مخطط سعر TROY وإشارات الاتجاه TROY
تعليقات التجار على السعر TROY
من الذي حقق أكبر ربح من TROY؟
سیگنالهای TROY
نوع الإشارة
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Is This the Moment to Buy or Brace for More Drops?TROY/USDT has been caught in a whirlwind lately, hovering just above its absolute low of 0.001869, set only hours ago. With the current price at 0.001922, the asset has rebounded slightly, marking a modest 2.8% climb from its lowest point. However, it remains a staggering -76.8% below its absolute high of 0.008272, recorded just 23 days ago.Indicators reveal a mixed picture. The RSI14 currently sits at 33.6, signaling that the market is creeping out of oversold territory, while the MFI60 of 42.8 suggests there’s still room for increased buying pressure. Price action shows a series of sell-off patterns dominating recent sessions, including the "Increased Sell Volumes" pattern. This has left traders questioning whether the bottom is truly in.Fascinatingly, some buy patterns like the "VSA Buy Pattern Extra 1st" hint at latent bullish energy. Could this signal the market's readiness to pivot upward? With moving averages such as the MA50 at 0.002069 and MA200 at 0.002331, TROY must first break key resistance at 0.001962 to build momentum.This begs the critical question: Is this the calm before a reversal, or will bearish dominance drive new lows?Stay tuned as we monitor whether bulls will step up to reclaim the narrative or if the sell-side momentum will drive prices to fresh lows. Let's trade smart and capitalize on these crucial levels!Roadmap: TROY/USDT – Pattern Playbook for Recent ActionStep 1: Increased Sell Volumes – The Downward Warning (2025-01-25 00:00 UTC)The roadmap begins with the “Increased Sell Volumes” pattern, signaling a clear sell direction. Price opened at 0.00196 and closed at 0.00187, firmly validating the bearish momentum. As expected, the low of this pattern (0.00187) was maintained in the subsequent pattern, confirming that sellers held control. The absence of an upward trigger point confirms this as a pivotal moment for short-term bears.Step 2: VSA Buy Pattern Extra 1st – The Bullish Rebound That Could (2025-01-25 00:00 UTC)This pattern introduced a buy signal, hinting at potential recovery. The price low remained stable at 0.00187, while the high saw no meaningful breakthrough at 0.00196, capping bullish aspirations. Unfortunately, the lack of follow-through in subsequent patterns suggests this was a false dawn, making it skippable from active considerations.Step 3: Buy Volumes Takeover – The Bullish Crossroad (2025-01-23 21:00 UTC)Following a sharp drop, the “Buy Volumes Takeover” pattern flagged a shift to buy momentum, with a promising move from 0.002061 to 0.002024. The upward confirmation in subsequent patterns reinforced this bullish shift. Importantly, this pattern laid the groundwork for further upward tests, earning its place in the roadmap.Step 4: VSA Manipulation Buy – The Critical Test (2025-01-20 13:00 UTC)The market shifted gears with the introduction of this pivotal buy pattern. Starting at 0.002103, prices climbed to 0.002125, supported by a solid trigger at the low of 0.002082. This pattern was pivotal in defining the bullish breakout zone and remained validated by subsequent upward movement. It served as a major opportunity for long positions.Step 5: Sell Volumes Max – A Bearish Comeback (2025-01-20 00:00 UTC)As bulls attempted to solidify control, bears struck back with the “Sell Volumes Max” pattern. From an open at 0.002171, the price dropped to 0.002055, resetting market sentiment. The failure of subsequent patterns to breach higher highs validated the bearish dominance of this move.Key Observations and Lessons for Traders* Trigger Points Matter: Successful patterns consistently respected their trigger levels, while failed patterns often lacked proper follow-through.* Main Direction Clarity: Each validated pattern aligned its main direction with subsequent price action, demonstrating the value of sticking to technical confirmations.* Context Is King: Patterns alone don’t guarantee success; interpreting them in context with recent highs, lows, and market sentiment was crucial.Final WordThis roadmap serves as your cheat sheet for understanding TROY/USDT’s latest moves. By focusing on trigger points and validated patterns, traders can ride the waves with confidence. Stay sharp, keep your levels tight, and let the patterns guide the way!Technical & Price Action Analysis: Key Levels to WatchHere’s the rundown of crucial support and resistance levels for TROY/USDT. Keep these in your toolkit – they’re your roadmap for potential moves. But remember, if these levels fail to hold, they’ll likely flip into resistance zones on the next test.Support Levels 0.001922 – The current price level, sitting just above the absolute low. A failure here could spell deeper trouble for the bulls. 0.00187 – The all-time low. A make-or-break zone. If this cracks, expect bearish momentum to accelerate.Resistance Levels 0.001962 – Immediate resistance. If the bulls can’t take this out, sellers might regain the upper hand quickly. 0.002155 – A mid-range level that could be the next test if the momentum builds. 0.002437 – Higher up, this zone would signal a shift toward more bullish control if broken. 0.002568 – Another step up, but it won’t come easy without a strong catalyst. 0.00283 – The top barrier, marking a significant psychological and structural resistance.Powerful Support Levels None identified – This underscores the fragility of the current price range. With no powerful support below, caution is key.Powerful Resistance Levels None identified – Resistance levels outlined above will be your focus for now.If these levels don’t hold or break decisively, expect swift flips. As traders like to say: "Support turns resistance, and resistance becomes the ceiling that bulls have to punch through." Stay nimble, and watch the price action closely around these hotspots!Concept of Rays: Precision Trading Strategies Based on Fibonacci DynamicsThe "Rays from the Beginning of Movement" concept brings a systematic, Fibonacci-based approach to analyzing price action. These dynamic levels are designed to capture the probabilities of price interaction, signaling either a reversal or continuation. Let’s dive into how traders can use these rays to enhance their strategies and target opportunities.How Rays Work* Dynamic Fibonacci Rays: Each ray stems from the beginning of a price movement, representing natural angles of inclination.* Dynamic Adjustments: Rays adapt to new patterns, showing updated movement ranges and potential pivot points.* Interaction with Moving Averages: Combining rays with key moving averages (e.g., MA50, MA200) amplifies the precision of identifying trade opportunities.These rays create zones of interaction, and once price moves beyond one ray, it often travels to the next, providing clear, actionable targets.Optimistic Scenario: Bulls Step InPrice interacts with a Fibonacci ray and begins an upward movement, targeting the next levels. Supported by interaction with MA50 and MA200, the following trades are viable: Entry: At 0.001962, after interaction with the lower Fibonacci ray. First Target: 0.002155, aligning with the next ray and immediate resistance. Second Target: 0.002437, mid-term resistance signaling continued bullish strength. Third Target: 0.002568, testing a higher Fibonacci ray.Pessimistic Scenario: Bears Take ChargeIf price breaks below critical support levels and interacts with descending Fibonacci rays, the movement may extend lower: Entry: At 0.001922, after failing to hold above the lower ray. First Target: 0.00187, retesting the all-time low and Fibonacci support zone. Second Target: Possible extension lower if volume increases, signaling continued bearish dominance.Suggested Trades Based on Fibonacci Rays* Long from 0.001962 to 0.002155: Ideal for bulls looking for quick gains on ray interaction with MA50.* Short from 0.001922 to 0.00187: A straightforward bear trade targeting key support.* Long from 0.002155 to 0.002437: For breakout traders, leveraging momentum into the next ray zone.* Short from 0.002437 back to 0.002155: Profit-taking opportunity for mean-reversion strategies if momentum stalls.These trades follow the principle that movement will continue between rays, with each level providing clear targets and decision points. As always, price action and volume at these key zones should confirm entries and exits.This systematic approach ensures traders are aligned with the dynamic nature of the market, using Fibonacci rays and moving averages to guide precise entries and exits. Let the rays light your path to smarter trades!Call to Action: Let’s Trade Smarter Together!Traders, your thoughts and questions are always welcome—drop them right in the comments below! Whether it’s feedback on this analysis or an idea you’d like to explore further, I’m here to connect and discuss.If you found this post helpful, don’t forget to Boost it and save it to track how the price plays out according to my markup. Watching levels in action is the key to mastering entry and exit strategies.By the way, the rays and levels you see here are automatically plotted by my proprietary indicator-strategy. It’s available privately, so if you’d like access, feel free to reach out via direct message. Let’s talk about how it could work for you!Have a specific asset in mind for analysis? I’m happy to create markups tailored to your needs. Some ideas I can share here for free, while others can be done privately if you prefer to keep them exclusive. Just let me know in the comments what you’re looking for, and I’ll see how I can help.Rays work universally across all assets—crypto, stocks, forex, you name it. If there’s something you’d like me to map out, give this post a Boost and let me know in the comments.Lastly, don’t miss out—follow me here on TradingView to stay updated on all my analyses and strategies. Together, we can navigate the market with confidence. Let’s trade safe and smart! 🚀


1. لدینا سعر عند خصم شدید2. لدینا تطهیر جانب البیع على HTF3. لدینا مجموعة PD دخولیة کـ OB+ ومحترمة عند التوازن4. لدینا سحب على السیولة کسیولة خط الاتجاه وسیولة جانب الشراءالانعطاف الأساسی: هذه تجارة تراجع معاکسة للاتجاه ---- بعد إضافة TROY لعلامة "المراقبة" بواسطة Binance، انخفضت بأکثر من 60% وبالتالی یمکن أن تکون هذه تجارة تراجع لاسترداد بعض الخسائر


عندما لاحظت زیادة حجم الشراء، توقعت أن السعر قد یرتفع مرة أخرى مع استمرار ارتفاع سعر BTC. کیف حسبت ذلک؟ توقعت أن ارتفاع سعر الموجة الأولى سوف یساوی ارتفاع الموجة الثانیة. انتظرت حتى یکسر السعر الاتجاه الهبوطی قبل الدخول وتأکدت من الاختراق فوق الارتفاع السابق للتحقق من صحة حرکة سعر الموجة الثانیة.

هذه تجارة متوسطة الأجل، ربما فی إطار زمنی لمدة ساعتین أو أربع ساعات. أعتقد أنها تنطوی على مخاطرة عالیة. نقطة التوقف قصیرة جدًا، لأنه لیس من الجید البقاء فی حالة انخفاض فی هذه العملة. کن حذرًا للغایة. T1: 0.0055~0.0060T2: 0.0076~0.0080


تم کسر الاتجاه الصاعد مع تسارع ضغوط البیع بعد ملامسة مقاومة الاتجاه. ومع عودة السعر بعد الانخفاض، ستبدأ مراکز الشراء فی العمل على مناطق الطلب.


توجد هذه العملة المعدنیة فی القائمة التالیة والتی یمکنها إظهار اتجاه تصاعدی


TROY/USDT: فرصة بیع على المدى القصیر على الإطار الزمنی الذی یبلغ 15 دقیقة، خرج الزوج TROY من نمط، مما یشیر إلى إعداد بیع محتمل. الأهداف: 1️⃣ الهدف الأول: مستوى الدعم الأخضر 1.2️⃣ الهدف الثانی: مستوى الدعم الأخضر 2. راقب هذه المستویات عن کثب وقم بإدارة المخاطر وفقًا لذلک. هذا الإعداد مخصص للمتداولین على المدى القصیر. 🎯

📈 إشارة شراء لزوج TROY/USDT✅ اقتراح: یمکنک الشراء الآن فی السوق المباشرة.🎯 توقعات النمو: أتوقع زیادة تتراوح بین 10% و22% فی السوق الفوریة. 🚀📊 هذه فرصة رائعة للاستفادة من الإمکانات الصاعدة لزوج TROY.💬 لإدارة هذه الإشارة بشکل فعال واستکشاف المزید من الإشارات:1️⃣ تابع صفحتی TradingView 📊2️⃣ أرسل لی رسالة خاصة لمزید من التوجیه.💎 دعونا ننمو ونستفید معًا! 💰

🚀 استعد للمضاعفة! 🚀🌍 ما الذی یحدث؟ TROY یبدو قویًا وجاهزًا للانطلاق. هذا هو الوقت المثالی للشراء قبل التحرک الکبیر التالی.📊 خطة التداول:📌 منطقة الشراء: 0.049 دولار - 0.053 دولار🎯 الهدف: مکسب 100%⏳ وقت الاحتفاظ: أسبوع واحد کحد أقصى🎯 ماذا تفعل بعد ذلک؟💬 هل لدیک أسئلة؟ دعنا نتحدث!💡 ملاحظة: هذه لیست نصیحة مالیة. علیک دائمًا أن تقرر بنفسک قبل الاستثمار.🔥 TROY یسخن - هل أنت مع؟ 🔥


إعداد التداول: TROYUSDT تظهر إشارة التداول على TROY (یومیًا) یمکن للمتداولین فتح صفقات الشراء الآن⬆️اشتر الآن أو اشتر بسعر 0.004836⭕️SL @ 0.002933 (-46%)🔵TP1 @ 0.009393 ( +72%)🔵TP2 @ 0.010938 (+100%)🔵TP3 @ 0.014239 (+160%)على ماذا تعتمد هذه الإشارات؟ التحلیل الفنی الکلاسیکی، شموع حرکة الأسعار، مؤشر Fibonacci، المتوسط المتحرک، Ichimoku، Bollinger Bands، تنبیه المخاطر، تداول العملات الأجنبیة، العقود مقابل الفروقات، العملات المشفرة، العقود الآجلة والأسهم تنطوی على مخاطر الخسارة. . یرجى التفکیر بعنایة فیما إذا کان هذا النوع من التداول مناسبًا لک. الأداء السابق لا یشیر إلى النتائج المستقبلیة. إذا أعجبتک أفکارنا، یرجى دعمنا بإعجاباتک وتعلیقاتک.
سلب مسئولیت
هر محتوا و مطالب مندرج در سایت و کانالهای رسمی ارتباطی سهمتو، جمعبندی نظرات و تحلیلهای شخصی و غیر تعهد آور بوده و هیچگونه توصیهای مبنی بر خرید، فروش، ورود و یا خروج از بازار بورس و ارز دیجیتال نمی باشد. همچنین کلیه اخبار و تحلیلهای مندرج در سایت و کانالها، صرفا بازنشر اطلاعات از منابع رسمی و غیر رسمی داخلی و خارجی است و بدیهی است استفاده کنندگان محتوای مذکور، مسئول پیگیری و حصول اطمینان از اصالت و درستی مطالب هستند. از این رو ضمن سلب مسئولیت اعلام میدارد مسئولیت هرنوع تصمیم گیری و اقدام و سود و زیان احتمالی در بازار سرمایه و ارز دیجیتال، با شخص معامله گر است.