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kayıt tarihi :20.11.2021
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Sıralama: 21119
Satın alALT،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

Merhaba Yatırımcılar, Coin hakkındaki ilk gönderi ALT oldukça yükseliş eğilimindeydi ve ALT hakkındaki ikinci gönderi düşüş eğilimindeydi. Her iki seferde de haklıydım. Bu coin dağıtım programı nedeniyle çok fazla zarar gördü. Ancak, ALT Coin ekibi, hak kazanma programını değiştirmeye karar verdi. Hak kazanma 26 Temmuz 2024–24 Ocak 2025 arasında duraklatıldı - Bir sonraki kilit açma: 25 Ocak 2025. 25 Ocak 2025'e kadar büyük kilit açmalar yok. Bunun coin'in değeri üzerinde hemen olumlu bir etkisi olmalı. Yatırımcıların bir süredir bu coin'i biriktirdiğine inanıyorum. Son iki seferde Altlayer'ın tahminlerini gerçek grafik yerine abartıya ve önemli tarihlere dayanarak yayınladım data. Şimdi olası sonuçları tahmin edebilmek için günlük grafikte yeterli bilgiye sahibiz. Şu anda büyük bir başarısız kama desenimiz var ve bu genellikle çok strong tersine dönüş veya yükseliş desenidir, Bir başarısız kama desenini kırdığımızda ve sarı birikim kutusundan çıktığımızda ciddi kazançlar görmeliyiz. Grafikte birkaç olası yola işaret ettim. Mevcut değer 0,122$!! Hepinize bol şans!

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sinyal türü: Satın al
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1 gün
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alREZ،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

Merhaba Yatırımcılar, Bu, mevcut piyasadaki favori paralarımdan one. Big Giant şirketi geleneksel bankacılık sistemini yeni evrensel DEFi bankacılığıyla birleştirmeye çalışıyor. Bu coin için high umutlarım var ancak mevcut piyasa çoğunlukla BTc'nin nasıl davrandığına ve Binance'in agresif otomobil alım satım botlarına bağlı! Altcoinlere yönelik genel düzeltmenin sona ermek üzere olduğunu düşünüyorum. Bunu söylüyorum çünkü alt coinleri bastırmaya devam ederlerse bu piyasa hep birlikte çöker. Fakirden çalıp sürekli zengine veremezsin! Arada iyi bir denge olmalı! Yıllardır bu böyle oldu ve gelecekte de böyle olmaya devam edecek! Kişisel olarak near vadede %60 ve muhtemelen daha fazlasını beklediğimi söylemiştim. Günlük grafikte açıkça işaretlediğim için önemli seviyeleri izlememiz gerekiyor! İyi şanlar!

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sinyal türü: Satın al
zaman aralığı:
1 gün
kar limiti:
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alARKM،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

Merhaba tüccarlar, Burada başka bir çılgın bahis var. Buna dikkat etmelisiniz 👀 one. Günlük zaman diliminde üçgen kırılıyor gibi görünüyor. Sarı renkli kutunun ilgi alanı dışarı çıkarıldığında bu canavar serbest kalabilir. Olası %100 getiri fırsatı. Göstergeler ve hareketli ortalamalar şu anda strong alımı için çığlık atıyor. Bu madalyonun arkasında çok ilginç idea var ve ben şahsen onu seviyorum! " - Arkham, kripto endüstrisinde şeffaflığı artırmak amacıyla adresleri gerçek dünyadaki varlıklarla algoritmik olarak eşleştirmek için kendi özel yapay zeka motoru ULTRA'yı kullanıyor. - Arkham, blockchain data alıcılarını ve satıcılarını geniş ölçekte eşleştiren bir bilgi ekonomisi olan Intel-to-earn'ı tanıtıyor."

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sinyal türü: Satın al
zaman aralığı:
1 gün
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alXVG،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

Merhaba tüccarlar! Şu anda Btc 61k aralığında geziniyor. Yakında people en az beklendiği anda 70k menzile ulaşmayı deneyebilir! Veya 60k seviyesinin altında bir güç bulun ve ardından 70k seviyesinin üzerine çıkın. Kimse bunun nasıl sonuçlanacağını kesin olarak bilmiyor ancak şu veya bu şekilde 70k aralığının one üzerini görmeliyiz. Bu arada başka bir riskli iddiamız var ama şu anda kesinlikle en ilginç olanı. Piyasa değeri 100 milyon seviyesinin altında ve günlük hacim 100 milyonun üzerinde. Ralli için doğru koşullar mevcut ancak çok net bir durum yok. Eğer bu coin key seviyelerini kırabilirse %170'lik ani bir hareket görebiliriz. Elbette biraz daha fazla hacme ihtiyacımız var ama bu çok kısa sürede gerçekleşebilir!

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sinyal türü: Satın al
zaman aralığı:
1 gün
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alCHZ،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

Günlük grafik şimdiye kadar iyi görünüyor! CHZ burada önemli bir şey hazırlıyor olabilir! Grafikte gösterilen hedef ve destek alanları.Yorum: Yayınladığımızdan beri zaten %15 (0,1220 $) yukarıdayız ve Hacim dünle karşılaştırıldığında %100 arttı. Patlamış mısırımı havai fişekler için hazırlıyorum!!Yorum: İlk hedefe hemen ulaşamayabiliriz. Görünüşe göre BTC düzeltmeye ihtiyaç duyuyor! Bu yüzden bu fikir biraz daha gecikebilir. Pozisyonlarımı geçici olarak kapattım ve bekliyorum.Yorum: İlk hedefe btc'nin yardımıyla ulaşıldı. Hala %52 kar. Kenarda kalma zamanı.Btc şu anda doğru davranmıyor. Bana Mega boğa tuzağı hissi veriyor! Üzgün ​​olmaktan safe olmak daha iyi.Yorum: Momentum yavaşlıyor. Dışarıda gerçekten tehlikeli oluyor. FTT token, serum ve Sol pompalanıyor hard. Bu tokenler ftx, Almeida araştırma, voyager şirket iflas başvurularıyla ilişkilendirildi. Bir şeyler uyuşmuyor! Şu anda işlem yapmak çok tehlikeli! CHZ zamanı geldiğinde tekrar parlayacak! Yorum: tüm piyasa hissiyatı çok hızlı değişiyor. Btc hala güçlü duruyor sadece minimal olarak düzeltildi. Bu noktada bir bacak daha yukarı çıkıp daha sonra muhtemelen daha derine doğru düzeltebileceğimizden emin değilim. CHZ da biraz düzeltildi. Belki şimdilik bu kadarı yeterlidir! Şu anda fiyat noktası @ 0,1355$. 0,1440-0,1460 alanını kolayca kırabilirse, 0,1650 olmalı! Yorum: tamam şimdi konuşuyoruz. Daha geniş bir düzeltme oldu. Çizgiyi noktaya kadar takip ediyoruz. Bir sonraki hedef kolay 0,1650 ila 0,1850 aralığı olmalıYorum: Gerçek anı. 0.145 bölgesini kırabilirsek, 0.16-0.18 bölgesine geçmemiz mümkün. Tüm koşullar sağlandı. Btc önümüzdeki birkaç gün boyunca sabit kalırsa, hedefi bile aşabiliriz. Günlük yatırımcılar için riskli bir işlem ama buna değer.Yorum:Yorum: Birkaç alt coin çok kısa bir sürede 2x-3x, hatta 5x'e çıktı. Bu çok sağlıklı bir büyüme olarak kabul edilmez. BTC düzelttiğinde yıkılırlar. CHZ'nin grafikleri hazır görünüyor. Görebildiğim tek şey, olması gerektiği gibi düzenli sağlıklı bir büyüme. Ancak bu kesinlikle yakında bir noktada hızlanacaktır.Şu anda bu noktada 0.1425$. 👀Zafere doğru büyük yürüyüşten önce davul sesleri!👀Yorum: Bu yüzden 1450 direnç alanını kırdık ve .1550 seviyesine ulaştık. Bu noktaya kadar her şey iyiydi ancak kısa 8 saat içinde önceki direncin altına indik. Bu noktanın destek görevi görmesi gerekiyordu, böylece yükselişi doğrulayabilirdik. ***Yükselişin burada durup daha fazla devam etmeden önce tersine dönebileceğine dair erken uyarı işareti**. Bu yüzden sadece safe olmak için pozisyonun %50'sini kapattım. Yayınladığımdan beri hala %70 kar bölgesindeyiz. Herhangi bir gelişme görmezsem pozisyonu tamamen kapatıp bekleyeceğim. Piyasanın hareket etmesini ve buna göre act beklememiz gerekiyor. Btc düzeldiğinde, kan gölü olacak!!! İşlem manuel olarak kapatıldı: 2 saat önce söylediğim gibi. Çok kısa bir sürede 0,147'den .14'e düştük. Önceki direncin altında. Kesinlikle kaçırılmış bir fırsat. Düşüşten hemen önce pozisyonları kapatabildim. Önceki yorumumu okuduysanız bunun geleceğini biliyordum. Durum düzelene kadar kenarda kalacağım. %72 kar keyfini çıkarın! Yorum: Tamam bayanlar ve baylar. Pozisyonuma geri döndüm ve çok daha fazla chz ile kandırıldım. Btc zayıf eller gereksiz yere düşük satışları tetikledi. Şimdi düzeltmeyi geride bıraktım. Bu sefer gerçekten yukarı çıkabiliriz! Kenarda kalmak için en iyi zaman olmayabilir. Ancak dışarıda kalmaya karar verirseniz başka fırsatlar da olacak. Sadece şunu söylüyorum, risk ne kadar büyükse ödüller de o kadar büyük olur! Her zaman böyle olur.Yorum: BTC dolandırıcı mumu nedeniyle pozisyonumu %2 kar bölgesine kapatmak zorunda kaldım. O mumdan sonra bu piyasaya güvenemiyorum. Yine kenardayım! Yukarı çıkarsa harika ama bu sefer bunun bir parçası olmayacağım!Yorum:Yorum: Chz sahipleri için iyi bir gün. Gerçek hedefe çok yakın. 1625 zaten. Neredeyse oradayız!İşlem kapandı: hedefe ulaşıldı: Evet >bayanlar ve baylar Bu fikir için Nihai Hedefe ulaşıldı! %80 sağlam kar! Keyfini çıkarın. Elbette bu daha da yükselebilir ama asıl mesele fikrin işe yaraması!Yorum: Birkaç gün içinde başka bir Chz tahminde bulunacağım. İlk hedefimize göre %60+ aşağıdayız. Yakında rahatlama rallisi görmeliyiz!

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sinyal türü: Satın al
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alBTC،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

when In doubt check the larger time frames! I do not have much time to write the details but we are forming great bottom formation but people seem to get stuck with shorter time frames. Even some people comparing oil or stock market to Btc . Big mistake!Last june we have reached $14000 figure now almost 50% down from the top before the halving. This is consistent and very similar to previous Btc halving's. I do not know about you but I am focused on larger time framers, winning strategy. buying and selling everyday will not help you during this times. Good luck!Comment: There is one more scenario that I did not draw on the chart which is breaking blue dashed line and weekly candle closes sub $7400-7500 range. This is very bad news! then we can drop as low as $5000-6000 range(solid blue line below as a last resort). If BTc whales pulls this move, we could either bounce off from that levels really fast or get in a extended period of bear market.Extremely risky and not desirable for bears and the bulls .Only few entities and exchanges will make money. not us! So think about it carefully when you thinking about going short from this level and also remember what happened between 2018-2019!!! You are only helping whales to print money.....Comment: well the last scenario played . they robbed people in daylight. Because they can!!!Comment: well some ill fated investors destroyed this market buying it back in 500's btcs on binace. They use this scare tactics to make giant profits. i mean giant. when regular traders afraid to buy, they fully control the market however they like. Many investors got trapped in higher levels but this should be temporarily .Comment: Alright market seem's like getting back alive slowly but surely. This does not mean that we are out of woods yet. We need clear close 7600-7700 usd on a weekly chart.But before this figure we may see some strong scary fluctuations .I strongly suggest to stay away from leveraged positions at this point. If we can manage to break 7700, we are back into our triangle. So far we have strong V bottom shape is forming! If we can complete and execute this shape successfully we may end up finding ourselves around 9k-10k range about in 2-4 weeks time. Do not forget this chart is weekly and best way to focus on long term strategy.Comment: After few months of torture we are finally back to where we suppose to be. I did buy bitcoin at 7020 range and hold it during the last pandemic storm but I was not even worried about it. Some people took advantage of this added a more in their positions. If you are one this lucky people congratulations to you! You have done well! The master plan working flawless. Nobody could have guess the biggest drop and many have sold their holdings at the bottom. I published this chart before the corona pandemic hit and few criticized me that i did not predict the drop. As A matter of fact I have guessed the big drop as the 4th. choice. After a large surge like this we have 3 major options at this moment. 1)we could push crazy(very unhealthy) as far as we can to 11k-14k range correct big from there(8k-11k) 2)we could either climb up 10k range and do some medium term correction there and float (8500-10000 range) , 3)or correct small here and go mostly sideways up and down movement within 8k-9k range. This is long term chart! and it is working exactly as planned before.Comment: may 5th 2020 : Thing are still going well as planned. We took the option number to exactly to a point 10000-8500 correction path with a help of a previous triangle(pre-corona). As long as dashed line does not break we are in for rocky spike. We could possibly test 12000-14000 range in a 1-4 weeks period. Thing could go very very interesting from this point. But bitcoin should slow down for few days and allow alts to reach their new heights. -------------This Leg for rally should favor for Alt coins. XRP and ether could be ready for massive spike towards upwards region. ------------------------------------- Dashed line must be respected on weekly time frame for this idea to work ... otherwise we will wonder between 6k-10k range.Comment: Am I good or what?! It is exactly following the green line so far however it could convert into orange line at this point as well. Both outcomes alt will move a lot faster than Btc. In 2 weeks we will exactly know which path we going to take. Xrp and Ether also two alt coins to watch.For this plan to work we can not go below $8800 level otherwise we may go back into deeper correction. but most logical option is to check 12k then bounce back to 11k levels. I will update this in 2 weeks.Comment: Watch XRp carefully. It looks like dynamite ready to go off!Comment: well everything goes as planned.I could not have predicted this any better,. Btc converted into orange line allowing alts to grow.This is purely tactical move. Until the Alts coins reaches the peak points in next 4-8 weeks period , Btc will be under-performing and preparing for its next move. There is a reason for this as always. once alt coin's reaches it's peaks Btc will roar all of sudden out of blue. This rise will come from profit taking from alt coins.Comment: XRP has already started another legendary move.Currently sitting at 0.20usd levels. The most important level to Watch for 0.23 usd range. once this level is broken sky is the the only limit( THIS MEANS XRP BROKE OFF 3 Decline) This would create huge giant roar... I am so excited...Comment: we have been trying 12k range for past few days. weekly rsi is simply too high.. we are due for local correction possibly to 11k even 10k will be on the table. price and volume action seem like triggered by etherium so far but etherium also due for corrections. mcad daily chart also crossed . all the warning sighs out there. I will close my trade temporally and look for better entry point. If we continue to push the price higher into 14k levels , this may end up being another mega dump case. risk is just too high at this point!!!Trade closed: target reachedComment: This was great prediction!Comment: Btc's next move is more important than ever. We may be nearing end of bear market but still not very clear at this point! Not saying we going to have major bull market right away. We may have to wait for few months.

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Orijinal mesajı göster
sinyal türü: Satın al
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alCFX،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

If you ever wonder where we are in terms of potential, take a good look at this monthly chart and understand where you are before you freak out BTC's 1% baby drops. 👀Let Me Show You!👀 RSI is at 17 and volume reached historical high(Even Feb candle only 5 days in 25 days to go)! One needs to be completely aware of the whole picture before focusing on 15 min to 4hour candles. I personally believe we going to see one large monthly candle based on the data provided. Extremely unreasonable low rsi and record high volume is pretty much self explanatory! It took a lot less volume to move this 4x at once. Imagine If we all decide to go to same direction! Win- Win right!Important Reminder :Not expecting 3000% candle at once.This is to just show you the long term potential. Were we were and were we are comparison. I am expecting one large candle possibly 100% up to 500% for the month of february. Currently @ $0.0625Yes big move with a huge volume already @ 0.0720 . Looks like a real thing!👀We will know soon enough. Expecting big move shortly!I was not kidding when I as talking about one large monthly candle being built! Already above %200!!we did reach our 500% february monthly target in 2 weeks. Enjoy🔥! I think we need to allow this to correct. $0.325 was a good power move. But it is very dangerous to enter trade at this point! Not saying this won't go up anymore but the risk is far greater than the possible reward. Day traders should to wait for correction for good entry!Still correcting as we predicted. .23-0.24 zone did not meet with strong bounce reaction yet so we should expect possible .18 range to see weather we get reversal or not! Anything under .18 would be bad sign! Because next possible support zone is at 0.12 area! .23 and 0.18 zones are important possible reversal zone! Needs to be observed carefully! If we go below 0.18 then we are looking at all sorts of problems. Cfx holders will decide.We did go down to 0.18 range as previously predicted and cfx found buyers at that level. So far we are back to 0.23 level and holding. Testing the action against 0.23-0.24 level is going to be indication what could follow up next. We are not out off woods as of yet! If buyers are confident we may try 0.30 range. if not second attempt of 0.18 range and double formation required for further confirmation.0.18 range seems to be holding for now but it is not convincing yet. This is really important range for bullish continuation. If we lose it , we may be looking down broad 0.1-0.15 range somewhere which is quite worrisome.Cfx is really trying to go up, but Binance is manipulating markets to the max. Ftx bankruptcy is linked to cz's prior comments and this upset some big guys . The fact that he is claiming no responsibility makes it much worse. Binance lost a huge market share with BUSD(16 billion market cap melted to 8 billion in last 4 weeks), and they are possibly selling BTC's other assets so they can peg Busd to $1. Until they figure this out, we are in the unknown. The fact that one exchange got so big and powerful creates problems. If you are not employing big capital, please try to use other exchanges such as Kucoin,kraken etc. Share the wealth between exchanges.Cfx looks solid @0.18 range. Double bottom forming as we speak on daily chart. It is matter of time we explore 0.24 and 0.3 region. If we are able to break 0.24 and 0.3 ranges, 0.5 range will be on the table. it could happen fast since we are forming a solid bottom 👀!Well, the last drop was unexpected due to Btc’s mini crash. There are so many rumors about Mt. Gox selling 100k btc or silk roads creators 50k Btc getting sold on the open market fud. Let’s see 100k btc is roughly about 2 billion dollars. Sounds big right? Not really! Btc’s daily trading volume is above 40 BILLION dollars 20 times as much as Mt. Got whole holdings. This fud has been going on for the last 5+ years. Whenever Btc gets weak some people spread the fud so they can buy low. Do not part with liars and cheaters.Cfx is fine and corrected enough. Too much greed is not the best thing when it comes to crypto.Instant 40% gains in 8 hours. That is why I was saying too much greed is not a good thing because you miss the opportunities that is screaming at you. I think, we going to have another impulse wave currently at $0.19 level.And most importantly don't believe in fudders again. They are here to scam you and take your money. Choose and evaluate the information that is given to you. You will see in the future we will still be see Mt. gox thing over and over or ftx or something else. Pay attention from now on!Yes . Everything going according to the plan. You see how fudders forced people to sell and now nobody even remembers ! We broke $0.23 confidently. If we can close the 4hr & 1d candle above $0.25 & 0.3 levels , will clear open passage to $0.5 range. Could take short couple days or weeks. Beast is just waking up! Be ready for something extraordinary. Just saying!Daily volume is 900 million and moving towards 1B mark( Half of the Mt got's 100k btc holdings as of yesterday) I mean this is Big. Really big number. $ usd .More than cardano(12b mc) ,more than Tron(6b mc), more than dodge coin(10b mc),more than shiba(7b mc) etc. It feels like we are just starting! I am so excited to be part of it.One possible very bullish continuation possibility.We blast past $0.3 area. You know what comes next :) THE BIG $0.5 target. Which can easy be achievable with the given volume over 1 BILLION DAILY! Yes over usd. and this figure is getting larger as we gain more confidence and momentum. We may go up and down on a shorter time frames (4hr and under) but on a daily chart we still got some much room to advance. We should close the daily candle above $0.3 just so people can see flexed biceps in the action.Previous high already taken out!Currently $0.35 and rising! Volume is still above 1b mark and 7th highest traded coin in the whole market. Just behind BNB(50 billion market cap) and polygon(11b mc). This is hugeee number. if we continue this pace ,We may even exceed the targets! No signs of slowing down. Confidence skyrocketing! All the right signs 👀.Now we are 4th highest trading volume 1.2billion Jut behind btc,eth and Xrp. Almost enough to take over xrp. We are talking about the astronomical number for 600 million mc coin. Good thing we corrected at this point.Even some of us panic sold it as low as 0.25 levels. Currently 0.26-0.27 level.Extremely high volume gives us protection. No need to be alarmed of corrections like this. Bigger the correction higher the chances of reaching $0.5 level and above! If we all choose to go up, we can go up 2x in a matter of hours. I am not afraid or worried here. Btc just got to new local high 26.3k from 19.5k and also corrected to 24k. Nothing wrong or suspicions there for now!Historical moment. CFx's volume reached 1.3billion . 3rd highest volume for trading just behind BTC and Ether. Numbers does not lie! Smart money pouring in! If you are trying to short this at this point, I would say wrong time and wrong coin! If we can somehow manage to stay around $.27 -.28 levels and close the daily above then we can really roar next few days. Perfect mini correction Rsi is at 61 mark(This is nothing for cfx .it can push 95 rsi on daily without problems.)! I have a feeling that tomorrow's candle will be huge(Hopefully btc won't disappoint which is very unlikely anyhow)!So we are back under $0.3 zone and volume is decreasing compared to yesterday still enough for a good push. However it may still fail to take 0.3 because I feel weakness around the region. It would not hurt to be cautious and take some of the profits now. I am not suggesting full close but some profits in case of a reversal or correction. So be ready for surprise in both directions(up or down)!In case If we pull back $0.24 must hold otherwise Bullish sentiment might be gone for sometime. Or we should stay above $0.3 again strength . Every moment we stay below $0.3 increases risk of mini crash since we are losing that record breaking volume.$ 0.24-0.25 is really important zone anything below we can go back to $0.18 zone and not much fun at all.I don't know something weird is happening we are losing strength and Btc seems a bit weak as well. Yes we are going up in numbers but I feel like momentum is slowing down. yesterday I as worried about BTc's double top now today I am worried about cfx's double top on 4 hour charts. I feel like Btc might pull a trick on us.I believe In few hours BTC options will expire(over 1b worth contracts) so it is not clear what will exactly happen.I am choosing to be safe here! I am not sure at this point $0.5 target may have to wait for a bit. But the good thing we made 150% profits past week or so. $0.33-$0.34 levels at the moment and we can't move up at this point due to uncertainty in BTC's next level of action. SO BE SAFE!Great news $0.4 happened somehow !!! when I was not expecting thanks to BTC's unexpected move. I still don't trust BTC at this point 28k push out of nowhere? Something doesn't add up.We got up nearly 3.5 times again without correcting on a larger time frames.Weekly RSI is at 80! . Don't get me wrong I enjoy profits and all but If we don't correct here deep enough, we going up in the dumpster fire. New Buyers can't join at this level just way too risky. If I see no correction I will completely close my position and not to look back for a while. I said the same thing about the FET and I was right!Well there is one exception to what I said above. If some reason BTc able to break past 30k confidently , we could be starting wider bull run so then we can skip the correction part all together. Until then nobody safe yet!Ok we passed $0.45 without correcting. I am officially closed 100% of my CFX position for now. I will re-evaluate after correction. For now I am considering to get in other positions in the mean time. Wishing you good luck for the big risk takers. It may or may not work.Take a look at my chart comment on march 14 and how it turned out! Scary :)We are correcting as I predicted. This correction could be deep. Even as low as 0.22-0.25 range. hard to tell at this point. First reversal attempt should be around 0.32 - 0.35 range , If it fails 0.28-0.30 range then 0.22-0.25 range should be sweet spot for the 0.5-0.8 attempt. Let see how this plays out!$0.30 seems to be holding but not very convincing yet! We need confirmation! Volume seems to be on the low side. So we are not out of the woods yet 0.31 ranges at the moment.So far so good! 0.38 push came out of nowhere with BTC's timely hand. But daily volume is still on the lower side(400m) compared to previous rallies(1b++) that is why I am still cautious but this could be ok as long as BTC climbs up. Lets see.Another good push to 0.43 range. This is where it gets very tricky. If we fail to take 0.45-0.47 zone on daily frame next few days , we may be looking at all short of problems. Since we are going up and down in excessive speed , there are some great hidden dangers in this setup on the short term however on the long run it is a lot safer. Please take this message seriously because I have been burn down in setups just like that. Lets cross fingers already! If for some reason we can't reach 0.5 ranges and above , we will try it after correction or pull back. So we will know the direction soon enough!cfx still trying to find solid support but no luck so far. Maybe correction is not complete on daily. Only time can tell us. Currently struggling at 0.37-0.38 levels. We either need to take 0.5 or slowly correct here on weekly chart. At least one weekly red candle could be good for long term growth! 0.2-0.25 levels still on the table and reaching 0.5 could be also possible with btc help but not desirable on the long term due to extreme overbought situation!let see!0.29-0.30 zone and ema 50 intersects. Could be good place for local reversal!We are finally correcting. We did not have any other way but people didn't want to see it. 0.31 ranges already happen in a quick pace. 0.29-0.30 zone is very important otherwise back to 0.2-0.27 broad range. I think we will very likely see at least below 0.27 range. Otherwise we going to beat around the bush stay in strict range so we can correct later anyhow.we touched down to 0.27 as I predicted but daily volume still too low. Which may mean that we are not done yet! We are ack up just under $0.3. Btc may push us up and down but CFX is not ready make it's own rally yet! Worst possible case that I can see is we go down to $0.19 range and rally towards $0.5 or correct 0.20-.0.27 range and progress from there.Correction is still in progress currently 0.24-0.25 range. Still no sign of support!If Btc's stabilizes we should strong bounce from 0.18-0.2 zone. If it fails to bounce next possible support zone is no fun at all 0.1-0.15! I see this possibility unlikely option but yet it is probable with possible further BTC crash towards 20k zone.0.18 seems to be holding for now but we briefly touched down to 0.166 level. It is so weird how binance bots manipulates everything. we are in a wide range of 0.1 to 0.15 range reversal zone. I don't even want to mention what is below that!Altcoin market seems to be waking up but could be temproraly all depends of BTc's performance. Still no confirmation of the bottom yet so It is too early to go all in and also volume is low which is good sign during the 4 weeks of correction. We may have to wait for October,November for bigger moves. In the mean time traders should be cautious.We did get down to brutal wide range of 0.1 to 0.15 zone. As long as we don't break 0.1 and form a solid base line for next month or 2 we are ready to skyrocket. If we happen to beak down below 0.1 level, real pain awaits for traders that is currently in positions. $0.06- was acting like strong support earlier before the ballistic rise. I am hoping that we don't test there under any circumstances but unfortunately Binace invented new things like grid trading auto trading,range trading bots for regular traders. This opens uncertainty for the whole market. When we go up it works great however when we go down all the bots sells it at once lead by binance's main trading bots. So please avoid using auto trade bots. This will only help binance to dominate the market the way they like and you will lose at the end of the day!Note: CFX should test $0.15 level before $0.1 level. That is how this game works!Currently hovering 0.12-0.13 levelsCfx looks quite bearish at the moment. We can't even test $0.15 levels. Highest it tested just under $0.14 level only for very short period. I can feel like major bear period almost over but not quite. End the of every prolonged bear cycle , there is usually one massive drop. It could be very short period but this sudden mega drop usually triggers major bull run. It has been like that past 10 years in crypto world. So we may or may not see high 0.58-0.8 range but if we do , have a plan ahead of time so you won't sell it at the bottom. We may or may not see sideways action with frequent ups and downs for quite sometime but I think there is still a bit more pain to endure. When the right time will comes ,we will moon towards $1 target. I am assuming october or November or could even be in september, may trigger giant bullish new wave. If you are experienced DCA method could be most beneficial way.I was typing my last comment while I was walking. I meant to say we may or may not drop suddenly to 0.058-0.08 levels but if we do, it should be short lived. And we should moon towards $1 target right after!If Btc makes a upwards move here,Cfx may go up along with BTc. But regardless chart still doesn't look bullish. Could be good opportunity for swing/day traders.Cfx going up because BTC going up. Volume is still too low for rally conditions. Corrections can be sharp with this one. Still not ready for wider run. Still perfectly good for swing traders. ETH started to make big moves. Traditionally larger market cap altcoins will follow first like CRYPTOCAP:MATIC, ADA, LINK ,NASDAQ:TRON, DDOT etc. then CCFX will get its turn ! Need to be patient at the moment!Cz posted comment on October 17 " Earlier today, there was a hardware failure on our active Matching Engine, causing the server to instantly stop and crash. Our Matching Engine automatically failed over to the backup within 10 seconds. Other than that 10 second delay, there were zero issues.Normally, this would cause a few hours of down time and a lot of tweets. Now, it's 10 seconds"Seems Innocent at first but he ultimately meant :They robbed all the altcoins so BTC could advance further. BTC went up 2k and altcoins couldn't catch up at all what a coincidence. Hopefully he will fix this otherwise people will lose trust in him completely! When BTC goes down , matching engines never goes down!We had a great breakout but we should correct a bit towards 0.13-0.14 levels then strike towards $0.2 region. Correction now and then is important just because new traders& whales should be able to join in a bit of safer levels. If we try to push this towards $0.2 straight up, we may run out of juice and crash again. It is upto cfx holders to decide which path to take from here!CFX corrected a bit but not so it may or may not be enough to continue to climb up to $0.2 level but I still personally think that correcting at least towards $0.14 channel is healthier or better choice for the longer run but not must at this point. You can sprint a short term period but you can't run a marathon at full speed!I been Watching CCFX in action last couple of days. There are some large passive buys in the market. Everything pointing out for a short accumulation phase! Current data and moving averages pointing out another run or attempt towards $0.2-$0.28 in wider range! When CCFX moves it moves really fast. Could be perfect time to make some $$$. Just saying 👀! Currently 0.155 zone.Special note:Currenly 0.16 zone.There are still some dangers associated with this setup. This is not a smooth sailing at all. I still think that correcting here towards 0.13-0.14 range could benefit a lot on the long run.$0.14 level already tested Currently at @ $0.151 levels. I was predicting this drop way before it happened! Now we have 2 options here retest $1.4 level once more just to make sure we have solid support or go above $0.16 and prepare for $0.2 attempt. Will be interesting! Going up between $0.16-$0.17 levels and prepping sideways a bit should be more desirable at this point!Plan exactly working the way it should(Textbook correction patterns)! Massive passive buys coming in! We been fluctuating between $0.16-0.17 levels. It is fairly clear that $0.2+ line wide open for now.Next move should be somewhere between $0.2-$0.25 levels. I am expecting this to happen very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!(%13-25% possible gains in shorter time frames)👀 .Question is are you ready for it?!I did look into CCFX chart for a long time today on a large screen Over and over.Mainly focused on daily, weekly and monthly charts. I came to conclusion that we are due for another giant monthly candle 100%-200%. On the monthly chart, Cup and handle pattern printed . This pattern happens to be one of the strongest bullish confirmation!! please observe this very carefully and compare to another similar prediction that I posted in the past.30% flash drop across all the alt coins under 5minutes. This was Binance's criminal move once more. People getting tired of this kind of robbery. If one or 2 coins drops like this , I would be ok with that.However all coins drops like this at once there is no explanation. Last 2 years average people got poor but CZ got richer for a reason. Things can turn around fast but this was not fair play!100%+ candle expectation for November is still on. Lets call this deeper correction on daily time frame. Nothing changed! Much better position to enter so more money to be made!Weekly perspective! We are still in great shape! Clear Trendline breakout with retest! All the signs out there. Now showtime!👀***There is one early warning. CCFX currently sitting above 0.1850 territory! Very low daily volume. If Btc corrects here cfx will also correct so monthly candle above maybe delayed to december even january. So while you are in profit make sure to be responsible in the short term. For the long term does not matter anyhow! Right now nothing is straight forward and we are not protected by daily volume as well.BTC dropped a bit but not by much as expected and so CFX . This might mean that we are still in bull market cycle. Best part is CCFX showing strong support signs between 0.1580-0.1620 zones. If this holds true,We may attempt $0.2 zone in no time. A bit aggressive entry at this point but may be worth it. Unlike other coins CFX doesn't need BTC's help to rally. It may self initiate the rally like FEB Monthly candle! We just need BTC's to go sideways for a bit!This zone didn't hold but it should be temproraly. It looks like some people were hunting long positions to liquidate with BTC so they can buy cheaper coins in short term. A typical scam by big exchanges. Believe it or not BTC seems strong. This is not the first time happening and won't be the last time happening as well. $34800 (EMA20 on daily chart) touchdown in a matter of minutes.Btc's daily candle should close above 35.4k+ .CFX also went down for the very same reason. Do not forget when somebody sells on the exchanges, somebody else has to buy! CFX tested Ema100 6 times on daily chart and was able to stay above!As long as thing stabilizes, we are ready to strike!Btc's daily candle closes above 35.5k and we are not surprised! Best thing CFX's daily candle did close above $ 0.1585 still within support mentioned above. There is nothing that we can do when Bot's preprogrammed to match BTC's downward move! But recent rise towards $0.163 zone already proved that $0.1580 indead real daily support and EMA 200 on 4 hr chart & EMA 100 on daily chart acting very solid bouncing points. It is nearly impossible to guess accurately at this point but my personal prediction is we are overdue for strong move towards $0.2 zone. If this move is successful,attempt above $0.32 zone(this is one possibility out of many. For this to happen we need BTC to be stable) . Only way to make sure is to observe the volume upon breaking $0.2 zone. Fingers crossed.👀Lets see what is going to happen next few days👀!Btc can't stabilize for some reason. Some Large entities playing dirty tricks. Waiting on the sidelines till direction is a bit more clear should be better alternative at this moment. If Btc crashes CFX may lose its daily support and may became quite unstable. Just be safe for next few days!so here we are. cfx was doing great up until some Btc's scam candle drop on exchanges. Not sure why this is happened but I am pretty sure there is a some make up reason somehow as usual. So altcoins overall took a big hit but Btc back to normal as usual. Problem solved BTC titans scored another goal! Problem itself wasn't the large red candle .Real problem was traders got kicked out of multiple exchanges for about 30+ minutes while the action continued by bots. Anyhow moving forward , there could be another good opportunity to enter positions at this moment. However it is not very clear cut! If Btc continues to climb up slowly here or go sideways, we should be able to see $0.25 figures in short time period. My gut feeling also pointing out the same direction. Price currently however low 0.183-0.184 zone. So we are looking about %30+possible gains!Very strong power move towards $0.2 zone with high volume! This was already expected! $0.2 zone met with some resistance however it looks like it is not going to hold. We have very high volume in short time frames. If we are able to claim $0.2-$0.22 zone , $0.25-0.30 zone target should not be surprising at all.Unfortunately $0.2 resistance zone holds firm for now. Traders missed out on big opportunity this time. Momentum feels like slowed down. Right now it feels like altcoin market being surpassed by fake news. Lets see what will happen in few days. If Sec denies eft could be very bullish news or not. Just saying.Btc go up nearly 47k levels and holding strong at hi 46K levels. At the same time most alt coins could not catch up with Btc as expected! If Btc is able to stabilize here we will have another opportunity with cfx. Critical psychological level is $0.2 but not really big obstacle in terms of distance from the current levels. If we are able to capture $0.2 rest should come easy ! We all ben waiting for strong Btc and all of a sudden we are being scared to open up positions?! Bigger the risk we take bigger the money we lose or make. No risk = no money making.I don't know about you but I see strong double bottom formation on weekly CFX/BTC chart! Double bottom formation on weekly time frames usually sign of very strong indicator of trend reversal.We couldn't quite reach $1 ultimate target yet. We got rejected at $0.55 level and since then we been correcting. $0.55 level still 9x since posting this idea ! But when the market is fully bullish we should attempt at $1 target. Patience goes along ways here!

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sinyal türü: Satın al
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alZIL،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

If BTC does not crash big time, there is a chance that ZIL can try for major bull run. However, this might take some time and patience. Here is one theory based on previous inflicted points. Let us see if this idea will work out.Keep in mind that there is going to be scary correction at some point since btc reached 22750 in no time. So be warned ahead. But I am expecting big spike right after(whenever that happens)Pointed arrow timelines just arbitrary numbers. This could take very long time. This is mid-long term prediction! Current price is $0.0283. But again for this idea to happen Btc most likely needs to correct slightly and continue to grow after. We may go down first or not. Nothing clear at the moment because of BTC is in the overbought zone!Taking 0.0285-0.03 zone proved to be a bit challenging already. Until we clear that zone , sharp moves may happen. If it fails to clear congested zone, it may be forced to go back to 0.025 zone or possibly below. Do not ape in yet!$0.03 finally may have been claimed and already acting as support. If successfully defended we may see sudden move towards $0.038-0.04 zone. Could be big cadle. currently defending $0.0298..Giant Volume came out of nowhere really! 228 mil volume in 1 hr candle(Binance zil-usdt pair only). Hopefully Btc will behave too!! No sudden crashes! However If we fail to hold 0.03 this time , we will go back to 0.027-0.028 for support!This chart truly giving me 🚀🚀 VIBES.. We have been waiting for this moment for a while. Pop corn time! Price stuck around 0.0296-0.0299 level.trying to go down but no luck yet! If price action goes up from this point, people who choose sell this at this level will be sorry !!! DON't fight the trend idea is real!I guess we will figure out the direction soon enough. Either way it is going to be fast! DAy traders may not like the risks here. RIsky entry point, risky exit point. Weird place to be!Failed to hold above .03 region again! Maybe we need to wait btc to correct then take a kick at the can later on.Getting too risky to trade at this level. While in profit, I am going to close 50% of my position just to be safe. Lets se what will BTC do. Hoping for a slight correction at least so we can continue to move forwards in safer settings!But again! There might be sudden attempt to take .03 and attempt 0.038. So it is 50%-50% . Btc still looks unphased! Hard to predict at this point. At least we should have easygoing weekend for BTC wise. Nothing is clear yet!Not sure at this moment. Maybe market could benefit from correction at this point. It seems like altcoins not responding well to Btc as well. Good place to secure some profits. @0.0292Back in the position 100%. Btc seem to be corrected minimally and recovering already! Zil corrected plenty in all the different hour zones! Nww target should be at least 0.038.-0.040 beyond this time.Golden ticket entry given at 10% discount at this time. 0.0265-0.0275 should be good early entry for 0.038-0.04 first target , as long as BTC doesn't pull on us a new trick. Mind you If Btc wanted to go lower, We would already been a lot lower. Market doesn't demand it at this time. So getting back the trades on right time is very important for day traders but doesn't make much difference on hodlers.So far so good. Still progressing! Getting close to $0.037 congestion zone. If we can successfully break above on daily chart , some good things may happen! Just saying.We did reach the first target .037 range but Btc crashed and we are down to 0.028 range. This is quite the correction.Neither bullish nor bearish. Until we break back above 0.037, not anticipating big rally. Key level is to crawl back to 0.037 level and powerworks. Btc's next move is very important. @22.3k levelZil does Zil things. We corrected massive and there is nothing holding us back now. BTC also did correct on a daily frame. We need to get back to .037 asap and going above should trigger rally !We are hovering around 0.0243-0.0245 zones! One the short term frames we may see quick move towards -0.027- 0.028 region(10%+ gain possible)pain and more pain! I think we need to wait for october-November ish for the rallies. Lets see how soon this torture will end!Hopefully Zill will be able to break $0.038 within 2 mths(2x from current point $0.017). Then we can finally see some action Otherwise more pain ahead.Mind you 2x is still good profit regardless. If you been holding Zil for a while , you should be accustomed to pain already .I have a feeling that zil will make a big move soonish. Could be as early as the next daily candle. Currently 0.01750 range. Hoping for 10%+BTC went up $1200 and we only seen like 3-4% candle then Btc mini crashed! Thigs aren't looking great for zil at this moment! Eventually ZiL will have it make its move. So many weak hands more patience required! Bigger market cap alt coins 4B+ making their moves so smaller altcoins waiting for their turns. Traditionally larger coins goes up first!Zil looking great again! Are we ready to make it this time? I can see big buys on binance. Feels like whales preparing for a big action in short time period. We are long due for $0.037 resistance attempt.As long as btc stays stable , Zil should make its big move. We are above the moving averages , matter of time we see a great giant green candle. If you have a weak hands and will perhaps try investing in different coin!Volume is increasing quietly and we started see some power test moves in short term. 👀👀.Today is very big day for Zil!maybe some of you didn't notice it yet or stuck with shorter time frames.Unfortunately tradingview does not allow me to draw 3day charts due to free membership limitations. But When you set the timelines to 3days chart , you will clearly see that we break above ema100 line.Past year ZIL continuously failed to go above ema100 line on 3day chart. Last time ZIL break above ema100 , we have seen nearly 8x-10x surge in few weeks. 👀We are hovering above $0.25. There is no obstacle before $0.3 even at $0.3 there is not much only stubborn bears may try some some tricks now and then but there is no point to against mega strong bull wave. @ 0.37 we may face some problems. That is the critical point of unleashing the pandoras box or staying behind all together. If $0.37 is taken with volume, we may finally see some ReaL action. As I always say . If people agrees to go one direction , we all get rich. If we fight with eachother, nobody makes money! You choose!!So far so good. We are above .26 levels. Some stubborn traders still trying to short this now for minimal gains but soon they would regret their actions. So far last my 10 predictions , I was right on the point and I don't see why that I should be wrong with this prediction. I think we all feel like glory times are near. Shorting ZIL at this point is very risky. Enjoy the fireworks!!True punishment with this one. Still first purple box can't taken out for so long! But when it does it will be legendary!

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sinyal türü: Satın al
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alFET،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

Please feel free to zoom in and out of the chart for better clarity. For quite some time I was stuck in 4 hourly daily charts. Given the current situation ,I personally avoided checking larger weekly time frames for quite some time until now. I am not saying we are out of the bag yet!!. It still feels like this bottomless well is sucking us in. Then I said to myself wait, this is how we are supposed to feel just before the tide changes direction. I felt the same when btc hit around $4000 last time. When zoomed out of the weekly chart, I noticed that only 2 buy signals generated(many common buy indicators are lighting up at the same time) First time this happened was back on march 9 2020 ish from that point price went up to ~1.2$ (roughly 11000% growth) I took these numbers as a reference point and also assumed supply increased by 6 folds over the last couple years. I estimated that during the next bull run FET could possibly grow roughly 2000% percent .I have a feeling that something is about to happen on a shorter time frames.$0.0627 currently.Good action happening .But it not a strong rally yet. We will know soon enough!fet reached the first target. of $1.0 -1.1. Now $1 should act like support and eventually claimed. Pushing this any further usually ends up in failure unless Btc helps out a bit. Main thing is Correct slightly at this level and wait till Bollinger bands narrows down a bit.alright $0.15 . expecting $1.8-$2.1 max target for this run and expect to correct for a while right after.0.1950 range has been reached as expected. We could go up a bit more but we need to correct now! Otherwise it will dump really hard.Unfortunately , we push this too hard to 0.26level. Near 5x from the bottom in very short time.Reminding you that market conditions did not change yet! They will bring up FTX news many many times for market manipulation. Lets hope that we don't crash badly! I am no longer in any positions till we correct.The problem with going 10x at once , buyers near the local tops gets beaten senselessly. Sometimes they can lose more than 50% of everything they got in short couple days.Can you actually imagine if btc were to go sub 20k , Fet would have gone below 0.2 in no time. We need to grow then correct a bit then grow again .This would allow easier and less risky option for newcomers.Then more people joins the better it is and growth is healthy. We went from 60 million market cap to 600 million in a month. When I plotted this chart, I thought this timeline is a bit short but it was possible. But now I can't buy the coin that i love because of my previous knowledge and experience.If I can't buy it, others with my experience and wealth can't buy it either. This money suppose to enter Fet, end up going into 22.000 other possible altcoins that allows safer entry. Let's hope that this won't turn into real bloodbath. I am not saying this idea won't happen but we did it all wrong right at the start.we all see the consequences going 12x at one go! I tried to warn you! Hopefully next run we will do this rally much better way. Looks like we still need to correct further for rally setup! Currently 0.23 levels!Still no support. We may have to explore 0.15 maybe even below that depending on BTC at the moment. But probably at near the end of summer , we may see some ballistic move again. Lets see how it plays out. 0.1 must be protected for solid rally. Otherwise we are all over the place.alt coin market still working on overall correction. Fet briefly quickly touchdown to 0.16 levels then quickly recovered some off the losses. Currently hovering around 0.185 levels.Looks like it is bound to test 0.15 levels otherwise there is no buying confidence in at this levels. I am still expecting a big rally starting from october or November but there is more pain before then!So far so good. Chart doesn't look ready for massive rally but perhaps things could change in time. Btc needs to go above 27k levels then we going to need to look at some indicators like daily volume. Still proceed with caution!If you look at my comment on aug 18.I already told you about this rally could start on october or November. Hopefully this time we correct time to time as we rally. Only way to reach ultimate $1 target!So we are back to $0.38-0.40 levels in a hurry! We need to correct as we go otherwise traders will quit their positions and take major profits. As I said last time on Feb going up without correction will have consequences. We need to pull back towards $0.32-0.33 levels and establish new support line .Then we could continue towards $0.5! If newly established support fails then we are not ready yet!We reach $0.55+ area as I predicted no problem till now! We have to correct here and go sideways for a bit otherwise you will give whales an opportunity to dump on you once more. We need to pull back towards 0.4-0.45 zone and actually close one weekly candle there. Without correcting now and then we can never reach out ultimate target! Keep in mind and be smart about it!Next bull run we should get close to ultimate target! Already up10x since posting this!I feel quite proud with this idea. One of the best long term prediction. I literally called the end of bear market with confidence while everybody else was talking about horror stories! This idea is not is not quite completed yet but we are almost there. Already touched 1usd! 15x already from the time I wrote this idea. Next time I write here it will be target completed message. If you took my advice on this coin. you already made it! Ps**(Take a look at my new idea AI. This coin can repeat FET success)Safe to say we have reached our 2000%+ target. We are at $1.65 so needless to say we going to correct at some point. And it will be quite deep correction. So I suggest taking large profits here. We may go up a bit more but too dangerous to enter a new trade here at this point!Fet traders till being punished at this level. I am still expecting below $1 levels before the merge. By the way what do you think about the merger business? I would like to see your comments!We are finally below $1 levels. We may still go down a bit more. I still don't like this merger idea. FET was doing just great by itself! Let's watch the price action. Ideally it should stay above $0.5 for a while(at least till the end of summer). Otherwise we are going to need to wait for better buying opportunity!

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sinyal türü: Satın al
Yayınlanma anındaki fiyat:
Sıralama: 21119
Satın alICP،Teknik،SpaceCatZ

Merhaba Yatırımcılar Büyük yükseliş potansiyeline sahip bir diğer kaliteli büyük altcoin. Bazı küçük altcoinlerden daha az riskli ancak yine de risksiz değil. Risk yoksa kazanç da yok! Uzaydaki bazı büyük oyuncular bu coin'i aktif olarak alıp satıyor ve zaman zaman birçok heyecan verici olay ve haber gerçekleşiyor. Doğru zaman geldiğinde, bu coin hard'ı vuracak! Kısa vadede %25-%90+ kazançlar arıyoruz. İlerledikçe bu grafiği güncelleyeceğim. İnternet Bilgisayarı (ICP) nedir? "İnternet Bilgisayarının kapsamlı misyonu, genel İnternet'i dünya standartlarında bir bilgi işlem platformuna dönüştürmektir. Geliştiriciler, blok zincirinin herkese açık olması ve etkileyici işlevlerle donatılmış olması nedeniyle İnternet Bilgisayarını devrim niteliğinde bir ağ olarak konumlandırıyor. Ayrıca proje, daha düşük hesaplama maliyetleriyle web hızında çalışan akıllı sözleşmeler için sınırsız bir ortam sağlıyor."

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سلب مسئولیت

هر محتوا و مطالب مندرج در سایت و کانال‌های رسمی ارتباطی سهمتو، جمع‌بندی نظرات و تحلیل‌های شخصی و غیر تعهد آور بوده و هیچگونه توصیه‌ای مبنی بر خرید، فروش، ورود و یا خروج از بازار بورس و ارز دیجیتال نمی باشد. همچنین کلیه اخبار و تحلیل‌های مندرج در سایت و کانال‌ها، صرفا بازنشر اطلاعات از منابع رسمی و غیر رسمی داخلی و خارجی است و بدیهی است استفاده کنندگان محتوای مذکور، مسئول پیگیری و حصول اطمینان از اصالت و درستی مطالب هستند. از این رو ضمن سلب مسئولیت اعلام می‌دارد مسئولیت هرنوع تصمیم گیری و اقدام و سود و زیان احتمالی در بازار سرمایه و ارز دیجیتال، با شخص معامله گر است.

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