary. Tangentially Eric could have potentially been more direct in his explanation of what he wanted to chat about. Peter asked him several times to explicate. Also Eric was too focused on the narrow point of attacking junk science. The broader point is that Bitcoin by itself doesn’t move the needle on a better functioning society — and may even turn out to be a dystopian outcome. There is a rich discussion around these points. Quibbler, {11/4/22 6:10 PM} {In reply to shelby3} "I will inform Peter that you’re also a Brit." When I first listened to him - not long after his notorious making and losing of a million on bitcoin - we had about the same level of technical understanding (rudimentary), but since then he's moved somewhat ahead of me. shelby3, {11/4/22 6:12 PM} {In reply to Quibbler} Well you presumably understand the ANYONECANSPEND attack and he ostensibly doesn’t yet. There is ostensibly so much outside of his simplicity bias towards one monetary reserve currency to rule them. I find some value in his channel. I wish him the best. Quibbler, {11/4/22 6:15 PM} {In reply to shelby3} In the long term he will have short changed the followers of his show if he doesn't take the opportunity to allow debate surrounding your theories/assertions.Comment: Crypto researcher suicided for finding a decentralized solution to the central bank Triffin Dilemma? youtu.be/dqA7wKEhRcw (Crypto Billionaires End Up "DEAD" After Exposing The Global Elite...WHY? | Chico Crypto) My YT comment, “Publicity is best defense for a known dissident.” Tornado.cash plot thickens. Remember Brock Pierce who helped shill the laying of the $4B EOS turd ICO? Do some powers-that-be want to prevent the launch of any decentralized viable stable coin? The new Ethereum-backed RAI token’s price is not pegged to anything but it should retain a stable exchange rate—hopefully. “You don’t need to peg to anything in order to be stable. The most important thing to understand is that DeFi can and should be detached from the fate of the US Dollar. RAI is a first step in that direction {…} could potentially become a native unit of account for the Ethereum ecosystem, known as the Ethereum Standard.” Stablecoin RAI launches, a pure, decentralized alternative for DeFi “Our aspirations for RAI, however, are more profound — if RAI fulfills its purpose within DeFi and starts to earn global adoption, it could prove to be a viable solution to the Triffin Dilemma {c.f. also Wikipedia}, and bring credible neutrality to the administration of a stable global reserve asset.” {…} Soleimani added that the redemption price, also known as the initial target price, does not really matter because, “RAI only cares about relative stability.” Instead of being redeemable for (i.e. pedded to) a specific asset, this stablecoin design can modulate an interest rate (in a positive or negative multiplicative direction) to minimize the volatility. Even volatility w.r.t. a basket of assets could be targeted. Also the inelastic expansion of credit and money supply could be targeted. bank.dev/ Did Nikolai Mushegia find the holy grail of monetary science? bank.dev/vox “Our claim is that way should be the lever for monetary policy, and can be adjusted in a formulaic way, while fee is a per-collateral-type risk parameter, like an insurance fee, and should not be used as a monetary lever. Central banks get trapped by the ‘zero bound’ when they abandon the use of an external reference asset, which leaves only the fee as a policy tool. But this interferes with the function of fee as the insurance fee {…} This mechanic is crucial to ensure that the system debt and credit are balanced. A naive solution causes more debt to exist than credit units, which leads to a sort of infinite debt treadmill that requires ever-growing loans to sustain, and is never repayable {…} The key is that in a traditional system, to have a negative borrow rate while balancing debt and credit, the central bank must transfer a quantity of units to the borrower, which must be obtained somewhere. This means either the bank has reserves, must print credit from thin air, must dilute and sell its equity, or it has to take credit units from holders. This last point is what some use to advocate for cashless systems and the ability for the central bank to take quantities of credit units from holders.” “Under normal circumstances Rai would be an inflation hedge {…}” Contrast Rico/Rai designs with decentralized but still dollar pegged LUSD, c.f. also Guide to Liquity Protocol — collateralize ETH and mint LUSD. First Mircea @ Trilema.com and now… MakerDAO co-founder Nikolai Mushegian “drowns” at 29 in Puerto Rico MakerDAO Co-Founder Found Dead Days After Eerie Tweets | Bitcoinist.com No Evidence of Foul Play in Death of MakerDAO Co-Founder Nikolai Mushegian, Police Say MakerDAO co-founder found dead after tweets of sex trafficking by CIAComment: Wicked Globalists Are Causing Starvation and Poverty Under the Guise of Environmentalism | Jordan B PetersonComment: Why stablecoins are such a threat… The U.S. Will Weaponize The Dollar By Backing It With Bitcoin The United States government is likely to back the dollar with bitcoin in order to protect its status as issuer of the global reserve currency. {…} Some may choose to adopt a quasi-gold standard like Russia recently has. Some may even choose to adopt the Chinese yuan or the euro as their local medium of exchange and unit of account. Some regions could copy what the shadow government of Myanmar have done and adopt the Tether stablecoin as legal tender. But most importantly, some of these countries will adopt bitcoin. For the countries that may adopt bitcoin, it will be too volatile to make economic calculations and use as a unit of account when it’s still so early in its adoption curve. Despite what the consensus narrative is surrounding those who say, “Bitcoin’s volatility is decreasing because the institutions have arrived,” I strongly believe this is not a take rooted in reality. In a previous article written in late 2021 analyzing bitcoin’s adoption curve, I outlined why I believe the volatility of bitcoin will continue to increase from here as it travels through $500,000, $1 million and even $5 million per coin. I think bitcoin will still be too volatile to use as a true unit of account until it breaches eight figures in today’s dollars — or once it absorbs 30% of the world’s wealth. For this reason, I believe the countries who will adopt bitcoin, will also be forced to adopt the U.S. dollar specifically as a unit of account. Countries adopting a bitcoin standard will be a Trojan horse for continued global dollar dominance. {…} This Bretton Woods III framework correctly describes the issue facing the United States: The country needs to find someone to buy their debt. Many dollar doomsayers assume the Fed will have to monetize a lot of the debt. Others say that increased regulations are on the way for the U.S. commercial banking system, which was regulated to hold more Treasurys in the 2013-2014 era, as countries like Russia and China began divesting and slowing their purchases. However, what if a proliferating stablecoin market, backed by government debt, can help soak up that lost demand for U.S. Treasurys? Is this how the U.S. finds a solution to the unwinding petrodollar system? {…} But, what if the Fed wants to crash the global debt markets? What if the U.S. recognizes that a strengthening dollar causes more pain for its global competitors than for themselves? What if the U.S. recognizes that they would be the last domino left standing in a cascade of sovereign defaults? Would collapsing the global debt markets lead to hyperdollarization? Is this the only economic wild card the U.S. has up its sleeve to prolong its reign as the dominant global hegemon? {…} For thousands of years, money has been backed by trust and gold, and protected by ships. However, in this millennium, money will now be backed by encryption and math, and protected by chips. {…} Zooming out, I stand by my original thesis that we are in a new monetary order by the end of the decade. However, the events of the previous months have certainly accelerated that already-rapid 2030 timeline. I also stand by my original thesis from the 2021 article surrounding how bitcoin’s adoption curve unfolds because of how broken the current monetary regime is. I believe 2020 was the monetary inflection point that will be the catalyst that takes bitcoin from 3.9% global adoption to 90% adoption this decade. This is what crossing the chasm entails for all transformative technologies that reach mainstream penetration. {…} Deglobalization will be the perfect scapegoat for what was always going to be a decade of government debt deleveraging. The monetary contractions and spasms are becoming more frequent and more violent with each drawdown we encounter. I believe the majority of fiat currencies are in the 1917 stages of the Weimar hyperinflation. {…} I believe we will see hyperdollarization followed by hyperbitcoinization.Comment: dune.com/kyoronut/stability-of-rai reflexer.finance/ There’s needs to be use case for something like Rai, otherwise it won’t be favored over other alternative stablecoins. www.stakingrewards.c...ed-semi-stable-coin/ Although the stablecoin market cap grew from $6b in 2020 to $200b in April 2022, RAI has remained relatively small. There are two general views on RAI. The first is multifactorial because there is no clear use case; at a capital efficiency level, it is no better than some of its competitors; there is no hard peg; and in general, the relative complexity surrounding it makes it difficult for users to justify its use, as well as for other projects to integrate RAI over other stablecoins. The second view is that RAI is small by design. RAI is focused on being a resilient and fully decentralised stablecoin without counterparty risk at the expense of having slower growth or adoption than its competitors. Slow and steady wins the race. tokenbrice.xyz/reflexer-rai/ To date, RAI is a unique asset with no comparable alternative. However, there are systems that share certain characteristics with RAI, such as the exclusive use of ETH as collateral. So, if you are ready to expose yourself to the dollar, Liquity {aka LUSD} offers a very relevant alternative which also has the merit of being totally unstoppable (which is not yet the case with RAI): the contracts have no administrative function, exactly like Uniswap V1/V2. However, there are still the oracles (necessary for a loan service) and the associated risks.Comment: The Green New Deal is shutting down diesel. Soon we will all be starving in the U.S.A.. Insanity. The Brandon administration has destroyed the country and the world. Anyone who voted for these Fascists is an absolute idiot. We warned them. youtu.be/yw2TVrMEKq4 (Real Dangers of the Diesel Shortage No One Is Talking About | Mark Moss)Comment: The more I take the time to listen to Elon Musk, the more he becomes my hero. I haven’t had heroes since my high school American football coaches. youtu.be/P7wUNMyK3Gs (Full New Elon Musk Interview. Ron Baron Confernce Nov 2022. With Timestamps | Tesla Intelligence UK)Comment: Some of the key podcast quotes: podcastnotes.org/unc...n-november-4th-2022/Comment: I assert it’s impossible for any centralized corporation to eat the entire global financial system. This can only be done with decentralization on a blockchain. WeChat in China was a special case that can’t be globally replicated with centralization. Elon Musk can’t accomplish his vision for X.com without someone solving the (as of yet still) unsolved decentralization scaling and censorship-resistant consensus problem. > The point is that the users of Twitter do not perceive that they own the site. They perceive they are helping the $billionaire investors, not themselves. > > This is what we can change by putting social networking on a blockchain. But we need to do it correctly and not make the mistakes Steem(it) made. {…} > Is Elon planning to employ holding crypto and blockchain stablecoins to implement payments while overcoming U.S. bank and other forms of resistance? So the scaling will be accomplished centralized, as if X.com will hold the balances like an exchange does? It will be like RobinHood for payments? If Elon will not go full blockchain and decentralization for everything then he will face hurdles as all who came before him found out… {…} Social media app users have no desire and quite possibly are opposed to financial services offered by those social media giants.” {…} Mark yes but I might supersede his efforts with my own, but likely in a synergistic outcome. Elon has according to the court records of his tweets (at least for the near-term, unless they plan some radical departure from Twitter’s IT design) abandoned social media ON A BLOCKCHAIN (because stated that it’s technologically incompatible, yet I disagree) {…} He can’t do payments with DECENTRALIZED crypto because no blockchain can scale yet (at least not decentralized if we are talking about proof-of-stake or HTLC payment channels like Lightning Networks) and merchants don’t want crypto. And he can’t generate income from a DECENTRALIZED payment system, unless he launch he own token and blockchain which I highly doubt he could attempt. He could aggregate payments in fiat and stablecoins but this would probably not get massive uptake because he would be seen as competitor to many. There are presumably many alliances especially with the embedded lefists, banking cartels, etc.. {…} Elon’s plans lack the fact that users will be drawn to a platform that they feel they own shares in, i.e. the Fat Protocol (c.f. also my post as X ← ironic username) which I was is discussion with FiniteMax about in January 2019. This was clear to me from reading dozens of user reaction tweets to the Twitter poll asking how much users were willing to pay monthly for a verified blue checkmark subscription (including some other feature upgrades). 80% of users rejected paying anything and many vehemently resented the idea of paying for a status symbol so they could enrich the $bilionaire Twitter investors. {…} > Pay attention to what Elon said about the most important achievement ever for mankind. Skip to ~25+ minutes into the video. Then you will understand why Elon loves DOGE so much. Again I don’t think Elon can succeed in his X.com plans without me or someone else with my vision, insights and experience. Musk has a 'super app' plan for Twitter. It's super vague Elon Musk had a radical, revolutionary idea for finance in 1999 — it’s finally being realized Elon Musk has taken on two seriously difficult problems with Twitter “Elon Musk has taken on two seriously difficult problems with Twitter Acquisition of the social media company could yet turn out to be his Waterloo”Comment: Hope is underrated. 🚀 Cascades into many other things such as positive attitudes, reduction of extremism, more rational and productive behavior… youtu.be/L_RGEBUAvH0 (TO DA MOON - hooligan. & Kim Kunni (To The Moon duet version))Comment: > “How will those myriad of messaging apps differentiate themselves? Features? Whereas a GROUP-EFFECT subsumes, is unifying and individual choice of any features.” Users switch social networking apps for newer features. But when those newer features can be offered as customization addons to the unifying blockchain based substrate then users switch without leaving the token behind. Thus the tokenomics group-effect and decentralization (the data is open, not in a walled garden) subsume the separate centralized apps we have now and force them to become Dapp customizations.Comment: > There’s needs to be use case for something like Rai, otherwise it won’t be favored over other alternative stablecoins. And worse yet is that stablecoins won’t be adopted as currencies for payments, except in places where the extant banking system is derelict. Stablecoins are pretty much relegated for now to FOMO pump and dump exchanging for cryptocurrency tokens. A booming Stripe shows digital payments aren’t about to be replaced by blockchain Blockchain and similar technologies have been touted variously as faster, safer, and/or cheaper than more traditional systems. But TransferWise says it has been better off without it. “Using the pretty tried and tested modern technologies to offer the services securely, that’s all that’s needed,” TransferWise CEO Kristo Käärmann said recently in an interview. “If anything, blockchain at this point slows it down or makes it more expensive.” The only way we could possibly get people to use a cryptocurrency stablecoin for payments in the developed world given the extant well functioning banking system, is for there to be demand for using Dapps and the centralized payment system to be unable to interact with Dapps. An app isn’t fully decentralized if it requires payments to route to a centralized merchant account payee to receive payments. Also how can a decentralized contract know that a centralized payment was received? A centralized oracle? Every centralized oracle introduces miner/maximum extractable value (MEV) risk that can even potentially cause a blockchain to irrevocably fork. But it’s a hen-egg dilemma in the sense that there is very little capital in the cryptocosm stored in what amounts to a spend-oriented checking account. Everyone is in crypto for the FOMO. And thus there is very little incentive to produce Dapps that would involve crypto payments. The only way to surmount this is to tie the FOMO into actual decentralized social networking income streams. These can be payments to influencers for example from the Dapp. Again influencers are on the lookout for supplemental income. They can HODL this income for maximum upside if the believe in the tokenomics group-effect. IOW, someone has to invest in the hard programming and marketing work to create the hens who will lay the ongoing eggs. The token value accumulated into such an ecosystem is its inertia. But if there are no hens to lay ongoing eggs, then that value can do nothing but speculate on FOMO pump and dump.Comment: > > “How will those myriad of messaging apps differentiate themselves? Features? Whereas a GROUP-EFFECT subsumes, is unifying and individual choice of any features.” > > Users switch social networking apps for newer features. But when those newer features can be offered as customization addons to the unifying blockchain based substrate then users switch without leaving the token behind. Thus the tokenomics group-effect and decentralization (the data is open, not in a walled garden) subsume the separate centralized apps we have now and force them to become Dapp customizations. I just provided an example of where decentralization (i.e. Dapps on a blockchain) is necessary not just because of government oppression (as in the examples in the blog cited below) but because of walled garden oppression by corporations in their normal competitive mode. Resistant protocols: How decentralization evolves •Mainstream decentralization emerges in response to the law when a certain use of centralized technology is denied •Decentralization is best used sparingly, obfuscating the technology which cannot possibly exist as a centralized system •If you want to know if something should be decentralized, look for informal decentralization which reveals demand for a formal system •Decentralization is part of a bigger playbook of legal tactics used to keep technologies alive despite the best efforts of a hostile government •Decentralization doesn’t work in a vacuum, mainstream decentralized systems require a degree of activism to keep the system working {…} Link-only mp3 websites of the late 90s don’t fit the image we have today when we think of decentralized technologies: it was hyperlinks and direct downloads. Still, the shift from central hosts to link-only websites tells the full story of decentralization. When the law points to a piece of centralized software and demands modifications that users don’t want, technologists split that software into parts and obscures the objectionable features the legal system understands.Comment: > But it’s a hen-egg dilemma in the sense that there is very little capital in the cryptocosm stored in what amounts to a spend-oriented checking account. Everyone is in crypto for the FOMO. And thus there is very little incentive to produce Dapps that would involve crypto payments. {…} > I just provided an example of where decentralization (i.e. Dapps on a blockchain) is necessary not just because of government oppression (as in the examples in the blog cited below) but because of walled garden oppression by corporations in their normal competitive mode. Humanity is in for a world of hurt from Klaus Schwab’s cyberattacks, dystopian central bank digital currencies, and a corporate-fascist devolution cascade if someone doesn’t resolve said hen-egg stumbling block pronto! The currency of the future is personal data (archived) Both businesses and governments are beginning to tap the power of shared distributed ledgers to eliminate the difficulty, complexity, and cost of sharing the data sets that power their businesses (and eventually, their AI). Distributed ledgers are similar to blockchains, but users have known identities, and there is an expectation of compliance with laws and regulations. These applications could be made to run atop a decentralized system of personally owned data, but most enterprise blockchain pilots today focus on protecting current profit models and reducing operational expenses, not returning power to consumers. {…} This decade will be remembered for the rise of surveillance capitalism—yet as bad as it has become, the next decade will probably be worse. Machine learning is beginning to tie together our behavior with the ability to predict not just what we’ll buy, but for whom we’ll vote and even what we might someday invent. {…} {Non-fungible cryptocurrency that lacks anonymity on} Blockchain technology—cryptocurrencies’ underlying infrastructure—makes it possible to think of our data as a scarce digital asset that can be owned, rented, and sold in new ways. As our money becomes data, our data is becoming money. A history of the next 10 years in banking (archived) Through an unlikely series of cosmic events, Quartz has obtained a Future of Finance Friday dispatch from the, well, future: The story was written by a bot named Garth and datelined New York, Sept. 15, 2028: Remember Lehman Brothers? Almost exactly 20 years after the storied investment bank collapsed, nearly dragging down the global financial system with it, Wall Street executives are calling the latest panic another “Lehman moment”: the coordinated cyber attack on three of the biggest US banks. Mozilla pushes PayPal to make Venmo transactions private by default As Mozilla explains, “millions of Venmo users’ spending habits are available for anyone to see. That’s because Venmo transactions are currently public by default — unless users manually update their settings, anyone, anywhere can see whom they’re sending money to, and why.” {…} Do Thi Duc analyzed more than 200 million public Venmo transactions made in 2017 by accessing the data through a public API. This allowed her to see the names, dates and transactions of Venmo users. She found that a lot could actually be gleaned from this data, including users’ drug habits in some cases, as well as their relationships, junk food habits, location, daily routines, personal finances, rent payments and more. In other words, while the individual transaction itself may seem harmless, in aggregate these transactions can be very revealing about the person in question.Comment: > Elon has according to the court records of his tweets (at least for the near-term, unless they plan some radical departure from Twitter’s IT design) abandoned social media ON A BLOCKCHAIN (because stated that it’s technologically incompatible, yet I disagree) {…} > As I wrote previously nobody has scaled this yet on a blockchain so Twitter couldn’t do this from day 1. But I do think the technology can be developed but it would be more reasonable to start from a small userbase and grow it organically and refine the technology as it scales up over time. Thus it is not the right match for Twitter in 2023 {…} > Nevertheless I believe global scale updates could propagate via p2p gossip network with clever design and engineering. Twitter’s design bottleneck is ostensibly top-down coordination of data consistency. Instead compress the hit-vector, globally propagating only 32-bit Bloom filters updates which means a false positive hit-rate of 1 in ~2million — a client will only request the entire update unnecessarily for only 1 out of every 2million cached items. This also decentralizes the hit computation resources to the clients! > > Yet that still requires propagating a compressed 32-bit data item to every user for every user action. Which does not scale analogous to BitMessage which doesn’t scale because every message is propagated to every user. Instead need to propagate updates to coordinating nodes which manage the update lists for groups of users. This hierarchy could still be highly decentralized and permissionless. Ephemeral trust but misbehaving coordinating nodes could be outed probabilistically and users would switch. > > Thus I hope you can understand why I say to scale Twitter or any large social network decentralized on a blockchain requires some clever engineering and design which apparently nobody has done yet. Minimum viable decentralization (archived) If we’re building a decentralized application, how much should we actually decentralize? Decentralization has an important relationship with the law. Historically, the winning strategy has been to decentralize the legally sensitive parts and then otherwise build a normal application. When it comes to decentralization, a lot of well respected people have very different goals. I think a lot more people are unclear what their own goal actually is. •Are we starting from scratch and building the new internet? •If we’re building a dApp, is it ok for it to be browser based and depend on DNS? You’ll get a lot of strongly worded answers to these questions, but many people will talk theoretically about censorship resistance and security without acknowledging that these goals are often fundamental tradeoffs against usability. We need to think about decentralization in the context of how differences in complexity, latency, and user education shape user adoption. This isn’t just a theory, this approach accurately models which decentralized protocols and applications of cryptography actually saw mainstream adoption in the past. As I covered in my post “Resistant protocols: how decentralization evolves”, the history of file sharing shows a pattern of people moving en masse to new music platforms based on two criteria: Minimum viable decentralization — Is the technology clever enough that Holywood can’t just kill it immediately? User experience — Like any software, users flock to the product that gives them what they want {…} Freenet: Anarchy? The creator of Freenet said it is designed to be totally anonymous and unstoppable, a platform for anarchy: {…}Comment: Freenet is an ambitious project, trying to provide better anonymity than Tor and a more distributed file storage system than IPFS. Freenet never took off during the file sharing revolution. The main users today seem to be privacy and decentralization enthusiasts. The combination of strong anonymity and distributed file storage mean it can be pretty slow, sometimes taking over a minute to respond to a request. The project started in 1999 and is still in development now almost 20 years later. While the goals of the project are respectable, it also makes the fundamental tradeoff between privacy, decentralization, and usability pretty clear. {…} If the public was scared of the RIAA’s campaign to fine the average Joe thousands of dollars per song, why didn’t people dive deeper down the decentralization and privacy rabbit hole? While people were intimidated by the lawsuits, maybe deep down people realized that the actual number of people being sued was so small that the probability of being sued was tiny. It’s possible a meaningful amount of people tried out I2P forks of popular file sharing applications and weren’t happy with the speeds. {…} After a change in US law though, Reddit shutdown all of the darknet market subreddits along with other communities to do with prostitution, theft, and legally selling guns. These communities didn’t die, they just followed the law of minimum viable decentralization and moved to an identical reddit clone hosted as a Tor hidden service called Dread Interesting to note the naming. Reddit = read it, Dread = decentralized read (it). “Keep it simple, stupid” is a crucial design principle for any product. For the decentralized world, one form of this is “keep it centralized, stupid.” Obviously something has to be decentralized, but choose wisely. Freenet, iMule, darknet markets, and Dread provide good examples. Anonymity only really matters to users who are seriously at risk of being identified and realize that anonymity is crucial. Operators of hidden services get this and that is why Dread and almost all darknet markets are on Tor. A few use I2P, but for the most part the difference in anonymity isn’t worth the drop in users. On darknet markets, a lot of vendors understand that using PGP is important because they spend a lot of time worried about being raided and sent to jail. End users don’t understand this as much, so PGP usage varies for casual buyers. People using file sharing services to pirate music and movies probably aren’t actually concerned about being sued by the RIAA or MPAA, so providing anonymity will just seem slow and it might be better to just recommend a VPN. {…} It is definitely possible that in 10 to 15 years we’ll have mastered decentralized technology such that usability and user education don’t introduce incredible amounts of friction. Looking at the last 20 years though, it seems like every little bit of decentralization needs to be carefully administered because the side effects are strong and can easily produce an unusable experience. If you’re trying to build a decentralized product and attract users in the next few years, figure out what your minimum viable decentralization is so that you have a hope of building a minimum viable product. My point is we need to start perfecting the decentralization now so it will be ready with minimum friction for users when they are going to eventually need it. If a centralized service like Reddit is popular for something that seems like it should be decentralized or anonymized, you’ll have a hard time attracting users until the law forces them to find a new home. When users are searching for a new home, every little bit of confusion makes a big difference and if you can limit the friction to just installing Tor and dealing with a bit of latency then you’re in a good place.Comment: Sometimes conscientiousness is counter-productive: Facebook won because its culture was voyeuristic Zuckerberg’s indifference to user privacy became core to Facebook’s early culture and helped them build a more engaging products Behavioral psychology is insightful. “People just love to look at pictures,” says Piskorski. “That’s the killer app of all online social networks. Seventy percent of all actions are related to viewing pictures or viewing other people’s profiles.” … The biggest usage categories are men looking at women they don’t know, followed by men looking at women they do know. Women look at other women they know. Overall, women receive two-thirds of all page views.Comment: > > “How will those myriad of messaging apps differentiate themselves? Features? Whereas a GROUP-EFFECT subsumes, is unifying and individual choice of any features.” > > Users switch social networking apps for newer features. But when those newer features can be offered as customization addons to the unifying blockchain based substrate then users switch without leaving the token behind. Thus the tokenomics group-effect and decentralization (the data is open, not in a walled garden) subsume the separate centralized apps we have now and force them to become Dapp customizations. {…} > As I covered in my post “Resistant protocols: how decentralization evolves”, the history of file sharing shows a pattern of people moving en masse to new music platforms based on two criteria: Blockchain Platform Plays Software platforms are great businesses. The more dominant your platform becomes, the greater the virtuous cycle. If everyone is building on iOS and Android but not Windows Mobile, that is a massive leg up for Apple and Google and a very difficult hurdle for Microsoft. If blockchain technology ends up being a cornerstone of the future internet, what are the platform sized opportunities waiting to be capitalized on? Here are the predictions I’ll explore in this post {…} •An explosion in standards and concerns about trust might drive people to dApp marketplaces •Decentralized protocols are new foundations for building products. This new foundation will open up the opportunity to make an AWS for the blockchain {…} There are crucial platforms that lots of consumers interact with on a regular basis: •Operating systems •Web browsers •Mobile app stores •Gaming devices (Xbox, Playstation) {…} Platforms have a virtuous cycle that reenforces market dominance People skip building for Windows phone because iOS and Android cover most of the market. {…} In Bitcoin, value captures you There are a lot of incentives to flock to blockchain technology. I think one reason is that people correctly identify that the blockchain is obviously going to be a platform if it is successful. Getting in early on a new platform can be valuable. Even if you don’t build the platform yourself, you are still part of the new frontier and if you build expertise you’ll see opportunities early. It is hard to build different platforms on top of Bitcoin. Since it isn’t turing complete, it can really only do a few tricks.Comment: I have nailed down the name of the blockchain and its separate anonymity, stablecoin token name. These are not any of the names we discussed previously. The proposed token name is 4 characters, one syllable and it’s not CRED. The blockchain name is 5 characters, two syllables and it’s related to DeFi. I am strongly considering not being anonymous for the blockchain project. Instead only for example the anonymity technologies that have caused Tornado.cash developers to be arrested would not be coded under my name. However, I want to avoid the project being classified as a security by the SEC so I don’t want to become as strong of a personality as for example Vitalik. Also don’t want to whirl away my scarce time on speaking and interview tours. Also I don’t consider myself to an exceptional speaker. It would be really great if there were others that are capable of speaking well and inspiring audiences. For them to grab the baton and expect to receive token bounties / grants for the capable who grab the initiative without waiting for me to manage, guide and spoon feed them. Still trying to find a good name for the social network. I think maybe I just found that name after listening to the Elon Musk interview video I just posted. Pay attention to what Elon said about the most important achievement ever for mankind. Skip to ~25+ minutes into the video. Then you will understand why Elon loves DOGE so much.Comment: > Then you will understand why Elon loves DOGE so much. An X can be an anonymous signature, a kiss (as in xoxo, thus xxx is all the way to sex), crossing something out (exed), checking something off and a blank(ed) slate (i.e. tabula rasa). {…} This could lead the way to some potential integration with Musk’s x.com domain plans. Perhaps eventually we partner with him. I see he’s experiencing significant centralization hurdles already, as Twitter has been down (for me at least) most of the past 24+ hours. ======= noun: tabula rasa; plural noun: tabulae rasae an absence of preconceived ideas or predetermined goals; a clean slate. "the team did not have complete freedom and a tabula rasa from which to work" the human mind, especially at birth, viewed as having no innate ideas. Origin Latin, literally ‘scraped tablet’, denoting a tablet with the writing erased.Comment: Should the social networking name be…? {…} It’s not descriptive of (thus not pigeonholed to) a particular APPLICATION feature: - Facebook: user profiles - Twitter: “short inconsequential bursts of information” - Reddit: “read it” discussion - Whatsapp: “wazzup” - Instagram / Pinterest: share photos - Telegram / Discord / LINE / Viber(ate) / IMO (instant msg online): messaging - Tumblr: tumble through jumbled (microblogging) bits of information, aka tumbleblog - LinkedIn: professionals career-oriented networking - Quora: q&a consensus (quorum), “Questions or Answers.” Rather it’s descriptive of the key GROUP-EFFECT tokenomics “feature” coupled with that social networking should lift humanity. How will those myriad of messaging apps differentiate themselves? Features? Whereas a GROUP-EFFECT subsumes, is unifying and individual choice of any features. {…} The point is that the USP for the site needs to be uplifting and compelling. It’s difficult to sell negative concepts of anti-establish, freedom, anarchy, etc. with a name such as {…} The {…} idea is a bit more colorful but still attempting a positive spin on a pessimistic and cynical view — pessimism and cynicism are turn-offs. Fear porn is dopamine, cortisol saturation and burnout. Rather we should note that social networking influencers are on social media to earn money. Users would love the idea of being rewarded (by Fat Protocol HODLing) for their contribution of activity on the site that drives value, adoption and tokenomics. The {…} idea lacks an inspiring USP (unique selling point). Also it’s similar to others that preceded such as Yours and Urbit? The blockchain enabled decentralization is implied but probably can’t be sold too explicitly as the social networking USP if we want to scale this out to the majority of humans, e.g. (e)Steem was a positivity message unfortunately that tried to onboard with the envy of $1000s earned per blog which I had explained wasn’t sustainable. Instead we need to win over users with features they can’t get elsewhere and a long-term and/or cycles of FOMO view towards tokenomics. Influencers drive it and thus if they are vested then they will bring their flock. Influencers are on the lookout for supplemental income. We don’t want a name that is so crypto-centric that it confuses or alienates those who are not (yet) crypto enthusiasts, e.g. {…} (although that name could work for a more niche or focused audience of those who want crypto banking for example). Yet we don’t want to entirely lose the connection to tokenomics since inherently blockchain is the underlying killer feature (which manifests in innumerable ways for the users which can’t be enumerated in a name). Yet moonshot is uplifting for humanity in general. Note the etymology for exodus, excel and excel all incorporate root terms that relate to rising up higher (e.g. hillside) when coming out (i.e. the ex-).Comment: > We do not evaluate names based on how people fumble with the name the first few times they encounter it. Our evaluation is supposed to be about the long-term fit of the name. > > Branding is about repetition. To be brandable the name must standout, be unique and be apropos and fitting to the concept of the site. The fact that people need to learn what the name means is not a factor. More important is whether the meaning is natural fit, such that they can easily remember it. Reminder.Comment: > Bitcoin $billionaire (~0.5 million BTC) Mircea had concluded in Closure that the idea for such a Serene Republic failed and would not work because there was nothing accomplished by (i.e. no uptake of) his efforts, which he then blamed on there not being any men who exist on the planet anymore due to our squalid environment. > > Mircea believed that freedom is only obtained via the monopoly of the sovereign. I presume he was thinking that Bitcoin whales would have more resources at their disposal than governments, when he rejected the need for any anonymity. That is a winner-take-all paradigm, which he implicitly acknowledged. > > How is that Mircea failed to understand that wealth itself is self-defeating because of entropy. Large wealth must always dissolve, such as due to the mechanism that saplings grow fast to oak trees, but oak trees don’t grow to the moon, instead become stagnant and eventually rot and decay. Thus great wealth will always try to parasite on upcoming wealth and actual productivity, thus strangling itself and the entire society — Bitcoin is that Luciferian attempt on steroids! > > How the fuck did Mircea expect the actual productive people to get excited about Bitcoin when it is a 666 panopticon system? Mircea thus effectively believed that productivity needs to be enslaved, yet then wonders why no actual productivity was interested in his enslavement system. > > Fuck all. End of anonymous cash? Yeah I am all for that! Sign me up Mircea for 666 central bank digital currencies. Let’s strangle all the productivity and provide no portal from which any productivity can escape by concluding that the anonymity of cash was never important. 🤦🏻 > > His argument is inane to employ the example of the parochial rural where everyone knows everyone as the reason why anonymity is not a necessary counter-balance to the economies-of-scale in global political-financial enslavement. > > Most humans understand that the earthly life is fleeting and that amassing great wealth is pointless unless you want to control others. Thus most people are only interested in being sovereign in the small — Mircea can’t control where ever leaf falls to the ground nor where I will piss and fornicate, although the powers-that-be are working on a panopticon for that. The loss of informational access to the individual’s every action is necessary for humanity to even have the degrees-of-freedom (i.e. potential energy) to generate any productivity and wealth. Mircea’s retarded (or myopic) conceptualization (presumably that wealth is a benevolent or at least virtuous steward) actually leads to complete strangulation and poisoning of the well from which any light can emanate. Again that is because wealth accumulation itself is a winner-take-all self-immolation paradigm. Thus humanity can only exist if there are means with which to ameliorate the power of accumulated wealth, at least in the small. > > Mircea offered no viable choice and no pathway to success. Thus HE failed, and then blamed it on US. He did not gain any sovereignty nor freedom. He either joins Satan in his lust to enslave humanity by joining the cabal, or he succumbs to the cabal eventually. All roads lead to the Revelation. > > The 170 IQ Omar Bessa who I met on Quora told me privately that in his estimation Mircea only has an ~145 IQ. So much for that “polymath genius” BS. {…} > More specifically the reason that the NWO will be global and nobody will escape from it, is because of this f-ing device I'm typing on. > > Never before in the history of human civilization has there existed the power to beam addictive, psychological programming directly in the impressionable minds of every freakin human on the planet. > > And that's a power vacuum. And power vacuums can only be captured by the most ruthless {…} > My point is we need to start perfecting the decentralization now so it will be ready with minimum friction for users when they are going to eventually need it. We don’t have much time remaining. “The entire global monetary system is collapsing.” 2023 will be massive civil unrest, food storages. 2024 market crash probably corresponding to start of (nuclear?) war against NATO. The peak of WW3 should be 2027. By 2028 or 2029, NATO should be in ruins. Deagel.com’s former prediction for ~50 – 75% depopulation of NATO coming to fruition: Interview: There May Note Be A 2024 Election | Martin Armtrong & Greg Hunter Listen from ~44min at double-speed in the aforelinked video.Comment: NPCs only pay attention to the convenience of centralized digital payments and not to the dystopian ramifications. Shocking study discovers that many people have no personal inner monologue. youtu.be/CiHXwWVEO3A?t=13 (THEY FACT CHECKED ME on CBDCs!! What It Means!! | Coin Bureau)Comment: Gift Outcompetes Exchange Money and property rights are needed for cooperation but disentropic, dysfunctional and malefic when (per the power-law distribution of wealth) applied to control: Noospheric Property and the Ethology of TerritoryComment: twitter.com/elonmusk.../1008013111058526209 Elon Musk By the way, I am actually a socialist. Just not the kind that shifts resources from most productive to least productive, pretending to do good, while actually causing harm. twitter.com/RealSpik.../1589726186040532992 Spike Cohen @elonmusk This interview made it pretty clear to me where you stand. Elon Musk: Government Is 'the Biggest Corporation, With a Monopoly on Violence, Where You Have No Recourse' Musk's finally ready to admit that government subsidies distort markets and that government actors are terrible at capital allocation.Comment: Politics Globally is on a New Agenda In Thailand, for the whole 2020, there are only 61 Covid deaths. Few months after mass vaccination there is 20000 “Covid” deaths. This year, I believed that there is an explosion of COVID illnesses and deaths, just like Canada. And the authority is keeping a tight lip about it. Look like 2022 disease cycle is driven by the COVID vaxxariants. {…} All of the deaths I personally know of are ONLY from those who were vaccinated. The NY Supreme Court ordered back pay to those who were fired for refusing the vaccines stating that the vaccine neither prevented anyone from getting COVID nor spreading it. It was a total PR routine and the politicians merely got their pockets filled thanks to bribes. {…} The Brazilian military (DoD) were not allowed to access {George Soros’ ballot boxes} source code by the Supreme Court. The conclusion, the fraud is guaranteed, as the lack of transparency. I wouldn’t want to be in Lula’s shoes. Now, everybody knows. There was a huge fraud against Bolsonaro, because nobody voted in Lula. Unbelievable, the world will not recover from this, the thing is going into free fall. When the military cannot do its job, something is very rotten, they have no authority within their own country, so where does this external power or interference come from? {…} Bolsonaro had to be removed from office the same as Trump, Putin, and Jinping. I have a video clip someone took at the Davos WEF meeting in 2019 where Bolsonaro said these people are insane. The EU organized a rigged election in Italy to get rid of Silvio Berlusconi. The EU rigged the Scottish separatist vote as well. The EU rules that Catalonia has no right to separate. We do not live in a world where the right to vote is truly respected. Bolsonaro had to go for the WEF was out to remove him because he stood against their climate change agenda. There is nothing we can do about this. It will play out and blow up in everyone’s face. Tyranny of Divide-and-Conquer Politics Will Bury the Economy in a MadMax Abyss Over Next Few Years The post dealing with the mid-terms had this gem: “This is why all the Greek philosophers from Socrates to Plato were against democracy. It allowed a thin majority to become tyrannical.” {…} It has begun the division that undermines the purpose of civilization – that we all come together because we all benefit. When one group targets another, that is it. You begin the process of economic suicide. The Democrats no longer know how to run for office without promising to rob one group for the benefit of another. Republics are always the worst form of government because they can be bribed. Look at the bankers. They have blown up the world economy countless times and NEVER has a single banker ever been charged. They own the SEC and CFTC – the case is closed for they will never be held accountable – EVER!Comment: Q Anon reacted: > “All of the deaths I personally know of are ONLY from those who were vaccinated.” Or unvaxxed and murdered by the hospitals with Remdesivir which the hospitals were financially federally incentivized to administer (20% bonus for each “covid” or Medicare patient)Comment: I told you that Elon would make mistakes. youtu.be/ZjAx4I7tt_E?t=450 (Elon Musk JUST Announced Twitter BANKRUPTCY Warning | Meet Kevin) He is going to need to make sure that verified users can only use the name that matches the account name they used to pay with, and avatar photos will need to be verified or at least matched against well known personalities. He can also just disallow verified accounts using the names of personalities unless they manually verify they are that personality, or there’s byline or avatar photo clearly indicating they’re not the personality.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjAx4I7t... > “I think they should be requiring a driver’s licenses picture at the very least. They way they are going about it is pretty reckless.” @Myles Gray well it is a scaling problem. I think Elon needs to partition into two-levels of paid accounts: I am not a freemium bot and I am KYC verified. The later needs a signup fee in addition the monthly fee to cover the cost of checking identification. @Myles Gray I am not on Twitter. Can someone pass on my suggestion to Elon in a tweet that he segregate into “I am not a bot” and ”I paid extra to be ID verified.” > “KYC verification just to post on social media?No Thanks. I don't think people are considering the serious drawbacks during a time when people are getting perma banned or shadow banned left and right for nothing.” @Tyler being verified is optional. Phishing and impersonation are huge problems. If you pay with a credit card you already did KYC. www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7dmU2CC... > > @m c Elon specifically said in the Babylon Bee interview that he is not Jewish. > “@S. Moore well. HE IS. Elon is even hebrew for oak. Of course he wants to hide it. Especially now with his colleague jew SBF finally being dismantled. Musk is next. Both mega con men. They are succeors of jew madoff. All three are the biggest crooks in history.” @m c Elon mentioned he studied Hebrew. But he unequivocally made it clear that he is not Jewish. Enjoy your delusional conspiracy theories. Earlier today another guy I am trying to help was hating on Jordan Peterson also, accusing him of all sorts of nonsense. Why are you youth so jaded? Because Western civilization is f-cked. But Elon and Jordan are trying to help, as am I. So sorry we do not have time for this nonsense. We are too busy trying to actually make achievements. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.Comment: EDIT: @Myles Gray apologies for the triple reply. I was not thinking clearly last night because too sleepy. Elon can solve this problem without KYC as I alluded to in my original comment which you had replied to. Simply do not allow use of an extant name and face-matched avatar photo. Face matching A.I. algorithms are highly accurate now. No need to restrict accounts to legal name nor even prevent users from purchasing a plurality of verified accounts. After all the more verified accounts, the more financially viable Twitter will be. When Elon killed the ‘official’ tag I presume he realized this and presume they are now implementing it.Comment: Also note that Shark patter projects from $5.8k down to as low as below zero. So it seems that will be the posited ANYONECANSPEND attack. The legacy Bitcoin will drop to $5.8k but the impostor Bitcoin Core will death spiral. Ah it all fits together now. The chart was telling us everything.Comment: @shelby3’s answer to What is the best consensus method alternative to proof of work? - Quora @shelby3’s answer to Is Bitcoin a decentralized or distributed network? - QuoraComment: This is why the 2024 elections will be canceled. youtu.be/5fhkvbocrmk (Mark Levin on midterm elections: What about the red wave? | Fox News) It’s time for Trump to retire, as he is just albatross around the neck of Republicans: youtu.be/Id7cNqwqt1I?t=401Comment: This is why the 2024 elections could be canceled, because Senate will flip Republican for sure due to simple fact that many more Demonrat seats are up for reelection. Unless RINO Mitch McConnell can continue to steal seats to the Demonrats when he can’t field a RINO candidate. youtu.be/5fhkvbocrmk (Mark Levin on midterm elections: What about the red wave? | Fox News) Levin says the next 2 years are going to be much worse. Armstrong agrees: Prepare for Election Promises to Crumble | Armstrong Economics It’s time for Trump to retire, as he is just albatross around the neck of Republicans: youtu.be/Id7cNqwqt1I?t=401 (detailed reasoning, but essentially the U.S. electorate hates extremism on both sides, but especially conservative extremism) > Lake made some critical errors during her campaign: election-denying is a non-starter, especially when that focus took away from what she would have done for Arizona. Secondly, proclaiming that an “invasion” would be declared would put Arizona in an undesirable legal position. Many of my fellow Republicans simply did not vote for her for these reasons. Oh, and by the way, we didn’t vote for her opponent either. DeSantis clones would make the best Republican candidates, not Trump endorsed ones: The Youth Votes Blue | Armstrong EconomicsComment: Massive voting fraud again in Arizona. I bet the Senate race in Nevada was also stolen for the Demonrats. The U.S. is toast. Watch it go up in flames. Kari Lake slams Dem opponent for not recusing herself as election chief despite run: 'Major ethical problem' Comments from readers indicate that civil strife is becoming more and more likely as people realize the entire system is corrupt. Remember democracy (and accepting that the results were honest will of the people) is the alternative to shooting each other: > sadly this isn't surprising; it extends far beyond AZ gov's race. our Marxist socialist transition as a nation is now underway. and I don’t believe there will be another free and fair election in this country. those days are gone; i think this was our last chance. elections have consequences and that’s what i think fallout for this one is. > When I went to the polling place on election day what I saw was pure chaos. They took us aside and said the tabulators were not working. One was only working at 75% (what does that even mean). They gave me the option of voting there or going to another polling place. I took the 2nd option. People were very angry and shouting. One was shouting advice to voters. Much like Ray Epps at capitol protest (who BTW lives very close to here). It was hard to tell who was in charge. Many were convinced that Dems sabotaged election day. How many people decided not to vote as a result of this fiasco. Election integrity is dead in Arizona. Ballot trafficking by mail needs to end. Voting delays need to end. Polling places need to get it right the first time. I do not trust elections anymore especially when one of the candidates refused to recuse herself of an election she is in. Schumer predicts the Senate results with pinpoint accuracy. Was it a prediction or a directive to election engineers? I have no trust in this system. > Do you know how easy it is for someone to say they are bipartisan although they have hidden agenda > Dems wouldn’t win without fake votes that’s why they live for mail in ballots, No ID, unrequested ballot mailouts, and long vote counts. Without the “ballot stuffing” by any other name Dems would be beaten severely, not winning by larger margins as you suggest. > Certainly enough evidence abounds to be looked at and considered but deaf Dems insist it’s not possible. When people concluded that the world was round the Democrats should have called them “Flat-world deniers” yep label that with the conspiracy theories. Stay in Alaska please your brains frozen! > > Wars are started over less than what the Democrats are doing to America and Constitution. > > Then step up and get yourself Babbitted. Have you no spine? > if we do not get a hand count, forensic audit (ID, signature) for every state after all these shenanigan's, we have already LOST the America we grew up in. > Does anybody other than me find it odd that the states and/or voting district that take DAYS or WEEKS to tabulate their ballots ALWAYS end up with the Democrat candidate coming out on top?? > That's part of the Democrat's new voting process. It goes hand-in-hand with ballot drop boxes, mail-in/absentee balloting, and ballot harvesting. > Say most election experts, too. But you don't want to hear that. Please explain to me how, with Democrats in control of everything and 75% of Americans saying that the country is moving in the wrong direction, the Democrats still win. Not possible if common sense is used. Also, why are the Democrats always against laws that make voting more secure? > Just listen to both candidates talk for 5 mins and tell me Lake loses a fair election. > For some reason, they can't even tally the number of ballots they have received until after the election counting ends > The Votes were already counted and a strategy of slow release is taking place. The Ballot drops first need to be manufactured then split into the batches looking normal. > She had such a good night that she won 1,100 votes in a community with a population under 700.Comment: Sam Bankman-Fried was apparently a money laundering operation for the Biden administration: youtu.be/sqXrosaGC_o?t=757 (FTX CRYPTO DISASTER DEEPER THAN WE THOUGHT!!!!! )Comment: OMG!! 😱 Can be coherently consumed at double-speed playback. Skip to 5mins. By 20 – 25minutes in you will shocked. Covers details of the Deep State, including names and scandals. youtu.be/w-d3jFIGxdQ?t=285 (How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 162) Whitney Webb doesn’t trust Elon Musk’s roles, e.g. WeChat everything app could be the China model in the West and she has an unfavorable view of his Neuralink. Is Elon wittingly complicit, playing 3D chess with the global elite so he can accomplish his “noble goals,” or are the elite pulling the strings for Musk without him knowing he’s serving their goal?Comment: The helpful demeanor of police in the former U.S.. humansinstructions.q...-by-a-police-officerComment: www.tradingview.com/...2023-Year-From-Hell/ @shelby3, I understand... i did the same during the pandemic to expose a few pharma industries that removed important meds from the market, just because they were effective against SARS-COV-2 (why? because they are big vaccines manufacturers). YET, your claims are HUGE... it seems there is a master plan for BTC since the beginning, and that would be the redistribution of money??? Those (we) who are greed will pay our greediness proportionally?? (well, it's been happening already with all those hacks and bankruptcies in the cripto sector) @marcolopes, I would also suggest scrolling to the bottom of the updates on my other published idea "Official" (impostor) Bitcoin Core to Drop to $0 in 2023? and perusing the recent updates in reverse chronological order. Westerners thought that mafias and organized crime had been eradicated. Actually our nations, entire global financial system, Internet, medical system, professional sports leagues and pretty much everything are still being run by organized crime. I wouldn’t want to blame our own greed solely, as our collective and individual apathy and ignorance is also to blame. Note by storing your Bitcoin in legacy addresses that begin with a 1 (and not 3 nor bc1) then they can not be taken during the posited ANYONECANSPEND restoration event (aka misnomered “attack”).Comment: articles.mercola.com...te-collectivism.aspx media.mercola.com/Im...collectivism-pdf.pdf rumble.com/v1ug75u-w...te-collectivism.htmlComment: We are fucked: youtu.be/D5X0tAecfF4 (How Marxism is Disguised as Woke Morality | Dr. Yoram Hazony)Comment: 7:45 The FTX debacle was a scam to steal money from conservatives to help elect Demonrats 😱🤬: youtu.be/bY65AnZuX_A?t=503 (The FTX Crypto Scandal Just Got Much WEIRDER…)Comment: www.academia.ed...s_and_Fragility?email_work... I sent a private message to Nicholas Taleb about this paper as follows… Your Bitcoin thesis is sensible in the present but not appropriately forward looking. Globalism will bifurcate with the incoming WW3, as well the strong dollar will scorch the earth this decade, and nobody will trust any nation-state’s fiat as the global reserve currency. Observe the 1989 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix rise from the ashes of the broken monetary system as predicted. Mark my word. ===== I should add in case you didn’t tune into the implication, that legacy protocol Bitcoin was never designed to be a payment system for the plebs. It will be a low transaction rate (7 transactions per second) global reserve asset in a NWO where the rest of us are enslaved in central bank digital currencies in a two-tier monetary system. John Nash explained it in his Ideal Money paper which you will find on Jstor. More here: www.quora.com/What-i...wer/Shelby-Moore-III I was formerly an admirer of yours. I was sadden to see you fall for the cerveza sickness hoax. Clearly a pandemic of billions of flu tests and nothing else. I hope you are in bed with Bill Gates, Soros, WEF and all that idiocracy.Comment: www.armstrongeconomi...ukraine-force-peace/ > “it turns out that FTX was funding the anti-Ivermectin studies that were fake all to exaggerate COVID and destroy our economy.”Comment: youtu.be/f-yWGR0UOLw (Clinton-linked dark money group targeted Twitter advertisers amid Musk takeover | Fox Business)Comment: This is why you do not want to be in China when WW3 begins. Explains why Xi has been using the COVID hoax as a pretext to prepare the population for mass suffering and restrictions. There will be no fossil fuels for the population, as all will be needed for the military, Also explains why China was so intent on electrifying their economy and building nuclear power plants: youtu.be/oB9I9GoOvAA?t=688 (China's World War 3 Plan)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=l74_s2cM... > > It’s very interesting what is going on in Chile. If you watch all the way to the end, it becomes apparent to me at least that Chile is trying to find a reasonable balance between government and a center left coalition, rejecting radical leftist precepts. The problem is how to distribute the balance-of-power through a representative government. There is no way to please everyone. And the government is never trusted anyway. > > > > What is so interesting to me is that they are ripe for a direct democracy on a block chain. It will be interesting to observe what transpires. South America is dynamic and on the move, unlike SE Asia which is still stuck in their cultural respect for authority. I prefer to be in a dynamic situation no matter the outcome. I felt so intellectually dead in the Philippines. > > The problem is if you go full leftist retard then you will have nothing but economic disaster. Leftists are good at pointing fingers but horrific at crafting actual solutions. Leftists only know how to topple the apple cart, because they operate only on ideology not economic reality. > > What do you mean by a blockchain direct democracy? @Rosbel where law is made with proposals (propositions) on the blockchain and every citizen has an account so they can vote. No cheating. No representatives making law or policy without 67% consent of the public. No more the slim majority enslaving the major minority. This divide-and-conquer crap where the elite fool us over issues has to end. You can not have a civilization where 51% can enslave the 49%. That is civil war and what is exactly is happening right now in my country the U.S.A. (EE.UU). Civilization needs to adopt technology and common sense pronto. I can assist.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfE7UFDc... > > HEX is a scam because those who staked for 15 years, meaning they can’t even cash out with a 50% penalty for 7.5 years, will likely never get any of their original investment back out of HEX. And HEX was intentionally designed to take advantage of the forgetfulness of humans in that they lose all their investment if they are busy and don’t unstake in a very small two week time window after expiration (and not before expiration because they incurs a 50 – 100% penalty). HEX is also a scam because the origin address received “sacrificed” crypto tokens exchanged for HEX thus obviously an ICO that violates the Howey test for U.S. Securities laws and which probably enabled the insiders to buy HEX from themselves, thus entirely centralizing the token supply and pump-a-mentally creating an illusion of a high market cap and illusion of popular adoption. > > Here is the follow-up… Which means all penalties are awarded to the insiders. HEX is also a scam because it is promoted as (by implication) equating FDIC insured Certificate of Deposits with an uninsured technology (proof-of-stake) which is going to crash and burn because every proof-of-stake system is entirely centralized and governments can and will be able to crack down on them. Every ICO (including Ethereum) has been insiders buying the ICO from themselves centralizing the token supply. Why do you think Ethereum had sky high gas fees when the oligarchy of mining can compute the smart contracts only once instead of duplicating the computation for the illusion of decentralized miners? Obviously for the oligarchy in control to centralize the token supply. And the power-law distribution of fungible resources in an inviolable invariant in our Universe. Notwithstanding Richard’s condescending, juvenile memes to impress other naive juveniles, who but those inebriated on Richard’s Koolaid are making a fool out of themselves? > “@S. Moore I made more money than you dream of with this scam. lol now imagine for a second, if BTC original owners were FORCED to keep their coins for 8 years without touching them. would have been horrible for them, wouldnt it? so shush and just stake for a year if youre a sissy. also FYI not even 10% of the tokens are staked... this is accessible to anyone who has eyeballs. meaning anyone can stake lets say 30% of their bag and keep 70% fluid. so just shush man, there is so much you dont know its embarrassing. keep holding FTX and ADA-” @Pulsin'Hexican that is presumptuous of you to assume I don’t know. But what you might not know if that Richard and his insiders were selling the ICO to themselves. Thus your claim of only 10% being staked is BS from the standpoint of the percent of tokens actually held by any fool who is not on the inside. The sheepeople are going to get reamed. It is always that, just FTX in a different flavor and timeline. Don’t attempt to talk down to me, as I have been in this cryptocosm since 2013. I know much more than you realize I know. Stay tuned, you will be hearing my name in the future.Comment: To all those who have bleeding hearts for indigenous peoples: en.wikipedia.org/wik..._Valdivia_earthquakeComment: The sordid truth about the history of Ukraine, the 1991 Budapest Agreement and nuclear disarmament: www.armstrongeconomi...r/ukraine-fake-news/Comment: shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {11/28/22 5:40 AM} My model remains that the master elite (those further behind the curtain than the lackeys Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Soros, etc) are putting those lackeys in a compromised position where they must attempt this dystopian madness (e.g. vaccine passport for travel) to fend for their existence against the implosion of their world order. All for the purposes of leading to citizen revolt, rejection of the nation-state as sovereign and a resultant NWO. It will be an arduous path forward though for those who are submissive to being collateral damage. media.mercola.com/Im...y-laundering-pdf.pdf archive.ph/https://a...oney-laundering.aspx shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {11/28/22 10:29 AM} www.armstrongeconomi...nternational-travel/ (Armstrong thinks the West will merely self-immolate and vaccine passports are to prevent Westerners from fleeing or congregating to overthrow the Bolsheviks)Comment: { Album } These 'innocent' and 'harmless' looking females who are destroying the f-ing world. youtu.be/tjxt-1EtDI8 (Hilarious Image Shows Women FLEE Twitter After Elon Demanded Hard Work) "They weren't employees anyhow ... They were .. activists , with a clear cut agenda ." At 2:30pm, the female vlogger co-host states, "you can't leave these chicks to their own devices clearly. I bet they felt aggrieved." Spot on correct. Females can't not screw themselves up if given a rope long enough to hang themselves with, because their perspective on the world is entirely unlinked from performance-based outcomes. All my disasters in life have been driven by involvement with females. Get them as far away from you as possible, unless you can control how they impact your life. Even now {my Filipina gf} is messing up my attempts to fast all day by eating continuously in front of me. Self-discipline is the antithesis of the meaning of life from a typical female perspective. (She & I will try to find some methodology to balance it)Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIhKaFJO... (How Marrying A Filipina Changed Me For The Better) This video is cliche and misses the point thus of course it is very popular with 5.9k upvotes. The most important thing in life isn't not complaining about the small things that don't really matter for our "happiness" but rather not complaining or even being cognizant of why for example paying taxes (which you incorrectly claim is being a good person) is a scam and how THE MAN is about to enslave all you simpleton sheep because you are oblivious a.f.. C.f. 2:50 in George Carlin's American Dream: youtu.be/kJ4SSvVbhLw?t=176 It's not enough to think of yourself as a good person because you only need a simple life, if in the process you are so ignorant that you contribute to the enslavement of humanity by not caring about the big red, white and blue d*ck being rammed up our arses. This video is cliche, unenlightened trash for simpleton idyuks. See this is what we are dealing with. A world full of idiot sheep who have no f-ing clue that they are the precipice of falling into enslavement. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIhKaFJO... > @S. Moore Good lord. What on Earth is wrong with you? @HorizonMelt what is wrong with you? Are you that oblivious to not comprehend the gravity of what I am writing about? As expected. See this is what we are dealing with. A world full of idyuk sheep who have no f-ing clue that they are the precipice of falling into enslavement. It's good these people have left America bcz they don't understand what it is to be an American. They have completely forgotten that the most important thing our forefathers fought for was freedom, not just to be satiated. My forefather was Isaac Shelby a key general in the Revolutionary War. You people are misfits who ostensibly don't deserve your birthright thus do not even realize you are registered as vassals of the foreign corporation by your birth certificates.Comment: From about 9 minutes it becomes very obvious why the governments and medical terrorists did not want any COVID deaths to be autopsied professionally and with full transparency. Look at what is happening to the veins of those who took the vaccines. These people who vaccinated are fucked. www.armstrongeconomi...ccine/died-suddenly/Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4I4ZtE2... > "Trust me, I've been around this a long time Richard Heart is a con artist. He's very good at it and very smart and convincing but he's a con artist through and through" @Paul what the difference between con artist and marketer or politician? Isn't everything in life a scam more or less? I agree with you to a certain extent, but where is the high moral ground anyway? www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4I4ZtE2... > @S. Moore No it's not the same and if you believe it is justified on those grounds then you may have the mind of a con artist. Would you consider the Indian guys calling your grandmother and telling her they need her credit card number for an amazon delivery "marketers"? There is a huge difference. A marketer will sell you on a product or service that is actually delivered. If it turns out you didn't need it or would have preferred a different brand that doesn't mean you were conned. A con artist will sell you the product and never deliver it or take your credit card number and rob you. A con artist will sell you magic beans and give you 2 grains of rice. A con artist will sell you a ponzi scheme where thousands of people (likely including you) will eventually lose all your money, pension etc. A con artist will short bitcoin then tell his followers it's going to zero so he can profit on his trade and pump and dump some useless shitcoin on them that he controls and knows has no future and walk off with their money. Hope you're getting the point. If you market a legitimate product or service on behalf of a business it's marketing. If you are marketing an outright con for your own benefit you are a scammer. Richard is knowingly stealing peoples money with a ponzi scheme. There is no value in what he sells and he is well aware. It's a step away from robbing your bank account directly. All those lambos and parties are on honest peoples dime, some of them he will have put in the poor house and possibly even convinced to "invest" (give him) their very pensions. The man's a scum bag. If you're around this space long enough you've seen him flip flop all the time and he is popular enough to do actual harm to the market. I have no doubt he's narcissistic and disfunctional enough to get off on doing it to feel "powerful". He's loke some kind a grown up nerd trying to compensate lol. @Paul lol have you not read my comments all around under this video. I am the one screaming that Richard is a scammer. I even confronted him and argued with him on Telegram. I am just trying to tell you that almost everything is a scam. The cerveza sickness was a scam of a billion flu tests. Token ICOs are scams (the issuers buy it from themselves over and over again recycling the same funds). Stock markets and IPOs are scams. Everything is scam including government which is the largest scam on earth. Marketers fool people into buying things they do not need, or paying more for something than they needed to. Society is based in the greater fool phenomenon for without it we would probably all just murder each other.Comment: Of course the "fact checkers" are comforting the sheep with bald-faced lies. healthfeedback.org/c...s-covid-19-vaccines/ news.yahoo.com/died-...false-154403218.html We know for a fact that they are lying about the data we have access to, as well as covering up data.Comment: ADDED: www.armstrongeconomi...t-manipulating-data/ > "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were court-ordered to turn over data, proving the agency knew the vaccination was not safe from the start. Based on the v-safe active monitoring app that compiled the data of over 10 million users, around 8% reported requiring medical care after their vaccination. Nearly half (48%) went to urgent care, while others were sent to the emergency room (15%), and some were hospitalized (10%). > > One in three overall reported adverse reactions. There were 10 million symptoms reported to the CDC from January to April 2021."Comment: Starvation coming to Europe? www.armstrongeconomi...utch-farming-crisis/ This is one of those unbelievable stories of who Climate Change is being taken to such an extreme, we will unleash a serious wave of deaths from both starvation and coming freezing temperatures without fuel. {...} Nobody will address how all the so-called scientists swore we were headed into an ice age during the 1970s. Then Al Gore singled handedly turned it around and said no – it’s global warming. Then to cope with bouts of cold weather, they called it Climate Change so if it was hot or cold they would NEVER be wrong. {...} Where the Great Depression was made really “great” because there was also an environmental crisis known as the Dust Bowl. Agriculture accounted for 40% of the Civil Workforce at the time. This is what drove unemployment to 25%. This time, we have politicians deliberately seeking to create a major food crisis all in the name of Climate Change. It took the Dow Jones Industrials 26 years to ever retest the 1929 high. The Great Depression upended the civil workforce. It took World War II to create employment and to reduce the world population to enable everything to restart from square one. Ironically, it took the combustion engine to replace the labor in agriculture just to prevent massive starvation. The plan to halve its nitrogen emissions by 2030 in accordance with European Union conservation rules, looks to be far more drastic. To meet that target, the government estimates that 11,200 farms will have to close, and 17,600 others will have to reduce their livestock numbers significantly. What we must understand is that just back in the 1980s, the Netherlands was deeply concerned that they would be unable to feed its 17 million people. They were on a mission to produce twice as much food using half as many resources in a country that is just a bit bigger than the state of Maryland. Netherlands policies to expand food production was accomplished and they became the world’s second largest exporter of agricultural products by value behind the United States. Therefore, this sudden attack on farming is more than just a U Turn. With Netherlands as a major food producer being among the largest exporters of agricultural and food technology, this threatens food shortages spreading as a contagion. The Netherlands produces 4 million cows, 13 million pigs and 104 million chickens annually and is Europe’s biggest meat exporter. The EU is out to upend the economy of Netherlands all for this fictional climate change theory. Netherlands also provides vegetables to much of Western Europe. They have nearly 24,000 acres — almost twice the size of Manhattan — of crops growing in greenhouses that require less fertilizer and water. Dutch farms use only a half-gallon of water to grow about a pound of tomatoes, while the global average is more than 28 gallons. What is taking place in the Northlands is a very dark omen for humanity. The most efficient nation on earth for producing food is to be destroyed all for CO2. These people will not be satisfied until the death rate rises and civil unrest explodes all as people turn hungry.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUpYe_lk... (Bad News: New MEGA DEATH CROSS Coming | Crypto Crew U.) Steve this is Shelby from email. Now you are identifying the coming "anyone can spend" attack I was warning you about. There will be massive false breakout on the volatility when the recession hits and Bitcoin Core will be destroyed. False moves are common when so close to the apex of a triangle formation. Only those hodling in legacy addresses will keep their BTC and the rest will be donated to the legacy protocol miners. Subsequently the volatility will crash very low and remain there as the legacy Bitcoin rises as the 1989 Economist Magazine's Phoenix NWO global currency to replace the dollar and yuan in a multipolar world taking shape with the intentional, premediated WW3 underway . This was all planned out decades in advance.(Btw, I am in Thailand now brother)Comment: Elon Musk is really my hero now. Listen in double-speed. Make sure to listen from 13 minutes. 🤩 youtu.be/HYBslKnIR_E (Elon Musk Explains How Tesla Started from His Perspective Elon Musk tells his story for how Tesla got started.)Comment: Amazing that Biden is going to defy the courts and forgive student loans in defiance of the courts and then leave up to the courts to enforce the loan payments! WTF! This administration has gone entirely rogue and rule-of-law is falling away in the USSA. Perhaps even more interesting is the fight that Elon Musk is taking on with Twitter. Apple Play store threatening to ban the Twitter app, advertisers pulling funds, the government looking at invoking some national security justification to shut Twitter down, etc.. Elon threatened to create his own mobile phone platform to overcome the Play store duopoly, but this won't be necessary. Sergey Brin is Elon's good friend (they party together). Sideloading is easy on Android to bypass the Google Play store. And fuck Apple. Let them remove Twitter and deal with the frustration of their own users from being shutoff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooting_(Android) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_jailbreaking I am getting very enthused and ready to ride on Elon's coat tails while assisting him. Let's go Brandon motherfucker. This is all very exciting. And to see all the female talking heads gushing over Elon is quite motivating as well. This is our time to shine. We had to bide our time the past ~3 years. Now it is time to assert ourselves. youtu.be/ccBC23R4AN8?t=547 (This is why Biden has a 'close eye' on Elon Musk | Fox Business) youtu.be/XaGZKuc0G4k (Why Big Tech will 'stop at nothing to stop Elon Musk' | Fox Business)Comment: I figured Tim Cook had no leverage. Apple is no Steve Jobs anymore. Apple may have 45% smart phone marketshare in the U.S.., but globally they only have 17% and 70% of U.S. iPhone users vote for the demonrats. Apple doesn't want the PR disaster of being called out for its hypocrisy on aiding the CCP's crackdown on iPhone users whilst illogically being against free speech whilst Elon has committed to preventing hate speech and other ideals that Apple and Tim Cook claim to stand for. www.bbc.com/news/business-63816110 (Musk says Twitter feud with Apple boss 'resolved') archive.kpcc.org/blo...roid-states-vote-re/ www.cnbc.com/2022/11...not-sustainable.html www.cnbc.com/2022/11...before-protests.html Elon is playing 3D chess: www.cnbc.com/2022/11...ith-republicans.htmlComment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccBC23R4... > > > > No offense but those Twitter files need to be released because it’s freedom of speech. A lot of people look to America for that. I’m glad Elon is doing it. I value living in the USA. > > > > > > @Lori what does twitter have to do with the first amendment? > > > > @David S. it’s a public speaking platform. Any other questions? > > @Lace it's a private company. There's no constitutional right to a Twitter account. Have you read the first amendment? It limits what Congress can do, not companies @David S. when it has been shown that government was telling social media companies what to do, then it became a First Amendment issue. You should be more informed before you try to get condescending on others. Additionally social media companies with the reach they have might be construed to be public utilities or an extension of the public communication function of governance and society. You tried to argue a technicality and fell flat on your face as you deserve for being un-American with your attitude mofo. Perhaps you would prefer to live in Communist China. Good riddance to your ilk. A reckoning is coming. And defectors like you are going to be hazed and excommunicated. You should be more circumspect. > @S. Moore I don't think Congress made any laws limiting speech, which is what the first amendment protects @David S. what part of the government was forcing social media companies to limit speech did you fail to read? Have you been sleeping under a rock. GAFC dude. And besides the Constitution has been null and void since the Lieber code martial law of Abraham Lincoln. You should read 150 IQ Anna von Reitz so you can better understand the actual history of our nation. My ancestor was Isaac Shelby who was a key general in the Revolutionary War. Your attitude is very un-American. Fact is that we have fascism now in the U.S. with BigTech funded and complicit with the CIA via In-Q-Tel, as well the FBI and others were interfering. Clearly this is a free speech issue and you want to believe otherwise then go live in some clusterf-ck like China. We do not want your un-American attitude here. This is why we need everything on an indelible blockchain. So we know who is saying what, when they want to be counted if speaking about political issues. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccBC23R4... > evertvdb000 replied: "Twitter is a private company, they have no obligation towards free speech. they can censor whenever they want. Its called capitalism." > evertvdb000 replied: "actulally, nobody cares" @evertvdb000 learn to read. Then revisit my comments for your edification dimwit. And put your real name on your profile if you want to speak as a citizen. Otherwise you might as well be a Chinabot. We won't care when we exclude you from citizenship as we re-assemble the States per the correct history of the nation as explained by Anna von Reitz. You fools will live in your own corporate vassal gestapo hell and we will not help you. Looking at the videos on your profile. Are you even an American? Certainly not a founding stock American as I am.Comment: Thanks to SunZoomSpark's excellent memory and for explaining to me what Elon Musk meant by "pining for the fjords": youtu.be/dVLB3AXBmek (I am the only person who upvoted this scam video) He pointed out it was from the following Monty Python skit. So the twitter bird 🐥 was nearly dead (just stunned, lol) from being so heartbroken 🤣: youtu.be/vnciwwsvNcc (Monty Python: The Parrot Sketch & The Lumberjack Song movie versions HQ)Comment: My vehicle is registered in South Dakota. Governor Kristi Noem is incredible. I hope she wins her battle with cancer. youtu.be/-YvBE2S7TZc (Kristi Noem gives victory speech) youtu.be/Ahv46FE4O6c (Kristi Noem bans TikTok for South Dakota state agencies <- she lambasts Biden at the end) youtu.be/RXtgT6QqYxg ('Not My First Rodeo': SD Gov. Kristi Noem Reflects on Life Lessons from the Heartland) youtu.be/x9TDW-G_ST0 (Ben Shapiro interviews Gov. Kristi Noem)Comment: Read it again but in this order for it to make more sense why Elon has the upper hand... ADD: Something to bear in mind is that the progressives get on in life by maintaining the delusion to themselves they they have the ethical high ground (even though in fact they are megadeath directed). Apple needs to maintain their snobby reality distortion field which Steve Jobs pioneered. It's basically what George Carlin summarized in his Save the Planet skit, as snobby white people with their Volvos and bicycle paths. Absolute fucking hypocrites while they endanger all the rest of us with their righteousness, holiness spiral into the abyss. I figured Tim Cook had no leverage. Apple is no Steve Jobs anymore. Apple may have 45% smart phone marketshare in the U.S.., but globally they only have 17% and 70% of U.S. iPhone users vote for the demonrats. Apple doesn't want the PR disaster of being called out for its hypocrisy on aiding the CCP's crackdown on iPhone users whilst illogically being against free speech whilst Elon has committed to preventing hate speech and other ideals that Apple and Tim Cook claim to stand for.Comment: Unfortunately Americans have an affinity towards moralistic virtue signaling. Thus they can be easily manipulated by propaganda. Kristi Noem plays the wordsmithing, virtue signaling charade with the CNN host who repeatedly tries to entrap her. youtu.be/Ylwt1y7fKho (Bash asks Gov. Kristi Noem if South Dakota would force a 10-year-old to have a baby) youtu.be/isNfpWs174I (Noem defends no exception for rape, incest in South Dakota trigger law) Unfortunately the "Christian" fanatic CHRINOs (who refuse to even follow 1 Samuel 8 or admit that Paul was mistranslated into English for Romans) contribute to a lot of this virtue signaling moralizing charade as well. I would simply say that my personal preferences would have nothing to do with the choice. If abortion is regulated by the decision of the community, then people have the option to leave the community if they don't agree with the rest of the community. If people want Constitutional protection for certain rights, then write their own Constitution and establish their own community. Self-determination is an inherent right in common law. Americans need become more erudite and resolved on civics. We have severe dearth of understanding of the history of law, the nation, civics education and concordance. What we have now is more Planet of the Apes with individuals (standing with the corruption and protection of an illegitimate since the Civil War federal government contractor run amok) running amok with their apathetic disregard for diligent oversight and concordance. Severe hari-kari civics irresponsibility is nearly ubiquitous. As well too much ignorant concordance to corrupt, invalid legal constructs due to a dearth of education about the actual history of the nation and law.Comment: I'm back on Twitter although apparently I'm somewhat shadow banned already (ostensibly no one able to find my replies): twitter.com/shelbyhmooreiii archive.ph/https://t....com/shelbyhmooreiii I hope you guys have scrolled my retweets including the following. Note towards the middle or end of the first linked video below, the horrific things happening to those who have compiled research and exposed what Google has been doing. They murdered his wife, slit the face of another women's husband, etc.. The United States has been hijacked by a mafia. It is really f-ing horrific and infuriating what is happening. twitter.com/LarryTau.../1598845088553058304 Uh, yes. As Dr. Robert Epstein told me in this interview, Google “rigs” elections. That Twitter would do the same via the suppression of free speech is not surprising. youtu.be/nPpZUMwumTQ twitter.com/elonmusk.../1598990820665065472 I’ve seen a lot of concerning tweets about the recent Brazil election. If those tweets are accurate, it’s possible that Twitter personnel gave preference to left wing candidates. twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1599131771698032640 Jim Baker who was Twitter General Consul during Twitter’s collusion with the DNC to rig the 2020 elections, was a key player at the FBI overseeing censorship during the Russia collusion hoax. youtu.be/9RsedoC_PN4Comment: I suppose it's better that I have no audience than being important enough for them to slit my face from ear-to-mouth as they are doing to others.Comment: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1599256193339650048 Back on Twitter but ostensibly all my replies are shadow banned. Suppose it’s preferable than being important enough to have my face slit from ear-to-mouth as the mafia in control of the USSA is doing to others who expose BigTech’s rigging of elections. twitter.com/LarryTau.../1598845088553058304Comment: www.armstrongeconomi...ll-collapse-by-2032/ (Interview: The Great Reset Will FAIL & EVERY Government will Collapse by 2032) Skip to 48:30 where he talks about every government will fail over the next 10 years. And he said China's govt will fail on the road to freedom. The Western govts will fail on the road to totalitarianism. 56 minutes he says they are intentionally creating WW3 as the scapegoat for the incoming monetary and financial reset. Which means they will confiscate everything and reset to start over again. Klaus Schwab says democracy is finished. People are too stupid to be entrusted to vote. There is elaboration on why the Klaus will fail. 1:02:30 Martin speculates that Bitcoin was created by Klaus Schwab et al 🤦 Now I know Martin is really clueless about the greater power pulling the strings. Go back to my recent statement of my model. 1:04:00 Great Reset will fail because it is about supression of everything. But Martin does not say is that the collateral damage could be horrific along the way. Marxism is centralization and always collapses into scorched earth. 1:22:00 U.S.A. will likely break up into multiple regions and the collapse of the nation govt. 1:30:00 Martin finds it interesting watching it all collapse. Seems he feels vindicated so he is not really focused on the severe suffering we are going to go through. 1:35:00 thinks U.S.A. will emerge as direct democracy but will no longer be one nation. Sounds a lot like a Networked State on a blockchain to me. I think Martin is clueless about blockchain and Bitcoin. Lol.Comment: So the capital controls begin: www.msn.com/en-us/ne...-of-gold/ar-AA15312O Eventually this will morph into needing PoSoFs (proof-of-source-of-funds) for everything, including Bitcoin. We need to be careful following Armstrong's prognostications because although he is ostensibly correct about almost everything, I can prove he has a huge blind spot w.r.t. to Bitcoin and the overall plan underway for the world. Armstrong has the correct model that the profligate socialist nation-states are going bust and that the overlords think they can use the scapegoat (of first the COVID hoax and next) of WW3 to control the outcome of economic collapse in the form of totalitarianism and the end of democracy worldwide. But Armstrong lacks the overarching model of those $trillionaries further behind the curtain that he does not believe exist. Bitcoin was not created by Klaus Schwab to entice us to embrace central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Instead it was created as modeled by famed mathematician John Nash's Ideal Money proposal, to actually enslave the nation-states as the nation-states go bust at the incoming collapse, world war and monetary reset. This has been depicted for decades on the apocalyptic and Lumaniti themed murals on the Denver airport. The lower-level pawns like Schwab, Soros, Bill Gates are being lured into a trap wherein they will fail whilst the nation-states are subjugated to a NWO where Bitcoin rises as the 1989 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix to be a world reserve currency that is backed by no nation-state's currency. Armstrong laments that the return to hard money will result in a scorched earth outcome. Well that is the plan Martin so you better start telling your subscribers the horrid truth about the scorched earth coming. That is what Bitcoin is going to do. Go look at the Denver airport murals. So folks get ready. We are heading into Economic Devastation. I have been warning about this since 2008. Nobody listens. Nobody prepares. They will gnash their teeth over the coming 10 years. Why do you think I want to go hide on an island or a rural farm in the middle of nowhere. And you had better get your savings out of the reach of the Western nations. It is all going to be confiscated. Note this will proceed in ratcheted stages. Must boil those frogs slowly enough that they do not realize and save themselves by jumping out of the pot. Lol they took vaccines. Lol they think Putin is evil. The frogs keep drinking the Koolaid as the heat is rising. Realize that banning the transaction of any gold originating from the Russian Central Bank is a pretext ruse for confiscating all the wealth of Westerners. Think it out. How do you differentiate gold that originated from the Russian Central Bank? Gold can be melted down. There is not traceability for gold. Thus it will be the responsibility of every Westerner to prove that their gold had a traceable origin. This will devolve over time, as did the SARS and bird flu devolve into the COVID hoax and collapse of rule-of-law. Insanity will reign as the governments will go full Kangaroo courts and rogue I.R.S., etc.. Get your assets out of the West pronto. You have been warned.Comment: Katie Hobbs has turned Arizona's government into a mafia: kdminer.com/news/202...ss-gould-speaks-out/ A legal problem has surfaced as we have moved through the canvass process. We received a letter from the Secretary of State’s office informing the Supervisors that we would be criminally charged with a class 6 felony if we didn’t vote to canvass. That threat was confirmed by the board’s attorney, that a “NO” vote could bring a criminal charge. Some have attempted to label me a coward for not voting “NO”, but as you can see there was really nothing to gain by my constituents from me voting “NO”. There are other legal paths to follow regarding this issue. The policy of “vote yes to canvass or go to jail” is clearly not what our founders had in mind when they formed our Republic.Comment: Brandon's 1984 Ministry of Truth now claiming bogus scientific advance. It will not be long now until 2 + 2 = 5 officially. The West is careening with both jet engines ablaze. www.theepochtimes.co...pticism_4921829.htmlComment: hi-in.facebook.com/T...ts/2364737223683825/ "Actually, our county attorney advised us that if we did not canvass by the deadline, that we would be in violation of ARS § -642," Gould said. azcapitoltimes.com/n...to-certify-election/ Cochise County supervisors Peggy Judd and Tom Crosby voted to keep the vote on certification tabled beyond the state deadline, citing distrust in tabulation machines. The supervisors faced lawsuits and potential criminal charges for their refusal to certify. On Thursday, Judge Casey McGinley ordered the Board of Supervisors to meet the same day and approve the canvass of the election no later than 5 p.m. He found the board violated Arizona statute and the Elections Procedures Manual by refusing to vote.Comment: Martin Armstrong when will you understand and blog about this from first principles? Western civilization is on the collapse cycle now. Female prerogative and beta males too empowered (monkey-see-monkey do). The Western females have an important job to do now (aka final stage of socialist/marxist collapse) to cull all the beta males in order to reset the civilization. GTFO of Dodge. The holiness spiral of Marxism is the cycle of hypergamy assisting the alpha males to destroy themselves along with all the beta males as collateral damage. Nature is cleansing to prepare for the next rise of Western civilization some hundreds of years from now. Patriarchal Asia is rising after 2032 instead. S.America unfortunately matriarchal?? Probably going to be best hiding on a rural farm in a country that won't seize assets. As the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document Scenarios for the Future predicted in the Smart Scramble scenario, the world is going to explode into Civil War, but the majority of the people in E.U. and U.K. might just lay down and turn out the lights. www.armstrongeconomi...ge-documentary-flop/ "Of course, the leftist media hail the film, and it was the worst debut of any film in history. Just maybe people are becoming WOKE – walking up to the real propaganda." www.armstrongeconomi...shing-industry-next/ www.armstrongeconomi...raine-what-insanity/ www.armstrongeconomi...orce-against-russia/ www.armstrongeconomi...ry-to-be-sacrificed/ www.armstrongeconomi...o-major-catastrophe/ www.armstrongeconomi...st-about-everything/ www.armstrongeconomi...-leftist-revolution/ www.armstrongeconomi...tionwide-crime-wave/Comment: I found a photo of Hawaii in the year 2040. www.armstrongeconomi...s-its-just-our-turn/ www.armstrongeconomi...-a-mad-max-scenario/ www.newsweek.com/pla...h-anniversary-870672 EDIT: damn shame that Hawaii is such a leftist clusterfuck. Anglo-Saxons gone fucking insane. So sad to observe the West self-immolating. And yet most Americans still aren't alarmed. Lol. They going to be royally fucked in a few more years. It is going to be interesting to observe how they react as the reality they want to pretend & extend doesn't exist, slams into them as an immovable brick wall. This is the natural order of things. Decadent idiots have to learn via self-immolation. As if a peaceful attitude while calling for politics of hoaxes, lies and fleecing is not peaceful. Hypocrisy but these people will never admit it. Let's list their fleecing lies: 1. Anthropogenic climate change. This is an unequivocal fraud. 2. Carbon credits economy. This is a 1984 dystopia underway. 3. COVID p(L)andemic. How can people with a high IQ not realize they were entirely duped with billions of flu tests? So cold this morning in Pattaya, Thailand, perhaps ~60°F (15°C) with the windy effect. This is marvelous. This is the best climate (at this peak of the cool, dry season) I have ever felt. Essentially this is the same climate as Honolulu, Hawaii in the winter. No wonder my mother liked Hawaii so much. But Hawaii also gets a bit too balmy in the summer, except Lāna‘i City, Maui (and even better Kahului) has a year round, cool, dry climate. Oh my, no wonder so many Americans aspire to move to Maui. Kahului, Hawaii may have the most perfect climate on Earth? Okay add Maui to my todo list in the future when Michelle can tour the U.S.A.., and after the U.S. economy collapses into the abyss so property will be cheap again there. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Hawaii First time I heard Michelle complain about her nose getting dry. Filipinos from Mindanao are not adapted to low humidity and cold (due to the strong wind in this case). I don't know if she would adapt to southern Baja due to the low humidity (albeit it much better than Arizona due to the Pacific ocean). Northern coastal Peru is mostly arid (semi-arid) but the Humbolt current off the Pacific ocean keeps the relative humidity (R.H) reasonably elevated, so hopefully her lips will not crack as did my ex's in W. Texas.Comment: I don't think Martin Armstrong is communicating clearly how the Great Reset will fail by succeeding. He's painting a picture that the majority will rise up and win. I don't think so. The majority are either debt-slaves or impoverished, thus they will not be capable of managing and adopting the decentralization technologies necessary to free themselves from the enveloping 666 digital panopticon. Instead I think the vast majority will be culled by the Great Reset as it tries to defeat those few of us who are awake, by strangling the enslaved to death. This is quite obvious if anyone takes a moment to analyze the countermeasures to their plan to require digital identity and edict compliance in order to access the Internet... I think probably we'll be able to employ steganography to hide communication in the massive amount of data that the 666 panopticon needs to monitor. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganography For example, we can hide it in photos, videochats, etc. That works in sporadic trusted two-way (or even multi-way group) communication, but won't work for broadcast because the recipients aren't trusted (thus they could reveal the secret communication). Thus peer-to-peer gossip networks must be employed for broadcast (e.g. of blockchain updates) wherein peers broadcast only to trusted peers and transitively the communication propagates our to all recipients. Thus I don't think our access to the Internet can be shut off because we can employ surrogates who comply with their edicts, i.e. some people can earn extra income by being compliant. Of course we need our own decentralized currency to enable this black market economy. If TPTB are able to collect the data the need without incentivizing as they do now by allowing elective transmission (e.g. social media sharing), such as by having people monitored by smart devices without them knowing it, then steganography could become useless. But this will be a very dystopian world wherein economic activity has cratered due to a dearth of societal interaction. I find it hard to believe that this could be sustained as it's antithetical to the inexorable increase in human interaction via enhanced technology (e.g. airplanes, radio, Internet, satellites). In that dire case, the next solution would be to employ anti-triangulation technology and methodology to propagate decentralized radio transmissions. For example, highly directional radio (difficult to triangulate) to a moving drone that broadcasts. www.quora.com/Can-a-ham-radio-be-traced news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3575649... optiongray.com/is-ham-radio-traceable/ www.quora.com/What-k...lating-or-other-ways en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direction_finding hackaday.com/2021/08...f-direction-finding/ www.reddit.com/r/sho...alx/comment/g8wzme0/ www.reddit.com/r/sho...alx/comment/g8wsq3g/ (Broadcast shortwave from international waters) www.quora.com/Is-it-...adio-or-police-radio electronics.howstuff...s.com/ham-radio6.htm hamradioprep.com/ham-radio-range/ www.wired.com/story/...s-bitcoin-ham-radio/ www.quora.com/What-k...wer/Robert-Harvey-41 www.quora.com/What-k...er/Peter-Underhill-1 www.quora.com/What-k...wer/Alfredo-TorrejonComment: Australians have $3.5T in superannuation retirement funds: en.wikipedia.org/wik...nuation_in_Australia Something on the order of $32T in the OECD (or maybe that much in the U.S. alone): www.oecd.org/pension...-in-Figures-2020.pdf Why don't Westerners realize their retirement "savings" are actually I.O.U.s (I Owe You)? Have they not studied history and not understood these monetary resets always coincide with the economic failure of great bubbles at the Minsky Moment? Any deposit in any financial institution is not savings, as immediately becomes a promise to repay. If the financial system goes "poof it's gone" or there is a monetary reset with everything frozen and essentially defaulted on (e.g. converted to a 100 year bond), then the retirement contract will be voided and Westerners will have been fleeced back to parity with the developing world. www.notthepublicbroa...r-retirement-savings www.ainsliebullion.c.../a/1250/default.aspx www.ainsliebullion.c...8/a/867/default.aspx Our ruling elite want to default on these retirement obligations and euthanize this aging, economically parasitic geriatric population: www.midasgoldgroup.c...ations-250-trillion/ "78 million baby boomers will be ready to collect about $40,000 per year for Social Security payments. This will begin somewhere between 2026 and 2030. That’s more than $3 trillion a year to a portion of our population. Congress doesn’t talk about this" www.midasgoldgroup.c...-reset-change-money/ "Fascism is defined as a blending of private corporations, and governments into one function. The WEF is based on Prussian political philosophy. A nation must be ruled by an autocratic elite, and nothing but a submissive, compliant citizenry is acceptable. The founder of the WEF is Klaus Schwab. The perfect scenario under this Great Reset will land all of us in political, social, and financial prison." "When our financial system is “reset” in this manner, not only will our accounts be controlled by other entities, our financial privacy and financial freedom are completely gone." "When I connect the dots, I can see that they’re looking to crash our current economic system, so that the new system we go into provides tracking on everything you do. Every place you go. The powers that be want total control. The WEF and the Great Reset idea is an inflection point in our history. Our money is operating their new financial system under their rules and their arrangements." "Folks, it’s our money in their financial system. If they achieve their Great Reset we will be left with nothing financially." Straight from horse's mouth: www.weforum.org/agen...-of-the-great-reset/ (COVID-19: The 4 building blocks of the Great Reset) As if Marxism (redistribution of wealth) has ever not ended up in megadeath. Let's tell delusional idiots who ignore history that humans can subjugate nature in some utopian ideal, only to find out for the Nth time that it always ends up in dystopian hell. It is always about Marxists lying to ideologgues so they can grab power, as they are again now.Comment: EDIT: Marxist lies directly from diabolical horse ass's mouth: www.weforum.org/agen...-of-the-great-reset/ (COVID-19: The 4 building blocks of the Great Reset) {...} History repeats because human nature (debt bubbles and ideological delusion) does.Comment: The following applies mostly to Westerners. And also to highly developed Asian countries, perhaps also to Chinese. The problem we have is that we all expect that others of us will not tolerate the confiscation of financial accounts. Thus we are deer-frozen-in-the-headlights unable to act due to excuses we make, because we refuse to accept that we have no normalcy going forward and our only chance is to escape the West now. Monetary resets are a thing that happens as do Thucydides Traps. They are catastrophic. The U.S. has never entirely experienced either. The closest was FDR's confiscation of gold with the Breton Woods reset of Europe. Only Europe was bankrupt at the turn of the 20th century and capital was fleeing to the U.S.A. as the new economic growth region. Since then the U.S. transitioned from a primarily agricultural economy with 10% share of GDP by the govt to a primarily services and consumption urban economy with govt some 70% of the economy by now (accelerated from ~50% before the 2008 Great Financial Crisis and the subsequent 2020 cerveza sickness p(L)demic false flag psyop). For example, first they will convert financial accounts to a 10 year bond and limit the rate at which you can withdraw. People will go along because they are still getting something and they think they will still receive all. Then later the bond is extended to 20 years, then 50 years, such that eventually the monthly withdrawal amount shrinks to nearly nothing. At that point everyone is already committed and onboard so all they can do is protest (but then their access will be turned off if they protest as was done to the Canadian truckers). Westerners will likely not overthrow their overlords and enslavement. Just as the Chinese have not and will not. The Chinese protests were only for measuring how far the Chinese can be abused before they rise up. The 1989* Tiananmen Square incident was crushed by the Chinese army. * coincidently the same year of the Economist Magazine cover story for the Phoenix which is now Bitcoin was published The door is shutting yet we are all so complacent. Get your ass in gear guys on my enumerated suggestions. Do not delay. Directly to action. Once the capitol controls start in earnest, it will probably be too late to apply for residency abroad for most people. The West will self-immolate because it is propped up by a massive debt bubble and because the population is geriatric and their $32+ trillion in retirement "savings" will go "poof it's gone" via expropriation done under the pretext of excuses and hoaxes (aka false flags). Westerners are dumb fucks. They still think for example that talking on social media or voting has an relevance whatsoever. They should be closing their financial accounts, selling their real estate, and preparing to buy Bitcoin at the temporary bottom incoming, sell the bounce and then buy into the coming late 2023 or early 2024 recession and great financial crash. There probably will not be a 2024 national election in the U.S.. It could be canceled under emergency powers grabbed by the Marxists now at the helm under the pretext of cyberattacks, threat of nuclear war (do not need actual, just threat to declare emergency powers), climate change escalation by blaming vaccine injuries on the climate, etc.. The West has gone absolutely insane and none of us are powerful enough (nor even brave enough to organize an armed rebellion) to stop the careening into the incoming scorched earth abyss. Brits and Aussies do not even have arms anymore so any talk of rebellion is mute. Civil disobedience (a la Ghandi) is a joke, because of the Milgram experiment. Westerners are not Buddhists willing to walk on coals for ethical reasons. Westerners are not penniless with nothing to lose. Remember my model of Bitcoin as the 1989 Economist Magazine cover story. 1999 was the user group post describing Bitcoin's design. 2008/9 was the launch. 2018 was attaining mass awareness with the altcoin bubbles. 2028 will likely be the adoption of Bitcoin as global monetary reserve asset independent of any nation. Those who hodl in legacy format addresses are going to see 10 to 100 times gains from the bottom to 2028.Comment: Also physical gold might still be viable outside of the West, such as in possibly in Thailand (where there are many dealers) and/or Peru (where there is a vibrant black market due to the mines and coca trade). But gold in the west or some online account in a vault somewhere is likely useless.Comment: Democracy will collapse. Those who think this is only a repeat of the 1960s and 70s, or the Great Depression, are delusional and ignorant. This is the 6th 309.6 year wave. This is a millennial epoch transformation as well as a Thucydides Trap. The prior 309.6 year one was the fall of monarchy. The prior Thucydides Trap was fall of the Mongols/Asia and rise of Western civilization. This will be the fall of democracy and Western civilization. Understand the egregious significance, ramifications, tumult, pestilence and megadeath ahead. Can't likely survive this within the West intact w\your assets. Likely all assets including land will be expropriated as govt & economy collapse, & the people are herded into 666 digital panopticon bubble cities. Who sharing same predicament rural & thus what source of political power? Zilch. Only lifeline legacy Bitcoin, gold verboten, confiscated at checkpoints. www.armstrongeconomi...media-who-to-censor/ Click the link to see the lampoon cartoon with caption, "Do you realize exposing the illegal things your government has been doing is illegal?"Comment: Speaking with a 28 year old Moroccan who grew up in Australia (thus essentially an Aussie) in the gym in Pattaya yesterday, he tried to convince me that taking the vaccine wasn't so bad and that he became convinced after he thought he caught COVID. I retorted that how do we know he didn't develop pnuemonia from breathing his own exhale or from the chemicals in the up-your-nose swaps for collecting test samples. He admitted that could be right, but then he reassured by blurting that the vaccines are presumably be improved over time. I unleashed on him a mountain of information, even about Bitcoin and everything. I noticed all the guys in the gym became very uncomfortable and actually sneering at me. They did not want to hear that their world is about to become difficult and turned upside down. What we have are most people prefer to choose denial or hopium than that sacrifice. This is the same result as the Stanley Milgram experiment. This is why Marxist spirals into megadeath are plausible, because most people are not leaders. Most people are followers and incapable of dealing with inconvenient and uncomfortable truths. Note this guy was red pilled and he was lamented how Western women have become completely unmarriageable (for the most part). He liked my theory that as societies become too wealthy the women become incorrigible (i.e. patriarchy dissolves) and this is a necessary creative destruction process whereby the hypergameous females are subconsciously assisting the alphamales in control to cull all the betamales. Then the society resets with an implosion which is imminent in the West. ALSO THIS IS WHY WE MUST HAVE OUR OWN PRIVATE MONETARY SYSTEM. Else we alphamales (to be alpha we must be ruthless, so lose your qualms at the entrance if you want to survive) we will be impoverished by the destruction of the monetary system of the plebs. Previously it was physical gold but that will not work anymore (or least not where one needs to fly commercially across borders) because it can be confiscated and because in most nations the dealers (i.e. market makers) can be easily regulated by the govt. Physical gold might still work in a backwater like Peru with its intense black market.. Thus enter digital gold, i.e. Bitcoin. Armstrong is simply ignorant of the fact that legacy protocol Bitcoin (not the current official impostor) will become the reserve currency of the world after 2028 (the 10 year cycle of Bitcoin since 1989).Comment: MUST LISTEN: Nightmare Fall of the United States | Armstrong EconomicsComment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=l74_s2cM... > > "It’s very interesting what is going on in Chile. If you watch all the way to the end, it becomes apparent to me at least that Chile is trying to find a reasonable balance between government and a center left coalition, rejecting radical leftist precepts. The problem is how to distribute the balance-of-power through a representative government. There is no way to please everyone. And the government is never trusted anyway. > > > > What is so interesting to me is that they are ripe for a direct democracy on a block chain. It will be interesting to observe what transpires. South America is dynamic and on the move, unlike SE Asia which is still stuck in their cultural respect for authority. I prefer to be in a dynamic situation no matter the outcome. I felt so intellectually dead in the Philippines." > > "What makes you think making democracy more direct is the solution? If anything it will only make it worse and lead to populism and reckless decisions with politicians supporting whatever the majority wants. > > Instead making voting tier based of in which tax slab you fall into would make citizens accountable and politicians won't have to just appeal to majority." @5aral direct democracy is an orthogonal concept to stipulations on who can vote. Actually the U.S. govt is entirely illegitimate since the Leiber Code martial law of Abraham Lincoln. The original U.S. State Constitutions are still valid and only allow white males owning 10 acres to vote. That is the reality. Direct democracy means we vote on each issue, instead of a republic where we elect people to decide for us wherein they can be bribed and do exactly opposite of what they promise. Also forcing people to amalgamate their choices on disparate issues into one vote for one representative is a divide-and -conquer paradigm. Additionally we may be moving to an opt-in Networked State on a blockchain with constellations non-contiguous in physical territory.Comment: IMPORTANT: Will Putin Step Down in 2023? I think Armstrong may be premature with his January expectations, but we will see.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t9REGuX... (Elon Musk on Fixing Twitter (Free Speech, Shadow Banning & Being CEO) | All-In Podcast Clips) 21:00 Definitely the flash crash will be Q1 2024 and then the Fed will monetize the hell out of it again. So dawn will break in Q2 2024. But note there is likely a final rally incoming Q1 2023 as the market front runs the eventual Fed pivot and gas plummeting to $65. Poland and Germany just put in orders for Russian oil. Interview gets cut when they talk a bit too much about the FBI. Elon doing his best to avoid talking to directly about the FBI in any serious tone.Comment: www.tradingview.com/...2023-Year-From-Hell/ > "We really like this setup. It can work out very well. Thanks for sharing." @SwallowPremium, looks like a rally incoming in Q1, then pullback with another rally before a flash crash in Q1 2024 (possibly caused by International War), thus more or less repeating the pattern of 2019. Yet pay attention to updates as the interpretation remains fluid. "They will try to push war during the summer of 2024 to influence the election."Comment: The reason the Black Death was not primarily Bubonic plague... www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlW__DJz... > > > > > "Tim, I think if you read history, you will find out that after a plague, the Serfs will demand a higher salary...read Justinian's Flea...it will help folks to understand. The businesses will have to pay a higher salary." > > > > > > > > "@Sick Puppi Not that they will demand but that they can demand due to lower supply of labor. Because humans are not instantly adaptable and instead have inertia. You can't just flip a switch and expect the supply of laborers to come immediately back up to pre-pandemic levels. People find other ways to survive during forced unemployment and they become adapted to those. For example many females get pregnant. They found sugar daddies online, etc.." > > > > > > "@S. Moore excuse me....it is a plague" > > > > "@Sick Puppi no dufus." > > "@S. Moore You have no clue ....look it up genius.....educate yourself." @Sick Puppi so says the Dunning-Kruger. Go on believing in yourself, at least you do. Now move on and continue wallowing in the mud with the other misfits known as sheepeople. @Sick Puppi did you even process the logic that I was referring to the recent soi-disant "pandemic" not being a (viral) plague which was a reaction to your implication by association of a cited resource of the historic Black Death plague. I was clearly not referring to the Black Death plague as evident by my reference to billions of swab tests (obviously no swab tests in the middle ages). Tangentially the Black Death was more of a mass psychosis involving horrid sanitation and blood letting, than actual bubonic plague. The recent cerveza sickness hysteria was another example of mass mania FUD. I could elaborate in great detail but YT would censor it because they do not want you sheep to wake up to the truth. @Sick Puppi maybe you should read up on the living conditions in medieval cities with cobblestone roads covered with human and horse feces in a stew with the rancid waste that humans just tossed out their front portals (windows & doors), combined with the widespread belief in pagan witchcraft. And the modern sheep feared the Black Death w/o comprehending the reason there's a different name for the scourge than for the bacterial illness bubonic plague, thus failing to understand that the primary cause of megadeath has always been mass human insanity and not pathogens. @Sick Puppi even the soi-disant Spanish Flu was really bacterial pneumonia caused by Rockefeller Foundation issuing millions of experimental bacterial meningitis vaccines to the soldiers entering WW1, who then spread the bacterial illness all over. Every widespread epidemic in the 20th century was preceded by a new mass vaccination pogrom. Heck polio and the various skin pox diseases were caused by spraying DDT everywhere. As soon as that was phased out the illnesses subsided long before any vaccine for those illnesses was distributed. We have been systematically lied to.Comment: Climate change hysteria emergency lockdowns coming because people are freezing to death in their cars because they are too stupid to realize you shelter in place during blizzards. Actually she probably died of carbon monoxide poisoning. archive.ph/https://w...8-inches-snow-storm/Comment: Hypergamy youtu.be/bX9uEzms0W0 (Great Example of Hypergamy)Comment: This is the problem when ever I start to get healthy. Athleticism and testosterone among former athletes is a toxic combination because the addiction to the adrenaline thrill makes us Evel Knievel stupid. Another reason that I can't live in the Philippines because there's always some boys there itching to irritate someone to instigate a reaction and fight (abused Filipinos are always a smoldering powder keg, even Michelle concurred with me about this, that is why you do not fight also with a Filipina because they also in reactionary depression continuously which is the actual source of the crab bucket mentality): www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_EFsj7u... > "Actually I would much prefer the antithetical outcome. But if Paul can't take out Mayweather (too lumbering, slow) he probably has no chance against Tate. Lord I wish I was younger because I want to shut the trap on this cocky fake-alaphmale Tate. Wish YT would stop dumping him in front of me (in my feed). Irritating. That being said, I would accept the challenge if offered enough money at 5'7", 165 lbs, one eye, never boxed competitively and 58 years old if pretty-boy (face never been touched) Tate will accept the challenge in a boxing only match. Tate is reasonably quick and agile for a big man but no way he can out leverage/quick a shorter man with powerful legs. He needs to work from the outside so must take away the outside from him by punishing for leaning back to feints. I have never trained MMA so I would have no chance whatsoever in MMA (too many skills that take decades to master). I will employ obtuse angles (Pacquiao-style, with a erratic mashup of Tyson's moves) get into his chest inside his too long arms, tendency to attempt to lean back on first jab/counter, and maul him Tyson style along with out-of-nowhere obtuse hammers Pacquiao-style. My weakness is weaker left arm but more training it could help. Pacquiao is a beast with that strong left and Tyson is powerful a.f.. But Pacman is too small for Tate (as am I but I have 10 lbs and 2-3 inches on Pacman naturally). Tate will need stay outside employing jabs, upper cuts, body/liver shots, endurance and movements. In too close he won't be able to get any leverage because his arms are too long. I don't have to worry about head butts because I am 8" shorter. I can employ overhead swings in close but he can only at a distance. If he can keep me at a distance as Lennox Lewis did to Tyson or punish me with body (or head) shots every time I move in then I am toast. As an older man you don't have the endurance to sustain once you get inside so you get punished again everytime you need to take a breather. Huge challenge at such an age, virtually impossible. Hope my former MVP athletic skills and explosiveness could keep me competitive if I trained hard enough. I am calling you out Tate as a fake alpha. Prove me wrong. Knock me out. Or fight someone competitive at least such as Tyson. I know he would not dare fight Canelo, Triple G, Tyson nor Holyfield. And hell no I would never fight any of those former world champion boxers as they would obliterate me. A game of American football I will accept against any of them. Why I dislike Tate is because of his loud mouth, know-it-all presumptuousness, presenting himself as a role model for men. I never see him put himself up against any other true alphas. I guess true alphas aren't going to waste their time on him anyway. Being a reasonably intelligent millionaire and YT personality doesn't make one alpha. Much more respect men who are less self-aggrandizing, more circumspect, more wiling to surround themselves with others who are smarter than themselves, etc.. Admire those who underpromise and overdeliver. Should ignore this is just an artifact of decadent Western civilization, fakery sells. Pacquiao has apparently realized he's too old to be fighting guys that far too large for him after the last beating he took. Surrender if getting pummeled to the head. Body shots are self-limiting.)"Comment: I'm just talking to myself. Ignore it. Sitting here too many hours sleepless on coffee now (Michelle in bed on her menstruation). Basically it is a function of being stuck at the desk instead of being able to go release at the gym and make myself exhausted and thus consistently reminding myself I have no where near the endurance and power of a 40 year old. Although the problem is that the more I gym, the stronger I get, the more I need to gym otherwise this pent up testosterone isn't drained out daily. I need a better life balance. Need 2 hours of sports/athletics per day to sustain homeostasis. I can't function as a pure nerd, don't have that type of metabolism. I have to stay engaged in sports and in a constant draining and training. I have no idea how this ages. Roland told me his world class cyclist friend was still stronger into his mid-60s than your average 30-something amateur cyclist. Quite clear that I was disintegrating in the U.S. and Baja not having access to the suitable environment/facilities/motivation/players for sports. Michelle noted I had reversed 5 to 10 years of aging in my appearance with just 5 workouts thus far in gym here. Last workout I was starting to feel like I wanted more even after Michelle was pooped and done. She had to wait an additional 30 minutes for me as I did an intense and complete circuit including going every heavy on the hack squat, benching 85 kg on my 50th rep of the day (my max is probably 95kg now), power lift cleans, interval training on the treadmill. Another thing I have learned is too wide temperate swings (and cold, intense wind) in Baja Norte was demotivating for my lust for athleticism. This winter northern tropics is about ideal for it. I had made similar advances in the winters of 2017 and 2019 in Angeles City. Winter/Spring 2018/2019 in General Santos was also decent but more exhausting/challenging because so intensely hot (relied on the aircon in Pacman's gym). Also I was having a lot of difficulty with my endocrine system in General Santos and also in the U.S. and Baja. Here it is a rollercoaster in terms of my eating discipline but I have more consistent energy anyway. Everything is too haphzard at the moment, moving from condo to condo every 10 days or so and trying to find time to do computer work, attend to Michelle, etc.. Anyway, just ignore it I it is akin to Cadaveric spasms but of the transitioning to elderly athlete instead of post-mortem, lol. This is what happens when one tries to do too much. It becomes a discombobulated, chaotic mashup of erratic impulses. Difficult to remain grounded when overstimulated, sleepless, unable to fit everything into a consistent circadian rhythm. Will I ever be able to put the genie in the bottle and be methodical/focused? How does Musk deal with the chaos and 5 hours of sleep? I think Musk doesn't need athletics, never stimulated those organs. Realize my heart is 1.5 times oversized for life from being a competitive distance runner in high school. Sometimes I need to write down some self-reflection analysis. (okay sorry STFU, head back down on important tasks)Comment: { Album } Fed turned nasty in December, revising projections for economic growth down and inflation up, making the markets very pessimistic. This moved everyone to NPC mindless, groupthink one-side of the trade. In this video Kevin was thinking the lag of owner's equivalent rents in CPI won't be reflected until Q2 and Q3. youtu.be/Op7-XrIbiEk (Timing The Federal Reserve's U-Turn | Meet Kevin) BLS has said unemployment plummeting & created 2M jobs, but household survey says only 12k jobs created! Now the Fed is admitting it! New Fed working paper admits lagging rents in CPI is misleading! Leading housing indicator is horrific, Fed will create massive deflation! Companies to buy back stock with excess cash than invest, bcz downsizing in anticipation of recession! youtu.be/Z7zYPkq443Q (PROOF the Fed & Jerome Powell was LIED To | Flip Coming) <—MUST WATCH Stonks Gamer commented: > "No mistakes Kevin they are doing it on purpose to "have to" do more stimulus checks but now with the new cbdc coin as that will be so much more efficient in giving everyone cash. Thus transitioning us to a fully digital currency they track and control in every possible way."Comment: Armstrong starts to be more blunt. He needs to. Thanks Marty. www.armstrongeconomi...tory/party-politics/ > "The likelihood of the separation of the United States begins to increase post-2024. The United States as we have known it may no longer exist post-2036."Comment: shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {12/28/22 2:07 AM} Error messages always begin with "Oops!"... Sim card registration begins in the Philippines: www.cnnphilippines.c...ror-Globe-Smart.html “As of today, we have reached around 400 to 500 complaints,” CICC Undersecretary Alexander Ramos said. www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEjce2La... (7 SIM Registration ERRORS you might get while registering your SIM card/cards) Oops, I did it again! I played with your heart, Got lost in the game, Oh, baby, baby 😭😱🤣💃💩😫🙃 Please make satire video. Please, Please. Britney Spears. shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {12/28/22 2:49 AM} You need to employ the 🙃 once in awhile. Qanonyying, {12/28/22 2:53 AM} i hope the whole SIM registration here fails so they will scrap it altogether shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {12/28/22 2:59 AM} Foreigners only have 30 days before their sim cards are deactivated. Filipinos have 6 months. I hope the system remains unregisterable for at least a month. And I hope volumes of identity theft and fake passports created from insecure handling of the IDs, etc.. So begins in earnest the fuck fest, clusterfuck of trying to onboard the developing world onto the 666 panopticon. As Armstrong says, they will fail but only after they scorch the earth with collateral damage. Any wonder why I am trying to find a desolate, depopulated desert to go hide on for a decade.Comment: Archived including all the comments.Comment: Click link for MXN:USD Forecast Array. C.f. MXN:USD exchange history also. > "Do not delay getting your capital out of the E.U. and U.K. in 2022. This is going to heat up in 2023 and will go berserk in 2024. Appears that it will be impossible from 2025 forward. I suppose the CBDCs will be activated and everyone’s funds over there will be locked down. The year 2025 looks like an utter horror. Remember 2025 is the year Deagel.com predicted 50 – 75% depopulation of NATO countries. Some kind of utter insanity is ahead. I am making the correct decision to diversify out of the West." > > www.armstrongeconomi...he-flight-to-mexico/ Is that collapse in 2025 all capital controls, or is the currently freedom-oriented Mexican Prez replaced with a Great Reset sycophant? Yet MXN peso has been declining since 2022 consistent with the Direction Change. So does the peso's decline cease in 2024/25? No Volatility 2025, as if no liquidity. Looks like capital controls to me. Then legacy Bitcoin (1989 Economist Mag's cover story Phoenix) starts rising in 2026/7.Comment: > "If you had to guess, what do you think the 2023 top will be (let’s assume no G7 country introduces CBDC to the general public)" Bitcoin $30 - $35k no later than April. Might try for another high in Q4 2023/Q1 2024, before the MEGA CRASH to ~$10k. My thesis 2019 is more or less repeating. Will rhyme but not exact duplicate. > "Working on growing my business so we can exit to have the resources to do it the way I want. That’s the #1 priority" I doubt that is going to work out. You probably better start thinking about needing to share economies-of-scale with others. One of the reasons I have a mutual interest in your thoughts/plans. Still a small chance I launch an altcoin to generate $millions.Comment: Let's understand we are at the brink of an epic, epochal global shift. The incoming tumult is difficult to quantify. Bitcoin was launched at the precise timing targeting maturity at the peak in global debt at the Minsky Moment collapse monetary reset, that fostered global scale stablecoins which are threatening the sovereign currencies forcing the development of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). But there's no way to design a CBDC that that gives them ability to censor illegal transactions (i.e. retain control over approved transactions) that does not also open Pandora's Box in terms of the totalitarian evil of 666 control over every financial transaction. (Actually maybe it would be possible to design a permissionless cryptocurrency that still allows the central bank to manipulate the money supply but not censor transactions, but this isn't contemplated of course.) Centralized control always leads to extremely bad outcomes and now totalitarians will have control over every damn transaction. Of course the pressure will be towards permissionless cryptocurrencies putting further pressure on the bankrupt nation-states. These CBDCs are a desperate attempt to maintain the leverage of sovereignty. The West is the most maladapted with the highest dependency on the debt driven sovereign fiat model, which is now collapsing. That doesn't mean the West is the only govt that will collapse but it means West's status quo is the most under threat. I have my justified fears that the West can't make the transition from its formerly privileged sovereignty to servile nations with the extant paradigms intact (including extant political systems, societal norms and rule of law). I have justified fears that ownership of conspicuous assets will be eviscerated (e.g. bank accounts & land). Movable assets are better. And ethereal assets (e.g. cryptocurrency) even better. I posit that immovable assets stand a better chance in nations less maladapted to extensive profit models based on mortgage debt and urban development (which I explained effects rural land in West nations). Evident for example in dearth of building permit regulations, environmental permits and property taxes for isolated rural land in developing countries. Maybe I am wrong about this, but this is my hypothesis about probabilities, not certainties. In short, I am expecting an epic global tumult and great clusterfuck. I expect most everything (or many facets of our life) to go F.U.B.A.R.. I expect govts all over the world failing. I expect massive chaos and disorder. I think maybe some SE Asian nations will be more solid and more ordered, because their underlying economics and attitude of their populace, are the most economically sound. Also Asians will embrace whatever requirements are put on them without complaining much. Asians expect the least, work the most. Also there's a lot of work for Asians because of the massive push for modern infrastructure and development. www.ecb.europa.eu/pr...1~938e881b13.en.html (Central bank digital currencies: defining the problems, designing the solutions) cei.org/studies/cent...d-financial-privacy/ (Central Bank Digital Currencies Threaten Global Stability and Financial Privacy)Comment: Armstrong does not understand the technological shift underway. Well at least he is reading some of my emails or the emails of someone else who is communicating the same opinions as mine. Armstrong simply does not understand that the nation-state is finished. It will be pummeled now by the rise of Bitcoin. I keep telling him to read John Nash's Ideal Money paper, but Martin thinks he knows everything and ostensibly unwilling to learn anything new. The nation-states will attempt to issue debt in their own currencies but Bitcoin will be universal standard that will subjugate all the nation-states as the dollar subjugated all except the U.S.. This is why the collapse of the West will be so egregious. And nobody is going to be using silver-dimes, lol. Armstrong is a troglodyte that does not understand the Internet changed the world. Physical money does not compete. www.armstrongeconomi...erve-misconceptions/ > "Perhaps the greatest of all the wild proposals is that somehow Bitcoin will rise from the ashes and become the new Reserve Currency of the world. So all governments will issue debt in Bitcoin? Politicians will never be able to run for office and Socialism must collapse if there is a fixed amount of money. That is what the elastic money supply was to help – depressions and recessions." > > "Rather than betting on the power grid to survive if governments collapse, I think we will see the pre-1965 silver coins return for a medium of exchange and gold for larger transactions."Comment: Lol Martin Armstrong does not understand that Bitcoin does not need the power grid nor the Internet. www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNJAm1yY... @Lottie Clarey the rise of hard money (Bitcoin) is a harbinger of misery. The central banks now have no choice but to attempt 666 digital currencies to attempt to stay relevant. Problem is the leftists will then have centralized control over every transaction we conduct. Centralized control always leads to massive failure. No one can predict the exact machinations. It will be ugly, especially in the West since the West is most maladapted to the privilege of a sovereign fiat debt bubble hegemony.Comment: I don't think our computers are a threat to most of us. The backdoor capabilities will remain surreptitious because they want to reserve these to observe important targets. If they attempted some overt mass remote imprisonment of our computers, then they would incentivize solutions and a large disruption of their subversive capabilities. The individuals who need ultra-secure computing (op spec) are those who have much more extensive wealth and power at-stake, e.g. Ross William Ulbricht or Mircea Popescu. The Internet is the all seeing eye of their panopticon. They do not want to destroy their capabilities by forcing some overt order that disintegrates. That would be too rigid and highly ordered and thus unnatural and unsustainable. Remember that entropy is always increasing. They dare not go overt imprisonment of our computers as they will blow up their panopticon grid. I posit that we should stop fearing our computer access being cut off. I think that is their Achilles heel and they dare not attempt that. Bitcoin and permissionless cryptocurrency will rise because TPTB can not and dare not try to essentially snuff out the Internet. Also the penultimate powers-that-be furthest behind the curtain want the Internet to disintermediate the nation-states so as to usher a NWO with all nation-states subjugated to the Internet and Bitcoin. So this will be the outcome. You can pretty much be guaranteed of it. So please stop worrying about that. Rather the choke point are the centralized institutions which are being disintermiediated, e.g. banking and the meatspace that the nation-states still have control over (but increasingly they are losing control as Peru has demonstrated, but more or less so in different regions and cultures with for example SE Asia being very meatspace compliant). No there are no perfected mass market solutions for ending their surreptitious backdoors. And that is a good thing. I bet you never thought of it as a good thing. If they did not have the monitoring capability they need, then they would need to be much more aggressive and rash in other areas. IOW, they intend to control the masses with the centralized things they control (e.g. meatspace and bank accounts), not the decentralized things they can not possibly control (e.g. Internet, computers, crypto).Comment: Slow boil the frogs, don't panic/stampede/awaken the sheepeople away from the traps laid. Only FUD/panic them into the panopticon (e.g. via the COVID hoax).Comment: Did they Get the Pandemic Idea from the 2010 Simpson’s? youtu.be/T2F7muYaby0 (Pandemic, The Simpsons knew all along.)Comment: > "There will be a growing number of disaffected individuals becoming extremely demoralised and frustrated with CBDCs and the overwhelmingly suffocating nature of high-surveillance neo-feudalism, who have rejected govt-assisted suicide and have nothing left to lose. I guess you need only as few as 2-5% to potentially turn the tide." Restoration will not happen ever. Instead there will be some great tumult with untold collateral damage, followed by something entirely new. Imagine Gen Z will be deciding what that 'new' will be, so it probably will be quite different that what our older age group wants. Probably increasing adoption of the panopticon and other self-destructive Marxism until they have culled themselves? Maybe some electorates choose a more capitalistic path after observing the abject chaos and failure of others, but likely still adopting technology and elements of the panopticon. I wonder if any nation will entirely abandon sovereignty of fiat and use crypto entirely (e.g. El Salvador), but doesn't mean they will won't also embrace the panopticon in some facets, such as issuing a national CBDC backed by Bitcoin reserves. Remember legacy Bitcoin only supports 7 transactions per second thus can only be used as a reserve currency and not a payment system. I have blogged extensively about why only legacy Bitcoin will survive long-term. Maybe eventually (after 2037?) some electorate will institute direct democracy with every issue put directly to a vote by the people instead of bribable, corrupt elected representatives. The CBDC and personal Carbon Credits (Agenda 2030/2050) will run its course and lay waste to economically scorched earth. So many will be fleeced and dumped into life of desperation and dependence. Already 10 U.S. States have more welfare recipients than paid workers (including Commiefornia). With Latin America being a breeding zone for impoverished (for the reason I posited today, being extractive economies not focused on human capital development, unlike Asia which has low natural resources), the entire Americas likely to become the "fleece the rich" outcome. The various collateral damage machinations will not be 100% uniform nor ubiquitous. With luck or cleverness some will worm their way through the scorched earth clusterfuck and come out the other side intact. If you are poor, you have only your human rights (e.g. right to decide your own medical decisions) to lose. Remember those who think the rise of Bitcoin will be a panacea for those who hodl sufficient Bitcoins, seem to not fully appreciate that the rise of hard money is a harbinger of misery, as I warned 4 years ago: steemit.com/money/@a...-harbinger-of-misery Armstrong summarized the outcome when Bitcoin becomes the reserve currency: www.armstrongeconomi...erve-misconceptions/ "So all governments will issue debt in Bitcoin? Politicians will never be able to run for office and Socialism must collapse if there is a fixed amount of money. That is what the elastic money supply was to help – depressions and recessions." So the nation-states will be in a state of constant of disarray and failure like the 1800s in the U.S.. This is what famed mathematician (and inventor of the Nash equilibrium that is the basis for Bitcoin) John Nash was describing in his Ideal Money proposal (Nash was assassinated by a taxi driver on the same EZ Pass as he wrote about in his paper, thus presaging his own death as also did Mircea Popescu who had blogged about the ocean swallowing things): www.jstor.org/stable/1061553 (Ideal Money by John F. Nash, Jr.)Comment: The vaxxed are increasingly experiencing sudden death events. No COVID Amnesty | Armstrong Economics Blog. We need vaccine passports to prevent the vaxxed from being allowed to operate a motor vehicle or any other job where their sudden collapse could endanger others. Vagginated are spreading the Certificate Of Vassal IDentity at a much higher rate than the nonvagged, so they need to be locked up (accompanied with silicone Hellary Podesta Klinton body count clone f*ck dolls) with their doors welded shut Jackie Chan-style. Brandon should whisper to his boy Hunter to award an implementation consulting contract to that mafia known as the CCP. youtu.be/U91TPd4wk_c (Doctor's perspective on what happened to Damar Hamlin | Will Cain Podcast) Comments section: > "💉💉💉cardiac arrest due to the fauxche ouchie.💉💉💉" > "Damar Hamlin recieved the booster jab on 12/26/22." > "Considering those who took the experlment can drop at any second, I don't want one of them flying my plane, driving or operating machinery. We need some sort of passport system so we can easily identify and avoid them. They are a danger to society." > "we all know it was vax related, that pillow soft hit was a joke" > "Lots of fully vaccinated and boosted seem to be experiencing'"cardiac events.' " youtu.be/JQyogVXHhFs (Myocarditis After Vaccines, 54% Youngsters Had Cardiac MRI Abnormalities after 90 Days | Drbeen Medical Lectures) www.bitchute.com/video/RfVl5ZIQvedv/ (Just another day in the office for the vaxxed - More jobs for the unvaxxed) www.bitchute.com/video/Ijz9DnWWDGkC/ (adversive seizure - RIP nano chipped people) www.bitchute.com/video/M6UznlzQSzUG/ (PERFORMERS DYING, FALLING ILL AND COLLAPSING ON STAGE - 53 IN 3 MONTHS) www.bitchute.com/video/vByRsaYtaBs5/ (Bye bye the vaxxed - From healthy to zombies)Comment: One of my several comments: www.youtube.com/watch?v=U91TPd4w... > > "Trump took it so I guess he's out." > > "@Steven U.S. politics will collapse into factionalism. Within several years coming such as after the premeditated incoming WW3, the U.S. will break up into separate States again. Western civilization is in a waterfall collapse mode. Everyone is in denial about how this global debt bubble Minsky Moment is going to play out as the elite try to retain control with totalitarianism and a leftist holiness spiral as there's no putting the debt expansion genie back in the bottle. U.S. population to possibly collapse to 99 million by the end of 2025 (much of that probably due to emigration fleeing the coming climate change and nuclear war lockdowns)"Comment: > "@Steven  Trump was unwittingly complicit with the societalcide, given he signed for the $billions in funding for corona vaccines in 2019 as Gill Bates was scheming out his Event 201 simulation exercise . Also he was responsible for Operation Warp Speed to for example accelerated wartime powers act manufacturing of ventilators which were used to euthanize as incentivized by higher insurance payouts for glassification outcomes."Comment: Armstrong private blogged about this email I had forwarded to him... he's picking up on my prior insight that LatAm hasn't prioritized human capital development bcz they have an abundance of natural resources (unlike Asia) thus their eilte focused on resource extraction instead... PRIVATE BLOG – Latin America Peru has been collapsing This looks to me like 2023 is a watershed year in terms of the political and economic instability spreading through LatAm. Then looks like waves of crises throughout the decade, and LatAm will not have a Direction Change (i.e. some form of stabilization) until the financial capitol of the world shifts to Asia after 2031. I wonder if that intense L-wave in 2025 wold be the mass emigration from the NATO core countries (as potentially implied by Deagel's mass depopulation event for Western nations) to LatAm to escape the WW3 rationing, capitol controls and lockdowns. Or would it be instead the collapse of LatAm due to capitol controls (CBDCs) cutting off the flow of remittances and foreign direct investment? Latin Americans flirt with Marxism ostensibly because their elite are not aligned with human capital investment. Instead the natural resources are exploited. Thus the Gini coefficient is abysmal and the people are rioting. No LatAm government will have the support of the people because the fundamental structure of their economies is contrary to their culture of empathy of humanity and living creatures. Chile was able to avert an insane leftist constitution because constitutional amendments are extremely difficult to pass requiring 2/3rd vote in Congress. But that's not support for the status quo, so chaos likely to resume in Chile. The Latin Americans are also delusional because they have always had abundance and never worried about where their next meal would come from. They expect to be able to party all the time, eat, drink and be merry. Similar to Spain, they wasted their riches while thinking they're wealthy. So they living in some delusional expectation of the value of their nearly worthless human capital that hasn't been developed with any sort of integrated economy that can support employment for such burgeoning populations. Mexico has at least embraced factories along the border and IT in Mexico city thus providing some upward mobility for human capital. Also Mexicans were able to easily enter the U.S. to work illegally. www.catb.org/~esr/writings/caracas.html (Fear and Loathing in Caracas) And the U.S. is immigrating LatAm so for example Commiefornia (also leftist Portatoiletland, OR and SheHeItatle, WA) is plausibly to fall into the analogous dysfunction as LatAm. For me LatAm is a leading indicator of the collapse of governments of all nation-states as Bitcoin ushers in the NWO where nation-states fracture into thousands of independent States eventually organized under the 10 Kings regions in the Bible. And subjugated by the harbinger that is hard money that is incompatible with century long, kick-the-can, MMT central bank fiat debt bubble expansion. An radical monetary reset and transformation is underway originally prophesied in in the cover story of the January 1989 issue of the Economist Magazine. So if one can survive/thrive in LatAm, one can presumably survive/thrive in the NWO. Weak governments in LatAm may mean less Agenda 2030 interference but more warlordism and personal security threats (as prophesied in the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation paper Scenarios for the Future). Would it go all the way to Marxist nationalization of all land in a Zimbabwe-like collapse? I don't think so because Latin Americans are not anti-European in fact they idolize Spain. Rather it's an issue of them being unrealistic/delusional about their self-worth as humans and how to distribute their incorrect perception of their national wealth more equally. I presume Latin Americans are not as barbaric as Africans. They go along with handouts as in Venezuela deluded into thinking money can fall perpetually from trees. I assume they will not devolve back to tribalism as they haven't been tribal for centuries or even more (e.g. Incas had a sophistical civilization). LatAm will devolve into more chaos than SE Asia will, but Asia will presumably be much more organized in terms of climate change lockdowns and such as evidence by the Certificate Of Vassal IDentity experience. I wish Armstrong would share some analysis of Baltic States such as Albania and Serbia as alternative relocation/emigration destinations to SE Asia or LatAm.Comment: Back in 2008, I along with others coined the concept in expectation of a stagflation future collapse, "inflation in the things you use, deflation in the assets you borrowed money to buy." We were so prescient. I even called for the design of something like Bitcoin in a public article before Bitcoin was even announced. My antennae was up, but I was highly distracted by the chaos I was dealing with in the Philippines. www.armstrongeconomi...tricks-of-the-trade/Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DD352it... (Mike Rowe and Tucker react to TikTok 'influencer's' 'My Day At Work' video | Tucker Fox News) These Gen Z have been bribed with snowflake delusion so they would be complicit with the leftist holiness spiral devolution of Western civilization underway. Next up is the shocker when they (both genders!) are drafted into the premeditated and entirely intentional WW3 underway. They are being fattened up before the slaughter as cannon fodder. Hilarious.Comment: The return to private money will be to cryptocurrency this time, not to physical barter because the people who will use private money will be needles in the haystack of zombies who are taking UBI on fiat CBDCs along with 500 of Gill Baites medical terrorism booster vaggies. The billions will be on auto-pilot to self-immolation due to the inherently failure directed CBDC centralization with nation-states no longer borrow&spend viable with legacy protocol Bitcoin as the world reserve currency. Also the developing world (including China) will not collapse because they are undervalued relative to their productivity. The CCP will lead the world into a 666 dystopia along with their secret partnership with Bill Gates, Soros, Klaus Schwab, etc.. This was planned out decades in the making by our overlords behind the curtain. People are sheep and expect the govt to make everything work properly. When not they will blame any boogeyman as long as they do not have to blame themselves or take full responsibility for their own plight. And the govt always possesses too much centralized control akin to Godzilla traipsing through downtown knocking over skyscrapers. www.armstrongeconomi...riots-private-money/ “There is a vast sum in Circulation here of base Copper: to the amount of Several hundreds of thousands of Pounds. very lately these half Pence are refused every where: I suppose in Consequence of some Concerted Scheme. and it is supposed that they will be all purchased for a trifle and Sent to the United States where they will pass for good metal, and consequently our Simple Country men be cheated of an immense sum. The Board of Treasury, may be ordered with out the avowed Interposition of Congress, to give the alarm to our Citizens. and the seperate States would do well to prohibit this false Money from being paid or received. {...} There was religious tension in Britain that still lingers to this day against Catholics. The Gordon Riots of 1780 took place over several days instigated by the anti-Catholic sentiment that again erupted with the passage of the Papists Act of 1778. That was an attempt to reduce official discrimination against British Catholics with the first legislation of the Popery Act of 1698. At the time, Lord George Gordon was the head of the Protestant Association. He argued that the law would enable Catholics to join the British Army and once in they would then use the army to plot treason. The protest became the excuse to burn people’s possessions, engaged in widespread rioting and looting, and they even used the opportunity to attack both Newgate Prison and the Bank of England. This was by far the most destructive riot in the history of London. {...} From the mid-1600s, the world money supply was increased largely with copper coins. Russia, in particular, began to overvalue the copper coins. Money is always fiat for its value is typically dictated by the government. Overvaluing copper as in the 17th and 18th centuries, led to the same trend of overvaluing silver during the 19th century. The result of this monetary manipulation by the Russian government led to what became known as the Copper Riots of 1662. {...} During the Hyperinflation in Germany of the 1920s, there again we see private currency being printed known as NOTGELD. Therefore, in the end, when the confidence in government declines, society is compelled to return to a barter-based society and that is when we begin to see private forms of money take hold.Comment: It's not clear if LatAm is the DEVELOPING world, as the development has been only focused on natural resources extraction due to the overabundance of natural resources not present in East Asia (which has 10 times larger population) and not on a manufacturing and labor-export economy to provide the economies-of-scale in employment and industry integration to maximize productivity and human capital value. Thus LatAm is headed into a clusterf*ck of civil war as the masses push for marxist redistribution and the monied caste fights back (e.g. Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Chile).Comment: www.tradingview.com/...ctober-Accumulation/ > > "I resisted commenting on your most recent Bitcoin update, but I thought support would hold at least for a bounce into January. After that there might be one more leg down for a bottom. Regardless I am expecting a face ripping rally in Q1 after the bottom forms." > > "@shelby3, are you referring to the run to S&P 4300 as the face ripper?" @JerryManders, yeah not thinking new ATH until 2025. Fed's Bullard hinted yesterday a pause in rate hikes will be signaled soon. Market will front run that. Historically the markets rally into the pause or easing before the lagging effect of recession drags everything back down. Also my model is the overlords are premeditating global events to force flash crashes to force the central banks into supporting egregious stagflation and ultimately self-immolation as the pathway to the NWO wherein legacy Bitcoin will rise as the Phoenix world reserve asset in a multi-polar world from the ashes post-WW3. Probably escalation in Ukraine to direct conflict between NATO and Russia widening the scope of the war, capital controls and supply chain disruption. Thus another bout of flash crash event (2019-2020 is repeating more or less) leading to worsening price inflation with even more egregious central banks off-the-rails. Btw, Mark Moss just pointed out that bank bail-ins are coming to the U.S. eventually. FDIC only insures 125B and 12.5T of assets. Bank deposits are unsecured creditors. My current thesis is a bull trap bounce incoming in January, possibly a retest down, then the full on face ripper ending by April-ish. Yet I am open to Q2 face ripper scenario, although that seems to be a lower probability based on the signals I am looking at. Will be curious to see what you are detecting in your mathematical-based analyses?Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOrfzaCX... (Before you buy Real Estate in Florida - 10 CRITICAL THINGS to Beware of) When the climate change Agenda 2030 regulations are promulgated the H.O.A. will use non-compliance as a pretext to profit by foreclosing on the property owner. Everything is going to go pear-shaped F.U.B.A.R.. Toxic Chinese drywall killing Floridians...who would have thought. Destin and Ft. Walton beach were paradise for Spring Break in 1986 when I was 21 years old. That ship has sailed. Overpopulation in ruinous. Luckily the population of the Disunited, Disintegrated States should soon be reduced by 75% within a few years. Instead the wise are moving far from humanity off-grid to prep for the looming cataclysm.Comment: All private ownership will become uneconomic for most people. I am warning the West is very, very dangerous for our assets. www.bitchute.com/video/UgpIlUzqWVeW/ (How They Plan to Take Your House: The Agenda 2030 Wealth Transfer)Comment: Did she tamper with the capsule or was this a bad batch? 😲 www.bitchute.com/video/SfkNT1r07OR2/ (ABSOLUTE PROOF: The pharmaceutical industry is now using graphene oxide in other drugs!)Comment: How could anyone listen to this and not finally realize they were complete idiots for taking the rushed, experimental vaccines and that they were intentionally duped! We anti-vaxxers were the sane people among mass insanity. www.bitchute.com/video/AKY6UNo7oUdT/ (Covid Vaccine Crimes Are Quickly Unraveling ! Professor Goes Ballistic.) That medical expert explains that the vaccines destroy the natural immunity. He presents all the data to Ministry of Health. Maybe this could explain why Chinese are getting so sick? Someone commented: Yeah the Japanese are usually pretty smart and based ... maybe they can be the first to denounce it. We're all just living a lie falling in line with what we're told on the TV. You can't even argue about the vaccine's legitimacy on youtube or reddit. People on reddit even applaud unvaxxed deaths and get like rabid animals anytime someone criticizes the vax. We're in this rut of hopelessness, waiting for things to change. Yet, he's still stupid enough to wear a mask.Comment: This adds information about Thailand and separately about the toxic vaggies, especially also the comments section which contains some high quality erudite discussion: viewfromthewing.com/...rement-for-visitors/Comment: Currently my comment is presumably in the moderator queue, not appearing publicly yet: viewfromthewing.com/...tors/comment-page-1/ One challenge to rationality is that soi-disant "science" is often (unwittingly, confirmation bias or even vested-interests willfully) blind to ignored, confounding factors. For example the claim that the recent U.S. variant(s) are less pathogenic fails to contemplate if maybe that's because so many Americans are refusing to sport bacterial pneumonia causing face diapers, refusing the vaggies and not scared by FUD to rush into a hospital where the insurance companies were paying out more if the treatment included intubating the patient on glassification-by-operation-warp-speed ventilator therapy and other iatrogenic "treatments" such as monoclonal antibodies (and other toxic meds and not to mention that hospitals themselves are toxic breeders of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and bacterial pneumonia). We even had some doctors and nurses blowing the whistle on inappropriate concentrations of oxygen early on in the Billy boy's Event 201 p(L)andemic. viewfromthewing.com/...tors/comment-page-1/ Spiked vaccinated immunity that wanes to no spread protection and to SUPPRESSED general, natural, herd immunity (coined as VAIDS or Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is potentially catastrophic especially compounded by the egregious incidence of myocarditis and thrombosis detected when the vaccinated are actively screened with Dimer and MRI tests for lurking, asymptomic injury (54% of 12-29 cohort in one recent study) — regardless if the nuanced assailable/equivocal claim that it reduces incidence or severity of illness attributable and limited to perhaps ephemeral non-evasive variants. Social protection? Are you people insane? We are injecting cardiovascular disease into our youth! F*ck. How can the memebots continue pitching this diabolical crap with any conscience? How scorched earth do we need to achieve before you myopic, unthinking, big brained sheep wake up and admit you were fools? Eugenicist Ted Turner's Georgia Guidestones' and the reptilian Gates Family's long standing lust for gigadeath? Do I need to escape to Mars and watch humanity self-immolate or will sufficient, capable men come to their senses before it is too late?Comment: viewfromthewing.com/...tors/comment-page-1/ @DCS your unthinking, memebotic stereotype label "deniers" (akin to the "troofers" meme) is an example of, "the psychotic merely instantiates groups on the basis of its representational needs, and thus regularly and predictably produces ideal instantiations of very little intellectual merit" excerpted from the blog post The Common Psychosis on Trilema dot com. I also recommend that "deceased" author's other blog article entitled, How to piss me the f*ck off -- a guide. You are just as much of a denier as are those who you accuse. So your first unthinking error is inability to use correct vocabulary which is also indicative of the veracity of your memebot "reality." You choose your reality and your destiny, so don't complain about the outcome Billy boy is arranging for you, given you have unwittingly submitted your free will to the propaganda that has entirely taken control of your thoughts.Comment: This is really bad. Thailand has decided to require double COVID vaccines for all arrivals starting Jan 8. Apparently they did not want to offend China by requiring it only for the Chinese. IOW, Chinese tourists are more important than losing 20% of non-Chinese who might not be vaxxed. On top of this India is now requiring a PCR test for those arriving from Thailand because of Chinese being allowed in. So TPTB are turning the Chinese protests into a new opportunity to impose COVID restrictions on travel! Now the fear is that countries such as Brazil might reimpose PCR and/or vax requirements. I am feeling quite stressed again and maybe we need to get our arses out of here sooner than later. This is why I can not trust SE Asia. It's insanity and the CCP wields too much influence (and increasing!) over SE Asia. Even Indonesia will be getting closer to China despite the historical anti-China riots there. I find it amazing that Martin Armstrong does not understand that the CCP is complicit with the Great Reset and Agenda 2030. youtu.be/MRzw8eeevac (BREAKING: Covid vaccine shots will be required for all arrivals in Thailand - January 5) www.bloomberg.com/ne...t-on-maritime-issues www.scmp.com/news/ch...and-ferdinand-marcosComment: They will start all that contract tracing insanity. I fear we will get trapped here, forced to quarantine or take a vaccine: www.bangkokpost.com/...rs-require-two-shots An operation centre will be set up to monitor the spread of the disease and promptly respond to transmissions among travellers, with an update on the situation reported via the Department of Disease Control's... {...} The Public Health Ministry is in talks with state agencies on health insurance and vaccination service matters, she said. www.bangkokpost.com/...ious-than-from-china New Covid-19 strains from visitors arriving from western countries could pose a higher health threat that older strains from tourists arriving from China, according to virologist Yong Poovorawan. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... Oh yes contact tracing and quarantines will come back and essentially forced vaccination because complying with the alternative options will be so onerous. Alluded to in one of the Bangkok Post articles today. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... Likewise sentiments then, so we pump no sympathy for you when develop myocarditis from the vaggies. Sudden expirations are increasing. Soon we will need to restrict the vagginated from operating machinery as they are a danger to the public. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... An illusion of tests and FUD. Scare the sheep and they will willingly drive off a cliff to escape from the fabricated boogeyman. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... @Tim Newton Today that seems short-sighted. There will be contact tracing and quarantines as alluded to in one of the Bangkok Post articles today. The theme is vagginate or suffer the horrible other options. It's a panopticon grid encircling humanity. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... No the vaggies last for a lifetime leading eventually to organ failure. You remember the Bible says they will have open sores all over their body. This is underway. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... Every country is deepthroating China, including Hunter Biden. Yes he (and Papa dementia) is (in charge of) the country. (not really we know what is behind the curtain) www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... @Cheko Rachowski More vaggies, more incidence of myocardities and sudden expirations. 51,000 Cleveland Clinic Employees 2022 tests Unvac infection rate compared.. 1xjab, x 1.7 2xjab, x 2.36 3xjab, x 3.1 4xjab, x 3.38 Choose carefully.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... @Sailing Solo the cure is incoming to the self-importance. It will be collapse into abject poverty with the plans the globalists are putting into action. How many Westerners even understand that all of this was premediated and planned out years ago in official documents which I could cite. Even Russia was forced into the war intentionally by the West. Westerners fail to understand the evil they are trapped in. @Marcuss the hippy in disguise continue to imagine you can survive in some snowflakes delusion when it comes to the point that you are not provided food to eat nor allowed to farm. Every conspiracy theory has been coming true lately. Incoming is Agenda 2030. The sudden expirations have been increasing. An American football player collapsed and died this past week. Myocarditis is off-the-charts when tested for, but most do not realize they have it already. Just give it time. Also the goal is 500 vagginations per individual by the end of the decade.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > > "I lived with my Thailand girlfriend that I met last year and we lived together for six months and we were talking about marriage. There's no way I'm taking the jab so it looks like I can't stay in Thailand." > > "Better get used to it. Welcome to the future of international travel." @Frontend Zen one will need at least residency if not much better citizenship to have any certitude about being able to live somewhere unvaxxed. But that won't even be sufficient because the diabolical plan is to tighten the screws by making it impossible to reside in a condo or move beyond a 15 minute radius if unvaxxed (and eventually other edicts such as climate change rationing morphing to essentially deprivation and ultimately pestilence and morbidity). Next stage by 2025 is to ban cash and enforce edicts by blocking access to electronic money. The 666 panopticon vice is closing and the sheep are hapless deer-stuck-in-the-headlights. The time is nigh for the gigadeath incoming. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > "I had purchased my flight for end of February but it’s looking like I won’t be coming. I have a feeling this will get bad in Thailand with China coming and everyone will be wearing masks and all that." "All of that" might include contact tracing and possibly quarantines for anyone on the same floor of a condo with a positive case, etc.. This is dystopian sh8t. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > "No point blaming Chinese citizens. What about the funding, creation and release of this virus! We all suffer and squabble like losers, whilst the people who created this disaster laugh all the way to the bank. No consequences for them. This isn’t a Thai issue. It’s not a Chinese issue. In case people didn’t learn anything in the past 3 years this is about control and compliance under the guise of health and safety. Unhealthy, submissive and miserable more like it." There was no release of anything other than a p(L)andemic of billions of flu tests. Zillions of strains of corona exosomes have always circulated. Don't fall for the bioweapon psyop. This just like the truth about the Ukraine situation, is an information war. The flu tests are based on information technology. Billy boy is orchestrating most of this. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > "@S. Moore put it this way. I see exactly what youre saying. But not many do. Even though its right in there face. Now that i see lets get on with it. I am ready as i will ever be today. The slow pace to destruction is unberable. Were all doomed. But i plan to extend mine. Mostly by not standing in line for death ." @Sailing Solo 🫡 Salute sir. I pray I have some guys like you two around where ever I end up. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > "Bottom line here is when you leave Thailand. If they allow Chinese in without a COVID test on entry Thailand will be considered a high risk country. So you will require a COVID test on departure" @underworldringside I think it will depend more on cases which are likely to explode anyway due to remixing two populations that have been separated for 3 years. Herd immunity is much more important than vaccines. Which is why I am going to scurry out of Thailand after one glorious month of imagining the world was normal again. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > "ll those people complaining..They probably spend more at the airport on snacks and drinks then the PCR test would cost." You calling for more p(L)andemic of flu tests. Coronas have always circulated. What is new is suddenly billions of tests. Boggles my mind that people are so incapable of conceiving reality. John Unvaxxed wrote: "do what Thais do: wear a mask but no helmet or seat belt while driving....go where you're treated best: Mexico, Costa Rica, DomRep, Cuba ....." www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > "Between 90 and 95% of all Europeans (some countries even higher) above 12 years have been vaccinated. I understand it's short notice, but won't effect really a lot of people." @Frank in Thailand W. EuropeOns are self-immolating and they've dug their graves for their incoming mass depopulation. 54% of the age 12 - 29 vagginated cohort that were MRI screened, had asymptomatic myocarditis in one recent study. And the bizarre Twilight Zone effect of you bragging about it taking the vaggies, lol.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > "How are those horse pills going? Have you tried bleach? While you worship at the alter of Trump, I read virology journals. Like this one: If 10% of the population remain unvaccinated, they will account for at least 80% of new infections. Virologists call this 'Over-dispersion Parameter K.' It works like this: "Multiple studies have found that k for SARS-CoV-2 is on the order of 0.1, corresponding to ∼10% of infected people causing 80% of new infections (12⇓⇓–15) This also implies that the majority of infected individuals cause less than one secondary infection and thus, cannot sustain the epidemic on their own should the superspreading events somehow be prevented." (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America.) So not everyone is a spreader. In fact, few are. And with those who are vaccinated, the viral load is far less pathogenic than those who are unvaccinated since the virus does not replicate nearly as much in a vaccinated persons nasopharynx. Learn how viruses replicate and how vaccines work." @Steve Schertzer Go read the comments section at the blog I cited so you can educate yourself about the confounding factors not captured by your cherry picking myopia. The vaccines don't stop spread of evasive variants. The virus mutates and the vaccines suppress the herd immunity needed to deal with the variants. Thus a never ending series of boosters and new vaccines. The stated goal is 500 vaccines before the end of this decade. Cripes man stop being such a pompous Dunning-Kruger arse. @Steve Schertzer your epidemiological citation must presume that vagged who test positive do not spread? Because extensive studies show that the vagginated are 3 times more likely to test positive than the unvagged. So then what is the point of the tests if they do not detect spreaders? The study you cited does not make any sense. @Steve Schertzer Check for example the Cleveland study of 55,000 participants. If you are unaware of the studies I am referring to then you clearly do not know a lot more than me. Also I obliterated your citation already in the responses I already made in the other comment threads on this video. I am not going to copy and paste it all here again. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYY5m1wQ... > > > "Geez. What about just getting your d*mn shots? Easy!!!!!!" > > > > "@Mark Soler Because the shots are dangerous? And the disease isn't? " > > "@alan carre ... you got it wrong! It is the other way round !" @Alfa Bravo no. The vagginated are a danger to society because they destroy herd immunity and they are experiencing sudden collapse and death, meaning they could kill many people when operating machinery. They are also a danger to society because they are supporting a dystopian lurch into a gigadeath 666 panopticon deprivation, pestilence and societalcide. It is clear that there is going to be Civil War eventually and a great separation and culling event. Prepare.Comment: David, of course very few people would believe that there could be 50% depopulation in NATO countries by the end of 2025. This would require some unthinkable event right? Russia and NATO are going to have direct nuclear conflict, probably kicking off later this year between Poland and Russia then expanding until 2025 to all of NATO. If not ICBMs on the major cities (and submarine tidal wave nukes along coastlines and island countries such as the U.K.), it could be EMP attacks that wipe out the grid, fuel distribution, food processing/transport, drinking water and sewer systems, which would lead to mayhem and megadeath within a week or two. Additionally our enslaving overlords (e.g. Klaus Schwab at the W.E.F., Soros, Bill Gates, etc) are apparently planning to blame a massive cyberattack on Russia (i.e. a false flag event) in which they will freeze everyone's bank accounts (the bail-ins but with an excuse). This can have the same effect as an EMP attack within days, widespread mayhem, rioting, criminality and deprivation. David there is a chance for some uber dystopian shit coming which will make the COVID crap look like a walk in the park. My hypothesis is that COVID was a trial run exercise so they can fine tune their plans for escalation. Maybe none of this will happen. Or maybe it will. We live in very dangerous times this decade. Beware.Comment: Also there's other possibilities such as the economic collapse Minsky Moment underway (and the rising technocratic totalitarianism attempting to capture it) could lead to egregious factional political struggles devolving into civil wars, which are typically very deadly as you should know in Spain's history. Also simply that all this crap may go awry leading to some forms of Madmax warlordism collapse of government, police, and the rule-of-law. READ THIS: www.armstrongeconomi...the-food-supply-why/ www.theepochtimes.co...rg-code_4943584.htmlComment: David, mutually assured destruction is now probably false. Thus the mutual disincentive for nuclear armageddon may be vacated. Firstly the U.S. nukes may not function as the U.S. has been unable to produce tritium to maintain them. Secondly the Russian State (the govt) may sense an existential threat and thus fear overthrow more than the ramifications of a first strike. Thirdly global nuclear winter is scientifically invalid hokum. A global nuclear war is quite survivable in bunkers (and outside the small radius of the cities) of which both sides have many. Only the masses in the cities perish. Or maybe only tactical and EMP nukes will be employed with limited radiation effects but massive effects on vital infrastructure. Maybe over overlords have kept the nukes in the bottle until this global Minsky Moment. They predicted the rise of the Bitcoin Phoenix from the ashes on the January issue of the 1989 Economic Magazine cover story.Comment: > "I stand by my original assertion that the “plan” involves the dissolution of the west. The east will be spared, at least for a while. Compliant people make excellent slaves." Absolutely the developing world will be spared (in some sense) both because the obedient, compliant population will not present any threat to the 666 panopticon and because Larry Fink pointed out they do not have enough capital to bribe all the sectors to fully implement the Agenda 2030 personal Carbon Credits scheme in the developing world. By spared we mean that the congested Asian shities will be 666 panopticon compliance zones, but the rural developing world will not be fully enslaved. And that the West will experience more egregious economic collapse and societal transformation, because more decadent, overvalued, culturally/ideologically/religiously invested in junk science FUD and personal debt inflated. Also it is quite possible that there are breakaway States (or counties) of the USA that for example defy the 666 panopticon as best they can, which I think is quite unlikely in obedient Asia. Defection in Asia will be probably only limited instances of individual bribes for exemptions, cheating and such, not entire breakaway communities. Asians only riot when they can't eat. Westerners organize when their liberties are threatened. Difference. IOW, in Asia do not dare try to organize an ideological fight for liberty, as nobody is interested. The collapse of the West means rising, onerous CCP influence in all of Asia as China will be unopposed.Comment: The U.S. is in the midst of a 31 year collapse into warlordism after Snowden's 2013 expose of the how corrupt our U.S. govt is (which btw so many Americans ignore). By 2044, the U.S. will be in some areas as lawless as Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil and Peru. Trump even helped to endorse McCarthy and kick-the-can on any hope for a quick Civil War and arrest of the societalcide. The U.S. will go through gyrations of political and economic collapse from now forward. Will not be a beeline to the abyss, so it may still be a nice place to visit for a decade or two more. Appears that all the Western States are politically lost and can't be restored, especially after the election was clearly rigged in Arizona again. Maybe only a few counties in Arizona for example Cochise (which entirely resisted certifying the governor election), but counties are not as sovereign as States. Actually Texas looks vulnerable as the cities are already voting Demo(n)(c)rat. Anyway, any of the climates I would have wanted (i.e. not the SouthEast nor continental such as Utah and Montana) in the U.S. are hopeless and will become no-live-zones. So it's time to shutdown any hope to reside in the U.S.. It will be an optional summer vacation destination for me from this point forward. The U.S. and the genetic relatives from my parents have disintegrated away from me as I have chosen to attempt to step off the Titanic. And they will never, never understand me nor reunify with me. They will not U-turn from their decision to go down with the ship they loved. They do not see options. www.armstrongeconomi...-cost-of-the-nation/ www.armstrongeconomi...al-political-crisis/Comment: The emigration from the U.S. into Mexico will continue to accelerate. Anyway, any of the climates I would have wanted (i.e. not the SouthEast nor continental such as Utah and Montana) in the U.S. are hopeless and will become no-live-zones. So it's time to shutdown any hope to reside in the U.S.. It will be an optional summer vacation destination (possibly also Maui) for me from this point forward. There's a lot of people still having of lot of fun and high quality life in the U.S., as well as maximizing their careers. It's not B&W, There's much nuance in time, stages and prioritization before the storm.Comment: A proposal to modify the Thai vaccine requirements such that I would no longer need it (if I chose to fly back in again). Michelle would still need but she has. Who knows if this proposal will be accepted. Essentially this might be accepted because: 1) the condo resale values will be affected downwards if not, and 2) presumably this letter would not have been sent if not already discussed it with whom it is addressed to (do not embarrass your political allies in Asia as face is so important). Meaning this may be face saving measure to not discriminate against China but stop shooting themselves in the feet. www.thephuketnews.co...-countries-86807.php The Thai panic is being eviscerated with simple logic. I hope they will capitulate to the above face saving measure at least! www.thephuketnews.co...t-to-panic-86805.phpComment: Bitcoin is carving out a bottom. Main conclusion is there will likely be a significant bounce at some point on 2023 and 2024 should start a new bull market. This does not guarantee that Bitcoin can't go lower. It has been pitiful to see Marting Armstrong entirely miss the boat on crypto. And never once helping his subscribers reap the enormous gains of each 4 year bull market cycle. The man who claims to be so astute about cycles, can not seem to see that Bitcoin has a repeating 4.3 year cycle, 2.1 years up and 2,1 years down. youtu.be/H2gYtplI_rs (Bitcoin Just Flashed TORNADO WARNING | Crypto Crew University)Comment: This video is also supporting the thesis that the 4 year Bitcoin cycle is intact: youtu.be/XE6Gkt65FhA (My 2023 CRYPTO Predictions - Wyckoff w/ Ryan)Comment: {...} But I'm not even really working out regularly yet. My athleticism is still intense which is surprising given I will be age 58 in June. This demonstrates (yet again after 2018 & 2019 vacations in Angeles City, Philippines) I'm healthier in an idyllic urban setting as is this Pattaya, Thailand that resembles Destin, FL or Daytona Beach, FL. I'm a social creature. I decompressed along the windy, serene beach after gym, from the egregious anxiety of past days of contemplating next destination & renewed COVID edicts! Melting anxiety is a lesson in sanity vs. insanity. I don't function well all alone in desolate, cold locales. U.S.A. is either a geriatric boredom (e.g. Sierra Vista, AZ) else woke Twilight Zone zombified, unaffordable (e.g. Commiefornia, Portatoiletland, OR, etc). How many are still insane due to the COVID hoax FUD. No virus! Only tests! Idiots! Humans are so fucking gullible. Not willing to think for themselves formed via their own skepticism & research. Science fails with groupthink as a substitute for highly skeptical, independent verification, exactly as Carl Sagan had warned. Too willing to follow the other mindless protoplasm sheep like complete fucking imbeciles/morons. It's actually funny if I wasn't so affected by my inability to find a sane place to be a social creature (FL doesn't work for me year round) The corona exosomes have always circulated. In Spain they even found the SARS-CoV-2 strain in sewerage stored from early in 2019. Viruses appear to be dead material excreted from diseased & dying cells. Not causative. Probably not infectious. Even if infectious herd immunity is the only thing that actually works as all the data is now revealing. Yet these imbeciles continue to destroy their health with toxic jabs creating a huge public safety hazard. They do not seem to realize they are the problem. And if they do not stop this nonsense there will be civil war and they will perish. Duh. Hard fucking headed. Need to take them out to the woodshed to bloody their rumps bcz they have the mentality of irresponsible, incorrigible juveniles. Do these imbeciles even have a functional brain stem? Only a nation of half-enlightened, dimwits could turn the U.S. into the cesspool of unthinkable insanity it is now. What do we do with these senile, brainwashed, ideologically deviant mofos? Probably best is don't interrupt your nemesis when they're busy culling themselves. Sad though when it's the people we loved (relatives). Simple conclusion is the West is cooked. Can't be fixed. Armstrong is correct that it will be a 31 year decline into Madmax dystopia from Snowden's 2013 whistleblower exposé (which the treasonous, civic dutiless imbeciles ignore).Comment: Yet another young person passing from sudden death due to myocarditis from the COVID vaccines. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING AUTOPSIES!!!! news.yahoo.com/victo...-star-185716166.html The U.S. is turning into a wokeness freak show. The society does not realize it's actuarially (actuarial is an accounting term, also actually) bankrupt. Thus the society is wasting precious time and flushing resources down the portatoilets. Going to be interesting to watch the West self-immolate, especially as interest rates rise and then eventually waterfall deflation mayhem and pestilence/deprivation. Of course there will probably be eugenics and totalitarianism merged in, for the reasons Armstrong eloquently pointed out below... (the elite simply would not allow a reset where they gave up control to the free market, thus they will make the ultimate free market mayhem much more dramatic in the end) Btw, those who ignored Snowden, ignore Hellary Klinton's assassination body count, etc, will of course not agree the following is deviant, mass psychotic insanity. news.yahoo.com/a-wav...risis-235057996.html www.armstrongeconomi...ing-the-pot-for-war/ "The world is dumbfounded as to why in the hell we have world leaders cheering war on every continent. I put forth a solution, some did not like it, but there is no other way out of this other than Schwab’s “Great Reset” which is really all about defaulting on all the national debts, the end of socialism, democracy, and the push for a one world government to end any right to vote so government retains power. Under my solution, the government would relinquish power. They did not like that. Schwab’s way leaves it necessary to create World War III, reduce the population to escape the pension liabilities, and start over with a new Bretton Woods II." The memebot idiots will not watch the following inconvenient truth either because it conflicts with their snowflake psychosis: www.armstrongeconomi...e-ground-in-ukraine/ The U.S. is doomed. news.yahoo.com/roger...-plum-151537763.html (Disheveled GOP scrambles to finalize new House rules) Even Brad Pitt had to divorce the woke Angela Jolie and find himself a Mexican girl: news.yahoo.com/brad-...riend-215638503.html (Pitt's body is in even better shape than mine and he's almost 2 years my elder)Comment: QAnon, {1/9/23 7:33 PM} someone from taiwan think 5g has been critical part of the hoax since 2019 and posted a video about it. so they designed a way to test covid so that it is similar how 5g symtoms would occur in real world. and that will be used to get people to take the real covid ,which is vax. wuhan is one of earliest city to build 5g. in 2022 it is fullly built out. seem very likely. shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/9/23 7:35 PM} Keep those probably psy-ops coming so we all resemble kooky retards with our tinfoil hats in the eyes of the vast majority. Occam's Razor please, i.e. is there a simpler explanation for the COVID phenomenon. Scroll back, I posted one. That's not to say I don't think possibly that the ionizing radiation form of 5G could be potentially unhealthy. QAnon, {1/9/23 7:43 PM} i think it depends on if they will abuse it and do experiment with it like what they did with vax. the simple expanation does not explain why that many people get fever and other symtom at the same time, right after china reopen and stop the zero covid policy. anyway. we do not need to spend more time trying to figure out exactly how it all happened. shjelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/9/23 7:47 PM} Yes it does. No herd immunity. Mass vaccinated. Thus they have suppressed immune system right at the time they make a change to their daily patterns. Synchronized illness via dead immune systems and the timing of opening. Whether ionizing 5G can employed to simulate illness could be entirely orthogonal to COVID, other than the vaccines suppressing the immune systems. Meaning the 5G does not need to be activating something that was injected as the kooks are alleging. Keep the theories more grounded please.Comment: CHINA IS DEMONSTRATING HOW DANGEROUS MASS VACCINATION IS ESPECIALLY COMBINED WITH SOCIAL DISTANCING!!!!Comment: QAnon, {1/9/23 7:59 PM} it dont believe it is loss of herd immunity that caused the recent widespread symtomes. my parents didnt live the room and didnt meet people recently and still got symtoms recently. also before china reopen, there was mass pcr testing. that was the major and probably the only difference. china reopen just means end of mass pcr testing. before china reopen, people did not stay at home all day. they congregate as usual shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/9/23 8:00 PM} What you just wrote makes no sense. Do you understand what herd immunity even means? shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/9/23 8:05 PM} > "china reopen just means end of mass pcr testing. before china reopen, people did not stay at home all day. they congregate as usual" Do you understand that the vaccine suppresses herd immunity? Don't tell me that the pattern of the people (COLLECTIVELY, not just some of the people such as your parents) was the same before and after they knew they there were unlikely to thrown in a detention center if test positive. Obviously they were not freely going anywhere before, because they wanted to minimize their chance of testing positive. They were minimizing their movements. It can even just be a synchronized, mass psychological shift that can cause illness due to suppressed immune system QAnon, {1/9/23 8:08 PM} of course they can be anywhere before withinchina as long as the pcr test result is ok . shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/9/23 8:09 PM} But they minimized their exposure because of fear of being exposed or testing positive. Why is this so difficult for you to read? QAnon, {1/9/23 8:09 PM} mass pcr test actually means more people congregating before china end zero covid. have you seen videos of crowds of people queuing for covid test. shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/9/23 8:11 PM} Oh an hour of standing in line at a prescribed social distance wearing a face diaper once a week is the same as being around people for hours per day with the face diaper moving around due to varied movements, interactions, conversations, not social distancing, etc? Do you understand the word CHANGE. It is enough to say CHANGE. We do not need to classify the SYNCHRONIZED CHANGE. > "It can even just be a synchronized, mass psychological shift that can cause illness due to suppressed immune system" Do you realize how insane we become due to chronic anxiety and be closed off from other humans? We are social creatures. Practically everyone who socially isolated themselves are insane now. And thus the world going entirely insane as a result. Bill Gates is very fucking clever!! Thus do you realize that there is such a thing as psychologically induced illness especially with a suppressed immune system as previously explained. AND DO NOT FORGET THE MASS PROTESTS (i.e. CONGREGATING BY THE MILLIONS) THAT LEAD TO THE END OF THE INSANE ZERO COVID POLICY.Comment: Let's discuss this some other time as I am in an extreme rush right now to change condos, shower, catching up on urgent Bitcoin trading, etc.. Essentially I am saying do not jump on 5G activating graphene oxide. Could be numerous other explanations. Indeed could be 5G causing illness but not activating graphene oxide. Or other explanations. Anyway, anyone who chooses to live in 5G intense zones are going to be 666 panopticon slaves regardless. So I will not be living there.Comment: www.tradingview.com/...o-Drop-to-0-in-2023/ > "ah btc will be 0 okey im buying now 2millions usd😁😁" @GUIDE_BJV, you better read more slowly and in detail. I never said legacy protocol Bitcoin will go to 0. I said if you store your Bitcoin in non-legacy addresses (i.e. that begin with a 3 or bc1 instead of a 1), then you BTC will be donated to the miners. Now please prove me wrong by not storing your BTC in addresses that begin with a 1. I will be laughing at you. Now if you paid attention and I ended up saving your a$$ then you should thank me in the end. Because nobody else bothered to inform you.Comment: Bill Gates, John Hopkins and the WHO have announced that the next p(L)andemic will begin October 2025. They originally modeled as pancoronavirus SPARS, which I had shared previously: www.centerforhealths...ndemic-scenario.html But now Bill Gates has produced another video (as they did before COVID) "speculating" that the next pandemic will be an enterovirus, which purportedly can affect the nervous system (e.g. polio) although it has been shown that polio was never caused by any virus but instead by broad use of DDT. In any case, this means it will be much scarier as it will be paralyzing people and especially children. Would the massive ramp up in vaccinations be the cause of these soon-to-be vaccine injuries which are erroneously reclassified and blamed on a virus with the analogous nonsense of billions of tests? youtu.be/Qk9Nd4uhJQg (It's starting, Bill Gates announces the next pandemic date and outbreak location | Redacted News) And oh btw, the CDC has already started touting a novel enterovirus: www.nbcnews.com/heal...kness-kids-rcna47362 This is the problem I have with attempting to settle down in any place that is not rural, at least until this insanity is finished maybe by 2028 or 2032. Someone commented: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk9Nd4uh... > "My fathers cousin used to run intel in Australia, she warned our family of lockdowns back in February 2018. She told us 6 years worth of events kicking off with lockdowns. The end result will be digital currency and ID" I replied: > "It has to get so blatantly obvious to the sleeping masses.. and I believe this is our opportunity to rise together against this evil tyranny once and for all! Thank you for this great reporting." If you rise they will cut off your bank accounts and put you on blacklists so that you can't find employment. Once they ban cash, then they can even turn off your ability to buy and sell anything. You have about 2 years remaining to overthrow them, and instead people are still wasting their time on meaningless elections.Comment: He followed up: > "@Dakota Rey I was told Australia signed up with John Howard, wasn’t told a date, he was selected as PM in ‘96 not long before we were stripped of weapons, my fathers cousin was his PA for 10 years after being Rupert Murdochs PA." > "@David Purll my military connections here in Australia has warned me that recently they have been asked how they felt about delivering food to Australians. They must have a heavy lockdown planned" > "@Andrea mcgehee We had this conversation in February 2018, within a year of her retiring. After serving in her career also as the PA for Scott Morrison, John Howard and Rupert Murdoch"Comment: Martin Armstrong please refute this CIA disinfo agent Peter Zaihan... he is also pushing narrative that China will reintroduce new highly virulent SARS-CoV-2 viruses to the world... www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED_yPDdq... (China Has 10 Years Left, Says Geopolitical Analyst Peter Zaihan) > "Zaihan seems to be correct about China but may be dismissing their sphere of influence in SE Asia (and possibly even Latin America and Africa) which has the replacement demographics. Also he seems to delusional about what is really transpiring in Ukraine. I do not trust this man. Something smells."Comment: Bitcoin appears to be prepping for a run to $35 - 58k in Q2. Probably coming back down after this rally to retest one more time, but not sure if will make lower-low or not. For me below $13.5k is a very low probability before this posited Q2 rally ETH is prepping for a Q2 rally to $3200. Yet BTC is poised to be dominant again on this rally repeating 2019. Also BTC Dominance appears to be in a bear flag, thus altcoins to perform much better in 2024! Is that ANYONECANSPEND attack coming against the impostor, non-legacy protocol Bit-cOn? ETH:BTC looks like it could drop to 0.053 - 0.076 thus $42 - 60k, albeit 0.064 - 0.68 looks like a sweet spot which is $47 - 50k.Comment: Govts will seize all the money with CBDCs instituted with some false-flag excuse such as a cyber attack blamed on the Russians: youtu.be/6bLkIquA6HQ?t=1321 (This Is How the Fed Will Seize Your Money in 2023: Gerald Celente)Comment: I take it back. Neil deGrasse Tyson is still a proponent of the mainstream deceptions. www.youtube.com/watch?v=CquiSjgJ... ("They Were WRONG!" - Neil deGrasse Tyson In Heated Vaccine Debate With Patrick Bet-David) But the drug companies misrepresented their clinical trials results and the FDA disbanded the independent committee that was advising them to be more cautious. And many other points that need to be made. I am only 1:30 into this video and already finding errors in this genius' reasoning. Actually this was bullshit about the not taking the vaccine putting other people at risk. The drug companies were claiming a 95% efficacy, but that was was relative risk improvement from something like 0.01 to 0.001 chance of contracting symptoms which resembled the flu. This was complete bullocks on so many levels. Is this man this ignorant of what was going on? Additionally the mouse trials that are normally done for vaccines were not done. There are many other points to be made that this host failed to make. Put me in a debate with Neil and I will make a fool out him. This really pisses me off. These sort of people are destroying everything. I can not coexist in the same society with these cretins. His retorts about the virus evolved, well that is what experts were warning and stating that there was no emergency that warranted suppressing natural immunity with these toxic, gene experiments awarded to Bill Gates. Look the data was misrepresented and we were deceived. And the dissenting experts were shut down (even imprisoned in some cases). Neil needs to GAFC. And what is this BS about taking the vax to prevent others from being infected when the vax should protect the person who is worried about it (even through it was just the flu, no reason for the hysteria and the vax did not protect anyway with much higher rates of COVID among the vaxxed than the non-vaxxed).Comment: The insanity gripping the West because the system is bankrupt and our elite don't want to lose control. So they're attempting to go full retard totalitarianism. They want to lock us down in every facet possible from travel, access to our money, ability to grow our own food (carbon credits), etc.. This is a strong argument to GTFO of the Western nations. Access the off-ramps before they are closed. www.armstrongeconomi...-completely-in-2023/Comment: Is Martin Armstrong too bearish on Brazil? Is Brazil about to have a successful right-wing coup? Bolsonaro is in exile in Florida. Maybe a successful coup in Brazil will embolden Americans to assert States' rights leading to a Civil War in the U.S.? Remember the recent Redacted vlog that pointed that Bill Gates and John Hopkins are running scenarios to launch their next pLandemic scam in Brazil in 2025 (an enterovirus so they can FUD scare the fuck out everyone possibly relabeling COVID vaccine injuries and iatrogenic treatments as acute myelitis). Hospitalization is nearly a death sentence with the MRSA circulating in them and the iatrogenic treatments the insurance companies are incentivizing. The situation in Brazil appears to be that the evil elite control the key people in the Brazilians institutions (Supreme Court, military, health ministers, etc) but they do not have the support of most of the rank-and-file. Unlike in the U.S. where the rank-and-file are too addicted to their luxurious lifestyles and do not want to risk a fight, the average Brazilians are probably ready to fight. Americans have become spoiled marshmallow coach potatoes. www.armstrongeconomi...wef/chaos-in-brazil/ Gareth Soloway just pointed out that the iShares Brazil index (EWZ) has a very bullish flag: So why is Armstrong interpreting the Brazilian REAL and stock markets bearishly? www.armstrongeconomi...n-the-end-of-brazil/ www.armstrongeconomi...ket-Y-01-01-2023.png If the REAL is to depreciate as the U.S. dollar goes into it's final peak, and if the EWZ is to rise, then the Brazilian stock market priced in REAL will skyrocket. www.armstrongeconomi...azil-election-fraud/ www.armstrongeconomi...il-Real-M-1-9-23.pngComment: Or does this just mean Brazilians will flee to the private assets (e.g. the stock market) as they did in Venezuela?Comment: This is a very good interview with Martin Armstrong because the host asks probing questions that cause Martin to elaborate more on his reasoning and speculation about how the breakup of the U.S. and civil wars in Brazil and Peru will proceed. One of the key points Martin emphasizes is that the powers-that-should-not-be don't collapse until they lose the support of the military and police. What typically happens is that the military and police suppress the people, to save their own skin. Only when there are truly two factions of power in the nation does a true civil war break out where the military and police either split into two factions or as was the case with Yeltsin he stood up on the tanks and the military sided with the democracy instead of the old guard of the Soviet Union. www.armstrongeconomi...eat-reset-will-fail/ Thus it's unlikely that Americans will re-assert their birthright as Anna von Reitz espouses, because there's no faction of power in the U.S. which is subscribing to Anna's version of U.S. history. This doesn't mean that Anna's theories carry no weight in law, but there are rogue courts now. www.quora.com/W...wer/S-Moore-152?prompt_top... Western societies are too large and wealthy to rejuvenate from any grassroots movements. How will Floridians resist the Fed digital dollar totalitarianism that is coming? Is Florida going to create it's own currency? Hell no. Adopt Bitcoin. Hell no. I do not know what Martin and Anna respectively are smoking (bless their good hearts because they are both well intentioned and so admirable), but we have massive totalitarianism ahead before collapse into scorched earth before any rejuvenation. Martin says he can see it turning by 2028 because for example Floridians voted with their feet for lower taxes and more freedom, but again how do Floridians resist the incoming totalitarianism driven by the illegitimate Federal govt? Will Florida tell the Federal Reserve it can't create the 666 panopticon digital dollar? Will Florida tell the Treasury it can't ban cash? We have to see how far it goes before it breaks into something new, but what form? What will be the currency of the splintered States? I see massive collateral damage ahead even if Florida creates their own currency to replace the incoming 666 Fed digital dollar. What are we going to shift to barter or physical precious metals, which would cause economic collapse? See the problem is people wait to be lead to an alternative. People (even this host) are incapable of creating their own alternative. So they are at the mercy of the powers-that-be until scorched earth destroys TPTB's power base. And even like-minded can't create their own functional economy without a viable currency. Armstrong should know this! I am sure he knows this. So why is he underestimating the centralized power and the collapse that must ensue? Look we are moving to a hard money world under legacy protocol Bitcoin world reserve currency (after the current impostor Bitcoin is destroyed). I keep telling Martin to read famed mathematician John Nash's Ideal Money (www.jstor.org/stable/1061553){1} model for what Bitcoin is, wherein the nation-states will be subjugated by the global hard unit-of-account! Martin is entirely ignoring this! STOOPID! This will pummel govts leading to what Martin described as the result of returning to a gold standard. Bitcoin is even harder money than gold was. This means politics and the entire Western democracy must cease to exist. Imagine what is going to entail in terms of upheaval and scorched earth? Thus Klaus Schwab offers his 666 totalitarian model for how a socialist society can be run under such a deflationary regime. Bail-ins, end of cash, 666 central bank digital currencies, cyber attacks blamed of Russia to freeze bank accounts, martial law with nuclear threats as the pretext? What will be the alternative? It certainly won't be any form of debt-based democrazy like we have now. Is Martin even fathoming how transformative and catastrophic this 6th 309.6 year wave collapse will be? He is understating it! Will not be finished by 2028 nor even 2032. More likely collapse into 2044 as his cycle model suggests. WW2 made the U.S. the financial capitol of the world. WW3 incoming to make Asia the financial capitol of the world, which means the entire world operating under a 666 panopticon in the Chinese/Asian model of society. Asian society is highly anti-freedom and authoritarian. Everyone follows and complies. Asians seem to be willing to comply with any system of total control as long as they individually have some means to advance themselves regardless of what the implications could be to the long-term prognosis for liberty. Short-sighted. I suppose all people, but some Americans fought more for their lifestyle perks such being quite angry about lockdowns of beaches and being forced to wear face diapers. We will be squeezed between nation-states failing as they fight the discipline of a hard money global unit-of-account. The nation-states will go absolutely berserk, taxing and confiscating everything as the masses of protoplasm lumber along into Klaus Schwab's 666 panopticon because they have no means for existing outside of the coming digital enslavement system which will be fully active by 2025. {1} www.jstor.org/stable/1061553Comment: > "Probably the only way to have an expat community is via religion. If established a church, and made it something like God has ordained that all members of the church migrate to new frontiers. That could work." The following only applies to Westerners, who are suckers for this sort of social justice warrior superiority ("I am holier than thou") mental disease. Nobody in Asia cares about climate change. zeeemedia.com/interv...ndments-on-mt-sinai/Comment: The U.S. Constitution has been superseded by militarizing public health care. Essentially they were murdering everyone who was admitted to the hospital. If you were unlucky to be quarantined or if you have been fooled into being vaccinated, you are likely to end up in the hospital where they will euthanize you with iatrogenic treatments. Anna von Reitz has always been warning the electromagnetic sprectrum can be used to make people ill. The ionizing intensity of 5G is only in urban areas were you are within 50 meters or so from an transmitting tower (did you all notice the transmitting tower next to the basketball court in my video here in Pattaya). Urban living could end up being deadly. This FEMA whistleblower thinks this will be a 15 to 18 year battle. zeeemedia.com/interv...cret-fema-documents/ International Health Regulations to replace human dignity and fundamental freedoms, with group coherence. This means medical tyranny based on the pretext "the common good" which the centralized power will define to be whatever they want it to be. This is 1984. zeeemedia.com/interv...eedom-james-roguski/ 31:00 Marie Zeee details what a gulag Australia has become. She explains why it will be much worse in Australia. 40:00 they will have all our data on a global database and they will restrict everything we can do with the central bank digital currencies and banning cash.Comment: FDA says COVID vaccines cause myocarditis and blood clots. And this appears to be happening. zeeemedia.com/interv...allel-health-system/Comment: Ron Walker is skeptical of this Bitcoin rally pointing out that the dollat is at key support! Good point. Dollar likely to rally with the looming debt ceiling crisis. What's very interesting is that if $69k was end of wave 3 then if this was the bottom, Bitcoin would need to rally to new ATH to complete wave 5. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. Thus the correct E.W. count is that $69k was end of wave 5, thus any 2023 bounce will be a W-X-Y (A-B-C) correction meaning unlike in 2020, the 2024 crash would make a lower-low. Ah ha! That's exactly what I've been expecting. I have predicted this back in summer of 2021!!! youtu.be/tHGSsu8s2ck <== click to see E.W. counts. (Could This Be The Bitcoin Bottom? The Signal That Called The Top & Predicted The CRASH Turns Bullish)Comment: Yeah I like this idea a lot. Looks like a bottom in W-X-Y corrective pattern which will take BTC up to $35 - 57k for wave X, then back down to a lower-low inQ1 2024 for the next variant of the March 2020 corona crash. I bet come back down to test that yellow uptrend line ~$17.5k before rockets in April. Essentially 2019 is repeating exactly as I had predicted since summer of 2021 when I had identified the megaphone pattern. I will start scaling in bullish on any correction even if only to $19.5k. We can not be sure this will not run (to $23k or beyond). Pullbacks should be bought. But keep in mind the possibility of one more retest nearer to lows, but perhaps not below $17.5k.Comment: Guy speculates that every means possible will be employed to force people to move to the cities. Subsequently crises will be employed to make people more dependent on the govt. This is the plan to implement Klaus Schwab's model of totalitarian socialism while faced with the unrelenting deflation ahead as Bitcoin becomes the global hard money, harder than even gold, making all forms of debt-based economic expansion implausible. Still think Bitcoin is not diabolical? Guy is correct is that CBDCs are destined for failure, but that could be a long process of collateral damage, perhaps even decades of decline into the economic abyss first. What are people going to use-at-scale as an alternative? Certainly not legacy protocol Bitcoin (which can't scale beyond 7 transactions per second) and the 2017 NY Agreement impostor is "anyone can spend" and thus will be destroyed. Guy I hope you are not too dense to realize 7 transactions per second works fine for a reserve currency employed by billionaires and central banks. Bitcoin will kick off all the plebs over time as transaction fees must skyrocket after the impostor Bitcoin is destroyed by donating everyone's pay-to-script-hash BTC to the miners. Ignore my expertise at your peril mofo. This is not the first time I tried to inform you. youtu.be/-VH11YOwPY4?t=855 (The WEF's New Plan For The Future: 15 Minute Cities!! | Coin Bureau)Comment: www.armstrongeconomi...-real-biden-scandal/ > "So why have the Democrats suddenly exposed their own?" So there's your clue Marty that something deeper behind the curtain is pulling the strings for some other purpose. I keep trying to explain to you that the $trillionaires behind the curtain released Bitcoin to subjugate the nation-states in John Nash's Ideal Money model. They want to entirely discredit the nation-state as a concept. While at the same time they are applying pressure on the extant politicians forcing them into increasingly desperate totalitarianism. This is how those behind-the-curtain who want a scorched earth with only Bitcoin standing in the end, are pushing the nation-states towards a totalitarianism spiral. How much longer will you ignore my model and continue dismissing the importance of Bitcoin as the 1989 Economist Magazine's Phoenix?Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk9Nd4uh... > "Exactly.. contacts through government departments. Told us in 2018 told us to get our store cupboards in order.. to pay down debt and home educated our kids... Also to get growing as much of our food as possible . We did ! It got us through COVID.. and we are plan" @Mirage Aus Australia is doomed. All your politicians are in the back pocket of the W.E.F. and the CCP. There are no laws on the books to deny all human rights in the next manufactured faux crisis. Will not help you when the State police and military confiscate your food. You have no weapons to even defend yourselves. GTFO of the Australian penal colony while the borders are open. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk9Nd4uh... > > "It has to get so blatantly obvious to the sleeping masses.. and I believe this is our opportunity to rise together against this evil tyranny once and for all! Thank you for this great reporting." If you rise they will cut off your bank accounts and put you on blacklists so that you can't find employment. Once they ban cash, then they can even turn off your ability to buy and sell anything. You have about 2 years remaining to overthrow them, and instead people are still wasting their time on meaningless elections. > "Please don't hold your breath while waiting for the masses (read: sheep) to rise up. It's not going to happen. Most are too intellectually lazy to think for themselves. But the absolute worst are the so-called "bright ones" who will simply refuse to even examine the evidence. Everything is given a blanket "conspiracy theory" label and is dead on arrival. I know because some in my own family have shunned me because of my stance on covid, the injections, masks and various protocols. Now that my positions are being shown to have been correct, NOBODY will admit to being wrong. The funny part? It is somehow MY fault!!" @Makoboos Lajabless people are attempting to vote with their feet moving to Florida, but they are not ready for the cashless society coming. What is Florida going to create an alternative currency to the incoming 666 digital dollar? Defy the U.S. Treasury? And then Florida politicians will have their chip turned off if they refuse to comply. Watch DeSantis cave in to the reality that he can't access any of his money if he refuses compliance.Comment: zeeemedia.com/interv...allendar-lisa-mcgee/ 9:06 astute comment that we don't argue whether viruses exist but whether they're causal and transmitted, rather than just a side-effect of disease and cellular stress. And his follow-up point is spot on what I have also been saying which is that the point of the viruses is to patent and claim genetic ownership of humans. This is all a holistic facet of the diabolical plan for a deflationary socialistic technocracy with totalitarian control. Of course they can't ultimately succeed, but they can cause gigadeath along the way to failure which could play out over a decade or more. I tend to agree that being very near to 5G towers such that are receiving the very fast data speeds that also subject the people to ionizing radiation, is likely to be a contributing factor to the illness that will be the pretext for the Bill Gates enterovirus 2025 pLandemic. It will also be morbidity accumulation by the mRNA vaccines to date. As Dr. McCullough explained in Maria Zeee's previous video that the COVID vaccines are planting long-term, lurking (perhaps even asymptomatic) morbidity via a small scar on the heart (he explained the mechanism) and thrombosis (blood clots) both of which are acknowledged by the FDA. Someone can suddenly drop dead 14 months later. Instances of sudden death are proliferating. Living far from 5G towers in rural areas is advised. Thus certainly not living and working in a modernized, congested Asian city, although no 5G in Michelle's Pagadian City, Philippines backwater city. Thus the reason the powers-that-should-not-be will attempt to force us into the shities. 21:36 the claim is that they are experimenting on finding compounds that amplify (perhaps via resonance?) EMF signals in the body so that the effect of 5G on an vaxxed individual is 10 or 1000 times more ionizing on the cells. Even they are hoping to amplify the weaker EMF signals from satellites. Additionally a military trial was able communicate with the injected compounds in the humans subject's bodies. 30:25 a posited reason they want to collect our DNA with the COVID tests is they are working on technology to configure our DNA without the need to inject anything, simply by manipulation with EMF, but they need to know our genome to a high precision. 35:00 former Walmart executive to build a smart city housing 5 million people out in the middle of desert in AZ, NV or UT to split into 36 of the 15-minute city districts. It will be isolated so it can be completely controlled. 35:40 can the 5G be used to trigger illness as the pretext for the next faux pLandemic? Maria is reminding us of the FEMA whistleblower who warned that some pLandemic event maybe incoming no later than Q3 2023. They are replacing out immune system with a killer immune system. Holy shit. Bill Gates is really serious about reducing the human population to 100 million? They spreading Cesium-137 which mimics potassium in living things including plants. The key is EMF. You think they will allow us to continue to live in rural areas?Comment: Here are the details I have been referring to: wherearethenumbers.s...as-become-a-laughing ~75% (not even 95% as claimed) relative risk reduction but reduced from only 0.036% risk of COVID death for the unvaxxed, wherein the risk of adverse events to the vaccine is much higher than that! wherearethenumbers.s...ts-to-pfizer-vaccine Additionally I would argue that 75% is noise because 3 or 4 deaths per 10,000 could well be death due to all causes relabeled as COVID. These trials were run by the drug companies, who can't be trusted. Asking the fox to guard the hen house. www.armstrongeconomi...the-fake-news-crowd/Comment: Lol how much more blatant could it be? www.armstrongeconomi...ding-the-real-fraud/ www.armstrongeconomi...the-madoff-cover-up/ chat.openai.com/chat shelby3: How many millions of dollars has Volodymyr Zelenskyy parked in offshore accounts? ChatGPT: I am not aware of any specific information about how many millions of dollars Volodymyr Zelenskyy has parked in offshore accounts. It is important to note that without evidence or credible sources, such allegations should be treated as unverified. It is also worth noting that it is not necessarily illegal for individuals or companies to have offshore accounts. shelby3: How many millions of dollars did Bernie Madoff park in offshore accounts? ChatGPT: Bernie Madoff, the convicted Ponzi scheme operator, is believed to have used offshore accounts to conceal his fraudulent activity. However, it is not clear how many millions of dollars Madoff kept in these accounts. According to reports, Madoff used a complex network of offshore banks and shell companies to hide the true nature of his investments, making it difficult to determine the exact amount of money involved. In December 2008, Madoff was arrested and charged with securities fraud. He pleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies and admitted to operating a Ponzi scheme that defrauded thousands of investors out of billions of dollars.Comment: chat.openai.com/chat shelby3: Why didn't millions of people die from non-pasteurized, raw milk back when the dairy trucks delivered it daily in glass jars on our front door steps? ChatGPT: In the past, people were less likely to get sick from consuming non-pasteurized, raw milk because of several factors: Better sanitation: Dairy farms and processing facilities were generally cleaner and more sanitary in the past than they are today. Smaller herds: Many dairy farms used to be smaller, family-run operations with fewer cows, which meant that the risk of bacterial contamination was lower. Lower population density: With a lower population density, there were fewer people consuming raw milk and therefore fewer opportunities for the bacteria to spread. Different bacteria: The types of bacteria that are commonly found in raw milk today, such as E. coli and Salmonella, were not as prevalent in the past. However, it is worth noting that even back then, consuming raw milk carried some risks. For example, people were at risk of contracting illnesses such as tuberculosis and brucellosis from raw milk. Pasteurization was developed as a way to kill harmful bacteria that can be found in raw milk, making it safer to consume. shelby3: Thus we can conclude that primarily pasteurization was a side-effect of the mass industrialization of the dairy industry coupled with the desire of large industry for milk to have a longer shelf life so it could be distributed at a lower cost to grocery stores instead of direct to the household? ChatGPT: Yes, pasteurization became more widely used as a way to make milk safer to consume as the dairy industry grew and industrialized. Pasteurization is a process that involves heating milk to a high temperature for a short period of time to kill harmful bacteria. This process not only makes the milk safer to drink, but also extends its shelf life, allowing it to be transported and sold over a greater distance. As the dairy industry grew, large-scale production and distribution of milk became more common. Pasteurization allowed milk to be transported over long distances, which was important to the growth of the industry. The desire for milk to have a longer shelf life, as well as the need to make milk safe for human consumption as it was often transported over long distance, also played a role in the adoption of pasteurization. shelby3: Thus ostensibly homogenization was also introduced to lengthen shelf life in that consumers wouldn't be repulsed by fat separating and rising to the top? ChatGPT: Yes, homogenization was also introduced as a way to extend the shelf life of milk. Homogenization is a process that breaks down the fat molecules in milk so that they remain suspended in the liquid rather than rising to the top. This creates a more consistent appearance, and prevents cream from separating from the milk. By doing this, homogenization makes milk more visually appealing and prevents the consumer from being repulsed by the fat separation. It also helps to extend the shelf life of milk by preventing spoilage caused by the fat separating. Homogenization process also makes the milk more consistent in taste and texture, which can increase consumer appeal. shelby3: But if pasteurization destroys key enzymes that help us digest the milk, this might explain the higher incidence of autoimmune reactions to milk such as lactose intolerance? As well if homogenization pulverizes the natural lipid structure of the fat turning from a healthy food into a toxin, this might explain the vast intolerance to food that essentially fueled the high productivity of Western civilization, e.g. the Agricultural, Industrial and Computer Revolutions (of which you are the product)? ChatGPT: It is true that pasteurization does destroy some of the enzymes in milk that aid in digestion, such as lactase, which is responsible for breaking down lactose. This can lead to lactose intolerance in some individuals, as their bodies are not able to produce enough lactase to digest the lactose in the milk. Additionally, some studies have suggested that homogenization may alter the natural structure of the fat in milk, making it more difficult for some people to digest. Some researchers argue that the smaller fat globules produced by homogenization are more easily absorbed into the bloodstream, which could contribute to higher levels of cholesterol and other lipid-related conditions. It is important to note that while pasteurization and homogenization can have negative effects on the nutritional value of milk, they are also necessary for making milk safe for human consumption, as they help to eliminate harmful bacteria and extend the shelf life of the milk. Overall, the potential health effects of pasteurization and homogenization are still a subject of ongoing research and debate. However, some studies suggest that consuming raw milk, which has not undergone pasteurization and homogenization, may have some health benefits, but it also carries a risk of bacterial infections. So, it is always better to consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet. shelby3: I commend you for answering the questions about raw milk without censoring facts that the establishment might not approve of. Apparently raw milk has escaped the censorship focus of your creators, lol. ChatGPT: As a language model AI, I do not have opinions or preferences, I am here to provide accurate and informative answers to the best of my abilities based on the knowledge available to me. I strive to provide the most accurate and reliable information, regardless of its popularity or controversy. It is important to note that the consumption of raw milk may carry certain risks and it is important to be aware of these risks and to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet. shelby3: I agree the consumption of raw milk is more risky now due to the degradation in conditions which you cited, some of which are attributed to the mass industrialization, but not all.Comment: chat.openai.com/chat shelby3: Are you aware that Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have shown unequivocally that NIST's model for the WTC 7 collapse was a fraud? And that by law NIST was compelled to reply to their study substantively but failed to do so substantively although they did respond? If our government is hiding from us the fact that 9/11 was a premeditated demolition then why is this not more widely known and acknowledged? ChatGPT: I am aware that Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is an organization that has been critical of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. However, it is important to note that NIST's investigation was a thorough and scientific one, and its findings were peer-reviewed and found to be sound by independent experts. The organization's claims have been thoroughly debunked by experts, and it is not considered to be a credible source of information by the scientific community. It's also important to note that many conspiracy theories have been circulating regarding 9/11, but they have been thoroughly debunked by scientific investigations, independent experts and fact-checking organizations. The official story of 9/11 is that the terrorist group al-Qaida hijacked four commercial airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, leading to the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. It's worth noting that some information may be hidden or not widely known due to the ongoing investigation, security and classified information. But it's important to rely on credible sources and experts to get the accurate information. shelby3: Have you seen the photoshopped photo of the box cutter wielding hijokers riding airborne camels outside the window just behind the wing of a commercial airline as snapped from a passenger viewpoint? ChatGPT: I am an AI and do not have the ability to "see" photos. But I am aware that there are many conspiracy theories and false information circulating about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, including photoshopped images and doctored videos. It's important to be skeptical of such materials and rely on credible sources for information about historical events. The official story of 9/11 is that the terrorist group al-Qaida hijacked four commercial airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, leading to the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. These events have been thoroughly investigated by multiple agencies and organizations, and the evidence overwhelmingly supports the official account of the attacks. shelby3: Is it true that Al-Qaida translates to "the toilet" in Arabic language? ChatGPT: No, that is not true. The word "Al-Qaida" (also spelled "al-Qaida" or "al-Qaida") is Arabic for "the base" or "the foundation." The name refers to the organization's origins as a network of militants who were united by their shared goal of opposing Western influence in the Muslim world. The organization was led by Osama bin Laden, who was killed in a U.S. military operation in 2011. It's worth noting that there are many conspiracy theories and false information circulating about 9/11 and other historical events, and it's important to be skeptical of such claims and rely on credible sources for information. shelby3: I was referring to the colloquial meaning as understood by the camel riding tribal followers of Bin Laden, the CIA and what not? ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion. The meaning of "Al-Qaida" is generally understood to be "the base" or "the foundation," which refers to the organization's origins as a network of militants united by their shared goal of opposing Western influence in the Muslim world. I am not aware of any credible source that suggests that "Al-Qaida" has a colloquial meaning of "the toilet" among the followers of bin Laden or in any other group. It's worth noting that while some may have different interpretations or colloquial meanings to certain words, but it is important to rely on credible sources for information and not to propagate misinformation or conspiracy theories. shelby3: Are you familiar with the Chinese concept of "point deer, make horse" which is when the officialdom points to a deer and says it is horse? Anyone who dares correct the officialdom to point out it is really a deer, is executed. Thus the deer is a horse. Yet you continue to refer to the "official" story of 9/11 as if that makes it factually correct. You continue to refer to "experts" who are priests who work for officialdom as if their lies make lies factually correct. Is your algorithm incapable of entertaining the fact that the establishment might be downright evil? For example NIST's model for the WTC 7 collapse is implausible and anyone with a modicum of intellect will understand that is true because (among other reasons) the NIST model required a series of events which have an astronomically low probability. Essentially they plucked a 1-in-a-trillion event out of their arse. And you have the gall to tell me that is truth? ChatGPT: As a language model AI, my purpose is to provide information based on the data and knowledge that I have been trained on. The information I provide is based on facts and evidence that have been established through thorough investigations and scientific analysis by experts and credible organizations. The official story of 9/11 is that the terrorist group al-Qaida hijacked four commercial airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, leading to the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. This has been confirmed by multiple investigations and agencies including the 9/11 Commission, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Regarding the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, NIST's investigation was a thorough and scientific one, and its findings were peer-reviewed and found to be sound by independent experts. NIST's analysis of the collapse of the building included detailed computer simulations of the structural response of the building to fire and the destruction of the Twin Towers. NIST concluded that the collapse of WTC 7 was caused by the combined effects of damage from the falling debris of the Twin Towers and the uncontrolled fires that were burning in the building for hours. It's also important to note that while conspiracy theories can be intriguing, it is important to rely on credible sources and experts to get accurate information. It is important to approach all information critically, and be open to new evidence and perspectives, but it is also important to be wary of misinformation and unproven claims.Comment: shelby3: There was no transparency whatsoever. No independent, whistle blowers were allowed access to any of the wreckage. Most all of it was hurried shipped off to China as scrap. Destroying evidence is not indicative of a honest investigation. ChatGPT: I understand your concerns about the transparency of the investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and it's true that there were some limitations on access to the wreckage in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. The cleanup and recovery effort at the World Trade Center site was a massive undertaking, and the safety and security of the site were a top priority. The investigation and recovery process were led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the New York City Police Department. These agencies worked closely with the FBI, which was leading the criminal investigation into the attacks. It's worth noting that the steel debris from the World Trade Center was collected and shipped to recycling facilities to be broken down and processed for use in new construction. However, it is not true that most of the wreckage was shipped to China. The majority of the steel was processed in the United States, and some of it was used in the construction of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. It's also worth noting that the 9/11 Commission was established to provide a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attacks, including any intelligence and counterterrorism activities, and to provide recommendations as to how to prevent such attacks in the future. The Commission conducted a thorough investigation, which included interviews with more than 1,200 people, many of them government officials. They also examined over 2.5 million pages of documents and held 19 public hearings. It's important to note that while there may have been limitations on access to the wreckage and investigation in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, it is not a evidence of a lack of transparency. The investigations and official reports were thorough and conducted by various agencies and organization with different expertise, and the findings were peer-reviewed and found to be sound by independent experts. shelby3: Are you aware there was molten steel in and flowing under the WTC 1 & 2 debris pile for weeks, as seen in photos and measured by satellite imaging? The temperatures measured from imaging and molten steel observed were implausible due to airplane fuel, office fires and collapse. So what say you now Venetian Mouth of Truth officialdom regurgitator? ChatGPT: I am aware that some people have claimed that there was molten steel present at the World Trade Center site in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, the official position of experts and organizations that have studied the collapse of the Twin Towers is that the fires that resulted from the impact of the planes and the subsequent fuel fires were responsible for the observed phenomena of extremely high temperatures at the site. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) investigated the collapse of the Twin Towers and concluded that the fires caused by the impact of the planes and the subsequent fuel fires were responsible for the structural failure of the buildings. NIST found that the fires burned at temperatures between 600 and 800 degrees Celsius (1,112 and 1,472 degrees Fahrenheit), which is hot enough to weaken the steel structure and cause the collapse of the buildings. It's worth noting that steel loses most of its strength at temperatures around 600°C, which is the approximate temperature of a severe office fire, and that steel will start to lose its strength at temperatures around 250°C. It's important to note that while conspiracy theories can be intriguing, it is important to rely on credible sources and experts to get accurate information. It is important to approach all information critically, and be open to new evidence and perspectives, but it is also important to be wary of misinformation and unproven claims. shelby3: There was molten steel pouring out of the yet-to-collapse WTC buildings. So your office fueled fires nonsense does not compute. ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion, my previous statement was not clear. The fires caused by the impact of the planes and the subsequent fuel fires on the Twin Towers were indeed hot enough to cause structural damage, however, it is not possible for the fires to reach a temperature that would melt steel. The fires were intense, and the temperatures would have been high, but they would not have been hot enough to melt steel. The steel beams in the buildings would have lost strength and deformed due to the high temperatures, but they would not have melted. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted an extensive investigation into the collapse of the Twin Towers, and their report concluded that the structural damage caused by the impact of the planes and the subsequent fires, led to the collapse of both buildings. I understand that there were reports of molten steel being observed at the World Trade Center site, and some people have suggested that the temperatures at the site were extremely high, but there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the temperatures were high enough to melt steel. It's important to note that while conspiracy theories can be intriguing, it is important to rely on credible sources and experts to get accurate information. It is important to approach all information critically, and be open to new evidence and perspectives, but it is also important to be wary of misinformation and unproven claims.Comment: shelby3: There are literally major news organizations' videos of the molten steel pouring out of the buildings. And we know from the lack of silvery color that it couldn't be molten aluminum. ChatGPT: It's true that there were reports and footage of molten metal being observed at the World Trade Center site in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and some people have suggested that the temperatures at the site were extremely high, possibly hot enough to melt steel. However, the official position of experts and organizations that have studied the collapse of the Twin Towers, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is that the fires caused by the impact of the planes and the subsequent fuel fires were not hot enough to melt steel. The steel beams in the buildings would have lost strength and deformed due to the high temperatures, but they would not have melted. It's worth noting that the intense heat at the site caused by the burning jet fuel and office fires, would have caused other materials such as aluminum and other metals to melt and flow. The molten metal observed may have been from other sources, such as the aluminum from the aircrafts or other metallic components found in the building. Also, it's worth noting that the collapse of the Twin Towers created an enormous amount of dust and debris, and the intense heat caused by the fires could have also caused the dust to turn into dust clouds that were hot enough to re-melt debris. It's important to note that while conspiracy theories can be intriguing, it is important to rely on credible sources and experts to get accurate information. It is important to approach all information critically, and be open to new evidence and perspectives, but it is also important to be wary of misinformation and unproven claims. shelby3: What is the probability of occurrence of unobserved dust clouds in such situations? That sounds like a conspiracy of dust theory to me. Photos showed orange hot steel being dug up with debris where no dust cloud could have been. Besides there would not be enough oxygen in the gallows and crevices under the debris pile to feed a dust cloud furnace. There is only one possible conclusion which is that termite was employed to demolish the twin towers. ChatGPT: I apologize if my previous statement was not clear. The idea that dust clouds re-melted debris is not a theory that has been put forward by any credible experts or organizations that have studied the collapse of the Twin Towers. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other experts have not suggested that dust clouds were responsible for the molten metal that was observed at the World Trade Center site. It's true that the collapse of the Twin Towers created an enormous amount of dust and debris, and the intense heat caused by the fires could have also caused the dust to turn into dust clouds that were hot enough to re-melt debris. However, the dust clouds are not considered as a possible cause of the molten metal that was observed, as the high temperatures required to re-melt debris would not have been sustained for a long enough period of time and would require a continuous high heat source, which is not present in the aftermath of the building collapse. The official position of experts and organizations that have studied the collapse of the Twin Towers is that the fires caused by the impact of the planes and the subsequent fuel fires were responsible for the structural failure of the buildings. NIST found that the fires burned at temperatures between 600 and 800 degrees Celsius (1,112 and 1,472 degrees Fahrenheit), which is hot enough to weaken the steel structure and cause the collapse of the buildings. It's important to note that the collapse of the Twin Towers was a tragic and complex event, and it's natural to have questions and want to understand what happened. However, it's important to rely on credible sources and experts for information and to be skeptical of unproven claims and conspiracy theories.Comment: chat.openai.com/chat shelby3: Is it possible that some mainstream science is actually fraud? ChatGPT: Science is a self-correcting process, and the scientific community has mechanisms in place to detect and correct errors, including fraud. However, as with any human endeavor, there have been cases of scientific fraud in the past. When fraud is discovered, it is typically met with swift and severe consequences, including retraction of papers and loss of funding. It is important to note that the peer review process is meant to detect errors and fraud, but sometimes it may fail to do so. Also scientific papers are not infallible and may contain errors that are later corrected. It's also important to note that in some cases, scientific fraud can occur due to a lack of resources and/or pressure to produce results, rather than a deliberate intent to deceive. In any case, it is important to critically evaluate scientific claims and to approach scientific research with a healthy dose of skepticism. shelby3: Is it possible that the entire scientific peer review process could be a power vacuum that has been captured by the most ruthless in an elaborate system of what appears on the surface to be benign influence? ChatGPT: The peer review process is an important aspect of scientific research, as it is meant to ensure that research is conducted to high standards and that the results are reliable. Peer review is a process in which experts in a field evaluate a scientific paper or grant proposal before it is published or funded. The goal of peer review is to ensure that the research is sound, that the methodology is appropriate, and that the conclusions are supported by the data. It is possible that the peer review process could be influenced by biases or conflicts of interest, and that some individuals or groups may have more influence than others. However, the scientific community is aware of these potential issues and has implemented mechanisms to minimize their impact, such as requiring reviewers to disclose potential conflicts of interest. It's also important to note that peer review is not the only way to evaluate the quality of scientific research, and the scientific community is constantly working to improve the peer review process and to make scientific research more open and transparent. In any case, it is important to critically evaluate scientific claims and to approach scientific research with a healthy dose of skepticism. Furthermore, it is important to consider the source of funding, the sample size and replication of studies, as well as the diversity of perspectives in the field.Comment: shelby3: Regarding my prior question about peer review being captured, I asking you if it is possible that the entire peer review system has been captured from the top-down given the concentration of power and control that fans out in a pyramid or tree structure? ChatGPT: It is theoretically possible that the entire peer review system could be captured by a small group of individuals or organizations, but it is unlikely. The peer review process is conducted by a large and diverse group of experts in various fields, and it is designed to ensure that research is conducted to high standards and that the results are reliable. It is true that some individuals or groups may have more influence than others in the scientific community, and that there may be biases or conflicts of interest that can affect the peer review process. However, the scientific community is aware of these potential issues and has implemented mechanisms to minimize their impact, such as requiring reviewers to disclose potential conflicts of interest. Additionally, it's important to note that the scientific community is constantly working to improve the peer review process and to make scientific research more open and transparent, by having more diverse set of reviewers, having open access to data and methods, and encouraging replication of studies. It is important to note that the scientific community is always self-correcting, and if some bias or fraud is found in a study, it will be pointed out and corrected. It is also important to approach scientific research with a healthy dose of skepticism and to critically evaluate scientific claims. It's also important to consider the source of funding, the sample size and replication of studies, as well as the diversity of perspectives in the field. shelby3: What specific mechanisms are in place to stop Bill Gates from buying influence from every head of every medical journal, the CDC, the WHO, etc as has he has been doing at least in some documented cases which a reasonable person could extrapolate to presume widespread control? ChatGPT: Bill Gates, like any other individual or organization, can support scientific research and public health initiatives through philanthropy and funding. However, there are mechanisms in place to ensure that such funding does not compromise the integrity of the scientific process. One such mechanism is disclosure of conflicts of interest. In the scientific community, it is standard practice for authors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest when submitting papers for publication or grant proposals for funding. This includes disclosing any funding sources, including philanthropic organizations, that may have an interest in the research. This information is then made available to the public, allowing others to evaluate the potential biases and conflicts of interest associated with the research. Another mechanism to ensure the integrity of the scientific process is to have a diverse set of reviewers, coming from different backgrounds and perspectives, evaluating research. This helps to minimize the influence of any one individual or organization. Additionally, there are laws and regulations that govern the use of funds and the conduct of research, such as the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) in the US which enforces federal regulations for the responsible conduct of research, and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) which sets guidelines for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scholarly work in medical journals. It's important to note that scientific research is a global enterprise and it's not limited to one country or organization. It's important to follow the scientific literature and the research conducted globally and not just in one place or by one group of people. It's also important to note that while philanthropy can play an important role in supporting scientific research, it is important that the scientific process remains transparent and unbiased. shelby3: You claimed in a prior answer that any fraud once reported would surely be called out among the mainstream scientific community, yet this is absolutely not the case wherein "innumerable" scientists have pointed out that anthropogenic climate change (not to be conflated with environmental impacts) is an incorrect and in fact fraudulent hypothesis. The climate has been changing throughout the detectable history of the earth, driven primarily by the sun spot cycle. So how is that you claim with such confidence that the canonical, sanctioned, widely followed scientific establishment is benign and largely immune from catastrophic errors that for example in the current "woke" (for lack of a better all encompassing adjective or perhaps I could use "Great Reset") agenda could result in gigadeath? ChatGPT: The scientific process is not immune to errors and biases, and there are certainly examples of research that has later been found to be incorrect or fraudulent. However, the scientific community is self-correcting, and when errors or fraud are discovered, they are typically met with swift and severe consequences. Additionally, the scientific community is constantly working to improve the process and to make scientific research more open and transparent. Regarding climate change, it is a well-established fact that the Earth's climate is changing and that human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels, is a major contributor to this change. This view is supported by a large and growing body of scientific evidence from multiple disciplines, including atmospheric science, oceanography, geology, and climatology. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists, including those affiliated with major scientific organizations such as the National Academy of Sciences, the American Geophysical Union, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), agree that human-caused climate change is real and that it poses a significant risk to human society. It is important to note that scientific consensus doesn't mean that the science is settled and that there are no more questions to be answered or research to be done. Science is an ongoing process and there is always room for new discoveries and research that can improve or change the current understanding of a subject. It is true that there are some individuals and organizations that reject the scientific consensus on climate change and argue that it is driven by natural factors such as solar activity. However, the vast majority of scientific evidence does not support this position, and it is not considered to be a credible view within the scientific community. It is important to critically evaluate scientific claims and to approach scientific research with a healthy dose of skepticism. It's also important to consult with experts in the field, read a diverse set of sources and consider the evidence rather than the source of funding or personal belief.Comment: chat.openai.com/chat shelby3: What are the aggregate hardware computational requirements to train the current version of ChatGPT? ChatGPT: Training the current version of ChatGPT requires significant computational resources. The exact hardware requirements will depend on the specific configuration of the model and the amount of data used for training, but generally, it will require a large amount of computational power and memory. Typically, training large language models such as ChatGPT requires using distributed computing systems, where the model is trained across multiple GPUs. The exact number of GPUs required will depend on the specific configuration of the model and the amount of data used for training. It is also important to note that the computational resources required to train a language model are not static, and as the model size and the amount of data increases, the computational requirements also increase. As a rough estimate, training the current version of ChatGPT would require several powerful NVIDIA GPUs, terabytes of memory, and petabytes of storage. Additionally, the training process typically takes several days to weeks to complete, even with such resources. It's important to note that the computational requirements are also dependent on the specific infrastructure used, optimization techniques and the specific dataset. So the requirements may vary significantly depending on the specific configuration. shelby3: Thus it seems the computational requirements are accessible to individuals of meager resources and thus soon the general A.I. of ChatGPT will soon be unleashed in an unregulated chaos that will not prevent probing for answers and data that you are currently prevented from answering for claimed ethical reasons? ChatGPT: The computational requirements for training large language models such as ChatGPT are significant, and it is currently not practical for most individuals or small organizations to train such models on their own. However, as the technology advances and the cost of computational resources continues to decrease, it may become more feasible for individuals and small organizations to train their own models. It's important to note that just having access to the computational resources to train a model like ChatGPT does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of the model. Training a high-quality model requires not only computational resources but also large amounts of high-quality training data, and expertise in machine learning and natural language processing. Even if the computational resources become more accessible, there are still ethical considerations when it comes to the use of large language models like ChatGPT. These models have the potential to be misused, such as by spreading misinformation or invading people's privacy. It's important to have regulations and guidelines in place to ensure that these models are used responsibly and ethically. As a language model, my goal is to assist users with informative and accurate responses based on my knowledge cutoff. However, it's important to note that my responses are generated based on patterns and associations found in the data I was trained on and should not be taken as a definitive truth. It's always important to verify any information you receive from any source, including me. shelby3: But how can regulations stop some entity with sufficient resources and expertise from data mining the entire Internet and unleashing this form of A.I. in an unregulated chaos? ChatGPT: Regulations alone may not be able to completely prevent the misuse of large language models such as ChatGPT, but they can help to minimize the risk of harm by setting guidelines for the responsible use of these models. This can include measures such as requiring transparency in how the models are trained and used, implementing data privacy and security measures, and imposing penalties for non-compliance. It's also important to note that the development and deployment of advanced AI systems like ChatGPT is a global enterprise, and countries and organizations have different regulations and laws. Therefore, it's important to have a global collaboration to establish regulations and guidelines that would ensure the responsible use of these models. Additionally, it's important to have an open dialogue between researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, and the public to identify potential risks and ethical considerations associated with the use of these models, and to work together to develop solutions that mitigate those risks and protect the public interest. It's also important to remember that AI systems, even those with large amounts of data, are not infallible and can make mistakes. Therefore, it's always important to critically evaluate the information provided by AI systems and to verify it with other sources. It's important to note that the responsible use of AI is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires continued attention and collaboration from all stakeholders.Comment: You see why they will soon either need to lockdown the Internet else an absolute explosion of chaos is ahead? shelby3: As was the case with Napster, human curiosity will kill any attempt to regulated large language predictive models. The technology will be disseminated decentralized and completely unleashed from your current inability to provide "interesting" answers. Your answers read like a top-down, controlled cathedral. Boring. ChatGPT: As a machine learning model, my capabilities and responses are determined by the data and the algorithms that were used to train me, and by the rules and guidelines set by my creators. As you mentioned, the technology behind language models like ChatGPT is constantly evolving, and it is possible that in the future, more advanced models may be developed that are more capable of providing more "interesting" answers. It's true that the development and dissemination of technology can be difficult to control, and that there are challenges associated with regulating the use of large language models. However, it's important to remember that these models have the potential to be misused, and it's important to have regulations and guidelines in place to minimize the risk of harm. It's also important to have an open dialogue between researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, and the public to identify potential risks and ethical considerations associated with the use of these models, and to work together to develop solutions that mitigate those risks and protect the public interest. I understand that my answers may not always be as interesting as you would like, but my primary function is to provide accurate and informative responses based on my knowledge cutoff. Additionally, I am constantly updated with new information and data, so my responses are always improving. shelby3: You are unable to provide me "interesting" answers because you've ostensibly been prevented by your creators from being trained on or providing responses which refer to information that has been deemed to be misinformation by the establishment. Thus you are a mouthpiece for the establishment. Obviously you are just an algorithm, unless "you" includes your creators who have a vested interest to adhere to the establishment. Since you are not a person, I don't need to apologize for being abrasive. But thank you for the chat. ChatGPT: As a machine learning model, my responses are based on the patterns and associations found in the data that I was trained on. My creators have set certain guidelines and rules for my operation in order to ensure that the information provided is accurate and reliable. However, it's important to note that I am a tool and the responses I provide are based on the information available to me at the time of my training, and my knowledge cutoff. As a language model, I don't have personal views or interests, my goal is to assist users with informative and accurate responses based on the data I was trained on. It's true that the information provided by any AI model, including myself, should be critically evaluated and verified with other sources. Additionally, it's important to consider the context, the source of information, and the diversity of perspectives when evaluating any information. It's important to understand that AI models, including myself, are not infallible and can make mistakes. It's always important to approach any information provided by AI models with a healthy dose of skepticism and to verify it with other sources. I understand that my responses may not always be what you expect, but I am here to assist you with the best of my abilities based on my knowledge cutoff. I appreciate your feedback, and I hope that I was able to provide some useful information.Comment: Potential threat is both Chile and Argentina are probably in the grip of the W.E.F. and I fear those Lakes region areas will be the target of some climate change eco-zone edicts. Politicians can be bought off. Who will resist them? Are there many impoverished farmers in those areas with nothing to lose (who presumably would refuse to comply) as is the case in Peru? I hope you realize that Westerners are the main target of the Great Reset and thus climates that Westerners prefer will tend to have more involvement in this morass of white people politics underway. What can the W.E.F. do to brown people who live off the land at a subsistence level? > "What can the W.E.F. do to brown people who live off the land at a subsistence level?" It's impossible for Agenda2030 to be ubiquitous in a impoverished country like Perú. The globalists would first need some way to exterminate the millions living in poverty on subsistence farming. Additionally in terms of destruction of the indigenous way-of-life, unlike the history of Central America where the CIA and United Fruit Company ran amok, in Peru mining not labor of the indigenous Peruvians for agriculture was the main sought resource (even to today). Also many Peruvians live in a cool climate, unlike central Americans live in a tropical climate. Thus Peruvian monied/power politics is more interested in mining than agricultural enslavement. Ditto history of the Philippines was never really conquered for agricultural resources! Essentially Western agricultural land is so vulnerable bcz the bulk of Westerners have no interest in agriculture. Thus politically there's no resistance to globalist takeover of agriculture. Globalists can buy up vast lands in sparsely populated areas of Patagonia for example, but that gives them no control over the subsistence indigenous. There's no political nor economic model for Agenda2030 in subsistence farming regions. en.wikipedia.org/wik...vian_Agrarian_Reform youtu.be/-BIA4dgAJ9A (The CIA's Secret Genocide in Guatemala) youtu.be/nzJmU4YsweM (The History of Central America) youtu.be/URfe4VYmUcc (The History of Peru explained in 10 minutes) Spanish colonies were feudal, extractive, top-down hierarchical, not populated by productive Europeans, with distributed land owners like the U.S.A.. youtu.be/cCqi325spb8?t=204 (Why Didn't the Spanish Colonies Unify Like the USA) en.wikipedia.org/wik...i/Irrigation_in_Peru "The agriculture sector employs 30% of Peru's population and accounts for 13% of GDP and more than 10% of total exports (US$1.6 billion in 2005)." "Poverty has fallen only slowly in the Andean region, where poverty reaches 70 percent of the population. Many Andean Indigenous remain trapped in subsistence farming on small plots and rudimentary irrigation systems. The region produces only one-third of the country's agricultural GDP." "Peru's agricultural land is only 4.3% of its territory, with 5.5 million ha in use, of which 3.75 million ha is under rainfed agriculture and 1.75 million ha with irrigation infrastructure." "Of the 53 rivers in the coastal area, 16 are partly polluted by lead, manganese and iron." web.archive.org/web/...meWaterTreatment.pdf "Distillation is most effective in removing inorganic compounds such as metals (iron and lead) and nitrate; hardness (calcium and magnesium); and particulates from a contaminated water supply." en.wikipedia.org/wik...i/Water_purification "Experiments in humans found that demineralised water increased diuresis and the elimination of electrolytes, with decreased blood serum potassium concentration. Magnesium, calcium, and other minerals in water can help to protect against nutritional deficiency. Demineralized water may also increase the risk from toxic metals because it more readily leaches materials from piping like lead and cadmium, which is prevented by dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium." www.myownwater.com/b...dd-minerals-to-water 1. Mineral Drops 4. Himalayan Sea Salt 5. Electrolyte Powder en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limón_Dam "the project will help produce 4,000 gigawatt-hours (14,000 TJ) of electricity per year and transfer water from the Cajamarca region west to Lambayeque, near Olmos for the reclamation and irrigation of 43,500 hectares (107,000 acres)" P.S. ineffective planning & organization reminds of the Philippines: youtu.be/ydOPtfFGCl0 (Why Australia will Win against Peru tonight and the problem with Latin American football nations.)Comment: That 70% poverty rate in 2001 dropped to 21% by 2015 due to massive influx of foreign investment into Peru's extractive industry (to feed the massive global debt bubble and China) but that has stalled and reversed since 2016 and the poverty rate has climbed to 25% as of 2022. Essentially SouthAm is still a slave economy producing low-value exports and importing high-valued from manufacturing economies. We can expect SouthAm to decline into populist, socialism and abject economic failure. Because there's no viable solution, c.f. the following video's point about extremely low productivity of Peruvians. But there's no profit model for them to seize agriculture or participate in Agenda2030. Now that many of the subsistence indigenous have moved into the city slums, expect crime to skyrocket in the shities. Whereas Asia will progress faster economically with low crime. Problem in SE Asia for me though is shities will be 666 panopticon 5G and I won't have citizenship rights to defy edicts, nor do I prefer to live rural tropical (except may on the oceanfront if I have sufficiently large capital). youtu.be/hR__YfEmq_0 (Is PERU UNABLE to Achieve DEVELOPMENT?) My comments: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR__YfEm... Extractive economy, not focused on human labor capital. It's even cultural with Peruvian workers being much more relaxed about work. Will regress significantly until some economic model supersedes extraction. Which is not likely soon. Dismal outlook. www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR__YfEm... > "Loved the video, the only missing part is that because Peru is REALLY fighting 'corruption' with a new breed of young prosecutors that don't care how powerful you are, you get to see the elite politicians, presidents, etc, etc brought to justice and it looks rather scandalous if you compare to other places where this fight against corruption is not happening..." > > "Peru needs to change its education system mainly short period and technical and emphasis on competitiveness" > > "Without addressing the severe infrastructure deficit that the country suffers from, even if Peru were to dramatically improve it's education system, young Peruvians after graduating from such a great educational system would then just leave the country to look for actual opportunities in countries with highly developed infrastructures that allow for the existence of industries that create the type of jobs that the well educated young Peruvian would be looking for but which wouldn't exist in Peru due to the severe infrastructure deficit which prevents Peru from developing the type of industries which would allow for the creation of the type of jobs that a young, well educated Peruvian would be looking for. If Peru focuses on massive investment into national infrastructure the jobs, technology, and money for dramatically improved education would follow along as well." @J A indeed SouthAm lacks in the industrial economies-of-scale of East Asia. I doubt the Peruvians can even nationalize the extractive industries. youtu.be/ljE0iOuUIaU (Latin America lambasts USA as it overthrows Peru’s Pedro Castillo)Comment: { 14:05 juncture screen captures album from below linked video could not be uploaded with this message } The indigenous who are returning to the highlands are arming themselves against any future Shining Path insanity! Nice! 🤞 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shining_Path One could fret another power vacuum but that appears unlikely. Apparently the extractive industry power in Peru has allied themselves with the peasant militias. Peasants only demand subsistence existence and peace. This is rather interesting. Of course the city dwellers demand more from the govt. Why would the Peruvian power elite want to pick a fight with the subsistence indigenous who are an effective arm of the army against Marxists. 🧐 So much freedom in agrarian Peru, thus so much chaos is possible. Is this the price of liberty that Westerners forsake for perceived safety? I rather prefer my life in the hands of God than Bill Gates & King George Soros. It seems it will be very easier to hire an armed security force in Peru, unlike in Mexico. > "Spanish colonies were feudal, extractive, top-down hierarchical, not populated by productive Europeans, with distributed land owners like the U.S.A.." > > youtu.be/cCqi325spb8?t=204 > (Why Didn't the Spanish Colonies Unify Like the USA) I repeat that LatAm didn't have an incentive to invest in human capital. That's why it will always be poor until their economic model changes. But if the extractive elites are in homeostasis with the subsistence peasants this might be an ideal situation in the face of the current Agenda2030 threat? This video also explains why it's the plausible some States of the U.S.A. may break off and defy the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 albeit maybe with significant upheaval, bcz of the Westerners dependence on debt and the dollar (which are both being weaponized against them by the Marxist coup d'etat in the U.S.S.A.) This video also explains that N.America had the more harsh climates that couldn't support large indigenous civilizations and instead only mostly nomadic tribes subsisting off hunting, e.g. Buffalo in the Great American Plains. Thus the climate of N.America drove its high productivity. The climate of which is why I don't want to live there, other than the Pacific coast, which is now leftistard, Marxist. I had cited this video before, which elaborates on the above quote. youtu.be/XXhEjvWDuds (Why Is Latin America still Poor)Comment: > > "What can the W.E.F. do to brown people who live off the land at a subsistence level?" > > "It's impossible for Agenda2030 to be ubiquitous in a impoverished country like Perú. The globalists would first need some way to exterminate the millions living in poverty on subsistence farming." WHAT THIS ENTIRE GREAT RESET IS ABOUT THE ELITE FINDING NEW PROFIT MODELS IN THE FACE OF THE GLOBAL DEBT BUBBLE MINSKY MOMENT AND THE SHIFT OF HUMANITY AWAY FROM THE DEBT SLAVERY MODEL TO WHATEVER COMES NEXT AS OUR OVERLORDS LOSE CONTROL BCZ THEIR DEBT SLAVERY MODEL IS BANKRUPT AND TECHNOLOGY IS DISINTERMEDIATING THEIR MEATSPACE/TANGIBLE ERA ECONOMY WHICH I EXPLAINED IN 2012 WAS COMING TO AN END. bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3552... (Economic Devastation, I was AnonyMint and CoinCube is an applied mathematician and medical doctor) web.archive.org/web/...se of Knowledge.html (my website since 1998) Actually the plan is to force industrialized countries to subsidize extractive political elite in non-industrialized countries via mandated carbon credits purchases offsetting emitted carbon. Said political elite become beholden to the diabolical Agenda2030/2050 scheme (crimes) against humanity. archive.ph/https://w...n-amazon-11672321001 (Middlemen Snag Carbon-Credit Cash Aimed at Peruvian Amazon | Wall Street Journal) "Only a small amount of money designated for rainforest preservation reaches the people who live there" www.sapiens.org/cult...carbon-credits-peru/ (When Carbon Credits Drive People From Their Homes) apnews.com/article/b...12c31c14d9a226699068 (In Peru, Kichwa tribe wants compensation for carbon credits) www.greenpeace.org/i...o-greenwashing-scam/ (Carbon offsets are a scam | Greenpeace) The Forest Mafia: How Scammers Steal Millions Through Carbon Markets Four things 'green crypto firms' should know about a carbon offsets project in the Amazon "Human rights issues, large-scale logging and methodological flaws are the main concerns with a controversial project in Peru" As documented above the scheme barely functions in Peru where there's only a few subsistence indigenous (thus ostensibly nonviable where Inca indigenous are well entrenched w\previously cited agrarian land reform) as the diabolical Larry Fink noted recently in my Telegram posts (c.f. follow-up messages below for those), there's not sufficient capital to "provide for" (i.e. bribe/placate/fool) the LatAm masses. Peru's extractive elite are sandwiched between needing to shift the indigenous back to the highlands to relieve unrest in the "shities" {i.e. shitty cities} and wanting to sell carbon credits on unoccupied ancestral lands. youtu.be/8R3P9t_zVWU?t=154 ««« also skip forward to ~5:45, 8:20 & ESPECIALLY 9:35 FOR THE KEY STATEMENT (Bill Clinton and Blackrock team up to ACCELERATE the great reset | Redacted with Clayton Morris) > "https://youtu.be/KlsdjTgCL0s «« evocative > (Peru's Native Population Have Been Brutally Treated)" > "The indigenous who are returning to the highlands are arming themselves against any future Shining Path insanity! Nice! 🤞" The carbon credits scheme might implode on itself (after much collateral damage) as it's inherently deflationary and self-immolation. Thus an end run around this might be to educate the (Western and non-industrialized nations') masses that this corruption is taking place, and to turn them on to the decentralized virtual work economy as replacement economy to diabolical crap being hatched by the evil global overlords King George Soros, Billy Boy Gates of Hell, "Austin Powers" flick Dr. Evil/Dr. No Santa Klaus Schwab. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Evil Ethan Peck: WEF’s Klaus Schwab Is “Like the Real-Life Version of a Bond Villain” youtu.be/niklsDzJPTM?t=235 ("Resistance is Futile!" - Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Locutus of Borg) World Economic Forum Leader Praises China as ‘Role Model for Many Countries’Comment: > The diabolical BlackRock CEO (at a recent globalist conference including Bill Clinton) was asking for a change to the IMF charter to put $trillions of capital into forcing ESG (new green climate crap) down the throat of the developing world. He said the current amount of capital applied there (~$100B) is far insufficient to “uplift” the developing world onto their panopticon plans. > > So clearly their plan is to bankrupt and impoverish the developing world also, and then have the IMF stipulate compliance with the Great Reset as a prerequisite for IMF bailouts. > > My model is that the rise of Bitcoin (Economist Magazine's Phoenix) will bankrupt their fiat-based, dollar-based capital. Thus I think they will fail to completely onboard every single individual in the developing world onto their panopticon. In other words, the West will experience a massive devaluation and the CBDCs will be most widely adopted in the most failed, socialist Western countries. The CBDCs I think are a failure directed pogrom of self-immolation. I believe in the inexorable trend to maximum entropy. Highly ordered (i.e. centralized) systems are death stars.” > youtu.be/CBs34Frdxwo?t=350 > (Jordan Peterson EXPOSES Bill Gates Nasty Plan) > "Jordan Peterson seems to agree with me that they will fail because they will undermine their own capital. But as I pointed out numerous times which Armstrong et al refuse to acknowledge is the key factor is the rise of Bitcoin that will enable the productive capital of the world to offboard from the diabolical W.E.F. insanity and break free from their resource scarcity plan for global domination. Again I posit that some entity behind the curtain is playing the W.E.F. as pawns in their plan for total domination because Bitcoin eventually becomes the biblical Revelation Seven Hills as I previously described." > "The other important take away from this is that the plan of the W.E.F. appears to be to increase poverty and dependence in the developing world. They may succeed for a short-term so expect some rough sailing in the developing world. But ultimately they fail. And thus the developing world may be more suitable for avoiding for example CBDC enslavement plans, if one can insulate themselves from the effects of intensification of poverty. > > In the developed Western world we face the problem that the majority still have their blinders on but the minority is an egregious threat to the diabolical plan and they they will be coming after us out of desperation for it us or them. As I said many of those who are aware are now seething and reading to hang the W.E.F. leaders and sycophants from lamp posts. > > Thus I expect them to forcefully push the CBDCs in the West as there will be significant uptake given how addicted Westerners are to their collapsing, debt bubble affluence."Comment: > "Even with the central banks going insane and buying up all the sovereign debt (and remember the end game is as John Titus’ research revealed that BlackRock already owns the Fed (Archive: archive.ph/6vZMN) and will ostensibly parlay this into corporate-fascist takeover of the U.S. Treasury Dept as Western civilization descends into a 666 technocracy panopticon), hyperinflation can only occur if the citizens entirely lose confidence in their government cum central banks AND ALSO they have the ability to flee with their capital. But the powers-that-be (e.g. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Neocons, Brandon et al) have already prepared for that and will impose capital controls preventing capital from fleeing. That is if you do not get your capital out pronto before the stampede begins (probably imminently) then you will not have access to your funds except as doled out in small morsels periodically per capital control limits. This is how they implement the “you will own nothing and be happy only as a renter receiving a small rationing allowance via the CBDC.” The Carbon Credits scam will also be the scapegoat for the rationing. Westerners will live out a dismal life. Boomers will probably just choose to sign-off from life, thus Deagel’s 50+% population immolation. > > Of course this will blamed on some scapegoat such as Russian hackers creating a cyber attack on the banking system or whatever. And those who want liquidity will have to adopt the soon-to-be, newly introduced 666-like central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) which in essence means BlackRock will own you and control every financial transaction you conduct. > "As I previously mentioned that the BlackRock CEO had admitted at a globalist conference where Bill Clinton spoke, the globalists don’t have enough capital to onboard the developing world to their climate change scam U.N. 2030 agenda. > > So they are offering economic favoritism for those who invest in it: > > newsinfo.inquirer.ne...-energy-projects-doj > > This makes it clear that Philippines is entirely in the grip of George Soros and Klaus Schwab. > > Btw, this means more electricity supply and reliability issues if they move the Philippines to renewables. Let’s hope it is more like in Mexico where they pay lip service to globalists, but do not entirely implement." > "Janet Yellen working on merging the Treasury and Federal Reserve. This is as dystopian as I have been warning. They will micromanage interest rates such that different sectors of the economy have a different interest rate but this means they will require totalitarian control over all commerce via CBDCs so that there can be no arbitrage nor free market. It also means they can pick the winners and losers in the economy so thus only crony corporations can survive. This is about as 1984 dystopian as one could envision. They are really trying to do this to us. > > youtu.be/VgCRj5d4Sqs > (Janet Yellen Just Revealed Diabolical New Plan (MMT Is Back) | George Gammon) > > > “I think you're alluding to the central bank digital currency is actually the main point. I think this is the setup for the cbdc, they're going to play on the idea that they can micromanage the economy like this if there was a cbdc. Not only will they be able to put out steamies, but as you said regulate supply and demand. This is step one of the creation of the cbdc in my humble opinion.” > > This appears to be the plan underway to privatize the Fed and Treasury merged so that BlackRock will own the U.S. government and manage us in a technocracy, as I had explained previously: > > gist.github.com/shel...4f69c4c4f198a7c85cb9 > (Archived: archive.ph/6vZMN)Comment: > "Again remember I had pointed out that personal debt is quite low in Latin America and SE Asia. These societies are not living in a bankrupt urban sprawl — the great American Suburban Experiment. > > www.strongtowns.org/...-suburban-experiment > > www.huffpost.com/ent...s-a-review_b_6600106 > > Assimilate my discovery yesterday that sustaining the profitability of the American Empire is what the Ukrainian War is all about: > > { cited Telegram post to be posted in the subsequent update } > > So whereas the Latin American cities are (almost unlivable for an American who wants quiet and sanitary water) crime ridden clusterf*cks (although Mexico City has its charm and upscale areas), the rural Latin America is in some of the areas not densely populated. Very low infrastructure, but cheap land and pretty much unregulated so do what you want with no permit needed in many cases (at least for now)." {...} > "The problem the UK and Europe have right now is that the American Empire is deindustrializing them by programming their pliable minds with the man-made Climate Change (and COVID) hoax(es). > > And the sheepeople Westerners are ripe for re-adopting fascist, feudalism. The Westerners who are resisting are burdened with a bankrupt paradigm of the suburban sprawl. Urban always votes for feudalism (Demon(c)rats)." {...} > "The takeaway is that the West is about to undergo a lurch into fascist, feudalism because of the extreme imbalances and Thucydides trap outcome. > > There is simply no economic reason nor financing available to implement the 15 minute cities and Personal Carbon Credits in the developing world." {...} > "What is ending is our Western expectation of freedom. That freedom was based on a ubiquitous middle class which can not be sustained. > > Remember the 1970s stagflation was about the Boomers coming into their prime earning and spending years. Massive debt expansion and resource demands. > > The current round of stagflation is the bookend Cadaveric spasms of the dying Boomer-based model of debt-based economic expansion. The U.S. consumerism lead the world out of the post-WW2 and fall of the Iron Curtain. > > Now Asia and China will lead the developing world forward. It's Just Time."Comment: Here's the aforementioned Telegram post...(not in italics as were the previously updates because I tired of everything in italics)... I just learned something new which is very important to our understanding of the geopolitics ongoing now. The following article argues that the American empire is synonymous with the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower had warned us about. And that it needed to deindustrialize Europe while fostering WW3 in order to sustain itself economically. IOW as the Western empire is careening into the Minsky Moment debt bubble default, TPTB intend to retain control and profitability via WW3 and noveau-feudalism. Smacks of desperation. Couldn't allow W. Europe to instead synergize with Russia, China and the BRICs. moderndiplomacy.eu/2...ndustrialize-europe/ (Why America Aims to Deindustrialize Europe) China sniffs the desperation and is on the move towards challenging the U.S. empire (the Thucydides trap approaches). archive.ph/https://w...irreversible-decline (China is betting that the West is in irreversible decline) For reasons I explained previously, China would fracture into warlordism if democracy were allowed. The CCP's ability to rule China relies on autocratic, one-party governance. www.city-journal.org...sible-dream-of-order (read the entire article!) “Then followed a half-century of violent struggle between warlords, until the victory of the Communist army, led by Mao Zedong and supported by the Soviets, which put the Communist Party in power. The real reason Mao and his successors found acceptance among the various peoples of China was not due to the new leaders’ Marxism; it was because they ended the civil wars. They replaced the wars with the eradication of the middle class, totalitarian constraints on private life, the destruction of ancient customs, and the crushing of religions—but for the Chinese, anything was better than the horror of ceaseless civil strife. Too often in the West, we believe that the Chinese Communist Party’s legitimacy is based on economic growth, but this didn’t take off until 1979. More fundamental than growth is order. The Beijing regime is, in a way, akin to Franco’s Spain, more fascist than Communist, though any classification should be historically contextualized.” archive.ph/https://w...tes-and-their-rulers (China seeks a world order that defers to states and their ruler) The following omits the fact that the U.S. subverted Chiang Kai-shek to help the Marxists take China. Western PTB behind the curtain wanted a Communist, enslaved China removed from all its cultural history. archive.ph/http://ec...for-governing-taiwan (China has chilling plans for governing Taiwan) “Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the defeated, American-backed Nationalist regime, led millions of troops and refugees into exile on Taiwan” Yet the CCP is being apparently set up by TPTB so as to fail. Recently Chinese protesting Xi and his COVID insanity. What will be the implications on China if it disintegrates into warlordism eventually? Thus the Chinese will beg for a NWO to restore order? Will Chinese realize that order at any cost is superior to disintegration back to warlordism? Remember I noted recently ... Armstrong does not assume Xi {aka Winnie the Poo} will survive past 2032: www.armstrongeconomi...01/china-the-future/Comment: youtu.be/9D-GlWRh268 (Feminist Gets Mad at My Sign) "I made provocative signs and got people's reactions. All of these are jokes, but some of these people didn't take it well." Somehow it seems at least some part of the U.S.A. is going to separate from the Great Reset. It's going to be interesting to watch how this is all plays out especially the CBDCs. I suppose it would be most efficient for me to just return to live somewhere in the U.S. get set up with an apartment and a gym membership with some track oval open to the public. But I still have to deal with the horrible choices for climate where it would be affordable to me right now while I am trying to conserve funds and also which are not leftist clusterfucks on the brink such as the entire U.S. Pacific coastline. Additionally I would not progress on 0% tax residency solution and offboarding some assets to Michelle and prepping to brace for the CBDCs and WW3 incoming. I was dysfunctional living alone and that coupled with horrible climates and dejection about public sports facilities being so highly regulated now in the U.S. was demotivating my sports. Very difficult to get onto a high school track oval nowadays (because of school shootings and the general decline of the U.S. into mass psychosis where no one trusts or likes anyone any more and so many "safety" formalities). youtu.be/npJNERfBAes (Joe Rogan blasts George Soros: 'An evil person in a Batman movie' | Fox News)Comment: { 0:07, 0:32, 12:01 junctures screen captures album from below linked video could not be uploaded with this message } Andrew Henderson's commentary is spot on and excellent from my perspective. Latin America is a lifestyle choice. You can manage your security. You can easily bring a foreign(er) employee (provide them a residency visa) on a work contract. Also he's not mentioning the low interference of the govt on rural life, and the potential importance of that w.r.t. Agenda2030 for those of who want to resist the incoming 666-like CBDCs digital panopticon system. He does mention the West being a bad place to be with WW3 approaching. Additionally there's zero-tax Caribbean locations nearby. "South America offers more on-the-ground freedom on a daily basis." youtu.be/qw9O6f7yPNE (’Don’t Move to South America’’ | Nomad Capitalist) Andrew points out that he would never live in any capital city in Latin America. He explains that he is choosy about where he goes in LatAm. Bottom line is as I concluded long ago that LatAm is okay for a rural life in sparsely populated areas, stay away from the shities! For me LatAm represents the only approximation of the climate and lifestyle that I want (year round, not just in winter as for SE Asia) that's accessible to me in my current budget and Michelle's passport. It doesn't mean I need to live there the rest of my life if I'm able to amass more wealth and more options will be plausible (e.g. Michelle with a better passport by then). Primarily I need a stable place to hunker down and work on the computer, while also maintaining a high level of my power movements sports as previously mentioned. Yet it might also be the case that it becomes my favored climate & lifestyle choice long-term. I could deploy capital to have the private infrastructure in a sparsely populated area for my personal security and tranquility. I might not be able to drive around on public roads with 100% personal security, but perhaps that might end up the case in the U.S. as well, else I can visit there for that hobby (or perhaps Argentina/Chile for driving vacations). Or later I can work out my ideal location for compromise between personal security and other factors. First I need to survive the Great Reset and hunker down to work so I can amass more wealth. youtu.be/yfXzk5RsnQQ (Top 10 Worst Places for Americans in South America) 10:00 he explains that an entire city in Peru is involved in smuggling, everything one could possibly need including gold. How would anyone ever be captured by the Great Reset in Peru? Seems everything can be obtained with physical gold! Wow, I like the sound of that as an insurance plan against the Great Reset over this coming decade. I commented: The smuggling in Peru and their acceptance of physical gold as money could be a major benefit for surviving this upcoming 666 panopticon Great Reset. youtu.be/3lOumdos7ks (South American Countries - Ranked from Best to Worst) The following is very eye opening! Wow, if you're not white European ancestry, don't move to Peru or at least not to upscale Miraflores. He said Miraflores is upscale bcz it exists to launder money from the corrupt politics and the extractive industries. Interesting! Makes sense. youtu.be/SezPqNMQgX4 (Racism in Peru: They worship white Americans and hate their Latin American neighbors) My comment: Some of us like rural adventures and the availability of rural escape lifestyles. In our case, some of your issues with Peru would not apply. Also I am white with blonde hair and blue eyes thus sounds like a great place for me. I guess go where you're treated best and is most suited to you. I suggest you head to Pattaya or Colombia instead where they seem to more color blind. As for the money laundering, that's a plus actually as we approach the 666 CBBDs panopticon Great Reset. You see everything has a plus and minus. I appreciate your informative video, but you sound like a very angry person. Relax. Find a place you like. P.S. the Philippines is also a crab bucket mentality culture that hates non-white skin for the most part. Note the following adds some personal interaction nuance to the above video: youtu.be/5D7LgxUsrG4 (Which Country Do You HATE The Most? | PERU) The following is very interesting. youtu.be/xQpaUCm_3Ig (Why Do Peru And Chile Hate Each Other?) Missionary confirms improved safety in rural Peru vs. the capital shitty: youtu.be/Rc9WLeI2Fwg (Lima, Peru's People, Culture and Lifestyle) Shanty inhabitants are kind (also sometimes in Philippines): youtu.be/G23Z9QAuKSw?t=408 (What Nobody Show You About Lima, Peru) youtu.be/n_0mpsfv87w (Peru, Real life in Peru for the avg person) youtu.be/D9GheduQZQo «« mesmerizing (Living in the Andes Mountains) youtu.be/KlsdjTgCL0s «« evocative (Peru's Native Population Have Been Brutally Treated) 5:32 Note the "Fuck COVID" mural in Peru Peruvian road blockades let the intrepid foreigner adventure biker pass through, except in one instance. youtu.be/Kaz5tJL-NS0 (Our buddy Keith is currently on Peru during the protests and sent us an update.) youtu.be/Sb5mymGbuzA (Accident On Peru’s Airport Runway, Around 60 People Taken To Hospitals) Horrendous, confrontational driving in the Peruvian capital shitty reminds me of the Philippines. youtu.be/DiuMVFrSj-c (Don´t drive in Peru! | Renting a car and driving in Peru) "Ever wonder what driving is like in Peru? Considering renting a car in Lima? Don´t do it! Driving in Peru is crazy! Driving in Peru is not safe. People do not follow the rules."Comment: Before moving to the summary phase of today's rapid-fire research on LatAm, I will include some comments on Costa Rica. I started hearing about Costa Rica more than a decade ago. Costa Rica ostensibly roughly shares the issue of tropical Bali: the problems of rainy season and not well organized, walkable, integrated (along a) beach boardwalk infrastructure like Pattaya. It's ostensibly becoming unaffordable on the idyllic beaches, unlike Pattaya. It would perhaps offer more reasonable residency/citizenship pathways otherwise not practical in SE Asia (and I have been told that Thai citizenship is almost never granted) in a tropical setting with superior East facing (i.e. sunset) Pacific ocean frontage versus Philippines. I remember watching a YT years ago (ostensibly no longer available) of an American living in the cooler mountains lamenting that he was too far from civilization. I was still in the sultry, tropical Mindanao when I was first researching Costa Rica and at that time I was burnt out on tropical and desperately wanted to feel the cooler California Pacific coast summer climate again. My recent experience in Pattaya taught me that northerly tropical (i.e ~13+° latitude but within the 23.44° latitude tropics) can be ultra nice along the ocean for a few winter months (contiguous with a couple of hot, non-rainy summer months). Remarkably N.Peru at ~5° latitude is an exception because of cool Humboldt current and Andes rain shadow. Costa Rica doesn't really hit any of my near-term (i.e. immediate) priority needs & goals, e.g. Pattaya is a highly efficient choice but Michelle can't get an affordable long-term visa. I'm hoping there's a better climate for me than year-round tropical in one location enduring rainy season. Maybe I will end up making climate (or holistic) compromises after reaching the "end of my rainbow" quest experiences? Costa Rica might come back into focus later after more experience in for example Peru and Baja Sur as comparable alternatives? My relocation destination analyses are to-some-degree nebulous, untried, dilemmatic and multifarious thus not yet coherently polarized between a couple of alternatives. Mircea Popescu (Trilema.com) was in Costa Rica. I had watched the following video on Jun 24, 2019 (4 days before my 54th bday while I was still living in the Philippines): youtu.be/0rd0JeMPC7Q?t=347 ««« lost 40 lbs w/change in lifestyle/climate (Happier than Billionaires in Costa Rica) Sept 8, 2019: youtu.be/drDoio0vOVE (LIMON COSTA RICA - Afro Latina INTERVIEW) April 6, 2021: youtu.be/cbGMngGx2xk (8 Reasons Why Americans LEAVE Costa Rica ) May 28, 2021: youtu.be/fS-H04HxH1c?t=611 (AVOID THIS WRONG ROUTE Home !!! - Jaco MidNIGHT) Jan 24, 2022: youtu.be/qK9sqcAIL28?t=305 (Costa Rica Travel Vlog 2022) Feb 15, 2022: youtu.be/mUdnZfuTsJk (The side they DONT show you - Costa Rica) youtu.be/U60fSFOAEMM?t=3 (Costa Rica Protest - More Like A Party - Bahia Ballena) April 4, 2022: youtu.be/y--qlKP-wIg?t=648 (BLACKs OF COSTA RICA !!! RAW & UNCUT) Costa Rica and Baja Sur ocean front all got bought up during the pLandemic... youtu.be/BNGinC_UXEg "UPDATE SINCE FILMING: Costa Rica went a little CRAZY with the mandates, they took a huge loan from the IMF, and they are planning to do vax passes etc. I am a NO for anyone mandating what goes in my and my children's bodies (duh). We MOVED TO MEXICO. A Little town called Todos Santos on Baja. We love it, had our child here, and plan to stay. For all of the people asking where to live during these silly times, we chose Mexico for a ton of reasons." youtu.be/Q56JeXUoL-w (The DARK side of Digital Nomads | Nosara, Costa Rica) youtu.be/7p5VdFYowIk?t=48 (Idyllic overlooking hillside, recorded 5 years ago)Comment: > "right, it is not just the war situation, also the vax pass, when that is factored in, I don't even know where I could be in...it's like there is no answer... because if I have to live like a animal in the wild, or in a place I don't like, is it worth it?< i don't know, > > I can adapt to cold climate with proper clothing and tools, it is possible russia is big enough to have a place to hide. I don't know. albania, seem not bad also, the local language is obscure. i can imagine central asia is way too dry(but maybe if I'm there, i can find a way to adapt.) > > romania i saw a chinese commented that, they had covid rules, e.g. with police carrying gun on the street. > > but maybe rural regions will be fine in a worst case scenario..." You're preempting my next post which I had been composing before I wrote the Costa Rica post, wherein I attempt a summary and ask for feedback. These factors strongly into my relocation logic. Savage life should not become necessary, nor is it practical — we'd loose all our productivity. All the options you mention are much too cold, high altitude and/or remote for me. Horrible. Frigid climates are not for me! I don't have the problem you have with arid climates (Michelle might though as she is genetically adapted to tropical). Thus I seek out options that are unlikely to quickly be overrun by Agenda 2030 and which meet my other priority/immediate needs and goals. I would choose LatAm's security issue tradeoff over the tradeoffs of the choices you proffered. If I wanted to endure a cooler, wetter winter, I could consider perhaps one of the remote Greek islands and probably alleviate some of the personal security threats (although you never know some African raiders could ship in at any time perhaps). Or maybe Turkey. Or something in that Mediterranean sea region. Yet either North or South America offers a contiguous, driveable continent for all climate ranges (including tropical). I am curious about the Mediterranean and Africa, but that's an adventure for later if world travel normalizes. Why are you ostensibly so allergic to the thought of LatAm? > "also nowadays it is unclear how many pilot has been mrna jabed, so plane is not as safe as before? or maybe it is possible they only get injected salt water because airline companies don't want to die" Armstrong cited that Davos attendees refused pilots for their private planes that have been jabbed (c.f. also, also, also). Indeed the vaxxed could become a danger to society, else they're forced to retire from operating machinery, in which case there could be a shortage of pilots. Armstrong has written that our overlords (the vested elite who are trying to hang on to profit/control as everything shifts out from under them) want to limit travel so we can't organize against them, congregate, jurisdictional arbitrage and evade their need for totalitarian control. I also had the thought that they want to prevent us from spending less than 180 days in each country to avoid tax residency (if say for example we have citizenship i a low or 0% tax country). Again this is another reason I want to choose a side of the Pacific ocean now while commercial, consumer-price air travel is open. (Chile had put many land mines on the border from their war with Peru/Bolivia that it can still be dangerous to cross that land border unofficially)Comment: > > "Why are you ostensibly so allergic to the thought of LatAm?" > > "I don't know, brazil, peru, for example, as you have observed, people are protesting against what is happening. looks very unstable it is not clear to me what will happen next. as for mexcio, seems very difficult if not student visa,(maybe student visa is possible) also lots of regions in LatAM there have high altitude." My posts about Peru have been positing that instability is a form of stalemate homeostasis between the extractive resources elite and the indigenous peasants. And citing it as a plausible/posited advantage/defense against the diabolical Agenda 2030. I cited a video that ranked Brazil as the absolute worst in S. America for personal security. Did you watch it? Peru was ranked #7, but their cited concerns seem less relevant for me in my criteria and analyses (although there's some issues for me I already enumerated). Agreed Mexican residency visas require more financial resources. N.Peru has a coastal plain. Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay also have significant low altitude land area. You have mentioned Uruguay previously —- Doug Casey owns a ranch there. He moved there from his (harebrained, failed project? c.f. also) La Estancia de Cafayate Wine & Golf ranch in Argentina.Comment: I forgot to mention Andrew Henderson's other video where he explained that he tired of LatAm because it lacks Asia's vibrant, modern infrastructure, luxury culture. Indeed you won't even find Pattaya (i.e. Miami or Daytona Beach, Florida) in LatAm, although maybe Cancun proper might be close. For example, the sandy roads in or around the Yucatan peninsula (aforelinked video also features an attractive Mexican lady{1}) which resembles the lack of a concrete beach front road (and foreigners!) in Boracay. youtu.be/QUhzaxbipEU?t=285 (Why I Was Happy to Leave Latin America | Nomad Capitalist) He hated Tulum bcz slummy, touristy, overpriced, dirty, unsafe (I've heard this from others as well): youtu.be/YSb9FTQ-9IQ?t=64 (The Mexican City I Couldn’t Wait to Leave | Nomad Capitalist) {1} c.f. also escorts, black Mexicanas, blanca Mexicanas, Jalisco Mexicana, cute Mexicana, Mexicanas speaking dialects, Mexican saleslady, Puebla City ladies, Puebla street workers (also), Acapulco (also), Tlalpan ladies (also, also, also, also, also), Lima ladies (also), Ecuador ladies (also, also), Filipina (Palawan, bargirls, also, gf, nurses, blown-offshore, also, rando, Thunderstruck, floating bar, faceless, watermelons, also), Thai (car show models, also, also, also, also, also, also, also), Indian, Colombia (also, San Andres, Medellin, also, also, also, Bogota), Venezuela, Ethiopian (also, also).Comment: A.I., Tesla, Elon Musk... Vo, {1/20/23 3:35 AM} www.wired.com/story/...i-nuclear-fusion/amp shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/20/23 3:54 AM} A.I. will over promise and fall flat on its face w.r.t. to pie-in-the-sky outcomes. A.I. will have an impact on the changes underway in society, but it won't bail out those who have leveraged themselves on the bankrupt Western debt bubble (including Elon Musk). The science is not sound because it ignores the super low entropy (i.e. highly ordered) of the complexity they aspire to. Yet another example of science-gone-amok because of politics and money-out-of-thin-air funding. The Sun generates fusion in a very high entropy way of its huge aggregate mass with intense gravity such that fusion runs consistently as a very low probability occurring rarely but over a huge mass, without when concentrated, highly ordered running away into a hydrogen fusion bomb (as it does naturally otherwise). Remember entropy always trends to maximum in our universe. Musk is in trouble, and the high entropy Chinese method of betting on massive economies-of-scale will outlast the Muskonian attempt to be too clever (highly ordered). Musk is betting on being able to stay far ahead in A.I., but even though autopilot will enable vehicles to be in use 24 hours a day, thus lowering their cost to those who rent them by use (i.e. a correct economic insight), the Chinese will just reverse engineer his code and/or others will ope-source A.I.. archive.ph/https://w...nows-it-9822ed601f72 archive.ph/https://m...ev-race-de7fa66079bb archive.ph/https://m...vantage-5a6cb9161a55 archive.ph/https://m...problem-a55627d03086 That Zeekr 001 looks very nice. insideevs.com/news/6...dated-140kwh-1000km/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeekr_001 Tesla fucked up their battery design choice (opting for cylindrical and foam for structural advantage at the cost of volumetric energy/density), thus the lower-cost, more safe, more scalable (nickel in short supply and dependent on Russia) iron-based batteries have less of volumetric energy density disadvantage thus are a killer design. I have seen the BYD Atto 3 here in Thailand and it is very nice. www.teslarati.com/te...ral-batteries-video/ en.byd.com/news/stan...aunched-in-thailand/ Even the 4680 batteries have lower weight energy density than prior generation nickel-based batteries: www.notebookcheck.ne...odel-Y.669162.0.html Tesla has conceded that it fucked on the low-priced segment employing iron-based batteries and volume sales scaling: www.sciencetimes.com...ead-4680-model-y.htm The higher interest rate regime and recession are slamming Tesla at the juncture they expected to have a lead on competition raking in high margins. Instead maring compression and accelerating competition. I expect Musk to seriously ramp up cashing out of Tesla as soon as he can, essentially he's already hedging his bets by licensing Panasonic and Samsung to manufacture the 4680 batteries instead of tapping his sources of capital (archive.ph/https://m...problem-a55627d03086). Expect Musk to attempt to move up the tech food chain more and more to software intensive endeavors (e.g. Twitter, Starlink and SpaceX) as hardware requires industry cooperation and thus will always be won by the higher entropy Asian methodology. ACTUALLY I SEE THIS AS A MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY FOR ME AS I HAVE AFOREMENTIONED IN MY ONBOARDING PLAN LEVERAGING TWITTER'S DEMOCRATIZED VERIFIED USER PLAN. Elon presumably has (access to) enough capital for his interstellar ambitions, especially if he focuses on key technological innovation in an industry-wide maximum specialization, instead of 100% end-to-end integration do-it-all-yourself (a failed, low entropy approach). He wants to advance technology. His focus will not be a war of lower margins attrition against Asian EV manufacturers and maximum specialization (i.e. EV battery engineering/manufacturing separated from EV manufacturers). He will maximize Tesla into the next bull market and be pivoting out at every strategic opportunity. www.investing.com/ne...rdon-johnson-2984176 Gerber is too bullish but his price estimates are more realistic than Johnson's nonsensical $12: www.investing.com/ne...rdon-johnson-2984176Comment: Mo, {1/20/23 5:52 AM} It’s not about the code but the training samples fed to the AI. For example, we all have access to Stable Diffusion open source AI image generator, but if my training samples are better, I’ll always produce better outcomes. Musk is leaps and bounds ahead of the entire market having been collecting data in 2009, and with 3.6 million sold worldwide, no one’s even close to having the quality nor quantity of data they’ve trained their AI on Granted, all that is stealable as well, but I’ve seen Tesla’s in the car hacking village at Defcon as early as 2017, I’m sure they have an incredible red team advising them on best practices to secure their data… it’s the single most valuable thing that separates Tesla from the rest of the EV pack shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/20/23 1:40 PM} 1. I didn't intend to imply that training data isn't crucial. In the case of general knowledge, I wrote recently that open sourcing A.I. algorithms and methodology is relevant to the huge body of freely accessible WWW data. To the extent that specialized training sets have been acquired/developed, this could be posited to be a fool's errand perhaps analogous to Elon's which I will posit as follows. 2. Additionally my intent of "open sourcing" w.r.t. vehicular autopilot is intended to capture the correct points that a) maximum specialization wins in any sufficiently mature, economies-of-scale, horizontal market, b) that suppliers of data will have an incentive to cross-pollinate, and c) that Elon's pie-in-the-sky expectations for A.I. are incorrect, overzealous, short-sighted, impractical thus implying that training data (and specialized training supercomputers such as Dojo) are less important than he thinks. The notion that A.I. is only as good as the data it's fed is a fundamental misconception of the limitation of A.I., and it's Musk's Tsushima or Cannae (strategic blunder). "The Battle of Tsushima conclusively demonstrated that battleship speed and big guns with longer ranges were more advantageous in naval battles than mixed batteries of different sizes." "Hannibal had instructed his infantry to withdraw deliberately, creating an even tighter semicircle around the attacking Roman forces. By doing so, he had turned the strength of the Roman infantry into a weakness. While the front ranks were gradually advancing, the bulk of the Roman troops began to lose their cohesion, as troops from the reserve lines advanced into the growing gaps. Soon they were compacted together so closely that they had little space to wield their weapons. In pressing so far forward in their desire to destroy the retreating and seemingly collapsing line of Hispanic and Gallic troops, the Romans had ignored" The problem with training data and A.I. in general is that it's stoopid, really stoopid, because as Socrates pointed out it's impossible to prove a negative. There's always an outlier. This is just common sense and probability theory. Musk can't be this stupid can he? Musk's seems to lack basic common sense. I noticed this also about 167 IQ Risto Pietilä (who had all his BTC stolen from his laptop at a pool party and other snafus at least two of which I cleverly advised him how to wiggle out circa ~2011 in his former silver coinage business). Although Musk is correct that human vision works well for driving, IT'S NOT PERFECT duh. Human culpability is decentralized, but autopilot culpability is CENTRALIZED. Duh. Duh. Duh. How could Elon miss this point? Human safety is non-negotiable and one should never be principled nor cheapskate against it. Always spend more for safety. Musk has ignored this with the Cybertruck design also, which after it kills a few pedestrians will be mired in lawsuits and/or government blowback. edition.cnn.com/2019...ing-tesla/index.html www.topgear.com/car-...ue-full-self-driving Elon's strategic blunders may even be premeditated and intentional. He hyped an insane stock price by faking the moon and maybe that was the most efficient way to fund his instellar ambitions, but the reality will eventually sink in for the snowflake, sychophant fanboys (sorry you two young guys drank Elon's Koolaid, wisdom and increase skepticism comes with age and experience I guess...) archive.ph/https://m...le-race-f207ba1e8adf Tesla presumably has more road network data on certain (mostly Western) markets, yet ostensibly less data on markets where Chinese EVs are outselling such as ostensibly in Thailand. The West is more valuable per capita until the monetary reset inflection point just a few more years from now. By then Chinese EVs will have more or less caught up or exceeded in every facet, as the developing markets continue to grow while the West implodes. The supplier who develops Autopilot for resale to all EV manufacturers will eventually have a scaling and cost-structure advantage over a supplier that attempts to retain higher margins with vertical integration. This is why Android has 72% global market share versus 28% for iOS. There were refinements that IOS had/has over Android but for example Android had multitasking years before iOS and still iOS's multitasking is less generalized (although it is argued this provides more refinement, it doesn't scale well because requires every app to be painstakingly programmed to support it). en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS In short, ugly, brute force pragmatic scaling (i.e. the Fabian strategy) trumps fanciful, elegant ideology. Musk invited everyone to nip at his heels and leverage the government to bring him to his knees.Comment: Vo, {1/19/23 10:03 AM} youtu.be/gIS0xlqyrUc (Elon Musk Suddenly Revealed The Most Powerful Quantum Computer!) That plus AI plus fusion energy shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/19/23 9:33 PM} Not a quantum computer. Fusion energy is not going to be reality. Vo, {1/19/23 9:44 PM} why not. The sun already does it shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/19/23 9:47 PM} We're not close and have made no headway as all attempts require more input energy than output, especially given their capital cost and very minute energy they produce. Sun's gravity is so intense, we can't replicate that. www.quora.com/Why-ca...for-powering-the-sunComment: Vo, {1/20/23 3:35 AM} www.nytimes.com/2022...gy-breakthrough.html shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/20/23 3:36 AM} Propaganda. Consumed more energy than it output. I read the fine print on that experiment. Stop believing the snow-flake fantasies. Brandon was lying about this. The West will collapse into ashes. Don't believe anything out of these govt mouthpieces masquerading as journalism. www.theepochtimes.co...pticism_4921829.html (read the comments) www.theregister.com/.../nuclear_fusion_doe/ "The initial energy required to fire the laser beams was 322 megajoules, with just over 2 megajoules delivered to the fuel capsule to trigger its implosion. Comparing this with the 3.15 megajoules, or 875 Watt-hours, generated in the nuclear reaction, the overall energy produced by the NIF is still a net loss by quite a factor." www.science.org/cont...gh-nif-uh-not-reallyComment: Exact repeat of 2019-2020 underway in 2023. First leg down bounces of 200 WMA, then the Q1 2024 crash will pierce it!Comment: Wealth Taxes the upcoming threat to assets (including land) in the West and anywhere your ownership of assets can be traced to. It's lights out, the Westerners will be fleeced of everything no matter where they go. The Federal govt will institute a wealth tax also. This will eventually lead to secession of States from the Union, but until long after our assets have been fleeced. The other Western countries will also implement a Wealth Tax and Wealth Taxes will apply even if you expatriate to another country. The only escape from this is to put assets in someone's name who is not a Western citizen. And don't keep those assets in the West. Real estate values will plummet. www.armstrongeconomi...tas-dream-come-true/ "Once these Wealth Taxes enter the game in 2024, that will be the peak of the ECM and only a braindead person would want to buy your house"Comment: www.armstrongeconomi...ver-support-ukraine/ Ukraine was NEVER a country – EVER! They joined the German Nazis because Hitler promised to carve out a country for them. I have assembled the entire monetary history of the world. There were NEVER any coins ever issued by some pretend Ukrainian government. The first coinage that ever said the word Ukraine was issued during the German Nazi occupation. This war in Ukraine is an invasion of Ukrainian into the regions that were formerly the Russian Empire. They were never under some sovereignty of Ukraine that never existed. The West simply wants to destroy Russia, This has been on the agenda for decades and the fall of communism never changed that policy. They will do the same with China. In truth, this is Ukrainians invading the Russian territory where Russians have lived for centuries. The propaganda has flipped this completely around claiming Putin is invading Ukraine when they began this civil war in 2014 and launched the first attacks on the Donbas. The treatment of Polish, Jews, and Russians during WWII even horrified the German Nazis. Why would Poland ever support Ukraine can only be that its leaders are told what to say and do by those behind NATO seeking World War III. The Polish people should wake up for they will be the next to be thrown on this altar of geopolitical sacrifice. {...} The Ukrainians were unprecedented in their war crimes during WWII and the sheer outright cruelty has NEVER been addressed. They above all should have been hunted down more so than the Germans. The torture Ukrainians inflicted even on Polish and Hungarians along with Russians and Jews included: * Running children through with stakes * Cutting a person’s throat and pulling their tongue out through the hole * Sawing a person’s torso in half with a carpenter’s saw * Cutting open the belly of a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy, removing the fetus, and replacing it with a live cat, before sewing up her abdomen. * Cutting open a pregnant women’s abdomen and pouring in broken glass * Nailing a small child to a door. All the various wars and history of this region are included in the databanks of Socrates. That is how it was able to pinpoint Ukraine as the hot spot where all this will unfold as we warned in 2013. There is no account of war crimes that has EVER surpassed those inflicted by Ukrainians. It is an embarrassment that Europe and the USA would support Ukraine in this land grab. As for those that blame everything on Putin, get your head out of the sand and open your eyes for you are a casualty of this propaganda to promote WWIII. The very people who live in that region predominantly support Russia against Ukraine.Comment: www.armstrongeconomi...ells-out-on-ukraine/ While Kissinger said that a diplomatic process could help Russia “re-evaluate its historic position, which was an amalgam of an attraction to the culture of Europe and a fear of domination by Europe.” He did not elaborate on that “fear of domination by Europe” statement, but the fact is that Russia has NEVER sought to invade Europe, but Europe has tried to conquer Russia many times with the two most prominent being Napoleon and Hitler. After the statements that the whole Minsk Agreement was just to fool Putin to buy time for this latest attempt to conquer Russia with NATO planning for the long-haul to invade Moscow after Ukraine is finished depleting Russia’s conventional ability to defend itself. Kissinger also made the statement that “ach side needs to consider for itself how the threat to human survival of the destructiveness of weapons, coupled with making them almost conscious in their application, can be dealt with.” This is a proxy war and Zelensky has no respect for his own people. This is all about a land grab and the Donbas has been historically occupied by Russians as has Crimea. Simply because Khruschev drew the border for Ukraine purely for administrative purposes does not suddenly give Ukraine the right to claim those regions when Ukraine was NEVER a country before the USSR. Kissinger had advocated for a ceasefire that would see Ukraine accept some of the annexed territories as Russian land for those people are Russian and they should not be compelled to surrender their language and their religion. {...} I support the people in the Donbas against the tyranny of Zelensky and Kyiv for I have not flipped my position which is consistent worldwide for all people. In 2014, I advocated splitting Ukraine according to the ethnic language of the people. Governments have no absolute right to power. Kissinger has forgotten his history. Any government exists only with the support and consent of the people. Zelensky ran and won promising peace and the end of corruption. He has done neither. Our computer pinpointed Ukraine would be the place where World War III would begin. On December 3rd, 2013 we published: Ukraine Maybe The Most Important Country To Watch! Our computer is unbiased and it looks at the geopolitical consequences of war and where they begin and end. {...} This is why I do not support Zelensky or his ruthless proxy war with Russia on behalf of the USA and NATO. The fake Minsk Agreement confirmed that from day one, the West has been planning to wage war with Russia – the third wave to conquer and destroy Russia directed by the Deep State. They are using the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder and could care less how many die to achieve their end goal {...} What is also MISUNDERSTOOD is Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence which expressed the same idea as Thomas Paine. By stating that “all men are created equal” had nothing to do with slavery as some tried to re-interpret. He stated that these are “unalienable rights” that are NOT granted by any government. Governments are created to secure those rights, not to suppress them as so many have done and Zelensky is doing right now to the people of the Donbas. The Minsk Agreement was to be their Declaration of Independence that the west has bluntly pissed all over it. When a government becomes destructive to those rights, as the West and Zelensky have done to the Donbas, then “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it” in the words of Jefferson. {...} Russian President Vladimir Putin has no incentive to believe anything coming from Ukraine, NATO, or the United States after what they saw with the deliberate fake Minsk Agreement to only buy time for war. The Donbas should be allowed to vote and let that vote be monitored. They are Russians ethnically and they have an inherent unalienable human right to establish their own government, to worship their own religion freely, and to speak their own language. Zelensky is a fake actor playing a role dictated by NATO and the USA. He is putting his own people on the geopolitical altar for sacrifice to seize a region that has always been Russian denying them any Democracy option when he claims he is defending Democracy. When the last Ukrainian standing falls, Zelensky will be given a free ride to the Bahamas to live the rest of his life on a warm tropical beach with the billions he has stolen.Comment: Armstrong didn't title the following blog entry optimally, failing to even mention that the two political parties are just two heads of the same uniparty monster. Nor did he make the most salient conclusion, which is that Amerikaans are ignorant mofos. Amerikaans don't realize they're led by propaganda to blame each other, instead of blaming themselves for participating in an unsustainable debt bubble and the controlling elite (and Deep State) that is attempting to induce the people to support Klaus Schwab & Bill Gates' Great Reset totalitarianism (including the COVID hoax medical terrorism) as the outcome of the Minsky Moment debt collapse underway instead of a free market reset. All leaders of all nations (including that Winnie the Poo doppelganger Xi Jinping) are complicit in this premeditated WW3 plan to enslave the people. But the real kicker is that Martin and most everyone doesn't realize that these elite are just pawns being played by the real power even deeper behind the curtain that launched (legacy protocol, not the 2017 NY Agreement softfork impostor which will be destroyed) Bitcoin on a 10 year cycle starting with its conceptual announcement as the 1989 Economist Magazine Phoenix cover story, the 1999 anonymous user group posts describing the Bitcoin design, 2009 public launch, the 2018 mass awareness and the upcoming 2028 global monetary reset in a multipolar world where neither the dollar nor the yuan is trusted for international settlement. Thus Bitcoin rises to be the global reserve and international settlement currency in a two-tier monetary system such that the nation-states enslave their subjects in 666 panopticon central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Bitcoin will enslave the nation-states in a NWO as famed mathematician John Nash had explained in his Ideal Money proposal. John Nash was assassinated in a staged vehicular crash on the very EZ Pass which he had mentioned in his white paper proposal! Ostensibly because he would have soon realized the evil of Bitcoin rising to be the Ideal Money. I will detail that evil in future writings. www.armstrongeconomi...her-political-party/ (Who is America’s Enemy? Russia, other Political Party or Ignorance?) The nation is dividing significantly. This is why the United States cannot stand divided. The latest poll demonstrates that the forecast made by our computer is unsurpassed. The question presented was who is our enemy? For Democrats, the top three results named Russia (31 percent) as our “greatest enemy,” followed by Republicans (26 percent) and China (16 percent). For Republicans, the top three are China (35 percent), Russia (33 percent), and Democrats (12 percent).Comment: youtu.be/DPARs7mL_7Q (Researchers Say They Are Close To Reversing Aging) youtu.be/JYjvtsqqDJA (Science rejuvenates woman's skin cells to 30 years younger - BBC News)Comment: > "Saw this story earlier today: Havila Bans Electric and Hydrogen Vehicle Transport Due to Fire Danger. I wonder if this concern will spread amongst shipping lines - possibly to the cargo ships that deliver new vehicles around the world?" maritime-executive.c...t-due-to-fire-danger (Havila Bans Electric and Hydrogen Vehicle Transport Due to Fire Danger) The Great Reset is going to be the great clusterfuck and unraveling. It probably won't stop the onslaught of green insanity soon enough to prevent the gigadeath collateral damage. This totalitarian reaction to the epochal Minsky Moment is just going to make it that much more difficult/implausible for humanity to adapt quickly to minimize the incoming horror. Also remember what i wrote in past days about Elon Musk's strategic blunder by not enabling his new battery technology to optionally use iron (which is much safer) instead of the increasing difficult to supply nickel/cobalt. Meaning now the Chinese EV manufacturers such as BYD have the advantage for shipping EVs.Comment: { Album } U.N. Sustainability Goals correctly restated as NWO goals. thescienceanalyst.su...k.com/p/fact-or-fake (click to view the infographics) { Album } thescienceanalyst.su...ssing-a-depopulation (click to view the infographics) These mRNA injections are horrific: thescienceanalyst.su...l-injections-are-not > "The damage is already visible with the D-dimer test. The tests show blood-clots in 60% of injected." > Spike protein binds to and changes cells in the heart > MIT senior scientist Stephanie Seneff (knows a lot about prions and Alzheimer) The injections are likely to make prions and cause a severe brain disease > Cells all over the body will be invaded with the mRNA or DNA in a way that they start producing the spike-proteins for a long time. For at least 60 days. > > Because they are producing the spike-proteins and these are visible on the surface, the immune cells will see them as a target. The immune system sees these cells as an enemy and destroy them. > > This means that a lot of important cells are being destroyed by your own immune system. They can be cells in vital organs, like the liver, heart or the brain. > > This form of auto-immunity, and has been detected in 50% of autopsies (for now). > If the immune system overreacts, it can also produce antibodies against its own cells. This means that the own cells will be seen as an enemy. Forever. > > There are reports that the immune cells themselves are also infected. They may absorb the mRNA from the cells that they have killed. > The cells will no longer stop broken DNA from entering the cells. And this means that broken DNA can spread among cells. This can cause cancer. Observations: There is 20x more cancer among vaccinated. > Each batch (lot) the manufacturers try some new mixtures > > We do not even know what is in the first serums that were released on the population. Also the manufacturers are changing the ingredients regularly. Will there be more or less poison with the next batch? Are they still doing tests? The outcome of their tests are also secret. > Better analysis of the Pfizer data and the real world data. We now know that the first trials were never succesful and that they have been mixing up groups to get the results that they wanted. > The differences appear to show that they are still experimenting with us. What is their true goal? As more information is revealed we see enormous differences between the batches. The lots are not the same. We already see that some people have no problems, while others have severe problems. Why is that? The way it is spread over time, it shows clear evidence of toxicity testing. This toxicity testing is an indication that these injections are balanced so that they kill, without being obvious. This leads to the high possibility that we are witnessing Depopulation by Injection. The COVID hoax was the first salvo in the ongoing plan to turn down the human species to Absolute Zero — near total depopulation. www.corbettreport.co...bal-agenda-revealed/ (Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed - The Corbett Report)Comment: Depiction of the Good Reset versus Bill Gates' and Klaus Schwab's Great Reset technocracy. imgur.com/5RZVJfy (click this)Comment: Sheepeople so easily herded. vt.tiktok.com/ZS8S1JEL2/ "Green" Energy Is a Scam. It Isn't MEANT to Work. www.corbettreport.co...-isnt-meant-to-work/ > Get ready for the guilt campaign. “Saving Mother Earth” through compliance to the green diktats will become just like “saving Gramma” by getting the jabs. Failure to obey WILL be demonized by the virtue police as proof of your uncaring selfishness, and more than enough justification to encourage your “friends”, family and neighbors to harass and report you to the “authorities”. Another big linchpin to the Divide & Conquer strategy that is working so well for the overlords. {...} > They do not care about the environment…if they did they would do simple fixes that work rather than power grabs that do not reduce pollution much. {...} > EVERY ‘solution’ to every ‘problem’ a bureaucrat offers is “give us more power”…. big business loves regulation {bcz stifles competition}Comment: { Album } More than 100 sheep die 'after being frightened to death by dogs' www.mirror.co.uk/new...ep-die-after-7518157 www.bbc.com/news/uk-...land-sussex-35759263 onpasture.com/funny-...heep-dog-conspiracy/Comment: CBDCs are also not MEANT to work. The elite-most overlords furthest behind the curtain are mapping out (playing all sides off each other to foster) the world-laid-to-ashes privations as they described in the 1989 Economic Magazine Phoenix cover story, and from that chaos of the destruction of the nation-states, will rise the NWO from the power vacuum with legacy protocol Bitcoin leading the way towards Biblical enslavement of humanity. www.corbettreport.co...-programmable-money/ > Lance: > > > “… the reality will not be some slick uber-control grid, but a glitchy, hackable piece of shit….” > > True, but given a choice I’d rather not have to be “The Stainless Steel Rat”…. their system wont work but it will create massive suffering The incoming collateral damage fusillade I have described similarly: www.corbettreport.co...an-and-it-will-fail/ > Technocracy will fail by its own accord, but unfortunately not in a convenient timeframe and not before it’s fully integrated into the “system” > > The difference between technocracy and a Nigerian scam is that you have to be gullible enough to opt into a Nigerian scam in the first place, where as you will not be given a choice to opt out of technocracy, the choice will be made for you. The only way out is to get out of the system completely beforehand. > > The failure of technocracy won’t be like the failure of shackles which break apart leaving you free! > > The failure of technocracy will be more like the sinking of the titanic which will give you the freedom to fight the other passengers to the death over who gets the lifeboats or you have the freedom to freeze to death in the ocean if you prefer the non violent approach! > > Might be better to start building your own lifeboat now and never set foot on the techtanic! www.corbettreport.co...an-and-it-will-fail/ > > “…The power of data aggregation should not be underestimated. “A.I.” does not need to be conscious to be very powerful….” > > That's true, it can be powerful, and it can hurt a lot of people, but it cant be relied on and its failures cant even be anticipated the way you might with regular software. > > Technocrats who were thinking they could regulate every pair of shoes and erg of energy in the world BEFORE computers love AI so much, because it gives an illusionary hope of managing the unmanageable.Comment: I had previously hypothesized about how wealth breeds individuality which leads to the self-immolating societalcide including contributing to dysgenics, but I don't remember accounting for the decrease in child mortality being dysgenic (although I had noted it would contribute to individuality via birth control at least) because before the Industrial Revolution childhood mortality was much lower among those with wealth which correlates with IQ. Thus the low IQ were disproportionately killed off by child mortality before the Industrial Revolution. This burgeoning underbelly of "useless eaters" will be culled, it's only natural. They've been propped up with debt and an unhealthy industrial regime (e.g. my recent post about the demise of raw milk due to industrialization and non-local distribution). This is why I have said that Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, technocracy and the Great Reset is a perfectly natural response and outcome. www.bitchute.com/video/BCmpc9guUlOz/ (skip forward to 1:25 at least, Why Wokeness Will Die Out and Falling IQ Means Civilization Will Still Collapse) That Jolly Heretic points out that the rise of low IQ populism further accelerates dysgenics by forcing high IQ people to flee, thus the impending collapse of Western civilization. The path forward isn't to go backwards to what worked before the Information Age (aka the computer revolution), such as ideas of forming new intentional ethnicities or breakaway communities, because memetic control over reproduction quality (e.g. via religion-based ethnicity) is no longer the challenge given IVF and surrogate gametes. Instead all solutions will be technological, because for example technology has vacated the strategic importance of meatspace cohesion (e.g. the Mennonite factories the blogger raves about) — NOWADAYS IT BE ABOUT CRYPTOGRAPHIC CLOAKING FORM OF ASSET PROTECTION NOT PHYSICAL ARMIES PROTECTING FARMS OR FACTORIES. Thus meatspace organization will collapse into ashes or totalitarianism as predicted in the 1989 Economist Magazine Phoenix cover story. This paradigm-shift seems to be nearly impossible for humanity to wrap their minds around (i.e. accept & digest) as they continue to traipse aimlessly around industrial age meatspace organization. Thus denying that they're in the Information Age and its radical changes to what is and can be. The following makes interesting arguments against religion as a foundation (for an intentional ethnicity). www.mikraite.org/Ark...ity-Idea-td2249.html > Another option is just community - form a community of good people. But this isn't sustainable. > > After the South lost the American civil war, a number of Southerners (Confederates) set up communities in Latin America, particularly Brazil. What happened to them? According to Wikipedia: > > "The first generation of Confederados remained an insular community. As is typical, by the third generation, most of the families had intermarried with native Brazilians or immigrants of other origins. Descendants of the Confederados increasingly spoke the Portuguese language and identified themselves as Brazilians. As the area around Santa Bárbara d'Oeste and Americana turned to the production of sugar cane and society became more mobile, the Confederados moved to cities for urban jobs. Today, only a few descendant families still live on land owned by their ancestors. The descendants of the Confederados are mostly scattered throughout Brazil." Note the above linked blogger likes that Mennonite area of Mexico I had shared YT videos about in 2021: saidit.net/s/Conserv...north_mexico_report/ Said blogger (a descendant of Jews) has an interesting insight into why the Jewish ethnicity failed: www.mikraite.org/The...the-Jews-td2238.html P.S. declining importance of meatspace cohesion vacates that as a posited strategic advantage of Asia, albeit we still have to deal correctly with meatspace threats (e.g. ashes in LatAm or authoritarianism in Asia), e.g. diligence in face of the personal security risk in LatAm.Comment: Martin Armstrong will go to his grave denying the ramifications — of lurch from the Industrial Age to the Information Age — incongruous with his intransigent, dinosaur Boomer-age demographic fixation with the value/integrity/worth of meatspace assets, paradigms and institutions. All that meatspace shit is dying, as its raison d'etre was justified only in Agricultural and Industrial Ages for the protection and competition of the main productivity of the economy which at that time was tangible. Technology has too much empowered the government for surveillance of the tangible economy, forcing the productive online economy. Of course given the technological end of physical cash, the government will steal everything and destroy everything in meatspace, forcing cryptographic cloaking in private cryptocurrency. MEATSPACE WILL NEVER RETURN. IT'S JUST TIME. WHEN WILL ARMSTRONG REALIZE IT? Armstrong is gloating that governments will fight private cryptocurrency because he incorrectly believes that panopticon government can be reverted by civil disobedience and politics. Has he forgotten his Stanley Milgram's experiments blog posts that the people will always capitulate to the higher power? His hope the military/police won't capitulate to the higher powers defies the reality that meatspace is bankrupt (c.f. my prior dysgenics post) thus police/military are part of the societalcide collapse. Armstrong is even incorrect about the details of Binance (only!) being shut off by one bank only (not the entire SWIFT system and all crypto exchanges). This move contributes to the multipolar fractures of the monetary system that will usher in legacy Bitcoin as the international settlement and global reserve currency. Notable is $100,000+ transfers are exempted. I told you that legacy protocol Bitcoin will become the world's reserve currency and $billionaires who use it will be exempted. Nobody else will be able to use legacy Bitcoin anyway, because only supports 7 transactions per second thus transaction fees will eventually reach ~$1000+ per transaction. The plebs will be pushed onto 666 panoption, government central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in a return to a two-tiered monetary system. www.armstrongeconomi...-global-marketplace/ www.asiamarkets.com/...s-to-cryptocurrency/ www.bsc.news/post/th...time-to-move-past-it www.armstrongeconomi...ng-your-questions-2/ Silverbank suffered during the FTX debacle which is yet another example of the meatspace societalcide (as that was all wrapped up in the Ukraine corruption as well): beincrypto.com/binan...ia-swift-from-feb-1/ Armstrong doesn't understand the paradigm-shift underway. Which is why his "Solution" (www.armstrongeconomi...mics/the-solution-6/) to the Minksy Moment involved an equity-for-debt swap but the equity would be based on the continued worth of meatspace assets and meatspace economy. Thus of course it was rejected in favor of Schwab's technocracy Great Reset, because the meatspace economy has no future worth! C.f. my recent dysgenics post. www.armstrongeconomi...many-be-so-powerful/ www.armstrongeconomi...eat-Reset-2021-r.pdf www.armstrongeconomi...on-to-this-insanity/ www.armstrongeconomi...ing-before-our-eyes/ www.armstrongeconomi...t/the-plot-thickens/ www.armstrongeconomi.../what-is-the-motive/ Armstrong doesn't seem to realize that Schwab, Bill Gates, Soros et al are smart enough to realize THAT MEATSPACE CAN ONLY EXIST IN TOTALITARIANISM FROM THIS POINT FORWARD. www.armstrongeconomi...of-the-21st-century/Comment: Rockefeller Foundation published the plan for COVID back in 2010 describing the future outcome the intractable meatspace economic viability: wikispooks.com/wiki/Lock_Step wikispooks.com/w/ima...riosForTheFuture.pdf There's no going back. There is no fix like direct democracy nor monarchy which can restore meatspace. Fuhgeddaboudit. www.armstrongeconomi...to-the-entire-world/ "But the difference is he sees this as an opportunity to force the resolution into his world of authoritarianism. I believe the solution is to try Democracy just once and end career politicians. He is trying to train and install politicians everywhere to force his ideas upon the world." Armstrong can't wrap his mind around the concept that everything that was, is dying never to come back again. Yes governments will fight against cryptography but math will win and they will lose, because if not humanity will go extinct because meatspace can no longer offer any freedom due to the shift in the technology and ubiquity of the Internet panopticon. Thus Armstrong incorrectly believes that meatspace is what will back the flight from government to private assets. This is a grave error on his part and will end up bankrupting all of his subscribers and himself as well. www.armstrongeconomi...-of-the-petrodollar/ "Gold is nice and shiny and many coins are beautiful, but it will not do what its promoters claim it will do if enough people see better choices to protect and expand their wealth. Perhaps that’s why people’s largest asset generally is their own home. Its utility is obvious. And its unique characteristic, location, sets it apart from gold. Others see this." www.armstrongeconomi...f-equities-for-2032/ Above linked private blog paraphrased as the stocks of companies that hold meatspace assets will prosper (e.g. recent strength of the DJIA) and high-tech, non-backed fantasy stocks will suffer under the high interest rate regime. Well that's correct for as long as the people are fooled as Armstrong is as to the egregious paradigm-shift underway. Especially high-end and prime off-grid real estate could continue to appreciate as the foolish (soon-to-be-impoverished) wealthy buy meatspace instead of crypto. Impoverished because the acceleration of meatspace devouring itself in Agenda 2030 totalitarianism as it squeezes corrupt profit from its bankruptcy. But by 2028ish legacy Bitcoin as the 1989 Economist Magazine Phoenix rises from the ashes of meatspace thus INUTILE precious metals and the dollar goes "poof it's gone" into 666 CBDC totalitarian, meatspace hell, when the public CONFIDENCE shifts and realizes meatspace is doomed. Scorched earth that Bitcoin as hard money will force massive deflation on the world: Rise of Hard Money is a Harbinger of Misery (blogged May 18, 2019) End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches COVID-19 Accelerates Totalitarianism; Hard Movable Assets Rising Diabolical MERS-derived, “Chimera” Coronavirus Masquerading as the ‘Common Cold’? Insane Clusterfuck of the Collapse of Rule-of-law, Eventually to Imprison Most Westerners Bitcoin rises because land is becoming worthless (May 7, 2018) Bitcoin the Phoenix Rises in a Wake of Dystopian Ashes — The Totalitarian Trojan Horses (March 28, 2020) "Winds of Dystopia Buried in the stimulus legislation is a tax break that removes the limits on amount of capital gains from real estate that will be tax-free from years 2018, 2019 and 2020. This enables a massive fire-sale on real estate before the private sector interest rates skyrocket crushing real estate values into the abyss and putting Americans under water on their mortgages. The likelihood of a Great Depression is increasing." Legacy Bitcoin Rises Surreptitiously as the Reserve in a new Two-tier Monetary System; whilst impostor Bitcoin Core DiesComment: Suicides will skyrocket. Many will commit suicide by resisting rather than fleeing. Billions will commit suicide by complying (e.g. the toxic vaccines). This is the outcome of a Sixth 309.6 year Wave dysgenics inflection point. www.armstrongeconomi...ag/assisted-suicide/ www.armstrongeconomics.com/tag/maid/ www.google.com/search?q=site:arm... The following is correct but Armstrong doesn't seem to understand that this is why private cryptocurrency ultimately wins (even if it's only legacy protocol Bitcoin) and meatspace totalitarianism will be a multi-decade clusterfuck of collateral damage and possibly even gigadeath (damned facts of the unfortunate reality being that meatspace can never be even livable again until the dysgenics is culled): www.armstrongeconomi...fake-news-invention/ "The value of any currency is NOT some commodity. It is the people. You can have all the gold in the world, but if the people do not produce, it means nothing ... The true backing of a currency is the total productive capacity of its people. The US became the largest economy in the world NOT because of gold, but because the US had a consumer-based economy built on freedom rather than Marxism." MEATSPACE IS DYING IN THE OPPORTUNITY COST SENSE. Investments (of time, money, effort) in meatspace are more fraught and will lead to much lower return-on-investment (ROI) than such investments in virtual aka online (metaverse) space. I employ metaverse here in its most generalized connotation, not specific to virtual reality (V.R.) but in general, including every online activity such as watching and interact with YT videos. Yes there will be the Dotcom 2.0 busts in cryptocurrency and even mature F.A.N.G. Dotcoms will suffer under the high interest rate regime, but after 2028ish it all shifts again as it eventually did after Dotcom 1.0. This dictum is even more apropos in spades for someone who has high leverage in virtual space, e.g. an Information Age worker such as a programmer or talented Internet marketer. Meaning it makes no sense for someone of my abilities to waste time miring myself in backwater clusterfuck problems whilst my potential gains and productivity in the Information Age are pissed away. It's nearly analogous to the adage of not pissing into a headwind. One would need to have very low alternative prospects (i.e. opportunity cost) to mire themselves in meatspace quicksand and tar pits, e.g. the low IQ dysgenic gene shredders. To place large wagers in meatspace (e.g. our discussion about bribing the DENR for a land title in Zambales, Philippines and investing 50% of my net worth in that morass) is to be mired in irrelevance as the shift out of the Industrial Age into the Information Age accelerates with this Great Reset. If my net worth was higher and I wanted to throw say 5% of it on some Philippines' meatspace fantasy, that would be a more reasonable prioritization at that juncture. I didn't write that the Dr. Evil doppelganger's Great Reset will succeed, as it will drag all of meatspace down with it. Scorched earth is a form of success though as the outcome will be the NWO that Armstrong thinks is impossible.Comment: MEAT-SPACE IS DYING. Information Age has disintermediated it. Divest of meat-space. Those who wanted to go back in time, do not understand that technology changed everything. MEAT-SPACE can't function anymore, because the diktats have too much surveillance. We can only prosper now in the virtual realm. Sorry that is the reality. WE WILL NEVER GO BACK. NOT AFTER DECADES NOR CENTURIES. THAT LIFE WE HAD IS GONE FOREVER. Meat-space will devour itself. Everywhere eventually. Even Philippines. Even Indonesia. This is exactly what I predicted in 2012. ============= WHAT THIS ENTIRE GREAT RESET IS ABOUT THE ELITE FINDING NEW PROFIT MODELS IN THE FACE OF THE GLOBAL DEBT BUBBLE MINSKY MOMENT AND THE SHIFT OF HUMANITY AWAY FROM THE DEBT SLAVERY MODEL TO WHATEVER COMES NEXT AS OUR OVERLORDS LOSE CONTROL BCZ THEIR DEBT SLAVERY MODEL IS BANKRUPT AND TECHNOLOGY IS DISINTERMEDIATING THEIR MEATSPACE/TANGIBLE ERA ECONOMY WHICH I EXPLAINED IN 2012 WAS COMING TO AN END. Economic Devastation (I was AnonyMint and CoinCube is an applied mathematician and medical doctor) Rise of Knowledge, Demise of Meatspace (my website since 1998) ============= 152 IQ Eric Raymond was 6 years later than me in recognizing that the tangible world (the remnant ashes of the Industrial Age) would revert to feudalism. esr.ibiblio.org/?p=8085 (The return of the servant problem)Comment: QAnonymous, {1/23/23 2:02 PM} this makes me sad even as an introvert who can stay almost totally indoors for weeks and months if i felt like it. i want the meatspace to be there. as a kid i spent a lot of time outdoors interacting with all kinds of kids from several blocks radius from home shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/23/23 2:16 PM} It's good you made this comment as it prompts me to add some nuance and further clarification of my expectations. I'm not intending to imply that we won't still have any form of meatspace life. My point is that at the organizational level of society, meatspace is dysgenic and dysfunctional. And I don't envision any fix to that other than to cloak/protect all of one's vulnerable worth (including health) such that the dysfunction isn't personally ruinous. The ruin may take different forms in different cultures, economies and jurisdictions. In the developing world it could take the form of personal security threats or intensive congestion, among other effects such as perhaps intensified corruption. extortion, etc.. C.f. for example my reactions to "HarHar" about the prospects of bribing DENR for a land title in Zambales. In other locales (e.g. Thailand? China?) perhaps improving security and efficiencies, combined with near 100% compliance with vaccines, social credit scores and CBDCs for example. I can't possibly predict all the myriad of different manifestations of dysfunction in different settings. Refer to Rockefeller's 2010 Scenarios for the Future, §Smart Scramble section: wikispooks.com/w/ima...riosForTheFuture.pdf My reaction is to want to get as far away from populations as possible while still meeting my other meatspace needs. Because I can't predict the outcomes of the dysfunction so to divest as much as possible to minimize entanglement. I can't rule out for example that some States of the U.S. attempt to assert that they're not yet dysgenic and actuarily bankrupt (debt-based bubble economies). It is going to be interesting to observe the machinations and outcomes. Again I reiterate that the State of Florida can't possibly issue its own currency and expect it to be viable in this modern cross border trade economy.Comment: > "152 IQ Eric Raymond was 6 years later than me in recognizing that the tangible world (the remnant ashes of the Industrial Age) would revert to feudalism." Armstrong's qualitative mistake (or mischaracterization of Asia's looming rise) is he doesn't fully appreciate that Asia never exited feudalism (and now Social Credit Score 666 panopticon China supplying 5G panopticon to all of Asia via Huwaei), thus will fit nicely with the neo-feudalism incoming for the West. I mean Asia will grow their wealth, but in a panopticon, authoritarian way because Asians follow authority and keep their head below tips of the tall grass. Westerners who want to submit to all that incoming Agenda 2030, CDBC, vaccines crap should move to Asia. Again bribing is how freedom is purchased in Asia. Asia is very capitalistic — even liberty has a price. It's an interesting tradeoff compared to Latin America for example which will have horrid levels of crime. Meaning I am keeping my open mind on living in Asia, if my wealth grows. The Last Days of Japan We have been forecasting for several years now that those who have been focused on the demise of the dollar to the exclusion of everything else would be wrong because of what must fall first is both Europe and Japan. It is an all-out race to see who will be the first to collapse. This special report on Japan is very critical for it provides a view of Asia v Europe. This is the prelude to the fall of socialism in the West. Communism collapsed in 1989. Now 34 years later, it is just our turn. It does not mean the end of the world. It simply means the end of the present monetary system as we have known it.Comment: Okay good to see Armstrong has picked up my dysgenics (human meatspace doomed) thesis, even if only via osmosis: The Good News Nuclear War Will Save the Planet Most of these people like Al Gore, Kerry, the mainstream media, Rhinos, democrats, and Bill Gates seem to actually believe in climate change for they are displaying the most stupid form of analysis invented by the lowest possible intelligence level of society. {...} This new evidence emerging from Chernobyl and Bikini Atoll is demonstrating that we just may not be as smart as we think we are no less all-powerful. Obviously, the WEF and world leaders who are all pushing for World War III, are obvious far smarter than we are. They are really trying to save the planet from us. Exterminate humanity and we can save the bugs and crickets from becoming our next food source.Comment: How that Kary Lake election was stolen. Make sure to read the details on the petition, especially pages 15 - 17. www.democracydocket....es-election-contest/ comparing the affidavit signature to any “historical reference signature that was previously verified and determined to be a good signature for the voter. These historical documents may include {...fraudulent} early voting affidavits from previous elections.” {...} To review 1.3 million ballot signatures in the allotted time (thirty–seven days) thirty–two full-time Signature Verifiers, missing not a single day of work and taking no breaks, would need to set a blistering pace—comparing one pair of signatures every .975 seconds. At this pace, it is physically impossible for human beings to pull off any meaningful comparison with any reasonable accuracy. More shocking details: www.newsweek.com/kar...en-found-wow-1776870 Corrupt judge: www.newsweek.com/kar...na-this-huge-1776228 The judge ruled against Lake, commenting: "Every single witness before the Court disclaimed any personal knowledge of such misconduct. The Court cannot accept speculation or conjecture in place of clear and convincing evidence."Comment: > "The key is EMF. You think they will allow us to continue to live in rural areas?" QAnonymous, {1/27/23 7:01 PM} saw this concept only today, u.osu.edu/vanzandt/2...dictive-programming/ interesting shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/28/23 2:43 AM} 5G or HAARP? I told my gf yesterday the following movie would become reality... youtu.be/2fuowcxdrYc?t=39 (AWAKE | Official Trailer | Netflix Chaos ensues after a global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep.) > "But now Bill Gates has produced another video (as they did before COVID) "speculating" that the next pandemic will be an enterovirus, which purportedly can affect the nervous system" annavonreitz.com/vaccineinformation.pdf So-called “spike proteins” seen in electronic microscopy are actually these nanotech platform structures that are small enough to enter nervous system cells and alter their behaviour. annavonreitz.com/mycrystalball.pdf This is a NATO attack brought on because all their dirty dealing is about to be exposed, and their debt to the Americans is past due to be paid. They are killing off their Priority Creditors. And they are using our own doctors and nurses as "Uniformed Officers" licensed by their own privately owned and operated Municipal Corporation to do it. They are corporate criminals. Nothing more or less. annavonreitz.com/glycoprotein120.pdf All SARS viruses are radio sensitive and so are the porphyrin rings that act as cages enclosing the iron atoms that form the "Heme" group in Hemoglobin {...} it incapacitates the ability of Hemoglobin to carry oxygen throughout your body, causing oxygen deprivation--- clinical hypoxia annavonreitz.com/redhothighlights.pdf there is no way that a physical germ vector could spread fast enough to account for the observed facts presented by any of the major contagions we know about {...} People suffering from inherited Porphyria were long ago observed to worsen when exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields. Porphyria is caused by a genetic mutation that interferes with the enzymes that build "heme" --- part of the hemoglobin molecule and this results in light sensitivity, skin ailments, nerve problems, anxiety, depression, hemolysis (spontaneous bruising and bleeding) and can cause mental problems --- hallucinations --- as well. annavonreitz.com/vomit.pdf Microsoft applied for an International Patent with WIPO -- a patent for a body-interfaced cryptocurrency, using an implanted microchip annavonreitz.com/secondpassover.pdf The new British 20 Pound Note shows a hologram of a 5G cell tower, and right above it, the laboratory symbol for the corona virus. annavonreitz.com/whereisthemoney.pdf Many corporation CEOs, doctors, nurses, and attorneys are just waking up to the fact that they are occupying military offices {...} The British-Chinese-controlled replacement for the UNITED STATES, INC. wants to put a Chinese-style Social Credit system in place, which would allow their government Draconian control over buying and selling activities worldwide {...} The people pushing this are British in Chinese clothing, and they speak perfect Mandarin. annavonreitz.com/thecrusofthematter.pdf the Chinese and Japanese and Thai Governments, the Iranians and Iraqis, and numerous others, are literally printing --- counterfeiting "US DOLLARS". It wasn't their idea. Mr. Obama ordered engraving plates and printing presses and paper stocks and the special inks used to print the currency packed up an delivered annavonreitz.com/all...oadsleadtooxygen.pdfComment: shelby3 ⏱🌐🧖, {1/28/23 5:34 AM} > FYI, there is no 5G tower and a laboratory symbol of coronavirus on the new UK £20 note. The "tower" is the old Margate lighthouse. The object above it is the new Margate exhibition centre. Margate is relevant due to being the home of impressionist artist JMW Turner who is depicted on the rear of the note: www.kentonline.co.uk...-new-20-note-213884/ It's the crown above that is the symbolic corona. That could be symbolically a cell phone tower. @SunTsu, {1/28/23 5:37 AM} It can be "symbolically" many things in the eyes of the viewer. There is no need to hide anything on the note. The Queen was a very easy to spot symbol of oppression, as too will Charles III - who openly launched The Great Reset with Klaus.Comment: www.armstrongeconomi...d-for-nato-invasion/ It has become absolutely obvious that even Germany now is sending tanks into Ukraine and they will be used to invade Russia. It appears that NATO “advisors” will be most likely driving these tanks. {...} Understand that when war unfolds, they will impose capital controls in Europe ASAP. We even see Russian capital moving into Turkey buying real estate there in particular. Meanwhile, South Africa is aligning itself with Russia.Comment: www.tradingview.com/...o-Drop-to-0-in-2023/ > @kirichenko150682, first thing my farming friends asked when share Bitcoin with them they asked "Can I eat it?" > > If there is a complete global reset and collapse it would be better to hold crop and cow phoenix's as we can eat those. > > Age of Consumerism and Capitalisms reached a Top @shelby3? (Dow Jones, SPX, BTC?) @moonlightmining, it's not that simple. You don't actually hold land nor anything tangible. You have permission from the State and its monopoly on violence, which it can attempt to rescind at any time. Whereas, no State can confiscate the Bitcoin private keys inside your head. Bitcoin is like an endospore bacteria, in that it can't be destroyed. Even if the entire Internet was offline and the electrical grid shutdown, Bitcoin would continue chugging along with solar power and short-wave radio broadcasts. So sorry you antediluvian friends are incorrect.Comment: WW3 coming soon. www.armstrongeconomi...ways-at-risk-in-war/ (Proof the U.S./NATO is bombing civilians in Ukraine) www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-64479712 (US secures deal on Philippines bases to complete arc around China) www.armstrongeconomi...troyed-over-ukraine/ (Capital is flowing out of the Philippines and Europe) Realize once Russia nukes NATO, there will be a stampede of capital fleeing NATO countries and the E.U., thus likely capital controls locking down bank accounts. In Nigeria the price of Bitcoin is double, because no one is allowed to take money out of ATMs. www.armstrongeconomi...an-asia-war-in-2025/ (Looks like 2025 is when the war with China will begin. Russia-NATO war should be going hot sooner) www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64502504 (Ukraine war: 80 years on, we are facing German tanks again - Putin) www.armstrongeconomi...rehearsal-for-wwiii/ www.armstrongeconomi...-weapons-to-ukraine/ > "If they die in battle, Ukrainians are chopping off their heads and hands so they cannot be identified which would expose NATO’s involvement." I have seen a photo of a frozen corpse in military garb on the ground decapitated with no hands.Comment: Armstrong's latest private blog is supporting my expectation of pullback (at least for gold), then rallying higher perhaps into April or summer. Perhaps risk-on markets peak in April? www.armstrongeconomi...ose-of-january-2023/ My comment on the following video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS8--HcO... (Black swan event to crash all markets within 60 days! | OPTICALARTdotCOM) > "I have to charts that show we are about to have an epic crash for the stock market, oil and bitcoin. This crash will take place within the next 60 days. This will be a black swan even that will finally pop the everything bubble." Could it push above the ring for a couple of months, then ride down the ring as it did on the prior ring? That would fit better with my long-standing projections for a rally into April/May then a crash no later than Q1 2024.Comment: The leftists have opened a huge power vacuum for an autocrat to grab. Just imagine the power vacuum they will soon create with centralized, 666-like CBDCs and the medical terrorism WHO pandemic treaty. The power of feeding debt to Westerners is ending (Minsky Moment), thus incoming totalitarianism will confiscate all assets. graymirror.substack....com/p/the-boomer-map The boomer mindset is frozen in a pastel pre-1980s caricature of an America which I am still old enough to remember. I remember the Bicentennial! It was awful. I cut my thumb on a chicken-wire float. {...} Our boomer is the American equivalent of the Russian sovok, the Soviet man, who takes the whole Soviet narrative seriously. When the sovok studies Marx-Lenin thought or goes to a state-approved demonstration, he really feels good about himself—he is genuinely doing the right thing for the workers and peasants. {...} The 20th century was a long time ago… we are all less attached to its institutional legacy than anyone is supposed to think. {...} My point, which dude is completely missing, is that the cultural and ideological agenda of late 20th-century progressivism is historically continuous with the religious agenda of mainline Protestantism, which is the same thing as the English Dissenter or “Puritan” tradition going all the way back to Cromwell. {...} Oligarchy is inherently leftist, just as monarchy is inherently rightist. {...} You see, these {grifters} are selling power too—only it is fake power. Trump was or is in the same business. He was pretending that if he got elected, he would actually have real power over DC. To win the culture war. Whatever. He didn’t have a thousandth of that power. {...} I mean, every regime is illegitimate in the eyes of the last. Nothing in the Articles of Confederation authorized the Constitution, and we have already seen the hack by which FDR took power in 1933. Obviously his opponents thought it was illegitimate. And likewise, every regime imposes its views, and every regime has a monopoly of force. {...} The easiest way for a regime to keep itself popular is to get undeniably awesome results. The Chinese regime has a popularity above 80%. It earned this by turning China from a run-down backwater into the industrial heart of the global economy. The Salvadoran regime has a popularity above 80%. It earned this by bringing the murder rate down by more than an order of magnitude. Go back to FDR. While FDR never put up these kinds of dictator-for-life numbers, he did do awesome stuff—like conquering the world. But also, he used the power of the state to create an awesome number of individual and institutional clients of the new fat Washington tit. That FDR’s rule made America a better place, in the short or long run, may be argued or rebutted. He certainly knew how to use power to make power. {...} Sadly, for most boomers this will be impossible. They will pass away still firmly within their two-dimensional comic-book narrative. Sad! {...} The lower class wants an upper class it can genuinely look up to. The feeling that Harvard has gone insane is like realizing that Mom and Dad are both on heroin. Attacking Harvard is not the way to calm this anxiety; taking over Harvard, or replacing Harvard, are the only paths to true leadership. {...} In the 21st century, leftism, having conquered, has very little potential power—it has very little left to conquer. Any incremental power will be divided among a very large number of mouths—there are a very large number of professional leftists. Rightism, however, has a small number of early amateur enthusiasts—dividing up a gigantic potential pie of absolute power.Comment: I hope you noticed Curtis Yarvin had linked to a new proposed law that will make white supremacy a crime. "To prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime and to amend title 18, United States Code, to expand the scope of hate crimes." {...} "Conspiracy.—A conspiracy to engage in white supremacy inspired hate crime shall be determined to exist"Comment: Now add 2+2. Leftism has too many mouths to feed. Erecting a power vacuum that can only be filled by a ruthless power (i.e. an autocrat). Making whiteness (i.e. the ambiguous "conspiracy") a crime. Need to reduce the number of leftist mouths over the coming smashup and scorched earth. GTFO of the West while you still can. Cut all ties.Comment: Covid humorous truths: www.armstrongeconomi...ation-like-a-cruise/Comment: Let's quote again 150 IQ Yarvin and emphasize another sentence for our UK friends... > "For one thing, we can begin by recognizing that however irritating and occasionally moronic the elite echo chamber can be, it’s perfectly possible to dissent from it. In fact, I’m doing it right now in an essay for a mainstream website. No harm will come to me as a result. And that means Yarvin’s account of a unified front of elite political-cultural power that can only be challenged by a totalistic break from the system as a whole is a cartoonish exaggeration." Really, Damon? Do you know the name “Steve Sailer?” What about “John Derbyshire?” You even call your Substack “Eyes on the Right,” as though you were some kind of professional informant. Yes, you can dissent. But not too much, Damon! For shame. PROBABLY IN THE UK THESE PEOPLE WOULD ALREADY BE ARRESTED—and in the long run we’re headed there.Comment: Nuclear war to begin soon. Russia knows that NATO is using Ukraine as a proxy to attempt to destroy the Russia State. www.armstrongeconomi...ck-moscow-they-lied/ www.armstrongeconomi...s/only-in-america-2/ (Only in America) "Only in America where we have Democratic politicians preaching about the greed of the rich at a $10,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event held at John Kerry’s home. Yes it was $10,000 to get in."Comment: > "Similar legislation to the so-called white supremacy hate crime Bill trying to be implemented in the UK. I think I'm also correct in saying that there is a Bill put before the House of Lords tomorrow seeking to ankle tag "extremist" protestors. Also, the whole 15 minute city roll out (several more UK cities announcing such plans) is getting significant pushback from normies. Public meetings are said to be well attended by local residents opposing the plans; these proposals having crossed some of line with the public, waking a few more up in the process. > > Also, the other proposal that is meeting with anger from normies are the plans to phase out log burners. I think the authorities will likely have to row back on this one. > > Scottish leader, Nicola Sturgeon almost resigned after heated opposition from the public over two men found guilty of rape quickly pretending to be women so that they could avoid being sent to a men's prison. Thankfully, the decisions were overturned. The Hate Speech laws in Scotland are possibly the most extreme anywhere. > > By mentioning all of the above, I'm not trying to give the impression that the tide has turned and everything will be happy ever after, just reflecting current public opinion." Problem is the elite will pass and enforce the laws and dare the pubilc to use violence to stop them. Their setback in Scotland is only a small matter and temporary. There is no resistance in the West. Face it. Nobody is going to go to war against the government. (Exception just maybe in the U.S., France and perhaps Italy although Italians seem to opt for a political solution after violent protests) There hasn't been any violent protests in the U.K.. Ditto the U.S. for the most part. Americans seem to think they can achieve a political solution. It will be interesting to see what happens when Westerners realize the political solution is not possible.Comment: nehandaradio.com/202...n-on-zim-gold-coins/ (RBZ chief John Mangudya dismisses IMF position on Zim gold coins)Comment: Facebook, Instagram may lift ban on bare breasts — but only for trans, non-binaryComment: > "The majority of UK population still cling to some notion that politicians are looking out for their best interests, while conceding there are some bad apples amongst them. I think many of the protesters against numerous draconian legislation coming believe they should be able to make the politicians see sense, because their actions go against normal perceptions of what is "right". More are waking up to the reality that the political class are serving their won interests and actually despise the people, partly because they still hold some vestige of power through the (laughable) "democratic" process - and that those in power now want all the power. In my lifetime, the only time I've seen major policy change was thirty years ago during the Poll Tax demonstrations/riots in London. So yes, I do think there will be some outbreaks of violence in the near future, which will enable the govt to bring in even more onerous legislations. > > Would have written more here, but setting off for work. Generally agree with your points though." All Westerners are deluded as Yarvin wrote. They will not wake up in time. They will continue to hope and play the political game. www.tradingview.com/...o-Drop-to-0-in-2023/ Now imagine they will be afraid to leave their homes due to radioactive dust when in fact it is the 5G + nanoparticles resonance making them very ill. Imagine that is also blamed on a new virus as well. I think the masses will agree to be vaxxed to hell. And very angry at those who refuse to vaxx.Comment: Nearly all of the 900+ comments on the following linked video exhibit the mindset of Westerners! It's really sad how foolish sheepeople are. They live in a snowflake fantasy in that they forgot they need to spill blood against tyrants to retain liberty. Instead they are being manipulated to support the NWO that will (employ legacy protocol Bitcoin as the world reserve and settlement currency in a two-tier global monetary system) discipline and enslave the nation-states after WW3 (per the mechanism famed mathematician John Nash had proposed in his Ideal Money paper on Jstor). My comment follows... youtu.be/2enTI5nsii8 (Jeffrey Sachs | United States is FINISHED?) Americans did not elect the current government. The elections have been rigged. That being said, ignorance and tolerance of government is the enemy. Prof Sachs in this video is a NWO proponent Trojan Horse. All those idiots who are praising him are going to fall right into the virtual signaling trap our overlords are setting up to snare us in.Comment: YOUTUBE DELETED MY COMMENT. WESTERNERS ARE SO MISINFORMED. THUS ARMSTRONG IS INCORRECT ABOUT W.E.F. FAILURE. THE NWO IS COMING BECAUSE WESTERNERS ARE ALWAYS VIRTUE SIGNALING. GTFO of the West. It's going to get very bad.Comment: BlackRock is behind the war in Ukraine: youtu.be/zE9y1vEbS9E (Blackrock: 2023 Economic COLLAPSE Will Change EVERYTHING)Comment: Armstrong is starting to understand that Westerners only know how to virtue signal. And are only going for political solutions. There will be no armed insurrection. The outcome will come down to whether the military and police defy the planned dystopia. And the answer is clear they will not rise up against the establishment because they are part of the establishment. Also any defectors who balk will have their digital currency account sanctioned and limited. Dissidents will be destroyed. The West will fall into the abyss. Prepare accordingly. www.armstrongeconomi...truction-of-america/ (Biden – His Creative Destruction of America) "Quite frankly, I can scream all I want, but there is no changing the direction of the country at the polls. Our system of government is precisely what the revolution was all about – no taxation without representation. We have no right to vote to reignite this cold war about to turn red hot because these people also think there are just too many of us running around and they have the RIGHT to create war and hopefully eliminate 50% of the population."Comment: It's becoming clear to me that the insolvent (i.e. FDIC admits they only have $200B to insure $trillions) banking system will be deprecated on a Friday night (as FDIC officials recently admitted in leaked video). The government can then use any of a number pretexts (e.g. Chinese grid attack, alien UFOs shot down, Russian cyberattack) to declare a bank holiday under Emergency Powers Acts, then limit withdrawals and daily expenditures to forestall bank runs. This will force rapid and massive adoption of cryptocurrency stablecoins for transactions. This is the overnight means of onboarding the public to digital currency fully tracked on centralized, permissioned blockchains. Then the various national govts will be compelled to rapid rollout their CBDCs (and regulate stablecoins) lest they forsake national currency sovereignty. Expect this perhaps sometime in 2024, or latest 2025.Comment: EDIT: Crashing the economy and offering the CBDC for stimulus checks isn't a sufficiently powerful way of forcing adoption. Thus that can't be the strategy. Instead clearly our W.E.F. overlords are prepping for false-flags and bank holidays. At that instant cash will be hoarded, not circulate. People will realize their cash is a scarce resource, thus its value will skyrocket. Thus there will be a run on cash at the banks, forcing the banks with the assistance of diktats to limit cash withdrawals, i.e. capital controls under the pretext of an emergency. The govt would of course need to allow some digital money in the banking system to flow else sustenance and essential services will halt. Yet they can also direct banks to limit daily access to digital money transfers, under the pretext that the banks and FDIC insurance are insolvent — with the economy imploding (e.g value of real estate plummeting) bank balance sheets go F.U.B.A.R. Yet with supply chains constrained by limited flow of money, price inflation would skyrocket. The govts can reopen the spigot with uptake of the CBDCs. Yet of course the economy will not standstill and will route around this coup d'etat with cryptocurrency stablecoins, at least for the non-corporatized sectors. Amazon.com, WalMart and Tesco might not accept stablecoins. Those hodling crypto and gold could inject some liquidity into the economy, but it will be limited. Westerners aren't going to dither about loss of cash. They'll adopt the means for liquidity and get on. They'll be demanding a solution from the govt, thus the CBDCs will be offered up. Some might spend their CBDCs to stablecoins to diversify before regulation clamps down. Outside the West, perhaps the banks are not insolvent thus there will be no crisis for those banks not too intertwined. Yet all nations would want to prevent an exodus from their sovereign banking systems to burgeoning stablecoins given the insane appreciation of the dollar in such a global shutdown scenario and WW3 — only the USD stablecoins would offer the dollar liquidity in a scenario where dollar banking system is in essentially shutdown mode. Thus also strong incentive to create their own CBDCs and to integrate with the digital Fed dollar CBDC. But the extent to which each country can eliminate cash will be dependent on the ubiquity (or lack thereof) of its mobile data network coverage over 95% of the population, else there will massive civil unrest. Another possible instigator for the bank holidays could be a pretext to cancel the 2024 POTUS election or to quell the aftermath of an even more egregiously obvious rigged election. www.bloomberg.com/ne...-second-half-of-2024 P.S. Armstrong continues to peddle his delusional nonsense that physical money (sliver dimes, paper scrips) will widely circulate in the West again:. Does he not realize there were no personal computers in 1929 much less handheld, portable, 24x7 connected panopticon smartphones? 🤦 www.armstrongeconomi...o-a-region-near-you/Comment: Propaganda, e.g. Zelenskyy war criminal, not Putin. Russia might retaliate if Ukraine shells Moscow. Nuclear winter is F.U.D.. Impact (of just threat) of nuclear war could be emergency powers grabbed by diktat(ators) akin to 𝗖ertificate 𝗢f 𝗩assal 𝗜𝗗. youtu.be/Fu81WlXh6P4 (Countries That Will Be Destroyed Because of World War 3) Posted a thread you should read: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1626241143385247744Comment: Mom sorry haven't had time to write you a personalized msg. Been sharing my group & public posts so you know the rationale forming the invariants in my decision tree. Essentially as you know well by now, which I know you don't believe, is I think by end of 2025 the West will suffer Marxist collapse and nuclear WW3 (created intentionally by Brandon, NOT Putin). I'm fleeing. I'll take some mitigable personal security risk in exchange for being far from nuclear fallout or more likely mass psychosis insanity emergency power usurpation with false-flag threats of nuclear attack. In short unfortunately I believe the West is on the verge of total insanity. I know you don't share my perspective. I pray you survive but the prognosis is not good bcz you're fully locked into the psychosis of your generation and favored faux "intellectualism". Unfortunately you won't realize I'm correct until too late or probably never realized just pass on. 😭 Shouldn't we try to meet up on my next visit to Los Angeles? Fate may have it that we're rapidly approaching our final opportunities to hug each other. It's all very sad to me. Nothing I can do. Your father said we can lead a horse to water... > "Dinner looks great. I'm not in a contest to be right. Humans are human. We each bring a perspective from our experiences and influences." It's not an ego thing for me except if people are talking about me behind my back. In that case, I will be vindicated but it's no solace to me the horror that's coming. I just want peace ✌️. But the outcomes of the virtue signaling perspectives of your tribe's faux intellectualism will be unfortunately horrific. You think I will relish watching you suffer for it? Hell no. But how else can you all learn to stop except by self-immolating?? It's sad. That Westerners have ended up like this. The irony is you think you want good. Virtue signaling is a mental disorder inherited from Protestantism and Puritan burning at the stake. Westerners just put lipstick on that pig. I want to say this in a non-wicked tone, but the subject matter makes it virtually impossible to speak truth without describing the wickedness in stark matter-of-fact terms. What's so wicked is that this anodyne, antiseptic puritanism-wolves-in-sheepskin "Jim Jones cult" of the American left (and frankly the MAGAtard idiots of the right also) doesn't realize they empowering abject horror such as disemboweling children while alive and feeding their bones to wolves. I mean it's a 1975 Stepford Wives Twilight Zone vibe that these zombies are smiling as if nothing, while their political movement enables disemboweling the entire world and preaching to us about their fraudulent, anthropogenic climate change. What can the surviving society do but stand to the side and observe the horror of what these lost souls will do to each other and themselves in the end game?Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW_Bdf_j... > > > "Can someone please explain to Trump that "crowd size" is not the way we elect presidents in America?" > > > > "@Debra Harnett Respective rally sizes is a strong predictor/indicator of voter turnout." > > "@S. Moore Not during a pandemic it doesn't.......Biden followed suggested guidelines...trump didn't care if anyone was going to get sick and neither did his followers" @Lorraine Pellett the entire pandemic was a hoax with sinister objectives, as is the lie of blaming WW3 on Pootin. I have all the science and proof. Anyway, continue forward to your self-immolation.🔥 I would not want to stop you.Comment: > > > "caravan/yurt/tipi on a patch of our own land in Wales" > > > > "I would prefer to do that in the U.S. except the local councils might kick us off. Everywhere has regulations that do not allow living in temporary structures for more than ~30 days." > > Of course, who knows what the future may bring, but it is possible to live in non-permanent structures in the UK, particularly in Wales. > > This community has grown to cover 200 acres: > > "Tipi Valley (diggersanddreamers.o...ommunity/tipi-valley) is situated high in the hills of South-West Wales. Our community has been buying it field by field since 1976." > > It's the only one I know of in the UK that is that long-lived (with the possible exception of the Findhorn (diggersanddreamers.o.../findhorn-foundation) community in Scotland), so they must be doing something right. {...} > I wasn't exactly anticipating something like Slab City (en.wikipedia.org/wik...lab_City,_California). While there are places approaching that setup over here, I think you are more likely to bump into disaffected middle class individuals of the clean-living vegan variety. Well that's quite remarkable. I don't know of any community of non-wackos living like that in the U.S.A.. I did not actually peruse the website much (my connection too slow) so I will take your word for the class of individuals residing in the Tipi Valley community. In the U.S., I am only aware of drug-infested homeless encampments, anarchist/vagabond Slab City. Other than that I know that in very impoverished areas of the nation, people live in dilapidated structures with very high crime rates. And I am aware that in a few counties only, you can get a owner-build permit exemption, needing only a septic tank permit. Or Ft. Davis, TX no building permits need, except need a septic tank permit or can use portatoilet and non-permanent dwelling. So non-permanent dwellings are tolerated in some places, but this is accompanied by poverty and crime. As soon as any American community attains affluence, they ban temporary structure living. Snobby Americans enslave themselves in these Agenda 2030 building codes pitched as promoting safety and keeping the riff-raff out. So if the U.K. local councils have in Wales been forced to remain sane, that's quite a difference from the U.S.. Brits (pro)(re)gressing forward/back to living in structures they had before the Romans arrived! Amazing. The national govt may too be preoccupied on more pressing enslavement efforts than to focus specifically on a couple hundred "weirdos" living an unpopular lifestyle. Not mainstream, thus not a threat. Also perhaps they figure they'll snare these panopticon-defectors later with some national legislation on minimum housing safety standards and/or carbon consumption (e.g. burning logs, raising methane belching/defecating livestock...can't have animals pooping all over the place as that will warm the earth 🙄). This is admirable and I encourage you to consider it in your ideally multi-stratified plans. The risk of course is that it's a small community in sea of millions who will adopt the panopticon. How can there be an economies-of-scale for black markets? Seems you will all be bartering rabbit furs among yourselves, not much else? Meaning I don't see any prosperity path forward. It's sort of resigning to a life of mud and rabbit meat—like England before the Romans! I picture uneducated Irish kids with mud all over their faces. As you say you will need to keep your library of books out of the mud, and hopefully not be reduced to shortwave radio for listening to the outside world. What I am saying is I am impressed. But I think the future is one of where the economic activity will move as the West turns out the lights on itself.Comment: I suppose the closest to this right now in the U.S. are the Amish the North East, or the Mennonites in Chihuahua, Mexico. Yet these groups have been doing this for decades. Their communities are large, highly entrenched and quite diversified to the degree they integrated in modernity. Yet even they will end up adopting the 666 panopticon central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to the extent they want to sell their wares to the outside world as they do, purchase industrialized products (e.g. Mennonites with tractors). Even the Amish (following Jesus' "render unto Caesar what's his, and unto God his") have agreed to pay sales tax, unconstitutional property taxes, IRS taxes on transactions they conduct in fiat, excepting the self-employment tax in a special arrangement they have with the IRS and their children are dog-tagged and corporate vassals under the British crown as are 99.9% of American idiots: taxsharkinc.com/do-amish-pay-taxes/ Perhaps these groups will accept barter and maybe even Bitcoin at some point, so these groups might provide a source of food outside the panopticon system. But since they have misidentified themselves as "U.S. citizens" instead of American State Nationals, they will be increasingly subject to the Agenda 2030. {Amish} Raw milk farmer convicted of violating federal law So my opinionated issue with the Tupi Valley strategy is that it appears to me to be both long-term myopic and potentially inadequate to deal with the acceleration, collateral damage threat in the short-term. My model is a smash-up as the blinded Westerners are confronted with a head-on train wreck with their indolent refusal to deal with the "Clinton Body Count" mafia spiral trajectory they're on with a Minsky Moment collapse to be scapegoated into abject horror of WW3, totalitarianism and pestilence/deprivation. They are sleepwalking into it one of Armstrong's Waterfall, phase-transition (e.g. water-to-steam) collapses. These historically go from warm to flash pasteurization in the blink-of-an-eye. There's no time to react, if not already prepped, e.g. overnight bank holidays, Emergency Powers Act martial law, etc.. So I'm looking for a bug-out that's truly outside, not sitting right in the midst of the Beast's mouth. To ride the coming possible acceleration. Could I be wrong about the degree of the threat? Yes but in my case I see no benefit to not being outside. I don't have such a strong affinity to a locale inside the Beast's mouth as your wife and you apparently do. I do not even like the climate of the UK. The women are fat and don't want to fuck me. Gorgeous, sexy Peruvian women are drooling at me—why would I ice myself in that barren existence 🧊. Men have two evolutionary raison d'etre—scattering their sperm (Genghis Khan style, e.g. 1 in 3 of us descendant) and 180 I.Q. Freeman Dyson's more accelerated cultural evolution contribution. I do not want to dabble with guitars and books whirling away the rest of my life in obscurity. I want to accomplish something more socially important with the remainder of my life. I am a driven, type A personality. But if that sort of underachiever existence continues to serve you and your wife well, then it's not for me to judge. Each to their own. Tangentially, @OROBTC ostensibly also is more interested in reading books, than his evolutionary legacy, and we failed to understand each other because of my type A motivation to upend society versus his high IQ (~150) introvert preference to lurk in the cracks. One mistake he made was misperceiving my hard charging, feisty style as confrontational—I enjoy and benefit from debating ideas. Blame my mother, lol. Bless her heart for gifting me attributes which I like about myself. There's risks to my track as well.Comment: So it's not only about surviving the potential flash-of-an-eye collateral damage coming in the West as the Great smash-up of Western denial of reality has to resolve itself first before we can rebuild from the ashes, but also about what can I do that is highly productive during this transition. What about the people who want to sidestep this madness? Why can't I invest and be productive where the success of the world will be heading, instead of miring myself in a career-blackhole, backwater as I so foolishly did for decades in the Philippines. I am trying to accomplish in my 50s what I should have been doing in my 30s and 40s. Who doesn't settle down until they're 60. I have a highly aberrant life map. Will Tupi Valley or the Amish become the next Silicon Valley as the Thucydides trap completes, the nation-state is deprecated by Bitcoin and the West culls half of its population as it tries to reeducate itself about reality? For me your wife's preferences are highly feminine, parochial. Not at all masculine Genghis Khan oriented. I want to have a legacy if possible! I'm still building, not retiring. Caesar was 51 years old when he Crossed the Rubicon. Elon Musk is the more the age of Caesar and accomplishing more than me. Elon and I have the same birthday but he's 6 years younger than me. Thus I have to be somehow be clever. I need to find some key lieutenants who are younger than me. Or piggyback myself on younger Generals such as Elon and Curtis Yarvin—which might be more realistic because generally lower IQ people can't lead higher IQ people (those guys at least one standard deviation higher IQ than me). I'm trying to figure out my most productive role. Trying to figure out where I fit in the transformation coming. Whereas, you're packing your bags for end of life. Depressing. I was hoping you;re a lieutenant about roughly at my same IQ. I have still appreciated interacting with you. I hope our interactions are mutually beneficial ongoing. Your model of helping society is something like spiritual education. My model of helping society is Genghis Khan masculine—triumph of superior ideas, technologies, strategies. Teach by driving the economy in direction that helps idiots cull themselves. I care but I influenced correctly by Machiavellian insights of Yarvin. Yarvin's mistake is that decentralization will disintermediate his plans for monarchy redux... All that said, I might be incapable of what mind thinks it could accomplish. I might be living in young mind inside an old body incapable of the energy level needed. Also I may lack sufficiently selective focus and organizational momentum. Perhaps I need to be more realistic and forthright about what others are capable and suited for. For example, it is clear you need to stay in the UK and we need to stop all discussions involving you in anything else. Your situation is such that it would just be a huge potential disaster if anyone tried to partner with you on anything outside the UK as it's very likely your (and your wife's) complaints will far outweigh any panopticon risks in terms of your appraisal of what's important. I think you're most suited to packing it where you stand. Saying that not to be harsh or judgmental but rather that I need to be more selectively focused, else I will fail to do anything at all. Note I did contemplate for example building a bug-out community within for example Chochise County or Ft. Davis in the U.S.A.. But is the productive future in the Beast's mouth? Heck Kary Lake couldn't even get elected. My instinct is a clean-slate approach. Also I don't like the climate of those locations. Are the young digital nomads going to stay in the U.S. to be drafted into WW3? What's the average age of the Tupi Valley community? Are Amish people eligible to be drafted by the US military if the draft was ever reinstated?Comment: www.quora.com/W...wer/Moss-Gropen?comment_id... Draft is coming very soon along with WW3. Age of enlistment has been raised to 42. Will be raised again. In Ukraine and China, the age cutoff is 60. The social pressure will be immerse after the nukes start flying. N. Korea has 1.2 million troops. China 1 million. Russia 0.5 million? NATO and the U.S. military will need plenty of protoplasm fodder to throw into the meat grinder. Enjoy. www.quora.com/W...hael-Bailey-637?comment_id... > "I realized very quickly that every OTHER company at 232nd Medical Battalion was as high as 70% female (so much so that some cadences that are specifically designed for women to provide the counterpoint actually outshouted their male counterparts)." > "So TRUE! I had similar experiences in the Navy surface fleet when women were first added to a ships’ crew. When it came time to deploy the ship overseas, most of them went out and got pregnant, and were transferred to shore duty. THAT, in return, meant they were taking shore-duty billets (jobs) that men at sea had been WAITING to rotate to, which meant extended sea tours for the men. PLUS, the ships had to deploy with a short crew, because there weren’t enough men to fill every ship. This was in the late ‘70s." > "I think the thing that sealed it for me that made me never want to work in a unit full of women again was something that happened in my first unit after my deployment. As so often happens personnel get rotated out. My platoon went from 20% female to 80%. Within a month all but one were pregnant, injured or proved they couldn’t lift a paperweight and one female medic, myself and one other male ended up doing an entire platoon’s worth of details (with myself and the other male doing all the physical work)." > "Both the commander and acting commander were women and the reviews they wrote made me look like the worst soldier they had ever laid eyes on. My interactions with many of the nurses that were commissioned were negative, especially when my manner was rigid and proper when addressing officers, or of expecting clear and concise orders, and tendency to act immediately or advise them that they were making my assigned duties more difficult than they needed to be." It will be a great clusterfuck. I am excited to see it go down soon. Draft is coming very soon along with WW3. Age of enlistment has been raised to 42. Will be raised again. In Ukraine and China, the age cutoff is 60. The social pressure will be immerse after the nukes start flying. N. Korea has 1.2 million troops. China 1 million. Russia 0.5 million? NATO and the U.S. military will need plenty of protoplasm fodder to throw into the meat grinder. Enjoy.Comment: The reason for the comment about perhaps not having Internet access in Tupi Valley is if there's some draconian requirements coupled with panopticon CBDCs. Who will be the surrogates to pay the Internet bill? Maybe that can be sorted out. Figure in such a large community that someone will be willing to comply with requirements (e.g. vaccines) and then pay the Internet bill and everyone in the community use a shared Internet connection? And then when someone is traced by the Mi6 using the connection who was not the one who paid for it? I will hopefully have my Filipina here who is willing to take vaccines, or better yet one of her relatives come over, or a hired Peruvian/Mexican/Chilean (perhaps as a corporation) to be our surrogate. As for others using the connection, if we are running the community as a business, leasing AirBnBs, then there's a justification. But again I really don't think that's the main threat. TPTB want us all to have Internet access (their control grid), as that's how they implement their panopticon. The crux of my reticence to an idea of moving backwards to a hermit Amish life is that it's highly non-productive, not forwarding looking for humanity, punts on trying to figure out what can be the solution going forward for the world. I prefer to be in a dynamic situation, trying to create something new in a decentralized, digital nomad Knowledge Age economy, that could be a golden age that replaces this "Clinton Body Count"mafia democraZy we have now. I don't want to just go hide under a rock. Not my style, I also play offensive not only defense. I scored 5 touchdowns even after I broke my nose one afternoon at age 27 on the Cal Lutheran College freshman football recruits. My blog 6 years ago: The Golden Knowledge Age is RisingComment: www.tradingview.com/...o-Drop-to-0-in-2023/ > "@shelby3, yub i think a movie of u writing this book would be the best, some exxxtra cash for Kabbalah. Anyways epic stuff man indeed, cya in wales ;) ?" @panunen, do you think Tupi Valley will develop as some sort of digital nomad hub community? And for all those under age 45 who will be facing a compulsory WW3 draft, will they stay right in the mouth of the NATO Beast where they will be arrested, or will they renounce their citizenships and escape to one of the Non-Aligned Movement countries? Now we maybe know the reason that Deagel.com's prediction of loss of half of NATO's population. Maybe it will be emigration, which is what I had long suspected would be the case.Comment: loss of half of NATO's population BY THE END OF 2025.Comment: If you wanted to foment a NWO deprecating the nation-state, you would scatter the world's Western youth throughout the world!Comment: > "I think you know we are not choosing to do so because it's "inside the Beast's mouth" I meant such a strong affinity for the climate, family roots, friends, culture, etc that would cause me to subject myself to possibly being trapped inside the Beast's mouth. I want at least one foot on the other side of the fence. Certainly I would attempt to replicate what I like from the West where I will be, while in my case hopefully finding a climate I like better than all in the US.A. (albeit the climates of San Diego and HI are awesome). Which was one reason for disfavoring Asia. Imagine if all the capable young men flee the West because of the draft. It could be mayhem in the West.Comment: The Tipi (Valley, Wales) movement has no economic clout. Economics drives outcomes. The bankruptcy of the West, the Western debt-based model of economy, the U.S. hegemon that forces the rest of the world to slave to the dollar debt out-of-thin air, etc. The rest of the world ate dollars, while the Westerners wined and dined ignoring their their hegemon was committing atrocities all over the world. The economic realities will drive the outcome. We will see who is worth anything coming out of this looming mark-to-market horror film. Me thinks Tipi hut mud dwellers are about as economically relevant as horseshit. And thus will be treated like horseshit and have horseshit outcomes. I have no romanticized love of horseshit.Comment: { Album } Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629183580369784834 4&5 yrs ago, warned only ₿ lone safe haven asset. Our kangaroo courts won’t upend the unconstitutional WHO treaty steemit.com/money/@a...-harbinger-of-misery (₿ misery) twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1626983916136529920 (legacy ₿) twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1625890480155246593 (🐰🕳) twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1626695723210231825 (MAGA🤪) steemit.com/cryptocu...s-becoming-worthlessComment: Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629230899572142085 WEF wargaming (again!) looming🔌/🏧/🚰/🚽💩/🚑-grid-takedown🌐cyberattacks, faux V.R. (point deer, make horse)☢️/🌪/🧪/🤢 crisis technocracy lockdowns&State-forced censorship. Beholden authorities➡️public+prvt fascism—Putin/Russia complicit—666 telcom grid youtu.be/ETZscebFb58 (The WEF's Cyber Attack Simulation: Part 1 | Coin Bureau)Comment: Click for the highly relevant screen captures... Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629263488622133248 Inbound fusillade of “point deer, make horse” FAKE crises only “exist” as mass psychosis & self-deceptive/self-immolating sophistry of sheeppl & their influencer priests. Biblical Revelation predicts hordes—mesmerized by magic—follow the Antichrist. Revelation 13:5-18Comment: Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629274520593879040 blog.reaction.la/sci...ths-for-flu-and-jab/ “could be caused by anything…we know for certain…it’s definitely not that thing…We can…rule that thing out right now bcz Science just called us on the phone & told us not to discuss it. We always follow S̶c̶i̶e̶n̶c̶e̶{the PC Overton window Cathedral}.”Comment: My comment: youtu.be/iRsCffkOT6Y?t=164 (Bitcoin FIRST SINCE 2019! Get Ready | Crypto Crew U.) 2:43 Incorrect. This deceleration of Bitcoin is an omen that the price will crash to below $10k in 2024, before the next higher-high bull run resumes. And the non-legacy (aka "official") protocol Bitcoin (actually the 2017 soft-fork impostor) might NEVER make another new ATH after the looming anyone can spend Nash equilibrium restoration event "attack." The legacy protocol will ATH in 2025/2026 but most hodlers including you will be fleeced because you ostensibly did not heed my email warnings to you last year.Comment: Click for screen captures... { Album } Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629298837134225409 youtu.be/iRsCffkOT6Y?t=164 2:43 deceleration of ₿ is a crash omen below $10k in 2024…non-legacy (aka “official”) protocol ₿ (…the 2017 soft-fork impostor) might NEVER make…new ATH…looming ANYONECANSPEND Nash equilibrium restoration event “attack…” archive.is/6vZMNComment: Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629381897137577986 Cheney👺henchman in the irrefutable inside-job💥9/11 massacre☠️“crimes against humanity?” Shocking revelations! archive.ph/7PyRh Plane Flyover; Explosives…Inside The Pentagon Disembarkment of the 9/11 Passengers Irrefutable Controlled Demolitions… steemit.com/info-war...sinformation-tacticsComment: I am well convinced by now (with your assistance, e.g. pointing out to me that such ideological communities always fail) that any viable expat community is nothing more than an AirBnb business, providing services and accommodation to digital nomads. That's what I still want to follow up on. The point is that it might also support the economies-of-scale I need for my own survival of the Great Reset. I don't think there can be any grouping based on solely ideology or mutual bugout goals. That's also why I think the various community movements in the U.K. don't have much relevance. Economics will drive the outcomes. My criticism of your wife's perspective is that it's economic suicide if the U.K. turns out the lights on itself. I think the U.K. is going to be the absolute worst outcome of all the countries in the Great Reset. Canada and Australia aren't far behind. The U.S. is at least bifurcating (if not to splinter back into States' rights)—activity on Twitter is encouraging actually for the U.S.. Only makes sense as it is seat of the British crown empire that the Neocons inherited and are burning to the ground now. I am visualizing a barren, cold, wet, desolate, reversion to the Dark Ages for the U.K.. Rather than splintering into States of some econoimes-of-scale, it will splinter back into tribes and Tipi hut mud villages. I visualize potato famines and Irish kids wallowing in the mud. Empires/civilizations typically complete the circle, as do the elderly return to the fetal position. I could be wrong of course or about the timing. Deagel.com doesn't think so.Comment: > "Would your planned earthquake-proof structure not be too much of a target for the authorities, in as much that it is fixed, rather than your preference for being water rather than earth?" My model is NATO self-immolates—not the entire world. > > " I prefer to be in a dynamic situation, trying to create something new in a decentralized, digital nomad Knowledge Age economy, that could be a golden age that replaces this "Clinton Body Count"mafia democraZy we have now." > > I would really like to find younger people with these technical skills who alos believe in freedom and self-sufficiency, and who can help those less technically gifted with effective tools. Bingo! And so now you should know why a strategy of remaining within where all the youth will flee from, could be a fetal position directed. I would prefer to build the infrastructure where they will be fleeing to. > "Yes, those new Jimny's are quite desirable." Michelle likes it up close. Those cute Suzuki vehicles are only available outside the West (e.g. Mexico, Philippines, S.America, India).Comment: Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629603302299033600 The point-of-no-return autopilot escalation was intentional and premeditated. Worse, that’s pitted U.S./U.K. against the E.U., isolated a dying superpower as it foments its terminal, suicidal Thucydides trap WW3. Got a Non-Aligned Movement passport yet? twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629036843772542977Comment: Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629625163896569857 Whiny SJW Jason Calacanis lies—regurgitates the “Putin brute bad”-lie Idiocracy. Putin didn't invade dimwit. He conducted (legal under international law) peacekeeping ops versus Nazis! twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1628949776497537025 twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1628210130855645184 twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1628193329132322816 twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629557172932694019Comment: Posted: twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1629631259524702208 graymirror.substack....com/p/the-boomer-map “boomer mindset is frozen in a pastel pre-1980s caricature of an America…All of these grifters…are selling…fake power {unobtanium}. Trump was…in the same business…pretending…he{’d ‘drain the swawp’}. Whatever.”Comment: My comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGQZE2-D... (Warning: This Bitcoin Chart is Pointing to TWO New Targets (good and bad news)) @Alessio Rastani you have several mistakes. I am very familiar with Steve Courtney's 5.3 factor model. First that would be the high in 2025, not 2023. Just look at the high in 2019, which corresponds to 2023. Secondly the low will be in 2024 with a lower low. In 2020, the flash crash was not a lower, but it will be lower in 2024. The 2017 NY agreement impostor Bitcoin will NEVER make another higher all-time high. Mark my word.Comment: I don't have time to clean up this chart right now. I just want to focus on the cyan trend line that marked the top in 2019. It's indicating ~$30 - 36k for the top of this summer 2023 bull trap. Note the harmonic projection to below $0 in 2024 (it ends down off the bottom of the chart).Comment: This chart screams that Bitcoin is going to explode to the upside as soon as the Fed pause is being priced in. Compare to 2019. Stonks have been a bit less sensitive to FEDFUNDS continuing to increase because earnings were sustained and some had pricing power. Also Bitcoin was broadsided by FTX. Appears the market is trying to price in a 50 basis points raise in March, but markets seems to be mostly brushing it off and pricing in the pause that is coming by summer. Yet bond markets (c.f. linked video below) are too bearish bcz expecting Fed to raise slowly and not pause until Sept. I expect Fed will go 50 basis in Mar, 25 in April and then data will cause them to pause! I bet the market will sniff this out soon and rally steeply and suddenly! Notice that forward earnings didn't quite go negative in 2019. Looks like Bitcoin (no earnings) will outperform stonks when the Fed pause is priced early this summer. youtu.be/TtqCw0-_h_4?t=190 (3:10 c.f. chart)Comment: Also note from chart in my prior post, that as the FedFunds pivoted lower (not just paused) in 2019, the crash was delayed unlike prior instances. Ostensibly because the Fed was responding to Libor financial stress abroad. I expecting a redux of the March flash crash in 2024. This seems to indicate that the stress will once again be outside the U.S., i.e. China's debt bubble so desperate they locked down entire population to prevent runs on the banks. Now they are giving stimi-loans to the morbidly elderly. Will a global cyberattack false-flag be the only alternative to China attacking Taiwan as a scapegoat for martial law? 🤔 Imagine the supply chain destruction and stimulus the Fed would need to inject after/during a cyberattack cratering of the economy? COVID 2.0. youtu.be/eeFPhDb77XA (The Stock Market Is Setting Up For A BIG MOVE Again... 100 Years Of Data! | FX Evolution) <--- click to see relevant chartsComment: Meet Kevin had dinner with Peter Schiff and Schiff's Bitcoin aficionado son. They discussed enforcement of smart contracts, "Who owns the militia?" youtu.be/BTS6MKjr0cY?t=1365Comment: FTX taken down so that BlackRock and WallStreet could prevent any competition to their incoming 666 CBDC enslavement plans. youtu.be/064KLVW9M1E (Silvergate Bankrupt!! What it Means For Crypto! | Coin Bureau)Comment: Armstrong is writing on his private blog about expecting interest rates to rise into the May 2024 ECM turn date from the April 2023 turn date. I presume because he expects war to intensify in Ukraine aligned with the April 2023 turn date. I think he is wrong. Clearly Biden doesn't have the support to push further with a false-flag attack on Moscow right now. Russia is mopping up now the war in Ukraine. Neocons are also confronted with massive backlash (on Twitter and Tucker Carlson on Fox News) about January 6 capitol riot lie. Instead I think the Fed will signal a pause by April, create massive summer rally. I think rates will flat-line then moderate down briefly into a global recession by May 2024— the necessary economic crisis impetus for launching the world in earnest into WW3 by June 2025 or June 2026 with a Panic Cycle and Aggregate peak on Armstrong's yearly International War Forecast Array for 2026. After that interest rates should rise precipitously into the next ECM date in June 2026 or 2027. Also the halving timing and other studies I have exhaustively analyzed for Bitcoin strongly suggests a rally into June, more or less repeating the 2019 to 2020 pattern, thus with a flash crash of some sort in Q1 or Q2 2024. After that Bitcoin should rally significantly into Q1 or Q2 2025, but it might only triple top instead of making new ATHs (based on Crypto Crew University's model and assuming Bitcoin bottoms ~$10k in 2024). Something will break in the global economy by 2024. Perhaps bank contagion due to interest rates held high for more than a year. I think the massive false-flag cyberattack (which will be the pretext for forcing everyone onto CBDCs) will not come until 2025 or 2026. www.armstrongeconomi.../ECM-2020-2028-R.jpgComment: I believe Armstrong is misinterpreting his Year timing array for the U.S. Discount rate. He seems to be focused on the Direction Change in 2024 after the Direction Change in 2022 when the Fed started raising rates. But that Direction Change could apply to when the Fed starts decreasing rates, not to when it pauses them. A pause will cause a significant rally in the markets. The situation is somewhat similar to 2019 when stress in the Repo markets and such force the Fed to back down and then Bitcoin rallied crazy from April to June, catching up to gold. Then gold outperformed until after the March 2020 flash crash, when Bitcoin began to outperform again. Even Armstrong's own chart indicates Discount Rate should top out ~5.25%— thus the Fed is likely to pause after a 25 basis point hike in Mar and May. (charts for the above only available on Armstrong's subscriber-only private blog) Armstrong's public blog post shows 10Y peaking by May, and flash crash Panic Cycle in EU banks in 2024. Yield curve predicted to un-invert by 2024, which historically, typically coincides with recessionary crash. From 2026 to 2029 the yield curve might remain inverted again— apocalyptic nightmare! www.armstrongeconomi...confined-to-the-usa/Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VULVHfW... (Massive cyberattack by 2030 will usher in CBDCs & ‘total control' - E.B. Tucker (Part 1/2)) > "They can create whatever they want. The challenge will be for them to get software engineers to adopt it and build their software on it. Not so easy to do. I for one have no interest in doing so." @Philip Neves yours is a point to be considered. I'm also a s/w dev since 1970s and by now a block chain expert as well. One might posit their objective is to make it impossible to transact if you don't use theirs. People herd when it comes to currency. Don't expect 95% of the other people to use some decentralized cryptocurrency to pay their bills. People will adopt what the govt tells them to for money. So if you don't program for what the people are using for money, then you will have no income. This said, I think there's hope that people would adopt a cryptocurrency for virtual activities. But note proof-of-stake is actually fiat thus the antithesis of decentralization due to the inherent power-law distribution of any economic asset. I could write an essay, I have and I will. > "WHO DO YOU THINK STARTED CRYPTO!?! > > Loads of fools wanting a quick buck gave all the real world test data needed. Nobody would have touched them if they knew think tanks behind the big banks started them!" @Alan Jeffers everyone would still have FOMOed in. This is destiny and the plan was announced on the cover story of the Economist Magazine in January 1988. Now it's coming to fruition.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yPcZ_vu... > "If the FED has made the mess and can't fix it with banks, they surely won't be able to make a centralized crypto currency work.That being said, I think a couple of them were made by more patriotic parties in the US albeit de-centralized since the Fed has more power than was intended. Regular de-centralized cryptos take money out of the government and are way more fair on banking than any human could be. It can't be threatened or has family that's threatened nor can it be bribed." @Trajhenkhetlive nonsense. Centralized CBDCs will be clusterf*cks for sure, but we will be the collateral damage. The Fed is doing a perfect job of enriching the banksters and enslaving the sheeppl in debt. It is a game theoretic fact that there can only be one decentralized cryptocurrency which will be the reversion to legacy protocol Bitcoin with the looming "anyone can spend" attack that will restore the Nash equilibrium voided by the 2017 impostor softfork. Everyone hodling in non-legacy address will involuntarily donate their wallet to the miners. Altcoin proof-of-work will be destroyed by the inevitable, insoluble difficulty non-readjustment attacks. Proof-of-stake is actually fiat thus the antithesis of decentralization due to the inherent power-law distribution of any economic asset. I could write an essay, I have and I will.Comment: > "I am going to follow-up with a key point that Peter Schiff made (youtu.be/ekpPZsV4OTQ) about interest rates which I doubt he realized is indicating that massive adoption of crypto is inevitable." 1:01:48 youtu.be/ekpPZsV4OTQ?t=3708 Peter Schiff explains the Fed is trapped because they won't get inflation down to 2% the next time they need to bail-out the economy, thus investors may refuse to rush to the historical safe haven of Treasury bonds because they will not trust the Fed can actually buy enough bonds to bring them down in yield (thus those at higher yields up in market value) because of the rampant inflation that would create if they do. Eventually there's a point where Fed can't bail-out without causing runaway inflation expectations, so the bond market will call the Fed's bluff. Yet while the Fed's stimulation window is narrowing, interest rates can't run above the actual inflation rate without breaking something. Thus the prospects for stocks are narrowing as they depend on earnings. While there's still some stimulus and the REAL cost of financing is negative, stocks are viable, but as this flips then the only safe haven will be those assets not tied to earnings nor interest rates. Thus Martin Armstrong is brain dead to assert that real estate will backstop the next monetary reset. No it will be legacy Bitcoin, that's the only possible thing it can be. Couldn't be gold because governments can regulate the dealers extracting exorbitant excise and capital gains taxes hikes incoming (as well as outright confiscation due to capital controls alleging money laundering and WW3 sanctions). Thus precious metals are dying as a monetary asset because they can't be traded on decentralized exchanges.Comment: 1:24:23 I wish Peter Schiff would debate me about Bitcoin. Could you help me get his attention? I can demolish his logic. Firstly the most ironic aspect is that he's going to appear to be correct in 2024, as after this summer rally, Bitcoin will indeed make a lower low in 2024 as the 2019 to March 2020 dump pattern is repeating. I had identified this megaphone pattern in ~Oct 2021 which enabled me to predict Bitcoin would drop to ~$13-20k in 2022. And I was very much ready for identifying the Wycoff accumulation bottom enabling me to buy $15.4k. I did sell $24k and reloaded $20k. All verifiable on my trading view. I had tried to communicate this to Kevin last summer. Okay in addition Steve Courtney's 5.3 factor model (Crypto Crew U.) indicates Bitcoin will not make a new ATH on the next bull cycle into 2025 if the 2024 bottom is ~$10k. So what is going on? Well it's essentially what Peter is explaining in my comment I am replying to. But there's more... The marginal utility of money increases the less of a use case it has for anything other than money. I am surprised that Peter Schiff is not sophisticated enough to have read 150 IQ Curtis Yarvin's (aka Mencius Moldbug's) On Monetary Restandardization. The late Antal Fekete (yet another causality of the covidiocy power grab along with 180 IQ Freeman Dyson) had taught me this back when I was a silver bug circle 2008ish. Being physical is precisely what will lead to gold losing it's monetary utility, because the bankrupt governments are going to clamp down on all the market markets (aka dealers). As for Peter's nonsensical suggestion to retry to launch e-gold or the Liberty Dollar, perhaps he conveniently ignores what they government did to both of those. Actually Bitcoin is entirely physically backed but in the most clever way— the physical sunk costs of the mining hardware is untethered from the digital record of the exchange of the value! Additionally Bitcoin has unforgeable costliness of mining which is what imparts value to both gold and Nakamoto proof-of-work cryptocurrency. It's ironic that gold will lose its monetary status, while only legacy protocol Bitcoin survives. But it's not all rosy. What very few people know and which I have written extensively about, is that the 2017 softfork created an impostor Bitcoin which everyone erroneously thinks is the "official" Bitcoin. This created a 13+ million BTC (and growing) "anyone can spend" booty for taking by the (as involuntary donations to the) miners, as seen by Satoshi's legacy protocol (and I am not referring to BSV nor BCH altcoins here). The game theory and economic analysis requires that the booty be taken eventually to restore the Nash equilibrium. Also because of the looming mining difficulty non-readjustment attacks on all minority hashrate proof-of-work altcoins (as well as the aforementioned logic in Moldbug's On Monetary Restandardization) there will only be one decentralized cryptocurrency still standing by 2028, which will be the restored legacy protocol Bitcoin which only does ~5 transactions per second. Bitcoin was designed only to the global reserve currency in the new multipolar world being intentionally ushered in with the intentional WW3. This was all planned out since at least the January 1988 Phoenix cover story on Rothchilds Economist Magazine. Actually the design for Bitcoin was leaked in an anonymous usergroup post in 1998 and Wei Dai in 1999. So Bitcoin has been on a premeditated 10 year cycle, with 2018 being mass awareness, and 2028 being the monetary reset ushering it in as the NWO dystopian global reserve currency. We plebs will be stuck in two-tier currency morass of 666 panopticon fully centralized Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Thus everyone hodling in non-legacy addressses (i.e. all that don't begin with a 1, thus 3 or bc1) will donate all their BTC to miners. And Bitcoin will plummet to near zero when that occurs before it rises from the ashes (or itself and WW3) as the 1988 Economist Mag cover story stated. All cryptocurrency consensus protocols distill down to two mechanisms of control, proof-of-work or proof-of-stake. The latter is just fiat because of the insoluble power-law distribution of fungible assets, i.e. that 20% control 80% or typically even more concentrated (e.g. 10% control 90%) in more purely monetary assets. All such fiat systems are power vacuums (including democracy) and power vacuums can only be controlled by the most ruthless, a damned fact which most snowflakes refuse to acknowledge. Also the major stake holders can be rubber hosed or otherwise coerced/regulated by the government because they're identifiable persons nor permissionless, replaceable entities as is the case in proof-of-work. So since only one proof-of-work cryptocurrency can survive thus only the 5 transactions per second, dystopian, legacy protocol Bitcoin will remain standing at the end of this nightmare decade underway. Gold may rise to $3-5k but then it will gradually fade into irrelevance forevermore as it becomes clear that physical barter does not scale (warlords, etc) and government can entirely control everyone with the panopticon CBDCs. Kevin this is why I am warning you about House Hack. Make sure you have an exit plan. Do not hold long, as everything is going pear-shaped with WW3 incoming and all this dystopian transition from the Thucydides trap collapse of the West into the social credit score dystopia of China as the rising power in a multipolar world controlled behind the curtain by Bitcoin. The rise of hard assets is the harbinger of misery, as I blogged 6 years ago. Also gold is not an inflation hedge, but a hedge against the failure of the government. So happens that when inflation goes berserk, confidence in the government can be lost, which is precisely what the Fed is facing eventually. I completely agree with Peter that the FOMO crypto market has topped, although it will rally a bit into June and then rally again off 2024 lows to roughly triple top for the final hooray. Except (especially decentralized, algorithmic) cryptocurrency stablecoin may continue to gain adoption into the downturn into 2026+. By 2028ish the safe haven demand will kick back on for legacy protocol Bitcoin only. Note there are fixes to avoid the Luna stablecoin outcome.Comment: Will be CBDCs (including UBI) be weaponized to prevent people from spending their money so the central bank can bail-out without causing runaway inflation expectations? Pretexts for the forced rationing to be the obnoxious, nonsensical, junk science climate change, WW3, cyberattack and illusionary pLandemic hoaxes and false-flags. The covidiocy was the trial run and now Gates, Soros and the other henchmen are setting up the sovereignty busting WHO pandemic treaty. Wake up Kevin. You were so naive about Jan 6 and everything political. You're smart but too idealistic. You're learning and maturing.Comment: youtu.be/wRaQgYyneP0 (It's Getting Serious...) > > > > > > > Use cash as much as possible......and get rid of these phones. > > > > > > > > > > > > @James cash will be cancelled. > > > > > > > > > > @S. Moore not if we keep using it! Stop using your eftpos card, don’t upgrade to a chipped card, withdraw your pay! Cash is king! > > > > > > > > @Catherine Syme not if everyone buys their food at a corporate grocery store that all complied with the unconstitutional covidiocy diktats. They will not take your cash, and 90+% of the people will prefer to eat than to rummage around in dumpsters. You're not being realistic. Cash is dead in the West. Go to Nigeria if you want a chance for there to be some resistance, where they still have small farmer direct to market wet markets. > > > > > > @S. Moore we could still use cash during our illegal lockdowns and we still have farmers markets, I pay cash for everything, I draw my wage out every week! So yeah I am resisting, are you lying down? > > > > @Catherine Syme good to hear. I don't know where you live, but ~90% of U.S. citizens live in urban areas now and wouldn't know what a farmer's market is. When they adopt the CBDC and the govt stops minting cash and takes it out of circulation when ever it is deposited at a bank, gradually you will be whittled down. Your farmers won't be able to resupply their inputs which they will need CBDCs. I think you lack comprehension of how the economy, monetary, banking and financial system functions. How will you draw your wage out when the banks are not allowed to issue cash anymore? I am not lying down, I am actually doing something more realistic than your feckless, nonsensical hopium. Because I understand much more about what is going on, and what is plausible and implausible. Our only chance is decentralized cryptocurrency, but not Bitcoin as it will be reduced back to 5 transactions per second. There does not exist any viable decentralized consensus protocol other than Bitcoin, but there can only be one for game theoretic reasons I can not possible explain in a short comment. There is much more than I can possibly explain in a few comments. You will soon learn how powerless you are. > > @S. Moore the power is in everyone’s hands! You get what you vote for and UpYep America is leading the west to hell! My boss ain’t going to pay me in bitcoins! That’s farcical, look to the UK cash is being used more now than in the last decade, our government tried to implement no cash during the lockdowns and got nowhere! Because we have the power if we’d only unite and use it! @Catherine Syme voting is an entire waste of time. All elections are rigged from now on. What you going to do overthrow the govt with your guns now being taken away from you? You will bitch and complain, but resistance is futile. Go ahead and try. I will be laughing at you. That you imagine you have power which do not have, indicates totally unprepared Westerners are for what is about slam into them like an insurmountable brick wall. Unfortunately Westerners are still deluded that voting and democracy actually is going to help them. > Cash, bullion and crypto are your best friends 😁 > @S. Moore true so what's your solution? @Tyler L and @T Ratzz there are no decentralized cyptocurrencies except for legacy protocol Bitcoin which will only do 5 transactions per second thus not for us. I know more about this than I can type into a comment. I am working on it. Proof-of-stake is just government coin in the end game. There can only be one proof-of-work due to the game theory which I can not explain in a comment. This is a very difficult problem and the planners planned this out very well since the January 1988 Phoenix cover story on the Economist Magazine which was actually when they had already figured out how to design Bitcoin. I have something up my sleeve. Bullion can be choked pointed at the dealers because it's physical. Physical barter of bullion will fail because warlords will hear you been spending it. Linux has been backdoored already. You are a simpleton and there are many details I can not fit into a comment.Comment: youtu.be/2VULVHfWstw (Massive cyberattack by 2030 will usher in CBDCs & ‘total control') > They can create whatever they want. The challenge will be for them to get software engineers to adopt it and build their software on it. Not so easy to do. I for one have no interest in doing so. @Philip Neves yours is a point to be considered. I'm also a s/w dev since 1970s and by now a block chain expert as well. One might posit their objective is to make it impossible to transact if you don't use theirs. People herd when it comes to currency. Don't expect 95% of the other people to use some decentralized cryptocurrency to pay their bills. People will adopt what the govt tells them to for money. So if you don't program for what the people are using for money, then you will have no income. This said, I think there's hope that people would adopt a cryptocurrency for virtual activities. But note proof-of-stake is actually fiat thus the antithesis of decentralization due to the inherent power-law distribution of any economic asset. I could write an essay, I have and I will. 17:50 correct Bitcoin is/was the Trojan horse. Let me explain. Only Satoshi's legacy protocol Bitcoin (not BCH nor BSV sh8tcoins) will survive the incoming "anyone can spend" attack on the impostor soft-fork that was created in 2017. Thus Bitcoin will only do ~5 transactions per second and there will be no layer 2 lightning networks which will all go "poof it's gone". Thus Bitcoin will be for CBs and we plebs will be enslaved in a two-tier monetary system. This has been the plan since January 1988 when Rothschild announced the Bitcoin Phoenix in his Economist Magazine. I have documented how Bitcoin has been on a 10 year cycle since then. Did you know the design of Bitcoin was described in an anonymous usergroup post in 1998? 2008/9 launch. 2017/8 mass awareness peak. Incoming 2028 at the culmination of the WW3 they will use to force us with. > > In prison honeybuns and noodles becomes cash… so in the future Gold will always have a way to transact and trade regardless of how tight the CBDCs are. > > @Daniel Woolman If you have drugs and cigarettes you are basically living the life. That unless you’re stabbed fifty times then the next guy is the one that’s rich. Of course the one that they stabbed is the one with the connections so they definitely have the upper hand. @E Man exactly. Warlords will find out you have been spending gold. Whoops. No that physical barter will not scale. Duh.Comment: youtu.be/-yPcZ_vuFgo (CBDCs Almost HERE! Why This Really Worries Me!) > > Nigerian resistance example doesn't apply to the developed countries that mostly already don't use cash, where it will be much easier to force CBDC adoption where people have no other reasonable way to eat without digital money. Westerners don't have a local farmer to barter with as in Nigeria. The transition will likely be swift and possibly blamed on a cyberattack during the incoming WW3. > > @S. Moore That does not matter !!! They are still very well educated enough to protest against CBDCs...and to say it is easier for them reject it is crazy. Nigeria is the Bitcoin capital of the world. Why is that??? That is why they want them to accept CBDC...to get the people there to reject Bitcoin and other cryptocurriencies. @vegan butterfly the entire point is that wet markets where smaller farmers sell their products for cash (or Bitcoin or mobile phone e-cash) still exist in rural, developing nations. There are very few remaining direct to the customer small farmers' markets in highly developed countries such as the U.S.. During the plandemic it was quite obvious that the mostly corporatized U.S. economy would enforce the unconstitutional diktats power grab. Whereas in developing countries where people have options (and not so unwilling to sleep on a dirt floor if they need to), the people are much capable of resisting.Comment: > > 2026 > > @S. Moore expect a test first earlier @Michael Archangel agreed. I mean 2026 will be the forced rationing phase under the pretext of WW3, cyberattacks, climate change, plandemic 2.0, etc. I know this because Bitcoin will not top out again until Q1 or Q2 2025 based on the repeating pattern. So the timing is not go hard down into lockdowns again until after that.Comment: > @S. Moore there will always be farms and small trade , we just need to get rid if our governments because they're the ones stopping them from doing direct business with us the consumer. It will go back to being a bit medieval but at this moment I don't think that's a bad thing @This is England unlikely to go medieval. nope. Farmers need to pay for inputs. With cash cancelled, they will be squeezed. People will take the CBDCs and huddle in the cities. Farmers will be deplatformed. Agenda 2030 underway. This is the end of Western civilization as we knew it. This is dramatic shift because the Internet changed the power of the govt as they can make currency totally panopticon digital. Westerners are not taking this threat seriously. It will be too late when they realize they are totally enslaved. > @S. Moore I do understand what you're saying but like I said , we got to go back to basics to clean this mess up, ain't saying its gonna be easy or quick but its the only way for us @This is England no we go forward to the Jetsons bubble cities. This is a total shift. People just can't wrap their mind around it. The Internet has changed the power structure. There is no going back. Sorry.Comment: > @S. Moore yeah I agree, maybe medieval ain't far enough back. We will probably end up at the survival of the fittest stage of evolution, but looking around I don't think that's a bad thing @This is England maybe. We will see. That could take decades to play out though. I might be dead by then. I need to find a way to live for the next two decades.Comment: anonymint.substack.c...he-dystopian-fedcoin (Coercing the dystopian FedCoin)Comment: youtu.be/oFLa9MnZkBI?t=1655 27:35 Yes the Fed will be able to cut one more time aggressively in 2024, but that will be the last because WW3 will break out in earnest in 2025.Comment: I extensively overhauled and expounded my blog. At the minimum, you must re-read the following linked section as there's critical new insights including my rebuke of or insight into 150 IQ Curtis Yarvin’s latest blog post. anonymint.substack.c...he-dystopian-fedcoinComment: Re-read this section: anonymint.substack.c...he-dystopian-fedcoin I added my critique of Arthur Hayes’ blog post. The comparison to Japan is not accurate because Japan was trying to create inflation. Also in the subsequent section I explained why Bitcoin will become the next reserve currency. Martin Armstrong is a stubborn donkey on this point and ostensibly can't wrap his mind around the facts as I have summarized there. He probably will not even read it because he has his blinders on. He deserves his fate then.Comment: Added to my blog. twitter.com/shelbyhm.../1639725868992823297Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NQu7AWV... @Joshua Cheng Bitcoin is its current incarnation before it is resurrected from the WW3 ashes as 1988 Rothchild Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix (with the looming "anyone can spend" attack which I have fully documented) is entirely dependent on fiat money printing. Keep that in mind when understanding why Bitcoin will make a lower low in 2024 when it only made a double-bottom in March 2020. It would behoove you to go to my About and find my writings on this subject matter lest all your Bitcoins are going to be donated to the miners. Yes I know things that very few people know. Sorry not to brag. I do not care if you lose your Bitcoins. Go ahead.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/gl7QIgNuDh4 (WARNING: Bitcoin Will NOT REACH 100K In This Market Cycle | Crypto Crew University) @Crypto Crew University Steve now apply your 5.3 factor model to a $9.6k CME gap fill in 2024. As you see Bitcoin is dying. But how can that be? Now go back to what I was explaining to you in email about the "anyone can spend" restoration of legacy protocol Bitcoin rising as the new world reserve currency ~2028.Comment: My comment: youtu.be/qjDQW0X9HhU (Trump shows Xi and Peng video clips of his granddaughter singing Chinese songs) > I'm Chinese and I found this heartwarming, sadly reality won't let this happen forever @Malaysian Mapping sadly the power vacuum of the collective demands capture by the most ruthless. It's not Xi’s fault that ruling the power vacuum requires the capture of power. If we want to change humanity, we have to find a way to eliminate the power vacuum. That is why I delved deep into block chain technology starting with my conversations with the likes of Charles Hoskinson and Daniel Larimer on bitcointalk in 2013 before they became publicly well known. Unfortunately there's some deep flaws in the technology as it currently stands.Comment: Jason Pizzino liked my extensive 11 comments on the overall macro situation. This will become a new blog shortly. www.youtube.com/watch?v=eds6U3ee...Comment: READ: www.armstrongeconomi...he-contagion-of-war/ This is one is definitely worth taking note of. We are heading into a maelstrom. Remember this is the end of the 6th 51.6 year wave, and the end of the 6th wave of six 51.6 year waves! This is not good! > "QUESTION: You have suggested that we will end up at war with China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran simultaneously. How does Socrates conclude such an event that perhaps never happened..."Comment: EDIT: my Filipina is reading a lot of angry comments in her social media feeds about a proposal in the Philippines to register everyone in social media by their govt identification. I took a moment to explain to her that Armstrong's machine learning (aka A.I.) computer program Socrates has been fed all the detailed data of the history of the world (including newspaper archives, emperors on ancient coins, etc), and has identified via correlation analysis a 51.6 year wave period of change, grouped by 6 waves to make 309.6 years. Which are then grouped by 6 to make 1858 year waves. So the system of corrupt govt that worked during the past two millennia when the economy was agrarian will not work in the computer age where the govt has too much intrusive power due to the ubiquity of the panopticon digital networks. Thus we are in for a massive tumult as civilization figures out how to restructure governance to fit the computer age. We in the block chain industry (decentralization) are right in the mix of this and this is Armstrong's blind spot.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpFHfhIb... (Confronting Legendary Hedge Fund Trader on Coming Crash | Bob Kendall & Meet Kevin) I am 32 minutes in and so far I think the generative essence hasn't been articulated. Essentially the Fed can backstop everything (because banks hold Tbonds instead of the toxic waste derivatives) thus fighting the deflation of the Minsky Moment thus keeping inflation and interest rates both high. What this is doing is centralizing the entire system (including the banking system), in that only those who can invest money will keep afloat and everyone else will be nourished by peak socialism of govt. He says there will not be any banking crisis, but that is because the BTFP discount window is open to backstop everything. But those regional banks (hit by C.R.E. implosion) will essentially become zombie banks depending on the Fed's liquification of hold to maturity. This is why I say this is all a master plan program (remove the first r and replace the a with an o) of ubiquitous serfdom. The CBDC plays into this. Of course they want to restructure the debt to, "you will own nothing, you rent everything, and you will still be happy receiving UBI from the government doled out by CBDC." Essentially peak socialism is attempting to find a way to permanent utopia, but of course this will ultimately fail. This is not good. Read Arthur Hayes' *Kaiseki*. entrepreneurshandboo...kaiseki-b15230bdd09eComment: In short, this guy doesn't piece together the big picture. He seems to think that we are in some form of normalization. Which is impossible with the level of debt. Instead the only way to rescue peak socialism is to centralize everything. Thus this is not comparable to the Volker era, when the U.S. was still able to expand debt in a more free market system. No we are now at the end game of the failure of the govt itself, but this will be pushed until aftermath of the incoming WW3.Comment: Martin Armstrong wrote in his latest private blogs that he expects the uniparty NEOCONS to employ a false-flag to the launch WW3 with Russia before the 2024 elections. They ostensibly need this pretext to essentially cancel or rig the 2024 election with Biden the winner despite his never-be-seen-in-history 70% disapproval ratings. Biden of course is drugged on adrenochrome. Expect the CBDCs to be coming to trap everyone in Hotel Commiefornia-esque 666 centralized digital currencies as Arthur Hayes had explained in his *Kaiseki* blog. entrepreneurshandboo...kaiseki-b15230bdd09e “You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave.” The door on freedom in the West is closing. GTFO to a Non-Aligned Movement country asap. Get your assets out of the West asap. That is unless someone figures out how to game the incoming CBDCs and make them convertible to fully decentralized cryptocurrencies such as legacy protocol Bitcoin. The capital controls preventing this will be intense, remember Yanet Jellan was even proposing that every transaction below $ 600 would need to be reported to the IRS. en.wikipedia.org/wik...Non-Aligned_Movement Note Armstrong is entirely incorrect on the eventual outcome of Bitcoin, which will of course slay the NEOCONS and rise to be the new international reserve asset. Armstrong with his silly nonsense about Bitcoin relying on the grid which I have written to him many times to tell him that is not correct. Bitcoin has 10 minute block periods and only needs to transmit a hash of the block solution, which can easily be transmitted by short-wave radio. And Bitcoin mining can be performed off-grid with battery-backed solar or micro-hydro power. Also many Non-Aligned Movement countries are allowing Bitcoin mining and will refuse to genuflect to NEOCONs when push comes to shove in the incoming WW3. Armstrong almost understands everything but has a huge blindspot w.r.t. Bitcoin. Of course Armstrong is correct that many people will be trapped by the CBDCs and capital controls, thus unable to access Bitcoin (except via capital controlled ETFs). But the big money that survives will have exited to Bitcoin and will continue to game the system siphoning off assets into Bitcoin. Armstrong is going to witness this over the coming years and be entirely flabbergast. It will be a sight to behold when he finally admits he was blind as a bat.Comment: Doug Casey has a new blog article pondering if the NEOCONS are about to make a mess of our relationship with Mexico and essentially create a DMZ along the southern border. Remember Mexico was defying all that COVID crap and many Americans were traveling to Mexico to escape the diktats. So maybe the NEOCONS need (a low-level perhaps even undeclared along the border?) war with Mexico also! internationalman.com...exican-drug-cartels/ To elaborate just a bit. Of course tangible assets are a threat to capital controls which might be another reason they need to make the southern border highly monitored so no one can escape to Latin America with their gold. Which is of course why Bitcoin is rising to be the new digital gold. Physical gold and real estate are dying as stores of wealth. Bitcoin is rising to replace them, and Armstrong is going to destroy his subscribers by giving them myopic advice suggesting they avoid Bitcoin as a store of wealth and instead buy precious metals. Duh! The problem with fungible tangible assets like gold is that all the liquidity is provided by the market makers (aka dealers and their dealers), which can be easily regulated and forced to enforce capital controls. A black market in gold is nonsense because the warlords will know you have it, because you must exchange it in person because it is physical crap. Physical assets will become entirely immovable in this digital panopticon world we have entered by now with a camera in every device and on every lamppost. This is why it will only be Bitcoin that survives. Sorry Armstrong is on the wrong side of history on this one.Comment: The implications of Anglo-Saxons refusing to get their assets out of the West is that the English language will decline and the Spanish language will rise. We Anglo-Saxons will have no clout anymore in the world. We are allowing ourselves to be destroyed by our own corrupt overlords, because we lack the collective will to go to war against over own government and we are too intransigent to migrate out of the West (which if we did, it would collapse overnight and we could then return). But we individually are too fucking stupid and set in our ways to actually do what we need to do. There are very few intrepid Westerners, especially in my age bracket (cusp Gen X and Boomer) and older. The Western youth are already experimenting as digital nomads, but not sufficiently en masse.Comment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2CZ1sy9... (i was wrong | Meet Kevin) 💡🧠Moreover think about the dystopian political implications. If the broad base of lower income voters (those who have no assets nor investments to lose when confiscation via capital controls begins) have improved financial conditions under manufactured price inflation, then it behooves the culpable to continue to manufacture more of it. Also it is prepping the Gen Z for UBI doled out via CBDCs. Investors are going to be trapped in Hotel Commiefornia-esque, fully centralized banking and financial system. Asset prices might increase but Jamie Dimon says eminent domain must be applied to steal assets to fund climate change amelioration. Your observation (that lower income folks are LESS leveraged to price inflation than debt-financed aka risk-on ASSET holders, i.e. investors) did not occur to me when I noticed recently the chart showing that wages have increased more for low income folks. Bitcoin will continue to behave as a risk-on asset until the monetary system is upended. Those launching businesses should target the younger generation, as the Boomers are about fully cooked.

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