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مخطط سعر Bitcoin Cash وإشارات الاتجاه Bitcoin Cash

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تعليقات التجار على السعر Bitcoin Cash


من الذي حقق أكبر ربح من Bitcoin Cash؟


سیگنال‌های Bitcoin Cash


نوع الإشارة

نوع التاجر

الرتبة: 515
شراء،التحليل الفني،Pilipili8

BCH هی واحدة من عملاتی المفضلة. إن لم تکن المفضلة لدی. الفکرة الأساسیة هی أنه لتحقیق الربح أو تعزیز موقفک BCH، فإن النظر فی مخطط BCH/BTC أمر بالغ الأهمیة. أتوقع أن یکون BCH أعلى من 4 آلاف فی الأمد القریب. استمتع

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
1 يوم
سعر حد الربح:
‏١٬٢١١ US$
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٥٣٩٫١٣ US$
شراء،التحليل الفني،lubosi

انهیار السوق الذی یحدث للتو فی العملات المشفرة مجنون وإذا کنت أحد الأشخاص الذین اشتروا فی القمة وقرروا التمسک بموقفک الخاسر، فأنا أفهم الآن أن الفرصة متاحة لشراء هذه العملة المشفرة BCHUSD بسعر رخیص عادةً مع مثل هذا التنبؤ بالسعر، فأنا أستخدم مؤشر MACD لمساعدتک على رؤیة اتجاه السعر الهابط وأن السعر رخیص بالنسبة لک للدخول فی هذا السعر وشراء هذه العملة المشفرة أیضًا، لاحظ أن هذه العملة المشفرة تتبع استراتیجیة Rocket Booster التی تتکون من الخطوات الثلاث التالیة: یجب أن یکون السعر أعلى من 50 SMA یجب أن یکون السعر أعلى من 200 SMA یجب أن یرتفع السعر فی اتجاه صاعد، والخطوة الأخیرة مهمة جدًا لأن الفجوة أو الاتجاه الصعودی تکون نتیجة لکون السعر على خصم، لذا بمجرد أن یرى الحشد هذا یرتفع السعر. Rocket Boost هذا المحتوى لمعرفة المزید. إخلاء المسؤولیة - التداول محفوف بالمخاطر، یرجى تعلم استراتیجیات الإدارة وجنی الأرباح لأنک ستخسر المال سواء أعجبک ذلک أم لا، کما لا تتردد فی استخدام التداول حساب محاکاة قبل التداول بأموال حقیقیة

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
1 يوم
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٥٢٠٫٣٢ US$
ما هو الرمز الأفضل للشراء من BCH؟
شراء،التحليل الفني،Xeeshan79

یشکل زوج BCHUSD نمط مثلث متماثل على الرسم البیانی لمدة 30 دقیقة، مما یشیر إلى فرص اختراق محتملة. المقاومة الرئیسیة عند 566.43 دولارًا والدعم عند 524.46 دولارًا. راقب تحرکًا حاسمًا یتجاوز هذه المستویات لتأکید الاتجاه. الأهداف: 588.78 دولارًا على الجانب الصعودی أو 513 دولارًا على الجانب الهبوطی. تداول بحذر وإدارة المخاطر بشکل فعال!"

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
30 دقيقة
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٥٤٢٫٥٧ US$
شراء،التحليل الفني،slimygreen

استسلام سخیف، 3 محرکات لطیفة، تنبیه حجم مرتفع وRSI OS، مؤشر HiLoCh على 30 دقیقة TF1. 3 محرکات هبوطًا من الکسر2. حجم مرتفع وملف تعریف حجم b على الشمعة.3. - کان هناک حدث مزدوج، غیر معتاد ولکن کان یجب أن یکون safe إذا انتظرت الإغلاق فوق الجسم الرئیسی للملف. حصلت على التنبیهات، وانتظرت الإغلاق فوق الملف الشخصی، والتداول بحجم موقف جید ووقف الخسائر.

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
30 دقيقة
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٥٥٢٫٧ US$
بيع،التحليل الفني،FrankFx14

هنا، شکل السعر قمة مزدوجة على زوج BCHUSD ویحاول الآن الهبوط، لذا إذا تم کسر خط 566.85، فمن المرجح أن ینخفض ​​السعر ویجب على المتداول أن یلجأ إلى البیع على المکشوف مع توقع تحقیق هدف ربح عند 539.88 و507.11. استخدم إدارة الأموال

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: بيع
الإطار الزمني:
1 ساعة
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٦٢٠٫١١ US$
شراء،التحليل الفني،drizzt9

الهدف طویل. اختراق مقاومة خط الاتجاه. الهدف منطقة برتقالیة أو أعلى مستوى على الإطلاق. تم إکمال دورة التراکم.

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
1 أسبوع
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٦٢١٫٠٩ US$
الرتبة: 10522
شراء،التحليل الفني،clarkellewis

BCH مخطط سجل ثلاثی الأبعاد - سعر تنازلی مع حجم تنازلی تم ضبط التنبیه للإغلاق فی غضون 16 ساعة لبناء الموقف والشراء مرة أخرى بعد قلب مستوى الدعم والمقاومة للأعلى. هذا هو نفس خط الاتجاه متعدد السنوات الذی انکسر XRP قبل التحرک الأخیر. لنبدأ!

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
3 روز
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٦١٨٫٤١ US$
شراء،التحليل الفني،Shadowfigure

Hi everyone! Today we are looking at Bitcoin Cash (BCH) which has seen its share of drama including unexpected parabolic moves in the past. We're starting our analysis on the Monthly chart so we can zoom ALL the way out, and I am in log mode as I prefer this when I do my technical analysis. The chart looks very different here if you aren't in log mode, but when you turn it on, this YEARLY downtrend line appears, and we happen to be testing it at the moment during an extremely bullish time.I'll be honest, I have not been a fan of BCH in the past, but my feelings about such things have led to missed opportunities, and so when we do TA, we focus on the data, and we try to be as objective as possible to avoid letting bias or emotions influence what we see or do. Now the BCH story is quite interesting if you dig into it. Those that were around when it launched will never forget that day, as you received free BCH,1:1 with Bitcoin (BTC) given it is a fork of BTC. The challenge and drama set in since this was an attempt by a centralized entity led by Roger Ver to try to unseat Bitcoin by offering new features and capabilities he felt were lacking in the original blockchain. But this was met with much controversy, since the greatest value of crypto is in its decentralized ledger, and some might even say its mysterious origins. Who is the real Satoshi? Will we ever know? Is it one person, or a collection of people? Perhaps an entity or a foreign government? We may never know. In fact, I am sure we will never know.In any case, the self-proclaimed "Bitcoin Jesus", Roger Ver, was recently arrested on Fraud Charges. Ver faces three counts of mail fraud, two counts of tax evasion and three counts of subscription to a false tax return, according to the United States Department of Justice. He was an early adopter of Bitcoin, and smart enough to purchase the domain Bitcoin[dot]com. He's facing 109 years in prison, which is probably extreme, but it seems that someone is trying to make an example out of him. He's been accused of misuse of power, suppressing innovation, and dissent. Today his networth is estimated in the range of $500 million to $1 billion. On December 3rd, 2024 his legal team filed a motion to dismiss a criminal indictment against him having to do with an exit tax where he's accused of failing to accurately disclose the value of his assets when he renounced his US citizenship in 2014 after acquiring citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis. With the incoming Trump Administration in the United States, and the "Free Roger Ver" movement, one doesn't have to think twice about the potential for a Trump pardon. Trump has been highly favorable to crypto and Bitcoin, which is easily seen by the amount of donations he received from the community and the skyrocketing of the space following his November 5th win. Just yesterday, Trump named David Sacks of the PayPal Mafia as his "Crypto and AI Czar". David Sacks is closely tied to Peter Thiel who brought him into PayPal (see the book: "The Founders") in its early days. Peter Thiel invested heavily in Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign. While David Sacks is also a co-founder and partner of a VC firm Craft Ventures who invested in Multicoin Capital. Multicoin Capital is a VC firm who backed Solana in 2017.Are you making a connection yet? Why all of this backstory? Well, we would be remiss to ignore the macro environment and the potential for favoritism as Trump has already stated intention for multiple Pardons, and today, Roger Ver is one of the leading bets in Polymarket for a pardon. If you were tracking, you'll remember that Polymarket correctly called the U.S. Election.Okay... so without further background speculation, lets get back to the charts with these data points in mind to assist us. Not creating bias, but making us smarter and improving our probabilities. Remember all markets are based on speculation and price is simply a function of supply and demand. Zooming in to the 12 hour chart, identify a few interesting data points:1. The cup and handle pattern off the most recent high around $720 draws nicely on the chart. 2. The break over the 200-day Moving Average.3. Notable volume to support the break out of the 200-day MA.4. Another test and arguably we are seeing a cross over of the multi-year downtrend line. Remember this is in a confirmed Bull Market, along with my rabbit hole analysis of the macro environment that can directly affect speculation on BCH above.This alone gets me excited and bullish on BCH. But it doesn't stop there.I want to provide a different view from the Weekly Chart, where I've tracked over to Binance from the Coinbase chart which has less historical data, and i'm making a potential bear case. It's critical to always consider the bear case on everything. A bear might say, Look at the upward facing wedge pattern, and how the price is just testing the outside of it, which happens to coincide with a key point on the Coinbase chart showing the multi-year downtrend. One should be careful and look for more confirmation on the chart for a breakout, rather than calling a breakout before it happens, since it is just as likely (if not more likely) that we bounce off these lines as resistance. I remain bull however, as I'm using other data points, and we'll take a look at this a little more closely below.Zooming in to the 4-hour chart, I'm tracking 2 upward channels. You can see the larger channel, and the more recent skinnier and steeper channel that have formed. I'm also tracking a fibonacci extension that seems to fit the current move after a quick swing outside of the skinnier channel. What I like about this extension is the bounces off the fibs, with the potential to reach higher extensions that break out of the downtrend. I am also using the bearish rising wedge here to show the risk of the reversal if this is a real resistance point. A quick review of the Weekly Chart on the BTC pairing shows some very obvious signs that support a bullish hypothesis. A breakout of the downward wedge that started from the high in March of this year 2024 also breaks above the BTC 200-day MA, and we see some increasing volume though nothing quite obvious from a volume perspective yet. However, I wouldn't be surprised if that volume increases sharply in the near future. A MACD bullish crossover on this chart would support this hypothesis. We also appear to have potentially completed an ABC correction of the massive move from the lowest low in June 2023. Finally, as we use our fib extension to look for targets of a bull breakout, we see a nice confluence of the May 2021 high falling somewhere in the range of 2.618 and 3.618 extensions.Using multiple view and time scales along with indicators to support our hypothesis is enough to give us a bullish hypothesis. When you add in the very present Roger Ver story, and the storied history of BCH, we realize that there is at least enough speculation for those that missed the opportunity Bitcoin itself provided. While I am indifferent on the potential of BCH, I have no bias or real interest in this asset personally. I can admit that following the BTC 200-day breakout I took a very small position of a single BCH given the upside potential.When considering how to protect yourself against the challenges of inflation, the opportunity the crypto space offers, and the exciting developments we are in store for in the coming year, one cannot ignore the potential BCH provides that is told only by the charts. The opportunity to maximize an investment with BCH has strong risk/reward, given the previous high was $4300 on Coinbase. There's a whole other story behind that parabolic move, but I'll let you look into that one yourself. Thanks for reading and be safe out there! This is for informational purposes only and not a suggestion or recommendation to buy or sell any asset or otherwise. You are responsible for your own decisions no matter where you get information. Never invest if you can't afford it and consider all investing gambling.- Shadowfigure

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
12 ساعت
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٦١٧٫٨ US$
شراء،التحليل الفني،artem19840910

BCH almost 7 years trend brokes. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
1 أسبوع
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٦٢٠٫٠٨ US$
شراء،التحليل الفني،Trades_for_Traders

🎯الغرض: 849.9 ‼️ندخل عند 0.5٪ من الأموال المخصصة للتداول الفوری.

: English
إظهار الرسالة الأصلية
نوع الإشارة: شراء
الإطار الزمني:
8 ساعت
السعر لحظة النشر:
‏٥٥٩٫٠٢ US$
سلب مسئولیت

هر محتوا و مطالب مندرج در سایت و کانال‌های رسمی ارتباطی سهمتو، جمع‌بندی نظرات و تحلیل‌های شخصی و غیر تعهد آور بوده و هیچگونه توصیه‌ای مبنی بر خرید، فروش، ورود و یا خروج از بازار بورس و ارز دیجیتال نمی باشد. همچنین کلیه اخبار و تحلیل‌های مندرج در سایت و کانال‌ها، صرفا بازنشر اطلاعات از منابع رسمی و غیر رسمی داخلی و خارجی است و بدیهی است استفاده کنندگان محتوای مذکور، مسئول پیگیری و حصول اطمینان از اصالت و درستی مطالب هستند. از این رو ضمن سلب مسئولیت اعلام می‌دارد مسئولیت هرنوع تصمیم گیری و اقدام و سود و زیان احتمالی در بازار سرمایه و ارز دیجیتال، با شخص معامله گر است.

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