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رتبه: 18320

EtherFi is a decentralized trustless betting delegation protocol with a Liquid Staking Derivative token. It allows participants to retain control over their keys when delegating bets. Deposits in EtherFi are initially recalculated using Eigenlayer. Eigenlayer repurposes ETH staking to support external systems (e.g., rollovers, oracles) with an economic level of security, increasing returns for ETH stakers in the process. The EtherFi protocol aims to decentralize the Ethereum validator scene by increasing the availability of ETH staking while maintaining a custody-free approach. By owning eETH or weETH, holders earn both EigenLayer and EtherFi loyalty points in addition to the underlying ETH staking yield, as well as the restaking yield from EigenLayer. The ETHFI token is the native utility and management token for the EtherFi protocol. It is used by the community to manage key aspects of the protocol, including key metrics, token sales and economics, and community management. Roadmap The EtherFi project has a detailed roadmap outlining its development and expansion plans. Here are some key milestones and phases from the information provided: Delegated Stacking. Release of the EtherFi platform for desktops. The ability to delegate via an auction mechanism. Ability to withdraw bid rewards and unallocated ETH. Introduction of transferable (T-NFT) and bondable (B-NFT) EtherFi NFTs. Creation of an EtherFi protocol treasury contract. Liquidity Pool. This step involves creating a liquidity pool for EtherFi. Decentralization and self-limitation. Focus on decentralizing and self-limiting the protocol to less than 25% of the consensus level to avoid a single point of failure. Other milestones EtherFi aims to launch a real spending account that allows users to spend and borrow against their EtherFi balance in the real world. This includes an MPC wallet and credit card mobile app. EtherFi has also put its set of smart contracts publicly available. Token launch The ETHFI token was launched in March 2024, with the token listed on the Binance exchange as of March 18, 2024. Partnerships and integrations. EtherFi is partnering with a wide range of DeFi protocols to increase the utility of eETH, its liquid token of restacking. It is partnering with EigenLayer, a pioneering restacking protocol, to access the powerful restacking collective built into the Ethereum network. This roadmap underscores EtherFi's commitment to decentralization, user control over assets, and expanding its ecosystem through strategic partnerships and technological advances. Team Mike Silagadze - Founder and CEO: Mike is an experienced entrepreneur and innovator in the technology industry. He is the founder of EtherFi, a project that aims to decentralize the Ethereum validator scene and increase the availability of ETH betting. His role as CEO is to oversee the strategic direction of the company and ensure the successful implementation of the EtherFi protocol. Jozef Vogel - COO: Jozef is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of EtherFi. His role as COO is to ensure the smooth running of the company, effectively manage resources and drive the growth and efficiency of the organization. Rok Kopp - Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer: Rok is another key member of the EtherFi team. As Chief Growth Officer, his primary responsibility is to ensure the growth of the EtherFi protocol. This includes developing and implementing strategies to increase the number of users, expand the ecosystem, and develop partnerships with other DeFi protocols. These team members, as well as other EtherFi team members, work together to achieve the project goals of decentralization, availability, and user control over assets. Their combined expertise in technology, operations, and growth are essential to the success of the EtherFi project. Audit EtherFi has been audited by Cyberscope. The audit report can be found on the Cyberscope website. The audit report provides a comprehensive analysis of EtherFi smart contracts, evaluating their security and functionality. The audit report includes a summary of the audit findings, highlighting any vulnerabilities or issues identified during the audit. It also provides a detailed description of the audit process, including the scope of the audit, the methodology used, and the tools and techniques used. The report evaluates EtherFi smart contracts against various security criteria such as code quality, compliance with best practices and industry standards. It also provides recommendations for improving the security and reliability of EtherFi smart contracts. Overall, Cyberscope's audit report serves as an independent third-party assessment of EtherFi smart contracts, providing transparency and assurance to EtherFi users and stakeholders. In addition, ETHFI has been audited by a number of renowned auditing companies such as certik, omniscia, nethermind, solidfied and hats finance. This indicates the high security of the project and the elimination of a large number of deficiencies, which will lead to the sustainability and reliability of the project. GitHub There has been significant developer activity related to Ethereum and projects such as EtherFi (ETHFI). The EtherFi protocol is actively supported by developers, as evidenced by the number of commits and repositories related to the project. There are several EtherFi-related repositories on GitHub, including: jtfirek/wormhole-ethfi. This repository is dedicated to deploying cross-chain ethfi over NTT with a focus on Foundry, an Ethereum application development toolkit written in Rust. etherfi-protocol This repository contains various components related to the EtherFi protocol, including smart contracts, operator CLI, and design assets. ethfi-wormhole This is a fork of the `wormhole-foundation/example-wormhole-axelar-wsteth` repository, indicating that EtherFi is actively exploring cross-chain solutions. The active development of the EtherFi protocol is emphasized by the number of commits, stars, and forks on GitHub, indicating a healthy and active community of developers contributing to the project. Furthermore, the EtherFi token (ETHFI) was mentioned in the context of a token sale with details of its placement and distribution. This indicates that the EtherFi project is actively interacting with the Ethereum ecosystem and attracting the interest of both investors and developers. Tokenomics Ether.fi's tokenization is designed to ensure sustainability and community engagement. The total supply of ETHFI tokens is set at 1 billion, with an initial circulating supply of 115.2 million tokens (11.52% of the total supply). The token distribution includes: 32.5% for investors and advisors 23.26% for the team 27.24% for the DAO treasury 11.00% for airdrops 3.00% for liquidity 2.00% for Binance Launchpool 1.00% for the Protocol Guild The ETHFI token plays a key role in the governance of the protocol, allowing the community to make decisions on critical aspects including management of Ether.fi's treasury, protocol modernization, and distribution of protocol fees. In the future, Ether.fi plans to introduce node services to further decentralize the Ethereum network and increase the utility of the protocol. The effectiveness of Ether.fi's liquidity solutions and future node services will be a critical factor in Ether.fi's ability to sustain growth and user engagement. TVL Ether.fi's TVL growth is attributed to several factors, including its innovative approach to liquid staking, which allows users to retain control of their keys by delegating staking to node operators and receiving rewards. The protocol also offers a Liquid Staking Token (LST) called eETH, which provides the ability to earn four types of rewards: Ethereum Staking Rewards, ether.fi loyalty points, rewards for restacking (including EigenLayer points), and the ability to provide liquidity to DeFi protocols. Ether.fi's TVL growth is also a testament to the growing demand for liquid steaking solutions in the DeFi ecosystem. Liquid steaking allows users to earn steaking rewards while maintaining liquidity, which is a significant advantage over traditional steaking methods. Overall, the growth of TVL Ether.fi is a positive sign for the protocol and the broader DeFi ecosystem, as it demonstrates the growing demand for decentralized and user-friendly steaking solutions. The difference between Renzo and EthFi: 1. Launch and Funding: EtherFi was launched in early 2023 and had an initial funding of $3.2 million with a valuation of $25 million. Renzo, on the other hand, was launched in 2024 and has a higher valuation of $3.3 billion. 2- Platform features: EtherFi allows users to bet in ETH or various liquid tokens (LSTs) and receive eETH tokens at a 1:1 ratio. Renzo, on the other hand, supports both native and LST restaking, accepting major LSTs such as stETH, ETHx, and wBETH. Renzo also extends its restacking services to Ethereum Layer 2, offering users to reduce their gas costs. 3. Token distribution: EtherFi has a maximum supply of 1 billion ETHFI tokens, with 11.52% of the total supply in circulation at launch. Most of the tokens are distributed among the team, investors and advisors - 23.26%, 32.5% and 27.24% of the total, respectively. No information on the distribution of Renzo tokens is provided. 4. Services and partnerships: EtherFi has partnered with EigenLayer, which allows it to provide users with more diverse liquidity pools and enhance project security through EigenLayer technologies. Renzo, on the other hand, has partnered with Connext Network and has the support of Binance Labs. 5. Restaking process: Renzo simplifies the restaking process by allowing users to place bets in ETH, stETH or wBETH directly on its platform, which then manages the restaking on EigenLayer with optimized strategies. EtherFi, on the other hand, uses tokens that users have placed to participate in native restaking on the EigenLayer platform. 6. TVL and market position: EtherFi is the leading protocol in the sector with a TVL of $1.04 billion, accounting for 35% of liquid TVL restacking. Renzo's TVL is $270 million. Thus, EtherFi focuses on providing a liquid restacking platform with diverse liquidity pools, while Renzo streamlines the restacking process and offers optimized strategies for users. Blockchain According to the information provided, developers now own a significant share of all coins, and Binance has started accumulating EthFi tokens on both hot and cold wallets. In the last month alone, Binance has acquired more than $110 million worth of tokens. The developers' wallet holds more than 87% of the tokens, indicating a high level of allocation, which could be a sign of asset price manipulation. In addition, Wintermute's presence as a market maker on the asset raises concerns about possible price manipulation through access to investment fund wallets. These factors point to the possibility of manipulation of the asset's price, so developments should be monitored to ensure a fair and transparent market. Conclusion The project has attracted significant attention: its token is listed on the Binance exchange and has a TVL of over 6 billion. Etherfi offers node maintenance solutions to streamline the process and reduce costs associated with staking. The project has also partnered with EigenLayer, a powerful collective restacking engine built into the Ethereum network. Etherfi's future prospects look promising as the project continues to gain momentum and attract new users. The EigenLayer integration and emphasis on decentralization and autonomy set Etherfi apart from other stacking protocols. However, as with any project in the rapidly evolving crypto space, there are risks and uncertainties that need to be carefully considered. Overall, Etherfi appears to be a promising project focused on innovation and decentralization. The project's ability to raise significant TVL and the partnership with EigenLayer are positive indicators for its future prospects. There are systemic risks that all participants in the ecosystem accept. The approval of the ETH ETF will have a positive impact on the entire ether ecosystem and this project in particular, as for the chart we see a strong local level holding, on the breakdown of which I want to take a small part in the portfolio.

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
16 ساعت
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

OMNI Omni Network is a project that was launched recently and is an L1 blockchain designed to integrate the Ethereum Rollups ecosystem into a single system. The main goal of the project is to solve the fragmentation problem that occurs when using different Ethereum Rollups. Omni Network uses a "restacking" mechanism to ensure its security, so that it can utilize Ethereum's crypto-economic security. This allows Omni Network to allocate resources to secure its users and ensure efficient operations. Key features of Omni Network include: A unified operating system for decentralized applications running on Ethereum. Low latency communication between different rollups through the use of restaking technology. Improved security and performance through integration with Ethereum. Support for different rollup architectures and the ability to manage application deployments at the rollup level. Attracting significant investment and support from well-known market players including Coinbase Ventures, Pantera, Jump and Spartan Group. Roadmap The project roadmap includes several key milestones: Launching Omni EVM: Launching the Omni Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a major milestone. It serves as the global orchestration layer for application instances across multiple rollups. Omni Network Mainnet Launch: The launch of the Omni Network Mainnet is another important step. It will enable the network to unify the Ethereum ecosystem, making it easier to securely develop global applications across all layers (L2) of Ethereum. OMNI Token Launch: The Omni Network's native token, OMNI, plays an important role in the protocol. It serves as the gas for the Omni EVM, is used by Omni validator nodes, and is the currency of the Omni blockchain. Integration with Ethereum Rollups: The Omni network is designed to seamlessly integrate with the Ethereum rollup ecosystem, including optimistic rollups and ZK rollups. This integration will provide secure, low-latency communication between all Ethereum rollups. Security Improvements: The project has entered into a $600 million deal with Ether.Fi to improve the security of the Omni Network and the EigenLayer ecosystem as a whole. As part of the deal, Ether.Fi has allocated 600 million Ether (ETH) to secure the Omni Network. How it Works Omni Network utilizes a dual-path consensus mechanism that separates the consensus processes for Omni EVM and XBlock s. This approach enables fast transitions between states and block completion, providing processing efficiency and enhanced security. The integration of EVM into Omni Network provides a unified development experience, allowing developers to create global applications that are available across all rollups. EVM also supports global state management, allowing smart contracts to communicate with states across rollups and chains. To secure inter-rollup communications, Omni Network utilizes restacking, which leverages the crypto-economic security of ETH restacking. This approach provides strong security for both intra-chain transactions and inter-chain communications. Thus, Omni Network integrates all Ethereum rollovers into a single blockchain architecture, utilizes a dual-path consensus mechanism, and applies restaking to protect cross-rollover communications. This innovative approach is designed to increase the scalability of Ethereum and address the challenges posed by isolated rollup solutions. Team The Omni Network team consists of experienced professionals with backgrounds in computer science, blockchain technology and business development. Key members of the team include: Austin King is a prominent figure in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, known as the co-founder and CEO of Omni Network. He studied computer science at Harvard and has extensive experience in the crypto industry. Austin leads Omni Network and is dedicated to creating technologies that expand personal freedoms and improve global coordination. Tyler Tarsi is also a Harvard graduate and has extensive experience in the crypto industry. He leads a team of engineers with experience at companies such as NEAR, zkSync, PayPal, Meta, and Plaid. Tyler Tarsy has been working on Omni Network for several months and it was recently announced. Previously, he launched the Rift protocol, a structured DeFi product that created a liquidity marketplace and saved crypto projects millions. However, after 6 months of deep research and development, he decided to focus on Omni. Denisse Ditren is a key figure in the Omni Network. Denisse brings a wealth of experience to the project, having worked in operations, governance, risk and compliance across a variety of industries including military, traditional finance and digital assets. With more than 13 years of operations experience, Denisse has been instrumental in shaping Omni Network's operational structure. Grace Langton is a marketing and social media professional with experience in a variety of roles and companies. She has been heavily involved in the development and implementation of marketing strategies, particularly in the areas of social media management, brand development and influencer relations. Grace has worked with several well-known companies, including Bumble Inc. where she managed social media campaigns and organized events that increased audience engagement and subscriber growth. She was also involved in Bumble's rebranding and new feature rollout, increasing user engagement and promoting personalized interactions. The team also includes other members who contribute to the development and growth of the platform, such as senior frontend engineers, senior Go engineers, senior site reliability engineers, senior solidity engineers, and senior UI designers. Overall, the Omni Network team consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals from different fields who work together to build a robust and innovative blockchain platform. Ecosystem Omni Network serves as a single operating system for decentralized applications, allowing developers to build applications that can run on all Layer 2 solutions on Ethereum. It provides a programmable state layer to manage application deployment across different rollups, making it easy for developers to build scalable and secure applications. Key components of the Omni Network ecosystem include: Omni EVM: A parallel execution environment that operates under the same consensus umbrella as cross-rollup messaging. Restaked ETH : Omni Network utilizes EigenLayer restacking, a new primitive that extends Ethereum L1 crypto-economic security to external networks. Omni Driver: Enables secure communication between the Omni validator and the ETH restacker by requiring consensus participation. Natively Global Applications (NGAs): A new category of applications that dynamically propagate contracts and interfaces to any rollover, allowing them to access all Ethereum liquidity and users by default. The Omni Network ecosystem is supported by a variety of projects and tokens, including: OmniFlix Network: A decentralized content network built on top of the Omni Network. OmniBotX: A multi-chain and multi-tool bot that allows all DeFi tools to be used, with the $OMNIX token used for steebling. OmniFlix Network ecosystem: This includes creators, validators, developers and community members, as well as Telegram and Discord channels for updates and news. The ecosystem is supported by various exchanges including Binance, KuCoin, Gate.io, Bitget, and MEXC. The Omni Network ecosystem is designed to provide a secure, performant and globally interoperable architecture that will connect Ethereum's modular ecosystem and enable seamless interoperability between different blockchain networks. Tokenomics Total Supply: 100,000,000 OMNI Token Distribution: Ecosystem Development: 29.5% Team: 25.3% (subject to vesting schedule) Investors: 20.1% Community Growth: 12.7% Public Launch: 9.27% Advisors: 3.25% (subject to vesting schedule) Token Utility: Gas payments Network governance Staking Tokenomics Highlights: The OMNI token performs several critical functions in the Omni protocol.It can be used to pay for the gas required to process cross-rollup transaction requests and Omni EVM transactions. It can also be staked or delegated to Omni validators to contribute to the economic security of the network. By staking or delegating OMNI , you are rewarded and can participate in the management of the network when it goes live. Vesting Schedule: Individual contributors have a 4-year vesting period with a 1-year cliff for 1/4 of all their tokens, followed by a phased unlocking every 6 months for the remaining 3/4 tokens. All tokens allocated to core participants are subject to a 3-year unlocking schedule after the token generation event, which includes a 1-year cliff for 1/3 of their total tokens followed by a phased unlocking every 6 months for the remaining 2/3 tokens. All tokens allocated to investors are subject to a 3-year unlocking schedule, which includes a 1-year cliff for 1/3 of the total number of tokens followed by a phased unlocking every 6 months for the remaining 2/3 tokens. Audit According to the context provided, Omni Network has successfully passed an audit conducted by Cyberscope. Cyberscope's audit report states that Omni Network meets the required security standards and received a high score on Cyberscope's evaluation criteria. Github Omni Network is actively developing and improving its blockchain platform for connecting all Ethereum rolls. Developers are working on various aspects of the project to improve its functionality and security. Recently, the Omni Network team has been focusing on expanding their developer ecosystem, creating educational content, and keeping the community informed of their progress. They are also working on fixing bugs, creating new coin lists, and improving the user interface to provide a better experience for their users. The team researched the cannon arbitration process and analyzed the processing logic. They also analyzed the technical route of ora-io OPML and implemented MIPS tensor operation calculations with mlgo and preimage API with mlvm. In addition, the developers worked on updating and fixing bugs in the ONEX chain, preparing it for prime time. They also developed and published new products for the project. Overall, the Omni Network developers are working hard to improve the project and provide a more efficient and secure platform for their users. Blockchain From a blockchain perspective, most of the tokens of investment funds and teams are blockchain-backed, as evidenced by the fact that almost 90% of the entire issuance is on a single wallet of the project owners. This undoubtedly makes it very easy to manipulate the price of the asset. I would like to note that investors entered the project at the price of 0.18$ per one coin. We should expect rapid growth by the beginning of unlocking tokens for investors, which is planned for April 2025. The address of the owners of the project, with which you can track transactions to the addresses of investors: 0xaC0059540609d0b15A38AD3056b33eF6B32eA56d Conclusion To summarize, there is a good tokenomics of the project, which makes it clear how the asset will be manipulated, and a strong development team that is developing the project with a clear vision and a promising future for the project. This is reflected in Omni Network's roadmap, which aims to be closely compatible with Ethereum and improve scalability. Active support from investors is also a major driver for the project, which could eventually become one of the leading scaling Ethereum networks and not to forget the OMNI token, which will play a crucial role in the functionality and governance of the Omni Network, incentivizing user participation, securing the network and determining its future development. I will be looking at the formation of a bottom on the chart to enter it. Best regards EXCAVO

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
1 روز
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

REZ Renzo (REZ) is a project aimed at simplifying and improving the user experience in the EigenLayer ecosystem. As an interface to EigenLayer, Renzo secures actively verified services (AVS), offering more attractive returns than traditional Ethereum staking. By abstracting away the underlying complexities, Renzo enables seamless collaboration between users and operators of EigenLayer nodes. The Renzo protocol is governed by the REZ token, which is backed by the Liquid Restaking Token ezETH. This governance structure allows the community to be involved in the decision-making processes that determine the future of the Renzo ecosystem. How it works For every LST or ETH deposited on Renzo, it mints an equivalent amount of $ezETH. Renzo is designed to be the primary inbound / outbound for Ethereum restacking, utilizing a combination of smart contracts and operator nodes to provide the best risk / reward redistribution strategy. Roadmap Here are some key highlights from the roadmap updates from April 30, 2024: Renzo is introducing new utilities for the REZ token, giving users more ways to maximize their rewards. The Renzo team is working on a withdrawal option for ezETH, which is expected to be available soon. A second season of the REZ rewards program will be launched, providing token holders with additional ways to earn rewards. The Renzo team is focused on building the #1 restacking protocol and has announced plans to introduce new features and services to improve the user experience. The Renzo community will have the opportunity to participate in monthly community meetings where they can discuss Renzo roadmap updates, ongoing audits and withdrawals. Renzo is offering REZ rate increases for holders and first season airdrop participants, providing additional incentives for token holders. The Renzo team is working to improve the product and focus on Renzo's competitive advantage in the liquid restocking market. Renzo plans to hold regular community meetings to interact with the community and provide updates on the progress of the project. These updates indicate that Renzo is actively working to improve its platform, introduce new features and engage with the community to drive adoption of its liquid restacking protocol. Team The Renzo team consists of experienced professionals who are dedicated to building a reliable and user-friendly platform. Lucas Kozinski, James Poole and Kratik Lodha are the co-founders of Renzo. Lucas Kozinski is a computer science graduate specializing in distributed systems and blockchain technology. He has previously worked on developing decentralized applications and has extensive experience with security protocols. James Poole is an experienced entrepreneur and blockchain enthusiast. He has been involved in several blockchain projects and has a deep understanding of the technology and its potential applications. Kratik Lodha is a software engineer with experience in smart contracts and blockchain architecture. He has worked on various blockchain projects and has a strong interest in decentralized finance (DeFi). All of these individuals bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the project, ensuring that Renzo is well positioned to achieve its goals and deliver value to its users. In addition, the Renzo community actively engages with the team and provides valuable feedback. The team holds regular community meetings to update the community on the progress of the project and answer any questions. Overall, the Renzo team is committed to building a strong and transparent project that benefits its users and contributes to the growth of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Tokenomics REZ will play an important role in the Renzo ecosystem. REZ will be used for governance purposes, allowing token holders to vote on proposals and initiatives related to the Renzo protocol. Renzo has allocated 32% of the total REZ to the community, of which 7% will be distributed to Season 1 participants and 5% to Season 2 participants. This allocation is based on users' accumulated ezPoints, which are earned for participating in the Renzo ecosystem. The Renzo protocol is focused on the long-term growth of the protocol and its community. To align long-term incentives with the Renzo community, a vesting schedule will be applied to the largest airdrop recipients. If a qualified user decides to leave the ezETH ecosystem early, their unspent rewards can be distributed to other loyal users to increase the proportion of loyal airdrop users who continue to participate. The Renzo Labs team and advisors who worked on the protocol to bring ezETH to market will receive 20% of the REZ. This allocation is subject to a 1-year cliff vesting followed by 1-year linear monthly vesting. The Renzo Foundation will receive 12.44% of the REZ, which will be used to fund initiatives that expand the scope of $ezETH, such as further development, risk assessment and auditing. Renzo has also allocated 2.5% of REZ's volume to the Binance Launch Pool and 1.5% to liquidity. Audit The Renzo protocol underwent a competitive audit conducted by Code4rena, culminating in the announcement of the winners on June 3, 2024. The audit was aimed at ensuring the highest security results for the Renzo protocol. The winners of the Renzo competitive audit were the LessDupes team, receiving nearly $24,000 from the prize pool. Code4rena congratulated Renzo for its strong commitment to security. It's worth noting that Renzo is transparent about its security measures and takes steps to ensure the safety of its users' funds. The protocol has been vetted by reputable firms and has implemented robust security protocols to protect against potential vulnerabilities. Github From a developer's perspective, the Renzo protocol has a number of features that make it an interesting project to work on. The protocol abstracts away all complexity from the end user and allows for easy collaboration between users and EigenLayer node operators. This means that developers can focus on building applications on top of Renzo without worrying about the complexities underlying EigenLayer. Overall, the Renzo protocol provides an interesting opportunity for developers to build applications on top of EigenLayer. The protocol abstracts away complexity and provides easy interaction between users and node operators. However, developers should keep security issues in mind and take them into account when working on the Renzo protocol. Conclusion The Renzo protocol has attracted significant investment, including a partnership with Connext and backing from Binance Labs, Figment Capital, SevenX, IOSG and Paper Ventures, indicating a growing interest in EigenLayer restacking. Overall, Renzo is a great project that simplifies Ethereum restacking and offers higher returns than traditional staking, and will be a great Ethereum staking tool for institutional investors once Ethereum ETFs are adopted. I have not added an asset to my portfolio at this time. I am monitoring accumulation and looking to build up positions at the lower boundary of the channel or on a channel breakout. Best regards EXCAVO

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
8 ساعت
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

سناریوی حرکت بیت کوین تغییر نمی کند. من هنوز هم به همین شکل خوشبین هستم. با وجود اصلاح محلی. بسیاری از people ممکن است فکر کنند که ما در منطقه اوج قبلی قرار داریم و یک فرماسیون معکوس را تشکیل می دهیم و تا 50k اصلاح کرد - رک و پوست کنده در آن شک دارم - اگرچه این یک بازار ارز دیجیتال است و همه چیز ممکن است. سناریوی تثبیت پیش بلندمدت در محدوده 60-70 برای بازار alt خوب بود و ممکن است شاهد فصل alt باشیم. به صورت محلی، 63k منطقه ای برای من بود تا تصمیم بگیرم وارد بازار شوم و موقعیت خود را افزایش دهم. پس از آن، من منتظر خرید سریع و رسیدن به نقدینگی از بالا با به‌روزرسانی ATH هستم - این سناریویی است که در نمودار نشان داده‌ام. با احترام EXCAVO اگر می نمونه کارها ارز دیجیتال من را ببینید. link زیر نمودار را دنبال کنید 💎نظر دهید: تا 80 هزار

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
1 روز
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

BounceBit BounceBit (BB) is a project that aims to democratize access to high-value opportunities within the Bitcoin asset class. It combines the strengths of centralized funding (CeFi) and decentralized funding (DeFi) to create a unique CeDeFi system. The project's mission is to bring the benefits of transparent CeFi and DeFi to the masses by allowing Bitcoin holders to earn yield through various activities such as native validator staking, the DeFi ecosystem, and the CeFi mirroring mechanism. BounceBit is built on a two-token proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism, where each validator can accept both BBTC and BB tokens. In addition, the cryptocurrency has a Liquid Staking Token (LST) module built in, which allows you to delegate a bid to validators and receive an LST voucher in return. The total supply of BB is 2,100,000,000, of which 409,500,000 (19.50% of the total token supply) are in circulation at the time of listing. The token can be used for a variety of purposes including rate, management, gas fees, confirmation fees, and as a medium of exchange or store of value. Roadmap BounceBit's 2024 roadmap focuses on three main areas: BounceBit Portal: It acts as a user interface to interact with various cryptocurrency products, providing an easy-to-use platform to access and interact with BounceBit offerings. BounceBit Chain: Serves as the settlement and execution layer of the project, ensuring efficient and transparent transactions on the chain. It is a layer 1 Proof of Stake (PoS) secured by validators that stakes both BTC and native BounceBit token, utilizing native Bitcoin security with full EVM compatibility. BounceClub: The goal is to democratize CeDeFi development by allowing anyone to run CeDeFi products, fostering an ecosystem of innovation and growth. The roadmap also includes key development goals such as optimizing the execution layer of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to improve performance, increasing transaction chain throughput, and improving the communication layers to enable seamless integration of various functionalities. BounceBit's vision is to bring the benefits of transparent CeFi and DeFi to the masses, allowing bitcoin holders to earn yield through various activities such as native validator stacking, DeFi ecosystem and CeFi mirroring mechanism. Team BounceBit is led by a team with experience in decentralized finance, traditional finance and Tier 1 blockchain technology. The team prioritizes security and transparency using regulated storage and multi-party computing (MPC). They aim to bring the benefits of transparent CeFi and DeFi to the masses, allowing bitcoin holders to earn yield through various activities such as native validator staking, the DeFi ecosystem, and the CeFi mirroring mechanism. The team consists of individuals with expertise in blockchain technology, product development and finance. While the specific roles and experience of the team members are not disclosed in the information provided, it is clear that they have a variety of skills and experience that contribute to the development and success of the BounceBit project. Audit BounceBit has passed a security audit conducted by Cyberscope, a leading cryptocurrency company. The audit report covers various aspects of BounceBit's security, including smart contract audits, security ratings, KYC verification, blockchain monitoring, and more. According to the audit report, BounceBit has passed 8 out of 10 security audits, with 2 of them requiring attention. The project is in the top 10% in terms of security rating, scoring 97 out of 100. The audit report also notes the project's market capitalization, trading volume, and price performance, indicating a strong and stable presence in the market. Overall, the audit report shows that BounceBit has taken significant steps to ensure the security and transparency of its operations, which is critical to maintaining the trust of users and investors. Tokenomics BounceBit's tokenomics are designed to scale with its inherent ecosystem and facilitate a balanced distribution of tokens. The total number of BB tokens is capped at 2,100,000,000,000 (two billion and one hundred million coins). This number coincides with Bitcoin's total supply of 21 million. The BB token serves several purposes on the BounceBit platform: 1. BB is the face value of the gas fees required to conduct transactions and fulfill smart contracts. 2. BB can be used as a liquid and universal currency on the BounceBit platform. The token unlocking schedule is as follows: Testnet & TVL Incentive: 4% of the total supply, fully unlocked at the Token Generation Event (TGE). Investors: 21% of the total supply, with a 12-month lock-in period followed by monthly unlocks of 5%. Team: 10% of the total offer, with a 12-month lock-in period and a monthly unlock of 2.5%. Advisors: 5% of the total offer, with a 12-month lock-in period and a monthly unlock of 2.5%. Binance Megadrop: 8% of the total offer, fully unlocked on TGE. Market Making: 3% of the total offer, fully unlocked on TGE. BounceClub & Ecosystem Reserve: 14% of total offer, 4.5% unlocked on TGE, followed by a 12-month lock-in period, then a 6-month unlock period with 6.5% monthly unlocks, followed by 2.5% monthly unlocks. Staking Reward & Delegation Program: 35% of total supply unlocked over 10 years. The BB coin acts as a complement to Bitcoin, being deeply woven into the Bitcoin ecosystem. It is designed to empower Bitcoin DeFi by providing Bitcoin holders with a secure and versatile platform to participate in restacking and profiting across multiple networks. GitHub BounceBit has a GitHub repository where developers can submit their decentralized applications (DApps) for review and potential placement in the BounceBit App Store. The repository contains documentation and deployment guides for launching a full-fledged node and becoming a validator on the BounceBit network. To submit a DApp for listing, developers need to create a request to create an app in the GitHub repository, providing details such as app name, description, icon, link, and smart contract source code. The BounceBit team will review the request and if approved, the DApp will be listed on the BounceBit app store. The GitHub repository also contains files related to BounceBit Testnet, such as the genesis file and configuration files for starting a node. Developers can download these files to help quickly configure BounceBit Testnet settings. Overall, the BounceBit GitHub repository serves as a platform for developers to interact with the BounceBit ecosystem, submit their DApps for review, and access resources to launch a node or gain validator status. Ecosystem The BounceBit ecosystem includes several key components: The BounceBit blockchain: It is a Proof of Stake (PoS) Layer 1 secured validator that stakes both BTC and native BounceBit token using native Bitcoin security with full EVM compatibility. BounceBit Portal: Acts as a user interface to interact with various cryptocurrency products, providing users with an easy-to-use platform to access and interact with BounceBit offerings. BounceClub: Aims to democratize CeDeFi development by allowing anyone to launch CeDeFi products, fostering an ecosystem of innovation and growth. CeFi + DeFi Framework: BounceBit brings CeFi and DeFi together to increase total blockchain value (TVL) and unlock diverse revenue opportunities through a unique mirror mechanism on the blockchain. BTC restacking infrastructure: At its core, BounceBit creates a restacking infrastructure that serves as the foundation for various restacking products. Two-Token Staking System: BounceBit's PoS Layer 1 blockchain is backed by validators that place bets on both BTC and BounceBit's native token. This allows BTC holders to earn yield through their own validator staking, participation in the DeFi ecosystem, and CeFi's mirroring mechanism. Protected Ecosystem Infrastructure: The critical infrastructure of the BounceBit ecosystem, including bridges and oracles, is protected by restyled BTC. Earnings on multiple networks: Through its unique CeFi + DeFi system, BounceBit allows BTC holders to earn income on multiple networks, opening up new opportunities to utilize bitcoin in the broader blockchain ecosystem. Overall, the BounceBit ecosystem is designed to enhance the Bitcoin DeFi landscape by providing a secure and versatile platform for Bitcoin holders to restake and earn revenue across multiple networks. Conclusion BounceBit has a promising future with its innovative approach to combining centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi) to create a unique CeDeFi system. The project has attracted significant investment, with a $6 million seed funding round led by Breyer Capital and Blockchain Capital. These funds will be used to build the BTC Restaking infrastructure, which is a key component of BounceBit's strategy to democratize access to high-value opportunities in the Bitcoin asset class. In addition, BounceBit has a solid foundation and a clear roadmap for future development, making it a project worth keeping an eye on in the cryptocurrency space. It should be noted that the upcoming token unlocking event with investors and the team may lead to an increase in the BB token price. In my portfolio, BB is priced at $0.364 and is targeting a price of $1.20, aiming for a market capitalization of 1 billion. This project has several green flags, including the first Mega Drop on Binance, setting a precedent for future successful launches. BB also boasts excellent fundamentals, small market capital, a focus centered on Bitcoin infrastructure following the emergence of the Bitcoin ETF, a structured listing, and active development. All these factors convinced me to invest in this project. BB Panic sellers. It's the first Binance MegaDrop project and it will not fail. #BB = 1 USDT Best regards EXCAVO

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
6 ساعت
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

Maple Finance (MPL) Maple Finance is an innovative project focused on decentralized finance (DeFi) and institutional lending. It provides a platform for collateral-free lending, which is a unique approach compared to many other DeFi projects that require excessive collateral. Maple Finance works by connecting institutional borrowers with lenders in a transparent and efficient way. The project relies on the MPL token, which serves as the platform's own governance and utility token. MPL token holders are entitled to participate in the decentralized project management process, earn interest fees and use MPL to provide Pool Cover by purchasing a BPT token. In this way, they can pledge their MPL to xMPL and receive a portion of the revenue generated by the Maple protocol, as well as other features such as voting on governance issues and providing one-way Pool Cover in the future. How Maple Finance works The lending process on the platform is handled by pool delegates, who are responsible for managing lending pools. These delegates must place Maple Finance's own token, MPL, in their lending pools. They also play an important role in determining the terms of lending and the magnitude of returns. Lenders on the platform can generate sustainable returns by lending to institutional borrowers with a high degree of verification. They can also participate in Maple's governance, share in network fees accruing to Maple DAO coffers, and help insure Maple's decentralized loan pools through rates. Borrowers on Maple Finance can create a profile and submit their preferred lending terms and request for quote (RFQ) on the platform. Once terms are agreed upon by both parties, a loan contract is triggered, allowing the pool delegate to find funds from compatible lenders. Regarding the financial aspects of the loan, borrowers pay a founding fee, which is split between the pool delegate (33%) and Maple DAO (67%). The interest paid by the borrowers is also divided: 10% goes to the pool delegate and the rest goes to the coverage providers and pool lenders. Roadmap Maple Finance's 2024 roadmap aims to expand its presence in the Asia Pacific (APAC) and Latin America (LATAM) regions, where there is strong demand for institutional and chain-compliant credit and loans. The platform aims to become a vibrant and diverse debt capital marketplace by connecting institutions around the world with lending opportunities and building its credit infrastructure to be widely used by banks and traditional lenders. To support its eastward expansion, Maple Finance recently closed a strategic funding round led by Blocktower Capital and Tioga Capital. The funding will be used to implement a strategic growth roadmap. Team The team at Maple Finance, a blockchain-based credit marketplace, consists of seasoned professionals with backgrounds in traditional finance and fintech. The company's co-founders, Joe Flanagan and Sidney Powell, have extensive experience in financial management consulting. The team consists of approximately 40 people who work in various departments including marketing, capital markets, engineering and operations. Audit Maple Finance has undergone several audits to ensure the security and integrity of its platform. The platform has been audited by well-known blockchain security companies, including Trail of Bits and Code 4rena. Tokenization By leveraging the benefits of blockchain such as immutability and decentralization, Maple Finance has created a transparent and secure platform for borrowers and lenders to interact. This has fostered trust among users, attracting more participants to the decentralized financial sector. In addition to impacting the lending market, Maple Finance is also contributing to the development of a broader decentralized financial ecosystem by integrating with other DeFi platforms and protocols. For example, Maple Finance was launched on Base, a layer 2 blockchain incubated by Coinbase, to expand access to capital market opportunities and connect traditional institutional debt capital markets with financial markets on the blockchain. This integration further accelerated the adoption of decentralized finance and fostered a more open and inclusive financial system. Overall, Maple Finance's role in the tokenization of RWAs and the RWA sector is multifaceted. It offers innovative solutions to traditional lending methods, promotes transparency and security through blockchain technology, and integrates with other DeFi platforms to expand access to capital market opportunities. As Maple Finance continues to develop and refine its platform, it is poised to play a key role in shaping the future of the decentralized finance sector. Stablecoins have quickly gained popularity in the cryptocurrency industry due to their integration with the market. They have revolutionized the proliferation of a trusted reserve currency, helping DeFi expand into the billion-dollar sector. They also provide a quick way to make transactions for a fee. Tokenized bills have become widespread after interest rates rose. Some offer revenue-generating tokens, while others involve special purpose vehicles (SPVs). There are currently more than 750 million tokenized T bills in circulation, with 400 million on the Ethereum blockchain alone. While promissory notes have played an important role in the development of real-world assets (RWAs), other forms of debt and derivatives are expected to undergo tokenization in the future. AQRU and Intero Capital Solutions have teamed up to create a Receivables Financing pool consisting of portfolios of U.S. Treasury tax credits. These credits are protected from the ups and downs of the cryptocurrency market because they are backed by the tax refunds themselves. Investors have the opportunity to earn approximately 15.9% returns on these investments, which is considered a lower risk option. The approach involves investing in short-term receivables that must be repaid by the U.S. Treasury, which increases the liquidity of the pools. Maple's cash management service allows decentralized organizations (DAOs), corporate treasuries and cryptocurrency companies to invest in a combination of Treasury bills and repurchase agreements to earn a net annual percentage yield (APY) of 0.5%. Room40 Capital, which operates as a cryptocurrency institutional hedge fund, has created an independent special purpose vehicle (SPV) that acts as the exclusive borrower for the investment pool. The team behind the fund has extensive operational and trading experience in the US Treasury market. The investment pool is open to deposits from accredited investors in USDC. Interest on these deposits accrues automatically and there is no minimum deposit amount or holding period required. This pool represents approximately 20% of Maple Finance's total loan portfolio. Blockchain Initially, it is worth looking at Token Allocation to understand the price manipulation model. From the allocation, it becomes clear that most of the coins will be held by Maple themselves and investors, which definitely simplifies the pricing manipulation model. Consider the investors: Most major wallets received MPLs between December 2023 and February 2024. You can see for yourself by examining the addresses: 0xe138dA5b2BE076907d6C8D375E6a354F22e0a640 0x1aA9cDBF34401c2558911ee154979fE1de28ebDD 0x0E49EC7D1c4E9c5A9edD690F07920330F2FFc33F In addition, MPL outflows from exchanges have increased over the past year. That's a pretty bullish signal! ParaFi Capital, a large investment fund, has joined the fray for Maple. This could be tracked when one wallet transferred 200k MPL to the same wallet that ParaFi Capital used a year ago. The total amount managed by ParaFi Capital is around 620k MPL. The largest wallets are the developers themselves, the Gate exchange and investors who continue to receive their coins after unlocking. The asset also shows activity of Flow Traders, which are not investors of the project. This indicates the possibility of price manipulation by this company in order to “pump up” the asset. Conclusion Maple Finance has made significant strides, including more than $2 billion in lending transactions, and is on course to expand in Asia, especially in Hong Kong and Singapore, where the regulatory environment for digital assets is evolving. The platform has also introduced new features and modernized its token model in an effort to increase its utility and sustainability. Despite challenges such as the collapse of cryptocurrency lending platforms and the effects of the downturn in the cryptocurrency market, Maple Finance has demonstrated resilience and adaptability. It has successfully launched innovative features such as syndicated loans and plans to expand into real-world trade finance, demonstrating its commitment to growth and innovation in the DeFi space. Overall, Maple Finance is an ambitious project that aims to change the digital financial landscape by offering innovative lending solutions, utilizing blockchain technology and contributing to a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem. Active project, a good entry point for me would be near or below the yellow box Best regards EXCAVO

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
1 روز
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

Stellar (XLM) Stellar is an open-source, peer-to-peer virtual currency network that first appeared in 2015 The network was founded by current chief architect Jed McCaleb, current chief scientist David Mazier, and former lawyer Joyce Kim, who has since left Stellar The network aims to make moving money across borders faster and easier, especially for those without access to traditional banking services. The Stellar blockchain is a distributed ledger used to transfer digital currencies. The primary token of the Stellar blockchain is XLM. The Stellar blockchain uses the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), which is different from the proof-of-work mechanism used in Bitcoin. SCP allows for fast and inexpensive transactions and does not require mining, making it more energy efficient Stellar transactions are confirmed within 5 seconds Transaction costs are extremely low: the average transaction cost is a fraction of a US penny. The Stellar Development Fund was created to support the development and growth of the Stellar network. The goal of the fund is to promote global financial access, literacy, and inclusion. Stellar has a unique feature, Anchors, which are organizations that can hold deposits and make loans. This allows for a network of inputs and outputs for conversion between digital and traditional currencies Stellar is involved in various partnerships and projects to expand financial inclusion and improve cross-border payments For example, in January 2021, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine announced its cooperation and collaboration with Stellar in the development of Ukraine's digital infrastructure. Roadmap The Stellar Development Foundation has published a strategic roadmap for 2023, focusing on three blocks to support and grow the Stellar network, ecosystem, and community: Block 1: Utility is an indicator of growth - this principle aims to attract more developers to the network by providing utility. By focusing on the dysfunctional elements of the current system, Stellar aims to highlight and address them through the network. This includes bringing top-notch assets. Into the network, expanding access through global ramps, and honing in on use cases. Block 2: Stellar - the network of choice - this block aims to make Stellar the standard for everyday financial services. The goal is to show that Stellar is a network that will not only survive but will set the standard in the industry. Block 3: Stellar for Developers - This block aims to support the growth of the Stellar ecosystem by providing a clear path for builders to develop solutions. Stellar aims to make it easier for developers to get online and support them in building real-world solutions. The roadmap also outlines a focus on expanding payments and remittances, leveraging the movement of digital value to provide financial services such as savings, loans, credit, and other transactions in a more accessible way. Stellar's goal is to make it easier for people to access financial services without creating the difficulties and challenges they face today. Team The Stellar team is highly regarded in the cryptocurrency space. They have a wealth of experience and expertise, and key figures such as Jed McCaleb, co-founder of Ripple, and Joyce Kim have been instrumental in the development and growth of Stellar. The team consists of more than 80 experts from various leading gaming fields, which is a testament to the diversity and high caliber of the employees. In addition, the team includes veterans from industry giants such as Binance, ConsenSys, Google, and Microsoft, further enhancing their credibility and expertise in the cryptocurrency space. Stellar has also partnered with major financial institutions and governments, such as the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, to create an ecosystem of virtual assets and a national digital currency This is a testament to their extensive experience and strong reputation in the industry. Audit Stellar has been listed on the Cyberscope platform, which gives Stellar's due diligence score of 88%, indicating a very low-risk level. The security score is 71%, indicating a moderate level of security. Stellar's audit history is not provided in the search. results, but it is noted that Stellar has not been audited by CertiK Additionally, the Stellar Development Fund (SDF) announced the launch of an audited bank that will distribute up to $1 million in security audit credits in coordination with six top-tier audit firms This initiative aims to support the growth and security of the Stellar ecosystem by providing financial assistance for security audits of projects being built on the network. GitHub The project repository seems to be quite active. There were 1860 commits in April! This indicates a significant level of activity in the development and maintenance of the project. The project has an active community of developers contributing to various repositories. These include the core protocol, smart contracts, and multiple tools and resources for developers. The project has released new features and tools such as the Starlight wallet, which allows for private, instant and secure transactions This is a testament to the constant innovation and development of the project. Ecosystem The Stellar ecosystem has grown significantly, with many applications and projects coming online. These include: StellarX: An easy-to-use peer-to-peer trading platform for trading assets on the Stellar network. Stellarport: A web-based interface to access the Stellar network, allowing users to trade assets, send payments, and create tokens. Lobster: A mobile and web wallet for managing Stellar accounts and assets. StellarTerm: An open-source client for the Stellar network that allows users to access a decentralized exchange and manage their accounts. Stellar Lumens: The native digital currency of the Stellar network, used as an intermediate currency to facilitate transactions between different assets. According to the latest data, the total value of assets locked in the Stellar ecosystem is $9.84 million. The high TVL indicates that a significant number of investors uses the protocol and that it has a high level of liquidity TVL in the Stellar ecosystem is a testament to the growing interest and confidence in DeFi's capabilities on the network As the Stellar ecosystem continues to expand, TVL can be expected to continue to grow, reflecting the growing popularity and utility of the network. Stellar has also made significant strides in smart contracts in recent years with the introduction of Soroban Soroban is a smart contracts platform on Stellar that allows developers to create, deploy and interact with decentralized applications (dapps) on the network The Stellar Development Fund has committed $100 million to the Soroban Adoption Fund to incentivize the development of projects that leverage the network's smart contract capabilities According to the latest data, 466 projects are active on the Stellar network, demonstrating the versatility of the platform and its potential to revolutionize the way financial transactions are conducted. Tokenization Tokenization is the process of representing real world assets (RWAs) or financial products as digital assets on the blockchain It is a key feature of the Stellar blockchain network, allowing any developer or enterprise to issue assets on the platform The Stellar blockchain is designed to support the tokenization of assets, including fiat currencies and securities, in a secure and simple way This enables the creation of digital representations of real-world backed assets, which can then be moved around the world around the clock, quickly and at low cost Below are RWA's market capitalization statistics across various networks. The process of tokenizing an asset on the Stellar network involves four main steps: 1 Creation of the issuing account: The first step is to create an account on the Stellar network that will be used to issue the asset. 2 Creating a distribution account: Next, a separate account is created to hold the issued asset. 3 Add a trust line for the asset to the distribution account: The trust line is a record of the asset and the maximum amount of that asset that the account is willing to hold This step ensures that the distribution account can receive and store the newly issued asset. 4 Transferring the asset from the issuing account to the distribution account: The last step is to transfer the asset from the issuing account to the distribution account. Stellar's built-in software features allow for asset control, which means issuers can limit the use of an asset and who can own it by setting various configuration flags This provides a high level of flexibility and control for asset issuers. Tokenizing assets on the Stellar network provides several benefits: Reduced record keeping: Issuers can reduce the number of internal sources for record keeping by using the blockchain as the primary source of truth for non-PII data. Increased market access: Issuers can expand their markets by offering their assets to the ins and outs and wallets built on the Stellar network. Instant settlement: The Stellar network provides instant settlement 24/7, reducing the cost of processing financial transactions. Interchangeability: Assets created on the Stellar network are interoperable with the rest of the digital asset ecosystem. Low cost: The Stellar blockchain is known for its low transaction costs, making it an attractive choice for asset tokenization. Tokenization on the Stellar network thus enables the creation of digital representations of real-world assets, providing a secure, efficient and cost-effective way to transfer and manage assets on the blockchain. Bridges One of the most notable bridges is Allbridge, which provides interoperability between Stellar and several other leading blockchains, including Ethereum, Solana, Polygon and Celo This bridge allows users to transfer assets between these networks, utilizing the unique features of each blockchain and enjoying the fast and inexpensive transactions that Stellar is known for Allbridge's integration with Stellar was made possible through a partnership with Ultra Stellar, a key player in the Stellar ecosystem An example of how Allbridge works: Another significant development in Stellar interoperability was the introduction of Spacewalk, a trust-minimized bridge between Stellar and the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystems Spacewalk enables the transfer of stable tokens from the Stellar network to the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystems, opening up new opportunities for users to access a wide range of DeFi services The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) also launched the Stellar Bridge Bounty Program, which supports the development of cross-chain solutions on the Stellar network This program has led to the creation of innovative bridge solutions such as Starbridge, which aims to create a robust integration between Stellar and Ethereum. These bridging and interoperability solutions are critical to the growth and proliferation of the Stellar network, as they enable users to access a wider range of assets and services while taking advantage of Stellar's fast and low-cost transactions As the Stellar ecosystem expands, we can expect to see further developments in bridging and interoperability, further increasing the utility and reach of the network The need for bridges in the race to tokenize real world assets underscores the importance of seamless integration and interoperability in the financial ecosystem By enabling asset transfer between different blockchain networks, bridges play a critical role in facilitating tokenization of real-world assets, which is expected to unlock significant value and create new opportunities for investors and businesses alike As the demand for tokenized assets continues to grow, the design and implementation of bridges will play an important role in meeting this demand and enabling efficient and secure asset transfers between different blockchain networks. Conclusion Stellar is a truly outstanding project with a vibrant ecosystem with a significant number of projects and a wide range of opportunities Fast and inexpensive transactions, energy efficiency, and a focus on financial inclusion make it attractive to both developers and users Support for tokenization of real assets further extends the network's capabilities by enabling digital representations of a wide range of financial instruments The development of bridges and interoperability solutions on the Stellar network demonstrates its commitment to creating a more interconnected and accessible financial ecosystem These bridges enable seamless integration with other blockchain networks, extending the reach and utility of the Stellar network and making it an ideal platform for cross-border payments and tokenization of real-world assets. All of the above factors point to the significant development of the Stellar project, as well as the price of XLM The growing interest in the network and its adoption, as evidenced by the increasing number of TVLs and the development of bridging, interoperability solutions, suggest a large growth of XLM While it is difficult to predict specific news or events that will trigger the price to rise and get out of accumulation, I have already started accumulating XLM in my portfolio You can familiarize yourself with it at the link below the chart. Best regards EXCAVOComment: 0,984

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
3 روز
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

SocialFi Research Social In recent years, social projects aimed at utilizing blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to create positive social impact have been gaining momentum in the crypto space. One notable trend is the emergence of social tokens, which encourage individuals to work on collaborative projects within a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). These digital currencies can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies or used to access exclusive content, voting rights, or other privileges within the community associated with the token. Another aspect of cryptocurrency social projects is the development of decentralized social media platforms. These platforms utilize blockchain technology to provide increased privacy, protection from censorship, and the ability for users to receive and send cryptocurrency directly through the platform. Examples include DeSo, a Tier 1 blockchain designed to decentralize social media, and Farcaster, which combines Web 2.0 strategies with blockchain capabilities to create a decentralized ecosystem controlled by users. History and evolution of SocialFi SocialFi - the merging of social media and decentralized finance (DeFi) within the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem - has evolved since its inception in the early 2010s. The term SocialFi represents a transformational shift in the social media landscape, merging the principles of decentralized finance with social media, allowing users to interact with each other on a social media platform where the interaction is monetized. The concept gained significant traction with the advent of Ethereum in 2015, which introduced smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) that laid the foundation for SocialFi platforms. However, it wasn't until the advent of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in 2020 that SocialFi began to truly gain momentum. NFTs provided a new way to represent unique digital assets, including content and social interactions, which further fueled the growth of SocialFi platforms. One of the most notable SocialFi platforms, FriendTech, emerged in 2023, pioneering SocialFi narratives and allowing users to trade keys such as social status and social proof. This platform inspired over 20 others, each of which was a development of originality, demonstrating rapid evolution and experimentation in the SocialFi space. In 2024, SocialFi platforms continue to evolve, combining social activity with financial incentives and decentralized management. These platforms aim to disrupt the social media industry by adhering to the Web3 ethos, the essence of which is that they are decentralized social applications. They empower users to control their content and directly monetize it, solving key design problems present in traditional social media platforms. SocialFi's journey from its early days in the early 2010s to its current state as a mature SocialFi platform has been driven by Ethereum and NFT. It turned online social interactions into economic transactions, providing content creators and active users with a new way to earn tokens for their contributions. Despite challenges such as scalability, compliance, privacy and security, SocialFi represents an exciting evolution in how we perceive and participate in online social interactions. SocialFi Market Today: The SocialFi market today is going through a transformational phase characterized by significant growth and innovation in the field. Comparison of the total number of unique active wallets interacting with smart contracts across sectors ($12.52 million): According to recent reports, the SocialFi market size is around $4.5 billion. One of the most prominent platforms in this space is FriendTech, which played a key role in popularizing the concept of funding a user's social activity by attaching a tradable token ("key") to the user. The number of unique FriendTech users to date: The launch of FriendTech V2 and other platforms such as FantasyTop has pushed the sector into a new era focused on decentralized social apps that seek to disrupt the social networking industry. However, the market is also becoming more competitive, with lower rewards and a more challenging user experience. This has led to a greater emphasis on research and due diligence before participating in SocialFi projects. The year 2024 has already solidified itself as the year of SocialFi. Lens and Farcaster have surpassed 350,000 registered users and the growth in daily active users continues. SocialFi's innovations can be divided into two main categories: - Social Primitive Substrate - Farcaster provides a basic toolkit for identity, posting, wallet relationships, and common app integration patterns using frames and actions. This breaks the prevailing technology stack associated with social apps and allows anyone to build interconnected apps based on the same basic toolkit and social network, leading to greater efficiency and experimentation. - Funding - Friend.Tech and FantasyTop attach a tradable component, such as an NFT or token, to familiar social actions and existing profiles. In this way, other users can speculate on the creator's future activity or attention. In turn, creators receive a portion of the speculative trading activity, allowing them to generate a new form of revenue not available on traditional social platforms. Promising projects Attention! Make your own DYOR! If you want to see my portfolio see the description below the chart. Mask Network Mask Network is a pioneering project in the SocialFi space that aims to bring the benefits of Web3 to existing Web2 social media platforms. Founded in 2018, Mask Network is at the forefront of creating a decentralized social conglomerate that moves users from Web2 to Web3, bridging the gap between traditional social media networks and decentralized financial (DeFi) applications. One of the key features of Mask Network is its ability to enable encrypted messaging and cryptocurrency transactions directly on popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. This is accomplished through browser extensions and third-party applications, allowing users to interact with each other on a social media platform where the interaction itself is monetized. The Mask Network also supports the creation and trading of non-functional tokens (NFTs) on social media platforms, giving content creators and active users a new way to earn tokens for their contributions. This is made possible through the use of smart contracts that automatically execute transactions and enforce agreements when predefined conditions are met. Note the presence of large funds as well as the activity of market makers such as DWF Labs, GSR and Wintermute! Be prepared for the asset to be pumped up soon. Overall, Mask Network is a key player in the SocialFi space, leveraging its technical expertise and strategic partnerships to drive adoption of DeFi's decentralized social networks and applications. The project's vision of a decentralized social conglomerate that empowers users and content creators is set to disrupt the social media industry by providing a fairer, more transparent and user-centric digital social media landscape. Cyber Connect Cyber Connect is a pioneering SocialFi project designed to revolutionize social media by giving users and content creators direct ownership and control over digital identity, content and interaction. The project is built on a decentralized social networking protocol that allows developers to create decentralized social applications (dApps) that empower users with sovereignty and interaction. At the core of Cyber Connect is the CYBER token, a utility and management token that supports various aspects of the platform. These include the purchase of CyberProfiles with premium usernames that allow users to create their digital identities in a unique and personalized way. In addition, the upcoming CyberWallet smart contract wallet provides a seamless entry into the Web3 world, and CYBER tokens serve as a means to pay for gas on various EVM-enabled networks. Cyber Connect is positioning itself as a leader in decentralized social (DeSoc), challenging the status quo and putting the reins directly in the hands of creators and their communities. The platform introduces innovative features such as CyberAccount, CyberGraph and Cyber L2, enabling seamless collaboration and empowering developers to create a variety of applications across the ecosystem. With a growing user base of 327,000 monthly active users and over 7.3 million transactions conducted, Cyber Connect has demonstrated its appeal and potential to change the social media landscape. The project has a total stock of 100,000,000 CYBER tokens thoughtfully distributed across different segments and has secured the Cyber L2 network. From a blockchain perspective, the picture is as follows: Overall, Cyber Connect represents a significant step forward in the evolution of social media, offering a dynamic, inclusive and open alternative to traditional social media platforms. Its innovative features and inherent CYBER token empower creators, developers, and users, fostering a self-confident, interoperable, and scalable ecosystem. Galxe The GAL project is a cryptocurrency that is part of the Web3 ecosystem. It was launched in April 2022 on the Binance Launchpool platform and offers users the opportunity to participate in building the best products and communities in Web3. GAL is used as a token to manage and reward participants who contribute to the ecosystem. GAL also offers various features for users, including the ability to create NFT-badge campaigns, integrate their online and offline achievements, and use GAL as a means to pay for using tools in the ecosystem. The GAL project aims to become the leading Web3 infrastructure and digital reputation data network that will help Web3 users and developers use NFT and digital reputation data to build better products and communities. One of the main goals of the GAL project is to empower users to control and manage their digital reputations. ZTX The ZTX project is a revolutionary crypto project that aims to eliminate transaction fees in the cryptocurrency space. By eliminating these fees, ZTX offers a solution to one of the biggest problems for users and businesses in the cryptocurrency space. ZTX is built on a decentralized blockchain and is committed to maintaining the highest level of security and privacy for its users. Apart from its main goal of eliminating transaction fees, ZTX is also expanding its ecosystem through various initiatives. One such initiative is the creation of Web3 Stickerly, a global UGC platform for memes and stickers with over 400 million regular users. ZTX plans to bring Stickerly into the Web3 space, allowing for content synergies between ZTX and Web3 Stickerly. This expansion is expected to bring even more value to ZTX owners and the community. The ZTX team is developing a Web3 version of Stickerly for the near future, and select ZTX token holders and ZTX Genesis Homeowners may be eligible to participate in the airdrop of Web3 Stickerly tokens if their wallets meet the airdrop criteria. The move underscores ZTX's commitment to adding value to existing ZTX holders and ZTX Genesis Home owners. The ZTX project is backed by significant investment and has attracted the attention of both enthusiasts and investors in the cryptocurrency space. With a focus on fast and hassle-free transactions, robust security, and partnerships that enhance the utility of the project, ZTX is gaining momentum as a promising project for both regular users and businesses. Conclusion The SocialFi sector is experiencing significant growth and development, with a combined market capitalization of over $4.5 billion as of early May 2024 and a 24-hour trading volume of over $300 million. This growth is driven by developments in blockchain infrastructure, such as improved scaling solutions and decentralized governance models that make these platforms more accessible and efficient. SocialFi platforms are changing the social media landscape by allowing users to take back control of their data and directly monetize their content. This approach is seen as a fairer and more transparent way of managing social media, where users can influence the direction of the platform. The emergence of new segments and niches in the SocialFi market indicates a marked increase in interest from various stakeholders. The future of the SocialFi sector looks promising, with significant growth and development expected in the coming years. The sector will continue to change the landscape of social media and finance, offering new opportunities for creators, users, and investors alike. The SocialFi trend will come sooner rather than later. Today there are many projects with good prices that are worth paying attention to and adding to your portfolio, because during the SocialFi hype the entry point will already be missed. If you want to see my portfolio online - follow the link in the description! Best regards EXCAVO

ترجمه شده از: English
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نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
1 روز
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

ENA (Ethena) - New LUNA? 🟢 What is Ethena (ENA)? Ethena is building a derivative infrastructure to allow Ethereum to transform into a global internet bond via delta-neutral positions on stETH, creating the first cryptographic revenue-generating stable coin: USDE. Website www.ethena.fi/ Fundraising cryptorank.io/ru/ico/ethena Westnig(unlocks) cryptorank.io/ru/price/ethena/vesting Athena allows users to deposit USD, Ethereum, or Liquid Staking tokens as collateral to create USDe. Stability is provided through a delta-neutral hedging process across centralized and decentralized exchanges. Collateral is distributed to protect custodial wallets in the network, and the corresponding short position is used for delta-neutral collateralization. USDe is the first decentralized, scalable, and stable asset with returns derived from Ethereum's economic activity and futures markets. Tokenomics Maximum Supply ENA 15,000,000,000,000 Total raised | Strategic | Seed $ 20.50M | $ 14.00M | $ 6.50M FDMC $ 14.47B Capitalization $ 148.47M 24-hour trading volume $ 2.37B Circulation ENA 1.43B (9.50% of Max Bid) Tokens Funds on board Team Conclution Last words :) Ethena has become a top synthetic stablecoin and reached $1.89B, showing an unusually high APY for USDe stakers of 35.4% while handing out a generous drop for stakers/lockers of all stripes. The project is currently valued at $13.5B FDV / $1.3B mcap, occupies 15-18% of open interest in the etheEtherd has caused a lot of controversy, as it is compared to another experiment in the field of stablecoins - the defunct UST. Let's find out if ENA is as bad as it is labeled. USDe is a product of Ethena, a synthetic stablecoin. It is a long position of ETH, stETH, bETH, and USDT, concentrated at custodians Copper, Ceffu, and Cobo, and shorts ETH at 1x on the volume of available collateral on exchanges Binance, Bybit, Okx, etc. Athena acts here as a hedge fund, which collects funding using a delta-neutral strategy on deposit funds of the Degen. Since it is a bull market—and longists with shoulders are sometimes ready to pay up to 100% per annum, counting on upside token movement on futures—the aggregate market Ethena is targeting is ETH OI ( 15B ). In the second season of farming, BTC OI ($25B) is added. As of April 2, Ethena has accumulated a $28M reserve fund, which they plan to use to cover interest income payments on days when fundings are negative. On season 2 of Ethena token farming, the project wants to reach a steady volume in the fund of 5B ($1.89B now). Maker (DAI stables) decided to inject 1B DAI into Ethena, sensing a cool return on capital and weighing all the risks. AAVE, sensing direct competition from Morpho/Maker/Spark, is in favor of assigning DAI 0% LTV, which essentially means a ban on pledging DAI to borrow other assets and off-boarding DAI from the AAVE ecosystem. What systemic risks are seen in Ethena: 1 Risk of slashing some of the staked ethers/loss of keys by staking providers, which would mean incomplete collateralization/shorting bias. 2 Insolvency of one of the exchanges, which could mean overexposure of ETH to longs e.g. in a sharply falling market, which could provoke panic among USDe holders who could start dumping it in pools to other stacks. 3 A long term period of negative rates or near-zero fundings rates for longs - will provoke Ethena to spend its reserve fund, and savvy degens will watch the assets in the reserve fund melt away and will short USDe if by then some of the protocols introduce USDe as an asset to borrow. 4 Derivative instruments that will allow for looping on usde, but will be highly sensitive to peg USDe, and in the event of a systematic attack on the peg - could cause cascading liquidations and unwinding of positions by loopy farming enthusiasts. How does Ethena mitigate these risks? 1 Assets are stored off-exchange with custodians - i.e., bankruptcy of the exchange will not directly affect the collateral but may leave the project exposed to longs without protective shorts. 2 Over the last 3 years - negative interest on OI fundings was only 11% of days. 3 In case the fundings turn negative for shorts - the project could turn some of the open interest around and the scales would tip back towards logisticians, which would bring the fundings back into positive territory. 4 Unstacking from USDe takes 7 days, which may reduce the negative effect on unpegging, because for the sake of maximizing ENA farming, the capital forcibly blocks itself in exchange pools. 5 The risk of anpex of LST constituents to collapse Ethena would require 41-65% unwind vs. a maximum of 8% on stETH in 2022, linked to FTX's hunt for Celsius assets. - Project like LUNA) only with a bunch of updates, with huge support and with a huge rate of noise growth around this project - One of the important aspects is cliff blocks of all funds for a year, which will give the project the opportunity to grow very strongly in all indicators, get support from more structures The project is on Defi Lama in the RWA category, which gives it a plus as this market category is now a hype, and a lot of money is pouring into it. - a new idea for how stables will be managed. - a new pledge system linked to EthEthern the downside - large marketcap, but since the project with a stable, and is already in the top of stables, a large marketcap is normal for such projects, x5-10 from the current will be quite normal in volume. - this stable is decentralized, unlike USDT and USDC, and as practice shows, there can be problems with regulators. - Potential black swan at the end of the bull market) but until then there is still potential to grow. Best regards EXCAVOComment:

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
12 ساعت
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
رتبه: 18320

من بسیاری از فراکتال ها را تجزیه و تحلیل کردم و به این نتیجه رسیدم که اکنون در نمودار می بینید، که ماه آینده - می و همچنین آوریل برای بیت کوین قرمز بود و تنها پس از آن رشد ممکن است. هدف باشید bitcoin 7 ماه است که رشد کرده است، حالا ماه اول قرمز بود و به احتمال زیاد ماه بعدی نیز قرمز بود. ممکن است برای آلتکوین ها hard باشد، اما اگر نقاط ورودی خوبی دارید، چمدان های خود را محکم نگه دارید. به تحقیق در مورد بازار ادامه دهید، پروژه ها و مسیرهای امیدوارکننده زیادی وجود دارد AI، RWA، DePin، GameFi، مشتقات DEX، Social، و موارد دیگر وقتی بازار قرمز است، زمان یادگیری فرا رسیده است تمام معاملاتی که در سبد خود نشان می دهم با استفاده از API به روز می شوند 16 ماه تا پایان بازار صعودی فاصله داریم اگر پست 100 لایک دریافت کند، نمودار دقیق تری از اصلاح فعلی ارسال کرد با احترام EXCAVO √√√√∑çç√√ç√ç≈√√√ç√∫˜˜∆˙˙˙©©∆˙©∂ƒ∆©∆˙ƒ©˙ƒ˙ƒ©ƒ∆¥´†ƒ نظر:

ترجمه شده از: English
نمایش اصل پیام
نوع سیگنال: خرید
تایم فریم:
1 ماه
قیمت لحظه انتشار:
اشتراک گذاری
سلب مسئولیت

هر محتوا و مطالب مندرج در سایت و کانال‌های رسمی ارتباطی سهمتو، جمع‌بندی نظرات و تحلیل‌های شخصی و غیر تعهد آور بوده و هیچگونه توصیه‌ای مبنی بر خرید، فروش، ورود و یا خروج از بازار بورس و ارز دیجیتال نمی باشد. همچنین کلیه اخبار و تحلیل‌های مندرج در سایت و کانال‌ها، صرفا بازنشر اطلاعات از منابع رسمی و غیر رسمی داخلی و خارجی است و بدیهی است استفاده کنندگان محتوای مذکور، مسئول پیگیری و حصول اطمینان از اصالت و درستی مطالب هستند. از این رو ضمن سلب مسئولیت اعلام می‌دارد مسئولیت هرنوع تصمیم گیری و اقدام و سود و زیان احتمالی در بازار سرمایه و ارز دیجیتال، با شخص معامله گر است.

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